NEWSLETTER March 2012 5820 Glen Erin Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5M 5J9 Telephone: (905) 814-9216 Fax: (905) 814-9217 Principal’s Message Principal T. Cruz We have had the opportunity to experience winter in Ontario in a truly unique way. Our children have had limited opportunities to experience the joys of building snow forts, snowmen or snow angels but have had more time to play soccer and use our peace garden. Vice Principal D. Carpe Secretary S. Droy Superintendent Mississauga North D. Oude-Reimerink Parish Merciful Redeemer Parish Phone: 905-812-0030 Prayer for Lent Dear God; During this season of Lent, May you help us to thank you for the new life you gave Pastor Fr. Vid Vlasic Associate Pastor Fr. Robert Mignella School Council Chair Gail Bellissimo Trustee Esther O’Toole Ward 9 Phone: 905-812-5163 Attendance Verification Phone: 905-814-9216 Web Site Please check our website for information regarding two Presentations being offered in local schools focusing on ‘Social Media’ and “Living with our Teens’ to our world and to our spirits. To find your presence around us in the sparkle of the sunshine, a word given in encouragement, and a smile shared in passing. To open our hearts to your call. To serve one another with your loving compassion. To have courage to ask for help as we journey and to know when we have gone With Ash Wednesday, we have now entered one of the most important times in our liturgical calendar as a Catholic community. Lent is a time of growth, penance and prayers. As we journey through the season of Lent, let us use what remains of the forty days to pray for peace and harmony in our world. We continue to see many areas of the world, and within our own communities, that still require prayers for peace, food and shelter. Let us pray for these communities that they may receive these gifts. We also pray that our students, families and staff will be able to journey through Lent in good health and with the essential elements necessary for healthy living. Have a wonderful March Break and I look forward to seeing everyone back and working hard during the final part of this school year. God Bless off the path. T. Cruz To remember what Lent is all about and to turn our lives toward You. Amen March Break Monday, March 12th to Friday, March 16th, 2012 March Madness - March 5-9 Spirit Week Schedule Affirmation: I am kind. I look for ways to help others and show I care. I show kindness to any person or animal I see. I do all I can to take care of the earth. I remember that all things have been created by God. Our Lady of Mercy School is once again hosting our Spirit Week from March 5th to 9th 2012. Below is a schedule of the events the students will be participating in. Monday March 5-Sports Day Wear your favourite team Jersey or colours Watch the Teacher / student volleyball game at 1pm. What is Kindness? Wear your favourite hat !! There will also be a Kindness is caring about what happens to others. It is doing things to make others happy. Being kind is showing that you care about anyone or anything because everything is a part of what God has made. mystery surprise sometime during the day ????? Why practice Kindness? Tuesday March 6 - Hat Day /Mystery Day Wed. March 7- Backwards Day Wear your clothes backwards today! Thursday March 8 - Pajama Day Wear your favourite Pajamas. Friday March 9 -School Colours Day/ Mercy Idol Kindness should be practiced because it brings us together and celebrates diversity. It is a virtue of inclusion because kindness is a universal language that everyone understands. When we are kind to each other, we no longer use hurtful language or ridicule anyone; this produces a safe environment where everyone can increase in self-esteem and feel comfortable to participate. Through the kindness we give and receive, we begin to understand how we are connected to those around us. Giving and receiving kindness are vital to our health, harmony, and hope. How do you practice Kindness? When we sense someone’s need, we either choose to help them in some way or not to. If we choose to help, we are offering kindness, and at that moment we experience a surprising and overwhelming feeling because we have made a connection and difference in someone’s life. Kindness is a positive power that we all possess and when we use it by performing acts of kindness we feel a great sense Was your child born after 2004? Is your family income less that of worth. Let kindness flow! Wear blue and yellow and enjoy the show at 9:00am. Free Education Money ! $42,00 per year ? You can get up to $2,000 in free education You are practicing the Virtue of KINDNESS when you… money...All you have to do is open a Registered Education Sav- Share with others ings Plan ( RESP ) . You don't have to put any of your money into the plan to get this money from the Government of Canada. When you open an RESP, the Government will deposit $500 right away and could deposit up to $1,500 more by the time your child is 15. That's up to $2,000 for your child ’ s education after high school. Visit or call the information free line Use your manners Listen to others Are inclusive and never leave anyone out Think of others first Use kind words 905 890-9432 to learn more about how you can register your You need more practice when you… child. Walk away from others Exclude others from activities Are rude and insulting Don’t share with others Always think of yourself first OLOM is going GREEN! The staff and students are working hard to reach our ECO-certified status! The eco-team has organized several initiatives to educate our school on the importance of conserving energy, minimizing waste and reducing plastic water bottle use. Here is a snapshot of what goes on each week in the school: Dates to Remember March TURN IT OFF TUESDAYS The entire school reduces their light usage, and places a greater focus on using natural light. Lights are turned off completely when classrooms are not in use. The Eco-team goes around at recesses to check each room and keeps a spreadsheet of the results so that individual classes can see how they are doing. EARTH HOUR takes place on Tuesdays from 1:002:00. The entire school limits their lights and technology use during this time. Encourage your children to do the same at home and set an example by turning off electronics when not in use and unplugging small appliances like toasters and coffee makers. WASTELESS WEDNESDAYS - On Wednesdays garbage bins and recycling bins are off limits. Students are asked to bring a litter-less lunch. Any waste should be taken home and placed in the green bin. Attached are ideas on how you and your child can work together to assemble a waste-less lunch. FREE WATER THURSDAYS Students are asked to bring in their reusable water bottles. As a school, we are trying to reduce the amount of plastic water bottles in our recycling bins. Fountain water is FREE and great for the environment too! Stay tuned for more exciting info from the ECO-team! Remember, ECO stands for : Environment, Community, One ! See attached info to learn how to Pack a Waste-Free Lunch !! 5 Sports Day-Teacher/Student Volleyball-1 p.m. 6 Hat Day 7 Grade 8 Confirmation Retreat Day Backwards Day 8 Pajama Day 9 School Colours / Mercy Idol -1pm 12 March Break Begins ! 19 Bullying Presentation - All grades 9:15am April 5 Stations of the Cross - Passion Play 9:15am & 1pm 6 Good Friday - School Closed 9 Easter Monday - School Closed 12 School Council Meeting 6:30pm 21 First Communion 1pm at Merciful Redeemer 26 Grade 7&8 Kortright Trip May 9 Welcome to Kindergarten—evening 15 Confirmation-7pm at Merciful Redeemer 17 School Council Meeting-6:30 p.m. 21 Victoria Day 23 EQAO begins Last chance to order !! “Our Lady of Mercy Yearbook”. If you are interested in purchasing a yearbook please send in $25.00 cash or a cheque payable to “Our Lady of Mercy” as soon as possible !! Order Forms can be found on the school website ! From Your Catholic School Trustees Esther O’Toole It has been very busy in our schools. Trustees were delighted to serve as a judge in a few speaking contests and as ever were impressed by the subject matter, poise and talent of the students. Congratulations to all the participants! As I enter the season of Lent I am so pleased that most of our schools hosted pancake mornings on Shrove Tuesday and then of course our students were able to receive their ashes on Ash Wednesday. Flipping pancakes has now been added to my job description. So much fun! Full Day Learning is continuing in specific schools in our area. In schools where classes are full, lotteries will take place to determine registration. Extended French continues to flourish with an increase in some schools in the number of classes. French Immersion also continues to grow. At this time we are not sure if there will have to be a lottery. We have begun the budget process for the Board. We are not sure what the Grants for Students Needs will look like. We are concerned with suggestions that have come from the Drummond Report. There were cut backs on textbooks and technology on the last budget and other budget lines and the Drummond Report suggests more cuts. This would be terrible for our students. There will be a public consultation for the budget in May. The budget must be balanced and approved in June. The Drummond Report which was released in late February reaches well into the operations of all school boards in Ontario. Some points in the report are: Class Size: Increasing class size across all grades. The success that the Ontario school system in particular, Dufferin-Peel, has experienced over the past six years is directly related to class size. We, as a Board, believe in this direct relationship and do have concerns. Transportation: There is a suggestion to charge for travelling on school buses. The imposition of transportation user fees could have an impact on the ability of parents to send their students to Catholic schools in Dufferin-Peel. As well it would create a have/have not situation for students as this could be a financial hardship for some parents. Textbooks and Technology: Reductions in this area will not only hamper our ability to provide an enhanced learning experience, but will again create a two-tiered system of students; those who are fortunate enough to have a technology-rich family setting and those who are not coming from a home where there is technology. Schools should act as an equalizer in this regard. 70% reduction in non-teaching staff: Non-teaching staff help create environments that are caring, supportive and enriching places for our students to learn and succeed. Reduction of non-teaching positions which actually support, in many cases, the most vulnerable people in our system is impossible to comprehend. Much of the success of students with special needs is directly related to the people who help them on a daily basis. We will see how the provincial government responds to this report. Your Board of Trustees has sent a letter about the ramifications of the Drummond Report to the Premier, Minister of Education, and our MPP’s. The Board of Trustees did meet with our/your MPP’s to discuss issues affecting our students and schools. It was a positive and open discussion. I am so pleased with the results of our EQAO scores and much praise and thanks go to our teaching and support staff. Dufferin-Peel’s scores surpassed both Peel and the province. Great work! As ever if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me - (905) 812-5163. I wish you a safe March Break and Blessed Easter.