OUR PLACE IN NATURE Linnaeus (Carl Von Linne)

Linnaeus (Carl Von Linne)
Looked at the anatomy and the physiology of living things.
Assigned them a position in a TAXONOMY (a system of biological classification in
 which organisms are arranged for the first time.)
Organisms are arranged into larger groups then into increasingly smaller groups
that  are based on an analysis of similarities and differences in their biological
Published Systema Naturae (1735)
Humans are placed in....
Kingdom Animalia which means that they are related to all organisms which  
 possess a nervous system, whose nourishment is acquired by digesting food and
 whose anatomy allows for movement.
 Phylum Chordata which means that humans have a notochord (a flexible chord
 that runs the length of back and connects to the brain.)
 Sub-Phylum Vertebrata, which means that humans have a true backbone or
 Class Mammalia means that humans have hair, are warm-blooded and suckle
 their young.
 Order Primata 
Genus: Homo 
pecies Homo sapien sapien