Document 14430952

121 Royal Orchard Drive Brampton, Ontario L6X 4K9
(905) 454 - 4458
FAX (905) 454 – 0360
Vice Principal
S. Mifsud
G. Prajza
L. Zanella
Head Secretary
Associate Pastor
N. Eisan
St. Anne Church
Fr. E. Murphy
Fr. D’Souza
APRIL 2012
Our Virtue in April: Love
In our hearts let us create a sanctuary,
A sacred place
Where we can hear the voice
Of the Holy One of God Say to us:
“Be not afraid, you are my beloved,
I have carved your name
On the palm of my hand.”
Catholic School Council
Our next meeting is on
Wednesday, April 18
6:00 pm.
Please join us.
You are blessed so that you can bless;
You are graced so that you can become grace;
You are enlightened so that you can enlighten;
You are loved so that you can love;
You have been taught so that you can now teach my Word. Amen
School Jerseys
We are currently looking for St. Maria
Goretti School Team jerseys and
shorts. Students that have played on
school teams are asked to return
all jerseys or shorts to the school.
Easter is the gift of HOPE,
Easter is the gift of PEACE,
Easter is the gift of LOVE,
Let us rejoice in Him,
Who gives them all.
May God bless you during this Easter time and keep you
All year through.
May God give you all the faith it takes to make your dreams come true.
May God’s love and wisdom always help, to guide you on your way.
May God’s light shine all around you, to bless your every day. Amen
Catholic School Council – QSP Magazine Fundraiser
This is just a friendly reminder that it is nearing the time of year when you may be planning to
renew your magazine subscriptions. We ask that you consider saving your magazine renewals
until Fall 2012 and renew through our school program!
New Library System
Over the last few years, the School Board has been introducing a new Circulation system for libraries. This year our
school has been scheduled for implementation of the new system in mid-May. In order to update the records, it will be
necessary to have all the books returned for Inventory earlier this year. Students are asked to return ALL books by
Friday April 20. As in the past, lost or damaged items will need to be paid for in order to clear the student's account for
future borrowing. Please assist your child in locating any materials that may be at home.
St. Augustine Catholic Secondary School
Parent Council
How to Raise Confidant and Motivated
Summer School Programs
DPCDSB Continuing Education Department offers the
Summer Literacy Camp
 SK – Gr. 6
Elementary Summer School
 Gr. 7 and 8
Secondary Summer School
Summer Adult Programs
Your Child’s teacher will have applications and
Guest Speaker: Monique Howat
Thursday, April 12, 2012
7:00 pm.
Non-Perishable Food Donations
Kindly Appreciated!
For more information visit the Board website:
EQAO Provincial Assessment
Each year grade three and grade six students in Ontario are assessed in reading, writing and
mathematics for a period of five days. This year the dates for this assessment are:
May 23, 2012
June 6, 2012.
Please make every effort to ensure your child’s regular attendance during this time.
Thank you.
The KISS and RIDE LANE is designed to be a quick and convenient method to drop off children
at school, without the need to park or leave your vehicle.
Parking in the Kiss and Ride Lane is prohibited.
Illegally parked vehicles pose a danger to students and pedestrians.
Parking or stopping in the school driveway is prohibited.
All children should be dropped off at Kiss and Ride. Please let your children out on the
passenger side of your car in the Kiss and Ride as it avoids children stepping out into moving
traffic. Parents are to use the front driveway as a drive through. There is no stopping or
parking permitted.
If you wish to walk your child to school, please park in a designated parking spot or park on
Royal Orchard Drive.
Please be advised, that the City of Brampton, Parking Enforcement will be present to heighten
safety awareness during peak drop off and pick up times.
Do not park in spots designated, with signage in Handicapped and reserved parking.
Visitors in the School
When you enter the school, you are a relative, and care giver to the children that you are
responsible for. You are a stranger to all other children. In our effort to ensure the safety
of all our students, we ask that you follow protocol. When you enter the school, you must
come to the office. We must know who is in the school at all times.
Important Dates
April 6 – Good Friday (no school)
April 9 – Easter Monday (no school)
April 18 – Catholic School Council @ 6:00 pm
April 18 – Last day for Library Book Exchange
April 25 – Virtue Assembly @ 11:00 am ( Parents Welcome)
April 27 – Big Kids Entertainment Presentation – Bullying Prevention
May 4 – CSC will host Family Movie Night (info will be sent home)
May 6 – 11 – Catholic Education Week
May 11 – P.A. Day – No School
May 15 – Welcome To Kindergarten Evening @ 6:00 p.m.
Dress Code
With warm weather arriving, it is important to review the dress code. We require
your support in assisting students to make appropriate clothing choices when
attending school.
We do not have as prescriptive a dress code as our secondary schools. We are a
Catholic School and, as such, we encourage our students to dress modestly. At all
times clothing should be comfortable, tasteful and appropriate to our Catholic school
Here are the guidelines:
 clothing must display appropriate and acceptable words and graphics
 shorts and skirts must reach the bottom of the student’s fingertips when hands are relaxed at
their sides
 tank top straps must have a minimum width of 5 cm (approx. the width of 3 adult fingers);
 halter tops, mesh shirts, string tops, tube tops or anything that exposes midriffs and/or
undergarments, skin tight clothing, spandex shorts or pants, cut off shorts, torn or ragged
clothing and pants that sag below the waist are inappropriate attire for school
 sunglasses, hats and bandanas are inappropriate inside the school building
 It is strongly recommended that students not wear open toe footwear such as flip
flops as they do not provide adequate protection when they are playing in the school yard.
Students who are in violation of the dress code will be asked to change or cover inappropriate
wear. Parents will be contacted to bring appropriate clothing if necessary. Thank you for your
partnership in our efforts to instill the values of good taste and modesty.
Word Study Tips
Did You Know?
School/Community Connection:
Brainstorm a list of words that describe spring and have your child:
1. Roll out some play dough. Print the words in the dough using a sharp pencil or form the letter in each
word by rolling out the dough.
2. Create a riddle for some of the spring words and have other family members guess the answer. E.g., It
is a four letter word. It begins with an “r”. It ends with an “n”. It is wet. It is a weather word. (Rain)
Acronyms are popular means of communication today. For example, a.s.a.p. stands for “as soon as possible.” Create a list
of popular acronyms, identifying the word that is represented by each letter in the acronym. Some popular acronyms
include: LOL, TGIF, BFF.