Project Brainstorm Ideas – Prototyping CS 3651 Intelligent Appliances

Project Brainstorm Ideas
Georgia Institute of Technology
CS 3651 – Prototyping
Intelligent Appliances
Door Knock Lock - Jay
Problem: As you add keys to a keyring, they weigh down
your pants and jingle annoyingly. However, without a key
to my office, it is difficult to keep others out who may want
to steal my candy bar stash.
Solution: Door combination lock (Convert “something you
have” to “something you know”).
More Fun Solution: Knocks (in the correct secret
sequence) on the window of my office door will trigger the
door to unlock.
Also has advantage that I don't need facilities permission to
And it would be cool.
Aug 29 2007
Peter Dohogne
Homing Candy Launcher
 Uses a trio of microphones and a computer to calculate
the position of loud noises within the room from the
difference in times when the microphones hear it, then
launches a small object (candy, ping pong ball, etc.)
towards the noise.
Requires three microphones, a rotating/aimable
platform, a launching mechanism, and software fast
enough to pick out the differences in delays on the
January 19, 2009
Jessica’s Idea: Sheet Music for musicians that won’t fall
apart around them while they play
Basically musical performers have a hard time turning
pages and keeping their music in order while they play
So… make it ELECTRONIC
Provide a thin screen in which you can control to
download sheet music and control in performances with
minimal effort- these already do exist
Also, make it so it can recognize specific tones and
patterns so the device will “hear” where the musician is in
the piece and change pages
 This would probably require three
due to all the functions
 I only know basics in
circuitry, practically
everything so I will
need those
Aug 29 2007
A simple concept: A robot that gives people
hugs. Everyone needs a hug sometimes.
Would incorporate motors, manufacturing,
circuits, programming, and sensor input: In
short, everything this class is based on.
Humorous and fun.
Helpful to small children, especially those who
have trouble getting affection in the normal
way (autistic, developmentally disabled)
Aug 29 2007
Another student's Project Idea: Hugbot
He is cute, fuzzy, and hugs with affection strong enough to
incapacitate a full grown grizzly bear
Basically take an adorable animal and give it the ability to
show affection with a friendly hug
Must have: ability to insert bendable wire and appropriate
electronics into plushy, vulnerable body
People: one in theory (must be talented)
Aug 29 2007
Final Project Idea – Dog recognition doggy door
Problem: With larger dogs,
doggy doors become
dangerous because
thieves can break into your
house more easily
Solution: Build a doggy
door that recognizes your
dog by its bark, and
unlocks the door to let your
dog in.
Skills: Voice recognition
Kabir Barday
Aug 29 2007
Final Project idea – Heated & Cooled Koozie
A koozie that has a 3 way switch – off/heat/or cool
Can be used to keep a hot drink hot, cold drink cold, or to
maintain temperature.
Skills: Sewing or plastic, insulation knowledge.
Kabir Barday
Robo-crab by Jon Perez
Robo-crab consists of two forms.
Sphere form will be a simple sphere that will move around in
a way similar to these:
Once someone snaps the sphere will unfold into a crab. The
crab will have various actions that simulate a real crab and
some that don’t. When left idle it will skitter back and forth at
random. It will have sensors so it will not run into things or
fall off of tables. It will scuttle backwards from loud noises. It
can even dance to music.
This project would only take about one person. I would need
to learn about how sensors work and how to program them
in a basic manner.
Aug 29 2007
by Chase Bradley
Georgia Institute of Technology
CS 3651 – Prototyping
Intelligent Appliances
NGGYU – The Rick Roll Robot
James Cline
LCD panel (touchscreen?) for video and control
Motion detection or heat sensor to find people
Onboard small form factor computer
Battery powered
Sturdy Construction for taking abuse
Show weather, browse web, etc
Annoy people
Stream news or tv shows wirelessly
Aug 29 2007
Automatic Guitar Tuner
Jake Ritter
Problem: Tuning a guitar takes too long, especially given
performance settings. Also, even with electric tuners
people can be off in their tuning simply because dialling in
is rather difficult.
Solution: Attach a tuner with motors to spin the pegs by
small degrees until the strings are tuned correctly.
Possible variations:
Create a whole device (one motor for each peg) which can
have specific tunings EADGBE, DADGAB and so on.
Create a device for individual pegs to tune to a single note.
Need knowledge of motors and fine control devices.
Aug 29 2007
Enrique Santos - “Virtual Rave”
Creates visualizations based on input of
instruments and performer.
“Shaking” of screen to the beat of an attached drum
Visualization of wide body movements attached to
performer’s clothing.
Potential Tools
Microcontroller (of course)
Processing Programming Language
Graphical Feedback
Piezo Elements
Sound Detection
Motion Sensors
Tilt Sensors
CS 3651 – Prototyping
Intelligent Appliances
Limited edition Fallout 3 Pip Boy
“I Feel Your Pain” eMutt
Rhys Saraceni
CS 3651
Problem: Who has time for the teacher or nurse to track down a child’s
parent’s phone number when the child is injured? The parents need to be
notified immediately.
Solution: “I Feel Your Pain” eMutt! Just squeeze the ailing body part with
varying intensity, and the parent will receive an email notification of the
injury and its severity.
Pros: Awesome, rapid emergency alert/toy fusion.
Cons: Child could forget to turn off the message feature,
thus sending a false alarm to the parent.
Aug 29 2007
Chris Sladky – Internet Connected LED Sign
It’s already been done, sadly
However, not by us
Why? It’s cool, and the skills
and technologies could be extended
to other ideas
For example, the MIT Disco Floor isn’t
really any technically different; it just
requires different physical construction
What’s needed?
Ability to connect LEDs to PC for control
Or, do we use a separate controller that interfaces? Not sure.
Ability to construct a reasonably sturdy/nice enclosure
Some Internet interface
I know C#, but it might be preferable to use PHP
I don’t have any of the skills listed above, but hopefully will
gain many of them this semester
Aug 29 2007
Chris Sladky – MultiTouch LED array
Why? It’s cool. Multitouch is a hot topic right now. Nonconventional use of LEDs.
Downside: A bit complicated.
What’s needed?
Ability to connect LEDs to PC for output *and* input
Or, do we use a separate controller that interfaces? Not sure.
Ability to construct a reasonably sturdy/nice enclosure
Someone that understands electronics well
Maybe that’s all of us in a few weeks
Cool UI to display the input
Maybe a demo app? Pong?
At the moment, I’m sort of able to help with the last two
bullets. That being said, hopefully we’ll all be better able to
handle all of the above soon.
Aug 29 2007
Volume Off When Someone Knocks
Stephen Smith
Problem: People like to listen to music while doing things
at their computer. If someone were to knock on the door,
they might not always notice.
Solution: Place a censor on the door that detects knocks.
When a knock is detected, turn off the speakers with a
motor. When person leaves the room, hit a button to return
the speakers to their previous volume.
Useful. There are many times where people enter room to
talk and music should go off. Great for offices, a dorm
student who’s studying.
Modern Manners!
KMP Walking with Humanoid Robot
Based on Humanoid Robot HGR-2.
It has low memory microcontroller that can only perform a
limited repeated action.
It does not have any connectors to connect to any other
Jan 21 2009
KMP Walking with Humanoid Robot
Using the Gumstix and the Robostix to control 24 servos
It has 400Mhz CPU
Wifi, Bluetooth, Ethernet
, USB and serial port
Have 2GB external
It is based on Linux.
Robostix has 30 pins that
can be used as input and
No communication tool that control 24 servos.
Robostix has only 6 PWM pins for servos. It needs 24 PWM pins.
Robostix does not have enough power for 24 servos.
And many more!!
Planning to work by myself.
Light-Sound Effects Processor
Photo-resistive plate receives input from a light source
Ideally, two readings: zero voltage, and some range (probably up to 5V)
Eventually factor in color of light as well, so two outputs: intensity (brightness)
and wavelength/frequency (color)
Signal sent to an Analog Digital Converter (ADC) to convert the signal to
digital format
Process the input from the ADC using Python using arrays and a sound
manipulation library
Intensity of light corresponds to the volume, while color corresponds to a
specific pitch.
What to work on:
Find a sound manipulation module for Python (tkSnack?) or use a different
Figure out how to parse the data from the ADC to something useable by Python.
Convert the grid-like structure of the plate to a matrix (2D array)
Trevor Register
23 January 2009