Houston Panhellenic Council Bylaws Revised Fall 2014 Article I: Name A. The name of this organization shall be the Houston Panhellenic Council. Article II: Object A. The object of the Houston Panhellenic Association shall be to develop and maintain women’s fraternity life and interfraternity relations at a high level of accomplishment and in so doing to: a. Consider the goals and ideals of member groups as continually applicable to campus and personal life. b. Promote superior scholarship and basic intellectual development. c. Cooperate with member women’s fraternities and the university/college administration in concern for and maintenance of high social and moral standards. d. Act in accordance with National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) Unanimous Agreements, resolutions and policies. e. Act in accordance with such rules established by the Panhellenic Council as to not violate the sovereignty, rights and privileges of member women’s fraternities. Article III: Finance A. The fiscal year for the HPC shall be from January 1st to December 31st of each year, inclusive. B. The signatures of the president and vice president of finance shall be required to bind the HPC to any contract. C. All checks issued on behalf of the HPC shall be signed by either the president, vice president of finance, or Panhellenic advisor. If any other officer needs a check, she should contact the vice president of finance first. D. All orders that cost over $100 made by HPC must receive at least two complete estimates that need to be turned into the Vice President of Finance at least one week before the order is to be placed. Extending circumstances must be discussed with the Vice President of Finance. E. All purchases that cost over $300 must be submitted two weeks before the order is to be placed and be approved by HPC. Extending circumstances must be discussed with the Vice President of Finance. F. All payments due to the HPC shall be made to the Vice President of Finance, who shall record them. Checks for payment shall be made payable to the HPC. G. Membership Dues: a. The dues of each HPC Regular Member and Associate Member fraternity shall be an assessment of $12 per initiated member and new member. b. The dues of each member fraternity shall be payable within 10 days of receiving a bill from HPC each semester. Bills for fall dues shall be sent out no later than the second Panhellenic meeting after Fall Formal Recruitment. Dues and fees for fall open recruitment new members will be due on October 31st, or as stated by the HPC Vice President of Finance. Bills for spring dues will be sent out no later than the second Panhellenic meeting of the spring semester. Dues and fees for spring o pen recruitment new members will be due on March 31st, or as stated by the HPC Vice President of Finance. A fine of $30 will be imposed as a late payment for the first week. After the initial $30, an assessment of $10 will be made each week that dues remain delinquent. c. Only new members, initiates, and affiliated collegians that are listed on the fraternity’s Panhellenic roster may participate and represent the chapter during Recruitment, Panhellenic events, and other inter-fraternal events. d. A new member shall be defined as an uninitiated chapter member who was extended a bid under preferential bidding or via continuous open bidding. An initiate shall be defined as any initiated member of their chapter. An affiliate shall be defined as a collegiate member initiated by another chapter who has been accepted for membership at the chapter at the University of Houston. Article IV: Selection of Officers A. The offices of President, Vice President of Recruitment, and Assistant Vice President of Recruitment shall be determined by application. Vice President of Judicial Affairs, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Administration, Vice President of Programming, Vice President of Academics, and Vice President of Special Operations shall be determined by a rotation using the following criteria: B. Assistant Vice President of Recruitment will be an application process only for the term Spring 2015 through Fall 2015 then it will be move into the rotation process. Once it is moved into the rotation process Sigma Kappa will start with Assistant Vice President of Recruitment. a. Determining which chapter holds which position is determined as follows. i. Chapter Representation will rotate through the offices as follows: Chi Omega, Alpha Chi Omega, Zeta Tau Alpha, Delta Zeta, Phi Mu, Delta Gamma. ii. Offices will rotate through chapters as follows: Vice President of Judicial Affairs, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Administration, and Vice President of Programming, Vice President of Academics, and Vice President of Special Operations. iii. For example at the time of adopting these bylaws the offices were held by each chapter as follows: Vice President of Judicial-Chi Omega, Vice President of Finance- Alpha Chi Omega, Vice President of AdministrationZeta Tau Alpha, Vice President of Programing-Delta Zeta, Vice President of Academics- Phi Mu, and Vice President of Special Operations- Delta Gamma. The following year offices are held by each chapter as follows: Vice President of Judicial Affairs- Delta Gamma, Vice President of Finance-Chi Omega, Vice President of Administration- Alpha Chi Omega, Vice President of Programming- Zeta Tau Alpha, Vice President of Academics- Delta Zeta, and Vice President of Special Operations- Phi Mu. a. Potential HPC Executive Officers fill out an application by their respective women’s fraternity chapters and provide three qualified applicants. i. Chapters must submit the name, email, and people soft number of their HPC Executive Officer to the current HPC president and advisor no later than December 1 of each year. This information will be used to insure that the executive officer is eligible to serve as a member of the HPC executive council. b. Each chapter has the opportunity to fill an office on the HPC executive council in accordance to the rotation listed above. If a chapter formally gives up the right to a position by failing to provide a qualified candidate within a reasonable time or in writing to the current HPC president and advisor, then another chapter may fill the position. c. If a chapter gives up their right to a position the position will be filled by the executive council via application and interview B. The office of Vice President Rho Gamma is determined by the new President and Vice President of Recruitment through an interview and application process before attending their first officer retreat. a. Applications for Vice President of Rho Gamma will be due to the Center for Fraternity and Sorority Life no later than 5:00pm on December 1 of each year. b. The Vice President of Rho Gamma will be sworn in at the first HPC Delegate meeting following her appointment. C. HPC Executive Officers will be sworn in at the first HPC Delegate meeting in December unless that meeting occurs on December 1 in which chase they will be sworn in at the second meeting in December or the first meeting in January whichever occurs first. Article V: Officer and Delegate Duties A. The PRESIDENT shall: a. Have overall responsibility for the operation of the Panhellenic Council. b. Call and preside at all regular and special meetings of the Panhellenic Council. c. Call and preside at all meetings of the Panhellenic Council Executive Board. d. Call and preside at all regular and special meetings of the HPC. e. Be available to review, approve, and sign all Panhellenic Association checks and contracts involving HPC. f. Serve as member ex-officio of all Panhellenic Council committees with a voice but no vote. g. Report as necessary to NPC Area Advisor. h. Maintain a complete and up-to-date President’s file which will include a copy of the current HPC Constitution and By-laws, the current HPC budget, the current NPC Manual of Information and related materials, current correspondence from the Area Advisor, copies of College Panhellenic Reports to the Area Advisor, and other pertinent materials. i. Coordinate Officer Workshop/Transition Program for the new Executive Board. j. Represent HCPA at Panhellenic conferences. k. Shall disaffiliate in accordance to the recruitment rules B. The VICE PRESIDENT OF RECRUITMENT shall: a. Perform the duties of the president in her absence. b. Organize and schedule efforts of all NPC member fraternities in Recruitment sign-up and Formal Recruitment. c. Coordinate all activities for Panhellenic relating to Formal Recruitment and distribution of information to all fraternities, including: recruitment applications, reservations, recruitment orientation, a schedule of recruitment dates, times, attire, and other necessary information. d. Review for changes (if necessary) the Recruitment Rules and distribute copies to all NPC member fraternities and advisors before each Recruitment. e. Coordinate recruitment activities with the University of Houston calendar to avoid conflicts with university functions. f. Coordinate with the Vice President of Judicial Affairs a Recruitment Rules Education Session before the start of the recruitment period to educate each member fraternity about rules and procedures concerning recruitment. Each chapter will receive a month notification of the event. g. Inform Alumnae Panhellenics of pertinent recruitment information. h. Call and preside over recruitment orientation held at the beginning of each recruitment. i. Serve as chairperson of the Recruitment Committee and perform all duties as outlined in Article V of these bylaws and maintain a file of completed recruitment evaluations for review. j. Shall disaffiliate in accordance to the recruitment rules C. The ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT OF RECURITMENT shall: a. Make room reservations for recruitment b. Make all the calendars for recruitment. c. Keep up and write emails for recruitment d. Be the relations with the potential new members during the recruitment process. e. Make t-shirt design and ordering for all the shirts during recruitment. D. The VICE PRESIDENT OF PROGRAMMING shall: a. Be responsible for any events in which HPC or their chapters will participate, for instance, Greek-Wide Service Project. b. Coordinate Programming for HPC meetings. c. Any event that is planned by the Vice President of Programming that is announced with a month notification must have seventy percent of each fraternity in attendance or they will receive a fine of $10 for each woman they are under. d. Run a Public Relations campaign for HPC and recruitment, assisting the Vice President of Recruitment. e. Will serve as the Greek Relations Liaison for HPC. f. Shall disaffiliate in accordance to the recruitment rules E. The VICE PRESIDENT OF JUDICIAL AFFAIRS shall: a. Coordinate the training of Judicial Board members with the Panhellenic Advisor and/or representative of the campus office of Judicial Affairs. These procedures and applications will be distributed during the spring semester. b. Make arrangements for the mediations and hearings as indicated by the Panhellenic President (location, meeting room, set-up, appointment of a secretary among board members, and notification of the hearing to the board members and involved chapters). i. Meetings and hearings regarding Judicial affairs will be closed to the parties not involved unless otherwise stated by officer. c. Determine if any Judicial Board members need to be excused from serving because of a conflict of interest. If a Board member does not keep up with necessary hearings and Board discussions, the Vice President of Judicial may also excuse the member and request a replacement. d. Provide involved chapters with an outline of Judicial Board Hearing Procedures. e. Preside over judicial hearings. f. Inform, in writing, cited chapters and their advisors of the verdict, penalties (if applicable), and the appeals process. g. Initiate, follow through and preside over all Constitution or By-Law revisions. h. Initiate, follow through and preside over the Educational Program set by HPC i. Monitor all activity year round having to do with social media that is set in the Recruitment Rules. j. Begin monitoring all fraternity activity starting the day after the Recruitment Rules Education Session, as set forward. k. Shall disaffiliate in accordance to the recruitment rules F. The VICE PRESIDENT OF ADMINISTRATION shall: a. Keep an up-to-date roll of the members of the Panhellenic Council and call it at all Council meetings. b. Keep full minutes of all meetings of the HPC: the general body, the executive council, and the recruitment committee and email copies to those who attended and missed meetings. c. Keep a current calendar of activities of the member groups in an effort to coordinate the activities with the Interfraternity Council and the University of Houston. d. Maintain and distribute information on HPC ‘s Philanthropic Programming Guidelines. e. Shall inform HPC delegates of approved philanthropy events presented by the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council. f. Report a delegate or an officer’s absence to that chapter’s president. g. Be responsible for the official correspondence of the Panhellenic Council unless provided otherwise. h. Update the HPC officer notebooks annually. i. Shall disaffiliate in accordance to the recruitment rules G. The VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE shall: a. Be responsible for the general supervision of the finances of the HPC, including updating all account signature cards. b. Be responsible for the preparation of the annual budget and, following its approval by the Panhellenic Council, for providing a copy to each HPC member fraternity. c. Receive all payments due to HPC, collect all dues and give receipts. d. Be responsible for prompt payment of all bills to HPC. e. Maintain up to date financial records, balance bank statements, give a financial report at each regular meeting of the Panhellenic and an annual report at the end of her term. f. Bill, each semester, each member of a fraternity for membership dues according to Article III, Section F of these By-Laws. g. Inform the officers of the money budgeted for their activities and ensure that the money is spent properly. h. Shall disaffiliate in accordance to the recruitment rules H. The VICE PRESIDENT OF RHO GAMMA shall: a. Be responsible, along with HPC Advisors for the selection and training of all the Rho Gammas during the Formal Recruitment process b. Coordinate Rho Gamma programs and all activities associated with the Rho Gamma team. c. Be responsible for assigning Rho Gammas to the groups of Potential New Members d. Shall disaffiliate in accordance to the recruitment rules I. The DELEGATES shall: a. Shall attend all Panhellenic meetings. b. Serve as the official speaking and voting representatives from/to their fraternity regarding Panhellenic matters. c. Inform their respective chapters of all Panhellenic activities, programs, and legislation. d. Ensure that rosters, dues, recruitment materials, and other materials requested are turned into HPC by the appropriate deadlines. e. Stay current and up to date on the Fraternal Excellence Program that is set forth by the Center of Fraternal and Sorority life. f. Relay all FEP forms to their respective chapters and are in charge of turning them in and meeting all deadlines. Article VI: The Executive Board A. The Executive Board shall: a. Appoint all Standing and Special Committees and Chairmen and, in taking these appointments, recognize representation from all member fraternities. b. Administer routine business between meetings of the Panhellenic Council when advisable and such other business as has been approved for action by Panhellenic Council vote. c. Report all action taken by the Executive Board at the next regular meeting of the Panhellenic Council and record the action in the minutes of that meeting through the Vice President of Administration. d. Train all newly elected executive members for the upcoming year. Article VII: Standing Committees A. The standing committees of the HPC shall be: Judiciary, Recruitment, and Public Relations. B. The standing committees shall serve for a term of one year. Such term of office shall be concurrent with that of the executive board. A committee chairman or member may be appointed to serve for a further term of office. Immediately following the selection of officers for the ensuing year, the president-elect shall call a meeting of the executive board to appoint committee chairmen and members. C. Judiciary Committee a. Membership: The Judiciary Committee shall consist of the Vice President of Judicial Affairs and the Panhellenic Advisor as an ex-officio member, and a representative from each chapter. b. Duties: It shall be the duty of the Judiciary Committee to deal with violations of the Constitution, By-laws, and Recruitment Rules. c. Applications will be distributed and interviews will be held for potential qualified candidates. After interviews the HPC Executive Council will vote on the membership of the committee. D. Recruitment Committee a. Membership: The Recruitment Committee shall consist of the Vice President of Recruitment as chairperson of the committee, with the Recruitment Chairperson and Advisor from each chapter serving as members. The Panhellenic Advisor will serve as an ex-officio member. b. Duties: This committee shall be responsible for all Panhellenic Council matters related to membership recruitment. This committee shall be responsible for reviewing and developing the Recruitment Rules, submitting them for discussion and approval to the Panhellenic Council (before the end of the term preceding formal recruitment), and distributing copies of them when approved to the delegates of the member fraternities. Following each membership recruitment period, the chairperson of this committee shall present a full report, including recommendations, to the Panhellenic Council. E. Public Relations Committee a. Membership: The Public Relations Committee will consist of the Vice President of Programming as chairperson and at least one member from each chapter. b. Duties: The committee shall be responsible for inclusion in all-Greek PR efforts, such as the recruitment book, pamphlets, etc. They shall also keep the news media informed of any favorable Panhellenic publicity. c. Shall be responsible for promoting HPC to all concerned communities, including but not limited to: the Panhellenic Body, other Greek organizations, faculty and staff, non-Greek students, parents, the Houston community, and other outside organizations. d. Publish and update a monthly blog. e. Write articles for HPC in the Daily Cougar. f. Send press releases regarding HPC and chapter events to radio and TV stations. g. In conjunction with the other Greek Councils and the Rho Gamma program to prepare a Recruitment Book and mailer, as well as other yearlong marketing strategies. Article VIII: Administration of Membership Recruitment A. B. C. D. An early fall recruitment shall be held. The NPC quota-total system shall be followed. The preferential bidding systems shall be used. Except during the formal recruitment period, continuous open bidding shall be in effect during the school year (fall through spring) for all eligible women students. E. Chapters which do not fill basic quota during formal recruitment may continuously open bid until they reach chapter total. F. Every regular enrolled new member, initiate, or affiliate of a chapter shall be counted in the chapter total. a. A list of all new, initiated, and affiliated members shall be filed with the Panhellenic Advisor on the first day of classes each semester and one week after a recruitment period. b. Any de-pledging, termination, or other change in membership shall be reported to the Panhellenic Advisor within 48 hours after it has occurred. G. Summer Contacts a. Panhellenic is permitted to hold summer recruitment; however, activities cannot be sponsored by one individual fraternity, only by HPC. b. Any fraternity which violates summer recruitment will be subject to a judicial hearing. Any woman student going through recruitment who has participated in any form of summer recruitment, other than that approved by HPC, shall be required to appear before the Judiciary Committee. H. The Recruitment Rules for each period shall be adhered to by all regular fraternities. Article IX: New Members and Initiation A. A woman must be enrolled in at least 12 hours and have a 2.5 cum GPA at the University of Houston - Central Campus or previous high school if she has 29 hours or less to accept a bid for a fraternity. B. Any woman joining a fraternity during continuous open bidding must sign an HPC Open Bid Card and return it to the Panhellenic Advisor no later than 48 hours after pledging has occurred or a fine of $10 per day will be assessed. C. A new member may be initiated whenever she has met the requirements of the fraternity to which she has accepted a bid. Article X: Chapter Accountability A. Recruitment Rules Education Session as stated in Article V, Section B, letter F a. Seventy Percent of each fraternity must be in attendance or they will receive a fine of $20 for each woman they are under. The only exception to this rule is if a chapter has a previous chapter event mandated by a chapter nationals or approved by HPC. i. A mandatory chapter event is defined as: ritual, chapter sponsored event, philanthropic event, or any other event that is submitted and approved on the chapter calendar to HPC at the beginning of each semester. b. When the Recruitment Rules Education Session is complete, any chapters or chapter members that are not in attendance will still be held accountable for all information covered. B. Philanthropy Event compliance by Chapters a. If a fraternity member attends an event that has been presented but not approved by HPC, the fraternity as a whole will receive a $100 fine. This only applies to HPC philanthropy events. HPC members are also not to participate in events including, but not limited to: Recruitment, Philanthropic or registered Socials with Greek organizations that are not a member of a recognized Greek Council at the University of Houston. Article XI: Hazing A. All forms of hazing, pledge day, and/or pre-initiated activities which are defined as hazing shall be banned. B. Hazing includes any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Such activities and situations include creation of excessive fatigue, physical and psychological shocks, wearing publicly apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste, engaging in public stunts and jokes, morally degrading or humiliating games and activities, late night sessions which interfere with scholastic activities, and any other activities which are not consistent with the regulations and policies of the educational institution. C. For further information regarding University and State hazing regulations, see the Student Organizations Handbook or the Student Handbook. Article XII: Risk Management A. Because violations of risk management policy affect the entire community, HPC will ask a chapter to address the Judiciary committee in the event that HPC feels that the risk management standards of our community have been violated. HPC will refer to FIPG’s policies for management and planning of social events. Article XIII Extension A. When all NPC chapters at the University of Houston have continuously maintained total for a period of at least two years, the Panhellenic Council shall consider raising total or adding another chapter. B. Before undertaking any colonization efforts, HPC shall notify the NPC Extension Committee to receive guidance and support. C. A new chapter shall be organized through colonization by an NPC fraternity. D. Consideration should be given to NPC fraternities that have previously had chapters at the University of those NPC fraternities which have filed letters expressing an interest in the campus. Article XIV: Violations A. Any dispute arising out of the violation of the Panhellenic Association rules and regulations shall be adjusted through mediation. B. If an agreement is not reached through the mediation process, the matter shall be referred to the Judicial Committee. C. If the decision of the Judicial Committee is not acceptable, the matter may be appealed. Notice of intention to appeal shall be given to the Panhellenic Council President. All requirements as stated in the NPC Manual of Information shall be met. (See Unanimous Agreements - The College Panhellenic’s Agreement) D. Violations that are repeated infractions are not eligible for mediation and shall be subject to the Judicial committee. Article XV: Rules of Order A. The HPC shall be governed by the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, except in matters specifically provided for in the Constitution, By-laws, and Recruitment Rules. Article XVI: Amendments A. These by-laws may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members of the Houston Collegiate Panhellenic Association. Article XVII: Judicial Procedures A. Once an Infraction has been written, the first step is an off record attempt to settle the dispute through Mediation, in which a neutral 3rd party Mediator will be chosen who is not involved (most likely the Panhellenic Advisor). There will be no observers in attendance. B. If the issue has not been solved through Mediation, or is a repeat infraction, the next step is a Judicial Hearing which is also closed to the public. a. Participants are representatives from each fraternity involved, including the chapter advisor, HPC President and Advisor, and the Judicial Board. b. Order of Events i. Introductions and Charges read. ii. Opening statements by both parties. iii. The accused calls witnesses one by one- complaining party may cross examine. iv. Judicial Board members may ask the witnesses questions at any time. v. Closing statements by both parties. vi. Judicial Board members enters executive session for deliberationconsists of Judicial Board and Panhellenic Advisors. vii. Charges restated viii. Judicial Board presents motions and are discussed ix. Vote on motions x. Verdict of guild requires a 2/3rd vote from Board members xi. If found guilty the Judicial Board must determine the appropriate sanctions appropriate to severity of the violation. xii. Hearing is reconvened and decision of Judicial Board is read to the parties involved. xiii. The verdict must be put in writing and signed by parties on the report. xiv. Information regarding the appeals process must be provided using the College Panhellenic Notice of Appeal at the time the decision is read. C. An appeal of the Judicial Board decision may be made following the Appeals Procedure as outlined in the NPC UNANIMOUS AGREEMENT VII in the NPC Manual of Information.