Construction of the Supplier Evaluation Index System Based on Supply Chain Hui-shan Li1, Chun-xian Wang2, Chun-he Zhang1 1 2 Department of Auto Engineering Military Transportation Academy, Tianjin, China Engneering Teach Practice Training Center, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin,China ( Abstract - In order to make the supply chain select the best suppliers, the supplier system is defined and analyzed, finding out the main influencing factors. An index of estimation system is established, and synthesis estimation system for it has been built. In addition, it includes 4 principal indexes, 17 second grade indexes which can reflect the comprehensive abilities. By using the AHP method, defines the proportion of every factor, each index can be transformed into a standardized mark. 11 suppliers are selected, the index weights and then the linear weighted sum method is used to calculated the comprehensive ability score and by comparing these scores, which realizes the aim of quantitative analysis. Keywords - evaluation method, index system, supply chain, supplier I. INTRODUCTION Supply chain has connected together the customer and supplier together such as the chain, and the connection and related tasks is assumed by means of purchasing department. Suppliers have an important impact on supply chain performance. Efficient logistics providers can help enterprises obtain highly efficient supply chain systems. How to select suppliers in many of the long-term strategic partner, become purchasing management department relevant issues to resolve. It is more to supplier evaluation index system and the standard [1][2] , but so in some ways it is not fitting in very well on certain feasibility evaluation index system and standard, following the supply chain concept into the supplier evaluation process [3-5]. It is the lack of systematic and comprehensive. These research results are mainly based on a single materials supply process and a single vendor selection process. They cannot fully reflect the breadth of a supplies process in the supply chain system. Supplier evaluation system and standard are the foundation of the relationship supply chain operation, how to reflect the authentic representation has certain practical significance. SYSTEM ESTABLISHED The evaluation criteria of supplier selection began in the Dickson study of 1996. Dickson agreed that product quality, cost, and delivery time are the most important criteria of supplier selection[6-8]. And others studies, supplier selection should be based on actual needs, make meticulous investigation and analysis, fully aware of the supplier situation and overall balance, and select a few alternative suppliers. Then make a quantitative analysis of the comprehensive capacity of these suppliers to select the best[9-11]. Under the supply chain environment suppliers was gave a very thorough comprehensive evaluation, must having a complete and scientific comprehensive evaluation index system. General supplier evaluation focuses on some short-term, such as price, quality, delivery and the historical performance other procurement related indicators [12][13]. Based on supply chain purchase, the strategic, sustainability, complementary and compatibility other aspects of the content should be paid more attention to. A. supplier evaluation factors The system is made up of suppliers, procurement department and users to complete the activities. The supplier should meet the requirements, Mainly involves the supplier product competitiveness and suppliers the internal environment of the supplier and living environment and suppliers ability of cooperation aspects etc..[14] Supplier's products competitiveness is mainly embodied in the prices of the products, the cost of the products, the quality of the products, delivery of the products, the service and flexible for the products. The supplier internal environment is mainly embodied in the product production capacity, business operations, technical skills, management system. Supplier's living environment is exactly a supplier facing the survival and development of the environment, reflected in the political and legal environment, the social culture environment, the II. COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION INDEX principal index Supplier's products competitiveness (0.312) Supplier's internal environment TABLE I, supplier comprehensive evaluation index system Relation matrix (Index status) Second Principal index weight Very high high common cost 0.244 3 4 3 quality 0.213 1 2 5 delivery time 0.243 2 1 5 service 0.184 1 1 6 flexible 0.116 0 2 5 production capacity 0.267 1 3 4 low 0 2 2 2 3 1 (0.225) Supplier's living environment (0.249) Supplier's ability of cooperation (0.214) technical skills business operations management system Economy environment geographical environment social culture environment legal environment technical compatibility information compatibility culture compatibility credibility economy and technology environment, the natural geographical environment. Supplier's ability of cooperation is mainly embodied in the ability of cooperation between technical compatibility, information platform compatibility, enterprise culture compatibility and credibility. B. comprehensive evaluation index system The complexity of the supplier evaluation is considered, with the analysis of influence factors to establish a set of mutual connection and complement and interdependent principal index (shown in table 1). The elements of the hierarchy can relate to any aspect of the decision problem. Based on this, according to the results of the analysis system, Second principal index related to principal index is set. One should explain it, while selecting supplies, supply chains generally lay stress on these factors: quality, price and delivery time. The quality and delivery punctuality should be required first. Therefore, this paper selects the evaluation indices associated with quality and delivery punctuality. The indices are shown in Tab. 1. The quality factors include the products qualified degree, industry standard products, production environment, the production process quality control, as well as the quality system and quality standards. Among them, the supplier product quality is reliable, that is a very important evaluation index. Suppliers must have a good quality control system, provide products must be able to continue to achieve stable product manual request. Service factors generally lay stress on these factors: the service attitude, the service response speed, dealing with complaints ability, product technical support and after-sales service. The service quality and after-sales are very important index, as a result of selecting suppliers to carefully consider the factors. The delivery time is the most important factor generally lays stress on these factors: suppliers' production cycle, production plan planning and flexibility, the inventory preparation, the order response speed, the transportation conditions and ability etc. The technical ability includes research and development of new products, the project management capability and the quality of the staff, etc. Each node in the supply chain, attention was held on the supplier research and development ability and financial condition. But in the evaluation of suppliers, the technical ability is to balance 0.298 0.253 0.182 0.242 0.281 0.239 0.238 0.325 0.175 0.257 0.243 1 2 0 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 5 5 5 3 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 1 0 3 0 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 the factors considered. Supplier prestige includes contract performance ability and the supplier's financial condition credit standing. III. COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION METHOD The key problems that constitute comprehensive evaluation index system is the selection of evaluation methods. At present, in the practice of the widely used in evaluation method, such as weighted summation evaluation and square root evaluation method are too simple, but difficult to meet the needs of the comprehensive evaluation. The differences of the indices dimensions and magnitudes affect the evaluation results and result in poor decisions. So we should perform standardized processing of evaluation to transform them into standard mark which has dimensionless and the same magnitude. According to the supply chain construction assessment of the characteristics and requirement, we used the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) comprehensive, and confirm index weight[15]. The index weight reflects the importance of the index. The determination of the weights must reflect system functional requirements. This paper uses the expert method to determine the index weight. A. analytic hierarchy process (AHP) The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a structured technique for helping people deal with complex decisions. The AHP provides a comprehensive and rational framework for structuring a problem, for representing and quantifying its elements. Once the hierarchy is built, the decision makers systematically evaluate its various elements, comparing them to one another in pairs. It is to measure the index of the scale of the relative importance, a indicators of the index system to all other index effects. The judgment matrix is constructed. The matrix is shown in formulate (1). A criterion compared with itself is always assigned the value l so the main diagonal entries of the comparison matrix are all 1.The numbers 3, 5, 7, and 9 correspond to the verbal judgments “moderately more dominant”, “strongly more dominant”, “very strongly more dominant” ,and “extremely more dominant” (with 2, 4, 6, and 8 for compromise between the previous values). Reciprocal values are automatically entered in the transpose position. One is allowed to interpolate values between the integers, if desired. a11 a12 ..... ..... a1n a21 a22 ..... ..... a2n (1) A .... ...... ..... ..... ..... .... ...... ..... ..... ..... an1 an 2 an3 ...... ann B. calculation under a criterion of the relative weight The weights for the defined criteria are developed on the basis of the well-known numerical scale for preference values ranging from 1 to 9 .The criteria weights have the strongest impact on the results and hence the determination of their preference values is often the subject of debate among the interest groups involved.To avoid these debates, one should allow each interest group to establish its own matrix of preference values. For quantitative indices, we adopt vector normalization to perform standardized processing. By the optimization method, the comprehensive weight can be calculated, and consistency examined. In a judgment matrix A, characteristic root can be calculated, by AW max W . All regularized W belong to the same scale as the weights. Generally the approximate method can be used to solutionλmax and W. (1) Calculation the judgment matrix line vectors product Mi: n M i ai , j (i 1,2, n) (2) j 1 (2) the calculate formulas of nth roots of Mi: (3) pi n M i (3) Pi normalized, get the weight of each index, It is denoted as: p wi i p (i 1,2 n) i (4) (4) Judgment principal matrix with satisfied consistency. The biggest characteristic of the consistency condition is equal the judgment matrix of root and matrix order number, so consistency evaluation value of treatment for customs is as follows: n AW n I, where, CI m a x max n 1 i 1 n wi (AW)I mean the I-th elements of A CR=CI/RI (5) Note that the consistency ratios CR for the derived weights are above 0.1 which would require a revision of the preference matrix.However, the threshold value of 0.1 for the consistency ratio is derived from expert judgment and experience and should therefore not be a formal constraint.Moreover, a CR of about 0.12 is only slightly above the recommended value of 0.1 and the derived weights from tables I plausibly reflect the assigned preference values . Therefore,the preference matrices were not revised and were used to derive the weights for the subsequent weighted criteria summation. IV. DISCUSSION Measure supplier evaluation standard is the objective measure, supplier to the level of comprehensive ability, with the standard to measure, is clear at a glance. The dimension of supplier indexes on supply chain is different, for example cost and technology ability indexes are different units or content. In order to eliminate the influence of dimensional, must through the mathematical transformation of every evaluation index dimensionless processing, that is to say, actual value of the indexes will be the respectively into may same with the measure index score. Only in this way, it will be possible to put more different dimensional evaluation index integrated into a value. For quantitative indices, we adopt supplier normalization to perform standardized processing, the formula of supplier normalization is shown in formulate (6). where the i-th item index scores-di ; the i-th item measured value- xi; the i-th item don't allow the valuexi(s); the i-th item maximum value-xi(h). x xi( s ) (6) d i ( hi ) xi xi( s ) Usually, the measured value for each index in between not allow value and the most satisfaction value, is replaced by xi(s) < xi < xi(h), then 60 mark<di <100 mark. Under special conditions,let xi= xi(s), di=60 mark (just right pass);then xi= xi(h), di=100 mark (maximum value)。Whether positive or negative index, all can be calculated by using the formula of the supplier points, the index score for the index is "satisfaction rating", may with the measure. For example, evaluation criteria are divided into excellent, good, fair, poor four ranks, same as A, B, C, D. Supplier's products competitiveness in principal index, the delivery time, in a period of time the ratio of delivery times on time Nt and the number of the total delivery frequency N is greater than 95%, to determine the grade A. If it reached 60%, based on the formula that the 60% / 95% = 63% (to the grade A level about 60%) reach the grade B (including 60%~90%). Where, 40% / 60% = 67% (to the grade B only 60%) reach the grade C (including 40%~60%). So, 25% / 40% = 63% (to the grade C only 60%) reach the grade D (including 25%~ 40%). So on it can be got the secondary indexes of the specific A, B, C, D standards. V. CONCLUSION With 11 suppliers N1,N2,...,N11, purchasing management departments use the evaluation index system for the 11 suppliers on the evaluation. First, through the questionnaire survey and data acquisition get second principal index weight, aggregative them get principal index, standardized treatment data is shown table II. See Table II for the analysis of relative weightings in valid survey responses. In the first tier evaluation aspects, the rankings of factors among the 11 suppliers are:(1) Supplier's products competitiveness N8 (0.96);(2) Supplier's internal environment N8 (0.94);(3) Supplier's internal environment N8 (0.72);(4) Supplier's ability of cooperation (0.98). We proposed a comprehensive model to select the best supplier N8. AHP enabled us to incorporate 17 factors that are both qualitative and quantitative for assessing the vendors.Although the final decision indicates that N8 dominates the other suppliers rather decisively based on these many factors, in the end the managers decided to allocate the order quantities between the two top suppliers in the supply chain, most likely to have some redundancy. It shows us that the number of criteria included in the supplier selection process is quite important. Although we initially considered 17 criteria, we went through an initial trimming process and eliminated 4 of them. The choice and number of factors to be included in the supplier selection process must be conservatively selected since the decision-making process is complex. Because of the complexity of decision making, fuzzy thinking of human judgment, a hybrid comparison matrix is not completely consistent in some situations. Some deviations should be permitted. TABLE supplier N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 II, the 11 suppliers evaluation index treatment data X1 X2 X3 X4 0.75 0.83 0.72 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.95 0.96 0.71 0.68 0.61 0.92 0.93 0.72 0.89 0.84 0.86 0.87 0.94 0.56 0.67 0.59 0.56 0.61 0.70 0.68 0.71 0.36 0.4 0.72 0.32 0.36 0.28 0.71 0.87 0.63 0.85 0.79 0.88 0.95 0.98 0.27 0.82 0.51 REFERENCES [1] R. C. Tsaur, The development of an interval grey regression model for limited time series forecasting. Expert Systems with Applications, (2010), 37(2), 1200–1206. [2] M. L. 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