Research on Dynamic Correlation Between A&B Stock Index of Shanghai and Shenzhen Exchange Based on DCC-MGARCH Model Jin-fang Tian, Wen-jing Wang Department of Statistics, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan, China ( Abstract - The paper dynamically investigates the correlation of A and B-share in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange using their daily trading data based on the Dynamic Conditional Correlation Multivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Hetero skedasticity (DCCMGARCH) model. We show that the A and B-share market have reflected a certain degree of consistency characteristics since 2001. However, since China’s stock market isn’t mature, the dynamic correlation between A and B-share stock index in both Shanghai and Shenzhen is still volatile and their segmentation feature is still evident. Keywords - DCC-MGARCH, A&B stock index, dynamic correlation I. INTRODUCTION Correlation analysis in the financial asset or financial markets is an important foundation of modern finance, which also has been playing an important role in building the investment portfolio and risk management in multiasset and multi-market, especially. Therefore, seeking a reliable estimate of the correlation coefficient has become the hot issue that many researchers concerned about. In order to study conveniently, they often set the indicators of the correlation among assets to a constant. Whereas this assumption divorced from reality, in which the correlation between most financial assets are dynamically changing. Therefore, close attention must be paid to analyze the dynamic evolution process of the correlation among assets. The researches into the dynamic correlation between the financial assets originated in the promotion/ generalization of the univariate GARCH model. Reference [1]-[4] extends GARCH model to the case of multivariate, proposing the multivariate GARCH model. Since the evolution path of all the individual elements of the covariance matrix of the model have been made a GARCH-like description, the indicators of the correlation between the variables obey a dynamic process. The model quite comprehensively considers the fluctuation process of the random vector; as well brings problems about parameters excessive and make estimation difficulty. Furthermore, if we do not further setting the coefficient matrix in the model, we cannot guarantee the positive definiteness of the estimated covariance matrix. To solve this problem, Reference [1] proposed the BEKK model, which makes a useful constraint on the coefficient matrix of the covariance matrix’s evolution path, and makes it possible to guarantee the positive definiteness of the covariance matrix. Although the BEKK model solved the problem of positive definiteness, since all the parameters need to be put together to estimate, it brings the estimation problem in the case of multivariable. From the perspective of estimation, Reference [5]-[8] proposed the assumption of constant correlation coefficient, namely Constant Conditional Correlation (CCC) model. In the CCC model, the correlation coefficient is set to fixed, although this assumption has made a huge advantage on estimation, it is always difficult to satisfied in reality. On the basis of predecessors' achievements, Reference [9]-[10] expanded the CCC model and proposed the Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC) model. This paper focuses on the introduction and the application of the Dynamic Conditional Correlation multivariate GARCH model (DCC - MGARCH Model) proposed by Engle. The advantages of the model lie in: (1) obvious computational advantage, even the large correlation coefficient matrix can be estimated. The DCC model limits the long-term variance-covariance matrix for the sample variance-covariance matrix; this restriction can reduce the number of parameters to be estimated and is well supported by the empirical data. (2) The two-step estimation method adopted by DCC makes the parameters to be estimated in related processes independent of the number of related sequences, the method can easily estimate the large correlation matrix with more variables. In order to have a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamic relationship between A and B-share in both China’s Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, this paper studies the time-varying correlation between them based on the DCC-MGARCH model. II. DCC-MGARCH MODEL The et is a white-noise process with iid(independent identically distributed), which stands for K kind of the rate of return on assets information with mean 0 and covariance matrix H t , that is, et t 1 ~ N 0, H t , and t is the information set at t time. The basic structure of the model is defined as: r t u t et et t 1~ N (0, t) DRD t R t t t t * Q t 1 Q Q*t t 1 Q M N M N In order to study the characteristics of the return series 1 m Q m t m t m Q n n t t n and their volatility, we draw the time plots of the daily n 1 m 1 n 1 m1 Q T Q * t diag ( q Among these formulas, T 1 t t 1 11,t , q Rt 22,t t , q kk ,t ) is dynamic correlation coefficient matrix, Dt diag h , h it pt it i e p 1 2 ip it p qt iqhtq q 1 It Means every asset return to obey a GARCH process. t Dt1et error term, and Q is is the standard unconditional variance matrix with standard residual error. The elements in the are defined as Rt ij,t qij ,t return and the squared return series of SHA、SHB(Figure 1) and SZA 、 SZB(Figure 2). In both figures, r1 represents the return series of A-share stock index and r2 represents the return series of B-share stock index. The time plot of return series of Shanghai and Shenzhen A and B stock index shows a number of abnormal peaks, and abnormal volatility appears suddenly and significantly as well as obvious clustering phenomenon. We also found that B-share market’s volatility is higher than the A-share market’s volatility (pay attention to the different scales of the vertical axis). From the time plots of the squared return series we can see that abnormal volatility’s burstiness and volatility clustering phenomenon is more pronounced. Accordingly, we can preliminarily determine that the volatility of the return series is conditional heteroscedasticity. * qii,t q jj ,t , and Qt is diagonal matrix. In Qt , the elements contain qij,t 、 qii,t and q jj ,t . Besides, m and n are known as the coefficients of DCC models(m and n are the lagging numbers), and m reflect the impact of the standardization residual product of m lags to dynamic correlation coefficient, and n reflect the persistent feature of correlation, M N m 1 n 1 where, m 0, n 0, m n 1 . Figure 1 Time plots of Shanghai A and B-share stock index daily return and squared return Estimation of DCC-MGARCH models can be divided two steps. First, to estimate the univariate GARCH process of every asset, then we use the conditional variance hit that has gained to divide residual standardized residuals it . eit , Next we will use and get it to estimate the parameters of the dynamic related structure by maximum likelihood method. By the way, the DCC estimator has the consistency and asymptotic normality through the two steps approach. III. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS FOR STOCK RETURNS The data used in this paper are the daily closing price of Shanghai A-share index (SHA) 、 Shanghai B-share index (SHB) Shenzhen A-share Index (SZA) and Shenzhen B-share index (SZB). All of the data series were from February 19, 2001 to December 15, 2011. There were 2668 observations for the sample. We will use the following notation in this paper. The daily closing price process is denoted by Pt . Firstly, calculate the corresponding daily logarithmic yield from the raw data. Figure 2 Time plots of Shenzhen A and B-share stock index daily return and squared return Furthermore, Table 1 provides some descriptive statistics of daily returns for selected stock indexes. From the table, we make the following observations. (a)Daily returns of selected stock indexes tend to have high excess kurtosis. B-share stock index has higher excess kurtosis than A-share stock index, for both Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange. (b)For the entire selected stock index, the skewnesses are less than zero; imply the distribution of the return series is not normal. The JB statistics also shows the normality assumption is rejected at the 1% significance level. (c)The mean of all daily return series is close to zero, but B-share stock index has higher standard deviations than A-share stock index for both Exchange.(d)The Q(m) statistics of the return series give high Q(15) value with a p value less than 0.05, confirming serial correlations exist in the four stock indexes.(e) The Q(m) statistics of the squared return series indicate an obvious volatility clustering phenomenon, which is consistent with the Intuitive judgment from the time plots. confirming that the mean equations don’t have autocorrelation at the 5% significance level . Namely the four fitted mean equations are adequate. However, the Ljung-Box statistics for the squared residuals of the four conditional mean models give Q(20) equal to 412、480、 379、434, respectively, with a p value less than 2.2E-16, which confirming that the residuals series exist obvious ARCH effect. We need to establish the corresponding GARCH model for further analysis. For convenience, we use the GARCH (1, 1) model to fit the volatility of the return series, the estimated results are shown in Table 2. TABLE 1 Descriptive Statistics for Daily Returns of Selected Stock Indexes M STD skewness kurtosis Q(15) Q^2(15) JB SHA 0.0048 1.7 -0.137 4.74 26.7(0.031) 350(0) 2511(0) SHB 0.0365 2.21 -0.037 7.18 43.5(00) 505(0) 5748(0) SZA 0.015 1.85 -0.54 4.81 30.1(0.01) 361(0) 2710(0) SZB 0.055 2.08 -0.03 5.67 68.3(0) 617(0) 3579(0) We need to test the stationary of the return series before molding. In this paper, we choose the ADF method. The outcome shows the ADF test statistics of SHA、SHB 、SZA and SZB is -15、-14、-14 and -13, respectively. The corresponding p values are all less than 0.01, confirming the return series don’t have unit root. In other words, all the return series are stationary time series. Therefore, we can directly molding. TABLE 2 Conditional Variance Parameter Using GARCH(1,1) omega alpha1 beta1 SHA 0.061(4.29***) 0.076(6.25***) 0.904(60.97***) SHB 0.201(6.46***) 0.204(9.6***) 0.782(43.15***) SZA 0.063(4.41***) 0.091(6.8***) 0.893(61.68***) SZB 0.282(6.18***) 0.216(9.2***) 0.742(31.98***) Note: the value of the corresponding t -statistics for each parameter are shown in parentheses. “***” denote the parameter is not 0 significantly at the 1% significance level. From table 2, we can see that all the estimates in the volatility equation are statistically significant at the 1% significant level, and are all less than 1, which satisfy the assumption of the model. Model checking, using the residual, indicates that the fitted volatility model is adequate. Noted that the value of is very close to 1, indicating that the volatility of the Shanghai and Shenzhen return series has a significant persistent B. Establishment and estimation of DCC-MGARCH model We firstly get the standardized residuals from the A. Modeling and estimating of univariate GARCH model residual(which can gained from the univariate GARCH Since the return series of SHA、SHB、SZA and SZB model) divided by conditional variance, then we use the have autocorrelation, we use the ARMA model to estimate standardized residuals to estimate the parameters of the the conditional mean equations. After several attempts and dynamic correlation structure by Maximum Likelihood careful compared by using R software, the fitted models method. The DCC estimators that we obtained in this way we ultimately choose are are consistent as well as asymptotic normality. rSHA,t 0.0047 0.0538 * rSHA,t 4 0.0391 * rSHA,t 6 aSHA,t Now we will use the DCC- MGARCH model to analyze the correlation of A and B-share stock returns for (0.14) (2.79) (-2.03) Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market. Setting the rSHB,t 0.0364 0.074 * rSHB,t 1 0.04 * rSHB,t 4 0.043 * rSHB,t 6 aSHB,t both GARCH model as GARCH (1,1) while the degree of the (0.68) (3.81) (2.09) (2.21) DCC model is also set as 1, using R software to estimate parameters of the model, the results are shown in Table rSZA,t 0.0153 0.0472 * rSZA,t 1 0.0464 * rSZA,t 4 aSZA,the t 3. IV. (0.397) EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS (2.433) (2.392) rSZB,t 0.0669 0.7631 * rSZB,t 3 aSZB,t 0.7187 * aSZB,t 3 (0.927) (7.112) (-6.498) Where, the value of the corresponding t -statistics for each parameter are shown in parentheses. The Ljung-Box statistics of the residuals of the four conditional mean models give Q(20) equal to 23 、 12 、 16 、 12, with a p value of 0.29 、 0.92 、 0.73 、 0.92, respectively, TABLE 3 the Results of Parameter Estimates for DCC Model alpha beta Shanghai(A and B) 0.112(112) 0.817(204) Shenzhen(A and B) 0.073(73) 0.883(110) From Table 3, we can know that the parameters of the DCC model are significantly not 0. is significantly not 0 means that the first-lagged standardization residual product has an impact on the dynamic conditional correlation; is not only significantly not 0, but also very close to 1, which means the correlation of the A and B-share stock returns has strong persistent characteristics for both Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market. We provide the time plots of the estimation results of the dynamic conditional correlation in Figure 3 and 4, so as to facilitate our visual observation of the changes in dynamic conditional correlation between A and B-share stock index for Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Figure 3 DCC of SH Figure 4 DCC of SZ Through the time plots of the dynamic conditional correlation of the yields for both Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, we can come to the following conclusions: firstly, during the sample interval ( from February 19, 2001 to December 15, 2011 ), the timevarying characteristics of the dynamic conditional correlation are fairly obvious, which means there is a significant time-varying feature. Secondly, seen from the time change paths, since the B-share market opened to domestic investors on February 19, 2001, the dynamic conditional correlations of A and B-share stock index for both Shanghai and Shenzhen are very similar and appear significant positive related. The two dynamic conditional correlations are both close to even more than 0.9. While in contrast, the volatility of Shanghai Stock Exchange is slightly higher than that of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Thirdly, the dynamic conditional correlations are significantly low during 2005-2006 and 2008-2009. Particllarly, it’s even lower than 0.2 for Shanghai Stock Exchange. Fourthly, the dynamic conditional correlations have been in decline and appeared more frequent fluctuations since 2011 for both Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The dynamic conditional correlation is an important indicator of the degree of movement convergence of financial assets or financial market. The higher the dynamic conditional correlation, the larger degree of convergence of the market share price trend, and the higher degree of market integration. Conversely, the lower the dynamic conditional correlation means the two markets appear lager deviation in price trend, which means obvious market segmentation. Since each market stock price movement contains its own driving factors, we can investigate the dominant factor behind them by analyzing the relationship between A and B-share stock price movements and the reflected dynamic conditional correlation. The dynamic conditional correlations of A and B-share stock index in Shanghai and Shenzhen were always in the high level during 2001-2005, which is closely related with the event that B-share market opened to domestic investors on February 19, 2001, making the investors structure of the B-share market presenting features of convergent to the A-share market. The dynamic conditional correlations are significantly low during 20052006 and 2008-2009, which are related to the introduction of share splitting in 2005 and financial crisis in 2008. The strong impact on China’s securities market by the two major events exacerbated A and B-share market’s volatility and instability. According to the Figure 3 and 4, The dynamic conditional correlations of the two stock markets are always in a state of decline with more frequent fluctuations since 2011. Although China's securities market is growing and increasingly mature and the merger of A and B-share market is an irresistable trend, China's securities market is still not mature enough and the segmentation feature of A and B-share market is still relatively obvious , which means it will take a certain time for the two market to embarked on the merger. V. CONCLUSION This paper takes daily trading data of A and B-share index in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange as sample, dynamically investigate and characterize the correlation between China's Shanghai (and Shenzhen ) A and the B-share market through the establishment of the Dynamic Conditional Correlation multivariate GARCH (DCC-MGARCH) model. The results show that: the dynamic conditional correlation between A and B-share market in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange is positive in general, whereas appear significant timevarying characteristics in the time path. Phases of view, the dynamic conditional correlation between A and B-share market in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange was relatively large and volatility was relatively weak from February 19, 2001 to 2005, suggesting that the stock price in these market showed a certain degree of consistency. However, the correlation showed a significant downward trend after 2005. By contrast with the Shenzhen stock market, the Shanghai stock market’s downward trend was more obvious. The correlation got a certain degree of recovery during 2006 to 2008. By influence of the financial crisis and other factors in 2008, the correlation between A and B-share market fall again and suffered with more frequent fluctuations. In addition, the correlation has been in a state of decline since the second half of 2010. The dynamic conditional correlation is an important indicator of the degree of movement convergence of financial assets or financial market. The securities industry generally considered that the B-share market merge to the A-share market is the trend. Through the analysis of the dynamic conditional correlation, this paper shows that A and B-share market reflects a certain degree of consistency characteristics since 2001. However, because the China’s securities market is not yet mature, the dynamic correlation between A and B-share market is still very large, and the characteristics of segmentation between A and B-share stock index is still very obvious. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research was supported in part by National Funds of Social Science(10CTJ003, 09BTJ011) and Shandong Science Foundation (Y2007A25). 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