

16066 Innis Lake Road, Caledon East, ON Tel. (905) 584-2245 Fax (905) 584-0924

Principal: G. Graci Vice Principal: M. McIsaac Superintendent: L. Storey Pastor: Fr. B. Glynn

“Together in Faith and Excellence”


June is a month where we reflect on the year and all those people who have contributed to St. Cornelius Catholic School. We would like to thank Father Bob for his active involvement in the faith development of our students, families and staff. We have enjoyed the wonderful partnership with our parish team and treasure their commitment to the great gift we have in Catholic Education. Throughout the year they helped us celebrate the Eucharist, First Reconciliation, First

Communion and Confirmation. We look forward to our continued involvement with the parish next year.



2015: I






Class Placements 2015 – 2016 Page 2

First Day of School – Tuesday, Sept. 8 Page 3

Bussing Information 2015 – 2016 Page 4

Together in Faith and Excellence

Thank you to our staff who worked tirelessly throughout the year to meet the needs of all students entrusted to their care. As a professional learning community, staff have actively been involved in professional learning opportunities both within and outside of our school to provide exciting and enriching programming for all of our students. We also thank the numerous individuals who go above and beyond to ensure that there are arts activities, lunchtime activities, sports and academic teams for a large portion of our students.

Thank you to our leadership of our Catholic School Council. Thank you to all those parents and guardians who volunteered consistently throughout the year; your involvement is invaluable. Thank you to parents who work with their children, and our staff, to support the home-school connection that is vital for student success.

Finally, we thank our students for always working to the best of their ability throughout the school year. We are confident that they will continue to build upon the knowledge and skills that they acquire daily and are proud of all of their contributions to St. Cornelius.

Sadly, we say good- bye and thank you to Mrs. Bell and Mr.

Zimmerman, Ms. Arbelo. Mrs. Ragno, Mr. Tshiama and Ms. Edwards who will be moving on to new assignments. We wish them much luck in all their future endeavours. Thank you for your incredible dedication to our students.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the St. Cornelius families for their warm welcome kindness and support during my transition to principal. I feel blessed to be part of such a special community. On behalf of the staff, I would like to thank you for your support throughout the year and for all of your efforts on behalf of our students. It is because of the strong partnership between home, school and parish that we continue to build a positive culture of faith-based scholarship and community. We wish all of our families a restful and safe summer and we look forward to seeing everyone in September.



In May and June, current homeroom teachers, appropriate support staff and the school administration work to develop balanced classes that strive to best meet the needs of all of our students. All class placement decisions are made after extensive planning, preparation and discussion on the part of many people.

Our primary goal is to develop balanced classes that reflect the diversity of our learners, and allow the variety of interest and talents of our students to emerge.

After working with your child over the course of this year, your child’s teachers have a very good understanding of your child’s abilities and needs, both academic and social.

Each new year brings opportunities for all students to meet new friends and expand their circle of acquaintances. The writing of letters requesting a specific teacher and or placement with certain friends often results in the school receiving over one hundred letters. As you can imagine, honouring each request is impossible and makes it extremely difficult for us to create “balanced” classes. Please be aware that we do not accept requests for specific teachers and or for particular groups of students to remain together but have considered letters describing a classroom environment which you feel meets the learning style of your child.

How Can Parents Help?

The teachers and administration at S. Cornelius School strive to provide the best possible learning environment for all students. Open dialogue between parents and teachers help us to accomplish this and has a direct and positive influence on your child’s learning. If you have information about your child that may have an impact on his/her ability to learn effectively, you are encouraged to share that information with his/her teacher at the beginning and throughout the school year.

Parents play a critical role in helping their child make the adjustment to a new teacher and new classmates.

Teachers will be working very hard to make sure they create inviting learning environments for all of their students.

Your active support in helping your child remain positive about the new challenges ahead is important for a smooth transition to the new class.

Together in Faith and Excellence

Team Teaching Approach

Our teachers work collaboratively in “grade” teams to deliver a consistent program to all students. This approach ensures that all students receive the same program regardless of class placements. Should you have any questions regarding our class placement process, please do not hesitate to contact the school.


Wishbone Day was celebrated again at St. Cornelius in the month of May! Our students and staff went

“Yellow” in support of International Wishbone Day, a worldwide awareness day for Osteogenisis Imperfecta

(OI ) otherwise known as Brittle Bone. OI is a genetic disorder that causes bones to be extremely fragile. A person with OI can have up to 100 fractures in a lifetime. The colour yellow brightened every corner of our hallways. Together in faith and excellence we acknowledge and celebrate how we can come together as a faith filled community and offer prayers, time and hope for those in most need of our service.




The entire staff, students and community participated in many Catholic Education Week activities in celebration and recognition of catholic education. The activities varied from our Grade 8 students receiving the

Sacrament of Confirmation, retreat days for our all of our sacramental recipients, as well as an Open House for the entire community through the Groove-edgeucation Program.

On Thursday, May 7, 2015 the Rosary Apostolate joined us in our celebration in honour of our Blessed Mother.

The children offered their petitions and blue carnations to Mary as well as the culmination of their rosaries through the Rosary Apostolate. Together, with the

Rosary Apostolate we prayed to and ‘crowned’ our Holy

Mother and celebrated her through prayer, song, reflections and flowers. We are honoured and humbled to have such dedicated staff from St. John’s Albion

Parish that continually guide our children as they explore Paths of Joy!


Thank to everyone who participated in the movie night held on May 29 th . It truly was a demonstration of community spirit! Thank you to the school council for all of their hard in organizing yet another memorable event!!


Please join the St. Cornelius community as we celebrate our End of the Year Mass outdoors on

Thursday, June 18 th at 9:45 with our pastor, Fr. Bob. This is an opportunity to give thanks for all of

God’s blessings that we have received throughout the school year. We are looking forward to seeing many of our parents, as we come together and celebrate the Eucharist. Thank you to the teachers and students who have prepared our liturgical celebrations this year.


On Monday, June 15 th and Tuesday, June

16 th , we will be hosting our annual St.

Cornelius Talent Show. After an overwhelming number of auditions, difficult decisions were made and select performances were chosen due to time constraints.

Thank you to all students who auditioned. The show will feature many talents in the vocal, dance and instrumental categories and will be held at 9:30 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. on both days. Please join us! Seating for parents will be limited as students will be audience members. It is sure to be an amazing show!


June 17


the school council will be hosting their annual Spirit Day at St. Cornelius School. The children will receive lunch of their choice (hot dog or hamburger). Thank you to the school council for yet another memorable day in the lives of our children.

June 21, 2015

Together in Faith and Excellence 3


The last day of school for students and staff is Friday,

June 26 th . Second term report cards will be sent home on Wednesday, June 24 th . Reports for students who are not present will be mailed to their home address. If you wish to discuss your child’s report card, please contact your child’s teacher to arrange a convenient time to meet before June 26 th .


If you are moving out of the area between now and the new school year in

September, please notify the office as soon as possible.


A reminder that if your child(ren) attend St. Cornelius

School through the Flex Boundary Policy (reviewed annually) you must request permission from the administration in writing on an annual basis. We would appreciate your attention to this matter as soon as possible.


1. 2015-16 BUS ROUTES

District School Board and Dufferin-Peel Catholic District

School Board, First Student Canada, Stock

Transportation Limited, Parkview Transit Inc. and

Attridge Transportation Inc. support this event.

To confirm your attendance and preferred time slot, please call Parkview Transit at 905-846-1070 as soon as possible. The location for this training is Humberview

Secondary School, 135 Kingsview Drive in Bolton.



This website also allows parents to login and find their child’s transportation information by following these instructions:

 type in the website address:

 click “student login”

 enter your child’s OEN number, street/house number, school and grade

 click “login”

Bus routes will be posted at our school on Wed., August 26 th , 2015. If there is any new information that needs to be shared, we will also post that alongside the transportation schedules. The deadline for any changes to your busing information is the first week of July. Please contact the

Transportation Department at 905-890-6000.



On Saturday, August 22 nd 2015 we will be holding our twenty-first annual YOUNG RIDER ORIENTATION DAY for ALL Kindergarten children. The intent of the day is to introduce children to school buses in an informal setting prior to the first day of school.

We encourage you to participate by bringing your

Kindergarten children and elementary age siblings to a one hour program between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and

1 p.m. Bus rides and a school bus safety video are only part of the informative fun. All Young Rider Days have been tremendous successes.

Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR), the Peel

Together in Faith and Excellence

This will automatically display the child’s transportation information, if they are eligible. This capability for

“student login” will be available for parents starting the second last week of August until the end of June each year. This feature will be locked down during the summer for route planning purposes. Additional features of this website are: School Information, Which School Do I Attend and Transportation Eligibility and Delays and Cancellations



A STOPR website is -

. The items available in this website, include the following:

“About Us” – background information on Student

Transportation of Peel Region

“Policies and Procedures” – STOPR procedures and Peel and Dufferin-Peel Transportation Policies

“FAQ” – frequently asked questions in regards to student transportation

“School Forms” – the forms that go with the

STOPR procedures

“Operators” – a list of all the school bus operators in Peel Region and their telephone numbers

“Links” – Ministry of Transportation links ie: booster seat legislation

“Contact Us” – STOPR contact telephone numbers by area

“Inclement Weather” – updates on a daily basis for inclement weather cancellations


“Which School Do I Attend” – a direct link to our

Geoquery website

“Am I Eligible for Transportation” – a direct link to our Geoquery website

“Your Child’s Busing Information” - a direct link to the student login on our Geoquery website

Dufferin-Peel CDSB and Peel DSB logos – click one of these logos and it takes you directly to the school board home website page


Kindergarten children born in 2011 (JK age) do not begin school on September 8 th , however those born in 2010 (SK age) will begin on the first day school. Students will gather in the Kindergarten playground area at the front of the school on the first day. Parents of children born in 2010 will be receiving a phone call from the teacher during the first week of September to schedule your kindergarten appointment and visit about your child’s transition to school.



Children playing in and around storm sewers and watercourses, entering storm sewers through the outfalls, and entering storm sewers through access covers can lead to danger. Please share with your child(ren):

Water flows in storm sewers and watercourses are unpredictable and may change quickly;

Toxic gases may be present;

Tragic falls could take place; and

Access is restricted and therefore, rescue attempts are difficult


It is amazing that we have so many unclaimed items in our Lost and Found Bin. Please stop by the school and have a look before the end of the school year if your child has some clothing items missing. Any remaining will be given to charity at the end of June.



All medication for students will be sent home with child(ren) in an envelope on the last day of school. If your child is going to be absent on this day, please ensure you let the office know and his/her medication will be sent home on their last day. Please ensure that over the summer you check the expiry dates and update any necessary forms. As well, please ensure that any medication that needs to be stored at the school is sent back with your child on the first day of school. If your child's medical condition changes over the summer and he/she requires medication to be kept at school, a reminder that a Storage and Distribution of

Medication form must be completed by both the parent and the physician before storage or distribution of medication can occur.

Together in Faith and Excellence

Why: To reinforce reading strategies introduced throughout the school year and to sustain reading development over the summer months in a fun parent/child

interactive environment.

What: Each week for 6 weeks, Dufferin-Peel teachers will be modelling and demonstrating a variety of reading comprehension strategies during read-aloud sessions. Participants will receive a “Parent Toolkit” and “Student

Toolkit” to help support reading throughout the summer.

Who: Students in Grade 1 through Grade 3

(who are reading at an independent reading level of 16 or higher) and their family members.

Where: Albion Bolton Library Branch

When: One hour a week

How: Please look for the registration link on the

Dufferin-Peel website , or from your child’s teacher to enrol your child in the Ready Set Read! Club this summer.



Parents, remember to:

ASK questions to evaluate your child’s Facebook and Twitter friends and followers. Ask about screen names used to determine how your child may be presenting him/herself online.

DISTINGUISH between a friend, acquaintance and stranger - and the potential and permanent impact it can have on your child’s real-world reputation and future career.

GRASP what really happens to the information posted to your child’s profile and to their friend’s profiles.

SET Facebook & Twitter’s basic, advanced and hidden, search, privacy and posting tools and understand how to fully customize your child’s profile to limit/allow access to certain users.


Every student has the right to come to school and to be respected for who they are.

While St. Cornelius School prides itself as a tight-knit school community, sometimes students struggle to treat each other with respect and to make good choices when conflicts occur. As educators, we continue to teach students the core values of mutual respect and appropriate problem solving, but we cannot do this alone. We need your support to help our children make good choices. Encourage your children to use respectful language while they problem solve, to seek adult support when they feel they need it and to talk to you if they have


Please note that Monday, June 8 th has been designated as a P.A. Day allowing staff to work on their report cards. There will be no school for the children and the school office will be closed.

Together in Faith and Excellence


In June, we are celebrating the virtue of fairness. Fairness, the belief that everyone deserves an opportunity to succeed, is not always about making things exactly equal.

Some people need a bit more time, space, money, and support to have an equal chance to succeed. And they deserve that chance.

Jesus spent a major part of his time on earth showing us about the preferential option for the poor and weak.

He spent an extraordinary amount of time showing how to follow God's rules, the rules of the kingdom. The sick, the lame, the blind, the bad sinners all need a fair chance to succeed - to overcome their disadvantages and disabilities in order to succeed. In today's terms, that could be called good sportsmanship. A good sport makes sure the rules of the game give everyone an even chance to participate. Not everyone has to win.

Everyone deserves a chance to be in the game.

A Fair Person…

Listens to all sides before forming opinions

Shows good sportsmanship at all times

Knows that the same rules apply to everyone

Refuses to twist rules to avoid consequences

Works to bring about peaceful solutions to problems

Cheers on the successes of others

Can balance their own rights and responsibilities with those of others


Assertive Communication

The focus for June is on communication skills – particularly assertive communication. Assertive communication is defined as behaviour that demonstrates an ability to stand up for oneself, express feelings and exercise rights while respecting the rights of others. Assertive communication skills help students deal independently with conflict, prevent situations from becoming bullying and stand up for others who are not assertive.

Tips for parents:

Help your child practice using assertive behaviours

(stand tall, make eye contact, speak clearly, use “I” messages)

Role model assertive behaviour in your relationships with family and friends


Encourage your child to be assertive but continue to report bullying to adults and get adult help when needed


June 1 st – 2 nd – E.Q.A.O. – Gr. 3 Testing

June 4 – EQAO ‘make up day’

Police Officer Presentation Gr. 4-6 Gym

June 8 – PD Day – No School for students

June 9 – BECOM Girls Soccer Tournament

June 10 – Scientists in the School – Gr. 5


BECOM Boys Soccer Tournament

Family Track and Field Meet @ St.


June 15 – Talent Show (9:30 am - 12:00 pm

/ 1:15 pm - 3:00 pm). All are welcome!

Just Catering for Kids

June 16 – Talent Show (9:30 am - 12:00 pm

/ 1:15 pm - 3:00 pm). All are welcome!

Gr . 1 classes visit Round the Bend Farm

June 17 - Spirit Day

June 18

– Year End Mass – 9:45

June 19 - FDK Father’s Day Celebration

Board Track and Field Meet @ St



June 21 – Father’s Day

June 22 – Just Catering for Kids

Grade 8 Graduation Luncheon

June 23 – Grade 8 Graduation

Paraliturgy and Cermeony – 7:00 p.m.

Robert F. Hall S.S. Cafetorium

June 24 – Report cards go home


. 2 classes visit the Toronto Zoo

June 25 – FDK Celebration of Learning

Together in Faith and Excellence

June 26 – Last day of classes


Together in Faith and Excellence 8
