Beyond Biting: Disgusting Animal Defence Mechanisms ENG1P1

Beyond Biting: Disgusting Animal
Defence Mechanisms ENG1P1
Using pages 18-19 of That’s Disgusting, complete the following activities:
1. Using jot notes, neatly fill in the table below while reading the selection
Animal Name
Defence Strategy
One other interesting fact
Horned Lizard
Gila Monsters
Stinkpot Turtles
Answer the following questions, after reading the selection:
2. What common animal from your community is most likely to use biting as its defence?
3. What solution has proven to be more effective for skunk smells than tomato juice?
Diagnostic Tool: Reading for the main idea; noting details and providing textual support; reading for implicit
or explicit information; sorting information using a graphic organizer; organizing information
R. Efpatridis – 2012 - Revised
b) Using your own ideas, why do you think this remedy is more effective than tomato juice?
4. Explain what the word “toxic” means:
5. How does fulmar vomit hurt its victims?
6. Why are the headings of the different animals used throughout the passage?
7. Explain why different fonts are used throughout the reading selection:
8. How far away does a person have to be from a skunk to be safe from its spray?
9. Which animal(s) uses poison as its defence?
10. Why are stinkpot turtles at risk?
11.Using information from the selection, and your own ideas, explain which animal has the nastiest defence
mechanism? Explain your choice
Diagnostic Tool: Reading for the main idea; noting details and providing textual support; reading for implicit
or explicit information; sorting information using a graphic organizer; organizing information
R. Efpatridis – 2012 - Revised
Making Connections – Paragraph Outline
While reading, we had brief discussions about how the defence
mechanisms of animals are similar to the reactions people have when
responding to fear or anger. Although we cannot shoot blood from
our eyes, our blood pressure can elevate when we are angry. And
although it is typical for a tarantula to pull hair from its back to throw at its
enemy, people tend to throw punches instead.
Using ONE of the animals from the article, answer the prompt below in paragraph format using
personal information about yourself.
Topic Sentence:
When I am angry, I am most like a
(insert one of the animals discussed in the article)
First Reason:
Example and explanation:
Second Reason:
Example and explanation:
Concluding Sentence:
Diagnostic Tool: Reading for the main idea; noting details and providing textual support; reading for implicit
or explicit information; sorting information using a graphic organizer; organizing information
R. Efpatridis – 2012 - Revised