Document 14430953


121 Royal Orchard Drive Brampton, Ontario L6X 4K9

(905) 454 - 4458 FAX (905) 454 – 0360



Vice Principal



S. Mifsud

G. Prajza

L. Zanella

Head Secretary



N. Eisan

St. Anne Church

Fr. E. Murphy

Associate Pastor Fr. D’Souza


Our Virtue in May: Acceptance

A Prayer to Our Lady

O Mary, recall the solemn moment when Jesus, your divine Son, dying on the

Cross, confided us to your maternal care.


You are our Mother, we desire ever to remain devout children. us therefore feel the effects of your powerful intercession with Jesus Christ.

Holy Mary, help those in need, give strength to the weak, comfort the sorrowful, and pray for all God’s people.

May all who seek your help, experience your unfailing protection. Amen.

Virtue for the Month of May: Acceptance

The virtue of Acceptance means we accept ourselves and others just the way we are. Acceptance is the ability to respect the dignity and rights of people of all ages, beliefs, genders, cultures and abilities. God created each of us in His image and belonging to God’s family means that we love and welcome everyone just as Jesus did.

Catholic Education Week

May 7 th – 11 th

“Walking in the Light of Christ”

Monday – Listening in the Light of Christ

Tuesday – Learning in the Light of Christ

Wednesday – Living in the Light of Christ

Thursday – Loving in the Light of Christ

Friday – Leading in the Light of Christ

“A brochure of events will be going home”

Catholic School Council

Next Meeting:

Wednesday, May 16 th

@ 6:00 pm.

EQAO Provincial Assessment

Each year grade three and grade six students in Ontario are assessed in reading, writing and mathematics for a period of five days. This year the dates for this assessment are:

May 23, 2012 to

June 6, 2012.

Please make every effort to ensure your child’s regular attendance during this time.

Thank you.

SMG “Walking in the Light of Christ”

Open House

Tuesday, May 8


@ 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Students must be accompanied by a parent

Tickets for the BBQ are sold in atrium every morning from


– 8:30 a.m. until Friday, May 4, 2012.

Please join us!!

Pennies for Patients

Congratulations St. Maria Goretti on a truly fantastic job with Pennies for Patients!

All of the pennies, nickels, quarters and dimes have been added and the results are in.

We raised $ 3,230.54. We were the second highest school to donate in the province of Ontario!

Thank you to all of our families for your outstanding support!

Elementary Summer School

Grade 7 and 8

This program is designed for those students whose achievement in Language and Mathematics indicates that they are likely to experience difficulty. Students’ eligibility for the summer school program will be determined by the principal, and classroom teacher, in consultation with parents and the student. If you would like further information, please contact your child’s teacher.

Literacy Camp – SK – Gr. 6

Continuing education offers a literacy reinforcement and enhancement program for students from SK to grade 6. Registration is available only through teacher referral. The program costs $200.00 per week.

Pizza Days

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs.

LaFontaine for volunteering to do our pizza days all year. We appreciate all that she does for our school.

Our last pizza day this year will be May 22 nd


Medical Alert-Anaphylactic shock- Nut Allergies

This year we will continue to have some students with severe life threatening food allergy to nuts (peanut) allergies. This is a medical condition that causes a severe reaction to certain allergens and can result in death within minutes. Although this may not affect your child directly, please send lunches and snacks to school with your children that are free from peanuts or nut products. We ask that you do not send in food products for the whole class to celebrate birthdays or social occasions. A donation of stickers, pencils, book or a game to the classroom is a safe alternative to food products and will be enjoyed so much longer by the children. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher if you have any concerns or questions. We thank you for your co-operation and attention to this health watch.


The KISS and RIDE LANE is designed to be a quick and convenient method to drop off children at school, without the need to park or leave your vehicle.

Parking in the Kiss and Ride Lane is prohibited.

Illegally parked vehicles pose a danger to students and pedestrians.

Parking in the school driveway is prohibited.

After dropping children at Kiss and Ride, parents are to use the front driveway as a drive through.

There is no parking.

If you wish to walk your child to school, please park in a designated parking spot or park on Royal

Orchard Drive.

Please be advised, that the City of Brampton, Parking Enforcement will be present to heighten safety awareness during peak drop off and pick up times.

Do not park in spots designated, with signage in Handicapped and reserved parking.

Dress Code

With warm weather arriving soon, it is important to review the dress code. We require your support in assisting students to make appropriate clothing choices when attending school.

We do not have as prescriptive a dress code as our secondary schools, we are a Catholic

School and, as such, we encourage our students to dress modestly. At all times clothing should be comfortable, tasteful and appropriate to our Catholic school environment.

Here are the guidelines:

 Clothing must display appropriate and acceptable words and graphics

 shorts and skirts must reach the bottom of the student’s fingertips when hands are relaxed at their sides

 tank top straps must have a minimum width of 5 cm (approx. the width of 3 adult fingers);

 halter tops, mesh shirts, string tops, tube tops or anything that exposes midriffs and/or undergarments, skin tight clothing, spandex shorts or pants, cut off shorts, torn or ragged clothing and pants that sag below the waist are inappropriate attire for school

 sunglasses, hats and bandanas are inappropriate inside the school building

Students who are in violation of the dress code will be asked to change or cover inappropriate wear.

Parents will be contacted to bring appropriate clothing if necessary. Thank you for your partnership in our efforts to instill the values of good taste and modesty.

2012/2013 Registration at Holy Name of Mary C.S.S.

Registration for the 2012/2013 school year has been ongoing for awhile now with a tremendous response. We will continue to register students from all grades.

For Grade 9 registration information please visit the school website at

For Grade 10, 11, and 12 registration information please visit the school website at

If you have not registered yet please do so as soon as pos.sible

Green Team

SMG is trying to make a difference at our school and in the community!

Beginning May 1 st , students and staff will be promoting an anti-idling program.

Students and some staff will be outside before school starts in the morning promoting anti-idling.

Watch for our students and staff as they promote clean air initiatives.


Later in May, students will be planting wildflowers in our front flower beds to

"GREEN" our school grounds.

Did you know that wildflowers require less watering than perennial plants?

Important Upcoming Dates

May 7 – 10 – Catholic Education Week

May 8 – Open House @ 4:30 pm. – 6:30 pm.

May 10 – Living Rosary 1:30 p.m. in Gym – Parents Welcome

May 11 – P.A. Day – No School

May 15 – Welcome To Kindergarten Evening - 6:00 p.m.

May 22 - Last Pizza day for the school year

May 24 – Virtue Assembly @ 1:30 p.m. - Parents Welcome

May 21 – Victoria Day – No School

May 23 – June 6 – EQAO testing for grades 3 and 6

May 24 – Grade 7 & 8 Immunizations

June 7 – SK “Moving Up” Ceremony

June 11 – P.A. Day – No School

June 14 – Year End Mass

June 26 – Grade 8 Graduation

June 26 – Reports Go Home

June 29 – Last Day of School
