Frontier Fiesta Keg Ordering Form NAME COMPANY/ GROUP NAME ADDRESS PHONE EMAIL TENT # ONSITE CONTACT ONSITE CELL # DATE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE SUB-TOTAL *The maximum number of kegs that can be purchased is 6 on Thursday, 6 on Friday and 12 on Saturday. This includes pre-sales and day of sales. The maximum number of kegs that can be picked up at any time is 2. *Orders must be received no later than 7:00 PM Thursday, March 17th 2016. Full charges will apply to cancellations made within 5 days prior to delivery. *Keg pickup times are from 1:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Thursday and Friday and between 10:00 AM and 11:00 PM on Saturday. Method of payment CREDIT CARD (please circle ): VISA TOTAL MASTERCARD AMEX (Must be made at time of ordering): CARDHOLDER'S NAME (Please print ) CARD NUMBER CARDHOLDER'S SIGNATURE EXP. DATE CLIENT SIGNATURE DATE 3 OR 4 DIGIT SECURITY CODE For additional information, please contact Ashley Hong at 713.534.5060. Save, print, scan and email the completed form to