Successive Ionization Energies of Atoms: Theoretical Interpretation John R. Strikwerda and Roger L. DeKock, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan Results and Discussion Introduction Experimental studies show that successive ionization energies among most elements roughly follow an arithmetic progression (Figure 1). There have been many attempts to explain this observation using classical mechanics.1,2 However, few have accounted for this behavior while adhering to quantum mechanical principles,3 and none have done so in a clear and transparent manner. The present work re-examines the theoretical interpretation of the trends in successive ionization energies of atoms, using modern electronic structure theory, and investigates afresh what atomic properties may be extracted from these successive ionization energies. r0 na0 (2) 2. Vee remains relatively constant regardless the ionization state 150 100 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ionization Event Theory and Method Under Hartree-Fock theory, the energy of a valence electron can be expressed in terms of the following elements • T, the electron’s kinetic energy • Ven, the electron-nuclear coulombic attractive interaction energy • Vcv, the core electron-valence electron repulsive interaction energy • Vee, the valence electron-valence electron repulsive interaction energy The first concept (eq 2) we term relaxation compensation. It states that although valence orbitals relax significantly upon ionization, changes in orbital energies do not result from this relaxation. Instead, differences in valence orbital energies from one ionization state to the next (and therefore differences in ionization energies) result from the loss of one Vee interaction, which remains relatively constant. Hence, the magnitude of Vee takes on a crucial role in atomic electronic structure and can itself be interpreted as the slope of the arithmetic progression of successive ionization energies. 300 0 T Vne + Vcv Vee 2s,2s ε = T + Ven + ΣVcv + ΣVee (1) Employing General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System (GAMESS)4 software and the recently developed5 spin constrained unrestricted Hartree-Fock (CUHF) theory, we calculated the specific T, Ven, Vee, Vcv Hartree-Fock energy integrals for valence electrons in the elements neon and argon. In monitoring these values across the valence ionization series, insight into electronic behavior upon ionization is obtained. References (1) Benson, S. W. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 1989, 93, 4457-4462. (2) DeKock, R. L.; Gray, H. B. Chemical Structure and Bonding; University Science Books, 1989. (3) Pyper, N. C.; Grant, I. P. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1978, 359, 525543. (4) Schmidt, M. W. Baldridge, K. K. Boatz, J. A. Elbert, S. T. Gordon, M. S. Jensen, J. H. Koseki, S. Matsunaga, N. Nguyen, K. A. Su, S. Windus, T. L. Dupuis, M.; Montgomery Jr, J. A. Journal of Computational Chemistry 1993, 14, 1347-1363. (5) Tsuchimochi, T.; Henderson, T. M.; Scuseria, G. E. ; Savin, G. E. Journal of Chemical Physics 2010, 33, 134108-134108-10. (6) DeKock, R.L.; Strikwerda, J.R.; Yu, E.X. Chemical Physics Letters 2012, 547, 120-126. (7) Koopmans, T. Physica 1934, 1, 104-113. Vee 2s,2p -500 2a In this formula, n is the principal quantum number of the valence electrons in the atom; I is the ionization energy of the hydrogen H atom, and a0 is the bohr radius. If an atom obeys the arithmetic progression, then it can be easily shown that the ratio of the squares of the neutral atom’s radius with N valence electrons to that of its ion with charge is given by the following equation. 2 r0 N ( N 1) ( 1) ( N )( N 1) r (4) Representative ratios computed by equation 4 are given in Table 1. These values agree well with our Hartree-Fock data, reflecting a shrinking cationic radius. In contrast, evoking the frozen orbital approximation demands these radius ratios to be one. The concept of relaxation compensation, however, is consistent with a shrinking cationic radius like that predicted from equation 4. Table 1: Neutral to cation radius ratios, as obtained from Hartree-Fock calculations (column 2) and computed from equation 4 (column 3), for neon cations Ne+, Ne2+, Ne3+. 100 100 -600 (3) 150 -400 The orbital energy is then defined as below, where the summation of Vee and Vcv is done over all interactions with that particular valence electron. IH Iv 200 200 Energy (eV) Energy (eV) ∆𝑇 + ∆𝑉en + ∆Σ𝑉cv ≅ 0 y = 27.572x R² = 0.9646 200 Central to an understanding of electronic behavior upon ionization in atoms is the qualitative concept of atomic and ionic size. Previously,6 we related the effective radius, r0 , of an atom to the average valence ionization energy, I v . 1. For a given valence electron, upon ionization, the terms T, Ven, ΣVcv change (relax) in such a way that their sum remains roughly constant, i.e., 300 250 Atomic and Ionic Size Figures 2a and 2b show data representative of our work. To summarize: Energy (eV) Figure 1: Valence ionization series of neon. A best-fit arithmetic progression is drawn over top the data. Relaxation Compensation and the Constancy of Vee 50 0 T Vne + Vcv Vee 2s, 2s Vee 2s,2p -250 -300 0 1 2 3 4 5 Ionization State 6 7 -350 0 1 2 3 4 5 Ionization State 6 7 2b Figures 2a and 2b: Individual energy integrals plotted as a function of ionization state. Figure 2a shows data associated with a 2s electron in the neon ionization series. Figure 2b does similarly for a 3s electron in the argon series. Neon Radius Ratio HartreeFock Equation 4 2 1.10 1.11 2 1.17 1.22 2 1.34 1.33 r0 r r0 r2 r0 r3 Conclusion This work represents a new theoretical framework to understand the electronic behavior of an atom upon ionization. The “old” idea of frozen orbitals (Koopmans’ Theorem7) is replaced by the dynamic model of ionization outlined above. Critical to this model is the constancy of the valence electron-valence electron repulsion interaction as well as the concept of relaxation compensation. The proposed model is capable of explaining the general arithmetic behavior of successive atomic ionization energies and, unlike frozen orbitals, is consistent with shrinking cationic radii. A manuscript outlining this project is in preparation. Acknowledgements • • • • Dr. Michael Schmidt, Iowa State University Jared Weidman, Calvin College Jansma Family Research Fund in the Sciences and Business Fellowship Calvin College