Iowa Sheep Industry Association

Iowa Sheep Industry
MISSION STATEMENT: “To serve ISIA members through an educational newsletter, act as a
central contact point for industry information and inform members of opportunities for
improved profit and stewardship.”
Educational Newsletter
ISIA members receive the Lamb & Wool newsletter 11 times per year. It provides educational
information, Association news and information as well as industry and legislative news. The
newsletter also helps unite a diverse industry by featuring articles and addressing issues
affecting the different segments of the sheep industry in Iowa.
Central Contact Point
ISIA serves as a central contact point for industry information by providing a communication
link between other sheep industry organizations at the state and national level, state and
federal agencies, other commodity and farm groups working within Iowa and the media.
Improved Profit &
Farm Fresh
Lamb Producers Directory
Lamb, fresh from the farm it was raised on, is a treat you
won’t find in the grocery store. This directory showcases
Iowa producers, by county, who have a variety of products
available. Call a local producer today and enjoy lamb
produced by folks just down the road.
ISIA developed the Iowa Farm Fresh Lamb Producers Directory to assist consumers who want
to enjoy lamb, but are unable to find it at their grocers meat counter. ISIA is also involved in
promotional and educational efforts aimed at consumers and K-12 students.
Service Providers
ISIA offers a Service Providers Directory to be used as a tool when individuals are looking for
a shearer, source of seedstock, equipment or other sheep service providers. Go to and click on “Service Providers Directory” for the full listing of selfsubmitted service providers.
The Service Providers Directory includes listings for:
 Bailing Services
 Breeding Stock
 Breeding Stock – Commercial
 Ration Development Services
 Breeding Stock – Registered
 Shearing Services
 Club Lambs
 Shearing Supply Services
 Feed Services
 Specialty Sheep Related Services & Products
 Feeder Lambs
 Trailer Sales
 Feedlot
 Ultrasound Technicians
 Fencing Supplies
 Veterinary Services
 Guard Animals
 Wool Buyers
 Lamb Buying Services
 Working Dogs
American Sheep Industry
ASI is a federation of 45 state sheep associations as well as individual members. It’s a
producer-driven organization with a Board of Directors, Executive Board, Councils &
ISIA members are also members of the American Sheep Industry (ASI) Association – the only
national sheep organization that represents the U.S. sheep industry in our nation’s capitol.
Members receive ASI’s monthly publication Sheep Industry News, and weekly news updates
and press releases via email.
ISIA’s website is another tool for education and communication, and opportunities for
improved profit and stewardship. The website is user-friendly and targets consumers as well
as members, producers and prospective members.
Iowa State Fair lamb
Iowa State Fair • August 9-19, 2012
Iowa Sheep & Wool
June 9-10, 2012
Dallas County Fairgrounds • Adel
Fiber Classes & Vendors, Fleece Show & Silent Auction, Fiber Guild Demonstrations, Sheep
Shearing Demonstrations, Sheepdog Trials & Demonstrations, Sheep & Goat Shows, Show
Lamb Clinic, Hall of Breeds, Photo Gallery & Contest, Sheep & Goat Educational Seminars,
Lamb Cook-Off & Cooking Demonstration, Lamb Lovers’ Feast, Industry Exhibitors & Vendors
Iowa Sheep & Wool
Promotion Board
 Established by the Iowa Legislature in the mid
 The board is comprised of one producer
representing each of Iowa’s nine crop reporting
 The ISWPB currently collects 10¢ per head on
sheep and 2¢ per lb. on wool. That money is used
for funding producer communications, product
promotion and education, including funding for
various ISIA projects and events
 Currently no research funding due to lack of
Legislative Activities
Ultrasound: Goals
 The Iowa Board of Veterinary Medicine has renewed their interest in moving forward
rules which would, among other things, define the “practice of veterinary medicine”
 Specifically affecting the sheep industry, the rulemaking would prohibit any person
who is not a veterinarian from diagnosing pregnancy (fetal age and fetal egg count)
 At this point in time, the Governor’s
office has put a hold on the rule to allow
for discussions among stakeholders. ISIA
is working with state beef, goat, equine
and dairy groups to resolve this issue
permanently outside the legislature
Legislative Activities
State Checkoff: Goals
1) Increase: the rate from 10¢ to 25¢ on all sheep sold
2) Extra Language:
 The rate can’t be lowered and can’t be raised by more than 5¢ once every three years
 The maximum rate is capped at 50¢
 The rate will only be changed after a producer comment period deems it necessary
 The 2¢ per lb. checkoff on wool will remain the same
3) Vote:
 Producers will have two options on the ballot: a
vote for the increase and a vote for the “extra
American Lamb Board
The American Lamb Board’s mission is to strengthen position in the marketplace for
domestic lamb through advertising, public relations, culinary education and retail
promotions through a national lamb checkoff.
Commodity Groups &
Other Involvement
 Iowa Agricultural Awareness Coalition
 Iowa Livestock Health Advisory Council
 Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers
 Iowa Foundation for Agricultural Advancement
 Iowa State 4-H Round-Up
 Center of the Nation – National Sheep Improvement Program Symposium & Sale
 Voting Delegate at Sheep Industry Annual Convention
 ASI Lamb Council
 ASI Production, Education & Research Council
 ASI Emerging Entrepreneurs Committee
 BRaNDS Sheep Nutrition Workshops & Meetings
 Iowa State University Meat Animal Evaluation Contest
 Farmer Veterans Coalition
Fast Facts About the Iowa
Sheep Industry
 Iowa is 5th in the nation in number of sheep operations, 10th in overall sheep numbers
 195,000 head (2012 National Agricultural Statistics Service)
 By County:
 Sioux
 Plymouth
 Fayette
 Buena Vista
 Hardin
 Lyon
 Chickasaw
 Johnson
 Cherokee
 O’Brien
 Davis
 Washington
 Jasper
 Story
 Sac
 Marshall
 Lynn
 Clay
 Dickinson
 Keokuk
Fast Facts About the
American Sheep Industry
State of the Industry
 National flock has 5.2 million head
 400,000 club lamb ewes or about 8%
 Historically, the national leader in sheep numbers is Texas,
but with drought conditions, numbers are expected to change
 Lamb consumption is still seen most on the coasts, but is increasing
in popularity in large metropolitan areas
Sheep milk, produced mostly in Wisconsin, is primarily made into cheese
 While there is a strong holiday-oriented supply of lamb, a year-round supply is
needed because there is an upward trend in demand around Muslim holidays
 The biggest growth in the sheep industry is in Kentucky and Tennessee on small
tobacco farms
 Sheep can be utilized to graze small pastures or run with cattle
Fast Facts About the
American Sheep Industry
State of the Industry: Wool & Pelts
 The largest consumer of American wool is the U.S.
 Average wool weighs in at 7.3 lb.
 U.S. pelts are the largest in the world averaging
8.5 sq. ft. and are primarily used for footwear
Different from the lamb
market, the wool market
is driven by world supply
 Here in the U.S., we have
a new process that allows
wool to be washed and dried without shrinking
 We’ve also been able to keep a large share of the sock
market here in the U.S.
Fast Facts About the
American Sheep Industry
Marketing Options
 Non-traditional markets currently make up 30% of sheep sales
 This includes farmers markets, small processing, direct farm sales and ethnic sales
 On the retail side, Kroger’s is currently the largest American lamb retailer in the
country selling 60% home-grown product; they have even started an in-store
American lamb branded campaign
 Another large lamb retailer, Super Wal-Mart made the commitment in 2011 to sell
exclusively American lamb for the next two years
Fast Facts About the
American Sheep Industry
 Let’s Grow with twoPLUS encourages sheep producers to:
1) increase the size of their operation by two ewes per flock or by two ewes per
100 head by 2014
2) increase the average birthrate per ewe to two lambs per year
3) increase the harvested lamb crop by 2% – taking it from 108% to 110%
Fast Facts About the
American Sheep Industry
 Management also plays a role in accomplishing these goals. Pre-breeding practices
like flushing, teasing, cross-breeding and vaccinating can increase conception rates.
Pre-lambing, produces should to reevaluate their vaccination programs, visit their
ever-faithful Sheep Production Handbook and have a plan in mind for labor to
increase the percent of lambs born alive. Also pay attention to predator control
through appropriate fencing and use of guard animals
 Continued education is recommended for all producers. Finding a mentor, taking
online courses and utilizing publications are all ways to increase your knowledge base
Micky Burch, ISIA Executive Director