Division of Administration and Finance University Services News Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Richard Zagrzecki Communications Coordinator 832-842-4722 rzagrzec@central.uh.edu UH COMMUNITY INVITED TO GIVE INPUT ON ADMINISTRATION PROGRESS CARD Houston, March 22, 2013 – The Office of Administration has released a draft of its latest progress card, which includes figures for the 2012-2013 fiscal year. The University of Houston community is invited to review the document and provide feedback, including making recommendations for any additional metrics that should be tracked. The progress card tracks various criteria for measuring student success, community advancement and competitive resources, and compares those numbers with those from the previous fiscal year. It can be accessed at the A&F website by clicking here. Feedback is welcome and encouraged and can be submitted to Nancy Nguyen at nnguyen11@uh.edu. About the University of Houston The University of Houston is a comprehensive national research institution serving the globally competitive Houston and Gulf Coast Region by providing world-class faculty, experiential learning and strategic industry partnerships. UH serves more than 40,700 students in the nation’s fourthlargest city, located in the most ethnically and culturally diverse region of the country.