SLR-BU – 1 *SLRBU1* Seat No. M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 PRINCIPLES OF MASS COMMUNICATION (Paper – I) Day and Date : Friday, 14-11-2014 Total Marks : 70 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Select the correct alternative. 14 `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. 1) The circular model of communication developed by a) Shanon and Weaver b) Herold Lasswell c) Osgood and Schramm d) None of these g§kmnZmMo dVw©imH¥$Vr à{V_mZ ___________ `m§Zr {dH${gV Ho$bo. a) e°Zm°Z Am{U {dìha b) hoam°ëS> bm°gdob c) Am°gJwS> Am{U l°_ d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 2) T.Newcomb developed his model in a) 1954 b) 1953 c) 1958 d) 1948 Q>r. Ý`wH$m°å~ `m§Zr Ë`m§Mo à{V_mZ ___________ _Ü`o {dH${gV Ho$bo. a) 1954 b) 1953 c) 1958 d) 1948 P.T.O. SLR-BU – 1 *SLRBU1* -2- 3) Customer of the TV is called as a) listener b) reader c) user d) viewer Q>rìhrÀ`m J«mhH$mg ___________ `m ZmdmZo g§~moYbo OmVo. a) lmoVm b) dmMH$ c) dmnaH$Vm© d) àojH$ 4) What does the term ‘Gate keeper’ refers to ? a) Editor of newspaper b) Sub editor c) Publisher of newspaper d) Owner of newspaper Ûmanmb hr g§km ___________ `mMm {ZX}e H$aVo. a) d¥ÎmnÌmMm g§nmXH$ b) Cng§nmXH$ c) d¥ÎmnÌmMm àH$meH$ d) d¥ÎmnÌmMm _mbH$ 5) Shanon and Weaver’s model of communication is called as a) one-dimensional b) two-dimensional c) multi-dimensional d) none of these e°Zm°Z Am{U {dìha `m§À`m g§kmnZ à{V_mZmbm ___________ `m ZmdmZohr AmoiIbo OmVo. a) EH${XemË_H$ b) {Û{XemË_H$ c) ~hþ_mJu d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 6) MacBride Commission Report submitted in a) 1982 b) 1980 c) 1978 d) 1977 _°H$~«mB©S> Am`moJmMm Ahdmb ___________ _Ü`o gmXa Ho$bm. a) 1982 b) 1980 c) 1978 d) 1977 *SLRBU1* SLR-BU – 1 -3- 7) In which one of the following media, the viewer is not an active consumer ? a) Cinema b) TV c) Drama d) Book Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m _mÜ`_mMm àojH$ hm g{H«$` J«mhH$ Zmhr ? a) {gZo_m b) {Q>ìhr c) ZmQ>H$ d) nwñVH$ 8) Dyadic communication means a) Face to face communication b) Intra personal communication c) Self communication d) None of these Û§Û g§kmnZ åhUOo a) g_moam g_moaMm g§dmX c) ñdg§dmX b) d) AmË_g§dmX `mn¡H$s Zmhr 9) Who says that, ‘Content in the media is useful to the media financer’ ? a) Aristotle b) Mill c) Altachal d) Osgood "_mÜ`_m§Zm AW©nwadR>m H$aUmè`m§Zm nmofH$ _mÜ`_mVrb Ame` AgVmo', Ago H$moUr åhQ>bo Amho ? a) A°[añQ>m°Q>b b) {_ëb c) AëQ>Mb d) Am°gJwS> 10) Herold Lasswell developed his model of communication in a) 1949 b) 1948 c) 1947 d) 1946 hoam°ëS> bm°gdobZo Ë`m§Mo g§kmnZmMo à{V_mZ ___________ _Ü`o {dH${gV Ho$bo. a) 1949 b) 1948 c) 1947 d) 1946 SLR-BU – 1 *SLRBU1* -4- 11) Who write the book ‘mathematical theory of communication’ ? a) Herold Lasswell b) T. Newcomb c) Shanon and Weaver d) Osgood "g§kmnZmMm J{UVr {gÕm§V' ho nwñVH$ H$moUr {b{hbo Amho ? a) hoam°ëS> bm°gdob b) Q>r. Ý`wH$m°å~ c) e°Zm°Z Am{U {dìha d) Am°gJwS> 12) Which of the following is not a modern media ? a) Newspaper b) Radio c) Cinema d) Sculpture Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo AmYw{ZH$ _mÜ`_ Zmhr ? a) d¥ÎmnÌ b) ao{S>Amo c) {MÌnQ> d) {eënH$bm 13) The term ‘Agenda – setting’ is coined by a) Malcom Mac and Donald Shaw b) Miles J. and Scot c) Ostman and Hartman d) None of these "_wÔçmMr {ZpíMVr' hr g§km ___________ `m§Zr àM{bV Ho$br. a) _mëH$_ _°H$ Am{U S>moZmëS> em° b) _mB©ëg Oo. Am{U ñH$m°Q> c) Am°ñQ>_Z Am{U hmQ>©_Z d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr *SLRBU1* -5- SLR-BU – 1 14) TV is _________ type of Media. a) Visual Media b) Audio Media c) Audio-visual Media d) Print Media Q>rìhr ___________ _mÜ`_ Amho. a) ÑH$ _mÜ`_ b) lmì` _mÜ`_ c) ÑH$-lmì` _mÜ`_ d) _w{ÐV _mÜ`_ 2. Write short notes (any four). Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma). a) Communication and socialization. g§kmnZ Am{U gm_m{OH$sH$aU. b) Losswell’s model of communication. bm°gdobMo g§kmnZmMo à{Vê$n. c) Democratic media theory. bmoH$emhrdmXr _mÜ`_ {gÕm§V. d) Limitations of mass media. OZ_mÜ`_m§À`m _`m©Xm. e) Satellite communication. CnJ«h g§kmnZ. 12 SLR-BU – 1 -6- *SLRBU1* 3. Write the answers in 100 words (any four). 16 nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 100 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma). 1) What is a model ? What is its importance in communication theory ? à{Vê$n åhUOo H$m` ? g§kmnZ {gÕm§Vm_Ü`o Ë`mbm H$m` _hÎd Amho ? 2) State the difference between in communication and Mass Communication. g§kmnZ Am{U OZg§kmnZ `mVrb \$aH$ ñnîQ> H$am. 3) What do you mean by media education ? _mÜ`_ {ejU åhUOo H$m` Vo gm§Jm. 4) State the various types of audience. Am°{S>`ÝgMo {d{dY àH$ma Z_yX H$am. 5) Write in detail about communication process. g§kmnZ à{H«$`o~m~V g{dñVa {bhm. 4. Write the answers in 250 words (any two). nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 250 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ). 1) “Our culture is rich but communication medias are poor” – Discuss. ""Amnbr g§ñH¥$Vr g_¥Õ Amho na§Vw g§kmnZ _mÜ`_o Xw~©b AmhoV'' - MMm© H$am. 2) Development communication is gaining importance in new age – Discuss. Zì`m `wJmV {dH$mg g§dmXmg A{YH$ _hÎd àmßV hmoV Amho - MMm© H$am. 3) State the various definitions of communication. g§kmnZmÀ`m {d{dY ì`m»`m Z_yX H$am. 14 *SLRBU1* -7- SLR-BU – 1 5. Write the answer in 500 words. nwT>rb àíZmMo CÎma 500 eãXmV {bhm. Define Communication Theory. Explain various types of communication theories with suitable examples. g§kmnZ {gÕm§VmMr ì`m»`m Xçm. g§kmnZ {gÕm§VmMo {d{dY àH$ma gmoXmhaU ñnîQ> H$am. OR / qH$dm Discuss in detail about the new trends in mass communication. OZg§kmnZmVrb ZdrZ àdmhm§~m~V g{dñVa MMm© H$am. ––––––––––––––––– 14 *SLRBU17* SLR-BU – 17 Seat No. M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – III) Examination, 2014 FILM AND MAGAZINE JOURNALISM (Old) (Paper – II) Day and Date : Monday, 17-11-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Choose the correct alternative. 14 `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. 1) Who was the first playback singer of the Indian cinema ? a) K. C. Dey b) Lata Mangeshkar c) Mohd. Rafi d) None of these ^maVr` {MÌnQ>mVrb n{hbm nmíd©Jm`H$ H$moU ? a) Ho$. gr. S>o b) bVm _§JoeH$a c) _mhå_X a\$s d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 2) Who acted in movie ‘Videshi vastronki holi’ ? a) Mahatma Gandhi b) Lokmanya Tilak c) Sane Guruji d) None of these {dXoer dñÌm|H$s hmoir `m {MÌnQ>mV H$moUr ^y{_H$m Ho$br Amho ? a) _hmË_m Jm§Yr b) bmoH$_mÝ` {Q>iH$ c) gmZo Jwê$Or d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 3) The Indian Motion picture producers association was set up in ________ a) 1937 b) 1936 c) 1935 d) 1938 ^maVr` Mb{MÌnQ> {Z_m©Vo Agmo{gEeZ Mr ñWmnZm _________ _Ü`o Pmbr. a) 1937 b) 1936 c) 1935 d) 1938 4) According to the British film institute the best movie of Asia is _________ a) The seven samurai b) Mother India c) Sholay d) None of these {~«{Q>e {MÌnQ> g§ñWoÀ`m _Vo Am{e`mVrb gdm©V CËH¥$îQ> {MÌnQ> _________ hm Amho. a) X goìhZ g_wamB© b) _Xa B§{S>`m c) emobo d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-BU – 17 *SLRBU17* -2- 5) Ajay-Atul, the famous musician pair, did compose music for which of following films ? a) Natrang b) Jogawa c) Singham d) All of these AO`-AVwb `m gwà{gÕ g§JrVH$ma OmoS>rZo Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m {MÌnQ>m§Zm g§JrV {Xbo Amho ? a) ZQ>a§J b) OmoJdm c) qgK_ d) `mn¡H$s gd© 6) The first film show held in Paris on ____________ b) 28th November 1895 a) 28th December 1895 d) None of these c) 25th December 1895 n°[ag_Yrb n{hbm Mb{MÌ emo _________ amoOr Pmbm. a) 28 {S>g|~a 1895 b) 28 Zmod|~a 1895 c) 25 {S>g|~a 1895 d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 7) The magazine Trav-Talk is related with ___________ a) Music b) Travel and tourism c) Fashion d) Film Q´>°d-Q>m°H$ ho _m{gH$ _________ er g§~§{YV Amho. a) g§JrV b) àdmg Am{U n`©Q>Z c) \°$meZ d) {MÌnQ> 8) Who bagged Dadasaheb Phalke award ? a) Saumitra Chatarjee b) K. Balachandar c) Yusuf Khan d) All of these XmXmgmho~ \$miHo$ nwañH$ma H$moUmbm {_imbm Amho ? a) gm¡{_Ì MQ>Ou b) Ho$.~mbmM§Xa c) `wgw\$ ImZ 9) The NFAI was set up in ________ a) 1989 b) 1964 c) 1957 EZ E\$ E Am` Mr ñWmnZm ________ _Ü`o Pmbr. a) 1989 b) 1964 c) 1957 d) `mn¡H$s gd© d) 1960 d) 1960 10) Which was the first movie of Abhishek Bachchan ? a) Shararat b) Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gum c) Refugee d) None of these A{^foH$ ~ÀMZMm n{hbm {MÌnQ> H$moUVm ? a) eamaV c) ao\w$Or b) d) H$^r Iwer H$^r J_ `mn¡H$s Zmhr *SLRBU17* SLR-BU – 17 -3- 11) The Indian cinematograph Act was passed in the year _________ a) 1918 b) 1921 c) 1930 d) 1909 ^maVr` {gZo_mQ>moJ«m\$ H$m`Xm _________ _Ü`o _§Oya Pmbm. a) 1918 b) 1921 12) Who is the director of film ‘Deool’ ? a) Girish Kulkarni c) Santhosh Kulkarni XoD$i {MÌnQ>mMo {X½Xe©H$ H$moU AmhoV ? a) {Jare Hw$bH$Uu b) C_oe Hw$bH$Uu c) 1930 d) 1909 d) g§O` Hw$bH$Uu b) Umesh Kulkarni d) Sanjay Kulkarni c) g§Vmof Hw$bH$Uu 13) NFDC was formed in ____________ a) 1975 b) 1974 amîQ´>r` {MÌnQ> {dH$mg _hm_§S>imMr ñWmnZm a) 1975 b) 1974 c) 1978 _________ c) 1978 d) 1976 _Ü`o Pmbr. d) 1976 14) ________ is the first Marathi Talking film. a) Ayodhyecha Raja b) Raja Harishchandra c) Sairandhri d) None of these _________ hm n{hbm _amR>r ~mobnQ> Amho. a) A`moÜ`oMm amOm b) amOm h[aíM§Ð 2. Write notes (any 4) : Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : 1) FTII E\$ Q>r Am` Am` 2) Barfi ~\$s© 3) Lok Prabha bmoH$à^m 4) Film Division {MÌnQ> {d^mJ 5) Multi-camera shooting ~hþH°$_oam {M{ÌH$aU c) g¡a§Y«r d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 12 SLR-BU – 17 -4- *SLRBU17* 3. Write answers in 100 words (any four) : 16 nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 100 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : 1) What is the cut ? State the importance of cut in film. H$Q> åhUOo H$m` ? {MÌnQ>mVrb H$Q>Mo _hËd {deX H$am. 2) State the various types of the magazines. _m{gH$m§Mo {d{dY àH$ma Z_yX H$am. 3) Describe the language of cinema. {MÌnQ>mÀ`m ^mfoMr _m{hVr Úm 4) State the role of art director in film. {MÌnQ>mVrb H$bm {X½Xe©H$mMr ^y{_H$m {deX H$am. 5) Write in brief about Marathi Magazines. _amR>r _m{gH$m~m~V WmoS>`mV {ddoMZ H$am. 4. Write the answers in 150 words (any 2) : 14 nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 150 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) Describe the film distribution in detail. {MÌnQ> {dVaUmMr g{dñVa _m{hVr Úm. 2) State the need of film appreciation. {MÌnQ> agmñdmXmMr Amdí`H$Vm Z_yX H$am. 3) Explain the role director and editor in film production. {MÌnQ> {Z{_©Vr_Yrb {X½Xe©H$$ Am{U g§H$bZ `m§Mr ^y{_H$m ñnîQ> H$am. 5. Write the answer in 250 words : nwT>rb àíZmMo CÎma 250 eãXmV {bhm : 1) Explain the role editorial, advertisement and distribution section in magazine production. _m{gH$ {Z{_©Vr_Ü`o g§nmXH$s`, Om{hamV Am{U {dVaU {d^mJmMr ^y{_H$m {deX H$am. OR/qH$dm State the various essential elements in film production. Discuss in detail about cinematography. {MÌnQ> {Z{_©Vr {d{dY Amdí`H$ KQ>H$ gm§JyZ N>m`m{MÌUm~m~V g{dñVa MMm© H$am. _____________________ 14 SLR-BU – 2 *SLRBU2* Seat No. M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 Paper – II : DEVELOPMENT OF MEDIA _mÜ`_m§Mm {dH$mg Day and Date : Monday, 17-11-2014 Total Marks : 70 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory. gwMZm : gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. Select the correct alternatives. 14 `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am. i) Balshastri Jambhekar started the _____ in 1832. ~mb emñÌr Om§^oH$am§Zr 1832 _Ü`o _____ ho d¥ÎmnÌ H$mT>>bo. a) Darpan b) Digdarshan Xn©U {X½Xe©Z c) Karmanuk d) Bhoot H$a_UyH$ ^yV ii) _______ was the father of Marathi journalism. ______ ho _amR>r nÌH$m[a>VoMo OZH$ hmoVo. a) Balshastri Jambhekar b) Dr. Ambedkar ~mbemñÌr Om§^oH$a c) Lokmanya Tilak bmoH$_mÝ` {Q>iH$ S>m°. Am§~oS>H$a d) S. M. Paranjapee Eg. E_. nam§Ono iii) _______ was the first editor of Deenabandhu. ______ XrZ~§YwMo n{hbo g§nmXH$ hmoVo. a) Krishanrao Bhalerao b) Shripatrao Shinde H¥$îUamd ^mboamd lrnVamd qeXo c) Shivram Kamble d) Bhau Mahajan {edam_ H$m§ãboo ^mD$ _hmOZ P.T.O. SLR-BU – 2 *SLRBU2* -2- iv) Swadeshimitram was the __________ important newspaper. ñdXoer_rÌ_ ho __________ _hËdmMo d¥ÎmnÌ hmoVo. a) Tamil b) Hindhi V{_i c) Marathi qhXr d) English _amR>r B§J«Or ^yV OZVm v) Anandrao Dharandhar started _______ in 1890. AmZ§Xamd YaZYam§Zr 1890 _Ü`o ________ ho d¥ÎmnÌ H$mT>bo$. a) Bhoot b) Janata c) Samaj d) Prabhakar g_mO à^mH$a B§J«Or _amR>r vi) ‘Brahminical magazine’ was publishing in _____ language. "~«m÷r{ZH$b _°JPrZ' __________ `m ^mfoV àH$m{eV hmoV hmoVo. a) English b) Marathi c) Hindi d) Gujarati {hÝXr JwOamVr E_. Jm§Yr ~r. {Q>iH$ vii) __________ was the editor of ‘Indian Opinion’ in South Africa. __________ ho X. Am{\«$Ho$Vrb "B§{S>`Z Amo{n{Z`Z' Mo g§nmXH$ hmoVo. a) M. Gandhi b) B. Tilak c) G. Agarkar d) N. Kelkar Or. AmJaH$a EZ. Ho$iH$a 1942 1945 viii) Dainik Jagaran from Kanpur was published in X¡{ZH$ OmJaU H$mZnya _YyZ __________ gmbr àH$m{eV Pmbo. a) 1942 b) 1945 c) 1990 d) 1850 1990 1850 ~r. {Q>iH$ Or. AmJaH$a ix) ––––––––– was the first editor of Kesari. __________ Ho$garMo n{hbo g§nmXH$ hmoVo. a) B. Tilak b) G. Agarkar c) N. Kelkar EZ. Ho$iH$a d) M. Gandhi E_. Jm§Yr *SLRBU2* SLR-BU – 2 -3- x) __________ was the first Hindi daily. __________ ho n{hbo {hÝXr X¡{ZH$ hmoVo. a) Hindosthan b) Navbharat {hXmoñWmZ Zd^maV c) Vishva Bandhu d) Kal {díd ~§Yw H$mb ~§Jmbr nmaer xi) ‘Samvad Kaumudi’ was published in __________ language. "g§dmX H$m¡_wXr __________ `m ^mfoV àH$m{eV hmoV hmoVo. a) Bengali b) Persian c) English d) Marathi B§J«Or _amR>r XrZ~§Yw Ho$gar xii) Jyotiba Phule and K. Bhaskar started _________ in 1877. Omo{V~m \w$bo Am{U Ho$. ^mñH$am§Zr 1877 _Ü`o __________ ho d¥ÎmnÌ H$mT>bo. a) Deenabandhu b) Kesari c) Darpan d) Sudharak Xn©U gwYmaH$ xiii) Who started ‘Karmanuk’ in 1890 ? 1890 _Ü`o "H$a_UyH$' H$moUr gwé Ho$bo ? a) Haribhau Apte har^mD$ AmnQ>o b) Anant Bhalerao AZ§V ^mboamd c) Lokhitwadi d) Govind Kunte bmoH${hVdmXr JmoqdX Hy§$Q>o H¥$îUamO Ìt~H$ amZSo> nr. AmMm`© AÌo xiv) _______ was the editor of Jnan Prakash. __________ "kmZ àH$me' Mo g§nmXH$ hmoVo. a) Krishnaraj Trimbak Ranade b) P. Acharya Atre c) Dr. Ambedkar d) Mahatma Gandhi S>m°. Am§~oS>H$a 2. Write short notes (any four) : WmoS>`mV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) 1) Balshastri Jambhekar ~mbemñÌr Om§^oH$a _hmË_m Jm§Yr : 12 SLR-BU – 2 -4- *SLRBU2* 2) Tilak and Agarkar {Q>iH$ Am{U AJaH$a 3) Lokmanya Tilak bmoH$_mÝ` {Q>iH$ 4) Lokhitawadi Ranade bmoH${hVdmXr amZS>o 5) Agarkar AmJaH$a 3. Write the answers in short (any four) : WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : 1) What are the important ownership patterns of newspapers in our country ? 16 Amnë`m XoemVrb d¥ÎmnÌmMo _mbH$s nÕVrMo _hËd H$m` Amho ? 2) Explain the Mahatma Gandhi and his journalism. _. Jm§Yr Am{U Ë`m§Mr nÌH$m[aVm ñnîQ> H$am. 3) State the contribution of Nanasaheb Parulekar in Marathi journalism. ZmZmgmho~ néboH$a `m§Mo _amR>r nÌH$m[aVoVrb `moJXmZ {deX H$am. 4) Explain the importance of Marathi Magazines in the 19th century. 19 ì`m eVH$mVrb _amR>r _mgrH$m§Mo _hËd ñnîQ> H$am. 5) State the contribution of Agarkar in Marathi journalism. AmJaH$am§Mo _amR>r nÌH$m[aVoVrb `moJXmZ {deX H$am. 4. Write the answer in 250 words (any two) : 250 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) Write in detail the press in Solapur District. 14 gmobmnya {OëhmVrb nÌH$m[aVoda g{dñVa {bhm. 2) Explain the importance of ‘Balshastri Jambhekar’ in Marathi journalism. "~mbemñÌr Om§^oH$a' `m§Mr _amR>r nÌH$m[aVoVrb _hËd ñnîQ> H$am. 3) Write in detail on Birth of the Indian News Agencies. ^maVr` d¥Îmg§ñWoMm OÝ_ `mda g{dñVa {bhm. 5. Explain the newspapers and magazines in the 19th century. 19 ì`m eVH$mVrb d¥ÎmnÌo Am{U _m{gHo$ ñnîQ> H$am. OR/qH$dm Explain the language is the vehicle of community development. ^mfm ho g_wXm` {dH$mgmMo dmhH$ Amho ñnîQ> H$am. ————————— 14 SLR-BU 20 *SLRBU20* S N e o a t . M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester III) Examination, 2014 COMUNICATION RESEARCH (Paper I) Day and Date : Total Marks : 70 Time : N. B. : i) All questions are compulsory. gyMZm : gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. Choose correct altetnative : 14 `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS>m H$am : i) Opinion poll is an example of ____________ OZ_V MmMUr ho ____________ Mo CXmhaU Amho. a) Qualitative Research g§emoYZ b) Quantitative Research g§»`mË_H$ g§emoYZ c) Case study method d) All of these ì`îQ>r AÜ``Z nÕV `mn¡H$s gd© ii) Recall test technique is mainly used for _________ ñ_aU MmMUr ho V§Ì ____________ gmR>r dmnabo OmVo. a) PR Research OZg§nH©$ g§emoYZ c) Advertising Research Om{hamV g§emoYZ b) Radio Research Z^modmUr g§emoYZ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-BU 20 -2- *SLRBU20* iii) Doordarshans research unit is known as __________ XyaXe©ZÀ`m g§emoYZ {d^mJmbm ____________åhQ>bo OmVo. a) DART S>mQ>© b) Audience Research Unit Am°{S>`Ýg [agM© `w{ZQ> c) AMAP A_°n d) None of these `mn¡H$r EH$hr Zmhr iv) If you want to study space given by a newspaper for educational news then ____________ is useful. d¥ÎmnÌmZo e¡j[UH$ d¥Îmmbm {H$Vr OmJm {Xbm `mMm Aä`mg Vw_hmbm H$am`Mm Agë`mg ____________ Cn`moJr nS>Vo. a) Survey gd}jU b) Content Analysis Ame` {díbofU c) Case study ì`îQ>r AÜ``Z d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr v) When sample is selected in categories then this process is called ___________ Ooìhm Z_wZm {ZdS> H$aVmZm dJuH$aU Ho$bo OmVo Voìhm `m à{H«$`og ____________ åhUVmV. a) Cluster Sampling EH$H$nw§O Z_wZm {ZdS> b) Snowball sampling ~\©$Jmoim Z_wZm {ZdS>m c) Quota sampling H$moQ>m Z_wZm {ZdS> d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© *SLRBU20* SLR-BU 20 -3- vi) Interview is _____________ method. _wbmIV hr ____________ nÕV Amho a) Quantitative b) Qualitative c) Experimental d) All of these g§»`mË_H$ à`moJmË_H$ JwUmË_H$ `mn¡H$s gd© vii) Instrument used to measure TRP is ___________ Q>rAmanr _moOÊ`mgmR>r ____________ CnH$aU Cn`wV T>aVo. a) Tachito meter Q>°{MQ>mo _rQ>a b) Galvano Meter J°bdmZmo _{Q>a c) People Meter nrnb _rQ>a d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© viii) A trial run of study conducted on small basis to determine whether the methodology is effective is _______________ {ZdS>bobr g§emoYZ nÕVr à^mdembr Agë`mMo {ZpíMV H$aÊ`mg N>moQ>çm ñVamda Ho$ë`m OmUmè`m åhUVmV. a) Recall study {aH$m°b ñQ>S>r b) Panel study n°Zb ñQ>S>r c) Pilot study nm`bQ> ñQ>S>r d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© SLR-BU 20 *SLRBU20* -4- ix) When we use books, journals for data collection then it is called ____________ Ooìhm AmnU VÏ` g§H$ënZmgmR>r nwñVHo$, {Z`VH$m{bH$m§Mm dmna H$aVmo Voìhm Ë`mg ____________ åhUVmV. a) Primary data àmW{_H$ VÏ`o b) Secondary data Xwæ`_ VÏ`o c) Confidential data JmonZr` VÏ`o d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© x) When effect of media is immediate and on a major scale then it is known as ____________ Ooìhm _mÜ`_mMm VmËH$mb d _moR>`m à_mUmV à^md nS>Vmo Ë`mg a) Bullet theory ~§XwH$sÀ`m JmoirMm {gÕm§V c) Agenda setting theory H$m`©gyMr {gÕm§V ____________ åhUVmV. b)Cultivation theory _emJV {gÕm§V d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xi) When a questionnaire is prepared giving space to answer every question is ___________ àíZmdbr V`ma H$aVmZm Ooìhm àË`oH$ àíZmÀ`m CÎmmamgmR>r _moH$dr OmJm R>odbr OmVo Ë`mg ____________ åhUVmV. a) Closed questionnaire ~§{XñV àíZmdbr b) Open questionnaire Iwbr àíZmdbr c) Independent questionnaire ñdV§Ì àíZmdbr d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© SLR-BU 20 *SLRBU20* -5- xii) A tentative prediction about the outcome of research problem is ___________ g§emoYZ g_ñ`oÀ`m CÎmam~m~V Ho$bobm VmÝnwaVm A§XmO åhUOo ____________ a) Pretest nyd©MmMUa b) Variable Mb c) Hypothesis J¥{hVH¥$Ë` d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© xiii) The agency involved in newspaper circulation research is ___________ d¥ÎmnÌ {dVaU g§emoYZ H$aUmar g§ñWm a) ASCI E. Eg. gr. Am`. c) ABC E. ~r. gr ____________ Amho. b) DAVP S>r. E. hr. nr. d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xiv) ____________ method is useful to the researcher when he is trying to find all details about research topic. g§emoYZ {df`m~Ôb g§emoYH$mbm g§nyU© Vnerbmgh _m{hVr hnr AgVo Voìhm ____________ nÕV Cn`wV R>>aVo. a) Case-study ì`îQ>r AÜ``Z b) Sampling Z_wZm {ZdS> c) Panel study n°Zb AÜ``Z d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© SLR-BU 20 -6- 2. Give answer in 50 words (any four) : *SLRBU20* 12 nÝZmg eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : a) What is data ? VÏ` åhUOo H$m` ? b) What is your understanding about snowball sampling ? ~\©$Jmoim Z_wZm {ZdS> nÕVr~m~V Vw_Mo AmH$bZ H$m` Amho c) Why objectives are essential for a research ? H$moUË`mhr g§emoYZmgmR>r C{ÔîQ>{ZpíMVr H$m Amdí`H$ AgVo ? d) What is pretest ? nyd© MmMUr åhUOo H$m` e) What are the uses of observation method ? {ZarjU nÕVrMo \$m`Xo H$moUVo. 3. Write notes in 150 words (any four) : XrS>eo eãXmV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : a) IRS Am`. Ama. Eg. b) Review of Literature g§X^© gm[hË`mMm AmT>mdm c) Survey gd}jU d) Content analysis Ame` {díbofU e) Audience Research unit. Am°{S>`Ýg [agM© `w{ZQ>. 16 SLR-BU 20 -7- 4. Answer questions in 250 words (any two) : AS>rMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : a) Describe the methods used for advertising research. Om{hamV g§emoYZmgmR>r H$moUË`m nÕVtMm Adb§~ Ho$bm OmVmo Vo ñnîQ> H$am. b) Explain various methods used for data analysis. VÏ` {díbofUmgmR>r Cn`moJmV AmUmë`m OmUmè`m nÕVr gm§Jm. c) What are the types of interviews used for research ? g§emoYZmgmR>r _wbmIVtMo H$moUVo àH$ma Cn`moJmV AmUbo OmVmV ? 5. Trace various media effect theories giving suitable examples. gw`mo½` CXmhaUm§gh {d{dY _mÜ`_ à^md {gÕm§VmMm emoY ¿`m. OR/qH$dm What is research design ? Describe types of research design. g§emoYZ AmamICm åhUOo H$m` ? g§emoYZ AmamIS>MmMo {d{dY àH$ma gm§Jm. _____________________ *SLRBU20* 14 SLR-BU – 21 *SLRBU21* Seat No. M.A. Mass Communication (Semester – III) Examination, 2014 Paper – III : DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATION (New) Day and Date : Friday, 14-11-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 Instruction : All questions are compulsory. 1. Choose correct alternative : 14 `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 1) UNDP is related to ____________ `y. EZ². S> _________ er g§~§{YV Amho. a) Justice b) Culture Ý`m`XmZ g§ñH¥$Vr c) HDI EM. S>r. Am`. d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 2) Author of book “The Passing of Traditional Society” is __________ ""X nmqgJ Am°\$ Q´>° {S>eZb gmogm`Q>r'' `m J«§WmMo boIH$ _________ AmhoV. a) Daniel Lerner b) Wilbur Sharmm S>°{Z`b bZ©a {db~a l°_ c) Walter Rostow d) None of these dm°ëQ>a amoñQ>mo `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 3) Quoto Protocol is related to ______________ `moQ>mo àmoQ>moH$m°b _________ er g§~§{YV Amho. a) Modernization b) Globalization AmYw{ZH$sH$aU OmJ{VH$sH$aU c) Climate change d) None of these dmVmdaUmVrb ~Xb `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 4) According to UNDP’s Human Development Report 2014 India’s rank in world is ________ a) 134 EH$eo Mm¡{Vg b) 135 EH$eo nñVrg c) 136 EH$eo N>ËVrg d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-BU – 21 *SLRBU21* -2- 5) An experiment to spread development messages through newspaper in Chatera Village was conducted by _________ MmQ>oam JmdmV d¥ËVnÌmÀ`m _mÜ`_mVyZ {dH$mg g§Xoe XoÊ`mMm à`moJ _________ `m§Zr am~{dbm. a) M. V. Kamat b) B. G. Varghese E_. ìhr. H$m_V c) M. R. Dua E_. Ama. Xwdm ~r. Or.dJug d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 6) Concept of ‘Development Communication’ is coined by __________ "{dH$mg g§dmX' hr g§H$ënZm _________ `m§Zr éO{dbr. a) Nora Qubral b) Marshal McLuhan Zmoam `w~«mb c) Sean McBride grZ _°H$~«mB©S> _me©b _°H$bwhmZ² d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 7) When was the LPG concept incorporated in Indian Society since ________ ImCOm g§H$ënZm ^maVmV _________ nmgyZ A_bmV AmUÊ`mV Ambr. a) Year 2000 b) Year 1991 2000 gmbmnmgyZ 1991 gmbmnmgyZ c) Year 2002 d) None of these 2002 gmbmnmgyZ `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 8) Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugrated _________ on 2nd October 2014. n§VàYmZ Za|Ð _moXr `m§Zr 2 Am°Q>mo~a 2014 amoOr _________ Am{^`mZmMo CXKmQ>Z Ho$bo. a) MNAREGA Abhiyan b) Ganaga Abhiyan _ZaoJm A{^`mZ c) Swachaa Bharat Abhiyan ñdÀN> ^maV A{^`mZ J§Jm A{^`mZ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 9) Deadline decided to achieve new Millennium Development Goals is _______ ZdrZ ghòH$ {dH$mg C{ÔîQ>ço gmÜ` H$aÊ`mgmR>r _________ hr A§{V_ _wXV {ZpíMV H$aÊ`mV Ambr Amho. a) December 2014 {S>g|~a 2014 c) December 2016 {S>g|~a 2016 b) December 2015 {S>g|~a 2015 d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 10) New Minister for Environment (Independent Charge) of India is ___________ ^maVmMo ZdrZ n`m©daU _§Ìr (ñdV§Ì H$m`©^ma) _________ AmhoV. a) Nithin Gadkari b) Jayaram Ramesh {ZVrZ JS>H$ar c) Prakash Javdekar àH$me OmdS>oH$a O`am_ a_oe d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr *SLRBU21* SLR-BU – 21 -3- 11) Community TV sets installed in Indian villages during SITE project received programs through satellite ___________ gmB©Q> àH$ënmÀ`m H$mimV ^maVr` IoS>ç§m_Ü`o ~g{dÊ`mV Amboë`m gm_wXm{`H$ Q>rìhrgmR>r _________ CnJ«hmìXmao H$m`©H«$_ CnbãY hmoV hmoVo. a) ATS-6 EQ>rEg-6 b) Aryabhatt Am`©^Å> c) PSLV-2 nrEgEbìhr-2 d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 12) Concept of Participatory Development is pioneered by ___________ gh^mJr {dH$mgmMr g§H$ënZm _________ Zo gwé Ho$br. a) Indian School b) Latin American School ^maVr` {dMmaYmam c) Neo Marxist School Zd _mg©dmXr {dMmaYmam b°{Q>Z A_o[aH$Z {dMmaYmam d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 13) Madhav Gadgil is related to ___________ committee. _mYd JmS>Jri _________ g{_Vremr {ZJS>rV AmhoV. a) Water Management b) Economic Development Ob ì`mdñWmnZ c) Western Ghat Development npíM_ KmQ> {dH$mg Am{W©H$ {dH$mg d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 14) ___________ started ‘Vanarai’ project in India. _________ `m§Zr ^maVmV "dZamB© 'àH$ënmMr gwédmV Ho$br. a) Medha Patkar b) Mohan Dharia _oYm nmQ>H$a c) Sunderlal Bahuguna g§wXabmb ~hþJwUm 2. Write notes (any four) : Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : a) Modernization Theory. AmYw{ZH$sH$aUMm {gÕm§V b) Economic Barriers in Development Am{W©H$ {dH$mgmVrb AS>ga c) Rural Development J«m_rU {dH$mg d) Environment and Climate Change n`m©daU Am{U hdm_mZmVrb ~Xb e) Evert Rogers BdQ>© am°Og©. _mohZ Ym[a`m b) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 12 SLR-BU – 21 -4- *SLRBU21* 3. Write answers (any four) : 16 CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : a) What is your understanding about Panchayati Raj ? n§Mm`Vr amO `mg§X^m©V Vw_Mo AmH$bZ H$m` Amho ? b) Do you think radio media can contribute for development ? Illustrate. Z^modmUr _mÜ`_ {dH$mgmÀ`m à{H«$`oV `moJXmZ XoD$ eH$Vo Ago Vwåhmbm dmQ>Vo H$m ? CXmhaUo Úm. c) What are the reasons behind slower development of agriculture sector ? H¥$fr joÌmMm {dH$mg _§XJVrZo hmoÊ`m_mJMr H$maUo H$moUVr ? d) What are the characteristics of development societies ? {dH$gZerb g_mOmMr JwUd¡{eîQ>ço H$moUVr ? e) Explain the concept of ‘Human Development’. "_mZd {dH$mg' hr g§H$ënZm {dfX H$am. 4. Give answers in detail (any two) : 14 Vnerbmgh CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : a) What is ‘Sustainable Development’ ? emídV {dH$mg åhUOo H$m` ? b) Describe the details of extension approach system for agriculture sector. H¥$fr {dH$mgmV {dñVma H$m`©H«$_ nÕVrMr Cn`wVVm {dfX H$am. c) What is the present situation in India concerning achievement of ‘Millennium Development Goals’ ? ghñÌH$ {dH$mg C{ÔîQ>m§À`m nyV©Vo~m~V ^maVmV gÚpñWVr H$m` Amho ? 5. Give answers in 500 words (any one) : a) Discuss SITE television experiment for broadcasting of development messages. What was the outcome of that experiment ? {dH$mg g§Xoe àgmaUmgmR>rÀ`m gmB©Q> {MÌdmUr à`moJmMr MMm© H$am. `m à`moJm_wio H$m` gmÜ` Pmbo ? b) What are the Indian theories of development ? What is their relevance in present situation ? {dH$mgmMo ^maVr` {gÕm§V H$moUVo ? gÚpñWVrV Ë`m {gÕm§Vm§Mr Cn`wVVm H$m` Amho ? _____________________ 14 SLR-BU 22 *SLRBU22* S N e o a t . M.A. Mass Communication (Semester III) Examination, 2014 Paper II : FILM STUDIES (New) ({MÌnQ> AÜ``Z) Day and Date : Monday, 17-11-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 N. B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. Select the correct alternative : 14 `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am. 1) The NFAI was set up in ___________ a) 1989 b) 1964 c) 1957 amîQ´>r` {MÌnQ> g§J«hmb`mMr ñWmnZm a) 1989 b) 1964 2) Farah Khan is a ___________ a) Art director c) Coreographer \$amh ImZ `m a) H$bm {X½Xe©H$ c) Z¥Ë` {X½Xe©H$ c) d) 1960 _Ü`o Pmbr. 1957 d) 1960 b) Music director d) None of these AmhoV. b) d) g§JrV {X½Xe©H$ `mn¡H$s Zmhr 3) Raja Harishchandra filmed by ___________ a) Dadasaheb Phalke b) V. Shantaram c) Dadasaheb Torane d) None of these a) c) `m§Zr "amOm h[aíM§Ð' {MÌnQ> V`ma Ho$bm. XmXmgmho~ \$miHo$ b) ìhr. em§Vmam_ XmXmgmho~ VmoaUo d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-BU 22 *SLRBU22* -2- 4) Who bagged Dadasaheb Phalke Award ? a) K. Balachander b) Saumitra Chatarjee c) Yusuf Khan d) All of these XmXmgmho~ \$miHo$ nwañH$ma H$moUmbm {_imbm Amho ? a) Ho$. ~mbM§Xa b) gm¡{_Ì MQ>Ou c) `wgw\$ ImZ d) darb gd© 5) The first costliest film made in India is ___________ a) Sholay b) Shan c) Raaz ^maVmVrb n{hbm gdm©V OmñV I{M©H$ {MÌnQ> a) emobo b) emZ c) amO d) None of these Amho. d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 6) ___________ is the first Hindi talking film. a) Aadami a) AmX_r b) Alam Ara c) Padosi hm n{hbm qhXr ~mobnQ> Amho. b) Amb_ Amam c) nS>mogr d) None of these d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 7) Cinema is an important tool of ___________ a) Mass Communication b) Communication c) Journalism d) None of these {MÌnQ> ho a) OZ gkmnZ b) Mo _hÎdmMo gmYZ Amho. gkmnZ c) nÌH$m[aVm d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 8) The first film show in Paris held on ___________ a) 28th December 1895 b) 28th November 1895 c) 25th December 1895 d) None of these n°[ag_Ü`o {MÌnQ>mMm n{hbm "emo' a) 28 {S>g|~a 1895 c) 25 {S>g|~a 1895 b) d) amoOr Pmbm. 28 Zmoìh|~a 1895 `mn¡H$s Zmhr 9) The movie ___________ did not have a single song. a) Valu a) diy b) Naujawan c) Bahurupi hm EH$hr JmUo Zgbobm {MÌnQ> Amho. b) Zm¡OdmZ c) ~hþê$nr d) All of these d) darb gd© *SLRBU22* SLR-BU 22 -3- 10) The Indian Motion Picture Producers Association was set up in ___________ a) 1937 b) 1936 c) 1935 d) 1938 BånmMr ñWmnZm a) 1937 b) 1936 _Ü`o Pmbr. c) 1935 d) 1938 11) The film and TV Institute of India is situated in ___________ a) Mumbai b) Delhi ^maVr` {MÌnQ> Am{U Xya{MÌdmUr g§ñWm a) _w§~B© b) {Xëbr c) Pune c) nwUo d) None of these `oWo Amho. d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 12) Who acted in movie Videshi Vastroki Holi ? a) Mahatma Phule c) Sane Guruji b) Lokmanya Tilak d) Mahatma Gandhi "{dXoer dñÌmoH$s hmobr' `m {MÌnQ>mMr H$moUmMr ^y{_H$m Amho ? a) _hmË_m \w$bo b) bmoH$_mÝ` {Q>iH$ c) gmZo Jwê$Or d) _hmË_m Jm§Yr 13) The first documentary produced in India ? a) 1901 b) 1895 c) 1896 ^maVmV n{hbm _m{hVrnQ> a) 1901 b) 1895 d) 1905 _Ü`o {Z_m©U Pmbm. c) 1896 d) 1905 14) ___________ is the director of Jogawa. a) Ravi Jadhav c) Rajeev Patil a) b) Sanjeev Patil d) None of these ho OmoJdmMo {X½Xe©H$ AmhoV. adr OmYd b) g§Ord nmQ>rb c) amOrd nmQ>rb 2. Write short notes (any four) : Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : 1) Film language {MÌnQ>mMr ^mfm 2) Film Journalism {MÌnQ> nÌH$m[aVm 3) Prabhat Film Company à^mV {\$ë_ H§$nZr d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 12 SLR-BU 22 -4- *SLRBU22* 4) Parallel Films g_m§Va {MÌnQ> 5) Hollywood hm°brdyS>. 3. Write the answers in 150 words. (any four) : nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 150 eãXmV {bhm : (H$moUVohr Mma) : 16 1) Describe the contribution of Dadasaheb Phalke in Indian cinema. ^maVr` {MÌnQ>mVrb XmXmgmho~ \$miHo$ `m§À`m `moJXmZmMr g{dñVa _m{hVr Úm. 2) Take the review of International Film Festival in India. ^maVmVrb Am§VaamîQ´>r` {MÌnQ> _hmoËgdmMm AmT>mdm Úm. 3) State the features of documentary. _m{hVrnQ>mMr d¡{eîQ>ço gm§Jm. 4) What is the role of NFDC in film industry. {MÌnQ> CÚmoJmVrb amîQ´>r` {MÌnQ> {dH$mg _hm_§S>imMr ^y{_H$m {deX H$am. 5) Discuss about various approaches of Film study. {MÌnQ> Aä`mgmÀ`m {d{dY ÑîQ>rH$moZm§Mr MMm© H$am. 4. Write the answers in 250 words (any two) : 14 nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 250 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) Discuss about the relation between story, screen play and film. H$Wm, nQ>H$Wm Am{U {MÌnQ> `m§À`mVrb nañna g§~§YmMr MMm© H$am. 2) Write review of Hindi film Lagan. "bJmZ' `m qhXr {MÌnQ>mMo narjU {bhm. 3) Explain the role of documentary in the national development programmes. amîQ´>r` {dH$mg H$m`©H«$_m§_Yrb _m{hVrnQ>mMr ^y{_H$m {deX H$am. 5. Write the answer in 500 words : nwT>rb àíZmMo CÎma 500 eãXmV {bhm : Write an essay on Film Appreaciation. "{MÌnQ> agmñdmX' `mda {Z~§Y {bhm. OR/qH$dm Explain the role of director in film production. {MÌnQ> {Z{_©Vr _Yrb {X½Xe©H$mMr ^y{_H$m {deX H$am. _____________________ 14 SLR-BU – 23 *SLRBU23* Seat No. M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – III) Examination, 2014 PRINT MEDIA (Paper – IV)(New) Day and Date : Wednesday, 19-11-2014 Total Marks : 70 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. N.B. : All questions are compulsory. 1. Choose correct alternatives : 14 `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : 1) ________________ is a software used for page making of newspaper. d¥ÎmnÌm§_Ü`o ________________ gm°âQ>doAa n¥îR>m§Mr aMZm H$aÊ`mgmR>r Cn`moJmV AmUbo OmVo. a) Excel b) In Design Egob BZ {S>PmB©Z c) FCP E\$grnr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 2) Color printing demands color ______________ a§JrV N>nmB©gmR>r a§Jm§Mo __________________ Mr Amdí`H$Vm AgVo. a) Combination b) Integration EH$ÌrH$aU EH$mË_rH$aU c) Separation d) None of these {d^VrH$aU `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-BU – 23 *SLRBU23* -2- 3) Chairperson of Press Council of India is ______________ àog H$m¡pÝgbMo AÜ`j __________________ AmhoV. a) G. N. Ray Or. EZ. ao b) Markandeya Katzu _mHª$S>o` H$mQ>Oy c) P. B. Samant nr. ~r. gm_§V d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 4) Newspapers mostly prefer _____________ make-up. d¥ÎmnÌo àm_w»`mZo __________________ àH$maMr _m§S>Ur H$aVmV. a) Circus gH©$g c) Unity EH$Vm b) Rhythm b` d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 5) FDI allowed in newspapers is ____________ d¥ÎmnÌmV __________________ WoQ> naH$s` Jw§VdUyH$ H$aÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. a) 49 percent 49 Q>Ho$ b) 26 percent 26 Q>Ho$ c) 75 percent 75 Q>Ho$ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr *SLRBU23* SLR-BU – 23 -3- 6) Political leaders manage newspapers during election period giving ____________ {ZdS>UwH$sÀ`m H$mimV amOH$s` ZoVo dmna H$ê$Z KoVmV. a) Press Releases à{gÕr nÌHo$ __________________ À`m _mÜ`_mVyZ d¥ÎmnÌm§Mm b) Press Briefs g§{jßV dmVm©bmn c) Paid News d) All of these noS> Ý`yO `mn¡H$s gd© 7) The space between two facing pages is called as ____________ d¥ÎmnÌmÀ`m g_moamg_moarb nmZmV Or _moH$ir OmJm AgVo Ë`mg __________________ åhUVmV. a) Gutter JQ>a c) Display {S>ñßbo b) Bleed ãbrS> d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 8) A process used for photo editing is _____________ __________________ hr àH«$s`m N>m`m{MÌ g§nmXZmgmR>r Cn`moJmV AmUbr OmVo. a) Leading b) Engraving {bqS>J EZJ«oqdJ c) Cropping H«$m°qnJ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 9) The normal daily newspaper size is known as _______________ {Z`{_V X¡{ZH$ d¥ÎmnÌmÀ`m AmH$mambm> __________________ åhQ>bo OmVo. a) Tabloid Q>°ãbm°B©S> c) Broadsheet ~«m°S>erQ> b) Berliner ~{b©Za d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr SLR-BU – 23 *SLRBU23* -4- 10) A freelance photo journalist is also called as ______________ _wVN>§X N>m`m{MÌH$mambm __________________ Agohr åhUVmV. a) Paparazzi b) Muckrackers nmnmamÂPr c) Watchdog _H$aoH$g© d) None of these dm°MS>m°J `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 11) Planning matter for editorial page is responsibility of ___________ d¥ÎmnÌmÀ`m g§nmXH$s` nmZmMo {Z`moOZ H$aUo hr AgVo. a) Editor __________________ b) Assistant Editor g§nmXH$ gh g§nmXH$ c) Sub-Editor d) None of these Cn g§nmXH$ Mr O~m~Xmar `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 12) _____________ software is used for composing in Marathi newspapers. _amR>r d¥ÎmnÌmV AjaOwiUrgmR>r ________________ gm°âQ>doAa Cn`moJmV AmUbo OmVo. a) Phonetic \$moZo{Q>H$ b) Devanagari XodZmJar c) Shri Lipi lr {bnr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr *SLRBU23* -5- SLR-BU – 23 13) According to ___________ Indian print media will become history within three to five years. __________________ `m§À`m _Vo `oË`m VrZ Vo nmM dfm©V ^maVmVrb _w{ÐV _mÜ`_o B{VhmgO_m hmoVrb. a) Stanley Rice ñQ>°Zbo amB©g b) Gerd Leonhard J«oS> {bAmoZhmS>© c) Noam Chomsky Zmo_ Mm°_ñH$s d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 14) Unique Feature is an example of _________________ `w{ZH$ \$sMa ho __________________ Mo CXmhaU Amho. a) Feature Agency {\$Ma g§ñWm b) Advertising Agency Om{hamV g§ñWm c) News Agency d¥Îm g§ñWm d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr SLR-BU – 23 -6- 2. Write notes (any four) : *SLRBU23* 12 Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : a) DTP S>rQ>rnr b) Middle ñ\w$Q> boIZ c) Op-Ed Page AJ«boImÀ`m nmZmg_moaMo nmZ d) Printing of Newspaper d¥ÎmnÌ _wÐU e) Price War qH$_V `wÕ. 3. Write answers (any four) : CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : a) What is paid news ? noS> Ý`yO åhUOo H$m` ? b) What are the duties of chief reporter ? _w»` dmVm©hamMr H$m_o H$moUVr ? c) What is your understanding about human interest story ? _mZdr ñdmañ`mÀ`m ~mV_r~m~V Vw_Mo AmH$bZ H$m` Amho ? d) Describe the impact of social media on news. gmoeb {_{S>`mMm ~mV_rda hmoUmam n[aUm_ ñnîQ> H$am. e) Why newspaper owners are opposing to FDI ? d¥ÎmnÌmMo _mbH$ WoQ> naH$s` Jw§VdUwH$sbm {damoY H$m H$aVmV ? 16 *SLRBU23* -7- SLR-BU – 23 4. Give answers in detail (any two) : 14 Vnerbmgh CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : a) What are the responsibilities of Managing Editor ? ì`dñWmnH$s` g§nmXH$mÀ`m O~m~Xmar H$moUË`m AgVmV ? b) What are the essential qualities of a column writer ? gXa boIH$mÀ`m A§Jr H$moUVo Amdí`H$ JwU AgmdoV ? c) What is the use of new technology for reporting ? ZdV§ÌkmZmMr dmVmªH$ZmgmR>r Cn`wVVm H$m` Amho ? 5. Give answers in 500 words (any one) : nmMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : a) What is the importance of editorial ? Trace various types of editorial. AJ«boImMo _hÎd H$m` ? AJ«boImÀ`m {d{dY àH$mam§Mm emoY ¿`m. b) Discuss various types of feature. Give suitable examples. d¥ÎmboImÀ`m {d{dY àH$mam§Mr MMm© H$am. `mo½` CXmhaUo Úm _____________________ 14 SLR-BU – 24 *SLRBU24* Seat No. M.A. Mass Communication (Semester – III) Examination, 2014 RADIO JOURNALISM AND PRODUCTION (Paper – V) (New) Z^modmUr nÌH$m[aVm d {Z{_©Vr Day and Date : Friday, 21-11-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. N.B. : Total Marks : 70 i) All questions are compulsory. gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZmMo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. Select the correct alternatives. 14 `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am. 1) All India Radio came into existence in _______________ ________________Ü`o Am°b B§{S>`m ao{S>`mo ApñVËdmV Ambo. a) 1936 b) 1937 c) 1940 d) 1950 1936 1937 1940 1950 2) _____________ was considered the father of radio. ______________`m§Zm ao{S>`mo OZH$ åhUyZ g§doYÊ`mV Ambo hmoVo. a) Lee Day br S>o b) Lee De Forest c) Lee Di Forest br S>o \$moaoñQ> br S>r \$moaoñQ> 3) ___________ is the Private Commercial Radio Centre. ____________ ho ImOJr ì`mdgm{`H$ ao{S>`mo H|$Ð Amho. a) Radio Mirchi b) Radio City c) Red F.M. ao{S>`mo {_a>Mr ao{S>`mo {gQ>r d) Lee Krus aoS> E\²$. E_². {b Hy«$g d) All of these darb gd© 4) C.R.F. Stands for __________ gr.Ama.E\²$. Mo nyU© ê$n _______________ a) Community Radio F.M. b) Community Radio Forum H$å`y{ZQ>r ao{S>`mo E\²$.E_². c) Communication Radio Forum H$å`y{ZHo$eZ ao{S>`mo \$moa_ H$å`y{ZQ>r ao{S>`mo \$moa_ d) None of these `mn¡H$s Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-BU – 24 *SLRBU24* -2- 5) In ______________the Madras Precidency Radio Club started. _____________ amoOr _S´>mg_Ü`o ào{gS>Ýgr ao{S>`mo b~Mr gwédmV Pmbr. a) 23 July 1924 23 Owb¡ 1924 b) 31 July 1924 c) 30 July 1924 31 Owb¡ 1924 d) 5 July 1924 30 Owb¡ 1924 5 Owb¡ 1924 6) In _____________ Radio Bridge Programme Broadcast through Satellite. ________________Ü`o ao{S>`mo {~«O H$m`©H«$_ g¡Q>obmB©Q>Ûmao> àjo{nV Ho$bo. a) 1987 b) 1988 c) 1989 d) 1990 1987 1988 1989 1990 7) _____________ Act was passed in 1990 year. _____________H$m`Xm 1990 gmbr g§_V H$aÊ`mV Ambm. a) Prasar Bharati b) Prasar India àgma ^maVr àgma B§{S>`m c) Prasar Radio d) None of these àgma ao{S>`mo `mn¡H$s Zmhr 8) Radio City started in ___________year. _____________ gmbr ao{S>`mo {gQ>rMr gwédmV Pmbr. a) 2005 b) 2003 c) 2004 2005 2003 9) FM stands for _____________ E\²$.E_². Mo nyU© ê$n _____________ a) Fast Movement OëX hbMmb (\$mñQ> _yd_|Q>) c) Frequency Modulation \«$sdÝgr _m°Sy>boeZ d) 2002 2004 b) Friendly Message _¡ÌrnyU© g§Xoe (\«|$S>br _ogoO) d) None of these `mn¡H$s Zmhr 10) In 1927 _____________ was established. 1927 _Ü`o _____________Mr ñWmnZm Pmbr. a) Indian Broadcasting Company b) Vividh Bharati B§{S>`Z ~«mS>H$mpñQ>¨J H§$nZr c) Akashwani AmH$medmUr 2002 {d{dY ^maVr d) Radio Rural Forum ao{S>`mo ê$ab \$moa_ *SLRBU24* SLR-BU – 24 -3- 11) Community radio started in ______________ _____________ gmbr H$å`y{ZQ>r ao{S>`moMr gwédmV Pmbr. a) 2004 b) 2005 c) 2006 d) 2007 2004 2005 2006 2007 12) Indian State Broadcasting Service (ISBS) started in __________ _____________gmbr B§{S>`Z ñQ>oQ> ~«m°S>H$m{ñQ>§J gìhugmMr gwédmV Pmbr. a) 1930 b) 1931 c) 1932 d) 1933 1930 1931 1932 1933 13) DTH Service started in ___________ _____________gmbr S>rQ>rEM godm gwê$ Pmbr. a) 2007 b) 2006 c) 2005 d) 2004 2007 2006 2005 2004 14) Radio Newsreel started in ______________ ao{S>`mo Ý`ygarbMr gwédmV _____________ gmbr Pmbr. a) 1955 b) 1956 c) 1958 d) 1957 1955 1956 1958 1957 2. Write short notes (any four) : WmoS>`mV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : 1) Educational Radio e¡j{UH$ ao{S>`mo 2) Community Radio H$å`y{ZQ>r ao{S>`mo 3) F.M. E\² . E_². 4) Radio Broadcasting ao{S>`mo àgmaU 5) Radio Journalism ao{S>`mo nÌH$m[aVm 12 SLR-BU – 24 -4- 3. Write the answer in short (any four) : *SLRBU24* 16 WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : 1) Explain the types of Radio Stations. ao{S>`mo ñQ>oeZMo àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am. 2) Explain the Radio as Medium of Communication. ao{S>`mo g§dmXmMo _mÜ`_ Amho ñnîQ> H$am. 3) Discuss the importance of Radio Studio. ao{S>`mo ñQw>{S>AmoMo _hÎd MMm© H$am. 4) Comment on the voice dispatch. ìhmB©g {S>gn°M `mda ^mî` H$am. 5) Explain the characteristics of Radio. ao{S>`moMo JwUd¡{eîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am. 4. Write the answer in 250 words (any two) : 14 AS>rMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) Comment on Radio Voice Training. ao{S>`mo dmUr à{ejUmda ^mî` H$am. 2) Explain the main function of radio. ao{S>`moMr _w»` H$m`} ñnîQ> H$am. 3) Discuss on the Radio Interview. ao{S>`mo _wbmIVrda MMm© H$am. 5. Write answer in 500 words (any one) : nmMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$): 1) Explain the new trends in FM Radio. E\²$. E_². ao{S>`moMo Zdo àdmh ñnîQ> H$am. OR / qH$dm State the importance of a script in a radio programme. ao{S>`mo H$m`©H«$_mgmR>rÀ`m g§{hVoMo _hÎd {dfX H$am. _____________________ 14 SLR-BU 25 *SLRBU25* S N e o a t . M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester III) Examination, 2014 COMMUNICATION RESEARCH (Paper I) (New) Day and Date : Monday, 24-11-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 N.B. : All questions are compulsory. gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. Choose correct alternative : 14 `mo½` n`m©`m {ZdS>m : 1) Interview is a ______________ research tool. _wbmIV ho àH$maMo g§emoYZ gmYZ Amho. a) Qualitative JwUmË_H$ b) Quantitative g§»`mË_H$ c) Both qualitative and quantitative JwUmË_H$ d g§»`mË_H$ XmoÝhr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 2) The researcher usually interested in supporting ____________ hypothesis. g§emoYH$ àm_w»`mZo a) Alternative n`m©`r c) Both Null and Alternative n`m©`r d eyÝ` `m XmoÝhrhr J¥{hVH$mbm {gÕ H$aÊ`mgmR>r à`ËZ H$arV AgVmo. b) Null eyÝ` d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-BU 25 *SLRBU25* -2- 3) Age is ____________ type of variable. d` ho àH$maMo Mb h¡. a) Dependent nam`Îm Mb b) Independent ñdm`Îm Mb c) Co-relational ghmZwdVu d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 4) __________ is a set of elements taken from a larger population according to certain rules. åhUOo R>am{dH$ {Z`_m§À`m AmYmao _moR>çm bmoH$g§»`oVyZ {ZdS>bobm àm{V{Z{YH$ KQ>H$g§M AgVmo. a) Variable b) Sample MbH$ Z_wZm c) Unit d) None of these EH$H$ `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 5) SPSS is used for _______________ Eg. nr. Eg. Eg.Mm dmna a) Data Analysis VÏ` {díbofU c) Content analysis Ame` {díbofU gmR>r Ho$bm OmVmo. b) Post test CÎma MmMUr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr *SLRBU25* -3- SLR-BU 25 6) A group that receive the experimental treatment condition is ____________ Á`m JQ>mVrb gXñ`m§da H$mhr à`moJ H$aÊ`mV `oVo Ë`mg a) Control Group {Z`§{ÌV JQ> b) Independent Group ñdV§Ì JQ> c) Experimental Group à`moJmË_H$ JQ> d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 7) According to ______________ media sets the priorities. Zwgma _mÜ`_o àmYmÝ`H«$_ R>adyZ XoVmV. a) Hypodermic Needle Theory Q>moH$Xma gwB©Mm {gÕm§V b) Cultivation Theory _emJVrMm {gÕm§V c) Agenda Setting Theory H$m`©gyMr {ZpíMVrMm {gÕm§V d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© 8) _________________ is a function of theory. ho {gÕm§VmMo H$m`© Amho. a) Making predictions A§XmO dV©{dUo b) Summarizing current knowledge àM{bV kmZmMm Vnerb XoUo c) Explaining phenomenon KS>Umè`m ~m~tMo ñnîQ> H$aUo d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© åhUVmV. SLR-BU 25 *SLRBU25* -4- 9) Multi-stage sampling is a type of _______________ ~hþnXr Z_wZm {ZdS> hm Mm àH$ma Amho. a) Probability sampling g§^mì`Vm Z_wZm {ZdS> b) Non-probability sampling Ag§^mì`Vm Z_wZm {ZdS> c) Random sampling `mÑpÀN>H$ Z_wZm {ZdS> d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 10) When main aim of research is to expand the knowledge then it is known as ___________ Ooìhm g§emoYZmMm _yi hoVy kmZmÀ`m joÌmV ^a KmbZo hm AgVmo Ë`mg a) Applied Research b) Pure Research Cn`mo{OV g§emoYZ _yb^yV g§emoYZ c) Experimental Research à`moJmË_H$ g§emoYZ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 11) Rating research is a part of ____________ research. aoqQ>J g§X^m©Vrb g§emoYZ hm a) Advertising Om{hamV c) Television {MÌdmUr Mm ^mJ AgVmo. b) Public Relations OZg§nH©$ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr åhUVmV. *SLRBU25* SLR-BU 25 -5- 12) When researcher uses the data, which has already been collected by others is _______________ Ooìhm g§emoYH$ BVam§Zr AmYrM O_{dboë`m VÏ`m§Mm Cn`moJ H$aVmo Ë`mg ___________ åhUVmV. a) Primary Data b) Secondary Data àmW{_H$ VÏ`o Xwæ`_ VÏ`o c) Historical Data d) None of these E{Vhm{gH$ VÏ`o `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 13) _______________ is study of cause and effect relationship aims to test the hypothesis through actual experiment. àË`j à`moJmÛmao J¥{hVH¥$Ë`m§Mr MmMUr H$aÊ`mgmR>r H$maUo d n[aUm_ `mVrb nañna g§~§YmMm hmo`. Aä`mg H$aUo åhUOo a) Case Study Research ì`îQ>r AÜ``Z g§emoYZ b) Survey Research gd}jU g§emoYZ c) Experimental Research à`moJmË_H$ g§emoYZ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 14) Observation is a tool of ______________ {ZarjU ho a) Data Collection VÏ` g§H$bZ c) Interview _wbmIV Mo gmYZ Amho. b) Quota sampling H$moQ>m Z_wZm {ZdS> d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr SLR-BU 25 -6- 2. Write notes (any four) : *SLRBU25* 12 Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : a) Use of research for reporting dmVmªH$ZmgmR>r g§emoYZmMm dmna b) Probability sampling g§^mì`Vm Z_wZm {ZdS> c) SPSS EgnrEgEg d) Selection of Research Topic g§emoYZ g_ñ`oMr {ZdS> e) Types of documents. XñVmdoOmMo àH$ma. 3. Write answers (any four) : CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : a) What are advantages of review of literature ? g§X{^©V gm{hË`mÀ`m AmT>mì`m_wio H$moUVo bm^ hmoVmV ? b) Differentiate between schedule and questionnaire. eoS>çyb d àíZmdbrVrb \$aH$ ñnîQ> H$am. c) What is spiral of silence ? _m¡ZmMo dVw©i åhUOo H$m` ? d) Discuss benefits of hypothesis. J¥{hVH¥$Ë`m§Mr Cn`wVVm H$m` ? e) What is participant observation ? gh^mJr {ZarjU åhUOo H$m` ? 16 *SLRBU25* -7- SLR-BU 25 4. Give answers in detail (any two) : 14 Vnerbmgh CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : a) What are the uses of data collection for research ? VÏ` g§H$bZmMo g§emoYZmgmR>r Cn`moJ H$moUVo ? b) What are the different types of sampling ? Z_wZm {ZdS>rMo {d{dY àH$ma H$moUVo ? c) Explain the concept of case study method. How it is useful for media research ? ì`îQ>r AÜ``ZmMr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. Vo g§emoYZmgmR>r H$go Cn`wV R>aVo. 5. Give answers in 500 words (any one) : nmMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : a) What are the types of advertising research ? Discuss giving examples. Om{hamV g§emoYZmMo {d{dY àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am. CXmhaUm§gh MMm© H$am. b) Describe the different types of research by giving suitable examples. g§emoYZmMo {d{dY àH$ma CXmhaUm§gh {deX H$am. _____________________ 14 SLR-BU 26 *SLRBU26* S N e o a t . M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester IV) Examination, 2014 Paper I : TELEVISION JOURNALISM AND PRODUCTION Xya{MÌdmUr nÌH$m[aVm Am{U {Z{_©Vr Day and Date : Saturday, 15-11-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 Please check whether you have got the right question paper N. B. : i) All questions are compulsory. gyMZm : gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ g§nU y © _mJ© Xe©{dVmV. 1. Choose the correct alternatives : 14 `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : i) In the context of video production what is EFP ? a) Electronic Film Production b) Electronic Field Production c) Editing Film Production d) None of these pìh{S>Amo {Z{_©VrÀ`m g§X^m©V B©E\$nr åhUOo H$m` ? A) BboQ´>m°{ZH$ {\$ë_ àmoS>eZ ~) BboQ´>m{ZH$ \$sëS> àmoS>eZ H$) E{S>qQ>J {\$ë_ àmoS>eZ S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-BU 26 *SLRBU26* -2- ii) Proper mixing of various audio sources on a mixer is called ___________ a) Audio Connector b) Audio Recorder c) Faders d) None of these {d{dY Am°{S>Amo gmog©gbm Am°{S>Amo {_ga _Ü`o `mo½` nÕVrZo {_g H$aÊ`mbm åhUVmV. A) Am°{S>Amo H$ZoQ>a ~) Am°{S>Amo aoH$m°S>©a H$) \o$S>g© S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 1 iii) A audio narration on a video news story is called as ___________ a) Voice Recording b) Acoustic Voice c) Voice Over d) Voice for Audio pìh{S>Amo Ý`yO ñQ>moarbm {Xbobo Am°{S>Amo Z°aoeZ åhUOo A) ìhm°B©g aoH$m°{S>ªJ ~) A°H$m°pñQ>H$ ìhm°B©g H$) ìhm°B©g Amoìha S>) ìhm°B©g \$m°a Am°{S>Amo å iv) A news reporter normally uses a ___________ microphone for piece to camera. a) Omni directional Dynamic mic b) Condensor mic c) Omni directional Fluid mic d) Hanging condensor mic nrQ´>gr gmR>r Ý`yO [anmoQ>©aÛmao A) Amo_Zr S>m`aoeZb-S>m`Zm{_H$ _mB©H$ ~) H§$S>oÝga _mB©H$ H$) Amo_Zr S>m`aoeZb âbw{`S> _mB©H$ S>) h±qJJ H§$S>oÝga _mB©H$ hm _m`H«$mo\$moZ dmnabm OmVmo. *SLRBU26* SLR-BU 26 -3- v) Tape to tape editing is called as ___________ a) Assemble Editing b) Insert Editing c) Non Linear Editing d) None of these Q>on Qy> Q>on E{S>qQ>Jbm Ago åhUVmV. A) Ag|~b E{S>qQ>J ~) BÝgQ>© E{S>qQ>J H$) Zm°Z {b{Z`a E{S>qQ>J S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr vi) ___________ is software which use for video editing. a) Avid Express b) Pinnacle c) FCP d) All of these pìh{S>Amo E{S>qQ>JgmR>r dmnaÊ`mV `oUmao gm°âQ>doAa A) EpìhS> Egàog ~) {nZ°H$b H$) E\$ S>) darb gd© vii) IP TV stands for ___________ a) Internet Protocol Television b) Internal Prime Television c) Indian Private Television d) None of these Am`nr {Q>ìhr åhUOo A) B§Q>aZoQ> àmoQ>H$m°b Q>o{bpìhOZ ~) B§Q>Z©b àmB©_ Q>o{bpìhOZ H$) B§{S>`Z àm`doQ> Q>o{bpìhOZ S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr å Amho. SLR-BU 26 -4- *SLRBU26* viii) A series of frames means ___________ a) Shot b) Scene c) Sequence d) None of these \«o$_Mr l¥§Ibm åhUOo A) em°Q> H$) {gdoÝg å ~) grZ S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr ix) CCU stands for ___________ a) Camera Control Device b) Close Circuit Unit c) Crystal Camera Unit d) None of these grgr`y åhUOo A) H°$_oam H§$Q´>mob {S>ìhmB©g H$) {H«$ñQ>b H°$_oam `w{ZQ> å ~) bmoO g{H©$Q> `w{ZQ> S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr x) A three legged device to support the camera is called as ___________ a) Stand b) Tripod c) Wild tract d) XLR device H°$_oè`mbm R>odÊ`mgmR>r dmnaÊ`mV `oUmè`m VrZ nm`r {S>ìhm°B©gbm A) ñQ>±S> ~) Q´>m`nm°S> H$) dmB©ëS> Q´>Q> S>) Eg Eb Ama {S>ìhmB©g xi) A mini version of the OB van is known as ___________ a) SNG b) ENG c) EFG d) None of these Amo~r ìh°ZÀ`m bhmZ Amd¥Îmrbm A) g°Q>obmBQ> Ý`yO J°X[a¨J H$) BboQ´>m°{ZH$ \$sëS> J°X[a¨J åhUVmV. ~) B©boQ´>m°{ZH$ Ý`yO J°X[a¨J S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr åhUVmV. *SLRBU26* SLR-BU 26 -5- xii) The long shot in which the entire scene is played out known as ___________ a) Master Shot b) Extreme Long Shot c) Mid Long Shot d) Micro Shot bm±J em°Q> Á`m_Ü`o g§nyU© Ñî` eyQ> Ho$ë`m OmVo Ë`mbm A) _mñQ>a em°Q> ~) EgQ´>r_ bm±J em°Q> H$) {_S> bm±J em°Q> S>) _m`H«$mo em°Q> AWm©Zohr AmoiIë`m OmVo. xiii) NTSC stands for ___________ a) National Television System Committee b) National Television System Council c) National Television Serial Camera d) None of these EZ{Q>Eggr åhUOo å A) Z°eZb Q>o{bpìhOZ {gñQ>r_ H$_oQ>r ~) Z°eZb Q>o{bpìhOZ H$m¢{gb H$) Z°eZb Q>o{bpìhOZ gr[a`b H°$_oam S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xiv) RBG colour system is concerned with ___________ media. a) Radio b) TV c) Print d) None of these Ama~rOr hr a§J nÕVr _mÜ`_m§er g§~§YrV Amho. A) ao{S>Amo ~) {Q>ìhr H$) {àÝQ> S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr SLR-BU 26 -6- *SLRBU26* 2. Write short notes (any three) : 12 WmoS>`mV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr VrZ) : a) Voice Over ìhmB©g Amoìha b) Function of Fill light {\$b² bmB©Q>Mo H$m`© c) TV Anchor {Q>ìhr A±H$a d) White Balance. ìhm°B©Q> ~°b|g. 3. Answer following questions (any four) : Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmaoo {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : a) Explain the importance of back light and key light TV production. {Q>ìhr {Z{_©VrVrb ~°H$ bmB©Q> Am{U {H$ bmB©Q>Mo _hÎd ñnîQ> H$am. b) Write down the process of documentary production for TV. {Q>ìhr _mÜ`_mgmR>rÀ`m _m{hVrnQ> {Z{_©VrMr à{H«$`m {bhm. c) Differentiate between communication with still picture and communication with visuals. ñVãÕ {MÌmÛmao hmoUmam g§dmX Am{U Ñí`mË_H$ g§dmX `mVrb \$aH$ ñnîQ> H$am. d) What are the different kinds of microphones use in television studio ? Q>obrpìhOZ ñQw>{S>Amo_Ü`o dmnaÊ`mV `oUmè`m {d{dY àH$maMr _m`H«$mo\$moZ H$moUVr ? e) Write a feature for television by taking any subject in the right format ? H$moUVmhr {df` KoD$Z {Q>pìh {\$MagmR>rMr g§{hVm `mo½` \$m°a_°Q> _Ü`o {bhm. 16 *SLRBU26* -7- SLR-BU 26 4. Write answer in 250 words (any two) : 250 14 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVmhr XmoZ) : a) Write any television serial that you like ? Give reason. Vwåhmbm AmdS>V Agboë`m H$moUË`mhr EH$m {Q>ìhr _m{bHo${df`r gH$maU {bhm. b) Explain the different formats of TV program. {Q>ìhrgmR>rÀ`m H$m`©H«$_mMo {d{dY àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am. c) Explain the elements of TV news. {Q>pìhgmR>rÀ`m ~mVå`m§Mo KQ>H$ ñnîQ> H$am. 5. Write answer in 500 words (any one) : 500 eãXmV CÎma {bhm (H$moUVmhr EH$) : 1) Explain various stages use in video production. pìh{S>Amo {Z{_©VrÀ`m {d{dY nm`è`m ñnîQ> H$am. 2) Explain major camera shots uses for television with suitable examples. {Q>ìhr _mÜ`_mgmR>r dmnaÊ`mV `oUmao _w»` em°Q>g `mo½` CXmhaUmgh ñnîQ> H$am. _____________________ 14 SLR-BU – 27 *SLRBU27* Seat No. M.A. Mass Communication (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014 Paper – II : ADVERTISING Day and Date : Tuesday, 18-11-2014day, --2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. .00 p.m. N.B. : Total Marks : 70 i) All questions are compulsory. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Choose correct alternative. 14 `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am. i) A meeting to generate creative ideas is known as ____________ Zì`m H$ënZm emoYÊ`mgmR>r Am`mo{OV Ho$boë`m ~oR>{H$bm ____________ åhUVmV. a) Visualization b) Brainstorming Ñí` g§H$ënZm {dÛmZm§Mr MMm© c) Media Planning d) None of these _mÜ`_ {Z`moOZ `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr ii) _________________ is an external factor which affects consumer behaviour. J«mhH$ dV©Zmda à^md JmOdUmam ~mø KQ>H$ ____________ Amho. a) Culture b) Fear c) Humor d) None of these g§ñH¥$Vr ^rVr {dZmoX `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr iii) First stage in advertising designing process is _____________ Om{hamV gOmdQ>rVrb n{hbr nm`ar åhUOo ____________ hmo`. a) Rough b) Comprehensive a\$ c) Thumbnail Wå~Zob H$m°åàohopÝgd d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr iv) _______________ is a good source of media information. ____________ hm _mÜ`_ _m{hVrMm Mm§Jbm ñÌmoV Amho. a) Media Research b) Infa Yearbook _mÜ`_ g§emoYZ c) Media Scheduling _mÜ`_ dobmnÌH$ BÝ\$m dm{f©H$s d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-BU – 27 *SLRBU27* -2- v) ______________ is useful for advertising appeal. Om{hamVrÀ`m AmdmhZmgmR>r ____________ Cn`wV Amho. a) U.S.P. b) A.S.C.I. `y E.Eg gr.Am`. c) P.O.P. d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr vi) According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs _____________ needs comes first. _°ñbmo `m§Zr {dfX Ho$boë`m JaOm§À`m MT>Ë`m H«$_dmarV ____________ JaOm àW_ `oVmV. a) Security b) Esteem c) Psysiological d) None of these gwajm {df`H$ à{VîR>m {df`H$ emar[aH$ `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr vii) Agencies of records means ____________ EOÝgrO Am°\$ aoH$m°S>©g² åhUOo ____________ a) Media Budgeting Agencies b) Branding Agencies _mÜ`_ AW©{Z`moOZ g§ñWm c) Media Buying Agencies _mÜ`_ IaoXr g§ñWm ~«±S>{Z{_©Vr H$aUmè`m g§ñWm d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr viii) Using only one medium for advertisements is principle of __________ Om{hamVtgmR>r Ho$db EH$mM _mÜ`_mMm Adb§~ H$aUo ho ____________ Mo VËd Amho. a) Wave Theory b) Media Concentration Theory bmQ> {gÕm§V c) Media Dominance Theory _mÜ`_ àm~ë`Vm {gÕm§V _mÜ`_ EH$mJ«Vm {gÕm§V d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr ix) Split-run test is a type of _____________ pñßbQ>-aZ MmMUr hm ____________ Mm àH$ma Amho. a) Pre-test research b) Post-test research nyd© MmMUr c) Concurrent research Om{hamV H$mimVrb MmMUr CÎma MmMUr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr x) ___________ brand useful for all products of a company. EImÚm H§$nZrÀ`m gd© CËnmXZm§gmR>r ____________ ~«±S> Cn`wV R>aVmo. a) Super Brand b) Corporate Brand gwna ~«±S> c) Product Brand à°mS>Q> ~«±S> H$mnm} aoQ> ~«±S> d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr *SLRBU27* SLR-BU – 27 -3- xi) A good copy involves important principle of presenting the benefits of ______________ Mm§Jë`m Om{hamVrMo _hÎdmMo VÎd ho AgVo H$s Aer Om{hamV _______ \$m`Xo àñVwV H$aVo. a) Product b) Lay-out c) Company d) None of these CËnmXZ _m§S>Ur H§$nZr `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xii) Signs, displays and other techniques of promoting products at their locations of sale is ___________ EImÚm CËnmXZmMr {dH«$s dmT>Ê`mÀ`m CÔoemZo {dH«$sÀ`m OmJr H$aÊ`mV Ambobr {MÝho, gOmdQ> qH$dm BVa V§Ìm§Mm dmna åhUOo ____________ a) U.S.P. b) P.O.P. ` c) P.S.A. nr.Eg.E. d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xiii) In advertisements generally san-serif type is used for ____________ Om{hamVrV g°Z-go[a\$ hm Q>§H$ gmYmaUV: ____________ gmR>r dmnaVmV. a) Body b) Headline _w»` _OHy$a c) Logotype _Wbm bmoJmoQ>mB©n d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xiv) ____________ color is the first color the eye processes. Amnbo S>mobo gd©àW_ ____________ `m a§JmMr à{H«$`m nyU© H$aVmV. a) Yellow b) Red c) Blue bmb {Zbm {ndbm d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 2. Write answer in 100 words (any four) : e§^a eîXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : a) What is creativity ? g¥OZerbVm åhUOo H$m` ? b) Explain the concept of brand loyalty. "~«±S>er Agbobr EH${ZîR>Vm' hr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. c) What is positioning ? ñWmZ {ZpíMVr åhUOo H$m` ? d) Give any two examples of fear appeal. ^rVr `m AmdmhZ àH$mamMm Adb§~ H$aUmè`m H$moUË`mhr XmoZ Om{hamVtMr CXmhaUo Úm. e) Describe the meaning of frequency of advertisement. "Om{hamVrMr dma§dmaVm' `mMm AW© ñnîQ> H$am. 12 SLR-BU – 27 -4- *SLRBU27* 3. Write notes in 150 words (any four) : XrS>eo eîXmV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : 16 a) Use of type for advertisements. Om{hamVtgmR>r Q>§H$mMm dmna. b) Media Buying. _mÜ`_ IaoXr. c) Maslow’s Theory of Hierarchy. _°ñbmo `m§Mm MT>Ë`m H«$_dmarMm {gÕm§V. d) Stages in Creative Process. g¥OZmË_H$ à{H«$`oVrb Q>ßno. e) Sources of Media Information. _mÜ`_ _m{hVrMo ñÌmoV. 4. Write answer in 500 words (any two) : nmMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 14 a) Trace the role of graphics in advertising. Om{hamVrV AmaoIZmMr ^y{_H$m `mg§~§Yr emoY ¿`m. b) What is brand ? What are the components of brand ? ~«±S> åhUOo H$m` ? ~«±S>Mo KQ>H$ H$moUVo ? c) Describe media scheduling with details. "_mÜ`_ dobmnÌH$' `m{df`r Vnerbmgh _m{hVr Úm. 5. What is consumer behaviour ? Describe various factors which affect consumer behaviour. J«mhH$ dV©Z åhUOo H$m` ? J«mhH$ dV©Zmda à^md KS>{dUmao {d{dY KQ>H$ ñnîQ> H$am. OR/qH$dm Trace various pre-test research methods. Does these methods help us to determine the effectiveness of an advertisement ? ny d © - MmMUr g§ e mo Y ZmÀ`m {d{dY nÕVtMm emo Y ¿`m. `m nÕVtMm Cn`mo J Om{hamVrMr n[aUm_H$maH$Vm R>a{dÊ`mgmR>r hmoVmo H$m ? _____________________ 14 SLR-BU – 28 *SLRBU28* Seat No. M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014 PUBLIC RELATIONS AND CORPORATE COMMUNICATION (Paper – III) Day and Date : Thursday, 20-11-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 1. Choose the correct alternative : 14 `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : i) _____________ is a public for an organization. _______________ ho g§ñWogmR>r OZ AmhoV. a) General public b) Staff c) Consumers gd©gm_mÝ` OZVm H$_©Mmar J«mhH$ d) All of these `mn¡H$s gd© ii) Corporate communications are part of the process that translates identity into ______________ H$m°nm} aoQ> g§dmX hr Aer à{H«$`m Amho Or AmoiIrbm ____________ _Ü`o énm§VarV H$aVo. a) Reputation à{VîR>m b) Image à{V_m c) Brand ~«±S> d) None of these `mn¡H$s Zmhr iii) Communicating with stake holders involves _______________ communication. bm^YmaH$m§er gmYbobm g§dmX _______________ g§dmXmV A§V^y©V hmoVmo. a) External ~mø b) Internal A§VJ©V c) Both a) and b) XmoÝhr a) Am{U b) d) None of these `mn¡H$s Zmhr iv) To build better relationships with the media is called as ____________ _mÜ`_m§er Mm§Jë`m g§~§YmMr ~m§YUr H$aUo `m§g _______________ Ago åhUVmV. a) Media Relations b) Press conference _mÜ`_ g§~§Y nÌH$ma n[afX c) Media communication _mÜ`_ g§dmX d) None of these `mn¡H$s Zmhr v) ___________ is the type of a corporate identity. _____________ hm H$m°nm}aoQ> AmoiIrMm àH$ma Amho. a) Projected b) Ideal c) Applied àmoOoQ>oS> AmXe© Cn`mo{OV d) All of these `mn¡H$s Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-BU – 28 *SLRBU28* -2- vi) ___________ is a small media used in corporate communication. H$m°nm}aoQ> g§dmXmV _____________ `mMm dmna bKw _Ü`_ åhUy Ho$bm OmVmo. a) Radio b) Print ao{S>Amo _wÐU c) Cultural Programme d) None of these `mn¡H$s Zmhr gm§ñH¥${VH$ H$m`©H«$_ vii) Corporate communication creates proper relation between ___________ H$m°nm}aoQ> g§dmX hm _____________ `m§_Ü`o ZmVo {Z_m©U H$aVo. a) Corporate and Public b) Media and Public H$m°nm}aoQ> Am{U OZ _mÜ`_ Am{U OZ c) Both a) and b) XmoÝhr a) Am{U b) d) None of these `mn¡H$s Zmhr viii) Corporate communication creates favourable impression about ___________ H$m°nm}aoQ> g§dmX _____________ À`m ~m~Vrb AZwHy$b R>gm {Z_m©U H$aVo. a) Person b) Product c) Institution d) All of these ì`Vr CËnmXZ g§ñWm `mn¡H$s gd© xi) Ivy Lee and ___________ established the first definition of relations. Am`ìhr br Am{U _____________ `m§Zr OZg§nH$m©Mr n{hbr ì`m»`m àñWm{nV a) Edward Louis Bernays b) David Scott Ho$br. {S>opìhS> ñH$m°Q> ES>dS>© bwB©g ~Z©g c) Scott M. Cutlip d) None of these ñH$m°Q> E_. H$Q>brn `mn¡H$s Zmhr x) Corporate ‘Personality’ is relate with ___________ H$m°n}aoQ> ì`pV_Îd _____________ er g§~§{YV Amho. a) Organizational culture b) Logo g§ñWmË_H$ g§ñH¥$Vr bmoJmo c) Symbols d) None of these {MÝho `mn¡H$s Zmhr xi) ___________ of the following dimension is not used by people to articulate their image of an organization. Imbrbn¡H$s _____________ hm n¡by bmoH$m§X²dmao g§ñWoÀ`m à{V_og MmbZm XoÊ`mgmR>r dmnaV Zmhr. a) Dynamic b) Pleasing S>m`Z°{_H$ gwIH$maH$ c) Success d) None of these `eñdr `mn¡H$s Zmhr *SLRBU28* SLR-BU – 28 -3- xii) “Crystallizing Public Relations” is book authored by ___________ {H«$ñQ>bm`qOJ npãbH$ [aboeÝg ho nwñVH$ a) John Cass _____________ `m§Zr {b{hbo. b) Edward Bernyas OmohZ H°$g ES>dS>© ~Zug c) Chris Fill d) None of these {H«$g \$sb `mn¡H$s Zmhr xiii) There are three dimensions to Corporate Image, one of them is ____________ H$m°nm} aoQ> à{V_oMr VrZ n¡bw AmhoV Ë`mn¡H$s --- h¡ EH$ Amho. a) Corporate b) Market H$m°nm}aoQ> ~mOma c) Relational d) None of these ghg§~§Y `mn¡H$s Zmhr xiv) Communicating within the company is called as ___________ communication. H§$nZr_Yrb g§dmXmg a) External _____________ g§dmX Ago åhÊmVmV. b) Internal ~mø A§VJ©V 2. Write short notes (any four) : g§{jßV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : a) Organizational Culture g§ñWmË_H$ g§ñH¥$Vr b) Campaigns _mohr_ c) House Styles J¥he¡br d) Disasters AmnÎmr e) Stake Holders. bm^YmaH$. c) Company H§$nZr d) None of these `mn¡H$s Zmhr 12 SLR-BU – 28 -4- *SLRBU28* 3. Write the answers in 150 words (any four) : {XS>eo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : 16 a) Write about issue management. g_ñ`m ì`dñWmnZm {~f`r {bhm. b) Write on topic ‘Public Opinion’. OZ_V`m {df`mdaVr {bhm. c) What is Corporate Identity ? H$m°nm}aoQ> AmoiI åhUOo H$m` ? d) What are the symmetrical models of handling crisis ? g§H$Q> hmVmiUrMr à_mU~Õ à{V_mZo H$moUVr AmhoV ? e) Write note on ‘Public Relations and Change Management’. "OZg§nH©$ Am{U ì`dñWmnH$s` ~Xb' `m {df`mdaVr Q>rn brhm. 4. Write answer in 250 words (any two) : 14 AS>rMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : a) Discuss the importance of the corporate social responsibility ? H$m°nm}aoQ> gm_m{OH$ O~m~XmarÀ`m _hËdmMr MMm© H$am. b) Discuss the factors of corporate image. H$m°nm}aoQ> à{V_oVrb KQ>H$m§{df`r MMm© H$am. c) Explain the concept of media selection. _mÜ`_m§Mr {ZdS> g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. 5. Write answer in 500 words (any one) : nmMeo eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr EH$) : a) Write essay on topic ‘Information Technology and Public Relations’. "_m{hVr V§ÌkmZ Am{U OZg§nH©$' `m {df`rdaVr {Z~§Y {bhm. b) What is the role of Public relations and corporate communication in organizational development ? g§ñWmË_H$ {dH$mgmV OZg§nH©$ Am{U H$m°nm}aoQ> g§dmXmMr ^y{_H$m H$m` Amho ? _____________________ 14 SLR-BU – 29 *SLRBU29* Seat No. M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014 ONLINE JOURNALISM (Paper – IV) Day and Date : Saturday, 22-11-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. N.B. : Total Marks : 70 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Select the correct alternative. 14 `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. 1) MSN, iGoogle, Net Vibes are ______________ a) Public Web Portals b) Websites c) Private Web Portals d) None of these E_EgEZ, Am` JyJb, ZoQ >dmB©~²g _____________ AmhoV. a) npãbH$ do~ nmoQ>©ëg b) do~gmB©Q²>g c) n«m`doQ> do~ nmoQ>©ëg d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 2) A blog is ______________ a) Personal journal c) Both a) and b) ãb°J _____________ Amho. a) c) ng©Zb OZ©b XmoÝhr a) Am{U b) b) Online dairy d) None of these b) d) Am°ZbmB©Z S>`ar `mn¡H$s Zmhr 3) The term ‘blogger’ is coined by ____________ a) Evan Williams b) Robert Kanh c) Peter Merholz d) None of these "ãb°Ja' hr g§km _____________`m§Zr àM{bV Ho$br. a) c) BìhmZ {dë`åg nrQ>a _ahmoëg b) d) am°~Q>© H$mÝh `mn¡H$s Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-BU – 29 *SLRBU29* -2- 4) The term web 2.0 is coined by ____________ a) Darcy Dinucey b) Evan Williams c) Vinton Serf d) None of these "do~ 2.0' hr g§km _____________`m§Zr àM{bV Ho$br. a) c) S>mgu {S>Ý`wgr pìhÝQ>m°Z g\©$ b) d) BìhmZ {dë`åg² `mn¡H$s Zmhr 5) Transmission control protocol developed by _____________ a) Evan Williams b) Peter Merholz c) Vinton Serf and Robert Kanh d) None of these Q´>mÝg{_eZ H§$ÝQ´>mob àmoQ>moH$m°b _____________ `m§Zr {dH${gV Ho$bm. a) BìhmZ {dë`åg² b) nrQ>a _ahmoëg c) pìhÝQ>m°Z g\©$ Am{U am°~Q>© H$mÝh d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 6) The original name of internet is _____________ a) Intranet b) NICNET c) Arpanet d) None of these B§Q>aZoQ>Mo _yi Zmd_____________ ho Amho. a) BÝQ´>mZoQ> b) {ZH$ZoQ> c) Anm©ZoQ> d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 7) Online news association founded in __________ a) 1997 b) 1999 c) 1998 d) 1996 Am°ZbmB©Z Ý`yO Agmo{gEeZMr ñWmnZm_____________ _Ü`o Pmbr. a) 1997 b) 1999 c) 1998 8) The first web page is created by ___________ a) Evan Williams b) Vinton Serf c) Tim-Berners-Lee d) None of these n{hbo do~noO_____________ `m§Zr V`ma Ho$bo. a) c) BìhmZ {dë`åg² {Q>_-~Z©g©-br b) d) pìhÝQ>m°Z g\©$ `mn¡H$s Zmhr d) 1996 *SLRBU29* SLR-BU – 29 -3- 9) WWW means _________ a) Word Wibe Web b) World Wibe Web c) World Wide Wave d) World Wide Web S>ãë`w S>ãë`w S>ãë`w åhUOo _____________ a) c) dS>© dmB©~ do~ dëS>© dmB©S> doìh b) d) dëS>© dmB©~ do~ dëS>© dmB©S> do~ 10) The first internet edition of Hindu is launched in ___________ a) 1995 b) 1994 c) 1998 d) 1997 qhXyMr n{hbr B§Q>aZoQ> Amd¥Îmr _____________ _Ü`o {ZKmbr. a) 1995 b) 1994 c) 1998 11) Orkut is launched in __________ a) 2005 b) 2004 c) 2006 AmHw©$Q> _____________ _Ü`o gwê$ Pmbr. a) 2005 b) 2004 12) WAN means _______________ a) Wild Area Networking c) Wibe Area Networking d°Z åhUOo _____________ a) c) dmB©ëS> E[a`m ZoQ>d{Hª$J dmB©~ E[a`m ZoQ>d{Hª$J c) 2006 234×60 b) b) d) 120×240 1997 d) 2003 d) 2003 b) Wide Area Networking d) None of these dmB©S> E[a`m ZoQ>d{Hª$J `mn¡H$s Zmhr 13) The size of Vertical Banner is ____________ a) 234×60 b) 120×240 c) 250×250 ìhQ>uH$b ~°ZaMo AmH$ma_mZ _____________ AgVo. a) d) c) 250×250 14) Web is introduced in ____________ a) 1992 b) 1991 c) 1993 do~Mr AmoiI_____________ _Ü`o Pmbr. a) 1992 b) 1991 c) 1993 d) 50×50 d) 50×50 d) 1990 d) 1990 SLR-BU – 29 -4- 2. Write short notes (any four) : *SLRBU29* 12 Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : 1) Social Websites gm_m{OH$ do~gmB©Q>²g 2) Multimedia ~hþ_mÜ`_ 3) Cyber crimes gm`~a JwÝhoJmar 4) Image Editors N>m`m{MÌ g§nmXH$ 5) Online news collections Am°ZbmB©Z d¥Îm g§H$bZ. 3. Write the answers in 150 words (any four) : nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 150 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : 1) Write the brief history of Internet. B§Q>aZoQ>Mm B{Vhmg WmoS>`mV {bhm. 2) State the various uses of computer graphics. g§JUH$ J«m{\$gMo {d{dY Cn`moJ Z_yX H$am. 3) Define and discuss connectivity. OmoS>UrMr ì`m»`m H$ê$Z g{dñVma MMm© H$am. 4) What are web portals ? State how it is differ from Websites ? do~nmoQ>©ëg åhUOo H$m` ? doo~gmB©Q²>g nmgyZ Vo H$go {^ÝZ AmhoV Vo Z_yX H$am. 5) State the social impact of Online Journalism. Am°ZbmB©Z nÌH$m[aVoMo g_m{OH$ n[aUm_ {deX H$am. 16 *SLRBU29* -5- SLR-BU – 29 4. Write the answers in 250 words (any two) : 14 nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 250 eãXmV {bhm : (H$moUVohr XmoZ) 1) State the merits and demerits of Online Journalism. Am°ZbmB©Z nÌH$m[aVoMo \$m`Xo-VmoQ>o Z_yX H$am. 2) Discuss in detail about the characteristics of Online Journalist. Am°ZbmB©Z nÌH$mamÀ`m JwU d¡{eîQ>çm§Mr g{dñVa MMm© H$am. 3) What is Webmaster ? State in detail about his working ? do~_mñQ>a åhUOo H$m` ? Ë`mÀ`m H$m_mMr g{dñVa _m{hVr Úm. 5. Write the answer in 500 words : nwT>rb àíZmMo CÎma 500 eãXmV {bhm : 1) Describe the nature of the working of Online News Editors. Am°ZbmB©Z d¥Îmg§nmXH$mÀ`m H$m_mMo ñdê$n ñnîQ> H$am. OR/qH$dm Discuss about the change in newspapers, which takes place spreading of Online Journalism. Am°ZbmB©Z nÌH$m[aVoÀ`m àgmam_wio d¥ÎmnÌm§_Ü`o Pmboë`m ~XbmMr MMm© H$am. _____________________ 14 SLR-BU – 3 *SLRBU3* Seat No. M.A. (Mass Communication) (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 Paper – III : REPORTING AND EDITING Day and Date : Wednesday, 19-11-2014 Max. Marks : 70 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Choose correct alternative. 14 `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. i) A news story about budget of state is amÁ`mÀ`m AW©g§H$ënmÀ`m g§X^m©Vrb ~mV_r ______ AgVo. a) Hard News b) Soft News H$R>rU ~mV_r gmYr ~mV_r c) Investigative News emoY ~mV_r d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr ii) ‘Amitabh Bachchan decided to enter the politics’ ? This news is related to ______ news value. "A{_Vm^ ~ÀMZ `m§Zr amOH$maUmV àdoe H$aÊ`mMm {ZU©` KoVbm' hr ~mV_r ______ ~mV_r _yë`mer {ZJ{S>V Amho. a) Conflict b) Proximity g§Kf© g_rnVm c) Prominence _hmËå` d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-BU – 3 *SLRBU3* -2- iii) _________ decides the matter published on editorial page. g§nmXH$s` nmZmda à{gÕ Ho$ë`m OmUmè`m _OHw$amMm {ZU©` _________ KoVmV. a) Editor g§nmXH$ c) Assistant Editor gh g§nmXH$ b) Sub-Editor Cn g§nmXH$ d) News Editor d¥Îm g§nmXH$ iv) ______ writes assignment diary. AgmBZ_o§Q> S>m`arVrb Zm|Xr ______ H$aVmV. a) News Editor b) Chief Reporter d¥Îm g§nmXH$ _w»` dmVm©ha c) Assistant Editor gh g§nmXH$ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr v) Instructions about design and language of newspaper are given in d¥ÎmnÌmMr gOmdQ>, ^mfm BË`mXr ~m~VÀ`m gyMZm ______ _Ü`o AgVmV. a) Assignment diary AgmB©Z_|Q> S>m`ar c) Editor’s Diary g§nmXH$mMr Zm|Xdhr b) Style Book e¡br nwpñVH$m d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr *SLRBU3* SLR-BU – 3 -3- vi) ‘Leader Article’ is also known as brS>a Am{Q>©>H$bbm ______ Agohr åhUVmV. a) Feature Article {\$Ma Am{Q>©H$b c) Side Article gmB©S> Am{Q>©H$b b) Middle Article {_S>b Am{Q>©H$b d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr vii) Bob Woodward and Karl Bernsten investigated ~m°~ dwS>dS>© d H$mb© ~Z©ñQ>oZ `m§Zr ______ àH$aU emoYbo. a) Coal Gate b) Water Gate H$mob JoQ> dm°Q>a JoQ> c) Silver Gate {gëda JoQ> d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr viii) A headline of news appeared above the name of newspaper on front page is d¥ÎmnÌmÀ`m n{hë`m nmZmda d¥ÎmnÌmÀ`m ZmdmÀ`m da EImXçm ~mV_rMm _Wim N>mnbm OmVmo Ë`mg ______ åhUVmV. a) Print Line qàQ> bmB©Z c) Sky Line ñH$m` bmB©Z b) By Line ~m` bmB©Z d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr SLR-BU – 3 *SLRBU3* -4- ix) ‘Provincian Desk’ in the newspaper deals with d¥ÎmnÌmVrb àmXo{eH$ {d^mJ ______ À`m g§X^m©V H$m`© H$aVmo. a) National News b) Rural News amîQ´>r` ~mVå`m J«m_rU ~mVå`m c) International News d) None of these Am§VaamîQ´>r` ~mVå`m `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr x) Lead of any news generally written in H$moUË`mhr ~mV_rMm {eamo^mJ gmYmaUV: a) 3-4 lines VrZ Vo Mma AmoirV c) 8-10 lines AmR> Vo Xhm AmoirV ______ _Ü`o {b{hbm OmVmo. b) 4-7 lines Mma Vo gmV AmoirV d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xi) A time given to each department in newspaper to complete today’s work is d¥ÎmnÌmVrb àË`oH$ {d^mJmg AmOMo H$m_ g§n{dÊ`mg doi {ZpíMV H$ê$Z {Xbobr AgVo Ë`mg ______ åhUVmV. a) Time Line Q>mB©_ bmB©Z c) Dead Line S>oS> bmB©Z b) Print Line qàQ> bmB©Z d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr *SLRBU3* SLR-BU – 3 -5- xii) News-Editor is responsible for _______ in newspaper. d¥Îmg§nmXH$ hm d¥ÎmnÌmVrb ______ bm O~m~Xma AgVmo. a) All matter b) All News gd© _OHy$a gd© ~mVå`m c) All Pictures d) None of these gd© N>m`m{MÌo `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xiii) A particular territory assigned to a reporter for news gathering is d¥Îm g§H$bZmgmR>r dmVm©hamg R>am{dH$ {d^mJ {ZpíMV H$éZ {Xbm OmVmo Ë`mg åhUVmV. a) Desk b) Beat S>oñH$ c) Anchor ______ ~rQ> d) None of these A±H$a `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xiv) News Library is also known as ~mV_r J«§Wmb`mbm ______ Agohr åhQ>bo OmVo. a) Obitury Am°{~À`war c) Morgue _m°J© 2. Write short notes (any four) : g§{jßV Q>rnm {bhm ( H$moUË`mhr Mma) : a) Investigative News emoY ~mV_r b) Reference Section ao\$aÝg goeZ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 12 SLR-BU – 3 -6- *SLRBU3* b) Style Book e¡br nwpñVH$m c) Human Interest story _mZdr AmñWoMr ~mV_r d) Middle {_S>b e) Assitant Editor gh g§nmXH$ 3. Write answer in 150 words (any four) : 150 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : a) What are the new values ? ~mV_rMr _yë`o H$moUVr ? b) What are the duties of Chief Reporter ? _w»` dmVm©hamMr H$m_o H$moUVr ? c) Describe the working of ‘Sports Desk’. H«$sS>m {d^mJmÀ`m H$m`m©Mm Vnerb gm§Jm. d) Who decides banner every day ? How ? ~°Za ~m~V XaamoO H$moU {ZU©` KoVo ? H$gm ? e) What is your understanding about ‘plate making’ ? ßboQ> _oqH$J ~m~V Vw_Mo AmH$bZ H$m` Amho ? 16 *SLRBU3* -7- 4. Write answer in 250 words (any two) : 250 SLR-BU – 3 14 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : a) Describe various types of headlines. _Wi`m§Mo {d{dY àH$ma gm§Jm. b) What is Lay-out ? Why it is important ? _m§S>Ur åhUOo H$m` ? Vr H$m _hËdmMr AgVo ? c) How RTI is useful for a reporter ? dmVm©hamgmR>r _m{hVr A{YH$ma H$m`Xm H$gm Cn`wV Amho ? 5. Discuss various types of head, giving suitable examples. `mo½` CXmhaUo XoD$Z {eamo^mJmÀ`m {d{dY àH$mam§Mr MMm© H$am. OR/qH$dm With the help of various definitions explain the concept of news. {d{dY ì`m»`m§À`m _XVrZo ~mV_rMr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. ————————— 14 SLR-BU – 4 *SLRBU4* Seat No. M.A. Mass Communication (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 Paper – IV : ADVERTISING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Day and Date : Friday, 21-11-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. N.B. : Max. Marks : 70 i) All questions are compulsory. ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Choose correct alternative. 14 `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am. i) ‘Aaj Kuch Tuphani Ho Jaye’ is ________ of an advertisement. "AmO Hw$N> Vw\$mZr hmo Om`o' hr Om{hamVrMr ________ Amho. a) Headline erf©H$ b) Slogan KmofUm c) Jingle qOJb d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr ii) Colour theme of a corporate building is related to EImXçm H$mnm}aoQ>À`m B_maVrMr a§J `moOZm ________ er {ZJ{S>V AgVo. a) Image à{V_m c) Personality ì`pV_Ëd b) Identity AmoiI d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr P.T.O. SLR-BU – 4 -2- *SLRBU4* iii) Advertisement is ________ publicity. Om{hamV åhUOo ________ à{gÕr hmo`. a) Free b) Wide _mo\$V A_mn c) Paid nogo ^éZ Ho$bobr d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr iv) Advertisement of a refrigerator is to ________ type of advertisement. ao{\«${OaoQ>Mr Om{hamV hr ________ `m Om{hamV àH$mamV `oVo. a) Consumer J«mhH$ b) Industrial Am¡Xçmo{JH$ c) Professional ì`mdgm{`H$ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr v) ‘Sunday Ke Sunday Roj Khao Ande’ is ________ type of advertisement. "g§S>o Ho$ g§S>o amoO ImAmo A§S>o' hr ________ àH$maMr Om{hamV Amho. a) Consumer J«mhH$ c) Public Service OZgodm b) Professional ì`mdgm{`H$ d) Trade ì`mnma *SLRBU4* -3- vi) ‘Press Kit’ given in ________ to the reporters. dmVm©ham§Zm ________ À`m doir àog {H$Q>> XoÊ`mV `oVo. a) Press Brief àog ~«r\$ b) Press Conference àog H$m°Ý\$aÝg c) Meet the Press _rQ> X àog d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr vii) PRSI is established in ________ gmbr nr.Ama.Eg.Am`.Mr ñWmnZm Pmbr. a) 1958 b) 1960 c) 1956 d) None of these/`mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr viii) Shareholders of a company belongs to ________ public. EImXçm H§$nZrMo ^mJYmaH$ ________ OZVoV (KQ>H$mV) g_m{dîQ> AgVmV. a) Internal A§VJ©V b) External ~mø c) Partial A§eV: d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr SLR-BU – 4 SLR-BU – 4 *SLRBU4* -4- ix) A authority for redressal of complaints related to advertisements are Om{hamVtÀ`m g§X^m©Vrb VH«$mar Xya H$aÊ`mgmR>rMr `§ÌUm ________ Amho. a) N B A EZ.~r.E. c) A S C I`. b) A B C d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr x) Small advertisements measured on basis of words are known as eãXm§À`m AmYmao _moO_mn Ho$ë`m OmUmè`m d¥ÎmnÌmVrb Om{hamVtZm a) Display gOmdQ>r c) Corporate H$mnm}aoQ> b) Classified dJuH¥$V d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xi) Lobbying is _________ business in India. bm°q~J hm ì`dgm` ^maVmV ________ Amho. a) Legal H$m`Xoera c) Ethical Z¡{VH$ b) Illegal ~oH$m`Xoera d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xii) ‘Open House’ is _________ tool of PR. "AmonZ hmD$g' ho OZg§nH$m©Mo' ________ gmYZ Amho. a) Written {b{IV c) Special {deof b) Audio-Visual ÑH$ lmì` d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr ________ åhUVmV. *SLRBU4* -5- SLR-BU – 4 xiii) ‘House Journal’ of DGIPR is _m{hVr OZg§nH©$ _hmg§MmbZmb`mMo J¥hnÌ ________ Amho. a) Lokpatra b) Lokrajya bmoH$nÌ c) Lokprabha bmoH$amÁ` d) None of these bmoH$à^m `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr xiv) Commission given to Advertising Agency for any advertisement by newspaper is Om{hamV g§ñWobm d¥ÎmnÌmH$Sy>Z àË`oH$ Om{hamVr _mJo ________ H${_eZ {Xbo OmVo. a) 10 Percent 10 Q>¸o$ c) 20 Percent 20 Q>¸o$ 2. Write short notes (any four) : g§{jßV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : a) Open House AmonZ hmD$g b) PR for Defence g§ajU joÌmgmR>r OZg§nH©$ c) Press Conference nÌH$ma n[afX d) ASCI`. e) Lobbying. bm°q~J. b) 15 Percent 15 Q>¸o$ d) None of these `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr 12 SLR-BU – 4 -6- *SLRBU4* 3. Write answer in 150 words (any four) : 16 150 eãXmV CÎmao Xçm. a) What are the benefits of advertising ? Om{hamVrMo \$m`Xo H$moUVo AmhoV ? b) What are the qualities of a PRO ? OZg§nH©$ A{YH$mè`mÀ`m A§Jr H$moUVo JwU AgmdoV ? c) Describe the types of ‘House Journal’. J¥hnÌmMo àH$ma {deX H$am. d) What is the role of DAVP ? S>r.E.ì H$m`© H$m` Amho ? e) What is your understanding about ‘Mahanews’ ? "_hmÝ`yO' ~Ôb Vw_Mo AmH$bZ H$m` Amho ? 4. Write answer in 250 words (any two) : 250 eãXmV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : a) Explain the concept of PR giving any two definitions. XmoZ ì`m»`m gm§JyZ OZg§nH$m©Mr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. b) Differentiate between PR for private sector and public sector. ImOJr joÌmVrb OZg§nH©$ d gmd©O{ZH$ joÌmVrb OZg§nH©$ `mVrb \$aH$ ñnîQ> H$am. c) What is the code of conduct for an advertisement ? Om{hamVrgmR>r H$moUVr AmMma g§{hVm Amho ? 14 *SLRBU4* -7- SLR-BU – 4 5. What are the various departments in an Advertising Agency ? Give details about the working of each department. 14 Om{hamV g§ñWoVrb {d{dY {d^mJ H$moUVo ? `m àË`oH$ {d^mJmÀ`m H$m`m©Mm Vnerb Xçm. OR/qH$dm Describe various tools of PR. Which tool is more effective according to you ? OZg§nH$m©Mr {d{dY gmYZo H$moUVr ? Vw_À`m _Vo H$moUVo gmYZ A{YH$ à^mdr Amho ? _______________ *SLRBU5* SLR-BU––5 5 SLR-BU -1- Seat No. M.A. (Mass Comm.) (Sem. – I) Examination, 2014 WRITING AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS, CURRENT AFFAIRS (Paper – V) Day and Date : Monday, 24-11-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Total Marks : 70 Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. Choose the correct alternative : 14 `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. 1) The second world war was started in ________ a) 1938 b) 1945 c) 1939 Xwgao _hm`wÕ a) 1938 b) _Ü`o gwê$ Pmbo. 1945 c) 1939 d) 1941 d) 1941 2) The first atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima on ________ a) 6th August 1944 b) 6th August 1945 c) 6th August 1946 d) None of these {hamo{e_mda n{hbm AUw~m°å~ a) 6 Am°JñQ> 1944 c) 6 Am°JñQ> 1946 b) d) amoOr Q>mH$bm. 6 Am°JñQ> 1945 `mn¡H$s Zmhr 3) UNO is established on ___________ a) 25th Oct. 1945 b) 23rd Oct. 1945 c) 24th Oct. 1945 d) 22nd Oct. 1945 "`wZmo'Mr ñWmnZm a) 25 Am°Q>mo~a 1945 c) 24 Am°Q>mo~a 1945 amoOr Pmbr. b) 23 Am°Q>mo~a 1945 d) 22 Am°Q>mo~a 1945 4) How many elected MLA’s in Maharashtra Assembly ? a) 290 b) 288 c) 289 d) 250 _hmamîQ´> {dYmZg^oV {ZdSy>Z Ambobo gXñ` {H$Vr AgVmV ? a) 290 b) 288 c) 289 d) 250 P.T.O. SLR-BU – 5 *SLRBU5* -2- 5) _________ is the writer of ‘freedom at midnight.’ a) Khushwant Singh b) Mahatma Gandhi c) Larry Collins and Dominique Lapiye d) None of these "_Ü`amÌrMo ñdmV§Í`' Mo boIZ a) Iwed§V qgJ c) b°ar H$m°{bÝg Am{U S>m°{_{ZH$ b°{nE ho AmhoV. b) _hmË_m Jm§Yr d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 6) Rupart Mardok is related with _________ a) CNN b) BBC c) Star network d) ETV ê$nQ>© _aS>m°H$ ho a) grEZEZ b) er g§~§{YV AmhoV. ~r~rgr c) ñQ>ma ZoQ>dH©$ d) B©Q>rìhr 7) _________ is the writer of the ‘Asian Drama’ ? a) Jawaharlal Nehru b) Mahatma Gandhi c) Gunnar Mirdal d) None of these a) c) ho "E{e`Z S´>m_m' Mo boIH$ AmhoV. Odmhabmb Zohê$ b) _hmË_m Jm§Yr JwÝZma {_aXmi d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 8) _________ is the writer of ‘Jana Gana Mana’. a) Bankimchandra Chattarji b) Rabindranath Tagore c) Mahatma Gandhi d) None of these a) c) `m§Zr "OZ JU _Z' {b{hbo. ~§{H$_M§Ð MQ>Ou b) aqdÐZmW Q>mJmoa _hmË_m Jm§Yr d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 9) National Commission for women is established in _________ a) 1990 b) 1992 c) 1991 d) 1967 amîQ´>r` _{hbm Am`moJmMr ñWmnZm a) 1990 b) 1992 c) _Ü`o Pmbr. 1991 d) 1967 10) _________ is the village working institute. a) Gramsabha b) Grampanchayat c) Panchayat Samiti d) None of these a) c) hr JmdmMm H$ma^ma Mmb{dUmar g§ñWm Amho. J«m_g^m b) J«m_n§Mm`V n§Mm`V g{_Vr d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr *SLRBU5* SLR-BU – 5 -3- 11) Sangola is famous for _________ a) Cotton b) Pomegranate c) Flower farming d) None of these a) H$mnyg gmR>r gm§Jmobm à{gÕ Amho. b) S>mqi~ c) \y$beoVr d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr d) nwUo 12) Sant Vidyapith is established in _________ a) Paithan b) Pandharpur c) Alandi d) Pune a) n¡R>U `oWo g§V {dÚmnrR> ñWmnZ Ho$bo Amho. b) n§Tanya c) Ami§Xr 13) _________ is the Governor of RBI. a) Raghuram Rajan b) Subbarao c) Vimal Jalan d) None of these Ama~rAm` Mo JìhZ©a a) aKwam_ amOZ b) ho AmhoV. gwã~mamd c) {d_b OmbZ d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 14) Whose signature is on one rupee note ? a) Finance Secretary b) Governor of RBI c) Finance Minister d) None of these EH$ ê$n`mÀ`m ZmoQ>oda H$moUmMr ñdmjar AgVo ? a) {dÎm g{Md b) Ama~rAm`Mo JìhZ©a c) {dÎm _§Ìr d) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 2. Write short notes (any four) : {Q>nm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr Mma) : 1) Gram sabha J«m_g^m 2) World Bank OmJ{VH$ ~±H$ 3) First World War n{hbo _hm`wÕ 4) UNO `wZmo 5) Terrorism. XheVdmX. 12 SLR-BU – 5 -4- 3. Write the answers in 150 words (any four) : nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 150 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr Mma) : *SLRBU5* 16 1) Explain the various types of the newspaper writings. d¥ÎmnÌ boIZmMo {d{dY àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am. 2) State the importance of ‘background information’. "~°H$J«mC>§S> BÝ\$m°_}eZ'Mo _hÎd {deX H$am. 3) State in detail the various types of communication. g§dmXmMo {d{dY àH$ma g{dñVa Z_yX H$am. 4) Write in detail the functioning of Zilla Parishad. {Oëhm n[afXoÀ`m H$m_H$mOm~m~V g{dñVa {bhm. 5) State the reasons of Second World War. Xwgè`m _hm`wÕmMr H$maUo gm§Jm. 4. Write the answers in 250 words (any two) : 14 nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao 250 eãXmV {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) Discuss in detail about the ‘Food Security Bill’. AÝZ gwajm {dYo`H$m~m~V g{dñVa MMm© H$am. 2) Write an essay on ‘Solapur University’s Youth Festival’. "gmobmnya {dÚmnrR>mMm `wdm _hmoËgd' `mda {Z~§Y {bhm. 3) Write a speech on ‘Child Labour’. "~mb H$m_Jma' `m {df`mda ^mfU {bhm. 5. Write the answer in 500 words. nwT>rb àíZmMo CÎma 500 eãXmV {bhm. Highlight on International Rural Woman’s Day. "Am§VaamîQ´>r` J«m_rU _{hbm {XZ' `mda àH$me Q>mH$m. OR/qH$dm ‘Media’s are the fourth estate of Democracy’ – Discuss. _mÜ`_o bmoH$emhrMm Mm¡Wm Im§~ AmhoV - MMm© H$am. _____________________ 14