UNIVERSITY of HOUSTON MANUAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES SECTION: AREA: Human Resources Recruitment and Employment Number: 02.03.06 SUBJECT: Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 I. PURPOSE AND SCOPE This document provides general guidelines to ensure compliance with the U. S. Department of Homeland Security provisions for completing Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9. The provisions of this policy apply to all university employees, including faculty and staff, full-time and part-time, student and non-student. II. POLICY It is the policy of the university to hire only individuals who are authorized to work in the United States and to comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) and the U. S. Department of Homeland Security provisions governing the completion and retention of Form I-9. The university will use the current Form I-9, including approved electronic or paper versions, in conjunction with E-Verify to confirm the identity and work eligibility of all employees on or before the hire date, but no later than the third day of employment. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in termination of the employee. The IRCA prohibits the university from refusing to hire any person (other than an unauthorized alien) because of a person’s national origin or citizenship status. The university also may not demand more or different documents than an employee presents, as long as the documents presented are acceptable by law. III. DEFINITIONS A. I-9: Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9. This is the federal document required to verify an individual’s identity and employment eligibility. B. E-Verify: E-Verify is an internet-based system that allows businesses to determine the eligibility of their employees to work in the United States. Public university participation in E-Verify became a State of Texas law in September 2015. C. Employee: Any individual compensated for services by the university and paid through the payroll system. D. Hire Date: The first day of employment. The day the individual starts working, regardless of the appointment date. E. Rehires: Due to the HRMS system, some employees are marked as “terminated” at the end of their current appointment, even though their relationship with the University has not ended. A citizen or permanent resident employee “terminated” and rehired within the next academic year will not be considered a “termination” requiring a new I-9, unless their most recent I-9 on file contains a List B document that has since expired. A foreign December 11, 2012; Revised January 4, 2016 Page 1 of 3 Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 MAPP 02.03.06 national employee will require a new I-9 only if their visa status has changed or been extended since their most recent 1-9 on file. F. IV. V. Representative: An employee of Human Resources who represents the university by completing Section 2 or 3 of the I-9. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES A. All I-9s must be completed by a Human Resources Representative. Human Resources typically complete I-9s electronically, but reserves the right to complete a paper I-9 as needed. B. On or before the hire date, the employee is responsible for completing Section 1 of the I-9. C. Section 2 will be completed by a representative within three days of the employee’s hire date using original, unexpired documentation presented by the employee. The only acceptable document that may be presented in certified copy format is a birth certificate. D. E-Verify will be done at the time of the I-9 unless the employee does not have a Social Security Number. The employee will be required to update their Social Security information in Human Resources within three days of receiving their card in the mail. E. If the E-Verify system returns a Tentative Non-Confirmation (TNC), the employee must meet with a Human Resources representative and take immediate corrective action. If the TNC remains unresolved after eight Federal working days, the University is required by law to terminate employment. F. Human Resources will retain all I-9s and E-Verify confirmation numbers in accordance with the Department of Homeland Security’s retention requirements. G. I-9s and associated documentation are not to be copied or retained outside of the Human Resources department. H. Employees who do not comply with I-9 or E-Verify regulations will be subject to termination. I. Hiring departments are responsible for ensuring employees complete the I-9 and E-Verify on or before the hire date. Any federal non-compliance fines resulting from department oversights will be charged to the department. J. Prior to the expiration of an employee’s work authorization, the employee must present to Human Resources current valid documentation to reverify work authorization. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in termination of the employee. I-9 REQUIREMENTS A. A new I-9 must be completed for each employee: 1. Newly-hired to the university; or 2. Rehired by the university with a break in service longer than one calendar year; or December 11, 2012; Revised January 4, 2016 Page 2 of 3 Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 3. B. VI. VII. MAPP 02.03.06 Rehired by the university within one year of the last date of service with changes to the I-9 work authorization or if the List B document on the most recent I-9 on file has expired. An I-9 is not required for: 1. Contractors 2. Volunteers 3. Other non-employees not paid through payroll REVIEW AND RESPONSIBILITY Responsible Party: Associate Vice President for Finance Review: Every three years on or before June 1 APPROVAL Jim McShan Interim Vice President for Administration and Finance Renu Khator President Date of President’s Approval: January 4, 2016 REVISION LOG Revision Number Approved Date Description of Changes 1 12/11/2012 Initial edition 2 01/04/2016 Added new Revision Log. Removed other remuneration for payment from Section III.B. Revised Section III.D to include foreign national employees needing a new I-9 only if their status has changed or extended since their previous I-9 on file. Added E-Verify process to various parts of documentation December 11, 2012; Revised January 4, 2016 Page 3 of 3