Initiatives Strategies/Tactitcs Interest Survey for Appointments Develop a SC Appointments Committee interest survey to assist in placing SC members on University Standing Committees. Appointments Committee Coordinator New Initiative Promote/Involve Best Practices Guide Create a “best practices” guide for new members who serve on University Standing Committees. Appointments Committee New Initiative Promote/Involve Online submission of University committee reports Work collaboratively with the SC Communications Committee to create & online Appointments Committee report submission form. Appointments Committee New Initiative Promote/Involve Build a year-in-review report encompassing committee work Create a Year in Review reporting document for the SC Appointments Committee. Appointments Committee New Initiative Promote/Involve Increase the University Standing Committees’ response rate. Increase the University Standing Committees’ response rate. Appointments Committee Standing Promote/Involve Collect & Distribute Reports Collect reports from each SC-appointed University Standing Committee member monthly & report to SC Eboard meetings & General Meetings. Appointments Committee Duty Ongoing Promote/Involve Field Requests for SC Representation Field requests for SC representation on committees for the University. Recommend staff representatives to Standing & other University committees for Council approval. Appointments Committee Duty Ongoing Promote/Involve Obtain Standing Committee Bylaws Obtain & review bylaws for University Standing Committees New Initiative Ongoing Promote/Involve Create transitional materials for each initative Create summary reports on every initiative that provides an overview of the goals, purposes, practices, and outcomes so as to provide a framework for future reference Appointments Committee Upload Minutes to Website Post all Executive Board & General meeting minutes to the website by the next meeting. Media Development Assist with developing flyers or other media for SC Committees. News Releases Appointments Committee Initiative Type Purpose/Motivation Duty Timeline Status/Outcomes immediately Principle Initiatives Promote/Involve Duty Raise awareness of SC to the UH staff Community. Promote/Involve Communications Committee Duty Raise awareness of SC to the UH staff Community. Promote/Involve Develop news releases for distribution. Communications Committee Duty Raise awareness of SC to the UH staff Community. Promote/Involve Host SC New Member Orientation Conduct the new member orientation in August each year, coordinating with Events' SC Leadership Luncheon. Communications Committee Standing Orient new SC members. Publicize Events Publicize all SC events, with approval of all official communications from either the SC president or the program manager. Communications Committee Duty Solicit feedback from constituents regarding the life of staff on campus. Constituent Communications Collect information from minutes, the Program Manager, or the President to report to constituents. Develop communications, either via a newsletter or emails from the President, & submit to the President/Program Manager for approval to send to constituents. Communications Committee New Initiative Maintain Updated Website Provide more frequent updates on the SC website, including photos. Standing Add Staff Council Accomplishments to Updated Website Add a page for Staff Council Accomplishments, sorted either by calandar or fiscal year, that helps staff Communications Committee, with input visiting the web site know about the from Executive Board and Staff Council different initiatives we have completed. Committees New Initiative Representative Communication Provide guidelines to SC members to communicate more effectively with their constituents Communications Committee Newsletter Develop a SC newsletter to send periodically to constituents. Collect information from minutes, the Program Manager, & the President for content, & include a "Staff Pulse" poll from Staff Affairs. Communications Committee New Hire Orientation Welcome new UH staff members, including providing up to date information about SC at new UH staff orientation. Develop a video for use during the New Hire Orientation. Create transitional materials for each initative Communications Committee Communications Committee 8/1/2014 in planning Promote/Involve in planning Promote/Involve 10/15/2013 Raise awareness of SC to the UH Community. Promote/Involve ongoing, improvements in planning Promote/Involve Raise awareness of initiatives completed by SC to the UH Community. Monthly ongoing, improvements in publicizing completed initiatives Promote/Inform New Initiative Raise awareness of SC to the UH Community. monthly ongoing, improvements in planning Promote/Involve New Initiative Raise awareness of SC to the UH Staff Community. monthly to be discussed at next committee meeting Oct 15 Promote/Involve Communications Committee Duty Raise awareness of SC to the UH Staff Community. weekly ongoing, improvements in planning Promote/Involve Create summary reports on every initiative that provides an overview of the goals, purposes, practices, and outcomes so as to provide a framework for future reference Communications Committee Duty Coordinate & host the Spring 2015 CFI. Assist students with their experience on campus in order to increase student retention at the University of Houston. To create a welcoming environment for students while promoting staff service to the University & increasing staff knowledge of the University, thus contributing to the success of the Host the Spring Cougar First Impressions University & student success. Cougar First Impressions Committee Spring CFI Appreciation Event With financial support from the President's office, provide a volunteer appreciation event for Spring CFI. Water Distribution for CFI Review the feasibility of distributing water using less bottled water, & implement if possible. at least weekly immediately Promote/Involve Standing Student retention & overall success. Promote Cougar First Impressions Committee New Initiative Increase volunteer pool for Spring CFI & thus increase overall success in the program. Promote Cougar First Impressions Committee New Initiative Sustainability: reduce consumption of bottles for water. Promote Volunteer Survey for CFI Develop & distribute a volunteer survey to gain feedback from all volunteers to CFI. Cougar First Impressions Committee New Initiative To ensure continued success in volunteerism & overall success of the program. Promote Increase Marketing for CFI Increase marketing for CFI, on the front end to increase volunteerism & on the back end to show appreciation. Cougar First Impressions Committee New Initiative Increase the volunteer pool. Promote Flash Drives for CFI To keep students informed by providing them with valuable information about UH colleges & services on flash drives to be distributed during the CFI Fall event & on our SC website. Cougar First Impressions Committee Standing Sustainability: Providing flash drives with information that is usually supplied via flyers, etc., we can reduce overall paper consumption, & allow students one location to go to for information. Promote Host the Fall Cougar First Impressions Coordinate & host the Fall 2015 CFI. Assist students with their experience on campus in order to increase student retention at the University of Houston. To create a welcoming environment for students while promoting staff service to the University & increasing staff knowledge of the University, thus contributing to the success of the University & student success. Cougar First Impressions Committee Standing Student retention & overall success. Promote Fall CFI Appreciation Event With financial support from the President's office, provide a volunteer appreciation event for Fall CFI. Standing Increase volunteer pool for Spring CFI & thus increase overall success in the program. Promote Create transitional materials for each initative Create summary reports on every initiative that provides an overview of the goals, purposes, practices, and outcomes so as to provide a framework for future reference Cougar First Impressions Committee Duty SC Events Page Work with Communications Committee to create a homepage for all of SC's events with an abstract/description of each event; include links to individual pages that fully describe each event, for Events Committee in conjunction with example, the Sock & Blanket Drive page. the Communications Committee New Initiative Promote awareness of SC Events. Increase Events Committee Infrastructure Provide food for volunteers assisting in key background work for events, increase the number of committee members in Events, & use of carts, etc., for events needing such assistance. Events Committee Standing Increase internal volunteerism November 2014-August 2015 SC President has been made aware; will speak to Eboard & General meetings. Involve Sock & Blanket Drive Plan & execute the 17th Annual Sock & Blanket Drive: gather clothing & household needs donated by the University community; arrange for pick up of donated items by the Star of Hope & the Harris County Adult Protective Services Program. Put in action a more feasible plan of collecting donated items before next year's event begins, preferrably in the Spring. Events Committee Standing Community Service Oct. 31-Nov. 21, 2014 In Planning Holiday Luncheon Plan & execute the Annual SC Holiday Luncheon: decide on date with Eboard by end of September & reserve a venue; send out a sign up sheet via requesting everyone's participation. Send reminders before Thanksgiving break with the complete list of items. Events Committee Standing SC Social Gathering; team building Spring Egg Hunt Plan & execute the 25th Annual Spring Egg Hunt: secure venue by mid-October (meet with Robert Guillen in UH Sports & Entertainment to map out logistics of using TDECU Stadium); organize the event with other events on campus, specifically Frontier Fiests; work with student volunteer groups, like the Bonner Leaders, to stuff eggs & organize games; solicit donations; promote event via UH website & SC Newsletter; invite University community to attend. Events Committee Standing Community Service Orientation & Leadership Luncheon Plan & execute the Orientation & Leadership Luncheon: secure venue by end of September for August of the following year; order food for the luncheon by two weeks out; purchase decorations no less than one week out; send out attendance reminders from SC members three days prior to the event; set up & break down for event. Events Committee Standing Cougar First Impressions Luncheon Plan & execute the Cougar First Impressions Luncheon: secure venue by end of September for September of the following year; order food for the luncheon by two weeks out; purchase decorations no less than one week out; send out attendance reminders from SC members three days prior to the event; set up & break down for event. Events Committee Staff Mixers Increase awareness of the Staff Mixers: plan & execute these events by arranging a venue & advertising via the SC Newsletter, adboards around campus, & interdepartmental communication. Events Committee Staff Mixers Restart the Staff Mixers, planning & executing the events by arranging a venue & advertising. New Initiative Jan, May, Sept 2014 Create transitional materials for each initative Create summary reports on every initiative that provides an overview of the goals, purposes, practices, and outcomes so as to provide a framework for future reference Events Committee Duty immediately Cougar First Impressions Committee immediately Promote 11/1/2014 In Planning 12/18/2014 In Planning Spring 2015 Promote/Involve Involve Recognition In Planning Promote/Involve Orientation of new members & thanking new & old SC members for their leadership. 8/1/2015 In Planning Promote/Involve Standing Gratitude Luncheon for the volunteers who participated in CFI 9/1/2015 In Planning Promote/Recognize Standing Boost Staff morale & promote relationship building between staff members from various parts of campus. Jan, Sept 2015 In Planning Promote/Involve No movement yet Promote/Involve Recruit SC Members Recruit members for vacant positions & get them for voting in the coming SC General Meeting Memberships & Elections Committee Standing Review & Adjust Representation Apportionment Review the apportionment of representation among the University’s Divisions as required by the Constitution & Bylaws, & make adjustments as necessary. Memberships & Elections Committee Standing Nomination for Membership Revise & distribute nomination forms to all eligible staff for SC Elections. Memberships & Elections Committee Standing Mid March Promote/Involve Membership Election Procedures/Guides Distribute procedures & voters’ guides for SC elections as per the Election Code. Memberships & Elections Committee Standing Mid June Promote/Involve Increase Membership Nominations Increase membership nominations by more frequent & earlier marketing for nominations. Memberships & Elections Committee New Initiative Mid March Promote/Involve Nomination of Officers Run the nomination process for SC Officers during the General Meeting in July. Memberships & Elections Committee Standing Run the Membership Elections Run the SC Elections for general membership. Memberships & Elections Committee Standing Validate/Announce New Members Validate the elections & announce New members per the by-laws. Memberships & Elections Committee Standing 7/18/2014 Promote/Involve Run the Officers Elections Run the SC Officers elections during the General Meeting in August. Memberships & Elections Committee Standing 8/7/2014 Promote/Involve Election Code Establish & maintain an election code. Standing April 2014 General Meeting Promote/Involve Create transitional materials for each initative Create summary reports on every initiative that provides an overview of the goals, purposes, practices, and outcomes so as to provide a framework for future reference Memberships & Elections Committee Duty immediately Promote/Involve Rodger Peters Staff Scholarship The Committee will update & submit the scholarship application to the SC for approval. The Committee will advertise the scholarship program, review applications & select final scholarship recipient(s). Professional Development Committee B. Renae Milton Scholarship The Committee will update & submit the scholarship application to the SC for approval. The Committee will advertise the scholarship program, review applications & select final scholarship recipient(s). Professional Development Committee Professional Development Reimbursement The Committee will finalize & submit the reimbursement application to the SC for approval. The Committee will set up seek funding thru the President's Office & thru the UH general fund raising campaign. The Committee will also advertise this reward program to the UH staff members. Professional Development Committee Professional Development Committee New Initiative Mentor Program Memberships & Elections Committee Service to the University MAPP The Committee will add the proposed Service to the University MAPP to the existing Professional Development MAPP & send the proposed amended MAPP forward for approval. Excellence Award Changes The Committee will work with Human Resources to create the proposed Department/Group Excellence Award. The Committee will also discuss with Human Resources the changes made to McElhinney Award eligibility, the amounts of money awarded for the Excellence Awards, & the Award timeline. Professional Development Committee Professional Development Guide The Committee will create a professional development guide for staff to aid them in reaching their career goals. Professional Development Committee E-Portfolio Proposal The Committee will research and create a proposal that the University explore the possibility of creating an e-portfolio system for UH staff, students and faculty. Professional Development Committee Provide input to HR Learning Talent and The Committee will send a listing of Development Team on "Hot Topics" for potential "Hot Topic" inputs for future future Lunch and Learn Programs Lunch and Learn Programs. Professional Development Committee Professional Development Committee 11/7/2013 Promote/Involve 5/1/2014 Promote/Involve 7/3/2014 7/15-16/14 Promote/Involve Promote/Involve On-going Initiative 2/15/16 - Update award application form. 3/1/16 - Advertise the reward This scholarship is to recognize previous program to the UH staff members. SC member Rodger Peters' dedication to 5/1/16 - Review applications & select SC. scholarship recipient(s). Recognize On-going Initiative Originally named Student of Staff 2/15/16 - Update award application Scholarship. This scholarship is to form. 3/1/16 - Advertise the reward recognize previous SC Manager B. Renae program to the UH staff members. Milton's dedication to SC & UH staff 5/1/16 - Review applications & select members. scholarship recipient(s). Recognize New Initiative 1/31/16 - Initiate fund raising campaign. January - Submit request for funding To support staff professional through President's office to be included development. Supported activities may in Staff Council budget. 3/1/16 - Based include courses, trainings, workshops, on availability of funds, advertise the conferences, licenses, certification reward program to the UH staff exams, etc. members. Recognize To be reviewed by committee as to status & whether to continue. To support staffs' volunteer efforts contributions to the University & get them recognized as important professional development activities. Part of MAPP 02.06.01, which will be in the Campus/Executive Review cycle for Quarter 2, FY 2016. Any additional documentation may need to be a new MAPP on the topic. Recognize On-going Initiative To recognize staff excellence in an equitable manner. Continue working with Human Resources on revising eligibility critiria and award amount. If increase in award amounts are authorized, they would go into effect in 2016. February-Present proposal for increase in award amounts for award budget. Recognize New Initiative To provide a guide for UH staff to aid them in furthering their careers & reaching their goals. Will complete draft to present to SC in early Spring 2016. Will work to have proposal ready to send forward by late Spring 2016. Recognize New Initiative To provide a tool to UH community members to document professional accomplishments and skills to further their professional development. Will complete draft to present to SC in early Spring 2016. Will work to have proposal ready to send forward by late Spring 2016. New Initiative To provide more profesisonal development topics to HR for their "Hot Will complete listing in early Spring, Topics" for future Lunch and Learn 2016 to HR Learning and Talent programs. Development Team. On-going Initiative Advise, Involve Create transitional materials for each initative Create summary reports on every initiative that provides an overview of the goals, purposes, practices, and outcomes so as to provide a framework for future reference Professional Development Committee TRAM Rollout Input Continue to provide HR with input on the TRAM & provide input. Ensure Appropriate Conduct of the Organization Oversee the conduct of SC business to ensure adherence to the Constitution & Bylaws. SC Officer: Parliamentarian Duty Involve Maintain Attendence Records Maintain a list of all council members who are in attendance at the regularly scheduled meetings & advise the Executive Board of any members who have forfeited membership due to missed meetings. Notify SC Members in danger of forfeiture by absence. SC Officer: Parliamentarian Duty Involve Duty SC Officer: Immediate Past President immediately Recognize Advise Required Manager Training Continue to work with HR to provide feedback on the upcoming required manager training. SC Officer: President Lead SC Preside over SC Meetings & attend or send a representative to functions requiring representation. Advocate SC initiatives/agenda to administration & UH community. Provide monthly activities information reports to SC. SC Officer: President Advise Duty Advise/Promote/Involve SC proposed a Departmental/Group Excellence Award, feedback was requested of administration, & we were asked to determine whether it should be within the Excellence awards provided by HR or building up to the President's Fall Address. 10/30/13 Advise/Promote Work with HR, administration & professional development ad hoc to increase department/group/team recognition. Determine and propose an Departmental/Group Excellence Award appropriate venue for such an award. SC Officer: President Administrative Leave with Pay Procedure Provide HR with the form to administer SC Officer: President with Professional procedure. Development Committee Provided form to Human Resources in August 2015. New Initiative Form posted to HR Forms web site in December 2015. MAPP 02.02.04 (with applicable changes) is part of Quarter 2, FY2016 review cycle. Advise Invite members of administration as needed to discuss topics of concern at eBoard & general SC meetings. SC Officer: President Approve Official Communications Approve all official communications from SC main body. SC Officer: President or Program Manager Liaise between Committees & SC President Oversee all committees & meet at least once with each of the standing committees throughout the year. Advise officers in their job requirements. SC Officer: President-Elect Maintain SC Roster Keep a complete roster of members of SC, including but not limited to: name, E-mail, inner office mail, extension or phone number, committee membership, term of office, Division they represent, etc. SC Officer: Secretary, Program Manager Duty Involve Take & Prepare Minutes Type up the minutes from each eBoard & general meeting & provide the draft for feedback from the president & other appropriate officers. SC Officer: Secretary, Program Manager Duty Involve Record Financial Transactions Keep an accurate record of all money disbursed & received, while also maintaining the financial reports. SC Officer: Treasurer Duty Involve Provide Budget Report Give a written report to SC at the first meeting of every month with the updated budget. SC Officer: Treasurer Duty Create transitional materials for each initative Create summary reports on every initiative that provides an overview of the goals, purposes, practices, and outcomes so as to provide a framework for future reference SC Officer: Treasurer Duty Send Minutes for Website Once eBoard & general meeting minutes have been approved & corrected, submit them to the communications committee for addition to the website. SC Program Manager Duty Create transitional materials for each initative Create summary reports on every initiative that provides an overview of the goals, purposes, practices, and outcomes so as to provide a framework for future reference SC Program Manager Duty Host Conversations with SC Coordinate, plan & conduct the Conversations with SC in the Fall to solicit feedback from constituents regarding current issues concerning staff on campus. Collaborate with communications committee to publish responses online. Staff Affairs Committee Standing Staff Affairs Proposed Initiatives Compile & determine appropriate goal(s)/initiative(s) from feedback from the Conversations with SC, & give proposal to all SC for a decision(s) whether to adopt/pursue as an initiative(s). Staff Affairs Committee New Initiative-2nd yr. Host Focus on Staff Event Coordinate, plan & conduct a Focus on Staff event in the spring, where UH president, other administrators & the SC president speak. Staff Affairs Committee Standing New Hire Onboarding Present a proposal to HR regarding the feedback received at the Conversations with SC regarding new hire onboarding. Staff Affairs Committee Pride in UH Present a proposal to the President's Division & Human Resources regarding the feedback received at the Conversations on increasing Staff Pride. Staff Affairs Committee Staff Pulse Polls Monthly, submit to the Communications Committee a poll question for distribution in the newletter for feedback from the general staff body. Staff Affairs Committee Duty Monthly Promote/Involve Review Issues Affecting Staff Review all known issues affecting staff on campus including, but not limited to, benefits, parking, safety, staff development & training. Staff Affairs Committee Duty on-going Advise Review Policies & Procedures Coordinate review of University policies & procedures assigned by the University Coordinating Commission to SC or determined to be affecting Staff on campus, & provide feedback to the policy makers. Staff Affairs Committee Duty Quarter 1, Quarter 2, and Quater 3 of each Fiscal Year Advise Advise/Promote/Recognize/Involve Duty Advise/Promote Duty Show fiscal responsibility. Monthly immediately Promote/Involve immediately Promote/Involve Provide feedback from staff on new intiatives and programs to be worked by Staff Council Committees. Monday, November 16, 2015 Held Promote/Involve In Work (February 2016) Set a timeline for choosing goals & presenting to SC. Advise Monday, April 11, 2016 Being planned. Collaborate with program manager concerning dates. Promote/Involve New Initiative Eventually, we hope that this will become a checklist for departmental onboarding of new hires. In work (two parts - Checklists and mentoring) To be delivered to Sandy Coltharp (resolution and three checklist examples) Advise/Promote/Involve New Initiative This will be addressed through smaller resolutions based on "Conversations With Staff" input in 2014, with additional input pending from "Conversations With Staff" in 2015. In Work ("Bring Children To Work Day" and moving Employee Appreciation Event to another date and location) Spring 2016 Advise/Promote/Recognize Create transitional materials for each initative Create summary reports on every initiative that provides an overview of the goals, purposes, practices, and outcomes so as to provide a framework for future reference Staff Affairs Committee Create resolution to move Staff Appreciation Event to Spring Create resolution to move Staff Appreciation event to another local (Lynn Eusan Park) and move date to correlate more closely with Employee Award Staff Affairs Committee inApril, and Advisor award in April. Create resolution on "Bring Children to Work" Day Create resolution to ask for "Bring Children To Work" Day during time period that will cause less impact to UH Staff Affairs Committee processes. Duty immediately Promote/Involve New Initiative This resolution was created based on input from "Conversations With Staff" in 2014, with additional input from "Conversations With Staff" in 2015 eregarding Employee Awards. In work Spring 2016 Involve/Propose New Initiative This resolution was created based on input from "Conversations With Staff" in 2014. In work Spring 2016 Promote/Involve New Initiative Address data gathered by Scholarships/Financial Aid and Human Resources that indicates that the program is not being used to maximum efficiency due to economic hardship for paying mandatory fees that have inmcreased dramtically in the last two FYs. Create and sumbit proposal that raises payment to staff for 3-hour class from Complete Proposal to increase payment $1,200 a semester to $2,000 a to staff for the Staff Tuition Scholarship semester, which includes payment of Program. mandatory fees. Staff Affairs Committee Complete Employee Survey to provide new initiatives for Staff Council. Create and submit survey regarding various topics of interst to staff. Staff Affairs Committee, with assistance of Professional Development Committee and Events Committee for Input, and Comunications Committee to submit Standing every 2 years Address any ideas from "Conversations With Staff," plus new ideas from Professional Development Committee and Events Committee. Spring 2016 Will meet with Professional Development and Events Committee to get survey questions, then develop survey. Communications will format and send out survey to staff. Promote/Involve/Creative New Initiatives Provide input and assistance to update Staff Handbook and reformat into a website Provide input to update content, and provide assiatnce in making document into a searchable web site. Staff Handbook Ad Hoc Committee Work with Human Resources on input, and Policies and Procedures Coordinator on updates based on policy and Standing Committees (examples: TPAC and Food Advisory). Original meeting in September, 2015 Meeting pending to discuss formatting options in CMS, and uploading current Staff Handbook into CMS for updates. Also need a search engine on web site to help users. New Initiative Original proposal submitted and approved on November 5, 2015. Resolution delivered in December 2015. Completed Involve/Propose Provide Input/Format