Name: Walungwa
First name: BITELA
Last name: Christian
Nationality: Congolese
Date of birth: August 17TH, 1975
Marital status: Married
Nationality: Congolese
Name of wife: LUUNDO MBOBOCI
Passport number: OBO347641
Tel : +243998676616
E mail : bitelachristian@yahoo.fr
2004-2006: Getting a graduate degree in English at the Teacher’s Training College of Bukavu /DRC
1996-1999: Getting an undergraduate degree in English at the Teacher’s Training College of Bukavu
19B7-1994: Getting a state diploma in Mathematics and Physics
1981-1987: Getting a primary school certificate at Bwiseelelo / Baraka
2013 up to now: Coordinator of ASED (Association pour la Solidarité des Enfants Démunis ) we
were in charge of looking at orphaned children by protecting their interests;
Tasks :
To coordinate all activities of the organization
To protect orphaned children through their rights
To look for fund in order to support orphaned children.
To attend to different meetings
August 2007- May 2012: In charge of Librarian and Trainer at Réseau d’Innovation
Organisationnelle (RIO- ECC South Kivu Province):
-To monitor the work of Human Resources assistants in carrying out all human resources
administrative transactions including preparations of personnel actions , maintenance of staffing
table and processing of contract.
- To organize the staff and partner meetings
-To control the timesheet of personnel and preparing the reference terms of each activities held in
our organization.
-Children protection held by RIO activities on the ground by training them in different fields
-To give student books and to design different ideas in order to be submitted to the RIO hierarchy.
-To support human resources staff in other offices
- To interpret and apply human resources policies, rules and regulations.
-To design, monitor and evaluation of activities on the ground
- To write regularly context analysis of securities issues in order to submit to partners.
-A good experience of advocacy and lobbying and lecture literacy seminar’s partners of RIO in the
Great lakes Regions,
1997: A Great Britain Oxfam supervisor in Congolese Refugees Camp in Nyarugusu / Tanzania in
the field of sanitation and community protection.
-To assure the protection of the community living the Congolese refugees camp in Nyarugusu /
-To sensitize different people who are affected of AIDS and sexual violence
-To sensitize people about the environment and ecosystems
- To submit each time the report to the Oxfam Britain hierarchy
-To assist in the implementation of the sensitization programs, play the role of communication link
between local community and authorities.
2OOO: A national supervisor of vaccination in Fizi territory
Tasks :
-To ensure the vaccination to countryside people in the Fizi territory
-To ensure disease check up
2001-2003: English teacher and also an English examiner in Rwanda
-Teaching English in the 3rd until 6th forms
-The national Rwandan examiner
2004-2005: English teacher at Bya’ene High School
Teaching English in the first until the six form at Bya’ene High school in Bukavu/ DRc
To translate all school projects written in French into English language
2006-2007: Bishopric English Secretary of the Free Methodist Church in the DR Congo and
Tasks :
-To facilitate communication between visitors and the local communities and ensure accurate
translation and interpretation.
-To translate official documents from one language to other with clarity and precision
-To file the documents and to receive, write and response different letters
2006 : An English interpreter of TPI (Training Pastors International) in Bukavu
Tasks :
To interpret visitors into English and French Language
To write the report of the whole seminar in English language
To assist visitors in order to get the visas issues and to look for them the place to live in
the different hotels of Bukavu / RDC
July 24th -28th, 2006: English interpreter in the Training Pastors international seminar held in
Bukavu /DRC
From 7th up to 14th of April 1997 : completed a workshop on water , sanitation and community
activities at Nyarugusu in the Congolese Refugees Camp in Tanzania,
24 September 2OO7: Attending to a workshop of visual Problem Appraisal Assessment on peace
impact in Bukavu ;
13 -16 NOVEMBER 2007 : Attending to a workshop of Alternative to Violence Project Bukavu ;
6-8th December 2OO7: Attending to workshop organized by CCDPR in struggling against sexual
exploitation and minor prostitution in the town of Bukavu/DRCONGO;
22 -25 January 2008: Attending to a workshop of the project of Visual Problem Appraisal on
Soldier Children Integration in the armed groups in Bukavu organized by WAGENINGEN
14 -15TH March 2OO8: Attending to a workshop of South Kivu Youth face to the world of
5 -8th May 2008: Trainer of adult in reading and writing literacy in peace education in Kalehe
/South Kivu Province;
22- 25 July 2008: Trainer of Youths in the field of debate as a tool of training to democracy, to the
leadership and children protection policy;
October 26th up 30TH , 2009 : attending to the seminar based on CINEDUC( Cinema d’éducation à
travers la paix) in Bukavu ;
-Attending to the design of literacy module in the fields of AIDS donated by DIFAEM/ GERMANY at
RIO –ECC/ South Kivu;
-Trainer of literacy in all territories of the SOUTH KIVU PROVINCE in the fields of peace building,
AIDS even also new approach REFLECT;
-From 11th up to 15 July 2011: attending actively to the training ‘ Gestion Optimale des Ressources
Humaines dans une ONG’ done by AXYOM inspiring Non-Profit and Life Peace and Institute in
Bukavu/ DRC. The following themes have been developed : introduction à la gestion des ressources
humaines et cadre légale, sélection du personnel et profils de poste , le contrôle interne en RH ,
gestion axe sur les performances , gestion administrative du personnel , vers une gestion optimal
des ressources humaines.
August 12 to 13 / 2011 : attending actively to the training based on the elections , Questions
identitaires et enjeux de l’offre , politique en RDC organized by VERBATIMS (Institut International
et appui pour la prévention des conflits identitaires) in Bukavu ;
From August 2Oth up to September 20th , 2011 : Trainer of Women activist of peace in all
territories of South Kivu Province (Walungu , Fizi , Shabunda , Mwenga , Idjwi , Uvira , Kabare ,
Kalehe and Bukavu town ) in the fields of violence , mediation , advocacy , negotiation , lobbying
and children protection) in the project IFA funded by GERMANY.
From 1O up to 11 October 2O11: attending to workshop of Elections in the RD CONGO, organized
by le Bureau Genre et Elections /DE de la MONUSCO in Bukavu .
From 27 up to 29 April 2012: Trainer of adult in reading and writing by introducing the new
approach called ‘REFLECT’.
From 5th - 18th August ,2013 in Kigali , Bujumbura , Gitega and Uvira attending in conference of
peace , justice and cross-cultural program.
October 2008: Interpreter of Nynke Douma of Whyze Foundation / The Netherlands in the field of
rape against women, children and community protection, follow up of different activities funded
by CORDAID in the territories of South Kivu province such as Mwenga , Uvira and Fizi .
From 5th up to 12 July 2011 : Interpreter in the workshop of peace and justice based on children
protection in collaboration with Communauté des Eglises des Amies au Congo(CEACO) and George
Fox university of USA in UVIRA/ DRCONGO;
From the first up to 6TH June 2012: interpreter of DAN from IRCT/DANMARK in the following
organizations: MAMAS FOR AFRICA, PANZI HOSPITAL, REMAK, IFDP and CMM in the field of sexual
violence, torture, detunes on the referral systems.
From July up to now 2012: Trainer and set up monitoring tools of the staff members of nonprofit
organization called GRONGD South Kivu in Bukavu/DRC
November 2012: Translator of English and French of Dr. ing Junger Vasters in the workshop named
January 22Nd up 31th: Translator of MERCYCORPS team in English and French on different themes
such as: good governance, wash, agricultural, natural resources issues in Bukavu town.
1 . Christian Walungwa Bitela ( 2O11 : 158) : la situation Alarmente face aux violences sexuelles à
l’est de la RRDC . In la situation des droits de l’homme en RDC à la veille des élections
présidentielles et législatives de Novembre 2O11. Aux éditions ACP, Paris – France.
2 . Christian Walungwa Bitela (2011) : Etat de lieux des droits humains au Sud Kivu , unpublished
Bukavu / DRC ‘article’ .
3. Christian Walungwa Bitela (2O11) : Territoire de Fizi au Sud kivu et ses Conséquences des
Violences , Unpublished ; Bukavu / DRC ‘article’.
4. Christian Walungwa Bitela (2012) : A field Analysis of armed groups in the South Kivu Province ;
Unpublished / Bukavu DRC’article’.
5. Christian Walungwa Bitela (2O11) : Echange Mutuel des Jeunes et la Consolidation de la Paix au
Sud Kivu . Unpublished , Bukavu/DRC ‘Article’.
6.Christian Walungwa Bitela (2010) : The Dynamics of Conflict in the South Province . Unpublished,
Bukavu. Article
7. Christian Walungwa Bitela (2O10) : Analyse Profonde sur le Conflit Foncier et Administratif dans
les territories d’Uvira et de Fizi. Unpubllished , Bukavu ,DRC ‘article’.
8. Christian Walungwa Bitela (2005-2006) : An attempt to a Contrastive Analysis of English and
Bembe(54) social deixis . Thesis , Bukavu / DRC
9. Christian Walungwa Bitela(1998-1999) : Criticizing the teaching of new Vocabulary items case of
Lycée Bethel in Bukavu /DRC
1. Professor Susanne Alldén
Lecturer at Université Evangelique en Afrique/ Bukavu- DRC
E mail : susanne.allden@gmail.com
Te l : +243974211473, +243819092158
2. Dr. Omar mc. Doom
Lecturer at London School of economics and political science/ UK
Email: omcdoom@gmail.com
Tel: +442079557557
3. Nynke Douma
Whyze foundation in the Netherlands
Email: n.douma@whyze.eu
Tel: +31649745788
Fluency in written and spoken English ; even also fluency in writing spoken French.
Good at speaking and writing Kiswahili
Good at Computer windows and excel
Proven interpersonal skills and the ability to establish and maintain effective working relations
with people in a multicultural, multi-ethnical environment with sensibility and respect for
To demonstrate skills effectively develop work to accomplish assigned verification inspection tasks
in a time manner.
Original and creativity thinking, independent judgment and discretion in advising on and
handling issues and problems arising in the job.
I swear the information given is true and honest
Done in Bukavu March 24th, 2015