Circle Time/Morning Meeting
-paying attention
-participating in a group
-praying simple prayers
-singing with others
-calendar skills/message board (i.e. counting, days of the week)
-discussing weather and appropriate clothing
-basic concepts (numbers, colours, shapes, letters,)
-turn-taking in discussions
-problem-solving as a group
Story Time/Read-Aloud/Shared
Reading/Guided Reading
-paying attention
-listening to stories
-reciting familiar parts of stories
-retelling sequence of events (beginning, middle, ending)
-phonological awareness (listening to and playing with sounds)
-expressing personal opinions
-paying attention
-patterns (i.e. clap, tap, clap, tap, clap)
-volume (loud, soft)
-speed (fast, slow)
-memory skills (remembering the words and the tune)
-dramatization (actions to go with songs)
Math Centre/Games
-number recognition
-counting: one-to-one correspondence
-shapes (2D and 3D), colours
-small muscle control
-sorting (grouping)
-classifying (categorizing)
-problem solving
-measurement skills
Writing Centre
-risk taking
-experimenting with writing
-tracing stencils
-copying words
-progressing at own rate through stages of development (i.e. scribbles, pictures, random letters, some sounds, developmental spelling of words)
-printing own name (upper case for first letter only, other letters are lower case)
Literacy Centre/Games
-language development
-letter recognition
-word recognition
-small muscle control
-letter sounds
-letter blends (i.e. sh, th, etc...)
Reading/Book Centre
-learn how books work (i.e. holding the book right side up, turning pages one at a time, reading from left to right and top to bottom)
-recognize letters and sight words
recognizing that words are combinations of letters
- identifying specific letters in unfamiliar words
Art Centre
-creativity, imagination
-small muscle control, strength
(i.e. cutting with scissors)
-colours, shapes, sizes
-tactile (touch) appreciation, textures
-sharing of materials
Computer/Smart Board/ipads
-familiarity with keyboard and
-following directions
-learning new technology by using interactive activities
-hand-eye coordination
-visual perception
-visual memory
-colours, shapes
-small muscle control
-concentration, attention span
-problem solving
Dramatic Play/Family Centre
-sharing, co-operation, problem solving
-language development
-dramatic conversation
Science Centre
-asking questions and seeking answers
-understand how to use materials and tools safely
conduct simple science experiments
-show that they appreciate and care about the natural world
-communication skills and team work
Painting Centre
-following procedures (wiping the brush)
-matching (putting brush back into correct paint container)
-creativity, imagination
-organization of work
-responsibility (cleaning up spills)
Physical Education
-large muscle control
-body awareness
-specific movement skills
-balance, agility
-following directions
Floor Toys
-dramatic conversation
-story building
-small-muscle control
-co-operative play, socialization
-small muscle control (strengthening hands to prepare for printing)
-sharing with others
-imagination, creativity
Blocks Centre
-large muscle control
-creativity, imagination
-concentration, attention span
-co-operation / teamwork
Snack Time/Lunch Time
-washing hands before eating
-good nutrition: food groups
-self-help skills
-clean-up routines (cleaning up
after themselves)
-social skills (i.e. helping others, having discussions with each other)
Clean-Up/Tidy-Up Time
-putting things away where they found them
-remembering where they found things
-cleaning up after themselves
-following instructions
-co-operating, teamwork
-helping others
Dressing for Outside/Home Time
-small motor control
-self-confidence (“I can do it all by myself!”)
-problem solving, logical thinking (“If I put my boots on first, then I can’t get my snow pants on.”)
-left and right (putting boots on correct feet, putting mittens on correct hands)