KinderNews St. Valentine’s Day

February 2016
Mrs. Giancola
St. Valentine’s Day
On Friday, February, 12th , 2016 the Kindergarten students will be participating in some fun
Valentine activities including a Dance-a-thon. If your child is bringing in Valentine cards for their
classmates, please do not address them to specific students. Some suggestions are to print just who they are
from and/or write: to my friend love ___. This is a great activity for students to practice printing upper
and lower case letters. We have 14 students in the class. Just a small reminder: no food items are
permitted in the classroom for distribution. If you wish to send a treat with a valentine card you can
send a pencil, stickers, play dough etc. Thank you again for your cooperation.
Black History Month
On the announcements this month, an older student tells the story of an African-American
individual that has made an incredible impact on society. In the afternoon of Friday, February 26th,
2016, the Grade 6 students will be presenting a wax museum of famous African-American individuals
in the gym. As a class, we will walk around and hear their amazing stories. You are welcome to see
what hard work these students have put in their character.
100th Day of School
Healthy Snacks
On Tuesday, February 16th, 2016, all the FDK classes will be
celebrating the 100th Day of school. We all have been counting
everyday to reach this joyous day. We have ask that students
bring in 100 items that will fit in a small Ziplock bag. We are also asking that everyone try to dress up like they are 100 years
old. Let’s see what we will look like when we are 100 yrs!
We encourage everyone to bring in
healthy snacks at school. We will
discussing the four food groups in class.
Please discuss with your child the
importance of eating all the food groups.
In our Classroom
Here are the learning goals that we are working towards for this month:
Language Arts
Blended sounds (ai, oa, ie, etc.)
Reading sort sentences
Sight words
Rhyming words (hat, cat, mat etc.)
 Mixing colours
 Observe the natural environment &
talk about it
Physical Education
 Healthy living
 Gross motor skills such as bounce and catch a ball
- 3D shapes
- number recognition (11-20)
- sorting by shape and colour
- The virtue of Respect
- Ash Wednesday
- Lent—the importance of doing a good deed