St. Maria Goretti Catholic Elementary School

St. Maria Goretti Catholic Elementary School
121 Royal Orchard Drive Brampton, Ontario L6X 4K9
TEL (905) 454 - 4458
FAX (905) 454 – 0360
A. Tavares
S. Steer
D. D’Souza
N. Eisan
Associate Pastor
St. Anne Church
Fr. J. Cherickal
Fr. F. Morrone
MARCH 2016
Our Virtue in March: Kindness
God wants us to be kind to everyone we meet. Being kind is about more than just pretending
to be nice. It is about helping and playing with others, because we want to do what is right and
good. God helps us to be kind to our family and friends because by being kind we are able to
see God in every one we know. The challenge is to be kind to people beyond family and
friends. This is the way of our Lord – our leader. The face of Jesus Christ can be found in
every person you meet.
“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless”. Mother Teresa
Lenten Prayer
Almighty and Everlasting God, You have given the human race Jesus Christ our Saviour as a model of
humility. He fulfilled Your will by becoming man and giving His life on the Cross. Help us to bear
witness to You by following His example of suffering and make us worthy to share in His
Resurrection. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen
Catholic Education Week – May 1-6, 2016
Catholic School Council
Theme: Opening Doors of Mercy
“Blessed are the merciful, for they will
receive mercy.” – Matthew 5:7
The sub-themes for Catholic Education Week
2016 are as follows:
Lives the Gospel
Our next meeting will be on:
Wednesday, March 30th
At 6:30 p.m.
All parents are invited to join us.
EQAO: Education Quality and Accountability Office
Administration of the Primary (Grade 3) and Junior (Grade 6) Assessments of reading, writing
and mathematics, 2016 will be held May 25 to June 8, 2016. The specific dates will be
forthcoming.We ask that parents/guardians do not book doctor, dentist or vacations during
this time to ensure that your child is present during test taking times.
The KISS and RIDE LANE is designed to be a quick and convenient method to drop off children at
school, without the need to park or leave your vehicle.
Parking in the Kiss and Ride Lane is prohibited.
Illegally parked vehicles pose a danger to students and pedestrians.
Parking in the school drive through lane is prohibited.
After dropping children at Kiss and Ride, parents are to use the front driveway as a drive through.
There is no parking.
If you wish to walk your child to school, please park in a designated parking spot or park on Royal
Orchard Drive.
Please be advised, that the City of Brampton, Parking Enforcement will be present to heighten safety
awareness during peak drop off and pick up times.
Do not park in spots designated, with signage in Handicapped and Reserved Parking.
Follow us on Twitter @StMariaGorett - for the latest news and information about
the great things happening at our school.
Visitors to the School
When you enter the school, you are a relative, and care giver to the children that you are
responsible for. You are a stranger to all other children. In our effort to ensure the safety of
all our students, we ask that you follow protocol. When you enter the school, you must come
to the office to check in and sign in if needed. You will be given a Visitor’s Pass if necessary.
We must know who is in the school at all times.
The St. Maria Goretti School Recommends Bake it Up! recipe book which has all sorts
of recipes that fit the governments nutritional guideline. If you would like to take a
look at the entire book go to
Best-Ever Chocolate Cookies
Your family and friends will never know that bran cereal is one of the ingredients in
these delicious cookies. Make a couple of batches of these – they are sure to be a bestseller!
1 cup all-purpose flour 250 mL
½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder 125 mL
1 tsp baking soda 5 mL
¼ tsp salt 1 mL
2 large eggs 2
½ cup soft, non-hydrogenated margarine 125 mL ¾ cup packed brown sugar 175 mL
1½ cups quick-cooking rolled oats 375 mL
1 cup bran cereal (not flakes) 250 mL
¾ cup white chocolate chips 175 mL
1. Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Use ungreased baking sheets or line baking sheets
with parchment paper.
2. In a small bowl, sift flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt.
3. In a large bowl, beat eggs, margarine and brown sugar. Fold in flour mixture. Stir in
oats, bran cereal and chocolate chips.
4. Drop dough by heaping tablespoonfuls (15 mL), about 2 inches (5 cm) apart, onto
baking sheets.
5. Bake for 7-9 minutes or until just crisp. Let cool on baking sheets on a wire rack for
5 minutes, then remove to rack to cool completely.
Adapted and reprinted from Simply Great Food © 2007 Dietitians of Canada. Published by
Robert Rose Inc.
Makes 36 cookies
Important Dates to Remember
March 14-18:
March Break.
March 9:
Lenten Mass @ 1:30 p.m.
March 24:
Stations of the Cross @ 1:30 p.m. – parents welcome
March 25 & 28: Good Friday & Easter Monday– No School
March 30:
School Council @ 6:30 p.m.
March 31:
Virtue Assembly @ 2:00 p.m.
April 4:
School Council @ 6:30 p.m. – Parents welcome
April 11:
P.A. Day – No classes for students
April 12:
Grade 8 Grad photos
April 22:
Grade 7 & 8 Immunization Clinic
April 22:
Earth Day
April 28:
Virtue Assembly @ 2:00 p.m. – parents welcome
May 1-6:
Catholic Education Week – details will follow
May 4:
Family Night - activities hosted by Aussie X – Details will follow
May 9:
School Council @ 6:30 p.m. – parents welcome
May 18:
Welcome To Kindergarten Evening @ 6:00 p.m.
May 19:
Virtue Assembly @ 2:00 p.m.
June 27:
Grade 8 Graduation Ceremony
Dressing for Winter Weather
Winter is here! Please encourage your child to dress appropriately for the cold weather. Outdoor play is
a healthy and invigorating activity when students are wearing suitable clothing and warm mittens.
Please write your child’s name on boots, mitts, hats, jackets and snow pants. Children must change
into their indoor shoes for warmth, comfort and cleanliness in their classrooms. Please keep an extra
pair of mittens, socks and even track pants in your child’s school bag in case they need a dry change of
Our day begins promptly at 8:30 a.m. Students who arrive late for class often miss vital
instructional time, interrupt classroom routines and disrupt the learning of others. Attendance
and punctuality are essential components of the elementary school program. The first few
minutes in a class are critical. During this time the teacher deals with the many issues that
individual students share as well as introducing the first lesson of the day. When your child
arrives late, he/she will have missed some important information.
Student Accident Insurance
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board annually provides parents with information
regarding cost-effective student accident insurance coverage. Although enrolment is voluntary,
the Board encourages parents to take advantage of this inexpensive insurance
coverage, especially if your child (ren) participate in sports, excursions/field trips,
other extra-curricular activities and/or if parents do not have dental insurance
coverage. Further information regarding this insurance can be obtained by contacting Reliable
Life Insurance at 1-800-463-KIDS (5437) or visiting
Pictures/Video at School Events
Parents are reminded that due to confidentiality and privacy laws, pictures and videos should
NOT be taken at school events such as concerts, sports games, or liturgical celebrations. You
will have the opportunity to take pictures of your own child after the event. Thank you for your
cooperation and support.
Dropping off Lunches
Lunches should be dropped off: Between 11:45 AM and 12:15 PM.
Parents please label the lunches and the drinks with the student and teacher’s name. Parents
can simply place their child’s lunch in the appropriate basket. Students will deliver the lunches to
the classrooms.