TCHL 530 Critical Performance – Standards Based Unit and Comparison... Course Title: Kentucky Advanced Teacher Standard(s) Assessed:

TCHL 530 Critical Performance – Standards Based Unit and Comparison Analysis
Course Title: TCHL 530 – Curriculum Development
Kentucky Advanced Teacher Standard(s) Assessed: Standard 1 – Demonstrates Applied Content
Knowledge, Standard 2 – Designs/Plans Instruction, Standard 3 – Creates/Maintains Learning Climate,
Standard 4 – Implements/Manages Instruction, Standard 5 – Assesses/Communicates Learning Results,
Standard 6 – Implements Technology, Standard 7 – Reflects on & Evaluates Teaching/Learning
Purpose and Use Statement: This critical performance is an evaluation of Kentucky Advanced Teacher
Standards Teacher Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Completion and uploading of this performance into
the electronic portfolio is a requirement for a passing grade for TCHL 530.
1. Standards Based Unit: Submit an instructional unit you have used in the past in your classroom
and that you plan to teach within the next two months during this semester. (“Before”)
 Transform this instructional unit by
- Using a Standards Based Unit approach (see resources below),
- Integrating a diversity curriculum,
- Integrating technology; i.e., use technology in lesson presentation and students’ use of
technology to create a technology product. (“After”)
 Teach the revised instructional unit.
2. Comparison Analysis: Compare before and after instructional unit, reflecting on the
instructional unit changes and analyzing student learning and personal growth. (Why Changes)
Purpose/Rationale: Standards-based units ensure that instruction is directed at standards (Kentucky
Program of Studies). Your standards-based unit should create an engaging learning experience for
students emphasizing students' thinking, application of authentic learning and connecting learning to
their lives. Address ways to meet students' needs that are diversified, authentic, and aligned with
standards. Identify appropriate resources for learning, including technology. The Kentucky Department
of Education (KDE) has recently revised the Attributes of a Unit of Study that reflect curriculum focus as
well as instruction and assessment practices. The Attributes can be used to assist in designing,
reviewing, and revising your standards-based unit of study.
American public school populations are diverse in regards to gender identity, social class, race/ethnicity,
disability and language. Therefore, state and national teaching/learning standards expect educators to
provide curriculum content that enables our culturally diverse student populations to see themselves as
they engage in learning experiences in school settings.
Technology use in the 21st century has become a vital component of all aspects of life. For students in
Kentucky to be contributing citizens, they must receive an education that incorporates technology
literacy at all levels. Technology literacy is the ability of students to responsibly use appropriate
technology to communicate, solve problems, and access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create
information to improve learning in all subject areas and to acquire lifelong knowledge and skills in the
21st century. The Technology Program of Studies provides a framework for integrating technology into
all content areas. It reflects the basic skills required for each student to be competitive in the global
economy. (from the KY Technology Program of Studies, 2006)
1. Standards Based Unit
a. You may use either format below for your unit:
i. National Board Certification Standards Unit (Helix of Accomplished Teaching model)
ii. Renaissance Teacher Work Sample
iii. Attributes of your Standards-Based Unit (see Materials/Resources below)
b. Other requirements
i. Your lesson must emphasize integration of diversity curriculum content.
ii. Your pupils will create a technology product (see Possible Student Technology
Products below). Note that Microsoft Word and PowerPoint are not options for
this instructional unit.
c. Complete the Reflection section.
i. Analysis of Pupil Learning: The teacher uses assessment data to profile pupil
learning and communicate information about pupil progress and achievement.
ii. Data and charts of five pupils: Using tables and/or charts, present your full class’s
progress from the pre-assessment to post-assessment for each instructional content
and technology objectives. In your charts or graphs, also give numerical data. It can
be difficult to determine progress from graphs alone.
iii. Narrative describing performance: Describe the relationship between the pre and
post-assessment performances of pupils for each objective.
iv. Conclusions about overall pupil performance in unit: From the data shown in the
tables and/or charts, draw conclusions about the differences in their achievement.
Draw conclusions about pupil mastery of all of your objectives. Did pupils meet your
2. Comparison Analysis:
a. Discuss the revisions you made to your original instructional unit and describe each revision
and give rationale for the change.
b. Discuss the differences in your pupil’s performance in your first instructional unit and your
revised instructional unit.
c. Discuss how you considered the diversity of pupils in planning and teaching this unit.
Diversity can include special populations, ELL, different learning styles, ethnic differences,
gender, economic differences, etc.
d. Discuss how your students performed in creating the technology product.
e. Personal Reflection:
i. Reflect on possibilities for your professional development based on the designing,
implementing, and assessing instruction for this project. Discuss at least two areas
of your professional competence that should be a focus for further training for you.
ii. Select two Level 2 disposition statements (see Materials/Resources below) and
discuss how you demonstrated those positive dispositions in teaching this unit. Copy
each disposition statement and discuss it.
Specifications/Technical Requirements
A critical performance is any piece of evidence required by a program and produced by the student that
demonstrates the student has met a Standard(s). Critical performances are embedded within courses
taught by faculty who evaluate the performance using a rating scale of 1 (low) to 4 (high) based on
scoring rubrics developed by faculty within the program. The Electronic Portfolio System can be
accessed at
Grant, C. & Sleeter, C. (2007). Turning on learning: Five approaches for multicultural plans for race, class,
gender, and disability. Danvers, MA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Attributes of a Standards-Based Units of Study
The Unit:
1. Contains a manageable number of relevant content standards to be addressed (Learner Goals, Academic
Expectations, Program of Studies, Core Content for Assessment, Performance Level Descriptions, local and
national standards)
2. Identifies the relevant content standard(s) to be assessed
3. Contains cohesive, sequential connections to previous and current learning and aligns with school curriculum
4. Provides an organizer around an issue, problem, question, or goal that engages students and connects their
learning to prior knowledge, experiences, skills, beliefs, and customs
5. Proposes essential questions that address selected content strands, promote students’ thinking, result in
active application of learning, and draw attention to the relevance of learning in students’ lives
6. Includes opportunities for student inquiry, conferencing, reflection, research-based activities, and problembased learning
7. Includes equitable instructional practices and multiple cultural perspectives that address the needs of all
8. Contains authentic assessments that include appropriate writing tasks (i.e., open response, on-demand, and
portfolio-appropriate writing tasks) that reflect the identified content and performance standards and
essential questions
9. Communicates clearly the focus of instruction and performance expectations to students, parents, and others
10. Communicates clearly behavioral expectations to students, parents, and others
11. Aims for students’ real-world understanding and lifelong application of learning
The Student:
1. Participates in learning events/lessons/assessments that align with identified content and performance
standards and essential questions
2. Engages in inquiry and problem-based learning activities as a critical and creative thinker, problemsolver/generator, and investigator
3. Makes links within and among disciplines through interdisciplinary connections
4. Learns in an environment that promotes optimal learning and positive behaviors, incorporates research-based
activities, and addresses students’ needs and learning styles
5. Receives instruction that addresses individual academic/physical/social/emotional needs
6. Uses a variety of appropriate and culturally relevant resources
7. Experiences different cultural perspectives
8. Uses relevant technology
9. Chooses from a variety of assessment options
10. Demonstrates understanding of content, performance, product, and behavior expectations
11. Demonstrates learning through varied assessments, including open response, on-demand, and portfolioappropriate writing tasks, that address identified content and performance standards and essential questions
12. Demonstrates effective communication skills (e.g., reading, writing, speaking, listening)
13. Receives positive, varied, and continuous feedback on learning progress
14. Engages in conferencing for the purpose of improving academic and behavioral performance
15. Reflects on learning experiences
16. Recognizes and celebrates achievement through a variety of options
17. Engages in planning next steps for learning for learning including connections to career choices
WKU College of Education Dispositions - Level 2
g. Values diversity
h. Values collaboration
i. Values professionalism: Respect
for school rules, policies, and norms
j. Values professionalism:
Commitment to self-reflection and
k. Values professionalism:
Professional development and
l. Values professionalism:
Professional responsibility
Description of Target
Willingly works with others from different ability, race, gender, or ethnic
groups. Welcomes feedback and interaction with others. Listens carefully to
others and respects the views of those perceived as different from self.
Actively seeks out and incorporates ideas of others. Willingly works with others
to improve the overall environment. Regularly shares information and ideas.
Knows school rules and policies. Follows them consistently. Understands the
purpose of regulations and respects their intent. Accepts responsibility for
personally following them in patterns of dress, behavior, etc.
Recognizes personal limitations and strengths and uses them to best
professional advantage. Actively seeks suggestions and constructive criticism.
Regularly practices critical thinking. Regularly engages in learning through selfreflection.
Regularly and actively participates in professional activities or events that
promote professional development. Makes use of information from
professional organizations, professional publications, and educational
Accepts responsibility for own actions and for helping all students learn and
actively seeks self-improvement. Consistently holds high expectations for the
success of all students. Consistently looks to explain and remedy student lack
of success by factors within the control of self.
Possible Student Technology Products: MS Word and PowerPoint are not options for this project.
Choose from one of the following:
1. Google Earth – pupils create a GE tour on your topic that includes narration, picture in one
placemarker, one video in placemarker, one image overlay
2. Blog Website – pupils create a blog website on your topic with at least 2-3 web pages, 2-3 posts
with comments from other pupils in the class, 3-4 pictures/graphics on pages, 2-3 links, other
multimedia additions are optional, suggest using
3. Digital Story – pupils create at least 10-15 slide digital story with clear images, text on slides,
pupil narration, title and credits slide (may use MS Photo Story for PC or iMovie for mac)
4. Google Sites – pupils create at least three linked pages on curricular topic of your instructional
unit; include pictures and text; other multimedia additions are optional
5. Google SketchUp – create some type of structure on curricular topic of your instructional unit
6. Google Apps – pupils use of collaborative tools for word processing or presentation tool
7. Database – teacher creates a database with at least 8 fields and 30 records, create 5 sorting, 5
one-criterion searching, and 5 multiple criteria searching questions for pupils to answer.
8. Spreadsheet – teacher creates a spreadsheet with at least five columns of information, 10 detail
lines, and three types of formulas, and 15 questions for pupils to answer.
9. Desktop Publishing – pupils create an 8-page booklet signature or two-page newsletter.
Software that pupils could use include MS Publisher, Adobe In Design, Serif Page Plus (free), or
other program approved by your instructor. MS Word or Works may not be used for this
10. Video Editing - submit at least a 3-5 minute video on your topic, it must have two or more video
sources (could be youtube, united streaming, or other video sources), add at least one picture at
the beginning and end of your edited video, Add title on first slide, and credits/references on
last slide, must add music to entire video
11. Podcast – prepare a 5-8 minute audio podcast on your topic, include appropriate background
music, propose a problem at the beginning of your podcast, and propose your solution.
Scoring Guide :
Standards Based Unit
 This instructional unit
represents current
teaching practices in
a classroom setting.
 Achieved 0-2 of the
Curriculum Focus’
Criteria for
Standards Based
Unit (See below)
 Achieved 0-5 of the
Instructional and
Assessment Practices
Criteria for Standards
Based Unit (See
Diversity Curriculum
 Revisions to the unit
regarding diversity
instructional or
approaches were not
related to theory,
were inappropriate,
or used incorrectly
Technology Integration
 Pupils use of
technology is not
aligned with 3-4 of
the following:
age/ability level, and
identified standards.
 Pupils do not create a
technology product
at all
 This instructional
unit represents
current teaching
practices in a
classroom setting.
 Achieved 3-5 of the
Curriculum Focus’
Criteria for
Standards Based
Unit (See below)
 Achieved 6-9 of the
Instructional and
Practices Criteria for
Standards Based
Unit (See below)
 This instructional
 This instructional unit
unit represents
represents current
current teaching
teaching practices in a
practices in a
classroom setting.
classroom setting.  Achieved 9-11 of the
 Achieved 6-8 of
Curriculum Focus’
the Curriculum
Criteria for Standards
Focus’ Criteria for
Based Unit (See
Standards Based
Unit (See below)
 Achieved 14-17 of the
 Achieved 10-13 of
Instructional and
the Instructional
Assessment Practices
and Assessment
Criteria for Standards
Practices Criteria
Based Unit (See
for Standards
Based Unit (See
 Revisions to the unit
 Revisions to the
 Revisions to the unit
used 1 diversity
unit used 2
clearly used 2-3
instructional or
diversity instructional
instructional or
or curriculum
approaches according
according to
to theories studies in
theories studies in
according to
the course
the course
theories studies in
the course
 Pupils use of
 Pupils use of
 Pupils use of
technology is not
technology aligned
technology aligned
aligned with 1-2 of
with objectives,
with objectives,
the following:
assessment, age/ability
age/ability level,
level, and identified
and identified
age/ability level, and
 Pupils create a
identified standards.  Pupils create a
technology product
 Pupils do not create a
technology product
that meets the unit
technology product
that meets the
that meets the lesson
requirements; i.e.,
does not use one of
the required
programs or product
does not
integration in the unit
Reflection: Analysis of
Pupil Learning
 Presentation of pupil
performance results
is not related to preand post-assessment
scores. No charts and
 <100 word
description that does
not describe pupil
learning for each
 No conclusions about
pupil mastery of each
 Presentation of pupil
performance results
does not clearly
compare pre- and
scores. Charts and
tables are not
presented in terms of
rubrics created for
each objective.
 100-200 word
description that does
not clearly describes
how much learning
occurred on each
objective by
comparing results of
pre- and postassessments.
 Illogical conclusions
about pupil mastery
of each objective with
50-75 words.
Reflection: Comparison
of Before and After
 Discussion and
rationale for 2-3 of
the revisions made
between the Before
and After
instructional units;
discussion is less than
 Lists 1-2 positive
dispositions from the
syllabus but no
 Discussion and
rationale for some of
the revisions made
between the Before
and After
instructional units;
discussion is 150-300
 Discusses 1 positive
disposition or
discussion very
 Presentation of
pupil performance
results clearly
compares pre- and
scores. Charts and
tables present all
results in terms of
rubrics created for
each objective.
 200-300 word
description that
clearly describes
how much learning
occurred on each
objective by
comparing results
of pre- and postassessments.
 Clear, logical
conclusions about
pupil mastery of
each objective with
75-100 words.
 Discussion and
rationale for all of
the revisions made
between the
Before and After
instructional units;
discussion is 300400 words
 Discusses 2
 Presentation of pupil
performance results
clearly compares preand post-assessment
scores. Charts and
tables present all
results in terms of
rubrics created for
each objective.
 300+ word description
that clearly describes
how much learning
occurred on each
objective by comparing
results of pre- and
 Clear, logical
conclusions about pupil
mastery of each
objective with 100+
 Clear, comprehensive
rationale for all of the
revisions made
between the Before
and After instructional
units; discussion is 400600 words
 Discusses 3 or more
points providing
excellent discussion of
positive dispositions.
Instructional reflection
 Names 1-2 general
areas in which you
need professional
development (PD)
with no discussion.
 Names 1-2
consideration for
diversity of pupils
with no discussion.
 Discusses pupils
technology project in
very general terms
and does not describe
pupil performance
 Identifies one area in
which you need
development (PD) or
discusses two areas in
very general terms.
 Discusses one point
of consideration for
diversity of pupils or
discussion very
 Discusses one points
providing some
description of pupils’
performance with
technology project.
 Identify 2 areas in
which you need
development (PD).
Describe each
specific PD you
 Discusses 2 points
providing clear,
consideration for
diversity of pupils.
 Discusses 2 points
description of
performance with
technology project.
 Identify 2 or more
areas in which you
need professional
development (PD).
Describe each specific
PD you need, how and
when you could
participate in the
training, and new skills
you will apply to your
professional work
 Discusses 2-3 points
comprehensive, clear,
consideration for
diversity of pupils.
 Discusses 2-3 points
description of pupils’
performance with
technology project.
NOTE TO STUDENTS: After you submit this critical performance, the scores on this analytic rubric will be
provided to you for constructive feedback. However, only an overall “holistic score” will be entered into
the Electronic Portfolio System (EPS) based on the following scale: 1 – Beginning, 2 – Developing, 3 –
Proficient, or 4 – Distinguished. This holistic score will be based on the following ranges of possible points
on this analytic rubric:
Holistic Score of 1 = Analytic Rubric Score Range 6-8
Holistic Score of 2 = Analytic Rubric Score Range 9-14
Holistic Score of 3 = Analytic Rubric Score Range 15-20
Holistic Score of 4 = Analytic Rubric Score Range 21-24
Additionally, you may only receive a holistic score of 4 in the EPS if the critical performance required no
revision. This means that, if revisions are required and you make the necessary revisions, even if you score
21 or above on this analytic rubric, the highest score you will receive in the EPS is still “3”.