WELCOME TO ST.FAUSTINA CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL! As a school community, St. Faustina has been blessed with very dedicated volunteers over the years and we want to encourage parents that are new to the area, or those who have been thinking of volunteering to join us in making every school year successful for our children. We understand that many parents are busy with work and extra curricular activities during the week, but even a small amount of time given can make a difference. Opportunities are available daily, weekly, monthly or as a special event. There are a variety of tasks that may require as little as 30 minutes a week and larger projects that involve working on an ongoing committee. Not only will giving some of your time and talent make a difference to the children of St. Faustina, but you will be joining a dynamic group of volunteers who are also parents in your community. Meeting new people and making friends is a wonderful fringe benefit to volunteering. HOW DO I BECOME A VOLUNTEER? DO I NEED A CRIMINAL RECORD CHECK? Please fill in our volunteer application form which will provide us with your contact information, availability and an understanding of the types of programs that interest you. Volunteers are required to apply for a criminal record check, which is standard for anyone volunteering their time with children. There is no cost for volunteers, but you are required to submit the form in person at Peel Police Headquarters at 3476 Glen Erin Drive in Mississauga. This process can take weeks so don’t delay! While the application is pending there are other programs that can benefit from your efforts. Many of our current volunteers started when their children were in kindergarten and their free time was limited to a few hours. We all understand how precious that time can be! However, giving even a small amount of time each week can help us provide the students of St. Faustina with a variety of services. It also gives you the opportunity to meet some fantastic people! WHERE DO I PICK UP THESE FORMS? These forms can be picked up at any time from the school office. Once you receive the official criminal record check in the mail, bring it by the office for verification. The school keeps a copy for their records and you keep the original. PROGRAM OPPORTUNITIES ☺ Volunteer Reading Coaches ☺ Printing Program ☺ Pizza lunches ☺ Fall BBQ ☺ Movie Nights ☺ Fundraising ☺ Special Events ☺ Dance-A-Thon ☺ ShareLife ☺ Playday/Hot Dog Day And many more…… We couldn’t run these programs without the dedication of our parent volunteers. We would love it if you came out and joined our team! In addition to volunteering in the school, you also have the opportunity to become a member of the School Council. Positions include: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Fundraising Chair, Special Events Chair, Education Chair, Parish Rep, OAPCE Rep, Community Rep and Parent Rep. If you simply want to come out to the meetings, everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. Meeting dates are communicated through the school newsletters and posted on the school website WHY DO WE VOLUNTEER? Many of our volunteers will tell you that they enjoy volunteering because they get to know the teachers, administrators and students from all grades. They know that their participation in the school has a positive influence on the morale and environment. Personally, volunteers also benefit because it gives them an opportunity to network with parents and make new friends. PARENTS of ST.FAUSTINA Come Join the ST. FAUSTINA CATHOLIC SCHOOL VOLUNTEERs! “I started volunteering at St. Faustina when my son was in JK. I wanted to meet the teachers and understand more about the school system. I keep volunteering because I too know I am making a difference. But what I enjoy most is the smile on the kid’s faces when they see me.” Parent “Parental involvement is one of the most significant factors contributing to a child’s success in school. When parents are involved in their children’s education, the level of student achievement increases. Students attend school more regularly; they complete more homework in a consistent manner and demonstrate more positive attitudes towards school.” School Improvement Planning: A Handbook for Principals, Teachers and School Councils Education Improvement Commission Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and stop keeping them away, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people like these. Matthew 19:14 May 2011