CHAPTER 19 Norway Liss M. Andreassen, Frank Paul, and Jon Endre Hausberg ABSTRACT The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE, Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat) has initiated glacier mapping in mainland Norway using band ratio thresholds applied to Landsat imagery. The method works well when applied to glaciers having sparse debris cover. A larger challenge has been the interpretation and identification of individual glaciers and linking the new inventory to previous inventories that use different drainage divides. Assessing area changes between repeat inventories required much manual work and glaciological expert knowledge. The amount of seasonal snow is a critical point when selecting satellite scenes for a new glacier inventory and for area change assessments. The observed glacier area changes differ between two study regions in Norway. Whereas a selection of 300 glaciers in the Svartisen region had an overall area change from 1968 to 1999 close to zero, the area reduction in Jotunheimen was 10% (4% per decade) from 1980 to 2003. 19.1 INTRODUCTION Glaciers cover nearly 1% of the total land area in mainland Norway. They have importance for hydropower production, climate research, tourism, but are also a source of natural hazards. In particular, glacier influence on river discharge and hydropower production has resulted in an extensive glacier measurement record in Norway. Monitoring of Norwegian glaciers includes field measurements of glacier mass balance and length changes as well as overall surveys from aerial and spaceborne imagery to create glacier inventories. The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) is the regional GLIMS center for mainland Norway. To gain an updated overview of the present state of glacier cover and glacier changes since the previous inventories, NVE started mapping present glacier extent using Landsat imagery within the framework of the GLIMS initiative. In this chapter we present results of this work and demonstrate how the new Landsat-derived glacier outlines in combination with topographical maps were used to quantify glacier changes. 19.2 REGIONAL CONTEXT The glaciers in mainland Norway are found in highmountain regions in both southern and northern parts of the country (Fig. 19.1). Previous inventories report a total of 2,113 glacier units (1,627 glaciers) covering an area of 2,609 km 2 (Østrem et al. 1988). The largest ice masses in Norway are 428 Norway Figure 19.1. (Left) Map of Norway showing the location of the Landsat images used in the new glacier inventory for Norway with the two scenes presented in this chapter shaded in gray (S ¼ Svartisen/Blåmannsisen and J ¼ Jotunheimen). Glaciers are shaded in blue. (Right) Mean annual precipitation of Norway (mm) between 1961 and 1990. Dataset delivered from ice caps (or plateau glaciers) with Jostedalsbreen (488 km 2 ) being the largest contiguous ice mass in mainland Norway as well as in mainland Europe (Fig. 19.2). Other common glacier types in Norway are cirque, mountain, and valley glaciers, which are typical glacier types in Jotunheimen, the highest elevated region in Norway (Fig. 19.3). The long coastline of Norway and the rugged topography strongly influence Norway’s climate, and climate conditions vary greatly within the country. Whereas temperature decreases from south to north due to increasing latitude, precipitation decreases from west to east due to the shading effect of coastal mountains (Fig. 19.1). Mean equilibrium line altitude (ELA) thus increases with distance from the western coast and decreases from south to north (Østrem et al. 1973, 1988). The strong gradient of precipitation from west to east is also confirmed by long-term observations of mass balance along a west–east profile in southern Norway. The observations reveal a clear gradient in mean summer and winter balance, with maritime glaciers located closer to the west coast having a much higher mass turnover than those located in drier continental regions (Andreassen et al. 2005). 19.2.1 Glacier observations The first reliable observations of glaciers in Norway date from the first half of the 18th century when advancing glaciers caused serious damage to several farms (for an overview see Hoel and Werenskiold 1962). Systematic observations of Norwegian glaciers started around 1900, when glacier length change measurements were initiated (e.g., Øyen, 1906). The first mass balance investigations in Norway began at Storbreen in Jotunheimen in spring 1949 (Liestøl, 1967). In the 1960s, systematic mass balance studies were initiated at selected additional glaciers and a glacier division was established at NVE to investigate the contribution of glaciers to runoff in connection with the planning of hydropower production. The mass balance and length change measurements as well as other glaciological investigations are published in annual reports by NVE (e.g., Kjøllmoen et al. 2008). Photographic monitoring of glaciers provides additional and Regional context 429 Figure 19.2. Red, green, blue (RGB) composite of bands 5, 4, 3 of a Landsat ETMþ scene from 2006 showing the Jostedalsbreen ice cap in southern Norway (N ¼ Nigardsbreen). Figure can also be viewed as Online Supplement 19.1. valuable information about recent glacial changes (e.g., Winkler et al. 2009). Cartographic and remote-sensing methods have also been used to monitor glaciers, both to obtain detailed maps of mass balance glaciers and to calculate geodetic mass balance (e.g., Kjøllmoen and Østrem 1997, Andreassen et al. 2002, Geist et al. 2005). The first satellite images of glaciers in Scandinavia were taken in 1972 by the Multispectral Scanner (MSS) on board Landsat 1. The obtained images were suitable for mapping the transient snow line (TSL), and the TSL at the end of the melt season was used as a proxy for net balance (Østrem 1975, Østrem and Haakensen 1993). 19.2.2 Glacier changes Most Norwegian glaciers reached their Little Ice Age (LIA) maximum extent in the 18th century (e.g., Hoel and Werenskiold 1962, Grove and Battagel 1983, Matthews 2005). Since then all glaciers have retreated, although several intermittent periods of readvances have occurred, the latest in the 1990s after a period of mass surplus on coastal glaciers (see overviews in Andreassen et al. 2005, Nesje et al. 2008). Retreat was particularly strong in the 1930s. As an example, Storbreen in Jotunheimen has lost about 40% of its length and 25% of its area since its LIA maximum extent at about 1750 (Fig. 19.4). Mass balance investigations reveal that maritime glaciers accumulated a large mass surplus between 1962 and 2000, while continental glaciers with a smaller mass turnover had a mass deficit over the same period. Between 1989 and 1995 all monitored glaciers had a transient mass surplus except for Langfjordjøkelen, the northernmost glacier in the network. This mass surplus was caused mainly by an increase in winter 430 Norway Figure 19.3. RGB composite of bands 5, 4, 3 of a Landsat TM scene from 2003 showing the glaciers in Jotunheimen in southern Norway (S ¼ Storbreen). precipitation, which is closely linked to the positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index in this period (e.g., Hurrell 1995, Rasmussen et al. 2007). Since 2000, all monitored glaciers had a net mass deficit, with negative net balances for all glaciers in 2002, 2003, and 2006 due to a combination of higher summer ablation and lower winter accumulation than usual. In 2005 and 2007, however, maritime glaciers in southern Norway had again a positive net balance. Estimates using recent climate scenarios have shown that predicted warming will have significant implications for Norwegian glaciers, and many glaciers are projected to disappear or be greatly reduced in volume in the next 100 years (Nesje et al. 2008). Particularly sensitive are glaciers with a flat accumulation area as outlets from ice caps, such as Nigardsbreen (Oerlemans 1997; for location see Fig. 19.2N) and Hardangerjøkulen (Giesen and Oerlemans 2009). 19.2.3 Previous glacier inventories Previous detailed inventories of the glaciers in Norway were based on vertical aerial photos and topographical maps. Inventories were compiled in the 1960s of southern Norway (Østrem and Ziegler 1969) and in early 1970s of northern Scandinavia (Østrem et al. 1973). A second glacier inventory for southern Norway was completed in the late 1980s (Østrem et al. 1988). The inventories consist of tabular data and sketch maps displaying all identified glaciers. The inventory tables are available digitally, but not the glacier outlines from the inventories. 19.2.4 Digital glacier outlines from topographical maps (N50) Digital data (contour lines, lakes, rivers, glacier outlines) from the main topographic map series of Norway at the scale 1:50,000 (N50) assembled by the Norwegian mapping authorities (Statens kartverk) are available for all of Norway and were used as background data for analyses and for assessing area changes. The N50 maps are based on aerial photography, and the date of the maps varies for each region. The glacier outlines from N50 do not necessarily differentiate between glaciers and (perennial) snowfields, so snow ridges outside the glaciers are often included in the glacier areas when they have direct contact to them. Methodology (derivation of glacier outlines from Landsat) 431 Figure 19.4. Orthophoto showing Storbreen in Jotunheimen in 2004 and the retreat of the glacier since its maximum Little Ice Age extent (LIA). The 2003 outline is derived from a Landsat TM image. 19.3 METHODOLOGY (DERIVATION OF GLACIER OUTLINES FROM LANDSAT) 19.3.1 Selection of Landsat scenes Successful mapping of glacier outlines from optical remote-sensing data requires cloud-free scenes from the end of the ablation period that have been acquired in a year without snow outside the perimeters of glaciers (e.g., Raup et al. 2007, Racoviteanu et al. 2009). Hence, one of the major challenges in Norway is to find appropriate satellite scenes for glacier mapping due to the frequent cloud cover at the end of the ablation period (August/ September). In addition, persistent seasonal snowfields considerably reduce the number of appropriate scenes as snow hinders clear glacier identification. As an example, it took 22 years before Landsat 5 finally acquired a near-perfect scene for glacier mapping of the Jostedalsbreen ice cap in September 2006 (Fig. 19.2). In recent years, however, a selection of Landsat scenes with satisfactory conditions for glacier mapping has been chosen for the GLIMS work in Norway (Fig. 19.1). The scenes have been used to compile a new glacier inventory of Norway and provide Norwegian glacier outlines to the GLIMS glacier database. Data from the first two processed scenes covering the Jotunheimen and Svartisen region were included in the GLIMS database in 2007. In this contribution we focus on the results from these two scenes, a Landsat 7 ETMþ from September 7, 1999 covering Svartisen and a Landsat 5 TM scene from August 9, 2003 covering Jotunheimen (Fig. 19.1). The scenes were delivered by Norsk satellittdataarkiv (Norwegian Satellite Data Archive) and were already orthorectified. The quality of orthor- 432 Norway Table 19.1. Landsat scenes used for glacier mapping and change analysis in this chapter. RMS error is given in pixels (30 m cell resolution). Region Path/Row Date Sensor Delivered by Cloud (%) CP/GCP RMS xy Jotunheimen 199/17 August 9, 2003 L5/TM Norsk satellittdataarkiv 0 14 0.64 Svartisen 199/13 September 7, 1999 L7/ETMþ Norsk satellittdataarkiv 0 13 0.50 ectification was tested by the authors using 13–14 independent check points (CPs) which revealed high quality, the resulting RMSE of the CPs was only 0.50–0.64 pixel (pixel size 30 m) (Table 19.1). Both scenes had appropriate snow and cloud conditions for glacier mapping; the scene from 2003 had even near-excellent snow conditions (i.e., nearly no seasonal snow outside the perimeters of glaciers). 19.3.2 Glacier-mapping methods In a pilot study in the Jotunheimen region the applicability of standard glacier-mapping methods were tested using thresholded ratio images from the raw digital numbers of bands TM3/TM5 and TM4/ TM5 (Bayr et al. 1994). Glacier outlines obtained using these methods have previously been reported as accurate for debris-free glaciers (Albert 2002, Paul et al. 2002, Paul and Kääb 2005). The derived outlines from Jotunheimen were compared with a RGB composite of the Landsat image from 2003 and with digital orthophotos from 2004 to find the most suitable method in this region (Andreassen et al. 2008). Ratio images of TM3/TM5 gave the best results. In Fig. 19.5 the good quality of the automatic method is illustrated for Hellstugubreen (Jotunheimen), where orthophotos from 2004 showed precise agreement with automatic mapping (the Landsat image and orthophotos were taken one year apart, during which time the front terminus of Hellstugubreen retreated 5 m). An additional threshold in ETM band 1 was used for the Svartisen scene to improve the mapping of glacier ice in cast shadow as was previously applied for Baffin Island (Paul and Kääb 2005). In the Blåmannsisen region the method successfully mapped glacier boundaries even under Figure 19.5. Mapped glacier outlines from the Landsat TM image from 2003 using a thresholded band ratio image (TM3/TM5) for a subset in the Jotunheimen region. (Left) Outlines with the Landsat image in the background. (Right) Outlines with an orthophoto from 2004. Case studies and special topics difficult conditions like bare ice in cast shadow under thin cirrus clouds (Paul and Andreassen 2009). For both scenes we also applied a median filter (3 3 kernel) to the classified image to reduce noise in shadow and to remove isolated pixels. However, the filter also closes isolated gaps (e.g. due to rock outcrops or a thin medial moraine) and reduces the size of small glaciers to some extent (Paul et al. 2002, Paul and Kääb 2005). Very few glacier outlines had to be corrected for debris cover in both regions. Greater effort, however, was required for correction of lakes that were wrongly classified as glaciers, a well-known problem when using the 3/5 ratio (Paul and Kääb 2005, Raup et al. 2007). Corrections were also applied to a few glaciers in cast shadow. Finally, manual corrections were also made for obvious (seasonal) snowfields attached to glaciers. 19.4 CASE STUDIES AND SPECIAL TOPICS 19.4.1 Glacier size distribution Fig. 19.6 shows percentages by number and by area per size class for identified glacier units larger than 0.01 km 2 in the Jotunheimen and Svartisen study regions. The sample sizes were 417 and 489 glaciers, respectively. Total area of the Jotunheimen glaciers (345 km 2 ) was only half that in the Svartisen sample (633 km 2 ). The Jotunheimen region is dominated by many small glaciers, typical mountain glaciers (size class 1–5 km 2 ) which cover 48% of the total area, but only 17% of the total number. Glaciers smaller than 0.5 km 2 form 68% of the sample, but they only represent 14% of the area in this region. 433 In Jotunheimen only one glacier unit was larger than 10 km 2 (covering 4% of the area), while in the Svartisen region 12 glacier units were larger than 10 km 2 and covered 43% of the total area. Many of the largest units in the Svartisen region are connected to the three major ice masses (Vestisen, Østisen, and Blåmannsisen), which together cover 453 km 2 or 72% of the total area. 19.4.2 Assessing area changes in Jotunheimen and Svartisen Comparison of the new Landsat-derived glacier inventory with previous inventories was not straightforward as the previous inventories only existed as tabular data with glacier extents printed on sketch maps. For many of the smallest glaciers it was often uncertain to which glacier the point information stored in the glacier inventories belonged to. Furthermore, glacier basins were impossible to reconstruct precisely from the sketch maps in the inventories. Although many of the glaciers could still be identified as a result of place names and map information, many glaciers had to be left out of the comparison. Therefore, glacier change analysis was done by comparing the new Landsat-derived outlines with previous glacier outlines from N50 maps. In the Svartisen region these outlines were mainly from 1968, in the Jotunheimen region the maps were from 1966–1983. Examples of area changes since the N50 survey are illustrated for glaciers in Jotunheimen in Fig. 19.7. The resulting changes in glacier sizes for the Jotunheimen and Svartisen region revealed significant differences (Fig. 19.8). In the Jotunheimen Figure 19.6. Bar graph showing the normalized part of the glacier area and number per size class for two different regions in Norway: Jotunheimen in southern Norway (sample of 417 glaciers) and Svartisen in northern Norway (489 glaciers). 434 Norway Figure 19.7. RGB composite of bands 5, 4, 3 of a Landsat TM scene from 2003 with derived outlines from 2003 in black and glacier outlines from topographical maps, N50, in white (mapping date: 1976 and 1981 for this part). Dots denote identified glaciers for the new inventory. Figure also available as Online Supplement 19.2. region (sample of 355 glaciers) the glaciers generally decreased, total reduction of 10% (4% per decade) from 1980 (N50) to 2003 (Landsat), whereas in the Svartisen region (sample of 300 glaciers) there was virtually no change in glacier size (1.1% or 0.35% per decade) from 1968 (N50) to 1999 (Landsat). Note that the periods are different, so the results are not directly comparable even when referring to decadal change rates. The scatter of individual changes was large in both regions and strongly increased towards smaller glaciers (Fig. 19.8). The analyses from Jotunheimen suggested that in northern parts of the region area reduction was probably overestimated as the N50 dataset tended to include many snowfields due to the poor snow conditions prevailing when these glaciers were mapped in this region (Andreassen et al. 2008). Therefore, the scatter in area changes of the smallest glaciers may partly be caused by differences in snow conditions for the two different mapping years as well as differences due to human interpretation. In the Svartisen region, the overall changes of the two largest ice caps, Vestisen and Østisen, are close to zero. Some of the outlet glaciers increased their size, while others retreated. In particular, small glaciers (<1 km 2 ) increased their size, partly by more than 40%. In the Jotunheimen scene, the four largest ice caps reduced in area from 15% (the Holåbreen complex), 11% (Harbardsbreen), 2% (Smørstabbreen), and 1% (Spørteggbreen). Note that the periods of comparison differ as the N50 maps are from different years. Area loss in Smørstabbreen was mainly caused by retreat along two of its main tongues, while other parts showed no significant reduction since 1981. 19.4.3 Uncertainties While glacier mapping in the Jotunheimen and Svartisen regions was straightforward and gave satisfying results, the major challenges in these regions (in addition to finding suitable cloud-free images) were related to adverse snow conditions and comparison with previous inventories that used different drainage divides. Human intervention is Acknowledgments 435 Figure 19.8. Relative area changes in the regions: Jotunheimen (left) and Svartisen (right). Note that the periods differ for the two regions: for Jotunheimen it is 1980 to 2003, for Svartisen it is 1968-1999. the most critical part in glacier mapping: first, during preprocessing (selection of a proper scene and a threshold for classification) and, then, during postprocessing (manual editing and selection of samples for statistical analysis). There are also several uncertainties in the area change assessments, as we compared glacier areas derived from different sources (Landsat data and topographic maps derived from aerial photography) and under different snow conditions. Thus, the area changes calculated may partly be due to methodological differences or human recognition rather than real glacier changes. The selection process used to recognize a glacier is subjective and hence will influence the value of the average absolute and relative change of glaciers. Results from the Jotunheimen region showed that small changes in glacier area (3%) for a mountain glacier of size 5 km 2 are not necessarily a reliable measure of glacier shrinkage or increase, but could instead be due to different interpretation by the operator(s) as well as differences in snow conditions at the time of image acquisition (Andreassen et al. 2008). 19.5 CONCLUSIONS In recent years NVE has started to map current glacier extents in mainland Norway by Landsat imagery using thresholded band ratios. First results from the GLIMS work in Norway have demonstrated that the technical process of glacier mapping using Landsat imagery is straightforward and accurate in these regions when there is sparse debris cover on the glaciers. More of a challenge is the interpretation and identification of individual glaciers and linking the new inventory to previous inventories that used different drainage divides. Assessing area changes between repeat inventories required much manual work and glaciological expert knowledge. To obtain new and reliable glacier outlines, optimum snow conditions are mandatory and an experienced operator vital. The amount of remaining seasonal snow is critical when selecting satellite scenes for a new glacier inventory and for area change assessments. The area changes observed differed strongly between the two studied Norwegian regions. Whereas a selection of 300 glaciers in the Svartisen region had an overall area change from 1968 to 1999 close to zero, the area reduction in Jotunheimen was 10% (4% per decade) from 1980 (N50) to 2003. 19.6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The work in Norway is funded by NVE and partly by the Norwegian Space Center and ESA as part of the Cryorisk and CryoClim projects. Geir Brånå at Statens Kartverk provided digital aerial photos (orthophotos). The work of F. Paul was supported by a grant from the ESA GlobGlacier project (21088/07/I-EC). Andreas Kääb is thanked for his advice which helped us in setting up the new remote-sensing derived inventory. We would also like to thank Solveig H. Winsvold who contributed strongly to the completion of the glacier inventory 436 Norway of Norway which is now published as a book (Andreassen et al. 2012) and included in the GLIMS database since 2012. 19.7 REFERENCES Albert, T. (2002) Evaluation of remote sensing techniques for ice-area classification applied to the tropical Quelccaya ice cap, Peru. Polar Geography, 26, 210–226. Andreassen, L.M., Elvehøy, H., and Kjøllmoen, B. (2002) Using aerial photography to study glacier changes in Norway. Annals of Glaciology, 34, 343–348. Andreassen, L.M., Elvehøy, H., Kjøllmoen, B., Engeset, R.V., and Haakensen, N. (2005) Glacier mass balance and length variations in Norway. Annals of Glaciology, 42, 317–325. Andreassen, L.M., Paul, F., Kääb, A., and Hausberg, J.E. 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