*SLR-MM339* SLR-MM 339 Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part I) (Semester I) Examination, 2015 GEOGRAPHY (Paper I) Geomorphology I (New CBCS) Day and Date : Monday, 16-11-2015 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Instructions :1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Max. Marks : 70 All questions are compulsory. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. Use of stencils is allowed. All questions carry equal marks. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. A) Choose the correct alternative given in the bracket : 7 1) Geomorphology is the branch of _______ geography. (Physical, Population, Human, None of these) 2) "Present the key to the past" was stated by (King, Davis, Hutton, None of these) 3) The average density of the earth is (2.9, 5.5, 11, None of these) 4) Kober putforth the theory of (Geosynclines, Isostasy, Plate tectonic, None of these) 5) The place of origin of an earthquake is called (Point, Epicenter, Focus, None of these) 6) _______ postulate the theory of isostasy on the basis of principle of flotation. (Jolly, Airy, Hutton, None of these) 7) Vegetation and animals are the factors of _______ weathering. (Mechanical, Biological, Chemical, None of these) P.T.O. SLR-MM 339 -2- *SLR-MM339* B) Fill in the blanks : 7 1) _______ is science which studies the morphology of the earth. 2) SIMA is the mixture of Silica and _______ 3) _______ putforth theory of conventional current. 4) The Gutenburg discontinuity is boundary between mantle and ______ 5) Hydration is _______ type of weathering. 6) The folded mountains are the ________ mountains on the earth surface. 7) _______ and acid are the two types of lava. 2. What is weathering ? Describe the types of weathering. 14 3. What are the endogenetic forces ? Explain the different types of folds. 14 OR Explain the Geosynclines theory of Kober. 4. Write short answer for the following questions (any two) : 14 1) Explain the development of geomorphological thoughts ancient period. 2) Explain the views of Airy about Isostasy. 3) Explain the causes of earthquakes. 4) Explain the interior structure of the earth. 5. Write short notes (any two) : 1) Holmes theory of convectional currents. 2) The concept of Isostasy by Pratt. 3) Types of faults. 4) Distribution of volcanoes in the world. 14 *SLR-MM339* gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) -3- SLR-MM 339 _amR>r ê$nm§Va gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. ñQ>oZ{gbMm dmna H$aÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. àË`oH$ àíZmbm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. COdrH$S>rb AmH$S>o nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. A)Imbrbn¡H$s `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z [aH$må`m OmJm ^am. 1) ^yê$nemñÌ ho _________ ^yJmobmMr emIm Amho. (àmH¥${VH$, bmoH$g§»`m,_mZd, `mn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr$) 2) dV©_mZ hr ^yVH$mimMr {H$ëbr Amho Ago _________ `m§Zr gm§{JVbo. (qH$J, S>odrg, hQ>Z, `mn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr) 3) n¥ÏdrMr gamgar KZVm _________ Amho. (2.9, 5.5, 11, `mn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr) 4) H$mo~a `m§Zr _________ {gÕm§V _m§S>bm. (^wÐmoUr, g_ñWm`rH$Ëd, ^y_§MhmbMmbr, `mn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr) 5) ^yH§$n {Z{_©VrÀ`m {R>H$mUmbm _________ åhUVmV. (q~Xy , ^yH§$n{eamoq~Xy , ^yH§$nZ^r, `mn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr) 6) _______ `m§Zr g_ñWm`rH$ËdmMm {gÕm§V Va§JUm è`m VËdmda AmYm[aV _m§S>bm. (Om°br, Ear, hQ>Z, `mn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr) 7) _______ {dXmaUmMo KQ>H$ dZñnVr d àmUr ho AmhoV. (H$m{`H$, O¡{dH$, amgm`{ZH$, `mn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr) ~) Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am : 1) _______ ho emñÌ n¥ÏdrMo ê$n d AmH$mamMm Amä`mg H$aVo. 2) gm`_m ho {g{bH$m ho d _________ `m YmVyMo {_lU Amho. 3) _______ `m§Zr A{^gaU àdmh {gÕm§V _m§S>bm. 4) _mÜ`mdaU d ______ `m§À`m _Yrb gr_obm JQ>oZ~J© {dbJVm åhUVmV. 5) ObAnKQ>Z hm _______ {dXmaUmMm àH$ma Amho. 6) n¥ÏdrÀ`m n¥îR> ^mJmdarb KS²>`m§Mo nd©V ho ________ nd©V Amho. 7) _______ d nmVi Ago XmoZ bmìhmMo àH$ma AmhoV. 7 6 SLR-MM 339 -4- *SLR-MM339* 2. {dXmaU åhUOo H$m` ? {dXmaUmÀ`m àH$mamMo dU©Z H$am. 14 3. A§VJ©V epV åhUOo H$m` ? KS²>`m§Mo {d{dY àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am. qH$dm 14 H$mo~aMm ^wÐmoUr {gÕm§V ñnîQ> H$am. 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) àmMrZ H$mbI§S>mVrb ^yê$n emñÌm§Vrb {dMmam§Mm {dH$mg ñnîQ> H$am. 2) g_ñWm`rH$Ëd ~m~VMr EarMr _Vo ñnîQ> H$am. 3) ^yH§$nmMr H$maUo ñnîQ> H$am. 4) n¥ÏdrÀ`m A§Va§JmMr aMZm ñnîQ> H$am. 14 5. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) hmoågMm A{^gaU àdmh {gÕm§V 2) g_ñWm`rH$Ëd ~ÔbMo à°Q>Mr _Vo 3) àñVa^§JmMo àH$ma 4) Ádmbm_wIrMo OmJ{VH$ {dVaU. 14 _________________ SLR-MM 340 *SLRMM340* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. I (Semester I) (New CBCS) Examination, 2015 GEOGRAPHY (Paper II) Climatology I Day and Date : Wednesday, 18-11-2015 Max. Marks : 70 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) All questions carry equal (14) marks. 3) Use of map stencils is allowed. 4) Draw neat and labelled maps and diagrams wherever necessary. 1. A) Complete the following sentences by choosing correct alternatives. 7 `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z nwT>rb dm`o nyU© H$am. 1) The temperate zone lies between ___________ latitudes. g_{eVmoîU H$Q>r~§Y ___________ Ajm§em§Xaå`mZ AmT>iVmo. a) b) c) d) 0° and 23½° N/S 23½° N/S and 66½° N/S 66½° N/S and N/S pole None of the above 2) The total weight of moisture content per volume of air at definite temperature is called ___________ humidity. R>am{dH$ Vmn_mZmda {d{eîQ> AmH$ma_mZmÀ`m hdoV gm_mdboë`m ~mînmÀ`m EHy$U dOZmbm ___________ AmЩVm åhUVmV. a) Absolute humidity {Zanoj AmЩVm c) Relative humidity gmnoj AmЩVm b) Specific humidity {d{eîQ> AmЩVm d) None of the above darbn¡H$s H$m{hhr Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-MM 340 *SLRMM340* -2- 3) In tropopause temperature ___________ with increasing height. VnñVãYr_Ü`o C§MrZwgma Vmn_mZ$ a) Decreases b) Increases c) Remains constant d) None of the above H$_r hmoVo pñWa amhVo dmT>V OmVo darbn¡H$s H$m{hhr Zmhr 4) The winds blowing from high pressure belts to low pressure belts throughout the year on the earth surface are called ___________ winds. n¥ÏdrÀ`m n¥îR>^mJmda OmñV Xm~ nÅ>`m§H$Sy>Z H$_r Xm~ nÅ>`m§H$S>o df©^a dmhUè`m dmè`m§Zm ___________ dmao åhUVmV. a) Planetary b) Seasonal c) Local d) None of the above J«hr` ñWm{ZH$ F$VwZwgma dmhUmao darbn¡H$s H$m{hhr Zmhr 5) For the first time the term Frontogenesis was used by \«$ÝQ>moOoZogrg hr g§km gd©àW_ ___________ `m§Zr dmnabr. a) Tor Bergeron b) Koeppen c) V. Bjerknes d) None of the above R>moa ~oa©JoamoZ dr. Ooa©Zog H$moßnoZ darbn¡H$s H$m{hhr Zmhr 6) The extensive tropical cyclones in China are called MrZ_Ü`o CîU H$Q>r~§Yr` {demb MH«$sdmXim§Zm ___________ åhUVmV. a) Hurricane b) Typhoon c) Tornado d) None of the above harHo$Z Q>moaZ°S>mo Q>m`\y$Z darbn¡H$s H$m{hhr Zmhr 7) The heat released by water vapour is called as the latent heat of ~mînmH$Sy>Z {dg{O©V Ho$boë`m CîUVobm ___________ gwßV CîUVm åhUVmV. a) Condensation b) Evaporation c) Sublimation d) None of the above gm§Ðr^dZmMr g§ßbdZmMr ~mînr^dZmMr darbn¡H$s H$m{hhr Zmhr *SLRMM340* -3- SLR-MM 340 B) Answer the following questions in one sentence only. 7 Imbrb àíZm§Mr EH$m dm`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) Define Isobars. g_^ma aofm§Mr ì`m»`m {bhm. 2) State Ferrels law. \o$aobMm {Z`_ gm§Jm. 3) What is meant by Doldrum ? S>mobS´>_ åhUOo H$m` ? 4) On which day Aphelion occurs every year ? Xadfu H$moUË`m {Xder Cngy`© pñWVr AgVo ? 5) What is smog ? YwaHo$ åhUOo H$m` ? 6) Who propounded the thermal concept of origin of monsoon ? _mÝgyZ {Z{_©Vr g§X^m©V Am¡pîUH$ {gÕm§V H$moUr _m§S>bm ? 7) What is meant by occluded front ? à{V~§YrV dm`wamer gr_m åhUOo H$m` ? 2. Describe the process of condensation and explain its various types. 14 gm§Ðr^dZmMr à{H«$`m dU©Z H$ê$Z gm§Ðr^dZmMo {d{dY àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am. 3. Describe the composition and structure of the atmosphere. dmVmdaUmMo KQ>H$ d aMZm `m§Mo dU©Z H$am. OR/qH$dm State various types of winds and explain the Indian monsoon in detail. dmè`mMo {d{dY àH$ma gm§Jm d ^maVr` _mÝgyZMo g{dñVa dU©Z H$am. 14 SLR-MM 340 -4- *SLRMM340* 4. Answer the following questions in short (any two). Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ). 14 1) Give the detailed account of heat budget of the earth. n¥ÏdrÀ`m Am¡pîUH$ g§VwbZmMm g{dñVa AmT>mdm ¿`m. 2) Explain by classifying the clouds according to their height. C§MrZwgma _oKm§Mo dJuH$aU H$ê$Z Ë`m§Mo dU©Z H$am. 3) Describe the seasonal shifting of pressure belts over the globe. n¥Ïdrdarb dm`w^manÅ>`m§Mo Am§XmobZ dU©Z H$am. 4) Classify the air masses on the basis of their origin and properties. dm`wametMo CJ_ñWmZ d d¡{eîQ>ço `mdê$Z dm`wametMo dJuH$aU H$am. 5. Write short notes (any two). 14 WmoS>`mV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ ). 1) Land breezes and sea breezes Imao dmao d _VbB© dmao 2) Polar Front theory Y«wdr` dm`wamer {gÕm§V 3) Vertical distribution of temperature Vmn_mZmMo C^o {dVaU 4) Tropical cyclones CîUH$Q>r~§Yr` MH«$sdmXio. *SLRMM341* SLR-MM 341 Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. I (Semester I) Examination, 2015 (New-CBCS) GEOGRAPHY (Paper III) Oceanography and Geohydrology Day and Date : Friday, 20-11-2015 Max. Marks : 70 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) All questions carry equal marks. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. 4) Use of stencils is allowed. 1. A) Fill in the blanks by choosing correct alternative given in bracket : 7 1) The shallow stretch of ocean floor adjoining land is known as _______ (Abyssal plain, Continental slope, Continental shelve) 2) The Barmuda Islands are situated in ____________ ocean. (Pacific, Atlantic, Indian) 3) Lagoons are associated with ___________ (Coral reefs, Tide, Deltas) 4) Canary and Benguela flows along the Western Coast of _____________ (S. America, N. America, Africa) 5) The average annual temperature of all ocean is _____________ (16.1° C, 17.2° C, 19.4° C) 6) An archipelago is a group of ____________ (Corals, Iceberg, Island) 7) The radiolarian Ooze is a type of ___________ deposits at the ocean floor. (Biotic, Abiotic, Physical) P.T.O. SLR-MM 341 -2- *SLRMM341* B) Fill in the blanks : 7 1) The upper part of ocean upto depth of 200 fathoms that receives solar radiation is called ____________ 2) The average depth of continental shelf is ___________ 3) Long narrow linear depressions are called ____________ 4) Salinity of ocean is measured by _______________ 5) The zone of ariation is the region between the earth surface and _________ 6) Gulf stream was discovered by __________ 7) Currents, waves and tides are the types of motion of __________ 2. Describe in detail "Oceans as a store house minerals and food resources, 14 3. Explain in detail effect of rock-properties on ground water. 14 OR Comment on factors affecting on salinity of ocean and distribution of salinity. 4. Write answers in brief (any two) : 14 1) Describe the factors affecting on formation of coral reefs. 2) Comment on the current in North Atlantic Ocean. 3) Describe in brief sources of ground water. 4) Comment on the horizontal distribution of oceanic water temperature. 5. Write notes on (any two) : 1) Terrigenous deposits 2) Types of coral reefs 3) Cold currents 4) Continental shelf. 14 *SLRMM341* SLR-MM 341 -3- _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. A)H$§gmVrb `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z [aH$må`m OmJm ^am. 1) ^y_rbJVÀ`m CWi gmJarVimg 7 åhUVmV. (gmJar _¡XmZ, I§S>mÝV CVma, g_wÐ~wS> O_rZ) _hmgmJamV dghr AmhoV. 2) ~å`w©S>m ~oQ>o (n°gr\$sH$, AQ>bm§{Q>H$, qhXr) 3) b°JwÝg er g§~§YrV AmhoV. (àdmi ~oQ>o, ^aVr AmohmoQ>r, {Ì^wO àXoe) I§S>mÀ`m n. {H$Zmè`mdê$Z dmhVmV. 4) H°$Zar d ~o§½dom ho gmJar àdmh (C>. A_o[aH$m, X. A_o[aH$m, Am\«$sH$m) 5) gd© _hmgmJamMo dm{f©H$ gamgar Vn_mZ BVHo$ Amho. (16.1° C, 17.2° C, 19.4° C) 6) Am{M©nob°Jmo hm Mm g_yh Amho. (àdmi ~oQ>o, {h_ZJ, ~oQ>o) àH$maMo g§M`Z Amho. 7) ao{S>`mob°[a`Z D$Po ho gmJaVimdarb (O¡{dH$, AO¡{dH$, Z¡gJuH$) ~) [aH$må`m OmJm ^am : 7 1) gmJamÀ`m 200 \°$X_² ImoQ>r n`ªV gy`©{H$aUo nmoh§MVmV Ë`m ^mJmbm åhUyZ AmoiIVmV. 2) g_wÐ~wS> O_rZrMr gamgar Imobr Amho. 3) gmJaVidarb bm§~ Aê§$X Aem IboÍ`mZm 4) gmJa ObmMr jmaVm À`m gmømZoo _moOVmV. åhUVmV. {d^mJ SLR-MM 341 *SLRMM341* -4- 5) ^yn¥îR> Am{U Xaå`mZÀ`m ^mJmbm E[aEeZ {d^mJ åhUVmV. 6) Jë\$ñQ´>r_Mm emoY `mZr bmdbm. 7) àdmh, bmQ>m Am{U ^aVr AmohmoQ>r$ `m À`m hmbMmbr hmoV. 2. _hmgJa ho I{ZOo d AÝZm§Mr H$moQ> mao AmhoV `mMr g{dñVa MMm© H$am. 14 3. ^yObmda IS>H$mÀ`m JwUY_m©À`m hmoUmè`m n[aUm_mMr _m{hVr Úm. qH$dm 14 gmJaObmÀ`m jmaVoda n[aUm_ H$aUmè`m KQ>H$m§Mr MMm© H$am Am{U gmJaObmÀ`m jmaVoMo {dVaU gm§Jm. 4. WmoS>`mV CÎmao Úm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 14 1) àdmimÀ`m {Z_uVrda n[aUm_ H$aUmè`m KQ>H$m§Mo dU©Z H$am. 2) CÎma AQ>bm§{Q>H$ _hmgmJamVrb gmJar àdmhmMr MMm© H$am. 3) ^yOb òmoVm§Mo dU©Z H$am. 4) gmJaObmÀ`m Vn_mZmÀ`m AmS>ì`m {dVaUmMr MMm© H$am. 5. {Q>nm Úm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 14 1) Q>o[aOo{Z`g {Zjon 2) àdmimMo àH$ma 3) W§S> gmJar àdmh 4) g_wÐ~wS> O_rZ. ______________ SLR-MM – 342 *SLRMM342* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. I (Semester – I) (CBCS) Examination, 2015 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – IV) (New) Economic Geography Day and Date : Monday, 23-11-2015 Max. Marks : 70 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 3) Use of stencil is allowed. 4) Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary. 1. A) Complete the following sentences by choosing correct alternative. 7 1) OPEC is involved in ______ trade. a) Coal b) Natural oil c) Iron ore d) Gold 2) Transportation system model was prepared by _____ a) A. Webar b) A. Losch c) E.L. Ullman d) Penk 3) India signed on April 15, _____ of W.T.O. a) 1991 b) 1992 c) 1993 d) 1994 4) Secondary activities are _____ oriented activities, so they are found in the Urban area. a) Market b) Industry c) Tourism d) Transport 5) ______ developed a theory of profit maximization. a) A. Webar b) Isard c) Hotelling d) A. Losch 6) In the mid 1980s _______ was the leading exporter of coal power resource. a) U.S.A. b) India c) Japan d) Australia 7) Alfred Webar belonged to _______ country. a) Germany b) France c) Sweden d) India P.T.O. SLR-MM – 342 -2- *SLRMM342* B) Fill in the blanks : 7 1) ______________ is low grade coal power resource. 2) OPEC was established in the year _____________ 3) ______________ is the major coal field in India. 4) Economic Geography is sub-branch of ____________ 5) Industrial location approach is proposed by _____________ 6) E.E.C stand for ________________ 7) Alexander J.W. in 1979 wrote a book entitled ______________ 2. Explain the Primary Economic activity and its characteristics. 14 3. Discuss the theory of Industrial location by August Losch. 14 OR Explain in detail about Ullman’s triad. 4. Answer the following question in short (any two) : 14 14 1) Discuss in brief renewable and nonrenewable resource. 2) Give a brief account of coal distribution in India. 3) Explain scope of economic Geography. 4) Explain the principles of Industrial Location ‘Interdependence’. 5. Write short note (any two) : 1) Natural oil situation in India. 2) Aims and objectives of GATT. 3) Basic economic process. 4) Energy Crisis. 14 *SLRMM342* -3- SLR-MM – 342 _amR>r ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. gd© àíZmg g_mZ JwU AmhoV. ZH$mem ñQ>o{ÝgbMm dmna H$aÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. 1. A) `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am. 1) AmonoH$ hr g§KQ>Zm _____ Mm ì`mnma H$aVo. A) H$moigm ~) I{ZOVob H$) bmohI{ZO 7 S>) gmoZo 2) dmhVyH$ àUmbr àVrê$n _____ `m§Zr V`ma Ho$bo. A) A. do~a ~) Am°. bm°e H$) B.Eb. Cb_Z S>) n|H$ 3) ^maVmZo 15 Eàrb _____ amoOr W.T.O. À`m H$amamda ghr Ho$br. A) 1991 ~) 1992 H$) 1993 S>) 1994 4) {ÛVr` Am{W©H$ ì`dgm` _____ da AmYm[aV Agë`mZo Vo àm_w»`mZo ehar ^mJmV AT>iyZ `oVmV. A) ~mOma ~) CÚmoJ H$) n`©Q>Z S>) dmhVyH$ 5) `m§Zr Z\$m AYr` ñWmZ `m {gÕm§VmMm {dH$mg Ho$bm. A) A. do~a ~) BgmS>© H$) hm°Q>obr§J S>) Am°. bm°e _____ 6) 1980 À`m XeH$m_Ü`o XJS>r H$moigm ho COm©gmYZ {Z`m©V H$aUmam _____ hm AmKmS>rMm Xoe hmoVm. A) g§`wV g§ñWmZo ~) ^maV H$) OnmZ S>) AmñQ´>o{b`m 7) Amë\«o$S>> do~a ho_____ XoemVrb hmoVo. A) O_©Zr ~) \«$mÝg H$) pñdS>Z S>) ^maV SLR-MM – 342 -4- *SLRMM342* ~) Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am. 1) _____ ho H$_r XOm©Mo H$moigm COm©gmYZ Amho. 2) AmonoH$Mr ñWmnZm _____ _Yo Pmbr. 3) _____ hr ^maVmVrb à_wI H$moigm ImU Amho. 4) Am{W©H$ ^yJmob hr _____ Mr CnemIm Amho. 5) _____ `m§Zr CÚmoJY§ÚmÀ`m ñWmZrH$aUmMm {gÕm§V _m§S>bm. 6) E.E.C Mo {dñVm[aV ê$n 7) AboPm|S>a J.W. `m§Zr 1979 _Yo _____ ho nwñVH$ {bhrbo. 7 2. àmW{_H$ Am{W©H$ {H«$`m d Ë`mMr d¡{eîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am. 14 3. Am°JñQ> bm°e `m§À`m CÚmoJY§ÚmÀ`m ñWmZrH$aU {gÕm§VmMr MMm© H$am. qH$dm 14 Cë_ZMm ÌrH$ {gÕm§VmMo g{dñVa ñnîQ>rH$aU Úm. 4. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 14 14 1) nwZ {Z{_©V d nwZ {Z{_©V Z hmoUmè`m gmYZ g§nÎmrMr WmoS>`mV MMm© H$am. 2) ^maVmVrb XJS>r H$moigm {dVaUmMm WmoS>`mV d¥Îmm§V Úm. 3) Am{W©H$ ^yJmobmMr ì`mpßV ñnîQ> H$am. 4) CÚmoJY§ÚmÀ`m ñWmZrH$aUmMo VÎd "nañnamdb§{~Ëd' ñnîQ>rH$aU Úm. 5. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 14 1) ^maVmVrb I{ZOVobmMr pñWVr. 2) GATT Mr Ü`o` d C{ÕîQ>o. 3) _yb^yV Am{W©H$ {H«$`m. 4) COm© g§H$Q>. __________________ SLR-MM – 343 *SLRMM343* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – I) (Semester – I) Examination, 2015 GEOGRAPHY Geomorphology – I (Paper – I) (Old CGPA) Day and Date : Monday, 16-11-2015 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) 2) 3) 4) Max. Marks : 70 All questions are compulsory. Use of stencils is allowed. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. 1. A) Choose the correct alternatives given in the bracket : 7 1) ___________ is a science which studies the evolution of landforms on the surface of the earth. (Geology, Geomorphology, Geohydrology) 2) The radius of the earth is ___________ k.m. (7263, 6371, 6363) 3) The term isostasy was firstly used by ___________ (Horton, Suess, Dutton) 4) Rift valley and block mountains are the result of ___________ activity. (Folding, Faulting, Sliding) 5) ___________ putforth the theory of conventional current in 1928. (A. Holmes, Kober, Dutton) 6) The surface waves of the earthquakes are called ___________ waves. (S, L, P) 7) ___________ volcanoes constantly eject volcanic geomaterial. (Dormant, Extinct, Active) P.T.O. SLR-MM – 343 -2- *SLRMM343* B) Fill in the blanks : 7 1) Relief features of the first order are __________ and ocean basin. 2) __________ observed the cyclic nature of the earth history. 3) Average density of the whole earth is __________ gcm3. 4) __________ theory putforth by Kober. 5) The folded mountains are the __________ mountains on the earth surface. 6) Weathering is process disintegration and __________ of rocks. 7) Basic and __________ are the two types of lava. 2. What is weathering ? Describe the types of weathering. 14 3. Explain the geosynclinal theory of Kober. OR Explain the landforms associate with volcanoes with suitable examples. 4. Write short answers for the following questions (any two) : 14 14 1) Meaning of Geomorphology. 2) Explain the ‘Interior structure of the Earth’. 3) Explain the types of fault. 4) Explain the views of Pratts about Isostasy. 5. Write short notes (any two) : 1) Principle of uniformitarianism. 2) Types of fold. 3) Holmes conventional current theory. 4) Effect of the earthquakes. 14 *SLRMM343* -3- SLR-MM – 343 _amR>r ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. 2) ñQ>opÝgbMm dmna H$aÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. 3) COdrH$S>rb AmH$S>o nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 4) Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m d ZH$meo H$mT>m. 1. A) Imbrbn¡H$s `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z [aH$må`m OmJm ^am. 1) 7 emñÌm_Ü`o ^yn¥îR>mdarb ^y{deofm§Mr CËH«$m§{V Aä`mgbr OmVo. (^yJ^©emñÌ, ^yénemñÌ, ^yObemñÌ) _________ 2) n¥ÏdrMr {ÌÁ`m _________ {H$._r. Amho. (7263, 6371, 6363) 3) g_ñWm`rH$Îd hm eãX àW_ _________ `m§Zr dmnabm. (hm°Q>©Z, ñdog, S>Q>Z) 4) IMXar d JQ> nd©VmMr {Z{_©Vr _________ `m {H«$`o_wio hmoVo. (KSçm nS>Uo, àñVa^§J, KgaUo) 5) _________ `m§Zr A{^gaU àdmh {gÕm§V 1928 _Ü`o _m§S>bm. (Ao. hmoåg, H$mo~a, S>Q>Z) 6) ^yH§$nmÀ`m ^yn¥îR> bhatZm _________ bhar Ago åhUVmV. (Eg², Eb, nr) 7) àH$maMo Ádmbm_wIr gmVË`mZo Ádmbr_wIr` nXmW© ~mhoa \o$H$VmV. ({Z{ÐñV, _¥V, OmJ¥V) _________ ~) Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am : 1) _________ d _hmgmJa hr àW_ loUrMr ^y_rñdê$no AmhoV. 2) _________ `m§Zr n¥ÏdrÀ`m B{VhmgmMo MH«$s` ñdê$nmMo {ZarjU Ho$bo. 3) n¥ÏdrMr gamgar KZVm _________ Amho. 7 SLR-MM – 343 4) -4- *SLRMM343* _________ hm {gÕm§V H$mo~a `m§Zr _m§S>bm. 5) n¥ÏdrÀ`m n¥îR>^mJmdarb KS>çm§Mo nd©V ho _________ nd©V AmhoV. 6) {dXmaU ho IS>H$m§Mo {dI§S>Z d _________ {H«$`m Amho. 7) KÅ> d _________ Ago XmoZ àH$ma bmìhmMo AmhoV. 2. {dXmaU åhUOo H$m` ? {dXmaUmÀ`m àH$mam§Mo dU©Z H$am. 14 3. H$mo~aMm ^yÐmoUr {gÕm§V ñnîQ> H$am. qH$dm Ádmbm_wIrÀ`m CÐoH$mnmgyZ V`ma hmoUmè`m ^y_rñdê$nm§Mo CXmhaUmgh ñnîQ>rH$aU H$am. 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 14 14 1) ^yê$nemñÌmMr ì`m»`m. 2) n¥ÏdrMo A§Va§J ñnîQ> H$am. 3) àñVa^§JmMo àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am. 4) g_ñWm`rH$Îdm ~X²>XbMr à°Q>Mr _Vo ñnîQ> H$am. 5. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 14 1) g_mZVmdmXmMo VÎd 2) KS>çm§Mo àH$ma 3) hmoågMm A{^gaU àdmh {gÕm§V 4) ^yH§$nmMo n[aUm_. _____________________ *SLRMM344* SLR-MM 344 Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part I) (Semester I) Examination, 2015 GEOGRAPHY (Paper II) (CGPA Old) Climatology I Day and Date : Wednesday, 18-11-2015 Max. Marks : 70 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) All questions carry equal (14) marks. 3) Draw neat and labelled maps and diagrams wherever necessary. 4) Use of map stencils is allowed. 1. A) Complete the following sentences by choosing correct alternatives given below : 1) Nitrogen gas constitutes about __________ % of the total atmospheric volume. a) 0.03 b) 20.94 c) 78.08 d) 71.09 2) Equatorial low pressure belt is also called as a) Doldrum b) Tropic of cancer c) Tropic of capricorn d) Horse latitudes 3) In troposphere, the elevation and temperature are ___________ proportional to each other. a) directly b) inversely c) equally d) absolutely 4) _________ are funnel shaped storms. a) Typhoons b) Hurricanes c) Roaring Fourties d) Tornadoes. 5) _________ rainfall occurs due to upward movement of air by mountain barrier. a) Orographic b) Convectional c) Cyclonic d) Hail 6) The boundary zone separating two different air masses is called as a) Frontogenesis b) Frontolysis c) Front d) Frontier 7) The thermal concept of origin of monsoon was propounded by a) Thornthwait b) Trewarta c) Bjerknes d) Halley 7 P.T.O. SLR-MM 344 -2- *SLRMM344* B) Answer the following questions in one sentence only : 1) What is dew point temperature ? 2) What is meant by frontogenesis ? 3) What is the full form of W.M.O. ? 4) Explain the coriolis force. 5) Define Relative Humidity. 6) Define Isobars. 7) What is meant by Furious Fifties ? 7 2. Give detailed account of horizontal distribution of temperature over the globe. 14 3. Classify air masses on the basis of their origin and properties. 14 OR Write an essay on Indian Monsoon. 4. Answer the following questions in short (any two) : 14 14 1) Describe Polar Front Theory. 2) Describe the structure of the Atmosphere. 3) Explain the process of condensation with its various types. 4) Describe not local winds on the globe. 5. Write short notes (any two) : 14 1) Seasonal shifting of pressure belts. 2) Land and sea breezes. 3) Types of clouds. 4) Instability of atmosphere. _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. A) Imbrbn¡H$s `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z nwT>rb dm`o nyU© H$am : % Amho. 1) dmVmdaUmV ZÌdm`yMo à_mU A) 0.03 ~) 20.94 H$) 78.08 S>) 71.09 2) {dfwdd¥Îmr` H$_r Xm~mMm nÅ>m åhUyZhr AmoiIim OmVmo. A) S>mobS´> _ ~) H$H©$d¥Îm H$) _H$ad¥Îm S>) Aíd Ajm§e 7 *SLRMM344* -3- SLR-MM 344 3) Vnm§~amV C§Mr Am{U Vmn_mZ `m§À`mV g§~§Y AgVmo. A) WoQ> ~) ì`ñV H$) g_mZ S>) gmnoj 4) hr Zagmù`mÀ`m AmH$mamMr dmXio hmoV. A) Q>m`\y$Z ~) h[aHo$Z H$) JO©Umao Mmirg S>) Q>moaZ°S>mog 5) nd©VmÀ`m AS>Wù`m_wio hdoÀ`m CÜd©Jm_r àdmhm_wio àH$maMm nO©Ý` nS>Vmo. A) à{VamoY ~) A{^gaU H$) AmdVu S>) Jmam 6) XmoZ {^Þ dm`wametZm AbJ H$aUmè`m hÔrbm åhUVmV. A) dm`wametMm OÝ_ ~) dm`wametMm A§V H$) dm`wamer gr_m S>) gahÔ 7) _mÝgyZÀ`m {Z{_©VrMr Am¡pîUH$ g§H$ënZm `m§Zr _m§S>br. A) Wm°Z©doQ> ~) {ÌdmWm© H$) OH©$Zog S>) h°bo ~) Imbrb àíZm§Mr EH$m dm`mV CÎmao {bhm : 7 1) Xdq~XyMo Vmn_mZ åhUOo H$m` ? 2) dm`wametÀ`m gr_oMm OÝ_ åhUOo H$m` ? 3) W.M.O.Mo nyU© ê$n H$m` ? 4) H$mo[aAm°brg àoaUm ñnîQ> H$am. 5) gmnoj AmЩVoMr ì`m»`m gm§Jm. 6) g_^ma aofm§Mr ì`m»`m gm§Jm. 7) Idibobo nÞmg åhUOo H$m` ? 2. n¥Ïdrdarb {jVrOg_m§Va Vmn_mZmÀ`m {dVaUmMm AmT>mdm ¿`m. 14 3. dm`wametMo {Z{_©Vr d JwUY_m©Zwgma dJuH$aU H$am. 14 qH$dm "^maVr` _mÝgyZ' `mda {Z~§Y {bhm. 14 SLR-MM 344 -4- 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : *SLRMM344* 14 1) Y«wdr` dm`wamer gr_m {gÕm§V dU©Z H$am. 2) dmVmdaUmÀ`m aMZoMo dU©Z H$am. 3) gm§{Ð^dZmÀ`m à{H«$`oMo {VÀ`m àH$mamgh dU©Z H$am. 4) n¥Ïdrdarb CîU ñWm{ZH$ dmè`m§Mo dU©Z H$am. 5. WmoS>`mV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 1) dm`w^ma nÅ>çm§Mo Am§XmobZ. 2) Imao dmao d _VbB© dmao. 3) T>Jm§Mo (_oKm§Mo) àH$ma. 4) dmVmdaUmMr ApñWaVm. _______________ 14 SLR-MM – 345 *SLRMM345* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – I) (Semester – I) (Old CGPA) Examination, 2015 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – III) Oceanography and Geohydrology Day and Date : Friday, 20-11-2015 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) 2) 3) 4) Max. Marks : 70 All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. Use of Stencil is allowed. 1. A) Choose the correct alternatives given in bracket and rewrite the sentences : 7 1) Continent shelves covered ______________ percent of the total area of ocean basins. (4.2, 5.7, 8.6) 2) According to ______________, the average slope of continental slope is 4°17'. (Shepard, Johnson, Freeman) 3) ____________ discovered Gulf stream for the first time. (Johnson, Huboldt, Ponce de Leon) 4) El Nino current flows from North to South between 3° south and _________ latitudes in Pacific Ocean. (36° South, 40° South, 46° South) 5) ______________ grams of gold can be obtained from every one million of sea water. (2, 4, 6) 6) Bombay high oil fields are located ___________ kilometers away from Mumbai. (170, 176, 180) 7) The water logging is usually caused by a ____________ of sub soil water table. (rise, decrease, stable) P.T.O. SLR-MM – 345 -2- *SLRMM345* B) Fill in the blanks : 7 1) In Northern hemisphere, the maximum annual temperature of ocean water are recorded in the month of __________ 2) The highest salinity of ocean water is observed between 20° North to ________ North latitudes. 3) Deep water deposits includes the sediments deposited below the depth of __________ Fathoms. 4) ___________ cold current flows along the Western Coast of South Africa. 5) _____________ species of fishes are found in marine waters. 6) __________ ocean contributes 53 percent of total worlds catch of fishes. 7) In Rajasthan about _________ percent of the area has saline ground water. 2. Describe the ocean currents in Pacific Ocean. 14 3. Describe any three relief of the ocean bottom. 14 OR Explain food resources in oceans. 4. Write short answers of the following (any two) : 14 1) Explain movement of ground water. 2) Explain problem of saline soil. 3) Explain vertical distribution of temperature of ocean waters. 4) Describe mineral resources in ocean. 5. Write short notes (any two) : 1) Distribution of salinity of ocean water. 2) EI Nino 3) Water pollution 4) Hydrological cycle. 14 *SLRMM345* SLR-MM – 345 -3- _amRr ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. gd© àíZm§Zm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. ñQ>po Ýgb dmnaÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. 1. A)H§$gmVrb `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z dm` naV {bhm : 7 1) ^yI§S> _MmZr EHy$U gmJar àXoem§Mm _______________ Q>¸o$ ^mJ ì`mnbm Amho. (4.2, 5.7, 8.6) 2) _______________ `m§À`m _Vo I§S>mÝV CVmamMm gamgar CÎma 4°17' AgVmo. (eonS>©, Om°ZgZ, \«$s_Z) 3) Jë\$ àdmh _______________ `m§Zr gdm©V àW_ emoYbm. (Om°ÝgZ, hå~mobQ>, nm°Ýgo Xr bodmoZ) 4) n°{g{\$H$ _hmgmJam_Ü`o 3° X{jU Ajd¥Îm Am{U _______________Ajd¥Îm Xaå`mZ Eb {ZZmo àdmh CÎmaoH$Sy>Z X{jUoH$S>o dmhVmo. (36° X{jU, 40° X{jU, 46° X{jU) 5) EH$ Xebj Q>Z gmJar nmÊ`mVyZ (2, 4, 6) _______________ J«°_ gmoZo {_iy eH$Vo. 6) ~m°å~o hm` I{ZOVob joÌ _w§~B©nmgyZ (170, 176, 180) _______________ {H$bmo _rQ>a A§Vamda Amho. 7) nmUWi hm àíZ Zoh_r _¥XoImbrb nmUr nmVir_Ü`o (dmT>,KQ>, pñWa) ____________ Pmë`m_wio hmoVmo. ~) [aH$må`m OmJm ^am : 1) CÎma JmobmYm©V gmJaObmMo H$_mb dm{f©H$ Vmn_mZ _______________ _hrÝ`mV AgVo. 2) gmJa ObmMr gdm©V OmñV jmaVm 20° CÎma Vo _______________ CÎma Ajd¥ÎmmÀ`m Xaå`mZ AmT>iVo. 7 SLR-MM – 345 3) -4- *SLRMM345* \¡$X_ nojm OmñV Imobrda gmR>>boë`m JmimMm Imob nmÊ`mVrb Jmim_Ü`o g_mdoe hmoVmo. _______________ 4) X{jU Am{\«$Ho$À`m npíM_ {H$Zmè`mÀ`m ~mOyZo _______________ W§S> àdmh dmhVmo. 5) gmJar nmÊ`m_Ü`o _mñ`m§À`m _______________ àOmVr AmT>iVmV. 6) OJmVrb EHy$U _mgo_mar_Ü`o _______________ _hmgmJamMm dmQ>m 53 Q>¸o$ Amho. 7) amOñWmZ_Ü`o _______________ Q>¸o$ joÌm_Ü`o jma`wV (Imao) ^y_rJV nmUr Amho. 2. n°{g\$sH$ _hmgmJamVrb gmJar àdmhmMo dU©Z H$am. 14 3. gmJa Vimdarb H$moUË`mhr VrZ CR>>mdmMo dU©Z H$am. 14 qH$dm _hmgmJamVrb AÝZ gmYZg§nÎmr ñnîQ> H$am. 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 14 1) ^y_rJV nmÊ`mMr hmbMmb ñnîQ> H$am. 2) jma`wV O_rZ hr g_ñ`m ñnîQ> H$am. 3) gmJaObmÀ`m Vmn_mZmMo C^o {dVaU ñnîQ> H$am. 4) _hmgmJamVrb I{ZO gmYZg§nÎmrMo dU©Z H$am. 5. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 14 1) _hmgmJa ObmÀ`m jmaVoMo {dVaU 2) Eb {ZZmo 3) ObàXyfU 4) ObMH«$. _____________________ SLR-MM – 346 *SLRMM346* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. I (Semester – I) Examination, 2015 GEOGRAPHY (Old) (CGPA) (Paper – IV) Economic Geography Day and Date : Monday, 23-11-2015 Max. Marks : 70 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. N.B. : i) ii) iii) iv) All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Use of stencil is allowed. Draw neat and labelled diagram wherever necessary. 1. A) Complete the following sentence by choosing correct alternative. 7 1) _________ producer might be labelled as the pink collar worker. a) Primary b) Secondary c) Tertiary d) Quarternary 2) Construction is a __________ type of economic activities. a) Primary b) Secondary c) Tertiary d) Quarternary 3) Principle of Industrial Location ‘territorial production complexes’ of firms has been studied by a) Alfred Weber c) Isard b) August Losch d) Ullman 4) Alfred Weber was ________ Geographer. a) U.S.A. b) Roman c) German d) Indian 5) ________ as a Nation leads in coal export. a) U.S.A. b) Japan c) India d) Great Britain 6) ________ was the leading producer of natural oil. a) U.S.A. b) Japan c) India d) Iran 7) ________ means the exchange of goods, services and ideas. a) Transport b) Trade c) Market d) None of these P.T.O. SLR-MM – 346 -2- *SLRMM346* B) Fill in the blanks. 7 1) ________ trade organisation was established in the year 1994. 2) Transportation and _________ are inseparable linked together. 3) ___________ is high grade coal are power resource. 4) ___________ are the example of renewable type of resource. 5) __________ developed a theory of profit maximization. 6) Developed countries of the world are mostly engaged in ______________ activities. 7) _________ in 1971 wrote a book entitled Industrial Geography of India. 2. Discuss the theory of Industrial location by A. Weber. 14 3. Give brief account of coal situation in the world. 14 OR Give an account of world trade after World War Second. 4. Answer the following questions in short (any two) : 14 i) What is Economic Geography ? Explain its scope. ii) Discuss in detail the approaches in Economic Geography. iii) Explain the aims and objectives of OPEC. iv) Describe the distribution of natural oil in India. 5. Write short notes (any two) : i) Characteristics of primary and secondary activities. ii) Interdependence. iii) Energe crisis. iv) E.E.C. 14 *SLRMM346* gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) SLR-MM – 346 -3- _amR>r ê$nm§Va gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. gd© àíZmg g_mZ JwU AmhoV. ZH$mem ñQ>opÝgbMm dmna H$aÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. 1. A) `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am. 7 1) _________ AmWuH$ {H«$`m_Yo H$m`© H$aUmao H$m_Jma qnH$ a§JmÀ`m H$m°baZo AmoiIbo OmVmV. A) n«mW_rH$ ~) {ÛVr` H$) V¥Vr` 2) ~m§YH$m_ hr _________ AmWuH$ {H«$`m Amho. S>) MVwW© A) n«mW_rH$ ~) {ÛVr` H$) V¥Vr` S>) MVwW© 3) CÚmoJY§ÚmÀ`m ñWmZrH$aUmMo VËd CËnmXZmMr àmXoerH$ Jw§VmJw§V ho _________ `m§Zr _m§S>bo. A) Aë\«o$S> do~a ~) Am°JñQ> bm°e H$) BgmS>© 4) Aë\«o$S>> do~a ho _________ XoemMo ^yJmobVk hmoVo. S>) Cë_Z A) g§`wV g§ñWmZo ~) amo_Z H$) O_©Z 5) _________ _YyZ gdm©V OmñV H$moigm {Z`m©V hmoVmo. S>) ^maV A) g§`wV g§ñWmZo ~) OnmZ H$) ^maV 6) I{ZOVob CËnmXZm_Yo _________ Mm àW_ H«$_m§H$ Amho. S>) J«oQ> {~«Q>Z A) g§`wV g§ñWmZo ~) OnmZ H$) ^maV S>) BamU 7) _mb, godm, d H$ënZm `mo½` _mo~Xë`mÀ`m ~Xë`mV XoUo åhUOo _________ hmo`. A) dmhVyH$ ~) ì`mnma H$) ~mOma S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr ~) Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am. 1) _________ ì`mnmar g§KQ>ZoMr ñWmnZm 1994 _Yo Pmbr. 2) dmhVyH$ d _________ hm EH$_oH$mMm A{d^mÁ` ^mJ Amho. 7 SLR-MM – 346 -4- *SLRMM346* 3) _________ `m àH$maMm H$moigm C XOm©Mm Amho. 4) _________ ho nwZ{Z©_m©UH$mar àH$maÀ`m gmYZg§nÎmrMo CXmhaU Amho. 5) _________ `m§Zr Z\$mAYr` ñWmZ {gÕm§VmMm {dH$mg Ho$bm. 6) OJmVrb {dH$grV Xoe _________ AmWuH$ {H«$`m_Yo Jw§Vbobo AgVmV. 7) _________ `m§Zr 1971 _Yo Industrial Geography of India ho nwñVH$ {b{hbo. 2. A. do~a `m§À`m CÚmoJY§ÚmÀ`m ñWmZrH$aU {gÕm§VmMr MMm© H$am. 14 3. H$moiemÀ`m OmJVrH$ pñWVrMm WmoS>`mV AmT>mdm ¿`m. qH$dm 14 Xwgè`m OmJVrH$ _hm`wÕmZ§VaÀ`m OmJVrH$ ì`mnmamMm d¥Îmm§V Úm. 4. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) 14 1) AmWuH$ ^yJmob åhUOo H$m` ? Ë`mMr ì`mßVr ñnîQ> H$am. 2) AmWuH$ ^yJmobmVrb ÑîQ>rH$moUmMo (Aä`mg nÕVr) g{dñVa dU©Z H$am. 3) AmonoH$ `m ì`mnmar g§KQ>ZoMr Ü`o` d CÔrîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am. 4) ^maVmVrb I{ZOVobmÀ`m {dVaUmMo dU©Z H$am. 5. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ). 14 1) àmW_rH$ d {ÛVr` AmWuH$ {H«$`mMr d¡{eîQ>o 2) nañnamdb§{~Ëd 3) COm© g§H$Q> 4) B. B.gr. (E.E.C.). ——————— SLR-MM – 347 *SLRMM347* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – I) (Semester – II) Examination, 2015 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – V) Geomorphology – II (CGPA) Day and Date : Tuesday, 17-11-2015 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. N.B. : Max. Marks : 70 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. 3) Use of stencils is allowed. 4) All questions carry equal marks. 5) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. A) Choose the correct alternative given in the bracket : 1) The ___________ Ocean occupies almost 7 1 part of the entire surface. 3 (Atlantic, Pacific, Indian) 2) The concept of cycle of Erosion was propounded by ___________ (Alfred Wagner, W. M. Davis, Kober) 3) Convex, freeface, rectilinear and concave are the element of ___________ (Landscape, Slope, Forest) 4) Slope replacement theory was postulated by ___________ (W. M. Davis, W. Penck, A. Wood) 5) ___________is agent of Coastal erosion. (Sea Waves, Wind, Glacier) 6) Karst topography are formed due to ___________erosion. (Biological, Chemical, Physical) 7) Tsunami is the most natural Hazard occurred in ___________region. (Glacial, Coastal, Dry) P.T.O. SLR-MM – 347 -2- *SLRMM347* B) Fill in the blanks : 7 1) The Continent and ___________are the first order of landforms. 2) The term ___________ was first used by Canadian geophysicist J.T. Wilson. 3) Hanging valley are formed due to ___________ work of glacier. 4) Mushroom rocks are formed due to erosional work of ___________ 5) Moraines are formed by depositional work of ___________ 6) __________Geomorphology is concerned with applying geomorphic expertise to the solution of problems. 7) Landscape is the function of structure ___________ and stages. 2. Explain with the help of diagram erosional and depositional work of glacial landforms. 14 3. A) Explain Wegners Continental drift theory. 14 OR B) Explain the views of Penck on slope development. 4. Write short answers for the following questions (any two) : 14 1) State the concept of wood about slope development. 2) Plate tectonic theory. 3) Explain the erosional work of river. 4) Characteristics of continent and oceans. 5. Write short notes (any two) : 1) Branches of Applied Geomorphology. 2) Land forms in Karst region. 3) Aeolian depositional landforms. 4) Erosional work of sea waves. 14 *SLRMM347* -3- SLR-MM – 347 _amRr ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. ZH$mem ñQ>opÝgb dmnaÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. gd© àíZmZm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. A)H§$gmVrb AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdSy>Z Imbrb dm` nyU© H$am. 1) ___________ _hmgmJamZo n¥ÏdrMm 1/3 n¥îR>^mJ ì`mnbm Amho. (AmQ>bm§{Q>H$, n°{g{\$H$, B§{S>`Z) 2) Anj` MH«$ hr g§H$ënZm ___________ `m§Zr _m§S>br. (Amb\«o$S> doJZa, S>ãby. E_. S>oìhrg, H$mo~oa) 3) ~{hadH«$, C^r H$S>m, EH$ aofr` Am{U A§VadH«$ h¡ ___________ KQ>H$ AmhoV. (^yÑî`m§Mo , CVmamMo, O§JbmMo) 4) CVma ~XbmMm {gÕm§V ___________ `m§Zr _m§S>bm. (S>ãby. E_. S>oìhrg, S>ãby. n|H$, E. dyS>) 5) ___________ ho {H$ZmanQ²>Q>r IZZmMo à_wI H$maH$ Amho. (gmJar bmQ>m, dmam, {h_ZXr) 6) ___________ {dXmaUm_wio H$ma²ñQ> ^yàXoe {Z_m©U hmoVmV. (O¡{dH$, amgm`{ZH$, ^m¡{VH$) 7) ËgwZm_r hr Z¡g{J©H$ AmnÎmr ___________ `m àXoemV AmT>iVo. ({h_, {H$ZmanQ²>Q>r`, H$moaS>`m) 7 SLR-MM – 347 -4- *SLRMM347* ~) Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am : 7 1) ^yI§S> Am{U ___________ ho àW_ loUrMo ^yñdê$n Amho. 2) gd© àW_ ___________ hm eãX H°$ZoS>r`Z ^y-^m¡{VH$emñÌk Oo. Q>r. {dëgZ `m§Zr dmnabm. 3) bm|~Vr XarMr {Z{_©Vr {h_ZXrÀ`m ___________H$m`m©_wio {Z_m©U hmoVo. 4) ___________ À`m IZZ H$m`m©_wio "^yN>Ì IS>H$' hm ^y AmH$ma {Z_m©U hmoVmo. 5) ___________ À`m g§M`Z H$m`m©_wio {h_moT> Mr {Z{_©Vr hmoVo. 6) ^yê$nemñÌm§À`m g_ñ`m§À`m {ZamH$aUmgmR>r dmna Ho$bm OmVmo `mbm_________ ^yê$nemñÌ Ago åhUVmV. 7) ^yÑî` åhUOo g§aMZm, ___________ Am{U AdñWm `m§Mo H$m`© Amho. 2. {h_ZXrÀ`m IZZ d g§M`Z H$m`m©_wio {Z_m©U hmoUmao ^yAmH$ma AmH¥$VrÀ`m gmhmæ`mZo ñnîQ> H$am. 14 3. A)doJZaMm ^yI§S> dhZ {gÕm§V ñnîQ> H$am. qH$dm ~) n|H$ `m§Mo CVma {dH$mgm g§~§YrMo {dMma ñnîQ> H$am. 14 4. Imbrb àíZmMr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm. (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 14 1) CVma {dH$mgm~X²XbMo E. dyS> `m§Mo {dMma. 2) ^y_§M {ddV©{ZH$m {gÕm§V. 3) ZXrMo IZZ H$m`© ñnîQ> H$am. 4) ^yI§S> d _hmgmJa `m§Mr d¡{eîQ>ço {bhm. 5. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 14 1) Cn`mo{OV ^yê$nemñÌmÀ`m emIm. 2) H$a²ñQ àXoemVrb ^y_r ñdê$no. 3) dmè`mÀ`m g§M`Z H$m`m©_wio {Z_m©U hmoUmao ^yAmH$ma. 4) gmJar bmQ>m§Mo IZZ H$m`©. –––––––––––––––––––– SLR-MM 348 *SLRMM348* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. I (Semester II) Examination, 2015 (CGPA) GEOGRAPHY (Paper VI) Climatology II Day and Date : Thursday, 19-11-2015 Total Marks : 70 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) 2) 3) 4) All questions are compulsory. Draw neat diagrams and maps wherever necessary. Use of map stencils is allowed. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. A) Complete the following sentences by choosing correct alternatives given below : 7 1) _________ climatic classifications are based on potential evapotranspiration. a) Koeppens b) Thornthwaites c) Trewarthas d) None of the above 2) The Mediterranean climate has a) rainy winters and dry summers b) dry winters and rainy summers c) dry winters and humid summers d) None of the above 3) For _________ of agriculture, the planning commission of India has divided India into 15 agro-climatic regions. a) sustainable development b) periodical development c) planning and development d) None of the above 4) One clo unit clothing is required for drop of ___________ °C temp. a) 9 b) 12 c) 21 d) None of the above 5) Even one percent depletion of ozone could lead to _________ times increase in skin cancer. a) 2 b) 4 c) 5 d) None of the above P.T.O. SLR-MM 348 *SLRMM348* -2- 6) Usually urban areas receive ________ % more rainfall than that of the surrounding areas. a) 10 b) 15 c) 20 d) None of the above 7) In 1985, the ________ was adopted to formalize international cooperation on the issue of global warming. a) Montreal protocol b) Rio Summit c) Vienna convention d) None of the above B) Answer the following questions in one sentence only : 7 1) What are the two basis of climatic classifications ? 2) Which climatic region in the world is winterless ? 3) Which country uses palmer drought index for the classification of intensity of droughts ? 4) Name any two Green-House gases. 5) The world is divided into how many clothing zones ? 6) State the range of temperature for desirable human comfort. 7) In how many main periods, the global paleoclimatic calendar is divided ? 2. Critically examine the climatic regions made by Koeppen. 14 3. Describe the climate and vegetation of equatorial rainforests and the location and animal life in Tundra region. OR 14 Discuss the physiological climatology in respect to human comfort and health. 14 4. Answer the following questions in short (any two) : 14 1) What is meant by Agro-climatology ? Describe the climatic factors affecting on agriculture. 2) Write an essay on Air pollution. 3) Define paleoclimatology and describe the recent climatic changes. 4) Explain M.S.Randhawas Agro-climatic regions in India. 5. Write short notes on (any two) : 1) Acclimatization. 2) Urban climate and heat islands. 3) Global warming. 4) Climate and clothings. 14 *SLRMM348* -3- SLR-MM 348 _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. A) `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z nwT>rb dm`o nyU© H$am : 1) Mo hdm_mZ dJuH$aU ~mînmoËgO©Z j_Voda AmYmarV Amho. ~) Wm°Z©ÏdoQ> A) H$monoZ S>$) darb n¡H$s Zmhr H$) {ÌdmWm© 2) ^y_Ü` gm_w{ÐH$ hdm_mZ àXoemV AgVmV. ~) H$moaS>o {hdmio d CÝhmir nmD$g A) {hdmir nmD$g d H$moaS>o CÝhmio S>$) darb n¡H$s Zmhr H$) H$moaS>o {hdmio d X_Q> CÝhmio 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) ^maVr` {Z`moOZ Am`moJmZo H¥$frÀ`m gmR>r 15 H¥$fr-hdm_mZ {d^mJ nmS>bo OmVmV. ~) H$mimZwê$n {dH$mgm A) emídV {dH$mgm S>$) darb n¡H$s Zmhr H$) {Z`moOZ d {dH$mgm ° go.Zo Vmn_mZ KQ>ë`mg EH$ bmo `w{ZQ> dñÌmMr Amdí`H$Vm ^mgVo. ~) 12 A) 9 S>$) darb n¡H$s Zmhr H$) 21 EH$ Q>H$m AmoPmoZMm èhmg åhÊOo ËdMoÀ`m H$H©$amoJmÀ`m dmT>rMr nQ> e`Vm. ~) 4 A) 2 S>$) darb n¡H$s Zmhr H$) 5 gm_mÝ`V: ZmJar joÌmV g^modVmbÀ`m joÌmnojm % nO©Ý` A{YH$ nS>Vmo. ~) 15 A) 10 S>$) darb n¡H$s Zmhr H$) 20 d¡pídH$ Vmn_mZdmT>r g§X^m©V 1985 _Ü`o Am§VaamîQ´>r` gh>H$m`© {_i{dÊ`mgmR>r Mo Am`moOZ Ho$bo hmoVo. ~) [aAmo {eIan[afX A) _m°ÝQ´>rAb Vh S>$) darb n¡H$s Zmhr H$) pìhEÝZm H$ama/n[afX 7 SLR-MM 348 -4- *SLRMM348* ~) Imbrb àíZm§Mr EH$m dm`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) hdm_mZmÀ`m dJuH$aUmMo XmoZ à_wI AmYma H$moUVo ? 2) OJmV {hdmim F¥$Vw Zgbobm hdm_mZ àXoe H$moUVm ? 3) Palmer drought index dmnê$Z XwîH$mimÀ`m Vrd«VM o o dJuH$aU H$aUmam Xoe H$moUVm ? 4) H$moUË`mhr XmoZ h[aV-J¥h dm`y§Mr Zm§do gm§Jm. 5) OJmMo EHy$U {H$Vr dñÌ {d^mJ AmhoV ? 6) BîQ> _mZdr g_mYmZ {d^mJmVrb Vmn_mZmMr H$jm gm§Jm. 7) àmMrZ Ordmî_ H$mbI§S> hdm_mZ {XZX{e©H$m {H$Vr _w»` {d^mJmV {d^mJbr Amho ? 7 2. H$monoZÀ`m hdm_mZ {d^mJmMo Q>rH$mË_H$ n[ajU H$am. 14 3. {dfwdd¥Îmr` dfm©dZm§Mo hdm_mZ d dZñnVr Am{U Q>§S´>m àXoemMo ñWmZ d àmUrOrdZ dU©Z H$am. qH$dm 14 _mZdr Amam_/g_mYmZ Am{U Amamo½` `m§À`m g§X^m©V eara {dkmZ hdm_mZ emñÌmMr MMm© H$am. 14 Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 14 4. 5. 1) H¥$fr-hdm_mZemñÌ åhÊOo H$m` ? eoVrda n[aUm_ H$aUmè`m hdm_mZ KQ>H$m§Mo dU©Z H$am. 2) dm`w àXyfUda {Z~§Y {bhm. 3) nwam hdm_mZemñÌmMr ì`m»`m gm§JyZ AbrH$S>À`m H$mimVrb hdm_mZ ~Xbm§Mo dU©Z H$am. 4) E_².Eg². a§Ydm `m§Zr Ho$bobo ^maVr` H¥$fr-hdm_mZ {d^mJ ñnîQ> H$am. WmoS>`mV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 1) ZdrZ dmVmdaUmer éiÊ`mMr à{H«$`m. 2) ehar hdm_mZ d CîU ~oQ>o 3) d¡pídH$ Vmn_mZdmT> 4) hdm_mZ d dñÌ. ___________ 14 SLR-MM – 349 *SLR-MM-349* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – I) (Semester – II) Examination, 2015 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – VII) (C.G.P.A.) Regional Geography of India Day and Date : Saturday, 21-11-2015 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) 2) 3) 4) Max. Marks : 70 All questions are compulsory. Use of stencils is allowed. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. 1. A) Choose the correct alternative. 7 1) _________ ranges separate the Kashmir valley from the Indus river valley. A) Pir Panjal Range B) Dhaulandhar Range C) Great Himalayan Range D) Siwalik Range 2) _________ region is not affected by the Monsoon of the Arabian Sea branch. A) Western Ghat B) Deccan Plateau C) Madhya Pradesh D) Punjab Plain 3) _________ rivers does not make a delta. A) Mahanadi B) Godavari C) Tapi D) Ganga 4) Plants of Monsoon region are called _________ A) Hydrophytes B) Hygrophytes C) Tropophytes D) Xerophytes 5) Green revolution aimed at _________ A) Enhancing farm production B) Increasing farm yield C) Reducing social disparities D) Reducing Regional disparities P.T.O. SLR-MM – 349 *SLR-MM-349* -2- 6) _________ is an essential combination for setting up Iron and Steel industry. A) Coal – Electricity – Market B) Coal – Iron ore – Water C) Electricity – Water – Iron ore D) Coal – Water – Cotton 7) Lakshadweep Island is formed by _____________ A) Volcanic C) Tectonic origin B) Coral D) Alluvial B) Fill in the blanks : 7 1) ______________ is the largest physiographic division in India. 2) The largest numbers of sugar industry are found in _________ district of Maharashtra. 3) _________ city is situated on the mouth of Tapi river. 4) Maximum proportion of area under well irrigated is in _________ 5) India is the _________ largest rank producer of manganese in the world. 6) Maximum production of bauxite in India comes from _________ State. 7) Ankleshwar petroleum field is located in _________ state in India. 2. Discuss on the natural vegetation classification of India. 14 3. A) Write a geographical essay on sugarcane cultivation in India. 14 OR B) Give a brief account of Iron and Steel industry in India. 4. Write short answers for the following questions (any two). 1) Give an account of canals irrigation in India. 14 2) Describe drainage system of southern India. 3) Explain Agro-climatic regions of India. 4) Write distribution and production of coal in India. 5. Write short notes (any two) : 1) Comment on the geo-political basis of regionalization in India. 2) Location of India. 3) Write a geographical essay on Uttaranchal State. 4) The concept of micro region. 14 *SLR-MM-349* gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) -3- SLR-MM – 349 _amRr ê$nm§Va gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. ñQ>opÝgbMm dmna H$aÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m d ZH$meo H$mT>m. 1. A)Imbrbn¡H$s `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z [aH$må` OmJm ^am : 7 `m nd©V am§JoZo {d^V Pmbobo Amho. 1) H$mí_ra Imoè`mnmgyZ qgYy ZXrMo Imoao A) nran§Omb am§J ~) Ym¡b§Ya am§J H$) ~«hX {h_mb` am§J S>) {edm{bH$ am§J 2) àXoemVrb _mÝgyZda Aa~r g_wÐmÀ`m emIoMm n[aUm_ hmoV Zmhr. A) npíM_ KmQ> ~) X»IZMo nR>ma H$) _Ü`àXoe S>) n§Om~Mo _¡XmZ 3) hr ZXr {Ì^wO àXoe V`ma H$aV Zmhr. A) _hmZXr ~) JmoXmdar H$) Vmnr S>) J§Jm 4) _m¡g_r àXoemVrb dZñnVrZm åhUVmV. A) hm`S´>mo\$mB©Q>g ~) hm`J«mo\$mB©Q>g H$) Q´>mo\$mo\$mB©Q>g S>) Poamo\$mB©Q>g 5) harV H«$m§VrMm CÔoe hmoVm. A) eoVrMo CËnmXZ dmT>{dUo ~) eoVrMo CËnZ dmT>{dUo H$) gm_m{OH$ {df_Vm H$_r H$aUo S>) àmXo{eH$ {df_Vm H$_r H$aUo 6) bmohnmobmX CÚmoJ gwê$ H$aÊ`mgmR>r `m g`w§pVH$ KQ>H$mMr Amdí`H$Vm AgVo. A) H$moigm - drO - ~mOmanoR> ~) H$moigm - bmohI{ZO - nmUr H$) drO - nmUr -bmohI{ZO S>) H$moigm - nmUr - H$mnS> nmgyZ V`ma Pmbobo Amho. 7) bj{Ûn ho A) Ádmbm_wIr ~) àdmi H$) ^ynÅ> {ddV©{Z{H$ S>) Jmi SLR-MM – 349 -4- *SLR-MM-349* ~) Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am : 1) ^maVmVrb hm gdm©{YH$ _moR>m àmH«${VH$ {d^mJ Amho. 2) _hmamîQ´>mÀ`m {Oëøm_Ü`o gdm©{YH$ gmIa H$maImZo AmT>iVmV. 3) Vmnr ZXrÀ`m _wImda eha Amho. 4) `m amÁ`mV {dhra qgMZmImbrb joÌ gdm©V OmñV Amho. 5) OJm_Ü`o _°JZrO CËnmXZmV ^maVmMm H«$_m§H$ Amho. 6) amÁ`_Ü`o ^maVmVrb gdm©V OmñV ~m°gmB©Q>Mo CËnmXZ hmoVo. 7) A§H$boída I{ZOVob joÌ ^maVmV amÁ`mV Amho. 7 2. ^maVmVrb Z¡g{J©H$ dZñnVrMo dJuH$aU H$ê$Z `mda MMm© H$am. 14 3. A) ^maVmVrb D$g eoVrda ^m¡Jmo{bH$ {Z~§Y {bhm. qH$dm ~) ^maVmVrb bmohnmobmX CÚmoJmda WmoS>`mV _m{hVr Úm. 14 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) ^maVmVrb H$mbdm ObqgMZmMr _m{hVr {deX H$am. 2) X{jU ^maVmVrb ObàUmbr dU©Z H$am. 3) ^maVmMo H¥$fr hdm_mZ àXoe ñnîQ> H$am. 4) ^maVmVrb XJS>r H$moiemMo {dVaU AmUr CËnmXZ {bhm. 14 5. {Q>nm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 1) ^maVmVrb àmXo{eH$VogmR>r "^y-amOH$s`' AmYma `mda MMm© H$am. 2) ^maVmMo ñWmZ. 3) CÎmam§Mb amÁ`mda ^m¡Jmo{bH$ {Z~§Y {bhm. 4) gyú_ àXoe g§H$ënZm. 14 _____________________ SLR-MM 350 *SLRMM350* S e N a o t . M.A./M.Sc. I (Semester II) Examination, 2015 GEOGRAPHY (Paper VIII) (CGPA) Population Geography Day and Date : Tuesday, 24-11-2015 Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. N. B. : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Max. Marks : 70 All questions are compulsory. Figures to the right indicates full marks. All questions carry equal marks. Use of stencils is allowed. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. 1. A) Fill in the blanks by choosing correct alternative given in bracket : 1) _____________ is most common measure of human fertility. 7 (General fertility rate, Age specific birth rate, Crude birth rate) 2) Lowest life expectancy at birth is observed in _____________ in the world. (Uganda, Rawanda, Angola) 3) In U. K. a census is conducted at an interval of _____________ years. (Ten, Seven, Five) 4) The demographic transition theory is based on the actual demographic experience of _______________ countries. (Eastern, Western, Asian) 5) Among all the sparely populated areas, _______________ is more sparely populated in the world. (Oceania, North America, Sahara) 6) According to Malthus theory population increases in _____________ proportion. (Statistical, Mathematical, Geometrical) 7) When the population of an area is too small for full utilization of territorys resources, it is said to be a situation of ______________ population. (Optimum, Over, Under) P.T.O. SLR-MM 350 -2- *SLRMM350* B) Fill in the blanks : 7 1) ______________ birth rate means number of births in year per thousand population. 2) Malthus stated two checks on population growth, _______________ and positive. 3) _____________ population is one that permits the highest per capita output. 4) The word Census is derived from ______________ word censure. 5) The rapid decline in mortality experienced in developing countries after ____________ war. 6) A. B. R. stands for ______________ 7) According to census of India 2001 lowest child sex ratio observed in ___________ state. 2. Give an account of factors affecting on distribution of population in India. 14 3. Comment on the Malthus theory of population. 14 OR What is population geography ? Comment on the scope and significance of population geography. 4. Answer the following questions in brief (any two) : 14 1) Explain the factors affecting on fertility. 2) Comment on the growth of population in India. 3) Comment on the declining sex ratio all over the world. 4) Discuss the population problems in India. 5. Write short notes on (any two) : 1) Demographic translation theory 2) Over population 3) Mortality 4) Sex ratio. 14 *SLRMM350* SLR-MM 350 -3- _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. A) H§$gmVrb `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z [aH$må`m OmJm ^am. 7 1) _mZdr OZZXa _moOÊ`mMo ho gm_mÝ` n[a_mU Amho. (gm_mÝ` OÝ_Xa, d`gmnogOÝ_Xa, T>mo~b OÝ_Xa) 2) OJmVrb gdm©V H$_r OÝ_mdoiMr Ano{jV Am`w_`m©Xm AmT>iVo. `m XoemV (`wJm§S>m, adm§S>m, A§Jmobm) 3) J«oQ>{~«Q>Z_Yo bmoH$g§IoMr JUZm Xa dfm©Zr Ho$br OmVo. (10, 07, 05) 4) bmoH$g§»`m g§H«$_UmMm {gÕm§V AZw^dmda AmYmabobm Amho. Xoem§À`m àË`j bmoH$g§»`m emñÌr` (nyd}H$S>rb, npíM_oH$S>rb, Amer`m I§S>mVrb) 5) OJmVrb gd© H$_r KZVoÀ`m àXoem_Yo Amho. hm àXoe A{Ve` H$_r KZVoMm (Amoeo{Z`m, CÎma A_o[aH$m, ghmam) 6) _mëWgÀ`m {gÕm§VmZwgma bmoH$g§»`oMr dmT> loUrZo hmoVo. (g§»`rH$s, J{UVr, ^y_rVr`) 7) Ooìhm EImÚm àXoemMr bmoH$g§»`m BVH$s H$_r AgVo H$s Ë`m àXoemVrb gmYZ g§nÎmrMm nwU©nUo dmna H$ê$ eH$V Zmhr Aem pñWVrbm bmoH$g§»`m åhUVmV. (BîQ>V_, A{V[aV, Ý`yZV_) ~) Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am : 7 OÝ_Xa åhUOo Xadfu XahOmar OÝ_boë`m ~mbH$m§Mr g§»`m. 1) 2) _mëWgZo gm§{JVboë`m bmoH$g§»`m dmT>rda _`m©Xm KmbÊ`mÀ`m gH$mamË_H$ `m XmoZ nÕVr AmhoV. 3) CÀMÎm_ AgVo. Am{U bmoH$g§»`m Aer EH$ bmoH$g§»`m Amho H$s Á`m_Yo XaS>moB© CËnÝZ SLR-MM 350 4) *SLRMM350* -4- Census hm eãX ^mfoVrb Censure `m eãXmnmgyZ ~Zbm Amho. `wÕmZ§Va H$_r Pmbm. 5) {dH$gZerb XoemVrb _¥Ë`yXa A{Ve` doJmZo 6) A. B. R. Mo {dñVmarV ê$n Amho. 7) ^maVmÀ`m 2001 À`m goÝggZwgma gdm©V H$_r ~mbqbJ JwUmoÎma amÁ`mV AmT>ibo. 2. ^maVmVrb bmoH$g§»`oÀ`m {dVaUmda n[aUm_ H$aUmè`m KQ>H$m§Mm AmT>mdm ¿`m. 14 3. _mëWgÀ`m bmoH$g§»`m {gÕm§VmMr g{dñVa MMm© H$am. 14 qH$dm bmoH$g§»`m ^yJmob åhUOo H$m` Vo gm§JyZ Ë`mMr ì`mpßV d _hÎd `m§Mr MMm© H$am. 4. WmoS>`mV CÎmao Úm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) OZZXamda n[aUm_ H$aUmao KQ>H$ {deX H$am. 2) ^maVmVrb bmoH$g§»`m dmT>rMr MMm© H$am. 3) OJmVrb H$_r hmoUmè`m qbJJwUmoÎmamMr MMm© H$am. 4) ^maVmVrb bmoH$g§»`mÀ`m g_ñ`m§Mr MMm© H$am. 14 5. Q>rnm Úm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 14 1) bmoH$g§»`m g§H«$_U {gÕm§V 2) A{V[aV bmoH$g§»`m 3) _Ë`©Vm 4) qbJ JwUmoÎma. _____________________ SLR-MM – 351 *SLRMM351* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – II) (Semester – III) Examination, 2015 GEOGRAPHY(CGPA) Agricultural Geography (Paper No. IX) Day and Date : Monday, 16-11-2015 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) 2) 3) 4) Max. Marks : 70 All questions are compulsory. Use of stencils is allowed. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. 1. A) Complete the following sentences with the appropriate alternative those are given below. 7 1) In __________ approach the Agricultural Study is always carried out at global scale. a) Systematic b) Regional c) Deterministic d) None of these 2) ______ geography is the study of spatial variations in agricultural activity. a) Political b) Social c) Agricultural d) None of these 3) Dervent Whittlesey was delineated the major _______________ regions of the earth in 1936. a) Political b) Industrial c) Agricultural d) None of these 4) Irrigation is Man’s best answer to a) Drought b) Government c) Nature d) None of these 5) Shifting cultivation is known as ______________ in the North East hilly states in India. a) Ladang b) Zoom c) Milpa d) Poda 6) The pH value of soil is below _________ indicates an acidic soil. a) 7 b) 9 c) 8 d) 10 P.T.O. SLR-MM – 351 *SLRMM351* -2- 7) The sustainable development can solve the problem of _____________ degradation. a) Environmental b) Air c) Water d) None of these B) Fill in the blanks : 7 1) According to _____________ “Agricultural Geography” as man’s husbandry of the land. 2) The word agriculture comes from ___________ word “Agricultura” 3) Water logging is a impact of _______________ irrigation to the land. 4) ______________ cultivation is responsible for the loss of valuable forest cover on the land. 5) __________ is basic activity that man gets his food, clothing and shelter. 6) In 1965 ____________ has developed formula for the measurement of crop diversification. 7) In India ________________ is the founder of “Green Revolution”. 2. Explain the role of physical determinants in agricultural development. 14 3. Describe the Von-Thunen theory in brief. OR Describe location, distribution and characteristics of “Shifting cultivation”. 4. Answer the following questions in short (any two) : 14 14 1) Explain Jhonson’s Model in brief. 2) What is environmental degradation ? 3) Explain the scope of agricultural geography. 4) What is impact of Green revolution ? 5. Write short notes on the following (any two) : 1) Systematic Approach 2) Plantation cultivation 3) Von-Thunen model 4) Food problem in India. 14 *SLRMM351* SLR-MM – 351 -3- _amR>r ê$nm§Va gyMZm :1) 2) 3) 4) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. ñQ>opÝgbMm dmna H$aÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m d ZH$meo H$mT>m. 1. A) Imbrb {Xboë`m n`m©`mVyZ `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z {dYmZo nyU© H$am. 1) 7 ______ ÑîQ>rH$moZm_Ü`o eoVrMm Ho$bobm Aä`mg Zoh_r d¡pídH$ ÑîQ>rH$moZmVyZ Ho$bm OmVmo. A) gwé~Õ 2) ~) àmXoerH$ ___________ A) amOH$s` H$) {ZíM`dmXr S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr ^yJmob åhUVo eoVrVrb A{^joÌr` {H$ÞVoMm Aä`mg hmo`. ~) gm_mOrH$ H$) H¥$fr S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 3) S>dªQ> {dÅ>> bogr `m§Zr 1936 _Ü`o OJmVrb _______ Mo à_wI {d^mJmV dJuH$aU Ho$bo. A) amOH$s` ~) Am¡ÚmoJrH$ H$) H¥$fr S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 4) ObqgMZ ho _mZdmMo ___________ gmR>r CÎm_ CÎma Amho. A) XwîH$mimgmR>r ~) emgZmgmR>r H$) {ZgJ© S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 5) B©emÝ` ^maVr` S>m|Jami amÁ`mV ñWbm§VarV eoVr __________ Zm§dmZo AmoiIbr OmVo. A) bS>m§J 6) _¥XoMm gm_y ~) Py_ (pH) _________ nojm A) 7 ~) 9 H$) {_bnm S>) nmoS>m H$_r Agë`mam Vr _¥Xm AmåbY_m} JUbr OmVo. H$) 8 S>) 10 7) emídV {dH$mgm§Zo ___________ AdZVr hr g_ñ`m gyQy eH$Vo. A) n`m©daUr` ~) hdm H$) Ob S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr ~) [aH$må`m OmJm ^am. 1) ___________ `m§À`m _Vo _mZdm Ûmam ^y_r g§dY©Z åhUOo ""H¥$fr ^yJmob'' hmo`. 2) _____ ^mfoVrb "A°J«rH$ëMa' `m Zm§dmdê$Z A°J«rH$ëMa hm eãX V`ma Pmbm Amho. 3) O{_Zrbm Ho$boë`m __________ qgMZmMm narUm_ hmoD$Z nmZ`i àXoe {Z_m©U Pmbo. 7 SLR-MM – 351 4) 5) -4- ___________ O~m~Xma Amho. ______ H$aVmo. *SLRMM351* àH$maMr eoVr O{_Zrdarb _m¡ë`dmZ O§Jmb`o AmdaU ZîQ> H$aÊ`mg hm nm`m^yV ì`dgm` Omo _mZdmÀ`m AÞ, dñÌ, {Zdmg `m KQ>ZmMr Xe©Vm 6) {nH$m§Mr {d{dYVm _moOÊ`mgmR>r 1965 _Ü`o ___________ `m§Zr gyÌ {dH${gV Ho$bo. 7) ^maVr` ""harV H«$m§VrMo'' ___________ ho OZH$ AmhoV. 2. àmH¥${VH$ KQ>H$m§Mm eoVrdarb à^md ñnîQ> H$am. 14 3. ìhm°Z WwZoZ `m§Mm {gÕm§V WmoS>`mV ñnîQ> H$am. qH$dm 14 ""ñWbm§VarV eoVrMo'' ñWmZ, {dVaU d d¡{eîQ>>ço ñnîQ> H$am. 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moÊVohr XmoZ) : 14 1) Om°ÝgZMm {gÕm§V WmoS>`mV ñnîQ> H$am. 2) n`m©daU Ag§VybZ åhUOo H$m` ? 3) H¥${f ^yJmobmMr ì`mßVr ñnîQ> H$am. 4) harV H«$m§VrMo narUm_ H$moUVo AmhoV ? 5. Imbrb Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) H«$_~Õ (Systematic) ÑîQ>rH$moZ 2) _ù`mMr eoVr 3) ìhm°Z-WwZoZ `m§Mm {gÕm§V 4) ^maVmVrb AÞ g_ñ`m. __________________ 14 SLR-MM 352 *SLRMM352* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part II) (Semester III) (CGPA) Examination, 2015 GEOGRAPHY (Paper X) Settlement Geography Day and Date : Wednesday, 18-11-2015 Max. Marks : 70 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Instructions : i) ii) iii) iv) All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Use of stencil is allowed. Draw neat and labelled diagram wherever necessary. 1. A) Complete the following sentences by choosing correct alternative : 7 1) Jordan wrote _____________ a book on settlement geography. A) Geography of settlement B) Nature of settlement geography C) Rural and urban geography D) None of the above 2) Oxford and Cambridge are ___________ centers. A) Educational B) Cultural C) Tourist D) None of the above 3) _____________ is one of the basic needs of human being. A) Shelter B) Home C) Humlet D) None of the above 4) The concentric zone theory was developed by A) Homer Hoyt B) Harris and Ulman C) Burges D) None of the above 5) The __________ central place hierarchy is based on administrative principle. A) K-3 B) K-4 C) K-7 D) None of the above 6) Urban morphology means internal ___________ of a city. A) Structure B) Size C) Shape D) None of the above 7) Primate city concept was put forth by Mark Jefferson in A) 1941 B) 1940 C) 1939 D) None of the above P.T.O. SLR-MM 352 -2- *SLRMM352* B) Complete the following sentences : 7 1) C.B.D. stands for 2) Macca and Madina are the _________ Saudi Arabia. 3) Primary types of economic activities are largely found in ________ settlement. 4) The multinuclei model developed by Harris and Ulman in 5) The K-4 central hierarchy is based on ____________ optimising principal. 6) ___________ coined the term city rich and city poor sectors. 7) The ____________ of settlement geography is multidisciplinary. 2. Analysis with examples the functional classification of towns. 14 3. Define rural settlement geography and give its site and situation. 14 OR Explain the trend and growth of human settlement. 4. Answer the following questions in short (any two) : 14 14 1) Explain the multiple nuclei theory. 2) Explain the nature of urban geography. 3) Discuss the types of rural settlement. 4) Explain the rank size rule. 5. Write short notes on any two : 1) Concept of primate city. 2) Importance of settlement geography. 3) The concentric zone theory. 4) Human settlement and environment. 14 *SLRMM352* gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) SLR-MM 352 -3- _amR>r ê$nm§Va gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. gd© àíZbm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. ZH$mem ñQ>opÝgbMm dmna H$aÊ`mbm nadmZJr Amho. Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. 1. A)`mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am. 1) Om°S>©Z `mZr dgmhV ^yJmobmda A) Geography of settlement ~) Nature of settlement geography H$) Rural and urban geography S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr 2) Am°g\$S>© d H|${~«O {h ehao A) e¡j{UH$ ~) gm§ñH¥${VH$ 3) A) {Zdmg ho nwñVH$ {b{hbo. ñWmZo AmhoV. H$) n`©Q>Z {h _mZdmMr àmW{_H$/_wb^yV JaO Amho. ~) Ka H$) PmonS>r 4) g_H|${Ð` H${R>~§Y {gÕm§V A) hmo_a hm°`Q> H$) ~J}g 5) àemgZmÀ`m VËdmda A) K-3 H$) K-7 6) ZJamMr A§VJ©V A) aMZm H$) AmH$ma 7 S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr `m§Zr _m§S>bm. ~) h°[ag d Cë_Z S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr {h _Ü`dVu H«$_dmar AmYm[aV Amho. ~) K-4 S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr åhUOo ZmJar ê${nH$m hmo`. ~) {dñVma S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr _Ü`o _m§S>br. 7) gd©loîR> ehamMr g§H$ënZm _mH©$ Oo\$agZ `m§Zr A) 1941 ~) 1940 H$) 1939 S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr SLR-MM 352 *SLRMM352* -4- ~) nwT>rb dm`o nwU© H$am. 1) gr.~r.S>r. `m eãXmMo {dñVm[aV ê$n 7 Ago Amho. 2) gm¡Xr Aao{~`mVrb _H$m d _{XZm {h ehao 3) dgmhVr_Ü`o àm_w»`mZo àmW{_H$ ñdê$nmÀ`m Am{W©H$ {H«$`m AmT>iVmV. 4) ~hþH|${Ð` {gÕm§V h°[ag d Cë_Z `mZr 5) gw`mo½` H|$Ð AmhoV. _Ü`o _m§S>bm. VËdmda K-4 {h H«$_dmar AmYm[aV Amho. 6) _Ü`dVu {R>H$mU {gÕm§VmVrb "lr_§V eha d J[a~ eha' {h g§km 7) dgmhV ^yJmobmMo `m§Zr _m§S>br. ho ~hþemIr` Amho. 2. eham§Mo H$m`m©Zwgma dJuH$aU gmoXmhaU ñnîQ> H$am. 14 3. J«m_rU dgmhV ^yJmobmMr ì`m»`m gm§JyZ {VMo ñWmZ d pñWVr ñnîQ> H$am. qH$dm _mZdr dgmhVrMm H$b d {dH$mg ñnîQ> H$am. 14 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm H$moUVohr XmoZ. 1) ~hþH|${Ð` {gÕm§V ñnîQ> H$am. 2) ZJar ^yJmobmMo ñdê$n ñnîQ> H$am. 3) J«m_rU dgmhVrMo àH$ma {deX H$am. 4) loUr AmH$ma {Z`_ ñnîQ> H$am. 14 5. H$moUË`mhr XmoZda {Q>>nm {bhm. 1) gd©loîR> ehamMr g§H$ënZm. 2) dgmhV ^yJmobmMo _hËd. 3) g_H|${Ð` H${R>~§Y {gÕm§V. 4) _mZdr dgmhV d n`m©daU. 14 ______________ *SLRMM353* SLR-MM – 353 Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – II) (Semester – III) (CGPA) Examination, 2015 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – XI) Biogeography Day and Date : Friday, 20-11-2015 Max. Marks : 70 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) All questions carry equal marks. 2) All questions are compulsory. 3) Use of stencils is allowed. 4) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. 1. A) Choose the correct and rewrite. 7 1) _______________ studies all biotic things on the surface of the earth. (biogeography, plant geography, zoogeography) 2) _____________ is considered as father of plant geography. (Alexander, Robinson, Humbolt) 3) Paleorecords of life history are well preserved in ______________ rocks. (sedimentary, metamorphict, primary) 4) Primitive plants originated in _____________ (air, water, land) 5) _________________ National Park is located in Assam. (Kaziranga, Ranthambor, Madumalai) 6) The theory of evolution of life was putforth by ______________ (King, New bigin, Darwin) 7) Holocene is considered as ____________ period in Paleostudies of life evolution. (oldest, youngest, mediaeval) P.T.O. SLR-MM – 353 -2- *SLRMM353* B) Write answers in one sentence. 7 1) What is zoo geography ? 2) Define the term ‘energy pyramid’. 3) What is meant by ‘decomposers’ ? 4) What is ‘dispersal’ ? 5) What is ‘conservation’ ? 6) What are the fossils ? 7) What is an ecosystem ? 2. Explain the influence of physical environment on the distribution of plants. 14 3. 1) Define biogeography. Explain its nature and scope. 14 OR 2) What are the major ecosystems ? Explain any one of them. 4. Write short answers (any 2) : 14 1) Describe the branches of biogeography. 2) Describe a ‘desert biome’. 3) Explain the relationship between zoo geography and environment. 4) Why legal protection to plants and animals is necessary ? 5. Write short notes (any 2) : 1) Tiger projects 2) Dispersal and migration 3) Types of forests 4) Energy pyramids. 14 *SLRMM353* -3- SLR-MM – 353 _amR>r ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) gd© àíZm§Zm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. gd© àíZ A{Zdm`©. ñQ>oZgrb dmnaì`mg nadmZJr Amho. `mo½` VoWo AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. 1. A)`mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z dm` nwÝhm {bhm. 1) _____________ {df`m_Ü`o n¥ÏdrÀ`m n¥îR> ^mJm darb gd© O¡{dH$ KQ>H$m§Mm Aä`mg Ho$bm OmVmo. (O¡{dH$ ^yJmob, dZñnVr ^yJmob, àmUr ^yJmob) 2) _____________ `m§Zm dZñnVr ^yJmobmMo {nVm _mZVmV. (AboPm§S>a, am{~ZgZ, h§~moëQ>) 3) _____________ IS>H$m§_Ü`o Ord g¥îQ>rÀ`m B{VhmgmMo nwamVZ nwamdo CÎm_ àH$mao OVZ AgVmV. (JmimMo, ê$nm§VarV, àmW{_H$) 4) àmW{_H$ AdñVoVrb dZñnVtMm Ama§^ _____________ _Ü`o Pmbm. (hdm, nmUr, O{_Z) 5) _____________ amîQ´>r` CÚmZ Amgm_ _Ü`o Amho. (H$m§Pra§Jm, aU W§~moa, _Xw_bmB©,) 6) _____________ `m§Zr gOrdm§À`m CËH«$m§VrMm {gÕm§V _m§S>bm. (qH$J, Ý`w{~JrZ, S>m{d©Z) 7) Ord g¥îQ>rÀ`m CËH«$m§Vr _lrb àmMrZ nwamì`m_Yrb H$mbI§S> _____________ Amho. (gdm©V OyZm, gdm©V Zdm, _Ü``wJrZ) 7 SLR-MM – 353 -4- ~) EH$m dm`mV CÎmao {bhm : *SLRMM353* 7 1) àmUr ^yJmob åhUOo H$m` ? 2) "D$Om© _Zmoam' g§koMr ì`m»`m Úm. 3) "{dKQ>H$' åhUOo H$m` ? 4) "{dIwaUo' åhUOo H$m` ? 5) g§dY©Z åhUOo H$m` ? 6) "{ZImVHo$' H$í`mbm åhUVmV ? 7) n[ag§ñWm åhUOo H$m` ? 2. dZñnVrÀ`m {dVaUmdarb àmH¥${VH$ KQ>H$m§Mm à^md ñnîQ> H$am. 14 3. O¡{dH$ ^yJmobmMr ì`m»`m XoD$Z Ë`mMo ñdê$n d ì`mßVr ñnîQ> H$am. 14 qH$dm à_wI n[ag§ñWm H$moUË`m ? H$moUË`mhr EH$m n[ag§ñWoMr _m{hVr Úm. 4. WmoS>`mV CÎmao Úm (H$moUVohr 2) : 14 14 1) O¡{dH$ ^yJmobmÀ`m emIm§Mr _m{hVr Úm. 2) dmid§Q>r O¡{dH$ àXoemMr _m{hVr gm§Jm. 3) n[ag§ñWm d àmUr ^yJmob g§~§YmMr _m{hVr Úm. 4) àmUr d dZñnVtZm H$m`ÚmMo g§ajU `mMr JaO ñnîQ> H$am. 5. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUVohr 2) : 14 1) ì`mK« àH$ën 2) ñWbm§Va d {dIwaUo 3) dZm§Mo àH$ma 4) D$Om© _Zmoam ———————— SLR-MM 354 *SLRMM354* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. II (Semester III) Examination, 2015 GEOGRAPHY (CGPA) (Paper XII) Cultural Geography Day and Date : Monday, 23-11-2015 Max. Marks : 70 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) 2) 3) 4) All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Use of stencils is allowed. Draw neat and labelled diagram wherever necessary. 1. A) Fill in the blanks by choosing correct alternative given in bracket. 7 1) __________ is holly book of Christian. (Ramayana, Mahabharat, Kuran, Bible) 2) _________ is Tibeto Burman language. (North Assamy, Malayalam, Telugu, None of these) 3) __________ is way of worshipping the God. (Race, Religion, Language, Culture) 4) Occidental realm is subdividend into _______ sub-realms. (Two, Four, Six, Eight) 5) _________ economic activities provides intellectual and personal services. (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quarternary) 6) Present day _______ display very high degree of social and ethnic diversity. (U.S.A., Britain, India, China) 7) __________ born in deserts of middle east about 3800 years ago which refers to the religion of Jews. (Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Judiasm) P.T.O. SLR-MM 354 -2- *SLRMM354* B) Fill in the blank : 7 1) Todas are inhabitants of ________ region of India. 2) ___________ is official language of Kerala. 3) Polygamy is permissible in _____________ 4) Mesopotemia, Nile valley, Indus valley and Ho-yang-Ho basins are the best examples of _______ 5) ___________ gave most important contribution to racial geography. 6) Caucasoids are generally found in _________ continent. 7) _________ means submission to God. 2. What is culture ? Explain the components of culture. 14 3. Comment on the social and cultural processes in developing countries and explain in brief about socio-cultural process in India. 14 OR Give a detailed account of Tribal groups in the world. 4. Answer in brief (any two of the following) : 14 1) Explain significance of cultural geography. 2) Comment on the cultural pattern of rural and urban society. 3) Comment on the diffusion of religion with special reference to Christian. 4) 5. Write short notes on (any two) : 1) Scope of cultural geography. 2) Concept of cultural 3) Ethnic traits in the world. 4) World cultural realms. . 14 *SLRMM354* -3- SLR-MM 354 _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. A) H§$gmVrb `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am. 7 1) __________ hm ¼ríMZmMm n{dÌ J«§W Amho. (am_m`U, _hm^maV, Hw$amU, ~m`~b) 2) __________ hr {Q>~oQ>mo ~_©Z ^mfm Amho. (C. Amgm_r, _ë`mi_, VobwJw, `mn¡H$s Zmhr) 3) __________ åhUOo XodnyOm H$aÊ`mMm _mJ© Amho. (d§e, Y_©, ^mfm, g§ñH¥$Vr) 4) Am°grS>o§Q>b [aë_²Mr {d^mJUr __________ Cn{d^mJmV Ho$br OmVo. (XmoZ, Mma, ghm, AmR>) 5) __________ loUrÀ`m Am{W©H$ {H«$`m ~m¡{ÕH$ d d¡`pVH$ godm nwadUo. (àW_, {ÛVr`, V¥Vr`, MVwW©) 6) gÚm __________ `m XoemV gm_m{OH$ d _mZddm§erH$ {d{dYVm _moR> çm à_mUmV AmT>iVo. (g§`wV g§ñWmZo, {~«Q>Z, ^maV, MrZ) 7) _Ü`nyd}À`m dmid§Q>mV 3800 dfm©nydu Á`y Y_m©er g§~§YrV __________ Mm CX` Pmbm. (Bñbm_, BgmB©, qhXwËd, Á`wdmX) ~) Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am. 7 1) VmoS>m bmoH$ ^maVmÀ`m __________ ^mJmMo a{hdmer AmhoV. 2) Ho$ai_Ü`o __________ hr H$m`m©b`rZ ^mfm Amho. 3) __________ `m Y_m©V ~hþnËZrËdmbm _mÝ`Vm Amho. 4) _ogmonmoQ>o{_`m, ZmB©b Imoao, qgYy Imoao, hmo-`m±J-hmo Imoao hr __________ Mr CÎm_ CXmhaUo hmoV. 5) __________ `m§Zr dm§erH$ ^yJmobmbm _moR>o `moJXmZ {Xbo. 6) gm_mÝ`nUo H$m°Ho$gm°B©S> d§emMo bmoH$ __________ I§S>mV AmT>iVmV. 7) __________ åhUOo Xodmbm An©U. SLR-MM 354 -4- *SLRMM354* 2. g§ñH¥$Vr åhUOo H$m` ? g§ñH¥$VrMo {d{dY KQ>H$ {deX H$am. 3. {dH$gZerb XoemÀ`m gm_m{OH$ d gm§ñH¥${VH$ à{H«$`oMr MMm© H$am d ^maVmVrb gm_m{OH$ d gm§ñH¥${VH$ à{H«$`m WmoS>`mV {deX H$am. qH$dm OJmVrb O_mVtÀ`m g_whmMm g{dñVa d¥Îmm§V Úm. 14 14 4. WmoS>`mV CÎmao Úm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 1) gm§ñH¥${VH$ ^yJmobmMo _hËd ñnîQ> H$am. 2) J«m_rU d ZmJar g_mOmÀ`m gm§ñH¥${VH$ àê$nmMr MMm© H$am. 3) Y_m©À`m àgmamda MMm© H$am d ¼ríMZ Y_© àgmamg§~§Yr _m{hVr Úm. 4) 14 5. {Q>nm Úm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 1) gm§ñH¥${VH$ ^yJmobmMr ì`mßVr. 2) g§ñH¥$VrÀ`m CJ_ñWmZmMr g§H$ënZm. 3) OJmVrb {d{dY d§emMr d¡{eîQ>ço. 4) OJmMo gm§ñH¥¥${VH$ {d^mJ. 14 _____________ SLR-MM – 355 *SLRMM355* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – II) (New) (Semester – IV) (Old) Examination, 2015 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – XIII) Regional Planning and Development in India Day and Date : Tuesday, 17-11-2015 Max. Marks : 100 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 3) Use of stencil is allowed. 4) Draw neat diagrams and maps wherever necessary. 1. A) Choose the correct alternative and rewrite ; 10 1) ______ has divided India into 5 macro, 11 meso and 52 micro regions. a) L.S. Bhat b) V.L.S. Prakasa Rao c) P. Sen Gupta d) Ashok Mitra 2) Regionalism is the expression of _____ a) Ignorance of other region b) Parochialism c) Sectionalism d) Local individuality, local loyalities and cultural traits 3) Who authored the book entitled ‘Regional Planning in India’ ? a) Sen and Wanmali b) Bhat L.S. c) Friedmann, J. and Alonso W. d) Sundaram K.V. P.T.O. SLR-MM – 355 *SLRMM355* -2- 4) Which one of the following is a ‘Formal Region’ ? a) Delhi Metropolitan region b) Hyderabad- Secunderabad region c) Delhi-Jaipur-Agra Triangle d) Assam Valley 5) Which indicator from among the following could be the best indicator of social-well being ? a) Population growth rate b) Literary rate c) Life expectancy d) Per Capita income 6) Which of the following regions of Indi is most developed economica. a) Eastern region b) North-eastern hill region c) North-Western region d) Central region 7) Which of the following are major objectives of the hill area development programme ? a) Large scale industries b) Eco-preservation c) Major irrigation projects d) Agro-industries 8) K-7 principle in Christaller’s theory refers to _____ a) Transport b) Marketing c) Administrative d) Industrial 9) When the regional planning proposed first time in India ? a) 1970 b) 1980 c) 1968 d) 1965 10) R.P. Misra has extended the concept of ‘Growth Foci Approach from ______ theory. a) Central place b) Growth pole c) Ulman d) None of these B) Fill in the blanks with correct answer : 1) Thar desert is a ________ region. 2) The first five year plan was launched in the year ________. 3) Who proposed the planning regions of India ? 10 *SLRMM355* -3- SLR-MM – 355 4) The _______ model was developed by J.Q. Stewart. 5) Age structure is the ______ indicator of development. 6) India is divided into how many planning regions according to the administrative point. 7) Central place theory was proposed by ______ 8) ______ state is highly developed in agricultural in India. 9) The city region is an example of ______ regions. 10) Local skills and manpower resources are effectively used in ______ planning. 2. Explain the types of planning and discuss the approaches of regional planning. 20 3. Discuss the regional imbalances in agricultural and industrial in India. 20 OR 3. Explain draught problematic region in India. 20 4. Write short answers of any two of the following : 20 1) Resources of regional development. 2) Growth Foci approach. 3) Describe the problems of regional development in Maharashtra. 4) Metropolitan region of India. 5. Write short answers any two of the following : 1) Significance of district planning in India. 2) Panchayat Raj system. 3) Describe of decentralized planning. 4) Characteristics of the planning regions. 20 SLR-MM – 355 *SLRMM355* -4- _amR>r ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$. 2) gd© àíZm§Zm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. 3) ñQ>o{Ýgb dmnaÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho 4) `mo½` VoWo AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. 1. A) `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z nwÝhm dm` {bhm. 10 1) ^maVmMo 5 _moR>çm, 52 bhmZ Am{U 11 _Ü`_ àXoemV H$moUr {d^mOZ Ho$bo. A) Eb. Eg. ^Q> ~) {d.Eb.Eg. àH$me amd H$) nr. goZ. JwßVm S>) AemoH$ {_Ì 2) àmXo{eH$ {d^mJ _____ Zo ì`V Ho$bm Amho. A) BVa àXoemnojm kmZmMm A^md ~) nmao{MAmbrP_ H$) {d{eîR> {d^mJmMm S>) ñWm{ZH$ ñdV§Ì , {ZîR>m Am{U gm§ñH¥${VH$ JwU 3) "[aOZb ßb°qZJ BZ B§{S>`m' ho nwñVH$ H$moUr {bhrbo. A) goZ Am{U dZ_mir ~) Eb.Eg. ^Q> H$) \«$mB©S>_Z Oo. Am{U AbmoZgmo S>ãë`y S>) {d¥. Ho$. g§wXa_ 4) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm EH$ AmH$m[aH$ àXoe Amho. A) {Xr eha àXoe ~) h¡Ðm~mX-{gH§$Xam~mX àXoe H$) {Xr-O`nya-AmJ«m {ÌH$moU S>) Amgm_ Xar *SLRMM355* SLR-MM – 355 -5- 5) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m Xe©H$mnmgyZ g_mOmMm Mm§Jbm Xe©H$ Agy eH$Vmo. A) bmoH$g§»`m dmT> Xa ~) gmjaVm Xa H$) Am`w©_mZ dmT> S>) XaS>moB© CËnÞ 6) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m àXoemV ^maVmMm Mm§Jbm Am{W©H$ {dH$mg Pmbobm Amho. A) nyd}H$S>rb àXoe ~) B©emÝ`oH$S>rb Q>oH$S>çm§Mm àXoe H$) dm`ì`oH$S>rb àXoe S>) _Ü`dVu àXoe 7) S>m|Jami àXoe {dH$mg H$m`©H«$_mMm Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVm _w»` CÔoe Amho. A) _moR>çm à_mUmVrb CÚmoJY§Xo ~) Am{W©H$ gwa{jVVm H$) à_wI Ob{dX`wV àH$ën S>) eoVr-CÚmoJY§Xo 8) {H«$ñQ>baÀ`m {gÕmVm§Vrb Hoo$-7 VËd _____ À`m g§X^m©V Amho. A) dmhVwH$ ~) nUZ H$) àemgH$s` S>) Am¡Úmo{JH$ 9) ^maVm_Ü`o àmXo{eH$ {Z`moOZ n{hë`m§Xm Ho$ìhm gwM{dbo. A) 1970 ~) 1951 H$) 1968 S>) 1965 10) J«moW \$mogr A°àmoMÀ`m g§H$ënZonmgyZ Ama.nr. {_^m `m§Zr _____ {gÕm§V {dñV¥V Ho$bm Amho. A) H|$Ðr` ñWb ~) J«moW nmob H$) Cb_Z S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr SLR-MM – 355 -6- *SLRMM355* ~) [aH$må`m OmJm ^am. 10 1) Wa dmid§Q> _____ àXoe Amho. 2) n{hbr n§Mdm{f©H$ `moOZm _____ `mdfm©_Ü`o gyé Pmbr. 3) ^maVmÀ`m àmXo{eH$ {Z`moOZmMm hoVw H$moUr gwM{dbm. 4) _____ _m°S>ob ho Oo. `y pñQ>dmQ>© `m§Zr {dH${gV Ho$bo. 5) d` g§aMZm hr _____ {dH$mgmMo Xe©H$ Amho. 6) àemgÝmÀ`m ÑîQ>rZo ^maVmMo {H$Vr {d^mJmV àXoemMo {Z`moOZ Ho$bo Amho. 7) _____ `m§Zr _Ü`dVu ñWb {gÕm§V _m§S>bm. 8) ^maVm_Ü`o eoVrV _____ amÁ` {dH${gV Amho. 9) 10) _____ àXoe ho ehar àXoemMo CXmhaU Amho. _____ {Z`moOZm_Ü`o ñWm{ZH$ Hw$ebVm Am{U _Zwî`eVr gmYZo àm_w»`mZo Cn`moJr AmhoV. 2. {Z`moOZmMo àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am Am{U àmXo{eH$ {Z`moOZmMo _mJ© `mda MMm© H$am. 20 3. ^maVmVrb eoVr Am{U CÚmoJY§Úm_Yrb àmXo{eH$ Ag_Vmob `mda MMm© H$am. 20 qH$dm 3. ^maVmVrb XwîH$mir àXoe-A{ZpíMV àXoe ñnîQ> H$am. 20 *SLRMM355* -7- 4. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : SLR-MM – 355 20 1) gmYZg§nVrMm àmXo{eH$ {dH$mg. 2) J«moW \$mogr A°àmoM. 3) _hmamîQ´>mVrb àmXo{eH$ {dH$mgmÀ`m g_ñ`mMo dU©Z H$am. 4) ^maVmVrb ehamg~§YrMr {d^mJ. 5. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) ^maVmVrb {Oëhm {Z`moOZmMo _hËd. 2) n§Mm`V amÁ` àUmbr. 3) {dH|$ÐrH$aU {Z`moOZmMo dU©Z. 4) àmXo{eH$ {Z`moOZmMr d¡{eîQ>ço. __________________ 20 SLR-MM – 359 *SLRMM359* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. – II (Semester – IV) (CGPA) Examination, 2015 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – XIII) (New) Regional Planning and Development in India Day and Date : Tuesday, 17-11-2015 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) 2) 3) 4) Max. Marks : 70 All questions are compulsory. Draw neat diagrams and maps wherever necessary. Use of map stencils is allowed. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. A) Complete the following sentences by choosing correct alternatives given below : 7 `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z nwT>rb dm`o nyU© H$am : 1) To delineate Natural Regions _________ homogeneity is considered. Z¡g{J©H$ n«Xoem§À`m AmIUrgmR>r àXoemMm KoVbm OmVmo. a) Social gm_m{OH$ c) Physical àmH¥${VH$ _____________ EH${OZgrnUm {dMmamV b) Economic Am{W©H$ d) Political amOH$s` 2) __________ regions lie at the lowest level of hierarchy of planning regions. {Z`moOZ àXoemVrb gdm©V ImbÀ`m loUrMm àXoe åhUOo _____________ àXoe hmo`. a) Micro gyú_ c) Block JQ> b) Meso _Ü`_ d) Macro A\$mQ>/_moR>m P.T.O. SLR-MM – 359 *SLRMM359* -2- 3) The book ‘Regional Planning in India’ is written by __________ ‘Regional Planning in India’ ho nwñVH$ _____________ `m§Zr {bhrbo Amho. a) R. L. Singh b) R. P. Misra Ama.Eb.qgJ Ama.nr.{_lm c) P. Sengupta d) Mahesh Chand and V. K. Puri nr.goZJwßVm _hoe Mm§X Am{U dr. Ho$ nwar 4) ___________ , block and village are the three tiers in Panchayati Raj system. n§Mm`Vr amO ì`dñWoV _____________, JQ> Am{U IoS>o (Jm§d) Aer {ÌñVar` aMZm AgVo. a) Tahsil b) District VmbwH$m {Oëhm c) State d) Division amÁ` {d^mJ 5) ____________ has formulated 13 macro and 36 meso planning regions in India. ^maVmV _____________ `m§Zr V`ma Ho$bo AmhoV. a) P. Sengupta nr. goZJwßVm 13 ~¥hX² (_moR>o) Am{U 36 _Ü`_ {Z`moOZ {d^mJ b) R. L. Singh Ama.Eb.qgJ c) L. D. Stamp d) R. P. Misra Eb.S>r. ñQ>°ån Ama.nr.{_lm 6) ___________ is the Chairman of Planning Commission of India. ^maVr` {Z`moOZ Am`moJmMo AÜ`j _____________ AgVmV. a) Prime Minister n§VàYmZ c) Speaker of Loksabha bmoH$g^m AÜ`j b) President amîQ´>nVr d) Minister of Finance AW©_§Ìr 7) W. Christaller’s ____________ principle is related with administrative principle. S>ãë`y {¼ñQ>baMo _____________ ho VÎd àemgH$s` VÎdm§er g§~§{YV Amho. a) K = 7 b) K = 6 c) K = 4 d) K = 3 *SLRMM359* -3- SLR-MM – 359 B) Answer the following questions in one sentence only : 7 Imbrb àíZm§Mr EH$m dm`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) Age structure is indicator of which development ? d`-g§aMZm hr H$moUË`m {dH$mgmMr {ZX}eH$ Amho ? 2) Who put forwarded the Growth Pole Concept in 1955 ? 1955 _Ü`o ‘The Growth Pole Concept’ H$moUr _m§S>bm ? 3) Which model was developed by J. Q. Stewart ? Oo. H$`y. ñQodQ>© `m§Zr H$moUVo _m°S>ob {dH$grV Ho$bo hmoVo ? 4) Give the full form of DPAP. S>r.nr.E.nr. Mo nyU© ê$n gm§Jm. 5) Who is called as the father of Green Revolution ? harV H«$m§VrMm OZH$ H$moUmg åhQ>bo OmVo ? 6) From which Latin word, the term ‘Region’ is derived ? Region hr g§km H$moUË`m b°Q>rZ eãXmnmgyZ ~Zbr Amho ? 7) Change in desired direction and at desired speed is known as Ano{jV {XeoZo d Ano{jV JVrZo hmoUmè`m ~Xbmg H$m` åhUVmV ? 2. Explain in detail ‘The Central Place Theory’. 14 "H|${Ð` ñWb {gÕm§V' g{dñVa ñnîQ> H$am. 3. Discuss the problems and prospects of regional development in India. 14 ^maVmVrb àmXo{eH$ {dH$mgmÀ`m g_ñ`m d g§^mì` Anojm `mda MMm© H$am. OR/ qH$dm Write an essay on ‘Regional Development in Maharashtra’. "_hmamîQ´>mMm àmXo{eH$ {dH$mg' `mda {Z~§Y {bhm. 4. Answer the following questions in short (any two) : Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 1) Explain the flood problematic regions in India. ^maVmVrb nyag_ñ`mJ«ñV àXoem§Mo dU©Z H$am. 14 SLR-MM – 359 -4- *SLRMM359* 2) Discuss how resources are useful in regional development. àmXo{eH$ {dH$mgmV g§gmYZo H$er Cn`wV AgVmV `mda MMm© H$am. 3) Explain the need of people’s participation in planning process. {Z`moOZ à{H«$`oVrb bmoH$m§À`m gh^mJmMr JaO ñnîQ> H$am. 4) What are indicators of development ? {dH$mgmMo {ZX}eH$ H$moUVo AmhoV ? 5. Write short notes on (any two) : WmoS>`mV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 1) Characteristics of Regional Planning. àmXo{eH$ {Z`moOZmMr d¡{eîQ>ço. 2) Panchayati Raj System in Maharashtra. _hmamîQ´>mVrb n§Mm`Vr amO ì`dñWm. 3) Regional imbalances in India. ^maVmVrb àmXo{eH$ Ag_Vmob. 4) Hierarchy of regions. àmXo{eH$ ñVa. _____________________ 14 *SLRMM360* SLR-MM – 360 Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. II (Semester – IV) (New) (CGPA) Examination, 2015 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – XIV) Development of Modern Geography Day and Date : Thursday, 19-11-2015 Max. Marks : 70 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 3) Use of stencils is allowed. 4) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary. 1. A) Complete the following sentences by choosing correct alternative given below : 7 1) ____________ is considered as Father of Regional Geography. (Strabo, Eratothenes, Ptolemy) 2) Hipparchus was a _________ astronomer and Mathematician. (Arab, Roman, Greek) 3) __________ stressed on areas differentiation of course on regional Geography. (Semple, Hartshorne, Blache) 4) The origin of ‘Environmental determinism’ lies in the work of (Charles Darwin, Ellen Semple, Humboldt) 5) The book entitled ‘Cosmus’ is written by (Ritter, Humboldt, Ratzel) 6) According to _________ the Pays is the ideal unit to study. (Blache, Humboldt, Semple) 7) A dynamic mathematical model of Glacier flow has been constructed by (Stamp, Humboldt, J.F. Nye) P.T.O. SLR-MM – 360 -2- *SLRMM360* B) Fill in the blanks. 7 1) To discover the sea route to India, __________ was chosen by the ruler of Portugal. 2) ___________ prepared the world’s first climatic Atlas. 3) ___________ Geography deals with the whole world. 4) The ____________ were first, who started dichotomy of physical verses human Geography. 5) ____________ founded the ‘Berlin Geographical Society’. 6) The first world map of average temperature was constructed by ____________ 7) The concept of positivism is established by ____________ 2. Explain the contribution of Carl Ritter in the development of Geography. 14 3. Explain dualism between systematic and regional Geography. 14 OR Discuss on the development of Geography in the ancient period. 4. Answer any two of the following questions in short. 14 1) Discuss on the quantitative revolution. 2) Explain Humanism. 3) Explain contribution of Humboldt in the development of Geography. 4) Explain concept of possibilism. 5. Write short notes (any two) : 1) Concept of Environmental determinism. 2) Significance of model. 3) Development of Geography in medieval period. 4) Contribution of Mackinder in the development of Geography. 14 *SLRMM360* gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) SLR-MM – 360 -3- _amR>r ê$nm§Va gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. gd© àíZm§Zm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. ZH$mem ñQ>opÝgb dmnaÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. 1. A) Imbrb {Xboë`m n`m©`mn¡H$s `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z dm` nyU© H$am. 1) 7 ___________ `m§Zm àmXo{eH$ ^yJmobmMo OZH$ _mZbo OmVo. (ñQ´>°~mo, BaoQ>moñWoZog, Q>m°bo_r) 2) {hnmaMg ho EH$ ___________ IJmoi Vk d J{UV Vk hmoVo. (Aa~, amo_Z, J«rH$) 3) ___________ `m§Zr àmXo{eH$ {^ÝZVoda AWm©V àmXo{eH$ ^yJmobmda ^a {Xbm& (g|ni, hmQ>©em°Z©, ãime) 4) n`m©daU {ZíM`dmXmMm CJ_ ___________ `m§À`m H$m`m©_Ü`o Amho. (Mmi©g S>mduZ, EiZ g|ni, hå~moëQ>) 5) H$m°g_m°g hm J«§W ___________ `m§Zr {bhbm Amho. ([aQ>a, hå~moëQ>, a°Q>ËPob) 6) ___________ `m§À`m _Vo nm`g hm Aä`mgmR>r AmXe© JQ> (KQ>H$) Amho. (ãbme, hå~moëQ>, g|nb) 7) {h_ZXr àdmhmM ~XbVr J{UVr` à{VH¥$Vr ___________ `m§Zr V`ma Ho$br. (ñQ>±n, hå~moëQ>, Oo.E\$. Ý`o) ~) [aH$må`m OmJm ^am. 1) ^maVmH$S>o OmÊ`mMm gmJar _mJ© emoYÊ`mgmR>r nmoVwJm©b amOmZo {ZdS> Ho$br hmoVr. 7 ___________ 2) OJmMm n{hbm hdm_mZ ZH$mem g§J«h ___________ `m§Zr V`ma Ho$b. `m§Mr SLR-MM – 360 3) -4- *SLRMM360* ___________ ^yJmob hm g§nyU© OJmer g§~§YrV Amho. 4) àmH¥ $ {VH$ {déÕ _mZdr ^y J mo b Aer {d^mJUrMr (Û¡ V dmX) gw é dmV gd© à W_ ___________ `m§Zr gwé Ho$bm. 5) ___________ `m§Zr ~buZ {OAmoJ«m\$sH$b gmogm`Q>rMr ñWmnZm Ho$br. 6) OJmMm n{hbm gamgar Vmn_mZ Xe©H$ ZH$mem ___________ `m§Zr V`ma Ho$bm. 7) gH$mamË_H$dmX hr g§H$ënZm ___________ `m§Zr _m§S>br. 2. H$mb© [aQ>a `m§Mo ^yJmob {dH$mgmVrb `moJXmZ ñnîQ> H$am. 14 3. H«$_rH$ ^yJmob Am{U àmXo{eH$ ^yJmob `m§À`m_Yrb Û¡VdmÔ ñnîQ> H$am. 14 qH$dm àmMrZ H$mimVrb ^yJmob {dH$mgmda MMm© H$am. 4. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr XmoZ àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm. 14 1) gm§»`o{H$` H«$m§Vrda MMm© H$am. 2) _mZdVmdmX ñnîQ> H$am. 3) ^yJmob {dH$mgm_Yrb hå~moëQ> `m§Mo `moJXmZ ñnîQ> H$am. 4) g§^ddmX g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. 5. {Q>nm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 14 1) n`m©daU {ZíM`dmX g§H$ënZm. 2) à{VH¥$VrMo _hËd. 3) _Ü` `wJrZ H$mbI§S>mVrb ^yJmoi {dH$mg. 4) _°qH$S>a `m§Mo ^yJmoi {dH$mgmVrb `moJXmZ. ———————— SLR-MM – 362A *SLRMM362A* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. – II (Semester – IV) (New) Examination, 2015 GEOGRAPHY Geography of Tourism (Paper – XVI) (CGPA) Day and Date : Tuesday, 24-11-2015 Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. N. B. :1) 2) 3) 4) Max. Marks : 70 All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. Use of stencil is allowed. 1. A) Fill in the blanks by choosing correct alternative given in bracket. 7 1) The word ‘tour’ is derived from ___________ word tornare. (Latin, Greek, Roman) 2) Art and Architecture is the best example of __________ tourism. (Religious, Historical, Cultural) 3) National policy on tourism was formulated in __________ focussing on the development of tourist circuit. (1972, 1982, 1992) 4) _________ a person to provide tour, transportation accommodation, siteseeing of travel to tourist as a service. (Travel Agent Guide, Tour Manager) 5) _________ is known as religious capital of India. (Pandharpur, Tuljapur, Varanasi ) 6) Tourism increases local reliance upon ________ economy. (Regional, Local, Global) 7) ________ is famous hill station of Maharashtra. (Matheran, Amboli, Mahabaleshwar) P.T.O. SLR-MM – 362A -2- *SLRMM362A* B) Fill in the blanks : 7 1) __________ is one of the tourist type who are rarely seen in any Tourist Centre. 2) __________ is the only export trade that earn large foreign exchange without depleting national resource. 3) Domestic and __________ are main two types of Tourism. 4) __________ is the most popular form of domestic tourism. 5) I.T.D.C. stands for ___________ 6) Tourism + ___________ + Heritage = Sustainable economics. 7) The book entitled ‘Tourism Impact Assessment’ is written by __________ 2. Comment on the geographical factors influencing on tourism development in Maharashtra. 14 3. Explain the role of agencies in tourism development. 14 OR Explain in brief various types of tourism. 4. Answer the following questions (any two) : 14 1) Discuss the impact of tourism on economy of nation. 2) Comment on the impact of globalization on tourism. 3) Discuss the growth of tourism in India. 4) Give an account of historical tourist centers in Maharashtra. 5. Write notes on (any two) : 1) Role of foreign capital in tourism. 2) Pro-poor Tourism 3) Elements of Tourism 4) Tourism circuits. 14 *SLRMM362A* -3- SLR-MM – 362A _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. A)H§$gmVrb `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am. 7 1) ___________ `m ^mfoVrb ‘Tornare’ `m eãXmnmgyZ ‘Tour’ hm eãX ~Zbobm Amho. (b°Q>rZ, {J«H$, amo_Z) 2) H$bm d ñWmnË` hr ___________ àH$maÀ`m n`©Q>ZmMr CXmhaUo hmoV. (Ym_uH$, E¡VrhmgrH$, gm§ñH¥$VrH$) 3) ___________ _Ü`o n`©Q>Z narH«$_mÀ`m {dH$mgmda àH$me Q>mH$Ê`gmR>r amîQ´>r` YmoaU AmIbo Jobo. (1972, 1982, 1992) 4) __________ hr ì`Vr n`©Q>H$m§Zm ghb, dmhVyH$, amhÊ`mMo {R>H$mU ñWmZrH$ AmH$f©Zm§Mr {R>H$mU, `m godm nwadVo. (dmhVyH$ EO§Q>, _mJ©Xe©H$, ghb ì`dñWmnH$) 5) ___________ hr ^maVmMr Ym_uH$ amOYmZr åhUyZ AmoiIbr OmVo. (n§T>anya, VwiOmnya, dmamUgr) 6) n`©Q>Z dmT>r_wio ___________ AW©ì`dñWodarb bmoH$m§Mm {dídmg dmT>Vmo. (àmXoerH$, ñWmZrH$, OmJVrH$) 7) ___________ ho _hmamîQ´>mVrb àgrÕ W§S> hdoMo {R>H$mU Amho. (_mWoamZ, A§~moir, _hm~boída) ~) Jmioboë`m OmJm ^am : 1) ___________ hm Agm EH$ n`©Q>H$m§Mm àH$ma Amho H$s Omo n`©Q>Z H|$Ðmda dMrV AmT>iVmo. 2) ___________ hm Agm {Z`m©V ì`mnma Amho H$s Á`m_wio amîQ´>r` gmYZ g§nÎmrMo ZwH$gmZ Z hmoVm _moR`m à_mUmV naH$s` MbZ {_iVo. 3) ñdXoer Am{U ___________ ho n`©Q>ZmMo à_wI XmoZ àH$ma AmhoV. 4) ñdXoer n`©Q>ZmMm ___________ hm bmoH${à` àH$ma Amho. 5) I.T.D.C. Mo {dñVmarV ê$n ___________ Amho. 6) n`©Q>Z +__________+ dma>gm = emídmV AW©ì`dñWm. 7) ‘Tourism Impact Assessment’ ho nwñVH$ ___________ `m§Zr {bhrbo. 7 SLR-MM – 362A -4- *SLRMM362A* 2. _hmamîQ´>mÀ`m n`©Q>Z {dH$mgmda narUm_ H$aUmè`m ^m¡JmobrH$ KQ>H$m§Mr MMm© H$am. 14 3. n`©Q>Z {dH$mgmVrb {d{dY g§ñWmMr ^y_rH$m ñnîQ> H$am. qH$dm n`©Q>ZmMo {d{dY àH$ma WmoS>`mV {deX H$am. 4. Imbrb àíZmMr CÎmao Úm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 14 14 1) amîQ´>r` AW©ì`dñWoda hmoUmè`m n`©Q>ZmÀ`m narUm_mMr MMm© H$am. 2) OmJVrH$sH$aUmÀ`m n`©Q>Zmda hmoUmè`m narUm_mMr MMm© H$am. 3) ^maVmVrb n`©Q>Z {dH$mgmMr MMm© H$am. 4) _hmamîQ´>mVrb EoVrhgrH$ n`©Q>Z H|$ÐmMm g{dñVa AmT>mdm Úm. 5. {Q>nm Úm (H$moUË`m{h XmoZ) : 14 1) n`©Q>ZmVrb naH$s` ^m§S>dbmMr ^y_rH$m 2) Jar~mgmR>tMo n`©Q>Z 3) n`©Q>ZmMo KQ>H$ 4) n`©Q>Z narH«$_m. _____________________