Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Configuration and Administration Guide

Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP)
Configuration and Administration
Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0)
October, 2005
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Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP ) Configuration and Administration Guide
Copyright © 2001–2005, Cisco Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved.
About This Guide xi
Purpose xi
Audience xi
Organization xi
Conventions xiii
Other Publications xiii
Obtaining Documentation xiii xiii
Documentation CD-ROM xiv
Ordering Documentation xiv
Documentation Feedback xiv
Obtaining Technical Assistance xv xv
Network Professional Connection xv
Technical Assistance Center xv
Cisco TAC Website xvi
Cisco TAC Escalation Center xvi
Obtaining Additional Publications and Information xvi
The Customer Voice Portal Solution 1-1
Overview 1-1
Example: “Welcome to XYZ Corporation” 1-3
What are Micro-Applications? 1-4
The ICM/CVP Micro-Application Connection 1-4
Information Exchange Between NAM/ICM and CVP 1-6
NAM/ICM Data Handling 1-6
Customer Voice Portal Error Checking 1-6
Where to Next? 1-7
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution 2-1
Before You Begin 2-1
NAM/ICM Setup 2-1
Writing NAM/ICM Applications for the CVP 2-2
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
CVP Micro-Applications 2-5
How micro-applications use Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Text-to-Speech (TTS) 2-5
How micro-applications use External VXML 2-6
Dynamic Audio File Support for micro-applications 2-6
Metadata ECC Variable 2-8
Capture (CAP) Micro-Application 2-9
Play Media (PM) Micro-Application 2-9
Play Data (PD) Micro-Application 2-16
Get Digits (GD) Micro-Application 2-27
Menu (M) Micro-Application 2-36
Get Speech (GS) Micro-Application 2-44
External VXML File Contents 2-61
Type-Ahead Support for ASR 2-63
Cisco ICM Warm Consult Transfer/Conference to CVP 2-64
Description of the ICM Warm Consult Transfer/Conference to CVP feature 2-64
Resource Sizing for ICM Warm Consult Transfer/Conference to CVP feature 2-64
Configuration for the ICM Warm Consult Transfer/Conference to CVP feature 2-65
Minimal Component Version Required 2-66
Prompt Recording and Distribution 3-1
Media File Overview 3-1
Media Server 3-1
Media File Names and Types 3-2
Locations of Media Files on Hard Disk 3-2
Media File Address 3-3
Locale Backward Compatibility 3-6
System Media Files 3-6
Miscellaneous Files 3-19
System Media File Error Messages 3-24
Voice Browser Administration 4-1
Voice Browser Overview 4-1
How does the Voice Browser connect to an Application Server? 4-3
The Voice Browser Media File 4-4
VB Admin Tool 4-4
VB Admin Command Syntax 4-5
VB Admin Online Help 4-6
Using VB Admin 4-7
VB Admin Configuration Commands 4-8
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
VB Admin Logging Commands 4-19
VB Admin Metric and Control Commands 4-21
VB Admin Error Handling 4-25
Administering the Application Server 5-1
Overview 5-1
Application Server Administration 5-2
Engine Administration 5-4
Call Definition Administration 5-19
ICM Subsystem Configuration 5-27
Directory Administration 5-28
Node Manager and Service Control 6-1
Node Manager 6-1
Service Control 6-1
Alarm Handling and Logging 7-1
Overview: The Standalone Distributed Diagnostics and
Services Network (SDDSN) 7-1
Event Management System (EMS) 7-3
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and the Management Information Base (MIB) 7-4
Customer Voice Portal Logging and Error Reporting 7-9
Trace Message Levels 7-9
Application Server Logging and Metrics 7-11
Controlling Application Server Logging 7-11
Application Server Metrics 7-12
Voice Browser Logging and Metrics 7-15
Controlling Voice Browser Logging and Tracing 7-15
Viewing Voice Browser Logs 7-16
Voice Browser Log Contents 7-18
Customer Voice Portal Anti-Virus Guidelines 7-21
VoIP Configuration 8-1
Using Customer Voice Portal and IP Phones with Cisco Call Manager 8-1
Inbound Call Routing 8-2
Inbound Call Routing—Without Gatekeeper 8-3
Inbound Call Routing—With Gatekeeper 8-6
Call Transfers and Outbound Routing 8-9
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
IP Transfer Example (ACD Routing) 8-9
Defining an ICM Script Label for Outpulse Transfer 8-11
Defining an ICM Script Label for Two B-Channel Transfer (TBCT) 8-12
Defining an ICM Script Label for Hookflash Transfer 8-12
Codec Support 8-12
Miscellaneous Gateway Configuration Tasks 8-13
IP Transfer Example (IPCC Routing) 8-26
Customer Voice Portal Endpoint Limitations 8-26
Call Survivability 8-27
Installing the Call Survivability Script 8-28
How to Configure the Gateway for Call Survivability 8-29
Application Server A-6
Voice Browser A-10
Audio A-15
Transfer and Connect A-20
Establishing calls A-25
ICM A-32
Call Manager A-34
IP Phone A-36
Content Switch Server A-36
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server A-37
General System Issues A-40
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
IVRs from the NAM/ICM’s Perspective B-1
Transferring Calls with Customer Voice Portal B-2
Script Examples B-8
Example: Transfer to a Label B-8
Example: Queue and Transfer to a Skill Group B-11
Example: Network Transfer Script B-13
Transferring a Call from Agent to Agent B-14
Configuring IPCC Re-route On No Answer for Customer Voice Portal B-14
Summary B-15
Re-route On No Answer Operation for IPCC with IP-IVR B-15
Re-route On No Answer Operation with Customer Voice Portal B-15
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Limitations B-19
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Before You Begin C-2
Routing Calls Through the Network to the VRU C-2
Naming Schemes C-3
Installation C-3
Where to Go from Here? C-3
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployments C-4
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployment, ICM Enterprise C-4
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployment, NAM/CICM C-10
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments C-16
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment, ICM Enterprise C-16
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Network VRU, ICM
Enterprise C-20
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment, NAM/CICM C-25
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Network VRU,
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Customer VRU, NAM/ICM C-34
Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech C-40
Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment, ICM Enterprise C-40
Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment, NAM/CICM C-44
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing C-48
NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment, ICM Enterprise C-48
NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment Customer VRU,
NIC with Type 2 or 8 Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment, ICM Enterprise C-60
NIC with Type 2 or 8 Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment Customer VRU,
NIC with Type 3 or 7 Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment Network VRU,
Special Cases C-78
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech
Deployment Customer VRU, NAM/CICM C-78
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment as Queue Point for Consultative
Transfers C-79
Common Gateway Configuration for VRU Leg C-80
Common NAM/CICM Configuration for Customer Voice Portal Switch Leg C-83
Common NAM/CICM Configuration: Define Customer Voice Portal ECC variables C-85
Common Configuration for Differentiating VRUs (Customer Voice Portals) Based on Dialed Number C-88
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Configuring Customer Voice Portal for Locations-based Call Admission Control C-89
Configuring the Customer Voice Portal C-89
Customer Voice Portal Bandwidth Utilization C-91
VXML Documents C-91
Prompt Retrieval C-92
H.323 Signalling C-92
Gateway Prompt Caching Considerations C-92
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
General Approach D-1
Media Server Configuration D-2
Service D-2
Http Redirects D-3
Content Rule D-3
Keepalives D-4
Keepalive Times D-4
Groups D-4
Voice Gateway Configuration D-5
Multiple Media-Server Rules D-5
Application Server Configuration D-6
Service D-7
Content Rule D-7
Keepalives D-8
Keepalive Times D-8
Groups D-8
Activate Services, Group and Rules D-9
Voice Gateway Configuration D-9
ASR/TTS Server Configuration D-9
Service D-10
Content Rule D-11
Keepalives D-11
Keepalive Times D-11
Groups D-11
Activate Services, Group and Rules D-12
Voice Gateway Configuration D-12
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server Configuration D-13
Service D-13
Content Rule D-14
Keepalive D-14
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Groups D-14
CSS Redundancy D-15
Complete Configuration Sample D-16
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
CVP VoiceXML Server with ICM E-1
Integrating CVP VoiceXML Scripts with ICM Scripts E-1
Correlating CVP/ICM logs with CVP VoiceXML Server logs E-3
Error Codes for CVP VoiceXML Server E-4
CVP VoiceXML Server Reporting E-5
ASR, TTS and Media Server Redundancy for Cisco CVP VXML Server Applications E-6
Setting up CVP VXML Server with JNDI Database Connections E-6
CVP VoiceXML Server Standalone Solution E-10
Setting up Gateways/Gatekeepers to Interact with CVP VoiceXML Server in the Standalone
Model E-10
Using Takeback and Transfer in CVP VoiceXML Scripts E-12
Configuring the Gateway for TDM to IP Calls E-15
Configuring the Gateway for IP to TDM Calls E-16
Configuring a Cisco Multiservice IP-to-IP Gateway for Cisco CallManager Connections E-16
Related CVP VoiceXML Documentation E-16
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
About This Guide
This manual describes how to set up, run, and administer the Cisco Customer Voice Portal (Customer
Voice Portal) product.
This document is intended for Call Center managers, Customer Voice Portal system managers,
ICM/NAM system managers, VoIP technical experts, and IVR application developers. Readers of this
manual should already have a general understanding of the NAM product, as discussed in the Cisco
Network Applications Manager (NAM) Product Description. Readers should be familiar with general
ICM installation and setup procedures.
The manual is divided into the following chapters.
Chapter 1, “The
Customer Voice Portal
Introduces the Customer Voice Portal components
and how they interact with the NAM/ICM
Chapter 2, “Using
NAM/ICM with the
Customer Voice Portal
IVR Solution”
Discusses NAM/ICM configuration and script
Chapter 3, “Prompt
Recording and
Provides information about Customer Voice Portal
media file handling and details about the system
media files distributed with the Customer Voice
Portal solution.
Chapter 4, “Voice
Gives an overview of the Customer Voice Portal
Browser Administration” Voice Browser and instructions for using the VB
Admin tool and commands.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Product Description
About This Guide
Chapter 5,
“Administering the
Application Server”
Provides an overview of the Customer Voice
Portal Application Server and instructions for
using the Application Administrator tool.
Chapter 6, “Node
Manager and Service
Describes how Customer Voice Portal uses Node
Manager and Service Control.
Chapter 7, “Alarm
Handling and Logging”
Gives an overview of the Standalone Distributed
Diagnostics and Services Network (SDDSN) and
introduces Customer Voice Portal logging and
error reporting.
Chapter 8, “VoIP
Describes inbound and outbound routing.
Appendix A,
Provides troubleshooting information for the
Customer Voice Portal and the Cisco products it
interacts with.
Appendix B,
“Transferring and
Queuing Calls with
Customer Voice Portal”
Contains additional information about transferring
and queuing calls with Customer Voice Portal.
Appendix C, “Customer
Voice Portal
Provides background information and check-off
lists for the various deployment options available
for Customer Voice Portal.
Appendix D,
“Configuring Cisco
Content Services Switch
(CSS) for Use with
Customer Voice Portal”
Outlines the general approach and configuration
specifics for using Cisco Content Services Switch
with Customer Voice Portal deployments.
Appendix E, “Integrating Describes how to integrate the optional Customer
CVP VoiceXML Scripts Voice Portal VoiceXML Server in the Customer
Voice Portal solution.
with ICM Scripts”
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Product Description
About This Guide
This manual uses the following conventions:
Boldface type is used for user
Choose Script > Call Type Manager.
entries, keys, buttons, and folder
and submenu names.
Italic type indicates one of the
A newly introduced term
For emphasis
A generic syntax item that
you must replace with a
specific value
A title of a publication
An arrow (>) indicates an item
from a pull-down menu.
A skill group is a collection of agents
who share similar skills.
Do not use the numerical naming
convention that is used in the
predefined templates (for example,
IF (condition, true-value,
For more information, see the Cisco
ICM Software Database Schema
The Save command from the File menu is
referenced as File > Save.
Other Publications
For additional information about Cisco Intelligent Contact Management (ICM) software, see the Cisco
web site listing ICM documentation.
Obtaining Documentation
Cisco provides several ways to obtain documentation, technical assistance, and other technical
resources. These sections explain how to obtain technical information from Cisco Systems.
You can access the most current Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at this URL:
You can access the Cisco website at this URL:
International Cisco web sites can be accessed from this URL:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Product Description
About This Guide
Documentation CD-ROM
Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a Cisco Documentation CD-ROM
package, which may have shipped with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM is updated monthly
and may be more current than printed documentation. The CD-ROM package is available as a single unit
or through an annual subscription.
Registered users can order the Documentation CD-ROM through the online Subscription
Ordering Documentation
You can find instructions for ordering documentation at this URL:
You can order Cisco documentation in these ways:
Registered users (Cisco direct customers) can order Cisco product documentation from
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Registered users can order the Documentation CD-ROM through the online Subscription
Nonregistered users can order documentation through a local account representative by
calling Cisco Systems Corporate Headquarters (California, U.S.A.) at 408 526-7208 or, elsewhere
in North America, by calling 800 553-NETS (6387).
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Cisco Systems
Attn: Customer Document Ordering
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We appreciate your comments.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Product Description
About This Guide
Obtaining Technical Assistance
Cisco provides, which includes the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) Website, as a
starting point for all technical assistance. Customers and partners can obtain online documentation,
troubleshooting tips, and sample configurations from the Cisco TAC website. registered users
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and utilities. offers a suite of interactive, networked services that let you access Cisco information,
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To obtain customized information and service, you can self-register on at this URL:
Network Professional Connection
Cisco provides a forum where you can discuss and exchange information regarding call center issues.
To access the forum, go to the following Web site:
Technical Assistance Center
The Cisco TAC is available to all customers who need technical assistance with a Cisco product,
technology, or solution. Two levels of support are available: the Cisco TAC website and the Cisco TAC
Escalation Center. The avenue of support that you choose depends on the priority of the problem and the
conditions stated in service contracts, when applicable.
We categorize Cisco TAC inquiries according to urgency:
Priority level 4 (P4)—You need information or assistance concerning Cisco product capabilities,
product installation, or basic product configuration.
Priority level 3 (P3)—Your network performance is degraded. Network functionality is noticeably
impaired, but most business operations continue.
Priority level 2 (P2)—Your production network is severely degraded, affecting significant aspects
of business operations. No workaround is available.
Priority level 1 (P1)—Your production network is down, and a critical impact to business operations
will occur if service is not restored quickly. No workaround is available.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Product Description
About This Guide
Cisco TAC Website
You can use the Cisco TAC website to resolve P3 and P4 issues yourself, saving both cost and time. The
site provides around-the-clock access to online tools, knowledge bases, and software. To access the
Cisco TAC website, go to this URL:
All customers, partners, and resellers who have a valid Cisco service contract have complete access to
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If you are a registered user, and you cannot resolve your technical issues by using the Cisco
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If you have Internet access, we recommend that you open P3 and P4 cases through the Cisco TAC
website so that you can describe the situation in your own words and attach any necessary files.
Cisco TAC Escalation Center
The Cisco TAC Escalation Center addresses priority level 1 or priority level 2 issues. These
classifications are assigned when severe network degradation significantly impacts business operations.
When you contact the TAC Escalation Center with a P1 or P2 problem, a Cisco TAC engineer
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To obtain a directory of toll-free Cisco TAC telephone numbers for your country, go to this URL:
Before calling, please check with your network operations center to determine the level of Cisco support
services to which your company is entitled: for example, SMARTnet, SMARTnet Onsite, or Network
Supported Accounts (NSA). When you call the center, please have available your service agreement
number and your product serial number.
Obtaining Additional Publications and Information
Information about Cisco products, technologies, and network solutions is available from various online
and printed sources.
The Cisco Product Catalog describes the networking products offered by Cisco Systems as well as
ordering and customer support services. Access the Cisco Product Catalog at this URL:
iQ Magazine is the Cisco monthly periodical that provides business leaders and decision makers
with the latest information about the networking industry. You can access iQ Magazine at this URL:
Internet Protocol Journal is a quarterly journal published by Cisco Systems for engineering
professionals involved in the design, development, and operation of public and private internets and
intranets. You can access the Internet Protocol Journal at this URL:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Product Description
About This Guide
Cisco Press publishes a wide range of networking publications. Cisco suggests these titles for new
and experienced users: Internetworking Terms and Acronyms Dictionary, Internetworking
Technology Handbook, Internetworking Troubleshooting Guide, and the Internetworking Design
Guide. For current Cisco Press titles and other information, go to Cisco Press online at this URL:
Packet magazine is the Cisco monthly periodical that provides industry professionals with the latest
information about the field of networking. You can access Packet magazine at this URL:
Training—Cisco offers world-class networking training, with current offerings in network training
listed at this URL:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Product Description
About This Guide
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Product Description
The Customer Voice Portal Solution
This chapter introduces the Customer Voice Portal (CVP) components and how they interact with the
NAM/ICM. It includes:
A brief overview of the CVP solution and its IVR functional models.
A Sample ICM Script.
A description of how NAM/ICM and the CVP exchange information.
This chapter contains important information for IVR application developers. It also may be of interest
to Call Center Managers, CVP System Managers, and ICM/NAM System Managers.
The Cisco CVP solution is an Internet Protocol (IP)-capable Interactive Voice Response (IVR) platform.
Figure 1-1 shows a Voice Over IP (VoIP) CVP system. The CVP components—centered in the
“cloud”—consist of the following:
Application Server. A Web Server application which interprets messages from the Cisco ICM
software and generates VXML documents that it uses to communicate with the Voice Browser. (For
more information about the Application Server, see Chapter 5, “Administering the Application
Voice Browser. Processes PSTN and IP telephone calls, converts the voice signals into events for
processing by the Application Server, and acts upon VXML commands received from the
Application Server. (For more information about the Voice Browser, see Chapter 4, “Voice Browser
Media Server. An off-the-shelf component—or set of components— which administers the media
files that contain messages and prompts callers will hear. The Media Server uses standard Web
access methods. (For more information about the Media Server, see Chapter 3, “Prompt Recording
and Distribution.”)
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 1
The Customer Voice Portal Solution
Figure 1-1
A VoIP CVP-based System
For a complete description of CVP feature set, including examples of different call handling scenarios,
see the Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Product Description.
The Cisco Network Application Manager (NAM)/Intelligent Contact Management (ICM) software uses
ICM/IVR messaging technology to direct CVP and to receive the responses from CVP. The NAM/ICM
software and CVP work together to perform such tasks as:
Playing media—such as a recording stating office hours—to a caller.
Retrieving caller-entered data, DTMF, or speech.
Playing back different types of data—such as an account number or balance—to a caller.
Moving calls to other destinations—for example, forwarding to an agent.
Get Speech. Also has mechanism for invoking external VXML, including the CVP VoiceXML
Server application.
These tasks are driven by instructions that are sent to the CVP from the NAM/ICM.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 1
The Customer Voice Portal Solution
Example: “Welcome to XYZ Corporation”
Example: “Welcome to XYZ Corporation”
Suppose you want to create an CVP script that simply plays a message, “Welcome to XYZ Corporation.”
From the NAM/ICM’s perspective, there is no difference between a script written for a standard “black
box” IVR or the CVP, so you can create a script such as the one shown in Figure 1-2.
Figure 1-2
Play Welcome Script
This simple script performs three functions:
Sends the Run VRU Script request to CVP.
Indicates the location of the “Welcome” media file.
Releases the call.
In a “real life” application, any CVP script you create should include error checking to ensure that
micro-applications instructions are properly executed. To see examples of more elaborate scripts, turn
to Appendix B, “Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal.”
However, there is one important difference between a script written for the CVP and one written for a
“black box” IVR: CVP micro-applications.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 1
The Customer Voice Portal Solution
Example: “Welcome to XYZ Corporation”
What are Micro-Applications?
Micro-applications are a set of specific IVR functions that can be invoked by the ICM software, enabling
communication with the caller. There are five CVP micro-applications:
Play Media. Plays a message (.wav file) to the caller.
Play Data. Retrieves data from a storage area and plays it to the caller in a specific format called a
data play back type.
Get Digits. Plays a media file and retrieves digits from the caller.
Menu. Plays a menu media file and retrieves a single telephone keypad entry from the caller.
Get Speech. Collects ASR or DTMF input after prompting a caller.
Capture. The Capture (CAP) micro-application allows you to trigger the storage of current call data
at multiple points in the ICM routing script.
Each of these micro-applications are described in detail in Chapter 2, “Using NAM/ICM with the
Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution.”
Micro-applications reside on the CVP’s Application Server.The Application Server takes information in
the messages sent by the NAM/ICM, interprets it using the micro-applications, and generates VXML
code that it sends to the Voice Browser for processing.
Micro-applications also accept HTTP requests from the Voice Browser that the Application Server then
processes and sends back to the NAM/ICM using ICM/IVR Service Control tool.
The ICM/CVP Micro-Application Connection
Before the CVP IVR solution can be accessible through the Script Editor’s Run VRU Script node, you
must first set up the NAM/ICM software with special CVP parameters using the ICM Configuration
Manager tool.
Begin by using the ICM Configuration Manager’s Network VRU Script window to define CVP
parameters. Figure 1-3 shows a Network VRU Script tool’s Attribute tab set up to send the following
information to CVP:
PM,Welcome. (VRU Script Name field.) This means: “Use the instructions in the Play Media
micro-application to play the Welcome.wav media file.”
N. (Configuration Param field.) This means: “Do not allow barge-in.” (Barge-in is when the caller
can interrupt message play by entering a digit, causing the script to move to the next prompt.)
Defaults are used for all other settings in the VRU Script Name and Configuration Param fields.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 1
The Customer Voice Portal Solution
Example: “Welcome to XYZ Corporation”
Figure 1-3
Network VRU Script settings for Play Welcome
Once the ICM Configuration Manager’s settings have been saved, the information is available to the
Script Editor. When you place a Run VRU Script node in the Script Editor workspace and open the
Properties dialog box, it displays all the script names defined in the system.
Figure 1-4
Passed from the
Name field of
Network VRU
Script Configuration
Run VRU Script Properties
Passed from the
VRU Script Name
field of Network
VRU Script
The Run VRU Script node in Figure 1-2 shows that the ICM Script Name Play_Welcome was selected.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 1
The Customer Voice Portal Solution
Example: “Welcome to XYZ Corporation”
Information Exchange Between NAM/ICM and CVP
When a NAM/ICM processes a Run VRU Script node, parameters are sent to CVP. These parameters
contain instructions about how to interact with a caller, such as:
What micro-application to use.
The location of the media files to be played to the caller.
Timeout settings that should be used during caller digit entry.
Some IVR parameters are passed to CVP through Expanded Call Context (ECC) variables, described in
Chapter 2, “Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution.” Other parameters are sent
in the normal VRU messaging interface (ICM/IVR Service Control Interface).
NAM/ICM Data Handling
In defining scripts, you might specify strings, numbers, or formulas to be sent to CVP. When passing
numbers to CVP, you should always put quotes around them so that they will be processed as a string.
This is especially important if:
Leading 0’s are significant to the data type (times, character), enter the number as a quoted string
(example: “031524”).
Τrailing 0’s after a decimal point are significant to the data type (number, character, currency), enter
the number as a quoted string (examples: “42.00” or “42.10”).
The number is very large (example: a number normally expressed through exponential notation).
Customer Voice Portal Error Checking
Customer Voice Portal software uses the user.microapp.error_code ECC variable to return information
regarding problems encountered while running a script. For a complete list of error codes returned by
each micro application, see Chapter 2, “Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR
Solution.” Customer Voice Portal software tests for the following conditions.:
ASR Error - Failure of an Advanced Speech Recognition component.
General error - General error occurred.
Invalid Configuration Param. Data passed from the ICM to the Application Server is not
consistent with what the micro-application requires for processing.
Invalid variable data. The variable data passed was not valid for the script type being processed.
Invalid VRU Script Name format. VRU Script Name data passed from the ICM to the Application
Server does not contain the expected components (micro-application name, media file name, media
file type, uniqueness value).
Misconfigured ECC variable. An ECC variable was set to a value the Application Server did not
recognize. ECC variable definitions must be the same in ICM and Customer Voice Portal.
Network Error. Failure of an IP network connection.
Reached Maximum Invalid Tries. Caller was unsuccessful in entering digits during each of the
tries allowed by the micro-application. (Only applies to Get Digits, Menu, and Get Speech
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 1
The Customer Voice Portal Solution
Where to Next?
Reached Maximum Number Entry Tries. Caller did not enter digits in response to the prompt for
each of the tries allowed by the micro-application. (Only applies to Get Digits and Get Speech
Semantic-Runtime - Semantic error occurred while running a micro-application.
System Error. Unexpected failure of an Customer Voice Portal component.
Timed Out. Caller did not enter digits in response to the prompt in the time allowed by the
TTS Error - Failure of a Text-to-Speech component.
Unavailable Media file. Media file name passed from the ICM to the Application Server did not
exist on the Media Server.
Unknown micro-application. Micro-application name passed from the ICM to the Application
Server did not exist on the Application Server.
Unsupported locale. The VXML Interpreter (that is, Gateway, Voice Browser, or ASR/TTS Engine)
did not recognize the locale passed from the Application Server.
Unsupported VXML element. The VXML Interpreter (that is, Gateway, Voice Browser, or
ASR/TTS Engine) did not recognize a VXML element passed from the Application Server.
Unsupported VXML format. The VXML Interpreter (that is, Gateway, Voice Browser, or
ASR/TTS Engine) did not recognize a VXML format passed from the Application Server.
Each Customer Voice Portal micro-application has individualized settings for
user.microapp.error_code. For more information, see Chapter 2, “Using NAM/ICM with the Customer
Voice Portal IVR Solution.”
Where to Next?
To get started using CVP, turn toChapter 2, “Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 1
Where to Next?
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
The Customer Voice Portal Solution
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal
IVR Solution
This chapter discusses using NAM/ICM configuration and script editing to access the Customer Voice
Porta l (CVP) IVR solution. It includes information about how to:
Set up the NAM/ICM to interact with CVP
Write applications for CVP
This chapter contains important information for IVR application developers. It also may be of interest
to Call Center Managers, Customer Voice Portal System Managers, and ICM/NAM System Managers.
Before You Begin
The information in this chapter assumes that you are already familiar with using the NAM/ICM software
ICM Configuration Manager and Script Editor tools for call center operations and management.
You should have a copy of the following Cisco ICM software documentation available in
addition to this manual in order to successfully configure ICM software and use its features
in conjunction with Customer Voice Portal: Cisco ICM Software Configuration Guide and
Cisco ICM Software Script Editor Guide.
Before you can use NAM/ICM features to access the CVP IVR solution, you must perform some initial
setup tasks to enable communication between NAM/ICM and CVP. These setup tasks are determined by
CVP deployment model; see Appendix C, “Customer Voice Portal Deployment” for complete setup
instructions for each model.
For more information about the supported CVP deployment models, see the Cisco Customer Voice Portal
(CVP) Product Description.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution
Writing NAM/ICM Applications for the CVP
Writing NAM/ICM Applications for the CVP
Once NAM/ICM-to-CVP initial setup is complete, you can create NAM/ICM applications to access CVP
micro-applications. You do this using two ICM software tools:
Configuration Manager
Script Editor
The sections that follow give a brief overview of how to use these tools to access CVP functionality.
How to configure a CVP Network VRU script
Step 1
Within the ICM Configuration Manager, select Tools > List Tools > Network VRU Script List.
Step 2
In the Network VRU Script List window, enable the Add button by clicking Retrieve.
Step 3
Click Add. The Attributes property tab is enabled.
Step 4
Complete the Attributes tab as described below.
The format of the strings for the VRU Script Name and Configuration Param fields are very
specific and vary for different micro-applications (Play Media, Play Data, Get Digits, Menu,
and Get Speech.)
Network VRU. (Drop-down list.) The name of the Network VRU to be associated with the Network
VRU script.
VRU Script Name. A 39-character, comma-delimited string used by the CVP to pass the following
parameters to the Application Server:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution
Writing NAM/ICM Applications for the CVP
– Micro-application. The script type. Valid options: PM (Play Media), PD (Play Data), GD (Get
Digits), M (Menu), or GS (Get Speech).
– Media File Name. (For PM, GD, M, and GS micro-applications.) Name of the media file to be
played or external (customer-defined) VXML to be loaded. Valid options: the name of the file
or null (that is, nothing is inserted between two of the delimiting commas).
A null setting (,,) causes the CVP to examine the contents of the user.microapp.inline_tts
ECC variable. If this ECC variable contains a value, the CVP prompts using TTS. If this
ECC variable is empty, no prompt is played.
– Media Library Type. (For PM, GD, M, and GS micro-applications.) Flag indicating the
location of the media files to be played. Valid options: A (Application, the default) and S
PM and GS have an additional, valid option: V (external VXML).
– Data Playback Type. (For PD, only.) The kind of the data to be returned (“played”) to the
caller. Valid options: Number, Char (Character), Etime (Elapsed Time), TOD (Time of Day),
24TOD (24-hour Time of Day), DOW (Day of Week), Date, Currency.
– Uniqueness value. (Optional.) A string identifying a VRU Script Name as unique.
This value is useful for organizing CVP VRU Script Names. For instance, you might want
to create two Get_Password scripts with identical VRU Script Name parameters but different
Configuration Params. The VRU Script Name field setting for one could be:
GD,Password,A,short and the other could be: GD,Password,A,1ong.
Examples are given in Table 2-3, Table 2-5, Table 2-8, Table 2-11, and Table 2-14.
Name. A unique name for the VRU script. ICM software generates a name based on the Network
VRU and script names.
Timeout. The number of seconds ICM software should wait for a response after invoking the script.
If ICM software does not receive a response from the VRU within this time, it assumes the CVP
script has failed.
This setting is designed to detect VRU failures only; attempting to use it as a technique for interrupting
script processing can lead to unexpected results. Cisco recommends leaving the 180-second default, or
lengthening the setting to a duration that is longer than the longest time the script is expected to take.
Configuration Param. A string used by the CVP to pass additional parameters to the Application
Server. Content of string depends on the micro-application to be accessed. For more information on
what to specify in this field, see:
– “Play Media (PM) Micro-Application” section on page 2-9.
– “Play Data (PD) Micro-Application” section on page 2-16.
– “Get Digits (GD) Micro-Application” section on page 2-27.
– “Menu (M) Micro-Application” section on page 2-36.
– “Get Speech (GS) Micro-Application” section on page 2-44.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution
Writing NAM/ICM Applications for the CVP
Step 5
Description. Any additional information about the script.
Customer. (Optional.) A customer associated with the script. For Service Provider solutions, this
field is mandatory, due to multiple tenancy solutions (customer-specific data needs to be separated).
Interruptible. (Checkbox.) Whether ICM software can interrupt the script (for example, if a routing
target becomes available).
Overridable. (Checkbox.) Indicates whether the script can override its own Interruptible attribute.
Options: This setting does not apply to CVP micro-applications.
When finished, click Save to apply your changes.
How to specify a Run VRU Script node that accesses a CVP micro-application
Step 1
Within Script Editor, place the Run VRU Script object in the workspace, right-click, and open the
Properties dialog box.
The Run VRU Script Properties dialog box lists all Network VRU scripts currently configured.
The ICM Script Name column reflects the values defined through the Name field in ICM
Configuration Manager’s Network VRU Script List tool.
Step 2
Select the ICM Script/VRU Script Name you want to execute.
Step 3
Optionally, modify the Comments tab.
Step 4
Optionally, modify the Labels tab.
Step 5
When finished, click OK to submit the changes and close the dialog box.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution
CVP Micro-Applications
CVP Micro-Applications
Not all third-party ASR servers use CVP mirco-application parameters in the same manner. This affects
how third-party ASR servers interact with the CVP micro-applications. For example, although CVP
allows timeout parameters to be set to a value in the range of 1 to 99 seconds, a particular ASR server
may only support a range of 1 to 32 seconds. Another ASR server requires a "#" to indicate that digits
should be collected before the inter-digit timeout is reached. Be sure to follow the instructions
provided by your third-party vendor. Also, be sure to test all of your micro-applications before
deploying them.
The sections that follow describe the parameters that can be defined through ICM Configuration
Manager for each of the five CVP micro-applications.
Keep the following in mind as you configure each Network VRU Script to be used with the CVP:
Each micro-application parameter in fields of the Network VRU Script List’s Attributes tab must be
separated by a comma.
If a parameter value is not specified, the micro-application uses its default.
Each section concludes with sample ICM Configuration Manager and Script Editor screen captures for
the micro-application.
For detailed examples of CVP IVR scripts, turn to Appendix B, “Transferring and Queuing Calls with
Customer Voice Portal.”
How micro-applications use Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and
Text-to-Speech (TTS)
CVP micro-applications can use ASR in three ways:
To recognize digits with the Get Digits and Menu micro-applications. The
user.microapp.input_type ECC variable specifies the collection type. The script writer uses this
variable in a Script Editor Set node to allow the caller to input DTMF only (D) or both DTMF and
Voice (B, the default). If you are not using an ASR, you need to set this variable to D. If you are
using an ASR, you can set the variable to either D or B. Regardless of the value of
user.microapp.input_type, the recognized digit(s) are always returned to the NAM/ICM in the
CED variable.
To recognize data for built-in data types, such as numbers, dates or currency, using digits and/or
voice. The user.microapp.input_type ECC variable specifies the collection type. The script writer
uses this variable in a Set node to allow the caller to input DTMF only (D) or DTMF and Voice (B,
the default). If you are not using an ASR, you need to set this variable to D. If you are using an ASR,
you can set the variable to either D or B. The recognized result is returned to the NAM/ICM in the
CED variable.
With input_mode set to "B" (both), either DTMF or speech will be accepted, but mixed mode input is
not. Once you begin entering with one mode, input via the other mode is ignored and has no effect.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution
CVP Micro-Applications
The Get Speech micro-application collects non-digit input—words—according to a specified
grammar. The grammar to be used is specified either as inline grammar (through the setting in the
user.microapp.grammar_choices ECC variable) or as an external grammar file (through a text file,
the name of which is given in the Network VRU Script’s Configuration Param field). The recognized
result is returned to the NAM/ICM in the user.microapp.caller_input ECC variable.
CVP micro-applications can use TTS for two purposes:
As an alternative for playing recorded announcement prompts with the Play Media, Get Digits,
Menu, and Get Speech micro-applications, using either the contents of the user.microapp.inline_tts
or an external .vxml file. (For more information, see the “How micro-applications use External
VXML” section on page 2-6). The ECC variable is useful if the amount of text is relatively short
and simple. The external .vxml file is useful for more lengthy text or text that needs to be changed
frequently using tools other than the ICM Script Editor.
As a method of playing data using the Play Data micro-application. If the user.microapp.pd_tts
ECC variable contains Y, the CVP should use TTS to speak the data (depending on the TTS locale
support and capabilities); if N, the CVP should use the system recorded announcements to speak the
data (depending on CVP Application Server locale support and capabilities).
These ECC variables must be set in the ICM script prior to executing the micro-application that they
How micro-applications use External VXML
The Play Media and Get Speech micro-applications can be used to render external .vxml, that is, text
Voice-XML files. To access the external file, the Media File Component of the Network VRU Script’s
VRU Script Name field must point to a .vxml file and specify V as the Media Library Type parameter.
The external VXML file must contain particular call control catch blocks and must not execute call
control, as the CVP and ICM software must be responsible for all call control. (For more information,
see the “External VXML File Contents” section on page 2-61.)
Since violation of external VXML file restrictions cannot be enforced and would have serious
consequences, this feature is not enabled by default. It must be enabled through the Application Server
Administration interface.
Dynamic Audio File Support for micro-applications
In ISN 2.0, all audio files needed to be specified in the VRU Script Name of the PlayMedia, Menu,
GetDigits and GetSpeech micro-applications. CVP gives you the capability to use a single
micro-application and specify the prompt using call variables and the ICM formula editor.
To provide dynamic audio file capability, you set the second VRU script parameter to a numeric value,
1-10, prefixed by a dash. You then set the Media Library to either “A”, “S”, or “V”. The CVP looks in
the corresponding Call.PeripheralVariable for the name of the audio file to play.
When you set the Media Library to “A” or “S”, CVP plays the audio file specified by the Call Variable
after the “-(number)”. For example, if the second VRU Script Parameter is set to “-4”, it plays the audio
file specified in Call.PeripheralVariable4. This functionality is added for Play Media, Menu, Get Digits,
and Get Speech micro-applications.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution
CVP Micro-Applications
If you set the Media Library to “V”, CVP calls the external VXML file specified by the Call Variable
after the “-(number)”. If the Script Parameter is set to “-7”, for example, it calls the external VXML file
specified in Call.PeripheralVariable7.
The “V” option is only supported for the Play Media and Get Speech micro-applications.
Second VRU Script Parameter
Corresponding Call Variable
-1 to -10
Call.VariableParameter (-1 to -10)
For an example of how to use a dynamic audio file, see the table below.
VRU Script Parameter Example
PM, -3,V
PM - Utilizes the Play Media micro-application.
-3 - Plays the file specified in
V - Acquires the file from the external VXML
Media Library.
Example of Using the Dynamic Prompt
To use the dynamic prompt, do the following
In the Set node in ICM script set the value of ToExtVXML0 to:
In the external VXML file the configuration should be:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<vxml version="2.0">
<form id="BilingualMenu" scope="dialog">
<var name="prompt"/>
<field name="caller_input">
<prompt bargein="true" timeout="3s">
<audio expr="prompt"/>
A specific hostname, wav filename, form id etc was used for the purpose of this example. These element
are all configurable and you should use your own configuration.
If you do not specify a file extension for the file name in the Call.PeripheralVariable, the default
media file extension is applied.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution
CVP Micro-Applications
If you set the second VRU script parameter to a value prefixed with a dash and don’t specify a file
name in the corresponding Call.PeripheralVariable, the App Server creates a VXML that does not
contain a media prompt.
If you set the second VRU Script Parameter to a value prefixed with a dash and set the “App Media
Library” to “V”, signifying external VXML, you must specify a VXML file in the corresponding
Call.PeripheralVariable. If you don’t, an “Invalid VRU Script Name” error is returned to the ICM.
If the specified VXML filename does not contain an extension, and the
user.microapp.UseVXMLParams is not set to N, the default extension of .vxml is automatically
You can only specify the name of a single file in the Peripheral Variable. You cannot set this value
to a name/value pair.
For more information, see the sections on individual micro-applications in this chapter.
Metadata ECC Variable
Following the Menu (M), GetData (GD) and GetSpeech (GS) micro-applications, CVP now returns
information about the execution of that microapplication. The information is returned in a new ECC
variable called “user.microapp.metadata”. Its format is defined in terms of a number of subfields, each
separated by a vertical bar character (‘|’). Also, the subfields are of fixed length in order to facilitate
extraction either at reporting time or within the ICM routing script itself.
The User.microapp.metadata ECC variable is structured as follows:
Table 2-1 shows the values for this variable.
Table 2-1
Metadata ECC Variable Values
D, V or N – Indicates whether the user responded with Voice (V), DTMF (D), or not at all (N). (Note that for
the Menu microapplication, any successful single digit entry will result in m being set to V or D, even if the entry
was an invalid menu selection.)
000 to 100 – Indicates the ASR percent confidence level at which the voice input was finally recognized. This
field is only valid if m is Voice (V).
00 to 99 – Indicates how many tries were required. 01 means user responded successfully after the first prompt.
00 to 99 – Indicates how many timeouts occurred. Does not include interdigit timeouts.
00 to 99 – Indicates how many invalid entries were received, including interdigit timeouts.
000000 to 999999 – Indicates the microapplication duration in milliseconds. Duration is defined as the elapsed
time between entering and exiting the RunExternalScript node, as measured in the ISN Application Server.
vru script
Full name of the VRU Script which was executed. This is the only variable length field.
This ECC variable is optional. If used, you must define it in the ICM software Expanded Call Context
Variables configuration tool. The variable length should normally be configured as 62 bytes, but if ECC
space is restricted, you can configure it as 21 bytes. This will drop the vruscriptname subfield. If you do
define this variable, its contents get written to the ICM database with every termination record, and can
be used to provide a record of meta-information about the execution of each input microapplication.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution
CVP Micro-Applications
Capture (CAP) Micro-Application
The Capture (CAP) micro-application allows you to trigger the storage of current call data at multiple
points in the ICM routing script. The CAP micro-application must be configured as a VRU script, and it
is executed using a RunExternalScript node, just as with any other CVP micro-application. The VRU
Script Name should be “CAP” or “CAP,xxx”, where “xxx” is any arbitrary string to be used if necessary
for uniqueness purposes. There is no VRU Script Config string.
Executing a Capture microapplication causes the ICM PG to produce an intermediate termination record.
Specifically, it writes a record in the Termination_Call_Detail (TCD) table which includes all current
call variables (but not the VRUProgress variable), router call keys, date and time, caller entered digits,
etc. Together with the TCD record, the Capture micro-application writes a set of records to the
Termination_Call_Variable (TCV) table which includes the current values of all ECC variables.
ICM provides no standard reporting templates for TCD and TCV records. These tables are very large
and minimally indexed, and are optimized for writing rather than querying, in order to minimally impact
call handling throughput. If you plan to report on this data, you should create off-hours extract processes
which copy rows in their raw format into a database which is external to ICM. From there you can
organize the tables in the way that best supports your querying requirements.
Some information you need concerning these records:
TCD records for a given call may be identified because they contain the same RouterCallKeyDay
and RouterCallKey. Successive TCD records are ordered by incrementing
Intermediate TCD records may be identified because they contain a CallDisposition of 53,
“PartialCall”. Only the last TCD record for the call contains the actual disposition.
TCV records corresponding to a particular TCD record may be obtained by joining on
TCV.TCDRecoveryKey. This key matches the RecoveryKey value in the TCD record.
As of ICM 6.0, the TCD record’s CallTypeId is populated even for VRU peripherals. This means
you can determine the call’s current CallType at the time of each Capture microapplication
invocation, as well as at the end of the call.
In CVP Comprehensive Model deployments, these records will be associated with the VRU leg
peripheral. If you are doing VRU application reporting, you may want to filter for TCD records
which contain the PeripheralID of the ISN VRU leg.
If using the Capture microapplication you should keep in mind that it places a heavy demand on ICM
resources. Each time you use it, the ICM writes one TCD record and multiple TCV records. Though it
can conveniently capture the information you need, it is also likely to capture a great deal of extra
information which you do not require. If you overuse this microapplication, you may end up placing a
heavy load on the ICM both in terms of processing time and disk space, which despite the minimal
indexing, may nevertheless impact ICM’s ability to handle the expected call load. Therefore it is
recommended that you choose carefully where in your scripts you really need to capture information,
and that you spread data items into as many different call variables as possible in order to maximize the
usefulness of each invocation.
Play Media (PM) Micro-Application
The Play Media (PM) micro-application simply plays a message contained in a media file. Use the ICM
Configuration Manager’s Network VRU Script List tool’s Attributes tab to specify parameters.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution
CVP Micro-Applications
The VRU Script Name and Configuration Param fields are case-sensitive. For example, PM is a valid
entry; pm is not. Enter the values exactly as specified in Table 2-2.
DTMF digit type-ahead is not supported by Play Media and Play Data micro-apps when executing in
Comprehensive mode (Type 7). However, this feature is supported for Type 5 calls.
Voice barge-in is not supported by Play Media and Play Data micro-applications. However, DTMF
barge-in is supported for these micro-applications.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution
CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-2
Play Media Network VRU Script Configuration Parameters
Field Name
Description and Valid Options
VRU Script Name field
This must be PM (Play Media)
Media File Name
Name of the media file to be played (that is, the prompt file) or
the name of the external VXML file. The valid options are:
A file name (for instance, a .wav file)
null - (default) If this field is left empty, CVP examines the
contents of the user.microapp.inline_tts ECC variable. If
this ECC variable contains a value, the CVP prompts using
TTS. If the ECC is empty, no prompt is played.
- (number 1-10) - CVP plays the file in the corresponding
Call.PeripheralVariable file. For example, entering -2 causes
CVP to look at Call.PeripheralVariable2.
Media Library Type
Configuration Param (see
page 2-14)
If you utilize the -(number 1-10) option and set the Media
Library Type to “V”, CVP plays the external VXML file
specified in the corresponding Call.PeripheralVariable. If
you set the value to - (no value) and set the Media Library
Type to “V”, the App Server creates VXML without a
media prompt.
Flag indicating the location of the media files to be played. The
valid options are:
A - (default) Application
S - System
V - External VXML
Uniqueness value
Optional. A string identifying a VRU Script Name as unique.
Barge-in Allowed
Specifies whether barge-in (digit entry to interrupt media
playback) is allowed. The valid options are:
Y - (default) barge-in allowed
N - barge-in not allowed
CVP deals with barge-in as follows: If barge-in is not
allowed, the Voice Browser/Gateway continues prompt
play when a caller starts entering digits and the entered
digits are discarded. If barge-in is allowed, the Voice
Browser/Gateway discontinues prompt play when the
caller starts entering digits. (For more information, see
the “Get Speech and External VXML” section on
page 2-54.)
Any barge-in setting is ignored when using external
Table 2-3 shows several configuration examples for the Play Media.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution
CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-3
Play Media Configuration Examples
If the VRU Script Name
field setting is…
It means….
If the
Param field
setting is…
PM – Use the Play Media micro-application.
Barge-in not allowed.
Accept default. (Barge-in
Accept default. (Barge-in
Barge-in not allowed.
It means….
Welcome – Play the Media file named
If no file extension is specified, .wav is
Accept defaults for remaining settings.
PM – Use the Play Media micro-app.
July – Play the Media file named “July.wav.”
S - Use the System Media library.
PM – Use the Play Media micro-app.
Website – Play the Media file named
, (Skipped parameter) – Accept the default
(Media Type: Application library)
0 – Uniqueness value.
PM – Use the Play Media micro-app.
Website – Play the Media file named
, (Skipped parameters) – Accept the default
(Media Type: A, Application library)
1 – Uniqueness value.
PM – Use the Play Media micro-app.
customer.vxml – Play the external VXML file
Any barge-in setting is ignored when
using external VXML.
V – Use the VXML Media library
1 – Uniqueness value.
PM – Use the Play Media micro-app.
If the user.microapp.inline_tts ECC
contains a value, the PM
micro-application will play its contents
(for example, “Hello world”).
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Barge-in not allowed.
Chapter 2
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution
CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-3
Play Media Configuration Examples (continued)
If the VRU Script Name
field setting is…
It means….
If the
Param field
setting is…
PM, -3, A
PM– Use the Play Media micro-app.
It means….
Barge-in not allowed.
-3– Uses the file listed in
A– Acquires the file from the Application
media library
PM, -7, V
PM– Use the Play Media micro-app.
-7– Calls the external VXML listed in
Any barge-in setting is ignored when
using external VXML.
V– Acquires the file from the external VXML
media library.
Play Media Error Code Settings
Play Media can set user.microapp.error_code ECC variable to any of the following Return Status error
1 - (Unused)
2 - Network Error
3 - System Error
4 - (Unused)
5 - Unknown micro-application
6 - Invalid VRU Script Name format
7 - Invalid Configuration Param
8 - Misconfigured ECC variable
9 - Media file does not exist or invalid URL for Media file
10 - Semantic-Runtime Error
11 - Unsupported VXML format
12 - Unsupported VXML element
13 - Variable data is invalid
14 - Location of variable data is empty
21 - Timed out
30 - Unsupported locale
31 - ASR error
32 - TTS error
33 - General error
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
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CVP Micro-Applications
user.microapp.error_code is always zero, indicating success, if control proceeds out the Checkmark
(success) branch of the Run VRU Script node. Usually, if control proceeds out the X (failure) branch,
CVP sets this variable to one of the codes listed here. (Your routing should always test the error code
after an X branch is taken. It should not automatically assume, for example, that the caller did not enter
the expected number of digits.)
However, if a configuration error, or a network or component failure of some sort, prevents the
micro-application from being executed at all, then CVP does not get a chance to set this variable at all.
Such cases can be identified by using a Set node to pre-set user.microapp.error_code to some known
invalid value such as -1, and then to test for that value using an If node, following the X branch of the
Run VRU Script node
Two classes of problems can prevent the micro-application from being executed at all: (1) inability to
route the call to an appropriate VXML-enabled gateway and Application Server (Advanced Speech
deployment model only); (2) mismatch between Network VRU associated with the configured VRU
script and Network VRU associated with the CVP that is handling the call. The second case can only be
caused by an ICM configuration error, but the first case may also be caused by a temporary network
outage or other component failure.
Play Media Example: Play Welcome Message
This example shows sample ICM Configuration Manager and Script Editor screen captures for a Play
Media application that simply plays an announcement.
Figure 2-1
Play Media Configuration
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CVP Micro-Applications
The Network VRU Script List tool’s Attribute tab in Figure 2-1 shows:
The VRU Script Name field containing three CVP parameters:
– PM. Play Media.
– July. Media File Name.
– S. System Media Library Type.
The Configuration Param field containing the following CVP parameter:
– Y. Barge-in allowed.
Figure 2-2 shows the contents of the script:
Figure 2-2
Play Media Script
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Chapter 2
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CVP Micro-Applications
Play Data (PD) Micro-Application
The Play Data micro-application retrieves data from a storage area and plays it to the caller in a specific
format, called a data play back type. You use the ICM Configuration Manager’s Network VRU Script
List tool’s Attributes tab to specify parameters.
Table 2-4
The VRU Script Name and Configuration Param fields are case-sensitive. For example, PD is a valid
entry; pd is not. Enter the values exactly as specified in Table 2-4.
DTMF digit type-ahead is not supported by Play Media and Play Data micro-apps when executing in
Comprehensive mode (Type 7). However, this feature is supported for Type 5 calls.
Voice barge-in is not supported by Play Media and Play Data micro-applications. However, DTMF
barge-in is supported for these micro-applications.
Play Data Network VRU Script Configuration Parameters
Field Name
Description and Valid Options
VRU Script Name field
This must be PD (Play Data).
Data Playback Type.
The kind of the data to be returned (“played”) to the caller.
For more information about each of these playback types
– including input format and output examples – turn to
Table 2-6 on page 2-20.
The valid options are:
Char (character)
Etime (elapsed time)
TOD (Time of Day)
24TOD (24-hour Time of Day)
DOW (Day of Week)
Uniqueness value
24TOD and DOW data play back types are not supported
when using TTS. Also, currency other than US dollar
(USD) is not supported.
Optional. A string identifying a VRU Script Name as unique.
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Table 2-4
Play Data Network VRU Script Configuration Parameters (continued)
Field Name
Description and Valid Options
Configuration Params
Location of the data to be The valid options are:
• null (default) - If you leave this option empty, uses the ECC
variable user.microapp.play_data.
Configuration Param
Barge-in Allowed
A number representing a Call Peripheral Variable number
(for example, a 1 to represent Call.PeripheralVariable1).
For more information on data location, see the “Play Data
and Data Storage” section on page 2-18.
Specifies whether barge-in (digit entry to interrupt media
playback) is allowed. The valid options are:
Y - (default) barge-in allowed
N - barge-in not allowed
CVP deals with barge-in as follows: If barge-in is not allowed, the
Voice Browser/Gateway continues prompt play when a caller
starts entering digits and the digits are discarded. If barge-in is
allowed, the Voice Browser/Gateway discontinues prompt play
when the caller starts entering digits. (For more information, see
the “Get Speech and External VXML” section on page 2-54.)
Barge-in works the same for ASR as DTMF. If the caller speaks
during prompt play, the prompt play stops. Unlike DTMF input,
ASR caller input is checked against the grammar that is defined.
If a match isn’t found, an Invalid Entry error is generated and the
caller input is deleted.Voice barge-in is not supported during a
Play Media or Play Data script because there is not a grammar
specified for these micro-applications.
Invalid entry errors are only sent back to the Application Server
for Get Digits, Menu or Get Speech micro-applications.
Time Format
Barge-in is not used when providing external VXML.
Valid only for the time Data Playback types (Etime, TOD,
The available formats are:
null - leave this option empty for non-time formats
HHMM - default for time formats
HHMMAP - includes am or pm; valid only for TOD
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
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CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-5 shows several configuration examples for Play Data.
Table 2-5
Play Data Configuration Examples
If the VRU Script Name
field setting is…
It means…
If the Configuration
Param field is…
Place the data in the default ECC,
user.microapp.play_data, as a
1 – Play the data in Call
PeripheralVariable 1 as a
1 – Play the data in Call
PeripheralVariable 1 as an
elapsed time.
PD – Use the Play Data micro-app.
Number – Play back the data as a number.
PD – Use the Play Data micro-app.
Char –Play back the data as individual
PD – Use the Play Data micro-app.
Etime – Play back the data as a Time.
It means…
, – (Skipped parameter) Accept
default setting (Y)
HHMM – Play the time in
HHMM format (for example, 8
hours, 30 minutes).
PD – Use the Play Data micro-app.
Date – Play back the data as a Date.
1 – Play the data in Call Variable
1 as a date.
N – No barge-in allowed.
PD – Use the Play Data micro-app.
Currency – Play back the data as a
4 – Play the data in Call
Variable 4 s currency.
N – No barge-in allowed.
To enable Text-to-Speech (TTS) as the data play back source, you would need to need to insert a Set node in the script
prior to the Run VRU Script node setting user.microapp.pd_tts to “Y”.
Play Data and Data Storage
Some possible sources of the data to be played back:
Information retrieved from a database look-up.
Information entered by the caller.
Before this micro-application can be called, you must specify the location of the play back data. You do
this with a Script Editor Set node that points to one of the following storage areas:
One of the standard NAM/ICM Peripheral Variables (PeripheralVariable1 through
The user.microapp.play_data ECC variable. This is the preferred area for data playback storage.
Using this ECC avoids the possibility of overwriting a call variable already being used either by this
application or by other components within the system (default method is to use <parm> elements).
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Chapter 2
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CVP Micro-Applications
Play Back Types for Voice Data
Configuring how voice data is presented to a caller is an important part of setting up your CVP IVR.
Table 2-6 provides a complete list of CVP Data Play Back Types, along with sample valid values and
formats for the supported locales when not using TTS:
en-us. English (United States)
en-gb. English (Great Britain)
es-mx. Spanish (Mexico)
es-es. Spanish (Spain)
Locale is selected by setting the user.microapp.locale variable.
For information about locale support when using TTS, check with your third-party vendor.
Keep in mind that any string of characters typically used in the language may need to be spoken back
character by character (this includes special keyboard symbols and numbers). If a particular symbol is
not used by a particular language, there is still the possibility that a string containing that symbol will
be spelled out with a Play Data with Char data type.
For example, assume that an IVR application in the US (a locale of en-us) queries a database for an
account owner’s name and spells the name back to the caller. If the name pulled from the database was
“Hänschen Walther,” the media files that would need to be pulled from the Media Server would have
been derived from a URL including the en-us locale. The symbol ä has a decimal value of 228, which is
different than a with a value of 97. It is the translator’s task to record the proper word(s) for each symbol
to be supported. For detailed information on character translation, turn to the “System Media Files”
section in Chapter 3, “Prompt Recording and Distribution.”
When using TTS, some output format may vary between CVP playback types and TTS playback types.
For example, TTS may pronounce a Play Data number "1234" as "twelve thirty four". When not using
TTS, the output is "one thousand, two hundred, thirty four". Please check with your third-party vendor
on TTS outputs for playback types.
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CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-6
Data Play
Back Type
Data Play Back Types
Input Format
Play the stored
data as a number.
The leading minus (-) is optional and is played
as “minus.”
The whole number portion of the string can
contain a maximum of 15 digits (for a maximum
value of 999 trillion, 999 billion, etc.).
Output Examples (When Not Using TTS)
en-us and en-gb typical spoken form:
-123 = “minus one hundred twenty
35.67 = “thirty five point six seven”
1234.0 = “one thousand, two
hundred, thirty four point zero”
The decimal point is represented as a period (.)
es-mx and es-es typical spoken form:
and played as “point.” It is optional if there is no
• -120 = “menos ciento veinte”
floating portion.
The floating point portion of the number is
optional and can contain a maximum of 6 digits.
10.60 = “diez coma seis cero”
1,100 = “mil cien”
Trailing zeros are played.
Play the stored
All printable American National Standards
data as individual Institute (ANSI) characters are supported.
Code Page 1252 is ANSI standard. It
contains ASCII (characters 0-127) and
extended characters from 128 to 255.
en-us and en-gb typical spoken form:
Play the stored
data as a date.
en-us typical spoken form:
YYYYMMDD, regardless of locale.
YYYY options: the range of 1800 through
es-mx and es-es typical spoken form:
MM options: the range of 01 through 12.
DD options: the range of 01 through 31.
abc123 = “A, B, C, uno, dos, tres”
MMDDYYYY format:
20000114 = “January fourteenth, two
en-gb typical spoken form:
The software does not validate the date • DDMMYYYY format:
20000114 = “Fourteenth of January,
(for example, 20000231 is valid and
two thousand”
played accordingly). However, a failure
occurs if any bounds are broken (for
es-mx and es-es typical spoken form:
example, 34 for month).
• DDMMYYYY format:
20001012 = “el doce de octubre de
dos mil”
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
abc123= “A, B, C, one, two, three”
All spoken forms use the proper
grammar for the locale.
Chapter 2
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CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-6
Data Play
Back Type
Data Play Back Types (continued)
Input Format
Play the stored
data as an amount
Maximum 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds
of elapsed time.
Leading zeros are ignored.
Output Examples (When Not Using TTS)
en-us and en-gb typical spoken form:
HHMM format:
0830= “eight hours thirty minutes”
HHMMSS format:
083020= “eight hours, thirty
minutes, twenty seconds”
es-mx and es-es typical spoken form:
(Time of
Play the stored
data as a time of
HHMM or HHMMSS 24 hour time
HH options: 00 - 24
HHMM format:
0205 = “dos horas cinco minutos”
HHMMSSS format:
020101 = “dos horas un minuto un
en-us and en-gb typical spoken form:
HHMM format:
0800 = “eight o’clock”
0830 = “eight thirty”
1430 = “two thirty”
HHMMSS format:
083020 = “eight thirty and twenty
HHMMAP format:
1430 = “two thirty p.m.”
MM options: 00 - 59
SS options: 00 - 59
es-mx and es-es typical spoken form:
HHMM format:
0100 = “una a.m.”
HHMMAP format:
1203 = “doce y tres p.m.”
HHMMSS format:
242124 = “doce veintiuno a.m.”
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
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CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-6
Data Play
Back Type
Time of
Data Play Back Types (continued)
Input Format
Output Examples (When Not Using TTS)
Play the stored
data as military
HHMM or HHMMSS 24 hour time.
en-us and en-gb typical spoken form:
HH options: 00 - 24
24-hour time and military time may
have a discrepancy as to valid hours.
CVP plays back the value 00 or 24 “as
is.” The application developer is free to
make alterations to the data passed to
the micro-application, if so desired.
MM options: 00 - 59
SS options: 00 - 59
HHMM format:
0815 = “eight fifteen”
2330 = “twenty three thirty”
2300 = “twenty three hundred hours”
HHMMSS format:
233029 = “twenty three thirty and
twenty nine seconds”
es-mx and es-es typical spoken form:
HHMM format:
2121 = “veintiuno veintiuno”
2100 = “veintiún horas”
The CVP validates the ranges as stated above.
For example, if a time ends in 00 minutes (that
is, 2300), one would say “hundred hours” (that Note In Spanish, when a time ends in
00 minutes the spoken form is
is, “twenty-three hundred hours”). The range is
“hours,” not “hundred hours.”
0000 (12 a.m.) through 2459 (after midnight) or
0059, if you prefer. 1300 equals 1 o’clock in the
• HHMMSS format:
050505 = “cinco y cinco y cinco
The 24TOD play back type is not
supported when using TTS.
(Day of
Play the stored
data as a day of
An integer from 1 through 7 (1 = Sunday,
2 = Monday, etc.).
The DOW data play back type is not
supported when using TTS.
en-us and en-gb typical spoken form:
es-mx and es-es typical spoken form:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
7 = “Saturday”
7 = “Sabado”
Chapter 2
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution
CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-6
Data Play
Back Type
Data Play Back Types (continued)
Input Format
Play the stored
data as currency.
Format is [-]15(X)[.2(Y)] where the minus sign USD (US dollar) typical spoken form:
is optional as well as the decimal point and the
• 15.05 = “fifteen dollars and five
2 digits after the decimal point. The whole
number portion of the string can contain a
maximum of 15 digits (for a maximum value of • 3.00 = “three dollars and zero cents”
999 trillion, 999 billion).
CVP uses the USD_dollar.wav
and USD_dollars.wav media
files; the dollar.wav and
dollars.wav used by ISN Version
1.0 are no longer installed.
No comma delimiters or currency
symbols are recognized.
Leading and trailing zeros are played. If a
number does not have a decimal point, the
“cents” portion of the amount will not be
spoken. For example, the spoken form for the
input 100 is “one hundred dollars.”
The grammar rules apply to the currency, not
the locale.
Output Examples (When Not Using TTS)
CAD (Canadian dollar) typical spoken
15.05 = “fifteen dollars and five
3.00 = “three dollars and zero cents”
The user.microapp.currency ECC
EUR (Euro dollar) typical spoken form:
variable contains the currency indicator
• 1.10 = “one point one zero euro”
(USD, CAD, EUR, etc.)
GBP (Great Britain pound) typical
spoken form:
1.10 = “one pound ten pence”
MXN (Mexican pesos) typical spoken
1.10 = “one peso and ten centavos”
The default spoken form for a
negative amount (for all currency
types) is “minus <amount>.”
24TOD and DOW data play back types are not supported when using TTS. Also, currency other than US dollar (USD)
is not supported.
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Chapter 2
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Play Data Error Code Settings
Play Data can set user.microapp.error_code ECC variable to any of the following Return Status error
1 - (Unused)
2 - Network Error
3 - System Error
4 - (Unused)
5 - Unknown micro-application
6 - Invalid VRU Script Name format
7 - Invalid Configuration Param
8 - Misconfigured ECC Variable
9 - Media file does not exist or invalid URL for Media file
10 - Semantic-Runtime Error
11 - Unsupported VXML format
12 - Unsupported VXML element
13 - Variable data is invalid
14 - Location of variable data is empty
15 - Time format is invalid
16 - Data value out of range
21 - Timed out
30 - Unsupported locale
31 - ASR error
32 - TTS error
33 - General error
The value in user.microapp.error_code ECC is passed from the CVP to the NAM/ICM when the X
(failure) branch is taken. See the discussion at the end of the section Play Media Error Code Settings.
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Play Data Example: Play Data as Number
This example shows sample ICM Configuration Manager and Script Editor screen captures for a a Play
Data application that plays the contents of the user.microapp.play_data ECC in number format.
Figure 2-3
Play Data As Number Configuration
The Network VRU Script List tool’s Attribute tab in Figure 2-3 shows:
The VRU Script Name field containing two CVP parameters:
– PD. Play Data.
– Number. Data Playback Type.
The Configuration Param field containing the value 1, so the playback data will come from the Call
Peripheral variable, Call.PeripheralVariable1.
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CVP Micro-Applications
Figure 2-4 shows the contents of the script:
Figure 2-4
Play Data As Number Script
For example, if user.microapp.play_data referred to in Figure 2-4 contained the value 123, this number
would be played backed “One hundred twenty three.”
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Chapter 2
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CVP Micro-Applications
Get Digits (GD) Micro-Application
The Get Digits (GD) micro-application plays a media file and retrieves digits. You could use Get Digits
in an application that prompts a caller to enter a password.
The CVP passes the retrieved digits back to the NAM/ICM for further processing using the
Caller-Entered Digits (CED) field in the ICM/IVR Messaging interface. (This is available in the ICM
script through the variable Call.CallerEnteredDigits.)
Use the ICM Configuration Manager’s Network VRU Script List tool’s Attribute tab to specify
Table 2-7
The VRU Script Name and Configuration Param fields are case-sensitive. For example, GD is a valid
entry; gd is not. Enter the values exactly as specified in Table 2-7.
Get Digits Network VRU Script Configuration Parameters
Field Name
Description and Valid Options
VRU Script Name
This must be GD (Get Digits).
Media File Name
Name of the media file or external VXML to be played (that is,
the prompt file). The valid options are:
Media Library Type
A file name (for instance, a .wav file)
null - (default) If this field is empty, CVP examines the
contents of the user.microapp.inline_tts ECC variable. If
this ECC variable contains a value, the CVP prompts using
TTS. If the ECC is empty, no prompt is played.
-(number 1-10) - CVP plays the file in the corresponding
Call.PeripheralVariable file. For example, entering -2 causes
CVP to look at Call.PeripheralVariable2.
Flag indicating the location of the media files to be played. The
valid options are:
A - (default) Application
S - System
Configuration Param
This value is ignored if using TTS.
Uniqueness value
Optional. A string identifying a VRU Script Name as unique.
Minimum Field Length
Minimum number of digits expected from the caller. The valid
options are: 1-32 (the default is 1).
Maximum Field Length
Maximum number of digits expected from the caller.The valid
options are: 1-32 (the default is 1).
For information about Maximum Field Length and the
DTMF Termination Key, see the Note in the “Get Digits
and Digit Entry Completion” section on page 2-32.
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CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-7
Get Digits Network VRU Script Configuration Parameters (continued)
Field Name
Description and Valid Options
Configuration Param
Barge-in Allowed
Specifies whether barge-in (digit entry to interrupt media
playback) is allowed. The valid options are:
Y - (default) barge-in allowed
N - barge-in not allowed
Inter-digit Timeout
CVP deals with barge-in as follows: If barge-in is not
allowed, the Voice Browser/Gateway continues prompt
play when a caller starts entering digits. If barge-in is
allowed, the Voice Browser/Gateway discontinues prompt
play when the caller starts entering digits. (For more
information, see the “Get Speech and External VXML”
section on page 2-54.)
The number of seconds the caller is allowed between entering
digits. If exceeded, the system times-out.The valid options are:
1-99 (the default is 3).
This value is ignored if using ASR.
No Entry Timeout
The number of seconds a caller is allowed to begin entering digits.
If exceeded, the system times-out.The valid options are: 0-99 (the
default is 5).
Number of No Entry
Number of times the CVP repeats the “Get Digits” cycle when the
caller does not enter any data after the prompt has been played.
(Total includes the first cycle.) The valid options are: 1-9 (the
default is 3).
Number of Invalid Tries
Number of times the CVP repeats the “Get digits” cycle when the
caller enters invalid data. (Total includes the first cycle.) The valid
options are: 1-9 (the default is 3).
Timeout Message
The valid options are:
Y - override the system default with a pre-recorded
Application Media Library file
N - (default) do not override the system default
Invalid Entry Message
The valid options are:
Y - override the system default with a pre-recorded
Application Media Library file
N - (default) do not override the system default
This value is ignored if using TTS.
This value is ignored if using TTS.
For more information about Timeout and Invalid Entry Messages, see System Media
Files in Chapter 3, “Prompt Recording and Distribution.”
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Chapter 2
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CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-7
Get Digits Network VRU Script Configuration Parameters (continued)
Field Name
Description and Valid Options
Configuration Param
DTMF Termination Key
A single character that, when entered by the caller, indicates digit
entry is complete. The valid options are:
Incomplete Timeout
0-9, * (asterisk), # (pound sign, the default), N (No
termination key)
For information about Maximum Field Length and the
DTMF Termination Key, see the Note in the “Get Digits
and Digit Entry Completion” section on page 2-32.
This value is ignored if using ASR.
The amount of time after a caller stops speaking to generate an
invalid entry error because the caller input does not match the
defined grammar. The valid options are: 0-99 (the default is 3).
This value is ignored when not using ASR. If the value is
set to 0, the Application Server treats the NoEntry
Timeout as NoError.
Table 2-8 shows several configuration examples for Get Digits for an application that prompts using
.wav files and retrieves input through DTMF:
Table 2-8
Get Digits Configuration Examples
If the VRU Script Name
field setting is…
It means…
If the Configuration
Param field setting
It means…
6 – Minimum field length.
GD –Use the Get Digits micro-app.
Password – Play the Media file named
A – Application Media Library.
12 – Maximum field length.
Accept defaults for all other
0 – Uniqueness value.
GD –Use the Get Digits micro-app.
Password - Play the Media file named
A - Application Media Library.
1 – Uniqueness value.
6,12,N,3,5,2,2,N,Y, 6 – Minimum field length
12 – Maximum field length
N – No barge-in allowed.
3 – Inter-digit Timeout (seconds)
5 – No Entry Timeout (seconds)
2 – Number of no entry tries
2 – Number of invalid tries
N – Timeout Msg Override
Y– Invalid Entry Msg Override
# – DTMF Termination key
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
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CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-8
Get Digits Configuration Examples (continued)
If the VRU Script Name
field setting is…
It means…
If the Configuration
Param field setting
It means…
The two examples above both play the Password.wav file (“Please enter your password followed by the pound sign.”)
and collect digits. They differ in that the first example accepts most of the default settings available through the
Configuration Param field; the second field does not.
GD – Use the Get Digits micro-app.
ssn – Play the Media file named “ssn.wav.”
9 – Minimum field length.
9 – Maximum field length.
Accept defaults for all other
GD –Use the Get Digits micro-app.
Since no Media field settings appear after
GD, the CVP examines the contents of the
user.microapp.inline_tts ECC variable.
If this ECC variable contains a value—for
example, “What is your account number?”
— the CVP prompts using TTS.
6 – Minimum field length.
12 – Maximum field length.
N – No barge-in allowed.
Accept defaults for all other
If the user.microapp.inline_tts is
empty, no prompt is played.
In turn, if the user.microapp.input_type
ECC variable is D, the CVP will be set to
process any DTMF input the customer
Type-ahead can only be used with the Get Digits micro-application when user.microapp.input_type is set to D. For
more information, see the “Get Speech and External VXML” section on page 2-54.
GD, -4, S
GD –Use the Get Digits micro-app.
6, 12
-4 – Calls the file specified in
S – Acquires the file from the System
media library.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
6 – Minimum field length.
12 – Maximum field length.
Accept defaults for all other
Chapter 2
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution
CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-9 shows several configuration examples for Get Digits for an ASR/TTS application:
Table 2-9
Get Digits Configuration Examples
If …
It means…
The user.microapp.inline_tts
ECC variable contains “What is
your account number?”
Use the Get Digits
The Configuration
micro-app to play the
Param field contains:
contents of the ECC variable 6,12,N,3,5,2,2,N,Y,#
and collect DTMF input.
And, if...
It means…
6 – Minimum field length
12 – Maximum field length
N – No barge-in allowed.
3 – Inter-digit Timeout
contains: D (DTMF)
5 – No Entry Timeout
The VRU Script Name field
contains: GD
2 – Number of no entry tries
2 – Number of invalid tries
N – Timeout Msg Override
Y– Invalid Entry Msg
# – DTMF Termination key
The user.microapp.inline_tts
ECC variable contains “What is
your account number?”
Use the Get Digits
The Configuration
micro-app to play the
Param field contains:
contents of the ECC variable 6,12,N,,5,2,2,,,,4
and collect either voice or
DTMF input.
contains: B (the default, both
DTMF and voice)
The VRU Script Name field
contains: GD
6 – Minimum field length
12 – Maximum field length
N – No barge-in allowed.
,,,, – Accept timeouts for
Inter-digit Timeout
(seconds), No Entry
Timeout (seconds), Number
of no entry tries, Number of
invalid tries, Timeout Msg
Override, Invalid Entry Msg
Override, DTMF
Termination key
4 – Incomplete timeout
The user.microapp.inline_tts
ECC variable contains “What is
your account number?”
contains: B (the default, both
DTMF and voice)
Use the Get Digits
micro-app to play the
contents of the ECC variable
and collect DTMF or voice
6 – Minimum field length
12 – Maximum field length
N – No barge-in allowed
Accept defaults for all other
The VRU Script Name field
contains: GD
Type-ahead can only be used with the Get Digits micro-application when user.microapp.input_type is set to
D. For more information, see the “Get Speech and External VXML” section on page 2-54.
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Chapter 2
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CVP Micro-Applications
Get Digits and Digit Entry Completion
The CVP tests GD digit entry input against several conditions to determine whether digit entry is
complete. The CVP considers digit entry to be complete if the caller enters any of the following:
The maximum allowable number of digits (when terminator key is not used).
The maximum number of digits, excluding a terminator key (when terminator key is used).
Less than the maximum number of digits, followed by the terminator key.
Less than the maximum number of digits and exceeding the inter-digit timeout.
Nothing and reaching the no entry timeout.
It is important that you set up your NAM/ICM script to test for all the scenarios mentioned below.
If digit-entry input is complete
After digit-entry input is complete, the CVP validates the digit string to determine if it is >= (greater
than or equal to) the minimum length and <= (less than or equal to) the maximum length.
In variable-length data entry, the Maximum Field Length value does not accommodate the termination
key. For example, if a GD micro-application is configured to accept a password that is between 6 and 12
digits long and digit-entry completion is indicated through a termination key (or a timeout), the
Minimum Field Length setting should be 6, the Maximum Field Length setting should be 12, and the
DTMF Termination Key should be defined as a single character.
Before passing the result back to the Application Server, the Voice Browser would discard the
termination key (that is, only the password digits will be included in the CED returned to ICM software).
In this example, if the 13th digit is entered without reaching the interdigit timeout and the 13th digit is
not the terminator key, a NOMATCH event (same as inter-digit timeout) occurs to clear the CED buffer
on the Voice Browser.
After validating the digit string, the CVP does the following:
If the string is valid, the CVP stores the digit string (not including the terminator key) in the
Call.CallerEnteredDigits variable, exits the node through the Checkmark (success) branch, and
returns control to ICM software.
If the string is not valid, the CVP considers it an invalid entry and does the following:
– If the Number of Invalid Entry Tries value has not been reached, the CVP plays an error message
and re-plays the original prompt.
– If the Number of Invalid Entry Tries value has been reached, the CVP stores the last-entered
digit string in the Call.CallerEnteredDigits variable, exits the node through the X (failure)
branch, sets the user.microapp.error_code ECC variable to 16 (Reached Maximum Invalid
Tries), and returns control to ICM software.
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If No Entry Timeout occurs
If the caller does not enter input and No Entry Timeout period is exceeded, the following happens:
If the Number of No Entry Tries value has not been reached, the CVP plays the “no entry” error
message and re-plays the original prompt.
If the Number of No Entry Tries value has been reached, the CVP exits the node through the X
(failure) branch, sets the Call.CallerEnteredDigits variable to NULL, the
user.microapp.error_code ECC variable to 17 (Reached Maximum No Entry Tries), and returns
control to ICM software.
Get Digits Error Code Settings
Get Digits can set user.microapp.error_code ECC variable to any of the following Return Status error
1 - (Unused)
2 - Network Error
3 - System Error
4 - (Unused)
5 - Unknown micro-application
6 - Invalid VRU Script Name format
7 - Invalid Configuration Param
8 - Misconfigured ECC Variable
9 - Media file does not exist or invalid URL for Media file
10 - Semantic-Runtime Error
11 - Unsupported VXML format
12 - Unsupported VXML element
16 - Reached Maximum Invalid Tries
17 - Reached Maximum No Entry Tries
21 - Timed out
30 - Unsupported locale
31 - ASR error
32 - TTS error
33 - General error
Following the Menu (M), GetData (GD) and GetSpeech (GS) micro-applications, CVP now returns
information about the execution of that microapplication. Refer to the Metadata ECC Variable
section of this chapter for more information.
The value in user.microapp.error_code ECC is passed from the CVP to the NAM/ICM when the
X (failure) branch is taken. See the discussion at the end of the section Play Media Error Code
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Chapter 2
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CVP Micro-Applications
.Get Digits Example: Get Password
This example shows sample ICM Configuration Manager and Script Editor screen captures for a Get
Digits application that plays a prompt requesting a password, retrieves any caller-entered digits, and
allows two no-entry tries and two invalid attempts.
Figure 2-5
Get Digits in Two Attempts Configuration
The Network VRU Script List tool’s Attribute tab in Figure 2-5 shows:
The VRU Script Name field containing five CVP parameters:
– GD. Get Digits
– Password. Media File Name
– A. Media Type, App Specific
– 1. The uniqueness string value
The Configuration Param field containing the following CVP parameters:
– 6. Minimum Field Length
– 12. Maximum Field Length
– N. Barge-in not allowed
– 3. Inter-digit Timeout (seconds)
– 5. No Entry Timeout (seconds)
– 2. Number of no entry tries
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
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CVP Micro-Applications
– 2. Number of invalid tries
– N. Timeout Msg Override
– Y. Invalid Entry Msg Override
– #. DTMF Termination Key
Figure 2-6 shows the contents of the script:
Figure 2-6
Get Digits Script
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
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CVP Micro-Applications
Menu (M) Micro-Application
This micro-application plays a menu media file and retrieves a defined digit. (Menu is similar to the Get
Digit micro-application except that it only accepts one digit, which it checks for validity.)
The CVP passes the retrieved digit back to the NAM/ICM for further processing using the Caller-Entered
Digits (CED) field in the ICM/IVR Messaging interface.
Use the ICM Configuration Manager’s Network VRU Script List tool’s Attribute tab to specify
Table 2-10
The VRU Script Name and Configuration Param fields are case-sensitive. For example, M is a valid
entry; m is not. Enter the values exactly as specified in Table 2-10.
Menu Network VRU Script Configuration Parameters
Field Name
VRU Script Name field
This must be M (Menu).
Media File Name
Name of the media file or external VXML to be played (that is,
the prompt file). The valid options are:
Media Library Type
Configuration Param
A file name (for instance, a .wav file)
null - (default) If this field is empty, CVP examines the
contents of the user.microapp.inline_tts ECC variable. If
this ECC variable contains a value, the CVP prompts using
TTS. If the ECC is empty, no prompt is played.
-(number 1-10) - CVP plays the file in the corresponding
Call.PeripheralVariable file. For example, entering -2 causes
CVP to look at Call.PeripheralVariable2.
Flag indicating the location of the media files to be played. The
valid options are:
A - (default) Application
S - System
Uniqueness value
Optional. A string identifying a VRU Script Name as unique.
A list of menu choices.
The valid options are:
# (pound sign)
* (asterisk)
Formats allowed include:
Individual options delimited by a / (forward slash)
Ranges delimited by a - (hyphen) with no space
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
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CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-10
Menu Network VRU Script Configuration Parameters (continued)
Field Name
Configuration Param
Barge-in Allowed
Specifies whether barge-in (digit entry to interrupt media
playback) is allowed. The valid options are:
Y - (default) barge-in allowed
N - barge-in not allowed
CVP deals with barge-in as follows: If barge-in is not
allowed, the Voice Browser/Gateway continues prompt
play when a caller starts entering digits. If barge-in is
allowed, the Voice Browser/Gateway discontinues prompt
play when the caller starts entering digits. (For more
information, see the “Get Speech and External VXML”
section on page 2-54.)
No Entry Timeout
The number of seconds a caller is allowed to begin entering digits.
If exceeded, the system times-out.The valid options are: 0-99 (the
default is 5).
Number of No Entry
Number of times the CVP repeats the prompt cycle when the
caller does not enter any data after the prompt has been played.
(Total includes the first cycle.) The valid options are: 1-9 (the
default is 3).
Number of Invalid Tries
Number of times the CVP repeats the prompt cycle when the
caller enters invalid data. (Total includes the first cycle.) The valid
options are: 1-9 (the default is 3).
Timeout Message
The valid options are:
Invalid Entry Message
Y - override the system default with a pre-recorded
Application Media Library file
N - (default) do not override the system default
The valid options are:
Y - override the system default with a pre-recorded
Application Media Library file
N - (default) do not override the system default
For more information about Timeout and Invalid Entry Messages, see System Media
Files in Chapter 3, “Prompt Recording and Distribution.”
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Chapter 2
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CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-11 shows several configuration examples for Menu when input type is DTMF
Table 2-11
Menu Configuration Examples
If the VRU Script Name
field setting is…
It means…
If the Config Param
setting is...
It means…
1-3 – Accept numbers 1, 2, 3.
M – Use the Menu micro-app.
Banking – Play the Media file named
Accept all other defaults (No Entry
Timeout, Number of no entry tries,
Number of invalid tries, Timeout
Msg Override, Invalid Entry Msg
This file might contain a
message such as: “For
Checking, press 1. For Savings,
press 2. For Money Market,
press 3.”
M – Use the Menu micro-app.
Main_Menu – Play the Media file
called “Main_Menu.wav.”
M, -2, S
, (Skipped parameter) – Accept the
default barge-in setting (Y).
This file might contain a
message such as: “For
information or transactions on
checking, press 1. For savings
or club accounts, press 2.
For other information, press 0.
If you know your party’s
extension, press 9.”
M – Use the Menu micro-app.
0-2/9 – Accept numbers 0, 1, 2,
and 9.
4 – No Entry Timeout value (in
2 – Number of no entry tries allowed.
2 – Number of invalid tries allowed.
Accept all other defaults (Timeout
Msg Override, Invalid Entry Msg
-2 – Plays the file specified in
S – Acquires the file from the System
media library.
1-3 – Accept numbers 1, 2, 3.
Accept all other defaults (No Entry
Timeout, Number of no entry tries,
Number of invalid tries, Timeout
Msg Override, Invalid Entry Msg
Table 2-11 shows several configuration examples for Menu is used in an ASR/TTS application:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution
CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-12
Menus Configuration Examples
If …
It means…
And, if...
It means…
The user.microapp.inline_tts
ECC variable contains “Press 1
for Sales and 2 for Support.”
Use the Menu micro-app to
play the contents of the
ECC variable and collect
DTMF input.
The Configuration
Param field contains:
1-2 – Accept the DTMF
digits 1 and 2.
contains: D (DTMF)
Y – Barge-in allowed.
4 – No Entry Timeout value
(in seconds).
3– Number of no entry tries
The VRU Script Name field
contains: M
The user.microapp.input_type
ECC variable contains: D
The VRU Script Name field
contains: M,SalesService,A
Use the Menu micro-app to The Configuration
play the media file named
Param field contains:
“SalesService.wav” (which 1-2,N,4,3,2,Y,Y
is located in the Application
Media library) and collect
DTMF input.
1-2 – Accept the numbers 1
and 2.
N – No barge-in allowed.
4 – No Entry Timeout value
(in seconds).
3– Number of no entry tries
2 – Number of invalid tries
Y– Allow Timeout Msg
Y – Allow Invalid Entry
Msg Override).
The user.microapp.inline_tts
ECC variable contains “Press or
Say 1 for Sales and 2 for
contains: B (the default, both
DTMF and voice)
Use the Menu micro-app to The Configuration
play the contents of the
Param field contains:
ECC variable and collect
either DTMF or voice input.
1-2 – Accept the DTMF
digits 1 and 2.
Y – Barge-in allowed.
4 – No Entry Timeout value
(in seconds).
3– Number of no entry tries
The VRU Script Name field
contains: M
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
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CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-12
Menus Configuration Examples (continued)
If …
It means…
And, if...
It means…
The user.microapp.inline_tts
ECC variable contains “Press 1
for Sales and 2 for Support.”
Use the Menu micro-app to
play the contents of the
ECC variable and collect
DTMF or voice input.
The Configuration
Param field contains:
1-2 – Accept the DTMF
digits 1 and 2.
contains: B (the default, both
DTMF and voice)
Y – Barge-in allowed.
4 – No Entry Timeout value
(in seconds).
3– Number of no entry tries
The VRU Script Name field
contains: M
Type-ahead can only be used with the Menu micro-application when user.microapp.input_type is set to D. For
more information, see the “Get Speech and External VXML” section on page 2-54.
Menu and Digit Entry Completion
The CVP tests Menu digit entry input against two conditions to determine whether digit entry is
If a caller enters a digit, the CVP checks whether the digit is within the set of valid digits for this
If a caller does not enter a digit, the CVP checks whether the No Entry Timeout value has been
It is important that you set up your NAM/ICM script to test for all the scenarios mentioned below.
If digit-entry is complete
After a caller enters a digit, the CVP validates the digit against the list of valid menu options that were
defined through ICM Configuration Manager. Then the CVP does the following:
If the digit is valid, the CVP stores the digit in the Call.CallerEnteredDigits variable, exits the node
through the Checkmark (success) branch, and returns control to ICM software.
If the digit is not valid, the CVP considers it an invalid entry and does the following:
– If the Number of Invalid Entry Tries value has not been reached, the CVP plays the “invalid
message” file and re-plays the menu prompt.
– If the Number of Invalid Entry Tries value has been reached, the CVP stores the last-entered
invalid digit in the Call.CallerEnteredDigits variable, exits the node through the X (failure)
branch, sets the user.microapp.error_code ECC variable to 16 (Reached Maximum Invalid
Tries), and returns control to ICM software.
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CVP Micro-Applications
If No Entry Timeout occurs
If the caller does not enter a digit within the No Entry Timeout period:
If the Number of No Entry Tries value has not been reached, the CVP plays the “no entry” error
message and re-plays the menu prompt.
If the Number of No Entry Tries value has been reached, the CVP exits the node through the X
(failure) branch, sets the Call.CallerEnteredDigits variable to NULL, the
user.microapp.error_code ECC variable to 17 (Reached Maximum No Entry Tries), and returns
control to ICM software.
Menu Error Code Settings
Menu can set user.microapp.error_code ECC variable to any of the following Return Status error
1 - (Unused)
2 - Network Error
3 - System Error
4 - (Unused)
5 - Unknown micro-application
6 - Invalid VRU Script Name format
7 - Invalid Configuration Param
8 - Misconfigured ECC Variable
9 - Media file does not exist or invalid URL for Media file
10 - Semantic-Runtime Error
11 - Unsupported VXML format
12 - Unsupported VXML element
16 - Reached Maximum Invalid Tries
17 - Reached Maximum No Entry Tries
21 - Timed out
30 - Unsupported Locale
31 - ASR error
32 - TTS error
33 - General error
Following the Menu (M), GetData (GD) and GetSpeech (GS) micro-applications, CVP now returns
information about the execution of that microapplication. Refer to the Metadata ECC Variable
section of this chapter for more information.
The value in user.microapp.error_code ECC is passed from the CVP to the NAM/ICM when the
X (failure) branch is taken. See the discussion at the end of the section Play Media Error Code
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
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CVP Micro-Applications
Menu Example: Bank Menu Options
This example shows sample ICM Configuration Manager and Script Editor screen captures for a Menu
application that plays a prompt presenting a menu (“For Checking, press 1. For Savings, press 2. For
Money Market, press 3.”), retrieves any caller-entered digits, and allows three no-entry tries and three
invalid attempts (the defaults).
Figure 2-7
Bank Menu Configuration
The Network VRU Script List tool’s Attribute tab in Figure 2-7 shows:
The VRU Script Name field containing two CVP parameters:
– M. Menu
– Banking. Media File name
The Configuration Param field containing the following CVP parameters:
– 1-3. The numbers. 1, 2, and 3 are valid options
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
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Figure 2-8
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CVP Micro-Applications
Get Speech (GS) Micro-Application
The Get Speech (GS) micro-application collects input that can be DTMF-only, Speech, or both input
modes, after prompting a caller. The prompt can be generated by a media file or a TTS source.
The Get Speech (GS) micro-application collects voice and DTMF input from the caller. Get Speech
supports SRGS and built-in grammars with the exception of the "Digit" grammar which is handled by
GetDigits and Menu. The prompt can be generated by a media file or a TTS source.
The CVP passes the input back to the NAM/ICM for further processing using the
user.microapp.caller_input ECC variable.
Use the ICM Configuration Manager’s Network VRU Script List tool’s Attribute tab to specify
The VRU Script Name and Configuration Param fields are case-sensitive. For example, GS is a valid
entry; gs is not. Enter the values exactly as specified in Table 2-7.
Get Speech and Grammar Specification
There are three ways to specify a grammar in the Get Speech micro-application:
Include a Type of Data to Collect setting in the Get Speech Configuration Param field for built-in
grammars such as dates and numbers. If the “Type of Data to Collect” setting is specified, the other
grammar options will not be used by the Application Server. Conversely, if you do not specify a
“Type of Data to Collect” setting, then you must include either an inline or external grammar.
Include an external grammar file name in the Get Speech Configuration Param field’s “External
Grammar File Name” setting.
Include a list of inline grammar choices in the user.microapp.grammar_choices ECC variable.
These grammar choices will only be used if a “Type of Data to Collect” or “External Grammar File
Name” setting is not specified.
One of these grammar options must be used for each micro-application. If no grammar option is
specified, an Invalid Config Param error will be sent back to ICM software.
If you are using an external grammar, be sure to follow the instructions provided by your third-party
For details on writing an external grammar file, see the “External VXML File Contents” section on
page 2-61.
For the following table, the Configuration Param field is not used if you are using the external VXML.
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CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-13
Get Speech Network VRU Script Configuration Parameters
Field Name
Description and Valid Options
VRU Script Name
This must be GS (Get Speech).
Media File Name
Name of the media file or external VXML to be played (that is,
the prompt file). The valid options are:
A file name (for instance, a.wav file)
null - (default) If this field is empty, CVP examines the
contents of the user.microapp.inline_tts ECC variable. If
this ECC variable contains a value, the CVP prompts using
TTS. If the ECC is empty, no prompt is played.
-(number 1-10) - CVP plays the file in the corresponding
Call.PeripheralVariable file. For example, entering -2 causes
CVP to look at Call.PeripheralVariable2.
Media Library Type
Flag indicating the location of the media files to be played. The
valid options are:
A - (default) Application
S - System
V - External VXML. See theAppendix , “Get Speech and
External VXML”.
Uniqueness value
If you utilize the -(number 1-10) option and set the Media
Library Type to “V”, CVP plays the external VXML file
specified in the corresponding Call.PeripheralVariable. If
you set the value to - (no value) and set the Media Library
Type to “V”, the App Server creates VXML without a
media prompt.
This value is ignored if using TTS.
Optional. A string identifying a VRU Script Name as unique.
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CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-13
Get Speech Network VRU Script Configuration Parameters (continued)
Field Name
Description and Valid Options
Configuration Param
Type of Data to Collect
The type of data to collect. The valid options are:
null - (default) Leave this option empty if you will be
specifying an External Grammar File Name setting.
boolean - Affirmative and negative phrases appropriate to the
current locale.
date - Phrases that specify a date, including a month, days
and year.
currency - Phrases that specify a currency amount.
number - Phrases that specify numbers. (For example, “one
hundred twenty-three.”)
time - Phrases that specify a time, including hours and
External Grammar File
For information about the format of the currency data
returned to ICM software in the
user.microapp.caller_input ECC variable, see the “Get
Speech Data Format” section on page 2-50.
The name of the grammar file that holds the grammar definition
for the ASR. The valid options are:
null - (default) Leaving this option empty implies that an
inline grammar, as given in the Type of Data to Collect
setting, will be used.
A grammar file name. The Gateway retrieves the grammar
file from a Web Server using HTTP.
For more information about the “Type of Data to Collect” and “External Grammar”
settings, see “Get Speech and Grammar Specification” section on page 2-44
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CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-13
Get Speech Network VRU Script Configuration Parameters (continued)
Field Name
Description and Valid Options
Configuration Param
Barge-in Allowed
Specifies whether barge-in (digit entry to interrupt media
playback) is allowed. The valid options are:
Y - (default) barge-in allowed
N - barge-in not allowed
CVP deals with barge-in as follows: If barge-in is not
allowed, the Voice Browser/Gateway continues prompt
play when a caller starts entering input. If barge-in is
allowed, the Voice Browser/Gateway discontinues prompt
play when the caller starts entering input. (For more
information, see the “Get Speech and External VXML”
section on page 2-54.)
No Entry Timeout
The number of seconds a caller is allowed to begin entering digits.
If exceeded, the system times-out. The valid options are: 0-99 (the
default is 5).
Number of No Entry
Number of times the CVP repeats the “Get Speech” cycle when
the caller does not enter any data after the prompt has been
played. (Total includes the first cycle.) The valid options are: 1-9
(the default is 3).
Number of Invalid Tries
Number of times the CVP repeats the “Get Speech” cycle when
the caller enters invalid data. (Total includes the first cycle.) The
valid options are: 1-9 (the default is 3).
Timeout Message
The valid options are:
Y - override the system default with a pre-recorded
Application Media Library file
N - (default) do not override the system default
Invalid Entry Message
The valid options are:
Y - override the system default with a pre-recorded
Application Media Library file
N - (default) do not override the system default
This value is ignored if using TTS.
This value is ignored if using TTS.
For more information about Timeout and Invalid Entry Messages, see System Media
Files in Chapter 3, “Prompt Recording and Distribution.”
Incomplete Timeout
The amount of time after a caller stops speaking to generate an
invalid entry error because the caller input does not match the
defined grammar. The valid options are: 0-99 (the default is 3).
Inter-digit Timeout
This value is ignored when not using ASR. If the value is
set to 0, the Application Server treats the NoEntry
Timeout as NoError.
The number of seconds the caller is allowed between entering
DTMF key presses. If exceeded, the system times-out. The valid
options are: 1-99 (the default is 3).
This value is ignored if using ASR.
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Chapter 2
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CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-8 shows several configuration examples for Get Speech.
Table 2-14
Get Speech Configuration Examples
If …
It means…
And, if...
It means…
The user.microapp.
inline_tts ECC
variable contains
“What is your account
Use the Get Speech micro-app to play the
contents of the user.microapp.inline_tts
ECC variable and collect account balance
in voice or DTMF input, which it passes in
the user.microapp.caller_input ECC
The Configuration
Param field
Currency – Collect a string of
data in currency format
, – Accept the default External
Grammar File Name setting
input_type contains:
B (the default, both
DTMF and voice)
You accept the default
because you are
specifying a Type of Data
to Collect parameter
N – No barge-in allowed.
The VRU Script Name
field contains: GS
5 – No Entry Timeout (seconds)
2 – Number of no entry tries
1 – Number of invalid tries
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Table 2-14
Get Speech Configuration Examples (continued)
If …
It means…
And, if...
It means…
The user.microapp.
inline_tts ECC
variable contains
“What department do
you wish to speak to”
Use the Get Speech micro-app play the
contents of the user.microapp.inline_tts
ECC variable and collect the answer,
which will be passed in either voice or
DTMF format in the
user.microapp.caller_input ECC
The Configuration
Param field
, – Accept the default Type of
Data to Collect parameter
input_type contains:
B (the default, both
DTMF and voice)
You accept the default
Type of Data to Collect
parameter because you
are specifying a value in
the External Grammar
File Name parameter.
, – Accept the default External
Grammar File Name setting
(empty) and use the grammar in
the user.microapp.
grammar_choices ECC variable
contains Sales/
Customer Service/
Help Desk
The VRU Script Name
field contains:
This is an inline grammar
example. Each option in
the list of choices
specified in the
ECC must be delimited
by a forward slash (/).
N – No barge-in allowed.
The user.microapp.
inline_tts ECC
variable contains
“What is your name”
input_type contains:
B (the default, both
DTMF and voice)
Use the Get Speech micro-app play the
contents of the user.microapp.inline_tts
ECC variable and collect the answer,
which will be passed in either voice or
DTMF format in the
user.microapp.caller_input ECC
The Configuration
Param field
, – Accept the default Type of
Data to Collect parameter
You accept the default
Type of Data to Collect
parameter because you
are specifying a value in
the External Grammar
File Name setting
_server contains
media_lib contains
The VRU Script Name
field contains:
customers.grxml – Use the
grammar in this file
This is an external
grammar file example.
For details on writing an
external grammar file,
see the “External VXML
File Contents” section on
page 2-61.
N – No barge-in allowed.
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Get Speech and DTMF Input Collection
Contrary to its name, the Get Speech micro-application can also be used to collect DTMF input. For
certain grammars, the caller could type a number, time, or currency rather than saying it.
Although the Get Digits micro-application is capable of providing the same type of functionality, it does
not allow for validation at collection time. If a caller inputs 2 5 0 0 in response to a Get Speech prompt
prompting the caller to enter a time, the Get Speech micro-application would detect that “twenty-five
hundred hours” is an invalid entry. With the Get Digits micro-application, this kind of validation would
need to be done using additional Script Editor nodes.
The caller cannot mix DTMF and speech in a single input, even if both are enabled. Once he starts
talking, he cannot key-in characters, and vice versa.
Table 2-15 lists the rules associated with using DTMF collection in the Get Speech micro-application.
Table 2-15
DTMF Rules for Get Speech
Type of Data To Collect (as
specified in the Config
Allows DTMF Input?
DTMF Rules1*
Valid DTMF inputs are: 1 (Yes) and 2 (No).
Valid DTMF inputs are: four digits for the
year, followed by two digits for the month,
and two digits for the day.*
For DTMF input, the * (asterisk) key
represents the decimal point.*
Valid DTMF input includes positive numbers
entered using digits and the * (asterisk) key to
represent a decimal point.
Since is no DTMF convention for specifying
AM/PM, in the case of DTMF input, the result
will always end with h or ?.
External Grammars
Inline Grammars
1. Source: Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) Version 2.0, W3C Working Draft, 23 October 2001,
This Version:
Regardless of the collection type (that is, “voice” or “DTMF”), caller input from Get Speech is always
written to the user.microapp.caller_input ECC variable.
Get Speech Data Format
The data type determines the format of the information returned to ICM software in the
user.microapp.caller_input ECC variable:
Boolean. Returned to ICM software as “true” or “false.”
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Date. Returned to ICM software as a fixed-length date string with the format yyyymmdd where yyyy
is the year, mm is the month, and dd is the day.
Currency. Returned to ICM software as a string with the format or, where
UUU is the three-character currency indicator (for example, USD), and is the currency
amount with a decimal point.
Whether UUU is used depends both on the ASR capabilities and on whether the caller said
it unambiguously (for example, “dollar” and “dinar” are ambiguous, and so the UUU
segment will not be included in the return value).
Number.Returned to ICM software as a string of digits from 0 to 9 which can optionally include a
decimal point and/or a plus or minus sign as a prefix to indicate that the numbers ia a positive or
negative number.
Time. Returned to ICM software as a five-character string in the format hhmmx, where hh is hours,
mm is minutes and x is one of the following:
– a - AM
– p - PM
– ? - unknown/ambiguous
Get Speech and Entry Completion
The ASR Engine tests Get Speech input entry against two conditions to determine whether entry is
If a caller enters input, the ASR Engine checks whether the input is within the set of valid grammar
for this script.
If a caller does not enter input, the ASR Engine checks whether the No Entry Timeout value has
been reached.
It is important that you set up your NAM/ICM script to test for all the scenarios mentioned below.
If input entry is complete
After a caller enters input, the ASR Engine validates the input against the valid grammar set that was
defined using the Set node to define the user.microapp.grammar_choices ECC variable. Then the CVP
does the following:
If the input is valid, the CVP stores the input in the user.microapp.caller_input ECC variable, exits
the node through the Checkmark (success) branch, and returns control to ICM software.
If the input is not valid, the CVP considers it an invalid entry and does the following:
– If the Number of Invalid Entry Tries value has not been reached, the CVP plays the “invalid
message” file and re-plays the menu prompt.
– If the Number of Invalid Entry Tries value has been reached, the CVP stores the last-entered
invalid digit in the Call.CallerEnteredDigits variable, exits the node through the X (failure)
branch, sets the user.microapp.error_code ECC variable to 16 (Reached Maximum Invalid
Tries), and returns control to ICM software.
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If No Entry Timeout occurs
If the caller does not enter input within the No Entry Timeout period:
If the Number of No Entry Tries value has not been reached, the CVP plays the “no entry” error
message and re-plays the prompt.
If the Number of No Entry Tries value has been reached, the CVP exits the node through the X
(failure) branch, sets the user.microapp.caller_input ECC variable to NULL, the
user.microapp.error_code ECC variable to 17 (Reached Maximum No Entry Tries), and returns
control to ICM software.
Get Speech Error Code Settings
Get Speech can set user.microapp.error_code ECC variable to any of the following Return Status error
1 - (Unused)
2 - Network Error
3 - System Error
4 - (Unused)
5 - Unknown micro-application
6 - Invalid VRU Script Name format
7 - Invalid Configuration Param
8 - Misconfigured ECC Variable
9 - Media file does not exist or invalid URL for Media file
16 - Reached Maximum Invalid Tries
17 - Reached Maximum No Entry Tries
21 - Timed out
30 - Unsupported Locale
31 - ASR error
32 - TTS error
33 - General error
Following the Menu (M), GetData (GD) and GetSpeech (GS) micro-applications, CVP now returns
information about the execution of that microapplication. Refer to the Metadata ECC Variable
section of this chapter for more information.
user.microapp.metadata is not populated when the GS micro-application is used to invoke an
external VXML application.
The value in user.microapp.error_code ECC is passed from the CVP to the NAM/ICM when the
X (failure) branch is taken. See the discussion at the end of the section Play Media Error Code
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CVP Micro-Applications
Get Speech Example: “Do you want Sales or Service?”
This example shows sample ICM Configuration Manager and Script Editor screen captures for a Get
Speech application that plays a prompt that presents a menu (“For Sales, say “Sales.” For Service, say
“Service”), retrieves ASR input and places it in the user.microapp.user_input ECC variable, and runs
another script. (The second script that is run is determined by the ASR input.)
Figure 2-9
Get Speech Configuration
The Network VRU Script List tool’s Attribute tab in Figure 2-5 shows:
The VRU Script Name field containing the following CVP parameters:
– GS. Get Speech
– SalesService. Media File name
The Configuration Param field is empty; the CVP applies the defaults for parameters set through this
Figure 2-6 shows the contents of the script:
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Figure 2-10
Get Speech Script
Get Speech and External VXML
You can use the Get Speech micro-application to pass information to and from an external VXML file.
The table below describes how to set the Get Speech script to utilize external VXML.
To set up the Get Speech micro-application to utilize external VXML, set the Media Library Type to “V”.
The Application Server creates VXML that calls the external VXML that is specified in the external
VXML file name. The URL to the external VXML is formed from a combination of the media_server,
locale, App_Media_Lib and external VXML file name. If the VXML file name does not contain a file
extension, the default “*.vxml” is used.
If the external VXML is used, the only GetSpeech VRU Script parameters that are used are the
“Number of Invalid Entry” errors, and
“Number of No Entry” errors.
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The App Server “NoEntry” and “InvalidEntry” retry logic are utilized if the external VXML returns a
<noinput> or <nomatch> event respectively.
Error Handling
The error handling for an external VXML called from the Get Speech micro-application includes the
If the “Allow External VXML” checkbox is not enabled in App Admin, the App Server sends an
“Invalid VRU Script Name” Error back to the ICM.
If you set the “Media Library Type” to “V” and you do not set an “External VXML Name”
parameter, an “Invalid VRU Script Name” error is returned to the ICM.
Passing Information to the External VXML
There are two methods of passing information to the external VXML, either by <param> elements or
URL elements. You can pass up to 1050 characters to the external VXML by using an ECC Variable
Table 2-16
To external VXML ECC Variable Array
ECC Variable Name
User.microapp.ToExt Array
Max. # of Elements
Max Size of each
This variable array contains a list of semicolon delimited name/value pairs. The following is an example
of the syntax:
Table 2-17
Sample Array Definition
Variable Name
“Company=Cisco; Job=technical writer”
“Location=Boxborough; Street=Main”
“FirstName=Gerrard; LastName=Thock”
“Commute=1hour; Car=Isuzu”
The CVP links all five elements of the “ToExtVXML” array, parses the contents, and then puts each of
the name/value pairs in the VXML that it creates.
You define an ECC variable to determine which method to use when passing information to the external
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CVP Micro-Applications
Table 2-18
Use external VXML ECC Variable
ECC Variable Name
User.microapp.UseV Scalar
Max. # of Elements
Possible Values
Y - Utilizes <param>
N - Utilizes URL
If User.microapp.UseVXMLParams is set to a value other than “Y” or “N”, the App Server sends a
Misconfigured ECC Variable error message to the ICM.
If the User.microapp.UseVXMLParams variable is not set, the default method is “VXML
If the User.microapp.UseVXMLParams is set to “N”, the .vxml file extension is not used.
Using <Param> Elements
All name/value pairs declared in the User.microapp.ToExtVXML variable array are added to the VXML
file that the App Server creates in <param> elements. These <param> elements are how the information
is passed to the external VXML. Unlike the URL parameters, these VXML parameters are a complete,
100% VXML solution that does not require media server side scripting.
You must declare all names specified in the name/value pairs as variables in the external VXML,
otherwise the VXML Interpreter produces a error.semantic error that is returned to the ICM as error code
“10”. Using the example above in Table 2, you would need to define the following form level
declarations in the external VXML.
<var name=”Company”/>
<var name=”Job”/>
<var name=”Location”/>
<var name=”Street”/>
<var name=”FirstName”/>
<var name=”LastName”/>
<var name=”Commute”/>
<var name=”Car”/>
<var name=”BadgeID”/>
This is the reason that the CVP doesn’t allow the Script Writer to specify a name without a value.
Specifying only a name and not a value in a ToExtVXML parameter is useless because the external
VXML already has the variable defined.
URL Parameter Element
When you use the URL parameter element option, the name/value pairs that you set in the
User.microapp.ToExtVXML parameter are appended to the URL to the external VXML. The media
server side scripting logic parses the URL and passes the parameters to the external VXML document.
Unlike the “VXML Parameters,” this is not a 100% VXML solution and requires media-server side
Using the examples above in Table 2-16, the URL to the external VXML would be in the following form:
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ECC Variable Array Formula
The equation for figuring out how many bytes you are sending to and from the External VXML is below.
You must be careful to keep this calculation in mind so that you do not overload the ECC Variable with
too many bytes.
1 + (5 + size of variable) * number of elements in the array.
For example, if you are sending 3 array elements to the external VXM of the maximum 210 bytes, the
equation would look like this:
1 + (5 + 210) * 3 = 648
Although the maximum number of bytes you can set each variable to is 210, as you can see from the
formula above, maxing out each variable would go over the 1050 character limit. Thus, you need to make
sure you use this formula to keep your character limit under the 1050 maximum.
Cisco recommends that you use a single 210-byte array element in each direction.
Remember that when you are returning a call from the external VXML, the User.microapp.caller_input
variable is automatically returned.
If the User.microapp.ToExtVXML array is either not defined on the ICM or empty, the App Server
does not pass any parameters to the external VXML.
You do not need to define the User.microapp.ToExtVXML array to contain 5 elements. The App
Server can handle any number of array elements up to a maximum of 5.
If the User.microapp.ToExtVXML is either undefined or partially defined, a warning message
appears on the VRU PIM console window indicating that the variable is undefined or partially
Although the array elements are linked together, you can’t span a name/value pair to multiple array
elements. This is because before you parse for the name/value pairs, the App Server inserts a
semicolon between two array elements if there is not one.
The App Server produces a “Misconfigured ECC Variable” error if there isn’t a “=” symbol between
two semicolons.
The App Server produces a “Misconfigured ECC Variable” error if the “=” symbol is the first or last
character between two semicolons (for example, if there isn’t a name or a value).
The App Server produces a “Misconfigured ECC Variable” error if the “name” part of the
name/value pair contains a space.
The App Server treats each of the name/value parameters as strings. The App Server does not check
to see if the value parameter is an integer.
Passing Data Back to the ICM with External VXML
CVP can return 1050 characters for external VXML.
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All other Get Speech nodes are limited to the 210 characters returned in User.microapp.caller_input.
The following ECC Variable array has been added:
Table 2-19
From external VXML ECC Variable array
ECC Variable
Max. # of
Max Size of each
The Get Speech micro-app returns up to 1050 characters by populating the User.microapp.caller_input
variable and each element of the User.microapp.FromExtVXML array.
Remember to use the ECC Variable array formula listed above when defining the FromExtVXML
VXML Requirements
External VXML is called via the <subdialog> VXML element. Because of the design of the VXML
itself, the variable names in the customer defined VXML must be coordinated with the CVP, otherwise
it won’t be possible to pass external VXML data back to the CVP. The table below lists the VXML
variables and the ECC variables they correspond to.
Table 2-20
From external VXML ECC Variable Definition
External VXML
Variable Name
ICM ECC Variable
Max Variable Size
You need to define the following form level declarations in the external VXML.
<var name="caller_input"/>
When passing the information back to the ICM, you need to use the following syntax for caller input:
<assign name="caller_input" expr="input$.utterance"/>
If the external VXML sets “input” to “sales” and “FromExtVXML2” to “stocks”, for example, the
User.microapp.caller_input would be set to “sales” and User.microapp.FromExtVXML[2] would be set
to “stocks”.
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The variables declared in the customer VXML must be named exactly as specified above. VXML is
The “caller-input” variable must be declared and used in the VXML. The only way that it is
acceptable to not populate this variable is if the external VXML is returning an error event.
Examples of error events include <badfetch>, <noinput>, and <nomatch>. If the “caller_input”
variable is not set to a value and an error event isn’t generated, the CVP assumes that a “No Entry”
error occurred.
The FromExtVXML variables are optional. You can use these variables if the “caller_input” variable
is not sufficient. If you are not using this additional data then the ECC Variable array does not need
to be defined.
If the User.microapp.FromExtVXML ECC Variable array is undefined or partially defined, a
warning message appears when the App Server starts up on the VRU PIM console window.
If you set an “FromExtVXML” variable in the external VXML, the User.microapp.FromExtVXML
must be defined on the ICM. If it isn’t, the CVP does not attempt to set the value and an error appears
on the VRU PIM console window. However, no error appears in the CVP log files.
If you need more than 210 characters but less than the full 1050 characters, you can declare the
User.microapp.FromExtVXML array to be less than four elements long. If you do this, you only use
the corresponding number of External VXML Variables. For example, if you configure a 2 element
“FromExtVXML” ECC Variable array, you can utilize the “caller_input”, “FromExtVXML0” and
“FromExtVXML1” VXML variables.
If the external VXML sets a FromExtVXML variable to a value that is longer than the maximum
ECC Variable length, an error message appears in the VRU PIM console window and the value is
not set. No error appears in the CVP log files.
Sample External VXML Code
<?xml version=”1.0”>
<vxml version=”2.0”>
<var name="caller_input"/>
<form id=”getcredit”>
<field name=”input”>
What is your credit card type?
I am trying to collect your credit card type.
<return event=”nomatch”/>
<grammar src=”cctype.grxml” type=”application/srgs+xml”/>
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CVP Micro-Applications
<field name=”FromExtVXML0”>
What is your credit card number?
I am trying to collect your credit card information.
<return event=”nomatch”/>
<grammar src=”ccn.grxml” type=”application/srgs+xml”/>
<field name=”FromExtVXML1”>
<grammar type=”application/srgs+xml” src=”/grammars/date.grxml”/>
I am trying to collect the expiration date of the credit card number you provided.
<return event=”nomatch”/>
<assign name="caller_input" expr="input$.utterance"/>
<return namelist=”caller_input FromExtVXML0 FromExtVXML1”/>
<catch event=”telephone.disconnect.hangup”>
<return event=”telephone.disconnect.hangup”/>
<catch event=”error.badfetch”>
<return event=”error.badfetch”/>
<catch event=”error.semantic”>
<return event=”error.semantic”/>
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<catch event = “error.unsupported.format”>
<return event=”error.unsupported.format”/>
<catch event = “error.unsupported.element”>
<return event=”error.unsupported.element”/>
<catch event=”error.unsupported.language”>
<return event=”error.unsupported.language”/>
<catch event = “”>
<return event=””/>
<catch event = “”>
<return event=””/>
<catch event = “”>
<return event=””/>
<catch event = “”>
<return event=””/>
<catch event = “”>
<return event=””/>
<catch event = “error”>
<return event=”error”/>
External VXML File Contents
An external VXML file must follow the following rules:
• It must not use the <transfer>, or <exit> or <disconnect> elements. However it can use the
<Goto>, and <submit> elements.
It must have <return> elements at all exit points in the document.
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It must check for all error events and the “telephone.disconnect.hangup” event. Each event handler
must have a <return> element that makes use of the “event” attribute. The External VXML must
contain <catch> event handlers for all events thrown by the Gateway. These catch handlers can have
their own customer-defined logic, but they must use the "<return event /> element to return the event
back to CVP. The complete list of event handlers and the corresponding <return> statements are
listed in the sample VXML provided in the previous section.
Example 2-1 illustrates the contents of a VXML document that follows these rules.
Example 2-1assumes that the VRU Script Name value is PM,CustomerVXML,V.
Example 2-1
External VXML Document
<?xml version="2.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<vxml version="2.0">
<form id="CustomerVXML" scope="dialog">
<prompt bargein="true">
<audio src="" />
<catch event="error.badfetch">
<return event="error.badfetch"/>
<catch event="error.semantic">
<return event="error.semantic"/>
<catch event = "error.unsupported.format">
<return event="error.unsupported.format"/>
<catch event = "error.unsupported.element">
<return event="error.unsupported.element"/>
<catch event="telephone.disconnect.hangup">
<return event="telephone.disconnect.hangup"/>
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<catch event="error">
<return event="error"/>
For a complete explanation of VXML file grammar format, see
Also, consult the user documentation for your ASR Server for a list of supported grammar elements.
Example 2-2 illustrates another external grammar file that might be used to prompt callers for the state
that they live in.
Example 2-2
External Grammar file <?xml version = 1.0 ?>
<grammar version= 1.0 root= action xml:lang= en-us >
<rule id= action scope= public >
<item> California </item>
<item> Arizona </item>
<item> Connecticut </item>
After a caller responds with the name of the state she lives in, the ASR Engine determines if the caller
said California, Arizona, or Connecticut. If the caller said the name of one of these states, the text
listed in the <item> element will be passed to the Application Server—and, in turn—ICM software. If
a caller responds with a name not included in this list, an invalid entry error is returned to the Application
Type-Ahead Support for ASR
Type-ahead support for ASR is only supported for DTMF under the following conditions:
When the CVP Voice Browser is the client.
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Cisco ICM Warm Consult Transfer/Conference to CVP
When the Gateway is the client and input type is set to D.
Cisco ICM Warm Consult Transfer/Conference to CVP
This section provides information about the minimal software component release requirements for the
Cisco ICM Warm Consult Transfer and Conference to CVP feature. Resource sizing and configuration
requirements are also included.
Description of the ICM Warm Consult Transfer/Conference to CVP feature
When an agent attempts a warm consultative transfer/conference to another agent, but there is no agent
available in the skill group to service the request, the first agent is placed in a queue to wait for the
availability of an agent in the desired skill group. In order to place the first agent in queue, a call is
initiated from the CallManager to the CVP (via a Translation Route to VRU) to provide queue music to
the first agent. To the CVP, this appears as a new call from an IP phone. However, due to the nature of
the call signaling, this type of call requires a Media Termination Point (MTP) resource to be allocated
in the CallManager.
Optionally, customer business callflows may require that IP phone users call CVP directly. For example,
you may have a corporate IP phone network that is serviced by a CVP help desk call center. IP phone
users with problems would call a CVP number to open trouble tickets. These IP phones require MTP
resources in the CallManager if callers perform any “supplementary services”, such as putting the CVP
agent on hold. This requires additional sizing and configuration, as noted in the “IP-originated calls
only” instructions below.
Resource Sizing for ICM Warm Consult Transfer/Conference to CVP feature
The ICM Warm Consult Transfer/Conference to CVP feature requires the following steps:
Step 1
Assign a separate CVP machine dedicated to accepting the warm transfer queue calls from Call Manager.
This is because MTP must be enabled in Call Manager for the CVP H323 gateway device for calls that
Call Manager sends to CVP. Since is not recommended that you enable MTP in Call Manager for calls
that do not require warm transfer functionality, it is necessary to segregate CVP calls that perform the
warm transfer queuing.
Step 2
Determine the maximum number of calls that could be in the warm consultative transfer state at any one
time. Use this number to size the number of MTP resources that are required in CallManager. One way
to approximate this is to monitor the ICM script that processes consultative transfer requests from the
agents. Look at the ICM script monitor during a busy hour and note the number of calls that exit the
Queue to Skill Group node via the queue path (the 'check' path out of the Queue to Skill Group node).
For example, assume that:
– ICM script monitor shows 360 calls over a 60-minute period during busy hour in this script path.
– The average length of (agent queue time + subsequent transfer/conference time) = 6 minutes.
– (360 calls / 60 minutes) * 6 minutes = 36 calls
– Each call uses 2 MTP resources = (36 calls * 2 resources) = 72 MTP resources
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
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Cisco ICM Warm Consult Transfer/Conference to CVP
Step 3
(IP-originated calls only). Determine if customer business callflows require that IP phone users call CVP
directly (as described in the second paragraph of the Description of the ICM Warm Consult
Transfer/Conference to CVP feature section). Find the maximum number of IP-originated calls that
could simultaneously be active in CVP at any one time. For example, you find the number is 30. Each
call requires 2 MTP resources, so the total MTP resources required would be 60.
Step 4
Add the two numbers obtained from steps 2 and 3 (in this example, 72 + 60). This is the number of MTP
resources that must be allocated in Call Manager.
It is recommended that you allocate some additional percentage of MTP resources to handle unexpected
call volume spikes. Either software or hardware MTP may be used, keeping in mind that software MTP
consumes significant CallManager CPU resources.
Configuration for the ICM Warm Consult Transfer/Conference to CVP feature
To configure the ICM Warm Consult Transfer/Conference to CVP feature, do the following:
Step 1
Install the new CVP machine. It can be configured identically to all other CVP machines, with the
exception of the following:
– Define it as a Type 2 VRU in Network VRU Explorer in ICM.
– Network Transfer Preferred must be disabled for this peripheral
– In AppAdmin, add the Translation Route DNIS's that you will define in Step 5 using:
CallDefinitions -> Select Group 200 -> Add New DNIS
Be sure to add each Translation Route DNIS.
Step 2
If the CVP machine resides in a different location from the CallManager cluster initiating the calls, WAN
bandwidth will be a consideration since the prompts are played G.711from the CVP machine. In this
case, size and configure the network appropriately. Where possible, the CVP should be co-located with
the CallManager to eliminate these bandwidth requirements.
Step 3
Define a gateway device in CallManager for the CVP machine installed in Step 1. Under
Device->Gateway, define an H.323 gateway using the CVP IP address. Be sure to enable the “Media
Termination Point Required” check box.
Step 4
Configure MTP resources according to Call Manager instructions for the type of MTP that you have
selected to use (software or hardware).
Step 5
(IP-originated calls only). Determine if customer business callflows require that IP phone users call CVP
directly (as described in the second paragraph of the Description of the ICM Warm Consult
Transfer/Conference to CVP feature section). IP-originated calls must be routed to the CVP which has
MTP enabled. This allows the caller to perform supplementary services, such as putting CVP on hold.
In CallManager administration under “Route Plan” using route groups/lists/patterns, route CVP DNIS’s
to the CVP gateway installed in Step 1 above. If you want to load-balance between two CVP’s:
– Define an additional CVP gateway device in CallManager with MTP enabled.
– Create a route group and put both of the CVP gateways in the route group, both with order
priority 1.
– Create a route list and put the route group in the route list.
– Create a route pattern and assign the route list to the route pattern.
– In Service Parameters for CallManager, set “Reorder Route List” to TRUE and the 'H225 TCP
timer' to 5.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution
Cisco ICM Warm Consult Transfer/Conference to CVP
Step 6
The Reorder Route List setting applies only for CallManager 3.3 and earlier.
Create an ICM script containing a Translation Route to VRU node similar to the script below. Refer to
ICM documentation for information on configuring a Translation Route to VRU. This script should be
tied to the Dialed number and call type that the agent invokes to do a warm consultative
transfer/conference. This dialed number’s Routing Client should be associated with the CallManager
peripheral from which the agent will be invoking the transfer or conference.
Minimal Component Version Required
To use the Cisco ICM Warm Consult Transfer/Conference to CVP feature, you must use the following
component versions:
These defects are already resolved if you are using ICM 6.0(0) SR1 or later version.
ICM 5.0 Service Release 8/CCM 3.3(5)
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution
Cisco ICM Warm Consult Transfer/Conference to CVP
ICM 6.0 Service Release 1/CCM 4.0(2a)es15
ICM 7.0/CCM 4.1(3)
ICM 5.0 Service Release 8 and CTIOS Server 5.1, SR1.There are three defects that must be fixed
before using the new feature. This can be done using the Software Bug Toolkit to resolve the issues.
Please reference, via the embedded link to the “Software Bug Toolkit”, known caveats CSCsa24896,
CSCma24606 and CSCef25138 for support of this issue. The information in the caveat indicates the
appropriate action to resolve the issue.
If you are using CVP with CallManger 4.0 ES15 or later the following defect are already resolved.
CCM 3.3 (5). There are two defects that must be fixed before using the new feature. This can be
done using the Software Bug Toolkit to resolve the issues. Please reference, via the embedded link
to the “Software Bug Toolkit”, known caveats CSCee93186 and CSCee87832 for support of this
issue. The information in the caveat indicates the appropriate action to resolve the issue.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 2
Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution
Cisco ICM Warm Consult Transfer/Conference to CVP
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Prompt Recording and Distribution
This chapter provides:
Information about Customer Voice Portal media file handling.
Details about the System Media Files distributed with the Customer Voice Portal solution.
This chapter contains important information for IVR application developers. It also may be of interest
to Call Center Managers, Customer Voice Portal System Managers, and ICM/NAM System Managers.
Media File Overview
This section presents a brief overview of how Customer Voice Portal performs media file handling. It
includes information about:
What the Media Server is.
The media file names and types Customer Voice Portal supports.
How to specify the address of a media file.
Locale syntax backward compatibility.
Media Server
In Customer Voice Portal, the Media Server is a computer or set of computers, which “serve” the media
files that contain messages and prompts that callers will hear. There are two types of Media Servers
defined in Customer Voice Portal according to the mechanism where the media file is accessed:
File Media Server: Media Files are located on the same machine as the Customer Voice Portal Voice
Browser and accessed by the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser using File protocol.
HTTP Media Server: Media Files are located on a remote Web server and accessed by both Customer
Voice Portal and the Non-Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser using HTTP protocol. This type of
Media Server uses standard Web access methods.
There is no artificial limit on the number of prompts; these pages will be limited only by file system
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
Media File Overview
To maximize Customer Voice Portal performance, do not install the HTTP Media Server on the same
machine as the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser and Application Server.
Tools for prompt creation are off-the-shelf, such as Audition by Adobe (formerly known as Cool Edit
Pro by Syntrillium Software Corporation), and Vox Studio (
It is the customer’s responsibility to select the tool, select a voice talent, record the system and
application media files in the supported locales, format and encoding, and contact the person who is
responsible for the media files on the Media Server(s).
Media File Names and Types
A media file name is specified in the ICM VRU Script Configuration and used in the Run VRU Script
request for the Play Media, Get Digits, Menu, and Get Speech (in non-TTS applications)
micro-applications. The media file naming convention allows alpha-numeric characters with the
underbar character as a separator. (Spaces or hyphens are not allowed.) This naming convention provides
a mechanism for an “understandable” naming convention as opposed to numeric media file names
typically used by stand-alone VRUs.
The Customer Voice Portal includes a library of media files/prompts for individual digits, months
(referenced internally by Customer Voice Portal software for a Play Data script type request), and default
error messages, etc. Creation of a full set of media/prompts for each locale referenced by the
Customer Voice Portal customer is the responsibility of the customer’s Media Administrator.
For specific comments on the Voice Browser critical media file, see the section System Media File Error
The media file types Customer Voice Portal supports are Mu-Law 8-bit .wav files and A-law 8-bit .wav
files. Media files specified with an extension will be used “as is,” for example, (The default
file extension is .wav.)
Any unexpected (and unsupported) type of media file encountered will generate the logging of an error
and a result code of False will be returned to the ICM along with the ECC user.microapp.error_code
set appropriately. From the caller’s perspective, nothing was played, however it is the Script Editor
developer’s responsibility to write the script to handle this error condition.
Locations of Media Files on Hard Disk
Figure 3-1 displays the location of the media file when using File://../MediaFiles. The Customer Voice
Portal installation will create the folder “MediaFiles” with a sample set of English system media files,
if the component “System Media File” is checked.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
Media File Overview
Figure 3-1
Location of Media File When Using File://../MediaFiles
Figure 3-2 displays the location of the media files when using HTTP protocol. Windows Internet
Information server (IIS) is used as an example of the Web server.
Figure 3-2
Location of Media File When Using HTTP Protocol
Media File Address
The address for media files that reside on the Media Server(s) is generated by the Customer Voice Portal.
The ICM provides information about the file location or base URL address in the ICM/IVR messages it
passes when the Run VRU Script node is executed. The ICM/IVR messages include ECC variables for:
locale, media server set address, as well as optional system and application library name overrides. (For
details about the ICM/IVR messages passed to the Customer Voice Portal, see Chapter 2, “Using
NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution.”)
The Table 3-1 summarizes the data that combines to form the address of the media file:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
Media File Overview
Table 3-1
Media File Address Components
Location of Data
Media Server
ECC variable:
File location or base URL for the Media File location example:
Default: file://../MediaFiles
When the Media Server URL is the
DNS name and the DNS Server is
configured to return multiple IP
addresses for a host name, the
Customer Voice Portal will attempt to
get the media files from each Media
Server IP address in sequence with the
priority given to those on the subnet.
You must insert two
periods after the double
slash (//).
Base URL example:
Customer Voice Portal supports
playing prompts from flash on
the GW. In order to do this, set
the media_server to "flash:"
instead of the hostname or IP
address of the media server.
By convention, the
service provider may
include their
customers’ name at the
end of the Media
Server set.
When using the Media Server set for
external grammars or external VXML,
if the Media Server URL is the DNS
name with multiple IP addresses for the
hostname, it is the ASR Engine’s
responsibility to decide which machine
to retrieve the grammar file from.
ECC variable:
Default: en-us
This field is a combination of language en-us
and country with a default of en-us for
English spoken in the United States.
The Customer Voice Portal supports the following locales : en-us (English, United States) and en-gb (English, United
Kingdom), es-es (Spanish, Spain), and es-mx (Spanish, Mexico). The locale defines the grammar of a Play Data script
type. If a date is to be played with a locale of en-gb (English, United Kingdom), the date would be played in the order
of day, month, then year; for en-us, it is month, day, year.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
Media File Overview
Table 3-1
Media File Address Components (continued)
Location of Data
Library Type
The Media Library Type value
The media library (directory) for the
A (user.microapp.app_media_
passed from the VRU Script Name prompt is either the application prompt
lib= app_banking)
field. Valid options are:
library defined by ECC variable
user.microapp.app_media_lib (default
A - Application prompt library.
“app”) or the system prompt library
S - System prompt library.
defined by ECC variable
user.microapp.sys_media_lib (default
V - External VXML.
Default: A
When the Media Library Type
is V (external VXML), the
VXML file will reside in the
Application Prompt Library.
Media File
When the Media Library Type
is A (Application prompt
library), you must create the
directory specified by this
variable. For example, if you
use the default “app” directory,
you must create an app
directory in ./MediaFiles/en-us.
The Media File Name value passed Name of media file or external VXML Main_menu
from the VRU Script Name field. file to be played.
Valid options are the name of the
.wav file to be played, or external
VXML file name, or <blank>,
which translates to playing no
media. This file name will be
ignored if TTS is being used (that
is, if the user.microapp.inline_tts
ECC variable contains a value.)
Default: none
There are four possible reasons for using <blank> as the Media File Name: (1) For Get Digits, a prompt may not be
necessary, (2) the customer may want to have a “placeholder” in the script for playing a prompt which may or may
not be there (that is, an emergency conditions message), (3) change the value of barge-in to indicate a buffer flush,
and (4) TTS is being used and this field is ignored.
Media File
Name Type
If not given as part of the Media
File Name, the type is .wav
Type of media file to be played.
Based on the examples shown in Table 3-1, two valid addresses for the Media File might be:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
System Media Files
Locale Backward Compatibility
The locale string values are compatible with current industry naming schemes:
en_US has changed to en-us. That is, “en underscore US” (upper case) has changed to
“en hyphen us” (lower case).
en_GB has changed to en-gb. That is, “en underscore GB” (upper case) has change to
“en hyphen gb” (lower case).
Existing scripts from previous versions of ISN will continue to work with the current version of
Customer Voice Portal.
en_US and en-us both map to U.S. English in the Application Server for use by the Application
Server’s internal grammar.
en_GB and en-gb both map to U.K. English in the Application Server for use by the Application
Server’s internal grammar.
The base URL for media prompts will use the locale that is specified, without making modifications.
For example, if the locale is set to EN_US, the base URL will contain EN_US. if the locale is set to
XX, the base URL will contain XX.
To use the ISN Version 1.1 default locale directory (for example, en_US), you must explicitly set it.
When you upgrade to the current version of Customer Voice Portal, only the new files are installed under
the Customer Voice Portal default locale directory, en-us. You want to have all your system prompts
under one directory and all your application prompts and, optionally, external VXML in another
directory. Use the user.microapp.locale ECC variable to set the locale directory to use, such as en_US.
You do not need to set the user.microapp.locale ECC variable if you used the default en-us. Also,
remember that all locale values are case-sensitive.
System Media Files
The following tables describe the System Media Files used by Customer Voice Portal. These system
media files are intended as samples only. It is the Customer/Media Administrator’s responsibility to
record all the system prompts for all the locales. The files marked “es” in the “Language Usage” column
in Table 3-2 below are Spanish specific.
Table 3-2 lists the System Media File information for cardinal numbers.
Table 3-2
System Media Files, Cardinal Numbers
Symbol (where Decimal
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
All except DOW
one (masculine
All except DOW
version), uno (es-mx
and es-es)
Un (neutral)
Time, elapsed time
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
System Media Files
Table 3-2
System Media Files, Cardinal Numbers (continued)
Symbol (where Decimal
Media File
Una (for time with 1 Time
All except DOW
All except DOW
All except DOW
All except DOW
All except DOW
All except DOW
All except DOW
All except DOW
All except Char and DOW
Same for the rest of all the
Elapsed time with hours
treinta y un
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
System Media Files
Table 3-2
System Media Files, Cardinal Numbers (continued)
Symbol (where Decimal
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
treinta y una
Elapsed time with hours
cuarenta y un
cuarenta y una
Elapsed time with hours
cincuenta y un
cincuenta y una
Elapsed time with hours
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
System Media Files
Table 3-2
System Media Files, Cardinal Numbers (continued)
Symbol (where Decimal
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
sesenta y un
All except Char and DOW
setenta y un
ochenta y un
noventa y un
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
System Media Files
Table 3-2
System Media Files, Cardinal Numbers (continued)
Symbol (where Decimal
Media File
Media File Content
24TOD, Date
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
1. ANSI Code Page 1252
Table 3-3 lists the System Media File information for ordinal numbers.
Table 3-3
If ordinal system prompts are to be used in a script for a purpose other than dates, they should be
recorded as application prompts with the true ordinal values.
System Media Files, Ordinal Numbers
Symbol (where Decimal
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
Date for all the ordinal numbers
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
System Media Files
Table 3-3
System Media Files, Ordinal Numbers (continued)
Symbol (where Decimal
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
1. ANSI Code Page 1252
Table 3-4 lists the System Media File information for measurement.
Table 3-4
System Media Files, Measurement
Symbol (where Decimal
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
one half
one quarter
three_quarters three quarters
1. ANSI Code Page 1252
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
System Media Files
Table 3-5 lists the System Media File information for letter values.
Table 3-5
System Media Files, Letter
Symbol (where Decimal
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
Œ, œ
Ligature OE
A grave
Á, á
A acute
Â, â
A circumflex
Ã, ã
A tilde
Ä, ä
A umlaut
Å, å
A with ring above
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
System Media Files
Table 3-5
System Media Files, Letter (continued)
Symbol (where Decimal
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
Ligature AE
C cedilla
E grave
E acute
Æ, æ
Ç, ç
È, è
É, é
Ê, ê
E circumflex
Ë, ë
E umlaut
Ì, ì
I grave
Í. í
I acute
Î, î
I circumflex
Ï, ï
I umlaut
character 208
Ñ, ñ
N tilde
character 240
Ò, ò
O grave
Ó, ó
O acute
Ô, ô
O circumflex
Õ, õ
O tilde
Ö, ö
O umlaut
multiplication sign
Ø, ø
oh stroke
Ù, ù
U grave
Ú, ú
U acute
Û, û
U circumflex
Ü, ü
U umlaut
Ý, ý
Y acute
character 222
double s
division sign
character 254
character 159 or 255 Char
1. ANSI Code Page 1252
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
System Media Files
Table 3-6 lists the System Media File information for month values.
Table 3-6
System Media Files, Month
Symbol (where Decimal
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
(es = January of)
(es = February of)
(es = March of)
(es = April of)
(es = May of)
(es = June of)
(es = July of)
(es = August of)
(es = September of)
(es = October of)
(es = November of)
(es = December of)
1. ANSI Code Page 1252
Table 3-7 lists the System Media File information for day values.
Table 3-7
System Media Files, Day
Symbol (where Decimal
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
System Media Files
1. ANSI Code Page 1252
Table 3-8 lists the System Media File information for time values.
Table 3-8
System Media Files, Time
Symbol (where Decimal
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
Etime,24TOD per locale,TOD
Etime,24TOD,TOD per locale
per locale(unused for en-us)
per locale(unused for en-us)
1. ANSI Code Page 1252
Table 3-9 lists the System Media File information for currency values.
Table 3-9
The customer’s Media Administrator may prefer to replace the contents of “currency_minus” (for the
negative amount) and “currency_and” (the latter can even be changed to contain silence).
System Media Files, Currency
Symbol (where Decimal
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
Customer Voice Portal uses the USD_dollar.wav and
USD_dollars.wav media files; the dollar.wav and dollars.wav
used by ISN Version 1.0 are no longer installed.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
System Media Files
Table 3-9
System Media Files, Currency (continued)
Symbol (where Decimal
Pound symbol
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
1. ANSI Code Page 1252
Table 3-10 lists the System Media File information for gaps of silence and miscellaneous phrases.
Table 3-10
System Media Files, Silence and Miscellaneous Phrases
Symbol (where Decimal
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
(.1 second of
Used for pauses where needed
(.25 second of
Used for pauses where needed
(.5 second of
Used for pauses where needed
(1 second of silence) Used for pauses where needed
1. ANSI Code Page 1252
Table 3-11 lists the System Media File information for ANSI Characters.
Table 3-11
System Media Files, ANSI Characters
Symbol (where Decimal
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
exclamation mark
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
System Media Files
Table 3-11
System Media Files, ANSI Characters (continued)
Symbol (where Decimal
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
double quote
open parenthesis
close parenthesis
less than
greater than
question mark
left square bracket
right square bracket
single quote
open brace
close brace
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
System Media Files
Table 3-11
System Media Files, ANSI Characters (continued)
Symbol (where Decimal
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
low single quote
F with hook
low double quote
character 134
character 135
character 136
per mille
character 138
left pointing angle
left single quote
right single quote
left double quote
right double quote
en dash
em dash
small tilde
trade mark
character 154
character 155
inverted exclamation Char
character 164
broken pipe
character 168
character 170
left double angle
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
System Media Files
Table 3-11
System Media Files, ANSI Characters (continued)
Symbol (where Decimal
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types /
When Media File Is Used
character 173
character 175
plus or minus
superscript two
superscript three
acute accent
middle dot
superscript one
character 186
right double angle
inverted question
1. ANSI Code Page 1252
Miscellaneous Files
The following files are not used by Customer Voice Portal micro-applications. These files are included
for use in customer scripts
Table 3-12
Miscellanious Media Files
invalid_entry_e Your entry is invalid.
Media File
Media File Content
Please make a
Data Play Back Types / When
Media File is Used
Error message
Error message
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
System Media Files
Table 3-12
(continued)Miscellanious Media Files
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types / When
Media File is Used
We are currently
technical difficulties
with this site. Please
try again later when
we can service you
much better.
Error message
We are currently
technical difficulties
with this site. Please
try again later when
we can service you
much better.
Error message
We are currently
technical difficulties
with this site. Please
try again later when
we can service you
much better.
Error message
We are currently
technical difficulties
with this site. Please
try again later when
we can service you
much better.
Error message
<single beep tone>
<single busy tone>
<busy tone 1 per
second for 30
Credit Of
<4seconds of dial
dialtone2fastbu <9 seconds of
dialtone> followed by
<30 seconds of fast
busy tone>
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
System Media Files
Table 3-12
(continued)Miscellanious Media Files
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types / When
Media File is Used
ENTER_PHO Please enter the
NE_NUMBER phone number.
<a single fastbusy
tone + silence (total
of 1 second)>
30 seconds of
<fastbusy tone>
When you have
finished, press
<ring back tone for 1 Unused
second followed by 2
seconds of silence>
Thank you
Please try again
first (feminine)
first (neutral)
2nd (feminine)
3rd (feminine)
4 (feminine)
5th (feminine)
6th (feminine)
7 (feminine)
8 (feminine)
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
System Media Files
Table 3-12
(continued)Miscellanious Media Files
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types / When
Media File is Used
9th (feminine)
10 (feminine)
11th (feminine)
12 (feminine)
13 (feminine)
14 (feminine)
15 (feminine)
16 (feminine)
17 (feminine)
18 (feminine)
19th (feminine)
20 (feminine)
21 (feminine)
21st (neutral)
22nd (feminine)
23rd (feminine)
24 (feminine)
25 (feminine)
26th (feminine)
27 (feminine)
28 (feminine)
29 (feminine)
30 (feminine)
31st (feminine)
31st (neutral)
61 (feminine)
71 (feminine)
81 (feminine)
91 (feminine)
a las
negative (feminine)
one half (feminine)
one quarter
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
System Media Files
Table 3-12
(continued)Miscellanious Media Files
Media File
Media File Content
Data Play Back Types / When
Media File is Used
three quarters
positive (feminine)
the (feminine)
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 3
Prompt Recording and Distribution
System Media Files
System Media File Error Messages
Three error messages are included with the System Media files:
Critical media. Message played when system problem exists and the Voice Browser cannot process
the call. (Example content for en-us: “We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with the
site, please try again later and we can serve you much better.”) The critical media file is NOT located
on the media server, but is instead located on the Voice Browser.
– Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser. Critical_Error_Alaw.wav and
Critical_Error_Ulaw.wav under /Cisco/ISN/VoiceBrowser.
– Non-Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser. Error.wav in each configuration folder under
You must record the “override” prompts to replace the critical media files, save them with the
hard-coded names, and place them in their original locations.
If you do not want an English spoken critical media, you need to copy the language specific files
to the Voice Browser as specified in this section.
no_entry_error. Message played when the caller does not respond to a menu prompt. (Example
content for en-us: “Please make a selection.”) The original prompt is then repeated.
invalid_entry_error. Message played when the caller enters an incorrect response to a menu
prompt. (Example content for en-us: “Your entry is invalid.”) The original prompt is then repeated.
These files are shared by all applications.
If a dialogue needs to be altered for a specific Get Digits or Menu request in the ICM script, override
flags can be set in the Network VRU Script Configuration Parameters.
Override flags are available for the Get Digits and Menu micro-applications, only. For more information,
see Chapter 2, “Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution.”
You must record the “override” prompts, save them with the hard coded names <prompt
name>_no_entry_error.wav and <prompt_name>_invalid_entry_error.wav, and place them with other
application-specific media files in the Application Media library.
This override will not work when there is not a specific file name used (for instance, when Customer
Voice Portal is using the TTS feature).
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Voice Browser Administration
This chapter provides the following:
An overview of the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser.
Instructions for using the VB Admin tool.
Descriptions of each of the VB Admin commands.
The primary audience for this chapter is Customer Voice Portal System Managers.
Voice Browser Overview
The Voice Browser serves several key roles in the Customer Voice Portal architecture. It:
Functions as the initial VoIP end-point for voice contacts.
Coordinates the delivery of messages and prompts to a caller from the Media Server.
Sends HTTP requests to the Applications Server.
Processes VXML messages from the Application Server.
Figure 4-1 illustrates these functions.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Voice Browser Overview
Figure 4-1
Roles of the Voice Browser
On its incoming call side, the Voice Browser processes call and control signals from PSTN calls entering
the system at a Cisco Gateway. (The Gateway converts them into H.323 messages before forwarding
them to the Voice Browser.)
Once in control of the call, the Voice Browser converts the voice signals into events to be processed by
a web server known as the Applications Server. The Voice Browser connects to the Applications Server
through a pre-defined URL address. (For more information, see the “How does the Voice Browser
connect to an Application Server?” section below.)
The Voice Browser remains in the call control path until the call’s logical completion. (The Applications
Server never directly controls a telephone call.)
On its outgoing side, the Voice Browser acts upon VXML commands received from the Application
Server. The VXML commands contain instructions for:
Transferring the telephone call.
Delivering recorded messages and prompts.
Processing user responses to the prompts.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Voice Browser Overview
How does the Voice Browser connect to an Application Server?
The Voice Browser needs to know an Application Server to send requests to; Customer Voice Portal
installation sets the default Application Server address to localhost:8000/servlet/isn.
The Voice Browser configuration tool can be used to modify the list as needed. If the Application Server
list changes, the first Application Server on the new list will be used.
There is one Application Server list for all calls. As shown in Figure 4-2, the Voice Browser selects an
Application Server as follows:
When the Voice Browser starts up, it attempts to connect with the first Application Server in the list,
AppServer W.
If AppServer W does not respond, the Voice Browser will go to the next Application Server in the
list, AppServer X.
If the Voice Browser can communicate with Application Server AppServer X, the next call is
handled by that Application Server.
If a call arrives and AppServers X, Y, and Z do not respond, the Voice Browser goes back to the
beginning of the list and tries the Application Servers up to the original starting point (that is, AppServer
W). If the Voice Browser tries all Application Servers and there is no response, an alarm is generated.
The Voice Browser takes itself out of service and refuses calls. It will continue to communicate with each
of the Application Servers and, when one of them is available, goes back in service.
Figure 4-2
Application Server
If the Application Server list changes, the first Application Server on the new list will be used. The
change will be used for new calls only.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
VB Admin Tool
Out of Band Communications
The Voice Browser has two types of connections to the Application Server:
One initiated by the Voice Browser for “normal” call steps such as playing media.
Another initiated by the Application Server for processing information asynchronous to the normal
call steps, for example, for transferring a queued call.
This later form of communication is referred to as out of band.
The Voice Browser Media File
The Voice Browser has one media file. This file contains a prompt to be played to a caller in case of a
critical error where the Customer Voice Portal system cannot properly play information to the caller
through the normal routes (that is, through the Application Server).
The name and location of this .wav file is one of the following:
<target directory>\Critical_Error_Alaw.wav
<target directory>\Critical_Error_Ulaw.wav
where <target directory> is the path specified during installation, typically
The customer should record the appropriate message for their installation and replace the placeholder
one which was installed with the product—keeping the placeholder’s name and codec. The file should
be either the A-law or u-law encoded file, depending on the encoding used in the system and configured
in the Voice Browser. (For more information, see Chapter 3, “Prompt Recording and Distribution.”)
After the Voice Browser plays the message, it disconnects the call.
VB Admin Tool
The Voice Browser includes a configuration and administration tool—called VB Admin—to help you
keep track of the Voice Browser’s interactions with the components described in the previous section.
This tool provides a command line interface (CLI) you can use to:
Gather statistics.
Modify configuration settings.
View system metrics and status.
Control the Voice Browser.
In order for the VB Admin tool to function, the Voice Browser must be running.
Since there are often many Voice Browsers in network installations, VB Admin can be run locally or
remotely, or redirected to monitor a different Voice Browser. VB Admin can also accept a script as input,
enabling you to execute a command or set of commands on a set of Voice Browsers.
The sections that follow describe the VB Admin tool, its commands, and how to use them.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
VB Admin Tool
VB Admin Command Syntax
There are two types of VB Admin commands: Show commands let you view the configuration settings;
Set commands let you change the settings. The syntax for the VB Admin commands is:
show<Parameter>[ /? | /help]
set<Parameter>[<NewValue> | /? | /help]
show<Parameter> or set<Parameter> is the command, for example, ShowGateKeeper or
NewValue—only used with Set commands —is the new setting for the parameter.
/? and /help are two options for accessing VB Admin Online Help.
NewValue must be enclosed in quotes only if you are defining multiple settings for a parameter using
one command. For example, to define one Application Server Name, you would enter:
SetAppServerList AS_Lowell (no quotes). To define three Application Server Names at one time, you
would enter: SetAppServerList “AS_Lowell AS_Salem AS_SanJose” (with quotes).
After you enter a “Show” or “Set” command, VB Admin responds with messages that fall into one of
the following types:
Informational/Online Help. Examples: “AppServerNumTries is currently 3.”
“Valid values: 256 character string.”
Confirmational. Example: “AppServerNumTries has been changed from 3 to 5.”
Error. Example: “Entered value needs to be a positive integer.”
The first two message types are described in the Command tables in the “Using VB Admin” section.
Error messages are described in “VB Admin Error Handling”.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
VB Admin Tool
VB Admin Online Help
When you enter /? or /help after a valid command, VB Admin displays Help text consisting of:
A description of the command, including any default setting and when changes to configuration take
The syntax of the command.
Table 4-1 shows some Online Help examples.
Table 4-1
VB Admin Online Help Examples
Help Message
ShowAppServerNumTries /?
Maximum number of times the Voice Browser will try to connect to
the Application Server before failing and reporting an error.
ShowAppServerNumTries [/? | /help]
SetAppServerNumTries [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
SetTraceMask /help
For use by Technical Support, only.
Default: 101003HEX
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown
and startup unnecessary.)
ShowTraceMask [/? | /help]
SetTraceMask [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
To obtain an alphabetical list of all commands supported by VB Admin, enter mhelp at the VB Admin
CLI prompt.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Using VB Admin
Using VB Admin
This section describes how to use the VB Admin CLI tool.
How to use the VB Admin tool locally
In order for the VB Admin tool to function, the Voice Browser must be running.
Step 1
Select Start > Programs > Cisco Internet Service Node > Voice Browser > VB Admin. A window
containing a command line prompt (>>>>) appears.
Step 2
Enter a show<Parameter> or set<Parameter> command you want to execute.
Step 3
VB Admin commands are not case-sensitive.
When finished using VB Admin, enter q. The VB Admin window closes.
How to use the VB Admin tool remotely
You can use VB Admin to access a remote machine by changing the pointer to the VB machine.
Step 1
At the DOS prompt, enter the command:
vbadmin <VB machinename>
Step 2
Enter a show<Parameter> or set<Parameter> command you want to execute.
VB Admin must be installed on any machine you want to access remotely.
The sections that follow describe the VB Admin commands by category.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Using VB Admin
VB Admin Configuration Commands
Table 4-2
VB Admin Configuration Commands
Show and Set Command Syntax
Alarm /?
Use the command to raise or clear and alarm.
Usage: Alarm [/msonline MediaServerMachineName]
[/msoffline MediaServerMachineName]
[/asonline AppServerMachineName] [/asoffline
[/running] [/shutdown] [/outofservice] [/inservice]
[/gatekeeperonline] [/gatekeeperoffline] [/allappserversdown]
[/clearallappserversdown] [/trace] [/help] [/?]
ShowAlarms [/? | /help]
Shows number of current alarms.
Restarts the link with the SDDSN server.
Usage: RestartSddsnLink [/trace] [/help] [/?]
Sends the current status of alarms to the SDDSN.
Usage: SendAlarmStatus [/trace] [/help] [/?]
ShowAppServerConnectTimeout [/? | /help]
The number of seconds the Voice Browser waits for a TCP connect to
the Application Server to complete before timing out and generating an
SetAppServerConnectTimeout [<New Value> | /?
| /help]
Default: 2 seconds.
New value takes effect immediately.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Using VB Admin
Table 4-2
VB Admin Configuration Commands (continued)
Show and Set Command Syntax
ShowAppServerList [/? | /help]
List of base URLs of Application Servers for the Voice Browser,
delimited by spaces and the entire list enclosed in quotes.
SetAppServerList [<List of AppServer base URLs,
delimited by spaces> | /? | /help]
The syntax for the base URL is:
(Shorthand commands: sASList, SetASList)
<AppServer> is the hostname or IP address of the machine that is
running the Application Server. (Default: localhost.)
<Port> is the port number the Application Server is listening on.
(Default: 8000.)
/servlet/isn is a fixed string that you must append to each name in the
A colon (:) must separate the <AppServer> and <Port> values.
In addition, it is strongly suggested that you use the default Port
number and treat “servlet/isn” as a fixed string. Making changes
to these value can render an Application Server unusable.
IP Address and DNS name may be used in configuring the base URL
portion of an Application Server. However, the Customer Voice Portal
cannot currently support more than one IP address per DNS name, so
you must have a one-to-one correspondence between a DNS name and
IP address for each Application Server.
When defining multiple List of AppServer base URLs settings, enclose
them in quotes (for example: SetASList “AS_Boston:8000/servlet/isn
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown and
startup unnecessary.)
ShowAppServerNumTries [/? | /help]
SetAppServerNumTries [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand commands: sASTries, SetASTries)
For more information, see “How does the Voice Browser
connect to an Application Server?”on page 4-3.
Maximum number of times the Voice Browser will try to connect to the
Application Server before failing and reporting an error.
Default: 3
System shutdown and startup necessary for changes to take effect.
ShowAppServerTimeout [/? | /help]
SetAppServerTimeout [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand commands: sASTimeout,
Number of seconds the Voice Browser should wait for a response from
the Application Server before timing out and generating an error.
This setting must be greater than the Application Server’s
Server Timeout setting. (For information about setting Server
Timeout, see Chapter 5, “Administering the Application
Default: 7 seconds
System shutdown and startup necessary for changes to take effect.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Using VB Admin
Table 4-2
VB Admin Configuration Commands (continued)
Show and Set Command Syntax
ShowCalledPartyTimeout [/? | /help]
Length of time in seconds to wait for additional instructions from the
ICM after the Called Party (that is, agent) hangs up. If no instructions
are received, the Voice Browser disconnects the caller.
SetCalledPartyTimeout [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand commands: sCPT, SetCPT)
Default: 2
System shutdown and startup necessary for changes to take effect.
ShowCallTrace [/? | /help]
SetCallTrace [on | off | /? | /help]
When this value is set to on, call detail events will be logged to the
console and log files.
Valid Values: on and off
Default: off.
ShowCodec [/? | /help]
SetCodec [g711Ulaw64k | g711Alaw64k
| /? | /help]
(Shorthand command: sCodec)
Type of codec and rate used in the Voice Browser when communicating
with another VoIP endpoint.
Default: g711Ulaw64k
All H.245 channel signalling and RTP streams are based on the
codec setting. The Voice Browser will only accept the prompt
files with the same encoding as the codec setting. If instructed to
play an audio file with a different encoding, the prompt will not
be played and an error will be generated.
System shutdown and startup necessary for changes to take effect
ShowDefaultConnectTimeout [/? | /help]
SetDefaultConnectTimeout [<New Value> | /? |
The number of seconds the Voice Browser waits for a TCP connect to a
server to complete before timing out and generating an error. Note: This
does not apply to application servers and media servers. They have their
own settings.
Default: 3 seconds
New value takes effect immediately.
ShowGatekeeper [/? | /help]
SetGateKeeper [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand commands: SGK, SetGK)
IP address for the Gatekeeper serving the Voice Browser. A value of
“none” or no value means the Gatekeeper is not being used (which
means calls cannot be transferred).
Valid values: IP address or “none”
Default: none (or no value)
System shutdown and startup necessary for changes to take effect.
ShowH323ID [/? | /help]
SetH323ID [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand command: sH323ID)
This value defines a unique identification for this H323 endpoint in a
H323 network. This is the IP address of the machine by convention.
Only needed if using the IP transfer feature and a gatekeeper.
Valid values: 256 character string
Default: Local IP address
System shutdown and startup necessary for changes to take effect.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Using VB Admin
Table 4-2
VB Admin Configuration Commands (continued)
Show and Set Command Syntax
ShowH323Trace [/? | /help]
When this value is set to on, H323 details will be logged to the console
and log files.
SetH323Trace [on | off | /? | /help]
Valid Values: on and off
Default: off.
Changes to this value take effect immediately
ShowH323Zone [/? | /help]
This value defines which gatekeeper zone the Voice Browser will
register with. If this attribute is not set or set to 'None' (the default), the
VoiceBrowser will register to the first local zone defined on its
gatekeeper. This attribute is only needed if using a gatekeeper (which is
required for transferring calls).
SetH323Zone [<New Value> | /? | /help]
Valid values: 256 character string or None
Default: None
System shutdown and startup necessary for changes to take effect.
ShowISNtoISN [/? | /help]
When this value is set on, an ISN Voice Browser is not allowed to send
calls to another ISN Voice Browser.
SetISNtoISN [on | off | /? | /help]
Valid Values: on and off
Default: off
ShowInterfaceTrace [/? | /help]
When this value is set to on, Interface details will be logged to the
console and log files.
SetInterfaceTrace [on | off | /? | /help]
Valid Values: on and off
Default: off.
Changes to this value take effect immediately
ShowLocationsBasedCAC [/? | /help]
SetLocationsBasedCAC [on | off | /? | /help]
When this value is set on, the ISN Voice Browser transfers calls to
accommodate Call Manager's Location-based CAC. Specifically, this
means forcing the H.225 setup to port 1720 on CCM and including the
IP address of the originating gateway in the sourceCallSignalAddress of
the ARQ and H.225 setup message on the transfer.
Valid Values: on and off
Default: off
ShowLogMeters [/? | /help]
SetLogMeters [on | off | /? | /help]
Controls logging metrics. When "on", the Voice Browser will log
metrics to the console and log files at the interval specified by the
"Message Meter Interval". Metrics are always a vailable on demand for
the last interval(s).
Valid Values: on and off
Default: on
Changes to this value take effect immediately.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Using VB Admin
Table 4-2
VB Admin Configuration Commands (continued)
Show and Set Command Syntax
ShowMaxIVRPorts [/? | /help]
Maximum number of calls in the Voice Browser which are allowed to
receive IVR treatment at any given time. If the number of calls exceed
the MaxIVRPorts value, additional calls arriving at the Voice Browser
will be rejected.
SetMaxIVRPorts [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand command: sMaxIVRPorts)
Even when a Gateway is acting as the IVR—as can be the case
in an Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive deployment—you
still need a small number of IVR ports on the Voice Browser,
based on the incoming calls per second and subsequent transfers.
Use the Max IVR Ports listing in the Voice Browser Total
Statistics log to help make decisions regarding IVR port sizing.
Default: 50
System shutdown and startup necessary for changes to take effect.
ShowMaxTotalCalls [/? | /help]
Maximum total number of calls allowed in the Voice Browser.
SetMaxTotalCalls [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
Default: 135
(Shorthand command: sMaxTotalCalls)
System shutdown and startup necessary for changes to take effect.
ShowMediaServerConnectTimeout [/? | /help]
The number of seconds the Voice Browser waits for a TCP connect to
the Media Server to complete before timing out and generating an error.
SetMediaServerConnectTimeout [<New Value> |
/? | /help]
Default: 1 second
New value takes effect immediately.
ShowMediaServerTimeout [/? | /help]
SetMediaServerTimeout [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand command: sMSTime)
Number of seconds the Voice Browser should wait for a response from
the Media Server before timing out and reporting an error.
The Voice Browser will attempt to get the media file from all the IP
addresses in sequence resolved by the DNS server for the Media Server
The timeout value is for every IP address resolved by DNS server for the
media server URL.
Default: 10
System shutdown and startup necessary for changes to take effect.
ShowMediaServerTries [/? | /help]
SetMediaServerTries [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand commands: sMSTries, setMSTries)
Maximum number of retries the Voice Browser will attempt (in addition
to the original attempt) in trying to connect to the media server before
failing and reporting an error.
The Voice Browser will attempt to retry every IP address resolved by the
DNS server for the Media Server URL. The MediaServerTries is the
number of retries for each IP address resolved by the DNS server. Voice
Browser does all the tries on each media server before moving to the
next media server.
Default: 1
System shutdown and startup necessary for changes to take effect.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Using VB Admin
Table 4-2
VB Admin Configuration Commands (continued)
Show and Set Command Syntax
ShowMeterInterval [/? | /help]
The time interval in which metrics will be output to the console and
logfile. Setting this value to less than 300 seconds (5 minutes) may
impact system performance. The meters setting must be set to "on" to
activate logging. Changes to this value take effect immediately.
SetMeterInterval [<New Value> | /? | /help]
Default: 1800
ShowNewCallOnly [/? | /help]
Determines whether a call will be restarted from the beginning if there
is a NAM/ICM or Application Server problem during the course of the
call. Set this value to “on” to restart calls. (Because pre-routed calls
cannot be restarted, turning this setting on means that you do not expect
any pre-routed calls to come to this Voice Browser, i.e., only new calls
arrive at this Voice Browser.)
SetNewCallOnly [<on | off> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand commands: sNco, setNco)
Do not set this value to “on” if you expect any pre-routed calls
to come to this Voice Browser. The Customer Voice Portal
cannot restart pre-routed calls.
Default: off
Valid Values: on, off
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown and
startup unnecessary.)
ShowNMRestartTimer [/? | /help]
SetNMRestartTimer [<New Value> | /? | /help]
Number of seconds the Node Manager should wait to restart the Voice
Browser after recognizing that it is not healthy. Delaying the restart
gives transferred calls ample time to terminate conversations normally.
Default: 1800 seconds.
System shutdown and startup necessary for changes to take effect.
ShowNumOutOfBand [/? | /help]
SetNumOutOfBand [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand commands: sOutofBand,
Number of connections the Voice Browser should reserve per
Application Server for performing out of band communications, such as
transferring a queued call.
Default: 3
System shutdown and startup necessary for changes to take effect.
ShowNMRestartTimer [/? /help]
Number of seconds the Node Manager waits to restart the Voice Browser
if it isn’t operating properly. Delaying the restart gives transferred calls
ample time to terminate conversations normally.
SetNMRestartTimer [value /? /help]
Default: 1800 seconds
System shutdown and startup necessary for changes to take effect.
ShowOutOfBandConsecFails [/? | /help]
Maximum number of consecutive times the Voice Browser can try to
connect to the out of band channels before failing and reporting an error.
SetOutOfBandConsecFails [<NewValue>
|/? | /help]
Default: 3
(Shorthand commands: sOBFail, SetOBFail)
System shutdown and startup necessary for changes to take effect.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Using VB Admin
Table 4-2
VB Admin Configuration Commands (continued)
Show and Set Command Syntax
ShowOutOfBandTimeout [/? | /help]
Number of seconds the Voice Browser should wait to connect to out of
band Channels before failing and reporting an error.
SetOutOfBandTimeout [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand commands: sOBTime, SetOBTime)
Default: 60 seconds
There is a relationship between this setting and the Application
Server’s Heart Beat Timeout setting. The Heart Beat Timeout
should be two times the OutOfBandTimeout setting. (For
information about setting Heart Beat Timeout, see Chapter 5,
“Administering the Application Server.”)
System shutdown and startup necessary for changes to take effect.
ShowRAIMaxThreshold [/? | /help]
SetRAIMaxThreshold [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand commands: sRaiMax, SetRaiMax)
(H.323 Stack). A percentage of MaxInCalls. If the number of active
incoming calls exceeds (RAIMaxThreshold/100)*MaxTotalCalls or
exceeds (RAIMaxThreshold/100)*maxIVRports (currentTransferedCalls * (takebackPercentage/100)), an RAI indicator
instructs the Gatekeeper to stop routing further incoming calls to this
Voice Browser.
Valid values: 0 - 100
Default: 80
RaiMinThreshold must be less than RaiMaxThreshold.
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown and
startup unnecessary.)
ShowRAIMinThreshold [/? | /help]
SetRAIMinThreshold [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand commands: sRaiMin, SetRaiMin)
(H.323 Stack). A percentage. If the number of active incoming calls
drops below (RAIMinThreshold/100)*MaxTotalCalls or
(RAIMinThreshold/100)*maxIVRports - (currentTransferedCalls *
(takebackPercentage/100)), an RAI indicator instructs the Gatekeeper to
start routing incoming calls to this Voice Browser.
Valid values: 0 - 100
Default: 70
RaiMinThreshold must be less than RaiMaxThreshold.
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown and
startup unnecessary.)
ShowRNATimeout [/? | /help]
SetRNATimeout [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand commands: sRNATimeout)
Ring-no-answer (RNA) timeout. When transferring a call, the number of
seconds the Voice Browser should wait for the called party to answer the
call, after it has started ringing, before failing and reporting an error.
Valid Values: 15 - 180
Default: 15 seconds
System shutdown and startup necessary for changes to take effect.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Using VB Admin
Table 4-2
VB Admin Configuration Commands (continued)
Show and Set Command Syntax
ShowSDDSNRestartLinkTime [/? | /help]
The number of seconds the Voice Browser should wait before attempting
to reconnect to SDDSN.
SetSDDSNRestartLinkTime [<NewValue> | /? |
Default: 5
(Shorthand commands: sSDDSNLinkTime,
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown and
startup unnecessary.)
ShowSDDSNRetries [/? | /help]
The upper limit of geometric growth for the time between retries when
both SDDSN instances are having problems.
SetSDDSNRetries [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
Default: 5
(Shorthand command: sSDDSNRetries)
This means the Voice Browser will retry after 1 minute, then 4
(2*2) minutes, 9 (3*3) minutes, 16 (4*4) minutes, 25 (5*5)
minutes. If a default of 5 is being used, all subsequent retry
attempts will be spaced 25 minutes apart. (For more
information, see “Understanding SDDSN Retry Settings” in
Chapter 7, “Alarm Handling and Logging.”)
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown and
startup unnecessary.)
ShowSDDSN1Node [/? | /help]
SetSDDSN1Node [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand commands: sSDDSN1, SetSDDSN1)
The host name or IP address of the first SDDSN instance. Use this
command to define the host name or IP address of the SDDSN instance.
(If there is only one SDDSN in service, set SDDSN2Node to the same
value as SDDSN1Node.)
Default: NULL
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown and
startup unnecessary.)
ShowSDDSN1Port [/? | /help]
SetSDDSN1Port [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand command: sSDDSN1Port)
The listening port number for the first SDDSN instance. Use this
command if you want to change the listening port number to a value
other than the default.
Default: 40080
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown and
startup unnecessary.)
ShowSDDSN2Node [/? | /help]
SetSDDSN2Node [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand commands: sSDDSN2, SetSDDSN2)
The host name or IP address of the second SDDSN instance. (If there is
only one SDDSN in service, SDDSN2Node should be set to the same
node as SDDSN1Node.) Use this command to define the host name or
IP address of the SDDSN instance. (If there is only one SDDSN in
service, set SDDSN2Node to the same value as SDDSN1Node.)
Default: NULL
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown and
startup unnecessary.)
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Using VB Admin
Table 4-2
VB Admin Configuration Commands (continued)
Show and Set Command Syntax
ShowSDDSN2Port [/? | /help]
The listening port number for the second SDDSN instance. Use this
command if you want to change the listening port number to a value
other than the default.
SetSDDSN2Port [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand command: sSDDSN2Port)
Default: 40080
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown and
startup unnecessary.)
ShowSDDSNLastNode [/? | /help]
(Shorthand command: sSDDSNLastNode)
Read-only parameter. Indicates the last node where a successful
connection was made:
1 - SDDSN1
2 - SDDSN2
ShowSDDSNTimeout [/? | /help]
SetSDDSNTimeout [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand command: sSDDSNTimeout)
Number of seconds the Voice Browser should wait for the initial
message from SDDSN after a connection has been established before
failing and reporting an error.
Default: 5
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown and
startup unnecessary.)
ShowSecurityMask [/? | /help]
SetSecurityMask [<New Value> | /? | /help]
This setting controls various aspects of how and who can administer and
configure the Voice Browser.
Default: 1
Changes to this value take effect only after a Voice Browser restart.
When set to value 0, remote administration of the Voice Browser using
procmon is not allowed. All administration must be performed from the
local machine.
ShowServiceMode [/? | /help]
SetServiceMode [in | out | /? | /help]
When set to out, the Voice Browser will not accept new calls but will
process all existing calls to completion. When set to in, the Voice
Browser will start accepting new calls.
Valid Values: in or out Changes to this value take effect immediately.
ShowSetupCallingNum [/? | /help]
SetSetupCallingNum [CLI|DNIS /? /help]
Controls whether the Dialed Number (DNIS) or Calling Line
Identification (CLI) is used as the Calling Party Number in VoIP
messages during IP Call Transfer. When this value is set to “CLI”, CLI
(if present) will be passed in the Calling Party Number parameter of the
Setup message during IP Transfer; when set to “DNIS”, DNIS will be
Valid Values: CLI, DNIS
Default: CLI
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown and
startup unnecessary.)
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Using VB Admin
Table 4-2
VB Admin Configuration Commands (continued)
Show and Set Command Syntax
ShowSigDigits [/? | /help]
The number of leading significant digits (not including the tech-prefix,
if it exists) which ISN will strip from the incoming DNIS. The value that
is stripped is saved and prepended with a # sign to any transfers which
occur out of the ISN Voice browser.
SetSigDigits [integer >= 0 | /? | /help]
Valid Values: an integer >= 0
Default: 0
ShowSurveyDnis [/? | /help]
nis, .....]> [/? | /help]
One or more alternate DNIS numbers to which to restart the call. If the
called party disconnects before the caller, and no further instructions are
sent from ICM within 2 seconds, the Voice Browser will check this list
of DNIS numbers to see if the call should be restarted to an alternate
DNIS. For more information on restarting a call to an alternate DNIS,
see “Restart to Alternate DNIS” in Appendix B, “Transferring and
Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal”.
You must specify at least one pair of values consisting of the original
DNIS number and the alternate or survey DNIS number to which the call
should be restarted. Wild cards are allowed. Each pair should be
delimited by a comma and the entire string enclosed in quotes. Only
[0-9,*] are acceptable characters, and the ‘*’, if present, must occur at
the end of a DNIS value.
SetSurveyDnis "9785551515-1234"
If the original DNIS was 9785551515, the call will be restarted to DNIS
SetSurveyDnis "978*-1234"
If the original DNIS was a DNIS beginning with 978, the call will be
restarted to DNIS 1234.
SetSurveyDnis "978*-800*"
If the original DNIS was a DNIS beginning with 978, the call will be
restarted to the same number but 978 would be replaced with 800, e.g.
9785551212 would be restarted to 8005551212.
SetSurveyDnis "9785551515-1234,8003331111-9876"
If the original DNIS was 9785551515, the call will be restarted to 1234,
OR if the original DNIS was 8003331111, the call will be restarted to
SetSurveyDnis "*-9000"
If the original DNIS is anything, the call be retarted to DNIS 8000
The survey DNIS feature can be used with a Customer Voice Portal that
is defined as any VRU type, provided that the surveyDnis invokes a new
call ICM. That is, the survey DNIS must not fall in a Translation route
DNIS range and must be less than or equal to the "Dialed Number
Maximum Length" field in AppAdmin Call Definitions.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Using VB Admin
Table 4-2
VB Admin Configuration Commands (continued)
Show and Set Command Syntax
ShowTakebackDelay [/? | /help]
This setting controls the number of delay milliseconds that each comma
in a transfer label represents. For example, when doing an outpulse
SetTakebackDelay [<New Value in milliseconds>
transfer, it is sometimes desirable to place a pause between the *8 and
| /? | /help]
the digits, as in *8,,,9870987465.
This setting controls how long the pause is for each comma. Hence, 3
commas = 300ms if this value is set to 100.
ShowTakebackPercentage [/? | /help]
SetTakebackPercentage [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand commands: sTakePct, SetTakePct)
Percentage of currently transferred calls for which IVR ports should be
reserved for queuing or other IVR treatment.
Default: 0 (zero)
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown and
startup unnecessary.)
For example, if the MaxIVRPorts setting is 100, MaxTotalCalls is 300,
and TakebackPercentage is 10, it would mean the following:
ShowTechPrefix [/? | /help]
SetTechPrefix [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand command: sTechPrefix)
If no calls are currently transferred, the Voice Browser would accept
up to 100 calls IVR.
If 50 calls are currently transferred, the Voice Browser would accept
up to 95 calls IVR (then there would be 145 total calls and the Voice
Browser would stop accepting new ones).
If 200 calls currently transferred, the Voice Browser would accept
up to 80 IVR (then there would be 280 total calls and the Voice
Browser would stop accepting new ones).
At 300 calls, the Voice Browser would still have room for 70 IVR
but would stop taking calls, anyway, because the total number of
calls would have been reached.
Controls a prefix required for inbound call routing. The value must
match the tech-prefix value of the Gateway dial-peer(s) that route to this
Voice Browser and the tech-prefix value in the Gatekeeper.
Default: 2#
System shutdown and startup necessary for changes to take effect.
ShowTraceMask [/? | /help]
For Use by Technical Support only.
SetTraceMask [<New Value> | /? | /help]
Default: 0x101003
Changes to this value take effect immediately.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Using VB Admin
Table 4-2
VB Admin Configuration Commands (continued)
Show and Set Command Syntax
ShowTransferCLI [/? | /help]
Controls whether the Dialed Number (DNIS) or Calling Line
Identification (CLI) is used as the source address in VoIP messages
during IP Call Transfer. When this value is set to “on,” the CLI (if
present) will be passed in the SrcInfo parameter of the ARQ message
during IP Transfer; when set to “off,” the DNIS will be passed.
SetTransferCLI [<on | off> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand command: sTransferCLI)
Valid Values: on, off
Default: off
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown and
startup unnecessary.)
ShowTransferLabel [/? | /help]
SetTransferLabel[<List of labels, delimited by
spaces, all enclosed in quotes> | /? | /help]
A list of label values (delimited by spaces and the entire list enclosed in
quotes). If any of the values in this list match the VRU label configured
in ICM, it will trigger the Voice Browser to send the transfer back to the
originating ingress gateway instead of using the IP address returned by
the gatekeeper lookup. If this value is not set or set to 'None', the Voice
Browser will use the IP address returned by the gatekeeper lookup for
the transfer.
Default: None
ShowVbRestartTimer [/? /help]
Number of seconds the Voice Browser should wait to restart itself if it
isn’t operating properly. Delaying the restart gives transferred calls
ample time to terminate conversations normally.
SetVbRestartTimer [value /? /help]
Default: 1800 seconds
Changes to this default take effect immediately.
ShowActiveCalls [/? | /help]
Shows calls the are currently active in the Voice Browser
ShowAll [/? /help]
This command will display all configuration data and real-time data for
the VoiceBrowser.
The Voice Browser has two types of connections to the Application Server: one initiated by the Voice
Browser for normal call steps, such as playing media, and one where the Application Server is supplying
the processing information asynchronous to the normal call steps, for example, for transferring a queued
or already-transferred call. The later form of communication is referred to as “out of band.”
VB Admin Logging Commands
For more information about logging, see Chapter 7, “Alarm Handling and Logging.”
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Using VB Admin
Table 4-3
VB Admin Logging Commands
Show and Set Command Syntax
ShowCallTrace [/? | /help]
When “on,” the Voice Browser logs basic call detail information to the
console and log files.
SetCallTrace [<on | off> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand command: sCallTrace)
Valid Values: on, off
Default: off
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown and
startup unnecessary.)
ShowInterfaceTrace [/? | /help]
SetInterfaceTrace [<on | off> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand command: sIntTrace, setIntTrace)
When “on,” the Voice Browser logs interface details to the console and
log files.
Valid Values: on, off
Default: off
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown and
startup unnecessary.)
ShowTraceMask [/? | /help]
For use by Technical Support, only.
SetTraceMask [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
Default: 101003HEX
(Shorthand command: sTraceMask)
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown and
startup unnecessary.)
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Using VB Admin
VB Admin Metric and Control Commands
The Voice Browser keeps track of significant events and measurements; these metrics are logged at
regular intervals and can be displayed on demand. Measurements of latency for particular actions
(retrieving a voice file, for instance), are counted for the interval in which they complete, as opposed to
the interval in which they start.
Most VB Admin Metric commands are display-only (that is, in show<Parameter> syntax).
Table 4-4
For information on how Voice Browser metrics are logged, see “Voice Browser Logging and Metrics” in
Chapter 7, “Alarm Handling and Logging.”
VB Admin Metric and Control Commands
Command Syntax
DisconnectCall [<LocalID> | /? | /help]
Disconnects the call identified by Local ID from the active call list (after
(Shorthand command: DisCall)
ShowActiveCalls [/? | /help]
Displays the following information about each call active in the Voice
Local ID
Unique Call ID
Creation Time
Last Application Server the call accessed
Last Media Server the call accessed
ShowCallHistory [<CallID> | /? | /help]
For use by Technical Support, only.
(Shorthand command: sCallHist)
Can be used to print out a detailed call history of an active call. Either the
long or short call id may be entered as the argument.
Default: none
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Using VB Admin
Table 4-4
VB Admin Metric and Control Commands (continued)
Command Syntax
ShowIntervalStatistics [/? | /help]
Displays the interval time, and a series of counts, averages and
maximums during that interval. The statistics include:
Interval size.
Number of new calls.
Number of calls transferred.
Number of calls rejected (if Voice Browser is out of service).
Number of transfer errors.
Number of prompts not ready - this is the number of times a prompt
was playing, and before the end of the prompt was reached, the Voice
Browser had to stop playing the prompt because the next part of the
file had not yet been received.
Number of prompts not found.
Number of calls using critical media, that is, that were prematurely
terminated because of internal errors (in which case a “system error”
message is played to the caller).
Number of calls terminated (call may have begun in a previous
Percent of total system CPU used - average, minimum, maximum
and standard deviation.
For each Voice Browser, average, minimum, maximum and standard
deviation of the latency statistics in processing a new call arrival.
For each Voice Browser, average, minimum, maximum and standard
deviation of the latency statistics in processing a successful transfer,
measuring the time from when the Voice Browser receives the
Transfer command from the Application Server to the time of
For each Voice Browser, average, minimum, maximum and standard
deviation of the latency statistics in processing a successful transfer,
measuring the time from alerting to when the called party answers.
For each Application Server, average, minimum, maximum and
standard deviation of the latency statistics in communicating with
Application Server for call processing requests, and the number of
message exchanges (requests to the Application Server from the
Voice Browser).
Averages, minimums, maximums and standard deviation
statistics are calculated by using current data (occurring within
this interval), not rolling averages (occurring over multiple
intervals). Call latency is displayed in milliseconds.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Using VB Admin
Table 4-4
VB Admin Metric and Control Commands (continued)
Command Syntax
ShowLogMeters [/? | /help]
Controls logging metrics. When “on,” the Voice Browser will log metrics
to the console and log files at the interval specified by the Message Meter
Interval setting. Metrics are always available on demand for the last
SetLogMeters [<on | off> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand command: sLogMeters)
Valid Values: on, off
Default: on
Changes to this value take effect immediately.
ShowMeterInterval [/? | /help]
SetMeterInterval [<NewValue> | /? | /help]
(Shorthand command: sMeterInterval)
Time interval, in seconds, at which metrics will be calculated. Note that,
if logging of metrics is “on,” setting the interval to a short time will cause
the log files to roll over more quickly. Also, the Meters parameter must
be set to “on” to activate logging.
Default: 1800 seconds (30 minutes)
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown and
startup unnecessary.)
ShowServiceMode [/? | /help]
Controls the processing of calls. When “out” (out of service), the Voice
Browser will not accept new calls but will process all existing calls to
SetServiceMode [<in | out> | /? | /help]
completion. When “in” (in service), the Voice Browser will accept new
(Shorthand commands: sServMode, setServMode) calls.
Valid Values: in, out
Changes to this value take effect immediately. (System shutdown and
startup unnecessary.)
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Using VB Admin
Table 4-4
VB Admin Metric and Control Commands (continued)
Command Syntax
ShowSnapshot [/? | /help]
Gives a count of all the calls in progress, and subtotals for the count in
each state. The states include:
Waiting for VXML (or for response from Application Server)
Playing Prompt
Waiting for DTMF
Disconnected (caller has been disconnected and software is just
finishing up)
New (call has arrived, but processing has not started yet)
IVR Ports in use (a call is in one of two states at any point in time:
receiving IVR treatment, or transferred. Time spent in all call
setup— H.323 activity plus communications to the ICM—counts as
being in the IVR state. Therefore, even though a call may be
‘immediately’ transferred upon arrival at Customer Voice Portal,
there is still a brief period—several seconds—that the call is in the
IVR state until the endpoint answers the call. IVR Ports in use shows
the number of calls in the IVR state at any point in time)
Wait (a transient internal state; calls should never stay in this state
any length of time; this number increasing over time indicates a
Other (calls should never be in this state; a catch-all for problem
Internal (for debugging purposes only; shows the total number of
calls in the internal call object map in the Voice Browser; includes
all active call legs, plus calls that are marked for deletion)
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Voice Browser Administration
Using VB Admin
Table 4-4
VB Admin Metric and Control Commands (continued)
Command Syntax
ShowStatus [/? | /help]
Status gives the overall status for the Customer Voice Portal Application
Server for the entire time the Voice Browser has been up, including:
ShowVersion [/? | /help]
Total Calls
Disconnect Disposition (Rejected, Caller Hangup, Called Party
Hangup, ICM Release, Critical Media)
Maximum Simultaneous Calls
Maximum IVR Ports
Total Prompts Not Found
Total Transfer Errors (Busy, Ring No Answer, Gatekeeper Problem,
Destination Problem, Other)
System Startup Time
System Up Time
Current System State (In Service, Out of Service)
Packets Transmitted
Displays release number (2.1) and build number of the software.
VB Admin Error Handling
VB Admin validates configuration commands and settings before accepting them. If a command is not
valid, VB Admin displays an appropriate error message.
Although VB Admin validates the syntax of the Voice Browser configuration commands, it performs no
checks regarding the syntax or existence of values such as IP addresses/DNS names.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 4
Using VB Admin
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Voice Browser Administration
Administering the Application Server
This chapter provides the following:
An overview of the Application Server.
Instructions for using the Application Administrator tool.
The primary audience for this chapter is Customer Voice Portal System Managers.
The Application Server is a Web Server application, which interprets messages from Cisco ICM software
and generates VXML documents that it uses to communicate with the Voice Browser.
Customer Voice Portal uses two types of Voice Browsers:
-- Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser
-- Non-Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser; for example, Cisco VXML-enabled Voice Gateway
References to “Voice Browser” in this chapter refer to both types unless explicitly specified.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Application Server Administration
Figure 5-1
Roles of the Application Server
The Application Server never directly controls a telephone call. The VXML commands it sends to the
Voice Browser contain instructions for:
Transferring the telephone call.
Currently, the Non-Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser does not perform asynchronous
Delivering recorded messages and prompts.
Processing user responses to the prompts.
ASR or TTS treatment.
The sections that follow describe how to administer the Application Server.
Application Server Administration
The Application Administrator tool provides a Web browser interface you can use to perform tasks
such as:
Start or Stop Application Server Engine.
Take the Application Server engine in and out of service.
Monitor system and call status.
Configure the engine, DNIS numbers, and log setups.
The sections that follow describe how to use this tool.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Application Server Administration
Using the Application Administrator tool requires that you have the proper security level. Users at the
isnadmin security level have full access to the tool. Users at the isnconfig level have read-only access.
You cannot use Customer Voice Portal Application Administration through a proxy server if you are
using the security feature. Doing this causes the Application Administration authentication to fail.
How to use the Application Administrator tool
Step 1
Do one of the following:
Select Start > Programs > Cisco Internet Service Node > Application Server > Application
Enter http://<HOSTNAME>/AppAdmin where <HOSTNAME> is the name of the machine
where the Application Server is installed.
The Application Administration Main Page appears.
Use this page to navigate to other Application Administration pages.
Step 2
When finished using the Application Administrator tool, select File > Close.
You must close the web browser to shut down the Application Administrator tool. The tool runs
as a web application under IIS (Internet Information Server). This means that it will not close
even if you use Service Control to stop the Application Server.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Application Server Administration
Engine Administration
This section describes the pages you use to administer the Application Server engine:
Engine Status page
Active Calls page
Call Statistics page
Diagnostic Information page
Log Configuration page
Log Files page
Engine Administration: Engine Status
Use this page to:
Step 1
Obtain information about the status of the Application Server Engine and its subsystems.
Start or Stop the Application Server Engine, or put it Out of Service or Back in Service.
Link to other Engine Administration pages.
From the Application Administration Main Page, click the Engine link. The Engine Status page appears.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Application Server Administration
Table 5-1 describes the different Status settings and traffic light icon colors.
Table 5-1
Engine Status Information
Light Color
System not running.
System shutting down.
System starting up. (It is not ready to accept
System not accepting new calls but finishing
processing calls currently in system. (After call
processing is complete, state changes to OUT OF
System Out of Service or HTTP is not
functioning. System is not accepting calls and has
no calls, but is running.
Application Server is waiting for a connection
from ICM software. It will not accept calls in this
System is fully loaded. It is not accepting new
calls but finishing processing calls currently in
System running and receiving new calls.
Step 2
Step 3
Do one of the following:
Click Start to start the Application Server.
Click Stop to stop the Application Server.
Click Go Out of Service to stop accepting calls. The label on the button changes to Go Into Service.
Click this button to start accepting calls again.
Using the checkbox and text field, specify an Auto-refresh setting for the Status page.
Whenever you click a button on this page, a confirmation dialog box appears. Click OK to continue.
When finished, link to another page or select File > Close to close the Application Administrator.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Application Server Administration
Engine Administration: Active Calls
Use this page to display the following information about each call active in the Application Server.
Step 1
See the “MRCP logging tag” section on page 5-20 for more information about the call ID.
From any Engine Administration page, click the Active Calls link. The following happens:
First, a caution message appears. Click OK to continue.
Then, the following information displays for each call active in the Application Server:
The ID value matches the Unique Call ID shared with the Voice Browser.
Step 2
To remove a call from service, click its Delete Command link.
Step 3
Click OK in the confirmation dialog box that appears.
Step 4
When finished, link to another page or select File > Close to close the Application Administrator.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Application Server Administration
Engine Administration: Call Statistics
Use this page to monitor and control the display of statistical information for calls and HTTP
Step 1
During the current interval.
Since the Application Server engine started.
From any Engine Administration page, click the Call Statistics link. The Call Statistics page appears.
The top of the page shows statistics logged for calls and HTTP transactions. The bottom of the page
contains controls for displaying the statistics.
Table 5-2 describes the statistics contained in each category:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Application Server Administration
Table 5-2
Call and HTTP Statistics
For Calls
This Interval
The number of calls currently in
The number of requests currently
in progress.
The maximum number of
simultaneous calls handled during
the interval.
The maximum number of HTTP
requests being processed
simultaneously during the interval.
The number of new calls this interval.
Number of calls that finished this
The total number of requests
received this interval.
The average number of HTTP
requests being processed
simultaneously during the interval.
Since Start
Step 2
Step 4
The average and maximum latency in
processing a new call arrival and
subsequent call event.
The total number of calls that
received since server start-up.
The total number of requests
received since Server start-up.
The maximum number of
simultaneous calls since server
The maximum number of HTTP
requests being processed
simultaneously since Server
Log Metrics. (Radio buttons.) Controls logging of statistics. When “on,” the Application Server
writes the statistics to the log file in the interval specified by Meter Interval setting. Default: “on”.
Meter Interval. Length-of-time interval for logging statistics, in seconds. Default: 1800 seconds
(30 mintues).
The Log Metrics setting must be “on” to activate logging, but statistics are always available
from the Web interface.
Do one of the following:
Click Update to change the Statistical Controls information. All changes take effect immediately.
(System shutdown and startup unnecessary.)
Click Cancel to cancel any changes and return to the previous page.
When finished, link to another page or select File > Close to close the Application Administrator.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Call latencies are displayed in
Optionally, change the Statistical Controls settings:
Step 3
For HTTP Sessions
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Application Server Administration
Engine Administration: Diagnostic Info
Use this page to display information that your support organization can use for troubleshooting system
Step 1
The Diagnostic page is not available unless the Application Server Engine is running.
From any Engine Administration page, click the Diagnostic Info link. The following happens:
First, a caution message appears. Click OK to continue.
The Diagnostic Info page appears, displaying the current system status for:
– Thread groups (system, main, engine, RMI runtime), their Max Priority and size
– Threads under each thread group
– System memory
– System properties
Step 2
When finished, link to another page or select File > Close to close the Application Administrator.
Engine Administration: Engine Configuration
Use this page to set up how the Application Server will communicate with the Voice Browser and ICM
Step 1
From any Engine Administration page, click the Engine Configuration link. The Engine Configuration
page appears.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Application Server Administration
Step 2
Use the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser Settings section to specify the following, clicking
Update when done:
Step 3
Heart Beat Timeout (seconds). (Default:120 seconds.) Used for Customer Voice Portal
Comprehensive and Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer configurations. Controls how long
the Application Server will wait for a heartbeat request from the Customer Voice Portal Voice
Browser before timing-out. If this timeout is exceeded, all calls received from that Voice Browser
are terminated.
This value should be two times the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser’s OutofBandTimeout
Use the Non-Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser Settings section to specify the following, clicking
Update when done:
The settings in this section are used in Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive and Customer
Voice Portal Advanced Speech configurations. The “Gateway” in this section represents a
Non-Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser.
Last Access Timeout (seconds). (Default:7320 seconds.) How long the Application Server will
wait for a call request from a Non-Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser before removing that
Non-Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser from its current client list. This value must be greater
than or equal to the call timeout; this is enforced by the software.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Application Server Administration
HTTP Media Server Timeout. (Default:5 seconds.) The number of seconds the Gateway should
wait to connect to the HTTP Media Server before timing out.
Number of Tries for HTTP Media Server. (Default:2 tries.) Maximum number of times the
non-Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser attempts to connect to an HTTP Media Server to retrieve
a single prompt. If the Voice Browser fails after this many attempts, it will try the same number of
times to retrieve the media from a backup media server before failing and reporting an error. (The
backup media server is defined as <mediaserver>-backup.)
The Number of Tries for HTTP Media Server setting also determines the number of attempts by
the HTTP Media Server to connect to a VoiceXML Server.
This backup mechanism is only useful when there is no CSS content switch sitting between the
Non-Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser and the HTTP media servers. Otherwise, a CSS, if
configured properly, could find a backup media server on the second attempt using the original
URL of the prompt. When not using a CSS, in order to achieve failover redundancy, it is
necessary to have the backup media server configured in DNS or on the gateway as the
mediaserver name appended with -backup. Also note that if both the primary and backup media
servers are down, the call will eventually return an error code to ICM software to indicate media
fetch failure.
Number of Tries for ASR/TTS Server. (Default: 2 tries.) Maximum number of times the Gateway
will try to connect to an ASR/TTS server. If the Gateway fails to connect this many attempts, it will
try the same number of times to connect to a backup ASR/TTS server before failing and reporting
an error. (The backup ASR and TTS servers are defined as asr-<locale>-backup and
This backup mechanism is really only useful when there is no CSS content switch sitting
between the Gateway and the ASR/TTS servers. Otherwise, a CSS, if configured properly, could
find a backup ASR/TTS server on the second attempt using the original server name. When not
using a CSS, in order to achieve failover redundancy, it is necessary to have the backup
ASR/TTS servers configured in DNS or on the gateway as asr-<locale> and tts-<locale>
appended with -backup.
Application Server Timeout. (Default: 7 seconds.) The number of seconds the Gateway should
wait to connect to the Application Server before timing out. This timeout should be longer than the
server timeout setting on the Application Server. (This setting controls call results only. The initial
NEW_CALL timeout from the Gateway to the Application Server is controlled through the
fetchtimeout property within the bootstrap VXML in flash memory on the Gateway.)
Number of Tries for Application Server. (Default: 3 tries.) Maximum number of times the
Gateway will try to connect to the Application Server before failing and reporting an error. (This
setting controls Call Results only. The initial NEW_CALL retry count from the Gateway to the
application server is controlled from within the bootstrap VXML in flash memory on the Gateway.)
Use backup Media Servers. If checked (default), then once one media server has been determined
to be unavailable, Customer Voice Portal will automatically append the word "-backup" to the media
server's hostname and try again. See Failover and Retry Algorithm for ASR, TTS and Media Servers
for more information.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Application Server Administration
Step 4
Step 5
Use Backup ASR/TTS Server. If checked (default), then once ASR or TTS server has been
determined to be unavailable, Customer Voice Portal will automatically append the word "-backup"
to the server's hostname and try again. See Failover and Retry Algorithm for ASR, TTS and Media
Servers for more information.
Use the Load-Limiting Settings section to specify the following, clicking Update when done:
New Call Throughput Upper Threshold (ms). (Default: 1000 ms.) The average Application
Server upper threshold throughput time in milliseconds of processing new calls allowed before the
Application Server takes itself out of service. Throughput calculations are done at regular intervals
(default is 30 seconds), and this test is done at every interval while in service. The calculation is
done with ICM software and network response time excluded, so that the throughput represents the
true Application Server’s own response time.
Call Event Throughput Upper Threshold (ms). (Default: 400 ms.) The average Application
Server upper threshold throughput time in milliseconds of processing call events allowed before the
Application Server takes itself out of service. Throughput calculations are done at regular intervals
(default is 30 seconds), and this test is done at every interval while in service. The calculation is
done with ICM software and network response time excluded.
Call Event Throughput Lower Threshold (ms). (Default: 200 ms.) The average Application
Server lower threshold throughput time in milliseconds of processing call events required for the
Application Server to return to service after exceeding one of the two throughput upper thresholds.
Throughput calculations are done at regular intervals (default is 30 seconds), and this test is done at
every interval when out of service. The calculation is done with ICM software and network response
time excluded.
Active Calls Upper Threshold (%). (Default: 99 percent.) The maximum percentage of total calls
allowed that can be active before the Application Server takes itself out of service. The percentage
is calculated with respect to the total number of calls allowed.
Active Calls Lower Threshold (%). (Default: 97 percent.) If the Application Server has been
previously taken out of service due to exceeding “Active Calls upper threshold”, and the number of
active calls drops below this percentage level, the Application Server is returned to service. The
percentage is calculated the same as done for “Active Calls Upper Threshold”.
Optionally, modify the Advanced Settings section, clicking Update when done:
In most cases, Advanced Settings never need change. Make changes to this page only if
absolutely necessary.
Call Timeout. (Default: 7200 seconds.) How long the Application Server should wait for a response
from the Voice Browser before timing-out. This setting should be longer than the longest prompt,
transfer or digit collection at a Voice Browser. If the timeout is reached, the call is aborted but no
other calls are affected. The only downside to making the number arbitrarily large is that if calls are
being stranded, they will not be removed from the Application Server until this timeout is reached.
Server Timeout. (Default: 5 seconds.) A “backup” timeout setting the Server can use if a Port
Group Configure timeout setting fails; must be greater than the ICM Timeout setting by at least one
The Voice Browser’s AppServerTimeout setting should be larger than this setting by at least
one second. (For information about setting AppServerTimeout, see Chapter 4, “Voice
Browser Administration.”)
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Application Server Administration
ICM Timeout. (Default: 4.) The number of seconds the Application Server waits for the ICM
response for each transaction with ICM software for the call; must be less than the Server Timeout
setting.If this timeout is exceeded, the Application Server returns an error to the Voice Browser,
which will play the default VXML file and disconnect the call.
This setting needs to be long enough to accommodate processing within the Application Server
as well as ICM software processing, including any Wait nodes that exist in the ICM script.
Alarm Forwarder Port. (Default: 8163.) Port number required for the Alarm Forwarder process.
This must be the same as the port number configured in the Alarm Forwarder.
RMI Port Number. (Default: 40099.) Port number required for an RMI (Java) process.
Maximum Number of Executed Steps. (Default: 1000.) Internal setting to prevent a runaway
scenario in case of an internal error.
Maximum Number of Concurrent Sessions. (Default: 425.) Internal work flow setting. This
number should be slightly larger than the number of simultaneous calls in the Application Server.
Step 6
Allow External VXML. (Checkbox.) Select this checkbox to allow VXML to be imported from an
external HTTP source.
ASR and TTS Use the Same MRCP Connection (Checkbox). This selection is optional. Select this
checkbox if your ASR and TTS servers are on the same machine. Using this option helps to
minimize the number of MRCP connections on the ASR/TTS server.
When the ASR and TTS resources are located on the same server,two licenses are required for each call.
If you do not have two licences, it may cause license violation errors to be returned to the gateway and
Customer Voice Portal. If you choose to locate ASR and TTS on the same server, refer to Appendix C,
“Common Gateway Configuration for VRU Leg” for information on configuring the gateway with two
Do one of the following:
Click Update to change the Engine Configuration information.
Step 7
If the maximum number of concurrent sessions is not larger than the number of calls, latencies
can rise dramatically.
Also note that the number of ports you define will determine the number of calls that can be
processed simultaneously. You should configure about 10 percent more ports than the
maximum number of simultaneous calls you expect. The extra ports will enable the system to
accommodate any error-related delays in releasing call resources.
The system will displays a message if any of your changes require Application Server reboot
before taking effect.
Click Cancel to cancel any changes and return to the previous page.
When finished, link to another page or select File > Close to close the Application Administrator.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Application Server Administration
Failover and Retry Algorithm for ASR, TTS and Media Servers
This section does not apply to applications running on the Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server, or
to Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Standalone configurations.
By default, the Customer Voice Portal Application Server is capable of automatically retrying and failing
over to backup ASR, TTS and media servers. Using Application Administration, you can set the number
of times each server should be contacted before being considered unavailable, and you can indicate
whether the backup server should be contacted as well. The number of tries for ASR/TTS servers and
for media servers is set using "Number of Tries for ASR/TTS Server" and "Number of Tries for HTTP
Media Server" fields, respectively. The freedom to contact a backup ASR/TTS and media server is set
using "Use Backup ASR/TTS Server" and "Use backup Media Servers".
The failover policy you set for media servers also applies to attempts by Voice XML Server applications.
to connect to an HTTP Media Server. For example, if the “Number of Tries for HTTP Media Server”
setting indicates that the media server should be contacted twice before being considered unavailable
and then fail over to a backup media server, then when a Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
application is invoked, that application will also retry the media server twice and then fail over, using
the same failover algorithm.
The algorithm is as follows:
If the server returns an unavailable error, then it is retried, until the total number of tries matches
that set in the corresponding "Number of Tries" field.
If the corresponding "Use backup" field is checked, and the server hostname is an actual name (not
an IP address), then the word "-backup" is appended to the server's hostname, and step 1 is repeated.
If the hostname has a port number appended to it (eg., server:8000), then the word "-backup" is
inserted ahead of the colon.
If neither server responds within the configured Number of Tries, then the Customer Voice Portal
Application Server returns an error code to ICM.
Note that, in order for the "-backup" function to work, you must configure a server by that name either
in DNS or on the gateway (using IP Host commands). Also, if you are using a Content Server Switch
(CSS) to handle failover and redundancy, then you typically would turn "Use backup" off, and forego
the use of backup hostnames.
Engine Administration: Log Configuration
Use this page to set up how the Application Server will perform error handling and provide information
for remote monitoring of the system. Use the SDDSN section of this page to set the host name or IP
address of the SDDSN instance and, optionally, to modify the default listening port.
For detailed information regarding how the Application Server handles logs files, see Chapter 6, “Node
Manager and Service Control.”
Step 1
From any Engine Administration page, click the Log Configuration link. The Log Configuration page
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Application Server Administration
Step 2
Use the Log File section to specify the following:
Log File Output. (Checkbox.) When “on” (checked), the Application Server will produce log files.
Step 3
It is recommended that the log file output setting always be “on”. If “off”, errors and
statistics will not be logged.
File name. A base file name for the log file and an extension, for example, CiscoISN_ and log.
Number of Log files. (Default: 10.) Maximum number of log files to be retained.
Log File Size. (Default: 1048576.) Maximum size for each log file, in bytes.
Use the Interface Tracing section to specify how interactions between the Application Server and
external interfaces should be logged:
Call. Select to log call-handling information, such as:
– Call arrival
– Call disconnection
– Call transfer
– Call rejection
Call interface tracing does not include tracing each step taken by ICM software.
Basic. Select to log basic information—such as message type—regarding the component’s interface
interactions with other components.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Application Server Administration
Step 4
Detailed. Select to log more complete information about the component’s interface interactions with
other components.
Depending on the call load, using Basic or Detail tracing can severely impact Application Server
performance. To get the most out of interface tracing performance, minimize the Application Server
console window.
Use the SDDSN section to specify settings which are needed by the Alarm Forwarder process:
SDDSN Node 1. (Default: no default.) The host name or IP address of the first SDDSN instance.
SDDSN Node 2. (Default: no default.) The host name or IP address of the second SDDSN instance.
SDDSN Port 1. (Default: 40080.) The listening port number for the first SDDSN instance.
SDDSN Port 2. (Default: 40080.) The listening port number for the second SDDSN instance.
SDDSN Ascending Retries. (Default: 5.) The upper limit of geometric growth for the time between
retries when both SDDSN instances are having problems.
Step 5
A setting of 5. This means the Application Server will retry after 1 minute, then 4 (2*2)
minutes, 9 (3*3) minutes, 16 (4*4) minutes, 25 (5*5) minutes. All subsequent retry attempts
will be spaced 25 minutes apart. (For more information, see “Understanding SDDSN Retry
Settings” in Chapter 7, “Alarm Handling and Logging.”)
SDDSN Open Response Timeout (seconds). (Default: 5.) Number of seconds the Alarm Forwarder
should wait for the initial message from SDDSN after a the connection has been established before
failing and reporting an error.
SDDSN Restart Links (seconds). (Default: 5.) The number of seconds the Alarm Forwarder should
wait before attempting to reconnect to SDDSN.
Scroll down to the Debug settings section of the page.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Application Server Administration
Step 6
Optionally, use the checkboxes in the Debugging column to select the Subfacilities you want traced and
reported in the log file.
Step 7
Only turn Debugging “on” when instructed to do so by your support organization, as doing so
will affect system performance. They should never be needed but may be used by the support
organization to diagnose unforeseen problems.
Do one of the following:
Click Update to change the Log Configuration information. Changes take effect as follows:
– Changes to active trace level options take effect immediately.
– Changes to inactive trace level option take effect when the subfacility is used next time.
– Changes to SDDSN link configuration take effect immediately.
– Changes to other option take effect when engine is restarted.
Step 8
Click Cancel to cancel any changes and return to the previous page.
When finished, link to another page or select File > Close to close the Application Administrator.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Application Server Administration
Engine Administration: Log Files
Use this page to access Application Server Log files that currently exist.
Step 1
From any Engine Administration page, click the Log files link. The Log files page appears, displaying
a list of the Application Server Log files that currently exist.
File names with the extension .old are log files from previous runs. These files will be deleted
the next time the Application Server starts, or when the number of log files exceeds the
maximum number of log files allowed.
Step 2
Click a File name link. The Log file displays in a Browser window.
Step 3
When finished with the Log files page, link to another page or select File > Close to close the
Application Administrator.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Call Definition Administration
Call Definition Administration
The Application Server’s Call Definition Administration pages let you:
Display the existing Call Definition information.
Modify port and Dialed Number (DNIS) settings.
Define the Dialed Number Maximum Length if no Correlation ID Present setting.
Define the Maximum Number of Calls Allowed setting.
The number of ports you define will determine the number of calls that can be processed
simultaneously. You should configure about 10 percent more ports than the maximum number
of simultaneous calls you expect. The extra ports will enable the system to accommodate any
error-related delays in releasing call resources.
The maximum number of concurrent sessions should also be larger than the maximum number
of simultaneous calls.
Application Server Group Numbers
The Application Server divides Web-based calls into two groups:
Calls pre-routed with a Translation Route or Correlation ID, identified as the ID from ICM group.
Calls to be presented to ICM software as a new call, identified as the New Call group.
ID for ICM calls result in a “Request Instructions” message being sent to ICM software, which continues
to run the script for the call. New Call calls result in a “New Call” message being sent to ICM software
and the call being treated as a new call, even if it had been pre-routed by ICM software.
Each group is set up with a trunk group number. The default for the New Call group is 100; the ID from
ICM group is 200. The Application Server creates virtual port numbers for handling Web calls. These
virtual port numbers make it easier to monitor system activity and load. The port numbers must be
unique (that is, none can be shared between the two groups). If all the port numbers within a group are
in use, no additional calls will be accepted within the group until a port number is freed.
Correlation ID
ICM software might attach a Correlation ID to the Called Party Number (dialed number) when
pre-routing a call to the ISN. The Gateway and Voice Browser pass the entire dialed number (with or
without a Correlation ID) to the Application Server.
You use the Dialed Number Maximum Length if no Correlation ID Present field on the Call Definitions
page to identify whether a number has an appended Correlation ID and, if so, which portion of the
number precedes the Correlation ID:
If a dialed number is longer than this value, then the number has the Correlation ID appended,
starting with the digit indicated in the Dialed Number Maximum Length if no Correlation ID Present
field. The Application Server places the Correlation ID in a separate field and passes the information
to ICM software, which uses it to identify the call.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Call Definition Administration
If Correlation IDs are not being used for any call in the system, this value is set to 10, the default.
Customer Voice Portal does not require DNIS configuration for the Correlation ID.
Translation Route
ICM software might preroute the call using a translation route which defines a temporary DNIS number
dedicated for the purpose of identifying the call when the VRU informs ICM software of its arrival. The
Application Server must be configured with all the DNIS numbers that will be used for a translation
route. A limitation is that each “ID from ICM” call group number must be configured individually.
New Call Group
Customer Voice Portal does not require DNIS configuration for New Calls.
Suppose the Application Server has been set up with the following configuration:
Dialed Number Maximum Length if no Correlation ID Present: 10
ID from ICM group phone numbers: 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008,
1009, 1010, 9005551212
Table 5-3 shows how different Dialed Numbers would be processed:
Table 5-3
Dialed Number Processing
Dialed Number of
Call Sent to ISN
Message Type Sent to ICM
Dialed Number
Sent to ICM
Request Instruction
9876 (the digits appearing
after the Dialed Number
Maximum Length of 10)
Request Instruction
Not sent
New Call
Not sent
Correlation ID Sent to ICM
The sections that follow describe how configure the Call Definition pages.
MRCP logging tag
The MRCP logging tag is a unique identifier that lets you correlate data records stored on an MRCP
Voice Recognition Server with data stored in other application databases. Table 5-3 describes how the
MRCP logging tag for Customer Voice Portal functions.
The MRCP logging tag is also accessible in the Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server application.
Refer to Appendix E, “Integrating CVP VoiceXML Scripts with ICM Scripts” for more information.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Call Definition Administration
Table 5-4
Customer Voice
Customer Voice
MRCP Logging Tag
Call Flow
A call arrives to an Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser. The
Voice Browser extracts the H.323 conference ID from the call
data and passes it to the Customer Voice Portal Application
Server in the NEW_CALL message. The Application Server
sends this identifier to ICM software as the ECC
variable. This ECC variable is then available in the
Termination_Call_Variable ICM database table. Sample value:
The logging tag format described
in Step 1 will be available for
correlating the logging tag on the
ASR server with the ICM
database. However, you will
need to write a script to
compensate for the formatting
The Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser then sends the call to a
VXML-enabled Voice Gateway through IP for voice treatment.
The Gateway extracts the H.323 conference ID of the call and
sends this value to the Customer Voice Portal Application Server.
(This is the same value as the conference ID mentioned in Step 1,
although formatted differently
(02194DBF.3A6DC683.1BF95634.343434EF). The Application
Server inserts this value as the MRCP logging tag into the VXML
that it returns to the Gateway. The Gateway then sends this value
to the recognition server via the MRCP interface.
The logging tag format described
in Step 2 will be available for
correlating the logging tag on the
ASR server with the ICM
database directly (no
reformatting required) except in
cases where the caller abandons
before the script result is
returned to ICM software.
When the script result is returned from the Gateway to the
Application Server and passed to ICM software, the logging tag
is then available in the Termination_Call_Variable ICM database
Customer Voice
Portal Advanced
If the caller hangs up before the first script result is returned
from the Gateway to the Application Server, the logging tag
from Step 2 will not be stored in ICM software.
A call arrives to a VXML-enabled Voice Gateway. The Gateway
extracts the unique call identifier of the call and passes it to the
Customer Voice Portal Application Server in the NEW_CALL
message. The Application Server sends this identifier to ICM
software as the ECC variable. This ECC variable is
then available in the Termination_Call_Variable ICM database
table. Sample value:
The logging tag format described
in Step 1 will be available for
correlating the logging tag on the
ASR server with the ICM
database directly (no
reformatting is required).
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Call Definition Administration
Call Definition Administration: Call Definitions
Use this page to:
Display the existing Call Definition information.
Access pages to configure the port group and set up a DNIS value (ID from ICM only).
Define the Dialed Number Maximum Length if no Correlation ID Present setting.
Define the maximum number of calls allowed
Step 1
From the Application Administration Main Page, click the Call Definitions link. The Call Definitions
page appears.
Step 2
Optionally, click a Group Number link to access port group configuration pages. The defaults are:
100 (Type: New Call.) Clicking this link accesses the Port Group Configuration (New Call) page.
See the “How to modify the New Call Port Group settings” section on page 5-24 for instructions on
how to use this page.
200 (Type: ID from ICM). Clicking this link accesses the Port Group Configuration (ID from ICM)
page. See the “How to modify the ID from ICM Port Group settings” section on page 5-25 for
instructions on how to use this page.
Each defined Group Number assigns virtual port numbers for handling calls. These virtual port
numbers make it easier to monitor system activity and load. Port numbers must be unique (that
is, none can be shared between the two groups). If all the port numbers within a group are in use,
no additional calls will be accepted within the group until a port number is freed.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Call Definition Administration
Step 3
For Customer Voice Portal in Comprehensive Mode ONLY. The Number of Ports in the Group 100 should
be equal to the Number of Ports in the Group 200 and the Maximum Number of Calls Allowed should
not be less than Total Number of Ports.
Optionally, change the Dialed Number Maximum if no Correlation ID Present setting.
Step 4
You can specify a value up to five characters long to represent the maximum length of the
DNIS allowed before the remaining digits sent as DNIS by the Voice Browser are treated as
a Correlation ID. The default is 10, meaning the DNIS can be 10 digits long.
Optionally, change the Maximum Number of Calls Allowed setting. This is the maximum number of
simultaneous calls allowed in one Application Server, independent of which port group the call is in.
The number of ports you define will determine the number of calls that can be processed
simultaneously. You should configure about 10 percent more ports than the maximum number
of simultaneous calls you expect. The extra ports will enable the system to accommodate any
error-related delays in releasing call resources.
The maximum number of concurrent sessions should also be larger than the maximum number
of simultaneous calls.
Step 5
Click Update.
Step 6
When finished, link to another page or select File > Close to close the Application Administrator.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Call Definition Administration
How to modify the New Call Port Group settings
Step 1
Use the Port Group Configuration (New Call) page to modify the New Call settings.
Group Number. (Default: 100 for New Call group; 200 for ID from ICM group.) Identifier for the
Initial Port. (Default: No default.) First port in the range of ports configured to handle calls for this
Last Port. (Default: No default.) Last port in the range of ports configured to handle calls for this
Step 2
While there is no need to change these default settings, making group numbers unique
throughout a group of Application Servers can help in troubleshooting.
The number of ports you define will determine the number of calls that can be processed
simultaneously. You should configure about 10 percent more ports than the maximum number
of simultaneous calls you expect. The extra ports will enable the system to accommodate any
error-related delays in releasing call resources.
The maximum number of concurrent sessions should also be larger than the maximum number
of simultaneous calls.
Click Update to change the port information or Cancel to return to the previous page. The Port Group
Configuration (New Call) page closes and the Call Definitions page reappears.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Call Definition Administration
Step 3
When finished, link to another page or select File > Close to close the Application Administrator.
How to modify the ID from ICM Port Group settings
Step 1
Use the Port Group Configuration (ID from ICM) page to modify the ID from ICM settings.
Group Number. (Default: 100 for New Call group; 200 for ID from ICM group.) Group identifier.
While there is no need to change these settings, making group numbers unique throughout
a group of Application Servers can help in troubleshooting.
Initial Port. (Default: No default.) First port in the range of ports configured to handle calls for this
Last Port. (Default: No default.) Last port in the range of ports configured to handle calls for this
The number of ports you define will determine the number of calls that can be processed
simultaneously. You should configure about 10 percent more ports than the maximum number
of simultaneous calls you expect. The extra ports will enable the system to accommodate any
error-related delays in releasing call resources.
The maximum number of concurrent sessions should also be larger than the maximum number
of simultaneous calls.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Call Definition Administration
Step 2
Optionally, click an existing ID from ICM value or the Add New DNIS link. The ID from ICM
Configuration page appears:
Step 3
Define or modify a DNIS value. The Customer Voice Portal supports 1-32 numeric DNIS characters.
This differs from DNIS definition in ICM software, which allows alphanumeric characters.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Call Definition Administration
Step 4
Do one of the following:
Click Update to add the DNIS information.
Click Delete to remove the DNIS information.
Click Cancel to cancel any changes.
The ID from ICM Configuration page closes and the Port Group Configuration (ID from ICM) reappears.
Step 5
Click Update to change the port information or Cancel to return to the previous page. The Port Group
Configuration (ID from ICM) closes and the Call Definitions page reappears.
Step 6
When finished, link to another page or select File > Close to close the Application Administrator.
ICM Subsystem Configuration
Use this page to specify the VRU Connection Port Number to be used by both ICM software and the
Application Engine.
Step 1
From the Application Administration Main Menu page, click the ICM link. The ICM Subsystem
Configuration page appears.
Step 2
Specify a VRU Connection Port value. This is the TCP/IP socket number the Application Server will use
to receive messages from the Cisco ICM’s PIM. (Default: 5000.)
Step 3
Do one of the following:
Step 4
Click Update to save the ICM Configuration information.
Click Cancel to cancel any changes and return to the previous page.
When finished, link to another page or select File > Close to close the Application Administrator.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Call Definition Administration
Directory Administration
Use this page to set up LDAP directory service access.
You should never find it necessary to change these settings.
Step 1
From the Application Administration Main Page, click the Directory link. The Directory Configuration
page appears.
Step 2
Specify the following:
Directory hostname. (Default: localhost.) The hostname or IP address of the Cisco IP Telephony
Directory Server the current application engine uses.
Directory port number. (Default: 8404.) The port number used to connect to the Cisco IP
Telephony Directory.
You only need to change this setting if a conflict arises with this port number. To make
changes to the port number, you need to stop the Application Server, make the change, and
then restart the Application Server.
Directory user (DN). (Default: Directory Manager.) The user name (called a distinguished name)
on the directory server configured with permission to modify the Cisco IP Telephony Directory tree
and object entries.
Directory password. (Default: ciscocisco.) The password that authenticates the distinguished name
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Administering the Application Server
Call Definition Administration
Step 3
Click OK to update any changes.
Step 4
When finished, link to another page or select File > Close to close the Application Administrator.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 5
Call Definition Administration
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Administering the Application Server
Node Manager and Service Control
This chapter describes how Customer Voice Portal uses:
Node Manager.
Service Control.
The primary audience for this chapter is Customer Voice Portal System Managers.
Node Manager
The Node Manager is a process that runs on each physical node (computer) in the ICM system and
manages other ICM processes on that system. The Node Manager is responsible for initializing nodes,
monitoring component status, and restarting failed processes. The Node Manager is guided by a
configuration file that is stored on each node. The file describes, among other things, which processes
must be started, and, if necessary, restarted on the node.
The Customer Voice Portal Application Server and Voice Browser use the same Node Manager interface
as the ICM. You can view the states of each node with the Service Control tool.
Service Control
Service Control is installed on each ICM Admin Workstation, ICM Logger, ICM Peripheral Gateway,
and Customer Voice Portal machine. It allows you to view, start, and stop all Windows services related
to all the ICM and Customer Voice Portal software components that have been installed. By enabling the
All checkbox, Service Control also provides control over all other Windows services. In addition, the
Select button provides control over services running on other machines.
How to use Service Control
Step 1
To start the Service Control tool, do one of the following:
Double-click the Service Control icon in the ICM Software Admin Workstation group.
Select Start > Programs > Cisco Internet Service Node > Service Control.
The Service Control window in Figure 6-1 shows a sample of the services that might be listed.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 6
Node Manager and Service Control
Service Control
Figure 6-1
Service Control Window
The Service Control dialog box contains the following:
Computer Name. (Read-only.) Displays the name of the selected computer where Service Control
is viewing and controlling services.
Select. (Button.) Accesses the Select Computer dialog box. This option allows you to select a
machine and remotely view and control the services on that machine. To select a remote computer,
enter the computer name in the text field of the Select Computer dialogue box (or choose it from the
list) and click OK.
Close. (Button.) Click this button to exit and close the Service Control tool.
All services remain in their current state (running services continue to run) after you close the
Service Control tool.
Services. (Column.) Lists the name of the Windows 2000 service. This column also displays a traffic
light icon which indicates the state of the service.
State. (Column.) Describes the state of the service. Possible states include:
– Stopped. The service is stopped.
– Stop Pending. Service Control is in the process of stopping the service.
– Start Pending. Service Control is in the process of starting the service.
– Running. Service is running.
Startup. (Column.) Indicates whether the Windows 2000 service is Automatic (service starts when
you turn on the computer) or Manual (user must start the service).
All. (Checkbox.) If checked, displays all Windows 2000 services on the machine specified in the
Computer Nameheckeddisplays only those Windows 2000 services related to ICM software.
Start/Start All. (Button.) Use this button to start a service or services:
– Start All. (The All checkbox is checked and no services are selected.) Click the Start All button
to start all Customer Voice Portal services.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 6
Node Manager and Service Control
Service Control
– Start. (The All checkbox is checked or one service is selected.) Controls only one service at a
time. Click Start to start a selected service.
Stop/Stop All. (Button.) Use this button to stop a selected service or services.
– Stop All. (The All checkbox is checked and no services are selected.) Click the Stop All button
to stop all ICM services.
– Stop. (The All checkbox is checked or one service is selected.) Controls only one service at a
time. Click Stop to stop a selected service.
The Application Administrator tool runs as a web application under IIS (Internet Information
Server). It doesn’t get shut down when you stop the Application Server. (For more information
about this tool, see Chapter 5, “Administering the Application Server.”)
Cycle. (Button.) Click this button to stop and restart an active service in a single action.
Manual/Automatic. (Buttons.) These buttons allow you to switch the startup mode of a selected
service between manual (user-initiated) and automatic (starts when the computer is turned on).
Step 2
To remotely view and control services on another machine, click Select. The Select Computer dialog box
Step 3
Type a computer name or select a name from the list and click OK. The Service Control window
reappears, displaying the computer you specified.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 6
Service Control
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Node Manager and Service Control
Alarm Handling and Logging
This chapter includes:
An overview of the Standalone Distributed Diagnostics and Services Network (SDDSN), including
how to install and configure SDDSN for Customer Voice Portal.
An introduction to Customer Voice Portal logging and error reporting.
A discussion of Application Server logging and metrics.
A discussion of Voice Browser logging and metrics.
The primary audience for this chapter is Customer Voice Portal System Managers.
Overview: The Standalone Distributed Diagnostics and
Services Network (SDDSN)
The Standalone Distributed Diagnostics and Services Network (SDDSN)—sometimes referred to as the
Mini Logger—is a component that provides alarm reporting for Customer Voice Portal through a variety
of mechanisms:
SNMP traps.
CiscoWorks 2000 Syslog, which receives log messages and permits queries on the logs.
“Phone Home” and NAM/ICM Event Management System (Cisco Remote Monitoring Suite).
In an integrated Customer Voice Portal / ICM environment, each product will use its own DDSN
mechanism. The Customer Voice Portal has an integrated DDSN.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Overview: The Standalone Distributed Diagnostics and Services Network (SDDSN)
Figure 7-1
SDDSN Support
The AlarmTracker Client displays alarms from a number of devices which are reporting their alarms
through the Remote Monitoring Suite.
For more information about the AlarmTracker tool, see Cisco ICM Software AlarmTracker Client User's
Installing and Configuring SDDSN for Customer Voice Portal
The SDDSN software—including Node Manager—is included in the Customer Voice Portal installation
by clicking the SDDSN checkbox on the Select Components screen.
SDDSN needs to be installed on its own machine—it cannot be co-resident with any other Customer
Voice Portal or ICM product. In addition, Cisco Listener and AlarmTracker software needs to be updated
with support files for SDDSN. This is done by installing the Customer Voice Portal component Update
External SDDSN Components on any machine that runs Listener or AlarmTracker.
After Customer Voice Portal is installed, you need to define SDDSN communication settings for each
Voice Browser and Application Server your Customer Voice Portal configuration.
Configuring SDDSN in the Voice Browser. For more information, see Chapter 4, “VB Admin
Configuration Commands.”
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Overview: The Standalone Distributed Diagnostics and Services Network (SDDSN)
Configuring SDDSN in the Application Server. For more information, see Chapter 5, “Engine
Administration: Log Configuration.”
For more information about VB Admin, see Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration.” For more
information about Application Administration, see Chapter 5, “Administering the Application Server.”
Understanding SDDSN Retry Settings
Another SDDSN setting that may need to be configured on the Application Server and Voice Browser is
SDDSN Ascending Retries. This setting relates to how the components communicate with instances.
SDDSN can have two instances for redundancy. When the Voice Browser and Application Server report
alarms to SDDSN, they try one instance and—if unable to connect—then the second SDDSN instance.
Each time the retry timer expires, the Voice Browser or Application Server attempts to connect again.
The retries follow a geometric growth for the time between retries. For the Voice Browser, the upper time
limit for retries is defined through the SetAscendRetries command; for the Application Server, this limit
is defined through the SDDSN Ascending Retries field on the Engine Administration’s Log
Configuration page.
In both cases, a the default value is 5. This means, when both SDDSN instances are having problems,
the Voice Browser/Application Server will retry after 1 minute, then 4 (2*2) minutes, 9 (3*3) minutes,
16 (4*4) minutes, then 25 (5*5) minutes. Since the default value is 5, all subsequent retry attempts will
be spaced 25 minutes apart.
For example if you changed SetAscendRetries command/SDDSN Ascending Retries field to 4, the
Voice Browser/Application Server will retry after 1 minute, 4 minutes, 9 minutes, 16 minutes and every
16 minutes—the upper limit of 4*4—thereafter.
Event Management System (EMS)
The Event Management System (EMS) logs events from processes throughout the system and stores the
event data. For example, a typical EMS event might record that a system component has been
The EMS also saves events from individual processes, such as the Voice Browser or Application Server,
in per-process log files on the local computer. These files document events for a specific process running
on that specific computer.
EMS funnels error messages and log entries into a log file ending with the suffix .ems. This is a file of
Event Source Records (ESRs). The ESR are the readable strings themselves; to view the events, you must
use the dumplog utility.
Instructions for using the dumplog utility are given later in this chapter.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Overview: The Standalone Distributed Diagnostics and Services Network (SDDSN)
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and the Management
Information Base (MIB)
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is the language for communication between a
managing system running a network management application (such as HP Open View) and a managed
system running an agent (which for Customer Voice Portal would be SDDSN). Between them they share
the concept of a Management Information Base (MIB) that defines the information that the agent can
make available to the manager.
MIBs and an agent are commonly provided in networked systems to allow remote observation and
control using management applications on other systems.
The CVP Voice Browser and Application Server generate messages that are sent to SDDSN. SDDSN
then generates the SNMP traps that are presented to the managing system.
MIB File
The Management Information Base (MIB) defines all the information about a managed system that a
manager can view or modify. The MIB is located on the managed system and can consist of standard and
proprietary portions. The agent and manager each have their own view of the MIB:
The agent presents the contents of the MIB and knows how to retrieve that information.
The manager might use a MIB description to know what to expect in a given MIB and might store
that information in a translation that it prefers.
The Isnlarms.mib file is provided for third party software interpretation of the SNMP traps. The
Isnlarms.mib file is a text file in standard MIB format and is installed on the Voice Browser and
Application Server target machine in the directory <destination location>\bin. (For example,
The Customer Voice Portal MIB specifies a number of alarms. Each alarm must include the six variables
shown in Table 7-1:
Table 7-1
Customer Voice Portal MIB Variables
Valid Setting
Originating Node
The name of the node (computer) String with maximum size of 32
within the Customer Voice Portal characters
that originated this alarm.
Node Type
The type of Customer Voice Portal 0 - unknown
node that originated this alarm.
1 - Voice Browser
2 - Application Server
Originating Process
The name of the process that
originated this alarm.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
String with maximum size of 32
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Overview: The Standalone Distributed Diagnostics and Services Network (SDDSN)
Table 7-1
Customer Voice Portal MIB Variables (continued)
Valid Setting
The severity of this alarm.
1 - fatal
2 - major
3 - minor
4 - informational
5 - debug
6 - restoral
The Customer Voice Portal time at In the format YYYMMDD HH:MM:SS
which the alarm originated.
(24 hour time)
Alarm Event Text
The full text of the Customer
Voice Portal event that generated
this alarm.
For more information, see “Alarm
Message Text” below.
Other variables may appear in the Customer Voice Portal MIB.
Alarm Message Text
Alarm message text has the following format:
Alarm Class
Trap ISN can generate for the alarm to SDDSN
Event ID
Alarm Text (%# gets replaced with optional parameters)
Alarm Help text
Alarm severity
Some alarm classes can generate multiple traps, as show in the example below:
Example 7-1
Sample Alarm Traps for the Voice Browser Status Alarm Class
Voice Browser %1<VB name or IP address> is running.
Voice Browser %1<VB name or IP address> is running. Call processing is now possible.
Severity : Informational
Voice Browser %1<VB name or IP address> is shut down.
The voice browser %1<VB name or IP address> is shut down. No calls are being
processed by this component.
Severity : Informational
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Overview: The Standalone Distributed Diagnostics and Services Network (SDDSN)
SNMP Trap Definitions for Customer Voice Portal
The following is a list of the Customer Voice Portal SNMP trap definitions:
The Voice Browser is running and available for call processing.
The voice browser is shut down and unavailable for call processing.
Voice Browser is out of service.
Existing calls will be processed,
but no new calls will be accepted.
Voice Browser is in service.
New calls will be accepted and
existing calls will be processed.
The voice browser successfully accessed the Media Server when
instructed to retrieve a media file to play to the caller.
The Voice Browser was unable to access the indicated Media Server
when instructed to retrieve a media file to play to the caller.
network problem may have existed or the Media Server may have been out
of service.
Note: If the DNS maps to multiple IP addresses, this alarm
indicates that none of the Media Servers of this name are servicing the
HTTP request.
Note that this alarm will not be cleared until another
call which requires this Media Server is placed to this Voice Browser,
and the Media Server is accessed successfully.
The Voice Browser has received a response from the indicated
Application Server on the async link indicating that the Application
Server is in service.
This link will be monitored by both components
to ensure communications remain established.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Overview: The Standalone Distributed Diagnostics and Services Network (SDDSN)
The Voice Browser has not received a response from the indicated
Application Server. A network problem may exist, or the Application
Server may be out of service.
The Voice Browser will continue attempts
to contact the Application Server until it responds.
The indicated Application Server is out of service. Existing calls
will be processed, but no new calls will be accepted.
The indicated Application Server is in service, available to
process calls.
The Application Server ICM/IVR message interface to the indicated
NAM/ICM is functioning.
The Application Server ICM/IVR message interface to the indicated
NAM/ICM is not functioning.
A network problem may exist, or the
may be out of service.
The Application Server is responding to requests from the indicated
Voice Browser on the async link, indicating that the Voice Browser is
in service.
This link will be monitored by both components to ensure
communications remain established.
The Application Server did not receive a request from the indicated
Voice Browser on the async link in the allotted time.
A network
problem may exist, or the Voice Browser may be out of service.
The Voice Browser has received a response from the indicated
Application Server on the async link indicating that the Application
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Overview: The Standalone Distributed Diagnostics and Services Network (SDDSN)
Server is in service.
This link will be monitored by both components
to ensure communications remain established.
The Voice Browser has not received a response from the indicated
Application Server. A network problem may exist, or the Application
Server may be out of service.
The Voice Browser will continue attempts
to contact the Application Server until it responds.
The Voice Browser can now access an Application Server, and the
alarm has been cleared.
The voice browser previously could not access
any Application Server in its list.
The Voice Browser cannot access any Application Servers. A network
problem may exist, or the configured Application Servers
may be out of
The Voice Browser attempt to communicate with the Gatekeeper
The Voice Browser cannot access the Gatekeeper.
A network problem
may exist, or the configured Gatekeeper may be out of service. Calls
that are in progress that perform IVR transactions or have already
been transferred are unaffected.
Any new calls or new transfer
requests cannot be processed by any Voice Browser using this GateKeeper
until it is in service again.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Customer Voice Portal Logging and Error Reporting
Customer Voice Portal Logging and Error Reporting
The goal of Customer Voice Portal logging and error reporting is to generate information the system can
use to:
Diagnose a system remotely.
Automatically report service-affecting events.
As described in the previous section, SDDSN provides a mechanism for remote diagnosis. Voice
Browser and Application Server log files are accessible for local diagnosis.
The sections that follow describe:
Log and trace levels available to the CVP.
The different methods the Voice Browser and Application Server Customer Voice Portal
components use to handle logging and error reporting tasks.
You should closely monitor the size of your Customer Voice Portal log files. If they consume too much
disk space then the Customer Voice Portal will not function properly.
Trace Message Levels
Log files provide trace messages. Trace levels are defined during Customer Voice Portal installation and
configuration. Some trace messages—such as catastrophic and service-effecting events—will always be
logged, regardless of the current trace level settings.
Table 7-2 describes the different message levels.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Customer Voice Portal Logging and Error Reporting
Table 7-2
Trace Message Levels
Message Purpose
Message Level
Messages intended to help
diagnose problems caused by
configuration or network
Includes messages such as:
Version number at startup
Initialization messages
Administrative actions including:
– Registry changes
– Configuration changes
– Shutdown and in/out of service requests
Includes messages such as:
Alarm set/clear – Events that “Phone Home,” create a trap, and go
to Cisco Works 2000 logs. (Alarm SETs are logged in the
Operating System Event Log.)
Events that are not alarms:
– Application errors (that is, errors in the customer
– Inability to complete ICM requests successfully (the
Gatekeeper can’t look up a number, called party doesn’t
answer, busy, etc.).
– Malformed VXML.
– Retries.
– Recoverable internal errors.
Basic Call Detail
Messages intended solely for
use by your support
organization or Cisco software
developers to diagnose
problems which may be
software bugs.
Includes messages about:
Call arrival
Call disconnect
Call transfer
Call rejection
Call Detail
For use by Cisco Engineering, only.
For use by Cisco Engineering, only.
In the Application Server, the error-level messages are further subdivided:
ALERT - Error condition is not recoverable. Results in loss of service or shutdown.
FATAL - Error condition is not recoverable. Results in loss of service.
ERROR - Error condition is not recoverable. Results in loss of service.
WARNING - Recovered from error condition. Does not result in loss of service.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Application Server Logging and Metrics
In addition, Application Server debug messages are logged as DEBUGGING level messages and tracing
messages are logged as NOTIFICATION level messages.
Application Server Logging and Metrics
The Application Server has several levels of logging. These settings are turned on/off through the
Application Administration Web pages.
Some logging is controlled by the user; some logging–such as log messages related to error conditions–is
always reported.
Controlling Application Server Logging
You use the Application Administrator tool’s Log Configuration page to define:
Whether or not the Application Server should produce log files. (It is recommended that the Log
File Output setting always be “on.” If it is set to “off,” errors and statistics will not be logged.)
A file name for the log file, consisting of a base and its extension.
The maximum number of log files to be retained. (The default is 10.)
The maximum size for each log file, in bytes. (The default is 1048576.)
The Application Server uses the file name and maximum number of log files settings to form a list of log
file names. For example, if the base of the file name is CiscoISN_, its extension is log, and the maximum
number log files setting is 10, the Application log file list would consist of the following:
If you restart the Application Server or exceed the maximum number of files allowed, the Application
Server renames the existing logs with the extension old (CiscoISN_01.log.old, etc.) and resumes
logging to the first file in the list (CiscoISN_01.log).
How to configure Application Server log files
Step 1
From any Engine Administration page, click the Log Configuration link. The Log Configuration page
Step 2
Use the Log Configuration section to specify the following:
Log File Output. (Checkbox.) When “on” (checked), the Application Server will produce log files.
It is recommended that the log file output setting always be “on.” If “off,” errors and
statistics will not be logged.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Application Server Logging and Metrics
Step 3
File name. A base file name for the log file and an extension, for example, CiscoISN_ and log.
Number of Log files. (Default: 10.) Maximum number of log files to be retained.
Log File Size. (Default: 1048576.) Maximum size for each log file, in bytes.
Use the Interface Tracing section to specify the level of how interactions between the Application
Server and external interfaces should be logged: Call, Basic or Detailed.
Step 4
For a description of each of these levels, see “Application Server Interface Tracing” section on
page 7-14.
Click Update to submit the changes.
Accept the defaults for other settings; only turn Debugging “on” when instructed to do so by
your support organization. (When Debug is “on,” it can affect system performance.)
Application Server Metrics
The Application Server calculates metrics internally for significant events and measurements. These
metrics are logged at intervals. The interval is configurable and defaults to 30 minutes. Any change in
its setting will take effect at the end of the current interval.
The Application Server metrics counters have been implemented to be light-weight so that they will not
impact overall system performance. As such, they will generally be accurate most of the time (>99%).
However, there are some concurrency scenarios that might temporarily make the metrics results slightly
inaccurate (for instance, counters off by 1 for a given interval). If this occurs, the inaccuracy is corrected
later when discovered in an interval check. This approach was implemented for performance reasons.
How to view Application Server log files
Step 1
From any Engine Administration page, click the Log files link. The Log files page appears, display a list
of the Application Server Log files that currently exist.
Step 2
Click a File name link. The Log file displays in a Browser window.
Step 3
When finished with the Log files page, link to another page or select File > Close to close the
Application Administrator.
Example 7-2 shows metric information written to a Application Server log file. The top lines of the log
file contain Customer Voice Portal metrics; the final two lines display the ICM metrics. Descriptions of
the metric categories follow the example.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Application Server Logging and Metrics
Example 7-2
Sample Log File from Application Server
16110: Sep 23 19:30:42.250 EDT %ISN-SS_HTTP-6-INFORMATIONAL:
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT %ISN metrics ------------------------------------% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % HTTP counts:
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % Total requests:
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % Requests in progress:
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % Maximum requests:
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % Call counts:
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % New calls:
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % Calls ended:
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % Calls in progress:
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % Maximum calls in progress:
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % Throughput in milliseconds:
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % New call roundtrip average (ms):
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % New call throughput average (ms):0
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % New call GED average(ms):0
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % New call roundtrip maximum (ms):
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % New call GED maximum (ms):0
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % Call event roundtrip average (ms):
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % Call event throughput average (ms):0
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % Call event GED average(ms):0
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % Call event roundtrip maximum (ms):
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % Call event GED maximum(ms):0
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % Node manager ping average (ms): 0
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % Node manager ping maximum (ms): 0
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % Interval 18 result at Mon Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT 2002
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % Object memory in use, bytes:
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % Object memory free, bytes:
% Sep 23 19:30:42 EDT % System up 9:30:00
% Jun
% Jun
% Jun
Jun 22 01:11:04.859 EDT %ISN-LIB_ICM-6-INFORMATIONAL:ICM Metrics: --22 01:11:04 EDT % ICM Messages in interval:
22 01:11:04 EDT % Interval size, seconds:
22 01:11:04 EDT % ICM messages since startup: 73
Application Server log files report the following metrics:
HTTP request activity:
– Number of total requests received this interval
– Number of requests currently in progress
– Maximum number of simultaneous requests seen during this interval
– Number of new calls this interval.
– Number of calls ended this interval.
– Number of calls in progress at snapshot.
– Maximum number of simultaneous calls handled during this interval.
– New call roundtrip average. Average number of milliseconds a new call took from the time it
reached the Application Server to the time it returned from the Application Server, including
ICM and network time.
– New call throughput average. Average number of milliseconds a new call spent in the
Application Server itself, excluding ICM and network time.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Application Server Logging and Metrics
– New call GED average. Average number of milliseconds a new call spent waiting in the
Application Server for the ICM, including network time.
– New call GED maximum. Maximum number of milliseconds a new call took waiting in the
Application Server for the ICM, including network time.
– New call roundtrip maximum. Maximum number of milliseconds a new call took from the
time it reached the Application Server to the time it returned from the Application Server,
including ICM and network time.
– Call event roundtrip average. Average number of milliseconds a call event took from the time
it reached the Application Server to the time it returned from the Application Server, including
ICM and network time.
– Call event throughput average. Average number of milliseconds a call event spent in the
Application Server, excluding ICM and network time.
– Call event GED average. Average number of milliseconds a call event spent waiting in the
Application Server for the ICM, including network time.
– Call event roundtrip maximum. Maximum number of milliseconds a call event took from the
time it reached the Application Server to the time it returned from Application Server, including
ICM and network time.
– Call event GED maximum. Maximum number of milliseconds a call event took waiting in the
Application Server for the ICM, including network time.
Averages and Maximums are calculated by using current averages (average of calls within
this interval), not rolling averages (average of calls within a few intervals). Calculated
numbers in the throughput section are sometimes independent of each other, an may not
always be added together to achieve uniform results. For example, the New call roundtrip
average does not always exactly match the sum of the New call throughput average and
the New call GED average.
Metrics interval number (for example, “The Nth metrics interval logged”).
How long the system has been running (for example, “Uptime”).
Metrics for the ICM/IVR subsystem:
– Number of ICM messages.
– Number of seconds in the ICM metrics interval.
– Number of ICM messages since startup.
Application Server Interface Tracing
In the Application Server, interface tracing tracks the external interfaces to a component. This tracing is
useful for troubleshooting solution-level problems. (It is not meant for tracing information within a
component, which is a debugging effort.)
Interface tracing messages are logged as NOTIFICATION level messages. There are three levels of
interface tracing:
Call. Logs call-handling information. This includes any information about:
– Call arrival
– Call disconnection
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Voice Browser Logging and Metrics
– Call transfer
– Call rejection
Call interface tracing does not include tracing each step taken by the ICM.
Basic. Logs the basic information—such as message type—regarding the component’s interface
interactions with other components.
Detailed. Logs more complete information about the component’s interface interactions with other
Table 7-3 provides detailed descriptions of basic and detailed interface tracing.
Table 7-3
Application Server’s Basic and Detailed Interface Tracing
Basic Interface Tracing
Detailed Interface Tracing
The HTTP subsystem logs each type of message The Application Server’s HTTP subsystem logs each
it sends or receives.
URL it receives from a Voice Browser and the entire
VXML it sends.
The ICM/IVR subsystem logs each ICM/IVR
message it sends or receives.
The ICM/IVR subsystem logs each ICM/IVR
message it sends and receives, including information
such as ECC variables.
Detailed interface tracing is not available for the Voice Browser for the current version of
Customer Voice Portal.
Voice Browser Logging and Metrics
The Voice Browser calculates metrics internally for significant events and measurements. These metrics
are logged at intervals and/or display on demand. (The interval is configurable.) Measurements for
particular actions (for example, retrieving a voice file), are counted within the interval in which the
action completes.
Controlling Voice Browser Logging and Tracing
You use the following VB Admin commands to control whether metrics are logged and the time interval
of reporting the periodic metrics:
SetCallTrace. When “on,” the Voice Browser logs basic call detail information to the console and
log files.
SetInterfaceTrace. When “on,” the Voice Browser logs interface details to the console and log files.
SetTraceMask. For use by Technical Support, only.
For more information on using these commands to configure the Voice Browser log settings, see
Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration.”
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Voice Browser Logging and Metrics
Viewing Voice Browser Logs
Each Voice Browser log begins with the prefix VB_, ends with the file extension .ems, and includes the
date and time the log was created. The log file name syntax is:
For example, the following is the name for a log file is for the Voice Browser process created on February
8, 2005 at 9:48:39 A.M.
The timestamp on a log file is in 24-hour format. For example, 3:00 P.M. is indicated as 15:00; 9:00 A.M
is indicated as 09:00.
You view the Voice Browser log files by using the dumplog.exe utility. The dumplog.exe command reads
the file, formats the event data, and writes the formatted data to the workstation screen.
You can also redirect output to a file. For a complete list of dumplog utility features and options, see the
Cisco ICM Software Administrator Guide.
How to view Voice Browser log files
Step 1
Open a DOS Command Prompt window.
Step 2
Change to the <Drive Letter>:\<Targetdir>\VoiceBrowser\logfiles directory, where:
Step 3
<Drive Letter> is the drive location of the logfiles directory, for example, G.
If security is enabled, CVP users who do not have system administrator privileges can only
output log files to their own user directory.
<Targetdir>is the location of the base Customer Voice Portal directory, for example, Cisco\ISN.
Enter the dumplog command using the following syntax:
dumplog /if <filename>
where <filename> is the log file that you want to view (for example, VB_010208_094839.ems).
The log information displays.
Step 4
When finished, close the DOS Command Prompt window.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Voice Browser Logging and Metrics
If security is enabled, CVP users who do not have system administrator privileges can only output log
files to their own user directory. To use the dumplog feature,users with isnconfig and isnuser level
privileges can only write to the logfiles directory or their own user directory (i.e. C:\documents and
An example of how you would do this is:
- cd <full path to logfiles directory> (for example, cd C:\Cisco\ISN\VoiceBrowser\logfiles
- type dumplog VB /last > fn (where fn is the user's choice of filename)
Note: there are other usages of dumplog as well to dump to a log other than /last.
Example 7-3 shows the contents of a Voice Browser Log file. Descriptions of each file section follow the
Example 7-3
Sample Voice Browser Log File (VB Process)
Browser Interval Statistics------VoiceBrowser-VB Trace: Calls:
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Interval Statistics:
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Interval size:
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
New calls this interval:
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Max call arrival per second:
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Calls transferred this interval:
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Max IP Transfer per second:
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Calls rejected this interval:
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Transfers not completed this interval:
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Prompts not found this interval:
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Calls using critical media:
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Calls finished this interval:
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Avg New Call Latency (ms):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Max New Call Latency (ms):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Min New Call Latency (ms):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Std Dev. New Call Latency:
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Avg Transfer Time to Alert(ms):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Max Transfer Time to Alert(ms):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Min Transfer Time to Alert(ms):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Std Dev. Transfer Time to Alert:
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Avg Transfer Time to Answer (ms):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Max Transfer Time to Answer (ms):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Min Transfer Time to Answer (ms):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Std Dev. Transfer Time to Answer:
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Avg CPU Usage (percent):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Max CPU Usage (percent):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Min CPU Usage (percent):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Std Dev. CPU Usage(theta):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
-Application Server: boxer:8000
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Avg Call Event Latency (ms):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Max Call Event Latency (ms):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Min Call Event Latency (ms):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Standard Deviation(theta):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Number of Call Events:
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
-Application Server:
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Avg Call Event Latency (ms):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Max Call Event Latency (ms):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Min Call Event Latency (ms):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Standard Deviation(theta):
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Number of Call Events:
VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
-------Voice Browser Snapshot Statistics------19:44:34:578 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Snapshot Statistics:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Voice Browser Logging and Metrics
Calls In Progress:
Calls Waiting for VXML:
Calls Playing Prompts:
IVR Ports in use:
Calls Waiting for DTMF:
Calls Transferring:
Calls Transferred:
Calls Disconnecting:
Calls Disconnected:
New calls:
Internal Call count:
-------Voice Browser Total Statistics----------19:44:34:671 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Since Startup:
19:44:34:687 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Total Calls:
19:44:34:687 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Disconnect Disposition:
19:44:34:703 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
19:44:34:703 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Caller Hangup:
19:44:34:703 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Called Party Hangup:
19:44:34:718 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
ICM Release:
19:44:34:718 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Critical Media:
19:44:34:718 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Max Simultaneous Calls:
19:44:34:734 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Max IVR Ports:
19:44:34:734 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Total prompts not found:
19:44:34:734 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Total transfers not completed:
19:44:34:750 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
19:44:34:750 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
19:44:34:765 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Gatekeeper problem:
19:44:34:765 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Destination problem:
19:44:34:765 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
19:44:34:781 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
System Startup Time:
19:44:34:781 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
System UpTime:
Minutes, 58 Seconds
19:44:34:796 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Current State:
19:44:34:796 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Packets Transmitted(approx):
19:44:34:796 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
--------- Current Alarms --------19:44:34:812 VoiceBrowser-VB Trace:
Feb 24 2003, 17:17:36
0 Days, 02 Hours, 26
In Service
Voice Browser Log Contents
There are four sections in the Voice Browser log file:
Interval Statistics
Snapshot Statistics
Total Statistics
Current Alarms
Each section is described below.
Interval Statistics
The Interval Statistics section of the log file contains a series of counts, averages, and maximums
during a specific interval.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Voice Browser Logging and Metrics
Averages, Minimums, Maximums, and Standard Deviations are calculated by using current data (that is,
the average of calls within this interval), not rolling averages (that is, the average of calls over several
Statistics generated include:
Interval Size.
Maximum call arrival per second.
Number of new calls this interval.
Number of calls transferred this interval.
Max IP Transfer per second.
Number of calls rejected (calls are rejected when the Voice Browser is out of service).
Number of transfer errors this interval.
Number of prompts not found this interval.
Number of calls using critical media. This is the number of calls that were prematurely terminated
because of internal errors. In this case, a “system error” message is played to the caller.
Calls finished this interval (even if they began during a previous interval).
Average, Maximum, and Minimum latencies, and Standard Deviation in processing new calls. This
does not include the “ring wait” time of the caller. It only measures the latency from the time the
Voice Browser recognizes the incoming call to the time the first voice prompt is played to the caller.
The gateway and/or switch will have average latencies for the amount of time is spent waiting for
the Voice Browser to pick up the call.
Average, Maximum, and Minimum latencies, and Standard Deviation in processing transfers,
measuring the time from when the Voice Browser receives the Transfer command from the
Application Server to the time of alerting.
Average, Maximum, and Minimum latencies, and Standard Deviation in processing transfers,
measuring the time from alerting to when the called party answers.
Average, Maximum, and Minimum CPU Usage (in percent) and Standard Deviation (theta).
These transfer measurements are taken regardless of whether the called party sits behind a Voice
Gateway or Call Manager. In addition, if a transfer is not successfully established (for example,
if the called party does not answer or is busy) the call will not be included in the latency
For each Application Server:
– The Average, Maximum, and Minimum Event Latencies, and the Standard Deviation in
communicating with the Application Server for call processing requests.
– The number of call events. A call event is defined as a request to the Application Server from
the Voice Browser.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Voice Browser Logging and Metrics
When the Application Server listed is a DNS hostname, it represents a new call event. The
hostname will show up only when a hostname has been given in the list of Application Servers.
This latency will always be slightly less than the New Call latency discussed above because it
measures only the time spent in making the request to the Application Server. It does not include
the extra processing overhead in the Voice Browser for preparing the request. When the
Application Server listed is an IP address, it represents all subsequent call events in the call.
For each Media Server (when available):
– The Average, Maximum, and Minimum time to retrieve prompt files expressed in bytes per
– The number of prompts (“files”) retrieved.
The Snapshot section of the log file contains a count of all calls in progress, with subtotals for each call
state. Call states include:
– Calls in Progress.
– Calls Waiting for VXML (or response from the Application Server).
– Calls Playing Prompts.
– IVR Ports in use.
– Calls Waiting for DTMF.
– Calls Transferring.
– Calls Transferred.
– Calls Disconnecting.
– Calls Disconnected (calls that have disconnected but software processing is not complete).
– New Calls (calls that have arrived, but treatment has not started).
– Internal Call Count.
– Other.
The Calls Waiting for VXML, Calls Waiting for DTMF, and Other states are important for
Calls should not stay in the Calls in a Waiting State for very long. If you see the number in this state
increasing over time, it indicates that a problem is occurring.
Calls should never be in the “Other” state. The state exists solely as a “catch-all” for problem calls.
Total Statistics
The Total Statistics section of the log file contains cumulative statistics since the time the Voice Browser
was started. This section includes information regarding:
The number of Total Calls, including their Disconnect Disposition:
– Rejected. If a call comes to the Voice Browser that is Out Of Service or has reached maximum
capacity, the call is rejected. If alternate endpoints have been set up in the Gatekeeper or
Gateway dial-peers, these rejected calls will be re-directed to an alternate Voice Browser.
– Caller Hangup. This counter is incremented when the caller initiates the hangup.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Customer Voice Portal Anti-Virus Guidelines
– Called Party Hangup. This counter is incremented if the called party hangs up first during an
IP transfer.
– ICM Release. This counter is incremented when the call is disconnected by the Voice Browser
as a result of a RELEASE instruction from the ICM. For example, it could be incremented in
the event of a Transfer Error, as the Voice Browser reports back an error to ICM and then ICM
sends a RELEASE instruction.
– Critical Media. The total number of calls which terminated abnormally and played the “system
error” message.
Disconnect Disposition reasons are mutually exclusive. For example, if critical media is played
to the caller and the caller hangs up while listening to the message, this is considered a “critical
media disconnect,” not a caller hangup. When no calls are going through the Voice Browser,
Total Calls should equal the total number of calls listed under Disconnect Disposition. While
calls are in progress, however, this will not be the case, since Total Calls is incremented when
the call first arrives, but Disconnect Disposition is not incremented until the call is terminated.
Maximum simultaneous calls.
Total Prompts not found.
Total transfers not completed. The total number of transfers that have not completed since startup.
The errors are sorted into the following categories:
– Busy.
– Ring no answer.
– Gatekeeper problem. (The Gatekeeper was unable to resolve the label for the transfer.)
– Destination problem. (The destination–that is, the Gateway or Call Manager–rejected the call.)
– Other
System Startup time. Clock time that the Voice Browser started.
System UpTime. Number of hours/minutes/seconds that the Voice Browser has been running.
Current State. Either In Service or Out of Service
Packets transmitted. Total number of RTP packets that have been transmitted since the Voice
Browser was started.
Current Alarms
Error conditions that the Voice Browser is reporting.
Customer Voice Portal Anti-Virus Guidelines
The following general guidelines are recommended for using anti-virus products with the Customer
Voice Portal:
For on-access scanning, exclude the following Cisco log files:
– \Cisco\ISN\ApplicationServer\*.log
– \Cisco\ISN\ApplicationServer\logfiles\*.ems
– \Cisco\ISN\AlarmForwarder\logfiles\*.ems
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 7
Alarm Handling and Logging
Customer Voice Portal Anti-Virus Guidelines
– \Cisco\ISN\VoiceBrowser\logfiles\*.ems
\Cisco\ISN is the default target directory, however, the CVP target directory might have been
changed to a different location during installation.
For on-access scanning, files need not be scanned when being read from local disks, as long as the
entire set of local files has been previously scanned when written.
Scheduled local disk scans are resource-intensive and might impact performance. If required, they
should be run during “maintenance time,” when there is little-to-no call activity. If calls must be
handled during this time window, then the scan priority setting should be as low as possible.
Table 7-4 shows settings you might make using NetShield AntiVirus Console.
Table 7-4
Sample Anti-Virus Settings
Properties Tab
Suggested Settings
Scan > Properties
The Outbound files (that is, files being read) need not be
On both the Voice Browser and Application Server, the
File, folder or drive to exclude: *.ems, plus the
Include subfolders: Off
Inbound: On
Outbound: On
On the Application Server, only, the File, folder or drive
to exclude: *.log, plus the following:
Scan > Local Drives
(scheduled scan)
Include subfolders: Off
Inbound: On
Outbound: On
Scan priority: Low (if no maintenance time window
Schedule tab: (maintenance time window)
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
VoIP Configuration
This chapter contains information about VoIP configuration for:
Using Customer Voice Portal and IP Phones with Cisco Call Manager.
Inbound routing.
Outbound routing.
It also describes some limitations that exist in the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser concerning
interaction with VoIP endpoints.
For an overview of how the Customer Voice Portal uses Voice over IP Routing, see the Cisco Customer
Voice Portal (Customer Voice Portal) Product Description.
Audience: Call Center Managers, Customer Voice Portal System Managers, VoIP Technical Experts,
ICM/NAM System Managers.
Using Customer Voice Portal and IP Phones with Cisco Call
The Customer Voice Portal can route calls to Cisco IP Phones, using the signaling services of the Cisco
Call Manager (CCM), which acts as an H.323 Gateway for the IP Phones.
Customer Voice Portal supports inbound calls to Customer Voice Portal from IP Phones in all three of the
deployment models. But see Customer Voice Portal Endpoint Limitations, page 8-26.
From a Customer Voice Portal perspective, the CCM is similar in some respects to Voice Gateways, there
are also significant differences. For Customer Voice Portal purposes, the most noteworthy difference is
that the CCM does not support DNS lookups. Thus, when no Gatekeeper is present, all call routing
configuration is performed on the CCM.
For Customer Voice Portal to connect to IP Phones through CCM, certain configuration rules must be
followed. Specifically, the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browsers must be defined as Gateways on CCM,
which enables CCM to receive multiple calls from the Voice Browsers.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Inbound Call Routing
How to define a Voice Browser as a Gateway
The Customer Voice Portal Voice Browsers must be defined as Gateways on CCM, which allows CCM
to receive multiple calls from the Voice Browsers.
Step 1
Logon to the Cisco Call Manager Admin Page.
Step 2
Select Device > Gateway.
Step 3
Click Find. CCM lists the Gateways that are currently registered.
Step 4
If your Voice Browser is not listed, click Add A New Gateway and specify the following:
Gateway Type. H.323 Gateway.
Device Protocol. H.225.
Step 5
Click Next.
Step 6
Specify the following:
Device Name. Voice Browser IP address.
Description. Voice Browser IP address (or other identifying text).
Device Pool. Enter the device pool.
Calling Party. From the Calling Party Selection list, select Originator.
Presentation Bit. Allowed.
Gatekeeper Name. IP address of the Gatekeeper.
Step 7
Depending on your configuration, the Gatekeeper Name parameter may not appear.
Click Insert.
Inbound Call Routing
At the highest level, Customer Voice Portal inbound call routing on an H.323 IP network is determined
by the absence or presence of an H.323 Gatekeeper.
The choice of whether to use a Gatekeeper is typically determined by the network’s size and/or
complexity. In general:
Smaller/simpler networks consisting of 100 or less H.323 endpoints can function without using a
Larger, more complex networks often require a Gatekeeper to consolidate routing information.
Gatekeepers can provide additional services such as bandwidth control, and permit access to advanced
routing servers such as Cisco’s NAM/ICM.
A Gatekeeper is required for outbound routing from the Customer Voice Portal, except in Advanced
Speech mode. H.323 protocol states that when a Gatekeeper is used, it must be used for all routing in its
zone (that is, for inbound calls as well). You should use the gatekeeper for inbound call routing to
provide optimal failover capabilities.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Inbound Call Routing
If a Gatekeeper is not required, then the Gateways should be configured with multiple dial-peers for each
dialed number requiring Customer Voice Portal treatment. Multiple dial-peers can provide nearest
Customer Voice Portal node routing and failover routing. The dial-peers can either be explicit IP
Addresses or Domain Names (which provide additional flexibility).
If a Gatekeeper is required, then multiple Voice Browser targets should be configured on the Gatekeeper
for each dialed number requiring Customer Voice Portal treatment. The Gatekeeper updates its target
lists with real time information, which reduces the risk that a Gatekeeper will route the inbound call to
an unavailable Voice Browser.
To offset the remaining risk, the Gatekeeper should be configured with a list of alternate endpoints for
each Voice Browser. While the Gatekeeper does not currently update its alternate endpoint lists with real
time information, the alternate endpoint functionality is nonetheless useful to provide an extra layer of
Finally, if nearest Customer Voice Portal node routing is desired when a Gatekeeper is present, the
network can be divided into separate H.323 zones.
Inbound Call Routing—Without Gatekeeper
When no Gatekeeper is present, Inbound call routing to the Customer Voice Portal is controlled by dial
plan information configured at each H.323 originating endpoint. The sections that follow assume that
these originating endpoints are H.323 Gateways.
Gateway Examples
Figure 8-1 shows an H.323 network with three AS5300 Voice Gateways (Huey, Dewey, and Louie), three
proximate Customer Voice Portal nodes, and a Domain Name Server (DNS). Each Customer Voice Portal
node contains two Voice Browsers with the IP addresses shown:
Figure 8-1
Inbound Call Routing, No Gatekeeper
In this example, calls to several toll free numbers {800-555-0020 through 0029} require Customer Voice
Portal treatment before they are routed to their final destination. To enhance performance, we wish the
Gateways to first route Customer Voice Portal calls to Voice Browsers in the nearest Customer Voice
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Inbound Call Routing
Portal node. For failover purposes, if the nearest Customer Voice Portal node is unavailable, we wish the
Gateways to route Customer Voice Portal calls to Voice Browsers in an alternate Customer Voice Portal
There are different ways to accomplish this. We illustrate two of them here, using Gateways Huey and
Gateway Huey
Gateway Huey is configured to default route all dialed numbers not defined as dial-peers to the PSTN.
Huey’s dial-peer Session Targets are IP Addresses, configured as shown in Example 8-1.
In this example, it is assumed that Customer Voice Portal_Node1 supports g711 ulaw and Customer
Voice Portal_Node2 and Customer Voice Portal_Node3 support g711 alaw.
Example 8-1
Inbound Call Routing Gateway Huey Configuration
In all occurrences of “voice-class codec 1” the actual values are adjustable to your needs.
voice-class codec 1
codec preference 1 g711ulaw
codec preference 2 g711alaw
codec preference 3 g729r8
*\ Defines the class (applies to all dial-peers) \*
dial-peer voice 1 voip
voice-class codec 1
destination-pattern 800-555-002.
*\ The “.” is a wildcard \*
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
preference 0
no vad (comprehensive IVR mode only)
dial-peer voice 2 voip
voice-class codec 1
destination-pattern 800-555-002.
*\ The “.” is a wildcard \*
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
preference 0
no vad (comprehensive IVR mode only)
dial-peer voice 3 voip
voice-class codec 1
destination-pattern 800-555-002.
*\ The “.” is a wildcard \*
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
preference 1
no vad (comprehensive IVR mode only)
dial-peer voice 4 voip
voice-class codec 1
destination-pattern 800-555-002.
*\ The “.” is a wildcard \*
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Inbound Call Routing
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
preference 2
no vad (comprehensive IVR mode only)
Calls to numbers not in the above list of dial-peers will be routed by Gateway Huey to the PSTN.
If a call is received for 800-555-0020 through 0029, Huey will first attempt to route the call to one of the
two Voice Browsers in Customer Voice Portal_1, since they have the lowest preference value (0). This
will be done in random fashion over successive calls. If none of the Voice Browsers in Customer Voice
Portal_1 respond properly, Huey will then attempt to route the call to the next lowest preference value
(1), which is a Voice Browser in Customer Voice Portal_2. Failing that, Huey will attempt to route the
call to a Voice Browser in Customer Voice Portal_3.
A similar set of dial-peers would be needed for each additional phone number (or contiguous range of
numbers) requiring routing in this fashion.
Gateway Dewey
Gateway Dewey is also configured to default route all dialed numbers not defined as dial-peers to the
PSTN. However, Dewey’s dial-peer Session Targets are Domain Names, configured as show in
Example 8-2.
Example 8-2
Inbound Call Routing Gateway Dewey Configuration
In all occurrences of “voice-class codec 1” the actual values are adjustable to your needs.
voice-class codec 1
codec preference 1 g711ulaw
codec preference 2 g711alaw
codec preference 3 g729r8
*\ Defines the class (applies to all dial-peers) \*
dial-peer voice 1 voip
voice-class codec 1
destination-pattern 800-555-002.
*\ The “.” is a wildcard \*
session target dns: Customer Voice
dtmf-relay rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
preference 0
no vad (comprehensive IVR mode only)
dial-peer voice 2 voip
voice-class codec 1
destination-pattern 800-555-002.
*\ The “.” is a wildcard \*
session target dns: Customer Voice
dtmf-relay rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
preference 1
no vad (comprehensive IVR mode only)
Calls to numbers not in the list of dial-peers will be routed by Gateway Dewey to the PSTN.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Inbound Call Routing
If a call is received for 800-555-0020 through 0029, Gateway Dewey will first perform a DNS lookup
on the Domain Name “Customer Voice” In this example, the DNS will map this
domain name to and, which will cause Dewey to route the call to a Voice
Browser in Customer Voice Portal_2. However, if Customer Voice Portal_2 does not respond properly,
Dewey will then perform a DNS lookup on the Domain Name “Customer Voice” In this example, the DNS will map this domain name to and, which will cause Dewey to route the call to a Voice Browser in Customer Voice Portal_1 or
a VB in Customer Voice Portal_3.
Inbound Call Routing—With Gatekeeper
When a Gatekeeper is present, Inbound call routing to the Customer Voice Portal is controlled by
information kept at one or more H.323 Gatekeepers. H.323 enforces the concept of zones, where a single
logical Gatekeeper (which may be one or more actual Gatekeepers) is responsible for routing control
within its zone.
For ease of illustration, we will initially assume that all the Customer Voice Portal nodes reside within
the same H.323 zone, the “Customer Voice Portal Zone.”
Gatekeeper Configuration Example
Figure 8-2 shows the Customer Voice Portal nodes and Gateways separated into three different H.323
Customer Voice Portal_1 and GW Huey are assigned to Zone 1, which is controlled by GK_1.
Customer Voice Portal_2 and GW Dewey are assigned to Zone 2, which is controlled by GK_2.
Customer Voice Portal_3 and GW Louie are assigned to Zone 3, which is controlled by GK_3.
Each Customer Voice Portal node contains three Voice Browsers, with the IP addresses shown. As with
the “Gateway Examples” section, it is assumed that each of the Voice Browsers have registered with its
Gatekeeper, and that the Gateways are configured—for details, see “Gateway Configuration” section on
page 8-8—to perform RAS lookups in their Gatekeeper for incoming calls.
Figure 8-2
Inbound Call Routing, With Gatekeepers
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Inbound Call Routing
Each Gatekeeper is configured with the complete list of supported numbers, which only point to Voice
Browsers at the Customer Voice Portal node in its zone. Each Gatekeeper is also configured with
alternate endpoint information for each Voice Browser, with each Voice Browser indicating two alternate
endpoints from its own Customer Voice Portal node, as shown in Example 8-3.
Example 8-3
Inbound Call Routing GK_1 Configuration
zone local gk_1
*\ Must include GK IP address \*
gw-type-prefix 1#* default-technology
*\ Default for calls rec’d with no tech-prefix\*
zone prefix gk_1 8005550010 gw-pri 10 Customer Voice Customer
endpoint alt-ep h323id Customer Voice Portal_1vb1
endpoint alt-ep h323id Customer Voice Portal_1vb1
endpoint alt-ep h323id Customer Voice Portal_1vb2
endpoint alt-ep h323id Customer Voice Portal_1vb2
The two Voice Browsers in the zone prefix command have equal priorities (pri 10), so under normal
circumstances the GK will route all calls randomly between vb1 and vb2. For the purpose of our
example, however, GK_1 knows that vb1 (at Customer Voice Portal_1) is completely Out-of-Service.
Each of the Gateways queries its own Gatekeeper for Inbound calls, so if Gateway Huey receives a call
for 800-555-0010, it will query GK_1 for routing information, using the number 2#8005550010. Since
vb1 is Out-of-Service, GK_1 will return the IP Address of vb2 to Huey, as the target endpoint. In the
same response message (an H.323 ACF message) GK_1 will also pass the IP Addresses of vb2's
Alternate Endpoints (which in this example are vb1 and vb3 at Customer Voice Portal_1). Huey will first
attempt to route the call to vb2. If for some reason vb2 fails to respond to the call setup, Huey will try
the alternate endpoints in turn, until it receives a response. Huey will pass the number 2#8005550010 to
the Voice Browsers during call setup, which will in turn strip off the tech prefix 2#.
When defining a zone prefix, it strongly suggested that you use the “*” wildcard, rather than the “...”
wildcard pattern to avoid zone prefix conflicts within the Gatekeeper.
Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser Configuration
The Gatekeeper processes Voice Browser registration as follows:
RRQ registration. Customer Voice Portal Voice Browsers register with the Customer Voice Portal
Zone Gatekeeper through the H.323 Registration Request (RRQ) message. As part of RRQ
registration, each Voice Browser sends its name (for example, “Customer Voice”) and IP address.
IP Addresses for Alternate Endpoints. The Gatekeeper allows each registering endpoint to send a
list of IP Addresses for its alternate endpoints. This registration list is merged with any alternate
endpoint information statically configured on the Gatekeeper.
This feature is not supported.
Supported Numbers. The Gatekeeper allows each endpoint to register with a list of E.164 numbers
it supports, but it is recommended that the Voice Browsers don't do this. The reason for this is that
multiple Voice Browsers can support the dialed numbers, but the Gatekeeper does not permit
multiple endpoints to register with the same number.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Inbound Call Routing
Technology Prefix. Each Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser is automatically registered with its
Gatekeeper with the Tech Prefix 2#. The Voice Browser’s software is shipped with the tech-prefix
2# pre configured. If necessary, this number may be changed using the VB Admin’s SetTechPrefix
Gateway Configuration
Since a Gatekeeper is present in the configuration, the Gateway’s role can be minimized. It is
recommended that the Gateways be configured to always query the Gatekeeper for routing information.
This can be done using a wildcard dial-peer, as shown in Example 8-4. To provide maximum protection
in the event of gatekeeper problems (even when using HSRP), it is strongly advisable to statistically
configure at least one of the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browsers in the gateway configuration. Note
that these dial-peers have a “lower” preference than the ras dial-peer.
Example 8-4
Inbound Call Routing Gateway Configuration
In all occurrences of “voice-class codec 1” the actual values are adjustable to your needs.
dial-peer voice 1 voip
voice-class codec 1
destination-pattern 888800...
*\ The wildcard pattern\*
session target ras
dtmf-relay rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
preference 0
no vad (comprehensive IVR mode only)
tech-prefix 2#
dial-peer voice 2 voip
voice-class codec 1
destination-pattern 888800....
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
preference 1
no vad (Comprehensive Mode only)
tech-prefix 2#
dial-peer voice 3 voip
voice-class codec 1
destination-pattern 888800....
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
preference 1
no vad (Comprehensive Mode only)
tech-prefix 2#
Gateways not in the Customer Voice Portal zone must be configured to query their own zone Gatekeeper
for routing information. The originating Gatekeeper will discover the Customer Voice Portal Zone
Gatekeeper through the H.323 Location Request (LRQ) message. The Customer Voice Portal Zone
Gatekeeper will determine proper routing, which will be returned to the originating Gateway (via the
originating Gatekeeper).
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Transfers and Outbound Routing
Call Transfers and Outbound Routing
This section examines initial call transfer from the Customer Voice Portal, specifically, how the
NAM/ICM, Customer Voice Portal, Gatekeeper, and Voice Gateways work together to perform
H.323-based call transfer.
Subsequent call transfers (such as agent initiated transfers), being similar to the examples described
below, are not discussed separately. One important difference, however, is that the
Call.NetworkTransferEnabled variable must be set to 1 in each script that contains network transfer
IP Transfer Example (ACD Routing)
The Customer Voice Portal uses a Gatekeeper to determine the correct VoIP endpoint to transfer calls to
when it uses the IP mode. In Figure 8-3, our endpoints are two AS5400 Voice Gateways, Moe and Larry,
which provide redundant access to a call center ACD. Moe has the IP address, while Larry
has the IP address For simplicity’s sake, we assume the Gateways and the Customer Voice
Portal are in the same H.323 zone, controlled by Gatekeeper Stooge.
Figure 8-3
IP Transfer Routing
In this example, the ACD uses a numbering plan in the format xxxxyyzzzz, where:
xxxx is a location code (8888 for the ACD in our example)
yy is the destination trunk group on the ACD
zzzz is the DNIS (Dialed Number Identification Service), identifying an ACD agent skill group,
service, extension, etc.
The Customer Voice Portal initiates the transfer using all these digits:
The Gatekeeper uses the xxxx digits to determine a destination Gateway.
The Gateway uses the yy digits to determine the correct ACD trunk group.
The Gateway outpulses the zzzz digits to the proper ACD trunk group, which uses them to connect
the call to an agent.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Transfers and Outbound Routing
Since the ACD numbering plan is simple and well-known, we specify the routing
information—including Alternate Endpoint instructions—directly on the Gatekeeper, instead of having
the Gateways pass the information during Gatekeeper registration. (In fact, since Moe and Larry support
the same set of numbers, the Gatekeeper would not even allow them to jointly register with those same
In cases where an agent is reserved on the ICM, it is strongly recommended that the outbound alternate
endpoint functionality not be used when the Customer Voice Portal routes the call to the agent. This will
prevent the unacceptable condition where the agent reserve timer expires before the call arrives, allowing
a different call to reach the agent that does not match the call data previously sent to the agent by the
ICM software. Router requery is the preferred method.
Gatekeeper Stooge is configured as shown in Example 8-5.
Example 8-5
Gatekeeper Stooge Configuration
zone local gk-stooge *\ Must include GK IP address
gw-type-prefix 1# default-technology
* \ Default for calls received with no tech-prefix indicated.
zone prefix gk-stooge 8888* gw-pri 10
* \ GK to route calls with leading digits 8888 to either
* \ GW Moe or GW Larry with equal priority.
endpoint alt-ep h323id
* \ Defines GW Larry as GW Moe’s alternate endpoint
endpoint alt-ep h323id
* \ Defines GW Moe as GW Larry’s alternate endpoint
Gateways Moe and Larry are configured as shown in Example 8-6.
The Gatekeeper does take endpoint availability into account when it chooses the Destination Endpoint.
However, it does not take it into account when selecting the destination’s alternate endpoints.
Example 8-6
Gateways Moe and Larry Configuration
dial-peer voice 1 pots
* / GW to route calls with leading digits 888800 to GW voice port 0:1
* / (T1/E1 controller # :D Channel), with highest preference (0)
destination-pattern 888800….
port 0:1
preference 0
*\ 0 is the default
dial-peer voice 2 pots
* \ Defines backup voice port (0:2) for same digits
destination-pattern 888800….
port 0:2
preference 1
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Transfers and Outbound Routing
dial-peer voice 3 pots
* \ Routes calls with different yy digits (01) to a different GW voice port (1:1).
* \ (This is how the GW differentiates the ACD trunk groups.)
destination-pattern 888801….
port 1:1
preference 0
dial-peer voice 4 pots
* \ Defines backup voice port (1:2) for the same trunk group
destination-pattern 888801….
port 1:2
preference 1
dial-peer voice 5 pots
* \ Routes calls to a third trunk group
destination-pattern 888802….
port 2:1
preference 0
dial-peer voice 6 pots
* \ Backup voice port for third trunk group
destination-pattern 888802….
port 2:2
preference 1
h323-gateway voip tech-prefix 1# * \ Registers the GW with the GK with the tech-prefix 1#
To define the codec to be used during the transfer:
dial-peer voice <some label> voip
incoming called-number 888800….
codec g729r8
If necessary, more dial-peers may be added for additional destination patterns.
Defining an ICM Script Label for Outpulse Transfer
Labels in ICM scripts for Customer Voice Portal calls that require outpulse transfer mode must be
prepended with the characters DTMF followed by *8 and some number of commas, where each comma
represents a pause of 100 milliseconds. By configuring the target label with the form DTMFnnnnn
(where nnnnn are the digits to outpulse) the Customer Voice Portal sends the digits out-of-band using
H.245 signalling to the ingress gateway for outpulsing.
For example, to use the AT&T Transfer Connect feature to transfer the call to the number “4441234”,
configure the label as DTMF*8,,,4441234.
Usually the PSTN switch expects a delay between the *8 and the phone number. Each comma represents
100ms by default. It can be changed with the SetTakebackDelay command in VBAdmin.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Transfers and Outbound Routing
In outpulse transfer mode, the Customer Voice Portal will send whatever digits are in the label to the
Gateway for outpulsing. It is the customer’s responsibility to confirm interoperability with the target
Defining an ICM Script Label for Two B-Channel Transfer (TBCT)
For Customer Voice Portal calls that require Two B-Channel Transfer (TBCT) mode, add a label node to
your ICM script with the following syntax:
Replace 8005551212 with your transfer destination target.
The TBCT99 and the # signs are mandatory.
By configuring the target label in this form, CVP sends the digits to the ingress endpoint for Two
B-Channel transfer.
Defining an ICM Script Label for Hookflash Transfer
Labels in ICM scripts for Customer Voice Portal calls that require hookflash transfer mode must be
prepended with the characters HF. By configuring the target label with the form HFnnnnn (where
nnnnn are the digits to call) CVP sends the digits to the ingress endpoint for hookflash transfer.
If the switch requires a pause after the hookflash, insert commas between the HF and the transfer
number. Each comma represents 100 milliseconds.
For example, to use the hookflash feature to transfer the call to the number “4441234” with a 500millisecond pause after the hookflash, configure the ICM label as HF,,,,,4441234.
Codec Support
There is a codec used for IVR prompting in Customer Voice Portal and a codec used for transfers
(actually it is possible, though not likely, that a different codec could be used by each transfer during the
life of a call). As depicted in the examples above, the ingress gateway dial-peer was configured for all
possible codecs that may be used in the life of the call (in this case we limited it to g711alaw, g711ulaw
and g729r8).
Codec Support differs somewhat between Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer mode and
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive mode.
Queue and Transfer: All prompts are played by the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser. Therefore,
it is the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser itself which defines the IVR codec through the SetCodec
CLI command. It is the egress gateway dial-peer that defines the codec that will be used during the
transfer. In our example above, we chose g729r8.
Comprehensive: In this mode, no prompts are played by the Voice Browser. Instead, the Voice Browser
transfers the call to a VXML-enabled voice gateway which provides IVR treatment which may in the
form of prerecorded prompts or ASR/TTS. In this case it is always the egress dial-peer that determines
both prompt codec and transfer codec. If using ASR/TTS, the codec must be g711ulaw for IVR
treatment. The transfer codec may be anything.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Transfers and Outbound Routing
Miscellaneous Gateway Configuration Tasks
Determine if the Gateway is Correctly Configured for Customer Voice Portal
To determine if the Gateway is configured properly, use the ‘show run’ command to a view a gateway
configuration. Use the ‘copy run start’ command to make changes permanent.
Example 8-7
Sample Gateway Configuration
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 8728 bytes
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
service internal
hostname 10-10-10-109
boot system flash:c3845-ipvoice-mz.124-x.x
card type t1 1 1
card type t1 2 1
card type t1 3 1
card type t1 4 1
logging exception 8000000
logging buffered 8000000 debugging
no logging rate-limit
no logging console
enable secret 5 $1$eJCT$7RQ/3P3wGjIjUE9CgJnDm0
no aaa new-model
resource policy
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
Call Transfers and Outbound Routing
network-clock-participate slot 1
network-clock-participate slot 2
network-clock-participate slot 3
network-clock-participate slot 4
ip subnet-zero
ip cef
no ip domain lookup
ip domain name
ip host cvpmedia
ip host cvpserver
ip host cvpserver-backup
ip host isn-vxml
ip host isn-vxml-backup
ip host tts-en-us
ip host tts-en-us-backup
ip host asr-en-us
ip host asr-en-us-backup
isdn switch-type primary-ni
voice-card 1
voice-card 2
voice-card 3
voice-card 4
trunk group 1
isdn supp-service tbct
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
VoIP Configuration
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Transfers and Outbound Routing
voice rtp send-recv
voice service voip
allow-connections h323 to h323
fax protocol t38 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback cisco
voice class codec 1
codec preference 1 g729r8
codec preference 2 g711ulaw
voice class codec 2
codec preference 1 g711ulaw
codec preference 2 g729r8
voice class h323 5
call start slow
http client cache memory pool 15000
http client cache memory file 500
ivr prompt memory 15000
ivr prompt streamed all
ivr asr-server rtsp://asr-en-us/media/recognizer
ivr tts-server rtsp://tts-en-us/media/synthesizer
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
Call Transfers and Outbound Routing
service DTMF_ALLINONE_BAC_APP flash:CVPSelfService.tcl
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
param CVPBackupVXMLServer
param CVPSelfService-app DTMF_ALLINONE_BAC_APP
param CVPSelfService-port 8080
paramspace english location flash
param CVPPrimaryVXMLServer
paramspace english prefix en
service new-call flash:bootstrap.vxml
paramspace english language en
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english location flash:
paramspace english prefix en
service CVPSelfService flash:CVPSelfServiceBootstrap.vxml
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
paramspace english location flash:
paramspace english prefix en
service takeback flash:survivability.tcl
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
paramspace english location flash:
paramspace english prefix en
service tbct_01 flash:CVPSelfService.tcl
param CVPBackupVXMLServer
paramspace english language en
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english location flash
param CVPSelfService-port 8080
param CVPSelfService-app tbct_01
paramspace english prefix en
param CVPPrimaryVXMLServer
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
VoIP Configuration
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Transfers and Outbound Routing
service bootstrap flash:bootstrap.tcl
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
paramspace english location flash:
paramspace english prefix en
service handoff flash:handoff.tcl
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
paramspace english location flash:
paramspace english prefix en
service ivr_selfserviceapp flash:CVPSelfService.tcl
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
param CVPBackupVXMLServer
paramspace english location flash:
param CVPSelfService-app IVR_SelfService
param CVPSelfService-port 8080
paramspace english prefix en
param CVPPrimaryVXMLServer
mrcp client timeout connect 10
mrcp client timeout message 10
mrcp client rtpsetup enable
vxml tree memory 15000
username cisco privilege 15 secret 5 $1$eQXk$fuQB1x1o3tRk.c3SKWdil1
controller T1 1/0
framing esf
linecode b8zs
pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 1/1
framing esf
linecode b8zs
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
Call Transfers and Outbound Routing
pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 2/0
framing esf
linecode b8zs
pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 2/1
framing esf
linecode b8zs
pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 3/0
framing esf
linecode b8zs
pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 3/1
framing esf
linecode b8zs
pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 4/0
framing esf
linecode b8zs
pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 4/1
framing esf
linecode b8zs
pri-group timeslots 1-24
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
description $ETH-LAN$$ETH-SW-LAUNCH$$INTF-INFO-GE 0/0$
ip address
duplex auto
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
VoIP Configuration
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Transfers and Outbound Routing
speed auto
media-type rj45
negotiation auto
h323-gateway voip interface
h323-gateway voip id CVP_GK1 ipaddr 1719
h323-gateway voip h323-id
h323-gateway voip tech-prefix 1#
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
media-type rj45
negotiation auto
interface Serial1/0:23
no ip address
isdn switch-type primary-ni
isdn incoming-voice modem
trunk-group 1
no cdp enable
interface Serial1/1:23
no ip address
isdn switch-type primary-ni
isdn incoming-voice modem
trunk-group 1
no cdp enable
interface Serial2/0:23
no ip address
isdn switch-type primary-ni
isdn incoming-voice modem
no cdp enable
interface Serial2/1:23
no ip address
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
Call Transfers and Outbound Routing
isdn switch-type primary-ni
isdn incoming-voice modem
no cdp enable
interface Serial3/0:23
no ip address
isdn switch-type primary-ni
isdn incoming-voice modem
no cdp enable
interface Serial3/1:23
no ip address
isdn switch-type primary-ni
isdn incoming-voice modem
no cdp enable
interface Serial4/0:23
no ip address
isdn switch-type primary-ni
isdn incoming-voice modem
no cdp enable
interface Serial4/1:23
no ip address
isdn switch-type primary-ni
isdn incoming-voice modem
no cdp enable
ip default-gateway
ip classless
ip route
ip http server
ip http authentication local
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
VoIP Configuration
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Transfers and Outbound Routing
voice-port 1/0:23
voice-port 1/1:23
voice-port 2/0:23
voice-port 2/1:23
voice-port 3/0:23
voice-port 3/1:23
voice-port 4/0:23
voice-port 4/1:23
dial-peer voice 6193 voip
translation-profile incoming block
destination-pattern 6190001
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 6192 voip
translation-profile incoming block
incoming called-number 8006195003
dtmf-relay h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
codec g711ulaw
no vad
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
Call Transfers and Outbound Routing
dial-peer voice 4001 pots
incoming called-number 4001
dial-peer voice 111111 pots
trunkgroup 1
service tbct_01
destination-pattern 978.......
incoming called-number 35500
no digit-strip
dial-peer voice 6199999 voip
incoming called-number 6199999111T
dtmf-relay rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 12345 pots
trunkgroup 1
destination-pattern 9789361388
incoming called-number 35500
dial-peer voice 978 pots
destination-pattern 978.......
no digit-strip
port 1/0:23
dial-peer voice 5900 voip
destination-pattern 35500
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
codec g711ulaw
no vad
dial-peer voice 1978 pots
destination-pattern 1978.......
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
VoIP Configuration
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Transfers and Outbound Routing
no digit-strip
port 1/0:23
dial-peer voice 781 pots
destination-pattern 1781.......
no digit-strip
port 1/0:23
dial-peer voice 987654 pots
destination-pattern 987654.......
no digit-strip
port 1/0:23
dial-peer voice 34555 voip
destination-pattern 800-555-002.
timer receive-rtp 1200
line con 0
login local
stopbits 1
line aux 0
stopbits 1
line vty 0 4
privilege level 15
login local
transport input telnet
line vty 5 15
privilege level 15
login local
transport input telnet
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Transfers and Outbound Routing
Aiding Troubleshooting and Debugging
To aid Cisco troubleshooting and debugging:
debug voip application vxml puts (leave this setting on at all times)
service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime
logging buffered 2000000 debugging
debug mrcp err
debug rtsp err
debug voip application vxml error
debug http client error
Additional Gateway Files
For Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive and Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech, depending on
the Customer Voice Portal configuration being used, it may be necessary to copy files from your
Customer Voice Portal Application Server machine to the gateway(s). Use the following table to
determine which files need to be copied. Examine the first three columns for the combination of features
that you are using in your Customer Voice Portal. Copy all files from the folder specified in the fourth
column from your Customer Voice Portal Application Server machine to flash memory on your
gateways. Refer to the “copy” CLI command in the gateway documentation for instructions on how to
copy files to your gateways. Typically, you would first copy these files to a tftp or ftp server, then login
to the gateways and copy the files from the tftp or ftp server.
Do not rename the destination files on the gateway when copying.
What the columns below mean:
Voice Browser: You use an Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser when the Customer Voice Portal is
used to queue calls or provide call transfer after an agent has answered the call.
CSS: A CSS can be used to provide enhanced failover and load-balancing capabilities between the Voice
Gateways and the ASR/TTS servers, HTTP media servers, and Customer Voice Portal application
servers. Note that when a CSS is used, it must be used for ALL of the afore-mentioned servers. You
cannot, for example, use it for ASR servers but not Customer Voice Portal servers.
Call Restart: The Call Restart feature will restart the call in the event of an Customer Voice Portal
application server failure mid-call. The restarted call will appear to the ICM as just another new call.
Note that the Call Restart feature can only be used when the Customer Voice Portal is a type 5 or type 6
VRU or when the Customer Voice Portal is the main routing client for the call. In configurations where
a call is pre-routed by a NIC to an Customer Voice Portal (Customer Voice Portal is a type 2, 3, 7 or 8
VRU), the restart feature can not be used.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Transfers and Outbound Routing
Table 8-1
Files to be Copied from Customer Voice Portal Application Server to Gateway(s)
Call Restart
Copy all files from folder:
Configuring Host Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) for Customer Voice Portal
Depending on the registration interval configured in the gateways and Call Manager, there may be a
period ranging from 30 seconds to a few minutes immediately after Gatekeeper failure (when using
HSRP) where you cannot transfer calls to the desired endpoint and callers lose connectivity.
You should follow these configuration steps below to ensure that this does not happen. The configuration
specified below provides seamless HSRP failover behavior.
Using this method, the caller can experience a 60 second wait period while the system stabilizes before
being transferred to an agent.
Voice Browser
From the VB Admin, set the Gatekeeper to the HSRP VIP of the Gatekeeper failover pair. If necessary,
set the desired H323 zone using the set H323Zone from VB Admin.
Set up the Gatekeeper for HSRP failover. (Refer to your Gatekeeper and IOS documentation.) This
process should include putting the HSRP VIP in both a “standby” command on the FastEthernet interface
and on the “zone local” command.
Include all your IOS gateways in your zone as transfer candidates. You can prioritize them using the
gw-priority on the “zone prefix” commands. By using all the gateways in the zone, the possibility of not
finding a registered gateway immediately after HSRP failover are virtually eliminated, provided the
gateway dial- peers are configured as defined in the following bullet.
Step 1
Register your gateways with the VIP of the HSRP failover pair.
Step 2
Define a dial-peer of the highest preference (preference 0) that performs a gatekeeper search for an
available Customer Voice Portal voice browser (i.e. “session target ras”).
Step 3
Set the tech-prefix to the tech prefix of your Customer Voice Portal voice browser.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Customer Voice Portal Endpoint Limitations
Step 4
Define at lease one other dial-peer with lower preference (preference 1) that uses a static Customer Voice
Portal voice browser address instead of a gatekeeper lookup (e.g. session target ipv4:
Call Manager
Step 1
Under Device > Gatekeeper, set the gatekeeper name to the HSRP VIP of the gatekeeper failover pair.
Step 2
Set “Registration Request Time to Live” to 30 seconds. Set “Registration Retry Timeout” to 30 seconds.
Step 1
Enable the router requery on all “Queue to Skill Group” nodes.
Step 2
Coming off the X path from the Queue to Skill Group node, add an “IF” node that checks the value of
the variable Call.RequeryStatus. If the value is 1, play a 60 second prompt and go to a second “Queue
to Skill Group” node. If the value is not “1”, immediately go to the second “Queue to Skill Group Node”.
ICM Script
IP Transfer Example (IPCC Routing)
An IP transfer to an IPCC agent is very similar to an IP transfer to an ACD (TDM) agent with the
following exceptions:
The egress Gateway for this case is a Call Manager. In the Gatekeeper, the agent extensions are
configured to point to the Call Manager’s IP address.
When Call Manager receives the new call, it uses the “Skinny protocol” to connect to the agent at
an IP phone. The voice channels are then connected from the ingress Gateway to the IP phone.
Customer Voice Portal Endpoint Limitations
Table 8-2 lists endpoint limitations of the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser.
Table 8-2
Customer Voice Portal Endpoint Limitations
Gatekeeper single point failure.
If a Gatekeeper fails and no hot standby is configured, the
following features of call routing will be affected:
If Gatekeeper is used for inbound call routing, it is not
clear which Voice Browser would route the call to.
No switch transfers will succeed.
Registering to different H.323 zones on a The Voice Browser is lacking a parameter that would
single Gatekeeper is not implemented.
permit it to register into different zone on the same physical
Gatekeeper box.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Survivability
Table 8-2
Customer Voice Portal Endpoint Limitations (continued)
Outbound Alternate Endpoint
functionality not fully supported when
transferring to agents reserved by ICM.
The agent reserve timer can expire before the call arrives,
allowing a different call to reach the agent that does not
match the call data previously sent to the agent by the ICM
Use the router requery feature instead.
DTMF originating from an IP Phone is
not supported for Comprehensive IVR
DTMF input in Comprehensive IVR mode requires the
dtmf-relay capability of rtp-nte when the DTMF must be
passed to the ASR recognition server for processing. Call
Manager and IP phones do not support rtp-nte.
IP Phone cannot transfer in VoIP network Because this version of the IOS does not support IP to IP
in Advanced Speech IVR mode.
transfers, it is only possible for a caller originating from an
IP Phone to perform a transfer back to the TDM network.
G711ulaw is required codec when doing
The ASR/TTS vendors currently only support g711ulaw
for voice recognition and synthesis.
H323 Fast Start is not supported for calls H323 Slow Start must be used. This can be achieved in one
originating from or being sent to Call
of two ways:
Manager from the Customer Voice Portal
• Disable CCM Fast Start by changing "H323 FastStart
Voice Browser.
Inbound" flag to false in CCM service parameters (for
CM 4.0 and earlier) or by unchecking the "Enable
Inbound Fast Start" on the Customer Voice Portal
Voice Browser Gateway Device (CM 4.1 and later).
Create a voice class and assign it to the voip dial-peer
used to route calls to Customer Voice Portal.
voice class h323 1
call start slow
Call Survivability
This section describes how to install and configure Customer Voice Portal with a script that allows the
gateway to transfer a call in the event of a critical Customer Voice Portal application error or WAN
failure. This application should be placed on the incoming pots dial-peer that is destined for Customer
Voice Portal. Call survivability is supported only in Customer Voice Portal deployments in which the
VXML gateway is the ingress gateway.
If a call uses a VXML gateway that is different than the ingress gateway, and the Customer Voice Portal
combo box loses network connectivity or crashes, survivability will not be invoked for the call. In some
circumstances, customers intentionally separate the ingress and VXML gateways for performance
reasons, In that condition, this limitation will apply. Alternatively, you can force the VXML gateway and
ingress gateway to be the same by using the "SetTransferLabel" option in the Customer Voice Portal
Voice Browser CLI.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Survivability
In the event of critical Customer Voice Portal application errors or a WAN failure that would normally
disconnect the caller, this script allows the gateway to attempt a transfer to some alternate location after
the failure occurs instead of disconnecting the caller. In the event that the call cannot be transferred to
an alternate agent, the script will play a "call-back-later" message and disconnect.
This script provides the following capabilities:
ability to do multiple types of transfer in call failure conditions:
– *8 transfer connect (outpulse)
– Hairpin
– Hookflash Relay
– Two B-Channel Transfer (TBCT)
Ability to differentiate call recovery behavior by incoming DNIS.
Ability to differentiate call recovery behavior by incoming DNIS and how long the call had been in
Customer Voice Portal prior to failure.
Ability to differentiate call recovery behavior based on time of day and date.
Ability to handoff to the CME auto-attendant application for enhanced recovery procedures such as
caller queueing.
Separation of ANI and DNIS into their correct fields to provide a workaround for a PSTN switch
anomaly causing the concatenation of ANI and DNIS.
This script is a component of the CVP software. Do not make any modifications to this script.
Modifications to this script not made as part of an official CVP release nullify Cisco support
responsibility for this script.
Installing the Call Survivability Script
To install the Call Survivability script, perform the following steps:
Step 1
Step 2
Copy the following files from the Customer Voice Portal application server machine to flash memory on
the gateway, using tftp:
If using a CSS in the topology, copy all files under
If not using a CSS in the topology, copy all files under
Copy the following files from the CVP VoiceXML Server CD to the gateway flash memory using tftp:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Survivability
For example:
Step 3
On the gateway, define two applications as follows:
See the “How to Configure the Gateway for Call Survivability”section below for more details on
configuration options.
service somename flash:bootstrap.vxml
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
paramspace english location flash
paramspace english prefix en
service handoff flash:handoff.tcl
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
paramspace english location flash:
paramspace english prefix en
Step 4
On the gateway, do a "call load application voice somename" and "call load application voice handoff".
Step 5
Create at least one CVP pots dial-peer on the gateway, placing the CVP called number on an
incoming-called-number parameter. Assign the somename application to this dial-peer.
Step 6
The recovery functionality in this script functions best when the SetTransferLabel command in
Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser VBAdmin is activated.
How to Configure the Gateway for Call Survivability
You can configure the following parameters on the gateway for call survivability:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Survivability
open-hours-agent - The destination recovery target DNIS to be used when the currenttime matches
any open-hours-time parameter. The script will cycle through all agents sequentially until one
answers. If no one answers, (or in the case of a takeback transfer, the PSTN does not take back the
call), the script cycles through all after-hours-agent's (maximum of 50 agents).
– Syntax: open-hours-agentX dnis
– Arguments: X
= a number from 0 to 49, dnis = target destination for the recovery transfer.
– Example 1: DTMF*8,9875551212 (When PSTN *8 takeback is desired)
– Example 2: 9875551212 (when hairpin or SRST transfer is desired) where:
DTMF - indicates takeback and transfer via DTMF tones
*8 - the sequence the switch recognizes to perform the takeback.
Zero or more commas - each comma represents a pause of 100 ms. Some switches require a
pause between the takeback sequence and the DNIS.
9875551212 - The actual DNIS to which the PSTN should transfer the call.
– Example 3: HF,,,,,9875551212 (when hookflash transfer is desired)
– Example 4: TBCT9875551212 (when TBCT is desired)
after-hours-agent - The destination recovery target DNIS to be used when the current time matches
any after-hours-time parameter or as a default destination if transfers to the open-hours-agent's fail.
The script will cycle through all agents sequentially until one answers (maximum of 50 agents). If
no one answers, a call-back-later message will be played to the caller and then disconnected.
– Syntax: identical to open-hours-agent
open-hours-time - A string representing the date or days of week and time of day that
open-hours-agent's will be used for the recovery transfer (maximum of 20 values). Month/day has
higher selection priority than days of the week. If a starting and ending time are not specified,
0000-2359 is assumed.
– Syntax: open-hours-timeX {month/day | days-of-week}[:HHMM-HHMM]
– Arguments:
X = a number from 0 to 19.
month/day = month of year and day of month (no year)
days-of-week = a string of up to seven digits representing the days of the week (Sunday = 0,
Saturday = 6)
HHMM-HHMM = the starting and ending time of the period, expressed in 24-hour clock
after-hours-time - A string representing the date or days of week and time of day that
after-hours-agent's will be used for the transfer. These do not explicitly need to be listed. If the
current date/time does not fall in an open-hours-time slot, it will default to an after-hours agent. A
typical use would be to specify holidays that would normally fall on working weekdays. A maximum
of 20 values are allowed.
– Syntax: identical to open-hours-time
open-hours-isntime - You may want to choose a particular recovery agent based on how long the
call had been in Customer Voice Portal before the failure occurred. If no open-hours-isntime is
specified, the associated open-hours-agent will be used regardless.
– Syntax: open-hours-isntimeX {> OR <}number-of-seconds
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Survivability
– Arguments:
= a number from 0 to 19, corresponding to the associated open-hours-agent
number-of-seconds = number of seconds the call was in Customer Voice Portal before the call
failed, prefixed with > or <. For example, open-hours-isntime0 <55 would use
open-hours-agent0 only when the call had been in Customer Voice Portal less than 55 secs.
after-hours-isntime - Same as open-hours-isntime, but applies instead to after-hours-agents.
alert-timeout - A numeric value indicating the maximum number of seconds the destination phone
should ring before aborting the call attempt.
– Syntax: alert-timeout 20
setup-timeout - A numeric value indicating the maximum number of seconds that the tcl script will
wait in establishing a tcp connection to Customer Voice Portal before aborting the call attempt. This
value should be greater than the "h225 timeout tcp establish" parameter under the voice class h323
configuration on the gateway.
– Syntax: setup-timeout 7
ani-dnis-split - In some rare PSTN switch configurations, the ani and dnis are sent to the gateway
in the wrong format and as a result ani and dnis become erroneously concatenated together in the
dnis field. For example, if caller ANI is 9785551212 and the DNIS being called is 5900987, then
the DNIS ends up like: 97855512125900987. Assuming that the ANI and DNIS length are constant
values, this tcl script can separate ANI and DNIS into their proper fields before delivering the call
to Customer Voice Portal (ANI to ANI field, DNIS to DNIS field). In the event that the ANI is
missing (e.g. blocked callerID), this script will simply put nothing in the ANI field. Note that the
GW pots dial peers need to account for the fact that ANI may or may not be there. So in the above
example, one would need:
dial-peer voice 1 pots
preference 1
application survivability
incoming called-number ..........5900...
dial-peer voice 2 pots
preference 2 (lower preference in the event the caller's ANI begins with 5900)
application survivability
incoming called-number 5900...
– Syntax: ani-dnis-split 10:4
– Arguments: aniLength:DnisLength
takeback-method - A string indicating whether this Tcl script should use flash .wav files to
generate tones for DTMF *8 takeback transfers or the native tcl command 'leg senddigit'
– Syntax: takeback-method {wav | , where "wav" indicates use dtmf .wav files stored in flash.
Default = wav.
When using the “wav” method of takeback, there are two additional steps:
Make sure all 12 DTMF wav files have been tftp'ed from the Customer Voice Portal app server
downloads directory to flash.
Add the following parameters to all voice ports on the gateway:
voice-port 7/1:0
no echo-cancel enable
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Survivability
no non-linear
no vad
playout-delay maximum 250
playout-delay nominal 200
playout-delay minimum high
playout-delay mode fixed
aa-name - If non-blank, indicates that when a failure occurs, this Customer Voice Portal
survivability script should pass control to the CME auto-attendant application. After the CME
application has completed processing, it can, if desired, handoff back to this survivability script, at
which point this script would continue with its normal recovery procedures. The CME
auto-attendant application needs to know what Customer Voice Portal application to pass control
back to in the event no CME agents become available in a configurable amount of time. If the CME
auto-attendant application is called "aa" and the Customer Voice Portal application is called
"survivability" configure the following:
service survivability aa-name aa
service aa isn-name survivability
- A numeric boolean value (0 or 1) indicating whether or not ICM scripts will issue
TBCT transfers. Default is 0 (By default, ICM does not handle TBCT transfers). Set this value to
1 to enable TBCT transfers issued from a TBCT label in an ICM script.
Syntax Example: icm-tbct 1
Call Survivability Examples
In the first Call Survivability example, the following configurations are used:
service survivability flash:survivability.tcl
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
paramspace english location flash:
paramspace english prefix en
param open-hours-agent0 9777123400
param open-hours-agent1 4444888
param open-hours-time0 12345:0900-1730
param open-hours-time1 12/18:0600-2300
param after-hours-agent0 7777008
param after-hours-agent1 8766008
param after-hours-time0 7/21:0700-0800
param after-hours-time1 11/25
param setup-timeout 7
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Survivability
param alert-timeout
dial-peer voice 800232 pots
application survivability
incoming called-number 8002321765
Using the above configurations, review the following cases:
Case 1: Assume today is a holiday, Thursday, 11/25 at 1300 hours. Since 11/25 is defined as a
specific after-hours-time, it will be selected before the 12345:0900-1730 open-hours-time which
also falls on a Thursday. If the WAN fails, this script will first try a transfer to 7777008 and then to
Case 2: Assume today is Saturday, 12/18 at 0900 hours, peak of the holiday shopping season. Since
12/18 is defined as a specific open-hours-time, it will be selected for an open-hours-agent even
though it falls on a Saturday which would normally be an after hours time. If the WAN fails, this
script will first try a transfer to 9777123400, then try 4444888, 7777008, 8766008.
Case 3: If you don't care about time-of-day routing, and simply want a last-resort transfer
mechanism, put one of more DNIS's in the after-hours-agent slots and don't define any times. Any
failed call will always be directed to the list of after-hours-agents.
The next example illustrates how to organize call survivability functionality by incoming DNIS, create
a separate application for each DNIS and apply desired call recovery properties to each application. For
Assume billing callers dial 45XX and sales callers dial 55XX to access Customer Voice Portal.
Assume that a billing call fails somewhere in the course of the call:
– If the call fails and the call had been in Customer Voice Portal less than 30 seconds (this would
also include the case where the call had *never* made it to Customer Voice Portal, i.e. 0
seconds), send the caller back through the PSTN via a *8 takeback to 8005556666.
– If the call fails and the call had been in Customer Voice Portal greater than or equal to 30
seconds, send the caller back through the PSTN via a *8 takeback to 8007778888.
Assume that a sales call fails somewhere in the course of the call:
– If the call fails (in this case, the amount of time the call had been in Customer Voice Portal is
irrelevant), send the caller back through the PSTN via a hairpin transfer to 8009990000.
Assume the PSTN switch is sending ANI and DNIS in such a way that the ANI and DNIS are
concatenated together in the DNIS field. Assume that ANI length is 10 and DNIS length is 4. Also
assume that ANI can be blank, e.g. blocked callerID.
The IOS configuration elements necessary to accomplish these cases is shown below.
Dial-peers 2 and 4 are necessary in the event of no ANI (blocked caller ID). The lower preferences of
dial-peers 2 and 4 is to protect against the case where a caller's ANI begins with, say, 45. For example,
assume caller with ANI 4521111111 dials the sales DNIS. Without lower preferences, the caller would
have matched dial-peer 2 and gone to the billing application instead of sales (you wanted it to match
dial-peer 3).
#------------------------------------------------------------------------The following are the configuration elements for the second example:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
Call Survivability
dial-peer voice pots 1
preference 1
application billing
incoming called-number ..........45..
dial-peer voice pots 2
preference 2
application billing
incoming called-number 45..
dial-peer voice pots 3
preference 1
application sales
incoming called-number ..........55..
dial-peer voice pots 4
preference 2
application sales
incoming called-number 55..
dial-peer voice pots 5
destination-pattern 8009990000
port 7/0:D (or whatever port is desired)
dial-peer voice voip 6
incoming called-number 8009990000
codec g711ulaw (To force the call to g711ulaw on the outgoing hairpin)
service billing flash:survivability.tcl
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
paramspace english location flash:
paramspace english prefix en
param after-hours-agent0 DTMF*8,,,8005556666
param after-hours-isntime0 <30
param after-hours-agent1 DTMF*8,,,8007778888
param after-hours-isntime1 >29
param ani-dnis-split 10:4
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
VoIP Configuration
Chapter 8
VoIP Configuration
Call Survivability
service sales flash:survivability.tcl
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
paramspace english location flash:
paramspace english prefix en
param after-hours-agent0 8009990000
param ani-dnis-split 10:4
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Chapter 8
Call Survivability
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
VoIP Configuration
This appendix contains troubleshooting information for the Customer Voice Portal and the Cisco
products with which it interacts.
Table A-1 summarizes the symptoms discussed in this appendix and points to where to find information
for possible solutions:
Table A-1
Troubleshooting Table of Contents
See page
Application Server
Window 2000 Application Log fills up
Page A-6
Application Server will not start correctly after IP Address is Page A-6
Callers hear critical error message
Page A-6
“ISN does not support transfer to audio file” error in log
Page A-6
Cannot start Application Server
Page A-7
“Invalid ICM VRU Script Configuration Parameter” error
Page A-7
Unable to open the DOS command window or other
Page A-8
The following error appears frequently in the App Server log: Page A-8
Server. Last tried
BACKUP asr-en-US-backup.
tried:0, backup tried:1"
Voice Browser
App Server may unintentionally stop service.
Page A-8
App Server doesn’t stop when the machine restarts.
Page A-8
Hyperthreading enabled degrades Customer Voice Portal
Page A-8
Application Server continually goes in and out of service
Page A-9
Windows 2000 Application Log fills up
Page A-10
Voice Browser is not running; no console window present
Page A-10
“Voice Browser to Application Server Connection
Unsuccessful” alarm
Page A-10
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Table A-1
Troubleshooting Table of Contents (continued)
See page
Voice Browser fails to retrieve a media file
Page A-11
Callers hear critical error message
Page A-11
Calls are rejected by the Customer Voice Portal Voice
Page A-12
Error code 9 is returned from a Micro-application request
Page A-12
Error code 32 is returned from a Micro-application request
Page A-13
Error message in the Voice Browser logs states “INFO: No
gatekeeper configured.
Page A-13
Error message in the Voice Browser logs states “ERROR:
Page A-13
Voice Browser must be registered with Gatekeeper to perform
IP transfers” during a call.
An error message in the Voice Browser logs states
“unexpected event for the gatekeeper registration.
Page A-13
A prompt file from Media Server didn’t run.
Page A-14
Hyperthreading enabled degrades Customer Voice Portal
Page A-14
Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser process restarts
Page A-14
Numeric data is not playing in the expected format or
Application Server is reporting a “Variable Data is Invalid”
Page A-15
One-Way Audio on a Voice Gateway after IP Transfer
Page A-15
Caller does not hear prompted or an expected event does not Page A-15
take place
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Table A-1
Troubleshooting Table of Contents (continued)
See page
Caller hears nothing; ICM and Application Server do not
detect any problems
Page A-15
Speech recognition fails
Page A-16
Speech and DTMF keystroke recognition seem to take a long Page A-16
time to complete, and initial words or keystrokes are missed
Hearing English system critical media when the locale is set Page A-16
to something other than en-us.
ScanSoft Server does not recognize Wide Character String
Page A-16
Caller does not hear prompted or an expected event does not Page A-16
take place
Transfer and Connect
DTMF tones not recognized
Page A-18
Same prompt repeats multiple times
Page A-19
Garbled Prompts or Voice
Page A-19
Large number of invalid entries for speech recognition
Page A-20
Intermittently, prompts are not played - Random prompts,
random ICM scripts
Page A-20
Clicking noise is heard during Scansoft TTS on IP phones
Page A-20
Excessive unavailable ASR errors in Customer Voice Portal
VXML Server application error log
Page A-20
Taking a call back for IVR treatment or network transfer does Page A-21
not work
The call could transfer from Agent 1 to Agent 2, but not from Page A-21
Agent 2 to Agent 3.
The caller does not hear a prompt or an expected event does Page A-21
not take place
Switch transfer is not going to the Gateway defined in the
Gatekeeper zone prefix command
Page A-21
An Agent cannot transfer calls back to the Customer Voice
Portal or to another Agent.
Page A-22
An agent cannot perform a consult transfer and conference to Page A-22
a second agent if NetworkTransferEnabled is set to 1.
One-way voice after agent transfer
Page A-23
No ring tone heard when transfer to IPCC agent
Page A-23
Post-route transfers do not work
Page A-24
The caller is disconnected when the called party answers the Page A-22
phone during a Two B-Channel (TBCT) call transfer.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Table A-1
Troubleshooting Table of Contents (continued)
See page
Establishing Calls
When a call is IP transferred, the caller is disconnected
Page A-25
Calls are dropped when a caller tries to invoke supplementary Page A-25
services like Call Hold, consult or conference.
Calls do not get established to Voice Browser and message
Page A-26
“ERROR: radMain: H.225 port 1720 required for Voice
Browser is in use by some other application” appears in Voice
Browser logs.
A call placed from an analog phone on an FXS port does not Page A-26
appear to trigger the new_call.vxml application.
An error message in the VB logs states: “ERROR:
Page A-26
Supplementary service invoked by Caller. This feature is not
Calls are dropped when trying to transfer the call the in
“Queue and Transfer” deployment model.
Page A-26
The call is disconnected when attempting to get VRU
Treatment in the “Comprehensive” deployment model.
Page A-26
The call is disconnected during IP transfer and the
Gatekeeper is configured on Customer Voice Portal Voice
Page A-26
The call is disconnected when you attempt to get VRU
treatment in a “comprehensive” deployment model and
Gatekeeper is configured on Customer Voice Portal Voice
Page A-27
Calls are dropped when a caller tries to invoke supplementary Page A-27
services like Call Hold, consult or conference.
An error message in the VB logs states: “ERROR:
Page A-27
Supplementary service invoked by Caller. This feature is not
Calls are dropped when trying to transfer the call the in
“Queue and Transfer” deployment model.
Page A-27
The call is disconnected when attempting to get VRU
Treatment in the “Comprehensive” deployment model.
Page A-27
The call is disconnected during IP transfer and the
Gatekeeper is configured on Customer Voice Portal Voice
Page A-27
The call is disconnected when you attempt to get VRU
treatment in a “comprehensive” deployment model and
Gatekeeper is configured on Customer Voice Portal Voice
Page A-27
Agent goes ready but caller in queue never delivered to agent. Page A-28
Call disconnected as soon as agent answers.
Page A-29
Caller hears prompt and then dead air or is disconnected.
Page A-30
Callers hear system error message.
Page A-30
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Table A-1
Troubleshooting Table of Contents (continued)
See page
Caller is restarted at the beginning of the ICM script.
Page A-31
Call immediately disconnected – caller hears nothing.
Page A-31
Calls are dropped in H225 with a CV=41 which shows a
"temporary failure".
Page A-31
Call might not go through the Customer Voice Portal so a
Page A-32
prompt will not be played; an error warning message appear
in the Application Server log
When an agent becomes available during prompt play in a
Queue to Skill Group script, the transfer never happens.
Page A-32
The ICM script fails on a Run VRU script node; no failure is Page A-32
indicated in the Application Server log.
In a NAM/CICM environment, an ICM timeout occurs; no
Page A-32
error is indicated in the Application Server or Voice Browser
The contents of an ECC Variable configured in Script Editor Page A-33
are truncated after passing through the Application Server.
A new call arriving at the Customer Voice Portal receives a
default route label from the ICM.
Call Manager
Page A-33
.asp errors occur on the Call Manager; Call Manager does not Page A-34
function normally
Problems with IP transfer
Page A-34
IP Phone
One-way audio occurs after IP transfer
Page A-36
Content Switch Server
CSS shows app server out of service but app server is up.
Page A-36
Customer Voice Portal
VoiceXML Server
Call Start element is deleted from the application
Page A-37
In DTMF-only adapter, pressing digit 9 while using options
causes no-match after 10 seconds.
Page A-38
Generally erratic behavior when everything is configured
Page A-39
Page A-39
"java is not a recognized program" error when running .bat
files after upgrade to Windows 2000.
Page A-40
General Solution
Unable to open DOS command window or other application Page A-40
Customer Voice Portal does not install and/or run due to
missing MSJVM (Microsoft Java Virtual machine)
Page A-41
DC Directory Service will not start
Page A-41
CPU excessively high on gateway (> 80% as shown in ‘show Page A-42
proc cpu hist’)
Running out of ECC variable space
Page A-43
RONA and Router re-query not working as expected
Page A-44
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Application Server
Table A-1
Troubleshooting Table of Contents (continued)
See page
Errors reported by various Customer Voice Portal
components. ICM script fails calls from Play Media node,
many calls abnormally disconnect.
Page A-44
General Troubleshooting Problems
Page A-45
Application Server
Table A-2 describes how to resolve problems you might encounter with the Application Server interface.
Table A-2
Application Server Troubleshooting
Possible Cause and Solution
Windows 2000 Application
Possible Cause:
Log fills up. Clearing the log Possible Solution:
only remedies this
After changing the IP
Address of the Application
Server machine, the
Application Server will not
start correctly.
Event log settings are not set to roll over.
Change the Event setting so that the Application Log rolls over by doing
the following:
Select Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer.
Right-click Application Log and select Properties from the menu.
Select the Overwrite events as needed option.
Click Apply and OK.
Possible Cause:
Some unnecessary protocols might have been installed. For example,
NetBEUI has been known to fill the event log.
Possible Solution:
Uninstall protocols that are not necessary in this application.
Possible Cause:
Information is not registered with Windows 2000 Services.
Possible Solution:
Do the following:
Callers hear critical error
Possible Cause:
media and “Dialogue Failure
Event” errors appear in the
Application Server log files.
Select Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Services.
Stop and start the DC Directory Service.
Stop and start the IIS service.
If a call reaches the end of ICM script processing without being queued
or released, the ICM sends a “Dialogue Failure Event” message to the
Application Server. The Application Server, in turn, sends an error
message to the Voice Browser.
Possible Solution:
The author of the script must ensure that each path in the script should
end with one of the following Script Editor nodes: Release, Label, Skill
Group, or Queue to Skill Group.
Possible Cause:
ISN does not support transfer
to audio file” error appears in Possible Solution:
the Application Server log
The Customer Voice Portal script on the NAM/ICM includes a Busy or
Ring node.
Customer Voice Portal does not support the Busy or Ring nodes; remove
them from the script.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Application Server
Table A-2
Application Server Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
Cannot start Application
Server with error message
“5:May 30 11:46:30.403
EDT %ISN-ENG-3-Error in
initializing RMI Manager: to start RMI
already in use:1099; nested
exception is: in use”
Possible Cause:
Possible Solution:
Customer Voice Portal uses 1099 as the default RMI port for the
communication between Application Administration and the
Application Server Engine. If this port is used by other application,
Customer Voice Portal will not be able to start up. Possible reasons
The port is used by the operating system for other purposes, such as
a Mapped Network Drive to another machine.
The port is used by another application, such as the Voice Browser
or Messenger, which is given the port to use by the Windows 2000
operating system from the ephemeral port range (ports which are
not designated as “well known” and, thus, available for use).
If the application using Customer Voice Portal default RMI port 1099 is
not necessary, such as Messenger, you need to shut down the application
and restart it after starting ISN.
If the application must be run on the same server as the Application
Server, and if it cannot be configured to avoid the use of port 1099,
change the RMI port number configured at the Application Server. If the
Cisco Customer Voice Portal Application Server Service is running, shut
it down. Then change the RMI port in Application Administration to
another available TCP port in the range 1024-64000 and restart the
You can enter netstat -a in a DOS command window to view the
list of currently in-use TCP ports; choose a port number not in that
By changing the RMI port, on the Application Administration Engine
Status page, you will see the yellow traffic light appear with the
UNAVAILABLE state temporarily before all subsystems states change
to the RUNNING state.
An error similar to the
Possible Cause:
following is seen in the
Application Server log:
Possible Solution:
“83320:Oct 02 18:03:48.429
:Invalid ICM VRU Script
There might be a problem with how the ECC variables are defined
through Configure ICM or the Script Editor’s Set node.
Verify all ECC variable configuration information: length, spelling,
what values are specified through Set nodes, etc.
Remember that the word grammar ends with an ar.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Application Server
Table A-2
Application Server Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
Unable to open the DOS
command window or other
Possible Cause:
The number of Customer Voice Portal ports is set too high for the rated
capacity of the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser
Possible Solution:
Make sure the following configuration settings do not exceed the
maximum capacity of your Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser
In Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser:
The following error appears
frequently in the App Server
Check ShowMaxTotalCalls in VBAdmin.
In Customer Voice Portal Application Server (if the Application
Server resides on the same machine as Customer Voice Portal Voice
Browser), select Engine Configuration > Advanced Settings >
Max Number of Concurrent Sessions.
Select Call Definitions > Maximum Number of Calls.
Select Call Definitions > Total Number of Ports.
Possible Cause:
Missing parameters in the nuance-resources.txt file.
Possible Solution:
If you are using Nuance speech recognition to recognize DTMF digits,
be sure the following parameters are in your nuance-resources.txt file
on the recognition server machine:
ING:Retrying ASR
Server. Last tried
primary tried:0,
backup tried:1"
App Server may
unintentionally stop service.
App Server doesn’t stop
when the machine restarts.
Possible Cause
When an ICM timeout occurs, the latency calculation becomes skewed
and the App Server may unintentionally stop services.
Possible Solution
Set the “New Call Throughput Upper Threshold” and “Event
Throughput Upper Threshold” Load-Limiting Settings to a large value
(30,000 ms). For more information, see the section entitled: Chapter 5,
“Engine Administration: Engine Configuration”.
Possible Cause
If the App Server and DC Directory Services start types are set to
automatic, after installing ISN, when the machine restarts, the DC
Directory is in a starting state, and the App Server can’t be stopped.
Possible Solution
Change the DC Directory and App Server start type from “automatic” to
When hyperthreading is
enabled, Customer Voice
Portal performance is
You must remember to manually start the services each time you
restart the machine. Start the DC Directory first.
Possible Cause
When hyperthreading is enable in Windows 2000 SP4 on the
Application Server, the number of concurrent calls handled decreases by
approximately ten percent.
Possible Solution
Disable hyperthreading in Windows 2000 on the Application Server.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Application Server
Table A-2
Application Server Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
Application Server
Possible Cause:
continually goes in and out of
Possible Cause 1:
Very long ICM timeouts cause the App Server to exceed its latency
thresholds for going out-of-service.
Possible Cause 2:
There aren’t enough ports configured in the App Server to handle the
call volume.
Possible Cause 3:
Two different VRU PIM’s are pointing to the same App Server.
Possible Solution:
Possible Solution 1:
If you see the message “Average latency time exceeded maximum
allowed, going out of service”, this is the problem.
Workaround: in AppAdmin->Engine->Engine Configuration, set "New
Call Throughput Upper Threshold" to 30000 and "Call Event
Throughput Upper Threshold" to 30000.
Possible Solution 2:
If you see the following error in the App Server log:
“INFORMATIONAL:Port usage percent exceeded maximum allowed,
going out of service - The max number of active ports has been reached”,
or “INFORMATIONAL:Entering fully loaded state, going out of service
- Ports are all busy on group XXXX”, this is the problem.
Check three values in AppAdmin->CallDefinitions.
1.Number of ports in 100 port group
2.Number of ports in 200 port group
3.Total number of calls
In Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive mode, the number of ports in
the 100 port group should equal the number of calls in the 200 port
group, and the sum of the two should be <= Total Number of Calls. Note:
ISN does not have a license validation mechanism. Ask the
partner/customer how many licenses were purchased for ISN before
recommending this change.
Possible Solution3:
In all ICM VRU PIM command windows, check the host name/IP and
port to which the PIM is trying to connect. This value is set in the VRU
PIM setup screens. If there are multiple PIM’s trying to connect to the
same App Server, one must be changed to point to another App Server.
Note: the port at which the App Server expects to receive the PIM
connect is defined under AppAdmin->ICM->VRU Connection Port.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Voice Browser
Voice Browser
Table A-3 describes how to resolve problems you might encounter with the Voice Browser interface.
Table A-3
Voice Browser Troubleshooting
Possible Cause and Solution
Windows 2000 Application
Possible Cause:
Log fills up. Clearing the log Possible Solution:
only remedies this
The Voice Browser does not
appear to be running and no
Voice Browser console
window is present. Attempts
to run VBAdmin generate a
“Failure to Connect” error
message, followed by
termination of VBAdmin.
Event log settings are not set to roll over.
Change the Event setting so that the Application Log rolls over by doing
the following:
Select Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer.
Right-click Application Log and select Properties from the menu.
Select the Overwrite events as needed option.
Click Apply and OK.
Possible Cause:
Some unnecessary protocols might have been installed. For example,
NetBEUI has been known to fill the event log.
Possible Solution:
Uninstall protocols that are not required by this application.
Possible Cause:
The Voice Browser service has started, meaning the Node Manager is
running, however, the Voice Browser program itself is not running. The
Voice Browser might not be able to start because of a bad registry
Possible Solution:
Check the latest Voice Browser EMS logs for problems with a registry
The “Voice Browser to
Possible Cause:
Application Server
Connection Unsuccessful”
Possible Solution:
alarm is generated twice for a
given Application Server.
One alarm references the
Application Server by
hostname; the other
references the IP Address.
Depending on the configuration, the Voice Browser contacts the
Application Server both by hostname and IP Address.
Each of the alarms will be cleared independently when the Voice
Browser successfully contacts the Application Server.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Voice Browser
Table A-3
Voice Browser Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
Voice Browser fails to
Possible Cause:
retrieve a media file even
though the correct filepath is
Possible Solution:
Callers hear the critical error Possible Cause:
Possible Solution:
The IUSR_ComputerName Internet User Account is disabled. IIS
requires this account to be enabled for anonymous user to access
Internet Service.
Enable IUSR_ComputerName in the User Management window:
On your Windows Desktop, right-click on My Computer.
Select Manage.
Expand the Explorer tree, System Tools > Local Users and Groups
> Users.
Select the User you want to enable.
In the Properties dialog box, make sure that the “Account is
disabled” option is not checked.
Click Apply and OK.
The Voice Browser is unable to connect to an Application Server for call
Do the following:
In VBAdmin, enter ShowStatus.
Locate the Current State status. If the Current State is not In
Service, all calls will hear critical media errors; use the
SetServiceMode command to place the Voice Browser In Service.
If the Voice Browser Current State is In Service, look at the Voice
Browser log files for clues. For example, check that the Voice
Browser is connecting to the Application Server that you would
expect it to.
In Application Administration, use the Engine Status page to check
if the Application Server that you are connecting to is In Service.
Possible Cause:
The ICM is returning an error to the Application Server for the call.
Possible Solution:
Do the following:
From any Engine Administration page in Application
Administration, click the Log files link. The Log files page appears,
displaying a list of the Application Server Log files that currently
Click a File name link to open the log in a Browser window.
Examine the log. If the ICM is returning an error to the Application
Server, an error message will appear.
If an ICM error appears in the log file, look at the ICM script and
configuration for more information.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Voice Browser
Table A-3
Voice Browser Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
Calls are rejected by the
Possible Cause:
Customer Voice Portal Voice
Even though a call may be immediately transferred upon arrival at ISN,
there is a brief period (a few seconds) that the call is in IVR state until
the endpoint answers the call. So, even if all calls appear to transfer
immediately, you still need an adequate value set for MaxIVRPorts to
handle those few seconds of IVR state for each call.
When a new call arrives at the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser, it
looks to see whether it can admit that calls based on how many IVR ports
are in use and how many total calls there are. If the new call makes either
of those values exceed the Max limits, the call is rejected.
Possible Solution:
Error code 9 is returned from Possible Cause:
a Micro-application request
Possible Solution:
Perform the following solution:
Determine the capacity of the Customer Voice Portal Voice
Browser, based on the installed hardware, software version,
software licenses and call flows.
Check ShowMaxIVRPorts and ShowMaxTotalCalls from the
VBAdmin interface for the current settings.
Use the showStatistics option from VBAdmin if the problem is
currently present. If not, check the log interval statistics “Calls in
Progress” and “IVR Ports in use” for the period during which the
problem occurred. If that data is not available, check the log
statistics since startup: “Max Simultaneous Calls” and “Max IVR
Determine whether the IVR port max setting is high enough to
handle the maximum number of calls that may be receiving IVR
treatment. Remember that even a call that is immediately
transferred, as in Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Mode, will
be in the IVR state for a few seconds.
Determine whether the results indicate that the maximum number of
calls allowed is high enough to handle the number of calls.
If there are not enough IVR Ports and there is additional capacity
rated for the equipment, increase the MaxTotalCalls by using
If there are not enough IVR ports and/or not enough calls allowed
and there is no additional capacity on the Customer Voice Portal
Voice Browser, you must add an additional Voice Browser.
Error code 9 usually means that a media file could not be read. However,
if you are using external VXML, it may also indicate a format error in
that VXML document.
Verify and correct the external VXML document. Voice Browsers
sometimes differ from one another in their interpretation of the
standards or in their level of support for various tags and attributes.
Check the Voice Gateway documentation to ensure that the document
you provide matches their specifications.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Voice Browser
Table A-3
Voice Browser Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
Error code 32 is returned
from a Micro-application
request node
Possible Cause:
Error code 32 usually means that the TTS service was unable to perform
a request due to resource limitations. However, it may also indicate that
an unsupported locale was specified.
Possible Solution:
Verify that the locale is spelled correctly, and that it is supported by your
TTS service provider. Also be sure that the necessary TTS language
package is installed, if required by your service provider.
Error message in the Voice
Possible Cause:
Browser logs states “INFO:
No gatekeeper configured.
The Voice Browser cannot
perform IP Transfers” during
The Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser is not successfully registered
with the H.323 Gatekeeper.
Error message in the Voice
Browser logs states
“ERROR: Voice Browser
must be registered with
Gatekeeper to perform IP
transfers” during a call.
Follow these steps:
Possible Solution:
Set the gatekeeper from the VBAdmin using “setGK <Gatekeeper
IP address>.” Restart the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser after
changing the H.323 gatekeeper.
Verify that Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser is successfully
registered with H.323 Gatekeeper using the following command in
Gatekeeper: “show gatekeeper endpoints.” You should see an entry
of the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser IP address in the
“Gatekeeper endpoint Registration” table.
Verify that the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser reports a
successful registration confirm from the H.323 Gatekeeper during
startup. The following messages in Customer Voice Portal Voice
Browser logs indicate the successful registration of Customer Voice
Portal Voice Browser with H.323 Gatekeeper:
– INFO: Gatekeeper configured is
– INFO: cmEvRASConfirm:: RegistrationConfirm received from
H.323 GK
An error message in the
Voice Browser logs states
“unexpected event for the
gatekeeper registration.
Please make sure H.323
Gatekeeper is up and
Possible Cause:
The configured H.323 Gatekeeper is not running or Gatekeeper is
configured incorrect.
Possible Solution:
Follow these steps:
Make sure the H.323 Gatekeeper is running on the IP address
configured in the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser. Verify that
the correct IP address (and not host name) of H.323 Gatekeeper is
configured in the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser by using the
“sGK” command from Voice Browser Admin.
Verify that the IP network connectivity between the Customer Voice
Portal Voice Browser and H.323 Gatekeeper.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Voice Browser
Table A-3
Voice Browser Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
A prompt file from Media
Server didn’t run.
Possible Cause
Other symptoms of this issue
may include:
Possible Solution:
• There is an error
message in the Voice
Browser logs stating
“Invalid encoding.”
There is an error
message in the Voice
Possible Cause:
Browser logs stating
“ERROR: Audio file had Possible Solution:
a bad header.”
Codec mismatch between the Voice Browser configured codec and
Audio file codec.
Follow these steps:
Convert the prompt file codec to the Voice Browser configured
codec (g711Alaw64K or g711Ulaw64K).
Verify that the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser codec is using
the “sCodec” command from VBAdmin and check the prompt file
properties to verify that codec matches the VB configured codec.
The audio file is not a valid .wav file.
Re-record or convert the audio file in standard .wav format.
There is an error
message in the Voice
Browser logs that states
“ERROR: Payload type
in audio file doesn’t
match the payload
supported by the Voice
When hyperthreading is
enabled, Customer Voice
Portal performance is
Possible Cause
When hyperthreading is enable in Windows 2000 SP4 on the Voice
Browser, the number of concurrent calls handled decreases by
approximately ten percent.
Possible Solution
Disable hyperthreading in Windows 2000 on the Voice Browser
Customer Voice Portal Voice Possible Cause:
Browser process restarts
Possible Solution:
Possible Cause 1:
An internal catastrophic error occurred in the Voice Browser.
Possible Cause 2:
The user accidentally hung the Voice Browser console window by
highlighting text on the screen of using the scroll bar to view the
contents of the console window
Possible Solution 1:
Check the Voice Browser logs for an occurrence of the word
“EXCEPTION” around the time of the failure. If found, this indicates
catastrophic memory corruption. Contact the Cisco TAC.
Possible Solution 2:
Check the Voice Browser logs for an occurrence of the phrase “Voice
Browser will be restarted in 1800 seconds”. Provided there are no
EXCEPTION errors around that time, this is a good indication that the
user inadvertently hung the voice browser process.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Table A-4 describes how to resolve problems you might encounter with the audio interface.
Table A-4
Audio Troubleshooting
Possible Cause and Solution
Numeric data is not playing Possible Cause:
in the expected format or
Application Server is
reporting a “Variable Data is
Invalid” error.
Possible Solution:
One-Way Audio on a AS5350 Possible Cause:
or AS 5400 Voice Gateway
after an IP Transfer.
Possible Solution:
The ICM script might be:
Truncating values with leading 0’s or 0’s after decimals.
Rounding values.
Put quotes around numbers in a Script Editor Set node so they will be
processed as a string. This is especially important if:
Leading 0’s are present (example: dates).
Trailing 0’s are present after a decimal point (example: currency).
The number is very large (example: a number normally expressed
through exponential notation).
One-way audio after a remote H.323 device sends the VoIP-Gateway a
HOLD or TRANSFER message.
Disable the voice-fastpath command on the Gateway, using the syntax:
no voice-fastpath disable
This command is enabled by default and the syntax is hidden.
Possible Cause:
The Gateway and Call Manager are in different subnets and no IP route
defined in the Gateway.
Possible Solution:
Ping from the Gateway to the Call Manager and also from the Call
Manager to the Gateway. If there is a problem with pinging, add an IP
route for the different subnet in the Gateway.
For example, specify the command ip route
where is the default routing gateway for the Gateway. This
command enables routing to all subnets.
After entering this command, ping again; you should be able to listen to
the two-way voice.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Table A-4
Audio Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
When a call is made, the
Possible Cause:
caller does not hear a prompt Possible Solution:
or an expected event (such as
a transfer) does not take
There has been a misconfiguration on the ICM.
Do the following:
In Configure ICM, under Network VRU Scripts, note the Network
VRU for the Network VRU script in the ICM Run VRU Script node.
In Configure ICM, under Labels for the Network VRU that is
running the ICM Script, click Set Target, click Network VRU and
select the Network VRU noted in Step 1.
Caller hears nothing;
however, ICM and
Application Server logs do
not indicate any problems.
When using VRU Types 2 or 5, try running Call Tracer.
Possible Cause:
An error has occurred in the ISN.
Possible Solution:
Do the following:
Use Monitor mode in the ICM Script Editor to see if the call is
following the expected path (that is, it does not travel through an X
Check the Application Server and Voice Browser logs to see what
the error or warning messages have been generated.
Possible Cause:
There may be a problem with explicitly appending a .wav extension to
the Network VRU Script Name.
Possible Solution:
In Configure ICM, remove the .wav extension from the Network VRU
Script name. For example, if the name is PM,welcome.wav, change it to
Speech Recognition fails,
Possible Cause:
and the
Possible Solution:
ECC variable is 31, 32 or 33.
Some type of ASR/TTS issue exists.
Do the following:
Check to make sure the ASR/TTS is running. If they are not, start
the services.
Check to make sure the host names that connect the gateway to
ASR/TTS are configured properly. If they aren’t, configure them
If these procedures don’t work, contact your ASR/TTS vendor.
Speech and DTMF keystroke Possible Cause:
recognition seem to take a
Possible Solution:
long time to complete, and
initial words or keystrokes
are missed
Using M, GD or GS Micro-applications with input_type set to 'B' (both)
Hearing English system
critical media when the
locale is set to something
other than en-us
Possible Cause:
The language specific prompts were not copied to the Voice Browser.
Possible Solution:
You need to copy the language specific prompts to the Voice Browser.
See Chapter 3, “System Media File Error Messages”for more
information on copying language prompts.
Virus scanning can severely degrade recognition speed if you have it
running in your recognition servers. Check with your recognition
service provider for their recommendations on how to configure virus
scanning for maximum protection and minimum performance impact.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Table A-4
Audio Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
Start of speech not flagged in Possible Cause:
Scansoft config file causing
dtmf barge-in not to be
Possible Solution:
Change made to Scansoft OSSserver.cfg file under
ScanSoft\SpeechWorks OpenSpeech Media Server\Server\config
Scansoft Speech Recognition Possible Cause
Server does not recognize
Possible Solution
Wide Character String
ScanSoft server not configured for Wide Character String Grammars
Set the following:
server.session.ossrec.mrcp.startOfSpeechOnDTMF VXIInteger 1
Set the following:
In the \ScanSoft\SpeechWorks OpenSpeech Media Server\Server\config
directory, modify the OSSserver.cfg file to add
VXIInteger 0
In the OSSserver.cfg, set:
server.transport.dtmfPayloadType VXIInteger 101
Long pauses between
Possible Cause:
Possible Cause 1:
There is a WAIT node in the ICM script.
Possible Cause 2:
There is delay in the network or one of the components in the solution.
Possible Solution:
Possible Solution 1:
WAIT nodes are not supported with Customer Voice Portal. Check for
WAIT nodes in the ICM script and remove them.
Possible Solution 2:
The point of latency must be isolated and fixed.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Table A-4
Audio Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
DTMF tones not recognized
Possible Cause:
Possible Cause 1:
If using ASR, and the caller is using an IP phone, the DTMF is not being
sent to the ASR server for recognition.
Possible Cause 2:
If using ASR, and the caller is coming from the PSTN, the gateway
dial-peers may be incorrectly configured.
Possible Cause 3:
If using Scansoft ASR, the DTMF payload type is incorrectly configured
in Scansoft.
Possible Solution:
Possible Solution 1:
DTMF recognition from an IP phone with ASR ss not supported in IOS
until Customer Voice Portal 3.0. Either:
Upgrade the customer to Customer Voice Portal 3.1
Change the input_type ECC variable in the ICM script from “B” to
“D”. The limitation here is that the caller will now only be able to
press the DTMF key instead of having the option to either press or
say the digit.
Possible Solution 2:
In Customer Voice Portal comprehensive mode, there are two voip
dial-peers involved in the call: One to go from the gateway to the
Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser and one to go from the Customer
Voice Portal Voice Browser to the IVR gateway. Each of these dial-peers
must have the following attributes to make DTMF be recognized
dial-peer voice 800 voip
destination-pattern 8.........
session target ipv4:
dtmf-relay rtp-nte h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
codec g711ulaw
no vad
Possible Solution 3:
In Scansoft config file C:\Program Files\ScanSoft\SpeechWorks
OpenSpeech Media Server\Server\config\OssServer.cfg, change the
following value from 96 to 101:
server.transport.dtmfPayloadType VXIInteger101
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Table A-4
Audio Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
Same prompt repeats
multiple times
Possible Cause:
If using ASR/TTS, the gateway cannot connect to the ASR or TTS
Possible Solution:
In AppAdmin,->Engine->EngineConfiguration there is a field called
“Number of tries for ASR/TTS server”. The default is two. In the event
the gateway cannot connect to the ASR or TTS server, it will try this
number of times total. When that happens, the prompt will repeat on
each subsequent try. Also, on the gateway the customer can specify a
backup ASR/TTS server (look for “ip host asr-en-us-backup” or
“tts-en-us-backup” in the gateway ‘show run’ config). If specified, the
gateway will also try the backup server this number of times, making for
a total of (2 * Number of Tries) that the caller will hear the prompt
repeat. The solution is to rectify the connection to the ASR/TTS server.
Possible Cause:
Possible Cause 1:
There is a PIX firewall between the gateway and Customer Voice Portal
or between gateway and Call Manager
Garbled Prompts or Voice
Possible Cause 2:
There is latency in the network causing IP phone jitter or bad quality
Possible Solution:
Possible Solution 1:
PIX firewalls and voice solutions sometimes do not play well together.
There have been multiple cases (2 CAP’s) where putting a PIX firewall
in between solution components caused erratic, unpredictable
behaviors. If possible, have the customer circumvent the firewall to see
if that alleviates the garbled speech If it does appear to be a firewall
issue, the case will need to be requeued to PIX.
Possible Solution 2:
On the IP phone (if the problem is occurring from an agent desktop with
an associated hard phone, or from an originating IP phone), quickly tap
the “”i” button in the center of the phonepad twice. On the display, you
should now see statistics. Look at the Jitter amount. If this is in the
hundreds or higher, then the IP packets are getting delayed someplace in
the network.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Transfer and Connect
Table A-4
Audio Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
Large number of invalid
Possible Cause:
entries for speech recognition Possible Solution:
Call Manager has an incorrectly configured service parameter
When the Speech recognition server recognizes voice input, it
determines a confidence score that signifies how confident the server is
that it correctly matched caller input. This confidence score is anywhere
from 0 to 1.0 where 1.0 is 100% confidence that the grammar match is
By default, Customer Voice Portal tells the Speech recognition server to
throw an invalid entry error for all confidences below 0.7 or 70% for
"GetDigits" and "Menu" and 0.5 or 50% for "GetSpeech". For some
applications, this value is too high and will result in false invalid entry
Consult the ASR vender to determine if the default confidence
thresholds used by Customer Voice Portal (0.7 for GetDigits and Menu,
0.5 for GetSpeech) is incorrect for your applications. If the default
values are indeed incorrect and need to be changed, the Customer Voice
Portal templates will need to be adjusted. Contact Cisco TAC for
instructions on template modification.
Intermittently, prompts are
Possible Cause:
not played - Random
Possible Solution:
prompts, random ICM scripts
Media file caching is not configured correctly on the gateway.
Clicking noise is heard
during Scansoft TTS on IP
Change made to Scansoft OSSserver.cfg file under
Possible Cause:
If media caching is not enabled on the gateway, the gateway must fetch
every prompt for every call. We have seen that this overloads some
internal mechanism on the gateway and causes prompt play failures.
For procedures on how to set up gateway caching, see Gateway Prompt
Caching Considerations, page C-92 of this manual.
ScanSoft\SpeechWorks OpenSpeech Media Server\Server\config
Possible Solution:
Set the following: VXIInteger 160
Excessive unavailable ASR
errors in Customer Voice
Portal VXML Server
application error log.
Possible Cause:
The default MRCP timeout value of 3 seconds needs to be increased.
Possible Solution:
The default MRCP timeout values need to be increased to 5 seconds on
the gateway as follows:
VoiceXML exception
mrcp client timeout connect 5
mrcp client timeout message 5
Transfer and Connect
Table A-5 describes how to resolve problems you might encounter during call transfer or connection.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Transfer and Connect
Table A-5
Transfer and Connect Troubleshooting
Possible Cause and Solution
Taking a call back for IVR
treatment or a subsequent
network transfer does not
Possible Cause:
The VRU PIM that connects to the Customer Voice Portal is not set to
Type 5.
Possible Solution:
In ICM Configuration Manager, Network VRU Explorer, change the
Type to 5.
Possible Cause:
The ICM script does not include a Set node setting the
Call.NetworkTransferEnabled variable to 1.
Possible Solution:
In any script that might perform VRU Network Transfer or Takeback for
IVR treatment, add a Set node at the beginning of the script setting the
Call.NetworkTransferEnabled variable to 1.
The call could transfer from
Agent 1 to Agent 2, but not
from Agent 2 to any other
For more information, see Chapter 2, “Using NAM/ICM with
the Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution.”
For more information on Network Transfer, see Appendix B,
“Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal.”
Possible Cause:
The second ICM script does not include a Set node setting the
Call.NetworkTransferEnabled variable to 1.
Possible Solution:
In the second ICM script, add a Set node at the beginning of the script
setting the Call.NetworkTransferEnabled variable to 1.
When a call is made, the
Possible Cause:
caller does not hear a prompt Possible Solution:
or an expected event (such as
a transfer) does not take
Switch Transfer is not going Possible Cause:
to the Gateway defined in the
Gatekeeper zone prefix
Possible Solution:
The NetworkTransferEnabled variable exists for future
network transfers, not for the current script. The first script (to
Agent 1) had the flag set so the Router knew that it had to do the
extra work that would allow Agent 1 to do a Network Transfer.
The second script (from Agent 1 to Agent 2) did not have the
variable set so the Router did not do the extra work needed to
allow a Network Transfer from Agent 2 to any other destination.
An error has occurred in the ISN.
Do the following:
Use Monitor mode in the ICM Script Editor to see if the call is
following the expected path (that is, it does not travel through an X
Check the Application Server and Voice Browser logs to see what
the error or warning messages have been generated.
The IP address of the outbound Gateway, which is registered with a DNS
name, is used in the zone prefix.
Use the same name of the outbound Gateway in zone prefix.
To verify the outbound Gatekeeper priority list, do the following:
Enter the show gatekeeper gw-type-prefix command in the
Gatekeeper CLI.
Enter the “show gatekeeper end” command in the gatekeeper CLI
and verify that H323 ID used by egress gateway/endpoint to register
with gatekeeper is used in the “Zone prefix” configuration of
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Transfer and Connect
Table A-5
Transfer and Connect Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
Agent cannot transfer calls
back to the Customer Voice
Portal or to another agent.
Possible Cause:
The CCM’s SingleStepTransferViaRedirect setting is incorrect. Other
symptoms: The OPCTest list indicates that the initial call has not
cleared; the Agent Desktop displays the initial call.
Possible Solution:
In the CCM, modify the SingleStepTransferViaRedirect setting to 1.
An agent cannot perform a
Possible Cause:
consult transfer and
conference to a second agent
if NetworkTransferEnabled
is set to 1.
Possible Solution:
Caller is disconnected when Possible Cause:
the called party answers the
phone, when the gateway is Possible Solution:
instructed to perform a Two
B-Channel Transfer (TBCT ),
either from an ICM script
label, a CVP VXML server
label, or from a survivability
script .
For more information, see the IPCC documentation.
The ICM router cannot distinguish between an agent pressing the
consult button vs. the blind transfer button. Therefore, for ICM, the
routing behavior is the same whether the agent types "1234" or presses
consult or blind transfer.
Uncheck the Network Transfer Preferred box on the CallManager PIM
in PG Explorer.
Set NetworkTransferEnabled to 1 if the agent is available, or to 0 if
the agent is not available.
If the agent is not available, they still need a Translation Route to
VRU node to make a call queue in the type 2 VRU.
The gateway trunk group and dial-peer are not correctly configured for
Follow the instructions for configuring TBCT transfers in the
“Configuring the Gateway for Two B-Channel Transfer (TBCT)”
section on page B-5.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Transfer and Connect
Table A-5
Transfer and Connect Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
One-way voice after agent
Possible Cause:
Possible Cause 1:
There is no IP Connectivity between the phone and the gateway.
Possible Cause 2:
This is a problem someplace in the H323 protocol in Call Manager, IOS,
or Customer Voice Portal.
Possible Solution:
Possible Solutions 1 (some of the more common solutions):
Enable IP Routing
Make sure your router has IP routing enabled, in other words, does
not have the global configuration command no ip routing.
To enable IP routing, simply type the following global configuration
command in your Cisco IOS gateway:
voice-ios-gwy(config)#ip routing
Cut-through Two Way Audio Early
In some cases it is necessary to establish a two-way audio path as
soon as the RTP channel is opened. In other words, before the
connect message is received. To achieve this, use the voice rtp
send-recv global configuration command
voice-ios-gwy(config)#voice rtp send-recv
Check Basic IP Routing
Basic IP reachability should always be checked first. As RTP
streams are connectionless (transported over UDP), traffic may
travel successfully in one direction, but get lost in the opposite
direction. See the above URL for more details.
Disable voice-fastpath
The Cisco IOS command voice-fastpath enable is a hidden global
configuration command for the AS5350 and AS5400, which is
enabled by default. To disable it, use:
voice-ios-gwy(config)#no voice-fastpath enable
Possible Solution 2:
If all the suggestions from Possible Solution 1 fail to fix the problem,
then this usually turns out to be a problem someplace in the H323
protocol. Use the logs to try to isolate the problem.
No ring tone heard when
transfer to IPCC agent
Possible Cause:
Call Manager has an incorrectly configured service parameter.
Possible Solution:
In CCMAdmin->Service->ServiceParameters->CiscoCallManager,
check the value of H323 parameter “Send H225 User Info Message”. It
must be set to “User Info for Ring Back Tone”.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Transfer and Connect
Table A-5
Transfer and Connect Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
Post-route transfers do not
Possible Cause:
Possible Solution:
There is an ICM configuration error.
Make sure the following are defined for the post-route number the
agent is transferring to:
Dialed number plan
dialed number
call type
Make sure post-routing is enabled on the Customer Voice Portal PG
in PG explorer under the Peripheral tab
Make sure NetworkTransferEnabled variable is set to 1 in the ICM
script that occurred *before* the post routing script. It is important
to note that the NetworkTransferEnabled variable applies to
*future* transfers, so it must be set in the script before the
post-route. If the agent is going to do more post-routes, it must also
be set at the beginning of the current post-route script.
The transfer label that is returned in the post-route script must be
defined in the Customer Voice Portal routing client. Assume for
example, that the label “1234” is returned from the ‘Queue to Skill
Group’ node in the post-route script. The ICM router must take that
label and determine to which routing client it will send the
CONNECT request. Here is the algorithm the router uses:
– Assuming the post-route request came from an IPCC agent, the
route request is originating from the Call Manager routing
– If 1234 is defined *only* in the Call Manager routing client, the
router will send the transfer to CM.
– If 1234 is defined *only* in the Customer Voice Portal routing
client, the router will send the transfer to Customer Voice
– If 1234 is defined for *both* CM and Customer Voice Portal
routing clients:
- If Network Transfer Preferred is checked on both the
Customer Voice Portal routing client, and the CM routing
client, the router will send the transfer to Customer Voice
- If Network Transfer Preferred is not checked on either the
Customer Voice Portal routing client or the CM routing client,
the router will send the transfer to CM.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Establishing calls
Establishing calls
Table A-6 describes how to resolve problems you might encounter in establishing calls.
Table A-6
Call Troubleshooting
Possible Cause and Solution
When a call is IP Transferred, Possible Cause:
the caller is disconnected.
Possible Solution:
Gateway and Gatekeeper cannot find each other on the network.
Make sure that the Gateway can ping the Gatekeeper and vice versa:
ping <gk ip address> from gw
ping <gw ip address> from gk
Make sure that Gateway and Gatekeeper can resolve each other’s names
to IP address.
Possible Cause:
Configuration on the Gateway might be incorrect.
Possible Solution:
Check the following:
There is a gateway command in the Gateway configuration.
The following commands exist in the Gateway “interface
FastEthernet0” configuration section:
interface FastEthernet0
h323-gateway voip interface
h323-gateway voip id <gk id> ipaddr <gk ip address> 1719
h323-gateway voip h323-id <gw host name or ip address>
h323-gateway voip tech-prefix 1#
Turn on debug in the Gateway with the following commands:
debug h225 asn1
debug cch323 ras
term mon
If the Gateway is configured properly, it should send a RAS
message to register with Gatekeeper.
Turn off debug in the Gateway using the following command:
no debug all
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Establishing calls
Table A-6
Call Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
Calls don’t get established to Possible Cause:
Voice Browser and message
“ERROR: radMain: H.225
port 1720 required for Voice
Browser is in use by some
other application” appears in
Voice Browser logs.
There might be conflicts for both the Voice Browser and the Application
Server with the Cisco Call Manager or any application that uses port
H.323 protocol says that all H.323 applications (like H.323 Gateway and
H.323 terminals) have to listen on port 1720 to get incoming calls. Thus
in theory, you cannot have a Voice Browser and Call Manager on the
same machine because both of them will try to occupy port 1720. The
one, which starts first, will occupy port 1720 and the other application
will not work as expected.
Some possible symptoms on the Voice Browser are:
Possible Solution:
A call placed from an analog Possible Cause:
phone on an FXS port does
not appear to trigger the
new_call.vxml application.
Possible Solution:
No trace messages are generated for calls (even if callflow and
interface tracing are enabled), but you know the Gateway dial peers
have been configured properly.
If you just rebooted the PC, one call might get through while the
Call Manager is starting, but then no more calls will go through after
the Call Manager is running.
Put the Voice Browser and/or Application Server and Cisco Call
Manager on separate machines.
There is no application session command defined on the POTS
dial-peer for the telephone’s voice port.
This command is necessary to enable phones on FXS ports to
run a VXML script.
On the POTS dial-peer, model your configuration after the following:
dial-peer voice 1000 pots
application session
destination-pattern 12016881000
port 1/0/0
Calls are dropped when a
caller tries to invoke
supplementary services like
Call Hold, consult or
An error message in the VB
logs states: “ERROR:
Supplementary service
invoked by Caller. This
feature is not supported.”
Possible Cause:
Caller is trying to invoke supplementary services like Call Hold, consult
or conference. This is an unsupported feature.
Possible Solution:
On CCM 4.0 (with supported Customer Voice Portal version), turn on
MTP (Media Termination Point) for the Customer Voice Portal Voice
Browser defined as an H.323 gateway.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Establishing calls
Table A-6
Call Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
Calls are dropped when
trying to transfer the call the
in “Queue and Transfer”
deployment model.
Possible Cause:
Possible Solution:
The call is disconnected
when attempting to get VRU
Treatment in the
deployment model.
The Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser is not successfully registered
with the H.323 Gatekeeper.
Follow these steps:
Set the gatekeeper from the VBAdmin using “setGK <Gatekeeper
IP address>.” Restart the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser after
changing the H.323 gatekeeper.
Verify that Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser is successfully
registered with H.323 Gatekeeper using the following command in
Gatekeeper: “show gatekeeper endpoints.” You should see an entry
of the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser IP address in the
“Gatekeeper endpoint Registration” table.
Verify that the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser reports a
successful registration confirm from the H.323 Gatekeeper during
startup. The following messages in Customer Voice Portal Voice
Browser logs indicate the successful registration of Customer Voice
Portal Voice Browser with H.323 Gatekeeper:
– INFO: Gatekeeper configured is
– INFO: cmEvRASConfirm:: RegistrationConfirm received from
H.323 GK
The call is disconnected
Possible Cause:
during IP transfer and the
Gatekeeper is configured on
Customer Voice Portal Voice
Possible Solution:
The call is disconnected
when you attempt to get VRU
treatment in a
deployment model and
Gatekeeper is configured on
Customer Voice Portal Voice
The configured H.323 Gatekeeper is not running or Gatekeeper is
configured incorrect.
Follow these steps:
Make sure the H.323 Gatekeeper is running on the IP address
configured in the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser. Verify that
the correct IP address (and not host name) of H.323 Gatekeeper is
configured in the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser by using the
“sGK” command from Voice Browser Admin.
Verify that the IP network connectivity between the Customer Voice
Portal Voice Browser and H.323 Gatekeeper.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Establishing calls
Table A-6
Call Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
Agent goes ready but caller
in queue never delivered to
Possible Cause:
Possible Cause 1:
The “Interruptible” box on the queuing Network VRU script is not
Possible Cause 2:
The agent Device Target does not have a label associated with the
Customer Voice Portal routing client.
Possible Cause 3:
The “NetworkTransferEnabled” flag has not been set to 1 in the ICM
Possible Cause 4:
The gatekeeper routing is incorrectly configured so that the Customer
Voice Portal voice browser cannot find the correct Call manager to
which to send the agent transfer.
Possible Solution:
Possible Solution 1:
In ICM Network VRU Script Explorer, look at the Network VRU script
that is queuing the caller. It must be marked “Interruptible” in order for
the ICM to be able to interrupt the script and deliver the caller to the
available agent.
Possible Solution 2:
In ICM Device Target explorer, look at the labels for the agent’s device
target. One of those labels must be associated with the Customer Voice
Portal routing client. If not, add one.
Possible Solution 3:
At the beginning of the first ICM caller entry script, and on every
post-route script that may be invoked later in the call, the
“NetworkTransferEnabled” variable should be set to 1.
Possible Solution 4:
The Voice Browser gets a device target label from the ICM. It must look
up that label in the gatekeeper in order to know to what IP address to
send the call.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Establishing calls
Table A-6
Call Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
Call disconnected as soon as Possible Cause:
agent answers.
Possible Solution:
There is a codec incompatibility between the phone and the codec
capabilities that Customer Voice Portal is sending.
Find the Region in which the phone resides. In CCMAdmin, check
the Device Pool the phone is in and the Region the Device Pool is in.
In VBAdmin, do a ‘ShowLocationsBasedCAC’.
a. If set to “on”, look at the Region in which the originating
gateway resides. In CCMAdmin->Device->Gateway, look at
the device pool (and subsequently Region) for the originating
b. f set to “off”, look at the Region in which the Customer Voice
Portal Voice Browser resides. In
CCMAdmin->Device->Gateway, look at the device pool (and
subsequently Region) for the Customer Voice Portal Voice
You now have two regions: the phone region and the originating
region. In CCMAdmin_>System->Region, check what codec is to
be used between those two regions. Both caller and agent need to be
able to speak that codec. If they cannot, a transcoding resource will
need to be allocated on Call manager.
If the originating endpoint is an IOS gateway, most probably the
codec is incorrectly configured. IOS gateways can speak both g711
and g729. On the gateway:
a. conf t
b. voice class codec 1 codec preference 1 g711ulaw (or typically
g711alaw if outside North America) codec preference 2 g729r8
c. assign that voice-class codec to the Customer Voice Portal voip
If the originating endpoint is an IP phone (or a call initiated from
BA Outbound), codec renegotiation is not possible. Either the
device region will need to be changed or a transcoding resource will
need to be allocated in Call Manager.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Establishing calls
Table A-6
Call Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
Caller hears prompt and then Possible Cause:
dead air or is disconnected.
Possible Solution:
If this is Comprehensive or Advanced Speech, and the last ICM script
node executed was a PM (Play Media), a dummy dial-peer and
translation rule may be missing from the gateway configuration.
Play Media VXML contains a "dummy" transfer to 987654 that is meant
to fail. However, it is possible that the gateway contains a dial-peer that
will actually try to send a call to 987654. The following lines should be
added to the gateway to prevent that dial-peer match from occurring:
voice translation-rule 1
rule 1 /987654/ //
voice translation-profile block
translate called 1
dial-peer voice 987654 voip
translation-profile incoming block
incoming called-number 987654
Finally, apply the ''translation-profile incoming block' to ALL voip
Callers hear system error
Possible Cause:
Possible Solution:
This usually indicates an ICM scripting or configuration error.
If the caller is experiencing the error before hearing any other
prompts, in ICM make sure the dialed number is associated to a call
type and the call type is associated to a script.
In the ICM script, be certain that all X paths out of Run External
Nodes have some default action (transfer to default LABEL, Queue
to Skill Group, etc….).
In the ICM script, make sure that the last node in the script at the
logical end of the call terminates gracefully with a RELEASE,
LABEL, etc. Otherwise, the system error will be played.
Customer Voice Portal may have timed out waiting for a response
from ICM. This typically is because there is an App Gateway data
base dip that is taking longer than the Customer Voice Portal app
server timeout settings.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Establishing calls
Table A-6
Call Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
Caller is restarted at the
beginning of the ICM script
Possible Cause:
The Call Restart feature is enabled in the Customer Voice Portal Voice
Possible Solution:
There is an optional feature which can be enabled in the Customer Voice
Portal Voice Browser that will restart the caller at the beginning of the
ICM script in lieu of disconnecting the caller. Normally, without this
optional feature enabled, when some critical system error occurs, the
caller hears the system error message and is disconnected. This feature
is enabled by doing ‘SetNewCallOnly on’ in VBAdmin. Do a
‘ShowNewCallOnly’ in VBAdmin to see if the feature is enabled. In
Comprehensive mode, additionally the “CallRestart” files from the
C:\Cisco\ISN\Application\Server\Downloads folder must have been
installed in flash memory on the gateways.
Possible Cause:
In Comprehensive Model, this often means that there was a gateway
misconfiguration on the IVR leg of the call.
Possible Solution:
If the call is clearly getting to the ICM script, but failing on the ‘Send to
VRU’ node (or on the first Run External node if there is not explicit
‘Send to VRU’ node), then it is probably a gateway configuration issue.
Agent desktop gets an error Possible Cause:
message stating, “call failed
due to network interruption.” Possible Solution:
CCM trace log contains the
message, “Calls are dropped
in H225 with a CV=41 which
shows a ‘temporary failure’.”
IPSecurity policies on your Voice Browser or Application Server
machines can prevent connections, thereby causing calls to fail.
• View the current IPSecurity policy on the machine(s) on which the
Application Server and Voice Browser are installed:
Call immediately
disconnected – caller hears
– Select Start--> Run--> mmc-Console--> Add/Remove
Snap-in --> Add --> IP Security Policy Management -->
Finish --> OK.
– In the left pane, click IP Security Policies on Local Machine .
Either disable the policy or edit the policy to allow the subnet from
which calls are trying to connect.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Table A-7 describes how to resolve problems you might encounter in ICM/Customer Voice Portal interface.
Table A-7
ICM Troubleshooting
Possible Cause and Solution
The call might not go through Possible Cause:
the ISN, so a prompt will not
be played. An error or
Possible Solution:
warning message might
appear in the Application
Server log.
The ECC Variable is not configured on the ICM and/or NAM software,
or the defined length is not the same on both devices.
Add the identical ECC variable definition to the ICM and/or NAM.
Error messages will appear
on the PIM console, such as:
23:28:38Trace: VRU
Assigning the tag 7 to the
non-existing ECC variable
When an agent becomes
Possible Cause:
available during prompt-play
in a Queue to Skill Group
script, the transfer never
Possible Solution:
The Interruptible checkbox in a Network VRU Script configuration is
not checked. (This is the default setting). The ICM software will not
interrupt a VRU script to perform a transfer if this feature is not enabled.
Select the Interruptible checkbox on all Network VRU script nodes that
might be run while a caller is waiting in queue for an agent.
Before attempting to diagnose this problem, activate call tracing on the ISN.
1. Turn on call tracing on the Application Server using the Application Administrator webpage.
2. Turn on call tracing on the Voice Browser using the VBAdmin tool.
3. Run another test call. If you do not see a transfer request coming from the ICM to the Application Server, the
problem could be the “Interruptible” setting, as described above. If you do see a transfer request coming from the
ICM to the Application Server, the problem could be in the transfer connection; see Table A-5 for a possible solution.
The ICM script fails on a
Run VRU Script node and
there is no indication of a
failure in the Application
Server log.
Possible Cause:
The Dialed Number, Network VRU Script or Network VRU might be
associated with the wrong Customer.
Possible Solution:
Use Configure ICM to ensure that the:
Possible Cause:
environment, an ICM timeout
occurs and there is no
indication of an error in the Possible Solution:
Application Server or Voice
Browser logs.
Dialed Number and Network VRU Script are associated with the
correct Customer.
Customer is associated with the correct Network VRU.
If the time to retrieve the first script request (or connect) takes longer
than the NAM’s remote ICM timeouts (system information; Application
Gateway; Remote ICM; Timeouts), then the default routing occurs.
Either decrease delays (such as those specified through Wait nodes in
the CICM script) or increase the NAM Remote ICM timeouts.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Table A-7
ICM Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
The contents of an ECC
Possible Cause:
Variable configured in Script
Editor are truncated after
passing through the
Possible Solution:
Application Server.
For example, the
Text-To-Speech (TTS) text
that is spoken to the caller is
not the complete text that was
configured. Another example
of this behavior is where
there are media fetch failures
and the URL to the media file
is only a subset of the
expected URL.
The cause of this problem may be that the length of the ECC Variable
value that was set in Script Editor is longer than the maximum length of
the ECC Variable configured at setup time.
The solution is to make the maximum length of the ECC Variables
longer. This is done using the ICM Configuration Manager. If you do
alter the maximum length of ECC Variables, you need to restart the
Application Server after making the change.
Note: In a NAM/ICM environment, the length needs to be identical on
all NAM and ICM or the variable does not pass.
A new call arriving at the
Possible Cause:
Customer Voice Portal
Possible Solution:
receives a default route label
from the ICM. You do not see
an Application Server or
Voice Browser error for this
type of ICM timeout.
The ICM is taking a long time to handle new call requests.
Ensure there are no wait nodes in the ICM script prior to the Run VRU
Script node. For more information, see the Cisco ICM Software
Scripting and Media Routing Guide.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Call Manager
Call Manager
Table A-8 describes how to resolve problems you might encounter with the Call Manager/Customer
Voice Portal interface.
Table A-8
Call Manager Troubleshooting
Possible Cause and Solution
.asp errors occur on the Call
Manager and the Call
Manager does not function
Possible Cause:
If you installed an Application Server on the same machine as the Call
Manager, and then you uninstalled the Application Server, some files
the Call Manager needs might have been deleted.
Possible Solution:
Reinstall Call Manager.
Problem with IP Transfer.
Possible Cause:
Cisco Call Manager is not registered with the Gatekeeper because the
Gatekeeper information in Call Manager is incorrect.
Possible Solution:
Change the Gatekeeper host name used during configuration to an IP
Possible Cause:
Cisco Call Manager in not registered with Gatekeeper because the Reset
and Restart buttons was not clicked after the Gatekeeper information
was updated.
Possible Solution:
Do the following:
In ccmadmin, select Device > Gatekeeper.
Add the Gatekeeper Device Information and select gateway as the
Terminal Type.
Click Update, then Reset Gatekeeper.
Finally click, Reset to apply the changes.
Possible Cause:
Cisco Call Manager in not registered with Gatekeeper because a
Gatekeeper registration port is not explicitly configured in Gatekeeper.
Possible Solution:
Do the following:
Check the Gatekeeper configuration to verify that port 1719 is
explicitly defined for the local Gatekeeper zone. For example:
zone local gk1 1719.
Verify the Call Manager registration in Gatekeeper by entering the
show gatekeeper endpoints command in the Gatekeeper CLI.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Call Manager
Table A-8
Call Manager Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
Problem with IP Transfer.
Possible Cause:
The Voice Browser is not registered with the Gatekeeper.
Possible Solution:
If the Voice Browser displays the message: “ERROR: Voice Browser
must be registered with Gatekeeper to do IP transfers,” do the following:
In VBAdmin, enter SetGateKeeper <NewValue> (where
<NewValue> is the Gatekeeper IP address.)
Restart the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser.
For more information about the SetGateKeeper command, see
Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration.”)
Possible Cause:
If the Call Manager is an egress Gateway, the Voice Browser is not
defined as a Gateway in the Call Manager configuration.
Possible Solution:
If the Voice Browser displays the message: “ERROR: IP Transfer Destination endpoint at IP Address <number1> refused connection for
phone number <number2> with reason code Unreachable Destination”
(where: <number1> is the Call Manager IP address and <number2> is
the label where you want the call to be transferred), do the following:
In ccmadmin on the Call Manager machine, select Device >
Click Find and verify that there is an entry appears configuring the
Voice Browser as a H.323 Gateway.
Possible Cause:
The call is getting routed elsewhere.
Possible Solution:
If the Voice Browser displays the message: “ERROR: IP Transfer Destination endpoint at IP Address <number1> refused connection for
phone number <number2> with reason code Unreachable Destination”
(where <number1> is not the Call Manager IP address that’s expected
and <number2> is the label where you want the call to be transferred),
then there is a problem with Gatekeeper routing.
Do the following:
From the Gatekeeper CLI, enter show gatekeeper gw-type-prefix
and examine the Gatekeeper routing table.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
IP Phone
IP Phone
Table A-9 describes how to resolve problems you might encounter with the IP Phone interface.
Table A-9
IP Phone Troubleshooting
Possible Cause and Solution
One-way audio after IP
Possible Cause:
Configuration information is missing in IOS Gateways.
Possible Solution:
Please refer the following document from CCO:
Content Switch Server
Table A-11 describes how to resolve problems you might encounter with the optional external Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server component.
Table A-10 Content Switch Sever L Server Troubleshooting
Possible Cause and Solution
CSS shows app server out of Possible Cause:
service but app server is up. Possible Solution:
The keepalive retryperiod is set too low.
The CSS polls the Customer Voice Portal app server with a special
Customer Voice Portal script that is manually placed on the CSS
(ap-kal-httpvxml). The keepalive retryperiod must be greater than the
retryperiod specified in that script (4 seconds). Make sure the CSS
keepalive retryperiod is set to 6 (see example below). Also do a ‘show
script ap-kal-httpvxml’ on the CSS to verify that the script exists.
service vxml1
keepalive maxfailure 1
keepalive retryperiod 6
Make sure this value is set to 6. Values less than 6 causes the
CCS to treat the Customer Voice Portal machine as out of
ip address
keepalive type script ap-kal-httpvxml ""
This special Customer Voice Portal keepalive script must be
copied from the Customer Voice Portal
ApplicationServer\Downloads folder to the CSS via a tftp
server. CSS command is ‘copy tftp
askeepalive.txt script ap-kal-httpvxml’
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
Table A-11 describes how to resolve problems you might encounter with the optional external Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server component
Table A-11 Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server Troubleshooting
Possible Cause and Solution
Call Start element is deleted
from the application.
Possible Cause:
Usually user error.
Possible Solution:
Add the new Page Entry element to the call flow. then right-click on it
and choose Start Of Call -> Yes. This element will be automatically used
as the first element - start of call. You can then manually rename it to
"Call Start".
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
Table A-11 Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
In DTMF-only adapter,
pressing digit 9 while using
options causes no-match
after 10 seconds.
Possible Cause:
This delay is caused by the following link grammar in the root document
for the DTMF-only adapter.
<link event="nomatch"> <grammar mode="dtmf"
Since the options are created with modal=false, the link grammar
remains active in the Gateway DTMF-browser. On pressing 9, the
Gateway starts to match this grammar and waits for the next input
instead of returning a 'no-match' immediately.
Possible Solution:
When writing a Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server script for a
DTMF-only adapter that uses the Get Digits, Forms, or n_Option_Menu
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML elements, follow this procedure to
avoid delay in processing the digit 9 when the script is executed.
In the Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML script, insert a hotlink to
an inline grammar. When configuring the hotlink’s grammar, the
values of the digits must not match:
– The value of any digit that is expected in response to the Get
Digits element.
– The value of an option number used in any n_Option_Menu
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML element.
If the inline grammar in Step 1 contains more than one digit, set the
interdigittimeout in the root document properties to 5 seconds. For
interdigittimeout 5s
If the Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML script uses 3_Option_Menu,
where 1, 2, and 9 are valid options, then the inline grammar can have the
value 8, but cannot have the value 1, 2, or 9.
Similarly, if the Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML script uses
9_Option_Menu, where digits 1 through 9 inclusive are valid options,
then the inline grammar can have the value 99, and the interdigittimeout
must be set to 5s.
If you are using a GetDigits element and have set the follow range:
min=2, max=4, then the link grammar can be 99999, and you must set
the interdigittimeout to 5 seconds.
If the script contains an Option Menu as well as GetDigits elements, you
only need to set the link grammar once.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
Table A-11 Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
Generally erratic behavior
when everything is
configured properly.
Possible Cause:
Sometimes TTS plays,
sometimes not.
Calls stop the Customer
Voice Portal VoiceXML
Server run script node in
Calls succeed in ICM but
no TTS plays. The caller
hears silence, and no
errors are reported in the
Unavailable TTS errors
are reported.
Possible Solution:
Customer Voice Portal
Possible Cause:
VoiceXML application fails
to access another resource,
for example, to play a media
.wav fail, and the IOS log
contains SERVER ERROR:
A VoiceXML exception
error.badfetch.http.-n, where
n is a negative error code.
If everything appears to be configured properly, and behavior is
generally erratic, check the configuration of your ethernet link.
Make sure the ethernet card is set to at least 100 megabits and full
Make sure that the switch port is set to at least 100 megabits and full
Check the gateway log files.
Check the VoiceXML server application logs.
error.badfetch.http.<errorcode> has a positive error code when a
connection to the HTTP server is successful, for example; 200 (OK),
400 (Bad Request), or 404 (Not Found). When a gateway encounters an
internal error, including server connection failure, it uses the following
negative error codes to differentiate the error from a server response
-1 Client error
-2 Timeout error
-3 Message decoding error
-4 Message encoding error
-5 Message transmission error
-6 Client write queue full
-7 Connection error
-8 Client unsupported
-9 Client socket receiving error
Possible Solution:
Make sure the resource you are attempting to access is running. For
example, if the VoiceXML application fails to access a .wav file from a
media server, make sure that the media server's World Wide Web Server
service is running.
Also make sure that the path to the .wav file is correct.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
General System Issues
Table A-11 Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server Troubleshooting (continued)
Possible Cause and Solution
"java is not a recognized
Possible Cause:
program" error message is
displayed when trying to run
the .bat files in the Customer
Voice Portal/Server/admin
directory ( or the .bat files in
the application specific
admin directory) after an
upgrade to Windows 2000
Possible Solution:
The environment variable containing the java install path was
overwritten during the upgrade.
Possible Solution 1: (Reboot the machine.)
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server requires the use of an
environment variable that is created by the installer. In order for this
environment variable to take effect on Windows 2000, the machine must
be rebooted. If the machine was not rebooted by the installer, reboot the
machine manually. Before rebooting, close all running application and
save any unsaved work.
Possible Solution 2: (Reset the Java Path system variable.)
a. From Start, select Programs > Administrative Tools >
Computer Management.
b. From the Computer Management menu bar, select Action >
c. Select Advanced Tab > Environment Variables Settings.
d. In the System Variables Path, click Edit and add the path to
where the java.exe file is installed.
General System Issues
Table A-12 describes how to some general system problems you might encounter.
Table A-12 General System Issues
Possible Cause and Solution
Unable to open DOS
command window or other
Possible Cause:
There are too many Windows threads in use on the system.
Possible Solution:
If the total number of calls configured in AppAdmin and VBAdmin is
too high, the system can run out if threads.
Bring up Task Manger->Processes->View->Select
Columns->ThreadCount. Click on the ‘Threads’ heading to sort by
decreasing thread count. If the thread count starts approaching, say,
2000, this is the problem.
In VBAdmin, ‘ShowMaxTotalCalls’. This value in general should
never exceed 400.
In AppAdmin->CallDefinitions, check ‘Total Number of Calls’.
This value in general should never exceed 450.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
General System Issues
Table A-12 General System Issues
Possible Cause and Solution
Customer Voice Portal does
not install and/or run due to
missing MSJVM (Microsoft
Java Virtual machine)
Possible Cause:
DC Directory Service will
not start
Possible Solution:
Possible Cause:
MSJVM is missing from the Windows service pack installed on the
Verify that MSJVM is not installed by doing ‘jview /?’ from a
command window. If not installed, this will be an unrecognized
Ι n most cases, if MS Win2K SP4 is freshly installed on a machine,
MS JVM has been stripped out. With some Proliant machines
where the OS was installed by the factory, Win2k SP3 also had MS
JVM stripped out. In most other cases, the machine needs to have
Win2K SP3 installed, and then you can apply SP4 on top of that. MS
JVM will not get stripped out with the addition of SP4.
Possible Cause 1:
The password of the Windows user account that was specified in the
Customer Voice Portal installation has been changed.
Possible Cause 2:
“snmp.exe application error” occurred during Customer Voice Portal
Application Server installation (or uninstallation).
Possible Solution:
Possible Solution 1:
If you change the password of the Windows user account that was
specified in the ISN installation, you need to change the password for
the DC Directory. You can do this by double-clicking on the “DC
Directory Server” entry in Windows Services, and clicking on the “Log
On” Properties tab. In this tab page, you can specify the username and
password to use when starting the DC Directory Service.
Possible Solution 2:
The snap service may have been in use by a 3rd party program, for
example the HP Net Server Agents program, during the installation.
Uninstall and re-install Customer Voice Portal, this time selecting OK in
the snmp pop up box to stop the snmp service.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
General System Issues
Table A-12 General System Issues
Possible Cause and Solution
CPU excessively high on
gateway (> 80% as shown in
‘show proc cpu hist’)
Possible Cause:
Possible Cause 1:
Media file caching is not enabled.
Possible Cause 2:
Debug levels are set too high
Possible Cause 3:
IP route-cache is not enabled.
Possible Cause 4:
Too many calls are in progress for the performance rating of the gateway.
Possible Solution:
Possible Solution 1:
The gateway can (and should) cache media prompt files. Not caching
prompt files can lead to 35% additional overhead in CPU. For
instructions on how to configure the gateway for caching, see “Gateway
Prompt Caching Considerations” section on page C-92.
Possible Solution 2:
On the gateway, do a ‘show debug’
If any debugs are set, do a ‘no debug all’.
Do a ‘show proc cpu hist’ to see if the cpu has decreased.
Possible Solution 3:
On the gateway, do a ‘show run’
Check the FastEthernet interface. Look for the line ‘no ip
If found, do:
– conf t
– interface FastEthernetX/Y (where X/Y are the values in the
show run)
– ip route-cache
Possible Solution 4:
Refer the case to multi-services TAC for gateway performance sizing.
Each gateway platform (e.g, 1760, 3725, 5400HPX) has very different
performance sizing numbers.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
General System Issues
Table A-12 General System Issues
Possible Cause and Solution
Running out of ECC variable Possible Cause:
Possible Solution:
IVR scripts are complex and require many ECC variables.
Some amount of ECC variable space can be freed up by doing the
As of ICM 6.0 SR1, there are a number of Customer Voice Portal
ECC variables that are no longer needed. You can save about 170
bytes by deleting them from your ICM configuration. They are:
In addition, if you have Customer Voice Portal ECC variables which
you are not using and have set them to a length of 1, they can now
be eliminated as well, as of ICM 6.0 SR1. That may save a few more
You may want to switch to Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML
Server scripting. All of the ECC-heavy IVR speech-enabled
scripting that would normally require lots of ECC variables can now
be confined to the Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
General System Issues
Table A-12 General System Issues
Possible Cause and Solution
Ring No Answer (RONA)
and Router re-query not
working as expected
Possible Cause:
RONA timers are set incorrectly. The RONA function ensures that when
an agent does not answer a call, the call is taken away after ringing for
a configurable number of seconds, is presented to another agent or put
back in queue, and the agent is put in the not ready state.
Possible Solution:
Three system timers affect RONA behavior:
CVP - In VBAdmin, use SetRNATimeout to specify the number of
seconds that the agent phone should ring before the call is taken
away from the agent. This timeout must be longer than the Ring no
Answer timeout set in the Agent Desktop settings. Use
ShowRNATimeout to display the current timeout value. You must
restart the Voice Browser for a setting change to take effect.
Agent Desktop settings – set from ICM
Configuration->Enterprise->Agent DeskSettings->Ring no Answer
Time. Ring no Answer Dialed Number must not be set. Set the
timeout to the maximum time for the agent to answer a call, for
example 2 rings = 8 seconds. This timer value should be set to sa
shorter time than the CVP RNATimeout.
Call Manager – CCMAdmin->Service->Service
Parameters->Cisco Call Manager->ForwardNoAnswerTimer
In general, there are two different RONA behaviors that are typically
Send caller to voicemail after ring-no-answer to agent. In this case
the timer hierarchy should be:
Agent Desktop < Call Manager < CVP
Do ICM router re-query after ring-no-answer to agent. In this case
the timer hierarchy should be:
Agent Desktop < CVP < Call Manager
Errors reported by various
Possible Cause:
Customer Voice Portal
components. ICM script fails Possible Solution:
calls from Play Media node,
many calls abnormally
Running Symantec virus scan software with a heavy call load (greater
than 2 calls per second) can cause these types of errors.
Disable Symantec virus scan software and use McAfee 8.0i virus scan
software instead, if your call load is heavier than 2 calls per second.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
General System Issues
Table A-12 General System Issues
Possible Cause and Solution
General Troubleshooting
Possible Cause:
Possible Solution:
Software version incompatibilities, hotfixes not installed or installed
incorrectly, PIX firewalls, network slowness.
Re-verify that the your software versions comply with the Customer
Voice Portal compatibility matrix in the Customer Voice Portal
Re-verify that you are completely up-to-date on all Customer Voice
Portal hotfixes and patches. Cisco recommends that all hotfixes and
patches be applied. Also, if it is later determined that you do need
an earlier hotfix, you will need to uninstall all the later ones before
installing the earlier one.
Determine if there are any PIX firewalls in the solution. PIX and
voice solutions oftentimes do not happily play together. Firewalls
can introduce network latencies and misrouted messages if not
configured correctly. It seems the ‘H323-fixup’ program in the
firewall has caused us the most grief in the past.
There may be a bottleneck in some box someplace in the solution.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix A
General System Issues
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer
Voice Portal
This appendix provides information about transferring and queuing calls with Customer Voice Portal. It
An outline of the transfer types available to the Customer Voice Portal.
Information about how Customer Voice Portal uses ICM labels in transferring calls.
Examples of several Customer Voice Portal call transfer scripts.
Audience: Customer Voice Portal System Managers, VoIP Technical Experts, ICM/NAM System
IVRs from the NAM/ICM’s Perspective
Essentially, the NAM/ICM categorizes IVRs into one of two types:
Intelligent Peripheral IVRs, where—under NAM/ICM control—the carrier network routes calls to
the IVR and then removes calls from the IVR for delivery to agents. With Intelligent Peripheral
IVRs, once the IVR’s prompting or queuing treatment has been completed, the IVR typically has no
further role to play for that call.
Service Node IVRs, where—following prompting/queuing treatment—the IVR initiates call
delivery to agents, who are under NAM/ICM control. When functioning as a Service Node IVR, the
Customer Voice Portal can stay involved with a call even after it has been transferred to another VoIP
The Customer Voice Portal can act as either IVR type. However, to be able to access all the benefits of
the Customer Voice Portal functionality, you should deploy the Customer Voice Portal as a Service Node
For complete information about the deployment options available for Customer Voice Portal, see
Appendix C, “Customer Voice Portal Deployment.”
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix B
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
IVRs from the NAM/ICM’s Perspective
Transferring Calls with Customer Voice Portal
Table B-1 describes the transfer types available to the Customer Voice Portal.
Table B-1
Transfer Types
Type of Transfer
TDM Network Transfer Executes a PSTN transfer. The NAM/ICM sends a
Valid for Customer Voice Portal
(traditional take back and “transfer” command through the network NIC instead deployed as an Intelligent Peripheral
of issuing a label to the Customer Voice Portal.
This method does not directly involve the Customer
Voice Portal since the transfer messages are sent
through the NIC to the PSTN.
IP Transfer (call delivery Executes a “move” within the VoIP network, with the
within the VoIP network) option of first providing IVR treatment to the caller.
The Customer Voice Portal uses VoIP to switch the
incoming call to an IP-based destination, where the
destination may be the actual agent (on an IP Phone) or
a Gateway that passes the call to the agent on a
traditional telephone (usually behind an ACD/PBX).
The call must have been pre-routed by
the NAM/Customer Voice Portal, so it
can store the network call ID and use it
to send the transfer command to the
Valid for Customer Voice Portal
deployed as a Service Node IVR.
The call must be translation routed to a
peripheral target (agent on TDM ACD)
or be sent to a device target (IPCC
agent) in order for the agent to request a
subsequent transfer.
A Gatekeeper is required for this type of transfer to
resolve the NAM/ICM routing label into an IP address
for the Customer Voice Portal to communicate with to
route the call.
Hookflash Relay
Executes a brief interruption in the loop current that
the originating call entity (Private Branch Exchange
(PBX) or Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN)
switch) does not interpret as a call disconnect. Instead,
once the PBX or PSTN senses the hookflash, it puts the
current call on hold and provides a secondary dial tone
that allows Customer Voice Portal to transfer the caller
to another destination. Customer Voice Portal
immediately hangs up, and the PBX/switch now has
total control of the call. In this way, all resources are
released from both Customer Voice Portal and the
incoming gateway.
Outpulse Transfer
Executes a PSTN transfer from within the VoIP
Valid for Customer Voice Portal
network. The Customer Voice Portal sends DTMF
deployed as a Service Node IVR.
signals to a carrier network through the ingress
Gateway, then the carrier network disconnects the call
from the Gateway—and the Customer Voice
Portal—and delivers it to the agent.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
To use the hookflash relay feature with
Customer Voice Portal, the incoming
call must originate from a
17xx/2xxx/3xxx gateway through an
analog FXO voice card or a T1 card
configured for FXO loop start. This
method of CVP transfer can be used in
any deployment model except
Advanced Speech. If the PBX supports
receiving a trunk-side 200 millisecond
hookflash, then you can use a 5XXX
gateway with T1 e&m-fbg signaling.
Automatic Number Identification (ANI)
is not available with this type of
Appendix B
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
IVRs from the NAM/ICM’s Perspective
Table B-1
Transfer Types
Type of Transfer
IPCC Local Transfer
Executes a transfer within the VoIP network using the Valid for Customer Voice Portal
Cisco Call Manager.
deployed as a Service Node IVR.
The CCM is responsible for performing
the transfer.
Restart to alternate
Dialed Number
Identification Service
In the event that the called party disconnects before the
caller, and no further instructions are received from
ICM within 2 seconds, the Voice Browser checks a list
of Dialed Number Identification Services to see if the
call should be restarted to an alternate DNIS number.
Useful for conducting a post-call survey
with the caller to evaluate the
effectiveness and quality of the caller
Two B-Channel Transfer
TBCT is a call-transfer standard for ISDN interfaces.
This feature enables a Cisco voice gateway to request
an NI-2 switch to directly connect two independent
calls. The two calls can be served by the same PRI or
by two different PRIs on the gateway. This feature is
based on Telcordia GR-2865-CORE.
To use the TBCT feature with Customer
Voice Portal, the following conditions
must be met:
TBCT makes efficient use of resources by releasing
two B-channels after a call transfer. Blind transfer of
PSTN calls can happen outside the Cisco gateway
without tying up gateway resources. Although the
gateway is not involved after calls are transferred,
billing continues as though the calls are still connected
to the gateway.
•You can use any Customer Voice Portal
model except Advanced Speech.
•PRI interface is subscribed to TBCT
service from ISDN service provider.
•The incoming call leg to Customer
Voice Portal and the outgoing transfer
call leg from Customer Voice Portal use
the same PRI or both PRIs are part of the
same trunk group.
Customers using this feature need to have special
agreements with their ISDN service provider regarding
billing, or optionally, the gateway can subscribe to get
notification from the switch when a transferred call
Restart to Alternate DNIS
In the event that the called party disconnects before the caller, and no further instructions are sent from
ICM within 2 seconds, the Voice Browser checks a list of Dialed Number Identification Services to see
if the call should be restarted to an alternate DNIS number. The called party can be any Customer Voice
Portal transfer agent, including, a TDM IVR, an IPCC agent, or even the transfer to the IVR leg in the
Comprehensive model. The Voice Browser does not differentiate the type of transfer target that
The original call and the restarted call to ICM each contain the same call ID (media_id ECC variable)
so that the ICM scripts can correlate the two calls for database query purposes.
The timeout value that the caller waits before being connected to the post-call ICM script can be changed
using the SetCalledPartyTimeout command in VBAdmin. The default value is 2 seconds.
The Voice Browser can distinguish between a called party who hangs up normally or a called party who
is disconnected abnormally, such as that caused by a crash of the target IOS gateway or Call Manager.
In the event of an abnormal disconnect of the called party, the Voice Browser will not invoke the
SurveyDnis restart unless SetNewCallOnly command in VBAdmin is set to 'on' (default is 'off'). If the
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix B
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
IVRs from the NAM/ICM’s Perspective
Customer Voice Portal surviviability.tcl functionality is being used, it may be desirable to simply let the
call default to the recovery actions defined in survivability rather than restarting the call to the
To limit the possibility of putting the caller into an infinite restart loop, the call can be restarted only
Configuring the Gateway for Hookflash Relay
Most switches and Private Branch Exchange (PBX) networks support only line-side hookflash, as
opposed to trunk-side hookflash). (A line is an electrical connection between a telephone service
provider’s switch and a telephone terminal or Key system. A trunk is an electrical connection between a
telephone service provider’s switch and another switch. Line-side hookflash limits the signaling options
available on the gateway to only digital or analog FXO signaling.
With FXO signaling, Automatic Number Identification (ANI) and Dialed Number Identification Service
(DNIS) information is not provided to the gateway when the call arrives from the switch. You can
discover the DNIS if you know the voice port on which the call arrived. However, there is no way to
discover the ANI. Therefore, hookflash relay is not practical for customers who need access to ANI
information in the call.
Example B-1 shows a sample gateway configuration for T1/CAS FXO signaling. Only the pertinent
gateway configuration elements are shown. Note that the DNIS must be manually enter, based on the
voice port on which the call arrives. In this example, all calls that arrive on any of the 24 channels in this
T1 card will be assigned a DNIS of 6708. The ANI is not available.
Example B-1
Gateway Configuration for Hookflash Relay
controller T1 2/0
framing esf
linecode b8zs
ds0-group 1 timeslots 1-24 type fxo-loop-start
voice-port 2/0:1
connection plar 6708
dial-peer voice 6708 pots
incoming called-number 6708
port 2/0:1
forward-digits 0
Configuring Hookflash Relay When Using an ICM Label Node
Step 1
Follow the gateway configuration instructions as described in “Configuring the Gateway for Hookflash
Relay” section on page B-4.
Step 2
Add a label node to your ICM script with the following syntax:
Replace 8005551212 with the number to which the switch will transfer the call. If the switch requires a
pause after the hookflash, insert commas between the HF and the transfer number. Each comma
represents 100 milliseconds.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix B
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
IVRs from the NAM/ICM’s Perspective
Configuring Hookflash Relay For Survivability
Step 1
Configure the originating gateway for hookflash relay call transfer, by following the instructions in
“Configuring the Gateway for Hookflash Relay” section on page B-4.
Step 2
Follow the instructions for configuring survivability in the “Call Survivability” section in Chapter 8,
“VoIP Configuration.” See the “HF” target for open-hours-agent and after-hours-agent.
Configuring the Gateway for Two B-Channel Transfer (TBCT)
The originating gateway and the PSTN switch must be configured for TBCT .
Step 1
Save a copy of the current running configuration to flash memory in case you need to roll back to the
earlier version.
Step 2
If needed, upgrade the IOS version on the originating gateway. Consult the Customer Voice Portal
Release 3.1(0) Hardware and Software Specification (Bill of Materials) for the required version of Cisco
IOS on the Gateway.
Step 3
Configure trunks, switches, and dial-peers to process TBCT call transfers.
Consult your service provider for switch configuration details as they will vary between switches
(DMS100, 5ESS). One sample originating gateway configuration is shown in Example B-2. Only the
pertinent gateway configuration elements are shown. For more information on the TBCT feature, see the
Cisco IOS Tcl IVR and VoiceXML Application Guide.
Example B-2
Gateway Configuration for Two B-Channel Transfer
isdn switch-type primary-ni
trunk group 1
isdn supp-service tbct notify-on-clear
interface Serial6/7:23
no ip address
trunk-group 1
isdn switch-type primary-ni
isdn incoming-voice modem
no cdp enable
dial-peer voice 111111 pots
trunkgroup 1
service someName
destination-pattern 978.......
incoming called-number 35500
The trunk group is what ties the incoming and outgoing call legs together
The notify-on-clear parameter is optional. When set on both the gateway and the switch, the gateway
will monitor the status of the call if required for billing purposes. The notify-on-clear parameter is only
available on 5XXX gateways.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix B
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
IVRs from the NAM/ICM’s Perspective
You can use the "tbct max" gateway configuration parameters to limit the number of TBCT calls. For
more information on the TBCT feature, see the Cisco IOS Tcl IVR and VoiceXML Application Guide.
The tbct max parameter is only available on 5XXX gateways.
Debugging TBCT Gateway Configuration Problems
If the gateway is instructed to perform a TBCT transfer (either from an ICM script label, a CVP VXML
server label, or from survivability), if the gateway trunk group and dial-peer are not correctly configured
for TBCT according to the instructions in this guide, the caller will be disconnected when the called
party answers the phone.
The following are useful settings for debugging TBCT Gateway configuration problems:
"debug isdn q931"
"debug isdn err"
"debug cdapi event"
"debug voip application script"
Verifying that TBCT is working correctly
The TBCT feature is working correctly if:
The caller was connected to the transfer destination, and
The gateway log (using the above debug settings) shows the following (abbreviated) messages:
014349: *Jul
014387: *Jul
4 11:20:23.483: ISDN Se6/7:23 Q931: RX <- ALERTING
4 11:20:23.487: ISDN Se6/7:23 Q931: TX -> FACILITY
Operation = EnhancedExplicitECTExecute (TBCT)
014388: *Jul 4 11:20:23.587: ISDN Se6/7:23 Q931: RX <- FACILITY
Operation = SetCallTag (TBCT)
014434: *Jul 4 11:20:23.599: //-1//TCL2:HN0B1453B0:/tcl_PutsObjCmd:
******* CallID = F2B1AAC0.EBD511D9.803D000B.FDA20840
Configuring TBCT When Using an ICM Label Node
Step 1
Configure the originating gateway for TBCT call transfer, by following the instructions in “Configuring
the Gateway for Two B-Channel Transfer (TBCT)” section on page B-5.
Step 2
Copy the following files from the Customer Voice Portal server to flash memory on the originating
C:\Cisco\ISN\ApplicationServer\Downloads\VB-CSS-NoCallRestart (if you have a CSS)
Or if you do not have a CSS
Step 3
Configure your Customer Voice Portal incoming pots dial-peer to use the Customer Voice Portal
survivability Tcl script. See “How to Configure the Gateway for Call Survivability” in Chapter 8, “VoIP
Configuration”. If survivability is already configured on your gateways, go to the next step.
dial-peer voice 111111 pots
trunkgroup 1
service someName
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix B
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
IVRs from the NAM/ICM’s Perspective
dial-peer voice 222222 voip
session target [your Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser]
service someName flash:survivability.tcl
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
paramspace english location flash:
paramspace english prefix en
icm-tbct 1
Step 4
In command line mode:
‘call application voice load someName’
Step 5
Add a label node to your ICM script with the following syntax:
replacing 8005551212 with your transfer destination target.
that the TBCT99 and the # signs are mandatory.
Step 6
In the event that the TBCT fails (for example, bad number, bad gateway config, etc.), you can specify
alternate transfer targets under the survivability service according to survivability rules as defined in the
“Call Survivability” section in Chapter 8, “VoIP Configuration.”
Configuring TBCT For Survivability
Step 1
Configure the originating gateway for TBCT call transfer, by following the instructions in “Configuring
the Gateway for Two B-Channel Transfer (TBCT)” section on page B-5.
Step 2
Follow the instructions for configuring survivability in the “Call Survivability” section in Chapter 8,
“VoIP Configuration.” See the “TBCT” target for open-hours-agent and after-hours-agent.
Transferring Calls with the Select Node
An ICM script can use a combination of a Select node and ECC variables to perform a transfer within
Customer Voice Portal. The label includes information to indicate the type of transfer to be performed
as well as the number (or representation of the number) to use for the destination. The Application Server
then forwards this information to the Voice Browser.
Since the transfer is happening as a result of a Select node, there is no way for the ICM or Customer
Voice Portal’s software to check if the customer label and associated variable is valid or not. Therefore,
if the transfer cannot occur, no matter what the reason, the call flow diverts to the Select node error
Label Definition
Labels are part of the ICM configuration. The ICM determines which label to send and includes it in the
request to transfer the caller. Then, for IP transfers, the Customer Voice Portal does a Gatekeeper look-up
on the label from ICM to determine the IP address of the called party.
For more information on this process, see Chapter 8, “VoIP Configuration.”
There are some caveats regarding label definition for use with the Customer Voice Portal:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix B
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
Script Examples
For requery and network transfer to work, you must define “dummy” VRU labels, even if the
Customer Voice Portal is the main routing client. In addition, in a NAM/CICM configuration, these
labels must be defined identically on both the NAM and CICM.
A limitation of the Customer Voice Portal software is that you cannot use NAM/ICM feature of
substitution variables (such as %1).
Labels for Customer Voice Portal calls which will require outpulse transfer mode must be
pre-pended with the characters DTMF. By configuring the target label with the form DTMFnnnnn
(where nnnnn are the digits to outpulse) the Customer Voice Portal will send the digits to the ingress
gateway for outpulsing. (Conversely, a label not intended for outpulse transfer mode use cannot
begin with DTMF.)
For example, to use the AT&T Transfer Connect feature to transfer the call to the number “4441234”
the label would be configured as DTMF*84441234.
In outpulse transfer mode, the Customer Voice Portal will send whatever digits are in the
label to the Gateway for outpulsing. It is the customer’s responsibility to confirm
interpretability with the target switch.
Script Examples
The remainder of this appendix provides examples of Customer Voice Portal call transfer scripts.
A limitation of the Customer Voice Portal software is that the Script Editor Busy and Ring nodes are not
Example: Transfer to a Label
This example shows sample ICM Configuration Manager and Script Editor screen captures for a Menu
application that plays a prompt presenting a menu (“Our office hours are between 8 AM and 6 PM. If
you would like to talk to a customer service representative, press 0 at any time.”) and then does the
If the call presses 0, collects the digit, and then routes and queues the call.
If the caller does not press 0, releases the call.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix B
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
Script Examples
Figure B-1
Office Hours Menu Configuration
The Network VRU Script List tool’s Attribute tab in Figure B-1 shows:
The VRU Script Name field contains two Customer Voice Portal parameters:
– M. Menu
– OfficeHours. Media File name
The Config Params field contains the following Customer Voice Portal parameter:
– 0. The number 0 is the only valid option.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix B
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
Script Examples
Figure B-2
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix B
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
Script Examples
Example: Queue and Transfer to a Skill Group
The ICM can queue a call to an agent group and instruct the Customer Voice Portal to entertain the caller
with IVR scripting using the Run VRU Script and other nodes. When the resource becomes available,
the ICM tells the Customer Voice Portal to cancel the original request, the Customer Voice Portal then
confirms the cancel request, the ICM sends the label for the destination, and the Customer Voice Portal
or network will transfer the call to a freed-up agent.
This example shows sample ICM Configuration Manager and Script Editor screen captures for a Menu
application that plays a prompt presenting a menu (“For Checking, press 1. For Savings, press 2. To
speak to a customer service representative, press 0.”), retrieves any caller-entered digits, then routes and
queues the call.
Figure B-3
Queue Menu Configuration
The Network VRU Script List tool’s Attribute tab in Figure B-3 shows:
The VRU Script Name field containing two Customer Voice Portal parameters:
– M. Menu
– Queue. Media File name
The Configuration Param field containing the following Customer Voice Portal parameters:
– 1-2,0. The numbers. 1, 2, and 0 are valid options
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix B
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
Script Examples
Figure B-4
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix B
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
Script Examples
Example: Network Transfer Script
Customer Voice Portal provides capabilities to transfer calls to another destination after they have been
answered by an agent. These capabilities are referred to as Network Transfer. The Network Transfer
feature does not require any special installation on the part of Customer Voice Portal. The feature is
disabled by default for all PG types except Enterprise Agent (EA).
To change the Network Transfer setting, do the following:
Use the Script Editor’s Set node to specify the Call.NetworkTransferEnabled variable. If you set
this variable to 1, Network Transfer is enabled; if you set it to 0, Network Transfer is not enabled.
In EA PG setups where the EA is behind a PBX, use the Network Transfer Preferred checkbox on
the PG Explorer’s Routing Client tab. If this box is “checked,” Network Transfer is enabled; if
“unchecked,” Network Transfer is not enabled.
Figure B-5
Network Transfer Script
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix B
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
Transferring a Call from Agent to Agent
Transferring a Call from Agent to Agent
When a call is transferred from Customer Voice Portal to an agent, and that agent wants to transfer the
call to another agent, the agent can make that transfer using either the agent IP phone or agent desktop.
Transfers from the IP phone are made using CTI route points that point to an ICM script. Transfers from the
agent desktop are made using the Dialed Number Plan.
For network transfer from either the IP phone or CTI OS Agent Desktop, you must Queue the call to skill
group in the first ICM script, for example "NetXfer1", to create the call context. In this script, the
"networkTransferEnabled" flag must be set to "1".
The NetworkTransferEnabled setting must explicitly be set to 1 in all post-route scripts.
Configuring network transfer from IP phone:
Step 1
Define a CTI Route Point, for example "9999", in the Cisco CallManager Associate it with the JTAPI
User that is connected to IPCC PIM in ICM.
Step 2
In ICM Admin Workstation, define a Dialed Number for IPCC PIM and a call Type for that dialed
number. This call type can then be associated with a ICM Script, for example "NetXfer2".
Step 3
Do not define the labels of agents for the IPCC PIM. Instead, define the labels for VRU PIM so
that the route result will be returned to VRU instead of IPCC PIM. If you do define the agent
labels for the IPCC PIM, the ICM router returns the route result to the VRU PIM if "Network
Transfer Preferred" is enabled on the IPCC PIM and VRU PIM and returns the route result to the
IPCC PIM if "Network Transfer Preferred" is disabled on the IPCC PIM and VRU PIM.
When the call is delivered to Agent 1 using the ICM Script "NetXfer1", the agent can dial the number
9999 to send the call to another script "NetXfer2" .
Configuring network transfer from CTI OS Agent Desktop
Step 1
Define a "Dialed Number Plan" in ICM. The routing client is the IPCC PIM and dialed number will be
the one defined before for the IPCC PIM, i.e. IPCC_PIM.9999 .
Step 2
Set Post Route to be "Yes" and Plan to be international.
Step 3
In the Agent Desk Settings, check all the "Outbound access" check boxes.
Configuring IPCC Re-route On No Answer for Customer Voice
This section describes how to use the Re-route On No Answer function when using Customer Voice
Portal as a queue point for IPCC.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix B
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
Configuring IPCC Re-route On No Answer for Customer Voice Portal
When using IPCC with Customer Voice Portal as a queuing point and routing client, Re-route On No
Answer needs to be configured differently than when using it with IP-IVR. The difference is caused by
the fact that when using IP-IVR the call control is with CallManager whereas, with Customer Voice
Portal, the call control is with Customer Voice Portal.
Re-route On No Answer Operation for IPCC with IP-IVR
The Re-route On No Answer function ensures that when an agent does not answer a call – for example,
because he walked away from his desk without making himself Not Ready – the call is taken away after
ringing for a configurable number of seconds, is presented to another agent or put back in queue, and the
agent is put in Not Ready state.
This function is implemented by setting a Re-route On No Answer timeout in the agent desk settings.
When the call has been ringing for the configured number of seconds, the CallManager PG will make
the agent unavailable and send a post-route request to ICM software using a dialed number that is also
configured in the Agent Desk Settings. A routing script is executed that determines a new destination for
the call. This can be another agent, or the script can put the call back in a queue. When using Re-route
On No Answer with IP-IVR, ICM software responds back to CallManager with the new destination for
the call. CallManager is responsible for sending the call to the right destination (IP-IVR for queuing or
new agent).
Re-route On No Answer Operation with Customer Voice Portal
When using IPCC with Customer Voice Portal, CallManager does not control the queuing platform
(Customer Voice Portal) and can therefore not send the call back to Customer Voice Portal for
re-queuing. Instead, Customer Voice Portal controls the call and needs to take action.
The solution is to use the Re-route On No Answer function only to make the agent unavailable when he
does not answer the call, and to use the ICM Router Requery function to take the call away from the
non-answering agent.
Re-route On No Answer Agent Desk Settings Configuration
The Agent Desk Settings configuration need to have a ‘ring no answer time’ set, but should NOT have
a ‘ring no answer dialed number’ set. The timeout should be set to the maximum time you want to allow
the agent to answer a call, for example, 2 rings = 8 seconds. This timer should be set shorter than the no
answer timeout for router requery (see below).
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix B
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
Configuring IPCC Re-route On No Answer for Customer Voice Portal
Figure B-6
Agent Desk Settings Configuration
This will cause the agent to be made unavailable after the Re-route On No Answer timer expires, but will
not invoke the Re-route On No Answer mechanism to re-route the call.
Router Requery Configuration
Router Requery is triggered by the routing client (Customer Voice Portal) when a No Answer timer
expires (a different timer than the Re-route On No Answer timer).
The No Answer timer for Router Requery is not controlled by ICM, but by the switching fabric,
which is Customer Voice Portal in this case. ISN 1.0 has a fixed No Answer timer of 15s. The
Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser has a configurable No Answer timer, called RNATimeout
(with a default value of 15s). It can be set using the VB Admin tool. When using Customer Voice
Portal, set RNATimeout to the desired number of seconds that the agent phone should ring before
being taken away. This would probably be less than 15 seconds (4 rings), perhaps 10s. In any case,
this timeout must be longer than the Re-route On No Answer timeout set in the Agent Desk
Enable Requery on the node in the script that selects the first agent. Depending on the type of node
used, the Requery mechanism will select a new target from the available agents or will require
additional scripting. The Cisco ICM Software Scripting and Media Routing Guide describes how
Requery works for the different nodes.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix B
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
Configuring IPCC Re-route On No Answer for Customer Voice Portal
In most cases IPCC will use the Queue node. The Queue node requires additional scripting to handle the
requeuing of the call in front of the queue. The script example below provides a standard way of handling
The Queue node selects the longest available agent from the skill groups configured, if there is an
available agent. If there is no available agent, it queues the call with a priority set in the node (see screen
shot below) and continues down the success exit of the node. When an agent becomes available, ICM
always selects the longest queued call from the ones with the highest priority. When the Queue node
connects the call to an agent and the agent does not answer the call, the Customer Voice Portal
Ring-No-Answer timeout will expire, causing the Requery mechanism to kick in.
Figure B-7
Queue to Skill Group Properties
When this happens, the script immediately continues through the failure exit of the Queue node with the
Requery Status variable set to ‘No Answer’ (= 3). The typical treatment is to put the call back into the
same queue but with a higher priority than all other calls, since the call needs to go in the front of the
queue, not the back.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix B
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
Configuring IPCC Re-route On No Answer for Customer Voice Portal
Figure B-8
Sample Script for Re-Route on NoAnswer
In this script, when the Queue node selects an agent that does not answer the call, the script exits through
the failure exit (X) of the Queue node. The If node tests the RequeryStatus variable. If it has value of
greater than zero, this is a requery call, and the script re-queues the call. In the example above it also sets
a flag using a call variable for reporting purposes (see below). Assuming that there are no agents
available, the Queue node immediately exits through the success exit (Checkmark). The If node checks
to see if this is a requeried call. If so, it increases the Queue Priority of the call so that it will be handled
before any other calls in queue. It then enters the normal wait loop with RunScripts.
The call flow is as follows:
Script connects call to agent by sending connect message to Customer Voice Portal (with requery
Agent phone rings.
After the Re-route On No Answer timeout expires, ICM makes the agent unavailable. The agent
state does not actually change until the call gets taken away from the agent. The agent phone
continues to ring and the agent can still pick up the phone (if he does pick up the phone, he will be
left in Ready state after the call, even if it was after the Re-route On No Answer timer expired).
After the Customer Voice Portal VB RNATimeout expires, the VB/AS/PG sends an
EventReport=No Answer to the router. The router picks another target according to the routing
script and sends the Connect message to Customer Voice Portal. The target might be another agent
or it might be a VRU label to requeue the call.
When the call disappears from the first agent he is put in Not Ready state.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix B
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
Configuring IPCC Re-route On No Answer for Customer Voice Portal
The configuration described in this section has the following limitations:
The disposition of the requeried call is not correctly reported. The Redirect No Answer field in the
agent and skill group reports do not show calls that are redirected by this mechanism. Each call that
is redirected by this mechanism is counted twice, once as abandoned and once as handled (if the call
is finally handled). There are two IPCC TerminationCallDetail records for this call, one for the
rerouted call (with CallDisposition ‘Abandoned while Ringing’, code 3) and one for the handled call
with a CallDisposition depending on how the call was finally handled. The scripting example above
shows how a Peripheral Call Variable can be used to mark and count calls Requeried because of no
answer. A custom reporting template can be written to report on this data.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix B
Transferring and Queuing Calls with Customer Voice Portal
Configuring IPCC Re-route On No Answer for Customer Voice Portal
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
This appendix explains how to deploy the deployment models of the Customer Voice Portal solution.
This appendix includes information for (or pointers to information for) configuring the Gateway,
Gatekeeper, ICM VRU handling, and Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser and Application Server.
This appendix does not include:
Detailed ICM configuration for configuring agents or writing scripts.
Complete configuration for every component of the system (for example, the TDM side of the Voice
Gateway configuration).
Configuration steps for all the components as they relate to the Customer Voice Portal deployment
models described in the Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Product Description.
The information in this appendix assumes that you are already familiar with:
Configuring Cisco Gateways and Gatekeepers.
The ICM Configuration Manager and ICM Script Editor tools for call center operations and
You should have a copy of the following Cisco ICM software documentation available in addition to this
manual in order to successfully configure ICM software and use its features in conjunction with
Customer Voice Portal: Cisco ICM Software Configuration Guide and Cisco ICM Software ICM Script
Editor Guide.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Before You Begin
Before You Begin
In order to use the information in this appendix, you need to know the following:
The Customer Voice Portal deployment model you will be implementing.
For descriptions of the Customer Voice Portal Deployment models, see the Cisco Internet
Service Node (Customer Voice Portal) Product Description.
The network topology for your system, including addresses and names of the solution components.
The failover strategy for Gateways, Customer Voice Portal components, and media servers.
The strategy for inbound call routing (that is, dial peers versus Gatekeeper).
The naming resolution system for Gateways (DNS versus configured on the Gateway).
If using a VRU other than Customer Voice Portal, the VRU trunk group number and number of
The locale values to be used for ASR and/or TTS.
Whether the same set of VRUs are to be used for all cases, or whether that will be determined
separately for each customer (dialed number).
If all dialed numbers will use the same VRUs, it is easiest to use a default Network VRU, rather
than to configure multiple Network VRUs. For more information, see the “Common
Configuration for Differentiating VRUs (Customer Voice Portals) Based on Dialed Number”
section on page C-88.
Routing Calls Through the Network to the VRU
For Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployment models and for deployment models with a NIC:
Determine the Network Routing Number. This number is the base for routing calls through the
network to the VRU; a correlation ID is appended to this number to transfer calls to a Network VRU
through the network.
Determine the correlation IDs that will be used for transferring the calls to the VRU through
the network. The range needs to be as large as the number of new call arrivals that might occur
during the longest time it takes to get any to the VRU, that is, the time to execute a Send to VRU
node. This time needs to include the network delays and the possibility that alternate endpoints are
used in the VoIP network. In practice, make sure the number is significantly larger than this to ensure
there are always enough. For example, if the time to get to the VRU is 3 seconds and the maximum
call arrival rate is 5 cps (instantaneous), 15 would be needed, so specify a value of 100.
For deployments with a Customer VRU and in NAM/CICM environments and for NIC Type 2 or 8
Determine the translation route pools to use for each VRU. Determine the labels to be sent to
the network to connect the call to the VRU and the corresponding DNIS that will be seen by the
VRU. For example, the label for the network might be 18008889999 and the DNIS received by the
VRU and sent back to the ICM to identify the call might be 9999.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Before You Begin
Naming Schemes
Define naming schemes to be used for ICM PGs, Peripherals and routing clients.
Before using the information in this appendix, you need to do the following:
Install the Customer Voice Portal software.
Install all the solution components.
If you are using Customer Voice Portal as an ICM queuing platform, make sure the VRU PGs use
service control with Service Control Queue Reporting enabled. If you are using it strictly as a
self-service platform, disable Service Control Queue Reporting. Also, take note of the VRU
Connection Port used for each VRU PG peripheral (PIM).
See the Cisco ICM 5.0: IP Contact Center Administration Guide (available at for
more information on Service Control Queue Reporting.
Make sure the NIC cards, Voice GW and network components all have the Ethernet interfaces
configured with the appropriate speed and setting.
Do not use the AUTO setting in NIC cards, Voice Gateway, or network components.
Where to Go from Here?
Instructions for each deployment model follows.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployments
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployments
This section describes the call flows and provides configuration instructions for the following Customer
Voice Portal deployment models:
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployment, ICM Enterprise
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployment, NAM/CICM
The Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive deployment models do not support calls which originate in
You cannot establish a call with an IP Phone when in Comprehensive mode.
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployment, ICM Enterprise
In this deployment model, the Customer Voice Portal acts as the Switch, transferring the call to the
Network VRU (Type 7 flow) and to agents. The Customer Voice Portal Application server is also
configured to work with the Voice Gateway to provide VRU treatment, which may include ASR/TTS. In
this deployment model, both the Voice Gateway and the Application Server see two calls:
One for the Switch leg.
One for the VRU leg.
For the Switch leg, the Gateway simply provides Gateway capabilities from TDM to VoIP. For the VRU
leg, the Gateway provides VRU voice treatment.
Figure C-1 shows the call flow for this deployment model.
Although Figure C-1 shows two Gateways (one where the call arrives and a separate one for the VRU
leg), these could be the same physical Gateway. Similarly, the Customer Voice Portal Application Server
and the PG could be the same physical machine.
For simplicity, the figure does not illustrate a deployment for redundancy and failover. Also, the
Gatekeeper is not shown.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployments
Figure C-1
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployment, ICM Enterprise
Note: The numbers in the figure indicate call flow progression.
Configuration overview for this deployment model:
There are two Network VRUs:
– One for the Switch leg (Type 5).
– One for the VRU leg (Type 7).
System Information must include correlation ID settings.
Use the ICM Script Editor’s SendToVRU node to connect the call to the Network VRU.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployments
Table C-1 contains the configuration instructions for this deployment model.
Table C-1
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployment, ICM Enterprise
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the Gateways used to receive the calls
from the network (the Switch leg):
For more information about Steps 1 and 2, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
Configure the Gateway inbound routing
to send the call over IP to the Customer
Voice Portal Voice Browser using dial
peers or Gatekeeper lookup.
Configure the Ethernet connections.
On the Gateways used for the VRU leg:
Configure the servers and voice
application it will use.
If a different GW is used for the VRU,
configure the Ethernet connections.
If a different GW is used for the VRU,
copy the bootstrap files from Customer
Voice Portal Installation.
Configure the characteristics for the VRU
For instructions for Step 1, see “Common Gateway Configuration
for VRU Leg” section on page C-80.
For more information about Steps 2, 3, and 4, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
For Step 3, the files to be copied from the Application Server
machine to the Gateway are as follows:
If you are using a content switch for failover, the files are in:
Otherwise, they are in:
For Step 4:
dial-peer voice <Dial-Peer Number> voip
application vru-leg
incoming called-number <Network Routing Number> T
*\ For example, 8001112222T \*
Dtmf-relay rtp-nte H45-signal h245-alphanumeric
Codec g711ulaw
No vad
On the Gatekeeper:
Register all the Gateways with the
Configure the Gatekeeper to send all the
VRU connections to the applicable
These characteristics are for VRU legs requiring ASR and/or
TTS treatment. If you have other requirements for DTMF
relay, Codecs or VAD settings, you should modify the
commands accordingly.
For instructions for Step 1, see Chapter 8, “VoIP Configuration.”
For Step 2, include the following:
zone prefix <GK> <Network Routing Number>* gw-priority 10
<H323-ID of gateway>
For example:
zone prefix gk-stooge 8001112222* gw-priority 10
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployments
Table C-1
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployment, ICM Enterprise (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU.
Specify the following:
Type: 5.
Name: isnSwitch.
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
PG Explorer tool:
Configure each PG to be used for the
Switch leg.
Configure a peripheral for each Customer
Voice Portal Application Server to be
used for a Switch leg connected to each PG.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnSwitch will be
For each Customer Voice Portal Application Server connected to
this PG, in the tree view pane, select the applicable PG.
Logical Controller tab:
Client Type: VRU.
Name: A name descriptive of this PG, for example,
<location>_A for side A of a particular location.
Peripheral tab:
Peripheral Name: A name descriptive of this Customer Voice
Portal peripheral, for example, <location>_<isn1> or
Client Type: VRU.
Select the Enable Post-routing checkbox.
On the Advanced tab, select the name isnSwitch from the Network
VRU field drop-down list.
Routing Client tab:
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
PG Explorer tool:
Configure each PG to be used for the
VRU Client leg.
Configure a peripheral for each Customer
Voice Portal Application Server to be
used for a VRU leg connected to each PG.
If the Customer Voice Portal
Application Servers to use for the
VRU legs are the same as those for the
Switch legs, skip this step as this
configuration is already completed. If
the PGs are the same but the
Application Servers are different,
then only the second part of the step
needs to be performed.
Name: By convention, use the same name as the peripheral.
Client Type: VRU.
For each Customer Voice Portal Application Server connected to
this PG, in the tree view pane, select the applicable PG.
Logical Controller tab:
Client Type: VRU.
Name: A name descriptive of this PG, for example,
<location>_A for side A of a particular location.
Peripheral tab:
Peripheral Name: A name descriptive of this Customer Voice
Portal peripheral, for example, <location>_<isn1> or
Client Type: VRU.
Do not select the Enable Post-routing checkbox.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployments
Table C-1
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployment, ICM Enterprise (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU for the VRU leg
and labels for each Customer Voice
Portal Switch.
Specify the following:
Type: 7.
Name: isnVRU.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnVRU will be
Define a Label for each Application Server that is handling the
Switch leg:
– Label: Network routing number.
– Type: Normal.
– Routing client: Select the routing client configured for that
Customer Voice Portal Application Server peripheral from
the drop-down list.
ICM Configuration Manager, System
Information tool:
Define the correlation IDs.
Define a default Network VRU.
Specify following in the General section of the System Information
Set maximum and minimum correlation ID values.
– Minimum correlation ID: Starting number for the
correlation ID, for example, 1000.
– Maximum correlation ID: Ending number for the
correlation ID, for example, 1099.
Define the Default Network VRU: IsnVRU.
On each Customer Voice Portal Application Specify the following:
• On the Call Definitions page, set the Dialed Number
Maximum Length if no Correlation ID present field to the
1. Configure the ports for the both legs of
length of the Network Routing Number.
the call.
Check other settings.
Set the VRU Connect Port to match the VRU Connection Port
defined in ICM Setup for the corresponding VRU PG peripheral
Configure the ports for both groups according to the licenses
purchased, call profiles, and capacity. The “New Calls” group is
used for the Switch leg; the “ID for ICM” group is used for the
VRU leg.
See Chapter 5, “Administering the Application Server” for
other settings you might want to adjust from the default values.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployments
Table C-1
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployment, ICM Enterprise (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On each Customer Voice Portal Voice
Specify the following:
Configure the Gatekeeper.
Configure the capacity.
Check other settings.
SetGateKeeper <NewValue>
Where <NewValue> is the IP address for the Gatekeeper serving
the Voice Browser.
ICM Script Editor tool:
1. Create the VRU scripts and routing
Configure the total number of calls and IVR ports according to
the licenses purchased, call profiles and capacity. (For
instructions, see Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration”.)
See Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration” for other
settings you might want to adjust from the default values.
Create scripts to be used for IVR treatment and agent transfer. The
VRU scripts are associated with the applicable Network VRU, that
is, IsnVRU.
Use the ICM Script Editor’s SendToVRU node to connect the call to the
Network VRU. For more information about creating scripts, see
Chapter 2, “Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal
IVR Solution.”
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
Configure the ECC variables.
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
Configure dialed numbers, call types and
applicable customers.
A RunVRU Script or Queue node is an “implicit”
SendToVRU node, although error handling will be easier if
the explicit “SendToVRU” node is used.
For more information, see “Common NAM/CICM Configuration:
Define Customer Voice Portal ECC variables” section on page C-85.
For more information, see the Cisco ICM Software Configuration
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
For more information, see“Common Configuration for
Differentiating VRUs (Customer Voice Portals) Based on Dialed
1. If necessary, differentiate VRUs
(Customer Voice Portals) based on dialed Number” section on page C-88.
On the Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS):
If necessary, configure the CSS.
For more information, see the Cisco Content Services Switch user
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployments
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployment, NAM/CICM
In this deployment model, the Customer Voice Portal is deployed at the NAM where it acts as the Switch,
transferring the call to the Network VRU (Type 7 flow) and to agents. The Customer Voice Portal
Application Server is also configured to work with the Voice Gateway to provide VRU treatment, which
may include ASR/TTS. In this deployment model, both the Voice Gateway and the Application Server
see two calls:
One for the Switch leg.
One for the VRU leg.
For the Switch leg, the Gateway simply provides Gateway capabilities from TDM to VoIP. For the VRU
leg, the Gateway provides VRU voice treatment.
ICM sees these as a single call routed through different peripherals for different purposes.
Figure C-2 shows the call flow for this deployment model.
Although Figure C-2 shows two Gateways (one where the call arrives and a separate one for the VRU
leg, these could be the same physical Gateway. Similarly, the Customer Voice Portal Application Server
and the PG could be the same physical machine.
For simplicity, the figure does not illustrate a deployment for redundancy and failover. Also, the
Gatekeeper is not shown.
Figure C-2
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployment, NAM/CICM
Note: The numbers in the figure indicate call flow progression.
Configuration overview for this deployment model:
There are three Network VRUs:
– One on the NAM for the Switch leg (Type 5).
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployments
– One for the NAM for the VRU leg (Type 7).
– One for the CICM for the INCRP connection.
System Information on the NAM and CICM must include correlation ID settings.
The Network VRU names (where applicable), correlation ID settings, and the ECC variable
configurations must be identical on the NAM and CICM. All Labels must also be duplicated but
their routing clients will be different.
Use the ICM Script Editor’s SendToVRU node to connect the call to the Network VRU.
Table C-2 contains the configuration instructions for this deployment model.
Table C-2
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployment, NAM/CICM
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the Gateways used to receive the calls
from the network (the Switch leg):
1. Configure the Gateway inbound routing
to send the call over IP to the Customer
Voice Portal VB using dial peers or
Gatekeeper lookup.
2. Configure the Ethernet connections.
For more information about Steps 1 and 2, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
On the Gateways used for the VRU leg:
For instructions for Step 1, see “Common Gateway Configuration
for VRU Leg” section on page C-80.
Configure the servers and voice
application it will use.
If a different GW is used for the VRU,
configure the Ethernet connections.
If a different GW is used for the VRU,
copy the bootstrap files from Customer
Voice Portal Installation.
Configure the characteristics for the VRU
For more information about Steps 2, 3, and 4, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
For Step 3, the files to be copied from the Application Server
machine to the Gateway are as follows:
If you are using a content switch for failover, the files are in:
Otherwise, they are in:
For Step 4:
dial-peer voice <Dial-Peer Number> voip
application vru-leg
incoming called-number <Network Routing Number> T
*\ For example, 8001112222T \*
Dtmf-relay rtp-nte H45-signal h245-alphanumeric
Codec g711ulaw
No vad
These characteristics are for VRU legs requiring ASR and/or
TTS treatment. If you have other requirements for DTMF
relay, Codecs or VAD settings, you should modify the
commands accordingly.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployments
Table C-2
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployment, NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the Gatekeeper:
For more information and instructions, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
Register all the Gateways with the
Configure the Gatekeeper to send all the
VRU connections to the applicable
For Step 2, include the following:
zone prefix <GK> <Network Routing Number>* gw-priority 10
<GW address(es)>
For example:
zone prefix gk-stooge 8001112222* gw-priority 10
For instructions see “Common NAM/CICM Configuration for
On the NAM and CICMs:
1. Configure the Network VRUs and PGs for Customer Voice Portal Switch Leg” section on page C-83.
the Switch leg.
On the NAM, ICM Configuration Manager,
PG Explorer tool:
Configure each PG to be used for the
VRU Client leg.
Configure a peripheral for each Customer
Voice Portal Application Server to be
used for a VRU leg connected to each PG.
If the Customer Voice Portal
Application Servers to use for the
VRU legs are the same as those for the
Switch legs, skip this step, as this
configuration is already completed. If
the PGs are the same but the
Application Servers are different,
then only the second part of the step
needs to be performed.
For each Customer Voice Portal Application Server connected to
this PG, in the tree view pane, select the applicable PG.
Logical Controller tab:
Client Type: VRU.
Name: A name descriptive of this PG, for example,
<location>_A for side A of a particular location.
Peripheral tab:
Peripheral Name: A name descriptive of this Customer Voice
Portal peripheral, for example, <location>_<isn1> or
Client Type: VRU.
Select the Enable Post-routing checkbox.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployments
Table C-2
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployment, NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU for the VRU leg
and labels for reaching the NAM.
Specify the following:
Type: 7.
Name: isnVRU.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnVRU will be
Define a Label for routing the calls through the network to the
– Label: The network routing number.
– Type: Normal.
– Routing client: Select the INCRP routing client from the
drop-down list.
On the NAM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU for the VRU leg
and labels for each Customer Voice
Portal Switch.
Make sure the Network VRU label is identical in the NAM
and CICM. It is recommended that the Network VRU Name
be identical as well to avoid confusion.
Specify the following:
Type: 7.
Name: isnVRU.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnVRU will be
Define a Label for each Application Server that is handling the
Switch leg:
– Label: The number to be used as the base for routing calls
through the network to the VRU.
– Type: Normal
– Routing client: Select the routing client configured for that
Customer Voice Portal Application Server peripheral from
the drop-down list.
Make sure the Network VRU label is identical in the NAM
and CICM. It is recommended that the Network VRU Name
be identical as well to avoid confusion.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployments
Table C-2
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployment, NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
In the NAM, ICM Configuration Manager,
System Information tool:
For Step 1, do the following in the General section of the System
Information tool:
Define the correlation IDs.
If there will be Routing Scripts on the
NAM, define a default Network VRU.
Set maximum and minimum correlation ID values.
– Minimum correlation ID: Starting number for the
correlation ID, for example, 1000.
– Maximum correlation ID: Ending number for the
correlation ID, for example, 1099.
For Step 2, do the following in the General section of the System
Information tool:
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
System Information tool:
Define a default Network VRU.
Define the Default Network VRU: IsnVRU.
For Step 1, do the following in the General section of the System
Information tool:
Define the Default Network VRU: IsnVRU.
On each Customer Voice Portal Application Do the following:
• On the Call Definitions page, set the Dialed Number
Maximum Length if no Correlation ID present field to the
1. Configure the ports for the both legs of
length of the Network Routing Number.
the call.
Check other settings.
On each Customer Voice Portal Voice
Configure the Gatekeeper.
Configure the capacity.
Check other settings.
Set the VRU Connect Port to match the VRU Connection Port
defined in ICM Setup for the corresponding VRU PG peripheral
Configure the ports for both groups according to the licenses
purchased, call profiles, and capacity. The “New Calls” group is
used for the Switch leg; the “ID for ICM” group is used for the
VRU leg.
See Chapter 5, “Administering the Application Server” for
other settings you might want to adjust from the default values.
Do the following:
SetGateKeeper <NewValue>
Where <NewValue> is the IP address for the Gatekeeper serving
the Voice Browser.
Configure the total number of calls and IVR ports according to
the licenses purchased, call profiles and capacity. (For
instructions, see Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration”.)
See Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration” for other
settings you might want to adjust from the default values.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployments
Table C-2
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive Deployment, NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the CICM, ICM Script Editor tool:
1. Create the VRU scripts and routing
Create scripts to be used for IVR treatment and agent transfer. The
VRU scripts are associated with the applicable Network VRU, that
is, IsnVRU.
Use the CICM Script Editor’s SendToVRU node to connect the call to
the Network VRU. For more information about creating scripts, see
Chapter 2, “Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal
IVR Solution.”
On the NAM and CICM, ICM Configuration
Configure dialed numbers, call types and
applicable customers.
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
If necessary, differentiate VRUs
(Customer Voice Portals) based on dialed
On the Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS):
For more information, see “Common NAM/CICM Configuration:
Define Customer Voice Portal ECC variables” section on page C-85.
Configure the ECC variables.
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
A RunVRU Script or Queue node is an “implicit”
SendToVRU node, although error handling will be easier if
the explicit “SendToVRU” node is used.
If necessary, configure the CSS.
For more information, see the Cisco ICM Software Configuration
For more information, see“Common Configuration for
Differentiating VRUs (Customer Voice Portals) Based on Dialed
Number” section on page C-88.
For more information, see the Cisco Content Services Switch user
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
This section describes the call flows and provides configuration instructions for the following Customer
Voice Portal deployment models:
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment, ICM Enterprise
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Network VRU, ICM
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment, NAM/CICM
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Network VRU, NAM/CICM
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Customer VRU, NAM/ICM
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment, ICM Enterprise
In this deployment model, the Customer Voice Portal acts as the VRU and as the switch to transfer the
call to agents. The Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser provides voice treatment; ASR/TTS processing
is not possible.
Figure C-3 shows the call flow for this deployment model.
Figure C-3
For simplicity, the figure does not illustrate a deployment for redundancy and failover. Also, the
Gatekeeper is not shown.
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment, ICM Enterprise Edition
Note: The numbers in the figure indicate call flow progression.
Configuration overview for this deployment model:
There are two Network VRUs configured:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
– One for the Switch leg (Type 5).
– One for the VRU leg (Type 5).
Use the ICM Script Editor’s SendToVRU node to connect the call to the Network VRU.
Table C-3 contains the configuration instructions for this deployment model.
Table C-3
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment, ICM Enterprise
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the Gateways used to receive the calls
from the network (the Switch leg):
For more information about Steps 1, and 2, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
Configure the Gateway inbound routing
to send the call over IP to the Customer
Voice Portal Voice Browser using dial
peers or Gatekeeper lookup.
Configure the Ethernet connections.
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU for the switch
Specify the following:
Type: 5.
Name: isnSwitch.
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
PG Explorer tool:
Configure each PG to be used for the
Customer Voice Portal.
Configure a peripheral for each Customer
Voice Portal Application Server
connected to each PG.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnSwitch will be
For each Customer Voice Portal Application Server connected to
this PG, in the tree view pane, select the applicable PG.
Logical Controller tab:
Client Type: VRU.
Name: A name descriptive of this PG, that is <location>_A for
side A of a particular location.
Peripheral tab:
Peripheral Name: A name descriptive of this Customer Voice
Portal peripheral, for example, <location>_<isn1> or
Client Type: VRU.
Select the Enable Post-routing checkbox.
Advanced tab, select the name isnSwitch from the Network VRU
field drop-down list.
Routing Client tab:
Name: By convention, this is the same name as the peripheral.
Client Type: VRU.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Table C-3
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment, ICM Enterprise (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU for the VRU
Specify the following:
Define Labels for each Customer Voice
Portal switch.
Type: 5.
Name: isnVRU.
This name is used by convention; however, any name will
do. Although you could use the same Network VRU Name
defined earlier in this process (isnVRU), defining a separate
name here enable the possibility of easily changing deployment
models later in the process.
Define one Label for each Customer Voice Portal application
Server that is handling the Switch leg:
– Label: Any number.
Although this label is not used, it must be configured; its
value is not meaningful.
– Type: Normal
– Routing client: Select the routing client configured for the
Customer Voice Portal Application Server peripheral from
the drop-down list.
ICM Configuration Manager, System
Information tool:
Define a default Network VRU.
In the General section of System Information specify the
Default Network VRU Name: IsnVRU.
On each Customer Voice Portal Application Do the following:
• Set the VRU Connect Port to match the VRU Connection Port
defined in ICM Setup for the corresponding VRU PG peripheral
1. Configure the ports.
2. Check other settings.
• Configure the ports for the “New Calls” group according to the
licenses purchased, call profiles, and capacity; the “ID for
ICM” group is not used since the switch and VRU functions are
handled in the call leg.
On each Customer Voice Portal Voice
Configure the Gatekeeper.
Configure the capacity.
Check other settings.
See Chapter 5, “Administering the Application Server” for
other settings you might want to adjust from the default values.
Specify the following:
SetGateKeeper <NewValue>
Where <NewValue> is the IP address for the Gatekeeper serving
the Voice Browser.
Configure the total number of calls and IVR ports according to
the licenses purchased, call profiles and capacity. (For
instructions, see Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration”.)
See Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration” for other
settings you might want to adjust from the default values.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Table C-3
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment, ICM Enterprise (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
ICM Script Editor tool:
1. Create the VRU scripts and routing
Create scripts to be used for IVR treatment and agent transfer. The
VRU scripts are associated with the applicable Network VRU, that
is, IsnVRU.
Use the ICM Script Editor’s SendToVRU node to connect the call to the
Network VRU. For more information about creating scripts, see
Chapter 2, “Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal
IVR Solution.”
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
Configure the ECC variables.
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
Configure dialed numbers, call types and
applicable customers.
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
If necessary, differentiate VRUs
(Customer Voice Portals) based on dialed
On the Cisco Content Services Switch
A RunVRU Script or Queue node is an “implicit”
SendToVRU node, although error handling will be easier if
the explicit “SendToVRU” node is used.
For more information, see “Common NAM/CICM Configuration:
Define Customer Voice Portal ECC variables” section on page C-85.
For more information, see the Cisco ICM Software Configuration
For more information, see“Common Configuration for
Differentiating VRUs (Customer Voice Portals) Based on Dialed
Number” section on page C-88.
For more information, see the Cisco Content Services Switch user
If necessary, configure the CSS.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Network
VRU, ICM Enterprise
In this deployment model, the Customer Voice Portal is used only as the switch to transfer calls to the
VRU and agents; all of the VRU treatment at the “other” VRU, that is, a VRU which is not an Customer
Voice Portal.
Figure C-4 shows the call flow for this deployment model.
Figure C-4
For simplicity, the figure does not illustrate a deployment for redundancy and failover. Also, the
Gatekeeper is not shown.
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Network VRU, ICM Enterprise
Note: The numbers in the figure indicate call flow progression.
Configuration overview for this deployment model:
There are two Network VRUs configured:
– One for the Switch leg (Type 5).
– One for the VRU leg (Type 8).
System Information must specify correlation ID settings.
Use the ICM Script Editor’s SendToVRU node to connect the call to the Network VRU.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Table C-4 contains the configuration instructions for this deployment model.
Table C-4
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Network VRU,
ICM Enterprise
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the Gateways used to receive the calls
from the network (the Switch leg):
For more information about Steps 1, and 2 , see Chapter 8, “VoIP
Configure the Gateway inbound routing
to send the call over IP to the Customer
Voice Portal Voice Browser using dial
peers or Gatekeeper lookup.
Configure the Ethernet connections.
On the Gatekeeper:
Configure the Gatekeeper to send all the
VRU connections to the “other VRU.
Register the Gateway.
For more information and instructions, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
For Step 1, include the following:
zone prefix <GK> <Network Routing Number>* gw-priority 10
<VRU address(es)>
For example:
zone prefix gk-stooge 8001112222* gw-priority 10
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU.
Specify the following:
Type: 5.
Name: isnSwitch.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnSwitch will be
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Table C-4
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Network VRU,
ICM Enterprise (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
PG Explorer tool:
For each Customer Voice Portal Application Server connected to
this PG, in the tree view pane, select the applicable PG.
Configure each PG to be used for the
Switch leg.
Configure a peripheral for each Customer
Voice Portal Application Server to be
used for a Switch leg connected to each PG.
Logical Controller tab:
Client Type: VRU.
Name: A name descriptive of this PG, that is <location>_A for
side A of a particular location.
Peripheral tab:
Peripheral Name: A name descriptive of this Customer Voice
Portal peripheral, for example, <location>_<isn1> or
Client Type: VRU.
Select the Enable Post-routing checkbox.
Advanced tab, select the name isnSwitch from the Network VRU
field drop-down list.
Routing Client tab:
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
PG Explorer tool:
Configure each PG to be used for the
VRU Client leg.
Configure a peripheral for each VRU leg
connected to each PG.
Name: By convention, use the same name as the peripheral.
Client Type: VRU.
For each VRU connected to this PG, in the tree view pane, select the
applicable PG.
Logical Controller tab:
Client Type: VRU.
Name: A name descriptive of this PG, that is <location>_A for
side A of a particular location.
If the Customer Voice Portal
Peripheral tab:
Application Servers to use for the
VRU legs are the same as those for the • Peripheral Name: A name descriptive of this VRU peripheral.
Switch legs, skip this step as this
• Client Type: VRU.
configuration is already complete. If
• Do not select the Enable Post-routing checkbox.
the PGs are the same but the
Application Servers are different,
then only the second part of the step
needs to be performed.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Table C-4
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Network VRU,
ICM Enterprise (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
Specify the following:
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
• Type: 8.
1. Define a Network VRU and its Labels for
• Name: other_vru.
the VRU function.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, other_vru will be
ICM Configuration Manager, System
Information tool:
Define the correlation IDs.
Define a default Network VRU.
Use the Translation Route Explorer or the Translation Route
Wizard to define a set of translation route labels that can
transfer calls from the Switch leg peripheral to the other_vru
On the System Information tab, General section:
Define the Minimum correlation ID: A starting number for the
correlation ID, for example, 1000.
Define the Maximum correlation ID: An ending number for the
correlation ID, for example, 1099.
Define the Default Network VRU name, other_vru.
On each Customer Voice Portal Application Do the following:
• On the Call Definitions page, set the Dialed Number
Maximum Length if no Correlation ID present field to the
1. Configure the ports.
length of the Network Routing Number.
2. Check other settings.
• Set the VRU Connect Port to match the VRU Connection Port
defined in ICM Setup for the corresponding VRU PG peripheral
On each Customer Voice Portal Voice
Configure the Gatekeeper.
Configure the capacity.
Check other settings.
Configure the ports for the “New Call” groups according to the
licenses purchased and capacity; the “ID from ICM” group is
not used since this leg of the call will not go to the “other” VRU.
See Chapter 5, “Administering the Application Server” other
settings you might want to adjust from the default values.
Specify the following:
SetGateKeeper <NewValue>
Where <NewValue> is the IP address for the Gatekeeper serving
the Voice Browser.
Configure the total number of calls and IVR ports according to
the licenses purchased, call profiles and capacity. (For
instructions, see Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration”.)
See Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration” for other
settings you might want to adjust from the default values.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Table C-4
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Network VRU,
ICM Enterprise (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
ICM Script Editor tool:
1. Create the VRU scripts and routing
Create scripts to be used for IVR treatment and agent transfer. The
VRU scripts are associated with the applicable Network VRU, that
is, other_VRU.
Use the ICM Script Editor’s SendToVRU node to connect the call to the
Network VRU. For more information about creating scripts, see
Chapter 2, “Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal
IVR Solution.”
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
Configure the ECC variables.
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
Configure dialed numbers, call types and
applicable customers.
A RunVRU Script or Queue node is an “implicit”
SendToVRU node, although error handling will be easier if
the explicit “SendToVRU” node is used.
For more information, see “Common NAM/CICM Configuration:
Define Customer Voice Portal ECC variables” section on page C-85.
For more information, see the Cisco ICM Software Configuration
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
For more information, see“Common Configuration for
Differentiating VRUs (Customer Voice Portals) Based on Dialed
1. If necessary, differentiate VRUs
(Customer Voice Portals) based on dialed Number” section on page C-88.
On the Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS): For more information, see the Cisco Content Services Switch user
1. If necessary, configure the CSS.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment, NAM/CICM
In this deployment model, the Customer Voice Portal is at the NAM. It acts as the VRU and as the Switch
to transfer calls to agents. The Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser provides voice treatment; ASR/TTS
processing is not possible.
Figure C-5 shows the call flow for this deployment model.
Figure C-5
For simplicity, the figure does not illustrate a deployment for redundancy and failover. Also, the
Gatekeeper is not shown.
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment, NAM/CICM
Note: The numbers in the figure indicate call flow progression.
Configuration overview for this deployment model:
There are three Network VRUs configured:
– One on the NAM for the Switch leg (Type 5).
– One for the NAM for the VRU leg (Type 5).
– One for the CICM for the INCRP connection.
The Network VRU names (where applicable) and the ECC variable configurations must be identical
on the NAM and CICM. All Labels must also be duplicated but their routing clients will be different.
Use the CICM Script Editor’s SendToVRU node to connect the call to the Network VRU.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Table C-5 contains the configuration instructions for this deployment model.
Table C-5
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment, NAM/CICM
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the Gateways used to receive the calls
from the network (the Switch leg):
For more information about Steps 1 and 2, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
Configure the Gateway inbound routing
to send the call over IP to the Customer
Voice Portal Voice Browser using dial
peers or Gatekeeper lookup.
Configure the Ethernet connections.
On the Gatekeeper:
Register all the Gateways with the
For more information and instructions, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
For instructions see “Common NAM/CICM Configuration for
On the NAM and CICMs:
1. Configure the Network VRUs and PGs for Customer Voice Portal Switch Leg” section on page C-83.
the Switch leg.
On the NAM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU for the VRU leg
and a Label for each Customer Voice
Portal peripheral.
Specify the following:
Type: 5.
Name: isnVRU.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnVRU will be
Define a Label for each Customer Voice Portal peripheral:
– Label: Any number.
Although this label is not used, it must be configured, and
the same number must be used for all Customer Voice
Portal peripherals.
– Type: Normal.
– Routing client: Select the routing client configured for that
Customer Voice Portal Application Server peripheral from
the drop-down list.
Make sure the Network VRU label is identical in the NAM
and CICM. It is recommended that the Network VRU Name
be identical as well to avoid confusion.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Table C-5
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment, NAM/CICM
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU for the VRU leg
and a Label for reaching the NAM.
Specify the following:
Type: 5.
Name: isnVRU.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnVRU will be
Define a Label for the NAM.
– Label: Any number.
Although this label is not used, it must be configured, and
the same number must be used for all Customer Voice
Portal peripherals.
– Type: Normal.
– Routing client: Select the INCRP Routing Client from the
drop-down list.
In the NAM, ICM Configuration Manager,
System Information tool:
Define the Default Network VRU: IsnVRU.
If there will be Routing Scripts on the
NAM, define a default Network VRU.
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
System Information tool:
In the General section of the System Information tool:
In the General section of the System Information tool:
Define the Default Network VRU: IsnVRU.
Define a default Network VRU.
On each Customer Voice Portal Application Do the following:
• Configure the ports for the “New Call” groups according to the
licenses purchased and capacity; the “ID from ICM” group is
1. Configure the ports for the both legs of
not used since this leg of the call will not go to the “other” VRU.
the call.
Check other settings.
On each Customer Voice Portal Voice
Configure the Gatekeeper.
Configure the capacity.
Check other settings.
See Chapter 5, “Administering the Application Server” for
other settings you might want to adjust from the default values.
Specify the following:
SetGateKeeper <NewValue>
Where <NewValue> is the IP address for the Gatekeeper serving
the Voice Browser.
Configure the total number of calls and IVR ports according to
the licenses purchased, call profiles and capacity. (For
instructions, see Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration”.)
See Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration” for other
settings you might want to adjust from the default values.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Table C-5
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment, NAM/CICM
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the CICM, ICM Script Editor tool:
1. Create the VRU scripts and routing
Create scripts to be used for IVR treatment and agent transfer. The
VRU scripts are associated with the applicable Network VRU, that
is, IsnVRU.
Use the ICM Script Editor’s SendToVRU node to connect the call to the
Network VRU. For more information about creating scripts, see
Chapter 2, “Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal
IVR Solution.”
On the NAM and CICM, ICM Configuration
If necessary, differentiate VRUs
(Customer Voice Portals) based on dialed
On the Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS):
For more information, see the Cisco ICM Software Configuration
Configure dialed numbers, call types and
applicable customers.
On the NAM and CICM, ICM Configuration
For more information, see “Common NAM/CICM Configuration:
Define Customer Voice Portal ECC variables” section on page C-85.
Configure the ECC variables.
On the NAM and CICM, ICM Configuration
A RunVRU Script or Queue node is an “implicit”
SendToVRU node, although error handling will be easier if
the explicit “SendToVRU” node is used.
If necessary, configure the CSS.
For more information, see“Common Configuration for
Differentiating VRUs (Customer Voice Portals) Based on Dialed
Number” section on page C-88.
For more information, see the Cisco Content Services Switch user
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Network
In this deployment model, the Customer Voice Portal is at the NAM. It acts as the Switch to transfer calls
to the Network VRU and agents. The Network VRU (not a Customer Voice Portal) is deployed at the
NAM; it is not an Customer Voice Portal, but rather, some other VRU which provides voice treatment.
Figure C-6 shows the call flow for this deployment model.
Figure C-6
For simplicity, the figure does not illustrate a deployment for redundancy and failover. Also, the
Gatekeeper is not shown.
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Network VRU, NAM/CICM
Note: The numbers in the figure indicate call flow progression.
Configuration overview for this deployment model:
There are three Network VRUs configured:
– One on the NAM for the Switch leg (Type 5).
– One for the NAM for the VRU leg (Type 8).
– One for the CICM for the INCRP connection.
The Network VRU names (where applicable) and the ECC variable configurations must be identical
on the NAM and CICM. All Labels must also be duplicated, but their routing clients will be
Use the NAM Script Editor’s Translation Route to VRU node to connect the call to the Network
Table C-6 contains the configuration instructions for this deployment model.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Table C-6
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Network VRU,
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the Gateways used to receive the calls
from the network (the Switch leg):
For more information about Steps 1 and 2, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
Configure the Gateway inbound routing
to send the call over IP to the Customer
Voice Portal Voice Browser using dial
peers or Gatekeeper lookup.
Configure the Ethernet connections.
On the Gatekeeper:
Register all the Gateways with the
Configure the Gatekeeper to send all the
VRU connections to the applicable
For more information and instructions, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
For Step 2, include the following:
zone prefix <GK> <Network Routing Number>* gw-priority 10
<VRU address(es)>
For example:
zone prefix gk-stooge 8001112222* gw-priority 10
For instructions see “Common NAM/CICM Configuration for
On the NAM and CICMs:
1. Configure the Network VRUs and PGs for Customer Voice Portal Switch Leg” section on page C-83.
the Switch leg.
On the NAM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU for the VRU leg
and labels for each Customer Voice
Portal Switch.
Specify the following:
Type: 8.
Name: otherVRU.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, otherVRU will be
Use the Translation Route Explorer or the Translation Route
Wizard to define a set of translation route labels that can
transfer calls from the Switch leg peripheral to the other_vru
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Table C-6
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Network VRU,
NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the NAM, ICM Configuration Manager,
PG Explorer tool:
For each VRU connected to this PG, in the tree view pane, select the
applicable PG.
Configure each PG to be used for the VRU Logical Controller tab:
Client Leg.
• Client Type: VRU.
2. Configure a peripheral for each VRU
• Name: A name descriptive of this PG, that is <location>_A for
connected to each PG.
side A of a particular location.
Peripheral tab:
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU for the VRU leg
and labels for each Customer Voice
Portal Switch.
Peripheral Name: A name descriptive of this VRU peripheral,
for example, <location>_<isn1> or <dns_name>.
Client Type: VRU.
Do not select the Enable Post-routing checkbox.
Specify the following:
Type: 8.
Name: otherVRU.
Define a Label for reaching the NAM.
This name is used by convention; however, any name will
Define a Label for routing the calls through the network to the
– Label: The Network Routing Number.
– Type: Normal.
– Routing client: Select the INCRP Routing Client from the
drop-down list.
In the NAM, ICM Configuration Manager,
System Information tool:
Define the correlation IDs.
If there will be Routing Scripts on the
NAM, define a default Network VRU.
For Step 1, do the following in the General section of the System
Information tool:
Set maximum and minimum correlation ID values.
– Minimum correlation ID: Starting number for the
correlation ID, for example, 1000.
– Maximum correlation ID: Ending number for the
correlation ID, for example, 1099.
For Step 2, do the following in the General section of the System
Information tool:
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
System Information tool:
Define the Default Network VRU: otherVRU.
In the General section of the System Information tool:
Define the Default Network VRU: otherVRU.
Define a default Network VRU.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Table C-6
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Network VRU,
NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On each Customer Voice Portal Application Do the following:
• On the Call Definitions page, set the Dialed Number
Maximum Length if no Correlation ID present field to the
1. Configure the ports for the both legs of
length of the Network Routing Number.
the call.
Check other settings.
On each Customer Voice Portal Voice
Configure the Gatekeeper.
Configure the capacity.
Check other settings.
On the CICM, ICM Script Editor tool:
1. Create the VRU scripts and routing
Set the VRU Connect Port to match the VRU Connection Port
defined in ICM Setup for the corresponding VRU PG peripheral
Configure the ports for the “New Call” groups according to the
licenses purchased and capacity; the “ID from ICM” group is
not used since this leg of the call will not go to the “other” VRU.
See Chapter 5, “Administering the Application Server” for
other settings you might want to adjust from the default values.
Specify the following:
SetGateKeeper <NewValue>
Where <NewValue> is the IP address for the Gatekeeper serving
the Voice Browser.
Configure the total number of calls and IVR ports according to
the licenses purchased, call profiles and capacity. (For
instructions, see Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration”.)
See Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration” for other
settings you might want to adjust from the default values.
Create scripts to be used for IVR treatment and agent transfer, as
described in other sections of this manual and in the ICM manuals.
The VRU scripts are associated with the applicable Network VRU,
that is, otherVRU.
Use the ICM Script Editor’s SendToVRU node to connect the call to the
Network VRU. For more information about creating scripts, see
Chapter 2, “Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal
IVR Solution.”
On the NAM and CICM, ICM Configuration
For more information, see “Common NAM/CICM Configuration:
Define Customer Voice Portal ECC variables” section on page C-85.
Configure the ECC variables.
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
A RunVRU Script or Queue node is an “implicit”
SendToVRU node, although error handling will be easier if
the explicit “SendToVRU” node is used.
Configure dialed numbers, call types and
applicable customers.
For more information, see the Cisco ICM Software Configuration
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Table C-6
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Network VRU,
NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
For more information, see“Common Configuration for
Differentiating VRUs (Customer Voice Portals) Based on Dialed
Number” section on page C-88.
If necessary, differentiate VRUs
(Customer Voice Portals) based on dialed
On the Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS):
If necessary, configure the CSS.
For more information, see the Cisco Content Services Switch user
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Customer
In this deployment model, the Customer Voice Portal is at the NAM. It acts as the Switch to transfer calls
to the Customer VRU and agents. The Customer VRU is deployed at the CICM; it is not an Customer
Voice Portal, but rather, some other VRU which provides voice treatment.
For failover and redundancy, it might be appropriate to configure a service array for the Customer
VRU. This appendix only gives instructions for configuring a service; for information about for
configuring a service array, for configuring a service array, see the Cisco ICM Software user
Figure C-7 shows the call flow for this deployment model.
Figure C-7
For simplicity, the figure does not illustrate a deployment for redundancy and failover. Also, the
Gatekeeper is not shown.
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Customer VRU, NAM/CICM
Note: The numbers in the figure indicate call flow progression.
Configuration overview for this deployment model:
There are three Network VRUs configured:
– One on the NAM for the Switch leg (Type 5).
– One for the NAM for the VRU leg (Type 8).
– One for the CICM for the INCRP connection.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
You must define a Translation Route and Labels for the VRU at the CICM, together with matching
labels in the NAM.
Use the CICM Script Editor’s TranslationRouteToVRU node to connect the call to the VRU at the
Table C-7 contains the configuration instructions for this deployment model.
Table C-7
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Customer VRU,
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the Gateways used to receive the calls
from the network (the Switch leg):
For more information about Steps 1 and 2, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
Configure the Gateway inbound routing
to send the call over IP to the Customer
Voice Portal Voice Browser using dial
peers or Gatekeeper lookup.
Configure the Ethernet connections.
On the Gatekeeper:
Register all the Gateways with the
Configure the Gatekeeper to send all the
VRU connections to the applicable
For more information and instructions, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
For Step 2, include the following:
zone prefix <GK> <Network Routing Number>* gw-priority 10
<VRU address(es)>
For example:
zone prefix gk-stooge 8001112222* gw-priority 10
For instructions see “Common NAM/CICM Configuration for
On the NAM and CICMs:
1. Configure the Network VRUs and PGs for Customer Voice Portal Switch Leg” section on page C-83.
the Switch leg.
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU for the VRU leg
and labels for each Customer Voice
Portal Switch.
Specify the following:
Type: 8.
Name: otherVRU.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, otherVRU will be
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Table C-7
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Customer VRU,
NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
PG Explorer tool:
For each VRU connected to this PG, in the tree view pane, select the
applicable PG.
Configure each PG to be used for the
Configure a peripheral for each VRU
connected to each PG.
Logical Controller tab:
Client Type: VRU.
Name: A name descriptive of this PG, that is <location>_A for
side A of a particular location.
Peripheral tab:
Peripheral Name: A name descriptive of this VRU peripheral,
for example, <location>_<isn1> or <dns_name>.
Client Type: VRU.
Do not select the Enable Post-routing checkbox.
Advanced tab:
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Service Explorer tool:
Configure a Service and Route for each
You can also use service arrays. Refer
to the ICM documentation set for
more information.
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network Trunk Group Explorer tool:
Configure the network trunk group.
Configure the trunks.
You must configure one Network
Transfer Group and one associated
Trunk Group for each VRU leg
Customer Voice Portal Application
Network VRU: otherVRU.
Specify the following:
Service Name: otherVRU.
Route Name: PeripheralName_otherVRU.
Do not configure a peripheral target or label.
For Step 1, specify the following:
Network Trunk Group Name: A name descriptive of this trunk
For Step 2, specify the following:
Peripheral Name: A name descriptive of this trunk group.
Peripheral Number: The VRU trunk group number (from the
Peripheral Trunk Count: Trunk count from the VRU.
Configure the trunks within the trunk group.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Table C-7
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Customer VRU,
NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Translation Route Explorer tool:
For Step 1, do the following:
Translation Route tab:
Define a Translation Route for each VRU
– Name: The name of the target VRU peripheral. (This is by
Configure translation route and label
information for each VRU peripheral.
– Type: DNIS and select the Service defined in the previous
convention; this value must be unique in the enterprise.)
For Step 2, do the following:
Route tab:
– Name: By convention, this is the name of the target VRU
peripheral, followed by the DNIS that this route will use
(for example, MyVRU_2000).
– Service Name drop-down: Select
Peripheral Target tab:
– Enter the first DNIS that will be seen by the VRU that you
will be using for this translation route.
The DNIS pool used for each VRU peripheral must be
– Select a Network Trunk Group which belongs to the
target VRU from the drop-down list.
Label tab:
– Label: The translation route label (which may or may not
be the same DNIS you entered on the Peripheral Target
– Type: Normal
– Routing Client: INCRP Routing Client that is mapped to
the applicable NAM Routing Client.
Repeat the Route and corresponding Peripheral Target and
Label information for each DNIS in the pool.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Table C-7
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Customer VRU,
NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the NAM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU for the VRU leg
and labels for each translation route
Specify the following:
Type: 8.
Name: otherVRU.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, otherVRU will be
Define a Label for every translation route label created in the
Translation Route Explorer in the CICM. The entire set must
also be duplicated for each Customer Voice Portal routing
– Label: Enter each translation route number in each translation
route DNIS pool.
– Type: Normal.
– Routing client: Select each Customer Voice Portal from the
drop-down list.
Because of the large number of labels involved, you might
prefer to perform this task with the application Bulk
Configuration tool.
On each Customer Voice Portal Application Do the following:
• Set the VRU Connect Port to match the VRU Connection Port
defined in ICM Setup for the corresponding VRU PG peripheral
1. Configure the ports for the both legs of
the call.
Check other settings.
On each Customer Voice Portal Voice
Configure the Gatekeeper.
Configure the capacity.
Check other settings.
Configure the ports for the “New Call” groups according to the
licenses purchased and capacity; the “ID from ICM” group is
not used since this leg of the call will not go to the “other” VRU.
See Chapter 5, “Administering the Application Server” for
other settings you might want to adjust from the default values.
Specify the following:
SetGateKeeper <NewValue>
Where <NewValue> is the IP address for the Gatekeeper serving
the Voice Browser.
Configure the total number of calls and IVR ports according to
the licenses purchased, call profiles and capacity. (For
instructions, see Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration”.)
See Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration” for other
settings you might want to adjust from the default values.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployments
Table C-7
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with “Other” Customer VRU,
NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the CICM, ICM Script Editor tool:
1. Create the VRU scripts and routing
Create scripts to be used for IVR treatment and agent transfer. The
VRU scripts are associated with the applicable Network VRU, that
is, otherVRU.
Use the CICM Script Editor’s TranslationRouteToVRU node to
connect the call to the Network VRU. For more information about
creating scripts, see Chapter 2, “Using NAM/ICM with the
Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution.”
On the NAM and CICM, ICM Configuration
For more information, see “Common NAM/CICM Configuration:
Define Customer Voice Portal ECC variables” section on page C-85.
Configure the ECC variables.
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
A RunVRU Script or Queue node is an “implicit”
SendToVRU node, although error handling will be easier if
the explicit “SendToVRU” node is used.
Configure dialed numbers, call types and
applicable customers.
For more information, see the Cisco ICM Software Configuration
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
For more information, see“Common Configuration for
Differentiating VRUs (Customer Voice Portals) Based on Dialed
1. If necessary, differentiate VRUs
(Customer Voice Portals) based on dialed Number” section on page C-88.
On the Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS):
If necessary, configure the CSS.
For more information, see the Cisco Content Services Switch user
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech
Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech
This section describes the call flows and provides configuration instructions for the following Customer
Voice Portal deployment models:
Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment, ICM Enterprise
Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment, NAM/CICM
Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment, ICM Enterprise
In this deployment model, the Customer Voice Portal works with the Voice Gateway to act as the VRU
and as the Switch to transfer the call to an agent. The VRU voice treatment is provided at the Voice
Gateway, and may include ASR/TTS.
Queuing and network transfers are not possible and the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser is not part
of this deployment.
Figure C-8 shows the call flow for this deployment model.
Figure C-8
For simplicity, the figure does not illustrate a deployment for redundancy and failover. Also, the
Gatekeeper is not shown.
Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment, ICM Enterprise
Note: The numbers in the figure indicate call flow progression.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech
Configuration overview for this deployment model:
There are two Network VRUs configured:
– One for the Switch leg (Type 5).
– One for the VRU leg (Type 5).
Although the same Network VRU could be used for both purposes on the NAM, it is
recommended that you keep them separate for flexibility in changing deployment models at
some other time.
Use the ICM Script Editor’s SendToVRU node to connect the call to the Network VRU.
Table C-8 contains the configuration instructions for this deployment model.
Table C-8
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment, ICM Enterprise
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the Gateways used for the VRU leg:
For instructions for Step 1, see “Common Gateway Configuration
for VRU Leg” section on page C-80.
Configure the servers and voice
application it will use.
Configure the Ethernet connections.
Copy the bootstrap files from Customer
Voice Portal Installation.
Configure the characteristics for the VRU
For more information about Steps 2, 3, and 4, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
For Step 3, the files to be copied from the Application Server
machine to the Gateway are as follows:
If you are using a content switch for failover, the files are in:
Otherwise, they are in:
For Step 4:
dial-peer voice <Dial-Peer Number> pots
application vru-leg
incoming called-number <dialed number pattern> T
If the Customer Voice Portal is going to
transfer calls, on the Gatekeeper:
For more information and instructions, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
Register all the Gateways with the
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU for the Switch
Specify the following:
Type: 5.
Name: isnSwitch.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnSwitch will be
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech
Table C-8
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment, ICM Enterprise (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
PG Explorer tool:
For each VRU connected to this PG, in the tree view pane, select the
applicable PG.
Configure each PG to be used for the
Customer Voice Portal.
Configure a peripheral for each Customer
Voice Portal Application Server
connected to each PG.
Logical Controller tab:
Client Type: VRU.
Name: A name descriptive of this PG, that is <location>_A for
side A of a particular location.
Peripheral tab:
Peripheral Name: A name descriptive of this Customer Voice
Portal peripheral, for example, <location>_<isn1> or
Client Type: VRU.
Select the Enable Post-routing checkbox.
Advanced tab, select the name isnSwitch from the Network VRU
field drop-down list.
Routing Client tab:
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU and its labels.
Name: By convention, use the same name as the peripheral.
Client Type: VRU.
Specify the following:
Type: 5.
Name: isnVRU
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnVRU will be
Define one Label for each Customer Voice Portal peripheral:
– Label: Any number.
This label is not used, however, it must be configured.
– Type: Normal
– Routing client: Select the routing client for the Customer
Voice Portal Application Server from the drop-down list.
ICM Configuration Manager, System
Information tool:
On the System Information tab, define the Default Network VRU
name, IsnVRU.
Define a default Network VRU.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech
Table C-8
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment, ICM Enterprise (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On each Customer Voice Portal Application Do the following:
• Set the VRU Connect Port to match the VRU Connection Port
defined in ICM Setup for the corresponding VRU PG peripheral
1. Configure the ports.
2. Check other settings.
• Configure the ports for the “New Call” groups according to the
licenses purchased and capacity; the “ID from ICM” group is
not used since the switch and VRU functions are handled in the
single call leg.
ICM Script Editor tool:
1. Create the VRU scripts and routing
See Chapter 5, “Administering the Application Server” other
settings you might want to adjust from the default values.
Create scripts to be used for IVR treatment and agent transfer. The
VRU scripts are associated with the applicable Network VRU, that
is, IsnVRU.
Use the ICM Script Editor’s SendToVRU node to connect the call to the
Network VRU. For more information about creating scripts, see
Chapter 2, “Using NAM/ICM with the Customer Voice Portal
IVR Solution.”
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
Configure the ECC variables.
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
Configure dialed numbers, call types and
applicable customers.
A RunVRU Script or Queue node is an “implicit”
SendToVRU node, although error handling will be easier if
the explicit “SendToVRU” node is used.
For more information, see “Common NAM/CICM Configuration:
Define Customer Voice Portal ECC variables” section on page C-85.
For more information, see the Cisco ICM Software Configuration
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
For more information, see“Common Configuration for
Differentiating VRUs (Customer Voice Portals) Based on Dialed
1. If necessary, differentiate VRUs
(Customer Voice Portals) based on dialed Number” section on page C-88.
On the Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS):
If necessary, configure the CSS.
For more information, see the Cisco Content Services Switch user
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech
Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment, NAM/CICM
In this deployment model, the Customer Voice Portal (Application Server only) is deployed at the NAM
where it works with the Voice Gateway to act as the VRU and as the Switch to transfer the call to an
agent. The VRU voice treatment is provided at the Voice Gateway, and may include ASR/TTS.
Queuing and network transfers are not possible and the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser is not part
of this deployment.
Figure C-9 shows the call flow for this deployment model.
Figure C-9
For simplicity, the figure does not illustrate a deployment for redundancy and failover. Also, the
Gatekeeper is not shown.
Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment, NAM/CICM
Note: The numbers in the figure indicate call flow progression.
Configuration overview for this deployment model:
There are three Network VRUs configured:
– One on the NAM for the Switch leg (Type 5).
– One on the NAM for the VRU leg (Type 5).
– One on the CICM for the INCRP connection.
Although the same Network VRU could be used for both purposes on the NAM, it is
recommended that you keep them separate for flexibility in changing deployment models in the
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech
Use the ICM Script Editor’s SendToVRU node to connect the call to the Network VRU.
Table C-9 contains the configuration instructions for this deployment model.
Table C-9
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment, NAM/CICM
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the Gateways used for the VRU leg:
For instructions for Step 1, see “Common Gateway Configuration
for VRU Leg” section on page C-80.
Configure the servers and voice
application it will use.
Configure the Ethernet connections.
Copy the bootstrap files from Customer
Voice Portal Installation.
Configure the characteristics for the VRU
For more information about Steps 2, 3, and 4, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
For Step 3, the files to be copied from the Application Server
machine to the Gateway are as follows:
If you are using a content switch for failover, the files are in:
Otherwise, they are in:
For Step 4:
dial-peer voice <Dial-Peer Number> pots
application vru-leg
incoming called-number <dialed number patter>
If the Customer Voice Portal is going to
transfer calls, on the Gatekeeper:
For more information and instructions, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
Register all the Gateways with the
For instructions see “Common NAM/CICM Configuration for
On the NAM and CICMs:
1. Configure the Network VRUs and PGs for Customer Voice Portal Switch Leg” section on page C-83.
the Switch leg.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech
Table C-9
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment, NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU for the VRU leg
and labels for reaching the NAM.
Specify the following:
Type: 5.
Name: isnVRU
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnVRU will be
Define Label for the NAM.
– Label: Any number.
This label is not used, it must be configured and it must
match the label configured at the NAM for the VRU leg.
– Type: Normal
– Routing client: Select the INCRP routing client from the
drop-down list.
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
System Information tool:
On the System Information tab, define the Default Network VRU
name, IsnVRU.
Define a default Network VRU for the
VRU leg.
Specify the following:
On the NAM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
• Type: 5.
1. Define a Network VRU and its labels for
• Name: isnVRU.
the VRU leg.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnVRU will be
Define a Label for each Customer Voice Portal peripheral:
– Label: Any number.
Although this label is not used, it must be configured, and
the same number must be used for all Customer Voice
Portal peripherals.
– Type: Normal.
– Routing client: Select the routing client configured for that
Customer Voice Portal Application Server peripheral from
the drop-down list.
If there will be routing scripts on the NAM,
ICM Configuration Manager, System
Information tool:
Make sure the Network VRU label is identical in the NAM
and CICM. It is recommended that the Network VRU Name
be identical as well to avoid confusion.
On the System Information tab, define the Default Network VRU
name, IsnVRU.
Define a default Network VRU.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech
Table C-9
Configuration Checklist, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment, NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On each Customer Voice Portal Application Do the following:
• Configure the ports for the “New Call” groups according to the
licenses purchased and capacity; the “ID from ICM” group is
1. Configure the ports.
not used since the switch and VRU functions are handled in the
2. Check other settings.
single call leg.
CICM Script Editor tool:
1. Create the VRU scripts and routing
See Chapter 5, “Administering the Application Server”
other settings you might want to adjust from the default
Create scripts to be used for IVR treatment and agent transfer. The
VRU scripts are associated with the applicable Network VRU, that
is, IsnVRU.
Use the CICM Script Editor’s SendToVRU node to connect the call to
the Network VRU.
On the NAM and CICM, ICM Configuration
If necessary, differentiate VRUs
(Customer Voice Portals) based on dialed
On the Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS):
For more information, see the Cisco ICM Software Configuration
Configure dialed numbers, call types and
applicable customers.
On the NAM and CICM, ICM Configuration
For more information, see “Common NAM/CICM Configuration:
Define Customer Voice Portal ECC variables” section on page C-85.
Configure the ECC variables.
On the NAM and CICM, ICM Configuration
A RunVRU Script or Queue node is an “implicit”
SendToVRU node, although error handling will be easier if
the explicit “SendToVRU” node is used.
If necessary, configure the CSS.
For more information, see“Common Configuration for
Differentiating VRUs (Customer Voice Portals) Based on Dialed
Number” section on page C-88.
For more information, see the Cisco Content Services Switch user
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
This section describes the call flows and provides configuration instructions for the following Customer
Voice Portal deployment models:
“NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment, ICM Enterprise”
“NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment Customer VRU,
“NIC with Type 2 or 8 Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment, ICM Enterprise”
“NIC with Type 2 or 8 Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment Customer VRU,
“NIC with Type 3 or 7 Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment Network VRU,
NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment, ICM
In this deployment model, a NIC is being used to preroute the call. The Customer Voice Portal is
deployed as a Customer VRU; the VRU voice treatment is provided by the Customer Voice Portal Voice
Browser. The Customer Voice Portal also acts as a switch to transfer the call to an agent; queuing is
Network transfers and ASR/TTS processing are not available in this deployment.
Figure C-10 shows the call flow for this deployment model.
For simplicity, the figure does not illustrate a deployment for redundancy and failover. Also, the
Gatekeeper is not shown.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Figure C-10 NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment, ICM Enterprise
Note: The numbers in the figure indicate call flow progression.
Configuration overview for this deployment model:
Set the Network VRU to Type 2.
Define a Translation Route and labels for the VRU Peripheral (Network VRU labels do not need to
be configured.)
Use the ICM Script Editor’s TranslationRouteToVRU node to connect the call to the Network VRU.
Table C-10 contains the configuration instructions for this deployment model.
Table C-10 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment VRU, ICM
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the Gateway:
For instructions for Step 1, see “Common Gateway Configuration
for VRU Leg” section on page C-80.
Configure the Gateway inbound routing
to send the call over IP to the Customer
Voice Portal Voice Browser using dial
peers or Gatekeeper lookup.
Configure the Ethernet connections.
Copy the bootstrap files from the
Customer Voice Portal application:
On the Gatekeeper:
Register all the Gateways with the
If the Customer Voice Portal is going to
transfer calls, register all the Gateways
with the Gatekeeper.
For more information about Steps 1, 2, and 3, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
For Step 3, the files to be copied from the Application Server
machine to the Gateway are in:
For more information and instructions, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-10 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment VRU, ICM
Enterprise (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU.
Specify the following:
Type: 2.
Name: isnVRU.
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
PG Explorer tool:
Configure each PG to be used for the
Configure a peripheral for each Customer
Voice Portal Application Server
connected to each PG.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnVRU will be
For each Application Server connected to this PG, in the tree view
pane, select the applicable PG.
Logical Controller tab:
Client Type: VRU.
Name: A name descriptive of this PG, for example,
<location>_A for side A of a particular location.
Peripheral tab:
Peripheral Name: A name descriptive of this VRU peripheral,
for example, <location>_<isn1> or <dns_name>.
Client Type: VRU.
Select the Enable Post-routing checkbox.
Advanced tab, select the name isnVRU from the Network VRU
field drop-down list.
Routing Client tab:
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Service Explorer tool:
Configure a Service and Route for each
You can also use service arrays. Refer
to the ICM user documentation for
more information.
Name: By convention, this is the same as the peripheral.
Client Type: VRU.
Do not select the Network Transfer preferred checkbox. (This
allows the Customer Voice Portal to receive the transfer
Specify the following:
Service Name: isnVRU.
Route Name: PeripheralName_isnVRU.
Do not configure a peripheral target or label.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-10 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment VRU, ICM
Enterprise (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network Trunk Group Explorer tool:
For Step 1, specify the following:
Configure the network trunk group.
For each Customer Voice Portal
Application Server for the VRU leg,
configure an associated trunk group.
You must configure one Network
Transfer Group and one associated
Trunk Group for each VRU leg
Customer Voice Portal Application
Network Trunk Group Name: A name descriptive of this trunk
For Step 2, specify the following:
Peripheral Name: A name descriptive of this trunk group.
Peripheral Number: 200 (this much match the group number of
type “ID fro ICM” in the Application Server, which is 200 by
Trunk Count: Select Use Trunk Data from the drop-down list.
Do not configure any trunks.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-10 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment VRU, ICM
Enterprise (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Translation Route Explorer tool:
For Step 1, specify the following:
Translation Route tab:
Define a Translation Route for each VRU
– Name: The name of the target VRU peripheral. (This is by
Configure translation route and label
information for each VRU peripheral.
– Type: DNIS and select the Service defined in the previous
convention; this value must be unique in the enterprise.)
For Step 2, specify the following:
Route tab:
– Name: By convention, this is the name of the target VRU
peripheral, followed by the DNIS that this route will use,
for example, MyVRU_2000. (This is by convention; this
value must be unique in the enterprise.)
– Service Name drop-down: Select
Peripheral Target tab:
– Enter the first DNIS that will be seen by the VRU that you
will be using for this translation route.
The DNIS pool used for each VRU peripheral must be
– Select a Network Trunk Group which belongs to the
target VRU from the drop-down list.
Label tab:
– Label: Enter the translation route label (which might or
might not be the same DNIS you entered on the Peripheral
Target tab).
– Type: Normal.
– Routing Client: Select NIC Routing Client.
You must configure an additional label for each NIC routing
Repeat the Route and corresponding Peripheral Target and
Label information for each DNIS in the pool.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-10 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment VRU, ICM
Enterprise (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On each Customer Voice Portal Application Do the following:
Server, Call Definitions and ICM pages:
• Set the VRU Connect Port to match the VRU Connection Port
defined in ICM Setup for the corresponding VRU PG peripheral
1. Configure the group number and ports for
both legs of the call.
Configure the dialed numbers used in the
translation route.
Check other settings.
Configure the group number for the “ID from ICM” call group.
The group number must match the trunk group number in the
Network Trunk group used for the translation route. Configure
the number of ports according to the licenses purchased and
capacity. Configure each of the DNIS numbers used for
translation routes. (The “New Call” group is not used since the
calls are being sent to the VRU (Customer Voice Portal) after
some initial processing by the NIC/ICM.)
See Chapter 5, “Administering the Application Server” for
other settings you might want to adjust from the default
Use the ICM Script Editor’s TranslationRouteToVRU node to connect
On the ICM, ICM Script Editor tool:
the call to the Network VRU.
1. Create the VRU scripts and routing
scripts to be used for IVR treatment and
agent transfer, as described in other
sections of this manual and in the ICM
manuals. The VRU scripts are associated
with the applicable Network VRU, that
is, isnVRU.
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
Configure the ECC variables.
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
Configure dialed numbers and call types.
For more information, see the “Common NAM/CICM
Configuration: Define Customer Voice Portal ECC variables”
section on page C-85.
For more information, see the Cisco ICM Software Configuration
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
For more information, see“Common Configuration for
Differentiating VRUs (Customer Voice Portals) Based on Dialed
1. If necessary, differentiate VRUs
(Customer Voice Portals) based on dialed Number” section on page C-88.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment
Customer VRU, NAM/CICM
In this deployment model, a NIC is being used to preroute the call. The Customer Voice Portal is
deployed as a Customer VRU at the CICM; VRU voice treatment is provided by the Customer Voice
Portal Voice Browser. The Customer Voice Portal also acts as a switch to transfer the call to an agent;
queuing is supported.
Network transfers and ASR/TTS processing are not available in this deployment.
Figure C-11 shows the call flow for this deployment model.
For simplicity, the figure does not illustrate a deployment for redundancy and failover. Also, the
Gatekeeper is not shown.
Figure C-11 NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment Customer VRU, NAM/CICM
Note: The numbers in the figure indicate call flow progression.
Configuration overview for this deployment model:
Set the Network VRU to Type 2.
Define a Translation Route and labels for the VRU Peripheral in the CICM. (Network VRU labels
need to be configured in the NAM.)
The Network VRU names (where applicable) and the ECC variable configurations must be identical
on the NAM and CICM. All labels must be duplicated, but their routing clients will be different.
Use the CICM Script Editor’s TranslationRouteToVRU node to connect the call to the Network
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-11 contains the configuration instructions for this deployment model.
Table C-11 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment VRU,
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the Gateway:
For instructions for Step 1, see “Common Gateway Configuration
for VRU Leg” section on page C-80.
Configure the Gateway inbound routing
to send the call over IP to the Customer
Voice Portal Voice Browser using dial
peers or Gatekeeper lookup.
Configure the Ethernet connections.
Copy the bootstrap files from the
Customer Voice Portal application:
On the Gatekeeper:
Register all the Gateways with the
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU and its label.
For more information about Steps 1, 2, and 3, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
For Step 3, the files to be copied from the Application Server
machine to the Gateway are in:
For more information and instructions, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
Specify the following:
Type: 2.
Name: isnVRU.
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
PG Explorer tool:
Configure each PG to be used for the
Configure a peripheral for each VRU
peripheral connected to each PG.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnVRU will be
For each VRU connected to this PG, in the tree view pane, select the
applicable PG.
Logical Controller tab:
Client Type: VRU.
Name: A name descriptive of this PG, for example,
<location>_A for side A of a particular location.
Peripheral tab:
Peripheral Name: A name descriptive of this VRU peripheral,
for example, <location>_<vru1> or <dns_name>.
Client Type: VRU.
Select the Enable Post-routing checkbox.
On the Advanced tab, select the name isnVRU from the Network
VRU field drop-down list.
Routing Client tab:
Name: By convention, this is the same as the peripheral.
Client Type: VRU.
Do not select the Network Transfer Preferred checkbox.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-11 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment VRU,
NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Service Explorer tool:
Specify the following:
Configure a Service and Route for each
You can also use service arrays. Refer
to the ICM documentation set for
more information.
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network Trunk Group Explorer tool:
Configure the network trunk group.
For each Customer Voice Portal
Application Server for the VRU leg,
configure an associated trunk group.
You must configure one Network
Transfer Group and one associated
Trunk Group for each VRU leg
Customer Voice Portal Application
Service Name: isnVRU.
Route Name: PeripheralName_isnVRU.
Do not configure a peripheral target or label.
For Step 1, specify the following:
Network Trunk Group Name: A name descriptive of this trunk
For Step 2, do the following:
Peripheral Name: A name descriptive of this trunk group.
Peripheral Number: 200 (this much match the group number of
type “ID from ICM” in the Application Server, which is 200 by
Trunk Count: Select Use Trunk Data from the drop-down list.
Do not configure any trunks.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-11 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment VRU,
NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Translation Route Explorer tool:
For Step 1, specify the following:
Define a Translation Route for each VRU
Configure translation route and label
information for each VRU peripheral.
Translation Route tab:
– Name: The name of the target VRU peripheral. (This is by
convention; this value must be unique in the enterprise.)
– Type: DNIS and select the Service defined in the previous
For Step 2, do the following:
Route tab:
– Name: By convention, this is the name of the target VRU
peripheral, followed by the DNIS that this route will use,
for example, MyVRU_2000. (This is by convention; this
value must be unique in the enterprise.)
– Service Name drop-down: select
• Peripheral Target tab:
– Enter the first DNIS that will be seen by the VRU that you
will be using for this translation route.
The DNIS pool used for each VRU peripheral must be
– Select a Network Trunk Group which belongs to the
target VRU from the drop-down list.
• Label tab:
– Label: The translation route label (which might or might
not be the same DNIS you entered on the Peripheral Target
– Type: Normal.
– Routing Client: Select INCRP Routing Client.
Repeat the Route and corresponding Peripheral Target and
Label information for each DNIS in the pool.
On the NAM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU.
Specify the following:
Type: 2.
• Name: isnVRU.
Define a label for each NIC routing client Note
and each translation route.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnVRU will be
Define a Label for each NIC routing client and each translation
– Label: Translation Route number.
– Type: Normal.
– Routing client: Select the NIC routing client from the
drop-down list.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-11 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment VRU,
NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On each Customer Voice Portal Application Do the following:
• Set the VRU Connect Port to match the VRU Connection Port
defined in ICM Setup for the corresponding VRU PG peripheral
1. Configure the ports for both legs of the
Check other settings.
On each Customer Voice Portal Voice
Configure the Gatekeeper.
Configure the capacity.
Check other settings.
Configure the group number for the “ID from ICM” call group.
The group number must match the trunk group number in the
Network Trunk group used for the translation route. Configure
the number of ports according to the licenses purchased and
capacity. Configure each of the DNIS numbers used for
translation routes. (The “New Call” group is not used since the
calls are being sent to the VRU (Customer Voice Portal) after
some initial processing by the NIC/ICM.)
See Chapter 5, “Administering the Application Server” for
other settings you might want to adjust from the default
Specify the following:
SetGateKeeper <NewValue>
Where <NewValue> is the IP address for the Gatekeeper serving
the Voice Browser.
Configure the total number of calls and IVR ports according to
the licenses purchased, call profiles and capacity. (For
instructions, see Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration”.)
See Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration” for other
settings you might want to adjust from the default values.
Use the CICM Script Editor’s TranslationRouteToVRU node to
On the CICM, ICM Script Editor tool:
connect the call to the Customer VRU.
1. Create the VRU scripts and routing
scripts to be used for IVR treatment and
agent transfer, as described in other
sections of this manual and in the ICM
manuals. The VRU scripts are associated
with the applicable Network VRU (for
example, isnVRU).
On the NAM and CICM, ICM Configuration
For more information, see “Common NAM/CICM Configuration:
Define Customer Voice Portal ECC variables” section on page C-85.
Configure the ECC variables.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-11 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment VRU,
NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the NAM and CICM, ICM Configuration
For more information, see the Cisco ICM Software Configuration
Configure dialed numbers and call types.
On the NAM and CICM, ICM Configuration
If necessary, differentiate VRUs
(Customer Voice Portals) based on dialed
For more information, see“Common Configuration for
Differentiating VRUs (Customer Voice Portals) Based on Dialed
Number” section on page C-88.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
NIC with Type 2 or 8 Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment, ICM
In this deployment model, the Customer Voice Portal works with the Voice Gateway to act as the VRU;
VRU voice treatment is provided the Gateway and can include ASR/TTS.
When deployed with a NIC being used to queue and transfer calls (VRU Type 8), the NIC interfaces to
the TDM switch to transfer the call to an agent. When deployed with a NIC used to preroute the call
(VRU Type 2), the Customer Voice Portal also acts as a switch to transfer the call to an agent; queuing
and network transfers are not possible.
The Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser is not part of this deployment.
Figure C-12 shows the call flow for the Type 2 deployment model; in this figure, the Customer Voice
Portal transfers the call. Figure C-13 shows the call flow for the Type 8 deployment model; in this figure,
the NIC transfers the call.
For simplicity, the figure does not illustrate a deployment for redundancy and failover. Also, the
Gatekeeper is not shown.
Figure C-12 NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment, ICM Enterprise
Note: The numbers in the figure indicate call flow progression.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Figure C-13 NIC with Type 8, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment, ICM Enterprise
Note: The numbers in the figure indicate call flow progression.
Configuration overview for this deployment model:
There are two Network VRUs:
– A Type 2 if NIC is prerouting calls.
– A Type 8 if NIC is queuing and transferring calls.
Define a Translation Route and labels for the VRU Peripheral (Network VRU labels do not need to
be configured.)
Use the ICM Script Editor’s TranslationRouteToVRU node to connect the call to the Network VRU.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-12 contains the configuration instructions for this deployment model.
Table C-12 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2 or Type 8, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech, ICM Enterprise
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the Gateways used for the VRU leg:
For instructions for Step 1, see “Common Gateway Configuration
for VRU Leg” section on page C-80.
Configure the servers and voice
application it will use.
Configure the Ethernet connections.
Copy the bootstrap files from Customer
Voice Portal Installation.
Configure the characteristics for the VRU
For more information about Steps 2, 3, and 4, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
For Step 3, the files to be copied from the Application Server
machine to the Gateway are as follows:
If you are using a content switch for failover, the files are in:
Otherwise, they are in:
For Step 4:
dial-peer voice <Dial-Peer Number> pots
application vru-leg
incoming called-number <dialed number pattern for translation
route numbers>
If the Customer Voice Portal is going to
transfer calls, on the Gatekeeper:
For more information and instructions, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
Register all the Gateways with the
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU.
Specify the following:
Type: 2 or 8, depending on the specific deployment model.
Name: isnVRU.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnVRU will be
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-12 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2 or Type 8, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech, ICM Enterprise
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
PG Explorer tool:
For each Customer Voice Portal Application Server connected to
this PG, in the tree view pane, select the applicable PG.
Configure each PG.
Logical Controller tab:
Configure a peripheral for each Customer
Voice Portal Application Server
connected to each PG.
Client Type: VRU.
Name: To something representative of this PG, for example,
<location>_A for side A of a particular location.
Peripheral tab:
Peripheral Name: Something representative of this Customer
Voice Portal peripheral, for example, <location>_<isn1> or
Client Type: VRU.
Specify one of the following:
– If using Type 2, select the Enable Post-routing checkbox
and continue.
– If using Type 8, do not select the Enable Post-routing
checkbox and skip the Routing Client tab instructions
Advanced tab:
Select the name isnVRU from the Network VRU field
drop-down list.
Routing Client tab (for Type 2 only):
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Service Explorer tool:
Configure a Service and Route for each
You can also use service arrays. Refer
to the ICM documentation set for
more information.
Name: By convention, this is the same as the peripheral.
Client Type: VRU.
Do not select the Network Transfer preferred checkbox. (This
allows the Customer Voice Portal to receive the transfer
Specify the following:
Service Name: isnVRU.
Route Name: PeripheralName_isnVRU.
Do not configure a peripheral target or label.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-12 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2 or Type 8, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech, ICM Enterprise
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network Trunk Group Explorer tool:
For Step 1, specify the following:
Configure the network trunk group.
For each Customer Voice Portal
Application Server for the VRU leg,
configure an associated trunk group.
You must configure one Network
Transfer Group and one associated
Trunk Group for each VRU leg
Customer Voice Portal Application
Network Trunk Group Name: A name descriptive of this trunk
For Step 2, specify the following:
Peripheral Name: A name descriptive of this trunk group.
Peripheral Number: 200 (this much match the group number of
type “ID fro ICM” in the Application Server, which is 200 by
Trunk Count: Select Use Trunk Data from the drop-down list.
Do not configure any trunks.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-12 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2 or Type 8, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech, ICM Enterprise
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Translation Route Explorer tool:
For Step 1, specify the following:
Define a Translation Route for each VRU
Translation Route tab:
– Set the Name field to the name of the target VRU
peripheral. (This is by convention; this value must be
unique in the enterprise.)
– Set the Type field to DNIS and select the Service defined
in the previous step.
Configure translation route and label
information for each VRU peripheral.
For Step 2, do the following:
Route tab:
– Set the Name. By convention, this is the name of the target
VRU peripheral, followed by the DNIS that this route will
use, for example, MyVRU_2000. (This is by convention;
this value must be unique in the enterprise.)
– Service Name drop-down: Select
Peripheral Target tab:
– Enter the first DNIS that will be seen by the VRU that you
will be using for this translation route.
The DNIS pool used for each VRU peripheral must be
– Select a Network Trunk Group which belongs to the
target VRU from the drop-down list.
• Label tab:
– Set the Label: Enter the translation route label (which
might or might not be the same DNIS you entered on the
Peripheral Target tab).
– Type: Normal.
– Routing Client: Select NIC Routing Client.
You must create and additional label for each NIC routing
Repeat the Route and corresponding Peripheral Target and
Label information for each DNIS in the pool.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-12 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2 or Type 8, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech, ICM Enterprise
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On each Customer Voice Portal Application Do the following:
Server Call Definition and ICM pages:
• Set the VRU Connect Port to match the VRU Connection Port
defined in ICM Setup for the corresponding VRU PG peripheral
1. Configure the group number and ports for
both legs of the call.
Configure the dialed numbers used in the
translation route.
Check other settings.
Configure the group number for the “ID from ICM” call group.
The group number must match the trunk group number in the
Network Trunk group used for the translation route. Configure
the number of ports according to the licenses purchased and
capacity. Configure each of the numbers used for translation
routes. (The “New Call” group is not used since the calls are
being sent to the VRU (Customer Voice Portal) after some
initial processing by the NIC/ICM.)
See Chapter 5, “Administering the Application Server” for
other settings you might want to adjust from the default
Use the ICM Script Editor’s TranslationRouteToVRU node to connect
On the ICM, ICM Script Editor tool:
the call to the Network VRU.
1. Create the VRU scripts and routing
scripts to be used for IVR treatment and
agent transfer, as described in other
sections of this manual and in the ICM
manuals. The VRU scripts are associated
with the applicable Network VRU (for
example, isnVRU).
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
Configure the ECC variables.
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
Configure dialed numbers and call types.
For more information, see “Common NAM/CICM Configuration:
Define Customer Voice Portal ECC variables” section on page C-85.
For more information, see the Cisco ICM Software Configuration
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager:
For more information, see“Common Configuration for
Differentiating VRUs (Customer Voice Portals) Based on Dialed
1. If necessary, differentiate VRUs
(Customer Voice Portals) based on dialed Number” section on page C-88.
On the Cisco CallManager (CCM):
Configure the CCM.
For more information, see the Cisco CallManager user
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
NIC with Type 2 or 8 Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment
Customer VRU, NAM/CICM
In this deployment model, the Customer Voice Portal is deployed as a Customer VRU at the CICM. The
Customer Voice Portal Application Server works with the Voice Gateway to act as the VRU; VRU voice
treatment is provided at the Voice Gateway and can include ASR/TTS.
When deployed with a NIC being used to queue and transfer calls (VRU Type 8), the NIC interfaces to
the TDM switch to transfer the call to an agent. When deployed with a NIC used to preroute the call
(VRU Type 2), the Customer Voice Portal also acts as a switch to transfer the call to an agent; queuing
and network transfers are not possible.
The Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser is not part of this deployment.
Figure C-14 shows the call flow for the Type 2 deployment model; in this figure, the Customer Voice
Portal transfers the call once. Figure C-15 shows the call flow for the Type 8 deployment model; in this
figure, the NIC transfers the call.
For simplicity, the figure does not illustrate a deployment for redundancy and failover. Also, the
Gatekeeper is not shown.
Figure C-14 NIC with Type 2, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment Customer VRU, NAM/CICM
Note: The numbers in the figure indicate call flow progression.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Figure C-15 NIC with Type 8, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment Customer VRU, NAM/CICM
Note: The numbers in the figure indicate call flow progression.
The setup for these deployment models is virtually the same; you must:
Set the Network VRU:
– To Type 2 if NIC is prerouting calls.
– To Type 8 if NIC is queuing and transferring calls.
The Network VRU Names (where applicable) and the ECC variable configurations must be identical
on the NAM and CICM. All labels must be duplicated, but their routing clients will be different.
Define a Translation Route and labels for the VRU Peripheral in the CICM. (Network VRU labels
need to be configured in the NAM.)
Use the CICM Script Editor’s TranslationRouteToVRU node to connect the call to the Network
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-13 contains the configuration instructions for this deployment model.
Table C-13 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2 or 8, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment Customer
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the Gateways used for the VRU leg:
For instructions for Step 1, see “Common Gateway Configuration
for VRU Leg” section on page C-80.
Configure the servers and voice
application it will use.
Configure the Ethernet connections.
Copy the bootstrap files from Customer
Voice Portal Installation.
Configure the characteristics for the VRU
For more information about Steps 2, 3, and 4, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
For Step 3, the files to be copied from the Application Server
machine to the Gateway are as follows:
If you are using a content switch for failover, the files are in:
Otherwise, they are in:
For Step 4:
dial-peer voice <Dial-Peer Number> pots
application vru-leg
incoming called-number <dialed number pattern for translation
route numbers>
If the Customer Voice Portal is going to
transfer calls, on the Gatekeeper:
For more information and instructions, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
Register all the Gateways with the
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU.
Specify the following:
Type: 2 or 8, depending on the specific deployment model.
Name: PeripheralName_isnVRU.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnVRU will be
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-13 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2 or 8, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment Customer
VRU, NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
PG Explorer tool:
For each VRU connected to this PG, in the tree view pane, select the
applicable PG.
Configure each PG.
Configure a peripheral for each
Application Server connected to each PG.
Logical Controller tab:
Client Type: VRU.
Name: A name representative of this PG, for example,
<location>_A for side A of a particular location.
Peripheral tab:
Peripheral Name: A name representative of this VRU
peripheral, for example, <location>_<isn1> or <dns_name>.
Client Type: VRU.
Specify one of the following:
– If using Type 2, select the Enable Post-routing checkbox
and continue.
– If using Type 8, do not select the Enable Post-routing
checkbox and skip the Routing Client tab instructions
On the Advanced tab, select the name isnVRU from the Network
VRU field drop-down list.
Routing Client tab (Type 2 only):
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Service Explorer tool:
Configure a Service and Route for each
You can also use service arrays. Refer
to the ICM documentation set for
more information.
Name: By convention, this is the same as the peripheral name.
Client Type: VRU.
Do not select the Network Transfer preferred checkbox. (This
allows the Customer Voice Portal to receive the transfer
In the filter data pane, select each Customer Voice Portal peripheral
defined above and specify the following:
Service Name: isnVRU.
Route Name: PeripheralName_isnVRU.
Do not configure a peripheral target or label.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-13 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2 or 8, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment Customer
VRU, NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network Trunk Group Explorer tool:
For Step 1, do the following:
Configure the network trunk group(s).
For each Customer Voice Portal
Application Server for the VRU leg,
configure an associated trunk group.
You must configure one Network
Transfer Group and one associated
Trunk Group for each VRU leg
Customer Voice Portal Application
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Translation Route Explorer tool:
Network Trunk Group Name: A name that is descriptive of this
network trunk group.
For Step 2, do the following:
Peripheral Name: A name descriptive of this trunk group.
Peripheral Number: 200 (this much match the group number of
type “ID from ICM” in the Application Server, which is 200 by
Trunk Count: Select Use Trunk Data from the drop-down list.
Do not configure any trunks.
For Step 1, do the following:
Define a Translation Route for each VRU
Translation Route tab:
– Name: The name of the target VRU peripheral. (This is by
convention; this value must be unique in the enterprise.)
Configure routes, peripheral targets, and
– Type: DNIS.
labels for each DNIS to be used for each
For Step 2, do the following:
VRU peripheral.
• Route tab:
– Name: By convention, this is the name of the target VRU
peripheral, followed by the DNIS that this route will use,
for example, MyVRU_2000. (This is by convention; this
value must be unique in the enterprise.)
– Service Name drop-down: Select
Peripheral Target tab:
– Enter the first DNIS that will be seen by the VRU that you
will be using for this translation route.
The DNIS pool used for each VRU peripheral must be
– Select a Network Trunk Group that belongs to the target
VRU from the drop-down list.
Label tab:
– Routing Client: Select the INCRP Routing Client that was
mapped to the applicable NAM Routing Client.
– Label: Enter the translation route number (which might or
might not be the same DNIS you entered on the Peripheral
Target tab).
– Type: Normal
Repeat the Route and corresponding Peripheral Target and
Label information for each DNIS in the pool.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-13 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2 or 8, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment Customer
VRU, NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
Specify the following:
On the NAM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
• Type: 2. or 8, depending on the specific deployment model.
1. Define a Network VRU for the VRU leg. • Name: isnVRU.
Define a label for each NIC routing client Note
and each translation route number.
For each NIC routing client, define all
the same labels you defined above in
the CICM Translation Route
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnVRU will be
Define a Label for each NIC routing client and each translation
route number.
– Label: Translation Route number.
– Type: Normal.
– Routing client: Select the NIC routing client from the
drop-down list.
On each Customer Voice Portal Application Do the following:
Server Call Definitions and ICM pages:
• Set the VRU Connect Port to match the VRU Connection Port
defined in ICM Setup for the corresponding VRU PG peripheral
1. Configure the group number and ports for
both legs of the call.
Configure the dialed numbers used in the
translation route.
Check other settings.
Configure the group number for the “ID from ICM” call group.
The group number must match the trunk group number in the
Network Trunk group used for the translation route (usually
200). Configure the number of ports according to the licenses
purchased and capacity. Configure each of the DNIS numbers
used for translation routes. (The “New Call” group is not used
since the calls are being sent to the VRU (Customer Voice
Portal) after some initial processing by the NIC/CICM.)
See Chapter 5, “Administering the Application Server” for
other settings you might want to adjust from the default
Use the CICM Script Editor’s TranslationRouteToVRU to connect the
On the CICM, ICM Script Editor tool:
call to the VRU.
1. Create the VRU scripts and routing
scripts to be used for IVR treatment and
agent transfer, as described in other
sections of this manual and in the ICM
manuals. The VRU scripts are associated
with the applicable Network VRU (for
example, isnVRU).
On the NAM and CICM, ICM Configuration
Configure the ECC variables.
On the NAM and CICM, ICM Configuration
For more information, see “Common NAM/CICM Configuration:
Define Customer Voice Portal ECC variables” section on page C-85.
For more information, see the Cisco ICM Software Configuration
Configure dialed numbers and call types.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-13 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 2 or 8, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment Customer
VRU, NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the NAM and CICM, ICM Configuration
For more information, see“Common Configuration for
Differentiating VRUs (Customer Voice Portals) Based on Dialed
Number” section on page C-88.
If necessary, differentiate VRUs
(Customer Voice Portals) based on dialed
On the Cisco CallManager (CCM):
Configure the CCM.
For more information, see the Cisco CallManager user
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
NIC with Type 3 or 7 Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment
In this deployment model, the Customer Voice Portal is deployed as a Network VRU at the NAM. The
Customer Voice Portal Application Server works with the Voice Gateway to act as the VRU; VRU voice
treatment is provided at the Voice Gateway and can include ASR/TTS.
The NIC interfaces to the TDM switch to transfer calls to the Customer Voice Portal for VRU treatment
and to queue and transfer calls using a VRU Type 3 or 7 call flow.
The Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser is not part of this deployment.
Figure C-16 shows the call flow for this deployment model.
For simplicity, the figure does not illustrate a deployment for redundancy and failover. Also, the
Gatekeeper is not shown.
Figure C-16 NIC with Type 3 or 7, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment Network VRU, NAM/CICM
Note: The numbers in the figure indicate call flow progression.
Configuration overview for this deployment model:
Set the Network VRU Type to a 3 or 7.
System Information on the NAM and CICM must include correlation ID settings.
The Network VRU names (where applicable), correlation IDs, and the ECC variable configurations
must be identical on the NAM and CICM. All Labels must also be duplicated, but their routing
clients will be different.
Use the CICM Script Editor’s SendToVRU node to connect the call to the Network VRU.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-14 contains the configuration instructions for this deployment model.
Table C-14 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 3 or 7, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment Network
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the Gateways used for the VRU leg:
For instructions for Step 1, see “Common Gateway Configuration
for VRU Leg” section on page C-80.
Configure the servers and voice
application it will use.
Configure the Ethernet connections.
Copy the bootstrap files from Customer
Voice Portal Installation.
Configure the characteristics for the VRU
For more information about Steps 2, 3, and 4, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
For Step 3, the files to be copied from the Application Server
machine to the Gateway are as follows:
If you are using a content switch for failover, the files are in:
Otherwise, they are in:
For Step 4:
dial-peer voice <dial-Peer Number> voip
application vru-leg
incoming called-number <network routing number> T
(for example, incoming called-number 8001112222T
dtmf-relay rtp-nte H245-signal h245-alphanumeric
codec g711ulaw
no vad
On the Gatekeeper:
Register all the Gateways with the
On the NAM, ICM Configuration Manager,
PG Explorer tool:
Configure each PG to be used for the
VRU Client leg.
Configure a peripheral for each
Application Server to be used as a VRU
leg connected to each PG.
These characteristics are for VRU legs requiring ASR and/or
TTS treatment. If you have other requirements for dtmf
relay, codecs, or vad settings, you should modify the
command accordingly.
For more information and instructions, see Chapter 8, “VoIP
For each Customer Voice Portal Application Server connected to
this PG, in the tree view pane, select the applicable PG.
Logical Controller tab:
Client Type: VRU.
Name: A name representative of this PG, for example,
<location>_A for side A of a particular location.
Peripheral tab:
Peripheral Name: A name representative of this VRU
peripheral, for example, <location>_<isn1> or <dns_name>.
Client Type: VRU.
Do not select the Enable Post-routing checkbox.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-14 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 3 or 7, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment Network
VRU, NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU for the VRU leg
and labels for reaching the NAM.
Specify the following:
Type: 3 or 7, depending on the specific deployment model.
Name: isnVRU.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnVRU will be
Define a Label for the NAM.
– Label: Network routing number.
– Type: Normal.
– Routing client: Select the INCRP Routing Client from the
drop-down list.
On the NAM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU and a label for
each NIC that is using this VRU.
Specify the following:
Type: 3 or 7, depending on the specific deployment model.
Name: isnVRU.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnVRU will be
Define a Label for each NIC that is using this VRU:
– Label: Network routing number.
– Type: Normal.
– Routing client: Select the routing client for that NIC from
the drop-down list.
On the NAM, ICM Configuration Manager,
System Information tool:
Define the correlation IDs.
If there will be routing scripts on the
NAM, Define a default Network VRU.
Make sure the Network VRU label is identical in the NAM
and CICM. It is recommended that the Network VRU Name
be identical as well to avoid confusion.
Do the following in the General section of the System Information
Set minimum and maximum correlation ID values.
– Minimum correlationID: Starting number for the
correlation ID, for example, 1000.
– Maximum correlationID: Ending number for the
correlation ID, for example, 1099.
If there will be routing scripts on the NAM, on
the NAM, ICM Configuration Manager,
System Information tool:
Define the Default Network VRU: IsnVRU.
In the General section of the System Information tool:
Define the Default Network VRU: IsnVRU.
Define a default Network VRU.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Customer Voice Portal VRU Deployments with NIC Routing
Table C-14 Configuration Checklist, NIC with Type 3 or 7, Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment Network
VRU, NAM/CICM (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
System Information tool:
In the General section of the System Information tool:
Define the Default Network VRU: IsnVRU.
Define a default Network VRU.
On each Customer Voice Portal Application Do the following:
• On the Call Definitions page, set the Dialed Number
Maximum Length if no Correlation ID present field to the
1. Configure the length of the Network
length of the Network Routing Number.
Routing Number. .
Configure the ports for the VRU legs of
the call
Check other settings.
Set the VRU Connect Port to match the VRU Connection Port
defined in ICM Setup for the corresponding VRU PG peripheral
Configure the “ID from ICM” call group. Configure the number
of ports according to the licenses purchased and capacity. (The
“New Call” group is not used since the calls are being sent to
the VRU (Customer Voice Portal) after some initial processing
by the NIC/CICM.)
See Chapter 5, “Administering the Application Server” for
other settings you might want to adjust from the default
Use the ICM Script Editor’s SendToVRU node to connect the call to the
On the CICM, ICM Script Editor tool:
Network VRU.
1. Create the VRU scripts and routing
scripts to be used for IVR treatment and Note A RunVRU Script or Queue node is an “implicit”
agent transfer, as described in other
SendToVRU node, although error handling will be easier if
sections of this manual and in the ICM
the explicit “SendToVRU” node is used.
manuals. The VRU scripts are associated
with the applicable Network VRU (for
example, isnVRU.)
On the NAM and CICM, ICM Configuration
Configure the ECC variables.
On the NAM and CICM, ICM Configuration
For more information, see the Cisco ICM Software Configuration
Configure dialed numbers and call types.
On the NAM and CICM, ICM Configuration
If necessary, differentiate VRUs
(Customer Voice Portals) based on dialed
Define customers and their Network
On the Cisco CallManager (CCM):
For more information, see “Common NAM/CICM Configuration:
Define Customer Voice Portal ECC variables” section on page C-85.
Configure the CCM.
For more information, see“Common Configuration for
Differentiating VRUs (Customer Voice Portals) Based on Dialed
Number” section on page C-88.
For more information, see the Cisco CallManager user
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Special Cases
Special Cases
This section describes two special deployment models:
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with Customer Voice Portal Advanced
Speech Deployment Customer VRU, NAM/CICM
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment as Queue Point for Consultative Transfers
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with Customer Voice
Portal Advanced Speech Deployment Customer VRU, NAM/CICM
In this deployment, there are two Customer Voice Portals:
One is at the NAM where it acts as the Switch to transfer the call to the Customer VRU and agents.
The other is deployed as a Customer VRU at the CICM.
Figure C-17 shows the call flow for this deployment model.
For simplicity, the figure does not illustrate a deployment for redundancy and failover; also the
Gatekeeper is not shown.
Figure C-17 Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment with Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech
Deployment, Customer VRU, NAM/CICM
Note: The numbers in the figure indicate call flow progression.
The configuration for the Customer Voice Portal at the NAM (the switch) is identical to that where a
Customer VRU is used at the CICM; for more information, see Customer Voice Portal Queue and
Transfer Deployment with “Other” Customer VRU, NAM/ICM, page C-34.
In this case the “other VRU” is, in fact, the Customer Voice Portal deployed at the CICM.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Special Cases
The configuration for the Customer Voice Portal at the CICM (the VRU) is identical to that where a NIC
is used to route the call; for more information, see NIC with Type 2 or 8 Customer Voice Portal Advanced
Speech Deployment Customer VRU, NAM/CICM, page C-67.
A separate Application Server is required for the two Customer Voice Portal since one is connected to
the NAM and the other to the CICM. The Voice Gateway may be used for both Customer Voice Portals
but the configuration of the bootstrap files is beyond the scope of the standard product and professional
services must be employed.
Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment as Queue Point for
Consultative Transfers
In this deployment, the Customer Voice Portal as a Customer VRU; in a NAM/CICM environment, the
Customer Voice Portal is at the CICM. When an IPCC agent does a consultative transfers and needs to
be queued, an Customer Voice Portal at the Customer site is the queue point.
Figure C-18 Customer Voice Portal Queue and Transfer Deployment as Queue Point for Consultative Transfers
Note: The numbers in the figure indicate call flow progression.
The starting point for this diagram is that the caller is talking to the IPCC agent.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Common Gateway Configuration for VRU Leg
The configuration for the Customer Voice Portal is identical to that where a NIC (or the Customer Voice
Portal) is using type 2 Customer Voice Portal Customer VRU for VRU treatment: see section “NIC with
type 2 or 8 Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech Deployment VRU, ICM”. This configuration is
also applicable to a NAM/CICM environment since the ICM is not aware of the consultation and the
NAM is not involved in the “new call” which is presented to the ICM.
If an Customer Voice Portal is deployed as the switch in this solution, a separate Application Server is
required for the 2 Customer Voice Portal since one is connected to the NAM and the other to the CICM.
The Voice Gateway may be used for both Customer Voice Portals but the configuration of the bootstrap
files is beyond the scope of the standard product and professional services must be employed.
Common Gateway Configuration for VRU Leg
Table C-15 describes Gateway configuration instructions common to all Customer Voice Portal
Comprehensive and Customer Voice Portal Advanced Speech deployments where the Gateway is
providing VRU voice treatment.
Table C-15 Configuration Checklist, Common Gateway Configuration for Leg
Where To Go/What to Do
Register the Gateway to its respective
Settings Specific to This Deployment
Specify the following command:
interface FastEthernet0/0
h323-gateway voip interface
h323-gateway voip id <GK-Zone-name> ipaddr
<ipaddr of GK> 1719
h323-gateway voip h323-id <H323-id>
h323-gateway voip tech-prefix 1#
If you will use ASR and TTS Servers,
Do one of the following:
specify IP addresses for those Servers for
• If using a CSS, the server name is configured to the virtual IP
each locale using the applicable name
(VIP) of the Application Server service on the CSS. (For more
resolution system for the Gateway (DNS or
information, see Appendix D, “Configuring Cisco Content
“ip host” commands.
Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal.”)
If using name resolution local to the Gateway (rather than
DNS), specify:
ip host isn-vxml <VIP of application server service on CSS>
If not using a CSS, primary and backup servers must be
configured. If using name resolution local to the Gateway
(rather than DNS) specify:
ip host asr-<locale> <ASR server for locale>
ip host asr-<locale>-backup <backup ASR server for locale>
ip host tts-<locale> <TTS server for locale>
ip host tts-<locale>-backup <backup TTS server for locale>
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Common Gateway Configuration for VRU Leg
Table C-15 Configuration Checklist, Common Gateway Configuration for Leg (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
In Customer Voice Portal Comprehensive If ASR and TTS share the same MRCP server, and you want one
mode or Advanced Speech mode, if you speech licence used per call, do the following:
select ASR and TTS Use the Same MRCP
1. In AppAdmin Engine Configuration, check box "ASR and TTS
Connection checkbox in the Application
share same MRCP connection"
Sever application, you need to configure
2. Add the following two hostnames to the gateway config:
the gateway with two licenses each call.
If you do not have two licences, it may
ip host asrtts--<locale> IpAddressOfMRCPServer
cause license violation errors to be
ip host asrtts--<locale> -backup IpAddressOfMRCPServer
returned to the gateway and Customer
Voice Portal.
where the locale may be something like "asrtts-en-us" or
Change the 'ivr asr-server' and 'ivr tts-server' lines as follows:
ivr asr-server rtsp://asrtts-en-us/recognizer
ivr tts-server rtsp://asrtts-en-us/synthesizer
If you are using ASR and/or TTS with
“external grammar” and expect the
Gateway to resolve the addresses for
those server give the following
commands to the Gateway, specify ASR
and/or TTS commands.
Specify the following commands:
ivr asr-server rtsp://<hostname or ip address of ASR server>
ivr tts-server rtsp://<hostname or ip address of TTS server>
For Scansoft 2.0 servers:
ivr asr-server rtsp://<hostname or ip address of ASR server>
ivr tts-server rtsp://<hostname or ip address of TTS server>
This setting does not accommodate multiple locales and
assumes a CSS is deployed for failover handling.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Common Gateway Configuration for VRU Leg
Table C-15 Configuration Checklist, Common Gateway Configuration for Leg (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
Configure the IP address(es) for the
Specify the following commands:
Customer Voice Portal Application
• If using a CSS, the server name is configured to the address of
Servers to be used by the Gateway using
the CSS; failover is handled by the CSS. If using name
the applicable name resolution system for
resolution local to the GW (rather than DNS), the command
the Gateway (DNS or “ip host”
would be:
ip host isn-vxml <AppServer>
If not using a CSS, primary and backup servers must be
configured. If using name resolution local to the GW (rather
than DNS):
ip host isn-vxml <AppServer>
ip host isn-vxml-backup <backup AppServer>
Configure the Gateway to provide voice
Specify the following commands:
The bootstrap.tcl command is case sensitive. It must match
the case of the file residing on the gateway’s flash.
service vru-leg flash:bootstrap.tcl
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
paramspace english location flash:
paramspace english prefix en
# call application voice load vru-leg
service new-call flash:bootstrap.vxml
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
paramspace english location flash:
paramspace english prefix en
# call application voice load new_call
service handoff flash:handoff.tcl
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
paramspace english location flash:
paramspace english prefix en
The name vru-leg is used by convention. Any name will do;
since it is referenced elsewhere in this document, the name
“vru-leg” will be assumed.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Common NAM/CICM Configuration for Customer Voice Portal Switch Leg
Common NAM/CICM Configuration for Customer Voice Portal
Switch Leg
The steps in Table C-16 below describe NAM/ICM configuration instructions common to all
NAM/CICM deployments for Customer Voice Portal switch legs.
Table C-16 Configuration Checklist, Common NAM/CICM Configuration for Customer Voice Portal Switch Leg
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the NAM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
1. Define a Network VRU for the Switch
Specify the following:
For Customer Voice Portal Queue and
Transfer and Customer Voice Portal
Advanced Speech deployments, define
Labels for each Customer Voice Portal
Type: 5.
Name: isnSwitch.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnSwitch will be
Define one Label for each Customer Voice Portal Application
Server that is handling the Switch leg:
– Label: Any number.
Although this label is not used, it must be configured.
– Type: Normal
– Routing client: isnSwitch
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
NIC Explorer tool:
Set the client type for the INCRP NIC.
On the CICM, ICM Configuration Manager,
Network VRU Explorer tool:
Define a Network VRU with a label that
uses INCRP as its routing client.
Specify the following on the Routing Client tab for the INCRP
Client Type: VRU.
Specify the following:
Type: 5.
Name: isnSwitch.
This name is used by convention. Any name will do; since it
is referenced elsewhere in this document, isnSwitch will be
Define one Label for each Customer Voice Portal Application
Server that is handling the Switch leg:
– Label: Any number.
Although this label is not used, it must be configured.
– Type: Normal.
– Routing client: INCRP NIC.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Common NAM/CICM Configuration for Customer Voice Portal Switch Leg
Table C-16 Configuration Checklist, Common NAM/CICM Configuration for Customer Voice Portal Switch Leg (continued)
Where To Go/What to Do
Settings Specific to This Deployment
On the NAM, ICM Configuration Manager,
PG Explorer tool:
For each Customer Voice Portal Application Server connected to
this PG, in the tree view pane, select the applicable PG.
Configure each PG to be used for the
Switch leg.
Configure a peripheral for each
Application Server to be used for a
Switch leg connected to each PG.
Logical Controller tab:
Client Type: VRU.
Name: A name descriptive of this PG, for example,
<location>_A, for side A of a particular location.
Peripheral tab:
Peripheral Name: A name representative of this Customer Voice
Portal peripheral, for example, <location>_<isn1> or
Client Type: VRU.
Select the Enable Post-routing checkbox.
On the Advanced tab, select the name isnSwitch from the Network
VRU field drop-down list.
Routing Client tab:
Name: By convention, use the same name as the peripheral.
Client Type: VRU.
Do not select the Network Transfer Preferred checkbox.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Common NAM/CICM Configuration: Define Customer Voice Portal ECC variables
Common NAM/CICM Configuration: Define Customer Voice
Portal ECC variables
You need to set up ECC variables that the Customer Voice Portal uses to exchange information with the
Information about how the Customer Voice Portal uses these ECC variables can be found throughout the
Step 1
Within Configuration Manager, select Tools > Miscellaneous Tools > System Information and select
the Enable expanded call context checkbox.
Step 2
Within Configuration Manager, select Tools > List Tools > Expanded Call Variable List.
Step 3
In the Expanded Call Variable List window, enable the Add button by clicking Retrieve.
Step 4
Click Add. The Attributes property tab is enabled.
Step 5
Create each of the variables in Table C-17, clicking Save after defining each variable.
Any time you change the configuration of any ECC variable with the Expanded Call Variable List tool,
you must stop and restart the Customer Voice Portal Application Servers.
It is important that you enter the ECCs Name values listed in Table C-17 exactly as specified. If you do
not, the NAM/ICM software will not be able to successfully communicate with the micro-applications
on the Application Server.
Length values are a bit more flexible. Unless the values listed in Table C-17 are specifically noted as
“required,” the value in the Length column is the maximum the NAM/ICM can handle for that ECC; you
can specify a value between 1 and the maximum length.
In a NAM/CICM configuration, the ECC variable configuration, including the length, defined in the
NAM must be defined exactly the same in the CICM.
Table C-17 Micro-Application ECCs
value: 36
A number identifying a call to the Application
Server and, optionally, the Voice Browser:
value: 6
For a call arriving from the network, consists of
an H.323 Conference ID.
For a call arriving from a non-Voice Browser
client, consists of a random number.
Currency type.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Common NAM/CICM Configuration: Define Customer Voice Portal ECC variables
Table C-17 Micro-Application ECCs (continued)
value: 2
Return status error code to be returned from the
Customer Voice Portal to the NAM/ICM upon a
False return code in the Run Script Result.
value: 5
Locale, a combination of language and country
which define the grammar and prompt set to use.
length: 210
Root of the URL for all media files and external
grammar files used in the script.
ed length: 30
Default storage area for data for Play Data
Directory for all system media files, such as
individual digits, months, default error messages,
length: 210
Directory for all application-specific media files and
grammar files.
You can also set this value to “..”, which bypasses the
Recommend user.microapp.app_media_lib and
ed length: 10 user.microapp.locale ECC Variables when writing a
URL path.
For example, if you set the
user.microapp.app_media_lib to “..”, the path:
http://server/locale/../hello.wav would really be:
The system and application media libraries need message and prompt files created/recorded for
each locale that will be referenced. For more information, turn to Chapter 3, “Prompt Recording
and Distribution.”
on the ICM.
length: 210
Specifies the ASR choices that a caller can input for
the Get Speech micro-application. Each option in the
list of choices is delimited by a forward slash (/).
If text is placed in this variable that is longer
than the variable is configured to handle,
only the first 210 characters are sent.
Configurable Specifies the text for inline Text To Speech (TTS).
on the ICM.
If text is placed in this variable that is longer
than the variable is configured to handle,
length: 210
only the first 210 characters are sent.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Common NAM/CICM Configuration: Define Customer Voice Portal ECC variables
Table C-17 Micro-Application ECCs (continued)
value: 1
Specifies the type of input that is allowed.
Valid contents are:
B - (Both, the default) DTMF and Voice
If you are not using an ASR, you need to set this
variable to D. If you are using an ASR, you can set
the variable to either D or B.
With input_mode set to "B" (both), either
DTMF or speech will be accepted, but mixed
mode input is not. Once you begin entering
with one mode, input via the other mode is
ignored and has no effect.
Configurable Storage area for any ASR input that is collected from
on the ICM. Get Speech.
Get Speech text results will be written to this
length: 210
ECC variable. Results from Get Digits or
Menu micro-applications will be written to
the CED.
value: 1
Specifies whether Customer Voice Portal’s Text To
Speech (TTS) or media files should be played to the
Valid contents are:
Y - Yes, use TTS capabilities
N - No, do not use TTS capabilities; play media files
value: 1
Used only with Play Data micro-application.
This parameter specifies the manner in which you
pass information to the external VXML. Set this
parameter to either “Y” (for yes) or “N” (for no). Y
utilizes the values in the user.microapp.ToExtVXML
variable array. N appends the name/value pairs in
user.microapp.ToExtVXML to the URL of the
external VXML.
See Chapter 2, “Using NAM/ICM with the
Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution” for more
information about micro-applications.
This variable array sends information to the external
VXML file. Must be configured as Array variables,
not Scalar variables, even if the array length is set to
See Chapter 2, “Using NAM/ICM with the
Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution” for more
information about micro-applications.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Common Configuration for Differentiating VRUs (Customer Voice Portals) Based on Dialed Number
Table C-17 Micro-Application ECCs (continued)
This variable array returns information from the
external VXML file. Must be configured as Array
variables, not Scalar variables, even if the array
length is set to 1.
See Chapter 2, “Using NAM/ICM with the
Customer Voice Portal IVR Solution” for more
information about micro-applications.
value: 10
Used by system to track script progress.
value: 5
Used by system to pass information.
value: 19
Used by system to pass information.
value: 40
Used by system to pass information.
value: 39
Used by system to pass information.
value: 17
Used by system to pass information.
value: 40
Used by system to pass information.
1. These ECCs are required for Application Server internal processing. Set them and forget them!
These seven variables do not need to be set if you are using ICM 6.0 SR1 or later.
Step 6
If you change the length of the ECC variables while the Application Server is running, you need to restart
the Application Server for it to work properly.
When finished, click Save to apply your changes.
Common Configuration for Differentiating VRUs (Customer Voice
Portals) Based on Dialed Number
The Network VRU configuration instructions in this guide assume that all callers will be routed to the
same VRUs (Customer Voice Portals) for VRU treatment purposes. Under this assumption, it is always
simplest to rely on the system default Network VRU. However, it is sometimes necessary to differentiate
the VRUs (Customer Voice Portals) based on dialed number. For example, some calls:
Require Comprehensive treatment, while others only use Queue and Transfer deployment model
which does not support ASR/TTS.
Need to assign different customers or applications to their own Customer Voice Portal machines.
To configure the ICM to differentiate the VRU, do the following:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Configuring Customer Voice Portal for Locations-based Call Admission Control
Configure more than one Network VRU.
On the ICM, ICM Configuration Manager, ICM Instance Explorer tool:
– Configure the customer(s).
– Configure the network VRU for each customer if that customer will use a Network VRU other
than the default.
Associate the dialed number(s) to the customer in the Dialed Number List tool.
Since each configured VRU script is specific to one specified Network VRU, you need to create a
distinct set of VRU scripts for each Network VRU. Also, be sure that the ICM routing script calls
the correct set of VRU scripts.
Configuring Customer Voice Portal for Locations-based Call
Admission Control
Locations-based CAC is used in the IPCC branch-office deployment model (also known as the
Centralized Model). This means that all severs (Customer Voice Portal, ICM, CM, gatekeepers and
media servers) are centralized in 1 or 2 data centers and each branch office (of which there can hundreds
or thousands) contain only a gateway and IP phones.
This section provides an overview of how to configure the Cisco Customer Voice Portal (Customer Voice
Portal) to:
Accommodate Cisco CallManager locations-based call admission control (CAC)
Minimize bandwidth usage on the WAN
This chapter also describes other deployment and bandwidth utilization issues to consider.
The following sections do not include detailed installation and configuration instructions. Rather, they
are intended to provide you with guidance as you set up the Customer Voice Portals in your network. For
additional information about how to install, set up, run, and administer an Customer Voice Portal, refer
to the Customer Voice Portal documentation, which is available at this URL:
This chapter includes the following topics:
Configuring the Customer Voice Portal, page C-89
Customer Voice Portal Bandwidth Utilization, page C-91
Configuring the Customer Voice Portal
The following sections describe some of the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser configuration settings
that you should make to accommodate Cisco CallManager locations-based CAC and to minimize the
bandwidth used in your telephony solution:
Hairpinning, page C-90
Call Signaling Address, page C-90
Most Significant Digit, page C-90
You make these settings using the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser configuration and
administration tool, called VB Admin. For detailed information about VB Admin and its command line
interface, refer to Chapter 4, “Voice Browser Administration”.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Configuring Customer Voice Portal for Locations-based Call Admission Control
You should configure the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser to hairpin a voice response unit (VRU)
call leg to its originating gateway. In this way, the playing of prompts does not consume WAN bandwidth
and the bearer path stays entirely within the originating gateway.
To make this configuration, enter the following command at the VB Admin command line interface.
Replace networkVRUlabelvalue with the label value that you configured in the ICM for the Type 7 VRU.
SetTransferLabel networkVRUlabelvalue
This command takes effect immediately. You do not need to restart the Voice Browser.
With this configuration, a call is handled as follows:
When the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser receives a call, it notifies the Cisco ICM that a call
has arrived.
The ICM may return a transfer request to the Customer Voice Portal that instructs the Customer
Voice Portal to send a second call (the VRU call leg) to an IOS Voice Browser for prompt and collect
When the Customer Voice Portal receives the transfer request, it sends an admission request (ARQ)
to the gatekeeper, but it ignores the reply and instead sends the VRU call leg back to the originating
Call Signaling Address
You should configure the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser to transfer calls to accommodate the
Cisco CallManager locations-based CAC.
To make this configuration, enter the following command at the VB Admin command line interface:
SetLocationsBasedCAC on
This command takes effect immediately. You do not need to restart the Voice Browser.
With this configuration:
The Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser forces the H.225 SETUP message to the
Cisco CallManager port 1720, which is the default H.225 listening port.
The Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser includes the IP address of the originating gateway in the
ARQ and in the H.225 SETUP message that it sends to the Cisco CallManager.
In this way, Cisco CallManager will identify calls as originating from the remote gateway instead of
from the Customer Voice Portal and will adjust its CAC counters accordingly.
Most Significant Digit
You should configure the Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser to transfer calls to a specific
Cisco CallManager cluster so that locations-based CAC can function properly.
To make this configuration, enter the following command at the VB Admin command line interface:
SetSigDigits 1
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Configuring Customer Voice Portal for Locations-based Call Admission Control
This command takes effect immediately. You do not need to restart the Voice Browser
With this configuration, the Customer Voice Portal will transfer calls to a specific Cisco CallManager
cluster. The Customer Voice Portal will strip one leading significant digit (excluding the tech-prefix, if
it exists) from the dialed number (provided by DNIS). The stripped value is saved and prepended with a
pound sign (#) before the call is transferred to the Cisco CallManager.
For example, assume that the Customer Voice Portal receives a call with the DNIS-provided dialed
number of 2#38005551234. This call is processed as follows:
The Customer Voice Portal strips the tech-prefix, 2#, leaving 38005551234.
The Customer Voice Portal strips one digit (3) from the beginning of the dialed number, leaving
The Customer Voice Portal passes 8005551234 to the ICM for routing.
When the ICM transfers the call to an agent, assume that the ICM returns the agent device label
The Customer Voice Portal prepends 3# to this device label and then passes 3#3201 to the gatekeeper
for address resolution.
The gatekeeper resolves this label to a specific Cisco CallManager cluster.
This cluster is identified by the Cisco CallManager gatekeeper. For more information, see [X-REF
Cisco CallManager strips 3# from the label, leaving 3201 as the destination phone address.
Customer Voice Portal Bandwidth Utilization
The following factors contribute to WAN bandwidth usage by the Customer Voice Portal in a Centralized
Call Control with Distributed Queueing deployment:
VXML Documents, page C-91
Prompt Retrieval, page C-92
H.323 Signalling, page C-92
The following sections describe the bandwidth requirements of these factors in an example Centralized
Call Control with Distributed Queueing deployment. The examples in these sections are based on data
that Cisco obtained from testing.
In these example, assume that:
Each call begins with some IVR treatment followed by a transfer to an agent.
Each branch has 20 agents and each agent handles 30 calls per hour. Thus, the total number of calls
20 * 30 = 600 calls per hour = 0.166 calls per second (CPS).
VXML Documents
A Voice XML (VXML) document corresponds approximately to a Run External node in an ICM script.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Configuring Customer Voice Portal for Locations-based Call Admission Control
A round trip of a VXML document between the Customer Voice Portal and the gateway consumes an
average of 7 KB (7,000 bytes). If each call includes approximately 20 VXML documents, the WAN
bandwidth consumed by VXML documents can be calculated as follows:
7,000 bytes * 20 VXML documents * 8 bits =
1,120,000 bits per call
0.166 CPS * 1,120,000 bits per call =
185.9 Kbps per remote site
Prompt Retrieval
Voice prompts can be stored in the following locations:
In flash memory on each local site gateway—In this way, gateways do not need to retrieve .wav files
for prompts and WAN bandwidth is not affected. However, if a prompt needs to change, you must
change it on every gateway.
On an HTTP media server—In this way, each local site gateway (if properly configured) can cache
many or all prompts, depending on the number and size of the prompts.
When prompts are stored on an HTTP media server, the refresh period for the prompts is defined on that
server. The bandwidth consumed by prompts consists of the initial loading of the prompts at each
gateway and of the periodic updates at the expiration of the refresh interval.
As an example of determining the bandwidth consumed by prompts, assume that a deployment has 50
prompts with an average size of 50 KB (50,000 bytes) each. Also assume that the refresh period for the
prompts is defined as 15 minutes (900 seconds) on the HTTP media server.
The WAN bandwidth required for prompts in this deployment can be calculated as follows:
50 prompts * 50,000 bytes * 8 bits = 20,000,000 bits
20,000,000 bits / 900 seconds = 22.2 Kbps per branch
H.323 Signalling
Each call that a local site gateway processes requires approximately 6,000 bytes, plus approximately
1,000 bytes each time the call is transferred to an agent. Thus, each call requires:
7,000 bytes * 8 bits = 56,000 bits per call.
The bandwidth required for the WAN link to a remote branch can be calculated as follows:
0.166 CPS * 56,000 bits per call = 9.3 Kbps for the WAN link to a remote branch.
Gateway Prompt Caching Considerations
When audio prompts are stored on an HTTP media server, proper gateway prompt caching methods are
necessary to optimize both the performance of the gateway and network bandwidth consumption.
Gateway performance decreases by approximately 35-40% if caching is disabled entirely.
To configure caching on the gateway
Step 1
Set the following on the gateway:
·ivr prompt memory 15000
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Configuring Customer Voice Portal for Locations-based Call Admission Control
Step 2
Step 3
·http client cache memory file 500
·http client cache memory pool 15000
The ‘http client cache memory file’ represents the largest size prompt file (in Kbytes) that can be cached.
In general, customer prompts larger than 500K (about a minute in length) should be broken up into
smaller, more manageable pieces to facilitate loading and caching. For example, queue music could be
a repetitive loop of a 30 second prompt. Note also that because the prompts are streamed, the prompt
will not be cached unless the whole prompt is played. Therefore, it is recommended that you make
prompts a manageable size.
Synchronize the datetime between the gateway and the HTTP media server.
Synchronization does not have to be exact, but at least within a minute or two. Times that are not
synchronized can cause prompts to never refresh or they will refresh with every call, both of which are
undesirable behaviors.
On the media server, set the content expiration (for example 15 minutes)
In IIS, this is done under the “HTTP Header” tab. The gateway prompt will be refreshed after this time
period. The period chosen should reflect how oftener r re-record prompts and how long you are willing
to wait to have the new prompt load after modification.
How to determine if the gateway is caching properly
To determine if you have properly configured gateway caching, do the following:
The IIS log on the media server records every time a client requests a prompt. If caching is set up
correctly, these requests should appear approximately every X minutes (X is whatever was defined
as the refresh interval in Step 3 above) for any particular prompt. The log is located at:
Do ‘show http client cache’ on the gateway. The “Fresh Time’ column should equal the refresh time
period set on the HTTP media server. For example, it the refresh period was set to 15 minutes, this
should say 900 seconds. The ‘Age’ column shows how many seconds have passed since the prompt
was last refreshed. In general, this number will be less than the “Fresh Time’. However, if no call
has ever accessed the prompt recently, this number could be greater than the fresh time. Prompts
are only refreshed when triggered by a call *and* the prompt ‘Fresh Time’ has expired. If the Fresh
Time is a very high value, the only way to remove the prompt from cache (other than the ‘hidden’
commands) is to reload the gateway.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix C
Configuring Customer Voice Portal for Locations-based Call Admission Control
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Customer Voice Portal Deployment
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS)
for Use with Customer Voice Portal
This chapter explains how to configure a Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for use with Customer
Voice Portal (Customer Voice Portal) components. You should be familiar with the general concepts of
configuring a Cisco Content Services Switch outlined in the CSS Administration Guide. For information
about specific hardware and software versions, refer to the Cisco Customer Voice Portal (Customer
Voice Portal) Software Bill of Materials.
General Approach
In this application of CSS, the engine is used primarily to direct initial session requests for a particular
type of service. There are four types of services:
http prompts
Customer Voice Portal application server
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
Sticky and/or stateful connections are only maintained for Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
since the same Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server must process all VXML requests for a
particular call. Sticky connections are not required for the other three types of services.
For example, if the callflow of a particular IVR interaction requires the playing of media, the Customer
Voice Portal call model will initiate separate http requests for each prompt expected to be played. As
such, the Content Switch will not track state, or necessarily maintain a sticky connection for concurrent
requests from the client.
The following general approach will apply to configuring each Customer Voice Portal component type.
Specific component-type configuration is covered in the following sections.
Services—One CSS Service is configured for each type of Customer Voice Portal component. For
general step-by-step guidelines for configuring Services, please see Chapter 1 of the CSS Basic
Configuration Guide.
Rules—A content rule should be established for each Customer Voice Portal component type. In order
to define a content rule, a content owner must be defined on the Content Switch. (See Chapter 2 of the
CSS Basic Configuration Guide.) Media Servers, Application Servers, ASR/TTS Servers and Customer
Voice Portal VoiceXML Servers may each have their own content rules defined. For general step-by-step
guidelines for configuring content rules, please see Chapter 3 of the CSS Basic Configuration Guide.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix D
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
General Approach
Groups—It may be necessary to define source groups for each service. Group configuration will vary
depending upon whether a single VLAN or multiple VLANs are used for the CSS’ inbound and
outbound traffic from the voice gateway and the Customer Voice Portal component servers. If the servers
and the voice gateway clients are on the same VLAN, then destination services will need to be specified.
This configuration is sometimes referred to as a ‘one-arm’ configuration because all traffic passes
through one interface. Please see the online documentation for the Cisco Content Switch entitled “How
to Configure the CSS to Load Balance Using One Interface”. At the time of this writing, the document
was located here:
Also see Chapter 5 of the CSS Basic Configuration Guide for help determining whether your setup will
require destination services. The examples in the next section incorporate the use of destination services.
Keepalives—Each Customer Voice Portal component type will also have a varying type of keepalive
defined. The CSS keepalive definitions will allow for an appropriate method of determining whether the
component is functional and able to participate in receiving requests.
Media Server Configuration
Media Servers are standard web servers that are responsible for serving Customer Voice Portal prompt
files to the voice gateway.
The following sample configuration applies only to Comprehensive configuration (type 7), when the
Voice Gateway is making the request for the media file. Cisco does not recommend that you use media
servers in type 5 configurations where the Customer Voice Portal voice browser is requesting media files.
The Customer Voice Portal voice browser does not support redirect and all media requests would be
channeled through the content server. This would degrade performance considerably.
Configure one CSS Service per Media Server.
Services must be activated before they are available to be used.
The following three services represent three Media Servers that can be accessed for Customer Voice
Portal prompt playing.
Example D-1
Configuring Services for Media Servers
service mediaserver1
ip address
type redirect
port 80
keepalive type http
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix D
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
General Approach
keepalive retryperiod 2
keepalive maxfailure 1
keepalive uri "/index.html"
service mediaserver2
ip address
type redirect
port 80
keepalive type http
keepalive retryperiod 2
keepalive maxfailure 1
keepalive uri "/index.html"
service mediaserver3
ip address
type redirect
port 80
keepalive type http
keepalive retryperiod 2
keepalive maxfailure 1
keepalive uri "/index.html"
Http Redirects
In order to reduce streaming media traffic, the CSS media server services are configured as http redirect
services (also referred to as ‘remote’ services) within the CSS. With the absence of a ‘local’ service, this
configuration will choose an available service based on the content rule, and present the requesting
gateway with an http 302 redirect message. Media streaming will occur directly from the GW to the
individual Media Server. For specific information on http redirection services, please see “Specifying a
Service Type” in Chapter 1 of the CSS Basic Configuration Guide.
Content Rule
Using the content owner you have defined, define a content routing rule for the Customer Voice Portal
Media Servers. CSS offers many balancing types for choosing an active media server. This application
uses the default defined round-robin as the balancing method. Additionally, a primarySorryServer is
The following content rule implements a layer 5 http round-robin routing rule for two media servers,
with the third server reserved for failover.
Example D-2
Content Rule
content MEDIA
vip address
protocol any
port 80
url "/*"
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix D
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
General Approach
add service mediaserver1
add service mediaserver2
primarySorryServer mediaserver3
The media servers are standard http servers. CSS supports varying methods of keepalives used to
determine the availability of an individual service.
For media servers, the http keepalive method is recommended. This will ensure that CSS determines the
availability of a server at the application layer. In order to implement this keepalive method, the service
must identify an available html page which the keepalive will use to determine http availability. For this
reason, in addition to the Customer Voice Portal prompt audio files, the server should have an available
html document defined. The example assumes an “index.html” document is available on the media
servers. The http keepalive method will continuously check for the availability of this document as a
means to determine that the server is alive and capable of serving documents.
It is essential that all media servers included in a Media Server Content rule contain all of the Customer
Voice Portal audio prompt files intended for use by that content rule to ensure that no matter which server
CSS directs the request to, the prompt file will be available.
Use these CSS commands to setup the http keepalives while configuring each media server service:
keepalive type http
keepalive uri "/index.html"
Keepalive Times
Because these services are directly involved in processing voice calls, the shortest possible failover and
re-activation times are desired. As such, set the following keepalive parameters:
keepalive retryperiod 2
keepalive maxfailure 1
Define a group for the participating media servers if your configuration requires source groups (see the
discussion of Groups in the General Approach section above for details.)
Example D-3
Defining Media Servers Group
group mediaservers
add destination service mediaserver1
add destination service mediaserver2
add destination service mediaserver3
vip address
Activate services, group and rules:
Activate each service and group of media-servers.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix D
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
General Approach
Voice Gateway Configuration
The Customer Voice Portal media server names are defined inside the vxml documents which are passed
to the Voice Gateway for processing. The media server name is set within the ICM routing script using
an enterprise call variable. (Note that for use with the content switch, the default (not specified) media
server name of “file:\\..\MediaServer” is an invalid option. You must specify a valid media-server name.)
You must also ensure that the host name that ICM will deliver to the voice gateway as the name of the
media server resolves to the virtual ip address of the content rule for the media servers setup on CSS.
For example, if the ICM script sets a Media Server name as <<media>>, then the voice gateways to
which the request will be delivered must resolve the name <<media>> to the VIP of the media-server
content rule. This example would then be configured within the voice gateway using the command:
ip host media
Note that when using CSS, the media server logic will generate vxml documents that contain
<<-backup>> default backup media-server names. A vxml document returned to the gateway for prompt
playback contains failover logic within the vxml. For example, if the media server is named <<media>>,
this failover logic would include instructions for trying a server that would be named
<<media-backup>>, as the example below reflects.
ip host media-backup
Although a properly configured, redundant CSS setup should mean that the gateway will never actually
be required to access the <<-backup>> host, a <<-backup>> host should still be configured on the
gateway. This is recommended as a precaution. The gateway should still contain a definition for
<<media-backup>> that points to the same VIP service since it is defined within the vxml.
Multiple Media-Server Rules
You can apply the media-server configuration in a CSS to support a logical division of media based upon
any reasonable grouping that the design might call for. As long as the ICM routing script can decide and
set the media server name appropriately, CSS can support multiple media server routing rules.
For example: If an Customer Voice Portal system deployment includes multiple language prompts,
English and Spanish, the company may elect to house all Spanish versions of media server prompts on
3 media servers, and all English prompts on 3 separate media servers.
This choice would be independent of the virtual directory setting, which is controlled by the Customer
Voice Portal “language” parameter. While this parameter alters the path in the url of media, our example
assumes that the company further wants to house different languages on different servers—perhaps for
traffic volume purposes. For more information, on the language parameter, see Chapter 3, “Prompt
Recording and Distribution.”
In this example, the ICM routing script that constructs the VRU call flow would identify and set the
media-server name differently depending upon whether the caller initially has chosen English or
Spanish. If they choose English, you might re-set the Media Server name to ‘media-english’ and if
Spanish is selected, ‘media-spanish’.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix D
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
Application Server Configuration
To support this, 6 services would be configured within CSS, one service for each media server. Two (2)
content rules would also be configured. Each content rule would map to a different vip address and
contain only those services which match the language the rule is configured for. Finally, the voice
gateways would have separate host entries for the English and Spanish media-server names (and their
–backup version) as set within the ICM scripts. Here is what the content rules would look like:
vip address
protocol any
port 80
url "/*"
add service mediaserver-english1
add service mediaserver-english2
primarySorryServer mediaserver-english3
vip address
protocol any
port 80
url "/*"
add service mediaserver-spanish1
add service mediaserver-spanish2
primarySorryServer mediaserver-spanish3
The following host entries would then appear on the voice gateways:
ip host media-english
ip host media-english-backup
ip host media-spanish
ip host media-spanish-backup
Application Server Configuration
CSS should also contain configuration for all application servers used in any IVR leg of a call flow or
for any application server that is used as a routing client in a non-Customer Voice Portal voice browser
call flow.
The Cisco Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser maintains a list of its own application servers used as
an interface between voice browser and the ICM for route requests. Retry logic within the Voice Browser
controls requests to the Voice Browser’s application servers for routing requests via the
“ApplicationServerList” Voice Browser definitions. If separate application servers are used for an
Customer Voice Portal Voice-Browser’s interface to ICM for route requests, these Application Servers
do not require configuration within CSS.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix D
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
Application Server Configuration
Configure one Service per Customer Voice Portal Application Server.
The following three services represent Application Servers that will function as IVR application servers,
or as routing client interfaces to ICM where a non-Customer Voice Portal Voice Browser is making the
call request.
Example D-4
Configuring for Services of Application Servers
service appserver1
ip address
keepalive frequency 7
keepalive maxfailure 1
keepalive type script ap-kal-httpvxml ""
service appserver2
ip address
keepalive frequency 7
keepalive maxfailure 1
keepalive type script ap-kal-httpvxml ""
service appserver3
ip address
keepalive frequency 7
keepalive maxfailure 1
keepalive type script ap-kal-httpvxml ""
If no keepalive retry period is specified, the default value of 5 seconds (recommended value) is used.
Content Rule
Using the content owner you have defined, define a content routing rule for the Application Servers. CSS
offers many balancing types for choosing an active Application Server. This application uses the default
defined round-robin as the balancing method. Additionally, a primarySorryServer is defined.
The AS content rule is implemented as a layer 4 routing rule.
Example D-5
Content Rule
protocol tcp
port 8000
add service appserver1
add service appserver2
primarySorryServer appserver3
vip address
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix D
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
Application Server Configuration
For application servers, a CSS scripted keepalive should be used. Included within the Customer Voice
Portal Application Server Installation’s ‘Downloads’ directory is a file called ‘ASKeepalive.txt’. This
file is a scripted keepalive for use with CSS. The scripted keepalive will utilize the application server’s
built-in heartbeat mechanism to validate that the AS is running at the Application Level. This will ensure
that, if an AS is taken out of service, CSS will recognize this state change and mark the CSS service
Load the CSS Application Server Keepalive Script into the /scripts directory of the CSS by copying it
from a tftp-enabled server onto the Content Switch. During the copy process, name the script:
Assign the keepalive script to each of the Application Server services. The ap-kal-httpvxml keepalive
script accepts one parameter, which is the ipaddress of the application server for which the service is
keepalive type script ap-kal-httpvxml "[ipaddress]"
where [ipaddress] is replaced with the address of the service you are configuring.
For detailed instructions on implementing scripted keepalives for CSS, please see the section “Using
Script Keepalives With Services” located at the end of Chapter 1 of the CSS Basic Configuration Guide.
Keepalive Times
Because these services are directly involved in processing voice calls, the shortest possible failover
detection is desired. Set the following keepalive parameters:
keepalive maxfailure 1
If no keepalive retry period is specified, the default value of 5 seconds (recommended value) is used.
Define a group for the participating application servers if your configuration requires source groups (see
the discussion of Groups in the General Approach section above for details.)
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix D
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
ASR/TTS Server Configuration
Example D-6
Defining Application Servers Groups group appservers
add destination service appserver1
add destination service appserver2
add destination service appserver3
vip address
Activate Services, Group and Rules
Activate each service and group of application servers.
Voice Gateway Configuration
The Customer Voice Portal Application Server names are defined inside the vxml documents which are
passed to the Voice Gateway for processing. The names are hard-coded within the initial bootstrap.vxml
vxml document housed on the Gateway.
For more information, see Appendix C, “Customer Voice Portal Deployment.”
For a CSS implementation, the host name embedded within the bootstrap document is “Customer Voice
Portal-vxml”. You must ensure that the host name isn-vxml is set to resolve to the virtual ip address of
the content rule for the application servers setup on CSS. This is configured within each voice gateway
using the command:
ip host cvpserver
where is the VIP address servicing the Application Server content rule.
ASR/TTS Server Configuration
If your Customer Voice Portal deployment includes the use of ASR/TTS resources for call processing,
the ASR/TTS servers must also be configured within CSS. If your ASR/TTS deployment utilizes a
multi-tier architecture to separate MRCP requests from recognition and vocalizer functions (such as a
multi-tier Nuance configuration), only the MRCP servers are load-balanced by CSS. The RTSP traffic
generated as part of MRCP will be routed around CSS, rather than through it. While this is generally
handled by default within MRCP, it may be necessary in some MRCP configurations to specifically
instruct the server to pass the RTSP address. Consult your ASR/TTS documentation for specific details.
When using ASR/TTS services with the CSS, you must enable the following global command on the
CSS. This prevents the CSS from tearing down the mrcp connection after some period of time:
flow permanent port1 554
In order to route the voice stream around CSS rather than through it, you need to configure the mrcpclient
rtpsetup enable on the Gateway.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix D
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
ASR/TTS Server Configuration
To configure the MRCP client RTP setup enable
Step 1
Login to the Gateway and enter your password.
Step 2
Type enable and enter your password.
Step 3
Type configure terminal.
Step 4
Type mrcpclient rtpsetup enable.
In this example, one set of MRCP servers handles both the ASR and TTS needs.
However, since Customer Voice Portal breaks out the ASR and TTS resource host names, it may be
desirable to separate MRCP server groups by specific function. If separate MRCP servers are used for
ASR and TTS resources, define the ASR and TTS CSS components (service, rule, groups) separately.
(See the Voice Gateway Configuration section below.)
If using Nuance recognizers, the following must be added to the <install-dir>\mrcp\mrcp-config file:
mrcp.SendRtspDestination TRUE
Configure one Service per ASR/TTS Server responsible for handling MRCP requests.
The following three services represent MRCP ASR / TTS.
Example D-7
Configuring Services for ASR/TTS Server
service asrtts1
port 554
protocol tcp
keepalive retryperiod 2
keepalive maxfailure 1
keepalive type tcp
keepalive port 554
ip address
service asrtts2
port 554
protocol tcp
keepalive retryperiod 2
keepalive maxfailure 1
keepalive type tcp
keepalive port 554
ip address
service asrtts3
port 554
protocol tcp
keepalive retryperiod 2
keepalive maxfailure 1
keepalive type tcp
keepalive port 554
ip address
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix D
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
ASR/TTS Server Configuration
Content Rule
Using the content owner you have defined, define a content routing rule for the ASR/TTS Servers.
The ASR/TTS content rule is implemented as a layer 4 routing rule.
Example D-8
Content Rule
content ASRTTS
add service asrtts1
add service asrtts2
primarySorryServer asrtts3
protocol tcp
port 554
vip address
For the MRCP ASR/TTS servers, a socket-level keepalive is used. By implementing a socket keepalive,
the CSS will make a connection to the MRCP port to validate that the MRCP server is running. The
service is considered down if unable to connect to port 554 for MRCP traffic.
To configure the CSS MRCP Keepalive, use the following:
keepalive type tcp
keepalive port 554
For detailed instructions on implementing keepalives for CSS, please see the section “Configuring
Keepalives for a Service” beginning on page 1-17 of Chapter 1 of the CSS Basic Configuration Guide.
Keepalive Times
Because these services are directly involved in processing voice calls, the shortest possible failover
detection is desired. As such, set the following keepalive parameters:
keepalive retryperiod 2
keepalive maxfailure 1
Define a group for the participating ASR/TTS Servers if your configuration requires source groups (see
the discussion of Groups in the General Approach section above for details.)
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix D
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
ASR/TTS Server Configuration
Example D-9
Defining ASR/TTS Servers Group
group asrtts
add destination service asrtts1
add destination service asrtts2
add destination service asrtts3
vip address
Activate Services, Group and Rules
Activate each service and group of ASR/TTS servers.
Voice Gateway Configuration
As with media servers and application servers, the ASR / TTS names should resolve to the VIP address
running the content rule for ASR and/or TTS on the CSS. This name resolution occurs at each voice
gateway. Note that ASR and TTS requests each utilize separate names within the Customer Voice Portal
infrastructure, even if the same server(s) handle both ASR and TTS functions. The default English ASR
and TTS server names are:
For ASR:
For TTS:
These host names should be set to resolve to the VIP address of the content rule that governs each
service. (Note that in the CSS sample above, both ASR and TTS functions are handled by the same
content rule and group of resources.)
The voice gateway config would contain ip hosts that look like this:
ip host asr-en-us
ip host asr-en-us-backup
ip host tts-en-us
ip host tts-en-us-backup
If a network design contains separate MRCP servers for ASR and TTS functions, CSS would contain
separate services, separate source groups (if needed), and two separate content rules / vip
addresses—one for ASR and another for TTS resources.
In this case, the CSS content rules might look like this:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix D
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server Configuration
content ASR
add service asr1
add service asr2
primarySorryServer asr3
protocol tcp
port 554
vip address
content TTS
add service tts1
add service tts2
primarySorryServer tts3
protocol tcp
port 554
vip address
And the gateway entries at the voice gateway would look like this:
ip host asr-en-us
ip host asr-en-us-backup
ip host tts-en-us
ip host tts-en-us-backup
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server Configuration
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Servers are web servers that are responsible for serving VXML
documents to the voice gateway.
Configure one CSS service per Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML server.
Services must be activated before they are available to be used.
The following two services represent two Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML servers that can be accessed
for VXML documents.
Example D-10 Configuring Services for Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Servers Using the Apache
Tomcat Application Server
service CVPVoicexml1
ip address
port 8080
keepalive type http
keepalive port 8080
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix D
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server Configuration
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
keepalive uri "/index.jsp"
protocol tcp
Content Rule
Using the content owner you have defined, define a content routing rule for the Customer Voice Portal
VoiceXML servers. CSS offers many load balancing types for choosing an active Customer Voice Portal
VoiceXML server. This application uses the default defined round-robin as the balancing method.
Additionally, once the Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML server is chosen for the call, the CSS will use
an internally generated cookie to guarantee that all future Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML requests in
that call use the same Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML server.
Example D-11 Content Rule
content CVPVoicexml2_content
protocol tcp
add service CVPVoicexml1
add service CVPVoicexml2
vip address
port 8080
url "/*"
advanced-balance arrowpoint-cookie
For Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML servers, the http keepalive method is recommended. This ensures
that the CSS determines the availability of a server at the application layer. In order to implement this
keepalive method, the service must identify an available html or jsp page which the keepalive will use
to determine http availability. For this reason. the server should have an available html/jsp document
defined. This example assumes “index.jsp” is available on the Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML server.
The http keepalive method continuously checks for availability of this document as a means to determine
that the server is capable of serving documents.
Use these CSS commands to set up the http keepalive parameters while configuring each Customer Voice
Portal VoiceXML service. Do not specify any other keepalive parameters such as frequency or retry
count. The CSS defaults of a 5-second frequency and 3 retries will be in effect. If the Customer Voice
Portal VoiceXML server is running on an Apache Tomcat application server, configure the following
keepalive parameters:
keepalive type http
keepalive uri “/index.jsp”
Define a group for the participating Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML servers if your network
configuration requires source groups (see the discussion of Groups in the General Approach section
above for details.)
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix D
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
CSS Redundancy
Example D-12 Defining Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Servers Group
group vxml_group1
vip address
add destination service CVPVoicexml1
add destination service CVPVoicexml2
CSS Redundancy
CSS supports several types of failover mechanisms. The Virtual IP redundancy mechanism will allow
for a rapid failover from a defined Master CSS to it’s backup using VRRP. This failover takes less than
3 seconds and may or may not additionally incorporate the use of ASR. Customer Voice Portal
transactions to servers do not require a stateful connection to the gateway. If the CSS fails during a
prompt, the vxml documents that drive Customer Voice Portal will retry and re-stream the prompt from
the new CSS access.
For this reason, general VIP redundancy is implemented. The sample below shows the redundant section
for each of the two CSSs.
!************************** CIRCUIT **************************
circuit VLAN1
ip address
ip virtual-router 1 priority 230 preempt
ip redundant-interface 1
ip redundant-vip 1
ip redundant-vip 1
ip redundant-vip 1
!************************** CIRCUIT **************************
circuit VLAN1
ip address
ip virtual-router 1 priority 230 preempt
ip redundant-interface 1
ip redundant-vip 1
ip redundant-vip 1
ip redundant-vip 1
For information and step-by step configuration guidelines on implementing CSS Redundancy using the
VIP and VRRP mechanism, please see Chapter 6 of the CSS Advanced Configuration Guide,
“Configuring VIP and Virtual IP Interface Redundancy”.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix D
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
Complete Configuration Sample
Complete Configuration Sample
The following is a complete CSS sample configuration for each of two CSS Servers configured in a
Virtual Router Redundancy configuration and implementing each of the Customer Voice Portal services
described above. Note that in this configuration example, a ‘one-arm’ configuration is used because the
inbound traffic and the services exist on the same vlan.
*************************** GLOBAL ***************************
ip route 1
!************************* INTERFACE *************************
interface 2/6
phy 100Mbits-FD
interface 2/16
bridge vlan 2
!************************** CIRCUIT **************************
circuit VLAN1
ip address
ip virtual-router 1 priority 230 preempt
ip redundant-interface 1
ip redundant-vip 1
ip redundant-vip 1
ip redundant-vip 1
!************************** SERVICE **************************
service mediaserver1
ip address
type redirect
port 80
keepalive type http
keepalive retryperiod 2
keepalive maxfailure 1
keepalive uri "/index.html"
service mediaserver2
ip address
type redirect
port 80
keepalive type http
keepalive retryperiod 2
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix D
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
Complete Configuration Sample
keepalive maxfailure 1
keepalive uri "/index.html"
service mediaserver3
ip address
type redirect
port 80
keepalive type http
keepalive retryperiod 2
keepalive maxfailure 1
keepalive uri "/index.html"
service appserver1
ip address
keepalive retryperiod 2
keepalive maxfailure 1
keepalive type script ap-kal-httpvxml ""
service appserver2
ip address
keepalive retryperiod 2
keepalive maxfailure 1
keepalive type script ap-kal-httpvxml ""
service appserver3
ip address
keepalive retryperiod 2
keepalive maxfailure 1
keepalive type script ap-kal-httpvxml ""
service asrtts1
port 554
protocol tcp
keepalive retryperiod 2
keepalive maxfailure 1
keepalive type tcp
keepalive port 554
ip address
service asrtts2
port 554
protocol tcp
keepalive retryperiod 2
keepalive maxfailure 1
keepalive type tcp
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix D
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
Complete Configuration Sample
keepalive port 554
ip address
service asrtts3
port 554
protocol tcp
keepalive retryperiod 2
keepalive maxfailure 1
keepalive type tcp
keepalive port 554
ip address
!*************************** OWNER ***************************
owner ISN content MEDIA
vip address
protocol any
port 80
url "/*"
add service mediaserver1
add service mediaserver2
primarySorryServer mediaserver3
protocol tcp
port 8000
add service appserver1
add service appserver2
primarySorryServer appserver3
vip address
content ASRTTS
add service asrtts1
add service asrtts2
primarySorryServer asrtts3
protocol tcp
port 554
vip address
!*************************** GROUP ***************************
group mediaservers
add destination service mediaserver1
add destination service mediaserver2
add destination service mediaserver3
vip address
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix D
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
Complete Configuration Sample
group appservers
add destination service appserver1
add destination service appserver2
add destination service appserver3
vip address
group asrtts
add destination service asrtts1
add destination service asrtts2
add destination service asrtts3
vip address
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix D
Configuring Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS) for Use with Customer Voice Portal
Complete Configuration Sample
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
The Customer Voice Portal (CVP) VoiceXML Server is an optional J2EE- and J2SE-compliant
application server that provides a complete solution for rapidly creating and deploying dynamic
VoiceXML applications. You can install the CVP VoiceXML Server as a standalone component, without
the CVP Voice Browser or Application Server components. The standalone VoiceXML Server is
designed to handle self-service VoiceXML applications.
You can also install the CVP VoiceXML Server component in addition to the CVP Voice Browser and
CVP Application Server. In this configuration, the CVP Voice Browser maintains control of the call flow,
transferring calls to appropriate targets, under the direction a script running on the ICM. The CVP Voice
Browser can use the Cisco Voice Gateway’s prompt-and-collect features by making requests to the CVP
VoiceXML Server.
This appendix provides information about the optional CVP VoiceXML server, as a standalone
component and as part of an integration with ICM.
This section covers only how to integrate the CVP VoiceXML server with other components in the CVP
solution and with other Cisco products. CVP VoiceXML has a complete set of documentation that
describes components, installation, configuration and usage. Refer to Related CVP VoiceXML
Documentation, page E-16 for more information.
CVP VoiceXML Server with ICM
This section describes how to integrate CVP VoiceXML and ICM scripts.
Integrating CVP VoiceXML Scripts with ICM Scripts
This section describes how to intergrate the CVP VoiceXML Server into the CVP solution. This process
Creating an ICM script with ECC variables configured for CVP VoiceXML Server.
Creating a VRU Script to run in the ICM script.
The following steps describe how to call the CVP VoiceXML Server from an ICM script.
Step 1
Determine the URL on CVP VoiceXML Server that you want to reach, for example:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix E
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
CVP VoiceXML Server with ICM
Step 2
In the ICM Script, first Set the media_server ECC Variable to ""
Step 3
Set the app_media_lib ECC Variable to ".."
Step 4
Set user.microapp.ToExtVXML[0] ECC variable to "application=HelloWorld"
This example indicates that the CVP VoiceXML server will execute the “HelloWorld” application. To
execute a different application, change the value of user.microapp.ToExtVXML[0] accordingly.
The default port for the Tomcat Application Server is 8080. The default port for the IBM WebSphere
Application Server is 9080.
Step 5
Set the UseVXMLParams ECC Variable to "N".
Step 6
Create a VRU Script with VRU Script Name = "GS,Server,V". Run this VRU script in the ICM Script
Step 7
The timeout value set in the Network VRU Script should be substantially greater than the length of
the timeout in the CVP VoiceXML Server application. This timeout should only be used only for
recovery from a failed VoiceXML Server.
The Interruptible checkbox in the Network VRU Script should always remained checked, otherwise,
calls queued to a CVP Voice XML Server application may stay in the queue when an agent becomes
Finally, open the CVP Application Administrator on the Application Server and select the “Allow
External VXML” checkbox on the EngineConfiguration screen.
Figure E-1
Sample ICM Script for CVP VoiceXML Server
After you configure the ICM script, you need to configure a corresponding script with CVP VoiceXML
Studio. The CVP VoiceXML Server script must:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix E
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
CVP VoiceXML Server with ICM
Begin with a Cisco Subdialog_Start element (immediately after the Call Start element)
Contain a Subdialog_Return element on all return points
Contain a Hang Up element after Subdialog_Return element, but not before
Not contain a Transfer element (except in CVP VoiceXML Server standalone configurations)
The Subdialog_Return element must include a value for the call input
The following is an example of a CVP VoiceXML Server script called by the ICM script.
Figure E-2
CVP VoiceXML Server Script
Correlating CVP/ICM logs with CVP VoiceXML Server logs
When using the CVP VoiceXML Server option in the CVP solution, you can correlate CVP/ICM Logs
with CVP VoiceXML logs. To do this, you need to pass the Call ID to the CVP VoiceXML server by
URL. Building upon the URL used in the previous example, the URL would be as follows:
To configure logging, do the following:
Step 1
In the ICM Script, use the formula editor to set ToExtVXML[1]. Set "ToExtVXML[1] =
concatenate("CVP_call_id=";" to the contents of the User.microapp.media_id ECC
When you concatenate, be sure to use semi-colons for delimiters.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix E
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
CVP VoiceXML Server with ICM
Step 2
In CVP VoiceXML Server, ensure that it logs the CVP_call_id to the CVP VoiceXML Server trace files.
In the CVP VoiceXML Server, to log to the trace files, do the following:
Select the Subdialog Start element.
Select the General tab.
In the Add to Log, enter:
– Name = CVP_call_id
– Value = {Data.Session.CVP_call_id}
– Create = Before
The callid can also be used in standalone CVP VoiceXML Server solutions.
Refer to Chapter 2, “Passing Information to the External VXML”for more information. Refer to the CVP
VoiceXML Server documentation for how to set the FromExtVXML variables in the CVP VoiceXML
Server script.
Error Codes for CVP VoiceXML Server
The following are some of the error codes that you may see with the CVP VoiceXML Sever application:
Error Code 40 -- System Unavailable
This is returned if the application server is unavailable (shutdown, network connection disabled,
Error Code 41 -- App Error
This is returned if some CVP VoiceXML Server-specific error occurs (For example, java exception).
Error Code 42 -- App Hangup
This is returned to CVP if the Hang Up element is used without being preceded by a
Subdialog_Return element.
If the application is configured correctly, this should not occur.
Error Code 43 -- Suspended
This is returned if CVP VoiceXML Server application is suspended.
Error Code 44 -- No Session Error
This is returned when an emergency error occurs (for example, an application is called that has not
been loaded in the CVP VoiceXML Server application).
Error Code 45
This is returned when the CVP VoiceXML Server encounters a bad fetch situation. This code is
returned when either a .wav file or an external grammar file is not found.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix E
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
CVP VoiceXML Server with ICM
CVP VoiceXML Server Reporting
CVP VXML Server applications can be designed to function in a wide range of paradigms, from the
VXML Server virtually controlling the entire user interaction to performing individual interactions on a
scale similar to that of the CVP Microapplications. Between these extremes, VXML Server applications
might be designed to implement specific Transactions. For example, in a banking application a
transaction might consist of all the user interactions required to successfully complete a balance transfer
or a telephone bill payment. The high-level menus which the user might use to select a particular type
of transaction would be controlled by the ICM routing script, using standard CVP Microapplications
such as Menu and Play Media. Once a particular transaction type has been chosen, the ICM routing script
would issue an External VXML Microapplication to invoke the appropriate VXML Server application
which implements that transaction type. Once the VXML Server application completes, control returns
to the ICM routing script for further menus. Typically, audit information about the transaction would be
returned, and can be stored in the ICM database. It is also used to determine whether the transaction was
successful or unsuccessful, needs to be transferred or queued to an agent, and so forth.
While ICM VRU Progress reporting capabilities are always in effect, they complement VXML Server
applications most effectively when this transaction-oriented design is used. The customer would define
an ICM CallType for each type of transaction, and use the audit information returned from the VXML
Server to determine how to set the ICM's VRUProgress variable. The setting selected dictates how the
transaction will be counted in the aggregate VRU reporting fields in the CallTypeHalfHour table.
VRU reporting enhancements are described in the ICM 6.0(0) and later WebView Online Help.
WebView Reporting
This section lists the CVP-related WebView Reports that are available when using CVP integrated with
CVP VoiceXML Server.
New Reports In ICM 6.0 Release
Caltyp35:VRU Calls Analysis Half Hour Report
Caltyp36:VRU Calls Analysis Daily Report
periph06:VRU Peripheral Capacity Report
Traditional VRU Services Reports
persvc20:Peripheral Service for IVR Queue Half Hour Report
persvc21:Peripheral Service IVR Queue Daily Report
persvc22:Peripheral Service IVR Self-Service Half Hour Report
persvc23:Peripheral Service IVR Self-Service Daily Report
trkgrp04:Trunks Real Time All Fields Report
trkgrp12:Trunks Half Hour All Fields Report
trkgrp20:All Port Busy Real Time
trkgrp21:IVR Ports Idle & In Service Real Time Report
trkgrp22:IVR Ports Status Real Time Ports
CVP Related Data
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix E
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
CVP VoiceXML Server with ICM
trkgrp23:IVR Ports Performance Half Hour
nettrk03:Network Trunk Group Real Time All Field Report
nettrk13:Network Trunk Group Historical All Fields Report
Currently, the CVP VoiceXML Server application has the following reporting limitations:
- CVP VoiceXML Server does not provide any pre-defined reports for Historical reporting
- CVP VoiceXML Server provides real-time reporting capabilities that help monitor aggregate active
sessions associated with a voice application. However, these active sessions cannot be mapped to the
actual calls that triggered those sessions.
ASR, TTS and Media Server Redundancy for Cisco CVP VXML Server
Automatic failover to secondary ASR, TTS and media servers is not supported with CVP VoiceXML
Server applications unless a Content Switch Server is used.If you do use a CSS for ASR or TTS servers,
then the IP address specified in the following ivr commands should be the Virtual IP (VIP) address for
the corresponding ASR or TTS service. CVP VoiceXML Server applications rely on the gateway’s
configured default for ASR and TTS servers, which allow only a single host name or IP address to be
specified for each. This differs from the CVP micro-applications based applications, which support
automatic retries to specifically named backup ASR and TTS servers.
Use the following configuration on the gateway if you are using Nuance, Scansoft, or IBM WebSphere
ASR/TTS servers:
ip host asr-en-us
ip host tts-en-us
Use the following configuration on the gateway if you are using Nuance or ScanSoft ASR/TTS servers:
mrcp client rtpsetup enable
ivr asr-server rtsp://asr-en-us/recognizer
ivr tts-server rtsp://tts-en-us/synthesizer
Use the following configuration on the gateway if you are using IBM WebSphere Voice Server:
mrcp client rtpsetup enable
ivr asr-server rtsp://asr-en-us/media/recognizer
ivr tts-server rtsp://tts-en-us/media/synthesizer
The URL configured by the above ivr commands defines the gateway's default target for ASR and TTS
services, and is in effect for all calls handled by that gateway. You can override it dynamically in your
CVP VoiceXML Server application by populating the Cisco-proprietary VXML properties
"" or "".
Media servers require no special gateway configuration to work with a CSS for automatic failover.
Setting up CVP VXML Server with JNDI Database Connections
If you are using MSSQL, use the i-net Opta XS driver, which can be downloaded from If you are using MySQL, use the Connector/J 3.0 driver, which can be
downloaded from
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix E
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
CVP VoiceXML Server with ICM
The driver is contained in a .jar file. Place this .jar file in the C:\Cisco\CVP\Tomcat 4.1\common\lib
directory, which is a directory in the Tomcat server’s classpath.
The database must exist for this connection to work. CVP VXML Server will not create the database for
Adding a Tomcat Context
Add a Tomcat Context for the database connection so that the CVP VXML Server knows how to
communicate with your database. If you are connecting to more than one database, create more than one
<Resource> entry with its associated <ResourceParams> within the <Context> ... </Context> tags, one
<Resource> entry with <ResourceParams> for each database with which you want to connect.
To add the Tomcat Context, do the following:
Step 1
On the machine where CVP VXML Server is installed.
In the directory, C:\Cisco\CVP\Tomcat 4.1\conf, open the file server.xml
Search for <!-- Tomcat Root Context -->. Below the ROOT context (see example below) insert your
Context for either MySQL or MSSQL.
Step 2
This is just an example, the contexts are explained further later in this section.
Restart the Tomcat application server after making server.xml changes for them to take effect.
Example E-1
Example Tomcat Context
<!-- Tomcat Root Context -->
<!-<Context path="" docBase="ROOT" debug="0"/>
<Context path="/CVP" docBase="CVP" crossContext="true">
<Resource name="jdbc/DB_name" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
<ResourceParams name="jdbc/DB_name">
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix E
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
CVP VoiceXML Server with ICM
Example E-2
Example Context for MSSQL
<Context path="/CVP" docBase="CVP" crossContext="true">
<Resource name="jdbc/LABEL_YOU_CHOOSE" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
<ResourceParams name="jdbc/SAME_LABEL_FROM_PREVIOUS_LINE">
The default port number for MySQL is 3306. An example url for the above Context would be
Example E-3
Sample Context For MySQL
<Context path="/CVP" docBase="CVP" crossContext="true">
<Resource name="jdbc/LABEL_YOU_CHOOSE" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
<ResourceParams name="jdbc/SAME_LABEL_FROM_PREVIOUS_LINE">
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix E
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
CVP VoiceXML Server with ICM
The default port number for MySQL is 3306. An example url for the above Context would be
Step 3
If you plan to enable the User Management System, in your CVP VXML Studio Application, right-click
the Application in Studio. Then choose Properties from the Properties page.
Step 4
Under the General Settings tab, check the Enable checkbox next to the User Management label. Then
choose the type of database you are using, either MySQL or MSSQL.
Step 5
Enter the string you entered in the <LABEL_YOU_CHOOSE> from the above Context into the JDNI
Name text field.
Step 6
If you are using the Database node, enter the string you entered in the <LABEL_YOU_CHOOSE> from
the above Context into the JNDI Name property of the Settings tab of your Database node.
Step 7
Under heavy load conditions, enable Database Connection Pooling. A database connection pool creates
and manages a pool of connections to a database. Recycling and reusing already existing connections to
a database is more efficient than opening a new connection. For further information on Tomcat Database
Pooling please see,
Step 8
If you are connecting to a MySQL database, add these entries to your <ResourceParams> list to turn on
and fine turn your database connection pool.
<!--To configure a DBCP DataSource so that abandoned dB connections are removed and recycled-->
<!--Use the removeAbandonedTimeout parameter to set the number of seconds a dB connection has been
idle before it is considered abandoned-->
<!--Use the removeAbandonedTimeout parameter to set the number of seconds a dB connection has been
idle before it is considered abandoned-->
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix E
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
CVP VoiceXML Server Standalone Solution
<!-- The logAbandoned parameter can be set to true if you want DBCP to log a stack trace of the code which
abandoned the dB connection resources. -->
<!-- Maximum number of idle dB connections to retain in pool. Set to 0 for no limit. -->
<!-- Maximum time to wait for a dB connection to become available in ms, in this example 10 seconds. An
Exception is thrown if this timeout is exceeded. Set to -1 to wait indefinitely. -->
If you are using the MSSQL database, refer to the user documentation for the i-netOpta XS JDBC driver
for Data Pool configuration at
CVP VoiceXML Server Standalone Solution
This section provides information for installing and configuring the Cisco CVP Voice XML Server as a
standalone solution (independent of the CVP components).
The standalone solution requires configuration on the gateway for the following components:
CVP VoiceXML Server
Cisco CallManager
Setting up Gateways/Gatekeepers to Interact with CVP VoiceXML Server in the
Standalone Model
Refer to the Cisco Customer Voice Portal 3.1 Hardware and Software Specification (Bill of Materials)
for the most current information on supported versions of Cisco IOS software.
To configure the gateway for the CVP VoiceXML Server solution, do the following:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix E
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
CVP VoiceXML Server Standalone Solution
Step 1
Copy the following files from the Cisco CVP VoiceXML Server CD to the gateway flash memory using
For example:
copy tftp: flash:CVPSelfService.tcl
copy tftp: flash:CVPSelfServiceBootstrap.vxml
copy tftp: flash:error.wav
Step 2
Define the CVP Voice XML Server applications on the gateway. The following shows an example
service CVPSelfService flash:CVPSelfServiceBootstrap.vxml
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
paramspace english location flash:
paramspace english prefix en
service [gateway application name] flash:CVPSelfService.tcl
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
param CVPBackupVXMLServer
paramspace english location flash:
param CVPSelfService-port 8080
param CVPSelfService-app [CVP VoiceXML application]
paramspace english prefix en
param CVPPrimaryVXMLServer
Backup server is optional. For the Tomcat Application Server, set the port to 8080. For the WebSphere
Application Server, set the port to 9080.
After completing the gateway configuration, to verify you have configured the gateway properly, you
should run:
call application voice load CVPSelfService
call application voice load [gateway application name]
Step 3
Define a dial-peer for the gateway application, for example:
dial-peer voice [dial-peer unique ID] voip /* for IP originated call */
service [gateway application name]
incoming called-number [dialed number]
dtmf-relay h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
codec g711ulaw
dial-peer voice [dial-peer unique ID] pots /* for TDM originated calls */
service [gateway application name]
incoming called-number [dialed number]
Sample Gateway Configuration
The following example shows a gateway configuration for the standalone CVP VoiceXML Server:
service CVPSelfService flash:CVPSelfServiceBootstrap.vxml
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix E
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
CVP VoiceXML Server Standalone Solution
language en
index 0
location flash:
prefix en
service HelloWorld flash:CVPSelfService.tcl
paramspace english language en
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english location flash
param CVPBackupVXMLServer
paramspace english prefix en
param CVPSelfService-app HelloWorld
param CVPSelfService-port 8080
param CVPPrimaryVXMLServer
dial-peer voice 4109999 voip/* for IP originated call */
service HelloWorld
incoming called-number 88844410..
dtmf-relay h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
codec g711ulaw
dial-peer voice 4109999 voip/* for TDM originated call */
service HelloWorld
incoming called-number 88844420..
Verifying the Gateway Configuration
Verify the configuration by executing these commands:
call application voice load CVPSelfService
call application voice load HelloWorld
Using Takeback and Transfer in CVP VoiceXML Scripts
The CVP provides the following takeback and transfer methods that you can invoke from a CVP
VoiceXML script:
Two B-Channel Transfer (TBCT) - A call transfer standard for ISDN interfaces. This feature enables
a Cisco voice gateway to request an NI-2 switch to directly connect two independent calls. The two
calls can be served by the same PRI or by two different PRIs on the gateway.
Hookflash Relay - A brief interruption in the loop current that the originating call entity (PBX or
Public Switch Telephone Network switch) does not interpret as a call disconnect. Instead, once the
PBX or Public Switch Telephone Network switch senses the hookflash, it puts the current call on
hold and provides a secondary dial tone, which allows the CVP to transfer the caller to another
Configuring Two B-Channel Transfer (TBCT)
To configure Two B-Channel Transfer (TBCT) for use with the CVP from a VoiceXML Server script,
follow this procedure:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix E
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
CVP VoiceXML Server Standalone Solution
Step 1
Configure the originating gateway for TBCT call transfer, by following the instructions in “Configuring
the Gateway for Two B-Channel Transfer (TBCT)” section on page B-5.
Step 2
Locate the following files on the VoiceXML server and copy them to flash memory on the gateway, using
the tftp command:
Step 3
Add the following lines to the gateway:
service takeback flash:survivability.tcl
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
paramspace english location flash:
paramspace english prefix en
Step 4
From command line mode:
‘call application voice load takeback’
‘call application voice load CVPSelfService’
Step 5
Specify the target destination for the TBCT transfer either by entering the number manually, or
dynamically by using caller input.
Manually. In the SubdialogReturn node in the VXML server application, next to Caller Input in the
Settings Tab, enter TBCT<target_destination_number>, where target_destination_number is the
target destination of the TBCT transfer. For example:
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix E
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
CVP VoiceXML Server Standalone Solution
Step 6
Dynamically. The target destination is created dynamically using input entered by the caller during
the call. To do this, click on the Substitution icon next to the Caller Input variable and select
substitution values. For example:.
In the event that the TBCT fails (for example, bad number, bad gateway config, etc.), you can specify
alternate transfer targets under the survivability service according to survivability rules as defined in the
“Call Survivability” section in Chapter 8, “VoIP Configuration.”
Configuring Hookflash Relay
To configure Hookflash Relay for use with the CVP from VoiceXML Server scripts, follow this
Step 1
Configure the originating gateway for Hookflash Relay call transfer, by following the instructions in
“Configuring the Gateway for Hookflash Relay” section on page B-4.
Step 2
Locate the following files on the VoiceXML server and copy them to flash memory on the gateway.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix E
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
CVP VoiceXML Server Standalone Solution
Step 3
Add the following lines to the gateway:
service takeback flash:survivability.tcl
paramspace english index 0
paramspace english language en
paramspace english location flash:
paramspace english prefix en
Step 4
From command line mode: ‘call application voice load takeback’
Step 5
In the SubdialogReturn node in your VXML server application, next to Caller Input in the Settings Tab,
enter “HF8005551212”, replacing 8005551212 with the target destination of the hookflash transfer.
The label can also be defined dynamically using digits entered by the caller in conjunction with VXML
Server substitution tags. If the switch requires a pause after the hookflash, commas can be inserted
between the HF and the transfer number. Each comma represents 100ms.
Configuring the Gateway for TDM to IP Calls
To transfer TDM call to IP, configure the gateway as follows:
Step 1
To configure the number dialed from the TDM phone to match, use the following configuration:
dial-peer voice [dialpeer name] pots
service [gateway application name]
incoming called-number [number dialed from phone]
Step 2
To configure the number dialed from the IP phone to match, use the following configuration:
dial-peer voice [dialpeer name] voip
service [gateway application name]
incoming called-number [number dialed from phone]
dtmf-relay h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
codec g711ulaw
Step 3
To configure the transfer node to transfer to a specific extension (for example, 5080001)
The gateway sends the call to the Cisco CallManager (CCM) as a blind transfer.
dial-peer voice [dialpeer name] voip destination-pattern 508....
session target ipv4:[call manager subscriber IP]
dtmf-relay h245-signal h245-alphanumeric
codec g711ulaw
no vad
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix E
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
Related CVP VoiceXML Documentation
Configuring the Gateway for IP to TDM Calls
The following components are required in order for the gateway to process IP to TDM calls:
Phones and numbers must be configured on the TDM switch
Gateway must be defined on the CallManager.
Route pattern on the CallManager that will send the call to the gateway.
Need to configure a dial peer on the gateway that sends calls .
Dial 888800605x on the IP phone (this is a specific physical phone extension)
Configure the gateway to send the call to a particular CVP VoiceXML Server application, as follows:
dial-peer voice 8888 voip
service [gateway application name]
incoming called-number 888800....
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
codec g711ulaw
no vad
To match the number in the CVP VoiceXML Server transfer node and send it out the T1 port to the G3
to its destination, use the following configuration:
dial-peer voice 8880 pots
destination-pattern 888800....
incoming called-number
port 1/0:D
Configuring a Cisco Multiservice IP-to-IP Gateway for Cisco CallManager
To use supplementary call features, such as hold, call transfer, call park, and conferencing, for
Cisco CallManager IP- to-IP calls that are routed through an H.323 endpoint or H.323 gateway, you must
configure the following:
Configure the IPIPGW to transport calls to and from Cisco CallManager.
Configure Cisco CallManager with the Media termination point (MTP) enabled. MTP enables Cisco
CallManager to extend supplementary services, such as hold and transfer, to calls that are routed
through an H.323 endpoint or an H.323 gateway.
For detailed information on configuring the Cisco IOS gateway for CallManager connections, see the
Cisco Multiservice IP-to-IP Gateway Software Configuration Guide. For detailed information on
configuring MTP on CallManager, see the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.
Related CVP VoiceXML Documentation
The following list describes the complete set of documentation available for the CVP VoiceXML server
option. This documentation is available on the CVP 3.0 documentation CD.
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server Installation Guide. This document provides an
introduction to Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Sever and information on installation.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix E
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
Related CVP VoiceXML Documentation
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server User’s Guide. This document provides information on
building applications using the CVP VoiceXML Builder and running them on the CVP VoiceXML
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server Programmer’s Guide. This document provides
information on how to build reusable components on the CVP VoiceXML platform.
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server Administrator’s Guide. This document provides
information on best practices for installing and configuring CVP VoiceXML software, and setting
up the environment in which CVP VoiceXML runs.
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server Element Specifications. This document describes in
detail the functionality and configuration options for all CVP VoiceXML elements.
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server Say It Smart Specifications. This document describes
in detail the functionality and configuration options for all CVP VoiceXML Say It Smart plugins.
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server Javadocs. Javadocs are a group of HTML pages fully
describing the entire Java application programming interfaces to CVP VoiceXML. Developers use
Javadocs in conjunction with the Programmer’s Guide to understand how to build custom
components that run on CVP VoiceXML Server.
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Appendix E
Related CVP VoiceXML Documentation
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Customer Voice Portal VoiceXML Server
AppServerList commands
.ems files
AppServerNumTries commands
AppServerTimeout commands
asynchronous communication
24TOD (Data Play Back Type)
Bandwidth Utilization
Active Calls
agent desk settings
Call Definition administration
Re-route On No Answer
CalledPartyTimeout commands
CallHistory commands
support for SDDSN
anti-virus guidelines
no Gatekeeper
queuing with ISN
Call Statistics (Engine Admin)
Diagnostic Info (Engine Admin)
Engine Status (Engine Admin)
ICM Subsystem Configuration
Log Configuration (Engine Admin)
Call Signaling Address
Call Survivability
CallTrace commands
call transfer types, ISN
cardinal numbers (System Media file)
configuring for Web-based calls
transferring with ISN
Call Survivablity configuring
Application Administrator tool
Calls Statistics administration
Engine Configuration (Engine Admin)
Application Server
Log Files (Engine Admin)
with Gatekeeper
Active Calls (Engine Admin)
Directory Administration
call routing, inbound
Application Administration
Call Definition
Char (Data Play Back Type)
Cisco Content Services Switch
Codec commands
command syntax, VB Admin
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
using quotes
ISN Advanced Speech, NIC with Type 2 or 8, ICM
configuration commands, VB Admin
ISN Advanced Speech Customer VRU, NIC with Type 2
or 8, NAM/CICM C-67
configuration examples, Network VRU Script
Get Digits
ISN Advanced Speech Network VRU, NIC with Type 3
or 7, NAM/CICM C-74
2-29, 2-31
Get Speech
ISN Comprehensive, ICM
2-38, 2-39
Play Data
content rule
ISN Queue and Transfer, ICM
ISN Queue and Transfer deployment with ISN Advanced
Speech Customer VRU, NAM/CICM C-78
content rule
D-1, D-3, D-7, D-11
source group
CSS service
ISN Queue and Transfer deployment as queue point for
consultative transfers C-79
sample configuration
ISN Queue and Transfer Customer VRU, NIC with Type
2, NAM/CICM C-54
ISN Queue and Transfer, NIC with Type 2, ICM
Correlation ID
and Dialed Number
ISN Queue and Transfer, NAM/CICM
D-1, D-3, D-7, D-11
Content Services Switch
ISN Comprehensive, NAM/CICM
Play Media
ISN Queue and Transfer with "Other" Customer VRU,
ISN Queue and Transfer with "Other" Network VRU,
ICM C-20
ISN Queue and Transfer with "Other" Network VRU,
D-2, D-4, D-8, D-11
D-1, D-2, D-7, D-10
Currency (Data Play Back Type)
Current Alarms, Voice Browser
CVP VoiceXML server
Diagnostic Info administration
Dialed Number and Correlation ID
Dialed Number Maximum
Digit entry completion
in Get Digits micro-application
in Get Speech micro-application
data handling, NAM/ICM
in Menu micro-application
Directory administration
Data Playback
time format
DisconnectCall commands
Date (Data Play Back Type)
DOW (Data Play Back Type)
Deployment models
Common configuration for differentiating VRUs(ISNs)
based on dialed number C-88
Common Gateway configuration, VRU leg
Dynamic Audio File Support for micro-applications
Common NAM/CICM configuration, ISN Switch
leg C-83
ECC substitution variables, ISN limitation
ISN Advanced Speech, ICM
EMS events
ISN Advanced Speech, NAM/CICM
Engine Configuration administration
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Engine Status administration
handling, VB Admin
Node Manager
messages, system media files
Service Control
Subsystem administration
Variable Data is Invalid
ICM Timeout setting, purpose
A-2, A-15
Etime (Data Play Back Type)
inbound call routing
Event Management System (EMS)
no Gatekeeper
Bank Menu Options (Menu) script
Play Media script
Transfer to a label
IntervalStatistics command
Invalid entry error message
Re-route On No Answer
call transfer types
performance, maximizing
prerequisites for using
Re-route On No Answer
Gatekeeper configuration
for inbound routing
ISN Advanced Speech deployment, ICM
Gatekeeper IP Address commands
defining Voice Browser for CCM
ISN Advanced Speech deployment Customer VRU , NIC
with Type 2 or 8, NAM/CICM C-67
Gateway configuration
ISN Advanced Speech deployment Network VRU , NIC
with Type 3 or 7, NAM/CICM C-74
Get Speech and External VXML
ISN Comprehensive deployment, ICM
Group Numbers, for Web-based calls
ISN Queue and Transfer deployment, ICM
ISN Queue and Transfer deployment, NAM/CICM
ISN Queue and Transfer deployment, NIC with Type 2,
ICM C-48
H323-id commands
ISN Comprehensive deployment, NAM/CICM
ISN ECC variables, configuring
H.323 Stack
ISN Advanced Speech deployment , NIC with Type 2 or 8,
ICM C-60
for inbound routing, with Gatekeeper
ISN Advanced Speech deployment, NAM/CICM
Gateway Prompt Caching
Expanded Call Context (ECC) variables
Interval Statistics, Voice Browser
Queue and Transfer to a Skill Group
InterfaceTrace commands
INFO PENDING (Get Speech) script
Input entry completion, Get Speech
Get Password (Get Digits) script
with Gatekeeper
Play Data as Number script
ISN Queue and Transfer deployment as queue point for
consultative transfers C-79
HTTP Media Server
and ISN Voice Browser on same machine
ISN Queue and Transfer deployment Customer VRU, NIC
with Type 2, NAM/CICM C-54
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
ISN Queue and Transfer deployment with "Other"
Customer VRU , NAM/CICM C-34
ISN Queue and Transfer deployment with "Other"
Network VRU , ICM C-20
MaxIVRPorts commands
Max Number of Consecutive Tries for Out of Band
Communication link commands 4-13
ISN Queue and Transfer deployment with "Other"
Network VRU , NAM/CICM C-29
MaxTotalCalls commands
ISN Queue and Transfer deployment with ISN Advanced
Speech Customer VRU, NAM/CICM C-78
measurement (System Media file)
3-11, 3-14, 3-15, 3-16
Media files
Critical error .WAV file (Voice Browser)
name and type
D-2, D-4, D-8, D-11
Media Server
3-1, D-2, D-5
MediaServerTimeout commands
letter (System Media file)
MediaServerTries commands
substitution variables
MeterInterval commands
Metric commands, VB Admin
support for SDDSN
Log Configuration administration
Application Server
Voice Browser
5-15, 7-11
how NAM/ICM uses
viewing Voice Browser logs
Logging and error reporting
Application Server
using ASR and TTS
Voice Browser log file contents
Voice Browser
defining, Application Server
mhelp, VB Admin
Log files
naming conventions
Locations-based Call Admission Control
MRCP logging tag
Logging commands, VB Admin
logging tag, MRCP
data handling
information exchange with ISN
interface controllers configuration parameters
LogMeters commands
using micro-applications
NewCallOnly commands
Node Manager
Log viewing
Application Server
Number (Data Play Back Type)
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
No entry error message
defining, Application Server
Media Server URL, when DNS Name
Limitations, ISN
NumOutOfBand commands
ascending retry settings
SDDSN1Node commands
online help
SDDSN1Port commands
VB Admin
SDDSN2Node commands
ordinal numbers (System Media file)
out of band communication
OutofBandTimeout commands
SDDSN2Port commands
SDDSNLastNode commands
SDDSNRetries commands
SDDSN Timeout commands
Service Control
ServiceMode commands
prerequisites for using ISN
Set command syntax (VB Admin)
SetupCallingNum commands
Show command syntax (VB Admin)
Snapshot command
RAIMaxThreshold commands
Snapshot statistics, Voice Browser
RAIMinThreshold commands
source group
System error messages
System Media files
cardinal numbers
RestartLinkTime commands
RNATimeout commands
Router Requery
Substitution variables, ISN limitation
Re-route On No Answer
D-2, D-4, D-8, D-11
Status command
3-11, 3-14, 3-15, 3-16
ordinal numbers
TakebackPercentage commands
Script examples
TechPrefix commands
Bank Menu Options (Menu)
Get Password (Get Digits)
Play Data as Number
Play Media
valid Data Playback types
TOD (Data Play Back Type)
Total Statistics, Voice Browser
TraceMask commands
Queue and Transfer to a Skill Group
Transfer to a label
scripts, interrupting processing
Time format
tracing, interface (Application Server)
TransferCLI commands
transferring calls
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
MediaServerTimeout commands
MediaServerTries commands
Numeric data not playing as expected
A-2, A-15
type-ahead support, ASR
Metric commands (table)
NewCallOnly commands
online Help
uniqueness value, VRU Script Name field
error checking
OutofBandTimeout commands
RAIMaxThreshold commands
RAIMinThreshold commands
RNATimeout commands
SDDSN1Port commands
SDDSN2Node commands
Variable Data is Invalid error
A-2, A-15
SDDSN2Port commands
SDDSN LastNode commands
ActiveCalls command
AppServerList commands
SDDSNTimeout commands
ServiceMode commands
AppServerNumTries commands
AppServerTimeout commands
CalledPartyTimeout commands
CallHistory commands
CallTrace commands
Codec commands
command syntax
TechPrefix commands
TraceMask commands
TransferCLI commands
DisconnectCall commands
TakebackPercentage commands
using quotes in command syntax
Version command
VB Admin tool
Gatekeeper IP Address commands
H323-id commands
Status command
SetupCallingNum commands
Snapshot command
configuration commands (table)
local access
remote access
Interface Trace commands
Version command
Logging commands (table)
Voice Browser
LogMeters commands
MaxIVRPorts commands
Critical error .WAV file
Max Number of Consecutive Tries for Out of Band
Communication Link commands 4-13
MaxTotalCalls commands
VB SDDSNAscendRetries commands
IntervalStatistics command
Current Alarms
defining as Gateway on CCM
Interval Statistics
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
SDDSN1Node commands
error handling
RestartLinkTime commands
user.microapp ECC variables
VB Admin
MeterInterval commands
NumOutOfBand commands
out of band communication
Total Statistics
VB Admin tool
Voice Browser log files
Voice Gateway
D-5, D-9, D-12
Voice Over IP (VoIP) configuration
VoiceXML server
VoiceXML Server logs
VoiceXML Server Reporting
Run VRU Script node
Warm Consult Transfer/Conference
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide
Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.1(0) Configuration and Administration Guide