O God, Our Creator and Lord
You are our light;
We are Your People, a people of Light.
Bless us O Lord and send your Spirit upon us.
It is through our love
And caring
That You give us light
And we bring Light to each other.
Help us, O Lord, to make our communities
Centres of Light;
Places of Sharing;
Of Learning;
Of Giving;
Places where Love for you and one another
Will inspire and sustain us as we struggle in our journey.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.
School Hours
Page 2
Open House- Please Join Us!
Page 2
Student Allergies
Page 3
P. A. Day
Page 4
Catholic School Council News
Page 6
Transportation News
Page 7
Welcome to St. Cornelius!
On behalf of the entire school staff, we would like to welcome all
students and parents back to St. Cornelius. A special welcome to
the many new families and staff members who have joined the St.
Cornelius community this year.
At St. Cornelius School, we are dedicated to providing excellence
in Catholic education and to working closely with all the partners
to promote the spiritual, academic, social, emotional and physical
growth of our students. Parental commitment in working
collaboratively with the school staff serves the best interests of
our students. If parents have any questions or concerns about
your child’s education, you are encouraged to contact the teacher
to discuss them. Please take time to read the school monthly
newsletters and other correspondence from the school, as they
will contain important information for parents about: school
procedures, health and safety, liturgies, activities, curriculum,
upcoming events and other information of interest. Each child is a
precious gift from God and holds great promise for contributing to
making our world a better place. May we, the partners in Catholic
Education: school, home and parish, work closely together in the
best interests of our students. We look forward to many joyful,
memory-making school days of learning, self-discovery, working,
celebrating, praying and playing together at St. Cornelius School.
Over the course of the summer, there were some staffing
changes. Congratulations to Mrs. Walker and Mr. White who
officially retired and we wish them all the best. We will miss your
contributions to the school community. We would like to
welcome our new teachers: Mrs. Morrison, Ms. Scarcello, Mrs.
Venditti and Mrs. Ricitano. Also a warm welcome to Ms. Rigato,
our LTO teacher who will be filling in for Mr. Zimmerman, Mrs.
Arbello our LTO teacher for Mrs. Clarence and M. Ragno, our LTO
teacher who will be filling in for Mrs. Mule.
School staff have been working hard to prepare for our school
opening. Thank you to the office staff, teachers and support staff
who have been preparing for opening day. We thank our custodial
staff who have worked hard throughout the summer to make our
school a clean and safe environment.
We look forward to seeing you at our Open House and Curriculum
Night on Wednesday, September 17, 2014!
Together in Faith and Excellence
A.Tavares and G. Graci
2:50 p.m.-3:05 p.m. – Recess Break
3:45 p.m. – Dismissal
Open House /
Curriculum Night –
September 17, 2014
This year, we will collectively continue to strive
to provide the best learning and faith
environment for the students at St. Cornelius
School as described in our school mission
The staff of St. Cornelius School strives to provide
a safe, caring, inclusive environment which
inspires academic excellence, continued personal
faith development and respect for all living
things. Each individual is challenged to use
his/her unique talents to contribute positively to
the school community. Parents, teachers, parish
priest and students work together to promote
the Gospel values and be living examples of God's
message of
love. Through our shared efforts and
commitment, we encourage our children to
develop spiritually, intellectually, morally and
socially in the image
of Christ.
School Hours
9:00 a.m. – Yard Supervision begins
9:15 a.m. – Morning Classes begin
11:00 a.m.-11:15 a.m. – Recess Break
12:05 p.m. – Lunch Break begins
1:05 p.m. – Afternoon Classes begin
St. Cornelius School will be hosting an Open
House on Wednesday, September 17, 2014 from
5:30 to 7:30 p.m. All parents are invited to come
visit the school with their child(ren). More
information is forthcoming.
Reorganization Day –Sept.
Based on our current registered students, some
of our class sizes exceed the Ministry of
Education’s student/ teacher ratio cap. As a
result, there is a possibility that we will be
reorganizing. Please note that classes from Sept
2-11th are tentative throughout the province.
Final class lists will be in effect on Monday, Sept.
15th. On the Sept. 12th P.A. Day, administration
and staff will be working to reorganize. We
appreciate your understanding and cooperation
as we continue to meet the needs of our growing
school community.
Attendance Verification
In the interest of your child’s safety, it is very
important to inform us if your child will be late
or absent from school. To record your child’s
absence, please call the school at (905) 5842245. Messages can be left on the school line at
any time.
Please leave the following information:
1) Your child’s name
2) Your child’s teacher
3) Date and time of absence
4) Reason and duration of absence
Together in Faith and Excellence.
Student Agenda Planners
Parish News
The use of the agenda plays a critical role in your
child’s learning. It has been proven that students
who maintain an up to date and accurate agenda
are more organized and ready to learn. We
encourage you to check your children’s agenda
daily and also feel free to use the agenda as a
means of communication with your child’s
We are very blessed to have Father Bob
Glynn continue as both the pastor at St.
John the Evangelist and St. Cornelius
Church. We look forward to working
with him and we know that he is
strongly committed to the faith and
spiritual development of our students.
We encourage parents to join us especially for
our school masses throughout the year at the
school and our divisional masses held at St.
Cornelius Church.
Open communication between home and school
is very important. Although we will be reporting
to you formally during the school year, please do
not hesitate to contact us at any time if you have
questions or concerns. A phone call on the onset
of a concern usually resolves itself before it
becomes a problem. On our part, if we have any
concerns about your child, we will also contact
you at the earliest opportunity.
Message from Fr. Bob
Each new school year brings with it a variety of
new experiences like new teachers, classrooms,
challenges and friends. Perhaps you are new to
the neighbourhood and adjusting to this new
rural way of life (take the time to enjoy the star
lit sky). We here at St. John’s and St. Cornelius
are excited for your children and hope that you
join us for Sunday Masses. Be assured that you
and your children are in my prayers. I will do
everything I can to be there for your children and
am looking forward to the great gift of
celebrating the Sacraments with your families.
One of the greatest gifts of our Catholic Schools
is that we pray with and for our children. If you
have any questions or inquiries of how we might
help, please call 905-880-0080.
“Cure' of Ars” - On Prayer
My children, you have a small heart, but prayer
enlarges it and renders it capable of loving God.
Prayer is a foretaste of heaven, a flowing out of
a touch of paradise. It never leaves us without
sweetness. It is a honey, which descends in the
soul and sweetens everything. The troubles melt
before a well said prayer like the snow before
the sun. The more one prays, the more one
wishes to pray.
(St. John Vianney, Patron Saint of Parish Priests)
Together in Faith and Excellence
Parents, guardians and visitors
are required to use the main
entrance of the school, and to
report to the office and sign-in
prior to visiting anywhere on school grounds or in the
building. Visitors and parents will be given a Visitor’s tag
to wear. This policy ensures student safety.
In keeping with our commitment to maintain a safe and
secure school environment, we kindly ask that all visitors
avoid gathering in the front entrance. This will also help
to minimize the amount of office interruptions during
dismissal times. You are welcome to meet your child at
the designated pick up spots or outside the front doors.
All exterior doors are locked at all times. Visitors must
use the front entrance and buzz the main office for
school access. Thank you for your understanding and
Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
Newsletters will be sent home with the
eldest/only child in the family once a
month throughout the school year.
Newsletters are meant to serve as a means of keeping
strong communication links between home, school and
parish. They will inform you about various school
activities, programs, routines, reminders and so forth.
The newsletters will be supplemented by letters
regarding special events, trips, religious celebrations,
Student Safety and Allergies
We have several students who have life
threatening allergies to food such as nuts,
sesame seeds and/or peanuts. We are asking
that you help us make St. Cornelius an allergy
aware school by refraining from sending your children
with peanut butter or other products containing nuts or
nut oils (i.e., Nutella). If these students come into contact
with anything containing peanuts, nuts, nut oils or
derivatives, it could be life threatening. Some students
have such a severe allergy that only the smell of the
allergen may cause a reaction.
donations be considered. Please note that food related
snacks are not accepted.
Students Leaving Early/
Students Being Picked Up
Early from School
If a student is to be released from school early for an a
ppointment, a note must be sent to the child’s teacher w
ith a parent/guardian signature. The note should
arly state who will be picking up the child, if it is
eone other than the parent/guardian. Upon arrival to t
he school, parents/guardians are required to report to t
he office. Office staff will call for your child to come to t
he office. Parents/guardians are asked to stay in the offi
ce until students arrive from their classroom.
se avoid phone calls during the school day to
se your child. If you are picking up your child at regul
ar dismissal time, please wait outside at the
priate exit area, to avoid disruption of classroom routin
Individual student photos will be taken
on Friday, September 26th.
pictures and retakes are scheduled for November 6th.
Further information will be forthcoming closer to Picture
The Need for Students Signing
In or Out of School
They are late arriving to school in the morning or afternoon
They are being picked up by parents/guardians for
appointments, etc.
If a student has a note signed and dated by their
parent/guardian indicating the reason for their lateness
or early dismissal, they should give it to their teacher to
keep on file. No student is to be dismissed directly from
their classroom by teachers or picked up at the
classroom by parents/guardians, etc. ALL MUST COME
Your child’s teacher will inform you of any class specific
allergy concerns. Should you wish to send in a treat for
the class in honor of a birthday or special occasion, we
ask that treats such as stickers, pencils, book/game,
Together in faith and excellence
Staying In During Recess
Under ordinary circumstances, if a child is not well
enough to go outside for recess he/she is not well
enough to be in school and should be kept at home. We
have no facilities or adequate supervision to keep
children indoors.
Milk Program, Subway, Pizza
and Hot Lunches
Please note that all of our lunch
programs will start soon after school
commences. Please keep watch for
order forms coming home with your child. Since we offer
a number of lunch choices from various providers on
different days, we ask that you keep track of which days
your child has ordered a hot lunch on your family
calendar. We take pride in offering healthy and hot lunch
options for our students; however it takes a great deal of
organization. Thank you to our parent volunteers and
secretaries for the countless hours organizing this
Professional Activity
September 12, 2014
There will be no school for students on Friday,
September 12h. Teachers will be involved in school
organizational activities on that day.
Cancer Awareness Day
On Friday, September 19 , 2014, students and staff will
have an opportunity to remember Terry Fox and his
courageous fight against cancer as well as recognize
October as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
Students will be asked to contribute a toonie for both of
these great causes. Students will participate in a walk,
run or roller blade. This special event will go a long way
to not only raising more money for the causes, but also
for building school spirit. More information will follow
the Library
please know that we have a very vibrant and active
reading community here at St. Cornelius School! Primary
students will have the opportunity to visit the library
once a week to experience literacy and music, hear
stories, and sign out books to take home. Junior and
intermediate students will have daily opportunities for
book exchange and using the library resources. We have
many exciting and interesting things planned this year for
the library so stay tuned to the monthly newsletter for
Lunch Drop Off
Please let your child know before coming to school that
you will be bring their lunch to school. You may drop off
your child’s lunch at the lunch table just outside the main
office. Please write their name and teacher. We will not
be calling classrooms during instructional time to notify
students about lunches at the office.
Medication at School
If a child is required to bring medication to
school, procedures relative to the
administration of medication shall only be
• when requested by the parents/guardian
• when authorized by a physician and
• when medication must be provided during
school hours
If medication must be administered at school, signed
request/authorization forms from the parents and the
supervising physician must be obtained whenever a
prescription is initiated or changed. Please do not send
medication with your child to school without the proper
These forms are available in the office. The required
forms and the medication shall be delivered to the
principal or designated person by the parent/guardian.
All medication will be housed in a safe location in the
school office. Medication must not be kept in the child’s
possession (i.e., pocket, back pack etc.) or in the
classroom with the exception of epi-pens and inhalers. If
the child is keeping these items on them, they must be in
a fanny pack or a pouch on them at all times.
Welcome back to another
school! For those new to
our school, welcome and
Together in faith and excellence
Student Use of School
The school will provide your child with materials such as
pens, pencils, workbooks and textbooks. Therefore, it is
not necessary that you purchase any such materials
unless you wish to do so. However, it is important that
children learn to make proper use of these materials and,
with this in mind, your child’s teacher will explain our
expectations. Students will be responsible for replacing
of lost/damaged texts or library books.
Head Injury Policy
Even when it appears to be insignificant, we will inform
parents of all reported head injuries at school. We do this
in recognition of the potential danger of any injury
involving the head area. Our intent is not to alarm you,
but to keep you informed. Please remind your child to let
a staff member know if they bump their head or if they
get hurt at school.
Personal Electronic Devices
A personal electronic device (PED) can be
defined as a wireless and/or personal
electronic handheld device such as a cell
phone, walkie-talkie or iPod/MP3 player.
Dufferin-Peel CDSB has acknowledged that
the dignity of the human person, as promoted by the
Catholic Church, may be compromised by the potential
invasion of privacy made possible by the inappropriate
use of PEDs on school premises. The Board also
recognizes that the use of PEDs by students at school can
potentially interfere with learning in the classroom.
In this regard, we are asking students to keep all PEDs at
home so that they are not used within school premises
or during field trips.
Confiscated PEDs will be kept in the main office and will
be returned upon request of the parent at the end of the
school week.
Kiss ‘n Ride Update
We encourage all parents to use the bus transportation
in place for your children. However, if you choose to
drive your children to school, or pick them up at the end
of the school day, you are reminded to follow the Kiss ‘n
Ride procedures:
• Children remain in the car until the car reaches the end
of the Kiss ‘n Ride lane where a staff member is
• Children cross at the crosswalk when given safe
clearance to do so by the supervisor on duty
• Children should only be dropped off in the Kiss ‘n Ride
lane in the interest of their safety. At no time should
parents drive through the bus loading lanes or drop off
children by the front entrance or kindergarten yard –
this includes dropping off and picking up students
during the day.
• At dismissal students will go directly to the Kiss ‘n Ride
area. Parents are asked to wait in their cars in the Kiss ‘n
Ride Lane. We greatly appreciate your cooperation.
Our School is an Idle-Free Zone
A reminder that our school is an idle-free
zone and we ask that parents turn off
your engines if you are waiting for your
child ten seconds or longer.
St. Cornelius Catholic
School Council
The purpose of the St. Cornelius Catholic
School Council, which is mandated by the Ministry of
Education, is through active participation of parents, to
improve pupil achievement and to enhance the
accountability of the education system to parents.
Parents must hold the majority of seats on School
Council. A “Parent” is anyone who is the parent of a pupil
in the school where the child is enrolled. A person is not
qualified to be a parent member of a school if:
· he / she is employed at the school or;
· he / she is employed by the Board at another school
location and fails to take reasonable steps to inform
voters of the employment before the vote.
St. Cornelius Catholic School Council is comprised of
parents, 1 teacher representative, 1 community
representative, 1 parish representative, 1 member of
non-teaching staff, the principal and vice-principal, and 1
member of OAPCE.
The Ministry of Education requires a minimum of four
meetings a year. All meetings are public meetings and
opened to the parent community of St. Cornelius School.
representatives for School Council 2014-15 school year
Together in faith and excellence
will be available in the main office from Thursday,
September 4th to Wednesday, September 24th inclusive.
Completed nomination forms must be received in the
main office by 3:45 pm on Wednesday, September 24th.
If an election is needed, it will be held on Monday,
September 29th, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. by secret ballot.
A combined grade class is comprised of students from
two consecutive grades. Combined classes are a reality
in the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, as
with all schools in Ontario and have been an educational
reality dating back to the ―one room school house‖.
Teachers of all classes, single or combined grade, strive
to meet the range of individual needs. This is achieved
through the implementation of varied teaching and
assessment strategies and working with students in a
variety of groupings. Teaching strategies and groupings
are chosen as appropriate to the learning styles of the
students in the class.
The first meeting is on Thursday, October 2nd at 6:30
p.m. in the school library. At this time, as always, all
parents and guardians are welcomed and encouraged to
School Councils are advisory in nature but have a
tremendous impact on both the quality of education and
day-to-day activities within the school. The school
council works co-operation with our school
administrators in providing the best educational
experience for our students. We hope that you will
decide to join the School Council Team and join us in our
commitment to Catholic Education and the future of our
Fire and Lockdown Drills
In accordance with Ministry regulations, three fire drills
will be conducted in the fall and three in the spring per
school year. While we hope that a real fire situation
never arises, this practice helps prepare students in
the event of a real fire. In addition, our School Board has
established lockdown procedures should a high risk
incident involving weapons occur in the school, or on
school property, that could endanger the lives and safety
of students and staff. We will practice the Emergency
Lockdown Procedure with students two times during the
school year and review it periodically.
Student Accident Insurance
As required by the Education Act and the Ministry of
Education, Dufferin-Peel annually provides parents with
information about cost-effective student accident
insurance coverage. Although enrolment is voluntary,
the board strategy encourages parents to take
advantage of the inexpensive insurance coverage,
especially if their child/children participate in sports,
field trips, or, if parents do not have dental insurance
coverage. Parents alone have the right to insure their
children. We will be sending home the Student Accident
Brochures as soon as we receive them. Please note that
you do not return envelopes to the school- all forms go
directly to the insurance company.
Bus Transportation News
STOPR (Student Transportation of Peel Region) is the
organization which administers transportation for both
school boards in the Region of Peel. Their
website, http://businfo.stopr.ca provides
information to parents about their child’s
bus route, times, and stop location. Please
note when entering the website, click
student login, and enter your child’s OEN
number as it appears on their report card.
We thank you for your patience and
support as bus schedules become
established. We have a total of 18 buses this year.
Students should be waiting at bus stops at least 5
minutes prior to the scheduled bus arrival time. It is a
parental responsibility to ensure that Kindergarten and
Grade 1 children are met at the bus stop. Please advise
your children that if they do not see a parent or
babysitter waiting, they are to remain on the bus and will
be returned safely to school to be picked up. Just a
reminder to all parents and students that children are
assigned to a particular bus and are not allowed to travel
on another bus.
Safety is of the utmost importance to all of us. Attached
you will find St. Cornelius School Bus Safety Rules. We
will review these rules and expectations with all our
students, and would greatly appreciate if parents can
review these with their children as well.
Together in faith and excellence
Behaviour Code
For the safety and well being of all students, it is
necessary to have a number of rules and expectations
regarding acceptable behaviour in our school. There are
expectations needed for the classroom, which will be
developed by the students and teacher in each class.
There are also school wide expectations set in the School
Behaviour Code.
The School Behaviour Code is based on the new code
developed by the School Board in response to the
Ministry’s Safe School’s initiative. Students will be
reminded about our behaviour code during the month
of September. We ask that you take the time and read
through the Behaviour Code with your child which is
conveniently located in your child’s agenda.
Criminal Reference Checks &
Annual Volunteer Declarations
A reminder that all parent volunteers are required to
complete a Criminal Reference Check (CRC) to volunteer
for excursions such as field trips, helping to drive
students to sports events, and to volunteer within our
school (e.g., Catholic School Council, pizza, milk),
etc. We recommend that if you plan to volunteer during
the 2014-2015 school year, that you complete your CRC
as soon as possible.
All you are required to do is to come to the Main Office
between 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m., bring the attached,
completed Criminal Reference Check form (signed on
government identification (note that SIN and Health
cards are not acceptable) to Ms. Badger for
photocopying. These forms will be taken to the Caledon
East OPP for processing and you will receive a telephone
call when your CRC is complete. A note that this process
does require a number of weeks to complete so it is
recommended that you start this process as soon as
possible. Please note, if one goes directly to the OPP
station, they will not process Volunteer CRC's from that
location and will redirect you to the school.
September 30, 2014. Failure to do so may result in you
having to complete another Criminal Reference Check
and delay your ability to attend functions with your child
or volunteer within the school. Thank you for your
cooperation in following this school board policy.
Before/ After School Child Care
Parents, as you are aware, the YMCA is offering
the Before/After School Child Care Program
separately for the Full Day Kindergarten Program
students and the Gr. 1-6 students. Please contact
the YMCA directly if you are interested in this
child care service. Please call Josephine Lopez at
905-857-3531 for more information and/or to
register your child.
Virtues Education
A Catholic Faith Community is rooted in a set of common
beliefs which are inspired by the life, mission and
teaching of Jesus Christ. As a Catholic community we are
called to learn, to grow and to become more like Jesus in
the way we see and treat others. Our Catholic faith plays
an important role in helping us shape schools that are
safe, caring and inclusive.
Here at St. Cornelius School, we will continue to focus on
our Virtues program. This program is designed to help us
nurture virtue and character development. Each month
all classes will focus on various activities.
To begin the new school year, we will focus our
attention on the first of our virtues – FAITH
Faith is the great virtue of believing in God and trusting
that God is with us. A faithful person believes that we are
created, guided by and destined to be reunited with God.
A faithful person believes that God’s plan for us includes
the right to be safe, especially at school.
Parents who have a valid CRC (completed within the last
two years) are to complete, sign and return the Annual
Declaration form (attached) to the school office before
Together in faith and excellence
Safe Schools
Prevention Corner
We will be continuing to focus on our
multi-year Safe School Initiative. Please
read over the Safe School Policy that is
located in the front pages of the Student
St. Cornelius is a Catholic community that respects and
promotes the uniqueness of all its members. By following
the teachings of Jesus, we pledge to provide everyone
with a safe, caring and peaceful environment, which
ensures the respect and acceptance of all. Because of
these beliefs, bullying will not be tolerated.
September - Everyone Has the Right to be
Safe at School.
The key message for September is "everyone has the
right to be safe at school". Each class will create a set of
behavioural guidelines in the form of a classroom
contract. This activity provides students with an
opportunity to identify and discuss their expectations of
how to appropriately interact with others. When
students feel ownership they tend to assume more
responsibility to follow the established guidelines and
manage their own behaviours. Students learn about
expressing opinions, consensus building and
accountability. A sense of safety is established in
knowing that all students have agreed to follow the
contract. By posting the contract in the classroom and
referring to it throughout the year, peer accountability
for behaviour management is encouraged.
Tips for parents:
 Talk with your children about the contract
 Ask them which statements they like the most
and which ones they think will be most difficult
 Discuss behavioural expectations within your
own family and the values or beliefs upon which
these are based
Upcoming Dates
September 2013
• Sept. 2 - Welcome Back!
• Sept. 12 - P.A. Day - no school for students
• Sept. 17 - 5:30 p.m. - Open House/Curriculum Night
(please feel free to pick up CSC nomination form)
• Sept. 19 – Cancer Awareness/Terry Fox Day
• Sept. 24- CSC Nominations Forms due to Office
• Sept. 25 – QSP Fundraiser Kickoff Assembly
• Sept. 26 –-Picture Day (Individual photosl only)
• Sept. 29 -School Council Elections at 6:30 p.m. (if
October 2013
• Oct. 2- Catholic School Council Meeting @ 6:30 p.m.
• Oct. 8- Thanksgiving Mass (9:45 a.m.) - all are
• Oct. 13 - Thanksgiving - School is Closed
2014-15 School Year Calendar
Bus Transportation Information from STOPR
St. Cornelius Bus Safety Rules
Allergy Alert Letter
Physical Education Safety Guidelines Forms
Lunch Permission Form
School Reorganization Plans
Criminal Reference Check Form
Annual Declaration Form
Combined Grades Information
CASL (Ant Spam) Consent Form
Together in faith and excellence
Homework Policy
Following consultation with system stakeholders, a Dufferin-Peel homework policy document (Kindergarten to
Grade 12) was recently adopted to foster consistency across the board in this area.
The new policy document addresses the following:
 definition of homework
 characteristics of effective homework
 types of commonly assigned homework
 timing and quantity of homework
 general and specific procedures
 reporting of homework
 roles and responsibilities of administrators, teachers, students, and families.
The homework policy may be viewed in full at dpcdsb.org/homework
Below are some helpful Be’s to support families in the homework process:
Be positive.
Communicate a positive attitude towards homework.
Be consistent.
Develop a homework routine that includes a set time and a regular space for
completing homework, free from distractions.
Be available.
Encourage independent work on the part of your child, but be available for
assistance. Provide guidance, not answers.
Be attentive.
Take a few minutes every day to chat about the school day. Listen
attentively to your child as this may alert you to any academic difficulties,
bullying situations or concerns about emotional well-being.
Be a role model.
Let your child see you reading, writing, and using math during homework
Be a cheerleader.
Praise your child for the effort displayed in completing homework.
Be observant.
Note any signs of frustration that your child may display while completing
homework. If it appears difficult or confusing or if there are errors,
encourage your child to ask the teacher for help at school the next day.
Follow up with the teacher, if necessary.
Be involved
Participate in school functions that offer you the opportunity to stay
connected to your child’s learning. Contact your child’s teacher if you have
concerns about your child’s homework.
Together in faith and excellence
Together in Faith and Excellence