Mrs. Bridgman Grade 9AP English Name:____________________________

Mrs. Bridgman
Grade 9AP English
Jane Eyre Introductory Activity
Being familiar with the historical context of a piece of literature is important as it provides the reader
with background information regarding a writer’s motivations and influences for their work. Jane Eyre,
written by Charlotte Bronte, was originally published in England in 1847. This Gothic novel was written
during the Victorian era, a time much different from our own. To help you develop your understanding
of Charlotte Bronte’s world and how it influenced her work please visit the websites listed below and
answer the questions associated with each. Record your answers in the space provided. Be prepared to
share your responses with the class on Tuesday, October 8th.
Charlotte Bronte: Biographical Information
Browse the biography section at
(Charlotte Bronte Biographical Materials). After reading this section record at least five interesting
details you have learned about Charlotte Bronte.
Interesting Facts About Charlotte Bronte
Mrs. Bridgman
Grade 9AP English
Who is the Ideal Victorian Woman?
Jane Eyre was written during the Victorian era – when tea parties were the rage, etiquette was of the
utmost importance, women wore corsets, and the United Kingdom was ruled by Queen Victoria. What
it meant to be a woman during this time was very different from the ideals associated with women
today. Read the article “The Sphere of Women” (pages 209-210) by Goethe at
11095 . This article appeared in the March 1850 edition of Godey’s Lady’s Handbook, a popular
women’s magazine at the time. Answer the questions that follow based on your reading.
“The Sphere of Women”
1. How does Goethe define the role of the Victorian woman?
2. How does he see the woman's role as having advantages over the man's role?
3. On what is the woman "dependent"?
4. How does the image complement the text?
Mrs. Bridgman
Grade 9AP English
Now read “The Ideals of Womanhood in Victorian Britain” as complied by the BBC at .
Complete the following activity based on your reading.
“The Ideals of Womanhood in Victorian Britain”
Pretend it is 1850 and you are a coach for a candidate in the “Ideal Victorian Woman” competition.
Based on your reading of the BBC website and the article that appeared in Godey’s Lady’s Handbook
describe your ideal candidate for this competition by answering the following questions?
1. What skills or qualities should your candidate emphasize in the speech?
2. How has your candidate spent most of her life?
3. What have been the guiding influences in your candidate's life?
4. Why does your candidate feel qualified to serve as a role model for other Victorian women?
5. On what merits would the ideal Victorian woman be judged?
Mrs. Bridgman
Grade 9AP English
Extension: If you would like to learn more about British women’s rights during the Victorian era you can
play the Women’s Rights Quiz game on the BBC website at