Color-picture part 613 Color-picture part Solar photosphere and chromosphere Continuum surface intensity (λ 4364.00 Å) δIrms= 25.4 % 10 10 8 y [Mm] 8 y [Mm] 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 x [Mm] 8 2 4 10 6 x [Mm] 8 10 y [arcsec] μ = 1.0 μ = 0.8 μ = 0.6 μ = 0.4 μ = 0.2 brightness temperature at λ = 1.0 mm [103 K] Fig. 12. Left: Quiet solar granulation as observed with the 1m Swedish Solar Telescope (courtesy Mats Carlsson 2004). Right: High-resolution CO5BOLD simulation of solar surface convection on a nx × ny × nz = 400 × 400 × 165 grid. Both images show the emergent continuum intensity (using identical scaling) at λ 436.4 nm in a field measuring 15´´ × 15´´ (11 × 11 Mm). Reproduced from [07Ste1]. 7.0 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 5.0 2 2 2 2 2 4.0 0 3.0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 x [arcsec] 6 7 0 0 1 2 3 4 x [arcsec] 5 6 0 0 1 2 3 x [arcsec] 4 0 1 2 x [arcsec] 3 6.0 0 1 x [arcsec] Fig. 19. Top: Gas temperature at a geometric height of z = 1000 km above τRoss = 1 in the nonmagnetic 3D chromospheric model by [04Wed]. Temperatures range from 2000 K (black) to 7000 K (white). Bottom: Brightness temperature Tb of synthetic continuum images at λ 1 mm, computed from the snapshot shown at left for different inclination angles (μ = 1: disk-center, μ = 0.2: close to limb). Tb ranges from 3000 K (black) to 7000 K (white). Adapted from [07Wed3]. Lando lt -Bö rnst ein New Ser ies VI/4B 614 Color-picture part moss hot plasma corona canopy domain le I chromosphere E canopy domain C fib ril D cs = cA fibr il spic u ~1.5 Mm spic ule II Al fv én wa ve s transition region F sub-canopy domain fluctosphere ~1 Mm sub-canopy domain fluctosphere shock waves current sheets weak fields A ~0.5 Mm classical temperature minimum small-scale canopies / HIFs B reversed granulation photosphere 0 Mm τ500 = 1 convection zone granulation network p-modes / g-modes internetwork network } supergranulation network Wedemeyer-Böhm et al. (2008) Fig. 20. Schematic, simplified structure of the lower atmosphere of the quiet Sun (dimensions not to scale). Reproduced from [08Wed1]. Solar transition region and quiet corona Fig. 6. A small coronal hole seen on the solar disk in the Mg IX (70.6 nm) line (middle panel). In the continuum near 71 nm (on the left) the magnetic network structure is the same inside and outside the coronal hole. The Doppler image shows LOS velocities of ±30 km s−1 with outflows (blue shifts) in the hole area. Lando lt -Börnst ein New Ser ies VI/4B Color-picture part 615 4.1.2 Solar activity Active regions Fig. 2. Moss region observed in the 17.1 nm wavelength band on 6 June 1999. The square box with an angular size of 19´´ × 19´´ contains bright moss structures with a brightness distribution given in the histogram inset. AR loops can be seen in the neighbourhood (from [00Mar]). Solar activity cycle Fig. 5. Butterfly diagram of the radial component of the solar magnetic field [03Hat]. For each Carrington rotation, the magnetic flux is summed in longitude in each latitude bin. Lando lt -Bö rnst ein New Ser ies VI/4B 616 Color-picture part Sun spots Fig. 1. Image of a complex sunspot with two umbrae observed in the red continuum with the Swedish Solar Telescope on La Palma. With kind permission of J. Hirzberger. Lando lt -Börnst ein New Ser ies VI/4B Color-picture part 617 Prominences and ejecta Fig 2. Spicule activity at the solar limb in O V emission at 62.973 nm with the corresponding Doppler diagram in the lower panel. The frame dimensions are 310 Mm × 100 Mm. The tallest feature protrudes approximately 40 Mm from the limb and is a macrospicule judged by its length. The size of the Earth is shown for comparison in the upper panel. 4.2 The planets and their satellites 4.2.1 Introduction Fig. 1. The eight planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are shown with their correct relative sizes (the distances are not to scale). The compilation also includes the dwarf planet Pluto and its moon Charon. The dark spot on Jupiter is the shadow of Io, one of the four Galilean Moons.©C.J. Hamilton Lando lt -Bö rnst ein New Ser ies VI/4B 618 Color-picture part 4.2.3 Terrestrial planets and satellites Geodetic and geophysical data (a) Venus (b) Radius − 6051.8 [km] Mars Radius − 3396 [km] Moon (c) Radius − 1737.4 [km] Fig. 2. Planetary radii models of Venus, Mars and the Moon. All images are in a Hammer projection with a central meridian of 0° W. The values are referenced to a sphere of radius 6051.8, 3396 and 1737.4 km for Venus, Mars and the Moon, respectively. Note the data gaps for Venus and the rotational flattening present for Mars. Lando lt -Börnst ein New Ser ies VI/4B Color-picture part 619 Fig. 3. Radial gravity anomaly gr and geoid height N for the Earth, Venus, Mars and the Moon. All images are in a Hammer projection with a central meridian of 0° W. (a)-(b) gr and N for the Earth, evaluating the model EIGENGL04C [08För] at a reference radius Rp = 6378.13 km and setting the zonal degree-2 term C20 to zero. (c)-(d) gr and N for Venus, evaluating the model SHGJ180 [06Rap] at Rp = 6051 km (e)-(f) gr and N for Mars, evaluating the model MGS95J [05Tyl] at Rp = 3396 km and setting the zonal degree-2 term C20 to zero. (g)-(h) gr and N for the Moon, evaluating the model LP165P [97Lem] at Rp = 1738 km and setting the zonal degree-2 term C20 and C22 to zero. Lando lt -Bö rnst ein New Ser ies VI/4B