IIllll JJJl III IIII IIIll IIII IIIJJ UlII IIIII Illl IIIII IIIII IIIII Illll IIII IIIIJl III IIlJl Illl USFC2006-1168-06 {A62A3997-4A4A-4154-BA4F-21 {70883} {32-060622:180626} A066891 A41 } {061206} JOINT APPENDIX Volume I, Pages JA0001 - JA0189 06-1168 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS DESA FOR THE FEDERAL CIRCUIT IP, LLC Plaintiff-Appellant Vo EML COSTCO TECHNOLOGIES, and WHOLESALE LLC CORPORATION Defendants-Appellees APPEAL MIDDLE FROM THE DISTRICT UNITED STATES OF TENNESSEE JUDGE JOINT ALETA DISTRICT IN CASE COURT NO. FOR THE 3:04-CV-0160 A. TRAUGER APPENDIX FBLED U.S. COURTOF APPEALSFOR THE FEDERALCIRCUIT JUN ] _ Z006 JANHOI@ALy CL81_ TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE CERTIFIED DOCKET U.S. PATENT STIPULATION TRANSCRIPT MASTER ORDER NO. 5,598,066 OF JUDGE'S ....................................................... HEARING ....................................... ................................................................................................. WHOLESALE ANSWER TO COMPLAINT .................................................. OF STEVEN STATEMENT OF MARK STATEMENT OF WILLIAM STATEMENT OF THOMAS B. CARLSON JA0059 JA0066 JA0081 JA0082 JA0092 JA0099 .................................................. JA0106 .................................................. JA0135 C. RAPER ..................................................... JA0151 J. PAULUS ..................................................... JA0164 J. PATTERSON OF THE JOINT APPENDIX JA0032 BY LLC ........................................................................ STATEMENT OF FILING JA0028 BY CORPORATION EML TECHNOLOGIES JOINT ................................................................ MARKMAN COSTCO WITH JA0016 ................................................................................................ TO COMPLAINT NOTICE ...................................................................... .......................................................................... ANSWER AMENDED JA0001 RULING CHART FOLLOWING COMPLAINT ................................................................... OF JUDGMENT CLAIM SCHEMATIC SHEET APPENDIX ............................................................................. JA0190 EVANS JA0730 STATEMENT OF SCOTT STATEMENT OF J. MICHAEL ............................................................... THESZ ...................................................... JA0736 STATEMENT MARKMAN OF PROFESSOR LLOYD MASSENGILL HEARING .......................... JA0748 TRANSCRIPT ....................................................... JA0781 U.S. PATENT NO. 3,177,399 ........................................................................ JA0951 U.S. PATENT NO. 4,225,808 ........................................................................ JA0955 U.S. PATENT NO. 4,233,545 ........................................................................ JA0963 U.S. PATENT NO. 4,604,524 .......................... .............................................. JA0974 U.S. PATENT NO. 4,800,278 ........................................................................ JA0985 U.S. PATENT NO. 4,823,051 ........................................................................ JA0998 U.S. PATENT NO. 4,843,283 ........................................................................ JA1027 U.S. PATENT NO. 4,943,712 ........................................................................ JA1034 U.S. PATENT NO. 4,982,176 ........................................................................ JA1042 U.S. PATENT NO. 5,015,994 ........................................................................ JA1053 U.S. PATENT NO. 5,231,373 ........................................................................ JA1064 U.S. PATENT NO. 5,293,097 ........................................................................ JA1075 U.S. PATENT NO. 5,349,330 ........................................................................ JA1093 JAPANESE PATENT NO. 6-90995 .............................................................. JA1102 CLAIM KEY ................................................................................................... JA1110 TEXT KEY ..................................................................................................... JA 1112 SPICE SIMULATION SIGNAL PLOT RESULTS - "SIGNALS" .............. JA1118 EXCERPTS FROM STEVEN B. CARLSON DEPOSITION ....................... JA1119 ii DEPOSITION OF STEVEN B. CARLSON .................................................. JA1154 DERENIAK et al., Infrared Detectors and Systems, pp. 86-7 ....................... JA1175 JA1179 SPICE SIMULATION SIGNAL PLOT RESULTS - "TRIGGER" SPICE SIMULATION SIGNAL PLOT - "NO TRIGGER" RESULTS .............. ....... JA1180 EVANS' TEST CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM, PART 1................... JA1181 EVANS' TEST CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM, PART 2 ................... JA1182 EXCERPTS FROM MODERN EXCERPTS FROM MERRIAM-WEBSTER CURRICULUM VIDEO VITAE OF WILLIAM OF LLOYD C. RAPER CASE MANAGEMENT COMPARISON DICTIONARY PLAN SCHEMATIC OF ELECTRONICS ONLINE MASSENGILL, ......... JA1183 DICTIONARY ...... JA 1200 PhD ........................ DEMONSTRATION ............................. AND ORDER ............................................. CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS JA 1215 JA1242 JA 1243 ............................... JA1255 TEXT KEY ..................................................................................................... JA1270 PRODUCT JA 1277 LITERATURE FOR PIRs ........................................................... HEATH ZENITH INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR THE REFLEX SL-5315-A PULSE COUNT MOTION SENSOR LIGHT CONTROL ........ JA1334 NIPPON CERAMIC INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR PIR PASSIVE INFRARED ENERGY CONTROL SWITCH ............................................... JA 1342 JENSEN JA1343 AND McCAVIT EXCERPT RELEVANT OF RAPER CLAIMS DECLARATION DEPOSITION ................................................ .......................................................... OF U.S. PATENT iii NO. 5,598,066 ............................ JA1359 JA1367 EXCERPT OF LANDIS OF PATENT CLAIM ON MECHANICS DRAFTING ................................................................ JA 1374 r COLOR-CODED COURT'S CHART FINDINGS DEPICTING THE TRIAL FOR_ CORRESPONDIN,_ / STRUCTURE OF "[FIRST] AND '*CONTROL CIRCUIT U.S. PATENT NO. Nilssen v. Magnetek, Applied Medical Surgical (May 6,225,748 Inc., Reources Corporation, 15, 2006) EXCERPTS ........................................................................ L999 WL 982966 Corporation _F.3d .................. OF U.S. SENSOR MEANS i' MEANS". ....................................................... __, (N_D. Ill. 1999) ........................ v. United 2006 WE 3................................ PATENT NO. 5,598,066i iv JA1383 JA1385 JA1394 States 132504 '............................................. JA1403 ............................................. JA1421 CM/ECF - DC V2.5 (October 2005) - Docket Report Page APPEAL, U.S. Middle District CIVIL DOCKET District Use PROTECTIVE-ORDER, (Nashville) #: 3:04-cv-00160 Only Date Filed: 02/27/2004 DESA IP, LLC v. EML Technologies LLC, et al Assigned to: District Judge Aleta A. Trauger Demand: $0 Jury Demand: Plaintiff Nature of Suit: 830 Patent Cause: Jurisdiction: 35:0101 Patent Infringement STAY Court of Tennessee FOR CASE Internal BROWN, 1 of 15 Federal Question Plaintiff DESA IP, LLC represented by. James R. Higgins, Jr. Middleton Reutlinger, PSC 2500 Brown and Williamson 401 S Fourth Avenue Louisville, Tower ICY 40202-3410 (502) 625-2728 Fax: (502) 561-0442 ATTEST &N_ Email: jhiggins@middreut.com LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED CERTIFY A TRUE COPy Cler_ O.s. oiaac_ Cour_ Middle District of Tennessee Robb S. Harvey Waller, Lansden, Dortch Nashville City Center 511 Union Street Suite 2100 Deputy Clerk & Davis Nashville, TN 37219 (615) 244-6380 Emaih LEAD robb.harvey@wallerlaw.com ATTORNEY ATTORNEY Brian TO BE NOTICED Patrick McGraw Middteton Reutlinger, PSC 2500 Brown and Williamson 401 S Fourth Avenue Tower Louisville, ICY 40202-3410 (502) 584-1135 Fax: (502) 561-0442 Email: bmcgraw@middreut.com ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Richard G. Sanders, Jr. Waller, Lansden, Dortch & Davis 511 Union Street JA 0001 https://ecf.tnmd.circ6.dcn/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?650525229072425_L_923 0-1 2/13/2006 CM/ECF- DC V2.5 (October2005)- DocketReport Page2 of 15 Suite2100 Nashville,TN 37219 (615)244-6380 Email: rick.sanders@wallerlaw.com ATTORNEY Robert TO BE NOTICED Theuerkauf Middleton Reutlinger, PSC 2500 Brown and Williamson .401 S Fourth Avenue Louisville, KY 40202-3410 Tower 1502) 584-1135 Email: rtheuerkauf@middreut.com 'ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED V° Defendant EML Technologies LLC represented by Angus M. MacDonald Townsend, Townsend & Crew, Two Embarcadero Center 8th Floor San Francisco, LLP CA 94111 (415) 576-0200 Email: ammacdonald@townsend.com TERMINATED: 11/08/2004 LEAD "ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Iris Mitrakos Townsend, Townsend & Crew, Two Embarcadero Center 8th Floor San Francisco, (415) LLP CA 94111 576-0200 Email: ismitrakos@townsend.com LEAD A TTORNE Y ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Leonard J. Augustine, Jr. Townsend, Townsend & Crew, Two Embarcadero Center LLP 8th Floor San Francisco, (415) CA 94111 576-0200 Email: ljaugustine@townsend.com LEAD ATTORNEY A1TORNEY TO BE NOTICED Roger L. Cook JA 0002 https://ecf.tnmd.circ6.dcn/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?650525229072425-L 923 0-1 2/13/2006 CM/ECF - DC V2.5 (October2005)- DocketReport Page3 of 15 Townsend, Townsend & Crew, Two Embarcadero Center 8th Floor San Francisco, (415) 576-0200 LLP CA 94111 Email: rlc@townsend.com LEAD A77"ORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Steven Allen Riley Bowen Riley Warnock PLC 1906 West End Avenue & Jacobson, Nashville, TN 37203 (615) 320-3700 Email: sriley@bowenriley.com LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Nathan E. Morgan Bowen, Riley, Warnock PLC 1906 West End Avenue Nashville, (615) & Jacobson, TN 37203 320-3700 Email: nmorgan@bowenriley.com ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Defendant Costco Wholesale Corporation represented by Angus M. MacDonald (See above for address) TERMINATED: 11/08/2004 LEAD AITORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Iris Mitrakos (See above for address) LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY Leonard TO BE NOTICED J. Augustine, Jr. (See above for address) LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY Roger TO BE NOTICED L. Cook (See above for address) LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED JA 0003 https://ecf.tnmd.circ6.dcn/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?650525229072425_L 923 0-1 2/13/2006 CM/ECF - DC V2.5 (October 2005) - Docket Report Page Steven Allen 4 of 15 Riley (See above for address) LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY Nathan TO BE NOTICED E. Morgan (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Date Filed Docket # 02/27/2004 02/27/2004 1 2 Text COMPLAINT w/att'd exhibits A:B (Summonses in the amount of $150, Receipt #97254 CORPORATE LLC DISCLOSURE (af) (Entered: (af) (Entered: S'FATEMENT 03/01/2004) NOTICE 'oflCMC set for 11:00 a.m. on 4/26/04 (at') (Entered: 03/01/2004) 04/07/2004 4 MOTION by pltf for attorneys & Brian P. McGraw of good standing)(PHV 04/16/2004 (Entered: R. Higgins 04/07/2004 7 of Good Patrick 04/09/2004 8 ORDER 0b) Standing of Good McGraw from by Judge before R. Higgins, Jr., Judge Robert filed by pltfDESA Trauger J. 04/07/2004) (jb) (Entered: Standing IP, LLC (jb) (Entered: A. Trauger granting for Robert 04/07/2004) filed by pltfDESA USDC/ND/IL Aleta (Entered: IP, LLC for James filed by pltfDESA from USDC/WD/KY CERTIFICATE IP, to appear pro hac vice (w/attached fees paid) (jb) Modified on Standing from USDC/WD/KY. 6 1 CERTIFICATE 03/01/2004) 04/07/2004) of Good J. Theuerkauf 04/07/2004 James Theuerkauf, certificates CERTIFICATE fee paid filed by pltf DESA 3 5 Filing , 02/27/2004 04/07/2004 issued) IP, LLC for Brian 04/07/2004) motion for attorneys James R. Higgins, Jr. [4-1], for Robert J. Theuerkauf [4-2], & Brian P. McGraw to appear pro hac vice [4-3] by pltfDESA 1P, LLC. EOD 4/9/04 (cc: all counsel) (dlt) (Entered: 04/09/2004) i 04/21/2004 PROPOSED Agreed Order tts answer or other response extending time until 4/23/04 to file and serve to t_ltf's complaint (kin) (Entered: 04/21/2004) 04/22/2004 AGREED 4/23/04 ORDER for defls compl_nt. 04/22/2004 04/23/2004 PROPOSED 04/23/2004) 10 MOTION (w/attached by Judge (EOD 4/22/04) Initial by defts Aleta to file and sere Case (cc: ,fallcounsel) Manffgement for attorney certificate A. Trauger its answer IRoger ofgoodlstanding extending or other time until response (km) (Entered: Plan and Order L. Cook to appear ) (jb) (Entered: to pltf's 04/22/2004) (,jb) (Entered: pro hac vice 04/26/2004) JA 0004 _,**,,_-//off tnmd.circ6.dcn/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?650525229072425-L_923 0-1 2/13/2006 CM/ECF- DC V2.5 (October2005)- DocketReport Page5 of 15 04/23/2004 11 CERTIFICATE of GoodStandingfiled by deftsfor RogerL. Cook from USDC/ND/CA (jb) (Entered:04/26/2004) 04/23/2004 12 ANSWER by deft EML TechnologiesLLC to complaint[1-1] (jb) (Entered: 04/23/2004 13 04/26/2004 14 04/26/2004) ANSWER 04/26/2004) CLERK'S by deft Costco RESUME: Wholesale Initial to complaint Case Management [ 1-1 ] (jb) (Entered: Conference held 4/26/04. Initial disclosures by 14 days. Discovery ddl set for 4/1/05. Jury Trial set for 12/13/05. PTC set 12/1/05 at 1:30 p.m. Est. 4 days. Simultaneous ] designations by 7/31/04. Markman Briefs ddl 8/31/04. Responsive briefs ddl 9/24/04. Markman hearing set 12/20-21/04. the Court's use at hearing. Mr. Harvey to revise 04/26/2004) 04/26/2004 15 Ptys to prepare expert ICMO. (jb) (Entered: for ORDER by Judge Aleta A. Trauger setting case for trial. Jury Trial is set for 9:00 a.m. on 12/13/05. Joint Proposed Pretrial Order ddl is set for 11/28/05. Pretrial Conference is set for 1:30 p.m. on 12/1/05. Motions in limine shall be filed by 11/17/05. Responses shall be filed by 11/28/05. (cc: all counsel) (EOD 4/26/04) (jb) (Entered: 04/26/2004) 04/26/2004 16 05/12/2004 17 ORDER L. Cook 4/26/04) by Judge Aleta A. Trauger granting motion for attorney Roger to appear pro hac vice [10-1] by defls (cc: all counsel) (EOD 0b) (Entered: 04/26/2004) RETURN OF SERVICE unexecuted Technologies LLC. Service of State. Served by certified Tracer 05/18/2004 05/18/2004 Sent-No PROPOSED 05/18/2004) 18 Record - attempted as to deft EML attempted via State of Tennessee Department mail. Returned undelivered w/notation of Delivery. Case Management (jb) (Entered: Plan and Order 05/12/2004) (jb) (Entered: CASE MANAGEMENT PLAN AND ORDER approved by Judge Ateta A. Trauger: The ddl for the ptys to amend the pleadings and to name additional ptys will be 90 days prior to the ddl for fact discovery. Nonexpert Discovery ddl is set for 4/1/05. 6/30/05. A two-day Markman hearing Expert Discovery will be conducted ddl is set for on December 20 and 21, 2004. Dispositive Motion filing ddl is set for 8/31/05. Responses ddl is set for 30 days of service of the motion for summary judgment. Reply briefs ddl is set for 14 days of service of the response. Jury Trial is set on 12/13/05. Pretrial Conference is set for 12/1/05 at 1:30 p.m. (cc: all counsel) (EOD 5/19/04) ***Amended See Order #79*** (jb) Modified on 04/19/2005 (Entered: 05/19/2004) 05/19/2004 07/08/2004 Docket Modification fUtility Event) ; Markman on 12/20/04 (bbj) (Entered: 07/22/2004) 19 MOTION by deft for attorney vice. (w/att'd 07/08/2004) certificate Angus of good hearing M. MacDonald standing) (PHV set for 9:00 a.m. to appear fee paid) pro hac (dlt) (Entered: JA 0005 https://ecf.tnmd.circ6.dcn/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?650525229072425_L_923 0_ 1 2/13/2006 Page6 of 15 CM/ECF- DC V2.5 (October2005) - DocketReport 07/O8/2004 20 CERTIFICATE of GoodStandingfiled by deftsfor AngusM. MacDonaldfrom the USDC/NDCA. (dlt) (Entered:07/08/2004) 07/12/2004 21 ORDERby JudgeAleta A. Traugergrantingmotion for attorneyAngus M. MacDonaldto appearpro hac yice [19-1] for defts EML Technologies LLC & Costco Wholesale (cc: all;counsel) (EOD 7/13/04) (jb) (Entered: I 07/13/2004) 08/02/2004 22 NOTICE,by (Entered: 08/23/2004 08/25/2004 pltfofdesignated Stipulated AMENDMENT 24 Protective Order TO DESIGNATED 5,598,0661 08/25/2004 of U.S. Patent No. 5,598,066 (jb) 08/04/2004) PROPOSED 23 terms by pltfDESA STIPULATED TERMS IP, LLC. PROTECTIVE (gi) (Entered: OF US PATENT (hv) (Entered: ORDER 08/24/2004) NO. 08/26/2004) by Judge Aleta A. Trauger re manufac_ring, technical, licensifig, research & development, financial, marketing, sales, or other commercial information. (cc: all counsel) EOD 8/26/04 0av) (Entered: 08/26/2004) 08/26/2004 08/27/2004 STIPULATION AND PROPOSED Order briefing schedule (km) (Entered(08/26/2004) 25 STIPULATION AND ORDER bY Judge continuing Aleta "Markman" A. Trauger that the time for the parties to file their "Markman" briefs shall be extended from 8/31/04 to 9/10/04 and that the time for the parties to file their rebuttal "Markman" briefs shall be extended from 9/24/04 to 9/30/04. (EOD 8/27/04) 09/10/2004 26 (cc: OPENING CLAIM (w/attached and attached 09/10/2004 27 PROOF copies exhs. 09/30/2004 09/30/2004 28 29 30 OPENING 32 of declarations of Elliot B. Aronson 1-37) (jb) (Entered: 09/13/2004) & Roger by defts RESPONSIVE CLAIM BRIEF of opening claim construction L. Cook brief and 09/13/2004) BRIEF 09/13/2004) FILED by pltf(w/attached CONSTRUCTION (Entered: 10/01/2004) NOTICE by defts of late filing declaration 09/30/2004 by defts (jb) (Entered: REBUTTAL 08/27/2004) FILED MARKMAN BRIEF of the original exhs. FILED signature A-D) by defls (jb) pages to the of Roger L. Cook & Elliot B. Aronson in support ofdefts' claim contruction brief (w/attached copies of declarations) (jb) (Entered: 31 (Entered: CONSTRUCTION (jb) (Entered: declarations responsive 09/30/2004 (km) OF SERVICE declarations 09/10/2004 all counsel) 10/01/2004) MARKMAN of R. Dennis BRIEF Cornett) FILED by pltf (w/attached (jb) (Entered: copy of 10/01/2004) NOTICE by pltfof late filing o!fthe original signature page of the declaration of R. Dennis Corne_tt. DESA will file the signature page. (Entered: (jb) 10/0t/2004) JA 0006 httns://ecf.tnmd.c_rc6.dcn/cgl-bm/DktRpt.pl.650525229072_425-L 923 0-1 2/13/2006 CM/ECF - DC V2.5 (October2005)- DocketReport Page7 of 15 10/01/2004 33 DECLARATION by pltf of R. DennisComett(jb) 10/01/2004 34 LETTER (copy) from Roger (Entered: L. Cook re: the ptys have 10/01/2004) been unable to agree on an expert to advise the court at the Markman hearing scheduled for 12/10/04; defls propose selection of a technical expert such as 10/05/2004 35 Professor Lloyd Massengill ORDER by Judge Aleta (w/attachments) A. Trauger: (jb) (Entered: 10/04/2004) The ptys shall make another attempt to agree upon a court expert and, if not, to propose additional experts for the court's consideration by 10/15/04. The court will not choose as an expert any lawyer or any person (co: all counsel) (EOD 10/5/04) 10/18/2004 10/20/2004 36 37 associated with Vanderbilt (jb) (Entered: 10/05/2004) JOINT MOTION by pltf, deft for extension of deadline to file a joint proposal for a technical advisor to the Court for the Markman hearing to and including 10/22/04 (bbj) (Entered: 10/20/2004) ORDER deadline 38 11/05/2004 39 40 brief ORDER (km) by Judge contruction alternative ORDER (Entered: 10/21/04) Aleta 11/08/2004) A. Trauger: and the Cornett motion granted. Brief (kin) (Entered: 41 (EOD MOTION by defts to strike Desa's alternative claim contruction and the Cornett Declaration or, in the alternative for leave to file a sur-rebuttal claim 11/08/2004 [36-1]. CLERK'S RESUME: Telephone conference held 10/27/04 ; Status of parties agreement on expert to assist the Court at the Markman hearing. C/R: none (km) (Entered: 10/27/2004) Markman 11/08/2004 up by Judge Aleta A. Trauger granting motion for extension of to file a joint proposal for a technical advisor to the Court for the Markman hearing up to and including 10/22/04 (cc: all counsel) (km) (Entered: 10/21/2004) 10/27/2004 University. for leave Motion Aleta A. Trauger: (EOD Parties Desa's alternative [39-1 ] is denied, to file a sur-rebuttal shall be filed by 11/17/04. 11/08/2004) by Judge to strike Declaration Markman 11/8/04) but the brief [39-2] is (cc: all counsel) shall jointly transmit to Dr. Carnal as soon as possible copies of all the briefs filed in this case. By separate order, the court is allowing the defts to file a sur-rebuttal brief, and this brief, as well, should be furnished to Dr. Carnal as it is filed. Parties shall file with the court Dr. Camal all counsel) 11/12/2004 42 ' NOTICE Court's 11/12/2004 11/15/2004 43 44 a notice by pltfto expert, the Court Dr. Charles regarding Carnal MOTION by defts for extension brief (Entered: 1 I/15/2004) (km) ORDER that lists every and the date on which it was (km) (Entered: 11/08/2004) by Judge Aleta materials (km) (Entered: item transmitted (EOD granting Markman 11/15/2004) to (cc: to the 11/15/2004) motion brief 11/8/04) transmitted of time to file sur-rebuttal A. Trauger until 11/24/04 to file sur-rebuttal (cc: all counsel) (km) (Entered: transmitted. Markman for extension [43-1]. (EOD of time 11/15/04) JA 0007 https://ecf.tnmd.circ6.dcn/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?650525229072425_L 923 0-1 2/13/2006 CM/ECF- DC V2.5 (October 2005) - Docket Report Page 11/23/2004 45 NOTICE by defls to the Court regarding materials transmitted Court's expert, Dr. Charles Carnal (gi) (Entered: 11/24/2004) 11/24/2004 46 NOTICE by dells of late filing declaration of Clyde "Kip" the declaration of Elliot pltfs rebuttal Markman (w/attached copies 11/24/2004 47 DEFENDANTS' 11/29/200:4) 12/02/2004 48 MOTION 12/03/2004 12/06/2004 49 50 of ihe original M. Brown, B. Aronson Brief. Defts of declaration 0 (km) (w/attached ORDER Aleta by Judge (Entered: BRIEF conference proposed A. Trauger to establish order) granting (km) motion conference to establish pre-hearing all counsrl) conference set for 3:30 p.m. on 12/10/04. (dlt) (Entered: 12/03/2004) NOTICE OF FILING protocol pages to the signature pages to 11/29/2004) M_ by pltf for pre-hearing to the in support orders' sur-rebuttal to will file the signature page promptly. SUR-REBUTTAL Markman Hearing 12/02/2004) signature Jr. and original 8 of 15 for Markman protocol for (Entered: for pre-hearing Hearing by defls of, the original (km) (Entered: signature [48-1 ]. Telephone EOD 12/3/04 pages Declaration of Clyde "Kip" M. Brown Jr, and the original to the Declaration of Elliot B. Aronson in support ofdefts' Markman Brief. (hv) (Entered: 12/06/2004) (cc: to the signature pages sur-rebuttal to E 12/10/2004 51 CLERK'S RESUME: Telephone conference held 12/10/04 ; Discussions were heard on how the Marksman hearing should proceed. Marksman Hearing on 12/20/04 is cancelled next T/C is set for 12/21/04 at 1:00; C/R: none (km) (Entered: 12/13/2004) 12/21/2004 52 CLERK'S procedure 12/21/2004 53 ORDER by Judge Aleta A. Trauger: As a result of the telephone conference held w/counsel on 12/21/04, the pltf may respond to the dells' contentions in the Report filed 12/21/04 by 1/7/05, the dells may supplement 12/21/04 12/21/2004 54 55 REPORT BRIEF by the same ddl and,all (cc: all counsel) by parties proceed!ngs 01/07/2005 RESUME Telephone conference held on 12/20/04. for Markman Hearing. (dlt) (Entered: 12/21/2004) Markmaaa on conference (gi) (Entered: IN RESPONSE procedure. parties (dlt) (Entered: may Update reply by 1/14/05. on EOD 12/21/2004) to establish procedure for Markman 12/21_/2004) by pltfDESA (w/att'd IP, LLC to dells' exhibits A-D) (dlt) (Entered: 01/07/2005 56 MEMORANDUM by dells (Entered: 01/10/2005) 01/14/2005 57 REBUTTAL by defts to pltfs (Entered: 01/18/2005) 01/18/2005 58 CORRECTED REBUTTAL by'. dells to pttfs 9rocedures [47-1] (km) (Entereil: 01/19/2005) regarding brief arguments on 01/10/2005) Markman Procedure. (dlt) on markman procedure [55-1] (jb) i brief on markman I JA 0008 https://ecf.tnmd.circ6.dcn/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?650525229072425-L 923 0-1 2/13/2006 CM/ECF - DC V2.5 (October2005)- DocketReport Page9 of 15 02/01/2005 59 MOTION by deftEML TechnologiesLLC for leaveto file amended answer(w/attachedcopyof declarationof RogerL. Cook andExhibit A/amendedanswerw/attachment)(km) Modified on 02/02/2005 (Entered:02/02/2005) 02/01/2005 60 ORDERby JudgeAleta A. Trauger:Pltf shall furnishto the deftthe written directtestimonyof any expertwitnesswho will testify for the pltf atthe Markmanhearing,which submittalsshallbe in compliancewith Local Rule 12(c)(6)(c)of this Courtby 2/I 1/05.Deft may deposeanyof theseexpertwitnessesby 3/18/05.By 4/1/05,the deftsshall furnish Local Rule 12(c)(6)(c)written direct testimonyof any expertwitnesses whomthe deft intendsto havetestify atthe Markmanhearingto thepltf. Pltf mayhaveuntil 5/6/05within which to deposethe defenseexpert witnesses.By 5/13/05,thepartieswill file a joint plan that setsout the anticipatedproof to bepresentedby eachsideatthe Markmanhearing. To the extentthatthe termsof this Orderconflict with the Case ManagementPlanandOrder(DocketNo. 18),this Order shall predominate.(EOD 2/2/05)(cc: all counsel)(km) (Entered:02/02/2005) 02/02/2005 61 ORDERby JudgeAletaA. Traugergrantingmotion for leaveto file amendedanswer[59-1].Clerk shall file Exhibit A. (EOD 2/2/05)(cc: all counsel)(km) (Entered:02/02/2005) 02/02/2005 62 ' AMENDED ANSWER [12-1] by deftEML TechnologiesLLC (w/attachments)(km) (Entered:02/02/2005) 02/04/2005 PROPOSEDStipulationandProposedOrderto modify deadlinesin Court'sOrderof 2/1/05(km) (Entered:02/07/2005) 02/07/2005 63 ORDERby JudgeAleta A. Trauger:Partiesshall furnishto the courtappointedexperts,Dr. CharlesL. Carnal,copiesof all submittalsmade pursuantto this Court'sOrderentered2/1/05(DocketEntry No. 60), showingin the certificateof servicefor eachsubmittalthatthis hasbeen accomplished.(EOD2/7/05)(cc: all counsel)(kin) (Entered:02/07/2005) 02/07/2005 64 STIPULATION AND deadlines ORDER by Judge Aleta A. Trauger: Certain set forth in the Court's Order of 2/1/05 are modified as outlined in this order. (EOD 2/8/05) 02/18/2005 65 STATEMENT of Steven (Entered: 02/22/2005) 02/18/2005 66 STATEMENT 02/22/2005) of Mark 02/18/2005 67 STATEMENT 02/22/2005) of William 02/18/2005 68 STATEMENT 02/22/2005) of Thomas 03/01/2005 69 03/02/2005 70 (cc: all counsel) B. Carlson J. Patterson (km) (Entered: 02/08/2005) filed by pltf (w/attachments) filed by pltf (km) (Entered: C. Raper filed by pltf (km) (Entered: J. Paulus filed by pltf (km) (Entered: DESIGNATION OF EXPERTS by pltf (dlt) (Entered: DESIGNATION OF EXPERTS by defts (gi) (Entered: (kin) 03/02/2005) 03/02/2005) JA 0009 https://ecf.tnmd.circ6.dcn/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?650525229072425_L 923 0-1 2/13/2006 CM/ECF - DC V2.5 (October 2005) - Docket Report Page 03/10/2005 71 NOTICE by pltfDESA IP, LLC of filing the joint appendix (w/attachments and disk) (km) (Entered: 03/11/2005) 03/22/2005 72 DEFENDANT'S 03/22/2005) 03/22/2005 73 JOINT SUBMISSION RE JOINT settlement: Parties are negotiating Supplemental Designation to the Court for approval; parties appropriate to file the settlement revised fact discovery of experts (km) 10 of 15 (Entered: STATEMENT regarding prospects for revised discovery ddls to be submitted believe that it would be more Statement on or before 10 days prior ddl (gi) (En_tered: to a 03/23/2005) r 03/23/2005 74 ORDER by Judge Aleta A. Trauger: Defense counsel shall immediately send a copy of this submittal to Dr. Carnal. EOD 3/23/05 (cc: all counsel) (dlt) (Entered: 03/28/2005 04/04/2005 75 76 03/23/2005) MOTION by deft Costco discovery requests (km) (Entered': by Judge Aleta A. Trauger ORDER Wholesale to enlarge time to respond 03/29/2005) denying motion to enlarge respond to pltfs discovery requests [75-1 ] without prejudiceteleconference. (EOD 4/5/05) (cc: all counsel) (krn) (Entered: 04/05/2005) 04/07/2005 77 MOTION (Entered: 04/08/2005 78 ORDER by defts to extend 04/08/2005) by Judge Aleta to pltfs deadlines A. Trauger in Court's granting order motion time to requires date 2/1/05 to extend (km) deadlines in Court's order date 2/1/05 [77-1]. Deadline for defts to serve upon pitf is written direct testimony of its experts that will testify at the Markman hearing shall be extended from 4/8/05 to 4/12/05. (EOD 4/8/05) (cc: all counsel) 04/15/2005 (km) (Entered: PROPOSED 04/08/2005) STIPULATION Court's Case management i 04/18/2005) 04/18/2005 79 STIPULATION 80 ORDER plan and order ORDER by Judge Case Management Discovery extended ddl reset for 6/30/05; Dispositive until 9/16/05. See Order for other MOTION by deft EML attorney Iris Mitrakos (w/attached proposed (kin) Technologies 5/19/04 Plan and Order (Entered: deadlines (kin) Aleta A. Trauger in Court's (cc: all counsel) to modify dated deadlines 4/19/05) 05/05/2005 AND AND in (Entered: to modify dated 5/19/04: mtns filing deadline extended deadlines. (EOD 04/19/2005) LLC, deft Costco Wholesale for to appear pro hac vice (PHV fee paid 5/11/05) order) (krn) Modified on 05/12/2005 (Entered: 05/O5/2O05) 05/05/2005 81 CERTIFICATE of Good filed by defts (km) 05/06/2005 82 Standing (Entered: for Iris Mitrakos from USDC, ND/CA 05/05/2005) LETTER from Clerk to Iris Mitrakos (km) (Entered: 05/06/2005) re $75.00 pro hac vice motion fee JAO010 https://ecf.tnmd.circ6.dcn/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?650525229072425-L_923 0-1 2/13/2006 CM/ECF - DC V2.5 (October2005) - DocketReport Page11of 15 05/11/2005 83 NOTICE of Hearing:Telephoneconferenceresetfor 3:00on 5/11/05. (km) (Entered:05/11/2005) 05/12/2005 84 ORDERby JudgeAleta A. Mitrakos counsel) 05/13/2005 05/16/2005 PROPOSED Agreed (Ent+red: 05/13/2005) 85 MOTION (PHV 05/16/2005 86 Trauger granting to appear pro hac vice [80-1] (km) (Entered: 05/13/2005) Procedure for Markman by defls for attorney fee paid) (w/attached of Good USDC, filed by defts ND/CA Nathan proposed CERTIFICATE motion by defts. Standing to appear (km) pro hac vice 05/16/2005) J. Augustine, (km) (Entered: (cc: all Order (km) (Entered: for Leonard Iris 5/13/05) Proceedings E. Morgan order) for attorney (EOD Jr. from 05/16/2005) 05/17/2005 87 ORDER by Judge Aleta A. Trauger granting motion for attorney Nathan E. Morgan to appear pro hac vice [85-1] by defts EML Technologies LLC, and Costco Wholesale. (EOD 5/17/05) (cc: all counsel) (km) (Entered: 05/17/2005) 05/19/2005 88 AGREED ORDER by Judge Aleta A. Trauger that the parties have reached agreement on a proposed Markman procedure to construe the identified disputed terms of the patent-in-suit as outlined in this order; Telephone conference is set for 11:00 on 5/19/05 to set dates for the Markman heating. 05/19/2005) 05/19/2005 05/26/2005 89 90 (EOD 5/19/05) (cc: all counsel) (km) (Entered: CLERK'S RESUME: Telephone conference held 5/19/05 Carnall on phone also; Parties to check witness schedules Markman heating; ORDER by Judge 10/25/05 (Entered: to continue 05/26/2005) 06/06/2005 91 PLAINTIFF'S 06/06/2005) 06/08/2005 92 C/R: none Aleta (Entered: A. Trauger: for 3 days. Designation LETTER (COPY) for pltf, returning (km) 05/20/2005) Markman (EOD of rebuttal ; Dr. Charles to schedule hearing 5/26/05) experts set for 9:00 on (cc: all counsel) (km) (km) (Entered: from CT Corporation to Robert Theuerkauf, counsel the cover letter, settlement agreement addressed to Edward Small, "unable to accept process for an indiv with a company whom we are the agent" (km) (Entered: 06/08/2005) 06/10/2005 06/13/2005 07/07/2005 STIPULATION AND PROPOSED settlement agreement (km) (Entered: 93 094 STIPULATION AND ORDER Order requiring 06/13/2005) by Judge Aleta A. Trauger DESA IP, LLC to produce settlement counsel) (km) (Entered: 06/14/2005) agreements. STIPULATION ORDER Court's AND [PROPOSED] Case Management LLC, EML Technologies Plan and Order LLC, Costco pltfto (EOD to modify dated Wholesale 5/19/04 for produce requiring 6/14/05) deadlines in by DESA Corporation. pltf, (cc: all IP, (Harvey, JAO011 https://ecf.tnmd.circ6.dcn/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?650525229072425_L 923 0-1 2/13/2006 CM/ECF - DC V2.5 (October2005)- DocketReport 07/08/2005 O9j Robb) (Entered: Minute Entry Telephone 07/08/2005 for proceedings Conference pretrial AM before for 8/31/2006 by Judge 07/11/2005 07/07/2005) 09__66 ORDER: 09:00 Page12of 15 Judge (kin,) Aleta A. Trauger (Entered: PM before A. Trauger District Judge on 7/8/I05. (km,) Aleta A. Trauger. (Entered: LLC, 07/11/2005) AND [PROPOSE D ] ORDER to modify deadlines in Case Management Plan dnd Order dated 5/19/04 by DESA IP, EML Robb) Technologies (Entered: LLC, Cbstco Wholesale Corporation. 098 10/17/2005 09_9_9 NOTICE by DESA IP, LLC, EML Technologies Corporation of Joint Presentatioli of Additional REVISED STIPULATION AND. ORDER to modify deadlines in Court's Case Management Plan and Ordei" re 977 and 94. Signed by Judge Aleta A. Trauger on 7/12/05. (krn,) (Efitered: 07/12/2005) I MarkmanHearing (Sanders, Richard LLC, Costco Wholesale Authority Bearing Upon ) (Entered: 10/17/2005) 10/17/2005 0100 10/18/2005 0101 ORDER granting during Markman 10/18/05. (km,) 10/26/2005 O102 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Aleta A. Trauger Markman Hearing held on 10/25/2005 and continued to t0/26/05. MOTION for Leave to Videotape Demonstrations During Markman Hearing by DESA IP, LLC. Responses due by 11/3/2005 (Sanders, Richard) (Entered: 10/17/2005) Reporter 10._ Becky 10/27/2005 to next (krn,) (Entered: ***Deadline terminated: entered Reporter Becky Cole.) (jb) Modified Continued 10/26/05- and ruled : on 10/27/2005) Markman and continued Hearing to next day. (jb) (Entered: Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Markman Hearing held on 10/27/2005. Evidence (Entered: : (Court 10/26/2005) held before Judge Aleta A. Trauger on 10/26/05. Evidence entered and day. (Court Ob). (Entered: findings O105 Cole.) 10/27/2005 Evidence O104 100 Motion for Leave to videotape demonstrations Hearing. Signed by Judge Aleta A. Trauger on (Entered: 10/18/2005) Minute Entry for proceedings Markman Hearing Continued continued 10/31/2005 (Harvey, 07/11/2005) 07/12/2005 10/27/2005 set Signed 09_.7_7 STIPULATION Court's 10/27/2005 : 07/11/2005) Order due by 8/28/2006. Jury Trial set for 9/12/2006 District Judge Atleta A. Trauger. Pretrial Conference 01:30 Aleta held before held on 7/8/2005. from the bench. (Court 10/27/2005) Aleta A. Trauger : entered-Court made Reporter Becky Cole.) (km,) 10/28/2005) ORDER following Markman hearing: the claim terms are to be interpreted as "means plus function" terms and the disputed claim terms are construed in accordance with the court's oral ruling. Signed by Judge Aleta A: Trauger on 10/31/05. (,hv) (Entered: 11/01/2005) L 11/02/2005 O106 WITNESS/EXHIBIT LIST prepared by Deputy Clerk. re: 103 Markman JA 001'2 https://ecf.tnmd.circ6.dcn/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?650525229072425-L 923 0-1 2/13/2006 CM/ECF- DC V2.5 (October2005) - DocketReport Hearing.(km, 11/17/2005 0107 Page13of 15 ) Modified on 11/9/2005 STIPULATION of Judgment Pursuant LLC, EML Technologies LLC, Costco (Attachments: # 1 Appendix Robb) (Entered: 11/17/2005) 11/21/2005 0108 (bb-j,). STIPULATION II# 3_Appendix : This Court just reason for delay and expressly directs infringement in accordance here with. This does retain jurisdiction over this matter in claims which may be reinstated. See Order signed by Judge 11/21/2005) 11/21/2005 ***Civil 11/21/2005 O Aleta A. Trauger Case Terminated. Docket entry number 11/29/2005 12/05/2005 Remark O 109 : Exhibits 0110 placed Corporation. 12/05/2005) MEMORANDUM 35 U.S.C. in exhibit 0111 Responses in Support Section 0112 (km,) is no (Entered: in compliance room. (km,) with Rule 58 (km,) (Entered: due by 12/22/2005 of 109 MOTION 11/29/2005) (Cook, for Attorney 28 and Rule 11 of the Federal Rules Wholesale Roger) Fees Under of Civil Procedure Corporation. (Cook, DECLARATION of Roger L. Cook in Support of Motion for Attorneys Fees filed by EML Technologies LLC, Costco Wholesale Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B part 1# 3 Exhibit B part 2# 4 Exhibit B part 3# 5 Exhibit C# 6 Exhibit D# 7 Exhibit E# 8 Exhibit F# _9 Exhibit G# I_Q Exhibit (Entered: 12/05/2005) 12/05/2005 that there of Civil Procedure. filed by EML Technologies LLC, Costco Roger) (Entered: 12/05/2005) 12/05/2005 determines 11/21/2005) entered Rules III)(Harvey, MOTION for Attomey Fees Under 35 U.S.C. Section 28 and Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure by EML Technologies LLC, Costco Wholesale ! (Entered: 12/05/2005 (Entered: 108 is hereby and/or Rule 79(a) of the Federal (Entered: 11/21/2005) IP, entry of judgment of nonCourt shall retain and hereby its entirety, including any for terms and conditions. on 11/21/05. (km,) 11/03/2005) to FRCP 54(b) by DESA Wholesale Corporation. I# 2_ Appendix OF JUDGMENT (Entered: DECLARATION H# L1 Exhibit of Lloyd I# 122Exhibit Massengill in Support J)(Cook, Roger) of Defendants' Motion for Attorneys Fees filed by EML Technologies LLC, Costco Wholesale Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1# 2_Exhibit 2# 3 Exhibit 3# 4 Exhibit 4)(Cook, Roger) (Entered; 12/05[2005) 12/05/2005 0113 DECLARATION of Steven Riley:in Support of Defendants' Attorneys Fees filed by EML Technologies LLC, Corporation. (Cook, Roger) (Entered: 12/05/2005) 12/05/2005 12/06/2005 Ol1.__4 PROPOSED 0 ORDER re: 109 MOTION U. S. C. Section 28 and Rule (Cook, Roger) Modified Docket Entry for Attorney 11 of the Federal Text on 12/6/2005 #'s 110 and 111, In the future, JA Costco Rules Motion Fees Under 35 of Civil Procedure. (dt). (Entered: please for Wholesale remember 12/05/2005) to add the 0013 https://ecf.tnmd.circ6.dcn/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?650525229072425_L_923_0_ 1 2/13/2006 CM/ECF- DC V2.5 (October2005) - DocketReport following Page14 of to your signature line: s/(attorney name that filed the pleading) on the pleading and the certificate_ of service. Also, Docket Entry #114, a proposed order. In the future, please file proposed orders as an attachment to the motion. These pleadings DO NOT need to be refiled. (dt) (Entered: 12/09/2OO5 Ol15 ORDER: 12/19/2005 0116 011"/ MOTION 0118 by Judge OF APPEAL (Harvey, Robb) Appeal of Appeal 12/21/2005 for Attorney NOTICE USCA Aleta Fees 109 is referred A.Trauger (Entered: to the Magistrate on 12/8/05. as to 105 Order,, (km,) (Entered: 108 Order, by DESA IP, LLC. 12/16/2,005) Fees received filed by DESA $ 255 receipt IP, LLC, BILL OF COSTS by EML Corporation. (Attachments: (Entered: is 12/06/2005) Judge. Signed 12/09/2005) 12/16/2005 (hv) Technologies # 1 Exhibit number (Entered: 108048 re 116 Notice 12/20/2005) LLC, Costco Wholesale A# 2 Exhibit B)(Cook, Roger) 12/21/2005) 12/22/2005 01l__9 RESPONSE in Opposition re 109 MOTION for Attorney Fees Under U.S.C. Section 28 and Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure filed by DESA IP, LLC. (Harvey,, Robb) (Entered: 12/22/2005) 12/22/2005 O120 MOTION to Stay re 109 MOTION for Attorney Fees Under 35 U.S.C. Section 28 and Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure by DESA IP, LLC. 15 Responses due by 1/9/2006 (Harvey, Robb) 35 (Entered: 12/22/2005) 12/22/2005 0121 NOTICE MOTION of Filing by DESA for Attorney Fees the Federal (Harvey, 12/22/2005 0122 Rules Robb) IP, LLC re 120 MOTION to Stay re 109 Under 35 U.S.C. Section 28 and Rule 11 of of Civil Procedure (Entered: (Attachments: # 1_ Proposed Order) 12/22/2005) MEMORANDUM in Support of 120 MOTION to Stay re 109 MOTION for Attorney Fees Under 35 U.S.C. Section 28 and Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Exhibit App. A)(Harvey, filed by DESA Robb) (Entered: IP, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 12/22/2005) 12/29/2005 Appeal Record Packet re:l 16 Notice 012___33 Certified and Transmitted to Federal Circuit Court ofAppeals(mk, ) (Entered: 12/29/2005) 12/30/2005 O124 NOTICE by DESA (Entered: 12/30/2005) IP, LLC re'l 18 Bill of Costs (Harvey, of Appeal Robb) F 12/30/2005 0125 TRANSCRIPT prepared by OCR Becky Cole before Judge Trauger, re 116 NOtice of Appeal(This document is NOT available on-line. Contact the court reporter at 615-726-4,893 to purchase 10/25/05 (mk,) (Entered: 12/30/2005) 12/30/2005 0126 TRANSCRIPT prepared by OCR Becky a copy) (Vol Cole re 116 Notice 1 on of Appeal (This document is NOT available on-line. Contact the court reporter at 615-726-4893 to purchase a copy) (vol 2 held 10/26/05) (mk,) (Entered: 12/30/2005) JA 0014 https://ecf.tnmd.circ6.dcn/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?650525229072425-L_923 0-1 2/13/2006 CM/ECF - DC V2.5 (October2005) - DocketReport Page15of 15 12/30/2005 0127 __ TRANSCRIPTpreparedby OCR Becky Colere 116Noticeof Appeal (This documentis NOT availableon-line. Contactthe courtreporterat 615-726-4893to purchasea copy)(vol 3 held 10/27/05)(mk,) (Entered: 12/30/2005) 12/30/2005 Ol29 TRANSCRIPTREQUESTby DESA IP, LLC /25-27-2005 before Judge ! (Entered: 01/09/2006) 01/03/2006 O128 __ ' ORDER on 1/3/06. 01/10/2006 O130 01/24/2006 O131 0132 120 Motion (xc: 6CCA Clerk) for proceedings re 116 Notice to Stay. (km,) Signed of Appeal by Judge (Entered: Appeal Remark re 116 Notice of Appeal: Court of Appeals as case 06-1168 (mk,) held on 1(rnk,) Aleta A. Trauger 01/03/2006) Notice of docketing (Entered: 01/10/2006) in Federal Joint MOTION to Stay Proceedings on Bill of Costs by EML Technologies LLC, Costco Wholesale Corporation. Responses due by 2/10/2006 (Attachments: # _!_Exhibit Joint Proposed Order to Stay Proceedings 01/25/2006 granting Trauger, on Bill of Costs)(Morgan, ORDER granting Signed by Judge 01/25/2006) Nathan) (Entered: 01/24/2006) 131 Motion to Stay proceedings on defl's bill of costs Aleta A. Trauger on 1/25/06. (mk,) (Entered: JA 0015 httDs://ecf.tnmd.circ6.dc, n/o._i-hinff'lk-tlT_,t nlg_f/_9_gOO(V"/"/,'l'-/_ I f',_-_ ta 1 ......... IIra lilflllmIllfl$11_I BI Qi HIll fli_ llUfllli]]llll ||I _l US005598066A United States W]esexnann Patent [19] et aL [54] TWO-LEVF__ SYSTEM [75] Invvmors: SECURITY David LIGHTING L WtL_mmnn, A.csig_ee_" Heath Company, _ Feb. Related Date Benton Harbor, Mich. 6-_995 Coafiauafion of Set. No. 282,986, JLd.29,199_ [5l] Ia_' CL e ............................. 8/1994 _/1995 Jan. 28, 1997 Diong_ta/ ................... HaalaraetM .................. 340/$67 250/338.1 PATENT DOCUM_N'TS 5/1994 Japan PUBLICATIONS Re_m_ l../ghgag, "L_ng and operating _L200 set[c,s _ghr_ fixtm_, Aug. _995. Heath Zenith, =InsmJ_ons Sensor for the Refl_ Light _nZtol", SL--53 ! 5--A Pulse 1989, 'Iltle Page a_d Nippon Ceramm Co,, Ltd., "PIR Pa._ve InfraredEaetlp d Conh-ol Switch I_ Manual", Undated but published m¢,"_ than 1 year befians ttu: filing- date or _ze p_at application Sa'. I_. 08/282,986, filed on Jul. 29, 1994. Data [53] of Patent: OFI_R Count M_fion p_. 2-15. Appllcaffon 5,598,066 Number: FOR_GN 13, 1996 US. [45] Bemon [2U App,. No.: 600,823 [22] Patent _j49,330 5.414,263 Township, _ County, MidL; Daniel F.. SchaaL Michigan C_ty, Ind., Wai-Shing P. Ko, Kwat Chtmg, Hong Kong [73] [11] alumdoned. Pr/mary [521 US. C1. ............... [58] Fteld of Seard] 315/154. HOSB 37/02 3IS0,$9; 315/[55; 250/338.1; .................... 1.55, 159; 34(Y469: 315/1_.9; 250/238 315/149, 153, 250/238. 338.1. Exam/ner---4P, NaerL Pascal E:a_niner--Haissa Phi]ogcrte Attorney,Agen_ or Fimt--._tc.h, Even, Tabin & Ftanne_',d [57] A]_S_CT 221 [56] Refereecea U.S. PATENT 3.177,399 q_lg65 4.225.808 911980 4,233,545 11/1980 4_¢d)4.52a 8/1986 4,_0278 1/1989 4,823,051 4/1989 4.843.283 ¢S/1989 _q43312 7/1990 4.982.176 L/l_gl 5,015394 5/]99l 5,231,373 711993 5,293,097 3/1994 Cited DOCLrMENTS Mmtcun ................. Saracen! ................ Web_,r ¢_ eL ............... Kvflicld _ M................. Tax_gud et el ................ Ymmg ................... Cl_u ....................... _r_dcx ....................... Sd_au-z ................... Hoberman e_ eL ............... F._cm:m _ al. ................... Elwell ....................... 315/20l 3 t5/154 X 31_q54t X 2.q0/342 250/33_ ! 315/155 315/153 _1 3,4(_2 340/567 340/4.69 3!5/154 lhatlhclamp iskek_offinth_absem:_of _on of motion at nig_ A us_--inifiau_d ov_d_ mode is also p_ovid_d, which cause_tl_Imnp tocantinuou_lyoperateat 95% of full brightm_ until the phomcr._ _-a:c_ daylightor untilthe disables the ovetrk_ _de. 13 Claims, 4 Drawing JA 0016 Sh_t_ U.S. Patent Jan. 28, 1997 Sheet JA 0017 I of 4 5,598,066 U.S. Patent Jan. 28, 1997 Sheet 5,598,066 2 of 4 Fig.2a ,o •* ,* I DETECTOR °# . - • I I ,TURN ON,AMPLIFY, ,' INHIBIT [& FILTER WINDOW ',COMPARATOR I ! I I l I I i q_ 4 _ > I ( 41_ i I PHOTO-RESET 62 NORMAL 73 [ DIM 72 '-, ; . +5V 'I C17 D12 I ',IC2d I I R41 PHASE ,T',,_,68 ANGLE i .--__-_C16 I TRIAC , IC3f R44 IC3e R46 ZERO-CROSSING I , DETECT I ! +5V OUTPUT [110V ! ,AC o[ 67 __L. POWER JA0018 I I l SUPPLY U.S. Patent jan. I , , , PHOTOCELL 28, 1997 Sheet PULSE COUNT 5,598,066 3 of 4 ON-TIMER, & TURN-ON INHIBIT ' +5V -r- 53 I I I I R ICaa DAYLIGHT 57 ....... DETECT & RESET ' I I I +5V ] ! _I. -- MANUAL OVERRIDE ' 58 JA 0019 II U.S. Ja.. Patent 28, 1997 Sheet 5,598,066 4 of 4 Fig. 3 VOLTAGE NODE 67 TIME :!::=,"T2 T1 _r NODE 68 I v I TIME VOLTAGE ACROSS LAMP 18 FOR THREASHOLD T1 VOLTAGE ACROSS LAMP 18 FOR THREASHOLD T2 ,,'/-_, , I j L "1 I \ - ,, TIME J TIME illlJS_ % JA 0020 5,598,066 1 TWO-LEVEL 2 SECURITY SYSTEM LIGHTh-NG This is a continuation, of application 986, filed Jul. 29, 1994, now abandoned. FIELD OF _ Sec No. 08/'282. 5 SUMMARY INVENTION The presentinventionrelates generallyto n secmSty light and, more spanificnlly, to a _emJty light of the type which l0 has a Fassive infrareddetectorthat controlsthe levd of • _on as a functionof detectionof motion. BACKOROUN'D An objectof the present invention is tberefore to provide a light which has a lamp with a _atively long operational lifetime, and which can provide illuminedonthroughout the night in a manner which is highly energy efftciem and is suitable for securityapplications. OF THE INVF3q'flON OF THE INVENTION The objects and por[xx_s of the invention.including those set forthabove,are met by providingan apparatuswhich includes: a seasm agangement for detecting a predetermined condition exmrnal m the apparatus; a lamp which can emit a first levelof iIIumination and which can emita second l_.l of _un_natiou sab*tamlaRy great_ than the fax level of i.lluminstino, the lalnp being capable of switching rapidly u,s_]for 15 from the first level of illumination to the second level of sectaityzzeassuch as psrking lots. which use a conventional illuminaRon;mad a control circuit coupled m the lamp and hi#a pressuresodium (HPS) lamp or rnercm'yvapor (MV) responsive to the sensor arrangement for causing the lamp to lamp. Tlm HPS and MV lamps ere normally operated emit light at tbe first level of illumination in the absen_ of continuouslyat f',.tll brightness,except wbeta they are off. 2o the Frederermined condition, and for causing the lamp to They have traditionally been prefenr.d for securityapplicaemit light st _e second level of illumination tn response to tions because they have significantly longer operational detection of the predetemsinedcondition. li?climcs than incmadesr.ent lan_ps, for example on the mdcr of 15,000 to 20,I_IX) hours in enmparimn m a_ut 2,000 BRIEF DF_.SCRIIWrION OF THE DRAWINGS hours for an incandescent lamp. "I_ longer operational A pro_rr_ embodiment of th_ print invention is lifclime ia important not only to optlmisethe security effect deaorihedin detail h_dna_qer with reference to theaccomo1' thebulb,but alsobecause of the ineonverrleece involved There arc knowo s_,,udtylights,commonly panying drawings, in which: in frequentlychanging incandescentlights which may be 20 feet in the _z on a light pole in a parking let. W_ile tbesc FIG. I is an exploded diagrammatic perspective view of known lights have been generally adequate for their 30 a secority light which ombndies the present invention; intended purposes,they have not bean satisfactory in all FIGS. 1A and 2B, are a schernstic diagram of an electrical circuit provided within the securitylightof FIG. 1; and More specifically, MV lamps are not the most energy FIG. 3 is a timing diagram showing waveforms of cl_nle.nt lamps available, and may be made illegal in thenear setectnddan_l signalsfrom the c'trcuit of FIGS. ZA furoreformost or allapplic_tious. Further,itisnot consid- 35 21:1. e.red appropriate to operate MV or HPS lamps under _ontrol of a sensor so that they are ourmnlly off but are turned on in DEr.MI.F_.D DESCRIVrION re.sponse m detection of a condition such as motion, both because HPS and MV lamps usually rake severalminutes to Referring to FIG. 1, a security light wMch embod'ms the progressively turn on, and because ta_ming them on and off _a presant invention is designated generally with teferenco numeral 10. Tbe ligin 10includes a metalchassis 12 that can degrades them and should thmefore be done only once a day in order to nptimize their operational lifetimes. be fixedly mounted no a wall, and a metal reflector 13 which is fmediy mo,,_ted on the cha_s. Two spaced lamp hotders m_ o_¢_ ¢_1_,ng seoufit 7 |ighks which have h_ eal_ty totuna onr'_diy. Theselights _._Uy Imvean 16 and 17 are Frilly secured to file chassis 1_ and projcst. reflecitmsttdesn¢_ lamp, a padre infi-aed detector, a photocell 45 forwardlythrough respe.cfive spaced openings in _ tor 13. Az inean¢isseeat lamp18,whichis a g_ally asd a circuit whith keeps _he lamp off whoa the photocell Is cylindrical quartz-halogen lamp, has each end suppor,.ed by _ daylight, whlch kneps the lamp cff at nigla in the an outer end of a reapecti've one of the lmlders 16 and 17, the abs¢¢tco of det¢ctinn of motion by the inflated _ and lamp 18 having et en_h end, a oma_ant which cl_'tdc'_l¥ which _ file lamp on fo_ra preteen'mined tim_ thmrval in mspm_¢ to dc¢cc_an of motinn a_ hight These haown un_s also have an ovemde mode. which a user can act_te by tm-Mng pow_ to il_ unit off and no with a wall switch that _pplies dcca'ical power to the light. In the override mode, the liglx is forced con_ly on until the user disables the ovenJde rnod_ using the wall sw'R_, or until the photocell detectsdaylightand disablesilm oven'/demode. so engages a further contactprovided assot_tcd holdcas16 or 17. 5_ This farter type of securitylightis ty#caRy not used in applications such as a cammeacinl or industrial parking lot wimm light must be provided continmmnly at night, because of the power consamptiou of the immadascant bulb_, and _0 Imcause of t_ somewhat limited life of incandescent bulbs on a respective one of the TWo U-shaped brackets 20 and 21 each have legs with outer ends _c_y secured to the air.sis 12, and a housing 22 is fixedly mounted on the brakkets 20 and 21. The housing 22 has an opening 23 in a curved war portion on its front side, and a cm'v_ lens 26 is disposnd within tim housing 22 so as to extend acrossthe opening.The housing 22 has within it a cir_it, which isdepicted in the sohomatic diagram of FIG. 2, and which is described in mote dntal] later.The cilenR within the housing 7,2 is elecL"i_dly coupled to tim contactson the lamp holders 16 and 17 by wires which are not visiblein FIG. L and is coupled to a coaventiortal extenml anurce of 120 VAC power by wir_. which are not visiblein FIG. 1. wfum operated at full brightness. The lifetime of a typical ita:andes_at bulb may be only about 2000 hours.In addition, th¢_e lamwn security lights are either fully off or fully on, and are thus not suitablefor use in certain s_tmty s5 The :u=_'itylight 10 fiutherlncludes a cover 31 having a_ applications where the light most be emitting flluminailon in edge pordon 214thatc_ be fixedly coupled to the peripheral order m be useful. edge of chassis 12 in any mdtable and conventional nmun_, JA 0021 5,598,066 3 4 for example by not-illustratod screws. The cover 31 has a _a c_pu_ c_m_ txna_._t ut a_ gn_ta_ the _ &l awvnd wall portion with an opening 32 that is closely adjacent and aligned with the opening 23 in Lhehousing 22 when the cover 31 is mounted on chasm 12. The housing 31 also incIuc_s _ _ _ portion 33, through which light from the lamp 18 czn pass in direetiorut forwardly, downwardly and to both sides. In order to minimize the eat/y of moisture into the light 10, a rubboror foam gasket (not_sibleinFIG.1) is_vided on thesideof t_fiphm-al edge 34 fang the ehas._ 12 m _ to extend mound the 1o mukiplesatmSs,the switch 53 being manually set toselect enli_ _pheral edge. and this gasket ereat_ a seal between oneof_everal predeterm_d on-time inW.a'vals,wkich in the the cover 31 emdchassis12 whim cover 31 is imlnLlndon ptefen'ed emhodime_t include 1, 5 and 20 minute intervals. chas_ 12, Lt_'wisc, a forum or tuber _kct (not visible in The cc-llm_r and n,m-_a [nhf_it portion 52 alsoinc_des FIG. 1) is pfovidad oc the rear side of the curved wall c_cuttry which, for a Im_detmninnd t_e interval after 120 portion ofcover31 soastoextend mound opening32, and t_ VAC powerisinitially applied tothecircuit ofriGS.2A a_d whe_ cover 31 is i_ta2]eA on _ 12 th_ gaskete_gagcs 7.B, inhibits activation ofthelamp 18inre_pometosignals the front side of heus_ 22 in order to create a seal. from_ Q1 and Q2. Turaing to FIGS. 2A and 2B, the quartz-halogen lamp 18 A photocell 56 detects the prostrate or absev._ of dayL__own for c]a.dty,but afidafrom lamp 18 thoendre circ_ Hght, and has amoetlrat coupled to a daylight detect andreset of PIC_S.2.Aand7,Bis dLspo.u:dwLthinthc ho_ 22. Th= 2o potion 57 of the citcair. cir_t o_ HGS. 2A and 2B receives standard 120 VAC power at 41, and a power _q_pty section 42 provides both 120 VAC and 5 VDC power to the rest of the eircntL JA 0022 al 5,598,066 S 6 provide a plc_ssnt level of light thst will "accent" a home or s_urky area in tho absence of any detection of' motion.[_ _[thc ssnsom QI and Q2 detect modon,]then th-e _-d_--dF_-pordon 43, turn.on in.'bit portion 46, amplification lind filtering portion 47, window _mparamr portion 4_ and pulse count po_on S1 will actua_ the on-_mer mad_m-on inhibit portion 52, which in turn will produce a different thr_hold voltage at node 61 that eatm_ the triac to be mrn_l on duringmost of each half-wave cycle, so that the lamp 18 _its about 95% of tim Hghtwhich it would emit at 1_II brighmc_s. The lamp emits _ds higher level of light for a timeinterval selected by theuserusingswitch53, andthan which is applied tho romp signal at endc 68 _ having a the on-thner and Un'n-on_aibit portion changes its oxapot in fualm" ixtpm to which isappliedthe t_shdcl voltag_ at orderto t_tumthe_Id voltage at nod= 61 to tl_ vak¢ ende 6L Whan _ ramp volm_ exc_mds the mreslmid at which the lamp produces the lower level of HghL voltage, the compa,-at_ prodnecs an outlmt which tunas on A conventional quartz-halogen lamp ofthetypeshown at thc uiac Q3, so that tim 120 VAC input _ is applied to i_ lg in FIG.I,when operated at 100% of full brightness, has the lamp l& For example, wtth refca_ncc m IWG.& wlmn tim l_shold voltage at node 61 has a level TI, the _ is an _ted life time of about2,000hours.WI_n operated _..Sl_etivaiy at 95%, 90%, 65%, ned _ of full bfiginnc_ turned on when tlmramp voltage atnode 68xr.adlcs level T1.FIG.3 showstheconcsponding voltage across lamp18 thasamelampMs respective exp.:ted operational lifetimes 2o ofahout 3,5C0 hours, 6j0g hours, 389,000 hours(thcored. for thres_ld TL wbem the voltage across the lamp is eat), and 6,384,000 hours (thc_¢odcal). Thus, when opm'ated dining the tint lmrtion of ahalf wave until llm uiae is turned on, and then the _dac applies the half wave voltage ac_oss the in tbe ancem mode at _0% d _ull brightness, with infreqaent lamp dm'ing the remalndcr of that half wavc. FIG. 3 also pc6ods of briefoperation at95% of fullbdghtoc,_, the showsthe resulting voltage across lamp lg for a different qum't_-halogen lamp 18 will enjoy a rclallvaiy long apen15onailifetinm. thresholdT2. By compatingthe voltages across the lamp 18 creat_l onthac_acitorC16 atonde68 isshown inFIG.3. Itwillbencr_ thateachpulseorramp ofthawaveformat on_ 68 hegira justafter andissyncl_enlz_l toa respective cms£mg point of tbe sine wave at node 67. The ramp wa_ atnode 68 s_-'ves as the outputof the zero 5 cm=i_ detect portion 66. A_ angl_ conll'ot por_t172 of the cirtmit is rc_nsive to the outpm of din z=m crossing dr_cct pordon 66 and tha tkre_old voltage at mode61 for acraadng a tdac Q3 in a tdan posen 73. More apeclflcal.ly, the _se angle control p_aon 72 includes a compm'atm" IC2d havingone input to to for r.ln'c_olds TI and T'_ it will be cvkiant that more. enetD" _ toelmminionma_ng RalIzi_ht mode.tha_nvit_ is supplied to the lamp 18 when using thresbeld T1 than 62 h mmaally settointo'clapt the connection between tho wlmn t,tsing threshold T_ asa r_uh ofwhichthelamp18 dayli_at detect amlreset portlon 57and thereaiator RM. A_ will emit more light at thmslmld T1 than at threshold T2. 3o a resu/t, the photocell 56 does notautomatically mm the When the th_shdd voltage'at node 61 is changing, the lamp 18 on at night, and doesnotproduc_dudng the nig_ capacitor C17 causesthc.tlnrd_old voltage atnode61 to a threshold voltage at node 6].whichworld causethelamp 18 to be mined on at any level of brighmess. Const_w.nfly, c/xange pmgresalvely rather than instmnatmousiy from one voltag_ k-vel _o aonthcr.Thus, with [dm'_xe t_ FIG. 3, if tlic e_adt Is changing the threshold voltage at node 61 from mmicn]rnpa_cu/ar, when modon isdetccr_:dat tl_m-dmor and turn-on inhibit circuit 52 ram,tho level TI to'1'2, the wave2onn of the voltag_ actuss lamp 18 _ night, will ekanZe progressively fi'omthatshows inFIG.3 fc_ lamp 18 on at95% offull bri_amess forthetimeintm-vai thteslmld 1"2 to that shown inFIG. 3 for threshold 1"1,sollmt which tI_userhas sale_tod usingswitch53, after which Imnp 18 istnrnodcompletely offuntilmotion isagsi_ thc lamp 18 incrc_ca pmgrcssivaly in b_ghthc_s dndng thc change. Z"Ms f_mm in t_ed to as a "slowtorn-on" 4o d_teeteMdu_ the ruShY.It will be noted llmt. even in the feature. When Rim lamp 1.8 b being tin'ned on to full "full bdght" mode, the ]ampis lmmaL!yoperatodat lcv=/s of bdghta_,mpacit_rC_ _ re.aistm's R_ andI_8 retard btighmesswhichnever exceed 95% of its tree full bdght_.SS. the set_ug of node 61 to the fall brightness triter Im_.l. When tlm lamp is tun_ off, diod* D19 rapidly charges The thtnl mode ts the maonal ovarklc mode. whhth is capacitor C._ so that the lamp _tdnguishes almost imme- _5 connoned by _ manual ovea'a_ potion _ of the _uit diaml:?.Alhhongh the progressive ct=_Be in bfighlP,ms for of riGS. ZA and 2B. Dudng the day. the photocefl _ kanps slow nma-on tak_ sc_zalcycles of the sine wave,, the tha manual oveaide pordon $8 in a reset ccmlifics, aml t_ change appears to the human eye m be almost immmaneous. manual oven'ide por'don _ wghcamin in the xcsat enndi_ion Tbe _ shown in FIGS. 2A and 213 iscapable of at night unless it is inmminnal]y actmlted by a necr. The usc:r operafiug thesecurity lightI0 ofFIG.I intlir¢¢ difl'_ _o _uatcs _ mature/ove=ide poaion 58, wlnm 120 VAC modes ofoporafion, nan_lya motion semlngancent mode, powc= L_belng mpltEed to the ci=uit of HGS. 2A and 2B a minionsccsingfullbright mode. and a manualoverride • by turning off 120 VAC powtr atxl then promptly turningtt mode.. The as_ _.2_:ts oneoftha two motinnsm_ag mm_ back on, for c_amplc asi_g a smodard wallswi__.hcontrolusing tho _-,,_ swlw.h 62 (HOS. ZA sod 2B. sod can ling AC power to tha s_oaity li_t 10. Whon the manual actuate theovelT[de mode fl'om a standard wallswitch tlrat 55 overdde portion _1 is m:mamdin this mannm', R f_ces t_ Issupplying 120 VAC power to the light 10, in order m on-dmor end t_m-on inhibit p(mion 5"-tto inoduce an m_ont ovc,uld* operation in either motion teasing mode. dganl that turns tha _ 18an at 95% of full br_glmams, and the manual override por_on _8 will keep tl_ lm_p l#t Starting with tim modon senalng accont mode, this mode cot_nuctmlyon atthisIn_ level until d_ manual is sc]ccmd by scatMg tim switch 62 so that the it alcctdcal]y tmm'ide portion ._,8is r=,,et by mm of two c..'_n_. The first coopte, tl_ daylight demct and mant portion g7 to tl_ event occms ff the us_ switc/ms the urd_ bank to camof the rcaistor R34. In this nmdc, d_e photocell $6 maintains at two motion sensing modes by agmn usingthowallswitch to node 61 during daylight hours a llm_shold voltage which toggle 120 VAC power off sodon.Tha secondevent is tha ke_s ttm lamp IS off. At night, the phOt_¢tli _ cans_ a of dawn, bantmsc dayEght causes the phot(_ll diffamnt tlncshold voltage to appear at node 61,which in _ toreact tl_manual ovm'kl=poa'lion ._. mm cameothetdacQ3 m be tam_ on fgra limited po_on of e_c2t_f w'aw cycle, m that _lamp t8 emits about 50% Altho_ghtl_pr_fc=ed em ,hadLm_ usessmincandes:em of tim light tlmt it would emit at Pailbrighmess, in order to lamp whichisa quartz.halogen bulb,itwm bc r_ognized JA 0023 5,598,066 7 that other incandcsecat including converrtional household light bulbs. 8 lamps could eltcmath, ely be used, floodlight bdl_ and iacaadescem lamp 10clog capable of switcldng rapidly _rom said lltst level of flluminaRon to said second level of illumination; and Although a particular preferred embodiment of the Invention has been disclosedin detailforillustrative purposes,it will bc recognized that vaxiatiom or modificationsof the disclosedapl_ratus, includingtherearrangementof parts, lie within the scope of th= present hnv_ca. The embodiments of the invention in which ma exclusive 5 property or pdvfleg¢ is claimed are defined as follows: tO 1. An apparatus comprising: fa'_t .sensor mc=ns fo_ detecting a fost predetonnmod coaditi_ ex_cmai to said app_'atns, said first predctermim_ condition being motion rela_ve m raid first sensor tar.amof a person or an objectseparatefrom said app _-'ams; second sensor means for dnmc_g a second predetorrnirnxl condition, saRI scrond pred_mrmiaed condition being a/nedetoxminnd level of light extm'nai to said apparatns; 2O sensor m_am for detectinga pred_:rminnd coudi_on _xtm'nalto saidappm'ams; a lamp which can emit a first level of illumination and which man emil a second levd of illumination substan- a tamp which can emit a first level of illumination _d which can emit a second loved of ilh;mimlion subst.an- tially grantor than said _ level of ilhimimation, said lamp capable d switching x-_pidly from said fn's_ level afUlurainat2on to said second hivel ofinumin_on; and z_ dallygr=atcrthansaid first level of i11m_natioa, said lamp being cobble of switchingrapidlyfrom saidfirst level of ilhmain_on to saidsecond level of illumina- control circuit means coupled to said lamp and responsive to said _t and second sensor means for cousin B said lamp to emit light at said first level of illumination in response to said second prcdezm'mine.d eccsdidon in the zbs_ac¢ of said frtst predetnrmin=d condition, mad for 30 tion;and controldrcadtnmans coupled to saidlamp and responsive t_said _ me_as fur causing saidlamp to emitlight at said fi_t level of ilhnniandon in tbo _ of causingsaid lamp to emit lightat said secoDd l_vel of iQuminatfonin r_onsn to detectionof _dd first pre- det_ coadition,l=,id _ eondifio_ and for causing _d lamp te emit li#ztat _a/d s_eond level of iIlaminationin re_poexc to detection of said txedetctmlmd condition; _ light sanaing means r_lxmaive to light _ to said appar'_us for canting said control r,2c_t means to maintain said lamp in an off eonditino du_ag daylighi hou_ a_d to canse said lamp to crait Hght at said first level of ".'llumina_oa in tlm absence of both daylight and 4o 2. ,_a app_,-atns accoa'th_ to elm= l, w_=e_ _ilid co1_"ol circuit mman.s_ndud=s n_ans forcansing saidseennd level of illumin_on to be _m_ly 95% of fullbrighiacss of said lamp. _ 3. An apparatm acoo_ling to claim 1, wh_"=in said sensor menm _ a passive infrared detector. 4. An apparatusaccording to _ I, whe_in saidlamp is a qaar_-halogen lamp. 5. A_ _ as recited in ctaim 1, wtm_in said lamp is adapted tobe electricaily co_l_d m a muree of clecaical 50 pow_ and wMmin said s_lecd_ly aetuable manual ove_dd_ mcaas is ant'oared by togglingt_ electrical power sourco to said apparatus, said predelmmined condition, s_d control _rcoit means causing saidlamp to emit lightatsaid s_ levelof i/kmdnatlon in response to dem_on of said predaternm_ conditionin the absence of daylight, wkcrdn said control circuit means include* selectively m:tuablemanual ovemde means for earning said lamp to coadmmmly emit _ht at said second Invd of i/luminatJonby sde_vely ovezddi_g said sensor meam by m=ual =:marion. 8. An eppamtns as rceir.ed in claim 7 farther including meam responsi,.¢ to dete_n meres for _tam,_ically ectzmblc ovcn_ meaz_ 9. An appzrams comprising: sensor n=ans for d_ing 6. An apparatuscomprising: exmmai _i_second sens_ meam for detcating a second prede_rmim_ condition,said second im:d=tcm_cd condition being a pred_erminod level app--; of daylight by said light deacmadng said selectively -a level of ilhiminatio ti_; and of Hghi externalto said JA 0024 a predetermined ctmdidtm to said apFuams; _--_L;-: _" "__::Z_= n to *a';d second level -_-of illnmima- 5,598,066 9 10 response to detection of said predetermined condition, wl_a'_in said cont_l eircuk rr_am is power_db7 an AC voltage, and wherein said control clmuit means include switching means for selcctivaiy pormitting and prereelingti__plic_ioo of _id AC vctU_e to saidIm_p s and means for causing said switching means to he acumtcd fora seleaed portionof each halfwave cycle of said AC voltage,s_.d portion of mid half waves being grcatcrforsaid second levelof illumination then forsaid fast levelof iLImnination. 10. An apparatus comtrri_mg; sensc_ means for aetee_g external to said appurams; a predetermined Io condition a lamp which can emit a first level of illumination and which can also cn"dt a seco_l level of ilinminati_mIS subsmmL_ly greaterthan said first level of illumination,said lamp being capable of swimhin8 rapidlyfrom said firsx levelof illuminationm said second levelof Ulumination; comrdl ain:uit means coupled tosaid lamp and r_ponslve to mid sensor n'ma_ for eansing said lanap to _nit liglit at said first level of illumination in the absmca of said prcdet_ined condition, and for causing _ lamp to czmt lightat said firstlevel of fllu_l.inat_on in tim absence of saidpmdezzn_ainedcondition,end 1_reaus- 2s ing said lamp to emit lightat said senend level of illumination in xnspom_ to den=_zionof said pz_I_crcondition, whexein szid ccmu'ol circuit meens is powered by ma AC voltage and whe_'ia sam control, circuit mean includesswlmhing means forselectively30 pe'anitingand preventingthe appHcaZion of said AC voltageto saidlamp and means forcausing saidswitchingmeans tobe actuatedfura selectedportionof each halfwave cycleof saidAC voltage,said portionof said half waves being greater for said secead level of 35 i11uminat/on than forsaid Rrstlevelof iliuminariort; and a zeru cr_sing dete_ eireait for deteerSng zero ere_ng poin_ of said AC voltage,means for p't_uaing a ramp wavoform havingfor each halfwave of saidAC v_ltage a ramp _e which is initiated in response to _c_ion 4o of the zero arosaingpoint f_r the half Wave, a enmparator which compares said ramp pulse toa tkrmhold vol_age and which actor.s said'switching mem_ at a pointin time when said ramp voltage first exceeds said threshold voltage,and means responsive to _id sensor 45 f_3r c@asing _d first tln'esholti vol;ag_ to have a first valuein the absonce of said predetorntined conditionand a second value in reaponseto detectionof said pre_rXerrnined condition. 11. An apparatus onmtntaing: 5o sensor means for _ a fa'edctcrmincd externalm said apparatus; a lamp which can emit a first level c_ndlti_ of llluminatinn and wMch can Rim emit a second level of iliamin_icm 55 substantially greaterthan s_d _rst levelof iL.'uminat/on, said lamp being _apablu vf switr.hin8 rapidly from said _r_t level of ilkuninafion to saidsecond level of illumination; control_'cuitmeans coupled to saidlamp and responsive f_ to said umsaz mem_ fez enasing s_id lamp to emit llg_ at said 6rstl_v,-1 of_ in the absence of s_id predetermhed condltlon, andforcansin_ sa/d lump to emit light at said second level of Hlumin_on in response to detcctinn of s_d in'c_tcz'min_l onnd_fion, whor_in said controlc_cuk meatzsispowered by onAC volrases, and wherein said control aiteuitmeans ; inch_s switci'dng means for select/relyperrnkr.ing and preventing the applicationof saidAC vol_g¢ to saidlamp and means forcausing saidswitchingmeens to bc actuatedfora selectedpofd_n of each halfwave cycle of saidAC vcltege,said portion of said half waves being greaterfor said second levelof illuminationthanforsaid first level of illurainatton; a zero _-ressing detectcircuit for detecting zero crossing points of said AC voltage, means for producing ramp waveform havin8foreachhalfwave of saidAC voltage a ramp pulse which isi_tiamd in resptmse m detection of the zero cressing point for the half wave. a eomparatorwhich compares saidramp pulseto e threshold •oltag_,m_I which actaatnssaidswitchingravensat a point in time when the ramp voltagefirst exceeds said tlucsb_Id voltage, and mc_ _.sponse to said sensor means for ca-using r'_d thaeshoM to have a Rrst valne in the absence of saidpredeten_ned condition,and a sex.oadvaitmin r_ponse to detect/onof saidpredatormined condition; and light sensing means responsive to light ex_-_ai to said apparatus for d_dectingthe pmsenc_ end absence of daylight, saidcircuit means includingmeans responsive to sald light sensing means for causing said threshold voltage to have a third value different from saidfirst mad second values when said Hght _ensing means is detecf.ag dnylighL 12.An apparatuscompfidng: first sensor means for detecting a fir_predctc'cmincd conditionexmrnai to saidappurams, said first predeterminedconditionbeing motion relativeto said first sensor mcaes of a person or an objectsepm_e from saidapparatus; second _e_asor memas fox detceting a second predetermined coadit/on, said second/n_'.detcrmined condition being a In'edeunTnin_ level of light external to said apparatus; a lamp which c_u emit a first levelof illuminationand which can _nita seco_ levelof illumination substentiaily greslsrthansaidfirst level of ilaumin_cn, said tamp capable of zwitchingrapidlyfrom saidill'St: level ofillumin_crn to said second level of ilktmination; and control elrcukm e,,sm coupled to said lamp and responsive to saidfL, st and second sensormeans for causing said lamp to emit light at saidfirst levelof illumiaalioa in response to said second psedet_mined condition in the absence of said grst p_.determincd condition,and let causing said lamp m emit lightat saids_:ond levelof LIlnmina_ in responseto detectionof saidfirst predctormincd condRion, said comzol circuit mcm_ includingseluelivaly acmahie manual ovenSde mem_ for selectively overridingsaidRrst and second _r means by manual actuation to cause said lamp to cn-dt fight at said second level of flluminazion, said manual ovcnldc mea_ including means for disabling s_:l lamp in die abscmc of said sacond px'edmm'mlnnd condition SRer said manual ove_cte means has been _ec_e4, wherein said control circuit n_enn_ include.s means for gm-_'_ing a pulse each time sa_d first _aedete_,din_t eondiaon is tietcctcd end fur ther ineludtug means for coun_ng said pulses and preventing lamp _om entering illuminatio_ at said second level unlesstwo o_ m_re p_Iscs _ coun_l. 13. An _pmams comprising: _zst sensor m_ns for dctcctlnga firstpredetermined o0nditioaaxm_zai to said appamm_ said first prede- JA 0025 5,598,066 11 12 termined condition being motion relative to said first sensor means of a person or an object separate from said apparatus; second sensor means for detecting a second predetermined condition, said second predetermined condition being a predetermined level of light external to said apparatus; a lamp which can emit a first level of illumination and which can emit a second level of illumination substantiaily greater than said first level of illumination, said lamp capable of switching rapidly from said first level of illumination to said second level of illumination; and 5 10 control circuit means coupled to said lamp and responsive to said first and second sensor means for causing said lamp to emit light at said first level of illumination in response to said second predetermined condition in the 15 absence of said first predetermined condition, and for causing said lamp to emit light at said second level of illumination in response to detection of said first predetermined condition, said control circuit means including selectively actuable manual override means for selectively overriding said first and second sensor means by manual actuation to cause said lamp to emit light at said second level of illumination, said manual override means including means for disabling said lamp in the absence of said second predetermined condition after said manual override means has been selected; and means responsive to said first sensor means for automatically deantuating said selectively actuahie manual override means in the absence of said second predetermined JA 0026 condition. UNITED STATES PATENT CERTIFICATE PATENTNO. : DATED : Jac, uary INVENTOR(S) : Wiesemann, AND TRADEMARK OFFICE OF CORRECTION 5,598,066 28, 1997 et al. It is certified that error appears in the above-indentitied corrected as shown below: ColLmm 9, line 67, delete Col_ i0, line 9, ColLmm i0, lire 14, "voltages," after "producing" delete "voltage," patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby insert and and _itage-- insert --a-- insert --voltage-- Signed First therefor; and Day of there__or. Sealed this April, 1997 AffeM: BRUCE Attesting Officer Comnti_ JA 0027 _io.et LEHMAN t_] P_ttt,ttt_ t.Id T_'ttdl't..fk_ UNITED STATES DISTRICT MIDDLE DISTRICT NASHVILLE COURT OF TENNESSEE DIVISION DESA IP, LLC, CIVIL Action No. 3-04-0160 Judge Aleta A. Trauger Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown Plaintiff, V. EML TECHNOLOGIES LLC and COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION, Defendants. STIPULATION OF JUDGMENT PURSUANT TO FRCP 54(b) cAs_r_o.3-o4-o_ Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 108 JA 0028 Filed 11/21/2005 Page 1 of 4 Plaintiff, Wholesale DESA IP, LLC ("DESA") Corp. (collectively, entry of final judgment conditions and defendants, EML Technologies "Defendants"), LLC and Costco each by counsel, jointly stipulate pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure and move for 54 (b), on the terms and set forth herein. Good cause appearing, judgment 1. DESA accuses defendants Patent Number 5,598,066 shall be entered as follows: of infringing Claims 6, 9, 10 and I 1 of United States ("the '066 patent"). to have the patent held invalid as anticipated unenforceable Defendants deny infringement and seek inter alia and/or obvious in view of certain prior art, and as result of alleged failure to satisfy the duty of candor during prosecution of the 066 patent. 2. Following extensive briefing, this Court held a three day Markman hearing on October 25-27, 2005, during which time the Court reviewed inter alia the patent claims, patent specification and selected portions of the '066 patent, and received tutorial testimony demonstrations 3. from experts and other witnesses on behalf of each party. With the consent of the parties, and at the shared expense aid the court in understanding the technical course of the briefing and at the Markman and information presented of the parties, in order to by the parties during the hearing, the Court was assisted by Professor Charles L. Carnal. 4. At the conclusion record, construing Court's of the hearing, the Court rendered each of the contested oral Markman its Markman claim elements ("Markman Ruling is attached hereto as Appendix ruling orally, on the Ruling"). A transcript I. In the Markman Court referred to individual claim elements by reference letters used by Professor his "Master Claim Chart," [hearing Exhibit 48] a copy of which is attached 1I; and to diagrams used by Professor Massengill of the Ruling, the Massengill hereto as Appendix to illustrate Which portions of the schematic I diagram in Figures 2A and 2B of the '066 patent he contende d represents corresponding to the various cla!m elements hereto as Appendix the structure [hearing Exhibit 49], a copy of which is attached III. -1- CASE NO. 3-04-0160 Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 108 JA 0029 Filed 11/21/2005 Page 2 of 4 in 5. Each of the asserted claims 6, 9, 10 and 11 contain the following claim element: "sensor means for detecting a [first] predetermined condition external to said apparatus" ("sensor means claim element"). 6. In the Markman element is governed Ruling, this Court concluded inter alia that the sensor means claim by 35 U.S.C. §112 ¶ 6; and, pursuant to §112 ¶ 6, this Court identified construed the sensor means claim element to cover certain structure from the specification identified in the Markman 7. Ruling, and equivalents In view of the Markman ruling set forth in the foregoing thereof. Ruling, and particularly paragraph those portions of this Stipulated Judgment, device does not include structure which is the same as or equivalent Court has identified as corresponding that it cannot prove infringement doctrine of equivalents, construed and because the accused to the structure which this to the sensor means claim element, DESA has concluded of claims 6, 9, 10 and 11 so construed, and stipulates to entry of judgment of the Markman either literally or by as to non-infringement of the so- claims 6, 9, 10 and I 1 the '066 patent. 8. DESA does not waive, and specifically aspects of this Court's Markman 9. reserves, the right to appeal any and all Ruling. Unless this Court's Markman rulings identified in paragraph vacated on appeal, the stipulated judgment of non-infringement against Defendants. Accordingly, 6 herein are reversed or finally resolves claims and affirmative defenses 10. Acc_)rdingly, pursuant determines infringement claims as to Defendants' against DESA. to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure that there is no just reason for delay and expressly in accordance DESA's to avoid the time and expense needed to resolve Defendants' claims against DESA, the parties have agreed to a dismissal without prejudice 54 (b), this Court directs entry of judgment of non- here with. i 1. This Court shall retain and hereby does retain jurisdiction entirety, over this matter in its including any claims which may be reinstated. -2CASE and NO.3-O4-0160 Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 108 JA 0030 Filed 11/21/2005 Page 3 of 4 I heundew_igncd hereby stipnlal¢ to entry orthis judgment: B),: __ Stcven A. Rile;;' (TN'Bar No. 6258) Nalhan F. Morgan (1N Bar No 022945) "211.)11 National City Ccnler 5], Union Street Nashville Tennessee 37219-8966 (615) 244-6380 (615) 244-6804 Facsimile 1906 West F_nd Avenue Nashville, Tennessee 37203 (615) 320-3700 (6,5) 320-3737 Facsimile James R lliggins, Jr. (KY Bar No. 31790) Robert J '! heuerltaul'(K Y Bar No. 89068) M II)1)1I'.'1ON REU I'LINGI'.'R 2500 Brown & Williamson 'lower I,onisville, Kentucky 40202-3410 (502) 584- t135 (502) 561-0442 Facsimile Roger I.. Cook (CA Bar No. 55208) admitted pro hac vice TOWNSENI) AND t'UWNSrNI) ANI) CRI'W Two Embarcadero Ccnler, 8th Floor San Flancisco, Calilbrnia 94111 (,I 15) 576-0200 (415) 576-0300 Facsimile COUNSF_I_ FOR PI ,AIN'I IF'I:, DESA iP. I,I,C COUNSEl, FOR DEFENDANTS, EMI, IT:CIJNOI,OGIES I,I,C -andCOS'I'CO WI IOI ,FkSA1_E CORI_OI_AI 17 IS SO O"')I'RED 'his I"IOWHN RILEY 21_'hY °t N<wombcr' 2005 WARNOCg. JACOItSON ION ..... /¢_/...-_-"_/_S_ll,_ Holl. Aleta Tniuger United States District i;O(,203'18 _ /./ Court I/._ge vI -3CASE NO 3-0.1.0100 Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 108 Filed 11/21/2005 JA 0031 Page 4 of 4 APPENDIX Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-2 JA 0032 I Filed 11/17/2005 Page 1 of 27 1 UNITED FOR THE STATES MIDDLE 2 DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT NASHVILLE OF TENNESSEE DIVISION 3 4 DESA IP, LLC, 5 Plaintiff, 6 CASE VS. NO. 3:04-0160 7 EML 8 TECHNOLOGIES, COSTCO 9 WHOLESALE LLC and CORPORATION, Defendants. i0 ii EXCERPT 12 13 OF PROCEEDINGS VOLUME A JUDGE'S RULING 14 15 16 BEFORE: THE HONORABLE 17 DATE: OCTOBER 18 TIME: 9:00 ALETA 27, A. TRAUGER 2005 A.M. 19 20 21 REPORTED BY: 22 BEVERLY OFFICIAL A-837 23 E. "BECKY" COLE, COURT REPORTER U.S. NASHVILLE, (615) RPR CCR COURTHOUSE TN 37203 726-4893 24 25 Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-2 JA 0033 Filed 11/17/2005 Page 2 of 27 2 APPEARANCES FOR THE PLAINTIFF: JAMES R. HIGGINS, JR. ROBERT J. THEUERKAUF Middleton Reutlinger 2500 Brown & Williamson Louisville, KY 40202 Tower 6 7 FOR THE DEFENDANTS: 8 9 ROGER L. COOK IRIS SOCKEL MITRAKOS Townsend and Townsend and Two Embarcadero Center Eighth Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 Crew I0 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 • 21 22 23 24 25 Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document107-2 JA 0034 Filed 11/17/2005 Page 3 of 27 1 THE 2 orally give 3 case. It 4 will We 5 I have 6 have 7 Charles 8 Technological had had and II paying 14 heard 15 in he terms of the of 5,598,066," 2O as have 21 in dispute 25 at hearing. the hearing, Dr. Tennessee engineering. assistance making to this expert, him to available are Claims Determining the to the meaning Second, Case 3:04-cv-00160 background here, Court, me and hearing. 9, i0 the and scope Costco their the '066 claims patent patent patent, that remain Ii. claim has been Court must of disputed JA 0035 assistance bearing the 107-2 have and of First, fact-finder Document as The a patent steps. EML system to I and claims refer Markman that sued lighting this and has independent I'll 6, two the needed whether involves was for which at as testimony security parties me, expert four level to the plaintiff two the all the number construe during going in Markman court-appointed immense claims. 19 24 and of these "A infringed hearing, electrical helpful arguments titled 23 mind. my in for is in a professor parties infringement 22 my Court construction hearing of been very DESA, for the The claim a three-day is was construing 16 the fresher to has right. him. in and had who the It hearing be University for 12 on assistance Carnal, I thank 13 never prior And I0 18 -- All decision have the 9 17 its COURT: the -- and here, Filed 11/17/2005 claims. I believe we Page 4 of 27 I 4 1 have a jury trial. Have 2 MR. COOK: 3 THE COURT: 4 case 5 construed 6 infringement. a jury, 7 read The 8 three 9 accomplish I0 will the full 11 the purpose days, claims, of 13 and 14 word 15 means 16 Code 17 element 18 means 19 the 2O thereof, 21 corresponding structure 22 specification and each 25 claim that -- plus function Section in or a recital and whether for of the Section It is Case 3:04-cv-00160 in for so as a to specified be material construed or the acts to in each claim that uses are written 35 United I'm be -- the in States quoting .... An expressed in of first function acts was as a without support to cover described the in the thereof. first thing 112/6 applies. Document or been Court. -- an has the invoke may is construction claim and there the claims -- material shall a this properly Markman, terms those a combination settled for is as again whether provides equivalence well law is of performing claim steps, dispute which which relevant each structure such here format claim of in whether with two the whether 112/6, step So is jury? claims or hearing, these whether "means" 23 24 is the accordance dispute major a fact-finder, device a matter 12 The whether this in is major dispute Okay. of first requested Yes. accused held which The all determine on the you the that 107-2 Court a has claim to decide limitation Filed 11/17/2005 JA O036 is that Page 5 of 27 1 actually 2 presumption 3 that's 4 decision uses a quote of the the And 8 word 9 Section 112 10 "means" is by "means" Ii Apex federal is not in central Here, dispute. all disputed rebutted in the following 16 or to 17 the material 18 the 20 specify 21 claim 22 sufficient 23 itself 24 25 presumption a not does use The use terms performance agree is not used. use the that of the word use the word presumption the term rather of perform where but may be "means" than the claimed use the either contends for then material entirely recite does function a function Case 3:04-cv-00160 a claim rebutted structure "means" "means" claims functional corresponding DESA word does when is recites to parties but structure function, collapses. Conversely, 19 2003 ways. describe presumption both that applies. term on 1365, word the the 13 relies Thus, of presumption nonetheless And presumption determination. claim F.3d term the the 15 the to so a 325 rebuttable apply. "means", When when a 12 14 6 applies. I think a claim trigger not rebuttable circuit. contrast, does a paragraph case, applies will invokes 112, the presumption 7 "means" Section from That that word that 5 6 the the that the sufficient the goes or acts recited claim structure Document107-2 JA 0037 the to within "means", claim does not or where the means on term elaborate the claim function. terms containing material Filed 11/17/2005 or the acts so Page 6 of 27 1 as _o rebut 2 3 the And presumption the preponderance of burden the that is on Section DESA to 112/6 applies. demonstrate that by a evidence. 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 Ii 12 13 So moving 14 Section 112/6, 15 112/6, 16 means expressions 17 means that as 18 is on the without be convenience 20 specified in 21 thereof. And 22 is the section 24 identify 25 explicitly applies, the Case 3:04-cv-00160 a price a quote the Court as in the the OI been and Document 107-2 JA 0038 use of possible paid for to of means equivalence Corp. case. things: means then use the determined two unreclted apply Section permit the claim the do to all and has claim; that be the from must stated to apparatus must of it order of claimed tha_ in intended description once function recited in written Accordingly, 23 was limitation _hat's has recitation used the decision, circuit doc'maented, However, that that federal well might 19 from that the First, that identify Filed 11/17/2005 is the Page 7 of 27 7 1 corresponding 2 function structure set 3 With 4 the 5 function 6 explicitly 7 Chemicals. 8 claim. in does claim by The Ii Court 12 -- 13 patent. resorts the written 14 And 15 carefully 16 perform 17 determining so the 18 19 specification 2O or 21 structure the here 24 before let I do the me give a comes from Micro from within the the second to the and all at the all the issue the of the parts inquiry pretty features needed are cited the patent of the to as is. structure clearly recited little the function, parts disclosed structure, the step, relevant that structural should to perform limit that that to must from plus And regard and of a means different come function on of fact corresponding moving identification in if history particular must structure determine to -- claim. function the step, function description only the limitation structure Court recited prosecution 23 the that is So the description what To 22 with the first a the function to the permit in of performs claim. adopting However, identification to not recited i0 the respect function 9 25 forth that in actual bit link the claims more the or in the specification associate that claim. that background are on at the issue law that. The Case 3:04-cv-00160 Phillips case Document -- I know 107-2 JA 0039 the Markman Filed 11/17/2005 - hearing Page 8 of 27 1 here 2 the 3 kind 4 makes 5 what 6 and has been a Phillips of case walks it Court finding 7 to 9 are a be 10 to ii usually the in view the of this the as to Court well analysis specification views because and is, it also which in construing these it very clear that specification of which makes the specification is enforced 14 the specification 15 clear, claims concise 16 The the is analysis always and 21 construction. of And the The tried are is claims highly often claims they relevant dispositive, to vigorously in to claimed construed which they that of plaintiffs statutory be stays aligns description requirement invention to are be in in that full, part. to the claim patent's the end from the the correct Phillips specification. this limit consistent the instruction the be a true with will takes importance written terms. invention Court the the the naturally the the Case 3:04-cv-00160 by of most description 24 claims and 20 on exact construction language 22 and The 19 between described specification 18 has the court kinship the 25 of reference close and case And a tutorial some construction 13 23 of Court. structure. and The with the dispositive. 12 17 bit what Phillips claimed for through makes read part, a clear the The are as us pretty the 8 tutorial -the Document 107-2 plaintiff in specification Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0O40 this here, case which Page 9 of 27 1 appears 2 abstract, and 3 the of at the field 4 I 5 very 6 which 7 get 8 specification 9 which beginning maybe the to claims, Court I0 And counsel 12 itself 13 and in his was 14 3 And 15 beginning 16 specifications 17 the 18 intended to 19 and not, 2O embodiment. of does 21 Court the patent fulfill the moreover, diagrams The 24 preferred embodiment 25 in with in Case 3:04-cv-00160 column that all of we this get to find important reference the Document part that the 107-2 the consult structure each 3, claims the as in construing that was claim preferred figures throughout 2A accompanying Filed 11/17/2005 and this preferred invention JA 0041 at individual the the present to patent column material to specifically the to the description. just of to to arguments we plaintiff's referring his it the notice describe states is my of 2 7, until structure. function are goes the appropriate to and make description, find before trying here specification of maybe enough. detailed was the and the he views maybe testimony column part, to one are an in in not patent detailed in 23 detail the played the this oh, invention, is the when the which and escape in in 22 patent not argument and The have -refer that claims of to, the that start which did is law which referring column but 2 must it of description, column to patent, summary case the in the the ii the that begins the the invention, think clear of -is 2B, hearing. a described drawings, Page 10 of 27 i0 making Court reference puts the In to the text structure pretty 8 track to the So I0 it Ii really -- a 13 to 14 visual both the 15 so the The 16 means 17 to for said 18 going I text for to 3. _nd the description. initial how through this that A will be the elements a -- resort patent process, 2A a and was provides it 2B very became closely make be first the a -- to in my claim and 2B, up the structure. term is Claim defendants' as which the but I first in sensor external 6. witness, "I" that provide condition in say construczion 2A construed this and specification predetermined is has below embodiment, of referring to referred notch preferred diagr__m, This defendant one parcel that term apparatus. it of and and has put part detecting Massengill, the my out Figure more first The below and text. it's And B, claims, find going that little think '12 me I'm it's and function in =o 2A notch description actual 9 one these clear the i, construing However, 7 Figures drawings for 6 19 to his Dr. materials. 20 21 22 23 24 25 So condition there's external Case3:04-cv-00160 no to dispute said about apparatus Document107-2 what means. first It Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0042 determined is the Page llof27 a ii l self-defined 2 own term lexicographer? 3 [ And to 5 predetermined 6 begins in column 3 and 8 support the top the 9 the II claim function column to writer is acting as their for -- the for line of 24 Court finds detecting external top 4. that a in said apparatus and goes to 4, ending text first to coluLmn the the is end with -- of line 5 at ] finds that that accomplishing entire the section function of describes that first term. 12 And I am 13 lettering 14 consistent. 15 calling these 16 to as that the Court structure patent of 3 with coltt_n The 10 structure condition of the Lexicographer. the 4 7 where for going this We to because had things so refer it many to seems claim different Dr. to charts things. Massengill's be the and I'm most everybody going to refer "I". 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-2 JA 0043 Filed 11/1712005 Page 12 of 27 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 MS. Honor? I'm MITRAKOS: THE Claim 22 add A to and Claim that 23 "and And 24 illustrate 25 the Case you repeat that, Ycur serry. 20 21 Can in the descripticn 3:04-cv-00160 COURT: It's I have the exactly same the ruling same as ruling, for "I". and ! will equivalence". terms of elements and the that that are Document JA drawings, are 0044 included tracked 107-2 the Filed in drawings in that 11/17/2005 this part of description Page 13 of 27 13 1 The 2 Massengill 3 means next has for The condition 6 disputed. And for 9 finds is for that a and the this maintains Ii resistors that And claim in 14 structure; 15 equivalence. That is Court consonance I want to find column 4, next is what 2O that what Dr. Massengill 21 9, and ii, is 22 and 23 correct. hear Is in from Claim equivalent anybody that correct? 24 MR. HIGGINS: 25 THE COURT: Case 3:04-cv-00160 the claim It 6. is find the -- the The structure plaintiff and _he photocell and construes this view of plus the textual the this needed resistors reference for and that. 20. Dr. And labels and who not J photocell and sensor predetermined photocell, the defense 19 KI. must the that lines 19 appears only the And we Dr. second second That includes finds with is nighttime. diagram the The I'll it is 18 i0 is what condition. the that that 16 17 the what basically, on that nighttime. function appear and is that And is predetermined on structure defendant 13 it detecting, 10 12 agree construe J. second that so I will Element parties is 7 8 dubbed detecting 4 5 element the Massengill refers parties seem CI, which occurs the same, the disagrees. I don't to in to agree Claims same claim, I think that's Your Honor. disagree, as Okay Document 107-2 JA 0045 Filed 11/17/2005 Page 14 of 27 14 1 MS. MITP_OS: 2 MR. COOK: 3 THE COURT: 4 circuit 5 first and 6 light at 7 said first 8 second 9 said means coupled second said l0 in Ii condition to predetermined to response emit to said of This lamp means for detection and said of in for second said first reads: Control responsive causing illumination condition at claim and condition light correct. correct. Okay. level predetermined lamp That's sensor first That's to said in lamp t_e response level emit of said said of to absence to causing said light -- illumination predetermined 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 tlzu_t:t_, 19 detection ub____5-porcent, of the __a _ _ Or _-esp_se_ object. 20 21 22 23 24 25 Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-2 JA 0046 Filed 11/17/2005 Page 15 of 27 15 l ending with 2 So 3 beginning 4 paragraph. it of 5 provide 7 Massengill's 8 Dr. 9 this starts K1 i2 this claim 13 next This 15 condition 16 interval 17 for 18 level 19 predetermined 2O said to causing first 21 the lamp illumination structure 23 the accent 24 has been setting circuit said that that text that the to is Dr. diagrams included by within in response Dr Massengill need are to in construe agreement. includes means predetermined of expiration the what means first thereafter a predetermined of emit to said light said absence time of time interval at said first second a recurrence ef condition. in will is parties to predetermined and finds I don't the in of elements measurement condition that the the end Again, Cour_ construe to the from same. control responsive Basically, 22 the paragraph. down language Z think initiating said a% that function. the of of lines ends of to detection for and of And I believe is five that are end that actually, because responsive CI. claim the and for which And, 14 or illustrative The K2. four construes and structure, calls 14, structure Massengill I! line paragraph Court the i0 6, the The 6 25 column plain bring after language, about a set this having time the interval means lamp a go after back to motion detected. So, in Case 3:04-cv-00160 other words, it's Document107-2 in accent mode, Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0047 a motion Page16 of 27 16 1 is 2 this 3 level detected; is it the after 4 that 6 basically you that a period set my agree And 8 Dr. Massengill 9 the parties on have is ii anybody disagree the 12 look for a And K2, with of here that is it's 12. suspect that least his on-timer supports We C2. If COURT: the diagram analysis and this COOK: 18 THE COURT: are you quickly are of is that turn-on function. Does scrambling to saying Here's C2, and it in both red and outlined MR. Yes, Yes, you are it's the shows -- this blue. correct. yes. And, Mr. Higgins, do I have your to construe one? 2O MR. HIGGINS: 21 THE COURT: that and accent that? 17 22 to for this .And down positions the that back parties' at MITRAKOS: it's that I that MITRAKOS: on the that MS. agreement of and 16 19 time. illumination. lamp 6 through show picture function. the of lines is higher structure structure THE the brings agreed MS. 14 15 4, will inhibit 13 the this i0 to analysis column 7 up means And 5 goes You So do, I don't Your Honor. really need one. 23 The next claim one 24 Massengill. That 25 said circuit control Case 3:04-cv-00160 is is means Document C2 of -- delineated includes 107-2 as dubbed in this by way: switching Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0048 Dr. Wherein means for Page 17 of 27 17 1 selectively 2 said AC permitting and voltage £o said Now, what Dr. preventing the application of !amp. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2G 21 once 22 not again, need 23 to construe It 24 include 25 actuated Case I believe Massengill the that is worded: means for causing for a selected 3:04-cv-00160 describes parties are as claim in agreement, C3, and I do claim. Wherein said said switching portion of each Document107-2 JA control means half Filed11/17/2005 0049 circui_ to wave means be cycle Page18 of of 27 18 1 said AC voltage. 2 And I believe 3 testimony 4 his 5 everyone agrees that 6 block the -- on And the of Dr. testimony on 7 8 through 16, 9 applied to the C3 the HIGGINS: II MS. MITRAKOS: 12 THE COURT: 14 for 15 initiated in 16 point the each half for 17 wave after 19 creating 2O wave having 21 that is 22 crossing the voltage 23 That 24 structure 25 column for, 4, at lines Case 3:04-cv-00160 sign is claim witnesses, portion diagram. column 5, lines signal is a ramp voltage Claim The electrical the be of 6 is with that? Your Honor. correct. detection varying initiated of in "means". an analysis a of Claim wave ramp the E, form pulse zero which having which is crossing wave. function word a to the disagreement, next AC the angle disagree producing said response The 18 of half The my "Input That's for on would anybody No to phase -- to plaintiff sentence, Does means the support the lamp." as the description MR. described of includes with according according testimony I0 is least and textual ending 13 at Massengill and the that the a E -- at the this is underlined the a constant link time is of half language means rate for for each a wavelength, corresponding to the sign and zero wave. function and the Court 55 and 56. that finds Document 107-2 we the must find structure Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0050 the for that in Page 19 of 27 19 1 2 Dr. two lines; Carnal, does 3 4 that DR. Your Honor. sure 7 E, and I believe 8 -- the last the it's CARNAL: II THE COURT: 12 DR. CARNAL: 13 THE COURT: 14 in the page DR. I0 were more just on It's just those right. I'm sorry, correctly. You or that? sounds following people 9 That COURT: claim about right? CARNAL: THE 6 right sound I wasn't 5 half am perhaps this two zoned room out, are. lines. as It's It's the I'm Claim bottom ii. Just one moment. Yes, Your Honor. equivalence." 15 I mean The 16 Massengill 17 means for 18 first value 19 and 2O predetermined a 21 next causing second voltage 23 predetermined 24 in 25 object. to reaction to as said the in two lines? ma'am. I will add to that equivalence" on all be is what G, construed means first absence value responsive threshold of response said to "and of these. Dr. to voltage said to have predetermined detection sensor a condition of said condition. This 22 And "and to the Yes, claim referred in Just is have a a means first for value environmental to Case 3:04-cv-00160 the causing sensing in the the absence requirement of Document107-2 the minimum motion and of of a of a second a person Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0051 level value or Page 20 of 27 2O 1 The 2 in 3 equivalence. 4 described column structure 4, lines And in 5 Massengill 7 light 8 and next refers external absence 9 i0 function II daylight. 12 to of photocell. 14 and the 38 illustration that shows be claim to be construed to H, light as said function through would 46 the is found and elements included. is sensing apparatus the function is for detecting -- plaintiff for what Dr. means responsive detecting the to presence this the is Claim presence maintains defendant in and that maintains it that Ii. The absence of is simply the it is photocell the resistors. And 16 persuasive, 17 for 18 structure 19 equivalence. 20 46, this daylight. The 15 the through So The 13 supports the there The 6 38 that the that function Court it must here, is set out And the last 21 Massengill 22 circuit means including 23 sensing means for 24 third 25 said refers value light to sensing the defendants' include for in the claim as to C4, means Document 19 be construed in first detecting 107-2 Filed JA 0052 as as and 20, II, said second -- and what voltage and well that is to threshold said more And Claim responsive said is lines is argument resistors 4, which means from the structure. column causing different Case 3:04-cv-00160 finds Dr. said light to have values a when daylight. 11/17/2005 Page 21 of 27 21 1 So this 2 -- 3 value different 4 light sensing that causes 5 light being 7 light of 8 the from the I0 21, Ii reset 12 from 13 Claim the is the shows 16 included the that's found in It second of device have value about a when third the day. basically there at it's 21 that the column 4, starts, all will when be no there's that to -- structure line "The just down includes that Now, 20 finds difference in 17 what to brings the to 21. I daylight one think detect sentence through support it's and that 26. goes That's in ii. 15 19 the voltage light is Court of That I'm from and middle 14 18 the value middle. portion," the and that day. function in structure of first senses third the level the emitted And that is minimum means So 6 9 function not claims I going to in what said term CARNAL: 22 THE COURT: 23 DR. CARNAL: 25 about a the the diagram positions on of what C4 is go through claims -- and I one more time for each of want to because these make sure in that clear. DR. question parties' appears, 21 24 the and structure. this very in I'm sure equivalence, while claim Case 3:04-cv-00160 ago, that and was Document Your Honor? Your Honor? Yes? Forgive I'm at me. thinking the 107-2 bottom You that of asked that I confused page Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0053 got II. Page 22 of 27 22 1 2 THE yeah, I couldn't 3 4 read DR. for producing a 5 6 to the top of misunderstood 9 two highlighted 12 figuring CARNAL: you, but THE COURT: in out I of on that and ii; Yes? states, halfway" go page "means -- include -- went on Well, I if thought I'm you -- I said may it have only included two colors, DR. 14 would start 15 paragraph 16 5, line That was so my I'm question. having a I have hard time I have, it -- 13 in CARNAL: column right According 4. after It's line 55, to what the beginning and it of it the terminates in column 6. 17 THE COURT: Good. DR. CARNAL: Okay. Good, that's what I marked. 19 I one reach Did bottom here. the form COURT: the notations It's wave on lines. ii 20 own one 5? i0 had my ramp DR. 8 The CARNAL: THE 7 18 COURT: thought you 21 22 different 23 because 24 the 25 wanted said it THE COURT: colors, in same our so make Case 3:04-cv-00160 just Well, discussion about sure that misunderstood. had two I appreciate We I included I markings. to Then had your marked had Document107-2 that in correcting I know corresponding I two that that you markings, right. So Filed 11/17/2005 JA OO54 sorry. lines. it that, I'm had and thank I you for Page 23 of 27 23 1 that correction. 2 Now, 3 the 4 many 5 ended 6 appear 7 construction, 8 plaintiff's parties I'm because different up going the there were to -- and these are plaintiff's HIGGINS: i0 THE COURT: reference, 12 added 13 I 14 Massengill's 15 appears in Claims 16 6. K1 claim 17 appears in Claims that His to The 6. 20 is in 21 in II. C2 is I0 22 been 24 simply 25 announced K in called the 9, upon Case 3:04-cv-00160 by the the aid of and claims, order that so I they 112/6 of, I believe, the to K2 claim 9, I0 and is in i0 Document and I then 6; that his A claim And I claims, say the but Dr. claim appears Cl C3 ii. be findings three-day 107-2 in -- is H term in in Claim claim is in Claim 10 and ii. ii, and C4 an I E is have order that conclusions hearing Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0055 in that issuing and is 9, constructions will my this is ii. claim make. of 6. but Ii. reference end J of these and Claim his Claim and gave Honor. ease with quickly II; Your for started in in the just Massengill and sorry, are I appears i0 G correct, So very I0 9, those at Dr. appears Ii. adopts chart claim -- various 10 That's through Claims and So 23 go page the charts alternate Okay. that "I" 18 19 was letters claim these in for brief. MR. II on and many proposed starts rebuttal want so refer 9 just through, to which the go ways taking in to at which I Page 24 of 27 24 1 have heard 2 3 many, And dispositive many expert next phase the motions. Will 4 MR. COOK: 5 THE COURT: any of MS. MITRAKOS: THE COURT: 6 deadlines for 7 8 Your after this ruling 12 a provision 13 discussed you should 16 management 17 filed have that I suppose, will be phase? so. I don't have believe we've set any we? We have it a agreed to deadlines, days front say after that my THE keyed off a COURT: certain COURT: just be your clocks entering Case 3:04-cv-00160 deadlines rule. Okay. So of and me, That's does it did what state I don't. dispositive First, number THE will Those days have we conference. Okay. 23 25 of -- Does motions I the will case be it's expert reports, and motions. MITRAKOS: start number ruling? MS. I would to the 22 24 days MITRAKOS: dispositive 2O certain Yes. telephone in MS. it's 60 COURT: order 60 Is something? the that 18 all And case, to I think taking THE 15 21 this go MITRAKOS: during 14 then we that, or MS. ii 19 of testify. Honor. 9 i0 witnesses a All of days That's So this today. that are ruling? Your Honor. made today, so I say, I was And, adopts Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0056 they this correct, order Document 107-2 But after ruling running brief right. as by Page 25 of 27 25 1 reference. 2 Anything 3 for 4 totally 5 appreciate 6 purpose. your else excellent that We your are can presentations. incomprehensible all we in to work, me and do today? Thank made something You comprehensible, it was -- fulfilled and you all I its recess. 7 8 9 I0 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-2 Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0057 Page 26 of 27 26 1 REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE 2 3 I, 4 for 5 of the United the 8 2005, 9 LLC I in and the hearing 12 accurate 14 and at on in of an was record for of to the do stenotype IP, on LLC, vs. Middle District certify: shorthand machine typewritten is the 26 27, 3:04-0160; connection by a and TECHNOLOGIES, No. form transcript 25, EML in to Reporter hereby Case proceedings Court October proceedings foregoing the Court CORPORATION, reduced of Official court DESA excerpt the COLE, Nashville, the open WHOLESALE That 13 offices matter That the District held COSTCO "BECKY" reported proceedings i0 15 with That 7 E. States Tennessee, 6 ii BEVERLY me; true best with and of my skills abilities; This the 2nd day of November, 2005. 16 17 18 Is 19 BEVERLY E. COLE, RPR CCR 20 21 22 23 24 25 Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-2 Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0058 Page 27 of 27 APPENDIX Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-3 II Filed JA 0059 11/1712005 Page 1 of 7 Appendix A MASTER Ref. Letter SubRef. Letter Reference Name CLAIM CHART Clahns Claim Text I Preamble An apparatus comprising A Sensor Means sensor means for detecting a predetermined condition external to said apparatus; B Lamp a lamp which can emit a first level of illumination and which can also emit a second level of illumination substantially greater than said first level of illumination, said lamp being capable of switching rapidly fi'om said first level of illumination to said second level of MassengiU Conclusion 6,9,10, 11 9,10,11 § 112 ¶ 6 applies since, as Carlson agrees for claim elements I and J, this claim element recites insufficient structure to perform stated function. Not stated in m .eans plus function claim ilIurnination; t "Means plus function" key: "means" [including and response] underlined; function italicized). "for"] in bold; structure [including location Defts. 44 Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-3 Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0060 " format.-§112 ¶6 is presumed not to apply. Page 2 of 7 c(1) Claim element control circuit means C(1) Control coupled to said lamp and responsive to said sensor means for causing said lamp to emit light at said first level of illumination in the absence of said predetermined condition, and for causing said lamp to emit light at said second level of illumination in response to detection of said predetermined condition, wherein said control circuit means is powered by an AC Circuit Means (el. 9, 10, 11) C C(2) Sub-element C(2) Switching Means volta ege.s_(sic),and wherein said control circuit 9,10,11 §112, ¶6 applies since, as Carlson agrees for claim element K(1 ), this claim dement recites insufficient structure to perform the stated functions. 9,10,11 §112 ¶ 6 applies since, as Carlson agrees, this claim element recites insufficient structure to means includes_ means for selectively permitting and preventing the application of said A C voltage to said lamp and perform the stated function. C C(3) Sub-element Means for C(3) Causing Switching Means To Be Actuated [wherein said control circuit means includes] means for causing said switching means to be actuated for a selected portion of each half wave cycle of said A C voltage, said portion of said half waves being greater for said second level of illumination than for said first level of illumination; 9,10,11 §112 ¶ 6 applies since, as Carlson agrees, this claim element recites insufficient structure to perform the stated function. 2 Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-3 Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0061 Page 3 of 7 C(4) D E" Sub-element C(4) Means Causing Threshold To Have Third Value ! said Circuit means daylight. a zero crossing detect circuit for detecting zero crossing points of said AC voltage, Zero Crossing Detect Means For Producing Ramp Wave Form 11 §112 ¶ 6 applies since, as Carlson agrees, this claim element recites insufficient structure to perform the stated function. 10, 11 This claim element is not in means plus function format; §112¶6is presumed to not apply. 10, 11 §112 ¶ 6 applies since, as Carlson agrees, this claim element recites insufficient structure to including means responsive to said light sensing means for causing said threshold voltage to have a third value different from said first and second values when said light sensing means is detecting means for producing ramp waveform having for each half wave of said AC voltage a ramp pulse which is initiated in response to detection of the zero crossing point for the half perform the stated function. wz2ve_ Comparator a eomparator Which compares said ramp pulse to a threshold voltage, and which actuates said 10, 11 switching means at a point in time when the ramp voltage In'st exceeds said threshold voltage, and This claim element is not in means plus function format, so §112¶6is presumed not to apply. 3 Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-3 JA 0062 Filed 11/17/2005 Page 4 of 7 G Mealls for Causing Threshold To Have F Second Values [claim 10] means responsive to said sensor I,q causing said frst threshold voltage to have a first value in the absence of said predetermined condition, and a second value in response to detection said predetermined conditions; 10, 11 §112 ¶ 6 applies since, as Carlson agrees, this claim element recites insufficient structure to perform the stated function. 11 §112 ¶ 6 applies since this claim element recites insufficient structure to of [claim 11] means re_.g_onse (sic) to said sensor means for causing said threshola g to have a first value in the absence of said predetermined condition, and a second value in response to detection said predetermined conditions; H Light Sensing Means of light sensing means responsive to light extemal for detecting the presence absence of daylight, and perform the stated function. 2 In claim 10 phrase corresponding to claim 1 l's "said threshold" is said first threshold voltage. These phrases mean the identical thing. In claim 11, the orhitted word "voltage" is implicit, since "said threshold" refers back to "threshold voltage" in the prior clause F. Similarly, in claim 10, the added word "first" is surplusage, since there is only one threshold voltage mentioned in claim 10, at clause F. Accordingly, claim elements G [10] and G [11] have identical meanings. Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-3 Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0063 Page 5 of 7 First Sensor Means first sensor means for detecting a first predetermined condition external to said apparatus, said first predetermined condition being motion relative to said first sensor means of a person or an object separate from said apparatus Second sensor means Second Sensor Means K K(1) for detecting a second predetermined condition, said second predetermined condition being a predetermined level of light external to said apparatus Claim element Conlrol circuit means K(I) Control Circuit Means 6) coupled to said lamp and responsive to said In'st and second sensor memas for (Ct causing said lamp to emit light at said first level of illumination in response to said second predetermined condition in the absence of said first predetermined condition, and for causing said lamp to emit light at said second level of illumination in response to detection of said first predetermined co-'_;_'_- Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-3 JA 0064 Filed 11117/2005 §112 ¶ 6 applies since, as Carlson agrees, this claim element recites insufficient structure to perform the stated function. §112 ¶ 6 applies since, as Carlson agrees, this claim element recites insufficient structure to perform the stated function. § 112 ¶ 6 applies since, as Carlson agrees, this claim element recites insufficient structure to perform the stated function. Page 6 of 7 K I I !I<(2) Sub-element K(2) Means Responsive to Detection of First Predetermined Condition I I wherein said control circuit means includes means responsive to detection of said first predetermined condition for initiating measurement of a predetermined time interval, and responsive to expiration of said time interval for causing said lamp to thereafter emit light at said first level of illumination in response to said second predetermined condition in the absence of a recurrence ofsaidfirst predetermined condition. § 112 ¶ 6 applies. As Carlson has admitted, this sub-element K(2) recites insufficient structure to perform the stated functions. 6 Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-3 Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0065 Page 7 of 7 APPENDIX Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-4 IH Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0066 Page 1 of 15 Q ...,. tO O ",m- O E 0 = V e-' e_ d o ',3 0 c- E_ o9 _ _E m .j _ 0 Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-4 Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0067 Page 2 of 15 Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-4 Filed 11/'17/2005 JA 0068 Page 3 of 15 ® ,q..... .y..- d _!,| _ = i_ _- _ o_..i ......I I_ . _-... ,.,,... - r" C_ r" 0 oj :""7.._ m 7 II eu 7 .._ "_.._ c_ ,-...4 cco E_ _ CD o..o '! _,._ .........,..,:..... I t_ e" -- 22J e_-_ 0 .= -5 _ __) ' i _ Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-4 Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0069 Page 4 of 15 Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-4 Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0O70 Page 5 of 15 ® II i_?_. to 0 Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-4 Filed 11/17/2005 JA 007'1 Page 6 of 15 ® Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-4 Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0072 Page 7 of 15 Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document107-4 Filed 11/17/2005 Page 8 of 15 JA 0073 © Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-4 Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0074 Page 9 of 15 (9 o 0 C O t- m t_ o_ _...:..:..,_..L._..,_ ._.::' !'_a-, _ _i ,,""_I,A v" "" ', ....... II _"---_'-+i ' ........... !' ............... ' '_o_ ,_. o..*.to.°o.* .oo,,._ r- _ • _ o _,...oo*.. ,, ...... : _ ,** ?.. •, • • o_... |o ,. -_ I, .:.._ ,_ ).. ., 66.*-4-- o'= ii_ , ql i1_ _._." 0 _ _ _, .._ 0 ',.i.Z il _l :Ve_ e_m _ _ ..... ,_ .--"..---.I : • . ..... _...... _ '_'-q_.__ i _oo_ [ ,'l : .-- . , ,I I Case 3:04-cv-00160 n Document n I 107-4 Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0075 , : I-V-l_,._! i , i , Page 10 of 15 ® I'_:_ ..... 4Ei ...... !7_ i , _ I,.=I llO _ ',.Iltt I ,ll tl_{l "_E _ i._. "1. ! w-i,,-/, ill L_........ --I i _ ,I ill,-- i ' 0 _ .... I'l .__ / _1 = II I":'' i , t 1 ,,----. ,,Ill _ ' .-_._ llll_ .... _ e.- _.__ _ _._._ 0 09 _= _.c. _'=-o o°_'-'_ o o Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-4 JA 0076 Filed 11/17/2005 Page 11 of 15 @ m _'_N •_ o _.._0 _ _Noe ,.., _ _._ N-_.-o w ! • °i o__ Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-4 Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0077 Page 12 of 15 @ ,..._ 0 "=_ ,,... O'l _- e-_) _o= GO E _ v 0 _.-'_ _. _" .._ £/') r-c0 I .... • o _!_ 0 qL I::: 0 ,,t ; ....,..,:...... o_ m 0 _ &,) e,,- _ _o_o_ %) _2._ o F_, %2 •E o'- o ! rt....' " _:_:._,_.___,. .__...... , , -.. , _f_ _, ol !: k ° _ i::: c.,) ,,b ,-="_ Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-4 JA 0078 Filed 11/17/2005 Page 13 of 15 i @ iOJ 0 D I e_ ¢-, Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-4 Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0079 Page 14 of 15 O L..,. _ O. __ r- O o v, _o'_ _ o'_ .- o _ ._ ._-_ _ ,_ •N 0 _ o0o _, _.__'_ _, -_°-_ 0 o • -;C'_ t- _' o'_-.o 0 _Eo I | •_ "_ ._ o! Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 107-4 Filed 11/17/2005 JA 0080 Page 15 of 15 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF TENNESSEE NASHVILLE DESA, DIVISION IP, LLC, Plaintiff, Civil No. V. 3:04-0160 Judge Trauger EML TECHNOLOGIES, LLC and COSTCO CORPORATION, WHOLESALE Defendants. ORDER A Markman At the conclusion For the reasons hearing of the hearing, expressed as if set forth verbatim, "means was held in this case on October plus function" the court announced at the close of the hearing, it is hereby ORDERED terms according claim terms are construed in accordance 25, 2005 through its decision which October on the pending are incorporated 27, 2005. issues orally. herein by reference that the claim terms are to be interpreted to 35 U.S.C. § 112, Sixth Paragraph, with the court's and the disputed oral ruling. It is so ORDERED. ENTER this 31 st day of October 2005. U.S. District Case 3:04-cv-00160 Document 105 JA 0081 Filed 10/31/2005 as Judge Page 1 of 1 IN THE FOR UNITED THE STATES DISTRICT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF NASHVILLE DIVISION COURT TENNESSEI_0h FEB 27 A,_ 10:06 U.S, DISTR!CT _" , " MIDDLE _"_r.-,,_........ , OF TN f DESA IP, LLC a Delaware Limited Liability 2701 Industrial Drive Bowling Green, Kentucky Company 42102 Plaintiff, Civil Action Judge V. EML TECHNOLOGIES LLC Magistrate COSTCO WHOLESALE 0 Judg__ JURY -and- No. ll_ 0 4 _ _ _ ...... DEMANDED CORPORATION Defendants. COMPLAINT Plaintiff, DESA Defendants, EML (hereinafter "Costco") alleges IP, LLC (hereinafter Technologies LLC (sometimes "DESA"), (hereinafter collectively by counsel, "EML") referred and for Costco its Complaint Wholesale to as "Defendants"), against Corporation complains and as follows: INTRODUCTION 1. Two-Level -patent laws infringement, '066 Patent 999342.1 This Security of the wherein related is an action Lighting United for infringement System States. Defendants to a two-level of United (hereinafter This have Complaint infringed, security "the States '066 Patent"), comprises and lighting JA 0082 continue system. Patent causes No. 5,598,066 which arises of action to infringe, DESA seeks Plaintiff entitled under for the patent DESA's preliminary and 1.15 0 permanent injunctive infringement; damages relief; all damages awarded fees, including all gains, sustained to DESA reasonable profits and by DESA as a result attorneys' laws Plaintiff of Delaware, Green, Kentucky 3. fees, incurred #300, Berkeley, Defendant upon liability place CT is, upon 94526. 999342.1 the trebling infringement; its of all and all costs and in this action. company organized of business information Upon California at 2701 is, upon Costco and existing Industrial with 530 under Drive, and belief, the Bowling and belief, place business Knoxville place Seltzer, Esq., 2000 organized at 999 Lake the State 37902 at 158 of process. a corporation within company of business for service of business TN liability Eugene Agent its principal Street a limited its principal Registered to conduct Gay belief, having information is registered Corporation, and information is EML's of Washington, This action arises and between citizens and/or that EML's willful from and Drive, of Tennessee to receive and service of it with the State of Tennessee. 5. 6. Defendants PARTIES JURISDICTION 1338(a) by of the infringement; by DESA the laws of California, Costco the laws WA 98027. designated process EML, California under realized 42102. Danville, 4. has its principal under Street Issaquah, is a limited and existing Briar Place, existing having Defendant, organized Center DESA as a result of the Defendants' THE 2. advantages of different under the patent states. AND VENUE laws of the United Jurisdiction" is proper States, 35 U.S.C. under 28 U.S.C. § 1 et seq., §§ 1331, 1332, 1391. Defendant, products EML, upon information are sold and offered for sale JA 0083 and belief, throughout transacts the United business States, nationwide including in within the state of Tennessee belief, certain placed in the stream knowledge Costco of EML's products, United States, Specifically, namely including Costco, 8. this judicial this judicial infringement 10. infringing within upon EML Upon district, in infringement 9. the district, Patent information of the '066 On Patent District belief, within and of Tennessee to, are or otherwise nationwide with including business referred to, throughout within this judicial a major Costco nationwide warehouse has offered by the district. store in to sell and has to. EML's with this district, Costco, Costco's with EML, as set forth venue properly pursuant transacting of business has resulted within and does result as set forth below. Defendant this district, belief, hereinafter Defendant belief, transacts which referred and district. maintains or in cooperation within and referred hereinafter stores and including belief, transacting of business has resulted and does within result in below. resides to 28 U.S.C. in the United §§ 1391(b) and States District (c), and/or 28 § 1400(b). THE 11. by the United 999342.1 Lights on information with Costco at Costco and belief, or in cooperation separately information for the Middle and Lights this judicial from and through separately either and hereinafter information of the '066 Upon district Lights either information information EML re-sold and within EML Specifically, its relationship the state of Tennessee this judicial sold the infringing through for sale and/or upon district. the infringing by EML Costco, including within this judicial the state of Tennessee Defendant, selling U.S.C. products, of commerce within 7. Court within that they will be offered stores Tennessee and including DESA States is the owner Patent '066 PATENT of, and claims and Trademark Office rights under, ("PTO") JA 0084 the '066 on January Patent, 28, which 1997 was issued in the names of inventors David lighting L. Wiesemann, system, of February said '066 13, incorporated assigned 1996. Assignment was Frame Company title and 0030. being recorded owner of the '066 Patent. 13. and inventions to sell, and '066 Patent. DESA import any device By virtue import and further 15. without Plaintiff states sell to the '066 a filing date "A" and as Exhibit EML Patent the No. 0866, '066 Brite" of the '066 Patent to Heath '066 By various Patent Company, became Patent, DESA to sell, and or Costco at Reel issued to Heath thereafter, the most to make, Security use, right embodiments entity Sensor No. and now is the record import to make, which has the exclusive a related Motion was assignments DESA has authorized "Dual the inventors of the PTO on July 29, 1994 assignment or offer DESA not authorized Lights sell or offer to, of the use, sell or under the to sell, or the '066 Patent. I--INFRINGEMENT repeats and realleges information or license for sale, and unlawfully 99934z.1 hereto having security OF THE the forgoing '066 PATENT paragraphs as if fully set forth herein, as follows: Upon permission is attached Records of the use, Patent. COUNT 14. no. 600,823, of the '066 Patent, in and of that Heath-Zenith has under P. Ko, for a two-level serial Patent of the '066 Patent. to, make, in the '066 offer interest of its ownership others claimed '066 at Reel No. 013964/Frame By virtue to authorize of the in Assignment on the face salient from application the time of filing duly recorded as shown and Wai-Shing herein. right, No. E. Schaaf, issuing A copy At or around all their 007088 Patent by reference 12. Daniel from imported, and belief, DESA, Defendant has unlawfully and is now making, JA 0085 EML, through and wrongfully selling or offering its agent made, or agents, sold or offered for sale, and unlawfully importing, in direct competition Electro-Optical Motion A copy packaging of the reference herein. claimed loss and injury Lights Upon for EML's United is attached embody of DESA's States, Thermal (hereinafter as Exhibit and employ exclusive "the EML Range Lights"). and incorporated by the invention(s) described and rights "B" True thereunder, and to the great within and to sell, belief, Defendant and has unlawfully and for the benefit this judicial district, EML has imported into the of Defendant in direct sold Costco, violation or offered United States, including of DESA's to sell, the regular exclusive and EML sales rights of under Patent. 17. without contain, the No. E100WSB-C Lights in violation own benefit Lights the '066 Lights within Model EML information to sell or offer the EML Lights, of the Patent, DESA to DESA. 16. continues Sensor The EML in the '066 with Upon information permission or license sale, and unlawfully in direct sales of same and/or sold with within and/or judicial district Patent, in violation from imported, competition and contain, DESA, DESA within embody of DESA's the The and employ exclusive States, EML used the invention(s) rights for sale, the Lights within thereunder, through its agent and wrongfully or offering United and/or Costco, unlawfully selling district. to be sold Defendant has and is now this judicial offered belief, Lights, imported States described and or offered and unlawfully EML United sold or agents, to the into importing, including the for regular United States including within this and claimed in the '066 great loss and injury of DESA. 18. importation; importation; 999342.1 Defendant or contributing or unlawfully EML's unlawful to the inducing making, making, others using, to make, JA 0086 selling selling or offering or offering use, sell or offer for sale, and unlawful to sell, and unlawful to sell, or import the EML Lights within constitutes the United infringement 19. States Defendant Costco's or contributing importation; or inducing the United infringement 20. products DESA has advantages, including be, deprived and 999342.1 gains district, infringement, derived selling or within this judicial for sale, and offering making, using, use, sell or offer sales the required district selling of same or offering to sell, within unlawful to sell, or unlawful or import the EML this judicial district Lights constitutes infringement profits and in amounts from statutory notice, pursuant Defendants of the advantages to be proven have '066 derived, Patent, from at trial. As all the gains and received, if such and profits further to which but for the aforesaid JA 0087 received, substantial regular has been, and will be, greatly receiving, to 35 U.S.C. § 287 on the '066 Patent. and belief, DESA prevented by this Court, have placed the aforesaid the aforesaid they would regular of same of the '066 Patent. information from enjoined including and sold by it under Upon this judicial unlawful to make, of at least one claim and receive within others sales of the '066 Patent. to the unlawful States manufactured 21. regular of at least one claim importation; within including sales a direct damaged profits, infringing result and has been, of and will is not restrained entitled and devices and proximate is lawfully infringement gains, of infringement DESA and will derive and and which by the Defendants. COUNT 22. and further Plaintiff states 23. '066 Patent offered but despite and/or of the '066 Patent and/or has notice and/or belief, paragraphs and Defendant knowledge imported has induced the others EML has EML as if fully set forth had notice deliberately Lights, to infringe to the infringement information such imported others and belief, notice herein, and and knowledge made and and/or thereby has continues and continues Because or contributed thereof, the to the Lights, to infringe and and to the infringement Defendants' infringement of the sold and/or infringed to induce to contribute of disregard to induce them, of DESA's '066 '066 and/or Patent for the rights and others to to infringement have others has been, and and/or to sell offered to infringe, and/or has of the '066 Patent. or despite inducement of the to infringe, infringed Patent and knowledge and continues to infringement of DES under JA 0088 sold has infringed to contribute each had notice has deliberately continues infringement of the Costco and thereby and continues Defendants, and in conscious Defendant and knowledge the EML to the infringement contributing deliberate, notice has contributed induced 27. infringe such and unlawfully but despite unlawfully aaa342._ and/or Upon and/or contributed the forgoing Patent. 24. '066 information to infringe, infringe, and realleges INFRINGEMENT as follows: Upon to sell continues repeats II--WILLFUL of induced notice the '066 Patent. to and knowledge infringement continues others to be, and/or willful, COUNT 28. Plaintiff and further states 29. an order selling repeats and realleges under a finding 35 U.S.C. or offering § 283 a finding under or offering for sale and unlawfully Plaintiff states 32. Lights which infringement 999342.1 and infringe the '066 preliminarily importing importing is in need result DESA as a consequence which as if fully set forth herein, and Lights infringe preliminarily the EML EML the '066 Lights IV--ACCOUNTING realleges the forgoing is entitled from into the United Patent, and permanently, COUNT DESA permanently, the EML Lights Patent, into the United paragraphs making, States. DESA Costco to is entitled from selling States. as if fully set forth herein, of an accounting making, selling in infringement of all earnings or offering of the '066 achieved to sell, Patent, and by Defendant unlawful and any other EML importation products as of the which result of the '066 Patent. 33. Lights enjoining, § 283 enjoining, repeats of EML's in infringement paragraphs as follows: DESA a consequence EML 35 U.S.C. Lights that the EML's to an order and further the forgoing that the EML for sale, and unlawfully Upon 31. RELIEF as follows: Upon 30. III--INJUNCTIVE result is in need of Costco's of an accounting selling in infringement or offering of the '066 of all earnings to sell, Patent, of the '066 Patent. JA 0089 and and achieved unlawful any other by Defendant importation products Costco of the EML which result in WHEREFORE, A. DESA That pursuant respectfully demands: to 35 U.S.C. § 283, issued restraining and enjoining officers, agents,' servants and made, offering for sale, selling in accordance including with realized by EML EML from infringement of the '066 by the Patent, '066 necessary Patent accessories realized EML That beginning be directed Costco's invention(s) patented in and Lights, other products which products infringe the and injunctions and making or causing forth to DESA and their claimed be respective or causing to be used therewith, marketing the and to accountto and '066 or necessary Patent for all gains, the use and practice of the by the '066 set of marketing selling in infringement of them, or indirectly to be any product in the '066 Patent, Patent, and EML DESA Lights, products for all gains, to sell, Patent from accessories EML and advantages Lights resulting patented and other which in in and products infringe or the '066 the time of triali offering '066 profits of the invention(s) other up to and including resulting and to account and unlawful sold therewith, from permanent Lights. manufacturing the Costco by Costco Lights invention(s) sold in connection and accessories C. any directly each to be sold, or using Patent from and or causing be directed its Costco, from to the EML That and and/or employees or embodying but not limited B. EML preliminary and the sold accessories and profits unlawful unlawful beginning in connection sold therewith, and advantages importation use and practice of marketing therewith, up to and of the of the the EML and other including the time of trial; D. That, DESA such damages and/or Costco 999342.1 in addition, as have EML been and sustained Costco, jointly by DESA up to the time of trial; JA 0090 and as a result severally, be ordered of said infringement to pay to by EML E. That F. That all damages awarded to DESA be trebled by the Court pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 284; severally, pursuant G. reasonable H. DESA proper That attorneys' That DESA recover to 35 U.S.C. EML prejudgment interest § 284 on damages and Costco, fees pursuant DESA recover DESA have jointly awarded and to 35 U.S.C. all its other from EML and Costco, jointly to DESA; severally, be ordered to pay to DESA its be incurred by § 285; costs and disbursements that may in this action; I. That J. That the Court trial by jury on all issues grant to DESA so triable; such other and further Respectfully submitted, and relief as it may deem and equitable. Robb S. _(TN Bar No. BPR WALLER, LANSDEN DORTCH Nashville City Center 511 Union Street, Suite Nashville TN 37219 Phone: Fax: 11519) & DAVIS, PLLC 2100 (615) 244-6380 (615) 244-6804 James R. Higgins, Jr. (KY Bar No. 31790) Robert J. Theuerkauf (KY Bar No. 89068) MIDDLETON REUTLINGER, 2500 and Williamson Brown 401 South Fourth Louisville, Avenue KY 40202-3410 Phone: (502) 584-1135 Fax: (502) Attorneys 999342.1 and JA 0091 561-0442 for Plaintiff PSC Tower just, RECEIVED 26 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF TENNESSEE NASHVILLE DIVISION FOR DESA IP, LLC a Delaware Limited Liability Company, Bowling Green, Kentucky 42102 CASENO. 8 04 0160 JUDGE TRAUGER MAGISTRATE JUDGE Plaintiff, BROWN V° EML TECHNOLOGIES, LLC -andCOSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION Defendants. ANSWER TO Defendant Costco answers Desa 5,598,066 5,598,066 ("Desa") paragraphs Admits BY COSTCO Wholesale '066 Patent") numbered 1. patent IP, LLC's ("the specific COMPLAINT Corporation Complaint filed February entitledTwo-level laws of the United specifically denies to infi'inge, the '066 patent, Security States, 27, 2004 that the defendants, and specifically by and through its counsel, States (the "Complaint"). Patent Costco hereby Number responds to the as follows: System of them, denies of United States (the '066 patent), the remaining or either CORPORATION of United for infi'ingement Lighting but denies (" Costco"), for Infringement of the Complaint that this is an action WHOLESALE Allegations JA 0092 which is entitled Number arises of paragraph have ever infringed, that Desa Patent under 1, and or are continuing to any of the relief the requested and further denies that the relief is without knowledge requested constitutes appropriate remedies for patent infringement. 2. EML the allegations of paragraph 3. Is without allegations 4. 5. Admits that this action arises the patent denies and is without knowledge allegations allegations that EML knowledge of paragraph specifically denies 7. that it transacts including within from and through Denies sufficient lights allegations denies Lights referred information 35 USC all wrongdoing denies denies those and as to the same. to in the Complaint to form a belief and, therefore, States, to form a belief and, therefore, business nationwide Costco warehouse has offered of paragraph by selling and including to Costco, as to the remaining allegations, products within store in Tennessee and throughout the this judicial within to sell and has sold the EML this judicial Lights; but 7. the allegations of paragraph 8 of the Complaint. of paragraph 9 of the Complaint. " i 9. Denies the allegations 10. Admits that venue, Court for the Middle USC §1400 (b). as to the are infringing. a major which as to allegations. to form a belief information the State of Tennessee and that it also maintains 8. sufficient has sold the EML and lacks those laws of the United and further 5 of the Complaint that the EML the remaining of the claim 6 of the Complaint Admits States, under and lacks of paragraph Admits but is without the substance to form a belief same. of paragraph 6. denies denies denies information the allegations remaining District 3 and, therefore, sufficient Admits liability; District; and lacks information and therefore 4. §I et seq.; however, United 2 of the Complaint, knowledge of paragraph and lacks sufficient District Costco as to Costco, of Tennessee is without as to the truth of the remaining pursuant knowledge allegations propei'ly resides in the United to 28 USC §§1391 and lacks sufficient of paragraph JA 0093 States Co) and (c), and/or information 10 and therefore District denies 28 to form a belief same. 11. office Admits ("PTO") E. Schaaf, Patent 1996; that the '066 Patent on January and Wai-Shing issuing from and a copy 28, 1997 in the names P. Ko, entitled application and lacks sufficient allegations of paragraph truth Is without truth contained Is without of the allegations 14. lighting and lacks in paragraph to paragraph Lighting 823, having a filing a belief denies 12 and, therefore, date of February 13, "A", but is without any allegation that the '066 to form a belief denies information 13 and, therefore 14, repeats said '066 generally. information sufficient System", Daniel as to the truth of the remaining systems, sufficient and trademark L. Wiesemann, as Exhibit and specifically in paragraph contained In response same, and lacks knowledge Security patent David to the Complaint to form security knowledge of the allegations 13. information States of the inventors 600, is attached of two-level by the United "Two-level number 11 and denies is for invention •12. serial of the '066 patent knowledge patent was issued same. to form a belief denies and realleges as to the as to the same. the foregoing paragraphs as if fully set forth herein. 15. truth Is without of the allegations from EML within knowledge contained the United No. E100WSB-C (hereinafter Lights as Exhibit is attached any valid claims 16. that Costco denies in paragraph States, Admits "The EML information 15, except True Lights"); "B" to the complaint, that EML to form a belief that it admits Range-Optical and denies as to the that it has purchased Motion and that a copy has sold and continues has sold and continues Admits for sale, the EML Thermal sufficient Sensor Lights, of the packaging that the EML Lights Model of the EML the infringe of the '066 patent. the remaining 17. and lacks allegations to sell the EML of paragraph that Costco Lights, Lights within Lights this judicial to Costco, District, and but 16. has sold and offered but denies to sell the EML the remaining for sale, and is now selling allegations 18. Denies the allegations of paragraph 18. 19. Denies the allegations of paragraph 19. JA 0094 of paragraph 17. and offering 20. truth Is without of the allegations knowledge contained 21. Denies 22. In response and lacks sufficient in paragraph the allegations 20 and, therefore, of paragraph to paragraph information 22, repeats to form a belief denies as to the same. 21. and realleges the foregoing paragraphs as if fully set forth herein. 23. It is without truth of the allegations the EML Lights knowledge and lacks sufficient in paragraph infringe 23 and, therefore, information denies same, to form a belief and specifically as to the denies that the '066 patent.. 24. Denies the allegations of paragraph 25. States that paragraph 25 is missing from the complaint. 26. States that paragraph 26 is missing from the complaint. 27. Denies 28. In response the allegations of paragraph to paragraph 28, repeats 24. 27. and realleges the foregoing paragraphs as if the foregoing paragraphs as if fully set forth herein. 29. Denies the allegations of paragraph 29. 30. Denies the allegations of paragraph 30. 31. In response to paragraph 31, repeats and realleges fully set forth herein. 32. remedy Denies is available 33. remedy the allegations under Denies is available the patent the allegations under the patent of paragraph 32, and specifically laws of the United of paragraph AFFIRMATIVE EML, information for its further and belief, avers and separate defenses that any such denies that any such States. 33, and specifically laws of the United denies States. DEFENSES to the allegations as follows: JA 0095 of the Complaint, on FIRST The Complaint AFFIRMATIVE fails to state a claim SECOND Each claim of patentability U.S.C. of the '066 Patent specified §§ 101,102, 103 and/or equivalents induce others claims applicable for damages Code, including, of the conditions but not limited to, 35 infringe, contribute or by application to the infringement of the doctrine of of the '066 Patent. AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE are barred AFFIRMATIVE is barred, either by the defense ofestoppel. DEFENSE in part or completely, by operation of the statutes. SIXTH Desa U.S.C. to meet one or more DEFENSE literally for relief FIFTH claim States or otherwise either any claim FOURTH Desa's DEFENSE AFFIRMATIVE to infringe, Desa's can be granted. 112. or non-equivalents, By its conduct, relief for failure in Title 35 of the United has not and does not willfully of, or actively which AFFIRMATIVE is invalid THIRD EML upon DEFENSE has brought this action § 285, and entitles Costco AFFIRMATIVE in bad faith, to recover Costco prays Complaint making its attorneys' PRAYER WHEREFORE, DEFENSE FOR this an exceptional fees incurred case under in defending 35 this action. RELIEF for judgment against Desa be dismissed with prejudice; as follows: ao that Desa's b. that the claims of the '066 Patent be adjudged and declared not infringed C. that the claims of the '066 be adjudged and declared invalid; d. that the Court by Costco; defending this action; award Patent to Costco its expenses, and JA 0096 costs and attorneys' fees incurred in e. that the Court award Costco may deem just and appropriate. Dated: April such other relief in law and in equity as the Court :y 23, 2004 Steven'A. Riley (TN Bar No. 6258) Nathan E. Morgan (TN Bar No. 022945) BOWEN RILEY WARNOCK & JACOBSON, 1906 West End Avenue PLC Nashville, TN 37203 Tel: (615) 320-3700 Fax: (615) 320-3737 Roger L. Cook (CA Bar No. 55208) (pro hac vice application pending) TOWNSEND and TOWNSEND and CREW LLP Two Embarcadero Center, 8th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel: 415-576-0200 Fax: 415-576-0300 Attomeys for Defendants EML Technologies LLC., and Costco Wholesale Corporation CERTIFICATE I hereby and first-class certify mail, that postage a copy pre-paid of the Phone: has been PLLC TN 37219 (615) Fax: (615) E-mail: foregoing upon: Robb S. Harvey (TN Bar No. BPR 11519) WALLER, LANSDEN DORTCH & DAVIS, 2100 National City Center 511 Union Street Nashville OF SERVICE 244-6380 244-6804 rharvey@wallerlaw.com JA 0097 served via electronic mail James R. Higgins, Jr. (KY Bar No. 31790) Robert J. Theuerkauf (KY Bar No. 89068) MIDDLETON REUTLINGER, PSC 2500 Brown and Williamson Tower 401 South Louisville, Phone: Fax: Fourth KY 40202-3410 (502) (502) E-maih Avenue 584- 1135 561-0442 jhiggins@middreut.com rtheuerkauf@middreut.com ATTORNEYS FOR DESA IP, LLC this the "L__._day PLAINTIFF of April, 2004. JA 0098 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF TENNESSEE NASHVILLE DIVISION DESA IP, LLC CIVIL Plaintiff, ACTION NO. 3 04 0160 JUDGE ALETA A. TRAUGER MAGISTRATE JUDGE JOE B. BROWN V. EML TECHNOLOGIES, LLC WHOLESALE CORPORATION and COSTCO Defendants. AMENDED Defendant its amended 5,598,066 patent 5,598,066 Admits entitled ("the '066 Patent") numbered denies to infringe, requested Two-level Complaint Security States, but denies the '066 patent, denies System the remaining of United States (the '066 patent), Allegations constitutes EML States Patent Number which arises under the of Paragraph denies that Desa is entitled that the relief requested of United submits as follows: or either of them, have ever infringed, and specifically hereby 27, 2004 (the "Complaint"). of the Complaint Lighting LLC its counsel, for Infringement filed February paragraphs that the defendants, and further by and through that this is an action for infringement laws of the United specifically BY EML TECHNOLOGIES LLC ("EML"), to Desa IP, LLC's ("Desa") to the specific 1. TO COMPLAINT EML Technologies answer Patent Number responds ANSWER 1, and or are continuing to any of the relief appropriate remedies for patent infringement. 2. the allegations 3. EML is without of paragraph Admits knowledge and lacks sufficient 2 of the Complaint, the allegations and therefore of paragraph information denies 3 of the Complaint JA 0099 to form a belief as to those allegations. 4. EML is without the allegations 5. of paragraph Admits § 1 et seq.; however, and liability. is without allegations specifically Admits knowledge denies allegations specifically knowledge and lacks sufficient and further denies information and, therefore, denies those allegations, and lacks sufficient information 7 of the Complaint to in the Complaint and, therefore, denies 9. Denies the allegations of paragraph 9 of the Complaint. 10. Denies that venue, office ("PTO") E. Schaaf, from application lacks sufficient pursuant knowledge resides to 28 U.S.C. and lacks sufficient of paragraph in the United §§1391 information 10 and therefore 28, 1997 in the names P. Ko, entitled serial number is attached information and denies of the inventors "Two-level Security 600, 823, having to the Complaint same. States patent and trademark David L. Wiesemann, Lighting System", a filing date of February as Exhibit Court to form a belief as to the Daniel said '066 Patent 13, 1996; and a "A", but is without knowledge to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining JA 0100 States District Co) and (c), and/or 28 U.S.C. that the '066 Patent was issued by the United and Wai-Shing copy of the '066 patent as to EML, properly of Tennessee on January but Lights are infringing. 8 of the Complaint. Admits to Costco, those allegations, of paragraph 11. and to form a belief as to the remaining the allegations allegations but lights are infringing. Denies truth of the remaining to Costco, to form a belief as to the remaining that it has sold the EML Lights referred EML is without denies same. to in the Complaint 8. §1400 (b). all wrongdoing to form a belief as to and, therefore, Lights referred information 6 of the Complaint that the EML for the Middle District issuing denies those allegations. and lacks sufficient 5 of the Complaint to form a belief as to laws of the United States, 35 U.S.C. of the claim that it has sold the EML of paragraph denies knowledge that the EML Admits the substance of paragraph of paragraph 7. is without EML denies information and therefore that this action arises under the patent allegations 6. and lacks sufficient 4 of the Complaint, EML is without the remaining knowledge allegations of and paragraph 11 and denies invention of two-level 12. same, and specifically security Is without truth of the allegations 13. 14. knowledge contained Is without truth of the allegations lighting contained In response systems, any allegation to paragraph information 12 and, therefore, and lacks sufficient in paragraph that the '066 patent is for generally. and lacks sufficient in paragraph knowledge denies denies information 13 and, therefore 14, repeats to form a belief as to the same. to form a belief as to the denies same. and realleges the foregoing paragraphs as if fully set forth herein. 15. Admits that it is selling within the United Sensor Lights, Model No. E100WSB-C Motion partial copy of the packaging denies the remaining infringe 16. paragraph Admits (hereinafter of the EML Lights is attached allegations any valid claims States, of paragraph Thermal True Range-Optical "The EML Lights"); as Exhibit 14, and specifically and that a "B" to the complaint, denies but that the EML Lights of the '066 patent. that it is selling the EML Lights, but denies 16, and specifically denies the remaining that the EML Lights infringe allegations of any valid claims of the '066 patent. 17. Admits for sale, the EML denies that Costco has sold and offered Lights, but denies the remaining that the EML Lights infringe allegations Denies the allegations of paragraph 18. 19. Denies the allegations of paragraph 19. 20. Is without truth of the allegations contained 21. Denies 22. In response of paragraph 17, and specifically any valid claims of the '066 patent. 18. knowledge for sale, and is now selling and offering and lacks sufficient in paragraph the allegations to paragraph information 20 and, therefore, of paragraph to form a belief as to the denies same. 21. 22, repeats and realleges fully set forth herein. __.4 ) JA 0101 the foregoing paragraphs as if 23. Admits the EML Lights, that the EML but denies the remaining Lights infringe 24. Admits that the EML Lights lacks sufficient in paragraph that it had knowledge allegations any valid claims that Costco infringe information of the '066 Patent and that it has sold and is selling of paragraph 23, and specifically of the '066 patent. has sold and is selling the EML Lights, and specifically any valid claims of the '066 patent, and is without to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining 24 and, therefore, denies denies knowledge allegations denies and contained same. 25. States that paragraph 25 is missing from the complaint. 26. States that paragraph 26 is missing from the complaint. 27. Denies 28. In response the allegations ofp_ragraph to paragraph 27. 28, repeats and realleges the foregoing paragraphs as if the foregoing paragraphs as if fully set forth herein. 29. Denies the allegations of paragraph 29. 30. Denies the allegations of paragraph 30. 31. In response to paragraph 31, repeats and realleges fully set forth herein. 32. remedy is available 33. remedy Denies under the patent Denies is available the allegations the allegations under the patent of paragraph laws of the United of paragraph and belief, 33, and specifically States. AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES defenses to the allegations denies fails to state a claim upon which JA 0102 that any such of the Complaint, avers as follows: FIRST AFFIRMATIVE The Complaint denies that any such States. laws of the United EML, for its further and separate information 32, and specifically DEFENSE relief can be granted. on SECOND AFFIRMATIVE Each claim of the '066 Patent is invalid of patentability U.S.C. specified §§ 101,102, AFFIRMATIVE EML has not and does not willfully equivalents induce others to infringe, or non-equivalents, applicable claim or otherwise infringe, either literally Desa's AFFIRMATIVE claims for relief for damages of DEFENSE are barred by the defense of estoppel. DEFENSE by operation of the On information EML to recover and Trademark for prosecution of those patent misrepresented information § 103, material and/or rendering the claims conduct. On information this an exceptional fees incurred AFFIRMATIVE applications intentionally of the claims persons violated of the '066 Patent unenforceable and belief, the subject of a two-level its product security literature, in defending of patent applications and/or withheld that was, in view of the requirements other responsible this action. for the '066 Patent other persons and/or of 35 U.S.C. their duty of utmost candor, under the equitable includes, light manufactured and/or in responsible intentionally §§ 102(a), of those patent applications, information without (b)_ (e) whereby the thereby doctrine of inequitable limitation, sold by Nippon prior to the time that the inventors JA 0103 case under 35 DEFENSE Office, the inventors to the patentability inventors Co., Ltd., including its attorneys' and belief, during prosecution States Patent knowledge DEFENSE this action in bad faith, making § 285, and entitles inventors' of the doctrine is barred, either in part or completely, SEVENTH and/or to the infringement statutes. Desa has brought the United contribute or by application SIXTH AFFIRMATIVE U.S.C. to, 35 DEFENSE FIFTH AFFIRMATIVE Desa's but not limited any claim of the '066 Patent. FOURTH By its conduct, States Code, including, 112. THIRD of, or actively for failure to meet one or more of the conditions in Title 35 of the United 103 and/or DEFENSE the Ceramic made the alleged inventions o f the claims the structure of the '066 patent and operation and operation of, including manufactured and/or alleged inventions and/or of said Nippon the circuit prior to filing the subject Ceramic diagram sold by Heath Company two-level for, the Reflex security patent applications; light; and, the structure 5315 single level security prior to the time that the inventors made the of the claims of the '066 Patent. PRAYER WHEREFORE, FOR EML prays for judgment against b. that the claims of the '066 Patent be adjudged and declared not infringed c. that the claims of the '066 Patent be adjudged and declared invalid; d. that the claims of the '066 Patent be adjudged and declared unenforceable; e. that the Court award to EML its expenses, f. be dismissed Desa as follows: that Desa's this action; Complaint RELIEF a. defending light with prejudice; costs and attorneys' by EML; fees incurred in and that the Court award EML such other relief in law and in equity as the Court may deem just and appropriate. Dated: February 1, 2005 Respectfully submitted, By: Steven A. Riley (TN Bar No. 6258) Nathan E. Morgan (TN Bar No. 022945) BOWEN RILEY WARNOCK & JACOBSON, 1906 West End Avenue Nashville, TN 37203 Tel: (615) 320-3700 Fax: (615) 320-3737 PLC Roger L. Cook (CA Bar No. 55208) (admitted hac vice rlcook@townsend.com Angus M. MacDonald (CA Bar No. 212526) (admitted pro hac vice) ammacdonald_townsend.com pro TOWNSEND and TOWNSEND and CREW Two Embarcadero Center, 8th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 LLP JA 0104 Tel: Fax: 415-576-0200 415-576-0300 Attorneys for Defendants EML Technologies LLC and Costco Wholesale Corporation 6020013J vl JA 0105 F LED UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF TENNESSEE NASHVILLE DIVISION 2005 FEB I $ U-,% I)I_TK]CT DESA IP, LLC, Civil Action No. 34)4-0160 Judge Aleta A. Trauger Magistrate Judge Joe B, Brown Plaintiff, EML TECHNOLOGIES, LLC and COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION, Defendants. STATEMENT OF STEVEN B. CARLSON Personal t. 2. 3. UNDER and Professional LOCAL RULE 12(c)(6)(c) Background My name is Stereo B. Carlson. I have been retained in connection with the abovenamed lawsuit as an expert in the field of lighting control systems ar,d their design. I received my undergraduate Bachelor of Arts degree m Physics from Whitman College in 1974. [i have over 30 years exponent* m me aestgn anct aeve,,iopmcnt _ntr,-_ I of _ Many of these products were the to err type, including the.first computerized lighting control system used on Broadway, the first microprocessorbased lighting theatre lighting control system, and the first microcomputer-controlled wall box dimmer, among others. My exl_rience extends to project, group, and corporate managemeaat.[l mt listed _ ma mvet_tor on 9 patents m tlae _tectroru_ fleid I 4. [Ismtl_t_rotroq_r40_pap_, . lig,htia 8 _asuhul lad _mi._ _,ttklu_;. • Residential Ethemet Stu(ty Gro_EE ......... e_,aaungt_ ] I Additionally, I am currently Cnatrman 802.3. Our committee is charged with me setting standards for local and metropolitan area computer networks. As Chairman, my duties are to move the project forward in a timely fashion while adhering to all rules of the IEEE Standards Association. I also serve as the Executive Secretary of IEEE 802.3, and was the Chair of 802.3af, the Power-over-Ethemet standard. I also served as the Co-Chair of the Entertainment Services and Technology Association Control 5. Protocols Working Group Network Task Group. I currently am the President and was the Chair of the ESTA of High Speed Design, Inc. (HSD). Advanced Control HSD is a high-tech consulting firm foo.ming on embedded networking for industrial control applications. In addition, HSD provides product design and business consulting for companies in the architectural lighting/energy management and entertainment lighting indush3,. Clients include Nortel Networks, Strand Lighting, Pathway Connectivity and the Lagrande Group, among others. JA 0106 CO; ,_ , I did not participate (the "'066 Patent"). Plaintiff . in the preparation or prosecution of U.S. Patent Further, [ am not related or have any affiliation or the Defendants [ understand to arrive I have reviewed the '066 Patent. 9. I have been the '066 asked of My Testimony will conduct Patent circuits, of the '066 Patent Will Raper. Moreover, I have been asked The ix In my experience, all control that desired buildings are conscious occupied. Buildings logic Logic problems result of the amount and couple the output of that sensor so that when the room is not occupied lights to a clock, block is hearing, relating to teach diagrams, of the terms by found in the to the Circuits by first determining the desired As an example, used to light rooms when through in and to be demonstrated to a problem. to detect the sensor disclosed skill in the art relevant and Control begin of which been asked as to what certain of ordinary in) a room, consequently the building simplest form, the desired circuit of electricity sensors I have constructed is a solution use occupancy circuitry the Markman Further, in control to a person of Control result. often during to give my opinion mean the purpose of the '066 Patent. the electrical technology. as well as the device claims of the '066 Patent '066 Patent. Most information, as expressed hearing" terms and I understand and the relevant in this case. a "Markman of the claim to give tutorial the logic of control ll. Purpose interpretation to the '066 Patent 10. than my participation that the Court at a proper 8. claims other No. 5,598,066 to either the people a control the lights which many are not are in (or are not circuit are turned responsive to off and uses less electricity and its operating cost is less. In its control result would be achieved by simply wiring the so that after a certain time (say, 6:00 PM) the lights are turned out. The following diagrams are drawn in Orcad 9.2, the electronic design program that I use on a daily basis to do circuit design work. The term "Control Function", wellknown electronic engineering term, is used to indicate the concept Desired." The control logic of such a device would be: of "Control Result LAMP CONTROL FUNCTION: THE TIME AFTER IF YES, THEN TURN THE UGHT 12. many so simply turning occupancy sensor would OFF SWITCH. However, which IS 6PM? times in an office the lights could building find it necessary off after 6:00 PM is not acceptable. be a set of contacts send a response people signal to detect to turn the lights JA 0107 when to work at night, To address, this, an the door on or off. is swung The lights open, would be turned on when the door is first swung open because an open door is an indication occupancy. The control logic of this simple device is: CONTROL FUNCTION:IS THE DOOR SWITCH OPeJq? 13z _o IF YES, THEN TURN ON THE LIGHT SWITCH. of s_ R _//ITOq This straightforward control, or "on-off." 13. sort of control logic is known in the trade as "bang-bang" However, this control logic cannot tell if someone has just entered the room or has left the room, because the detected condition (door movement making or breaking the contacts) is the same for both entering t _c.,alaon and leaving. I I'hus, an ira:teased ts necessary to consistently room is .or oe=t , _vet o1_ l act"d.evethe _lm_lllt-_t_lt j 14. A manual occupied approach occupant 15. The next level of sophisticationmight be to add a counter to the contacts, so that the lights would be turned off only after every other door swing (first door swing, turn on lights because person entering room; second door swing indicates person left room so turn off lights). The control logic for this control would be ex 9ressed as: over-ride switch could add_ss this problem, so that when the room is the user can "lock out" the control circuit and keep the lights on. This is helpful but does not address the problem of what happens when the leaves and forgets to turn off the lights or the manual over-ride. CONTROL FUNCTION:TURN UGHTS ON ON FIRST __ °_ SWITCH 16. DOOR COUNT;TURN LIGHTS OFF ON SECOND DOOR COUNT. SWING COUNTER Note that the desired result (lights off when room unoccupied) is the same as in the second level of sophistication (occupancy sensor in the form of electrical contacts). This new level of sophistication has problems as well. For example, if a second person enters the room while the first person is still in the room, the control circuit is JA 0108 LAMP will only record the second door swing, and the lights false detect of an "exit." Although the desired control will turn off. This would be a result is still the same (lights off when room unoccupied), this second level of sophistication does not consistently achieve the control result because of the possibility of a false detection. 17. A further level of sophistication lights on for a period and keep would a timer, of time after the first door swing. them on for the specified The control be to employ time no matter logic of this approach would which This would how many times would keep the turn on the lights the door swung. be: CONTROL LAMP FUNCTION:TURN LIGHTS ON ON FIRST DOOR SWING;LEAVE ON UNTIL TIMER EXPIRES. 02 R SWITCH ___ SWITCH 02 TIMER While this would desired control address result. J the false detect For example, problem, if the timer it may or may not achieve kept the lights the on for five minutes and the person left the room after one minute, the control result (lights off when room unoccupied) would not be achieved 80% of the time period. Even worse, the timer could 18. turn the lights off while A still more sophisticated room. When the motion the lights. someone control circuit sensor detected As long as the motion This solves was in the room. the problem would be to use a motion sensor motion, it could close the circuit detector sensed of false detects the lights going out while the room logic of this approach would be: (second motion, the lights could door swing) was still occupied (time inside the to turn on stay on. and also the problem expired). of The control LAMP CONTROL 1 FUNCTION:WAS THERE A MOTION MOTION DETECTOR EVENT? -- 02 IF YES, THEN TURN ONTHE SWLTCH LIGHT SWITCH. Note that the control (electrical lights). contacts achieving responsive to swing The only difference door swing occupant logic is the same as for the first occupancy (the sensor is likely would to be). the control event of door is that the "sensor" be placed The control is enhanced, to send a signal is detecting sensor to turn on/off motion so that its field of detection result is the same because JA 0109 device other is where but the consistency the sensor the than the the room of is more sophisticated. 19. Again, the lights don't know the difference--they are being turned on or off no matter what sensor is employed. The motion sensor control is not a complete answer, for thelmou_ seasm detects I lmotion of both a person and an object, tThus the motion sensor may not be able to discriminate between motion of a person and the motion of the opening door. And sometimes a person will remain motionless for a sufficiently long time that the time will expire. Or perhaps there is a barrier in the room which blocks the energy of the person in motion, so that the motion sensor does not detect motion and in the absence of detection "thinks" the room is unoccupied. The lights would be turned of, which is another form of false detect. This false detect can be addressed by placement of multiple motion sensors to increase the field of view of the motion sensors. In this situation the control logic will be: DETECTOR I MOTION #1 DETECTOR I MOTION _2 -LAMP -- CONTROL FUNCTION:WAS THERE A MOTION EVENT ON ANY OF THE MOTION SENSORS? IF YES, THEN TURN ON THE LIGHT O_; swnc_ SWITCH. DETECTOR I MOTION #3 -- This control logic will materially reduce false detects, but note once again that controlled component doesn't know the difference. The lights are only being switched on and off. There is a drawback to this approach, because the motion can only sense motion of the room occupier after he/she has entered the room. for a period time the room will remain dark until the person is fully in the room the morion detectors have "seen" them. 20. the sensor Thus, and ] A_10auonai revels ot soplu_ucatton]can be built into the occupancy sensor. For example, the motion sensor can be a pressure wave sensor to detect when the door is opened (the opening of the door will create a "woosh" of air) to first turn on the lights. This will turn on the lights before the person has entered the room. In this situation the sensor could also include a motion detector aimed to detect motion in an area away from the door where a person is likely to be. Thus, the ultrasonic wave sensor of this device would turn on the lights when the "woosh" from door was sensed as the door was opened, and keep the lights on as long as the motion detector sensed motion of a person in the room. The control logic of this device would be: JA 0110 HUMAN BODY DETECTOR MOTION Jl- PIR I LAMp CONTROL FUNCTION:WAS THERE A MOTION EVENT ON ANY OF THE MOTION SENSORS? IF YES, THEN TURN ON THE LIGHT SWITCH. IL_OTION ECTOR "]'RASONIC DOOR'WOOSH" O 2 SW_CH Note again that the controlled event is the same. Only the level of sophistication of the sensors used, coupled with control circuitry to avoid false detects arid make the device more user friendly (lights turned on before entering room) has changed. Note also that the action of the lights responsive to the sensors as controlled by the control circuit (lights on while room occupied, lights off when not occupied) remains the same. 21. The foregoing discussion is relevant to interpretation of the claims of the '066 Patent. In keeping with the above discussion, and consistent with my experience as a designer of electronic control circuits, I note that the control logic for claim 6 is as follows: MOTION DETECTOR '...SENSOR -- ARRANGEMENT...' LIGHT SENSOR CONTROL FUNCTION: IS IT DARK OUTSIDE? IF YES, TURN ON THE LAMP TO A LOW LEVEL. IS THERE A MOTION EVENT? IF YES, QUICKLY TURN THE LAMP TO HIGH LEVEL. KEEP THE LAMP AT THE HIGH LEVEL UNTIL THE TIMER EXPIRES IF NO MORE MOTION EVENTS ARE SEEN. WHEN THE LJumP 1 TIMER EXPIRES, RETURN TO THE LOW LEVEL. '..CONTROL CIRCUIT COUPLED TO THE LAMP AND RESPONSIVE TO THE ,SENSOR ARRANGEMENT.,.' '...LAMP WHICH CAN EMIT A FIRST LEVEL OF ILLUMINATION..." NOTICE THAT THE CONTROL LOGIC OF CLAIM 6 DOES NOT REQUIRE "PULSE COUNTING" TO MAKE THE INVENTION O P EP,ATIONALI 22. The '066 patent describes a clever idea capable of being carried out by relatively simple electronics. The '066 patent is not overly tecbr/ical. I believe a person of ordinary skill in the art, withlreference to the '066 Patent, would be a person who JA0111 , i 5_ k .......... and two years of pr-acti___ orapersonwlt a g sc to egree and about five years industrial cxt)erience in building electrical lighting products which contain basic control circuits wolEkt also possess ordinary skill in the art. These persons are fully capable of t_n:terstanding and Lrnplementing the technology of the '066 patent. In my consulting bt:_iness I have trained junior design engineers in the use of PIR detectors, control circuits, and microcontroller design. These individual's had bachelor's degrees in electrical engineering and one to two years' industrial experience. When I first read _.l_e'066 patent, the abstract was sufficient for me to understand the nature of the itavention. I then read the claims, which set for a specific invention for each claim and how :hey were related. I read the specification last. In my professional capacity p_-jvi(ting consulting services I frequently read and comment on patents. I have found _f_t_'it is best to read the abstract, then the claims, and finally the specification. The s pecitication is simply an example of ONE possible embodiment of the invention. ;..i::ing _he '066 patent as an example, ifI were to implement a design to the claims of _hc patent today, i_ would be done utilizing a microcomputer rather than analog control circuitry. i b.ave been asked to explain the difference between analog and digital circuitry. :\_:dog circuits operate with continuous (sometimes called linear) values of voltages a,d currents. The magnitude and frequency of these voltages and currents is generally :_n,_!,)gous to some physical phenomenon--sound, light, heat. acceleration, velocity, e',c. Most early electronic devices were analog in nature. For example, the cer_?,c.:_t_re of a vat in a chemical plant might be monitored by a thermocouple. A _err_._ocoupte is a device that produces a voltage that is roughly proportional to its _cm?erature. This voltage may be connected to a sensitive voltmeter, with the dial calibrated in units of temperature. The voltage produced by the thermocouple is a_alogous to the temperature. The thermocouple voltage might also be connected to a voltage comparator circuit to provide an alarm or automatic shutoff if the temperature reaches a defined condition. This would be an example of an analog control circuit. Miltions of similar circuits are in used everyday in automobiles, office buildings, factories, etc. to do simple controls. Digital circuitry does not.use continuous voltages or currents to represent physical quantities. Rather, two voltage and current levels are defined, corresponding to "on" and "off." The exact values of the voltages or currents z_re not important. A popular logic family in use for over thirty years defines a voltage of between zero and 0.8 volts as "off", and a voltage greater than 2 volts as "on." Thc.se voltages levels define logic levels, with "off" being logic 0 and "on" being logic "one." One advantage of digital logic is the wide tolerance in the signal levels that represent the 1 and the 0. As an example of digital logic, consider this problem. A l_omeowner wishes to have art electrically operated garage door, but only wants the door control to be operational if the garage lights are switched on. This real-world exavapl¢il/ustr'ates a common logic function, the "logical AND." The problem JA0112 would be stated thusly: "Open (turn ON) the garage door only if the garage door button is pushed AND the garage light is ON." This would be written as a logical equation in this way: GARAGE_DOOR_ON = GARAGE_BUTFON_ON If GARAGE_BU'YrON_ON + GARAGE_LIGHT is 1 (true), and GARAGE_LIGHT_ON ON = 0 (false), then GARAGE DOOR_ON is 0 (false), and the door stays closed. The logical AND has not been satisfied. 24. Digital logic makes decisions based upon ON, OFF, l's and O's, TRUE and FALSE. There are only two possible quantities. From tNs humble beginning comes the digital device that has become the workhorse of the modem world: the digital computer. Computers are made up of vast amounts of logic circuitry that can respond to program instructions to perform various computational and control tasks. A spreadsheet program on a computer can calculate complex financial data, while a word processing program running on the same computer can perform calculation to precisely format the text on the screen. The same computer, running a different program, can provide entertainment in the form of a realistic adventure game with the computer calculating the position of billions of picture elements each second to create the illusion of a living, moving world. Irt each case, the electronic hardware of the computer is the same. Running different software programs performs the different functions. Analog and digital electronics are two different ways to solve problems. It is not a question of one being superior to the other. Many electronics devices are a combination of the two. 25. I have been informed that there is a dispute over whether certain terms of the '066 Patent are to be interpreted as "means-plus-function" terms or as structural terms. The following is my opinion as to how persons skilled in the electronics art interpret the identified terms. 26. [ Control Circuit Means - As a person skilled in the electronics arts, I am familiar with the way that electronics patents are generally written, and the term "control circuit means" connotes structure to me. The term refers to the intemonnection of a number of electrical devices and/or components to achieve a desired result. Not only that, but "control circuit means" also indicates to me that many different structures are 27. - " - As a person skilled in the electronics means" most certainly connotes structure arts, the termT'switching to me. are very gners o power electronics JA 0113 will use the term "switch" to ] ,Le,. A am,theadditioa of"means" 28. componen an IGBT, for example, and the method of its construction, are the province of the semiconductor process engineer. The power engineer who uses them simply must understand their terminal characteristics, daeir "black box" behavior as it were. The 29. same is true for a photocell. It is enough to understand that the resistance of the device changes as a function of the amount of light falling on its surface. M..e.ans Responsive to Detection - As a person skilled in the arts of eiectromcs, the term "means responsive to detection" connotes structure to me. There is some structure present that responds, i.e., reacts to changes in the circuit's operating condition. For example, the most widely udiizcd computer networking standard in the world, Ethemet, has the formal name of "'Collision Detect Media Access]Carder Sense" (CSMA/CD). In simple English, this says "The Ethemet circuitry detects (responds to) data collisions by sensing (discovering or detecting the existence of) the presence of a carder signal". Again, the addition of"means" does not subtract from or change the connotation to me. I am therefore of the opinion that the terms "detection" and "responsive" have their ordinary meaning. An example is found in Claim 6, where control circuitry is present torespond to the output of the motion sensor, the daylight sensor, and the timer circuitry to propedy return the level of the lamp to the low level of illumination, once the time interval has passed, no further motion has been detected, and it is still dark outside. 30. Means for causing such switching means to be actuated - As a person skilled in the arts of electronics, the term "means for causing such switching means to be actuated'" connotes structure to me, due to the active verbs "causing" and "actuated." As has been previously stated, there are many types of switches that may be used to make or JA 0114 ,4 break the path of current structure tbr making base of a transistor; in an electrical circuit. the switch operate--e.g, the circuitry to supply To "actuate" the circuitry a voltage a switch to supply terms from or change "switching example the switch at various illumination 31. means to me. I am therefore to be actuated" simply Means in Claims points 9,10, indicates, and 11 where in the line half-cycle into the or link; or the simple of"means" does not of the opinion "to control circuitry to provide that the the switch." is provided various An to turn on levels of from the lamp. responsive electronics, to the term "means me. There is electronic This may be some output (respond) contained when within means - As a person skilled responsive to said sensor means" circuitry sensor. of some comparator from the sensor may be applied a microcomputer in the arts of connotes type that will respond sort of analog the input the output of the sensor circuit, exceeds structure to the output which (ADC) an Alternatively, converter chip. The analog-to-digital of the will produce its threshold. to the analog-to-digital to circuitry converter measures the input voltage voltage. A simple example and translates it into a digital value that represents that would be an input voltage that may range from zero to 10 volts. this range [f the (ADC) 100%), divides then an input This digital voltage number microcomputer's code memory, from or change term "means electronics in Claim provided Light presence sensing the presence and absence that may utilize circuitry "means" that the term "light apparatus structure phototransistors, the output absence) dictionary sensing and photodiodes. to achieve means definition, devices that the of the of such a response and daylight) outputs. the in the arts of electronics, the to said apparatus to me. output for detecting Circuitry is coupled is present to control responsive external to said to the apparatus) of such light sensors a desired circuit circuitry response. lighting JA 0115 would include can determine, level of daylight the fight of day provided in the architectural to light external of the and absence of daylight" simply indicates the to produce the desired response. The sensor The control sensor, the desired of the opinion for detecting structure the light (light it. Examples of the daylight does not or absence of daylight." Again, the addition of or change the connotation to me. I am therefore so as to allow to fall upon (motion whose The program the structure to said apparatus skilled connotes action. the level of illumination to light external of light sensors, for detecting the presence of the electronics required be arranged (daylight) - As a person of daylight" types sensor of 50. in the of "means" An example determines to various responsive to "detect the presence does not subtract from opinion common various response. to light external stored will take some indicates to zero to to a value number the addition simply circuitry of daylight means code the desired in response be converted to me. I am therefore means" control responsive and absence term "light would to produce (corresponding digital Again, the connotation 10 where means to another and the program to sensor by the lamp sensin_ level of 5 volts would to the sensor. responsive required is found into 100 values may be compared will "be responsive" subtract 32. the connotation of this is found current a to the gate of a MOSFET [GBT; to produce a light beam to activate an optically coupled closing of the contacts of a switch by hand. Again, the addition subtract connotes "Daylight" (including by measuring its presence is used in its ordinary by the Sun. "Daylight" industry, of the Sun photocells, sensors and are used in many are lighting or 33. control systems to measure the amount of external illumination (daylight) in a space. In fact, this term is so common that it is used by the U.S. Department of Energy at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (http'.llwindows.lbl.govldayli_htingi3 in their energy conservation group. If there is sufficient daylight illumination, the lighting system will reduce the amount of artificial light, or turn it off altogether in order to conserve energy. Therefore, a person skilled in the art would understand the concept of daylight and the requirement for a daylight sensor/detector device. Enhancements to the basic device - In any electronic circuit, enhancements can always be made to improve and enhance its performance. Enhancements are done to insure that the de,sired performance result is met, but may not be needed or desired for applications that have a different requirement. This is ce_ainly seen in the wide variety of choice in the consumer electronics field. Loudspeakers may be found costing a few tens of dollars per pair, all the way up to several tens of thousands dollars per pair. Yet they are both loudspeakers, and the inexpensive speakers-may perform to the satisfaction of a great majority of listeners. The enhancements provided by the expensive speakers may not be necessary for loudspeakers used on an outside patio deck, for example. In the same way, patent claims may be written to provide for enhancements that are not required to provide the basic functionality of the inventionJ___,_ 34. _ __ l Mat pulse counting as set torth in the specification ot _recited in Claim 12. I further note that pulse counting of Claim 12 is recited as part of the control circuit and not as part of any sensor. In my experience with patents and electronics, pulse counting is an enhancement to improved the performance of the device described in the '066 patcnt. The fact that "'pulse counting" is recited in claim L2 and not in any other claim expresses intent to omit the enhancement of "pulse counting" as a required element of the claims where pulse counting is not recited. Based on my reading of the opening and rebuttal Markman briefs in this case, I understand that the Defendants in this case contend that the claims should be interpreted according to 35 U.S.C.§ 112 (paragraph 6). I have had explained to me the requirements of interpreting claims under 35 U.S.C. § 112 (sixth paragraph) which the lawyers have called either "means plus function" claims or "112/6" claims. 35. 112/6 claim term, one must identify 36. the function a means that is being performed and then point to structure in the specification of the patent (text or drawings) which performs that structure. While [ continue to believe that 112/6 should not be applied to interpret the disputed claim terms of the '066 Patent, I have participated JA0116 with DESA's lawyers and 37. . . . the disputed claim terms as if 112/6 were to apply, hath,at an_ysis, we have created a PowerPoint presentation reciting [1] the claim term, [2] the function performed by the recited claim term and [3] the structure set forth in the specification of the '066 Patent (drawing reference(s) or tex0 which carries out the recited fimetion. This presentation is attached. As a person of ordinary skill in the electronics art, I also state that a person (myself or the engineers whom I have trained) could create different, but equivalent, structure to carry out the functions recited in the claim terms. [For example., while the "sensor means" of claim I is sensing motion of a person or object by fine well known passive infrared sensor ("PIP,"), the same function could be performed by the equally wellknown break beam, where a signal is interposed between two sensors and motion is detected when that signal is "broken" by a person or object_ _A common example of a break beam detector is the safety device on an automatic garage door, which when broken by a child or a pet will prevent the garage door from closing on the. child or pet. The employment of a PIP, or a break beam sensor is one of mere choice, to a person of ordinary skill in the art, and they are interchange.ably equivalent. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE It is hereby certified that a copy of the foregoing Statement was served, via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid, and by e-mail (.pal0 upon Stereo A. Riley, Bowen Riley Wamock & Jacobsen, PLC, 1906.West End Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee 37203; mad upon Roger L Cook, Arigus lvl. MacDonald, Townsend, Townsend & Crew, LLP, Two Embarcadero Center, Eighth Floor, San Francisco, California 94111-3834, Counsel for Defendants, this 1_ _ day of c., ,'_/, 2005. C_F, JA0117 DESA IP, LLC O O O O > I_o ® JA0118 _i:_,_ _ "__ _ _ ._. ._ _ '_ _o . i_llll, iI_.i#ii_, lll._ Io,,_ ¢D JA 0119 ; i I I t T:: I I I JA 012 ,5 5 1-_l_ _ m_ JA 0121 ,,lll--_r . T -t'- ÷ t.n < ! | ! | JA 0122 JA 0123 A _J JA 0124 J JA 0125 I | ! | ! ! JA 0126 JA 0127 JA 0128 __ z_ L_._._ o- ,.-.,I, ,+ JA 0129 ,_ _ = -=._ ,__:__._ _" _-.:=_'_ _ _o __ JA 0130_ _. _. ,-, --. ._ I_ ¢_ _ _ _ _ -e_ ._, I:_., _, _ '¢- ,_ I__ _.. _-_ __ _ _Z 2Z • .,tll.-.^^,_l--_^^,,_l , :. _ _,. /0_, I 0 _ _ , I ",.. :;" , e-I-- ...............y....... tb JA 0131 B =3 "O .r...ff ! I "° o I i I 0 0 r I JA 0132 r._ li JA 0133 JA 0134 F LED 2005 FEB 1 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF TENNESSEE NASHVILLE DIVISION U.S. DI,_;TJRICT MIDDLE DESA COUR" DISTRICT O[2 IP, LLC, Civil Action No. 3-04-0160 Judge Aleta A. Trauger Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown Plaintiff, V. EML TECHNOLOGIES, LLC and COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION, Defendants. STATEMENT OF MARK J. PATTERSON Personal ° and Professional My name is Mark J. Patterson. the highest court in the State Registered PatentAttomey Office ("PTO"), & Patterson Alabama. I have of Tennessee, practiced has RULE 12(C)(6)(C) at law and licensed "IN Bar No. 7186. to practice No. 30,412. which LOCAL Background I am an attomey licensed Registration Waddey UNDER before Additionally, the U.S. Patent I am a shareholder offices in Nashville, intellectual property Bachelor of Science to practice before I am a & Trademark in the law firm of Tennessee law, particularly and Huntsville, including patent law, for the past 24years. . I received (EE) . from my un(tergraduate Comell University Florida State University in 1980. From 1973-1977, a design with Motorola devices (i.e., I'was I designed ' pagerdbeepers). in 1973 I received I became engineer analog and When degree a Registered for Motorola, digital' circuits I left Motorola JA 0135 in Electrical my Juris Doctor Patent Attorney Inc. During for portable my title was Engineering degree from in 1981. my employment communications Senior D,3 Design -:" Engineer. From 1986 - 2002, I was an Adjunct School of Law, teaching annually . In my law practice, "prosecution" I regularly of a patent their inventions. of my patent eleel_onie, prosecution software protection in countries ° A patent is a grant through Office the ("PTO"). "patentee") A patent into the United performs any "without permission" "infringer." ° Assuming of these grants acts relative protection for much for electrical, been to the issuance directly of more than to secure patent that of the U.S. owner to a patented government, Patent (sometimes using, are covered holder, States Trademark referred selling, law to as the offering by the patent. invention U.S. patent and issued to sell or If anyone in the United terms such States person an 35 U.S.C. § 271. an invention of a "bargain" exclusionary authority items protection and experience, inventors called States Patent others l_om making, States patent that I have from the United the patent of the patent 102], utility [35 U.S.C. product administrative Secrets. States. and Parts of a United the right to exclude impoIting I estimate I and my firm represent fights and Trade States patent leading University the PTO (a process training seeking inventions. of exclusive delegated United engineering other than the United The Nature before to secure of patent applications In addition, at the Vanderbili Trademarks, inventors work has involved in the prosecution 200 U.S. Patents. represent of my electrical and computer involved a course in Patents, application) Because Professor rights meets the requirements of patentability § 101] and nonobvionsness between of the patent the inventor [35 U.S.C. § 103]), a patent and the government. grant, the inventor JA 0136 [35 U.S.C. (novelty must provide In exchange § is the for the in a "specification' portion of his/her application the manner of making will enable a person make of ordinary the "inventor's skill undue bargain" § 112, first paragraph, . The written description out the invention, if the inventor . A patent "property" the specification description, (35 U.S.C. comes disclosure" by the patent disclosure, § 112 first paragraph). legal description inside metes.! and b_unds [a] the claims The claims which of real property world a patent. of carrying 35 U.S.C. patent § after the scope of the paragraph), and [b] sets forth the written part of the patent are analogous conveyed without exists. define in the "teaching" of the real property In embodiment." § 112 second of a patent mode" the printed by statute are part) which and best mode § 112. and why 35 U.S.C. the "best becomes (35 U.S.C. to of the invention. that such a best mode (which pertains the relevant document" is often referred to as the "preferred (of which the claims enablIng and bounds believes into two basic parts, rights granted teaches must also disclose In the application the "best mode" is divided an "enabling 35 U.S.C. terms as will grant the inventor to as a "teaching of the patent 112, first paragraph. allowance), is, if the inventor is said to require the invention experimentation. the government is often referred and must describe in such full, clear and concise in the art to which without how to make and use the invention, That is why a patent description of the invention, and Using the invention and use the invention other words, a written by a deed. the permission to the metes If a person of the owner_ I real estate law labels sucti person a "trespasser;" sells a product owner, patent which is ihside law labels the claim such person terms similarly without an "infringer." JA 0137 ifa person makes, the permission When infrIngement uses, or of the patent is believed to exist, patent attomeys often will say that a patent claim "reads on" an "accused" product. 9. With reference describe to U.S. Patent No. 5,598,066 the different sections of a patent The "Audience" 10. Patents are written art to which the invention pertains, skill in the art (oRen shortened similar to a "reasonable • general public, advanced with standing or judges A claim useful in an issued invention accomplished invention 12. A patent of a Patent patent (although as possible by claiming a judge The person of ordinary are not written person, to teach the or jury may often be charged skill in the art). (35 U.S.C. Sentence" Rule (and sometimes the function) § 102) and non-obvious The goal of drafting a patent while it over elements ordinary skill inthe skill in the art (such as those with the structure an operative and by including 112. Patents of ordinary defines having skilled in the art") is a hypothetical Claim and the "Single to the prior art. as broadly @ecifieation or juries in a way that is novel § 103) compared invention in Section in tort law. in the shoes of a person The Nature 11. as stated or those with advanced/exceptional degrees) I will point out and a Patent is Directed to those persons to "person person" Patent"), document. to Whom to teach the invention (the '"066 distinguishing invention claim (35 U.S.C. is to define the prior that is properly of a art. described This the is in the or limitations in the claim that distinguish in varying scope to set forth the invention the from the prior art. drafter several different will often present ways to distinguish claims the invention JA 0138 from the prior art. in 13. Patent claims are usu_ly or "limitations." consequently sl_ucture. For example, this element As a further four elements. means, limits four An example describing the lamp ("which limitations during In order for a patent element and limitation are two doctrine a. types referred a certain to cover Patent, are: [1] first sensor circuit of a further means. broadly claim in claim out to the Court 6, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of the'066 claim to be infringed, (either literally of infringement, having that speaking, has [2] second sensor 6 contains further ..."). language If requested, all of the elements I and Patent• the accused or an equivalent) literal and 6 is the further can emit a first level of illumination to point element devices means, However, limitation structural only those 6 of the '066 to as "elements" infringement device must contain of one asserted and every claim. infringement There under the of equivalents, Literal element b. claim elements the tutorial of Claims may recite the claims [3] a lamp and [4] control limitations. in what are sometimes a claim example, These am prepared 14. presented infifingement and limitation Infi-ingement prevent occurs insubstantial particular the doctrine that claim doctrine where changes. structural the accused (see ¶ 13 above) underthe the situation when element ] of equival6nts, if the accused is a judicially words In other words, of a patent an accused as litemUy defined however, product literally as recited in the asserted equivalents the literal device the accused includes device contains claim. created doctrine, are avoided to by making may not incorporate by the words of the claim. device will nevertheless a structure every a Under infringe that is "equivalent" to the i claimed structural element. An element JA 0139 in an accused product is equivalent to a claim limitation ordinary if the differences skill in the art. dement in an accused product performs obtain substantially to demonstrate example, joined deemed 15. Under invention. other 16. by patent could include a claim when in substantially it is possible language are not infringed. are other ways For plates plates a rivet is not a pair of metal literally a "screw", the of skill in the art that the rivet is screw. of a patent that one claim the same way to such as "a pair of metal Although claim an is the most prevalent. may have to the claimed and in the accused There product to a person to one of limitation the element An accused a rivet. law,-every sets forth in a patent To find infifngement a separate would patented be infringed, of a patent, while only one claim of need be infringed. Also under U.S.P.T.O. in a single are insubstantial may be so insubstantial patent claims that patent claim by a screw." Thus between but "function-way-result" to be an "equivalent" U.S. differences the same function equivalence, together the two are "insubstantial" the same result as the claim limitation. a patent differences product substantially together joined The between sentence. claims, procedure a patent Because the terminology claim is required of the single sentence and syntax to set forth an invention rule, to those used in a patent claim unfamiliar with may at first appear tortured. Independent 17. Most U.S. independent without patents claim reference include Claims both is one which and Dependent "independent" is. complete to any other claim. Claims and (contains The independent JA 0140 "dependent" all limitations) claims claims. An on its own, of the '066 Patent are _..,_'_s 1, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and . _::l-readent claim. The _..i...L-,endentfrom claim .' Jxclt a dependent : _,,:._t contains A dependent dependent claims claim refers to another '066 Patent claim, elements refers are to an claims 2-6 it incorporates the the limitations or from claim 7). of the dependent all of the structural is one which claim, by such referral of the independent in the body claim of the 1) and claim 8 (dependent ,cats or limitations ,l...,,_e._ts set forth 13. then it adds claim. of claim Thus, claim 2 of the 1 plus that structure '066 which is .. _:d -tfter the word "includes". ,,..y aspect <.,.- of U.S. patent ended" claim. practice and claim If a patent claim interpretation is introduced . ,_.t'_ri:rng", such claim is said to be open ended. •: _.r,,-_.d to encompass ., _._t_ition to those 'l __,'t_iag system products set forth I,r.,_.sented in open-ended ' _.6"iaigo a dependent ."_,:pendent a nut For and a bolt" claim, the accused 1 plus the structure ,: l-;_hag from the accused device, independent :_,'_,dact will be missing such as that the claim can be functions, example, a word of an or other elements a patent can be infringed All of the claims claim for a by an accused in the '066 Patent form. product must recited in the dependent claim is not infringed .i,o non-infringed claim. with This means structures, a nut, bolt and a washer. .' rc,-_._d in claim in the comprising , ,. _J.t_t that combines p that include is the concept because a recited then as a matter claim the same is likewise structure JA 0141 contain claim. structural all the structure Conversely, element or limitation of law every claim dependent not irfffinged, as was missing if an because is from the accused fi'om the independent theDescribedEmbodiment 21. As notedabove,thespecification of a U.S.patentisrequiredto setfortha written description thatisan enabling disclosure oftheinvention which inturnsetsforth the bestmode (ifknown) forcnazying outtheinvention. The specification must de.scribe at leastone "embodiment" of the invention.In some patents, more than one embodimentisde.scribed. Howcve* the*eisno rexluirement best mode o_ be limited to any particular embodimcut of the inv_ntiom •• • _ In f,_t, most of the time thepatentclaimsavoid sattngforthallthe features of a disclosed eanbodimcnt. Thisisbecauseetch time.a preferred embodimentmode willcontain featur_which go beyond what isnecessary to definetheminimum structure of an invention whichmakes theinvc'aton patentabtc overthepriorart. .... ...,.____...... ................. _. _: _ lmlMg = __m_ulpMttmmm_ _:- _ ¢ta_l -- [ Recall that the patent draRer's goal is to obtainas broad patentprotection as _c priorartwiU allow. This is accomplished by da-af_gindcpcndcntclaimswhich minimallysetforthpatentable subject matte,, withoutreciting ¢xtran_uselementsor limitations. For example,in the '066 Patent the specification describes an erabodiment of a lighting device having many features,-incl.uding: [1] a manual override switch (Column 4, Lines 26-37); [2] "slow un-n on" circuitry which avoids the imposition of immediate "on rush_ current when the lamp is first activated to "bright mode" (Column 5, Lines 31-48); [3] circuitry which operates the device using "zero crossing detect" circuitry (Column 4, Line 56 - Colunm 5, Line 6); [4] pulse counting JA 0142 circuitry which avoids f.Msc detections (Column 3, Line 62 - Column 4, Line 5); and [5] circtfitry to limit the illumination of the lamp to 95% of full brightne_ (Column 5, Line 58 - Column 6, Line 42). 23. Not all of the features of the preferred embodiment recited in paragraph 22 may be necessary to patentably distinguish the invention(s) in the '066 Patent over the prior art. In fact, it would be generally contrary to good patent drafting practice to include every feature of the preferred ¢mbodirnent/best mode in every claim. under standard U.S. patent Consequently, claiming practice, patent claims could and should be presented which do not include all of these feat-arcs. For example, in the '066 Patent, certain claims do contain the 'hnanual override _ feature of the preferred embodiment (e.g., claims I-5, 7, 12 and 13) while othe_ do not (e.g., claims 6, 9, 10 and 11); certain claims do contain "zero cros._ug detect" (e._, claim 10), while other claims do not (e.g., claim.s I-5, 6, %8, 9, 12 and 13); and claim 12 recites/includes count" feature while , the "pulse (e._, claims 1, 6,. 9, 10, 11 and 13) do not recite suchfcatme. 24. Sometimes patent. features about the preferred embodiment do not get claimed at all in a On the oth_r hand, if all of the fmtures of a disclosed ._mbodiment of the inventionare included in a singlepatentclaim,such a claim is called a '_pictm_ claim" because it contains every feature of the preferred embodiment/best mode, oven if all such feature_ arebeyond what is minimally necessary to claim theinvention manner to make it patentable over the prior _rt. Pi'L'D_ "" JA 0143 in a 25. As an attomey ("PTO"), registered [ am entitled to represent their invention(s). the individual PTO) must qualify the PTO is governed and ("MPEP"). inventors First, bar examination guided In my practice, by I meet "novel") b. Then Office before to the Practice Rules," before 37 C.F.R. Examination a patent the PTO, satisfactory by the PTO. ("Patent in the following to learn background grant for § 1.1, Procedure application consistent general way. how the invention believes works, how is new (or in patent the terms, about the invention. I conduct has or have conducted conducted his/her is novel (35 U.S.C. § 103) compared If the invention description (35 U.S.C. is patentable, search) would prior to determine (35 U.S.C. I work with the inventor with the inventor description of the art (or perhaps if the the invention as § 101) and nonobvious to the prior art. of the inventio n, including Working the written own a search § 102), useful Ordinary skill in the art to which the best mode (who commonly the invention be understood art. JA 0144 .4 & Trademark inventors of Patent and what the inventor understood out. administered and prosecute with the inventor(s) is structured inventor c. to represent the Manual I prepare Patent before the PTO to seek a patent by the Rules of Patent Practice is further invention the U.S. for (i.e., have a technical with the Patent Rules and the MPEP a. before In order for an individual and pass a patent et seq.) to practice to create a detailed written (if known) for carrying it but not always is a person of pertains) by a person I strive to make sure that of ordinary skill in the d. I prepare a set of claims, each claim drawn to patentably invention from the prior art, making sure that claim otherwise be understood not claim too Depending on the circumstances before Ideally, at least renders the claim separate of elements elements combination the Group. described examiners inventions. training; etc.). claim to the PTO. There is supposed in the application with relevant _re:examine_ electronic education, by those having inventions In other words, new feature are examined _ person having or in the claim is sometimes of the each of the art, the particular is not found in the prior art. drawings inventions and and claims), of the technology are examined knowledge by chemical pharmaceutical pharmaceutical having it is in an Examining experience; by those technical art. element is novel because in the prior relevant what the prior only one to a Patent Examiner training is over to be knowledgeable (e.g., chemical beyond of that element (specification, it is assigned to That is, even though taught in the patent is completed Examiner include That may be found application It is important of the invention. In many cases, an invention of those elements The parlance. or would case, I may draft one or more would into a single invention. of the features The addition in patent "point of novelty." combination submitted claims the claimed are defined the invention written description One of the patent "novel" by including of each particular a detailed terms skill in the art. distinguish that is not in the prior art. caliedthe Once to patentably I prepare of ordinary narrowly necessary limitation f. invention minimally claims e. the by a person distinguish education and skill in electronics, in the field of the / invention examines the i_atent application. JA 0145 Byassigning applications related to a particular Group technology can acquire many patents g. a high level of familiarity The PTO Examiner novelty, utility examines and will search PTO materials in a written Office Action deficiencies in the description • and, in a practical Examiner meets all of the the Examiner Any deficiencies found by the or in the patentability issued by the Examiner the invention, of and sent to amendments of a patent sense, a negotiation a patent is satisfied in a first Office of application invention. Sometimes and sometimes to file one or more responses may include becomes claims to portions of the claimed analyzes the applicant object The prosecution for which the PTO amended) will to agree upon what is required an invention When correctly Such a response of the application. with process, one or more patent perceived • Action. and 103-- attorney. an Examiner permit [a] compliance §§ 101,102 compliance of the specification Sometimes PTO procedures (35 U.S.C. prior art. that the PTO will reject Action and with the in two basic areas: [b] in that area. As part of this examination Action. Office the Examiners with the technology and for relevant or applicant's It is common PTO i. 112. in the sufficiency any claim, are noted the applicant Group, for patentability non-obviousness); of Section either the application requirements requirements Examiner, Examining that have been issued in that technology with the statutory h. to a particular to the claims application between in the application for the it does not. to the Office or to other parts is an ex parte process the applicant and the to describe and claim can be granted. that the application all of the requirements JA 0146 (as originally for a patent, applied for or as the PTO will issue a Notice of Allowance. After payment patent number is assigned, patent document _atd drawings prosecution the patent fee, the patent is "issued" is sent to the applicant. of the original and published The patent patent grant is completed. application, document as A and the formal contains amended the text during the of the patent. The PTO examination in patent of the issue process is conducted law and rules and having _t_e invention ,n,entions pertains. technical The process are granted as patents and administered by persons knowledgeable is intended trained in the filed to which to be rigorous to ensure and that the rights of exclusion that true are not carelessly _:_ted. "Means-Plus-Function" :v _LS. Patent ., Claims Act, 35 U.S.C. § 112 sixth paragraph _;taim his/her invention by reciting ,_.-_-'i_:olarstructure. An example . .1i6 recite "means for fastening" =c_,_ttable presumption the function is, instead of reciting (function). that 112/6 applies. ("112/6"), of an element a "screw" However, _,ioreover, the ambit :_,,._note a "specific" to fall outside or "particular" '.,_Jriety of structures). A patent "means plus function form" "'means plus function" form. structure, claim merely can include in combination JA 0147 rather than (structure) if a term connotes is rebutted in order an applicant and 112/6 of 112/6, structure elements with elements its the claim The use of the term "means" , ._,,.:of ordinary skill the art, the presumption the term, permits raises structure a to does not apply. does no._.At have to (in fact, it can connote that are expressed in that are not expressed in 27. If 112/6 applies to one or more elements in a patent clmm, special rules apply to determine infringement of that claim. structure that is identified in .the patent specification ftmetion, as well as equivalents infringe a claim governed device must perform to the disclosed by 112/6, additional the identical structure as set forth in thepatentor 28. The "means plus function" term covers the for perform Jag the claimed structure. Therefore, inquiry is required. in order to The accrued function recited in the claim, using the same equivalents to that structure. If 112/6 does apply, the statute says the claim will be construed to cover the stn_mre desen'bed in the specification "and equivalents thereof." the patent actually disclose any or all such '_equivalents." There is no requirement What is an "equivalent" that to the structure disclosed in the patent is an inquiry that is answered by those of ordinary skill in the art to which the patent pertains: 29. Despite the use of the word "equivalents paragraph), infringement thereof" in 35 U.S.C. under 112/6 is initially an inquiry of literal infringement, not infringem¢'nt under the doctrine of equivalents. between "equivalence 30. And although there is a difference under the doctrine of equivalents the "f-traction-way-result" § 112 (sixth and equivalents under 112/6, compai-ison may be used in both situations. In my experience as a patent attomoy working with both electronic inventions and JA 0148 and mechanical device, or circuit. Cousequenfly, in my experience, tbe use of the word =means" and/or a "means plus function" clause in a patent claim has been mote common over the years in claims directed to electronics inventions. This is because a patent attorney is always concerned with obtaining the broadest pos_'ble claim coverage for an inventor's invention. For example, a patent attorney claiming an electronic component that switches electric cun-ent on and off would likely have used the phrase "switch meaus" rather than morn specific terms such as transistor, SCR, or triac (_ach of which is a type of electronic switch). term such as "transistor" This is because a patent claim using a single would be too narrow and too easily designed around by using other devices in the electronic field to accomplish the same electronic task as performed by the transistor. In this context, the phrase "switch means" would be used in the cla/rn as a convenient shorthand electronic devices (i.e., structures) the claim or even necessarily reference to a broad class of different that switch current, without intending to narrow to invoke the 'hneans plus function" provisions of § 112. In more recent years, patent attorneys have become aware that some courts were applying highly restrictive interpretations to 'hucans plus function" claim el_memts. Accordingly, in our current practice we have sabstantiaUy reducedtheuse of the word "means" in patent claims to avoid a narrow interpretation of the claims that was unintended. 3],. In addition, from my experience as an clcctrical engineer and then as a patent attorney working with electrical engineers, I have learned that persons of skill in the electronic artsunderstandthat the use of.many terms presentedas ''means"terms arc "sca'uctuml" terms. Depending, of course, on the overall context in which the term or JA 0149 CP__RTIFICATE OF SERVICE _rstclass U.S. m_l, postageprepaid,and by e-mail (.pdf)up-onSteven A. Riley,BowcnRiley Wamock & Jacobson,PLC, 1906 West End Avenue, Nashville,Tennessee 37203; and upon Roger L. Cook, Angus M. MacDonald, Townsend, Townsend & Crew, LLP, Two Embarcadero Center,Eighth Floor,San Francisco,California 94111-3834, Counsel forDefendants,this __ day of _'h, r,s e_ , 2005. C JA 0150 DESA IP,LLC UNITED MDDLE DESA STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF TENNESSEE NASHVILLE DIVISION _,LLC, Plaintiff, Civil Action No. 3-04-0160 Judge Aleta A. Trauger Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown g. EML TECHNOLOGIES, LLC and COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION, Defendants. Statement of William C Raper Personal My name is William Raper. Products (Heath®/Zenith LEG ("DESA"). I received Under and Professional I am a Senior Division) my undergraduate Rule 12@)(6)@) Backm-ound Product of Bowling Bachelor Local Engineer Green of Science for DESA Specialty KY, an affiliate ("B.S.") degree ofDESA IP, in Electrical Engineering ("EE") from Tennessee Technical University (TTU) in 1991, with emphasis in the areas of digital electronics and microprocessors. In addition, I am a registered Engineer in Training, and Engineering examiners. During my junior technician division and senior in the industrial of S.C. Johnson "EIT", with the Tennessee years at TTU, inkjet Wax. printing Since I worked of Architectural part time as an electronics field for Porelon, Porelon Board was a leading Incorporated, developer which printing technology for industrial use, I helped to pioneer the technology hardware and software designs. After graduating from TTU, I continued Porelon, started Inc. for an additional writing software self taught programming Also prior to my position Incorporated inkjet printing (six years) technology. two years as an electrical to test my analog, basis using at DESA, engineer. I also worked engineer at Imaging at Imaging principally Technologies with on at During and microprocessor C and C++ programming as an electrical While digital was a in inkjet this time, designs on a languages. Technologies, working on industrial and Porelon, I developed both software and hardware for real time interfaces and processing applications using non-impact inkjet equipment. This required consultation with companies such as Procter & Gamble, Champion Labs, Philip Morris, Imperial Electric, Philips Lighting, S.C. Johnson Wax, and others. Tobacco, General Since coming to DESA Specialty Products over five years ago, I have either overseen the design of or designed mechanical, electrical, and electronic hardware and JA 0151 I software for products which are currently on the market or are about to be released to the market. These include products in both lighting and wireless controls categories. I am an inventor and am currently DESA Specialty Products. listed on three patents or applications for Prior to his retirement, I reported to Dennis ComeR, who has provided a Declaration in this case. Because of my education and experience I consider myself one of ordinary skill in the art relative to U.S. Patent No. 5,598,066 ("the '066 Patent"). I did not participate in the obtaining of the patent-in-suit in this case, U.S. Patent No. 5,598,066 ("the '066 Patent"), so what I state in the following is based on my general experience as one skiUed in the electronics art of motion sensor lights, augmented as necessary by what I learned from reading the '066 Patent. rite = is a trademark-for'th0se l_r_A which turn on at dusk to a low level ("accent") light, but automatically switch to a brighter level when the device detects motion of a person or object (such as a car). As part of my duties as an electrical engineer for DESA I am familiar with the design and manufacture ofDual-Brite ® motion sensing lights. I understand Purpose of My Testimony that the Court will conduct a "Markman hearing" to arrive at a proper interpretation the Markman hearing in this case, calls for tutorial portion to explain one skilled in the electronics art, I the purpose of which is of the claims of the '066 Patent. In preparing for I note that the Case Management Plan and Order "the '066 Patent and its relevant technology." As believe the best way to teach about "the '066 Patent and the relevant technology" is to build simple devices to demonstrate [a] the nature of an electrical signal, [b] the electrical signal generated by a motion sensor at rest (no motion) and activated (sensing motion); [c] the electrical signal generated by a photocell at rest (daylight) and when sensing varying levels of light, including the absence of daylight; how the output of the photocell and the output of a motion sensor can be coupled with a lamp that is responsive to their outputs; and how the signal from the photocell and the signal from the motion sensor can be managed (via control circuit logic) to produce a"Dual-Brite®" result. In preparing for the tutorial portion of the Markman proceedings in this case, I built simple devices using a basic lamp (flashlight bulb) and the bare sensors mentioned in the '066 Patent (PIP, motion sensor and photocell daylight sensor). My devices show how an electrical signal is generated as an output of both the motion and photocell sensor components, and finally how such sensor output signals may be coupled to a lamp to achieve a desired result by the use of a control circuit responsive to the sensors' output and coupled to the lamp. I intend to demonstrate my device to the Court during the tutorial phase of the Markrnan heating. The Nature of Electrical JA 0152 ,4 Signals There aretwotypesofelectrical signals, direct current (DC)andalternating current (AC).Anelectricalsignalcan be sensed and displayed by a device known as an oscilloscope. Presently there are two types of oscilloscopes, an "analog" type which displays the signal in real time, and a "digital" oscilloscope which displays a digital depiction of the signal in real time. Belowis a screencaptureof a DC signal,as generatedbytwostandard "D"cell batteriesconnectedin series,and depictedby a digitaloscilloscope, Notice that the measured voltage comer. This is the battery voltage connected to a circuit, the battery 'load' connected to it. Below is the screen household capture wall receptacle, is shown without voltage to be 3.20 volts in the top right hand a 'load' connected. If the battery were would drop according to the size of the of an AC signal, displayed as generated by a digital by connecting oscilloscope. to a typical Noticein the imageabovethatthe peakvoltageshownis about 178volts.This is the truepeakvaluefor a 120Volt AC wall receptacle.The 120Volt referenceis the rootmean-square (rms)valueof the AC wall receptacle.The 'rms' valueis the valueat which theaveragepowergeneratedby theAC circuit would equalthepower generatedby anequivalentDC circuit. Whenelectricalcomponentsareconnectedin a closedloop,a "circuit" is created. Dependingon thecomponentsconnectedin the loop,differing resultsmaybe achievedby the circuit. Forexample,electricalpowermay beusedto opena door. Whenthe dooris closed,the "circuit" is "open" suchthatelectricalpoweris not connectedto thedooractivationcomponent.Whenthecircuit is closed,suchaswhen a pressureswitch is triggeredundera rubbermatasit is steppedon, the circuit sends electricalpowerto the dooractivationdeviceandthe dooris opened. Therearetwo typesof electricalcircuits,an"analog" circuit anda "digital" circuit. a. An analogdeviceis a devicewhich producesa signalthatis both continuousand analogousto thevaluebeingmeasured.A commonexampleof an analogdevice is a phonographthatis usedto play a vinyl record. A stylus("needle")is placed in the physicalgroovesof the record.The groovesproducephysicalmovementof the stylusandasa resultanelectricalsignal,which is continuousandanalogous to the soundrecordedon therecorddisk, is created.Whentheelectricalsignals from the stylusarefed throughanamplifier andmultiplied to largeramplitudes, theelectricalsignalscanthenbeusedto produceaudiosignals.By connectingthe amplifiedsignalto a speaker,soundis heardby the listener. b. A digital circuit is onewhich usesdigital approximations,derivedfrom a finite set of data,which arecomprisedof binarydata.This datais binary,eithera "1" or a "0", andstoredin certainprogrammed formatby a digitalcontrolcircuit hard wired or a microprocessor) producing possible. capable of interpreting the analog circuit and a numerical value as precisely representative In the phonograph stored digitally, sample discussed on a Compact digital representation the original resolution, value as the same music can be Since the music is a binary of the analog signal, it is not exact. However, analog signal is sampled with sufficient closely approximate difference. of the measured previously, Disk (CD) for example. (either if the original the digital result will so that a person listening cannot perceive the Generally speaking it is more "modern" to use digital circuits, but in the electronics field, analog circuits and digital circuits are interchangeable in most cases because they both produce an acceptable result. A common example of a digital device replacing an analog device is the Compact Disk (CD) replacing the phonograph record. The phonograph would be "analog" and the CD "digital," but both are perceived produce the same output-- audible sound. Powering a"Dual-Brite_" and Lamp The first demonstration is a lamp that may be illuminated to two different brightness levels. I used a standard 2.3 VDC, 500 mA fla_lalight bulb connected to either one or two "D" Cell 1.5-volt DC batteries devices and are commonly that are used to power simple portable fo When the bulb is connected single battery, it glows dimly;, when the bulb is connected input into the bulb is increased electrical to both batteries to a the power and causes the bulb to glow brighter. Electrical Signals Generated by Sensors The next demonstration is the electrical output of a passive infsa-red ("PIR") mot[on sensor. I used a Heimann model LHI-778 PIR or an equivalent, which is the type PIR used in the conmlercial embodiment of DESA's DuaI-Brite® motion light product. [ In my experience I am aware that a PIR is actually sensing a difference in infrared energy, in the form of temperature, produced by a moving body against a reference background,butthoseskilled intheartcommonly refer tothis as themotion sensor detecting motion.]Below isa screencapturefi_oma digital oscilloscope of the electrical signalgeneratedby a PIR when itisatrestand issensingno motion. JA 0155 The next demonstration sulfide photocell, is of the electrical output of a photocell. which is the same type as used in DESA's 6 JA 0156 I used a cadmium- commercial Dual-Brite_ products. Below isascreen capture oftheelectrical signal generated bysuchaphotocell whenthe photocellis at "rest" (i.e.,it is daylightandthe outputof the photocellis "low"). Note thepositionof the output'line' withrespectto the markeron the left. Below is a screen-capture of the electrical signal generated a reduction in the available light (i.e., dusk or night). output 'line' with respect to the marker on the left. JA 0157 Again, by a photocell when note the position it senses of the Sincethe abovescreen-capturesareuneventful,the following screen-capture willhelpto clarifythe transition.The followingis a recordedtransitionof thephotocellwhen it is moved level immediately from a setting As part of the control circuit demonstration, photocell is connected through (i.e., the output of the photocell simulated reduced light of reduced I will show of my work day activity result. and coupling development of Control what results when the (Le, the output involves in certain circuit" ways, involves creating understanding circuits, to accomplish to interconnect in such a way as to achieve circuit of the photocell Circuitry engineer components a "control components of a control night) to a daylight illuminated). as an electrical electronic This is done by designing and other electronic the court level such as that at dusk/nightfall The Nature arranging level (i.e., dusk or control logic to the flashlight bulb at simulated daylight will be such that the bulb will not be illuminated) and a will be such that the bulb will be dimly Much light a desired the output a desired the nature of sensors result. The of an electrical output from a type of sensor, and controlling such output through circuitry (arranging electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, amplifiers and the like) to sense, scale or otherwise manipulate or translate the desired produced as a result of such activity to achieve the desired result. In the simple bulb) device be off during reduced discussed the desired the day; [b] illuminate to a predetermined illumination above, level; activity and coupled results the lamp [c] while of the lamp from dim to bright into a new control to the "final" JA 0158 signal(s) a security the available light level, event which component(s) are [a] have the lamp dimly when at the reduced when controlled change (flashlight light is the (e.g., motion) is is detected; [d] return the lamp to dim illumination when the motion has passed; and [e] return the lamp to "off" status when fight returns to a level predetermined to be daylight. An additional desired result is [f] to not have the lights be activated by sensing motion during the day. Results [a] and [b] are accomplished by having the lamp connected to a photocell, such that {i} when the photocell senses daylight the lamp is off, but (ii} when the photocell detects a level of light which is predetermined to be dusk, the lamp will come on but only to dim; result [c] is accomplished by having the output of a PIR motion sensor connected or coupled to the lamp such that when motion is detected the power to the lamp is increased and the lamp glows brighter; resuIt [d] is accomplished by connecting a timer to the motion sensor such that ira certain time period elapses after detection of the motion without detecting further motion the output of the motion sensor is disconnected from the lamp, so that now it is only being fed by the photocell so it glows dimly; and result [e] can be accomplished by having the photocell uncouple (disconnect) the lamp to turn it offwhen daylight is detected again. Additional result [f] is accomplished by having the connection between the motion sensor and the lamp be not activated when the photocell senses daylight. Note that the results set forth above are consistent with the objectives of the '066 Patent stated at Column 2, lines 8-22, and that those objectives are accomplished by my simple device, although admittedly not as efficiently. The following electrical circuit diagram expresses JA 0159 the simple device as defined above. == P ::: ,3 JA 0160 _=i This is the control circuit of the simple device I have built and will demonstrate hearing. technology Note that the control circuit accomplishes (and the objectives control circuit. the main functions at the Markrnan of the Dual-Brite@ of the '066 Patent) without any pulse eotmting component This circuit is an example of art"analog" control circuit because in the the components produce andoutput that iscontinuous andanalogous tothe input. A person skilled inthe electronics artscouldimplementthesame control circuit in a multitudeof ways, including implementationin a "digital" controlcircuit usingwell-knowndigital components. De_ ". : __ • _ _Device During the tutorial, I will set up and demonstrate the operation of a Model 5318 Dual-Brite ® device. This commercial model accomplishes the same basic results [a] through If] as set forth above, but is much more sophisticated than the simple device I have built. For example, the commercial model has much more powerful lamps and includes a manual override switch, w_ch can lock out the Dual-Brite@ feature. The commercial model also has a more sophisticated timing that the diode and resistor circuit I used in my simple model. Finally, the commercial model has a pulse-count component in the control circuitry to reduce the potential number of false motion triggers. The control circuitry of the commercial Dual-Brite@ product is basically set forth in the '066 Patent at Figures 2A and 2B (this is really one electrical diagram which has been split in two to facilitate printing). Figures 2A/2B set forth the preferred embodiment of the '066 Patent. How I Interpret the Terms Used in the '066 Patent I have been informed that there is a dispute over whether certain terms of the '066 Patent are to be interpreted as "means-plus-fi.mction" terms or as structural terms. The following is how I interpret the terms identified to me. I [Sensor Means. As a person skilled in the electronics structure tome word "means" art, the term "sensor means" connotes does not detract from the structural s to me when I read or hear the term "sensor." To me and my colleagues, in our experience, the term "sensor" and "sensor means" are the same and they both eormote structure. . Control Circuit Means. As a person skilled in the electronics art, the term "control means" connotes structure to me, that structure being the coupling or electrical JA 0161 circuit . 4. Means for causing numerous devices to activate a switch. For example, ..... I am aware of op-amps, microprocessors, and digital gates. This structure could be a variety of electrical components. Nonetheless, the term means "electrical circuitry (a circuit being the interconnection of electrical components) which causes a switch to be activated.'" 5. Means for producing a ramp waveform (10, 11"}. This can be a variety of electrical components. Nonetheless, the term means "electrical circuitry (a circuit being the interconnection of electrical components) which produces a ramp waveform_ Here, he I_ rmBR (ramp waz¢_¢oli!__ ¢1 _ sll_,'¢ •, • . . • . w-w-w-Wl_efi--_--_evea ramp wave _ resistors and diodes. 6. Means responsive to said sensor means for causing.said I m me,_ and I am aware of exile, op-amps, capacitors, first threshold voltage... (10, 11). this s ct,ar'--= refer:to avariety ofelecm' "'" 'cal com nents, t-he ter meaus "electrical circuitry (a circuit being the intcrcormection of electrical components) 7. which responds to the sensor and produces two different levels of voltage depending on whether the sensor detects the presence or absence of a condition." Lip/at sensing means (11). Similar to "sensor", except that the additional words "light 8. sensing" provide information that allows one skilled in the art to know that it is a photocell other device that detects light. sensing means for causing said threshold voltage I ¢ii_Lt's_=_ or to have a t_'rd value (11). _i__ P_==- = '" -S,.r_ __ U_.fT_s is stnular to me anove - it refers to a variety of electrical components. The term means" electrical ctrctutry (a cu'cult being the intereonneetion of electrical components) which responds to the light sensor and produces a third level of voltage different from those levels discussed above when the sensor is detecting daylight." JA 0"f62 9. I participated in the definitions used in DESA's briefs, and I subscribe to the definitions forth in both briefs (including the so-called "means-plus-function" terms). CERTIFICATE It is hereby certified set OF SERVICE that a copy of the foregoing Statement was served, via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid, and by e-mail (.pdt') upon Steven A. Riley, Bowen RileyWamock & Jacobson, PLC, 1906 West End Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee 37203; and upon Roger L. Cook, Angus M. MacDonald, Townsend, Town_end & Crew, LLP, Two Embarcadero Center, Eighth Floor, San Francisco, California 94111-3834, Counsel for Defendants, this 1 6' day of COUNSEL JA 0163 F_, DESA IP, LLC F LEE UNITED STATES MIDDLE DISTRICT NASHVILLE DESA DISTRICT 2/905 FEB 1 8 COURT OF TENNESSEE. D/VISION U._. _IDDlbE DISTRICT DISTRICT IP, LLC, Civil Action No. 3-04-0160 Judge Aleta A. Trauger Magistrate Judge Joe B. Brown Plaintiff, V. EML TECHNOLOGIES, LLC and COSTCO WHOLESALE CORPORATION, Defendants. Statement of Thomas J. Paulus Under Local Rule 12(c)(6)(e) U. S. Patent Personal 5,598_066 and Professional Background My name is Thomas J. Paulus. I am professionally known as TJ Paulus. I have been retained in connection with the above-named lawsuit as an expert in the field of electronics. I received my undergraduate Bachelor of Science degree in the University of Tennessee in 1962. I received my Master Electrical Engineering from the University of Tennessee in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tennessee in Electrical Engineering from of Science degree in 1968. I received my Ph.D. in 1974. I have over 42 years experience in the design and development of electronic instrumentation, project and group management, service as technical resource and expert witness in patent matters, and university level teaching. I have been retained as an expert in four patent.cases, and my testimony has been accepted as expert testimony in one case. The other three cases for which I was retained as an expert were settled before I had the opportunity to testify before the Court. As an Instructor in the Electrical Engineering Knoxville from 1965-1972 1 taught a variety courses, including oircuitry courses. As a part-time Tennessee TJ Paulus Instructor in the Electrical Department at the University of Tennessee of basic as well as upper level electronics Engineering Department from 1980 to 1985 1 taught upper level electronic Page 1 JA 0164 at the University of courses. 2/18/2005 COU' O1 _. I am the author of over 50 teclmical papers, seminars electronics. Additionally, I co-authored the textbook and presentations relating to Applied Electronics which is still utilized at the University of Tennessee Knoxville. Additionally, I have taught numerous short courses under the auspices of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and with Dr. Glenn Knoll, a noted nuclear instrumentation I am currently an Adjunct Professor in the Electrical Department at the University of Tennessee Knoxville undergraduate electronic courses• I am also currently the President high-tech small business focused volume, high performance seminars, courses and Computer Engineering teaching graduate and of Paulus Engineering Company ("PEC"). PEC is a on the design, development and manufacture of small electronic and workshops expert. instrumentation. related to electrical Additionally, PEC and electronic conducts circuits and systems. I did not participate in the preparation or prosecution of U.S. Patent No. 5,598,066 (the "'066 Patent"). Further, I am not related or have any affiliation to either the Plaintiffor the Defendants other than my participation in this case. Purpose of My Testimony I understand that the Court will conduct a "Markman heating" the purpose arrive at a proper interpretation of the claim terms of the '066 Patent. I have reviewed '066 Patent• the '066 Patent and I understand the electrical circuitry of which disclosed is to in the Introduction I have been asked to give tutorial information, the '066 Patent and the relevant technology• during the Markman hearing, relating to The patent at issue describes various electrical circuits, signals and components. My objective in this tutorial is to describe and define the relevant terms and conditions in order to better we proceed dispute. understand through the teachings a simple of the '066 patent. demonstration Electrical We encounter television a wide variety and radar. of electrical However,the current. Using the early definitions Kemmerly, 4 th Edition: TJ Paulus This will be done of the technology and the patent in stages claims as in Signals signals most common in our daily electrical from En_ineerin_ JA 0165 Circuit lives such signals as radio, are voltage Analysis, by Hayt and and 2/18/2005 X:oltage: viewed The electrical as the "force" potential between in an electrical two points circuit. (p14). The symbol common way to view a vol!age is with an oscilloscope. , ,,;cilloscope at various times during this tutorial. _- Current: The motion vehicle for transferring \:,,i_,_,c is a common quantity Voltage of voltage can be is V, A We will use an of electrical charge (pl0). Current can be viewed as the energy in an electrical circuit. The symbol for current is I. in daily life. The most common forms are "DC" and "AC". I)C Voltage: A wide variety of batteries are common in our daily lives including %A", "D-Cells', "9-Volt" and car batteries. Each of these is a little chemical t)_a:ory that converts chemical elements into elecfricity. Generally, hasa fixed value. A graph ofa D'C voltage is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. DC Voltage. AC Voltage: {H_.) available The AC voltage most common from our wall outlets. Another Hz, available for our stoves. These a DC voltage in the USA is the 120 V, 60 cycles familiar AC voltage is the 220 V, 60 AC voltages generally follow a sine wave pattern going positive, reaching a maximum positive amplitude, then going negative direction, passiiag through zero, reaching a maximum negative :amplitude, the cycle. is shown TJ Paulus then going Often in a positive the symbol in Figure direction, for an AC voltage passing is v(t). through A graph zero, in a and repeating of an AC voltage 2. JA 0166 2/18/2005 Figure2. AC Voltage. Other Waveforms: The '066 patentteachesa varietyof otherwaveforms.These otherwaveformswill beintroducedasthey areencounteredin thestudyof the variousclaims. Electrical current is a lesseasilyobservedthanvoltage.However,if you haveever Caughta bareAC wire in yourhand,you knowthatsomething"hit" you.This wasthe effect of currentflowing throughpart of yourbody.Justlike voltages,AC currentcanbe DC, AC or someotherwaveform. Electrical Signals: In addition to being a voltage or a current, electrical signals can be characterized by their frequency content. The human ear can hear frequencies from about 20 Hz to over sound systems 10,000 Hz. Thus humans include a filter to reduce can "hear" the electrical 60 Hz hum. Electrical Electrical circuits: least one closed Most often "an intercolmection path in which there is a voltage current source, various electrical - or electronic "passive" or "active" devices. at 60 Hz. Often Circuits of simple may flow" electrical (Hayt devices These in which and Kemmerly, AC or DC, in an electrical - devices. power can generally circuit. there is at p 3). There be classified are also as either Passive Devices: Generally capable of only receiving electrical power (Hayt Kemmerly, pl 9). Examples encountered in the '066 patent include resistors, capacitors, switches and lamps. • Active Devices: device (Hayt TJ Paulus Generally and Kemmerly, capable p19). of delivering Examples JA 0167 electrical encountered power to some and external in the '066 patent 2/I 8/2005 include passive various infrared electronic devices including sensors and transistors. operational amplifiers, comparators, Other devices: Sometimes the line between passive and active devices is a bit blurred. Examples in the '066 patent include photo cells, diodes and triacs. However, these devices can be easily understood by the relationship voltage across them and the current through them. Next we will take a brief look at the various electrical and electronic between devices the encountered in the '066 patent. Passive Resistor: The voltage flowing through across many the material, Devices materials is directly and the constant resistance of the material. This relationship, (Hayt and Kemmerly, p25): proportional of proportionality known as Ohm's to the current is R, the Law, is given below R = V/I. The symbol for a resistor is shown in Figure Figure Capacitor: A capacitor Kemmerly, p128). another. However, applied "filters", 4. across 3. Resistor is an electrical A capacitor AC current the capacitor. a concept 3. device capable of storing energy (Hayt and can also be used to isolate one DC voltage from can flow through a capacitor if an AC voltage is In the '066 patent, discussed symbol. later. The symbol capacitors are also used as for a capacitor is shown in Figure G Figure Simple Switch: 4. Capacitor One of the most common wall switch that controls lights, garage items. A switch simply opens or closes light is ON, and in the other o,pen switch TJ Paulus is shown position in.Figure I electrical elements is our home is the door openers, dish washers and other an electrical circuit. In one position the the light is OFF. The symbol for a simple 5. JA 0168 i symbol. 2/18/2005 Figure Multi-position multi-position switch Switch: or rotary 5. Simple switch. Another type of switch is taught in the '066 patent., the switch. This switch is similar to the TV channel select in the days before remote controls. In this switch, be connected to a.variety of other electrical wires for a multi-position switch is shown in Figure 6. one electrical and components. wire can The symbol O.-.----------.--iI, Figure 6. Multi-position Switch Lamp: A lamp is a familiar object to us. It can be AC powered as in our homes, or DC powered as in our flash lights. In either case, the purpose of a lamp is to provide light. In the '066 patent, a lamp is a special form of resistor that is heated white-hot by electrical current. Active At the heart of the wide range of useful devices. Computers, home entertainment Devices and electronic systems, other devices are available for our use. Modem transistors. It is the arrangement and connection Circuits products available today are active digital cameras and a whole host of active devices of transistors determines the function of the active device. In additional teaches the use of other electrical and electronic devices. Transistors: capable Transistors of functioning are made to transistors, from semiconductor as an amplifier are built using a variety of and passive devices that or as a switch. materials. the '066 patent They As an amplifier, are they convert a small signal at their input into a larger signal at their output. A typical example is the amplifier in our radios and sound systems. Transistors can also serve as a switch much like the mechanical switch configured as a switch, they act as an open switch switch in the other state. TJ Paulus JA 0169 shown in Figure 5. When in one state andas a closed 2/18/2005 , i Operational Amplifiers: Operational One convenient Amplifier. Many chip. The amplification (gain) are dependent the operational Figure 7. amplifier. Amplifier: As noted connected earlier, Amplifier electrical frequency as well as voltage or current. "treble" controls to provide suppression reduces low frequencies, and the treble semiconductor to the inputs amplifier and outputs of is shown in symbol. can be characterized by Sound systems often have "base" and of unwanted sounds. The base control control reduces the high frequency signals. One arrangement of a filter amplifier RiCi determines the low-frequency response, high frequency signals an of the final configuration for the operational 7. Operational is called in a small characteristics devices The symbol of transistors are configured and other only on the passive Figure Filter transistors package is shown in Figure 8. The product and the product R2C2 determines the response. I( C.z. i Figure Logic Circuits: functions. They transistors operate Transistors are often Amplifier can also be arranged referred as switches. "high" or "low", output is "1" only if both inputs TJ Paulus 8. Filter to as Logic In a logic and often referred circuit. to perform Gates. circuit, various the inputs JA 0170 the and outputs to as "1" or "0". In a 2-input are "1 ". In a 2-input logic In this application AND are either Gate, OR gate, the output the is "1" if 2tt 8/2005 eitherinputis "l". In an INVERTER,the outputis '<1"if the input is "0", andthe outputis "0" if the input is "1". Thesymbolfor an inverteris shownin Figure9. Figure9. Invertersymbol. Comparators: A comparatoris a specialformof anoperationalamplifier that actsmuchlike a logic gate.Ratherthanamplify the input signal, the output is either "0" or "1" depending on the relationship of the two input signals. A comparator and its waveforms are shown in Figure 10. In this example, the "+" input is an AC waveform, vl, and the "-" input is a DC voltage, V2. When vl has a value less than V2, the output of the comparator, than V2, Vo is "1". A comparator allows Vo, is "0". When the comparison v_ is greater of a varying reference signal. The output from the comparator is a Pulse waveform. case, each pulse has the same height, "1", but the width of each pulse on how long the vt is of greater amplitude Passive Infrared infrared energy in motion coupled A small Sensors given detectors. TJ Paulus offby Passive humans In simplest symbol infrared they consist " _- and waveforms. sensors and other objects. form, In this will depend ofa can detect They the heat or are in common pyroelectrical use material to a special transistor. The pyroelectrical material is built like a capacitor. current flows as the infrared energy changes. This small current flows into a very large voltage 10. Comparator (PIR): to a than V2. 0 Figure signal signal resistor producing to the external a voltage electric signal. A transistor couples this circuit. JA 0171 2/18/2005 Photo Cell: A photo cell is a resistor whose value changes with the illumination ,,, level of light. A simple electric circuit using a photo cell is shown and consists of a battery V, a resistor R, and a photo celt Rpc. \/ in Figure 11 Y Figure ] 11. Simple qh_: voltage V is divided between resislance value. A mathematical circuit suing a photo cell. the two resistors in proportion expression for Vpc is to their Vpc = V x Rpc/(R + RPc). !fthe value of Rvc is much V. IT the valueof zero. This type of simple sig_aal depending Timer: period circuit can be coupled timers are familiar are a convenient method features the photo on modem equal to of Vpc will approach to a comparator of turning - Demo Discussion The demonstration by Mr. Will Raper can be arranged can l::c described T.1 Paulus of Vpc is nearly to produce a logic cell. stoves on the appliance and microwave for a fixed of time. (Break components than R, then the value less than R, then the value on the level of light illuminating Electronic ...,vens. They larger Rpc is much using of Demonstration shows to produce the block Circuit) diagram that simple a useful shown JA 0172 result. electrical The circuits in Figure and electronic used by Mr. Raper 12. 2/18/2005 Control Circuit .................................... Sensor ............. •.1 i Motion "1 ' ', / I I . 1 , , : IResPonsel I. ,_ ::1 HI- - I Demonstration Figure 12 The input power to the demonstration detected both the motion Cell detected the change circuit was in the form of batteries. The PIR Sensor of Mr. Raper's hand and the motion of an object. The Photo in the level of light. The Response Circuit includes the filter amplifier, comparator and logic circuits. The Lamp changed from one level of illumination to a second brighter level depending on the state of the PIR and Photo Cell. This change and in illumination was first accomplished then automated using transistors operating the second and higher level of illumination after a few seconds. TJ Paulus using the three position switch, as switches. The Timer returned the light to the first and lower level of illumination JA 0173 from 2/18/2005 I Control Circuit .................................... Input __ Voltage Sensor ............. 7 I Moti0n !P'R f .,_ [---'-_ i= t Photo " - Cell Ii "_ ._ I I ! : | i " _ .espo_nse I;'_-_ght' • ............. Timer iI ; i i............................ -4 ....... Demonstration I_ Figure • '_P_ 13 The block diagram of the demonstration shown in Figure 12 can be made more general as shown in Figure 13. Here the three position switch is replaced by a general Switch block indicating that the Switch batteries are replaced voltage can be either power will be provided function by the more can be achieved general DC or AC. Further, I have study Claim 6 of the '066 describe the demonstration. TJ Paulus Voltage this general signal Input of ways. indicating Voltage Also, the that the input can indicate that to all parts of the circuit. Claim Based on material Input in a variety discussed, 6 of the '066 Patent and the demonstration by Mr. Raper, we can begin patent. I will use block diagrams similar to those used Please refer to Figure 14 in the following discussion. JA 0174 to 2/18/2005 to Control Circuit .................................... Input Voltag_ Sensor I,stSensor _ L Motion Timer I : Response [2 nd Sensor [__ 2 [ I :' Light t = • ............. C rcu t ..................................... Figure 14 Claim6 states: An apparatus 1. first comprising. sensor external means for detecting to said apparatus, a first said first predetermined predetermined being motion relative to said first sensor means objective separate from first said apparatus; The first element located in Claim in the Sensor 6 can be represented shown in Figure by a block labeled condition condition of a person 1st Sensor or - Motion 14. second sensor means for detecting a second predetermined condition, said second predetermined condition being a predetermined level of light external The second element of Claim 6 can be represented located in the Sensor shown in Figure 14. a lamp which emit a second first rapidly from illumination, TJ Paulus by a block can emit a.first said first and labeled said lamp substantially being level of illumination JA 0175 2 "a Sensor level ofilhtmination level of ilhtmination level of illumination, to said apparatus; - Light and which greater capable can than said of switching to said second level of 2/18/2005 This portion of the third element of Claim 6 can be represented shown in Figure 14. . by a block labeled Lamp control circuit means coupled to said lamp and responsive to said first and second sensor means for causing said lamp to emit light at said first level of illumination in the absence of said first predetermined condition in response to said second predetermined condition, This portion of the fourth element of Claim 6 can be represented by a block labeled Response Circuit that is coupled to and accepts input signals from both the 1_ Sensor Motion and the 2 "d Sensor - Light, and provides an output signal that is coupled to the Switch which in turnas connected to the Lamp. The Response Circuit and Switch blocks are part of the Control Circuit shown in Figure 14. In this instance, the Lamp will operate at the first or low level ofilhimination if no motion is detected, and a predetermined level of light is not detected. and for causing said lamp to emit light at said second level of illumination in response to detection of said first predetermined condition, In a similar manner, this portion of the fourth element of Claim 6 can also be represented by a block labeled Response Circuit that is coupled to and accepts input signals from both the 1 st Sensor - Motion and the 2 na Sensor - Light, and provides an output signal that is coupled to the Switch winch m turn is connected to the Lamp. The Response Circuit and Switch blocks are part of the Control Circuit shown in Figure 14. In this instance, the Lamp will operate at the second or high level of illumination if motion is detected, and a predetermined level of light is not detected. wherein said control circuit means inc means responsive to detection of said first predetermined condition for initiating measurement of a predetermined time interval, and responsive to expiration of said time interval for causing said lamp to thereafter emit light at said first level of ilhlmination in response to second predetermined condition in the absence first predetermined condition. of a recurrence of said The fifth element of Claim 6 can be represented by a block labeled Timer that is coupled to and accepts input slgnals from the Response Circuit, and provides and output signal that is coupled to the Switch that controls the Lamp. The Timer, Response Circuit and Switch blocks are part of the Control Circuit shown m Figure 14. In this instance, the Lamp will switch from the second or high level of ilhimination to the first or low level of illumination at the end of the time set by the Timer if additional motion is not detected. TJ Paulus JA 0176 2/18/2005 identical.Claim6 canbeimplemented usingthecircuitsfrom the Demonstration. More complex circuits can also be used, and we will observe increased complexity as we examine other claims in the '066 patent. Prior to examining these claims, I will introduce a few more topics and concepts that will be encountered. Additional Electrical Signals Earlier I discussed three forms of electrical signals; DC voltage, AC voltage generally in the form of a sine wave, and a Pulse waveform such as the output ofa Comparator. Three other wavefomas are taught in the '066 patent; a Zero Crossing Signal, a Ramp Waveform and a Partial or Gated Sine waveform. V'_4=- " ........... --- ..... 7 _J t/ " (e) Figure 15.Additi The waveform shown In Figure 15(a) is the same AC sine wave studied earlier. Recall that the sine wave follows the pattern of going positive, reaching a maximum positive value, turns to go in a negative direction, passes through zero, reaches a maximum T1 Paulus JA 0177 2/18/2005 negative cycle. value, turns to go in a positive One convenient way to synchronize common signal. timing direction, the actions The zero crossing time. The waveform shown in Figure AC signal passes through zero. the Zero Cross signals. through zero, in an electrical a pulse and repeats circuit time of a sine wave 15(b) shows The Zero Cross signal is a course measure minutes, lfa more accurate time measure time between passes is to have the a is one such a convenient that is generated each time the of the time in a circuit. It is like counting is needed, there must he a way to interpolate One method of doing this is using a Ramp waveform. The waveform shown going positive at the zero crossing until the next zero crossing manner in Figure process producing a saw-tooth generated by careful selection taught in the '066 In addition 15(c) is Ramp time when the Ramp VRetl As shown, increasing the Ramp in voltage it is reset back like wavefonn. A Ramp of a DC voltage, resistor starts in a linear to zero. Then it repeats Waveform can be easily and capacitor. Such a circuit to the Ramp Waveform, a Reference exceeds Voltage is needed to interpolate the time the Vg,n, the Comparator and "0" when output ever the Ramp will be "1" when voltage is less than patent is the gating and Reference The signal shown Waveforms in Figure taught in the '066 15(d) is such a Gated Sine waveform. the Ramp Waveform The amount Voltage. in value Gated Sine Wave Sine Wave. some than the largest never exceeds TJ Paulus in Figure is available value in Figure value the Reference Voltage Voltage VRej_ results is a much Voltage In this instance, will not be a Gated ,JA 0178 by the value VRet2, which exceeds of the AC waveform. can be set to a value Voltage. and there Voltage, the Ramp to set the Reference Voltage of the Ramp can be controlled of Reference 15(d), 15(e). Using it may be desirable 15(c), the Reference larger a second of time near each zero crossing is shown conditions in Figure Sine Wave Consider than VRen. As shown for only a short period that is less than VRefL or time that the Gated of the Reference of In this waveform, that portion of the AC waveform that occurs while the Ramp Voltage is greater than VRe_'_is available. The value of the Gated Sine wave is zero for all times shown ever • an AC signal. Under is a reference voltage is shown as part of the waveform VRen to the "-" input ofa Comparator, and the Ramp to the "+" input of a Comparator, voltage One use of the Ramp greater the patent. between zero crossing signals. Such in Figure 15(c) as VRetl. If we apply waveform Waveform. time. It continues is VRet_ The resulting shorter even higher. VR_f3, which the Ramp Sine Wave Gated As has a Voltage signal. 2/18/2005 Additional Active Devices and Circuits Diodes: A diode is a semiconductor with only 2 leads or wires. In simplest a diode can operate like a switch. When voltage is applied in one direction, diode is like a closed direction, switch the diode equivalent Reference Diodes: or ON switch. When voltage is like an open or OFF switch. circuit are shown Figure 16. Diode A reference in Figure symbol diode is applied in the other The diode symbol terms, the and its 16. and switch is a special equivalent. purpose diode. When properly used, it acts as a fixed voltage much like a battery. The value of the fixed voltage depends on the specific referenced diode selected. The symbol for a reference diode and the equivalent battery is shown in Figure 17. I"2 Figure 17. Reference T- diode symbol and battery equivalent. Triac: A triac is a special type of semiconductor diode. Unlike a regular triac can conduct in either direction, but only ifa Gate Signal starts the conduction. two terminals Wa'be. Also, a triac will cease conducting goes to zero. The triac is a good The triac will not conduct unless once the voltage choice the gate signal across diode, its other for generating a Gated Sine is present, and will stop conducting when the voltage across it goes to zero, such as when the AC signal passes through Zero. The symbol for a triac is shown in Figure 18. TJ Paulus JA 0179 a 2/18/2005 Figure 18.Triac symbol. Window Comparator: A Window Comparatoris a specialcircuit formedby a Comparator,2 diodesand4 resistors. The resistors establish two Reference Voltages, VLow and VHi, where Viow is a lower voltage than VHi. The Window Comparator produces an output whenever the input signal is greater than VHi or less than V_w. A circuit diagram for a Window Comparator is shown in Figure 19. Figure TJ Paulus 19. Window comparator JA 0180 circuit. 2/18/2005 ) Claim The elements 20. of Claim 9 of the '066 Patent 9 will be described in terms Control of the block diagram shown in Figure Circuit .................................... AC Voltage Sensor • ............. ) Figure Claim ............................. , ....... . 20 9 states: An apparatus l. comprising. sensor means for detecting to said apparatus; The first element in Claim 9 can be represented Sensor shown in Figure 20. . a lamp which a predetermined by a block can emit afirst labeled condition Sensor within level of illumination can emit a second level of illumination substantially than said first level of illumination, said lamp being switching rapidly from said first level of illumination second level of illumination; and This portion of the second element Lamp shown in Figure 20. 3. control of Claim circuit said sensor TJ Paulus 9 can be represented means coupled means.for causing JA 0181 by a block to said lamp said lamp external the and which greater capable of to said labeled and responsive to to emit light at said 2/18/2005 first level condition of illumination in th_ absence of said predetermined I This portion Response of the third element Circuit provides Response of Claim that is coupled 9 can be represented to and accepts input by a block signals an output signal that is coupled to the Switch that controls Circuit and Switch blocks are part of the Contkol Circuit In this instance, predetermined the Lamp Sensor will operate condition at the first or lowllevel illumination of the third element above. In this instance since the in the presence the Lamp block, the Lamp. The shown in Figure of illumination since and 20. the has not been detected. and for causing This portion labeled from the Sensor said lamp in response of Claim to said predetermined 9 can be represented will operate at the secohd of the predetermined wherein to emit light at said second Sensor said control level of condition, by the same blocks as or high level of illumination condition. circuit means is powered by an AC voltage, and wherein said control circuit means include switching means for selectively permitting and preventing the application of said A C voltage to said lamp and rneans for a selected portion of half waves illumination This final portion of Claim Diagram of using TJ Paulus between of Claim gated the BIock 9 shown sine waves said portion level of level of illumination. by the same we can recognize the two versions of the Gated with Figure 15. The Low Waveform corresponds Diagram in Figure to power of A C voltage, for said second 9 can also be represented the waveform shown in Figure 15(e), and the High waveform shown in Figure 15(d). A comparison half cycle greater than for said first of the third element blocks shown in Figure 20. However, Sine Waves described in relationship of each being of Claim 20 shows Waveform 6 shown that Claim the first and second JA 0182 corresponds in Figure 14 and the Block 9 has the added levels to the sophistication of illumination. 2/18/2005 to Claim The elements Figure of Claim 10 will 10 of the be described '066 Patent in terms of the block diagram shown in 21. Control __ i i i AC Voltage Circuit ................................... Zero C¢oss ' Deiect0r ] i l _', t : Sensor ............. "i- Sensor " ' " .[ : _tator i t "" i r----'_ ' TT I[TI;,reshold] _ I i ] _-_t;°mparat°rl I::',' -', .' .". " "l L J R_espons_e _-__ i l Circa.I • ................................................. i J Figure 21 Claim 10 states: An apparatus l. sensor comprising. means external The first element Sensor shown in Claim in Figure 10 can to said a lamp can condition apparatus, by a block which afirst emit than capable illumination element a predetermined be represented also greater Figure determining labeled Sensor within the 21. . Thesecond for of Claim can emit a second level said first of switching to said level 10 can be represented of illumination of illumination, rapidly second level of illumination from level said first and which substantially said lamp level of being of illumination; by a block labeled Lamp shown in 21. TJ Paulus JA 0183 2/I 8/2005 control . circuit said sensor means coupled means for causing'said first level of illumination condition, !b_c !i_:q_portion of the third element of Claim to said lamp lamp in the absence and responsive to emit light at said of said predetermined 10 can be represented by a block R_.sp_mse Circuit that is coupled to and accepts input silgnals from the Sensor p_, _, ,de.'. ;m output signal that is coupled to the Switch that controls the Lamp. '.:,'.."i','a ,c Circuit and Switch i_ ,_:.. :_,-r:ume, the Lamp ,,-_ ,i, *;,.v,, reed Sensor blocks emits condition are part of the Control Circuit shown and for causing labeled block, The in Figure light at the first or low level of illumination has not been to since and 21. the detected. said lamp to emit light at said first level of illumination in the absence of said predetermined condition, and for causing said lamp to emit light at said second level illumination condition, in response to d{tection I_- pr,,ttor: of element three of Claim 10 can also be represented by a block labeled q'v_o,',.'_e ,'i?ireuit that is coupled to and accepts input signals form the Sensor block, .>., ,, :.... _, uutput signal that is coupled to the Switch of of said predetermined that controls the Lamp. and The i.' c."! ,,:_q,' ¢,_ircuit and the Switch blocks are part of the Control Circuit shown in Figure ' ! _*,_,_:, iustance, the Lamp emits light at the second or high level of illumination since _:w .v,_det,'m-fined Sensor condition has been detected. wherein said control voltage and wherein circuit means said control is powered circuit by an AC means includes switching means for selectively permiting (sic) and preventing the application of said AC voltage to said lamp and means for causing said switching portion portion of each half wave cycle of said A C voltage, said of said half waves being greater for said second of illumination means to be actuated than for said first level of illumination; Thi_ p_rlion of the third element of Claim 10 can also be represented dt:,_ribed above and shown in Figure 21. However, we can recognize the Gatetl Sine Waves described in relationship with Figure for a selected level and by the same blocks the two versions of 15. The greater portion of /h,. hall cycle for the second or high level of illumination corresponds to the wavefomq sh,,,',,_ _a Figure 15(d). The lesser or lower level of illumination corresponds to the fifth ,:,a.'et_,ln shown in Figure 4. 15(e). a zero crossing detect circuit for detecting zero crossing points of said A C voltage, 7'.I P_uius JA 0184 2/18/2005 This portionof the fourth elementof Claim 10canbe represented by a block labeled Zero CrossDetector in the Control Circuit shown in Figure 21. The output signal of Zero Cross Detector can be of the form shown in Figure means for producing a ramp waveform having for each wave of said A C voltage a ramp pulse which is initiated response wa ve, This portion Ramp Ramp of the fourth Generator Generator to detection element of Claim in the Control Circuit a comparator of the zero erossing 10 can be represented shown can be of the form shown in Figure in Figure which the 15(b). half in point for the half by a block 21. The output labeled signal of the 15(c). compares said ramppulse voltage and which actuates said switching time when said ramp voltage first exceeds to a threshold means at a point said threshold in voltage, This portion Comparator accepts of the fourth element of Claim that is coupled to and accepts threshold voltages from the block 10 can be represented by a block labeled input signals from the Ramp Generator, and labeled Threshold, and provides an output signal that is coupled to the Switch that controls the Lamp. The Comparator, and Switch blocks are part of the Control Circu# shown in Figure 21. and means first responsive threshold voltage to said sensor means for to have a first value Threshold, causing in the absence said predetermined condition and a second value to detection of said predetermined condition. This last portion of the fburth element Threshold block the threshold values said of in response of Claim 10 can be represented by adding to the T1 and T2. The threshold value T1 corresponds the absence of the predetermined Sensor condition, and the threshold value T2 corresponds the detection of the predetermined Sensor condition. Further, the Threshold block is coupled to and accepts input signals from the Response Circuit to learn if the predetermined Sensor condition has or has not been detected. The use and effect thresholds is illustrated Comparison further of Fignre sophistication in Figure 21 for Claim in design of two 15. 10 to Figures taught in Claim 14 and 20 for Claims 10. Specific improvements 6 and 9 indicates include the use of a Zero Cross Detector, Ramp Generator and multiple Thresholds to generate various AC waveforms to drive the Lamp at various levels of illumination. This involves the generation TJ Paulus and use of more complex waveforms. JA 0185 2/18/2005 to Claim The elements Figure 22. of Claim Review 11 of the '066 Patent 11 will be described of Claims in terms of the block 10 and 11 shows are identical to the four elements of Claim relating to Claim 10 and Figure 21 applies of Claim I l is discussed below. diagram shown that the fi_rst four elements in of Claim 1l 10. Consequently, the discussion above to Claim 11 and Figure 22. The fifth element Control Circuit ............................ _ ........ Zero Cross AC De_te6f0"t- ,1 Voltage I Ge'he_ator Ramp': " Sensor ............. 1 , ' iThresholdl ' Sensor _ r_ :l T I i ' l_ _T T i . ] [-_t'°mparal°rl ''='3'' ' ;,, i 2'_ Sbnsor L i Light |: i • ............. i '066 I Figure Starting with the fifth element, 5. This portion Sensor 22 block signal This third threshold the addition TJ Paulus means the presence and absence of Claim in the Sensor Light discussed has an output 11 states: light sensing of the fifth element - Light Sensor- Claim in Figure to Claim said circuit means sensing causing for from sensing means condition of Ta to the Threshold Block. is identical 14. The 2 "d Sensor- ofa 2 "d to the 2 "d Light Circuit. including means said threshold to said light to have a third value values when said light daylight. in the Block Referring responsive voltage and second is detecting can be represented by the addition 22. This block 6 and Figure said first for detecting of daylight, to the Response different to said apparatus 11 can be represented shown with respect that is coupled responsive back Diagram to Figure in Figure 22 by 15(c), threshold 2/18/2005 JA 0186 I value T3correspondsto VRenwhich is of highervaluethanVRer=or VRm.Also, VR_t?is largerthanthelargestvalueof theRampWaveform.Consequently,theAC Sinewaveis nevergatedon. in termsof Claim 11,this meansthatno signalif appliedto the Lamp whenthe2naSensordetectslight andtheThresholdCircuit setsthe Thresholdvalueto T3. Comparing Claim particular, Claim 11 to the earlier 11 teaches claims show a continued the use of a third threshold level of sophistication. T3 to turn off the Lamp In during daylight. Claim The elements Figure 23. 12 of the '066 Patent of Claim 12 will be described A comparison of the elements in terms of the block of Claim and 11 shows some similarity. For example, identical to the first three elements of Claim diagram 12 to the elements the first thee elements 6. Thus the I st Sensor in 6, 9, I0 of Claim 12 are - Motion, 2 "a Senor - Light, and the Lamp blocks in Figure 14 are repeated in Figure of Claim 12 differs from the other claims and is discussed below. Control shown of Claims 23. The fourth element Circuit ..................................... 1 | Voltage [ Zero Cross I Detector __ Sensor ] Generator Ramp 1 Input -- ............. "3 I j_ lst Sensor'S__ Motion J ', _Thresholdl IRespons_ [_ _ 1 _-_ _.. ] Circuit Light l ; ' No Vo,,age--_ hi tC i = ................................................. , Figure Starting with the fourth 23 element, 4. Claim control said first circuit 12 states: means and second emit light at said first TJ Paulus JA coupled to said lamp and responsive sensor means for causing level 0187 qf illumination said/amp in response to to to said 2/t 8/2005 °", t second predetermined condition predetermined condition, This portion block which of the fourth is connected of said first element of Claim 12 can be represented by a Response Circuit to and accepts inputs from the 1 _t Sensor - Motion, and the 2 ''d Sensor controls - Light, and provides and output the Lamp. The Response Circuit Circuit shown in Figure in the absence signal that is connected to the Switch that and Switch blocks are part oft.he Control 23. said control circuit means including selectively actuable manual override means for selectively overriding said first second to emit sensor means by manual actuation to cause light at said second level of illumination, and said lamp This portion of the fourth element of Claim 12 can be represented by a Manual Switch block in the Control Circuit shown in Figure 23. The Manual Switch is connected between the Switch and the Lamp blocks. One input Voltage which, when selected by the Manual the second or higher level of illumination. Switch: to the Manual will cause Switch the Lamp said manual override means including means for lamp in the absence of said second predetermined This portion of the fourth to the Manual Switch after said manual override element 12 can be represented shown of Claim m Figure wherein said generating condition connected said has been selected, by a No Voltage input control circuit means includes means for a pulse for each time said first predetermined is detected and further including means for counting said lamp from emitting at said unless two or more pulses are of the fourth element of Claim 12 can be represented by the Pulse Counting in the Control Circuit shown in Figure 23. The Pulse Counting block is to and accepts an input and produces and output signal The principle difference between TJ Paulus disabling condition at 23. said pulses and preventing second level of illumination counted. This portion block shown means is Input to emit light signal from the Response Circuit, and is connected to to the Switch. Claim 12 and the elements JA 0188 of Claims 6, 9, 10 and 11 is 2/18/2005 CERTIFICATE It is hereby certified OF SERVICE that a copy of the foregoing Statement was served, via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid, and by e-mail (.pdf) upon Steven A. Riley, Bowen Riley Warnock & Jacobson, PLC, 1906 West End Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee 37203; and upon Roger L. Cook, Angus M. MacDonald, Townsend, Townsend & Crew, LLP, Two Embarcadero Center, Eighth Floor, San Francisco, California 94111-3834, Counsel for Defendants, this __J I_ day of _7e-.,u,r.,-c..-ff, 2005. COUNS_LA1NTIFF, LLC ___...// TJ Paulus JA 0189 DESA IP, 2/18/2005