Document 14394536

The Viking News
May 10, 2015 issue #32
Virtue of the Month: ACCEPTANCE
School secretary: Mrs. Fay
School principal: Mr. Maiolo
Mrs. Oude-Reimerink
We will be celebrating the virtue of Acceptance, as a school community, on Friday, May 22
@ 1:30 p.m. in our gymnasium
Georges Vanier School Prayer
Lord, in the morning as we start this day,
We take a moment to bow and pray.
We start with thanks,
For all your kind and loving ways.
And now as we begin our day,
Watch over us as we work and play.
We ask you to help us respect and love one another,
And all we meet during the day.
Hold our families and school staff in your hands,
As we follow, in your commands.
Teach us to love you more than before,
Through random acts of love and kindness.
Guide us to be like Georges Vanier,
And make aVISIT
difference by
Helping the poor, the needy, the sick and the homeless.
We ask this through Jesus, Our Lord.
For assistance please call…
School # 905-792-2251
0 Virgin Mary, My Mother. I
give to your Immaculate
Heart, my body and my
soul, my thoughts and my
actions. I want to be what
you want me to be, and do
just what you want me to
do. I am not afraid because
you are always with me.
Help me to love your Son, Jesus, with all my heart
and above all things. Take my hand in yours so I
can always be with you.
Trustee: Mr. Xaviour
School Parish: St. John Fisher
Pastor: Fr. Grima
“Go Make A Difference”
Milk available daily at
12:40p.m. Front foyer.
(chocolate or white milk)
Sacramental preparation continues for our grade 2 & 8 students.
Gr. 8 Confirmation: Friday, May 29 @ 7 p.m. at Parish
Gr. 2 First Holy Communion: Sunday, May 31 @ 2p.m. at Parish
New for the next school year:
The Rosary Apostolate has been working with all our students throughout the school year.
This Wednesday marks the last visit from the Rosary Apostolate and we will celebrate with a
special presentation in our gymnasium.
JK to Grade 3 celebration will be held from 11:20 a.m-12:00 p.m.
Grade 4 to 8 celebration will be held from 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Confirmation Moving to Grade 7
The School Board has received news from the Archdiocese of Toronto that the elementary school grade for candidates for Confirmation is to be
moved from Grade 8 to Grade 7, effective September 8, 2015, in terms of sacramental preparation. Local pastors have been notified. More
information to follow in the upcoming months.
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April Dates:
May 11 P.A. Day
May 12 grade 6 students to Downsview Park (Aviation Museum)
May 13 Rosary Apostolate see schedule above.
May 14 Grade 8 class to Mt. Alverno
May 15 grade 8 class at Mt. Alverno
May 18 Victoria Day (No school on this day)
May 21 School Council Meeting 7p.m.
May 22 Virtue Assembly 1:30 p.m.
May 27 EQAO begins for our students in grade 3 and 6
May 29 Confirmation for our Grade 8 students
May 31 First Holy Communion for our grade 2 students
We will begin work on next year’s class lists in May. If your child(ren) will be returning
to Georges Vanier School and there are particular learning needs that you feel we
should consider when making up classes, please put this in writing to the principal by
May 15th. Only educational reasons will be considered in this process. Please do not
make requests for specific teachers.
If your family will be moving from our school area, please let the office know as
soon as possible.
Scan the box to the left with your
mobile device and it will take you
to our website
EQAO Testing
Administration of the Grade 3 and 6 Assessment of Reading, Writing
and Mathematics will be held from May 25 to June 4. Specific dates
will be sent home in the upcoming weeks. We ask that
parents/guardians of students in Grade 3 and 6 refrain from making
appointments and or booking trips at this time to ensure your
child(ren) will be available to complete the testing.
Bicycle season has arrived. We remind students of the
importance of following traffic safety rules. Students are
reminded that bicycles, scooters, skateboards or rollerblades
must be walked on to the school grounds. All
bicycles and scooters should be chained and locked.
Unfortunately, even chained bicycles can be quickly removed
by determined thieves. It is suggested that expensive or hard
to replace bicycles remain at home as the school cannot be
responsible for stolen or damaged bicycles. Also a reminder to
all students that the law requires that all children wear proper
bicycle helmets. Skateboards and roller blades are safely
stored in the classroom and are not to be used at recess or
lunch time in the school yard.