Water Quality Assessment of Bear Creek, Kent Co. MI Emily Anne Fuller, Calvin College 2013 Introduction Methods The water quality of Bear Creek was assessed in order to elaborate on the already existing macroinvertebrate study of Micorps and Cannon Township. The variables measured were expanded to gain a more comprehensive view of the water quality. Table 1: Water Quality Variables measured at set locations for Br.Crk. water quality Physical a. Temperature b. Flow rate c. Turbidity d. Sediment profile Chemical a. D.O b. pH c. NH3 d. NO3 e. PO4 Biotic a. Macroinvertebrates b. Colifrom bacteria c. Monitor animal use (particularly vertebrates) Conclusions Some variables showed little variation: (DO, pH, temp) By including three replicate trials of data collection, of the physical, chemical and biotic variable, and by sampling at sites 1 through 6 along the length of Bear Creek, this research is able to provide a good, comprehensive analysis of the overall water quality of the stream. 14 12 Figure 1: Cannon Twn. Watershed and sample sites Average measure of D.O(dissolved 02) mg/L This study was conducted in partnership with: GLISTEN, Cannon Township, Micorps, and Calvin College. Results 8 trial 1: 6/21-6/27 trial 2: 7/12-7/18 6 trail 3: 8/9-8/19 4 2 The methods and protocol are designed as follows: Macroinvertabrate sample & assessment of stream health based on these benthic communities was conducted by protocol standardized by Micorps (esp. D-net use). 10 0 1 2 3 4 Site location #1-6 5 6 Figure 4: Averaged measure of D.O (mg/L) at sites #1-6 over 3 trial periods (June-Aug.) Some of the most conspicuous contrasts across the 6 sample sites were the phosphate levels & macroinvertebrate populations(see Figures 5 & 6). The final assessment of water quality was based on the variables measured in Table 1 & qualitative observations recorded on site. Contrary indications of a ‘pristine’ river are shown chemical levels & in qualitative measures such as degradation of the riparian zone and land use. A fairly constant measure of dissolved oxygen throughout sites 1-6, that is at an ideal level. Average of all 6 sites8.8 mg/L. (Figure 4). Figure 2:Assessment of Macroinvertabrates chart(Micorps std.) All other testing followed protocols determined by Calvin Biology Dept. & standardized procedures for calibration of lab equipment by the manufacturer, HACH. Figure 5:Measure of phosphate PO4 (mg/L) trial 1-3, sites #1-6 In conclusion, the maintenance of a healthy stream should a priority of the Cannon Township and the addition of an updated watershed management plan and accurate map of land usage would be beneficial in aiding the preservation of Bear Creek. 50 45 40 35 Site 1: sand, rock Site 2: clay, silt Site 3: rock, sand Total stream quality score 5/6 sites were previously used as sites for macroinvertabrate sampling by Cannon Twn. watershed funded under the Micorps grant from the state of MI. The 6th site, just down-stream of a dam was added in order to observe any variance in water quality above or below the dam. A healthy species richness and evenness of macroinvertabrates based on Micorps index. (Please see Figures 2 &6). No significant contrast exists between site 5 (above the dam) and site 6 (below the dam) in regard to the stream quality score (Figure 6). Objectives The samples were conducted 1 trial per 1 month over a 3 month period along the left, middle, and right sections of the creek. The three sample collections were done from June 2013 to August 2013. The overall water quality of Bear Creek based on the sampled parameters shows an indication of.. 30 trial 1: 6/21-6/27 25 trial 2: 7/12-7/18 trial 3: 8/9-8/19 20 15 References 10 5 The primary objective of research was to collect accurate data that may be accessible to both Cannon Twn. & Calvin College. 0 1 Site 4: rock, sand Site 5: clay, sand Site 6: rock, sand Figure 3:Site locations #1-6 & primary sedimentation types 2 3 4 Site location #1-6 5 6 Figure 6: Stream Quality Score(assessment based on Macroinvertabrate populations- Micorps standard index) Lovelace, Julie. "Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Bear Creek Stream Study."Micorps.net. Ed. Paul Steen. N.p., 11 Sept. 2011. Web. 20 May 2013. <micorps>..