108 St. Anne's Roman Catholic Church Brampton, Ontario Readings for Sunday, November 6, 2011 THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: Wisdom 6.12-16 Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4.13-18 Gospel: Matthew 25.1-13 LAMP INTENTIONS The Two Sanctuary Lamps, the St. Anne Lamp, the Sacred Heart Lamp, the Divine Mercy Lamp and the Padre Pio Lamp burn for Your Special Intention: This week the lamps are burning for: LAMP NO. 1: LAMP NO. 2: SACRED HEART ST. ANNE LAMP: DIVINE MERCY: PADRE PIO: For the soul of Alibina Zufich For the soul of Alibina Zufich For the soul of Jonathan Faria For the soul of Albina Zufich For the soul of Alibina Zufich For the soul of Albina Zufich Monday, October 31, 2011 9:15 am † Albina Zufich Tuesday, November 1, 2011 9:15 am † Valdevit and Corona families Wednesday, November 2, 2011 9:15 am All Souls in Purgatory 7:00 pm All Souls in Purgatory VOCATIONS “The greatest among you will be your servant.” Can I respond to God as a priest, deacon, brother or sister? If God is calling you, contact: Fr. Hansoo Park (416) 968-0997. Email: vocations@vocations.ca www.vocationstoronto.ca EDGE NEWS ATTENTION Parents of Children in Grades 6, 7 & 8: Due to a lack of volunteers who can offer their time weekly, EDGE Nights will take place only on the last Friday of each month unless otherwise stated on the bulletin board. EDGE Youth Ministry registration forms can be obtained from & returned to the church office. 7 PM FRIDAY YOUTH MASS CHOIR Announcing… Youth Mass Choir Practices: 5:30-6:55 pm @ St. Anne’s Church Then we sing @ 7 pm Friday Mass Do you sing or play an instrument? Are available from 5:30 – 8 pm most Fridays? Please leave your contact information in the Church office if you are interested in singing or playing an instrument with us. All volunteers 18 & over must have a volunteer screening & a vulnerable sector police check LIFE TEEN Thursday, November 3, 2011 9:15 am † Giovanni Esposito Friday, November 4, 2011 9:15 am Open Intentions 7:00 pm † Riccardo Jonni Saturday, November 5, 2011 9:15 am † Lucy & Gregory Moraes and Natalia & Raymond Rodrigues Life Teen will meet every Saturday evening in the Stephenson room for teens in grades 9 – 12 beginning at 6:00 p.m. high school Please bring a age friends with you! friend or JABEZ PRAYER GROUP Jabez Prayer Group meets at 7:30 pm every Wednesday evening in the Fraser room. New members are always welcome CENTERING PRAYER GROUP Centering Prayer Group gathers on Thursday mornings after the 9:15 a.m. Mass and Rosary All are welcome to join for quiet meditation, movie and discussion. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS WORLD MISSION SUNDAY THANK YOU!! Thank you very much for your generous support of World Mission Sunday last week. Your prayers and donations will make a huge contribution to the growth of the Church and to the well-being of the poor of our world. Please continue to pray for all those who serve in mission countries that they may remain steadfast in their vocation to bring Christ’s message of love to those they serve – the world’s most vulnerable.. SUNDAY MISSALS Sunday Missals for 2012 are available in the Religious Articles Store after all weekend Masses for $4.00 each. REMEMBER TO MOVE YOUR CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR BEFORE GOING TO BED NEXT SATURDAY EVENING. THE NEW TRANSLATION – “LORD GOD OF HOSTS” One of the oldest prayers of the Mass is the Sanctus (“Holy, Holy, Holy”). It is composed of two parts, the first of which is based on the hymn that the prophet Isaiah heard the angels singing when he had a vision of God’s glory (Isaiah 6:3). The second contains the greeting of the crowds “Hosanna … Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” (Psalm 118:25‐26) when Jesus entered Jerusalem before his passion (Matthew 21:9). The first verse of the Sanctus features one of God’s chief titles from the prophetic books of the Old Testament: “Lord God Sabaoth” appears hundreds of times, mostly in Isaiah and Jeremiah. The original and official Latin text of the Mass does not translate the Hebrew word “Sabaoth,” which means “armies,” just as we do not translate other Hebrew words like “Alleluia” and “Hosanna.” There is much discussion about the meaning of the phrase, and the consensus is that “Sabaoth” refers to the heavenly armies of angels. Our current wording, “Lord God of power and might,” is an interpretation that tries to capture the majesty of God but is not entirely successful. Without the connection to the Bible, power and might have many connotations which are not helpful. For example, we talk about “nuclear power” or “military might.” Since “armies” has many of the same problems as 108 “power and might,” it was decided that the new Roman Missal should use an older word for armies, “hosts” which nowadays refers exclusively to the heavenly powers. This is also consistent with the way “Lord God Sabaoth” is translated in the readings at Mass. So, we will say or sing, “Lord God of hosts.” Like the vision of heaven which Isaiah had in the Temple, every Mass grants us an experience of the living God and we hear the song of the angelic hosts “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.” Christ’s gift of the Holy Eucharist, however, brings us much closer to God than Isaiah could ever have imagined: Even on earth we are able to participate in the heavenly song because our baptism has made us sharers of God’s life in grace. NOVEMBER MASSES FOR THE HOLY SOULS The month of November is traditionally dedicated to prayers for the dead. One of the Masses each Wednesday has been reserved for this intention. If you wish to request prayers for deceased members of your family, please fill out the special ALL SOULS ENVELOPE and return it to the Church. Prayer requests will be reserved in a special place in the sanctuary during the month of November. ROSARY RALLY 416-701-0678 MINISTRY OF CONSOLATION TRAINING Office of Formation for Discipleship is offering the Ministry of Consolation Training for those who are ministering to the bereaved in a parish setting. New and experienced parish bereavement volunteers/ministers are welcome to attend. This training will be held at St. Francis Xavier Parish, Mississauga on Saturdays, November 5, 12 & 19, 2011 – 9:45am to 3:15 pm. Registration fee is $60.00. For further information contact Sally Amaral at (416) 721‐3741 ST. THOMAS AQUINAS SECONDARY SCHOOL REGIONAL CENTRE FOR THE ARTS OPEN HOUSE Thursday, November 10, 2011 @ 6:45 PM Please attend with a parent MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Refresh and rekindle your love for each other by treating yourselves to a marriage enrichment weekend at Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre, or give a weekend as a gift to family or friends. The Centre offers comfort, excellent cuisine and an inspiring program. The next weekend is Nov. 25-27th. For information call: 905-278-8879 or 905-829-0116. To register call Queen of Apostles: 905-278-5229 5TH ANNUAL ALTERNATIVE TRICK OR TREAT ST. EDMUND CAMPION S.S. Saturday, November 5, 2011 At St. Paschal Baylon Church 92 Steeles Avenue West, thornhill, ON L4J 1A1 1:00 PM Children’s Rosary Rally 3:00 pm Family Rosary Rally 5:00 p.m. Sunday vigil Mass celebrated by Most Rev. William McGrattan 7:00 pm Youth rosary Rally Free admission! Free Rosaries and gifts. For more information, please contact Sr. Marilina Cinelli, C.P., Spiritual Director of the Rosary Apostolate at The Student Council at St. Edmund Campion will be holding it’s Fifth Annual Alternative Trick or Treat on Monday, October 31st, 2011 between 5 pm and 8:30 pm. We will be providing families in our community with small children (ages 10 and under) an opportunity to trick or treat in the warm, safe environment of the school matrix. The evening will be filled with many games, prizes and treats). The entrance fee (per family) is $2 or 2 non-perishable food items which will be donated to charity. For more information contact Jennifer Perrotta at 905-846-7124 ext. 72187 GROUP SALES There will be a Group Sales fundraiser next week-end in the Stephenson room following all Masses. Please come and support this worthwhile endeavour and maybe get a head start on your Christmas shopping!!!