HHS 4U – Families in Canada One of the main course expectations for the Gr. 12 Families in Canada course is understanding and conducting social science research. As a result, the independent study unit for the course requires that the students conduct a social science research report. This assignment is divided into phases. The phases are part of the term mark worth approximately 10% of the final mark. With this stated, if the students fail to hand in any phases of the assignment on the assigned due dates (at the beginning of the class on that date), they will receive a mark of zero for that phase. In order to proceed to the next phase, the students must submit the previous phase (even if they received a mark of zero). Student: _____________________________. I have read and understand the terms and conditions of this cumulative assignment and I support the teacher's decision to assign a mark of zero if I fail to hand in the any of the phases of my independent study unit on the assigned due dates. HHS 4U: Phase One Phase One: Research Question, Hypothesis, Primary Research Due: 1. Choose a topic. This can be your own topic or one from the list. One topic per person – first come first served. Must be teacher approved. 2. Develop a research question. The research question is the focus of your report. All research should relate back to this question. Ultimately, this is the question you want answered by the end of your report. You must include a question that incorporates a cause and effect relationship – dependent and independent variable. 3. Hypothesis. Your predicted answer to your research question (hypothesis). You need to present a focused statement based on your own belief and your understanding of existing literature on your topic. Explain the purpose or justification of your research. 4. Relate your Topic to the Study of the Family. State the overall importance of your question to the study of the family. 5. Primary Research. Explain the methods of research that you might use in your study. Be clear in your areas of focus. Examples might include: Surveys, interviews, experiments, observation, etc. 6. Identify Limitations. List anything that might limit the process of your research. Limitations might be based on money, limited sample groups, confidentiality, etc. You must also explain how you will attempt to minimize or avoid these constraints. 7. List Sources of Research. You must include a properly formatted works cited page using APA style that indicates the sources of your research. You should include a minimum of 3 sources here. An APA formatting handout can be found on the Campion Assignment Guide found on the Library web page **Phase One of the ISU should be approximately 300-400 words in length. Use the subtitles provided. It must be typed, include a title page, and a proper reference page. ** Criteria/Levels Knowledge/Understanding - Content (What you know) Topic Research Question Cause and Effect - Variables Thinking and Inquiry – Process (How you know it) Hypothesis Communication – Writing/Organization (How you express what you know) Spelling/Grammar Language Completion Credibility and Number of Sources Works Cited Application – Final Product/Making Connections and Conclusions (How you use what you know) 50-59% Level 1 Limited 60-69% Level 2 Some 70-79% Level 3 Answers showed limited understanding of facts, terms and concepts Answers showed some understanding of facts, terms and concepts Answers showed considerable understanding of facts terms and concepts Answers showed thorough understanding of facts terms and concepts Problem-solving skills were applied with limited effectiveness Solving skills were applied with limited effectiveness Problem-solving skills were applied with considerable effectiveness Problem solving skills were applied with high degree of effectiveness Analysis and interpretation was weak Analysis and interpretation was satisfactory Analysis and interpretation was effective Information has been communicated with limited effectiveness Information has been communicated with some effectiveness Information has been considerable effectiveness Information has been communicated with a great degree of effectiveness Ability to make conclusions, predictions and connections was limited in effectiveness Ability to make conclusions, predictions and connections was moderately effective Ability to make conclusions, predictions and connections was effective Insightful conclusions, predictions, and/or connections were made Considerable 80-100% Level 4 Thorough Analysis and interpretation was strong Related to the Study of the Family Primary Research Limitations Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ SUGGESTED TOPICS 1. Juvenile Delinquency 2. Alcoholism and its Repercussion on the Family 3. Television Families: Myth vs. Reality 4. Daycare: Choices - What is best for the child? 5. Capital Punishment 6. Impact of Divorce in the Family 7. The Superwoman Syndrome: Can you have it all? 8. Effects of Television Violence 9. Drinking and Driving 10.A Generational Examination: Hippies, Baby Boomers, Generation X 11.The Ethics of Dying: Euthanasia 12.Education: Is it doing its job? 13.Families and Bereavement 14.Mixed Marriages: Inter-racial/Inter-faith 15.Mate Selection: Arranged vs. Free Choice Marriage 16.The Women’s Movement: 1920-1960 and Beyond 17..Men’s Movement: Iron John 18.Gangs and Guns in Society 19..Homelessness and Families in Canada 20..Date Rape 21.Gender Roles and Stereotyping 22.Birth Order: Does it make a difference? 23.The Role of Religion in Today’s Society 24.Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: Is it right? 25.Alternatives to Traditional Marriage: Is it a lost institution? 26.Homosexuality: Nature vs. Nurture 27.Sexual Revolution 28.Menopause: The Silent Passage 29.Elderly Abuse 30.The Welfare Cycle 31.Traditional Marriage 32.Online Dating 33. Adapting to Canadian Culture