Document 14435654

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configuration. Lithium doping was done with 1.69 mol BuLi solution (0.34 ml per 0.25 g
of VOx nanotubes, calculated to compensate each V5þ with one Li). Iodine doping was
done by submitting VOx nanotubes to iodine vapour for varying time intervals (0.5, 1, 1.5
and 2 h) from iodine crystals (0.125 g of VOx per 0.85 g of I) in evacuated (1.3 £ 1026 torr)
and sealed 125-cm3 quartz tubes. After 1 h, the nanotubes visibly darkened, with no
measurable change afterwards. All chemicals were from Aldrich. For magnetic
measurements, doped nanotubes were weighed and sealed under nitrogen in gel capsules
to avoid dopant oxidation (see ref. 8). Magnetic measurements were performed in a
SQUID magnetometer (MPMS, Quantum Design) in fields up to 5 T. For two-probe
transport measurements, the tubes were cast out of hexane solution onto oxidized silicon
substrates, which were e-beam prepatterned with Pt/Ti or Au/Ti electrodes. The oxide
thickness was 140 nm and the electrodes were 300 nm wide, with separation varied in the
200–800 nm range. All transport measurements were performed in vacuum (starting at
3.8 £ 1027 torr and prebaking for 17 h to improve contact resistance), with the in situ Li
doping from a commercial (SAES Getter) source, following an alkali-doping process used
for carbon nanotubes8. Li was added in fixed steps; in each step the source was heated by
applying current I ¼ 6.7 A for 1.5 min (see Fig. 4c).
Received 19 May; accepted 25 August 2004; doi:10.1038/nature02970.
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14. Tokura, Y. & Nagaosa, N. Orbital physics in transition-metal oxides. Science 288, 462–468 (2000).
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19. Kanada, M. et al. On the magnetic properties of systems with low dimensional linkage of VO5
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20. Limelette, P. et al. Universality and critical behavior at the Mott transition. Science 302, 89–92 (2003).
21. Yamauchi, T., Ueda, Y. & Mori, N. Pressure-induced superconductivity in b–Na0.33V2O5 beyond
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22. Pickett, W. E. Impact of structure on magnetic coupling in CaV4O9. Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 056402 (2004).
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26. Dobley, A. et al. Manganese vanadium oxide nanotubes: synthesis, characterization, and
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27. Wang, X., Liu, L., Bontchev, R. & Jacobson, A. J. Electrochemical-hydrothermal synthesis and
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Biogenically driven organic
contribution to marine aerosol
Colin D. O’Dowd1*, Maria Cristina Facchini2*, Fabrizia Cavalli2,
Darius Ceburnis1,3, Mihaela Mircea2, Stefano Decesari2, Sandro Fuzzi2,
Young Jun Yoon1 & Jean-Philippe Putaud4
Department of Experimental Physics and Environmental Change Institute,
National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Istituto di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e del Clima – Consiglio Nazionale delle
Ricerche, 40129 Bologna, Italy
Environmental Physics and Chemistry Division, Institute of Physics, Savanoriu
231, LT - 2053 Vilnius, Lithuania
European Commission, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Joint
Research Centre, 21021 Ispra, Italy
* These authors contributed equally to this work
Marine aerosol contributes significantly to the global aerosol
load and consequently has an important impact on both the
Earth’s albedo and climate. So far, much of the focus on marine
aerosol has centred on the production of aerosol from sea-salt1
and non-sea-salt sulphates2,3. Recent field experiments, however,
have shown that known aerosol production processes for inorganic species cannot account for the entire aerosol mass that
Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on
Acknowledgements We thank A. Afzali, K.-S. Cho, C. R. Kagan, F. X. Redl and S. Sun for technical
advice, C. A. Feild for chemistry insights, P. Y. Zavalij for his expertise in crystal structures,
B. Spivak and A. M. Tsvelik for discussions, and R. Ludeke for his contributions. This work is
supported in part by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA).
Competing interests statement The authors declare that they have no competing financial
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to L.K.-E. (
Figure 1 Organic matter at the sea surface. SeaWiFS-derived seasonal average (5-year)
sea-surface chlorophyll concentrations in winter (a) and spring (b), illustrating low
biological activity in North Atlantic waters during winter and high activity in spring
(courtesy of SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center and ORBIMAGE). The
location of Mace Head is shown in a. Marine air masses arrive at Mace Head after at least
96 h transit over the ocean from the Arctic and northwest Atlantic.
©2004 Nature Publishing Group
NATURE | VOL 431 | 7 OCTOBER 2004 |
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occurs in submicrometre sizes4–6. Several experimental studies
have pointed to the presence of significant concentrations of
organic matter in marine aerosol7–11. There is some information
available about the composition of organic matter12–14, but the
contribution of organic matter to marine aerosol, as a function of
aerosol size, as well as its characterization as hydrophilic or
hydrophobic, has been lacking. Here we measure the physical and
chemical characteristics of submicrometre marine aerosol over
the North Atlantic Ocean during plankton blooms progressing
from spring through to autumn. We find that during bloom
periods, the organic fraction dominates and contributes 63% to
the submicrometre aerosol mass (about 45% is water-insoluble
and about 18% water-soluble). In winter, when biological activity
is at its lowest, the organic fraction decreases to 15%. Our model
simulations indicate that organic matter can enhance the cloud
droplet concentration by 15% to more than 100% and is therefore
an important component of the aerosol–cloud–climate feedback
system involving marine biota.
During the year 2002 we performed measurements of sizeresolved physical and chemical properties of aerosols collected
in northeast Atlantic marine air arriving at the Mace Head Atmospheric Research Station, on the west coast of Ireland. Air
masses arriving at Mace Head under clean-sector selection criteria15
typically spent four days advecting over the North Atlantic Ocean,
more often emerging from the Canadian, Greenland and Arctic
regions and less frequently from northern USA and subtropical
regions15. Analysis of available data indicates that coastal influences
are negligible (see Supplementary Information).
Both the aerosol physical and chemical properties exhibited clear
seasonal patterns following biological activity in the North Atlantic.
Analysis of SeaWiFS-derived seawater chlorophyll, an indicator of
biological activity, shows high chlorophyll concentrations from
spring through to autumn, corresponding to the North Atlantic
plankton blooming period, and minimum concentrations occurring in winter. Figure 1 illustrates a roughly tenfold increase in
chlorophyll from winter to spring. Over the year, the period of low
biological activity (LBA) can be regarded as winter and the period of
high biological activity (HBA) can be regarded as spring through to
The aerosol chemical data were split into these two periods for
analysis and a marked contrast between them was found with
respect to the relative concentrations of inorganic salts, total organic
carbon (TOC), water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC), and waterinsoluble organic carbon (WIOC), particularly for the Aitken and
accumulation size ranges. The average relative chemical compositions and mass distributions for the LBA and HBA periods are
illustrated in Fig. 2, where the concentration of carbon classes are
reported as organic mass. The size fractions from 0.125 to 0.5 mm
cover the accumulation mode and the size fraction from 0.06 to
0.125 mm covers most of the Aitken mode.
During the LBA period, sea-salt aerosol dominated all size
fractions with a 74% (0.3 mg m23) contribution to the accumulation
Figure 2 Chemical composition of marine aerosols. Shown are average size-segregated
chemical compositions and absolute mass concentrations for North Atlantic marine
aerosols sampled with a Berner Impactor, for LBA (a) and HBA (b) periods. The
concentrations of WSOC, WIOC and BC are reported as mass of organic matter (see ref. 15
for a full discussion).
NATURE | VOL 431 | 7 OCTOBER 2004 |
©2004 Nature Publishing Group
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mode mass. The remainder of the mass in this mode comprised 10%
(0.045 mg m23) non-sea-salt (nss) sulphate and 15% (0.070 mg m23)
TOC. By contrast, in the HBA period, the TOC fraction increased
markedly, particularly for the submicrometre sizes, and this fraction
increased with decreasing size. For the HBA period, TOC in the
accumulation mode contributed 65% (0.619 mg m23) of the mass,
whereas sea salt contributed 10% (0.097 mg m23) and nss sulphate
23% (0.216 mg m23). The largest percentage contribution (83%) of
TOC occurred in the fine mode (0.06–0.125 mm). Across the
size range from 0.06 to 0.5 mm, the average WIOC and WSOC
contributions were 45% and 18%, respectively.
Detailed analysis of WSOC aerosol revealed the presence of partly
oxidized species with extended aliphatic moieties, partly attributable to high-molecular-mass species. Such compounds are responsible for the large decrease in surface tension observed in aerosol
water extracts15. Surface-active organic matter (OM) of biogenic
origin (such as lipidic and proteinaceous material and humic
substances), enriched in the oceanic surface layer and transferred
to the atmosphere by bubble-bursting processes, are the most likely
candidates to contribute to the observed organic fraction in marine
aerosol16,17. Such surface-layer enrichment of OM is readily seen in
terms of chlorophyll concentrations illustrated in Fig. 1.
The observed organic aerosol characteristics are consistent with
laboratory studies on aerosol generated from Atlantic sea water16
that showed a peak in organic aerosol concentration, and a
concomitant increase in WIOC and high-molecular-mass surfaceactive fractions, during periods of blooming phytoplankton. Moreover, the increasing enrichment of the aerosol organic fraction with
decreasing size is consistent with thermodynamic predictions18 of
bubble-bursting processes under conditions in which the ocean
surface layer becomes concentrated with surfactant material that
can be incorporated into sea-spray drops in addition to inorganic
Accumulation-mode and Aitken-mode size-distribution properties also reveal seasonal behaviour. Both modes were log-normally
distributed, with a minimum mean size in winter and a maximum
in summer. For the Aitken mode, the mean modal diameter
increased from 28 nm in winter to 46 nm in summer (Fig. 3).
Similarly, the mean modal diameter for the accumulation mode
increased from 97 nm in winter to 164 nm (maximum 195 nm) in
summer. As the modal diameter increased, the width of the
distribution also narrowed. The average concentration for the
accumulation mode remained constant in both periods
(N < 120 cm23), whereas the concentration for the Aitken mode
increased from about 150 cm23 in the LBA period to about
300 cm23 in the HBA period. The increase in mean aerosol size is
primarily driven by the increase in TOC and could be attributable to
either primary or secondary production processes. Secondary
aerosol formation should be demonstrated by modal growth over
timescales of 12–24 h, particularly under conditions of high solar
radiation; however, such growth was not observed in the cases
studied. If the aerosol OM arose from condensation, then a twofold
or threefold more OM should condense on super-micrometre sizes1
because of the dominant super-micrometre condensation sink;
however, the opposite was observed. Further, it is unlikely that the
dominant WIOC could be formed through cloud processing.
Primary production, in contrast, can also lead to such increases in
mean size: during the HBA period, the surface layer is enriched in
OM that becomes adsorbed on bursting bubbles. During the
bubble-bursting process that produces spray droplets, the OM can
displace water in the spray droplet and lead to a larger residual
aerosol size when the droplet water evaporates. At typical North
Atlantic wind speeds of 10 m s21, the primary marine aerosol flux20
is about 2 £ 106 m22 s21. Thus, after transit over the Atlantic,
primary aerosol generation can contribute an input of about
Figure 3 Seasonal characteristics of aerosol microphysics. North Atlantic Aitken-mode
and accumulation-mode log-normal aerosol size distributions are shown, based on
average fitted log-normal distributions for winter, summer and spring/autumn. For clarity,
the log-normal modes are truncated in regions of overlap between the Aitken and
accumulation modes. Log-normal parameters are given for each mode (N is the mode
concentration, d g is the mean mode size, and j is the standard deviation of the log-normal
Figure 4 Increase in CDNC due to the addition of OM. a, CDNC as a function of internally
mixed sulphate and sea salt (base case) and as a function of OM internally mixed with
sulphate and sea salt (base case plus OM). b, CDNC as a function of an external mixture of
sulphate and sea salt (base case) and of OM internally mixed with sea salt (base case plus
OM). c, Internal mixture of sulphate and sea salt (base case) and OM externally mixed
(base case plus OM). In all panels the black line shows the base case plus OM, and the
grey line the base case.
©2004 Nature Publishing Group
NATURE | VOL 431 | 7 OCTOBER 2004 |
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700 particles cm23 into the marine boundary layer aerosol. Notwithstanding removal processes for both continental and marine
aerosol, a primary source can easily explain the observed number
concentrations and organic fraction in clean marine air.
Thus, the combined aerosol physicochemical characteristics
indicate a significant primary aerosol source in which bubblebursting produces submicrometre particles21 enriched in insoluble
and high-molecular-mass OM16,19 and in which the increase in
particle size derives from an increased absorption of surface-active
organics onto bubbles as the concentration of biogenic OM in the
surface layer increases with biological activity. It should be noted
that secondary aerosol formation involving nss sulphate also
increases during the HBA period, and it is seen as an increase in
both total number concentration and nss sulphate mass during this
period; however, the increase is noticeably less that that of OM.
Because the population of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) is
typically dominated by submicrometre-sized particles, the data
presented here completely change the picture of what influences
marine CCN given that WSOC, WIOC and surface-active properties, all of which influence the CCN activation potential22,23, are
typically not parameterized in current climate models. To evaluate
the impact of this organic aerosol source on cloud microphysics,
cloud droplet number concentration (CDNC) has been calculated
with a cloud model (see Methods) for inorganic-only CCN (base
case) and inorganic plus organic CCN (base case plus organics). The
mixing state of the aerosol population can influence the predicted
CDNC; however, because this is not known, simulation results are
presented for both internally and externally mixed populations.
CDNCs for three state-of-mixing models are presented (see
Methods): first, one in which all species are internally mixed;
second, one in which sulphate is externally mixed whereas sea salt
and OM are internally mixed; and last, one in which sulphate and
sea salt are internally mixed and OM is treated as externally mixed.
The input size distributions are constrained by the combined size
and chemical distributions observed in the HBA period. For both
internally mixed models, the addition of WSOC mass, despite the
large WIOC fraction, increases CDNC by about 15–20% (Fig. 4)
over an updraught range of 0.1–3 m s21. By comparison, when OM
is treated as externally mixed aerosol, CDNC increases from about
29% at 1 m s21 to more than 100% at 3 m s21, thus showing a
significant impact of OM on CDNC. These results have significant
implications for the prediction of cloud albedo and cloud lifetime,
both of which are influenced by the cloud droplet population, which
in turn is driven by CCN properties. Further work is required to
determine the impact of complex mixed organic–inorganic CCN on
cloud properties.
Our results indicate that an important source of OM from the
ocean is omitted from current climate-modelling predictions and
should be taken into account. Furthermore, the production of
WSOC and WIOC in surface waters, their distribution in the surface
layer and their ultimate transfer to the aerosol phase warrants active
research to provide a full explanation of their relative contributions
to the marine aerosol as a function of biological activity. Given that
the evolution of micro-algae is driven by environmental change,
particularly increasing oceanic temperatures24, the production of
primary organic marine aerosol represents a newly identified and
potentially important component of the marine biota and climate
feedback system involving aerosols and clouds2,3.
Aerosol measurements
Size distributions (10–300 nm) were taken with a scanning mobility particle sizer, which
derived size distributions every 2 min. Clean air periods were screened from the
continuous measurements at Mace Head during 2002. A total of 25 periods over the year
were analysed for size distribution properties. The periods included in the data set covered
12–36-h sampling in clean air. The average size distribution of each period was fitted for
Aitken-mode and accumulation-mode log-normal parameters; each period was then
categorized by season. Nucleation modes, resulting from coastal particle formation events,
NATURE | VOL 431 | 7 OCTOBER 2004 |
were excluded from the analysis. The chemical composition measurements covered
typically 7 days’ intermittent sampling in the cleanest northeast Atlantic air. Seven such
samples comprised the HBA period average, and six such samples comprised the LBA
period average. A full description of sampling procedures and criteria is presented in ref. 15
as well as an evaluation of the possible contribution of sampling artefacts to the data
presented. It was found that if sampling artefacts were present, they were typically less than
the level of random uncertainty associated with the measurements.
Cloud droplet model
The cloud model is a one-dimensional lagrangian cloud-parcel model with explicit
microphysics, activation, and growth of a droplet population as a function of vertical
velocity, temperature, pressure, water vapour mixing ratio, liquid water mixing ratio and
saturation ratio inside the rising air parcel. The equilibrium saturation is computed with a
modified form of the Köhler equation and the cloud droplet surface tension variation as a
function of dissolved organic carbon concentration. The model is based on that reported
in ref. 23, and references therein, but with the addition of segregated chemistry over
internally and externally mixed aerosols. The aerosol size distribution function is
modelled for the air parcel by using a sectional representation. Three hundred size
sections, equally spaced on a logarithmic scale, are created between 0.01 and 16 mm. The
growth of the aerosol particles due to water vapour uptake is calculated on a moving grid
to eliminate numerical diffusion. This means that during the simulations the aerosol
particles keep their initial bin number, but their wet diameter varies with water
condensation or evaporation. In all simulations performed, the air parcel started rising at
98% relative humidity, 273 K and 800 mbar.
Aerosol mixing state input to simulations
Model 1 (sulphate–sea-salt–OM internal mix). The base case comprises an internal mix of
sulphate and sea salt, whereas the base case plus OM comprises an internal mix of sulphate,
sea salt and OM. In all models treated, the Aitken mode and the accumulation mode have
the following fixed log-normal j parameters: j Aitken ¼ 1.35 and j accumulation ¼ 1.49. For
the base case, d Aitken ¼ 30 nm and d accumulation ¼ 100 nm; N Aitken ¼ 300 cm23 and
N accumulation ¼ 100 cm23. When OM is added as an internal mix (base case plus OM), N
and j remain constant but d Aitken increases to 70 nm and d accumulation increases to 200 nm.
Model 2 (sulphate externally mixed; sea salt and OM internally mixed). The base case
comprises separate sulphate and sea-salt modes. For sulphate, d Aitken ¼ 70 nm and
d accumulation ¼ 200 nm; N Aitken ¼ 20 cm23 and N accumulation ¼ 20 cm23. For sea salt,
d Aitken ¼ 30 nm and d accumulation ¼ 100 nm; N Aitken ¼ 280 cm23 and
N accumulation ¼ 80 cm23. When OM is added as an internal mix with sea salt (base case
plus organics), only the sea-salt modal diameter changes, resulting in d Aitken ¼ 70 nm and
d accumulation ¼ 200 nm.
Model 3 (sulphate and sea salt internally mixed; OM externally mixed). The base case
comprises an internal mix of sulphate and sea salt, and d Aitken ¼ 70 nm and
d accumulation ¼ 200 nm; N Aitken ¼ 42 cm23 and N accumulation ¼ 37 cm23. OM is then
added to the aerosol population as an external mix with size distribution parameters
d Aitken ¼ 70 nm and d accumulation ¼ 200 nm; N Aitken ¼ 258 cm23 and
N accumulation ¼ 63 cm23.
Received 5 May; accepted 6 August 2004; doi:10.1038/nature02959.
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Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on
Acknowledgements This work was partly supported by the European Commission (Projects
QUEST and PHOENICS), Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology, and
the Irish Higher Education Authority, Italian Ministry of Environment (Italy–USA Cooperation
on Science and Technology of Climate Change). SeaWiFS chlorophyll products were provided by
the SeaWiFS project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center and ORBIMAGE.
Competing interests statement The authors declare that they have no competing financial
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to M.C.F.
Basal tyrannosauroids from China
and evidence for protofeathers in
Xing Xu1*, Mark A. Norell2, Xuewen Kuang3, Xiaolin Wang1, Qi Zhao1
& Chengkai Jia1
Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing 100044, China
American Museum of Natural History, New York 10024, USA
Tianjin Museum of Natural History, Tianjin 300074, China
* Present address: American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York City,
New York 10024, USA
Tyrannosauroids are one of the last and the most successful largebodied predatory dinosaur groups1–5, but their early history
remains poorly understood. Here we report a new basal tyrannosauroid from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation of western
Liaoning, China, which is small and gracile and has relatively
long arms with three-fingered hands. The new taxon is the
earliest known unquestionable tyrannosauroid found so far6–9.
It shows a mosaic of characters, including a derived cranial
structure resembling that of derived tyrannosauroids1–5 and a
primitive postcranial skeleton similar to basal coelurosaurians.
One of the specimens also preserves a filamentous integumentary
covering similar to that of other coelurosaurian theropods from
western Liaoning. This provides the first direct fossil evidence
that tyrannosauroids had protofeathers.
Theropoda Marsh, 1881
Coelurosauria sensu Gauthier, 1986
Tyrannosauroidea Osborn, 1905
Dilong paradoxus gen. et sp. nov.
Etymology. The generic name is derived from Chinese di
(emperor) þ long (dragon). The specific name refers to the surprising characters of this animal.
Holotype. A semi-articulated skeleton including an almost complete skull, IVPP (Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Beijing) V14243.
Referred material. IVPP V14242, a nearly complete skull and
associated presacral vertebrae; TNP01109 (in collections of Tianjin
Museum of Natural History), a partial skull. IVPP V11579 is here
referred to this taxon; however, on further analysis it may be
determined that it represents a second, closely related species of
Horizon and locality. Lujiatun, Beipiao, western Liaoning; older
than 128 and younger than 139 million years fine sand beds of the
lower part of the Yixian Formation10.
Diagnosis. A small tyrannosauroid distinguishable from other
tyrannosauroids by the unique presence of two large pneumatic
recesses dorsal to the antorbital fossa on the maxilla, a Y-shaped
crest formed by the nasals and lacrimals, an extremely long
descending process of the squamosal extending close to the mandibular articulation of the quadrate, a lateral projection of the
basisphenoid anterior to the basal tuber, very deep, sub-circular
interspinous ligamentous fossae on cervical vertebrae, robust scapula with a wide distal end (distal end twice as wide as the proximal
scapular blade) and a hypertrophied coracoid (dorsoventral length
about 70% of the scapular length).
Dilong paradoxus is a small tyrannosauroid (see Supplementary
Information for ontogenetic assessments and measurements of the
specimens). IVPP V14243, the largest of the known specimens, is
estimated to be 1.6 m in body length. The small size of Dilong
paradoxus, in comparison with more derived, large tyrannosauroids,
is consistent with the trend of size increase reported for this clade7,9,11.
Dilong paradoxus shares numerous derived cranial similarities with
other tyrannosauroids (Fig. 1a–f)1–5,12. The premaxilla has a deep
subnarial body. The anterior ventral edge of the maxilla is convex,
and dorsally the maxilla clearly excludes the nasal from participating in the antorbital fossa, a unique feature to tyrannosauroids13. In
lateral view, a small promaxillary fenestra is visible anteroventral to
the maxillary fenestra at the anterior margin of the antorbital fossa.
The nasals are fused at an early ontogenetic stage, as in a few
theropods and other tyrannosauroids1–5,14, but they are more similar
to other tyrannosauroids because of their convex dorsal surface1,3.
The pneumatic lacrimal is robust. The descending process of the
lacrimal is evidently concave along the orbital edge in lateral view;
anteroventrally it floors the antorbital fossa with the maxilla and
jugal. The jugal is anteriorly pneumatic and contributes significantly to the border of the antorbital fenestra. Right under the orbit,
the ventral margin of the jugal is bent and thickened, forming a welldeveloped corneal process. The prefrontal is reduced, although it
still separates the posterior margin of the lacrimal from the frontal.
The supratemporal fossae, separated by a low sagittal crest, extend
extensively onto the frontals, occupying large portions of their
lateroposterior edges. The lateral nuchal crest is fairly high relative
to most other theropods. The quadratojugal is massive and dorsally
expanded modestly, suggesting the presence of a weak quadratojugal–squamosal flange dividing the lateral temporal fenestra. The
quadrate is posterodorsally orientated and has a pneumatic opening
on the posterior surface as in many coelurosaurians15. The supraoccipital ridge is prominent and the paroccipital process is laterally
directed. The basicranium is extensively pneumatized, with a deep
basisphenoidal recess that contains large foramina, and is posteroventrally orientated. The mandibular fenestra, if present, must be
extremely small. The articular is pneumatic and has a reduced
retroarticular process that is orientated posteriorly. A long supradentary is present; however, because of preservation it is not
apparent if it was fused to a separate coronoid. As in other
tyrannosauroids1,3, the premaxillary teeth are closely packed and
more mediolaterally than anteroposteriorly orientated. They are
©2004 Nature Publishing Group
NATURE | VOL 431 | 7 OCTOBER 2004 |