IIIII IIIIIIII IIII MIIIIIIIIII IIIII III IIIII IllIII IIIII IIII MJI IIIII IIII lUl USFC2006-1090-05 {DEA81 A41 -A304-466A-A56E-F2F4E476ED60} {70879} {32-060606:133149} {052506} REPLYBRIEF WESTICRS 06-1090 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FEDERAL CIRCUIT AKEVA L.L.C., Plaintiff-Appellant, V, ADIDAS-SALOMON AG, Defendant, and ADIDAS AMERICA, INC., Defendant-Appellee, Appealed From The United States District Court For The Middle Of North Carolina, Greensboro Division, In Case No. 1:03-cv-012107, REPLY BRIEF Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi L.L.P. 1801 K Street, N.W., Suite 1200 Date: D.C. 20006 (202) 775-0725 May 25, 2006 William L. Osteen OF PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT AKEVA L.L.C. Dirk D. Thomas Robert A. Auchter Danielle Avolio Andr6 J. Bahou Jason Buratti Washington, Telephone: Judge District Munir R. Meghjee Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi L.L.P. 2800 LaSalle Plaza 800 LaSalle Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402-2015 Telephone: (612) 349-8500 Attorneys for Plaintiff-Appellant Akeva L.L.C. TABLE OF CONTENTS Pa e INTRODUCTION ARGUMENT I. ......................................................................................... 1 ................................................................................................. THE '471 PATENT CLAIMS A REAR HEEL STRUCTURE DETACHABLE A. B. REAR ARE NOT LIMITED COMPRISING SOLES The Intrinsic Evidence Meaning Of"Secured" 1. A Detachable The inventor TO ............................................... Supports The Ordinary .................................................... The '471 Patent Does Not Disclaim Lacking 5 Rear Sole .................................... II. did not define his inventive A. 13 The District Court Erred By Limiting The Claims To The Disclosed Embodiments ................................... 15 THAT C. DOES NOT DISCLAIM ARE PERMANENTLY REAR SECURED .............. 16 The Specification Discloses Multiple Objectives And Multiple Structures To Meet Those Objectives, And An Express Statement That The Structures Can Be Used In Combination Or Separately B. 9 of claim scope .................................... THE '300 PATENT SOLES 6 The discussion of the prior art does not amount to a clear and unmistakable disavowal C. 5 All Shoes concepts, in all instances, as requiring a detachable rear sole ............................................... 2. 5 ...................................................................... adidas Fails In Its Attempt To Justify The District Court's Forced Reconciliation Of The Contrary Evidence With Its Finding Of Disclaimer .................... 17 21 The Prosecution History Demonstrates That The Claims Of The '300 Patent Were Not Limited To Selectively Positionable Rear Soles .............................. 23 D. III. The '300 Patent Does Not "Define By Implication" That The Term "Secured" Means "Selectively Locked Into Position" ............................... 24 THE DISTRICT COURT PROPERLY CONSTRUED "FLEXIBLE PLATE" IN THE '300 PATENT ...................... 25 A. B. The District Court Correctly Determined That "Flexible Plate" Should Be Construed According To Its Plain And Ordinary Meaning ............................. 26 1. The district court followed the proper approach to claim construction ........................... 26 2. The district court's construction is correct and supported by the intrinsic evidence ............. 27 This Appellate Court Should Not Grant Summary Judgment Of Noninfringement Before The District Court Has An Opportunity To Rule In The First Instance ......................................................................... 30 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................ 31 ii TABLE OF AUTHORITIES Pa e Cases Astrazeneca AB v. Mutual Pharmaceutical Co., 384 F.3d 1333 (Fed. Cir. 2004) ................................................................. 14 C.R. Bard, Inc. v. U.S. Surgical Corp., 388 F.3d 858 (Fed. Cir. 2004) ................................................................... 10 Fabian v. Storage Technology Corp., 164 F.3d 887 (4th Cir. 1999) .................................................................... 30 Golight, Inc. v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 355 F.3d 1327 (Fed. Cir. 2004) .......................................................... passim Honeywell Inc. v. Victor Co. of Japan, Ltd., 298 F.3d 1317 (Fed. Cir. 2003) ........................................................... 18, 19 Johnson Worldwide Assoc., Inc. v. Zebco Corp., 175 F.3d 985 (Fed. Cir. 1999) ................................................................... Liebel-Flarsheim Co. v. Medrad, (Fed. Cir.), cert. denied, nCube Corp. v. Seachange 436 F.3d Inc., 358 F.3d 898 543 U.S. 925 (2004) .................................... 1317 (Fed Cir. 2006) .................................................. 7, 10, 13, 17 passim NTP, Inc. v. Research In Motion, Inc., 418 F.3d 1282 (Fed. Cir. 2005) ................................................................... v. AWHCorp., (en banc), cert. denied, passim Int 'l, Inc., Northrop Grumman Corp. v. Intel Corp., 325 F.3d 1346 (Fed. Cir. 2003) .......................................................... Phillips 25 7 415 F.3d 1303 (Fed. Cir. 2005) 125 S. Ct. 1332 (2006) iii ........................ 5, 17, 26, 27 Rambus Inc. v. Infineon Techs. AG, 318 F.3d 1081 (Fed. Cir.), cert. denied, 540 U.S. 874 (2003) .............. Resonate Inc. v. Alteon Websystems, Inc., 338 F.3d 1360 (Fed. Cir. 2003) ........................................................... SciMed Life Systems, lnc. v. Advanced Cardiovascular Systems, 242 F.3d 1337 (Fed. Cir. 2001) .......................................................... Sunrace Roots Enter. 7, 21 18, 19 Inc., passim Co., Ltd. v. SRAM Corp., 336 F.3d 1298 (Fed. Cir. 2003) ................................................................... Toll Bros., lnc. v. Dryvit Systems, Inc., 432 F.3d 564 (4th Cir. 2005) ..................................................................... 9 30 Statutes 37 C.F.R. § 1.83 ...................................................................................... iv 22, 23 INTRODUCTION adidas' defense of the district themselves--entirely Patent ("the No. result-oriented. 6,662,471 '300 patent") a novel ("the a "heel the upper." intrinsic '471 rulings is--as The relevant claim patent") is straightforward. heel structure includes court's and U.S. Both patents that, in part, is comprised region" common evidence support meaning Patent No. of an "upper" below of "secured" a construction language claim athletic and "a rear sole secured The were the rulings of U.S. 6,604,300 shoes with portion that the heel region and the entirety of "secured" of of the as "fastened" or "attached." Rather than examine history (as required picked portions exists. The district limited to a "detachably by this court's of the specification precedents), secured" the district record to create faulty analysis and prosecution a disclaimer led it to misconstrue rear sole in the '471 patent, or permanently fastened, court cherry- where none "secured" as and to "a rear but not permanently fixed in the '300 patent. adidas ignorance Court's of the intrinsic sole that was selectively in position" the entirety of mischaracterizes attempts the to save the court's intrinsic Akeva's evidence. arguments construction And, in with to make support of similar studied its points, adidas the proper claim construction, revises the district Court's decisions in SciMed Life Systems, Inc., Medrad, Inc., 358 F.3d 898 (Fed. Cir.), cert. denied, disclaimer respect that "detachably 1337 (Fed. Inc. v. Advanced Systems, With 242 F.3d court's reasoning, and misapplies this to the limits secured" '471 patent, the scope rear sole because exists. Instead, adidas the district court's analysis alleging meaning of"secured," appears attempts to save the court's "expressly defin[ed] But adidas specification term "secured" in a confusing clear to only no such unambiguous a disclaimer secured," (adidas ruling language of of the of claim scope of any although "detachably From that the inventor to limit the scope of characterization Br. at 24-28.) by asserting a secured" there, adidas purportedly of the claims to soles (Id. at 24.) points without only context, evidence that the '471 patent intrinsic evidence--and specification claim to any that the court found no disclaimer the invention" that are detachable. points but rather in the claims. Co. v. 543 U.S. 925 (2004). never engages rear sole that was not "detachably nowhere and Liebel-Flarsheim adidas of the disclaimer ordinary Cir. 2001), Cardiovascular more to and general fails to address uses "secured" germane language from the powerful as ordinarily to the present of the '471 patent and its related plucked intrinsic understood. appeal, patents--discloses the That the common at least two inventive features--(1)a flexible member; and (2)a detachable rear sole-- that can be utilized together or independently of each other, adidas' only effort to rebut the fact that the '471 patent describes these independent inventive features is to circularly argue that the patent does not somehow further describe these features as comprising separate inventions, adidas simply ignores the evidence that it is a related patent (the '210 patent) that has claims specifically reciting the detachable rear sole, while the '471 patent claims are not limited to athletic shoes with a detachable sole. Nor can adidas' arguments save the district court's faulty analysis of the '300 patent, adidas defends the court's recitation of this Court's decision in SciMed, specification means that "[i]n all embodiments, for selectively and upper of the shoe." under the proper when placed evidence disclaimer discloses locking contrary of claim to that the inventor's patent, Here, conceptions with a rote on language includes to the rear sole support col. 7, lines intrinsic was unlike not in the mechanical 17-20.) that the "all embodiments" of the entire a disclaimer), scope. the invention '300 it is apparent in the context seizing the rear sole relative (A0128, analysis, construction record a clear in SciMed, and contributions But, language, (which provides and unequivocal the specification to the art are not limited to rotatable rear soles but include additional features, notwithstanding the language on which the court relied. In the '300 patent, multiple distinct inventive features are separately discussed in the specification. The "all embodiments" language is found in the portion of the specification discussing a detachable and/or rotatable rear sole that is claimed elsewhere in the '300 patent family. Another portion of the specification relates to the flexible member that is a part of the novel heel structure claimed in the '300 patent. Indeed, the specification pointedly states that "[t]he flexible region.., only in conjunction The court's need not be used with a detachable rear sole, but can be used with permanently attached rear soles as well." 14-16.) '300 patent (A0129, '300 patent, col. 10, lines attempt to reconcile this statement with the "all embodiments" language resulted in a nonsensical claim construction--one that is limited to either a "selectively" or a "permanently" fastened rear sole as long as the rear sole is not "permanently fixed in position." adidas' backward reasoning in support of the court's faulty rulings cannot justify a construction of"secured" in the '471 and '300 patents that is at odds with its plain and ordinary meaning and inconsistent with the full intrinsic record. 4 ARGUMENT I. THE '471 PATENT CLAIMS ARE NOT LIMITED TO A REAR HEEL STRUCTURE COMPRISING DETACHABLE REAR SOLES A. The Intrinsic "Secured" Evidence The ordinary meaning the district court should commonly understood Supports of "secured" have applied term. is one that is readily the widely See Phillips adidas does not contest argues evidence that Akeva Opening explaining based Brief how the ordinary upon requires. of the claims 1314. the claims, (Akeva adidas guidance Akeva begins meaning ignores which much All of the asserted and See Phillips, of this intrinsic should as to the meaning claim of "secured" specification, Br. at 23-27.) meaning have provided of particular claims and of this 415 F.3d 1303, of "secured." Instead, ignoring intrinsic by (adidas of Akeva's the Of apparent, meaning Corp., definitions." mischaracterization Meaning 125 S. Ct. 1332 (2006). Phillips "in favor of broad dictionary This is a blatant its the ordinary disregards accepted v. AWH 1314 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (en banc), cert. denied, adidas The Ordinary the Br. at 23.) arguments. construction is the proper prosecution Rather, analysis in by construction history as Phillips 415 F.3d at 1314-17. evidence, evading the district claim terms." of the '471 patent court Phillips, the language "substantial 415 F.3d at recite "secured" without any modifiers--such as the "detachable" modifier that the court imposed. (A0179-80, '471 patent, col. 13, line 7 - col. 16, line 17.) Similarly, adidas fails to address the many instances in which "secured" is used in its ordinary sensein the '471 patent specification, or the patentee's use of a modifier when he wanted to say "detachably secured." (See citations listed in Akeva Br. at 24.) Finally, adidas fails to address the prosecution history meaningful way. Here, the patentee made clear his intention of the '471 patent those claims "detachably when related patent (the '210 intentions Liebel-Flarsheim Co., 358 ignores B. by omitting was expressly patent). a disclaimer skips crucial there is "no history without analysis (adidas aspects of claim in its defense Not Disclaim scope based this claims." important Br. at 29), and of the court's All Shoes of a claim construction none exists. as to the of the asserted dismisses the of an earlier, dispute adidas history from in the claims at 909. of claim scope where a disclaimer "detachably" to the meaning The '471 Patent Does Detachable Rear Sole adidas the term F.3d the prosecution that the claims to the rear heel (and not just recited Thus, with respect of the prosecution otherwise finding secured") that limitation applicant['s] aspect cover all rear soles "secured" in any ruling. Lacking analysis A to justify But the law does not permit on ambiguous and indirect snippets from the specification such as those on which district relies and the court based its ruling. Rather, requires this Court has repeatedly "words representing Motion, expressions 418 F.3d omitted). construction refusing or a clear disavowal Inc., quotations analysis nCube (Fed Cir. 2006); 1331-33 Northrop 2003); Grumman Rambus unequivocal expressly v. Research 2005) (citation on isolated (Fed. Cir. 2004); of the entire taken Int'l, 436 Inc., Inc. v. Wal-Mart Techs. F.3d Co., 1346, AG, 318 F.3d claim record, out of context. Stores, Liebel-Flarsheim 325 F.3d intrinsic See 1317, 1319-22 Inc., 355 F.3d 358 F.3d 1354-55 1081, In and held that the proper statements to no clear disavowal secured" the specification, disclaimer defin[ed] Inc. an examination v. Infineon other than "detachably from NTP, scope." restriction, at 905; (Fed. 1094-95 Cir. (Fed. 540 U.S. 874 (2003). adidas points statements or Corp. v. Intel Corp., Inc. Cir.), cert. denied, exclusion 1308-09 v. Seachange Cir. manifest of claim see also Golight, (Fed. of claim scope this Court has always requires Corp. held that a disclaimer of 1282, Thus, to find disclaimer generally, 1327, adidas because the invention rear heels. adidas of claim scope excluding Instead, argues the inventor as 'including relying on three isolated that there supposedly a detachable anything is a clear "consistently rear sole'" and and and purportedly distinguished the prior art "on the grounds that the prior art shoes have many disadvantages due to their failure to utilize detachable rear soles." (adidas Br. at 24-25.) The first statement describes the general field of the invention; the second occurs in the background specification; and the third discusses one advantage invention: athletic "The shoes present invention and, more interchangeable/detachable life and better (A0173, '471 patent, (2) There and function feature of the the present is "no apparent Remarkably, to that in terms to multi-purpose athletic provide a radical shoes extended of cushioning with and and more spring." incorporates of the fact that the use dramatically from conventional a heel structure, alleviates asserts are a disclaimer awareness if it is simply (ld., col. 2, lines 51-54.) departure significantly adidas industry shoe can be changed rear soles." invention sole, that soles performance of an athletic "[I]n generally col. 1, lines 13-17.) given interchangeable (3) relates particularly, rear versatile statements of one _ (1) rear section of the heel wear that Akeva of claim scope. including problems does not dispute (adidas shoes, the shoe of a detachable associated with that two of these Br. at 31-32.) In fact, Akeva discusses in its Opening Brief why all of these particular statements do not rise to the level of a clear and unequivocal disclaimer of claim scope. (Akeva Br. at 29-33.) conventional shoes and provides enhanced cushioning and/or spring." (A0174, '471 patent, col. 4, lines 56-61 .) 1. The inventor instances, These detachable rear sole. 31), general disclaimer Sunrace statements statements of claim Roots Enter. did not define as requiring do not As pointed a detachable "define" the out in Akeva's describing scope. his inventive Liebel-Flarsheim Co., Ltd. v. SRAM in all rear sole invention Opening the invention concepts, as requiring Brief (Akeva a Br. at do not amount to an express Co., 358 at 905, 908; Corp., 336 F.3d F.3d 1298, 1304-05 (Fed. Cir. 2003). The '471 patent inventor a novel way of addressing structure conceived spring as well as a novel and the rear sole of an athletic shoe. col. 3, line 30 - col. 4, line 25 (discussing C, 16-21, 23, 24, 26, 27); A0173, of a heel structure that allows way of attaching (See, e.g., A0174, a heel '471 patent, Figs. 2, 3, 8, 11, 12, 14A-C, col. 2, lines 4-20 and 32-47; for 15A- A0175, col. 5, lines 1-4; col. 6, lines 41-58.) That this heel structure inventor patent, does acknowledges may include was already col. 2, lines 4-31; A0817, not mean that detachable rear sole. the claims a detachable known in the prior art (see A0173, '210 patent, are As discussed rear sole (which the '471 col. 1, line 65 - col. 2, line 25)) limited in Akeva's to a heel Opening structure with Brief, the court a improperly relied on the term "includes" in the specification and on C.R. Bard, Inc. v. U.S. Surgical (Akeva Br. at 30-33.) analysis of that authority. Indeed, one adidas possible, as mechanism for rotating one that least 360°. '' Golight, limiting the description 864 required, patentees description." based based logical on scope ... or features Id. of an addresses" also described rotation to include the use of the invention Corp., 436 F.3d at 1321-22. 10 direction as Inc., for the "present horizontal through features, within Corp., because invention describing drive through at this the concluding that or important Court that "all routing specification with 360 ° where each of their claims as significant language discussing This Court found no disclaimer other significant on specification 2004). flawed In Golight, unit in a horizontal In nCube simply a motor-driven described Cir. the court's features language to horizontal were not required written disclaimer "includes the lamp (Fed. held that language specification also described advantages nCube not 858, no effort to defend Inc., 355 F.3d at 1331. claim of these history but this Court addressed invention" "[t]he makes F.3d does not rise to a level of a clear disclaimer. example, written 388 this Court has repeatedly of several important Corp., other refused all in the to find is accomplished and addressing prosecution schemes. a Such is the case here. As discussed in Akeva's Opening Brief, the specification discloses two aspects of the invention claimed in the '471 patent family--the flexible member and the detachable rear sole--and clearly discloses that these features can be used independently another. (Akeva Br. at 9-13.) of one adidas fails to address the intrinsic record evidence describing the flexible member aspect of the inventor's concepts. For example, in the Background of the Invention, the inventor specifically points to problems in the prior art such as "midsole wear" where "no one has yet addressed heel wear problems in an effective way," enhancement" which is "largely ignored" in the industry. patent, col. 1, lines 40-50; col. 2, lines 33-47.) and "spring (A0173, '471 The '471 patent discloses two features (separate and apart from the detachable heel) that solve the patent's "spring enhancement" objective: the flexible plate (A0175, '471 patent, col. 5, lines 1-4; A0177, col. 9, lines 18-30), and the U-shaped member (A0178, col. 11, lines 3-10 and 48-61). Indeed, the '471 patent recognizes that any combination of these multiple features can be used together to address the multiple objectives of the inventor's various contributions to the art: "it is intended that the present invention cover all possible combinations of features shown ... they come within the scope of the claims" in the patent. 11 provided (A0179, '471 patent, col. 13, lines 1-3.) adidas attempts to discount this statement through entirely circular logic, contending that using various embodiments in combination has no applicability here because, in adidas' view, the "scope of the claims" is limited to a detachable rear heel. It is this contrary evidence from the intrinsic record that distinguishes the facts of this case from the holding of SciMed. states that SciMed ignores supports No such statement, taken disclaimer, this "[r]ead "all exists alone, did not end the analysis. Court considered together" supported the entirety In SciMed, this Court found no contradictory that would support an alternative The more analogous was found specification 242 F.3d because the statements, cases, entirety Rather, invention But even in order written of disclaimer. evidence result. at 1343 (emphasis patent. of the it that this Court of the present in the '471 a finding a different language embodiments SciMed, repeatedly does not argue otherwise), the following herein." statement adidas the cases that mandate recited a disclaimer: and disclosed removed). law," (Akeva between the specification contemplated which "good clear distinctions In SciMed, found remains While that to find description /d. at 1342-43. in the intrinsic record construction. therefore, are those in which of the intrinsic did not reflect 12 record, no disclaimer not just a clear and unmistakable isolated disavowal of claim nCube, scope. 436 Grumman F.3d conclusory. at 1321-22; attempt (adidas for divorced injector is provided Inc., on There, 355 F.3d F.3d at 908; see at 1331; context. having snippets For example, of the present also Northrop a front end loadable pressure There was no disclaimer that an invention achieves be construed all of the objectives." provided a "strong because there syringe there, that there specification stated: is provided an that can be loaded through an opening that Liebel-Flarsheim, "[t]he fact that does to structures And, the it is infringer patent-in-suit objectives as limited indication" that jacket." several Id. from jacket because the alleged invention, in the front end of the pressure at 908. fails like here, isolated from the injector each of the claims history based a proper into and removed achieving 358 Liebel-Flarsheim Br. at 30-31.) to the principles angiographic asserts Golight, to distinguish disclaimer from "According F.3d e.g., Liebel-Flarsheim, Corp., 325 K3d at 1355. adidas' argued See, 358 a patent not require that that are capable as here, of the prosecution was no disclaimer. /d. at 909. . adidas argues from the '471 patent The discussion of the prior art does not amount and unmistakable disavowal of claim scope that since the second specification relate 13 and third of the cited to a discussion to a clear statements of the advantages of the invention over the prior art, they amount to a disclaimer of claim scope, relying extensively on Astrazeneca AB v. Mutual F.3d 1333 (Fed. Cir. 2004) and SciMed But findings the in Astrazeneca summary Here, cases, 40-54; on this point other products.., detachable identifies also whereas any instance from the prior discloses where art based '471 patent, criticizes solution the flexible 40; A0177, describes on a "general a feature multiple the prior (See A0175, inventive feature." It discusses is the both the midsole col. 9, lines 18-31; A0178, col. 1, lines wear to these rear sole, and spring col. 8, lines 33- col. 11, lines 3-10 and 48-60.) 14 those of midsole solutions detachable 1-4; A0176, unlike and the written '471 patent, multiple the of a detachable because wear col. 5, lines in the art, and Also, features shoes of the distinguished on the existence (See A0173, addresses '471 patent, the inventor art athletic for midsole member known col. 2, lines 4-31.) and for lack of spring. One problems. were based disclaimer that lack that same rear soles col. 2, lines 32-47 and 54-60.) problems. [that] The were the '471 patent wear problems different. in contrast, (See A0173, description this argument. 242 F.3d at 1340-45. invention rear heel. quite Co., 384 AB, 384 F.3d at 1340; see SciMed, nowhere claimed are of the invention and criticizes Astrazeneca here and SciMed or description invention.., adidas circumstances to support Pharmaceutical C. The District Court Erred Disclosed Embodiments adidas acknowledges the lack of a disclosure By Limiting that the district court's decision in the written description featured a rear sole that is not detachably adidas admits in its discussion construe a patent's claims element is present in every Br. at 30.) commit the to require a specific error embodiment that presumably because "definition" of the invention. define his invention of what as limited fact that the inventor Yet Br. at 29.) that "it is improper element disclosed merely because in the patent[.]" adidas reversal as As stated above, however, with detachable may have anticipated Grumman does not support the the court's rear heels. "IT]he embodiments, the court's be reversed. 15 at 1355. limitation claim inventor's did not that the invention 325 F.3d did not the inventor would that the scope of the patent Corp., that in Liebel-Flarsheim, mischaracterizes to shoes to (adidas in Northrop and disclosed (adidas resulted that context." preferred that that the district court here way does not mean evidence was based upon contends in a particular intrinsic secured. To The of an embodiment of Liebel-Flarsheim adidas nonetheless same The Claims be used is limited Because of the claims construction to the to the should II. THE '300 THAT PATENT DOES NOT ARE PERMANENTLY DISCLAIM backwards specification record, adidas invention includes relative from the result, focusing divorced on isolated on the mechanical language means removed), language is a clear and unequivocal locking invention to detachable selectively locked into different positions. adidas is wrong, embodiments" circumstances. compelling does both legally not mandate Here, evidence or permanently unlike by the "all embodiments" rear factually. the the rear sole Br. at 34-35) a holding that this scope limiting the soles that can be The phrase of claim the intrinsic disclaimer intrinsic scope evidence of claim scope "in all in all provides was intended language. The '300 patent specification a "flexible of claim a clear disavowal in SciMed, that no broad compels attached and (adidas by from the all embodiments, for selectively disavowal ruling by the remaining that "[i]n adidas asserts that SciMed court's statements to the rear sole support and upper of the shoe." (emphasis both the district from the context provided relies SOLES SECURED As with the '471 patent, adidas defends working REAR member" and prosecution and a selectively features that can be utilized context, the "all embodiments" together positionable clearly heel would disclose as separate or apart from one another. language 16 history not be understood In this by those of ordinary to athletic skill in the art to limit the scope of the claims shoes having 22; Golight, both features. The Specification Multiple Structures Express Statement Combination In arguing specification features, discussing read in its entirety, adidas patent to acknowledge achieves be construed all of the objectives." structures need that repeatedly invention contradicting solving any "The of the position. inventive plate features and some fact that a patent does not require to structures that are capable asserts that each of of achieving 358 F.3d at 908; see also Phillips, that function to deflect and consistently distinct finding have adidas' two The specification objectives that baffles also heel. by a flexible heel. Liebel-Flarsheim, do not not disclose on the portion that the disclosed achieved several as limited 415 F.3d at 1325 (stating exclusively does not support some does positionable by a detachable/positionable the claims specification relies the selectively objectives, that an invention evidence Discloses Multiple Objectives And To Meet Those Objectives, And An That The Structures Can Be Used In adidas however, refuses multiple achieved 436 F.3d at 1321- Or Separately that the '300 inventive achieve Corp., Inc., 355 at 1331. A. distinct See nCube of the '300 patent problems of disclaimer. 17 as part of internal impact discloses provides support weapons). multiple features compelling See Phillips, 415 Intrinsic F.3d of the evidence at 1325; Golight, Inc., Northrop 355 F.3d Grumman Websystems, 325 Inc., 338 F.3d 1360, invention. •.. of the addresses problem patent, '300 problem is that purchasers personal 2.) It is the flexible that addresses gait cycle (A0126, A0128, of conventional member/plate, and reduces in that it is more durable '300 patent, compression objectives in athletic member athletic states shoes shoes .... that "[a]nother cannot customize own body provides or eliminates see also, A0127, col. 7, lines 50-53; col. 8, lines 30-34.) 18 " weight, col. 1, line 66 - col. 2, line than conventional col. 3, lines 39-42; of the compression and not the detachable/positionable flexible Inc. v. in the art that successfully It also (ld., '300 patent, v. Alteon of the Invention of midsole in the heel of a shoe to their or need." heel strike 43-65.) at 908; Cir. 2003)• states that "midsole compression 1, lines Inc. Honeywell as separate there is nothing midsole this issue: "[t]he upon compression col. or spring preference, the issues described F.3d Resonate and the Background the specification of (A0125, the cushioning 1355; 358 1367 (Fed. Cir. 2003); are acute problem.., the at specification, heel For example, is another F.3d of the Invention of the '300 patent cushioning Liebel-Flarsheim., Ltd., 298 F.3d 1317, 1326 fled. In the Summary and 1331; Corp., Victor Co. of Japan, portions at spring interior heel, to the user's rear midsole midsole material." col. 6, lines 36-45; The Abstract and the Summary of the Invention of the '300 patent discuss only the flexible plate aspect of the inventor's contributions to the art. adidas fails to distinguish Resonate Court was found no disclaimer "conspicuously Invention, missing" and there problem The portion relates exclusively that specification embodiments, the to states, invention '300 patent, Contrary to adidas' stating argument of the advantages and language relating on which as disclaimer Summary includes the to the alleged adidas relies (adidas Br. at rear heel, detachable/positionable to of 298 F.3d at 1326. by that inventive assertion explicit adidas' Abstract this that feature. particular mechanical It is only there feature, in for selectively means and upper "all of the shoe." col. 7, lines 17-19.). z two separately 2 of the purported to the rear sole support demonstrating when claim the addressed the rear sole relative (A0128, the of the specification the problems locking from See also HoneywellInc., discussing the any mention was no explicit to be solved. 34-37) where Inc., 338 F.3d at 1366, in which that Akeva usable inventive that the two inventive has pointed features, features that a finding of disclaimer of the selectively positionable to no language the specification can be used can be found is separately in discussions rear sole over the prior art must also fail because, as the inventor expressly acknowledged, the generic concept of a movable rear sole was already in the prior art and could not provide the basis for patentability. (See A5501.) 19 or together: "[t]he flexible with a detachable rear soles region also need not be used only in conjunction rear sole, but can also be used with permanently as well." (A0129, '300 patent, col. 10, lines attached 14-16) (emphasis added). adidas a separate limited dismisses inventive this statement feature, to a heel structure doing, adidas (adidas Br. relies multiple "preferred focusing on a different embodiment focuses but is rather with exclusively at 43, citing aspect first rear sole, which patent, combines flexible plurality feature), patent, col. feature) focuses 35-col, the disclosed 9, line features are replaceable of separate positions." 15.) and notes (A0127, 2O In so 17-20.) But each The first preferred in the (A0128, preferred '300 patent '300 patent, embodiment (or the on a shoe with a detachable The third that "both and a given rear sole. of the specification. invention. plate in the rear sole. in contrast, and in the specification, disclosed The second plate is not embodiment 7, lines may or may not be used with a flexible col. 8, lines member portion are disclosed inventive on a shoe with a flexible inventive '300 of the disclosed col. 7, line 45 - col. 8, line 34.) second positionable on one isolated A0128, that the flexible the preferred a selectively embodiments" (or the by arguing plate. preferred (A0128, embodiment the rear sole and the rear sole can be locked '300 patent, '300 col. 6, lines in a 42-44.) The '300 patent's inclusion of language embodiments as "the present to all the features multiplexed, present even invention" B. (finding though included district court specification--"[t]he with permanently attached disclaimer language. to limit the claims of the invention. the specification See Rambus Inc., requiring the claimed "bus" be contained a statement that "the it). clearly a recognized region also need rear sole, but detachable rear of claim that soles the language not can be also as well"--contradicted scope it found from used be "all the only in used a finding the in with of the embodiments" (A0017-25.) Instead the specification: permanently added).) is not sufficient no disclaimer flexible conjunction scope, to just one of the preferred adidas Fails In Its Attempt To Justify The District Court's Forced Reconciliation Of The Contrary Evidence With Its Finding Of Disclaimer The broad invention," of that embodiment 318 F.3d at 1094-95 referring of recognizing court adopted "a rear fixed The district not illustrated sole that this language a claim court's construction selectively in position" refutes to the without or permanently shoe upper. claim interpretation in any of the figures in the patent. 21 a disclaimer defines of claim support fastened, (A0025 but not (emphasis a structure If the Patent in the that is Office had understood the claims to define such structure, it would have required drawings showing such structure, as required by 37 C.F.R. § 1.83. Examiner never required any amendments to the figures, The thereby demonstrating that the district court's claim construction conflicts with the applicant's intended claim scope and the Patent Office's understanding of the claimed subject matter. 3 adidas responds initially by wordplay, contending that the district court did not construe "secured" as "permanently attached and adjustable." (adidas Br. at 38.) But there is no other way to read the court's construction. According to the court, the rear sole must be either (l) permanently fastened but not permanently fixed in position, or (2)selectively fastened but not permanently fixed in position. (A0025.) adidas also argues that the '300 patent discloses a rear sole that can be rotated into different positions, but is not detachable. (ld.) statement does to which not disclose adidas points (A0128, an embodiment meeting '300 patent, But the isolated col. 7, lines 42-43) the requirements of 37 C.F.R. 3 As pointed out in Akeva's Opening Brief at 21, and unrebutted by adidas, this construction of the claims is nonsensical as the patent Examiner, in her Notice of Allowability, (A4268-71), distinguished the allowed claims over U.S. Patent No. 5,185,943 to Tong, (A0668-86), which does not include a movable rear sole. If the Examiner had interpreted the '300 patent claims to require a selectively positionable rear sole, she would not have distinguished the allowed claims over Tong for the reasons she stated. 22 § 1.83. In Figure 3, to which adidas also points, the rear sole is held to the remainder of the shoe by a threaded band but is not permanently attached-the heel can be removed by unscrewing the threaded band from the heel support. (See also A0128-29, Just because not make district the heel portion it "permanently court's C. dismisses meaning to the remainder to be rotated of the shoe does as the requires. of "secured" prosecution that history when claimed, '126 patent is claimed claims by narrowly patent, ignoring focusing entirely by use of specific application, of positions. of this patent claims.) as a basis the detachable/selectively for applying on one claim the evidence positionable modifiers. the inventor shoes that have a "detachably to a plurality history the (claim in the full rear sole, (See, e.g., A0726-27, 10, 14, 19, 33 and 40.) In the original patent does not need to be removed the prosecution '126 the claims col. 8, line 34 - col. 9, line 3.) The Prosecution History Demonstrates That The Claims Of The '300 Patent Were Not Limited To Selectively Positionable Rear Soles 19) of the ancestral athletic patent, fastened" construction adidas ordinary '300 (A0856, address secured" '497 patent, disclosed 23 which invention of rear sole that is also rotatable col. 2, lines 35-45.) a shoe with these features. It was in the '384 patent, his issued (A0860-61, All of '497 from a continuation- in-part of the '497 patent (and from which the '300 patent is a continuation (A0095, '300 patent)), that the inventor addressed flexible members and removed language relating to the moveable rear sole. (A0095-0140, '300 patent, Figs. 1-26; col. 2, lines 16-60; col. 3, lines 33-42; col. 6, lines 33-45; col. 7, line 45 - col. 8, line 34; col. 9, line 10 - col. 13, line 1; col. 13, lines 26-48; A0849-60, '497 patent, Figs. 1-12; col. 2, line 35 - col. 3, line 8; col. 3, lines 52-55; col. 5, line 3 - col. 6, line 44; col. 7, line 30 - col. 9, line 39.) The inventor prosecution intended positionable to none a detachable "secured" locked demonstrates a flexible attached of the asserted "defined into position. The adidas inventor gave Johnson Worldwide '300 patent, with both selectively used varied that term its broad of the '300 positionable to evade the term No such implied Assoc., in the Not "Define By Implication" Means "Selectively Locked attempts by implication" speciflcation's plate claims or selectively is recited, that, the rear soles. The '300 Patent Does The Term "Secured" Position" Finally, inventor claim or fixedly D. recites history use sole. this by arguing Instead, that only the to mean selectively establishes that exists. of "secured" meaning rather than Inc. v. Zebco Corp., 175 F.3d 24 specifically rear "secured" definition patent That Into a limited the definition. 985, 991 (Fed. Cir. 1999). The specification necessary, with a modifier. specification - col. no discussion 4, line Elsewhere, identifies and without mechanism, or detachable where (See, A0127-29, col. such demonstrates 10, lines as 4-8.) "fixedly," or '300 patent, adidas the term "secured" without using col. 6, lines 3-45; the to explain Br. '300 patent how the rear at 45-47. adidas is used alone but there are at least four places '300 patent, the heel col. 3, line A0126, that use "secured" position." rear sole is described below '300 patent, patent, where col. 8, lines 7-8.) adidas into '300 or, is first used in the sole (A0126, a modifier, exception" locked only two places the locking by rear col. 9, lines 41-42; '300 patent, identified is "selectively with '300 patent, col. 4, line 44; A0128, "consistently, A0129, is used (A0129, Nothing way--"secure also generically, when "secured" of movability. 1; see "secured" "detachably." sole For example, it is in a general region"--with 65 uses "secured" where to refer to the movable the term "secured" at all. col. 6, line 61 - col. 7, line 44; col. 8, line 57- col. 9, line 3; col. 9, lines 46-66.) III. THE DISTRICT "FLEXIBLE PLATE" COURT PROPERLY IN THE '300 PATENT adidas the district here challenges court's construction plate" even though it was not a basis for the stipulated has never been identified as an issue for appeal. 25 CONSTRUED of "flexible entry of judgment and It was clear to the court and all parties that the issue for appeal was construction of "secured." specifically acknowledged construction of 'secured,' the Asserted Claims notice of appeal "Akeva concedes defendant adidas.., of the patents was narrow that, does not.., in suit .... and clearly under " limited The court the Court's infringe (A0071.) Akeva's any of ensuing to the claim term "secured." (A1033-34.) Accordingly, the district this issue court properly A. construed nearly bendable." court "flexible properly fiat, and relatively the Court. Moreover, plate." Determined That "Flexible According To Its Plain And construed "flexible thin piece of metal plate" as a "smooth, or other material that is (A0032.) 1. The district construction The thrust of adidas' this term, "did not have approach to claim Although Phillips both parties Phillips before The District Court Correctly Plate" Should Be Construed Ordinary Meaning The district usually is not properly was court's followed argument decided briefs claim the proper is that the district the benefit construction. "submitted on the court of Phillips" (adidas after Br. the district [to the district construction 26 approach court, to claim in construing and thus took an improper at 50.) This court's Markman court] discussing ruling." is not (A0053.) true. ruling, the impact Although of adidas did not argue that "flexible plate" should be construed differently, (A1002-1011), the court revisited its construction of "flexible plate" in light of Phillips and confirmed after consideration Contrary on broad of the written to adidas' dictionary but rather plate." 2. relative description." the intrinsic does not support to a piece of material be designed provide spring member can flex under the weight optimized '300 patent, to provide by acting clearly the best as a trampoline through and record, construing the flex plate disclosed discloses portion is not restricted (A0128, flexible materials elevated to one of ordinary and it need plate col. 8, also emphasizes region and geometries. The specification only of the flexible '300 patent, The specification col. 9, lines 29-33 and 58-62.) 27 the flexible performance--i.e., by the the use of differing and supported plate region of the user"). provided is correct (i.e., that "the middle see also col. 7, lines 50-65.) spring before that has a central The '300 patent should the record limiting skill in the art that the shape of the flexible that with the intrinsic rely (A0028-65.) to its periphery. lines 28-32; meaning the court did not improperly The district court's construction by the intrinsic evidence patent and ordinary (A0063-64.) that are inconsistent evaluated The specification in the '300 given its plain characterization, definitions thoroughly term "flexible that it "was can be (A0129, also describes a flexible plate without an elevated central portion. For example, the flexible plate of Figure 2 is fiat and described in the patent specification as "supported at its peripheral region by an upward facing top surface of rear sole support 140... [where] a ledge 148 may be formed in rear sole support 140 to support and laterally stabilize flexible member 200." (A0128, '300 patent, col. 7, line 66 - col. 8, line 5.) In addition, the flexible plate depicted in Figure 18 is concave. (A0116.) A flexible plate having an elevated central portion is discussed only as a preferred embodiment or an optional design characteristic that "may" be employed. (See A0128, '300 patent, col. 7, lines 45-50 (preferred embodiment); A0129, col. 9, lines 20-25 (preferably); col. 10, lines 17-24 (flexible member may be curved or convex); A0130, col. 11, lines 56-59 (flexible member may be convex).) Thus, the two portions of the specification that adidas relies on to argue for disclaimer (see adidas Br. at 51) relate only to the specific embodiments shown in Figures 4-17. In the context of the entire disclosure, it is apparent that the statement that "in each of the embodiments the central portion of the flexible member is raised relative to its outer perimeter embodiments, specification. but only ..." does not encompass all possible the preferred (A0029.) 28 embodiment described in the adidas' proposed claim construction also limits "flexible "separate and removable piece of material." plate" to a (adidas Br. at 51.) provides no evidence to support this construction. adidas To the contrary, one passage adidas quotes confirms that the flexible member/plate can be either "incorporated into the shoe or can be a separate flexible member or plate." (adidas Br. at 50) (emphasis removed). discusses the removability embodiment The specification of the flexible member/plate consistently as a preferred or a design option, with another option being a flexible member/plate that could be fixedly secured to, or incorporated as an integral part of, either the rear sole support or rear sole. (A0129, col. 9, lines 41-43; see also A0127, A0129, patent 4 '300 patent, col. 10, lines 27-31; claims adidas' and "flexible 162-165, argument region" col. 6, lines 42-45; A0130, A0128, col. 12, lines 47-54; col. 8, lines 6-22; A0137-138, '300 173-176.) 4 that there or "flexible is a difference member" between discussed the "flexible in the patent plate" is wrong. As the district court noted, the patent uses the term "plate" and "region" and "member" interchangeably. "The written description refers to both 'flexible region 200' and 'flexible member 200,' and also to 'flexible member 500' and 'flexible plate 500.' Additionally, the specification states that 'any of the above-described flexible members may be used as flexible region 700.'" (A0031.) In addition, the patent claims make clear that the inventor contemplated a flexible "plate" that was integral with various parts of the shoe and therefore not removable. (A0137-138, '300 patent claims 162-165 and 173.) 29 B. This Appellate Court Should Not Grant Summary Judgment Of Noninfringement Before The District Has An Opportunity To Rule In The First Instance Even if this Court reviews plate," it is premature noninfringement the district court's for this appellate based only entered because district court's construction ruled on adidas' motion as here, allow of"secured." (refraining (A0071.) for summary judgment from ruling before of noninfringement Systems, on alternative of the was under the The district court never of noninfringement. on adidas' court to address adidas' See, e.g., Toll Bros., Inc. v. Dryvit 2005) Judgment limitation that there is no infringement the district court never ruled the district plate" claim to rule. Akeva conceded of "flexible Court to grant summary judgment on the "flexible district court has an opportunity construction Court motion, arguments Where, this Court should in the first instance. Inc., 432 F.3d 564, 572 (4th Cir. grounds for affirmation because the district court had not yet addressed the issue); see also Fobian v. Storage Technology to rule on Corp., 164 F.3d 887, 892 (4th Cir. 1999) (declining summary judgment motions to avoid usurping court in considering the motions the proper in the first instance). The district court did not rule on the pending judgment parties and numerous have yet discovery to develop role of the district issues a full factual 30 motions are unresolved. record for summary Therefore, on infringement the under adidas' proposed construction, either literally or under the doctrine of equivalents. Thus, properly if this Court decides raised construction, the district on appeal the proper that the construction and if it reverses disposition would of "flexible the district be to remand plate" court's is claim for consideration by court in the first instance. CONCLUSION The district patents should noninfi'ingement The district court's be reversed, should court's construction and be vacated construction of"secured" the district and remanded of"flexible in the '471 and the '300 plate" court's for further judgment proceedings. in the '300 patent be left undisturbed. Date: May 25, 2006 Respectfully submitted, Dirk D. Thomas Robert A. Auchter Danielle Avolio Andr6 J. Bahou Jason Buratti Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi L.L.P. 1801 K Street, N.W., Suite 1200 Washington, D.C. 20006 Telephone: (202) 775-0725 31 of should Munir R. Meghjee Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi L.L.P. 2800 LaSalle Plaza 800 LaSalle Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402-2015 Telephone: (612) 349-8500 Attorneys for Plaintiff-Appellant Akeva L.L.P. Of Counsel: Scott A. Schaaf, Esq. Tuggle, Duggins & Meschan, P.O. Box 2888 Greensboro, Telephone: P.A. NC 27401 (336) 378-1431 32 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on May 25, 2006, the original foregoing Reply Brief of Pialntiff-Appellant Akeva the Court by hand delivery and 12 copies of the L.L.C. were filed with to: Clerk U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal 717 Madison Place, NW Washington, D.C. 20439 In addition, delivering I certify that on May 25, 2006, 2 copies to Federal Express Telephone: NC I served the foregoing for next day delivery James H. Kelly, Jr., Esq. Steven Gardner, Esq. J. Jason Link, Esq. KILPATRICK STOCKTON 1001 West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, Circuit to: LLP 27101 (336) 607-7300 Douglas J. Kline, Esq. Richard B. Myrus, Esq. Keith A. Zullow, Esq. William A. Meunier, Esq. GOODWIN PROCTER LLP Exchange Place 53 State Street Boston, MA Telephone: Date: May 25, 2006 02109 (617) 570-1000 , _fl'_--____, /__ ,1AZ __f_ Attomey for Plaintiff-Appellant Akeva L.L.P. MP3 20179968.5 _ by CERTIFICATE with The undersigned the "Introduction" OF COMPLIANCE hereby certifies that the body of this Brief, beginning on page 1 and ending with the last line of the "Conclusion" on page 34 contains 6,911 words, as measured processing system used to prepare this Brief, and complies Rules of Appellate Procedure 32(a)(2)(7)(B). Dated: MP3 20179968.5 May 25, 2006 .y by the word with Federal