yes no n/a comments 1

Underground Storage Tank Audit Checklist
Audit Date:
yes no n/a
Are all USTs of greater than 1,100 gallon
capacity registered with the State?
2 Has a permit to install been obtained for all
3 Has a permit to operate been obtained for all
4 Has the annual registration been paid for all
5 Is a certificate of registration displayed at
the site where the UST is located?
6 Required spill prevention measures are in
place and operational, including:
 A spill bucket that does not have any
cracks or holes
 A drain mechanism that is not broken or
impaired by debris
7 An appropriate overfill prevention device is
in place and operational? (check one)
 Flapper valve
 Alarm
 Ball float valve
8 The buried tank and any metal piping
components (swing joints, Flex-connectors,
etc.) are protected by a corrosion protection
system that provides continuous protection?
9 The corrosion protection system has been
tested within the last three years?
10 All tanks that contain substances that are
hazardous are double-walled?
11 If any tanks or piping have undergone
structural repairs have the following been
 The system is internally inspected after
the repair OR monitored for releases
using a monthly monitoring method OR
the system is tested using another
approved method
 The system was tightness tested within
30 days of the completion of the repair.
 IF the repairs were made to a
cathodically protected UST, corrosion
protection systems were tested and/or
inspected within 6 months of the repair.
 Records of all UST system repairs are
maintained onsite for the operating life
USC EHS Office of Environmental Management
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Destroy Previous Revisions
Issue Date: 9/14/10
Reviewed: BH
of the UST system.
12 All USTs have been equipped with a
permissible method of release detection that
is able to detect a release from any portion
of the UST system that routinely contains
13 The release detection system is operational
and meets the necessary performance
14 All tanks and piping are monitored monthly
for releases and the records available onsite
for the past 12 months of operation.
15 Line leak detector function check is
completed every 365 days.
16 Line Tightness Test performed every 365
17 Sump sensors are function checked by a
third-party vendor every 365 days.
18 Monthly visual inspections are conducted
by looking for liquid in all secondary
containment sumps and results (clean or
cleaned out, etc.) are recorded on a log each
19 UST tank vent lines
 Are located away from building
ventilation systems
 If free-standing, at least 12 feet tall
 If extending up through a roof,
extend 3 feet above top of roof
 Have a rain cap installed on each
20 If the facility expects to pump more than
100,000 gallons of gasoline each month,
vent line must be equipped with
pressure/vacuum vent valve. This is not
required for Diesel tanks.
21 Designated employees are familiar with
applicable release reporting procedures.
A financial responsibility mechanism is in
place and has been reported to the State.
Not required for State Owned Facilities
23 The State UST program has been notified at
least 30 days prior to the permanent closure
date of any UST and site assessment results
are maintained onsite for a minimum of
three years?
USC EHS Office of Environmental Management
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Destroy Previous Revisions
Issue Date: 9/14/10
Reviewed: BH