Quarter: Jan – M Q Mar 2012 Strategic Direction Mana agement Reeport C Core Initiative: 1.0 Effecctive Teacher in n Every Classroo om W What we will do Our district emp O ploys about 12,7 700 teachers in almost a 300 diffeerent schools, an nd we are puttin ng into place a thhoughtful, bold,, systemic, and c comprehensive plan p of action th hat will dramatically transform the district’s hu uman capital sysstems and ensurre that a highly effective e teacherr i in place in eveery one HISD’ss classrooms. Th is his includes a grrassroots, aggreessive recruitment plan, with a ffour-phase selecction process. W we will do Why d it We are committted to improving W g student achiev vement across ou ur district, and research r tells uss that teachers arre by far the mo ost powerful s school-based facctor in a child’s academic succeess or failure. Specifically, S stud dies have shown n that students w who had very efffective teacherss f three years in for n a row were ab ble to improve th heir performancce on standardizzed tests by moree than 50 percennt in comparison n to students wh ho h three ineffecctive teachers in had n a row (Sanders and Rivers, 19 996). W What we will report The following Strategic T S Directiion Managemen nt Report answers the question: Is HISD acting g on the prioritiees identified in the t strategic plaan w fidelity? Itt measures HISD with D’s accomplishm ments and risks for each Key Strategy in suppo ort of the overalll Core Initiativee. The Strategic Direction T D Manag gement Report iss produced Quarrterly. Color indicators are useed as an idicationn of whether adm ministration is on o t track to accomp plish a Key Strattegy’s quarterly goals. A “Greeen” indicator means the distrrict has made accceptable progreess with respect to b budget, scope an nd timeliness. A “Yellow” indiccator means the district has identified risk with w respect to oone or more aspects. A “Red” i indicator means progress haas stopped or hass a significant deficiency. d As th he Strategic Direection builds a ffoundation towaards achieving th he d district’s goals over o a multi-yeaar period, not alll Key Strategiess will have inforrmation to comm municate in a givven period. Green indicaates acceptable prog gress Yellow w indicates a concerrn with timeline, bu udget and scope Red indicates a deficiency in timee, budget or scope Quarter: Jan – M Q Mar 2012 S Strategic Direection Manag gement Repo ort C Core Initiative: 1.0 Effective Teeacher in Every Classroom Key Stra ategy Progress 1 Strengthen recruiting 1.1 r and sttaffing policies and a practices to o attract top talen nt 1 Establish a rigorous 1.2 r and fairr teacher appraisal system 1 Provide effeective, individuaalized support 1.3 1 Offer careerr pathways and differentiated 1.4 d co ompensation Accomplishmen A nts I this period, Progress In P Confereences were cond ducted in which appraisers sharred midyear feed dback to each teeacher as a part of o the new a appraisal system m. Nearly 11,000 0 conferences were w held, with preliminary p ratin ngs provided in each criteria off the new system m. In addition, 89 8 t teachers have allready been screeened into a poo ol of candidates to be selected by principals as new n teachers forr next school yeear. In reviewing g o new efforts towards individ our dualized professional developm ment for our teach hers, a midyear survey showed that over 75% of o teachers who o h more than four had f observation ns from their Teaacher Developm ment Specialist (TDS) ( agreed orr strongly agreedd that their TDS S was useful in t their professionaal growth. Also o, we have finaliized six of the video v exemplarss that illustrate HISD H teachers ddemonstrating th he instructional p practice criteria at a highly effective level, and many more are in the editing and a field testing phase. Finally,, we have begun n to develop a p for piloting plan g a set of three to o five teacher leadership roles across roughly 25 schools nextt year as the firsst step towards creating c true c career pathway for our teacherss. Planned for nex P xt period I the next perio In od schools will conduct c end of year y conferencees and convey a final, year-end performance apppraisal rating to o each teacher. In a addition, the TD DS team will plaan for revisions to t the TDS mod del for the 2012--13 school year,, including moree prioritization of o campuses and d t teachers that recceive intensive support, s decreassing the amount of time that TD DS spend on actiivities outside oof coaching teach hers, and s strengthening th he partnership beetween TDS and d principals. Fiinally, the pilot schools s and teacchers will be sellected for the neew career p pathways teacheer leadership rolles for next scho ool year. Green indicaates acceptable prog gress Yellow w indicates a concerrn with timeline, bu udget and scope Red indicates a deficiency in timee, budget or scope Quarter: Jan – M Q Mar 2012 Strategic Direction Mana agement Reeport C Core Initiative: 2.0 Effecctive Principal in n Every School W What we will do We are going to W o make certain th hat we have a hiighly effective principal p at the head h of every scchool. To do that, we will imprrove our r recruiting system m to be more ag ggressive in recrruiting talented individuals i into principal positiions, starting wiith our own internal pipeline off b performing best g teachers and asssistant principaals and supplemeented by strong external candid dates. We will aalso provide all of our principalls w the ongoing with g supports, careeful evaluations,, and individualiized professionaal development they need whilee also placing alll necessary toolls a their disposal to lead their sch at hools into becom ming the best in n the nation. W we will do Why d it There is broad consensus T c amon ng educational ex xperts that havin ng an effective principal p at the head of every scchool is of utmo ost improtance to t a assuring studentt success. The more m challengin ng and/or underp priviledged the student s populatiion in the schoool, the more this is true. In HISD D, w have ample evidence we e of thiss, as there is broad variation in the t on-track-to-ccollege-readinesss rates of our eelementary, midd dle and high s school students,, even among scchools with very y similar poverty y levels. W What we will report The following Strategic T S Directiion Managemen nt Report answers the question: Is HISD acting g on the prioritiees identified in the t strategic plaan w fidelity? Itt measures HISD with D’s accomplishm ments and risks for each Key Strategy in suppo ort of the overalll Core Initiativee. The Strategic Direction T D Manag gement Report iss produced Quarrterly. Color indicators are useed as an idicationn of whether adm ministration is on o t track to accomp plish a Key Strattegy’s quarterly goals. A “Greeen” indicator means the distrrict has made accceptable progreess with respect to b budget, scope an nd timeliness. A “Yellow” indiicator meanss the district hass identified risk with respect to one or more asp pects. A “Red” i indicator means progress haas stopped or hass a significant deficiency. d As th he Strategic Dirrection builds a foundation towaards achieving t district’s goaals over a multi--year period, no the ot all Key Strateg gies will have in nformation to co ommunicate in a given period. Green indicaates acceptable prog gress Yellow w indicates a concerrn with timeline, bu udget and scope Red indicates a deficiency in timee, budget or scope Quarter: Jan – M Q Mar 2012 S Strategic Direection Manag gement Repo ort C Core Initiative: 2.0 Effective Prrincipal in Every y School Key Stra ategy Progress 2 Design and implement 2.1 i a rig gorous, fair princcipal appraisal system s 2.2 Implementattion of quality assurance 2 a standaards and recomm mended practicees to guide princcpals’ decision- making, w high expecctations and cleaar accountability with y 2 Strengthen HISD’s 2.3 H school leader l recruiting g and staffing po olicies and practtices to attract to op talent 2 Establish a comprehensive 2.4 c i instructional leaadership program m to develop an nd retain top taleent 2 Create a safee, secure, and heealthy environm 2.5 ment conducive to t learning in alll schools A Accomplishmen nts IIn this period, th he district particcipated in nation nal conferences such as the Bilin ngual Educatorss Emphasizing M Multicultural Seettings (BEEMS S) C Conference , Naational Associattion of Bilinguall Educators (NA ABE), and Texass Association off Secondary Schhool Principals (TASSP). ( To a address shortagee areas, the distrrict will continu ue to promote the district throug gh grassroots reccruitment efforts at 15-20 speciific campuses in n t Rio Grande Valley in an efffort to increase the the t number of bilingual b applicaants for principaal, assistant princcipal and dean. IIn January, scho ool leaders weree trained on the new n rubric that will serve as thee basis of their performance p evaaluation as welll as provide the f feedback into th he district’s recru uitment, professsional developm ment and supportt practices. Traiiners from Mid-Continent Research for E Education and Learning L (McRE EL) were on sitee and, partnering g with HISD staaff, trained over 600 administrattors and Schooll Improvement O Officers on this new rubric for school s leader efffectiveness. We are continuiing to implemen W nt the district’s comprehensive c g grow-your-own m leadership deveelopment modell and we are seeeing results from t effort. For example, this e the priincipal of the neew Mandarin Ch hinese Languagee Immersion Maagnet School is a member of thee University of Green indicaates acceptable prog gress Yellow w indicates a concerrn with timeline, bu udget and scope Red indicates a deficiency in timee, budget or scope Quarter: Jan – M Q Mar 2012 C Core Initiative: 2.0 Effecctive Principal in n Every School (Cont’d) Texas Collaboraative Urban Leaadership Program T m (UTCULP). Additionally, A fo our members of the district’s firrst Teacher Lead der Academy w hired as asssistant principaals. Also, during were g this period, fiffteen employeess enrolled in the Masters in Business Education n Administration n ( (MBEA) prograam at the Univerrsity of St. Thom mas. While the University of St. Thomas coho ort is beginning, twenty-two vetteran assistant p principals are co ompleting the on ne-year principaal internship pro ogram. School Support Services launch S hed Bully Awareness Week, a districtwide d even nt with materialls and activities for schools to use u in addressing g b bullying. Also, a comprehensiv ve online trainin ng was launched d for teachers to learn about bulllying and bullyiing prevention. The local and n national expert on o bullying inside education insstitutions, Donn na Clarke-Love, conducted train ning for 75 distrrict personnel an nd parents in F February. Planned for nex P xt period O plans for th Our he next period in nclude partnering with the Scho ool Improvemen nt Officers to hosst a Leadership Recruitment ev vent in early May y. A Additionally, the appraisal adviisory group willl work to finalizze the measures of student learn ning and the oveerall weighting of o the various e elements of the system. The neew school leaderr appraisal systeem is planned to o be brought forw ward to the Schhool Board for reeview and the r requested for ad doption in May 2012, 2 and summ mer training is taargeted for all scchool leaders in n June. District lleaders will also o participate in t annual Summ the mer Leadership Institute in Jun ne. A four week k New and Emerrging Leader Insstitute will be heeld summer 201 12. We have indicatted an issue with W h quality assuraance standards an nd recommendeed practices to guide g decision-m making as indicaated above. W While over 1,80 00 school admin nistrators have been b trained in sp pecific areas wh here a high level of decision maaking is embedd ded in the t trainings provid ded, such as Straategic Marketing g, Master Sched dule Building, Prrincipal Appraissal, Staff Docum mentation and th he State A Assessment of Academic A Readiiness (STAAR) Implementation n and Logistics,, the district is exploring optionns for creating sp pecific training on o d decision-making g models and prrocesses. Green indicaates acceptable prog gress Yellow w indicates a concerrn with timeline, bu udget and scope Red indicates a deficiency in timee, budget or scope Quarter: Jan – M Q Mar 2012 Strategic Direction Mana agement Reeport C Core Initiative: 3.0 Rigorrous Instruction nal Standards an nd Supports W What we will do Redesign the co R ourse offerings,, curriculum, asssessment tests, and social/emo otional supportss provided in schools througho out HISD, with ha p particular emphasis on giving all a students the same s access to educational e prog grams and oppo ortunities, regarddless of which school they atten nd, a well as impro as oving instruction for students at a all levels. Wee will also impllement a set of targeted t reform ms in order to turrn around HISD D’s l lowest-performi ing schools. W we will do Why d it HISD has a num H mber of outstan nding academicc programs and d supports acrosss the district, but b on the whoole does not preepare students for f c college and careeer readiness. Our O scores show w that, depending g on the grade, only about 40 to o 70% of our sttudents are readiing or doing maath a grade level. In addition, stu at udent EVAAS growth g data show w a slowing off growth in math hematics progreess from the fiftth to sixth gradees, r resulting in only y 18% of HISD eighth-grade stu udents successfu fully completing g Algebra I. Thee end result is thhat the majority of HISD studen nts w enroll in co who ommunity colleg ge require remed dial courses in their t first year. W What we will report The following Strategic T S Directiion Managemen nt Report answers the question: Is HISD acting g on the prioritiees identified in the t strategic plaan w fidelity? Itt measures HISD with D’s accomplishm ments and risks for each Key Strategy in suppo ort of the overalll Core Initiativee. The Strategic Direction T D Manag gement Report iss produced Quarrterly. Color indicators are useed as an idicationn of whether adm ministration is on o t track to accomp plish a Key Strattegy’s quarterly goals. A “Greeen” indicator means the distrrict has made accceptable progreess with respect to b budget, scope an nd timeliness. A “Yellow” indiicator meanss the district hass identified risk with respect to one or more asp pects. A “Red” i indicator means progress haas stopped or hass a significant deficiency. d As th he Strategic Direection builds a ffoundation towaards achieving th he d district’s goals over o a multi-yeaar period, not alll Key Strategiess will have inforrmation to comm municate in a givven period. Green indicaates acceptable prog gress Yellow w indicates a concerrn with timeline, bu udget and scope Red indicates a deficiency in timee, budget or scope Quarter: Jan – M Q Mar 2012 S Strategic Direection Manag gement Repo ort C Core Initiative: 3.0 Rigorous In nstructional Stan ndards and Supp ports Key Stra ategy Progress 3 Rigorous insstructional stand 3.1 dards and suppo orts 3 Develop and 3.2 d implement an aligned standards-based curricu ulum and assesssment plan 3 Implement Response 3.3 R to Inteervention modell districtwide to provide early, effective e assistaance to children 3 School Tran 3.4 nsformation Plan n 3 Implement a comprehensivee literacy (reading) program in grades pre-K th 3.5 hrough 12 3 Implement a comprehensivee numeracy/matthematics prograam in grades pre-K through 12 3.6 A Accomplishmen nts IIn collaboration n with the magnet coordinators,, we have developed a series off common magn net documents: Common Notiffication Letters to p parents, Commo on Magnet Stud dent Entrance Agreements A and Magnet Studen nt Growth Planss. The Advanceed Placement (A AP)/ Internation nal B Baccalaurate (IB) team has created an AP Teacher Toolkiit which provid des mini-lesson ns to AP teachhers on AP student support an nd i instructional straategies to use in n AP classes. The curriculum initiative is und T derway and com mpletion date is late l spring 2012 2. During this th hird quarter of rreporting, over 700 7 teachers haave b been involved in n the curriculum m development process p and more than 100 hou urs of training has been devotedd to teachers’ prreparation to meeet t challenges of the o the new STAA AR assessmentss. The literacy plan p has been written w and shareed in various vennues within the district as well as v vetted with a gro oup of seven Green indicaates acceptable prog gress Yellow w indicates a concerrn with timeline, bu udget and scope Red indicates a deficiency in timee, budget or scope Quarter: Jan – M Q Mar 2012 C Core Initiative: 3.0 Rigorrous Instruction nal Standards an nd Supports (Con nt’d) national expertss that provided independent n i anaalysis of the disstrict’s literacy plan. p The exterrnal review com mmended the liteeracy plan as well a offered recom as mmendations fo or further stregn nthening. Next, the curriculum m department willl synthesize thee feedback with hin their team an nd m make revisions.. The final pro oduct of this efffort will be a quality plan thaat is an aligned d, effective, andd research-baseed tool to suppo ort s successful teach hing and learnin ng of literacy skiills for all students. The districct believes leverraging technologgy tools as well as accompanyin ng a assessment will strengthen the curriculum c efforrts. Planned for nex P xt period O plans for th Our he next period arre to contine thee advancement of the key strateegies. To bolsteer the efforts for rigorous instru uction, the district p plans to develo op vertical curriiculum alignmeent between thematic elementaary and secondaary programs of "like program ms" citywide. The T A AP/IB team will begin AP exam m administration n monitoring an nd plan then con nduct summer trrainings includinng Laying the Foundation, F Social S Studies Pre-AP and SpringBoaard. The districtt anticipates at least a 15 % grrowth in exams administered foor AP in 2011-2 2012 moving well b beyond the distrrict’s previous all a time high meet last year with h 21,663 exams administered. Additional proffessional develo oped is planned to s strengthen the AP A implementation fidelity districtwide such ass a four-day currriculum institutte to train 5,0000 teachers to be conducted in Ju uly a reinforce wiith principals att the Leadership Institute. and There is a shared commitment to T t build an align ned curriculum and a assessment plan effort in keey strategy 3.2 aand, in core inititative 4.0, to b build a system of o data driven acccountability. As A originally articulated; “Experience in other districts d makes cclear that, for a managed c curriculum policcy to be successsful, all teacherss and leaders witthin the school district d must hav ve use of an onlline platform forr curriculum m management and access.” Green indicaates acceptable prog gress Yellow w indicates a concerrn with timeline, bu udget and scope Red indicates a deficiency in timee, budget or scope Quarter: Jan – M Q Mar 2012 Strategic Direction Mana agement Reeport C Core Initiative: 4.0 Ensu ure Data-Driven Accountability W What we will do Build robust sysstems and proceesses that enablee easy access to and use of key data B d to inform decisions d and manage high leveels of performan nce d districtwide. W we will do Why d it Currently, relev C vant data on stu udents, teacherrs, and achievem ment are difficcult to access, often o not up-too-date, and not always accurate. F Furthermore, maany people acro oss the district laack the expertisee to use data to make m decisions.. This creates an opportunity T o to arm a HISD leadeership with accesssible, timely an nd accurate dataa and provide them with the traiining necessary to u understand how w to translate datta into action. By B doing so, we will get better at a making the keey decisions thaat affect the perfformance of the d district. Fundin ng for this initiattive is focused on o Phase 1 which includes minimal training and d will provide innitial reports. Training T beyond d P Phase 1 is a mullti-year program m of training and d learning throug gh use. W What we will report The following Strategic T S Directiion Managemen nt Report answers the question: Is HISD acting g on the prioritiees identified in the t strategic plaan w fidelity? Itt measures HISD with D’s accomplishm ments and risks for each Key Strategies in supp port of the overaall Core Initiativ ve. The Strategic Direction T D Manag gement Report iss produced Quarrterly. Color indicators are useed to as an idicattion of whether administration is i o track to accomplish a Key Strategy’s quarteerly goals. A “G on Green” indicatorr means the district d has madee acceptable pro ogress with r respect to budgeet, scope and tim meliness. A “Yeellow” indicatorr means the district d has identtified risk with rrespect to one or o more aspects. A “Red” inidcattor means prrogress has stopp ped or has a sign nificant deficien ncy. As the Straategic Directionn builds a foundaation towards a achieveing the district’s d goals over o a multi-yeaar period, not alll Key Strategies will have inform mation to comm municate in a giv ven period. Green indicaates acceptable prog gress Yellow w indicates a concerrn with timeline, bu udget and scope Red indicates a deficiency in timee, budget or scope Quarter: Jan – M Q Mar 2012 Strategic Direction Manag gement Report C Core Initiative: 4.0 Ensure Dataa-driven Accoun ntability Key Strattegies Progress 4 Build easily accessible and accurate data arrchitecture, wareehouse, and tech 4.1 hnology infrastrructure. 4 Develop and 4.2 d implement perrformance manaagement tools an nd practices for decision-makin ng. 4 Design effecctive and efficieent business proccesses and procedures for optim 4.3 mization of resou urces and resultts. Accomplishmen A nts I this period, the In t district acqu uired a majority y of hardware, software licenses and consulting services neccessary to integ grate data for daata w warehouse and dashboard deevelopment. The T district streamlined busin ness processes, configured thhe technical seetup, and creatted d documentation for f provisioning g access to the PeopleSoft P system, which will enable the captture and reporting of EOY perfformance data for f a non-teacher staff. The distrrict began devellopment of an in all ntegrated web-b based tool, Teaccher Appraisal & Developmentt System (TADS S), t will providee a solution for capturing studen that nt performance data and processses for teacherss for when the sstudent performaance measures are a i included in the appraisal and development system s next yeaar. The districct has also com mpleted the firstt phase of the Microsoft Actiive D Directory upgraade to provide better b managemeent of user identities. Addition nally, IBM has completed c their blueprint of thee Secure Netwo ork A Architecture and d Design Reporrt and the districct is currently ad dopting the fram mework as part of o the E-rate deeployment. Thee first cohort of 20 s schools, within the t 194 E-rate schools, s is underrway to providee the physical neetwork and systeem hardware. P Planned for Neext Period IIn the next periiod, the district plans to validaate five years off student, camp pus, and districtt-level TAKS, S Stanford, Cohorrt, attendance an nd o other student related data to au utomate the acco ountability repo orts while contin nuing to find the security soluttion to authenticcate proper acceess b different useer roles, beginnin by ng with the prin ncipals. The disstrict will comp plete the develop pment of the weeb-based, TADS S, IT solution an nd f facilitate trainin ng for campus-baased staff impaccting approximaately 13,000 teacchers and 600 ap ppraisers. Captture EOY progreess towards Green indicaates acceptable prog gress Yellow w indicates a concerrn with timeline, bu udget and scope Red indicates a deficiency in timee, budget or scope Quarter: Jan – M Q Mar 2012 C Core Initiative: 4.0 Ensu ure Data-driven Accountability A ( (Cont’d) ccompletion of department d goaals and evaluation of individuaal employee peerformance for the first time aacross all centraal departments in P PeopleSoft. Alsso, the network k deployment prroject will contin nue for the nextt several month hs as we continuue to implementt connectivity an nd a access to the E-rrate schools. As indicated on A n the report, all items are given n a yellow indiccator due mainlly to the concerrn with timelinee and scope. Th he first dashboaard d deliverable will contain primarrily official, agg gregated data from accountabillity reports whille the security aauthorization is being developeed. A of the writin As ng of the reporr, the leadership p in Procuremen nt has yet to bee determined an nd is impactingg the ability to move forward as p planned. Once the t new leadership in Procurem ment is determin ned, the team wiill reconvene to re-evaluate all ddecisions, proceesses, systems an nd p procedures. Green indicaates acceptable prog gress Yellow w indicates a concerrn with timeline, bu udget and scope Red indicates a deficiency in timee, budget or scope Quarter: Jan – M Q Mar 2012 Strategic Direction Mana agement Reeport C Core Initiative: 5.0 Cultu ure of Trust Through Action W What we will do We will put in place W p structures, processes, and methods to ensu ure that we havee effective two-way communication to engage both internal an nd e external stakeho olders, including g staff, parents, and community y members. W we will do Why d it A powerful sensse of community y and a shared direction d among g all stakeholderrs is crucial to th he successful traansformation of HISD. Yet, wee k know that curren nt communicatiion structures in n place are insuff fficient to foster authentic engag gement. During the process of developin D ng the Strategic Direction, we have h attempted to t begin the mov vement toward a communicatio ons approach thaat i more interactiive and transparrent. Throughou is ut dozens of meeetings, commun nication emerged as a clear areaa for improvemeent. Thousands o stakeholders shared concernss, ideas, and sug of ggestions on how w we can impro ove. Taking all this t valuable feeedback into acco ount, we d designed two strrategies that willl enable us to reevamp our comm munication so we w can engage in nternal and exteernal audiences in i meaningful w ways and ensuree we have autheentic two-way co ommunication. By doing so, we w will prove ourr commitment to change, re-bu uild trust and c confidence, and d start a new era in our commun nication and relaationship with HISD’s H broad co ommunity. W What we will report The following Strategic T S Directiion Managemen nt Report answers the question: Is HISD acting g on the prioritiees identified in the t strategic plaan w fidelity? Itt measures HISD with D’s accomplishm ments and risks for each Key Strategies in supp port of the overaall Core Initiativ ve. The Strategic Direction T D Manag gement Report iss produced Quarrterly. Color indicators are useed to as an indicaation of whetherr administration n i on track to accomplish a Key is y Strategy’s quarrterly goals. A “Green” indicattor means thee district has maade acceptable progress p with r respect to budgeet, scope and tim meliness. A “Yeellow” indicatorr means the district d has identtified risk with rrespect to one or o more aspects. A “Red” inidcattor means progress has stopp ped or has a sign nificant deficien ncy. As the Straategic Directionn builds a foundaation towards a achieveing the district’s d goals over o a multi-yeaar period, not alll Key Strategies will have inform mation to comm municate in a giv ven period. Green indicaates acceptable prog gress Yellow w indicates a concerrn with timeline, bu udget and scope Red indicates a deficiency in timee, budget or scope Quarter: Jan – M Q Mar 2012 S Strategic Direection Manag gement Repo ort C Core Initiative: 5.0 Culture of Trust T Through Action A Key Stra ategy Progress 5 Develop effe 5.1 fective, timely, tw wo-way commu unication for intternal stakeholders 5 Develop effe 5.2 fective, timely, tw wo-way commu unication for extternal stakehold ders A Accomplishmen nts As the launch off a new statewid A de standardized test approached d, the district wo orked to engage the communityy and create an ongoing o dialogu ue a about STAAR th hrough multiplee channels. A crross-functional group from acro oss the district ,including repressentatives from C Communication ns, Parent Engag gement and the School S Offices, hosted a series of community forums f in English and Spanish, which were c covered on the web w and allowed d participants to o ask questions in i person, via em mail, or on sociaal media. A phhone bank was hosted h on U Univision, and more m than a dozzen HISD voluntteers answered a total of 282 caalls. This quarter included the annuaal State of the Scchools Address,, organized by Strategic T S Partnerrships, which drrew a sold-out crowd of 2,000 b business leaderss, community members, m elected d officials, and HISD H teachers and a students. Sttrategic Partnersships, during thee same semesterr, a coordinated also d presentations on o topics, such as a STAAR, with h the African Am merican, Hispan nic, and Asian A Advisory Comm mittees. Other accomplisshements during O g this period inccluded the launcch of two new TV V shows: HISD D Up Close withh the Board Pressident and Withiin O Walls with Superintendent Terry Grier. These programs highlight Our h the ou utstanding accom mplishments of sstudents, teacheers, and p principals. The Board Presiden nt toured a camp pus that had been n renovated or rebuilt r under thee 2007 bond proogram. The disttrict covered n numerous ribbon n-cutting cerem monies across thee district in Deccember and Janu uary, showcasing g new LEED-ceertified campusees completed as p of the 2007 Bond. part Green indicaates acceptable prog gress Yellow w indicates a concerrn with timeline, bu udget and scope Red indicates a deficiency in timee, budget or scope Quarter: Jan – M Q Mar 2012 C Core Initiative: 5.0 Cultu ure of Trust Through Action (C Cont’d) Last, the districtt convened a wo L orkgroup to anallyze the key driv vers of the Coree 5 initiative. In n a series of threee meetings with h staff members, p parents, teacherss, principals, an nd students, the workgroup w refin ned the focus off the initiative, contemplating c exxpantion beyond d the original s scope of internaal and external communications processes. Planned for nex P xt period I the coming seemester, the disttrict will be hold In ding a series of community meeetings on proposed bell schedulle changes and developing d c communications s strategies for the t upcoming bu udget discussion ns. There are allso plans to laun nch a redesignedd eNews producct that will i increase our inteernal communiccations efforts with w features dessigned to supporrt employee inteeraction and the sharing of ideas. Also, the d district hopes to o draft and bring g forward a recommendation to the Board of Ed ducation on a so ocial media policcy as a precurso or activity in thee d development off a districtwide communications c s plan, training on o social media policy and guid ding the district using communiications best p practices. Green indicaates acceptable prog gress Yellow w indicates a concerrn with timeline, bu udget and scope Red indicates a deficiency in timee, budget or scope