The Different Impact of Innovative Human Capital and R&D Subsidy on the Technological Progress: an Empirical Study Based on Zhejiang Yi- bing Tang, Li-jun Meng, Cheng-xia Hu School of Economics and Management, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou, China (,, Abstract -How to promote the construction of innovative province: to improve the supply of innovation human capital or R&D incentives? Based on the time-series data in Zhejiang province during the period 2003–2009, the empirical analysis showed that supply of innovative human capital have a significant promoting effect on technological innovation and technological advance, while the effect of R&D encouraging policy is much less than that of supplying innovative human capital. The implication of policy is obvious: the policy of improvement in the supply of innovative human capital should be preferred to promote R&D-based economic growth, and the policy of stimulating the demand of R&D should be conduct on the condition that the supply of innovative human capital is elastic. Keywords -Innovative human capital, science and technology policy, technological advance I. INTRODUCTION R&D subsidy policies that inspire R&D needs have a long-term growth effect, which is an important conclusion based on endogenous growth researches. The endogenous growth researches confirmed that the technological progress could promote economic growth, and technological advance depended on firm’s R&D investment. R&D subsidies would encourage firm to invest more R&D resources in the horizontal and vertical innovation, therefore promote economic growth. Romer(1990), Aghion and Howitt(1992) have found that R&D subsidy encourage firm’s R&D investment, thus improve long-term economic growth rate[1][2]. The policy that indirectly stimulates the firm’s R&D needs could also promote the long-term economic growth, RiveraBatiz and Romer(1991) holded that reduction of tariffs could lead to the improvement of world economic growth[3]. Based on these theory results, every country can encourage R&D investment through R&D subsidies and tax incentives. However Jones (1995) questioned the above results and suggestions [4]. He pointed out that the endogenous growth model has the feature of “economic of scale”, that is to say, the more R&D resources are invested, the faster the economic growth is, but this is unrealistic. Since 1950, the amount of scientists and engineers involved in R&D of France, Germany, Japan and the United States is increasing rapidly, but the growth rate of per-capital income does not show upward trend. R&D subsidies had expanded the relative size of the R&D department, but it did not affect the long-term growth rate. Segerstrom(1998) obtained the same conclusion based on the analysis of vertical innovation model, while the analysis in the framework of horizontal and vertical towdimensional innovation, R&D subsidies even reduced long-term growth rate[5]. Segerstrom(2000) and Young(1998) found that R&D subsidies had no long-term growth effects based on horizontal and vertical innovating model analysis[6][7]. Howitt (1999) showed that the effect of R&D subsidies on long-term economic growth is not clear [8] . If the R&D subsidies cannot promote economic growth, then what kind of policy can promote effectively R&D-driven economic growth? On one hand, R&D subsidy policy impacts R&Ddriven economic growth, but in order to analyze the effect of this policy on economic growth, we need to know how R&D subsidies impacts technological progress. Generally, technological advance has two main patterns, namely, innovation and imitation, all of these patterns promote economic growth together. In some countries, such as Japan, imitation has made extremely important contributions to economic growth (Rosenberg and Steinmueller, 1988) [9]. Innovation and imitation promote mutually and restrain mutually in the process of technological advance; On the other hand, innovation develops new technologies, and increases the amount of the technologies available to imitate; while imitation also contribute to the promotion and application of innovative technologies. On the other hand, the technology breakthrough made by innovation reduces income of imitation investment previously. At the same time, imitation has also stimulated demand of innovative investment through enhancing market competition. The relationship between innovation and imitation and the policy effects on encouraging technological progress (such as innovation subsidies, imitation subsidies and intellectual property protection) have been the hot issues in endogenous growth literature recently. Whether using partial equilibrium analysis method or general equilibrium analysis method, innovation subsidies improved the strength of innovation and reduce imitation strength. But by using a dynamic general equilibrium model, Segerstrom (1991) obtained diametrically opposite conclusion [10]. Davidson and Segerstrom’s (1992) analysis also showed that strengthening the degree of patent protection reduced innovation intensity in the steady-state equilibrium and improved imitation strength [11] . This conclusion has been questioned by Cheng and Tao (1999), they believed that the hypothesis of lineartechnology production function led to this counterintuitive conclusion [12]. Since there are reciprocal relationship of R&D subsidies on innovation and imitation, the relationship between R&D subsidy policy and innovation and imitation may be an important factor that leads to R&D-driven economic growth. On the other hand, the supply of R&D resources is an important factor, which also affects the R&D-driven economic growth. Generally, it is widely recognized that human capital is a basic input element of R&D. More importantly, R&D requires specific innovative skills, and these innovative skills embodies in scientists and engineers, who have a significant positive relationship with R&D output. The success of R&D depends on the innovative skills of scientists and engineers rather than R&D investment (Leiponen, 2005) [13]. The lack of innovation skills is a major obstacle to innovation (Mohnen and Röller, 2005) [14]. Colombo and Grilli(2005) examined the impact of specific human capital and general education of entrepreneurs on the growth of hightech industries, and found that the average education years of entrepreneurs has no significant impact on firm growth, while scientists and engineers education have an significant positive effect on firm growth[15]. Since the specific innovative skills embodied in scientists and engineers are main factors that determine the success of R&D, thus improving the efficiency of innovative skills is expected to promote R&D-driven economic growth. II. DATA AND SELECTION STATIONARITY TEST A. Data Selection and Processing The data used in this study came from the Zhejiang Statistical Data Compilation of 60 Years, Zhejiang Statistical Yearbook and Zhejiang Science and Technology Statistical Yearbook from 2003-2009. the following time series are mainly used in our paper: (1) the amount of patent application quantity (CHXING), on behalf of technology innovation; (2) the number of scientists and engineers (INCAP), a measure of the core R&D resources of Zhejiang province; (3) science and technology financial funds (YFJL), on behalf of the R&D input indexes of Zhejiang province; (4) Malmquist technological progress index (TECHPRO). Malmquist productivity index is calculated by using the data envelopment analysis(DEA), the decomposition indicators of technological progress index measured on behalf of the technological progress, technical boundaries of the period move from t to t+1.using on-front2.0 software to calculate the Malmquist technical progress index. B.Testing of Time Series Stationarity Before the test, we use the ADF unit root algorithem to test the stationarity of each variable. Test results are shown in table I. In table I, it is shown that LINCAP, LYFJL, LCHXING, TECHPRO sequences are all non-smooth, and their first-order difference sequence are stationary, so all variables are I(1) sequence. TABLE I UNIT ROOT TEST RESULTS Variable Testing form ADF Testing ADF Statistics Critical Value (C,T,K) LINCAP -2.15 (C,T,1) -3.23(10%) LINCAP -4.73 (C,N,1) -3.72(1%) LYFJL -0.54 (C,T,1) -4.36(5%) LYFJL -3.41 (C,N,0) -2.98(5%) LCHXING -3.28 (C,T,2) -3.60(5%) LCHXING -5.39 (C,N,0) -3.71(1%) TECHPRO 0.79 (N,N,2) -1.61(10%) -5.07 TECHPRO (N,N,1) -2.66(1%) Notes:(C,T,K) denotes constant term in the equation of the unit root test, time trend and the lag order respectively; N does not include C or T; K value of the minimum criteria based on AIC and SC select; denotes the difference operator. III. EMPRICIAL TEST RESULTS Cointegration test uses the way of EG two-step, the two cointegration equation to be tested can be written as: LCHXINGt=b0+b1LINCAPt +b2LYFJLt+μt (1) TECHPROt= c0+c1LINCAPt +c2LYFJLt+μt (2) According to the cointegration test of the trace statistic test methods, cointegration tests begin from the null hypothesis that cointegration relationship does not exist (table 2). For (1), beginning from the null hypothesis, r=0, track statistics value is 43.22005, it is greater than the 5% significance level critical, 35.19275, That should be rejected the null hypothesis H0: r=0, accept the alternative hypothesis, H1: r≫ 1. In the next test, null hypothesis, r ≪ 1, is accepted on the 5% significance level, which shows that there is a cointegration relationship between variables at the 5% significance level. According to the same method, the two cointegration relationships of (2) are determined. For the first test, (3) can be written as: LCHXINGt=6.10LINCAPt-2.99LYFJLt-7.42 (3) (0.96088) (1.8606) [-6.35366] [1.8125] Similarly, for the second test, (4) can be written as: TECHPROt=0.87LINCAPt+0.37LYFJLt-1.80 (4) (0.24112) (0.23686) (0.06078) [-2.9444] [-1.5404] [2.95415] TABLE Ⅱ COINTEGRATION TEST RESULTS Null Alternative Track Charac- 5% Lag Hypothesis Hypothesis Statistics teristic Critical interval Value Value value Test1 r=0* 43.2 0.61 35.19 [1,1] r≫1 18.5 0.41 20.26 r≪1 r≫2 r=3 4.71 0.17 9.16 r≪2 Test2 r=0* 98.6 0.87 54.08 [1,2] r1 50.0 0.66 35.19 r≪1* r≫2 24.3 0.55 28.26 r2 r≫3 Notes: * denotes rejection of the null hypothesis at the 5% significance level; critical value is given by the software Eviews5.0. Each cointegration equation shows that the increase in the number of scientists and engineers can significantly promote technological innovation and technological progress in the long time, Scientists and engineers is the main driving force of technological innovation and technological progress. The number of Scientists and engineers increases one percentage point will promote technological innovation by 6.105 percentage points, and promote technological progress by 0.873 percentage points. The national financial funding of simulating R&D needs has no significant to technical innovation and technological progress. Test results of Granger causal relationship listed in table Ⅲ. We can see the short-term causal relationship between variable from it. Table Ⅲ shows that the null hypothesis 1, 2, 3 be rejected, suggesting that the increase in the number of scientists and engineers is due to innovation and technological progress. According to the empirical analysis of Zhejiang, we can get the following conclusion: The effect of Zhejiang’s science and technology policy simulating R&D needs is far less than the effect of innovation manpower supply. That is, the national financial funding of simulating R&D needs has no significant to technical innovation and technological progress. Serial 1 2 3 4 5 TABLE Ⅲ GRANGER CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP TEST RESULTS The Null F P X2 P Conclusion Hypothesis 10.47 0.008 20.94 0.00 Rejection 2= 3=0 4= 5=0 2= 3=0 1= 2= 4= 5=0 3=0 0.39 0.69 0.79 0.67 Acceptation 10.47 0.008 20.94 0.00 Rejection 31.70 0.0002 95.10 0.00 Rejection 0.85 0.47 1.69 0.43 Acceptation Notes: the parameter constraints test using by Wald test. IV. CONCLUSION In this paper, based on an Empirical Study of Zhejiang, the following conclusion is made: increasing supply of innovation manpower has distinct effects on technological innovation and technical advance. While the effect of science and technology policy of stimulating R&D needs is much smaller than that of increase in the supply of core R&D resources. The guiding significance of the theory results on economic development in Zhejiang province is mainly embodied in: the policy priority of promoting technical progress should focus on enhancing the supply of R&D resources, especially improving the quality of scientists and engineers training. In the process of “constructing the innovative province”, if Zhejiang province increases innovation demand without considering the supply of corresponding innovative human capital provided by higher education system, the policy effect might make income equality increasing , but the growth effect will not obvious. In the past ten years, Zhejiang province’s R&D expenditure of stimulating R&D demand was growing rapidly, but the science and technology policy of stimulating R&D did not significantly improve the efficiency of independent R&D. Therefore, in order to promote the construction of the innovative province, science and technology policy should focus on the training of innovation talents, increasing the government fiscal expenditure of innovative human’s cultivation, and improving the training efficiency and quality of innovative human. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by Zhejiang Soft Science Research Program Grant Funded by Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang Province (2010C35019) (2011C35029) and Key Universities Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zhejiang province-Standardization and Intellectual Property Management. REFERENCES [1] P. Romer, “Endogenous technological change”, Journal of Political Economy, vol. 98, no. 5, pp.S71-102, 1990. [2] P. Aghion and P. Howitt, “A model of growth through creative destruction”, Econometrica, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 323351, 1992. [3] L. Rivera-Batiz and P. 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