Virtue of the Month Kindness

Virtue of the Month
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. Anonymous
I always prefer to believe the best of everybody, it saves so much trouble. Rudyard Kipling
Be the living expression of God’s kindness; kindness in your face, eyes, smile and in your
greetings. Mother Teresa
1. What is kindness? (Read these points over to generate discussion)
A kind person......
Is gentle and sensitive to others
Stands by their friends in a time of need
Shares their time and talents
Always looks for ways to be helpful
2. Questions for the virtue of kindness.
a. How can I demonstrate kindness for myself and others in my
thoughts, words and deeds?
b. Reflect on why we sometimes treat others differently in our
school community? What are our motives? How can we be
3. Activity
a. As a class, brainstorm ways to show kindness to the 50
orphan students at the Imuma home in Tanzania. Choose one
or two of the ideas and take action for our Lenten project.