SLR-VL – 1 *SLRVL1* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – I) (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – I) (Old) Geomorphology – I Day and Date : Monday, 21-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) 2) 3) 4) Max. Marks : 100 All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. Use of stencils is allowed. 1. A) Choose the correct alternative : 10 1) ‘Present is a key to the past’ was stated by _____________ (Davis, Hutton, King) 2) One of the basic concepts in geomorphology landscape is a function of structure, process and _____________ (Time, Work, Activity) 3) The average density of the ‘core’ of the earth is _____________ grams per cubic centimeter. (5.5, 11.09, 13.5) 4) Prof. Suess has suggested the layering system of the earth’s interior on the basis of _____________ (Chemical composition, Density changes, Temperature variations) 5) The concept of thermal connective currents was put forth by _____________ (Pratt, Holmes, Airy) 6) The forces which affect the crust of the earth are divided in to _____________ broad categories on the basis of their source of origin. (2, 4, 6) 7) The slow movement of soil and rock debris which is not perceptible except extended observations, is called as _____________ (Rock fall, Soil creep, Avalanch) 8) _____________ volcanoes constantly eject volcanic geomaterial. (Active, Dorenant, Extinct) P.T.O. SLR-VL – 1 -2- *SLRVL1* 9) Disintegration is a type of physical weathering (Rusting, Granular, Carbonation) 10) When the density increases, the earthquake waves _____________ their velocity. (Increase, Decrease, Do not change) B) Fill in the blanks : 10 1) _____________ is the science of landforms. 2) The book entitled ‘Geographical Essays’ was written by _____________ 3) According to _____________ there is inverse-relationship between the height of the relief features and the density of rocks. 4) The primary seismic waves are also called as _____________ 5) It is widely accepted that the fold mountains have come out of the _____________ 6) Clay is considered as the end product of _____________ 7) _____________ of organic matter results in to the biotic weathering. 8) The gravitational movement of weathered rock debris is called as _____________ 9) A spouting water of a hot spring is known as _____________ 10) The place of _____________ of an earthquake is called as a focus. 2. What is vulcanicity ? Describe the effects of vulcanicity with suitable examples. 20 3. Describe the interior of the earth in details. 20 OR What are the endogenic forces ? Explain the role of faulting in landform development. 4. Write short answers (any two) : 20 20 1) Explain the causes of physical weathering 2) Write in brief the nature of geomorphic study. 3) Explain in brief the concept of isostacy. 4) Describe the types of folds. 5. Write short notes (any two) : 1) Sial, Sima and Nife 2) Mass movements 3) Anthropogenic weathering 4) Contribution of W. M. Davis in geomorphic study. 20 *SLRVL1* -3- SLR-VL – 1 _amRr ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) gd© àý A{Zdm`©. gd© àým§Zm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. `mo½` VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. ñQ>oZ{gb dmnamg nadmZJr Amho. 1. A) `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 10 1) "dV©_mZ hr ^yVH$mimMr {H$ëbr Amho' Ago ___________ `m§Zr gm§JrVbo. (S>oìhrg, hQ>Z, qH$J) 2) ^yê$n emñÌm _Yo "^yê$n ho IS>H$, H$maH$ Am{U ___________ `m§Mm EH${MÌ n[aUm_ Amho' Aer EH$ _yb^yV g§H$ënZm Amho. (doi, H«$s`m, H$m`© ) 3) n¥ÏdrÀ`m Jmä`mMr gamgar KZVm ___________ J«°_/Xa Mm¡ag g|Q>r_rQ>a Amho. (5.5, 11.09, 13.5) 4) àm. gyg `m§Zr ___________ À`m AmYmao AgUmar n¥ÏdrÀ`m A§Va§JmMr ñVar` aMZm gwM{dbr Amho. (amgm`{ZH$ KQ>H$, KZVoVrb ~Xb, Vmn_mZmVrb \$aH$) 5) "Am¡pîUH$ A{^gaU àdmhm§Mr g§H$ënZm ___________ `m§Zr _m§S>br. (à°Q>, hmoåg, Aoar)> 6) n¥ÏdrÀ`m n¥îR> ^mJmda n[aUm_ H$aH$mè`m eVtMo CJ_mÀ`m ñÌmoVmda AmYm[aV___________ à_wI {d^mJm _Yo dJuH$aU Ho$bo Amho. (2, 4, 6) 7) XrK© {ZarjUm {edm` Ñì` ZhmoUmè`m _mVr d IS>H$m§À`m g§W hbmMrbm ___________ Ago åhUVmV. (XaS> H$mogiUo, _¥XoMo ganQ>Uo, {h_ànmV) 8) ___________ n«H$maMo Ádmbm_wIr gmVË`mZo Ádmbm_wIr` nXmW© ~mhoa \o$H$VmV. ({Od§V, {Z{ÐñV, _¥V) 9) ___________ {dKQ>Z ho H$m{`H$ {dXmaUmMm àH$ma Amho. (J§OUo, H$UmX, H$m~m}ZoeZ) 10) O§oìhm KZVm dmT>Vo V§oìhm ^yH§$n bhar Amnbm doJ ___________ (dmT>dVmV, H$_r H$aVmV, ~XbV ZmhrV) SLR-VL – 1 -4- *SLRVL1* ~) Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am : 10 1) ___________ ho ^y{deofm§Mo emñÌ Amho. 2) "{OA°mJ«m{\$H$b EñgoO²' ho nwñVH$ ___________ Zo {b{hbo. 3) ___________ `m§À`m _VmZwgma ^y{_ñdê$nm§Mr C§Mr d IS>H$m§Mr KZVm `m§Mm ì`ñV g§~§Y AgVmo. 4) àmW{_H$ ^yH§$n bhatZm ___________ Agohr åhUVmV. 5) dbrnd©Vm§Mr {Z{_©Vr ___________ _YyZ Pmbr ho gd©_mÝ` Pmbo Amho. 6) ___________ {Z_m©U hmoUmao A{Vgyú_ H$U (H$bo) ho eodQ>Mo CËnmXZ _mZbo OmVo. 7) g|Ðr` KQ>H$m§Mo ___________ ho O¡{dH$ {dXmaU _mZbo OmVo. 8) {dXmaU Pmboë`m IS>H$m§À`m VwH$S>çm§Mr Jwê$ËdmH$f©UmZo CVmamÀ`m {XeoZo hmoUmar hmbMmb åhUOoM ___________ 9) Ja_ nmÊ`mÀ`m Pè`m§À`m C§M CgiUmè`m nmÊ`mbm ___________ åhUVmV. 10) ^yH§$nmÀ`m ___________ ñWmZmbm \$moH$g åhUVmV. 2. Ádmbm_wIr` H«$s`m åhUOo H$m` ? Ádmbm_wIr` H«$s`m§Mm n[aUm_m§Mr gmoXmhaU dU©Z H$am. 20 3. "n¥ÏdrÀ`m A§Va§JmMo' g{dñVa dU©Z H$am. qH$dm "A§VJ©V' eVr åhUOo H$m` ? ^yê$nm§À`m {Z{_©Vr _Ü`o àñVa ^§Jm§À`m Agboë`m gh^mJmMo ñnîQ>rH$aU Úm. 20 4. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr 2) : 1) H$m{`H$m {dXmaUmÀ`m H$maUm§Mo ñnîQ>rH$aU Úm. 2) ^yê$nemñÌr` Aä`mgmMo ñdê$n WmoS>`mV {bhm. 3) "g§VybZ' g§H$ënZm WmoS>`mV gm§Jm. 4) dù`m§Mo/KS>`m§Mo àH$ma dU©Z H$am. 20 5. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr 2) : 1) {g`mb, {g_m, Zr\o$ 2) ^yñIbZ (_mg _yìh_|Q>) 3) _mZd {Z{_©V {dXmaU 4) ^yê$n emñÌmÀ`m Aä`mgmV S>ãë`y. E_. S>oìhrg `m§Mm gh^mJ. 20 _______________ 20 SLR-VL – 10 *SLR-VL-10* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – I) (Semester – II) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – VI) (Old) Climatology – II Day and Date : Thursday, 24-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) 2) 3) 4) Max. Marks : 100 All questions are compulsory. Draw neat diagrams and maps wherever necessary. Use of map stencil is allowed. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. A) Choose the correct from the following alternatives : 10 1) Thornthwait’s climatic classification are based on _____________ a) Vegetation b) Potential evapotranspiration c) Evaporation 2) Mohagany is the most valuable timber found in _____________ forest. a) Tropical rain forest b) Taiga c) Monsoon 3) Koppen proposed his first classification in _____________ a) 1800 b) 1900 c) 1950 4) Dr. M. S. Randhawa divided India into _____________ agriculture region. a) 7 b) 11 c) 5 5) The lower Ganga plain is covers the portion of _____________ a) West Bengal State b) Bihar c) Kerala 6) The average monthly temperature in tropical rainy forest are over _____________ °C. a) 18 b) 10 c) 15 7) Paleo climatology is the study of _____________ a) Plants b) Past c) Human body 8) Minimum clothing zone of the world is _____________ a) Humid tropical forest b) Taiga region c) Hot desert 9) Precipitation evaporation and run of are the principle elements of _____________ a) Water budget b) Land budget c) Atmosphere 10) Koeppn’s 1953 scheme was known as Koeppen Pohl’s classification of world climate. a) Geiger b) Triwarta c) Tayler P.T.O. SLR-VL – 10 -2- *SLR-VL-10* B) Fill in the blanks : 10 1) _____________ is the study of climate of past. 2) _____________ is the most valuable timber found in monsoon forest. 3) _____________ drought is found in the desert area. 4) The most important ice centre in _____________ were located in Scandinavia and the AIPs. 5) In Taiga region the average temperature of the coldest month is _____________ 6) W. Koppen belongs the country _____________ 7) For planning and development of agriculture the Planning Commission has divided India into _____________ agriculture region. 8) In the Koppens climatic system polar climate is designated as _____________ 9) Air pollution is the two types _____________ and _____________ 10) All the weather changes are closely related to _____________ 2. Describe Thornthwait’s climate classification. 20 3. Describe the agroclimatic regions of India by the planning commission of India. 20 OR Define paleoclimatology and describe the climatic change during the geological past. 4. Answer the following questions in short (any two) : 20 A) Explain the different types of droughts. B) Urban heat island. C) Natural factors responsible for climatic change. D) The causes and effect of air pollution. 5. Write a short notes (any two) : 1) Global warning 2) Ozone depletion 3) Climate and clothing 4) Recent climatic change. 20 *SLR-VL-10* -3- SLR-VL – 10 _amRr ê$nm§Va 1. A) `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSyZ Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao {bhm : 10 1) Wm°Z©ÏdoQ>Mo hdm_mZmMo dJuH$aU `m g§H$ënZoda AmYmarV Amho ____________ A) dZñnVr ~) ~mînmogO©Z j_Vm H$) ~mînr^dZ 2) _mohJUr ho _hÎdmMo bmHy$S> ____________ AmaÊ`mV AmT>iVo. A) {dfwdd¥mÎmr` AmaÊ`mMm àXoe ~) V¡Jm H$) _mÝgyyZ 3) H$monoZZo Ë`mMo n{hbo dJuH$aU ____________ _Ü`o Ho$bo. A) 1800 ~) 1900 H$) 1950 4) S>m°. E_. Eg. am§Ydm `mZr ^maVmMo ____________ eoVr {d^mJ Ho$bo AmhoV. A) 7 ~) 11 H$) 5 5) J§Jm ZXrMm eodQ>Mm gnmQ> àXoe ì`mnbobo amÁ` ____________ A) npíM_ ~§Jmb ~) {~hma H$) Ho$ai 6) {dfwdd¥Îmr` OmñV nmdgmÀ`m àXoemV gamgar _{hÝ`mMo Vmn_mZ ____________ A§em nojm OmñV Amho. A) 18 ~) 10 H$) 15 7) nyam hdm_mZ emñÌmV H$emMm Aä`mg Ho$bm Amho ? A) dZñnVr ~) ^yVH$mbrZ KQ>Zm H$) _mZdr eara 8) H$_rV H$_r dñÌmMm àXoe OJmV ____________ Amho. A) {dfwdd¥Îmr` AmaÊ`o ~) V¡Jm àXoe H$) CîU dmid§Q>r 9) n§O©Ý` ~mînr^dZ Am{U ____________ ho nmÊ`mMo à_wI KQ>H$ AmhoV. A) nmÊ`mMo dhZ ~) O{_ZrMo dhZ H$) dmVmdaU 10) H$monoZZo 1953 _Ü`o Ho$boë`m H$monoÝg \$moëg ho OmJ{VH$ hdm_mZmMo dJuH$aU Ho$bo Ë`mg ____________ åhUVmV. A) OoB©Oa ~) {ÌdmVm© H$) Q>oba SLR-VL – 10 -4- *SLR-VL-10* ~) [aH$må`m OmJm ^am : 10 1) ____________ ^yVH$mbrZ KQ>Zm§Mm Aä`mg Ho$bm OmVmo. 2) ____________ ho _mÝgyZ AmaÊ`mÀ`m àXoemVrb _m¡ë`dmZ d¥j Amho. 3) ____________ XwîH$mi hm dmid§Q>r àXoemV AgVmo. 4) ____________ _Yrb _hÎdmMo ~\©$ H|$Ð ho ñH}$S>oZoìhr`m Am{U Amëßg `m {R>H$mUr ñWm{nV Pmbo Amho. 5) V¡Jm àXoemV gamgar {H$_mZ Vmn_mZ ____________ AgVo. 6) S>ãë`y H$monoZ hm ____________ XoemMm hmoVm. 7) ^maVr` eoVr {Z`moOZ Am{U {dH$mgmgmR>r {Z`moOZ Am`moJmZo ^maVmMo {H$Vr eoVr {d^mJ V`ma Ho$bo AmhoV ? 8) H$monoZ `mZr Y«wdr` hdm_mZmg {Xbobo Zmd. 9) hdm àXyfUmMo XmoZ àH$ma ____________ Am{U ____________ 10) gd© hdm_mZ ~Xb ____________ er g§~§YrV AmhoV. 2. Wm°Z©ÏdoQ> `m§Mo hdm_mZmMo dJuH$aU ñnîQ> H$am. 20 3. ^maVr` {Z`moOZ _§S>imZo Ho$boë`m eoVr hdm_mZ {d^mJmMo dU©Z H$am. qH$dm nyam hdm_mZemñÌ {dfX H$am Am{U ^yd¡km{ZH$ ^yVH$mbmVrb hdm_mZ ~XbmMr MMm© H$am. 20 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (\$V XmoZ) : A) XwîH$mimMo {d{dY àH$ma {dfX H$am. ~) ZmJar CîU hdm_mZ H$) hdm_mZ ~XbmMo O~m~Xma Z¡g{J©H$ KQ>H$ S>) hdmàXyfUmMr H$maUo d n[aUm_. 20 5. Q>r>nm {bhm (\$V XmoZ) : 1) OmJ{VH$ Vmn_mZ dmT> 2) AmoPmoZ j` 3) hdm_mZ Am{U dñÌ 4) AbrH$S>rb hdm_mZmVrb ~Xb. 20 _____________________ 20 *SLRVL12* SLR-VL – 12 Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – I) (Semester – II) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – VIII) (Old) Population Geography Day and Date : Tuesday, 29-4-2014 Max. Marks : 100 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) All questions carry equal (twenty) marks. 3) Draw neat and labelled diagrams and maps wherever necessary. 4) Use of map stencils is allowed. 5) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words those given in the bracket. 10 1) _________ introduced a separate branch of Population Geography in 1953. (John I.Clarke, Thomas R.Malthus, Gleen T. Trewartha) 2) ________ is the single official source of population data on large scale. (The Census, The Vital Registration, Demographic Year Book) 3) ______ do not conduct census regularly. (U.S.A., U.K., Afghanistan) 4) Arithmetic density of population is the ratio between total population and _______ (Total area, Total agricultural land, Total income) 5) A ratio between two sexes at the time of innumeration is called as _____ sex ratio. (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary) 6) Crude Birth Rate means number of births in a year per _____ population. (100, 1,000, 10,000) P.T.O. SLR-VL– 12 -2- *SLRVL12* 7) In the third stage of demographic transition _______ (birth rate is high and death rate is also high, birth rate is low but death rate is high, birth rate is low and death rate is also low) 8) According to ‘National Population Policy -2000’, India’s population will be stabilised in ________ (2041, 2045, 2051) 9) According to Malthus the substances in a region increase in ______ ratio. (arithmetic, geometric, algebric) 10) India has to support _______ % of the world’s total population. (2.46, 16.87, 20.91) B) Answer the following questions in one sentence : 10 1) Which is the secondary source of population data ? 2) Which state in India is leading in population density ? 3) Which is the sparsely populated continent of the world ? 4) What do you mean by secondary sex ratio ? 5) Which country is the classic example where demographic relief is opposite of its physiographic relief ? 6) Define fertility ratio. 7) Who propounded the ‘Theory of Demographic Transition’ in 1945 ? 8) What is meant by ‘Optimum Population’ ? 9) What is meant by infant motality rate ? 10) Name the Indian state which has the lowest population. 2. Define Population Geography and explain its scope and significance. 20 3. A) How physical factors affect the distribution of population in the world ? Elaborate your answer with suitable examples. OR 20 B) Explain in brief ‘India’s National Population Policy-2000’. 4. Write short answers on any two of the following : 1) Explain the various determinants of fertility. 2) Critically examine the Theory of demographic transition. 3) Describe the various sources of population data. 4) Explain with suitable examples the concept of over population. 20 20 *SLRVL12* -3- SLR-VL – 12 5. Write short notes on any two of the following : 20 1) The census. 2) Population problems in India. 3) Malthusian Theory of Population. 4) Population distribution in India. _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. A)H§$gmVrb `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z [aH$må`m OmJm ^am. 1) 1953 _Ü`o bmoH$g§»`m ^yJmobmÀ`m doJù`m emIoMm àma§^ ________ `§mZr H$obm. (Om°Z Am`². bmH©$ , Wm°_g Ama. _mëWg, ½brZ Q>r.{ÌdmWm©) 2) _moR>çm à_mUmda bmoH$g§»`oMr AmH$S>odmar {_i{dÊ`mMm à«_wI ñÌmoV ________ hmo`. (OZJUZm Ahdmb, OÝ_-_¥Ë`y Zmo§XUr Ahdmb, bmoH$g§»`m{df`H$ dm{f©H$ Ahdmb) 3) ________ XoemV {Z`{_VnUo OZJUZm Ho$br OmV Zmhr. (g§`wÎm g§ñWmZoo, `y.Ho$., A\$Jm{UñVmZ) 4) EHy$U bmoH$g§»`m Am{U ________ `m§À`m JwUmoÎmambm bmoH$g§»`oMr KZVm åhUVmV. (EHy$U joÌ\$i, EHy$U eoVr joÌ, EHy$U CËnÝZ) 5) OZJUZoÀ`m dois XmoZ qbJm§_Ü`o AgUmè`m JwUmoÎmambm ________ qbJXa åhUVmV. (àmW{_H$, {ÛVr`H$, V¥Vr`H$) 6) EH$m dfm©V ________ bmoH$g§»`o_Ü`o EHy$U OÝ_Zmè`m§À`m g§»`m à_mUmbmH$À`m OÝ_Xa (CBR) åhUVmV. (100, 1,000, 10,000) 7) bmoH$g§»`m g§H«$_UmÀ`m {Vgè`m Q>ßß`mV ________ (OÝ_Xa OmñV VgoM _¥Ë`yXahr OmñV AgVmo, OÝ_Xa H$_r Va _Ë`yXa OmñV AgVmoo, OÝ_Xa H$_r Am{U _¥Ë`yXahr H$_r AgVmo) 8) "^maVmMo amï´>r` bmoH$g§»`m YmoaU-2000' Zwgma ^maVmMr bmoH$g§»`m B.g. _______ _Ü`o pñWa hmoB©b. (2041, 2045, 2051) 10 SLR-VL– 12 -4- *SLRVL12* 9) _mëWgÀ`m _Vo EImÚm àXoemVrb gmYZg§nÎmr ________ nÕVrZo dmT>Vo. (J{UVr`, ^y{_Vr`, ~rOJ{UVr`) 10) EHy$U OmJ{VH$ bmoH$g§»`oV ^maVmMm dmQ>m ________ % Amho. (2.46, 16.87, 20.91) ~) Imbrb àíZm§Mr EH$m dm`mV CÎmao Úm : 10 1) bmoH$g§»`m {df`H$ AmH$S>odmar {_i{dÊ`mMm {ÛVr`H$ ñÌmoV H$moUVm ? 2) ^maVmV gdm©{YH$ bmoH$g§»`oMr KZVm AgUmao amÁ` H$moUVo ? 3) OJmVrb gdm©V {dai$ bmoH$dñVrMo I§S> H$mUVo ? 4) {ÛVr`H$ qbJ JwUomÎma / qbJà_mU åhUOo H$m` ? 5) àmH¥${VH$ CR>mdmÀ`m {déÕ bmoH$g§»`m {df`H$ CR>md AgUmao gdm}Îm_ CXmhaU AgUmam Xoe H$moUVm ? 6) OZZ à_mUmMr ì`m»`m Úm. 7) 1945 _Ü`o "bmoH$g§»`m g§H«$_U {gÕm§V H$moUr _m§S>bm ? 8) BîQ>V_ bmoH$g§»`m åh¥UOo H$m` ? 9) A^©H$ _¥Ë`yXa åhUOo H$m` ? 10) ^maVmV gdm©V H$_r bmoH$g§»`m AgUmao amÁ` H$moUVo ? 2. bmoH$g§»`m ^yJmobmMr ì`m»`m g§mJyZ Ë`mMr ì`már d _hËd {deX H$am. 20 3. A) OmJ{VH$ bmoH$g§»`m {dVaUmda àmH¥${VH$ KQ>H$m§Mm H$gm n[aUm_ hmoVmo ? Vn{ebdma gmoXmhaU g§mJm. 20 qH$dm ~) "^maVmMo bmoH$g§»`m{df`H$ amï´>r` YmoaU-2000' Mo WmoS>`mV {díbofU H$am. 4. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr XmoZ àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm. 1) OZZ à_mUmda n[aUm_ H$aUmè`m {d{dY KQ>H$m§Mo dU©Z H$am. 2) bmoH$g§»`m g§H«$_U {gÕm§VmMo Q>rH$Ë_H$ n[ajU H$am. 3) bmoH$g§»`m {df`H$ AmH$S>odmar {_i{dÊ`mÀ`m {d{dY ñÌmoVm§Mr g{dñVa _m{hVr Úm. 4) A{VarÎm$ bmoH$g§»`m hr g§H$ënZm CXmhaUmgh ñnï> H$am. 20 5. Imbrbn¡H$r H$moUË`mhr Xmohmoda Q>rnm {bhm. 1) OZJUZm Ahdmb 2) ^maVmVrb bmoH$g§»`m{df`H$ g_ñ`m 3) _mëWgMm bmoH$g§»`m{df`H$ {gÕm§V 4) ^maVmVrb bmoH$g§»`oMo {dVaU. 20 __________________ SLR-VL 13 *SLRVL13* S N e o a t . M.A./M.Sc. (Part I) (Semester II) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper V) (New) Geomorphology II (CGPA Pattern) Day and Date : Tuesday, 22-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Max. Marks : 70 All questions are compulsory. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. Use of stencils is allowed. All questions carry equal marks. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. A) Choose the correct alternatives given in the bracket : 7 1) The jig saw fit means the similarities between the coastlines and joining together of ____________ (Australia and Asia, Africa and South America, N. America and Asia) 2) The term plate was first used by Canadian geophysicist ____________ (J. T. Wilson, A. H. Strahler, W. J. Morgan) 3) Stalagmites are unique features of ____________ topography. (Glacier, Karst, Marine) 4) Drumlins are associated with ______________ topography. (Aeolian, Glacier, Marine) 5) Slope replacement theory was postulated by _____________ (W. M. Davis, W. Penck, A. Wood) 6) Lifting and rolling of sand is deflation, occured in _____________ region. (Glaciated, arid, humid) 7) According to plate tectonic concept earth consists of ______________ major plates. (4, 6, 5) P.T.O. SLR-VL 13 -2- *SLRVL13* B) Fill in the blanks : 7 1) The ___________________ and ocean are the first order of landforms. 2) The water surrounded by pangea was called by wegner as ____________ 3) Deltas are developed in the ______________ stage of river. 4) Landscape is a function of structure, process and _______________ 5) Barkhans are produced due to ____________ work of wind in the arid region. 6) Harbours are protected by construction of ______________ 7) ________________ geomorphology is concerned with applying geomorphic expertise to the solution of problem. 2. Explain the Wegners continental drift theory. 14 3. A) Describe the concept of Wood about slope development. OR 14 B) State in brief landform created erosional and depositional work of river (fluvial). 4. Write short answers for the following questions (any two) : 14 1) Plate tectonic theory 2) Glacial erosional landforms 3) Marine depositional landforms 4) Branches of applied geomorphology. 5. Write short notes (any two) : 1) Views of penck on slope development 2) Characteristics of continents and oceans 3) Sand dunes 4) Natural hazard management. 14 *SLRVL13* -3- SLR-VL 13 _amR>r ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 1. gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. ZH$mem ñQ>opÝgb dmnaÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. gd© àíZmZm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. A) H§$gmVrb AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdSy>Z Imbrb dm` nyU© H$am. 1) OrJ gm°. \$sQ> åhUOo _______________ {H$ZmanÅ>rVrb g_mZVm d EH$Ì OmoS>Uo hmo`. (Am°îQ´>o{b`m d Am{e`m, Am{\«$H$m Am{U X{jU A_o[aH$m, C. A_o[aH$m d Am{e`m) 2) ______________ `m H°$ZoS>r`Z ^y-^m¡VrH$ emñÌkmZo gd© àW_ ^y_§M (Plate) hr g§km _m§S>br. (Oo. Q>r. {dëgZ, E. EM² . ñQ´>°hba, S>ãby . Oo. _m°J©Z) 3) CÜd©_wIr bdUñV§^ (Stalagmites) `m ^y_rñdê$nmMr {Z{_©Vr _______________ `m àXoemV hmoVo. ({h_ZXr, H$mñQ>©, gmJar) 4) {h_moT>{Jar hm ^y-AmH$ma _______________ À`m g§~§YrV Amho. (dmam, {h_ZXr, gmJar) 5) CVma ~XbmMm (ñbmon [aßbog_|Q>) {gÕm§V _______________ `m§Zr _m§S>bm. (S>ãby. E_² . S>oìhrg, S>ãby . n|H$, E. dyS>) 6) AndhZ gIbrH$aU åhUOo dmè`mÀ`m IZZ H$m`m©V dmiyMo CMbUo d dhZ hmoUo A{e {H«$`m _______________ àXoemV Amho. ({h_, ewîH$, AmЩ) 7) ^y{ddV©ZrH$m g§H$ënZoZwgma n¥ÏdrMo à_wI _______________ ^y_§M AmhoV. (4, 6, 5) 7 SLR-VL 13 -4- *SLRVL13* ~) Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am : 1) _______________ Am{U _hmgmJa ho àW_ loUrMo ^yñdê$n AmhoV. 2) n±Or`mÀ`m g^modVmbÀ`m nmÊ`mbm doJZaZo _______________ Ago g§~moYbo Amho. 3) ^r^yO àXoe ho ZXrÀ`m _______________ AmdñWoV {dH$grV hmoVmV. 4) ^yÑî` (Landscape) åhUOo g§aMZm, à{H«$`m Am{U _______________ `m§Mo H$m`© Amho. 5) ~maIZMr {Z{_©Vr ewîH$ àXoemVrb dmè`mÀ`m _______________ H$m`m©_wio hmoVo. 6) ~§XamMo g§ajU _______________ ~m§YyZ Ho$bo OmVo. 7) 7 ^ê$n emñÌm§À`m g_ñ`m§À`m {ZamH$aUmgmR>r dmna Ho$bm OmVmo `mbm _______________ ^yê$n emñÌ Ago åhUVmV. 2. doJZaMm ^yI§S> dhZ {gÕm§V ñnîQ> H$am. 3. A)dyS> `m§Mo CVma {dH$mgmg§~§YrMo {dMma dU©Z H$am. qH$dm 14 14 ~) àdmhr nmÊ`mÀ`m/ZXrÀ`m IZZ d g§M`Z H$m`m©_wio {Z_m©U hmoUmè`m ^yAmH$mam§Mm WmoS>`mV d¥Îmm§V Úm. 4. 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao Úm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) ^y_§M {ddV©{ZH$m {gÕm§V 2) {h_ZXrÀ`m IZZ H$m`m©_wio {Z_m©U hmoUmao ^yAmH$ma 3) gmJamVrb g§M`Z H$m`m©_wio {Z_m©U hmoUmar ^yê$no 4) Cn`mo{OV ^y-ê$n emñÌmÀ`m emIm. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 14 14 1) n|H$ `m§Mo CVma {dH$mg g§~§YrMo {dMma 2) ^yI§S> d _hmgmJa `m§Mr d¡{eîQ>ço 3) dmiyÀ`m Q>oH$S>çm/dmbwH$m{Jar 4) Z¡g{J©H$ AmnÎmr ì`dñWmnZ. _____________________ SLR-VL – 14 *SLR-VL-14* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Semester – II) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – VI) (New) (CGPA Pattern) Climatology – II Day and Date : Thursday, 24-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) 2) 3) 4) Max Marks : 70 All questions are compulsory. Draw neat diagrams and maps wherever necessary. Use of map stencil is allowed. Figures to the right indicate marks. 1. A) Complete the following sentences by choosing correct alternative given below : 7 1) Koeppen used _____________ letter symbol to denote tropical humid climate. (1) AF 2) AM 3) AR ) 2) The climatic classification made by _____________are based on potential evapotranspiration. (1) Koeppen 2) Thornthwait 3) Trewartha ) 3) Dr. M.S. Randhaw divided India into _____________ agriculture region. (1) 5 2) 7 3) 9 ) 4) Thornthwait climatic classification is based on precipitation effectiveness and _____________ efficiency. (1) Thermal 2) Humidity 3) Physical ) 5) _____________ is the most valuable timber found in monsoon forests. (1) Sagwan 2) Mohagany 3) Redwood ) 6) _____________ is the dominant crop of north eastern agro climatic region in India. (1) Wheat 2) Sugar 3) Rice) 7) The last great ice age was existed in _____________ period. (1) Miocene 2) Triassic 3) Pleistocene) P.T.O. SLR-VL – 14 -2- *SLR-VL-14* B) Fill in the blanks : 7 1) In the Koeppen climatic system polar climate is designated as _____________ 2) The lower Ganga plain region is cover the portion of _____________ 3) Air pollution is two types _____________ 4) Local level climates are called as _____________ climate. 5) _____________ climatology deals with the function of human body. 6) The average monthly temperature in tropical rainy forest is over _____________ °C. 7) _____________ draw is found in the desert area. 2. Describe the agrocimatic region of India by the planning commission of India. 14 3. Describe W. Koppens climatic classification. 14 OR Define Paleo climatology and describe the recent climatic changes. 4. Answer the following questions in short (any two) : 14 14 1) Explain the different types of drought. 2) The causes and effect of air pollution. 3) Explain the effect of climate on human health and comfort. 4) Thornthwaites 1948 classification. 5. Write a short notes on (any two) : 1) Ozone depletion 2) Globle warming 3) Monsoon climatic region 4) Urban climate and heat island. 14 *SLR-VL-14* -3- SLR-VL – 14 _amRr ê$nm§Va 1. A) `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z nwT>rb dm`o nyU© H$am : 7 1) H$monoZ `mZr ____________ `m AmÚmjamMm CîU H$Q>r~Yr` hdm_mZmgmR>r Cn`moJ Ho$bm. (1) E.E\$. 2) E.E_. 3) E.Ama. ) 2) ~mînmoËgO©Z j_Vm `mda AmYmarV hdm_mZmMo dJuH$aU ____________ `mZr V`ma Ho$bo. (1) H$monoZ 2) Wm°Z©ÏdoQ> 3) {ÌdmVm© ) 3) S>m°. E_. Eg. am§Ydm `mZr ^maVmMo ____________ eoVr {d^mJ Ho$bo AmhoV. (1) 5 2) 7 3) 9 ) 4) Wm°Z©ÏdoQ>Mo hdm_mZmMo dJuH$aU d¥îQ>r narUm_H$maH$Vm Am{U ____________ H$m`©j_Vm `mda Adb§~yH$ Amho. (1) Vmn_mZ 2) AmX©Vm 3) àmH¥$VrH$) 5) ____________ ho _m¡ë`dmZ bmHy$S> _mog_r dZmV gmnS>Vo. (1) gmJdmZ 2) _mohJZr 3) amoOdyS> ) 6) ____________ ho nrH$ ^maVmÀ`m D$Îma nyd© eoVr hdm_mZ àXoemV Amho. (1) Jhÿ 2) gmIa 3) Vm§Qy>b> ) 7) eodQ>Mo ~¥hV {h_`wJ ____________ `m H$mbmdYrV `oVo. (1) _m`mogrZ 2) Q´>m`{gH$ 3) ßbmB©ñQ>mogrZ ) ~) [aH$må`m OmJr `mo½` eãX ^am : 7 1) H$monoZ `mZr X«wdr` hdm_mZmg {Xbobo Zmd ____________ 2) J§Jm ZXr`m eodQ>Mm gnmQ> àXoe ì`mnbobo amÁ` ____________ 3) hdm àXyfUmMo XmoZ àH$ma ____________ 4) ñWm{ZH$ àXoemVrb hdm_mZmMm H$mbmdYr ____________ 5) ____________ hdm_mZemñÌmMm _mZdr H$m`m©er g§~§Y Amho. 6) {dfydd¥Îmr` OmñV nmdgmÀ`m àXoemV gamgar _{hÊ`mMo Vmn_mZ ____________ A§em nojm OmñV Amho. 7) ____________ XwîH$mb hm Zoh_r dmbd§ar àXoeH$ AmT>iVo. SLR-VL – 14 -4- *SLR-VL-14* 2 ^maVr` {Z`moOZ _m§S>imZo Ho$bobo eoVr hdm_mZ {d^mJmMo dU©Z H$am. 14 3. S>ãë`y H$monoZMo hdm_mZmMo dJuH$aU {dfX H$am. 14 qH$dm nyam hdm_mZemñÌmMr _m{hVr g§mJyZ AbrH$S>rb hdm_mZmVrb ~Xb gm§Jm. 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (\$V XmoZ) : 14 14 1) XwîH$mimMo {d{dY àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am. 2) hdmàXyfUmMr H$maUo d narUm_ gm§Jm. 3) hdm_mZmMm _mZdr eara d gwI `mda hmoUmam narUm_. 4) Wm°Z©ÏdoQ>Mo 1948 Mo hdm_mZmMo dJuH$aU. 5. Q>rnm {bhm (\$V XmoZ) : 1) AmoPmoZ j`. 2) OmJVrH$ Vmn_mZ dmT> 3) _mog_r hdm_mZ àXoe 4) ZmJar hdm_mZ Am{U CîU ~oQ>o 14 _______________ SLR-VL – 15 *SLRVL15* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – I) (Semester – II) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – VII) (New) (C.G.P.A. Pattern) Regional Geography of India Day and Date : Saturday, 26-4-2014 Max. Marks : 70 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) 2) 3) 4) All questions are compulsory. Use of stencils is allowed. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. 1. A) Choose the correct alternative given in the bracket : 7 1) Lakshadweep Islands are located in (Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal) 2) The region delineated on the basis of population features are known as _________ region. (historical, physical, demographic) 3) __________ is the largest petroleum producing in India. (Bombay High, Ankleshwar, Naharkatiya) 4) ___________ soil occupies highest percentage in all types of soil. (Desert, Alluvial, Black) 5) The first cotton textile industry was established India in (Solapur, Nagpur, Mumbai) 6) __________ is the capital of Chattisgarh. (Ranchi, Raipur, Dehradun) 7) __________ sub-divided India into 7 climatic divisions. (Stamp, Koppen, Trewartha) P.T.O. SLR-VL – 15 -2- *SLRVL15* B) Fill in the blanks : 7 1) ___________ carved out of Bihar State. 2) ___________ is the oldest range of the Himalayes. 3) _____________ National Park is situated in the Jharkhand. 4) The largest production of Manganese in India is __________ 5) Narmadha is the __________ flowing river in India. 6) Planning Commission divided India into ____________ agro-climatic regions. 7) ____________ crops grown in the highest area in India. 2. Give a brief account of Agro-climatic regions of India. 14 3. Describe in detail the distribution and production of Petroleum in India. 14 OR What are the basis of Regionalization ? How demography helps in regionalization of the region ? 4. Write short answers for the following questions (any two). 14 1) Give an account of Rice production of India. 2) Describe the major industrial regions of India. 3) Write a geographical essay on Chattisgarh State. 4) Give an account of canals irrigation in India. 5. Write short notes (any two). 1) Location of India. 2) Ironore production in India. 3) The concept of Macro regions. 4) Drainage system in Peninsular India. 14 *SLRVL15* -3- SLR-VL – 15 _amR>r ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) 1. gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. ñQ>opÝgbMm dmna H$aÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m d ZH$meo H$mT>m. A) Imbrbn¡H$s `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z [aH$må`m OmJm ^am. 1) bjÛrn ~oQ> ho __________ pñWV Amho. (Aa~r 2) g_wÐmV, qhXr _hmgmJamV, ~§JmbMm CngmJamV) bmoH$g§»`m d¡{eîQ>çmZwgma dU©ZrV Ho$boë`m {d^mJmg __________ Cgo g§~moYVmV. (Eo{Vhm{gH$, àmH¥${VH$, bmoH$g§»`memñÌr`) 3) __________ (~m°å~o `oWo ^maVmV noQ´>mo{b`_Mo gdm©V OmñV CËnmXZ hmoVo. hm`, A§H$boída, ZhmaH$Q>r`m) 4) __________ (dmid§Q>r, 5) 7 _¥XoMr Q>Ho$dmar BVa _¥Xm àH$mamÀ`m VwbZoV gdm©V OmñV Amho. JmimMr, H$mir) ^maVmVrb n{hbr gwVr H$mnS>{JaUr __________ `oWo C^maÊ`mV Ambr. (gmobmnya, ZmJnya, _w§~B©) 6) __________ hr N>ÎmrgJS> amÁ`mMr amOYmZr Amho. (am§Mr, am`nya, S>ohamSy>Z) 7) __________ `mZr ^maVmMo 7 hdm_mZ{df` Cn{d^mJ nmS>bobo AmhoV. (ñQ>°ån, H$monoZ, {ÌdmWm©) ~) Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am. 1) {~hma_YyZ doJio Pmbobo amÁ` __________ hmo`. 2) __________ {h {h_mb`mVrb gdm©V àmMrZ am§J Amho. 3) __________ amîQ´>r` A^`maÊ` ho PmaI§S> _Ü`o pñWV Amho. 7 SLR-VL – 15 *SLRVL15* -4- 4) __________ amÁ`mV ^maVmVrb _±JZrOMo gdm©V OmñV CËnmXZ KoVbo OmVo. 5) Z_©Xm hr ^maVmVrb __________ dm{hZr ZXr Amho. 6) {Z`moOZ Am`moJmZo ^maVmMo Amho. 7) ^maVm_Ü`o __________ ho nrH$ gdm©V OmñV joÌmV KoVbo OmVo. __________ H¥$fr hdm_mZ {d^mJmV {d^mJUr Ho$bobr 2. ^maVmVrb H¥$fr hdm_mZ àXoemMm WmoS>`mV AmT>mdm Ü`m. 14 3. ^maVmVrb I{ZOVobmMo {dVaU d CËnmXZ `m{df`r g{dñVa dU©Z H$am. 14 qH$dm àmXo{eH$sH$aUmMo AmYma H$moUVo AmhoV ? bmoH$g§»`memñÌmMm `mgmR>r H$gm Cn`moJ hmoVmo Vo gm§Jm ? 4. 5. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) ^maVmVrb Vm§Xyi CËnmXZmMm WmoS>`mV AmT>md Ü`m. 2) ^maVmVrb à_wI Am¡Úmo{JH$ àXoemMo dU©Z H$am. 3) N>ÎmrgJS> amÁ`mda ^m¡Jmo{bH$ {Z~§Y {bhm. 4) ^maVmVrb H$mbdm ObqgMZmMr _m{hVr {deX H$am. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 14 14 1) ^maVmMo ñWmZ 2) ^maVmVrb bmohI{ZO CËnmXZ 3) {demb àXoe hr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. 4) ÛrnH$ënr` ^maVmVrb ObàUmbr. ––––––––––––––––– SLR-VL – 16 *SLRVL16* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. I (Semester – II) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper VIII) (New) (CGPA Pattern) Population Geography Day and Date : Tuesday, 29-4-2014 Max. Marks : 70 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Instructions : i) ii) iii) iv) All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. Use of stencils is allowed. 1. A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words those given in the bracket. 7 1) The word ‘census’ is derived from the _________ word. (Latin, Greek, Roman) 2) Density of population refers as a ratio between population and (Agricultural land, Total land area, Forest area) 3) Crude death rate means number of deaths in a year per _________ population. (100000, 10000, 1000) 4) _________ is the under population country. (India, China, Australia) 5) The book entitled ‘A Geography of Population; World Pattern’s’ is written by (G. T. Trewartha, T. L. Smith, V. C. Sinha) 6) Largest world population is concentrated at _________ region. (Plain, Plateau, Mountain) 7) When a country’s population is high than the resource material in it, the population is called as (Over population, Optimum population, Under population) P.T.O. SLR-VL – 16 -2- *SLRVL16* B) Answer the following question in full sentence only. 7 1) __________ census method is used in U.K. 2) __________ is the largest population country in the world. 3) As per demographic transition theory early transition stage is characterized as high birth rate and ___________ death rate. 4) ___________ have implemented family planning policy strictly than India. 5) __________ of England is called as father of demography. 6) The _____________ population is the one that permit the highest per capita output. 7) The book ‘An Essay on the Principles of Population’ is written by __________ 2. Critically examine the population theory of Thomas Robert Malthus. 14 3. A) Explain population distribution pattern in the world. 14 OR B) What is mortality rate ? Explain in brief the factors affecting the mortality rate. 4. Write short answers on any two of the following : 14 14 1) Write brief on sources of population data. 2) Describe physical factors affecting on population distribution. 3) Explain factors affecting on fertility. 4) Describe the concept of under and over population. 5. Write short notes (any two) : 1) Significance of population geography. 2) Types of population density. 3) Demographic transition theory. 4) Population policy in India. 14 *SLRVL16* -3- SLR-VL – 16 _amR>r ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) gd© àíZ A{Zdm`©. gd© àíZmg g_mZ JwU AmhoV. Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. ñQ>opÝgb dmnamg nadmZJr Amho. 1.A) H§$gmVrb `mo½` eãX {ZdSy>Z [aH$må`m OmJm ^am : 7 1) OZJUZm hm eãX _____________ ^mfonmgyZ ~Zbm Amho. (b°Q>rZ, J«rH$, amo_Z) 2) bmoH$g§»`oMr KZVm åhUOo bmoH$g§»`m Am{U _____________ `mVrb JwUmoÎma hmo`. (eoVr`mo½` O_rZ, EHy$U O_rZrMo joÌ\$b, O§Jb Imbrb joÌ) 3) T>mo~b _¥Ë`wXa åhUOo Xadfu _____________ bmoH$g§»`o^mJrb _¥Ë`w à_mU hmo`. (100000, 10000, 1000) 4) _____________ hm Xoe Ý`yZV_ bmoH$g§»`oMm Amho. (^maV, MrZ, Am°ñQ´>o{b`m) 5) "bmoH$g§»`m ^yJmobmMo OJmVrb àmê$n' ho nwñVH$ _____________ `m§Zr {b{hbo Amho. (Or. Q>r. {ÌdmWm©, Q>r. Eb. pñ_W, pìh. gr. {gÝhm) 6) OJmVrb OmñV bmoH$g§»`m _____________ ^mJmV H|$ÐrV Pmbr Amho. (_¡XmZ, nR>ma, nd©V) 7) O|ìhm XoemMr bmoH$g§»`m CnbãY gmYZ g§nÎmrnojm OmñV AgVo O|ìhm Ë`mg __________ åhUVmV. (A{V[aV bmoH$g§»`m, n`m©ßV bmoH$g§»`m, Ý`yZV_ bmoH$g§»`m) ~) nwT>rb àíZm§Mr CÎmao nyU© dm`mV {bhm : 7 1) _____________ OZJUZm nÕVr `w. Ho$. _Ü`o dmnabr OmVo. 2) _____________ hm OJmVrb gdm©{YH$ bmoH$g§»`oMm Xoe Amho. 3) bmoH$g§»`m g§H«$_U {gÕm§VmZwgma, OmñV OZZXa d _____________ _¥Ë`wXa ho àmW{_H$ g§H«$_U AdñWoMo d¡{eîQ>ço Amho. SLR-VL – 16 -4- *SLRVL16* 4) ^maVmnojm _____________ `m XoemZo Hw$Qw>§~ {Z`moOZ YmoaU H$S>>H$nUo Adb§{~bo Amho. 5) B§½bS>À`m _____________ bm bmoH$g§»`m emñÌmMm OZH$ åhUVmV. 6) _____________ bmoH$g§»`m Agë`mg gdm}Îm_ XaS>moB© CËnmXZ {_iÊ`mg _XV hmoVo. 7) "A°Z Ego Am°Z X {àÝgrnb Am°\$ nm°ß`wboeZ' ho nwñVH$ _____________ `m§Zr {b{hbo. 2. Wm°_g am°~Q>© _mëWgÀ`m bmoH$g§»`m {gÕm§VmMo {Q>H$mË_H$ n[ajU H$am. 14 3.A) OJmVrb bmoH$g§»`m {dVaUmMo àmê$n ñnîQ> H$am. 14 qH$dm ~) _¥Ë`wXa åhUOo H$m` ? _¥Ë`wXamda n[aUm_ H$aUmè`m KQ>H$m§Mo WmoS>`mV ñnîQ>rH$aU H$am. 4. WmoS>`mV H$moUVrhr XmoZ CÎmao {bhm : 14 14 1) bmoH$g§»`oÀ`m AmH$S>odmarÀ`m ñÌmoVmMr WmoS>`mV _m{hVr Úm. 2) bmoH$g§»`m {dVaUmda n[aUm_ H$aUmè`m Z¡g{J©H$ KQ>H$m§Mo dU©Z H$am. 3) OÝ_Xamda n[aUm_ H$aUmao KQ>H$ ñnîQ> H$am. 4) Ý`yZV_ d A{V[aV bmoH$g§»`m g§H$ënZm§Mo dU©Z H$am. 5. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr 2) : 14 1) bmoH$g§»`m ^yJmobmMo _hÎd 2) bmoH$g§»`m KZVoMo àH$ma 3) bmoH$g§»`m g§H«$_U {gÕm§V 4) ^maVmVrb bmoH$g§»`m YmoaU. ———————— SLRVL 17 *SLRVL17* S N e o a t . M.A./M.Sc. (Part II) Semester III Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper IX) Agricultural Geography Day and Date : Monday, 21-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. N.B : 1) 2) 3) 4) Max Marks : 100 All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Use of stencils is allowed. Draw neat and labelled diagram wherever necessary. 1. A) Complete the following sentences with the appropriate alternative those are given below : 10 1) According to ___________ Agricultural Geography as mans husbandry of the land. a) Symon b) Coppock c) Hillman 2) At the time of growth of plant _________ supply should be inadequate. a) labour b) Water c) Capital 3) Quick and effecient transport network is essential for the _________ agriculture. a) Subsistence b) Shifting c) dairy 4) The word agriculture comes from _______ word Agricultura. a) Latin b) German c) American 5) Von Thunens concept of agricultural land use is based on the __________ a) Transport rent b) Economic rent c) Capital rent 6) The sustainable development can solve the problem of ______ degradation. a) Environmental b) Seed c) Water 7) Lack of irrigation is the main problem of agriculture in _________ districts. a) Solapur b) Pune c) Kolhapur 8) Water logging is impact of ___________ irrigation to the land. a) Over b) Low c) Modrate P.T.O. SLRVL 17 *SLRVL17* -2- 9) _________ is a basic activity that man gets his basic needs. a) Agriculture b) Service c) Business 10) The main causes of poverty and food nutrition are the fast growth of _______ in India. a) Population b) Industries c) Beggers B) Fill in the blanks. 10 1) Agricultural geography is sub branch of ___________ geography. 2) __________ is a differentiated segment of the earth surface. 3) Very small holding is the main characteristics of ___________ farming. 4) The variations in the density of any crop in an area at given point of time is called crop__________ 5) The average size of holding in India is very ___________ 6) ___________ is long form of H.Y.V. 7) Johnasons model adopted by _________ for the intensity of agricultural map of Europe. 8) ____________ cultivation is responsible for the loss of valuable forest cover on the land. 9) _________ approach is known as a universal approach. 10) The first book of Agricultural Geography is written by ___________ 2) Explain impact of non-physical determinants on agriculture. 20 3) Explain approaches to the study in agricultural geography. 20 OR What is Intensive farming ? Where it is practised in the world, explain in brief. 4) Answer the following questions in short (any two) : 1) Explain major gene centres in the world. 2) Size of holding and fragmentation are important factors. Discuss in brief. 3) Discuss the problems of High Yield Varieties 4) Describe the effects of rainfall on agriculture. 20 *SLRVL17* -3- 5) Write short notes on the following (any two) : SLRVL 17 20 1) Scope of Agricultural Geography. 2) Von Thunens theory of Agricultural land use. 3) Agricultural problems of Solapur district. 4) Shifting cultivation. gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) _amR>r ê$nm§Va gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV gd© àíZm§Z g_mZ JwU AmhoV ñQ>opÝgbMm dmna H$aÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho Amdí`H VoWo gw~H$ AH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m 1) A)`mo½` Vmo n`m©` {ZdSy>Z Imbrb dm`o nyU© H$am : 10 1) ___________`m§À`m _Vo _mZdm Ûmam ^y_r g§dY©Z åhUOo ""H$¥fr ^yJmob'' hmo`. A) gm`_Z ~) H$monm°H H$) {hb_Z 2) amonm§À`m dmT>rÀ`m H$mbI§S>mV ___________Mm nyaogm nwadRm AgUo Amdí`H$ Amho. A) _Oya ~) nmUr H$) ^m§S>db 3) ___________ eoVrH$arV ObX Am{U n[aUm_H$maH$ dmhVyH$ _mJm©Mo Ombo AgUo Amdí`H Amho. A) {Zdm©hH$ ~) ñWbm§VarV H$) S>oAar 4) ___________^mfoVrb ""A°J«rH$ëMam'' `m Zmdm§dê$Z A°J«rH$ëMa hm eãX V`ma Pmbm. A) b°Q>rZ ~) O_©Z H$) A_o[aH$Z 5) ìhm°Z WwZoZ `m§Mm eoVr H¥$fr^y_r Cn`moOZ {gÕm§V___________ AmYmabobm Amho. A) dmhVyH$ I§S>mda ~) Am{W©H$ I§S>mda H$) ^m§S>db I§S>mda 6) emídV {dH$mgm§Zo ___________ AdZVr hmo g_ñ`m gwQy> eH$Vo. A) n`m©daUr` ~) {~`m§Mr H$) Ob 7) ObqgMZmMr H$_VaVm hm ___________{OëøVrb eoVrMr à_wI g_ñ`m Amho. A) gmobmnya ~) nyUo H$) H$moëhnya SLRVL 17 -4- *SLRVL17* 8) O{_Vrbm Ho$boë`m ___________ qgMZmMm narUm_ hmoCZ nmZWi n«Xoe {Z_©U Pmbo. A) A{V ~) H$_r H$) _Ü`_ 9) ___________ hm _mZdmMm nm`m^yV ì`dgm` Amho Ë`m_YyZ Ë`mg àmW{_H$ JaOm àmßV hmoVmV. A) H¥$fr ~) ZmoH$ar H$) ì`dgm` 10) ^maVmVrb Jar~r Am{U nm¡pîQ>H$ Amhma `m g_ñ`§mMo à_wI H$maU åhUOo doJmZo dmT>Umar ___________ A) bmoH$g§»`m ~) H$maImZXmar H$) {^H$ar ~) [aH$må`m OmJm ^am : 10 1) H¥$fr ^yJmob hr ___________ ^yJmobmMr CnemIm Amho. 2) n¥ÏdrÀ`m nwîQ>^mJmÀ`m {d^o{XV I§S>`wVmg ___________ Ago åhUVmV. 3) ___________ eoVràH$mam_Ü`o eoVrMo d¡{eîR²>` åhUOo YmaU joÌ A{Vf` bhmZ AgVo. 4) EImÚm joÌm_Yrb {dd{jV doir H$moUË`mhr {nH$mÀ`m KZVoVrb n[adV©Zmg nrH$ ___________ Ago åhUVmV. 5) ^maVmV gamgar YmaU joÌ A{Vf` ___________ Amho. 6)`.ìhr Mo ___________ ho {dñVmarV ê$nm§VaU Amho. 7) ___________ `m§Zr `wamonÀ`m H¥$fr {Vd«VoMm ZH$mem V`ma H$aVm§Zm OmoZgZ² `m§À`m à{V_mZmMm ñdrH$ma Ho$bm. 8) ___________ eoVr Om{_Zrdarb _m¡ë`dmZ O§JbmMo AmdaU ZîQ> H$aÊ`mg O~m~Xma Amho. 9) ___________ nÕVrbm d¡pídH$ nÕVr Agohr g§~moYbo OmVo. 10) ___________ `m§Zr H¥$fr^yJmobmdarb n{hbm J«§W {b{hbm. 2. eoVrda n[aUm_ H$aUmè`m AàmH¥$VrH$ KQ>H$m§Mo dU©Z H$am. 20 3. H¥$fr^yJmobmVrb Aä`mmgmÀ`m nÕVr ñnîQ> H$am. 20 qH$dm gImobeoVr åhUOo H$m` ? Vr OJmV H$moR>o Ho$br OmVo Ë`mMm WmoS>`mV AmT>mdm ¿`m. *SLRVL17* -5- SLRVL 17 4) Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎma {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 20 1) OJmVrb à_wI OZwH$ H|$ÐmMo ñnîQ>rH$aU H$am. 2) eoVO{_ZrMm AmH$ma Am{U {VMo {d^mOZ ho _hËdmMo KQ>H$ AmhoV ho WmoS>`mV ñnîQ> H$am. 3) CÀM n¡Xmg ~r-{~`mUm§À`m g_ñ`m§Mo dU©Z H$am. 4) nO©Ý`mMo eoVrdarb narUm_mMo dU©Z H$am. 5. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 20 1) H¥$fr^yJmobmMr ì`mßVr 2) ìhm°Z WwZoZ `m§Mm H¥$fr ^y_r Cn`moOZ {gÕm§V 3) gmobmnya {OëømVrb eoVrÀ`m g_ñ`m 4) ñWbm§VarV eoVr. _____________________ SLR-VL – 18 *SLRVL18* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – II) (Sem. – III) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY Paper – X : Settlement Geography Day and Date : Wednesday, 23-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) 2) 3) 4) Max. Marks : 100 All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal (20) marks. Use of map stencils is allowed. Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary. 1. A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words those given below : 1) Jorden worte ____________ a book on settlement geography. a) Geography of Settlements 10 b) Nature of Settlement Geography c) Rural and Urban Settlements 2) _____________ has coined the term ‘Megalopolis’. a) W. Christaller b) Jean Gottman c) Burgess 3) ______________ type of settlements are common in arid zones. a) Dispersed b) Nucleated c) Linear 4) Burgess’s model consists of ______________ concentric zones. a) 9 b) 7 c) 5 5) _____________ is an administrative town. a) Guwahati b) Ahmedabad c) Chandigarh 6) ____________ types of economic activities are largely found in rural settlements. a) Primary b) Secondary c) Tertiary 7) _____________ is one of the basic needs of human being. a) Home b) Shelter c) Hamlet 8) The present urbanization is largely the product of ____________ revolution. a) industrial b) urban c) green 9) The sector theory was developed by _____________ a) Homer Hoyt b) Harris and Ullman c) Burgess P.T.O. SLR-VL – 18 -2- *SLRVL18* 10) The ____________ central place hierarchy is based on traffic optimising principle. a) K – 3 b) K – 4 c) K – 5 B) Complete the following sentences : 10 1) Index of primacy = ? Population of second largest town 2) _____________ model is based on the Newtonean theory of gravitation. 3) Macca and Madina are the____________ towns in Saudi Arabia. 4) ____________ coined the term ‘city rich and city poor sectors’ in central place theory. 5) ____________ wall houses are common in forest areas of the world. 6) Impact of Indus valley culture is visible up to Kausambi in the east and __________ in the South in India. 7) R. Y. Singh wrote a book entitled _____________ 8) _____________ refers to the physical environment on which a city originates and evolves. 9) Jamshedpur is an ___________ town in India. 10) Air temperature above the city is always ___________ than that of the surrounding area. 2. Define settlement and explain the difference between rural and urban settlements. 20 3. Explain how physical environment affects on human settlements. 20 OR 3. Classify Indian towns according to their functional structure. 20 4. Answer the following questions in short (any two) : 20 1) Discuss the relative importance of site and situation in settlement development. 2) Define rural-urban fringe and explain its structure. 3) Explain house types based on building material. 4) Critically discuss Christaller’s theory of central place. 5. Write short notes on (any two) : 1) Central Business District. 2) Hierarchy of settlements 3) The concentric zone theory 4) Types of rural settlements. 20 *SLRVL18* SLR-VL – 18 -3- _amRr ê$nm§Va 1. A)Imbr {Xboë`m n`m©`m_YyZ `mo½` eãX {ZdSy>Z Jmibobo eãX ^am : 10 1) Om°S>©Z `m§Zr dgmhV ^yJmobmda _____________ ho nwñVH$ {bhrbo Amho. A) Geography of Settlements ~) Nature of Settlement Geography H$) Rural and Urban Settlements 2) _oJ°bmonmobrg hr g§km _____________ `m§Zr emoYyZ H$mT>br. A) S>~²ë`y .{¼ñQ>ba ~) Om°Z Jm°Q>_Z H$) ~J}g 3) H$moaS>çm d éj àXoemV _____________ àH$maÀ`m dgmhVr àm_w»`mZo AmT>iVmV. A) {dIwaboë`m ~) H|${ÐV H$) gaiaofoVrb 4) ~J}gÀ`m {gÕm§VmV _____________ g_H|$Ðr` dVw©bo AmhoV. A) 9 ~) 7 H$) 5 5) _____________ ho àemgH$s` eha Amho. A) JwdmhmQ>r ~) Ah_Xm~mX H$) M§XrJT> 6) J«m_rU dgmhVr§_Ü`o àm_w»`mZo _____________ ñdê$nmÀ`m Am{W©H$ {H«$`m AmT>iVmV. A) àmW{_H$ ~) {ÛVr`H$ H$) V¥Vr`H$ 7) _____________ hr EH$ _mZdmMr àmW{_H$/_yyb^yV JaO Amho. A) Ka ~) {Zdmg H$) PmonS>r 8) gÜ`mMo ZmJarH$aU ho _____________ H«$m§VrMo \$brV Amho. A) Am¡Úmo{JH$ ~) ZmJar H$) harV 9) {ÌÁ`m-I§S> (dVw©i {d^mJ) {gÕm§V _____________ `m§Zr _m§S>bm. A) hmo_a hm°`Q> ~) h°arg d Cb_Z H$) ~J}g 10) gw`mo½` dmhVwH$ VÎdmda _____________ hr _Ü`dVu H«$_dmar AmYm[aV Amho. A) K – 3 ~) K – 4 H$) K – 5 ~) nwT> rb dm`o nyU© H$am : 10 ? 1) àmW{_H$VoMm {ZXe©H$ = Xwgè`m _moRçm ehamMr bmoH$g§»`m (Index of Primacy) 2) _____________ _m°S>ob ho Ý`yQ>ZÀ`m JwéËdmH$f©U {gÕm§Vmda AmYm[aV Amho. SLR-VL – 18 -4- *SLRVL18* 3) gm¡Xr Aa~ñWmZmVrb _H$m d _{XZm hr ehao _____________ H|$Ðo AmhoV. 4) _Ü`dVu {R>H$mU {gÕm§VmVrb "lr_§V eha d Jar~ eha {d^mJ' hr g§km _____________ `m§Zr emoYbr. 5) _____________ q^VrMr Kao O§JbjoÌmV àm_w»`mZo AmT>iVmV. 6) qgYy g§ñH¥$VrMm à^md ^maVmVrb nyd}H$S>rb H$m¡g§~r n`ªV d X{jUog _____________ n`ªV AmT>iVmo. 7)`².qgJ `m§Zr {bhrboë`m (dgmhVtg§X^m©V) nwñVH$mMo B§J«Or Zm§d _____________ 2. 3. 3. 4. 5. 8) Á`m ^m¡{VH$ n`m©daUma ZmJamMr {Z{_©Vr d {dH$mg hmoVmo Vo ZJamÀ`m _____________ er g§~§{YV AgVo. 9) O_eoXnya ho EH$ _____________ {R>H$mU/eha Amho. 10) ehamÀ`m daÀ`m dmVmdaUmMo Vmn_mZ ho Zo h _r g^mo d VmbÀ`m Vmn_mZmnoj m _____________ AgVo. dgmhVrMr ì`m»`m g§mJyZ J«m_rU d ZmJar dgmhVt_Yrb \$aH$ ñnîQ> H$am. _mZdr dgmhVtda ^m¡{VH$ n`m©daUmMm H$gm n[aUm_ hmoVmo Vo ñnîQ> H$am. qH$dm ^maVr` eham§Mo Ë`m§À`m H$m`m©Zwgma dJuH$aU H$am. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) dgmhVtÀ`m {dH$mgmVrb ñWmZ d pñWVrMo _hÎd {deX H$am. 2) J«m_rU-ZmJar n[agr_oMr ì`m»`m gm§JyZ {VMr g§aMZm ñnîQ> H$am. 3) ~m§YH$m_ gm{hË`mdê$Z Kam§Mo àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am. 4) {¼ñQ>baÀ`m _Ü`dVu {R>H$mU {gÕm§VmMo Q>rH$mË_H$ {ddoMZ H$am. WmoS>`mV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 1) H| Ðr` ì`mnma {d^mJ (C.B.D.) 2) dgmhVtMr H«$_dmar 3) g_H|$Ðr` dVw©i {gÕm§V 4) J«m_rU dgmhVtMo àH$ma. _____________________ 20 20 20 20 20 SLR-VL – 19 *SLRVL19* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – II) (Semester – III) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – XI) Biogeography Day and Date : Friday, 25-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. N. B. : 1) 2) 3) 4) Max. Marks : 100 All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Use of stencils is allowed. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. 1. A) Choose the correct alternative and rewrite : 10 1) As stated by _____________, biogeography is formed by twin aspects of plant and animal geography. 1) Edward 2) Lamark 3) Anderson 2) Functioning of an ecosystem depends upon the pattern of ___________ 1) Incoming energy 2) Energy flow 3) Outgoing energy 3) Broadly speaking, the world is divided into __________ major ecosystems. 1) 2 2) 3 3) 6 4) The pioneering work in ___________ was made by M. New begin in 1936. 1) Ecology 2) Pedology 3) Biogeography 5) The evolution of carnivorous mammals was experienced in __________ period. 1) Cambrian 2) Jurassic 3) Ecocen 6) Growth of life requires about 40 elements out of which ________,hydrogen and oxygen are important. 1) Potassium 2) Carbon 3) Sulfur 7) The interlinking of number of food chains form _________ in the given ecosystem. 1) Food web 2) Internet 3) Cobweb 8) According to Edwards, plants cannot be studied without the study of __________ 1) Animals 2) Man 3) Soil P.T.O. SLR-VL – 19 -2- *SLRVL19* 9) ___________ are the plants which grow on the host trees. 1) Hydrophytes 2) Epiphytes 3) Xerophytes 10) The theory of evolution of living organisms by natural selection was putforth by ____________ and Wallace. 1) Darwin 2) Lamark 3) Orgel B) Fill in the blanks : 10 1) The first primitive plants had __________ origin. 2) The ‘Savanna’ region is located in ___________ 3) Crocodiles are included in ___________ family of animals. 4) The wild life (protection) Act was passed by the Parliament in __________ 5) The largest group of plants occupying definite habitats of __________ environment is called as a floristic kingdom. 6) Shifting cultivation helps the process of __________ 7) Western Ghats is considered as ____________ of biodiversity. 8) Social forestry is a type of conservation of ___________ resources. 9) The free movement of animals is ___________ due to increasing human settlements around their natural habitat. 10) Hunting is _________ in national parks. 2. What are the major types of ecosystems ? Explain any one of them with suitable examples. 20 3. A) What is dispersal ? Explain how the dispersal of plants take place with suitable examples. 20 OR B) What is biogeography ? Explain the branches of biogeography. 4. Write short answers (any two) : 20 20 1) Describe the methods of conservation of biotic resources. 2) What are the causes of animal migration ? 3) What are the food chains and food webs ? 4) State the importance of paleorecords in biogeography. 5. Write short notes (any 2) : 1) Aforestration 2) National forest policy 3) Tidal ecosystem 4) Association of plants and animals. 20 *SLRVL19* gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) -3- SLR-VL – 19 _amR>r ê$nm§Va gd© àíZ A{Zdm`©. gd© àíZm§Zm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. ñQ>opÝgbMm dmna H$aÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. `mo½` VoWo AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. 1.A) `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z nwÝhm {bhm : 10 1) Zr gm§{JVë`m à_mUo O¡{dH$ ^yJmob hm àmUr d dZñnVr ^yJmob `m XmoÝhrÀ`m _XVrZo ~Zbm Amho. 1) ES>dS>© 2) b°_mH©$ 3) A°ÝS>agZ 2) n[ag§ñWoMr H$m`©nÕVr À`m nÕVrda Adb§~yZ AgVo. 1) `oUmar D$Om© 2) D$O}Mm àdmh 3) OmUmar D$Om© 3) OJmVrb n[ag§ñWm§Mo à_wI àH$ma AmhoV. 1) 2 2) 3 3) 6 4) E_. Ý`y{~{JZ `m§Mo 1936 _Yrb nm`m^yV H$m`© _Ü`o hmoVo. 1) n[apñW{VH$s 2) _¥XmemñÌ 3) O¡{dH$ ^yJmob 5) _m§g^jH$ gñVZ àmÊ`m§Mr CËH«$m§Vr `m H$mimV AZw^dbr Jobr. 1) H±${~«`Z 2) Á`ya°{gH$ 3) BAmogoZ 6) gOrdm§À`m dmT>rgmR>r gw_mao 40 _ybÐì`o bmJVmV, Ë`mn¡H$s , h¡S´>moOZ d Am°pgOZ hr _hÎdmMr AmhoV. 1) nmoQ>°{e`_ 2) H$m~©Z 3) gë\$a 7) AZoH$ AÝZ gmIù`m§Mo EH$_oH$m§er AgUmè`m g§~§Ym§_YyZ {Xboë`m n[ag§ñWoV . {Z_m©U hmoVo. 1) AÝZ Omio 2) B§Q>aZoQ> 3) H$moù`mMo Omio 8) ES>dS>©g `m§À`m _VmZwgma dZñnVtMm Aä`mg {edm` H$aVm `oV Zmhr. 1) àmUr 2) _Zwî` 3) _¥Xm 9) dZñnVr øm `O_mZ d¥jm§da dmT>VmV. 1) Obr` 2) CnarCX²{^X 3) ewîH$àXoer` 10) Z¡g{J©H$ {ZdS>rZwgma hmoUmè`m gOrdm§À`m CËH«$m§VrMm {gÕm§V d d°b°g `m§Zr _m§S>bm. 1) S>m{d©Z 2) b°_mH©$ 3) AmoJ©b SLR-VL – 19 -4- *SLRVL19* ~) [aH$må`m OmJm ^am : 10 1) n{hë`m àmW{_H$ dZñnVtMr {Z{_©Vr Pmbr. 2) "g°ìhmZm' àXoe `oWo Amho. 3) _JatMm g_mdoe Hw$imV hmoVmo. 4) dÝ`Ord (g§ajU) H$m`Xm g§gXoZo _Ü`o Ho$bm. 5) EH$m {d{eîQ> A{Ydmgm_Ü`o ~hþg§»`oZo d n`m©daUmV AmT>iUmè`m dZñnVtÀ`m àXoembm "dZñnVr àXoe' åhUVmV. 6) ^Q>`m eoVr_wio bm _XV hmoVo. 7) npûM_ KmQ> hm O¡d{d{dYVoMm Amho. 8) gm_m{OH$ dZrH$aU hr gmYZg§nÎmr g§dY©ZmMr EH$ nÕV Amho. 9) Z¡g{J©H$ A{Ydmgm_Yrb àmÊ`m§Mr ñd¡a hmbMmb _mUgm§À`m dmT>Ë`m dgË`m§_wio hmoVo. 10) amîQ´>r` CÚmZm§_Ü`o {eH$ma H$aÊ`mg AgVo. 2. n[ag§ñWm§Mo _w»` àH$ma H$moUVo Vo gm§JyZ H$moUË`mhr EH$m n[ag§ñWoMr _m{hVr gmoXmhaU Úm. 20 3.A) àgaU åhUOo H$m` ? dZñnVtMo àgaU H$go hmoVo Vo CXmhaUo XoD$Z gm§Jm. AWdm ~) O¡{dH$ ^yJmob åhUOo H$m` ? O¡{dH$ ^yJmobmÀ`m emIm§Mr _m{hVr Úm. 20 4. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVrhr 2) : 1) O¡{dH$ gmYZg§nÎmrÀ`m g§dY©Z nÕVtMr _m{hVr Úm. 2) àmÊ`m§À`m ñWbm§VamMr H$maUo H$moUVr ? 3) AÝZ gmIir d AÝZ Omio åhUOo H$m` ? 4) O¡{dH$ ^yJmobmÀ`m Aä`mgmVrb àmMrZ nwamÊ`m§Mo _hÎd gm§Jm. 20 5. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr 2) : 1) dZrH$aU 2) amîQ´>r` O§Jb {df`H$ YmoaU 3) ImS>r n[ag§ñWm 4) àmUr d dZñnVr ghg§~§Y. 20 ________________ 20 SLR-VL – 2 *SLRVL2* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. – I (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – II) (Old) Climatology – I Day and Date : Wednesday, 23-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Instructions : 1) 2) 3) 4) Max. Marks : 100 All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Use of stencils is allowed. Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary. 1. A) Fill in the blanks by choosing correct alternatives given in bracket : 10 1) Prevailing winds blows on the surface of the earth from high pressure belt to low pressure belt ____________ a) In summer b) In winter c) Through out year 2) The effect of rotation of the earth is very high at the __________ a) Poles b) Middle latitude c) Equator 3) The mass of water vapour in grams contained in a kilogram of air is called ___________ humidity. a) Relative b) Specific c) Absolute 4) Chinooks are warm and dry local winds blowing on leeward side of ___________ a) Himalaya b) Alps c) Rockies 5) Mesosphere is sublayer of ___________ layer of the atmosphere. a) Troposphere b) Stratosphere c) Upper atmosphere 6) As per the Ferrei’s law global winds deflects to their right side in __________ hemisphere. a) Northern b) Southern c) Both 7) The process associated with the birth of front is known as ____________ a) Cyclone b) Frontogenesis c) Frontolysis 8) Stationary front is formed in ____________ stage of life cycle of cyclone. a) First b) Second c) Third P.T.O. SLR-VL – 2 *SLRVL2* -2- 9) The energy radiated from the sun ____________ when the number of sunspots increases. a) Increases b) Decreases c) Remains constant 10) Life cycle of cyclone is completed through ____________ successive stages. a) Three b) Five c) Six B) Fill in the blanks : 10 1) ____________ is the major source of atmospheric temperature. 2) The low pressure belt lying across equator extends from ___________ 3) Content of water vapour present in the air at a particular time and space is called ____________ 4) __________ are the most violent and disasters of all storms. 5) The sloping surface between two different air masses in confrontation with each other is called ____________ 6) Glacial wind, whirl wind, Berg wind, mistral wind are the best examples of ___________ 7) Dew, frost, fog and rime are the various forms of ___________ 8) The term __________ refers to the destruction or dying of front. 9) Convergence of two air masses of contrasting physical properties and direction is the ___________ stage of temperature cyclone. 10) Frizid zone lies beyond 66 30′ in ___________ hemisphere. 2. Give the detailed account of composition and structure of the atmosphere. 20 3. Describe the various types of air masses and their properties. 20 OR Explain in brief origin, distribution and weather associated with tropical cyclone. 4. Answer the following question in short (any two) : 1) Explain the origin and stages of mid latitude cyclone. 2) What is insolation ? 3) Describe stability and instability of air. 4) Give a brief account of horizontal and vertical distribution of temp. 20 *SLRVL2* -3- SLR-VL – 2 5. Write short notes (any two) : 20 1) Isothermal maps 2) Local winds 3) Inter tropical convergence zone 4) Humidity. _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. A) H§$gmVrb `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am. 1) àM{bV dmao n¥Ïdrda OmñV Xm~mÀ`m nÅ>çmH$Sy>Z H$_r Xm~mÀ`m nÅ>çmH$S>o dmhVmV. A) CÝhmë`mV ~) {hdmë`mV H$) df©^a 2) n¥Ïdr n[adbZmMm doJ da OmñV OmUdVmo. A) Y«wd ~) _Ü` Ajd¥Îm H$) {dfwd¥Îm 3) hdoVrb ~mînmÀ`m dOZr à_mUmg åhUVmV. A) gmnoj AmЩVm ~) {d{eîQ> AmЩVm H$) {Zanoj AmЩVm 4) MrZyH$ ho CîU H$moaS>o dmao àm_w»`mZo nd©VmÀ`m dmV{dÝ_wI CVmamda dmhVmV. A) {h_mb` ~) Ambßg H$) am°H$s 5) _ogmopñ\$`a hm dmVmdaUmVrb WamMm Cn Wa Amho. A) Vnm§~a ~) pñWVm§~a H$) CÀMñVar` dmVmdaU 6) \o$arÀ`m {Z`_mZwgma J¥hr` dmao n¥Ïdrn[adbZmMm n[aUm_ åhUyZ JmobmYm©V Ë`mÀ`m COdrH$S>o dmiVmV. A) CÎma ~) X{jU H$) XmoÝhr 7) \«§$Q> (\$ir) À`m {Z{_©Vr à{H«$`obm åhUVmV. A) AmdV© ~) \«$§Q>m°{OZogrg H$) \«§$Q>m°{bgrg 8) AmdVm©À`m OrdZgmIbrV nm`arV ñWm`r \$irMr (stationary front) {Z{_©Vr hmoVo. A) àW_ ~) {ÛVr` H$) V¥Vr` 9) gy`m©darb dmT>>Ë`m O_mÀ`m à_mUmV gy`©n¥îR>mdê$Z CËg{O©V hmoUmar eVr . A) dmT>Vo ~) H$_r hmoVo H$) H$m`_ amhVo 10) AmdVm©Mr OrdZgmIbr nyU© hmoÊ`mgmR>r nm`è`m AmhoV. A) VrZ ~) nmM H$) ghm 10 SLR-VL – 2 -4- *SLRVL2* ~) Jmiboë`m OmJm ^ê$Z dm`o nyU© H$am : 10 hm dmVmdaUmbm {_bUmè`m CîUVoMm EH$_od ñÌmoV Amho. 1) 2) {dfwd¥Îmr` H$_r Xm~mMm nÅ>m Xaå`mV ngabm Amho. 3) hdoVrb ~mînmÀ`m ê$nmVrb nmÊ`mÀ`m ApñVËdmbm åhUVmV. 4) ho A{V{dÜd§gH$ d {dKmVH$ dmXio Amho. 5) g_moamg_moarb XmoZ {d{dY JwUY_m©À`m dm`wamer Xaå`mZÀ`m CVaË`m n¥îR>^mJmg __________ åhUVmV. 6) ½bmgr`b dmao, MH«$dmV, ~J©dmao, _rñQ´>b dmao B. àH$maÀ`m dmè`m§Mr CXmhaUo hmoV. 7) Xd, X{hda, YyHo$ B. Mr ê$no hmoV. 8) hr g§km \«§$Q>À`m Zmem g§~§Yr Amho. 9) XmoZ {d{dY ^m¡{VH$ JwUY_m©À`m dm`yamer EH$_oH$mg_moa `oUo hr g_{eVmoîU H$Q>r~§YmVrb> AmdVm©Mr nm`ar Amho. 10) erV H$Q>r~§YmMm {dñVma JmobmYm©V 6630′ AmYmd¥Îmm n{bH$S>o AmT>bVmo. 2. dmVmdaUmÀ`m aMZoMm d {dñVmamMm g{dñVa d¥Îmm§V Úm. 20 3. {d{dY àH$maÀ`m dm`yamerMo àH$ma d Ë`m§À`m JwUY_m©Mr g{dñVa MMm© H$am. qH$dm CîU H$[a~§Yr` AmdVm©Mm CJ_, {dVaU Am{U Ë`mer g§~§YrV hdoMr g{dñVa _m{hVr Úm. 20 4. WmoS>`mV CÎmao Úm (H$moUVrhr XmoZ) : 1) _Ü` Ajd¥Îmr` AmdVm©À`m CJ_ d AdñWm{df`r _m{hVr Úm. 2) gm¡a eVr åhUOo H$m` ? 3) hdoÀ`m pñWaVm d ApñWaVo {df`r MMm© H$am. 4) Vmn_mZmÀ`m Cä`m d AmS>ì`m {dVaUmMm d¥Îmm§V Úm. 20 5. Q>rn Úm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 1) g_Vmn aofm ZH$meo 2) ñWbr` dmao 3) B§Q>a Q´>m°nrH$b H$m°ZìhO©Ýg PmoZ 4) AmЩVm. 20 _____________________ SLR-VL – 20 *SLRVL20* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. II (Semester – III) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – XII) Cultural Geography Day and Date : Monday, 28-4-2014 Max. Marks : 100 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Instructions: 1) 2) 3) 4) All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Use of stencils is allowed. Draw neat and labelled diagram wherever necessary. 1. A) Fill in the blanks by choosing correct alternative given in bracket. 10 1) _____________ is Tibeto-Burman language. [North Assamee, Dravidian, Telugu] 2) The group of people having common racial, religious and linguistic characteristics is known as _____________ group. [Racial, Tribal, Ethnic] 3) ____________ is product of human action. [Religion, Culture, Race] 4) Present day _____________ display very high degree of social and ethnic diversity. [U.S.A., Britain, India] 5) Among all the major religious systems of the world __________ is most ancient. [Hinduism, Christainity, Islam] 6) Origin of Chinese civilization is in upper basin of ___________ [si-cang, Yangaste, Hoyang-Ho] 7) ____________ born in deserts of Middle-East about 3800 years ago which refers to the religion of Jews. [Buddhism, Hinduism, Judiasm] 8) ____________ language has highest speakers population in the world. [English, Hindi, Mundarin] P.T.O. SLR-VL – 20 -2- *SLRVL20* 9) The pigmies tribal groups are inhabitants of ____________ Africa. [Northern, Southern, Tropical] 10) _________ gave most important contribution to racial geography. [Mark Jefferson, H.J. Makinder, Grifith Taylor] B) Fill in the blanks : 10 1) _______________ & __________ are the holly books of Hindu. 2) ____________ is gift of Egypt. 3) Hunting is ____________ economic activity. 4) Catholic and Protestant are two main divisions of ____________ 5) _____________ means submission to God. 6) _____________ population is more concentrated in Punjab. 7) Generally peoples of ____________ race have the strong prognatism. 8) ___________ is great force of civilization. 9) Mesopotemia, Nile valley, Indus valley and Hoyang-Ho basin are the best examples of ____________ 10) Polygamy is permissible in ___________ religion. 2. What is cultural geography ? Comment on its nature and evolution in brief. 20 3. What is cultural hearth ? Explain in brief cultural hearths of the world. 20 OR 3. Write an essay on ethnic groups and tribal groups of the world. 4. Write answers in short : 1) Explain different components of culture. 2) Give an account of world cultural realms. 3) Write an essay on cultural diversity and regionalization in India. 20 4) Explain in brief technological changes in agriculture. 5. Write short notes on (any two) : 1) Major religions of the world. 2) Pattern of rural and urban society. 3) Diffusion of ethnic traits in the world. 4) Concept of culture. 20 *SLRVL20* SLR-VL – 20 -3- _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. A) H§$gmVrb `moJ n`m©` {ZdSy>Z Jmiboë`m OJm ^am. 1) _____________ hr {V~oQ>mo-~_©Z ^mfm Amho. [CÎma 2) 10 Amgm_r, Ð{dS>r`Z, VobwJy ] g_mZ d§e, Y_© d ^mfrH$ d¡erîQ>ço AgUmam bmoH$mMm g_yh _______________ g_yh åhUyZ AmoiIbm OmVmo. [dm§erH$, Am{Xdmer, BWZrH$] 3) ___________ hr _mZdr {H«$`m§Mr {Z_uVr Amho. [Y_©, 4) g§ñH¥$Vr, d§e] gÚm OJmV gdm©{YH$ gm_mOrH$ d BW{ZH$ {d{dYVm ___________ XoemV AmT>iVo. [g§`wV 5) OJmVrb gd© Y_©ì`dñWoV ___________ hr gdm©V OwZr Y_©ì`dñWm Amho. [qhXy 6) g§ñWmZo, {~«Q>Z, ^maV] , {¼íMZ, _wñbr_] {MZr g§ñH¥$VrMm CJ_ ___________ ZXrÀ`m Imoè`mV Pmbm. [grH±$J, Wm§JËgo, hmo`m§Jèhmo] Mm CX` _Ü`nyd}Vrb dmid§Q>r àXoemV g§~§Y Á`w Y_m©er Amho. 7) ___________ [~wÕrP_, 8) qhXwBP_, Á`wS>rP_] qhXr, _m§XarU] Am\«$sHo$À`m ___________ ^mJmV {n½_r _moR>çm à_mUmV amhVmZm AmT>iVmV. [C. 10) dfm©nydu Pmbm Á`mMm OJmV gdm©V OmñV ~moir ^mfm AgUmè`m bmoH$m§Mr g§»`m __________ ^mfoMr Amho. [B§J«Or, 9) 3800 Am\«$sH$m, X. Am{\«$H$m, CîU H$Q>r~§Yr` Am\«$sH$m] dm§{eH$ ^yJmoimV ___________ Mo `moJXmZ gdm©{YH$ Amho. [_mH©$ Oo\$agZ, _H$s¨S>a, {J«\$sW Q>oba] SLR-VL – 20 2. -4- *SLRVL20* ~) Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am : 1) ___________ d ___________ ho {hXyMo n{dÌ J«§W AmhoV. 2) ___________ hr B{OßVMr XoUJr Amho. 3) {eH$ma H$aUo hr ___________ Am{W©H$ {H«$`m Amho. 4) H°$Wm°brH$ d àmoQ>oñQ>§Q> `m XmoZ ___________ Y_m©À`m à_wI emIm Amho. 5) ___________ åhUOo Xodmbm An©Z hmo`. 6) n§Om~_Ü`o ___________ bmoH$m§Mr g§»`m OmñV H|$ÐrV Pmbr Amho. 7) gm_mÝ`nUo ___________ d§emÀ`m bmoH$m§Mm O~S>m _moR>çm AmH$mamMm AgVmo. 8) ___________ hr g§ñH¥$VrMr _moR>r eVr Amho. 9) _ogmonmoQ>o{_`m, ZmB©b Imoao, qgYw Imoao d hmo`m±Jhmo Imoao hr __________ Mr CÎm_ CXmhaUo hmoV. 10) ~hþnËZrËd ho ___________ Y_m©V _mÝ`Vm àmßV Amho. 10 gm§ñH¥${VH$ ^yJmob åhUOo H$m` ? gm§ñH¥${VH$ ^yJmobmÀ`m ñdê$n Am{U {dH$mgmMr MMm© H$am. 20 3. g§ñH¥$VrMo CJ_ ñWmZ åhUOo H$m` ? OJmVrb {d{dY g§ñH¥$Ë`mMr CJ_ ñWmZo {deX H$am. qH$dm 3. OJmVrb dm§erH$ g_yh Am{U O_mVr g_yhmda {Z~§Y {bhm. 20 4. WmoS>`mV CÎmao Úm (H$moUVrhr XmoZ) : 1) g§ñH¥$VrMo {d{dY KQ>H$ {deX H$am. 2) OJmVrb gm§ñH¥$VrH$ àXoemMm d¥ÎmmÝV Úm. 3) ^maVmVrb gm§ñH¥$VrH$ {d{dYVm d àmXoerH$sH$aUmda {Z~§Y {bhm. 4) eoVrVrb Vm§ÌrH$ ~XbmMr _m{h{V {deX H$am. 20 5. {Q>nm Úm (H$moUË`hr XmoZ) : 1) OmJVrb à_wI Y_© 2) J«m_rU d ZmJar g_mOmMo àê$n 3) OJmVrb _mZdr d§emMm àgma 4) g§ñH¥$VrMr g§H$ënZm. 20 ——————— 20 SLR-VL – 21 *SLRVL21* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. – II (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – XIII) Regional Planning in India and Development Day and Date : Tuesday, 22-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 3) Use of stencil is allowed. 4) Draw neat diagrams and maps wherever necessary. 1.A) Choose the correct alternative and rewrite : 10 1) Who among the following attempted division of India into planning regions ? a) O.H.K. Spate b) L.D. Stamp c) R. L. Singh d) R. P. Misra 2) To which administrative principle the theory of central place is related ? a) K = 3 b) K = 4 c) K = 7 d) K = 9 3) Who has authored the book entitled ‘Regional Planning in India ? a) Mahesh Chand and V. K. Puri b) Sen and Wanmali c) Misra, Rao and Sundaram d) Rao and Sundaram 4) Long term planning is known as _______________ planning. a) Comprehensive c) Perspective b) Area d) Regional 5) Which category of regions does metropolitan region belongs to ? a) Formal region b) Functional region c) Single purpose region d) Natural region P.T.O. SLR-VL – 21 *SLRVL21* -2- 6) India is divided into how many planning regions according to the administrative point ? a) 4 b) 6 c) 12 d) 15 7) When did drought prone planning start in India ? a) 1972 b) 1976 c) 1969 d) 1973 8) Age structure is the indicator of ______________development. a) Social b) Economic c) Demographic d) Cultural 9) ________________ has divided India into five Macro, 11 Meso and 52 Micro regions. a) L.S. Bhat b) V.L.S. Prakasa Rao c) P. Sen Gupta d) Ashok Misra 10) To develop cities in India urban planning has been introduced in the year ___________ a) 1947 b) 1950 c) 1955 d) 1961 B) Fill in the blanks with correct answer : 1) _____________ is the Chairman of Planning Commission of India. 2) Central Place Theory was introduced by _____________ 3) Regional Planning is started in India in year _____________ 4) The concept of growth for approach has been introduced by _____________ 5) C.S. Chandrashekhar has divided India into _____________ macro regions. 6) To delineate natural region_____________ homogeneity is considered. 7) Functional region is also called as _____________ region. 8) _____________ regions are smaller in size. 9) The _____________ model was developed by J. Q. Stewart. 10) Space and economy of the region are the basis determinates of _____________development. 10 *SLRVL21* -3- SLR-VL – 21 2. Explain the concept of planning and discuss the type of planning. 3. 20 Critically examine the Central Place Theory and its resource to regional planning. 20 OR Discuss the regional imbalances in industrial development in India. 4. Write short answers of any two of the following : 20 1) Describe the problems of regional development in Maharashtra. 2) Characteristics of the planning regions. 3) Explain problematic region - Droughts in India. 4) Concept of growth and development. 5. Write short note on any two of the following : 20 1) Panchayat Raj System 2) Approaches to regional planning. 3) Metropolitan region of India. 4) Resources of regional development. _amRr ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$. gd© àíZm§Zm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. ñQ>opÝgb dmnaÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. `mo½` VoWo AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. 1.A) `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z nwÝhm dm` {bhm : 1) ^maVmVrb doJdoJù`m ^mJmbo àmXo{eH$ {Z`moOZ H$aÊ`mgmR>r H$moUr à`ËZ Ho$bo ? A) Amo.EM.Ho$. ñnoQ> ~) Eb. S>r. ñQ>m°ån H$) Ama. Eb. qgJ S>) Ama. nr. {_òm 10 SLR-VL – 21 *SLRVL21* -4- 2) _Ü`dVu ñWb {gÕm§V {¼ñQ>b_Yrb H$moUË`m àemgH$s` VÎdmer g§~§{YV Amho ? A) Ho$ = 3 ~) Ho$ = 4 H$) Ho$ = 7 S>) Ho$ = 9 3) "[aOZb ßbm°qZJ BZ B§{S>`m' ho nwñVH$ H$moUr {b{hbo ? A) _hoe M§X Am{U pìh. Ho$. nwar ~) goZ Am{U dZ_mbr H$) {_lm, amd Am{U gw§Xa_ S>) amd Am{U gw§Xa_ 4) {XK© H$mbmÀ`m {Z`moOZmbm _______________ {Z`moOZ åhUVmV. A) gd© g_mXoeH$ ~) joÌ H$) à_mU~Õ S>) àmXo{eH$ 5) ehamg§~§YmVrb àXoe ho H$moUË`m àH$mamÀ`m àmXoerH$sH$aUmV `oVmV ? A) Am¡nMm[aH$ àXoe ~) {d{eîQ> H$m`m©g§~§YrMm H$) EH$ hoVw àXoe S>) Z¡g{J©H$ àXoe 6) àemgH$s` ÑîQ>rZo ^maVmMo {H$Vr à^mJm_Ü`o {Z`moOZ Ho$bobo Amho ? A) 4 ~) 6 H$) 12 S>) 15 7) ^maVm_Ü`o XwîH$mi {Z`moOZ Ho$ìhm gwê$ Pmbo ? A) 1972 ~) 1976 H$) 1969 S>) 1973 8) d` g§aMZm hr _______________ {dH$mgmMo Xe©H$ Amho. A) gm_m{OH$ ~) Am{W©H$ H$) bmoH$g§»`m emñÌr` S>) gm§ñH¥${VH$ 9) ^maVmMo nmM _moR> çm, 52 gyú_ Am{U 11 _Ü`_ àXoemV H$moUr {d^mOZ Ho$bo ? A) Eb.Eg. ^Q> ~) pìh. Eb. Eg. àH$me amd H$) nr. goZ JwßVm S>) AemoH$ {_l 10) ehar {Z`moOZ eha {dH$mgmg§~§Yr ^maV_Ü`o __________ `m dfm©nmgyZ gwê$ H$aÊ`mV Ambo. A) 1947 ~) 1950 H$) 1955 S>) 1961 *SLRVL21* -5- SLR-VL – 21 ~) [aH$må`m OmJm ^am : 10 1) _______________ ho ^maVmÀ`m {Z`moOZ Am`moJmMo MoAa_Z AmhoV. 2) _______________ `m§Zr _Ü`dVu ñWb {gÕm§V _m§S>bm. 3) ^maVm_Ü`o àmXo{eH$ {Z`moOZmMr gwédmV_______________`m dfu Pmbr. 4) _______________ `m§Zr J«moW \$moer g§H$ënZm _m§S>br. 5) gr. Eg. M§ÐeoIa `m§Zr ^maVmMr {d^mJUr ________________moR>çm {d^mJmV Ho$br. 6) Z¡g{J©H$ àXoe aoImQ>ë`mgmR>r _______________ g_mZVoMm {dMma Ho$bm Amho. 7) {d{eîQ> H$m`m©g§~§YrÀ`m àXoembm _______________ Ago åhUVmV. 8) _______________ àXoe AmH$mamMo bhmZ AmhoV. 9) _______________ _m°S>ob ho Oo. `y. pñQ>dmQ>© `m§Zr {dñV¥V Ho$bo Amho. 10) AdH$me Am{U Am{W©H$Vm hr _______________ àXoemÀ`m àJVrMo gyMH$ AmhoV. 2. {Z`moOZmMr g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$ê$Z {Z`moOZmÀ`m àH$mamda MMm© H$am. 3. _Ü`dVu ñWb {gÕm§VmMo {Q>H$mË_H$ narjU H$am Am{U Vo àmXo{eH$ {Z`moOZmer H$go g§~§{YV Amho `mMo {ddoMZ H$am. qH$dm ^maVm_Yrb Am¡Úmo{JH$ {dH$mgm_Yrb àmXo{eH$ Ag_Vmob nUmda MMm© H$am. 20 20 4. WmoS>`mM CÎmao {bhm (H$moUË`ohr XmoZ) : 1) _hmamîQ´>m_Yrb àmXo{eH$ {dH$mgmÀ`m g_ñ`mMo dU©Z 2) àmXo{eH$$ {Z`moOZmMr d¡{eîQ>ço 3) ^maVmVrb XwîH$mimÀ`m g_ñ`oMo ñnîQ>rH$aU H$am. 4) dmT> Am{U {dH$mgmMr g§H$ënZm. 20 5. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr 2) : 20 1) n§Mm`V amÁ` ì`dñWm 3) ^maVmVrb ehar àXoe 2) àmXo{eH$ {Z`moOZmMo ÑîQ>rH$moZ 4) àmXo{eH$ àJVrMo ñÌmoV. –––––––––––––––––––– SLR-VL – 22 *SLRVL22* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – II) (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – XIV) Development of Modern Geography Day and Date : Thursday, 24-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) 2) 3) 4) Max. Marks : 100 All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Use of stencils is allowed. Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary. 1. A) Complete the following sentences by choosing correct alternative given in bracket : 10 1) Anaximander and _____________ are generally recognized as the founder of mathematical geography. (Hecataeus, Thales, Herodotus) 2) The _____________ were the first, who put forward the idea of the periodic nature of monsoon. (Greeks, Roman, Arabs) 3) A detailed study of the origin of the universe was made by _____________in his book Al-Tabdid. (Ibn-Khaldun, Al-Biruni, Al-Masudi) 4) The term ‘Geomorphology’ was coined by _____________ (Penck, Ritter, Semple) 5) _____________ founded the school of human geography. (Blache, Ritter, Humboldt) 6) Theoretical model can be divided into _____________ categories. (two, three, four) 7) Statistical methods were first introduced into geography in the __________ (1930s, 1940s, 1950s) 8) According to _____________ the relatively small regions (pays) are the ideal unit to study. (Semple, Huboldt, Blache) 9) The famous book entitled ‘Erdkunde’ is written by _____________ (Humboldt, Ritter, Ratzel) 10) The term ‘Areal differentiation’ was coined by _____________ (Hartshorne, Ritter, Davis) P.T.O. SLR-VL – 22 -2- *SLRVL22* B) Fill in the blanks : 10 1) To discover the sea route to India, _____________ was chosen by the ruler of Portugal. 2) _____________ was the first geographer to divide geography into general geography and special geography. 3) The term compage was introduced to geography by _____________ 4) The philosophy of possibilism became very much popular after the _____________ world war. 5) Possibilism is associated the _____________ school of geography. 6) _________ published a research paper entitled ‘The Quantitative Revolution and Theoretical Geography’ in Canadian Geographer. 7) _____________ is known as founder of plant geography. 8) As per Mackinder Theory, who rules East Europe commands the _______ 9) The behavioural approach in geography was introduced in _____________ 10) The term ‘humanistic geography’ was used for the first time by _________ 2. Explain the concept of environmental determinism in detail. 20 3. Give an account of development of geography in ancient period. 20 OR Explain contribution of Humboldt in development of geography. 4. Answer the following questions in short (any two) : 20 1) Write in brief on dualism between physical and human geography. 2) Discuss on quantitative revolution in geography. 3) Explain the Heart Land Theory. 4) Explain positivism. 5. Write short notes (any two) : 1) Behaviouralism 2) Systematic geography 3) Impact of discoveries on the development of geography 4) Radicalism. 20 *SLRVL22* gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) -3- SLR-VL – 22 _amRr ê$nm§Va gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. gd© àíZm§Zm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. ZH$mem ñQ>opÝgbMm dmna H$aÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. 1.A) H§$gmVrb AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdSy>Z Imbrb dm` nyU© H$am : 10 1) gd© gm_mÝ`nUo A°ZmPr_±S>a d ______________ho J{UVr` ^yJmobmMo OZH$ åhUyZ AmoiIbo OmVmV. (hoH$mQ>`g, Wmëg, hoamoS>moQ>g) 2) _mÝgyZÀ`m {Z`VH$mbrH$ ñdê$nmMr H$ënZm ______________`m§Zr àW_ _m§S>br. (J«rH$, amo_Z, Aa~) 3) ______________`m§Zr Ë`m§À`m "Ab-Vm~XrX' `m J«§Wm_Ü`o {dídmÀ`m CËnÎmrMm gImob Aä`mg Ho$bm Amho. (BãZ ImbXyZ, Ab-~réUr, Ab _gyXr) 4) ^yê$nemñÌ (Geomorphology) hr g§km ______________`m§Zr V`ma Ho$br. (n|H$, [aQ>a, g|nb) 5) _______________mZdr ^yJmob g§Hw$bmMr ñWmnZm Ho$br. (ãbme, [aQ>a, h§~moëQ>) 6) g¡Õm§{VH$ à{VH¥$VrMr (Theoretical Model) {d^mJUr ______________JQ>mV hmoVo. (XmoZ, VrZ, Mma) 7) ^yJmobm_Ü`o g§»`memñÌr` nÕVr àW_V: ______________gmbr gwê$ Pmbr. (1930, 1940, 1950) 8) ______________`m§À`m _Vo gmnojnUo bhmZ àXoe (pays) ho Aä`mgmgmR>r AmXe© ^mJ (KQ>H$) AgVmV. (g|nb, h§~moëQ>, ãbme) 9) "AS>©Hw§$S>o' hm à{gÕ J«§W ______________`m§Zr {b{hbm Amho. (h§~moëQ>, [aQ>a, a°Q>ËPob) 10) àmXo{eH$ {d{dYVm (Areal differentiation) hr g§km __________`m§Zr V`ma Ho$br. (hmQ>©em°Z©, [aQ>a, S>oìhrg) SLR-VL – 22 -4- *SLRVL22* ~) [aH$må`m OmJm ^am : 10 1) ^maVmH$S>o OmÊ`mMm gmJar _mJ© emoYÊ`mgmR>r nmoVw©Jmb amOmZo _________`m§Mr {ZdS> Ho$br. 2) gm_mÝ` ^yJmob d {deof ^yJmob Aer ^yJmobmMr {d^mJUr H$aUmao ______________ho n{hbo ^yJmobH$ma hmoVo. 3) H$m°ånoO (Compage) hr g§km ^yJmobm_Ü`o ______________`m§Zr gwê$ Ho$br. 4) g§^dmXr VÎdkmZ ho ______________`wÕmZ§Va A{Ve` bmoH${à` ~Zbo. 5) e`VmdmX hm ^yJmobmVrb ______________{dMmaloUrer g§~§YrV Amho. 6) "H°$ZS>r`Z {OAmoJ«m\$a' `m OZab_Ü`o ______________`m§Zr g§»`memñÌr` H«$m§Vr d g¡Õm§{VH$ ^yJmob (Quantitative Revolution and Theoretical Geography) hm emoY {Z~§Y à{gÕ Ho$bm. 7) ______________ho dZñnVr ^yJmobmMo OZH$ åhUyZ AmoiIbo OmVmV. 8) _°H$sÝS>a `m§À`m {gÕm§VmZwgma Omo nyd© `wamonda amÁ` H$aob Vmo ________da gÎmm JmOdob. 9) dV©ZdmXr ÑîQ>rH$moU ^yJmobm_Ü`o ______________gmbr gwê$ Pmbm. 10) _mZdVmdmXr ^yJmob (Humanistic Geography) hr g§km gd©àW_ __________`m§Zr dmna Ho$bm. 2. n`m©daU {ZíM`dmX hr g§H$ënZm g{dñVa ñnîQ> H$am. 20 3. àmMrZ H$mbI§S>mVrb ^yJmobmÀ`m {dH$mgmMm AmT>mdm ¿`m. qH$dm h§~moëQ> `m§Mo ^yJmobmÀ`m {dH$mgmVrb `moJXmZ ñnîQ> H$am. 20 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao Úm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) àmH¥$VrH$ ^yJmob d _mZdr ^yJmob `m_Yrb Û¡VdmX WmoS>`mV {bhm. 2) ^yJmobmVrb g§»`oH$s` H«$m§Vrda MMm© H$am. 3) öX` ñWb g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am. 4) gH$mamË_H$dmX (àË`jkmZdmX) ñnîQ> H$am. 20 5. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 1) dV©ZdmX (Behaviouralism) 2) H«$_~Õ ^yJmob 3) emoYm§Mm ^yJmob {dH$mgmdarb à^md 4) nwamoJm_rdmX (Radicalism). 20 _____________ SLR-VL – 23 *SLRVL23* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. II (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – XV) Political Geography Day and Date : Saturday, 26-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) 2) 3) 4) Max. Marks : 100 All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. Use of stencil is allowed. 1. A) Choose the correct alternative given in the bracket. 10 1) _______ is recognised as the father of modern political Geography. (Ratzel, Ritter, Humboldt) 2) Aristotle in his volume politics presented a model of ideal (State, Nation, Region) 3) ________ plateau is called Roof of the world. (Tibet, Chotanagpur, Deccan) 4) ________ boundaries are easy to define and delimit on the map. (Desert, Forest, Geometrical) 5) Makinder arranged the land masses of the world in _________ tiers. (Three, Four, Six) 6) ________ has classified scope of political geography into six categories. (Hartshorn, Pounds, Spykman) 7) The word ‘States’ comes from the Latin word (Statesco, Status, Stata) 8) Macmohan line between India and Tibet was demarketed in (1912, 1914, 1916) P.T.O. SLR-VL – 23 -2- *SLRVL23* 9) Panama canal connects Atlantic and _________ Ocean. (Indian, Pacific, Arctic) 10) _________ proposed the concept of geopolitical based on air power. (Mahan, Gulio, Makinder) B) Fill in the blanks. 10 1) _________ is economic element of the state. 2) _________ location of the state relation to water bodies, landmasses and neighbours. 3) The conflict between Arab and Israel is mainly due to _________ 4) The theory of origin of species was put forward by _________ 5) The book entitled, “The Geography of Peace” was written by _________ 6) _________ develop the concept of organic state. 7) Kashmir become part of an India by law on ________ 8) Concept of frontiers is mostly ________ 9) _________ is the science of relationship between space and politics. 10) _________ interpreted history essentially a struggle between land and sea power. 2. Discuss the approaches to the study of political geography. 20 3. a) Describe the role of human and economic factors in determining the personality of a country. 20 OR b) Explain with suitable example of functional classification of boundaries. 20 4. Answer the following question in short (any two) : 1) Nature of political geography. 2) Geopolitical significance of Indian Ocean. 3) Discuss location as an element of political geography. 4) India unity in diversity. 20 5. Write short notes (any two) : 1) Political geography and environment interface. 2) Heartland theory. 3) Political pattern of West-Asia. 20 4) Political stability and instability in India. *SLRVL23* -3- SLR-VL – 23 _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. A) H§$gmVrb `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. 10 1) _________ `m§Zm 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) AmYw{ZH$ ^yJmobmMo OZH$ åhUVmV. (a°Q>Pob, [aQ>a, hþå~moëQ>) A°[añQy>m°Q>b `mZr Amnë`m amÁ`emñÌ `m J«§WmV _________ Mr à{VH¥$Vr _§S>br Amho. (amÁ`, amîQ´>, àXoe) _________ À`m nR>mambm OJmMo N>ßna åhUVmV. ({V~oQ>, N>moQ>mZmJnya, X»IZ) _________ gr_m ZH$memda H$mT>>Ê`mgmR>r ghO Am{U gmoß`m AgVmV. (dmid§Q>r, O§Jbr, ^y{_Vr`) _°{H$ÝS>a `m§Zr OmJVrb ^y _§MmMr {d^mJUr _________ JQ>mV Ho$br Amho. (VrZ, Mma, ghm) _________ `m§Zr amO{H$` ^yJmobmMr ì`mßVr {d^mJUr ghm JQ> Ho$br Amho. (hmQ>©em°Z©, nm°D§$g, ñnmB©H$_Z) State hm eãX à`moJ _________ `m b°Q>rZ eãXmnmgyZ ~Zbm Amho. (Statesco, Status, Stata) 8) 9) 10) ^maV Am{U {V~oQ> Xaå`mZMr _°H$_mohZ aofm _________ gmbr {ZYm©arV Ho$br. (1912, 1914, 1916) nZm_m H$mbdm AQ>bm§Q>rH$ Am{U _________ _hmgmJamZm OmoS>Vmo. (qhXr, n°{g{nH$, AmpQ>©H$) ^yamO{ZVr_Ü`o hdmB© gm_Ï`m©À`m AmYmamda _________ `m§Zr g§H$ënZm _m§S>br. (_hmZ, Jwbr`mo, _°{H$ÝS>a) B) Jmibobo eãX ^am : 1) _________ hm amÁ`mMm Am{W©H$ KQ>H$ Amho. 2) _________ ñWmZ ho amÁ`mÀ`m Ob{g_m, O_rZ Am{U eoOmar `m§À`mer g§~§YrV AgVmV. 10 SLR-VL – 23 -4- 3) Aa~ Am{U B©ñÌmB©b _Yrb dmX hm _w»`V: _________ Amho. 4) CËH«§$mVrdmXmMm {gÕmÝV _________ `m§Zr _m§S>bm. *SLRVL23* 5) “The Geography of the Peace” ho nwñVH$ _________ `m§Zr {bhbo. 6) _________ `m§Zr O¡drH$ amÁ` hr g§H$ënZm {dH$grV Ho$br. 7) _________ amoOr H$mí_ra hm ^maVmMm H$m`Xoera> d KQ>ZmË_H$ ^mJ ~Zbm. 8) gr_m {df`mMr g§H$ënZm hr _ybV: _________ Amho. 9) AdH$me Am{U amÁ`emñÌ `m§À`mVrb g§~§Ymbm _________ åhUVmV. 10) O_rZ Am{U gmJargÎmm `m§À`mVrb g§Ke©UmMm B{Vhmg Amdí`H$ Amho Ago dU©Z _________ `m§Zr _m§S>bo. 2. amO{H$` ^yJmobmMo Aä`mg ÑîQ>>rH$moZ `mda MMm© H$am. 20 3. A)XoemÀ`m C^maUrda _mZdr d Am{W©H$ KQ>H$m§Mm à^md `mMo dU©Z H$am. qH$dm 20 ~) gr_m§Mo H$m`m©Ë_H$ dJuH$aU `mo½` CXmhaUmgh ñnîQ> H$am. 20 Imbrb àíZmMr WmoS>`mV CÎmao Xçm (H$mo. 2) : 20 4. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5. amO{H$` ^yJmobmMo ñdê$n. qhXr _hmgmJamMo ^yamO{ZVrH$ _hËd. amO{H$` ^yJmobmV ñWmZ hm _hËdMm KQ>H$ `mda MMm© H$am. ^maVmVrb EH$VoVyZ {d{dYVm. Q>rnm {bhm (H$mo. 2) : 1) 2) 3) 4) 20 amO{H$` ^yJmob Am{U n`m©daUr` hñVjon. öX`ñWb {gÕm§ÝV. n. Am{e`mMm amO{H$` AmH¥$Vr~§Y. ^maVmVrb amO{H$` pñWaVm Am{U ApñWaVm. _____________ SLR-VL – 24 *SLRVL24* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – II) (Sem. – IV) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – XV) Geography of Health Day and Date : Saturday, 26-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. N. B. : 1) 2) 3) 4) Max. Marks :100 All questions carry equal marks. All questions are compulsory. Use of stencils is allowed. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. 1. A) Choose the correct alternative : 10 1) _______________ combines with blood haemoglobin faster than oxygen (CO2, SO2, CO) 2) The high intensity of sound waves may damage the ________________ (ear, nose, mouth) 3) Destruction of ozone layer results in ________________ (blood cancer, bone cancer, skin cancer) 4) Bhopal gas tragedy is a result of ________________ gas pollution. (Methyl alcohol, Methyl acetate, Methyl isocyanate) 5) ________________ was a famous social worker for Leprosy patients. (Anna Hazare, Baba Amte, Medha Patkar) 6) ________________ university introduced population geography teaching in India. (Panjab, Delhi, Kolkata) 7) The census survey of population is carried out in India after every ________________ years. (5, 10, 15) 8) The hot and humid climate of ______________ is considered to be worse for human settlements. (equatorial area, polar area, arid regions) 9) Published reports of census survey are ________ type of source of data. (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary) 10) Maleria is a ________________ born disease. (air, water, vector) P.T.O. *SLRVL24* SLR-VL – 24 B) Fill in the blanks : 10 1) Yellow fever is mainly noted in ________________ 2) Iron deficiency results in to ________________ 3) AIDS is transmitted through ________________ 4) The town planners must have the knowledge of ________________ 5) Vitamin ________________ is necessary for eyes. 6) Tuber culosis is an ________________ born disease. 7) Polio eradication programme is type of ________________ for all planning. 8) Polar climate is ________________ suitable for human settlements. 9) Very high attitude is responsible for ________________ percentage of Oz in the air. 10) Vertigo and Lumbago are mostly known as ________________ disease. 2. Describe the WHO’s classification of diseases. 20 3. A) Describe the nature and scope of geography of health. 20 OR B) Explain the economic factors affecting human health. 4. Write in brief (any two) : 20 20 1) Significance of geography of health. 2) Communicable diseases. 3) Ecology and etiology of Cholera. 4) Primary health care centres. 5. Write short answers (any two) : 20 1) Describe the causes of mal nutrition. 2) State the importance of Vitamines in human health. 3) Discuss the role of quality of air in human health. 4) Describe the pattern of world distribution of diseases. _____________________ SLR-VL – 25 *SLRVL25* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – II) (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – XVI) Geography of Tourism Day and Date : Tuesday, 29-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.. Max. Marks : 100 N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory. ii) All questions carry equal marks. iii) Use of stencil is allowed. iv) All answers to be written in answer booklet only. 1. A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate word given in the bracket. 10 1) The word tour is derived from the latin ‘tornare’ and the ___________ ‘tornos’. (Greek, Roman, Latin) 2) For _________ travellers usual reason for travelling is to escape the cold season at home. (African, European, Indian) 3) Tourist Holiday villages are situated at warm side in _____________ country. (European, African, American) 4) In India Ministry of Tourism has identified ___________ tourist circuits. (18, 21, 10) 5) Travel agent a person, to provide tours, transportation ___________, sight-seeing of travel to public as a service. (accommodation, shopping, none) 6) The government of __________introduced new Tourism Policy in 2002 which is based on the 7-S (Pakistan, France, India) P.T.O. SLR-VL – 25 -2- *SLRVL25* 7) The ancient Buddhist monks were probably the first institutionalise the concept of a ___________ in India. (Transport, Market, Shelter) 8) __________ is the Switzerland of the India. (Kashmir, Kerala, Gujarat) 9) ___________ is not an example of tourist accommodation. (Pub, Inn, Dharmashala) 10) Youth Hostel is located in __________ city of Maharashtra. (Mumbai, Aurangabad, Nagpur) B) Fill in the blanks. 10 1) Tourism is a __________ activity and therefore an aspect of economic geography. 2) The United Nations Conference on international travel and tourism held _________ in 1963. 3) Tourism increases local _________ upon a global economy. 4) ___________ travel is a major contributor to the green house effect. 5) Tourism is the world’s largest __________ industry. 6) The city of __________ is known for it’s medieval monuments and cultural heritage in Maharashtra. 7) STDC stands for 8) Floating Hotel is located in __________ state of India. 9) The Tourism Environmental Act was enacted in 10) Tourism Development Principles and Practices book is written by 2. Explain the various types of tourism. 20 3. Explain with examples factors influencing on tourism development in Maharashtra. 20 OR Examine the regional dimensions of tourist attraction in India. 4. Answer the following question in short (any two) : i) Role of travel agencies in tourism development ii) Indian Hotel industry iii) Role of foreign capital on tourism iv) Impact of globalization on tourism 20 *SLRVL25* -3- 5. Write short notes (any two) : SLR-VL – 25 20 i) Cultural tourism ii) Tourism policies in India iii) Tourism Circuits iv) Hill stations in Maharashtra. _amR>r ê$nm§Va 1. A) H§$gmVrb `mo½` eãX {ZdSy>Z Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am. 10 1) Tour hm eãX b°Q>rZ ^mfoVrb tornare d ___________ ^mfoVrb tornos nmgyZ V`ma Pmbobm Amho. ({J«H$, amo_Z, b°Q>rZ) 2) ___________ bmoH$ {eV hdm_mZmnmgyZ gwQ>H$m H$ê$Z KoÊ`mgmR>r n`©Q>Z H$aVmV. (Am\«$sH$Z, `wamonr`Z, ^maVr`) 3) ___________ amîQ´>m_Ü`o gwQ²>Q>rMr n`©Q>Z IoS>r C~Xma ~mOyg dgbobr AmhoV. (`wamonr`, Am\«$sH$Z, A_oarH$Z) 4) ^maVr` n`©Q>Z _§Ìmb`mZo ___________ n`©Q>Z narH«$_m emoYbobr AmhoV. (18,21, 10) 5) àdmgr EO§Q> hr Aer ì`Vr Amho H$s Vr n`©Q>H$mgmR>r ghbrMo, dmhVyH$ gw{dYoMo, ___________ , AmH$f©H$ R>rH$mUo nmhÊ`mMo Am`moOZ H$aVo. (amhÊ`mMo, ~mOma H$aÊ`mMo, `mn¡H$s Zmhr) 6) ___________ `m XoemZo 2002 _Yo V`ma Ho$bobo n`©Q>Z YmoaU 5-7 da AmYmabobo Amho. (nmH$sñWmZ, \«$mÝg, ^maV) 7) ^maVm_Yo gdm©V àW_ àmMrZ H$mimV ~m¡Y Y_©JwéOr àm_w»`mZo g§ñWmË_H$ H$m_ H$aÊ`mgmR>r ___________ hr g§H$ënZm dmnabr. (dmhVyH$, ~mOma, {Zdme) 8) ___________ ho ^maVmMo pñdPab±S> Amho. (H$mí_ra, Ho$ai, JwOamV) 9) n`©Q>H$m§À`m amhÊ`mÀ`m {Q>H$mUmMo ___________ ho CXmhaU Zmhr. (n~, BZ, Y_©emim) 10) _hmamîQ´>mVrb ___________ R>rH$mUr `wW hm°ñQ>oëg AmhoV. (_w§~B©, Am¡a§Jm~mX, ZmJnya) SLR-VL – 25 -4- *SLRVL25* ~) Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am. 10 1) n`©Q>Z hr ___________ {H«$`m AgyZ Am{W©H$ ^yJmobmer g§~§YrV Amho. 2) ___________ 1963 gmbr `wZm`Q>oS> ZoeZZo Am§VaamîQ´>r` n«dmg d n`©Q>Zmda narfX KoVbr. 3) OmJVrH$ AW©ì`dñWo_Yoo n`©Q>Zm_wio ___________ dmT>bobm Amho. 4) harV J¥h n[aUm_m_Yoo ___________ dmhVyH$sMm _moR>m gh^mJ Amho. 5) n`©Q>Z hm ___________ _Yrb OJmVrb gdm©V _moR>m CXçmoJ Amho. 6) _hmamîQ´>mVrb ___________ ho eha _Ü``wJrZ H$mimVrb ñ_maH$ d gm§ñH¥$VrH$ dmagm `m gmR>r AmoiIbo OmVo. 7) S.T.D.C. Mo {dñVmarV ê$n gm§Jm. 8) ^maVmVrb ___________ amÁ`m_Yo Va§JVr hm°Q>oëg AmhoV. 9) n`©Q>Z n`m©daU{df`H$ H$m`Xm ___________ _Yo Ho$bm Jobm. 10) Tourism Development Principles and Practices ho nwñVH$ H$moUr {b{hbo ? 2. n`©Q>ZmMo {d{dY àH$ma {deX H$am. 20 3. _hmamîQ´>mÀ`m n`©Q>Z {dH$mgmda n[aUm_ H$aUmao KQ>H$ CXmhaUmgh gm§Jm. qH$dm 20 ^maVmVrb n«mXo{eH$ AmH$f©UMr ì`mßVr gm§Jm. 4. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) n`©Q>Z {dH$mgm_Yo àdmgr EOÝgrMo `moJXmZ 2) ^maVr` hm°Q>ob CXçmoJ 3) n`©Q>ZmVrb naXoer Jw§VdUyH$sMo `moJXmZ 4) OmJVrH$aUmMm n`©Q>Zmdarb narUm_ 5. {Q>nm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ). 1) gm§ñH¥${VH$ n`©Q>Z 2) ^maVmMo n`©Q>Z YmoaU 3) n`©Q>Z n[aH«$_m 4) _hmamîQ´>mVrb W§S> hdoMr {R>H$mUo. _______________ 20 20 SLR-VL – 26 *SLRVL26* Seat No. M.A. / M.Sc. (Part – II) (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY Paper – XVI : Geography of Manufacturing Day and Date : Tuesday, 29-4-2014 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) 2) 3) 4) Max. Marks : 100 All questions are compulsory. Draw neat diagrams and maps wherever necessary. Use of map stencil is allowed. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. A) Complete the following sentences by choosing correct alternative : 10 1) ________ geography is a subbranch of economic geography. a) Manufacturing b) Plant c) Soil 2) Manufacturing adds value to the ________ in use. a) money b) raw material c) human mind 3) Coastal location and nodal centres are the best location with respect to the least a) settlements b) transport cost c) population 4) ________ is generally undertake in the cotton growing area. a) Ginning b) Textile mill c) Market 5) Profit maximization approach applied by a) A. Weber b) Losch c) Pred 6) S.I.C. stands for a) Standard Indian Culture b) Social Indian Culture c) Standard Industrial Classification 7) ________ river is highly polluted river due to industrial discharge. a) Damodar b) Kosi c) Tapi 8) The humid climate of ________ has helped the early growth of cotton textile industry in India. a) Mumbai b) Solapur c) Banaras P.T.O. SLR-VL – 26 *SLRVL26* -2- 9) Liberalisation is an important aspect of the ________ development. a) political b) industrial c) educational 10) Electron was discovered by a) J.M. Thomson b) A. Pred c) Smith B) Fill in the blanks : 10 1) Manufacturing is ______________ type of human activity. 2) The word manufacture has ______________ route which means to make by machine. 3) The Behavioural approach theory put forward by ______________ in 1967. 4) ______________ is a cheap and bulky power resource. 5) Toyota is leading automobile industrial situated in ______________ nation. 6) New England industrial region is situated in ______________ Nation. 7) All the Indian rivers have been polluted by ______________ effluents. 8) ______________ means reducing the rate of import duty. 9) Least cost industrial location theory was postulated by _____________ 10) ______________ is the only one big iron and steel manufacturing centre in South India. 2. Describe the least-cost location theory of “Alfred Weber”. 20 3. Discuss the nature, scope of manufacturing geography in brief. 20 OR Describe the iron and steel industries in India in brief. 4. Answer the following question in short (any two) : 20 1) Explain the physical factors for the industrial location in brief. 2) Give a short account of the new Indian industrial policy. 3) Give a short account of iron and steel industry in Japan. 4) What is Neo-classical theory ? Explain in brief. 5. Write short notes (any two) : 1) Chemical industry 2) Industrial region of U.S.A. 3) Hardware and software industries in India 4) Industrial hazards. 20 *SLRVL26* -3- SLR-VL – 26 _amR>r ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. Amdí`H$ VoWo ZH$mem d gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. ZH$mem ñQ>opÝgëg dmnaÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 1. A)`mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z {dYmZo nyU© H$am : 10 1) ________ ^y{dkmZ hr Am{W©H$ ^yJmobmMr CnemIm Amho. A) H$maImZXmar ~) dZñnVr H$) _¥Xm 2) H$maImZXmar à{H«$`o_wio ________ Mr Cn`wVm dmT>Vo. A) n¡gm ~) H$ÀMm_mb H$) _mZdr _ZmMr 3) {H$Zmar d Mm¡H$mVrb ñWmZo {H$_mZ ________ À`m ÑîQ>rZo ñWm{ZH$sH$aUmg Cn`wV g_Obr OmVmV. A) dgmhV ~) dhmVyH$ _yë` H$) bmoH$g§»`m 4) ________ CÚmoJ gmYmaU _Ü`o H$mnyg CËnmXH$ joÌmV hmVr KoVbo OmVmV. A) gaH$sH$mT>>Uo ~) H$mnS> {JaÊ`m H$) _mH}$Q> 5) H$_mV Z\$m VËd ________ `m§Zr _m§S>bo. A) A. do~a ~) bm°íM H$) àoS> 6) Eg².Am`.gr.Mo nyU© ê$n A) à_m{UV ^maVr` g§ñH¥$Vr ~) gm_mOrH$ ^maVr` g§ñH¥$Vr H$) n«_mUrV CÚmoJmMo d{J©H$aU 7) Am¡Úmo{JH$ nmÊ`mÀ`m {dgJm© _wio ________ ZXr A{VàXyfrV ~Zbr Amho. A) Xm_moXa ~) H$mogr H$) Vmnr 8) ________ `oWrb X_Q> hdm_mZ gyVrdñÌ CÚmoJmÀ`m àma§^mg Cn`wV R>abo Amho. A) _w§~B© ~) gmobmnya H$) ~Zmag 9) CXmarH$aU hm ________ {dH$mgmVrb _hËdmMm KQ>H$ Amho. A) amOH$s` ~) Am¡Úmo{JH$ H$) e¡j{UH$ 10) BboQ´>m°ZMm emoY ________ `m§Zr bmdbm. A) Oo.E_². Wm°ångZ ~) A. àoS> H$) pñ_W SLR-VL – 26 -4- *SLRVL26* ~) [aH$må`m OmJm ^am : 1) H$maImZXmar hr ________ àH$maMr _mZdr {H«$`m Amho. 2) _°Ý`y\°$MatJ hm eãX ________ ^mfoVyZ KoVbobm AgyZ `mMm AW© `§ÌmZo ~ZdUo. 3) dV©ZdmXrVËd {gÕm§V ________ `m§Zr 1967 _Ü`o _m§S>bm. 4) ________ ñdñV Am{U dOZ KQ>Zmao eVrgmYZ Amho. 5) Q>mo`moQ>m hm àm»`mV ñd`§MbrV H$maImZm ________ XoemV ñWmnZ Pmbm Amho. 6) Ý`y B§½b§S> Am¡Úmo{JH$ àXoe ________ XoemV ñWmnZ Pmbm. 7) ^maVmVrb gd© ZÚm ________ {dgJm©_wio àXyfrV Pmë`m AmhoV. 8) ________ åhUOo Am`mV OH$mVrMo Xa H$_r H$aUo. 9) {H$_mZ _wë` Am¡Úmo{JH$ ñWb {gÕm§V ________ `m§Zr _m§S>bm. 10) X{jU ^maVmV ________ ho EH$_od _moR>o bmoh> nmobmX CÚmoJ H|$Ð Amho. 10 2. "Aë\«o$S> do~a' `m§À`m {H$_mZ _wë` Am¡Úmo{JH$ ñWb {gÕm§VmMo dU©Z H$am. 20 3. H$maImZXmar ^yJmobmMo ñdê$n d ì`mßVr WmoS>`mV {deX H$am. qH$dm 20 ^maVmVrb bmoh nmobmX CÚmoJmMm d¥Îmm§V WmoS>`mV {deX H$am. 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) CÚmoJY§ÚmÀ`m ñWm{ZH$sH$aUmMo àmH¥${VH$ KQ>H$ WmoS>`mV ñnîQ> H$am. 2) ^maVr` ZdrZ Am¡Úmo{JH$ YmoaUmMm WmoS>`mV d¥Îmm§V {bhm. 3) OnmZ_Yrb bmoh nmobmX CÚmoJmMm WmoS>`mV d¥Îmm§V {bhm. 4) {ZAmobm{gH$b g§H$ënZm åhUOo H$m` ho ? WmoS>`mV ñnîQ> H$am. 20 5. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) agm`Z CÚmoJ 2) `y.Eg².Ao. _Yrb Am¡Úmo{JH$ àXoe 3) ^maVmVrb g§hVr g§{hVm (hmS>©doAa Am{U gm°âQ>doAa) 4) Am¡Úmo{JH$ AmnÎmr (hazards). 20 _______________ SLR-VL – 27 *SLRVL27* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. II (Semester – IV) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY Geography of Marketing (Paper – XVI) Day and Date : Tuesday, 29-4-2014 Max. Marks : 100 Time : 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) 2) 3) 4) All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Use of stencils is allowed. Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary. 1. A) Complete the following sentences with the appropriate alternatives those are given below : 10 1) The word “Market” is derived from the Latin word a) Marcutus b) Murcatus c) None of these 2) _________ is an open space where actual buying and selling takes place. a) Industry b) Marketing c) None of these 3) “Marketing geography” this word was first pointed by William Applebaum an __________ geographer. a) French b) British c) American 4) Marketing activities are not linked to the _______ characteristics of the area. a) Physical b) Climatic c) None of these 5) The main aim of ________ is to fulfill the needs of the people. a) Profit b) Marketing c) Transport 6) The goods which are brought in, from other countries are the a) import b) export c) none of these 7) “Geography, Marketing and Urban Growth” this book has written by a) Berry b) Mulvihill c) Lindberg 8) _________ markets have been developed all over the world. a) trade b) periodic c) daily P.T.O. SLR-VL – 27 *SLRVL27* -2- 9) ________ and marketing geography are interrelated to each other. a) Agriculture b) Industry c) Regional planning 10) ‘Break point’ concept is postulated by a) William Reilly b) August Losch c) Weber B) Fill in the blanks : 10 1) Marketing geography is a subbranch of __________ geography. 2) “Central place” theory was developed by _______________ 3) Retailing is primary function of __________ 4) Tertiary activities are __________ oriented. 5) Dye to lower __________ power India and Indonesia have do not form a large market. 6) Areas of dense population provide huge _____________ 7) Periodicity is one of the _________ centres. 8) ___________ geography is a rapidly growing field of geographical study, with a short history and a long future. 9) The ________ markets are those which have permanent establishments. 10) The fair is _________ popular trading institutions. 2. Describe the nature, scope and significance of geography of marketing. 20 3. Explain the role of market centres in regional development in India. OR 20 Critically examine the “Break point theory”. 4. Answer the following questions in short (any two) : 20 1) Describe the functions of periodic market. 2) Explain in brief the marketing channels. 3) What is market cycle ? 4) What is relation between market and transportation ? 5. Write short notes on any two of the following : 1) Types of shopping centres. 2) Hierarchy of market centres. 3) Fairs and markets. 4) Modern marketing system. 20 *SLRVL27* gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) -3- SLR-VL – 27 _amR>r ê$nm§Va gd© àíZ Amdí`H$. gd© àíZm§Zm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. ZH$mem ñQ>opÝgëg dmnaÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. Amdí`H$ VoWo ZH$mem d gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. 1. A) AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdSy>Z Imbrb dm`o nyU© H$am. 10 1) ""_mH}$Q>'' hm eãX b°{Q>Z ^mfoVrb _______ nmgyZ Ambobm Amho. A) _H}$Q>g² ~) _yaHo$Q>g H$) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 2) _______ ho Ago {R>>H$mU {h$ OoWo àË`j IaoXr d {d{H«$ à{H«$`m MmbVo. A) H$maImZXmar ~) {dnUZ H$) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 3) _____ ^yd¡kmZrH$ {dë`_ Aßbo~_ `m§Zr "_mH}$qQ>J Om°J«\$s'' hm eãX gd© àW_ dmnabm. A) \«|$M ~) {~«{Q>e H$) A_o[aH$Z 4) {dnUZ {H«$`m _______ `m àXoemgr OmoS>boë`m ZgVmV. A) àmH¥${VH$ ~) hdm_mZ H$) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 5) _______ Mo _w»` CÔoe åhUOo JaOy bmoH$m§À`m JaOm nyU© H$aUo hmo`. A) Z\$m ~) {dnUZ H$) dhmVyH$ 6) Omo _mb naXoemVyZ AmUbm OmVmo Ë`mg _______ Ago åhUVmV. A) Am`mV ~) {Z`m©V H$) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 7) ""Om°J«\$s, _mH}$qQ>J A°ÝS> A~©Z J«moW'' ho nyñVH$ _______ `m§Zr {b{hbo.> A) ~oar ~) _m°bìhrb H$) {bÝS>~J© 8) _______ _mH}$Q> nyU© OJ^a {dH$grV Pmbr Amho. A) ì`mnma ~) AmR>dS>m ~mOma H$) XaamoOMr 9) _______ d {dnUZ ^yJmob EH$_oH$mer {ZJS>rV AmhoV. A) eoVr ~) H$maImZXmar H$) àmXoerH$ {Z`moOZ 10) ""~«oH$ nm°BªQ> '' {gÕm§V _______ `m§Zr _m§S>bm. A) {dë`_ [abo ~) A°JîQ> bm°íM H$) do~a ~) [aH$må`m OmJm ^am. 1) {dnUZ ^yJmob hr _______ ^yJmobmMr CnemIm Amho. 2) ""_Ü`dVu H|$Ð'' {gÕm§V _______ `m§Zr {dH$grV Ho$bm. 3) {H$aH$moi {dH«$s hr _______ Mo gwédmVrMo H$m`© Amho. 10 SLR-VL – 27 -4- *SLRVL27* 4) V¥Vr`H$ ì`dgm` _______ `mÀ`mer {ZJS>rV AgVmV. 5) ^maV d B§S>moZoer`m _Ü`o bmoH$m§Mr _______ eVr H$_r Agë`m_yio _moR>r _mH}$Q> {Z_m©U Pmbr Zmhr. 6) KZXmQ> bmoH$dñVrMo àXoe _______ {Z{_©VrgmR>r _XV H$aVmV. 7) AmR>dS>m ~mOma ho EH$ _______ H|$Ð Amho. 8) _______ ^yJmob ho H$_r doioV, à{XK© ^{dî`mH$arVm àM§S> JVrZo dmT>Umao ^m¡JmobrH$ emñÌ Amho. 9) _______ {dnUZ åhUOo OoWo H$m`_ ñdê$nr ~mOma {dH$grV Pmbobm AgVo. 10) O_m ho _______ H$mimV Cn`wV Agbobm KQ>H$ Amho. 2. {dnUZ ^yJmobmMr ñdê$n, ì`mßVr Am{U d¡{eîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am. 20 3. {dnUZ H|$ÐmMm ^maVmÀ`m àmXoerH$ {dH$mgmVrb `moJXmZ ñnîQ> H$am. qH$dm 20 ""~«oH$ nm°BªQ g§H$ënZo>'' Mo {Q>H$mË_H$ narjU H$am. 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 20 1) AmR>dS>m ~mOmaMr H$m`} ñnîQ> H$am. 2) _mH}$qQ>J M°Zob Mo WmoS>`mV dU©Z H$am. 3) _mH}$Q> gm`H$b åhUOo H$m` ? 4) {dnUZ d XiU diU `m§Mo g§~§Y ñnîQ> H$am. 5. Imbrbn¡H$s XmoZ {Q>nm {bhm. 1) em°qnJ g|Q>aMo àH$ma 2) {dnUZ H|$ÐmMr H«$_dmar (hierarchy) 3) OmÌm d _mH}$Q>g² 4) AmYw{ZH$ {dnUZ nÕVr. ———————— 20 SLR-VL – 3 *SLRVL3* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – I) (Semester – I) (Old) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – III) Oceanography and Geohydrology Day and Date : Friday, 25-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) 2) 3) 4) Max. Marks : 100 All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Use of stencils is allowed. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. 1. A) Choose the correct alternative and rewrite : 10 1) The average depth of the continental shelf is ___________ fathoms. 1) 100 2) 200 3) 300 2) ___________ is a branch of physical geography. 1) Oceanography 2) Sociology 3) Tourism geography 3) The continuity of the Mid Atlantic Ridge is broken by ___________ 1) Romanche Trench 2) Purtorico Trench 3) Kuril Trench 4) The salinity of the ocean surfaces is represented by ___________ 1) Isotherms 2) Isobars 3) Isohalines 5) The oceans supply most of the evaporated water to the ___________ 1) Lithosphere 2) Atmosphere 3) Biosphere 6) The floating mass of ice on the ocean surfaces is called as ___________ 1) Inselberg 2) Tors 3) Iceberg 7) The infiltration of water refers to the entering of water in to the __________ 1) Surface of the soil 2) Deep soil layers 3) Interior of the earth 8) ___________ is the main source of permanent water supply of the streams. 1) Flood water 2) Water vapour 3) Ground water 9) El-Nino refers to a disturbance of ___________ and atmospheric conditions. 1) Stratis 2) Oceans 3) Bays 10) The annual average temperature of the oceans is __________ °centigrade. 1) 17.2 2) 19.3 3) 21.1 P.T.O. SLR-VL – 3 -2- *SLRVL3* B) Fill in the blanks : 10 1) The mean Density of the ocean water is __________ 2) Contour Ploughing is one of the methods of water__________ 3) Challenger Deep is located in __________ ocean. 4) The Canary Current is present along the West Coast of __________ 5) The extensive Continental shelves in northern hemisphere are well known as ______________ 6) Radiolarian ooze has ______________ origin. 7) An island surrounded by coral reefs is known as an ______________ 8) In Indian ocean, the ocean currents change their direction ______________ 9) The unlined canals are responsible for 30 to 40 percent loss of water to be ______________ 10) The oceans occupy ______________ percent area of the earth’s surface. 2. Describe with suitable examples, the topography of ocean floor. 20 3. A) Explain the temperature distribution of the oceans with suitable examples. 20 OR B) Describe the uses of surface and ground water with suitable examples. 4. Write short answers (any two) : 20 20 1) Explain the need of ground water management. 2) What is the importance of La-Nina ? 3) Write in brief the types of ocean deposits. 4) What are the effects of salinity of the ocean water ? 5. Write short notes (any 2) : 1) Cold currents of northern hemisphere 2) Coral reefs 3) Oceans and food supply 4) Hydrological cycle. 20 *SLRVL3* -3- SLR-VL – 3 _amR>r ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) gd© àíZ A{Zdm`©. gd© àíZm§Zm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. ñQ>oZ{gb dmnaÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. `mo½` VoWo AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. 1. A) `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z nwÝhm {bhm : \°$X_ AgVo. 1) g_wÐ~yS> O{_ZrMr gamgar Imobr 1) 100 2) 200 3) 300 2) hr àmH¥${VH$ ^yJmobmMr emIm Amho. 1) gmJaOb emñÌ 2) g_mOemñÌ 3) n`©Q>Z ^yJmob _wio I§{S>V Pmbr Amho. 3) _Ü` A°Q>bm§{Q>H$ nd©Vam§JoMr EH$g§YVm 1) amo_m§M JVm© 2) nmoQ>m}[aH$mo JVm© 3) Hw$amB©b JVm© Zo Xe©dbr OmVo. 4) gmJamÀ`m n¥îR>^mJmMr jmaVm 1) g_Vmn aofm 2) g_^ma aofm 3) g_jma aofm 5) _hmgmJamH$Sy>Z nmÊ`mÀ`m dm\o$Mm ~hþVoH$ nwadR>m bm Ho$bm OmVmo. 1) {ebmdaU 2) dmVmdaU 3) OrdmdaU åhUVmV. 6) _hmgmJamda V§a§JUmè`m ~\$m©bm 1) BÝgob~J© 2) Q>m°g© 3) AmBg~J© _Ü`o àdoe hmoUo hmo`. 7) nmUr _waUo åhUOo nmÊ`mMm 1) _¥XoMm n¥îR> ^mJ 2) _¥XoMo Imob Wa 3) n¥ÏdrMm A§VJ©V ^mJ _wio Pè`m§Zm H$m`_ñdê$nr nmUrnwadR>m hmoVmo. 8) 1) nwamMo nmUr 2) ~mîn 3) ^yOmb d dmVmdaUmVrb AñdñWVm hmo`. 9) Eb-{ZZmo åhUOo 1) gm_wÐYwZr 2) _hmgmJa 3) CngmJa ° g|{Q>J«oS> AgVo. 10) gmJmaObmMo dm{f©H$ gamgar Vmn_mZ 1) 17.2 2) 19.3 3) 21.1 10 SLR-VL – 3 -4- *SLRVL3* ~) Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am. 10 AgVo. 1) gmJaObmMr gamgar KZVm 2) g_moÀ`aofm§Zm g_m§Va Zm§JaUr hr Ob EH$ nÕV Amho. 3) M°b|Oa S>moh hm gmJam_Ü`o Amho. 4) À`m npûM_ {H$Zmè`m bJV H°$Zar àdmh Amho. 5) CÎma JmobYm©_Yrb {dñV¥V g_wÐ~wS> O_rZr gmR>r à{gÕ AmhoV. 6) ao{S>Amo b°[a`Z gmJar {ZjonmMr CËnVr Amho. 7) àdmi H$Q>H$m§Zr do{îR>V ~oQ>mbm åhUZy AmoiIVmV. 8) qhXr _hmgmJamVrb àdmh Zwgma Ë`m§Mr {Xem ~XbVmV. 9) gmR>r dmnaë`m OmUmè`m nmÊ`mÀ`m 30 Vo 40 Q>>Ho$ nmUr AñVarH$aU Zgboë`m H$mbì`m§_wio \w$H$Q> OmVo. 10) n¥ÏdrÀ`m n¥îR> ^mJmÀ`m Q>Ho$ joÌ _hmgmJam§Zr ì`mnbobo Amho. 2. `mo½` CXmhaUmgh gmJaVimÀ`m aMZoMo dU©Z H$am. 20 3.A) gmJaObmÀ`m Vmn_mZmMo gmoXmhaU ñnîQ>rH$aU Úm. qH$dm ~) `mo½` CXmhaUm§gh n¥îR>r` d ^yObmÀ`m dmnamMr _m{hVr Úm. 20 4. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVrhr 2) : 1) ^yObmÀ`m ì`dñWmnZmMr JaO ñnîQ> H$am. 2) "bm-ZrZm' Mo _hÎd H$m` ? 3) gmJar {Zjonm§Mo àH$ma WmoS>`mV gm§Jm. 4) gmJar ObmÀ`m jmaVoMo n[aUm_ H$moUVo ? 20 5. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr 2) : 1) CÎma JmobmYm©Vrb erV àdmh 2) àdmi H$Q>H$ 3) _hmgmJa Am{U AÝZnwadR>m 4) ObMH«$. 20 _____________________ 20 SLR-VL – 4 *SLRVL4* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – I) (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – IV) (Old) Economic Geography Day and Date : Monday, 28-4-2014 Max. Marks : 100 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. N.B. : i) ii) iii) iv) All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Use of stencil is allowed. Draw neat and labelled diagram wherever necessary. 1. A) Complete the following sentence by choosing correct alternative : 10 1) Economic geography is a branch of __________ Geography. a) Population b) Human c) Regional d) Urban 2) In economic geography _________ activities of human beings are studied. a) Economic b) Social c) Cultural d) Biological 3) _________ factors affect on industrial location. a) Raw material and energy resources b) Market and labour c) Capital and transport d) All the above 4) _________ is most useful energy resource in iron and steel industry. a) Coal b) Petroleum c) Electricity d) Automic energy 5) _________ industry is not based on agriculture. a) Sugar b) Cotton textile c) Cement d) Oil seed 6) __________ are the lines connecting the places of equal additional transportation cost. a) Contours b) Isobar c) Isodepanes d) None of these 7) __________ is not a type of coal. a) Anthracite b) Bituminous c) Limonite d) Peat 8) ___________ is a exhaustible energy resource. a) Petroleum b) Solar energy c) Tides c) All the above P.T.O. SLR-VL – 4 -2- *SLRVL4* 9) Exchange of goods between two countries is called a) International Trade b) Intranational Trade c) Retail Trade d) National Trade 10) International Trade Organisation (ITO) was established in the year a) 1930 b) 1939 c) 1940 d) 1944 B) Fill in the blanks : 10 1) Service is ___________ type of economic activity. 2) Principle of industrial location ‘substitution’ of firms has been propounded by _______________ 3) Secondary activities produces might be labelled as ___________ collar labour. 4) For industrial location Weber used _____________ figure. 5) Behavioural theory put forward by ___________ in 1967. 6) Solar energy is __________ energy resource. 7) OPEC is involved in __________ trade. 8) European Common Market was established in the year ____________ 9) GATT was established in the year ___________ 10) ___________ canal is between Red sea and Mediterranean sea. 2. Define economic geography and discuss the nature and scope of economic geography. 20 3. Discuss the secondary and quaternary economic activities. 20 OR Write in detail about road and railway transportation. 4. Answer the following questions in short (any two) : 20 1) State the factors affecting water ways. 2) Discuss primary economic activities. 3) Describe India’s export trade. 4) Explain the aims and objectives of GATT. 5. Write short notes on any two : 1) Importance of airway transport. 2) Measurement of accessibility. 3) Neo classical theory. 4) Interdependence. 20 *SLRVL4* -3- SLR-VL – 4 _amR>r ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. gd© àíZmg g_mZ JwU AmhoV. ZH$mem ñQ>opÝgbMm dmna H$aÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. 1. A) `moJÝ` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am : 10 1) Am{W©H$ ^yJmob hr ___________ ^yJmobmMr emIm Amho. A) bmoH$g§»`m ~) _mZdr H$) àmXo{eH$ S>) ZmJar 2) Am{W©H$ ^yJmobmV _mZdmÀ`m ___________ {H«$`m§Mm Aä`mg Ho$bm OmVmo. A) Am{W©H$ ~) gm_m{OH$ H$) gm§ñH¥${VH$ S>) O¡{dH$ 3) ___________ KQ>H$ CÚmoJmÀ`m ñWm{ZH$sH$aUmda à^md H$aVmV. A) H$ÀMm_mb d eVrgmYZo ~) ~Oma d l_ H$) ^m§S>db d dmhVwH$ S>) darb gd© 4) ___________ eVrgmYZ bmohnmobmX CÚmoJmV A{YH$ Cn`wV Amho. A) XJS>r H$moigm ~) noQ´>mo{b`_ H$) {dÚwV S>) AUw eVr 5) ___________ CÚmoJ hm H¥$frda AmYmarV Zmhr. A) gmIa CÚmoJ ~) gwVrdñÌ CÚmoJ H$) {g_|Q> CÚmoJ S>) Vob~r` CÚmoJ 6) ___________ Aer aofm Amho H$s, CÚmoJmÀ`m g^modVmbr Agboir g_mZ dmhVwH$ IMm©Mr {R>H$mUo OmoS>Vo. A) gå_moMVm Xe©H$ aofm ~) g_Xm~ aofm H$) g_dmhVwH$ IM© aofm S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr 7) ___________ hm XJS>r H$moiemMm àH$ma Zmhr. A) A°W«mgmB©Q> ~) {~Qw>{_Zg H$) {b_moZmB©Q> S>) nrQ> 8) ___________ ho j` hmoUmar gmYZ g§nVr Amho. A) noQ´>mo{b`_ ~) gm¡a eVr H$) gmJar bmQ>m S>) darb gd© 9) XmoZ XoemVrb dñVwÀ`m XodmU KodmUrg ___________ åhUVmV. A) Am§VaamîQ´>r` ì`mnma ~) Xoem§VJ©V ì`mnma H$) {H$aH$moi ì`mnma S>) amîQ´>r` ì`mnma 10) Am§VaamîQ´>r` ì`mnma g§KQ>Zm (ITO) Mr ñWmnZm ___________ bm Pmir. A) 1930 ~) 1939 H$) 1940 S>) 1944 SLR-VL – 4 -4- *SLRVL4* ~) Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am : 10 1) "godm' hm ___________ àH$maMr Am{W©H$ {H«$`m Amho. 2) "n`m©`Vm' ho CÚmoJY§Ü`mÀ`m ñWm{ZH$s H$aUmMo VËd ___________ `m§Zr _m§S>bo. 3) {ÛVr`H$ Am{W©H$ {H«$`mVrb CËnmXH$ H$m_Jma ___________ a§JmÀ`m H$m°baZo AmoiIbo OmVmV. 4) CÚmoJmÀ`m ñWm{ZH$s H$aUmgmR>r do~a `m§Zr ___________ àH$maMr AmH¥$Vr dmnabr. 5) ___________ `m§Zr 1967 _Ü`o dV©UwH$ {gÕm§V _m§S>bm. 6) gm¡aeVr ho ___________ àH$maMo COm©gmYZ Amho 7) AmonoH$ (OPEC) hr g§KQ>Zm ___________ Mm ì`mnma H$aVo. 8) `wamonr`Z EH$ÌrV ~mOma g§KQ>ZoMr ñWmnZm B.g. ___________ bm Pmir. 9) J°Q> (GATT) Mr ñWmnZm B.g. ___________ bm Pmir. 10) Vm§~S>m g_wÐ d ^w_Ü`gmJa Xaå`mZ ___________ H$mbdm Amho. 2. Am{W©H$ ^yJmobmMr ì`m»`m XodyZ Am{W©H$ ^yJmobmMo ñdê$n d ì`mßVrMr MMm© H$am. 20 3. {ÛVr`H$ Am{U MVwW©H$ Am{W©H$ {H«$`m§Mr MMm© H$am. qH$dm añVo d aoëdo dmhVwH$ {df`r g{dñVa _m{hVr {bhm. 20 4. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) ObdmhVwH$sda n[aUm_ H$aUmao KQ>H$ gm§Jm. 2) àmW{_H$ Am{W©H$ {H«$`m§Mr MMm© H$am. 3) ^maVmÀ`m {Z`m©V ì`mnmamMo dU©Z H$am. 4) J°Q>Mr (GATT) Ü`o` Am{U C{ÔîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am. 20 5. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 1) hdmB© dmhVwH$sMo _hËd 2) gwJ_VoMo _mnU 3) Zd-{ZíM` {gÕm§V 20 4) nañnamdb§~rËd. ———————— SLR- VL – 5 *SLRVL5* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – I) (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – I) (New) (CGPA Pattern) Geomorphology – I Day and Date : Monday, 21-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) 2) 3) 4) Max. Marks : 70 All questions are compulsory. Use of stencils is allowed. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. 1. A) Choose the correct alternatives given in the bracket. 7 1) Relief features of the second order are mountain plateau and ___________ (continent, ocean basin, plain) 2) The radius of the earth is ___________ k.m. (6371, 7263, 7160) 3) Below moho discontinuity ___________ layer lies in the interior of the earth. (crust, mantle, core) 4) A. Holmes putforth the theory of ___________ in 1928. (continental drift, conventional current, plate tectonics) 5) Weathering caused due to human activities is called as ___________ weathering. (chemical, anthropogenic, mechanical) 6) The folded mountain are the ___________ mountains on the earth surface. (youngest, oldest, residual) 7) The place of origin of an earthquake is called as ___________ (focus, epicentre, point) P.T.O. SLR- VL – 5 -2- *SLRVL5* B) Fill in the blanks : 7 1) __________ is the science which studies the morphology of the earth. 2) __________ earthquake waves can’t pass through liquid material. 3) Principle of uniformitarianism was firstly putforwarded by __________ in 1785. 4) Geosynclines are generally bordered by __________ rigid mass. 5) The mass movement are caused due to the __________ force. 6) Volcanicity is the example of __________ force. 7) Solution is type of __________ weathering. 2. Describe with the help of diagram the ‘Interior structure of the earth’. 14 3. Explain the causes and effects of the earthquakes. OR Explain the geosynclinal theory of Kober. 4. Write short answer for the following questions (any two) : 14 14 1) Explain the development of Geomorphology. 2) Explain the views of pratt about Isostasy. 3) Explain the types of fault. 4) Describe the Biological weathering. 5. Write short notes (any two) : 1) Meaning of Geomorphology 2) Types of fold 3) Chemical weathering 4) Holmes conventional current theory. 14 *SLRVL5* -3- SLR- VL – 5 _amR>r ê$nm§Va gyMZm 1. : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. 2) ñQ>opÝgbMm dmna H$aÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. 3) COdrH$S>rb AmH$S>$o nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. 4) Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m d ZH$meo H$mT>m. A) Imbrbn¡H$s `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z [aH$må`m OmJm ^am. 1) 7 {ÛVr` loUrMr ^y_rñdê$no nd©V, nR>mao d _________ AmhoV. (^yI§S, _hmgmJa, _¡XmZo) 2) n¥ÏdrMr {ÌÁ`m _________ {H$._r. Amho. (6371, 7263, 7160) 3) n¥ÏdrÀ`m A§Va§JmV _mohmo{S>gH§$Q>rÝ`yQ>rÀ`m ImbÀ`m ^amV _________AmT>iVmo. (^yH$dM, àmdaU, Jm^m) 4) Am°W©a hmoåg `m§Zr _________ {gÕm§V 1928 _Ü`o _m§S>bm. (^yI§S> dhZ, A{^gaU àdmh, ^ynÅ> {ddV©{ZH$m) 5) _mZdr {H«$`o_wio {dXmaU KS>V Agë`mg bmbm _________ {dXmaU _¥UVmV. (amgm`{ZH$, _mZdOÝ`, H$m`m©H$) 6) n¥ÏdrÀ`m n¥îR>^mJmdarb KS>`m§Mo nd©V ho _________ nd©V AmhoV. (Zd{Z{_©V, gdm©VOwZo, Ad{eîR>) 7) ^yH§$n {Z{_©VrÀ`m {R>H$mUm§Zm _________ _¥UVmV. (^yH§$nZm^r, ^yH§$n{eamoH|$Ð, {~§Xy) ~) Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am : 1) _________ho emñÌ n¥ÏdrMo ê$n d AmH$mamMm Aä`mg H$aVo. 2) _________ ^yH§$n bhar `m Ðdê$n nXmWm©VyZ àdmg H$é eH$V ZmhrV. 7 SLR- VL – 5 -4- *SLRVL5* 3) g_mZVmdmXmMo VÎd 1785 _Ü`o àW_ _________ `m§Zr _m§S>bo. 4) gd©gmYmaUnUo ^yÐmoUr `m _________ H$R>rU ^mJmZo doXbmoë`m AgVmV. 5) ^yñdgZ {H«$`m _________ ~bmÀ`m_wio KSy>Z `oVo. 6) Ádmbm_wIr ho _________ eVrMo CXmhaU Amho. 7) ÐmdUrH$aU (solution) hm _________ {dXmaUmMm àH$ma Amho. 2. n¥ÏdrÀ`m A§Va§J aMZoMo AmH¥$VrÀ`m ghmæ`mZo dU©Z H$am. 3. ^yH§$nmMr H$maUo d n[aUm_ ñnîQ> H$am. 14 qH$dm 4. 5. H$mo~aMm ^yÐmoUr {gÕm§V ñnîQ> H$am. 14 Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 14 1) ^yê$nemñÌmMm {dH$mg ñnîQ> H$am. 2) g_ñWm`rH$Ëdm~m~VMr à°Q>Mr _Vo ñnîQ> H$am. 3) àñVa^§JmMo àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am. 4) O¡{dH$ {dXmaUmMo dU©Z H$am. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 14 1) ^yê$nemñÌmMm AW© 2) KS>`m§Mo àH$ma 3) amgm`{ZH$ {dXmaU 4) hmoågMm A{^gaU àdmh {gÕm§V. _____________________ SLR-VL – 6 *SLRVL6* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – I) (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – II) (New) (CGPA Pattern) Climatology – I Day and Date : Wednesday, 23-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) 2) 3) 4) Max. Marks : 70 All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal (14) marks. Use of map stencils is allowed. Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary. 1. A) Complete the following sentences by choosing correct alternatives given below : 7 1) __________ gas constitutes about 78.08% of the total atmospheric volume. a) Oxygen b) Nitrogen c) Carbon Dioxide ° 1 2) ______________ Zone lies between 66 N/S latitude and N/S Pole. 2 a) Tropical b) Temperate c) Frizid 3) The heat _____________ by water vapour is called as latent heat of evaporation. a) Released b) Acquired c) Maintained 4) Coriolis Force is produced by the ___________ a) Rotation of the earth b) Imbalanced atmospheric pressure c) Imbalanced atmospheric temperature 5) Relative Humidity = ? × 100 Humidity Capacity a) Weight of moisture b) Volume of water vapour c) Absolute humidity P.T.O. SLR-VL – 6 *SLRVL6* -2- 6) The extensive tropical cyclones are called as Hurricanes in ___________ a) China b) U.S.A. c) Europe 7) Mistral, Bora, Blizard etc. are local ___________ winds. a) Cold b) Hot c) Humid B) Answer the following questions in one sentence only : 7 1) State Ferrel’s law. 2) What is the full form of I.T.C. ? 3) What is mean by Roaring Fourties ? 4) What is smog ? 5) Which theory is developed by V. Bjerknes and J. Bjerknes ? 6) What is mean by Front ? 7) What is Tornado ? 2. Describe the composition and structure of atmosphere. 14 3. State various types of winds and explain in detail the Planetary winds. 14 OR 3. Describe the process of precipitation and explain its various types. 14 4. Answer the following questions in short (any two) : 14 1) Describe polar front theory. 2) Explain the mechanism of Indian Monsoon. 3) Describe hot local winds on the globe. 4) Give the detailed account of heat budget of the earth. 5. Write short notes (any two) : 1) Instability of atmosphere 2) Tornadoes and water sprouts 3) Vertical distribution of temperature 4) Pressure belts on the globe. 14 *SLRVL6* SLR-VL – 6 -3- _amRr ê$nm§Va 1. A) `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z nwT>rb dm`o nyU© H$am : 7 1) dmVmdaUmV _____________ dm`yMo à_mU 78.08% Amho. A) Am°grOZ ~) Zm`Q´>moOZ H$) H$m~©ZS>m`Am°gmB©S> ° 1 2) 66 C./X. Ajm§e Vo C./X. Y«wd `m Xaå`mZ _____________ H$Q>r~§Y AmT>iVmo. 2 A) CîU ~) g_{eVmoîU H$) erV 3) ~mînmH$Sy>Z _____________ CîUVobm ~mînr^dZmMr gwßV CîUVm åhUVmV. A) Q>mH$boë`m ~) J«hUHo$boë`m H$) amIboë`m 4) H$moarAm°brg àoaUm _____________ {Z_m©U hmoVo. A) n¥ÏdrÀ`m n[adbZm_wio ~) dmVmdaUmVrb dm`w^mamÀ`m Ag§VwbZm_wio H$) dmVmdaUmVrb Vmn_mZmÀ`m Ag§VwbZm_wio 5) gmnoj AmЩVm = ? × 100 ~mînYmaU j_Vm A) ~mînmMo dOZ ~) ~mînmMo AmH$ma_mZ H$) {Zanoj AmЩVm 6) _____________ CîU H$Q>r~§Yr` {demb MH«$s dmXim§Z harHo$Z åhUVmV. A) MrZ_Ü`o ~) g§`wV g§ñWmZmV H$) `w`mon_Ü`o 7) {_ñQ´>b, ~moam, ãbrPmS>© B. ñWm{ZH$ _____________ dmao AmhoV. A) W§S> ~) CîU H$) ~mîn`wV ~) nwT>rb àíZm§Mr EH$m dm`mV CÎmao {bhm : 1) \o$aobMm {Z`_ gm§Jm. 2) I.T.C. Mo nyU© ê$n H$m` Amho ? 7 SLR-VL – 6 -4- *SLRVL6* 3) JO©Umao Mmirg åhUOo H$m` ? 4) YwaHo$ (smog) H$emg åhUVmV ? 5) V. Bjerknes Am{U J. Bjerknes `m§Zr H$moUVm {gÕm§V {dH$grV Ho$bm ? 6) dm`wamer gr_m åhUOo H$m` ? 7) Q>moaZ°S>mo H$m` Amho ? 2. dmVmdaUmMo KQ>H$ d aMZm `m§Mo dU©Z H$am. 14 3. dmè`m§Mo dJuH$aU H$ê$Z J«hr` dmè`m§Mo g{dñVa dU©Z H$am. 14 qH$dm 3. d¥îQ>rÀ`m {Z{_©VrMr à{H«$`m gm§JyZ d¥îQ>rMr {d{dY ê$no ñnîQ H$am. 14 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 14 1) Y«wdr` dm`wamer gr_m {gÕm§V ñnîQ> H$am. 2) ^maVr` _mÝgyZMr H$m`© àUmbr {deX H$am. 3) n¥Ïdrdarb CîU ñWm{ZH$ dmè`m§Mo dU©Z H$am. 4) n¥ÏdrÀ`m Am¡pîUH$ g§VwbZmMm g{dñVa AmT>dm ¿`m. 5. WmoS>`mV Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 1) dmVmdaUmMr ApñWaVm 2) Q>moaZ°S>mo Am{U dm°Q>añ\«$D$Q>g (Tornadoes and Water Sprouts) 3) Vmn_mZmMo C^o {dVaU 4) n¥Ïdrdarb dm`w^ma nÅ>o. _____________________ 14 SLR-VL – 7 *SLRVL7* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. (Part – I) (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper – III) (New) (CGPA Pattern) Oceanography and Geohydrology Day and Date : Friday, 25-4-2014 Max. Marks : 70 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) All questions are carry equal marks. 3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. 4) Use of stencil is allowed. 1. A) Choose the correct alternative : 7 1) The bottom topography of an ocean can be shown by _____________ (Hypsographic Curve, Altimetric Curve, Hydrostatic Curve) 2) Which one of the following ocean currents belongs to Indian Ocean ? (Canary Current, Labrador Current, Agulhas Current) 3) Who wrote the book ‘Oceanography For Geographer’s ? (Lal D. S., Sharma R. G. and Vatal M., Savindra Singh) 4) Surface ocean currents derive their energy from _____________ (Wind, Salinity, Tsunamis) 5) The greatest share of fisheries comes from _____________ (Deep seas, Continental Shelves, Fresh water) 6) Flat-topped submarine mountains are called _____________ (Guyots, Abyssal Mounts, Sea Mounts) 7) Romanche Trench is located in _____________ (Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean) P.T.O. SLR-VL – 7 -2- *SLRVL7* B) Fill in the blanks : 7 1) The average depth of Pacific Ocean is _____________ 2) Humboldt current is type of _____________ current. 3) Ganga action plan is related to _____________ 4) A line joining the point of equal depth of the sea is called as _____________ 5) Telegraph plateau is situated in _____________ 6) Salinity in the oceans is directly affected by the temperature and _____________ 7) West wind drift is _____________ 2. Explain the ocean basin topography with the help of suitable diagrams. 14 3. A) Explain the ocean currents in Pacific Ocean. 14 OR B) Explain the factors affecting on variations of ocean salinity. 4. Write short answers (any two) : 14 14 1) Hydrological cycle 2) Water pollution 3) Movement of ground water 4) EI Nino. 5. Write short notes (any two) : 1) Heat Budget of ocean water 2) Factors affecting temperature on ocean water 3) Importance of water as a resources 4) Coral reefs. 14 *SLRVL7* -3- SLR-VL – 7 _amRr ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) gd© àíZ A{Zdm`©. gd© àíZm§Zm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. ñQ>po Ýgb dmnaÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. `mo½` VoWo AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. 1. A) `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 7 1) gmJaVimMr aMZm ____________ Zo XmI{dVm `oD$ eH$Vo. (joÌmoÝZVr dH«$, A°pëQ>_o{Q´>H$ dH«$, hm`S´>moñQ>o{Q>H$ dH«$) 2) H$moUVm g_wÐàdmh qhXy _hmgmJamÀ`m _mbH$sMm Amho ? (H¡$Zar àdmh, b°~«oS>a àdmh, A°Jwbhmg àdmh) 3) ""^yJmobgmR>r gmJaemñÌ'' ho nwñVH$ H$moUr {b{hbo ? (bmb S>r. Eg., e_m© Ama. Or. Am{U dmVmi E_., gqdÐ qgJ) 4) n¥îR> ^mJ gmJar àdmh ____________ `m eVrnmgyZ V`ma hmoVmV. (dmam, jmaVm,ËgwZm_r) 5) _mgo_marMm ____________ OmñV dmT>m `oVmo. (Imob g_wÐ, g_wÐ~yS> O_rZ, VmOo nmUr) 6) gmJaVimÀ`m gdm©V daÀ`m nd©Vr` gnmQ> ^mJmbm ____________ åhUVmV. (Jm`moQ>g² , AmJmY nd©V, g_wÐ nd©V) 7) amo_m§Mo JVm© ____________ _Ü`o Amho. (n°{g{\$H$ _hmgmJa, qhXy _hmgmJa, AQ>bm§{Q>H$ _hmgmJa) ~) [aH$må`m OmJm ^am : 1) n°{g{\$H$ _hmgmJamMr gamgar Imobr ____________ Amho. 2) h§~moëQ> àdmh ____________ àH$maMm àdmh Amho. 3) J§JoMm n[aUm_ ____________ {Z`moOZmer g§~§{YV Amho. 7 SLR-VL – 7 4) 5) 6) 7) -4- *SLRVL7* g_wÐmMr g_mZ Imobr OmoS>Umè`m aofog ____________ åhUVmV. Q>o{bJ«m\$ nR>ma ____________ _Ü`o Amho. Vmn_mZ Am{U ____________ `m àË`j n[aUm_ _hmgmJam_Yrb jmaVoda Amho. npíM_r dmè`m~amo~a dmhV OmUmam ____________ Amho. 2. gw~H$ AmH¥$VrÀ`m gmømZo gmJaVimMr aMZm ñnîQ> H$am. 14 3. A)n°{g{\$H$ _hmgmJam_Yrb gmJar àdmh ñnîQ> H$am. 14 qH$dm ~) gmJaOb jmaVoÀ`m {d{dYVoda n[aUm_ H$aUmao KQ>H$ ñnîQ> H$am. 14 4. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 1) ObMH«$ 2) ObàXyfU 3) ^yObmÀ`m hmbMmbr 4) Eb {ZZmo. 14 5. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 1) gmJaObmMo CîUVm g§VwbZ 2) gmJaObmÀ`m Vmn_mZmda n[aUm_ H$aUmao KQ>H$ 3) nmUr hr _hÎdmMr gmYZg§nÎmr Amho 4) àdmi IS>H$. 14 _______________ SLR-VL – 8 *SLRVL8* Seat No. M.A./M.Sc. – I (Semester – I) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (New) (C.G.P.A. Pattern) (Paper – IV) Economic Geography Day and Date : Monday, 28-4-2014 Max. Marks : 70 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. N.B. : i) ii) iii) iv) All questions are compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Use of stencil is allowed. Draw neat and labelled diagram wherever necessary. 1. A) Complete the following sentences by choosing correct alternative. 7 1) __________ Geography is the study of the production and distribution of various commodities. a) Economic b) Human c) Political d) Social 2) The concept of __________ activities first time put forward by Jin Gotman. a) Primary b) Secondary c) Tertiary d) Quaternary 3) Principle of industrial location ‘substitution’ of firms has been putforth by a) Weber b) Losch c) Isard d) Hotelling 4) Principle of industrial location ‘_________’ of firms has been putforth by Hotelling. a) Substitution b) Interdependence c) Profit maximisation d) None of these 5) __________ are a nonrenewable resource. a) crops b) plants c) birds d) soil 6) ___________ was the leading importer of coal in world. a) India b) Japan c) Pakistan d) France 7) _____________ country is not a member of E.E.C. a) France b) Itali c) Denmark d) U.S.A. P.T.O. SLR-VL – 8 -2- *SLRVL8* B) Fill in the blanks. 7 1) People engaged in ____________ economic activities may be labelled as Blue Collar labour. 2) ____________ are the line connecting the places of equal additional transportion cost. 3) ____________ was the leading importer of Petroleum (oil) in world. 4) When time and ____________ increase, transportation accessibility decrease. 5) ____________ system model was prepared by E.L.Ullman. 6) European Economic Community also known as ____________ 7) ____________ wrote a book entitled ‘Industrial Geography of India’. 2. Discuss the theory of Industrial location by August Losch. 14 3. Give brief account of oil situation in world. 14 OR Explain in detail about Ullman triad. 4. Answer the following questions in short (any two). 14 1) Describe the nature and scope of economic geography. 2) Distinguish between tertiary and quaternary economic activities. 3) Explain the aims and objectives of WTO. 4) Describe the distribution of Coal in India. 5. Write short notes on any two. 1) GATT 2) OPEC 3) Substitution 4) Transportation accessibility. 14 *SLRVL8* SLR-VL – 8 -3- _amR>r ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1) 2) 3) 4) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. gd© àíZmg g_mZ JwU AmhoV. ZH$mem ñQ>opÝgbMm dmna H$aÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. 1. A)`mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am. 1) 7 ____________ ^yJmobm_Yo {d{dY Cn`wV dñVyMo CËnmXZ d {dVaUmMm Aä`mg Ho$bm OmVmo. A) Am{W©H$ 2) ____________ A) àmW_rH$ ~) _mZdr H$) amOH$s` S>) gm_mOrH$ Am{W©H$ ì`dgm`mMr H$ënZm àW_ OrZ Jm°Q>_Z `m§Zr ñnîQ> Ho$br. ~) {ÛVr`H$ H$) V¥Vr`H$ S>) MVyW©H$ 3) "À`mEodOr' ho CÚmoJ Y§ÚmÀ`m ñWmZrH$aUmMo VËd ____________ `mZr _m§S>bo. A) do~a 4) 5) ____________ ~) bm°e H$) BgmS>© S>) hm°Q>obtJ ho CÚmoJ Y§ÚmÀ`m ñWmZrH$aUmMo VËd hm°Q>obtJ `m§Zr _m§S>bo. A) "À`mEodOr' ~) nañnamdb§{~Ëd H$) Z\$mAm{Y` S>) `mn¡H$s EH$hr Zmhr ____________ hr nwZ:{Z{_©Vr Z H$aVm `oUmar gmYZ g§nÎmr Amho. A) {nHo$ ~$) dZñnVr H$) njr S>) _¥Xm 6) OJm_Yo gdm©V OmñV H$moigm ____________ Am`mV H$aVmo. A) ^maV 7) ~) OnmZ H$) nm{H$ñVmZ S>) \«$mÝg ____________ hm `wamonMm Am{W©H$ g_mO Mm gXñ` Xoe Zmhr. A) \«$mÝg ~) BQ>mbr H$) S>oÝ_mH©$ S>) g§`wVg§ñWmZo SLR-VL – 8 -4- *SLRVL8* ~) Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am. 7 1) ____________ Am{W©H$$ {H«$`mVrb H$m`© H$aUmè`m§Zm Zrù` a§JmÀ`m H$m°baZo AmoiIbo OmVo. 2) ____________ Aer aofm Amho H$s CÚmoJmÀ`m g^moVmbMr g_mZ dmhVyH$ IMm©Mr {R>H$mUo OmoS>Vo. 3) ____________ hm Xoe I{ZOVobmMr OJm_Yo gdm©YrH$ Am`mV H$aVmo. 4) Ooìhm doi d ____________ dmT>Vo Voìhm dmhVyH$sMr gwJ_Vm H$_r hmoVo. 5) ____________ àUmbr àVrê$n B.Eb. Cb_Z `m§Zr V`ma Ho$bo. 6) `wamonr` Am{W©H$ g_mO ____________ `m ZmdmZohr AmoiIbm OmVmo. 7) ^maVmMm Am¡ÚmoJrH$ ^yJmob ho nwñVH$ ____________ `m§Zr {bhbo. 2. Am°JñQ> bm°e `m§À`m CÚmoJY§ÚmÀ`m ñWmZrH$aU {gÕm§VmMr MMm© H$am. 14 3. I{ZOVobmÀ`m OmJVrH$ pñWVrMm WmoS>`mV AmT>mdm ¿`m. qH$dm Cë_ZMm ÌrH$ {gÕm§VmMo g{dñVa ñnîQ>rH$aU H$am. 14 4. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ). 1) Am{W©H$ ^yJmobmMo ñdê$n d ì`mßVrMo dU©Z H$am. 2) V¥Vr`H$ d MVyW©H$ Am{W©H$ {H«$`oVrb \$aH$ ñnîQ> H$am. 3) OmJ{VH$ ì`mnma g§KQ>ZoMo (WTO) Ü`o` Am{U C{ÔîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am. 4) ^maVmVrb XJS>r H$moiemÀ`m {dVaUmMo dU©Z H$am. 14 5. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ). 1) Jm°Q> (GATT) 2) AmonoH$ (OPEC) 3) "À`m EodOr' Substitution 14 4) dmhVyH$ gwJ_Vm. ––––––––––––––––– SLR-VL 9 *SLRVL9* S N e o a t . M.A./M.Sc. (Part I) (Semester II) Examination, 2014 GEOGRAPHY (Paper V) (Old) Geomorphology II Day and Date : Tuesday, 22-4-2014 Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. N.B. : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Max. Marks : 100 All questions are compulsory. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. Use of stencils is allowed. All questions carry equal marks. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1. A) Choose the correct alternatives given in the bracket : 10 1) Northern part of pangea is called as ___________ (Asia, Laurensia, Gondwana land) 2) Sial is floating on _______________ (Mental, Sima, Core) 3) When two plates parallely pass one another are called as ____________ plate margins. (Constructive, Conservative, Destructive) 4) A very steep slope or vertical rock face is called _______________ (Cliff, Escarpment, V shaped valley) 5) Sand bars are formed due to _____________ work of sea waves. (Erosion, Depositional, Transportation) 6) Karst landforms are formed due to ______________ erosion. (Physical, Biological, Chemical) 7) V shaped valley is formed due to erosional work of ______________ (River, Wind, Groundwater) 8) Slope replacement theory was put forwarded by _____________ (Davis, King, Penck) 9) According to W.M. Davis _____________ slope gives river birth in old stage. (Convex, Concave, Rectilinear) 10) Fiords are formed in ________________ areas. (River, Coastal , Glacier) P.T.O. SLR-VL 9 -2- *SLRVL9* B) Fill in the blanks : 10 1) Stalagmites are unique features of _______________ topography. 2) Mushroom rocks are formed by erosional work of ______________ 3) The term plate was first used by Canadian Geophysicist _______________ 4) The concept of slope development presented by ________________ in 1942. 5) Environmental Geomorphology, anthropo Geomorphology, and urban Geomorphology are the branches of ________________ Geomorphology. 6) According to continental drift theory ________________ was surrounded by Panthalasa. 7) ___________________ is the largest ocean in the world. 8) Landscape is the function of structure, process and _______________ 9) Any river can not erode its valley beyond _______________ level. 10) According to Mr. ___________________ end product of cycle of erosion is Peneplain. 2. State in brief landform created by erosional and depositional work of river. 20 3. A) Explain Wegners continental drift theory. 20 OR B) Explain the views of Penck on slope development. 4. Write short answers for the following questions (any two) : 20 1) Recent trends in Geography 2) Glacial erosional landforms 3) Applied geomorphology 4) Marine depositional landforms. 5. Write short notes (any two) : 1) The views of A. Wood on slope development. 2) Distribution of continents and oceans. 3) Landforms in Karst region. 4) Natural Hazard Management. 20 *SLRVL9* -3- SLR-VL 9 _amR>r ê$nm§Va gyMZm : 1. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV. Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m. ZH$mem ñQ>opÝgb dmnaÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho. gd© àíZm§Zm g_mZ JwU AmhoV. COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV. A) H§$gmVrb AMyH$ n`m©` {ZdSy>Z Imbrb dm` nyU© H$am. 1) n±{O`mÀ`m CÎma ^mJmbm _________________ åhUyZ AmoiIVmV. (Am{e`m, bm¡a|pÝg`m, Jm|S>dZm b±S>) 2) {g`mb hm ^mJ _________________ da Va§JVmo. (_|Q>b, gm`_m, Jm^m) 3) O|ìhm XmoZ ^y_§M EH$_oH$mer g_m§VanUo gaH$VmV V|ìhm Ë`mg _________________ {g_m Ago åhUVmV. (aMZmË_H$, g§YmaH$, g§hmaH$) 4) A{V {Vd« CVmamÀ`m qH$dm Cä`m IS>H$mÀ`m ^mJmbm _________________ åhUVmV. (H$S>m, EñH$man_|Q>, ìhr AmH$mamMr Xar) 5) gmJar bmQ>m§À`m _________________ H$m`m©_wio dmiyÀ`m Xm§S>çmMr {Z{_©Vr hmoVo. ({dXmaU, g§M`Z, dhZ) 6) _________________ {dXmaUm_wio H$mñQ>© ^yàXoe {Z_m©U hmoVmV. (^m¡{VH$, O¡{dH$, amgm`{ZH$) 7) "pìh' AmH$mamMr Xar _________________ IZZ H$m`m©_wio {Z_m©U hmoVo. (ZXr, dmam, ^y_rJV nmUr) 8) CVma ~XbmMm (ñbmon [aßbog_|Q>) {gÕm§V _________________ `m§Zr _m§S>bm. (S>opìhg, qH$J, n|H$) 9) S>ãby . E_². S>opìhg `m§À`m _Vo d¥ÕmdñWoV ____________ CVmam_wio ZXrMm OÝ_ hmoVmo. (A§Vd©H«$, ~{hd©H«$, aopQ>{b{ZAa) 10) {\$`m©S>Mr {Z{_©Vr hr _________________ àXoemV hmoVo. (ZXr, g_wÐ {H$Zmar, {h_ZXr) 10 SLR-VL 9 -4- *SLRVL9* ~) [aH$må`m OmJm ^am : 1) CÜd©_wIr bdU ñV§^ (Stalagmites) `m ^y_rñdê$nmMr {Z{_©Vr _________________ `m àXomemV hmoVo. 2) _________________ À`m IZZ H$m`m©_wio "^yN>Ì IS>H$' hm ^yAmH$ma {Z_m©U hmoVmo. 3) gd©àW_ ^y_M § hm eãX H°$Zo{S>`Z ^y-^m¡{VH$ emñÌk ________________ `m§Zr dmnabm. 4) 1942 _Ü`o _________________ `m§Zr "CVma {dH$mg' g§H$ënZm _m§S>br. 5) n`m©daUr` ^yê$nemñÌ, _mZdr ^yê$nemñÌ, Am{U ehar ^yê$nemñÌ `m _________________ ^yê$nemñÌmÀ`m emIm AmhoV. 6) ^yI§S> dhZ {gÕm§VmZwgma _________________ hm ^mJ n±WbgmZo doT>bm Jobm hmoVm. 7) _________________ hm OJmVrb gdm©V _moR>m _hmgmJa Amho. 8) ^yÑî` (Landscape) åhUOo g§aMZm, à{H«$`m Am{U ______________ `m§Mo H$m`© Amho. 9) H$moUË`mhr ZXrÀ`m ImoÝ`mVrb IZZ H$m`© ho _________________ nmVirnojm OmñV Imobrda hmoV Zmhr. 10) _______________ `m§À`m_Vo IZZMH«$mMr (Anj` MH«$) A§{V_ {Z{_©Vr hr g_VbàmM _¡XmZ ho Amho. 10 2. ZXrÀ`m IZZ d g§M`Z H$m`m©_wio {Z_m©U hmoUmè`m ^yAmH$mam§Mm WmoS>`mV d¥Îmm§V Úm. 20 3. A)doJZaMm ^yI§S> dhZ {gÕm§V ñnîQ> H$am. qH$dm ~) n|H$ `m§Mo CVma {dH$mg (ñbmon S>oìhbn_|Q>) g§~§YrMo {dMma ñnîQ> H$am. 20 4. Imbrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ): 1) ^yê$n emñÌmVrb AmYw{ZH$ H$b 2) {h_ZXrÀ`m IZZ H$m`m©_wio {Z_m©U hmoUmao ^yAmH$ma 3) Cn`mo{OV ^yê$nemñÌ 4) gmJamVrb g§M`Z H$m`m©_wio {Z_m©U hmoUmar ^yê$no. 20 5. Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 1) CVma {dH$mg~ÔbMo E. dyS `m§Mo {dMma. 2) ^yI§S> d _hmgmJa `m§Mo {dVaU 3) H$mñQ>© àXoemVrb ^yñdê$no 4) Z¡g{J©H$ AmnÎmr ì`dñWmnZ. 20 _____________________