185 Conestoga Drive, BRAMPTON, Ontario L6Z 2Z7

185 Conestoga Drive, BRAMPTON, Ontario L6Z 2Z7
Phone: (905) 846-2086
(905) 846-9464
R. Romanet
On Wednesday, January 12th, Mrs. D’Souza lost her
battle with pancreatic cancer. Please remember her
in your prayers.
A. M. Condotta
School Council
Almighty Father, eternal God, hear our prayers for
Your daughter Matilda, whom You have called from
this life to Yourself. Grant him/her light, happiness,
and peace. Let him/her pass in safety through the
gates of death, and live forever with all Your saints in
the light You promised to Abraham and to all his
descendants in faith. Guard him/her from all harm
and on that great day of resurrection and reward
raise him/her up with all Your saints. Pardon his/her
sins and give him/her eternal life in Your kingdom.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
M. Podnar
L. Zanella
(905) 890-1221
A. Tucciarone
(905) 890-1221
Fr. A. Maderak
(905) 846-5385
We, the community of
St. Leonard, are committed to life-long learning
and respect for God’s
We will nurture our
unique gifts and entrust
each member to serve.
Alternative School #
Press 7 then 54200
Parent Council:
Next meeting Thursday,
February 10th in the
library at 6:30 p.m.
Virtue of the Month
In the month of January we will focus on
the virtue of “Self Control”. A person with
self control:
Is patient
Knows how to wait her/his turn
Can calm herself/himself down
Knows how to avoid physical aggression
Can think things through and do what
is best for everyone.
Friday, February 4th is a Professional
Activity Day—there is no school for
Monday, February 21 is Family Day—
there is no school for students.
Pizza Days are Tuesdays—forms went
home January 24th
Popcorn is for sale on Wednesdays.
Leprosy Raffle week of Jan. 31
Interview forms due January 28
Change in Weather—Extra
Phone Troubles
Rainy and wintry weather is
here. We remind everyone to
bring an extra pair of running shoes to be
kept at school for classroom and gym use.
From time to time our phone lines go down
due to computer troubles. If you are unable to
reach us using our normal number, please
contact us 905-890-0708 ext 54200
As 2011 begins we all look forward to new challenges and opportunities with great anticipation and excitement.
We hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas and began the New Year with enthusiasm for a fresh start.
Due to the kind love and generosity of our St. Leonard community, many families were able to have the opportunity to open gifts and enjoy some wholesome meals that might not have otherwise have happened. I continue
to be touched by the never ending generosity of the St. Leonard parents.
Our mission of world wide care and giving saw us involved in the Christmas Shoe box campaign. This program
sets as an attainable goal the collection of valuable school supplies that are given to very excited and appreciative children in various missionary sites throughout very needy parts of the world. We gave 28 children boxes
that put smiles on their faces that we pray are still there today.
After Christmas we all returned to a beautiful clean school and my sincere thanks go out to our entire custodial
staff lead by Mrs. Mercure. Only a few weeks have passed in this New Year and during this short time our students and staff have been working hard and striving towards the important goals for this second term. The term
will also see the many other great facets of student life continuing with our skiing program, various sports teams
including our basketball and hockey teams and many other new things such as our intramural program lead by
Mrs. MacCormack and the instrumental music group lead by Mrs. Tanner.
We are also in full preparation for our major fundraiser with details to follow in the newsletter and student kick
off assembly. My assurance to everyone is that all monies raised will go directly to the students benefit. Please
help as much as you can.
We welcomed many new families who have recently joined us in the last few weeks and we wish our new students great success while attending St. Leonard. We are now a school of 376 students strong.
Hello All,
As the Chair of the Parent Advisory Council, it is my role to be the voice of the parents in this school. I am very honoured to hold this position, and try to work very
hard to do the best for the council and St. Leonard’s. I welcome any and all parents to
come out to the monthly meetings, which are usually held the first Thursday of every
month. It is a great way to be involved, and share your ideas and/or opinions for the
school. If you would like to contact me to discuss a topic that you would like to see
discussed at an upcoming meeting, or would just like to give feedback that you would like shared, please
feel free to contact me at smpodnar@primus.ca .
Michelle Podnar
St. Leonard’s PAC Chair
Full Day Junior and Senior Kindergarten
Registration for 2011-12 (Early Learning Program)
Registration for the 2010-11 school year will be held at
all Dufferin-Peel Catholic Elementary Schools in
Brampton on the following dates:
Winter Weather
At times we receive requests to allow student
to stay indoors when they have a cold, flu, etc.
Please note that we are unable to comply
unless we have received a doctor’s note since
we do not have the staff or facilities to supervise these students. If a child is too ill to go
outside for recess, we request they remain
home until they are healthy enough to join in
the regular activities of the school. On extremely cold days, when the wind chill
equivalent temperature is minus 20 degrees
Celsius or lower, students will stay inside as
per Peel Health Department guidelines.
Week Of February 7—11, 2011
Please note: Deadline is Feb. 14 at 12:00 p.m.
Monday, February 7, 2011 **
7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
**Snow Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2011
7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Wednesday, February 9 to Friday, February 11th
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Junior Kindergarten—Children must be 4 years old by
December 31, 2011
Senior Kindergarten—Children must be 5 years old by
December 31, 2011
Parents/Guardians should bring the following documents when registering their child:
Campbell’s Labels for
Proof of age (birth certificate or passport)
Original Catholic Baptismal Certificate of the Roman, Greek or Ukrainian Rite, for parent (one) and
child (if the child has not been baptized, a letter of
counseling with the parish priest, to complete the
process will be accepted)
Updated immunization records
Proof of Canadian citizenship or of Landed Immigrant status
Proof of address (utility bill, bank or credit card
statement only)
We continue to collect labels
from various Campbell’s products. The
UPC labels, or lids are collected in a special
container in the main foyer of the school.
We thank you for your continued support.
For a full list of eligible items, please check
out the School Council section of our webpage.
For more information, contact your local Catholic
school or call the Admissions Department at 905-8900708 ext. 24500.
Junior Kindergartens already attending St. Leonard
do not have to re-register.
School begins at 8:30 a.m. It has been noted that there
are a number of students who arrive late to school.
Whenever a student is not here in time to line up with
their class during entry, they are considered late. It is
also a disruption to the class if students walk in after
class has started. Whenever a student is late she/he
must go to the office to obtain a late slip. Arriving on
time is a life skill which our students need for future
success. Please ensure students arrive on time.
Inclement Weather
Bus Cancellations
Please be advised that during the winter months, inclement weather may cause disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. Please note: The message is often unclear when busses are cancelled in Caledon, please listen carefully to determine if they are closed board wide or just in Orangeville/Caledon area. The website is often the better place to check. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 a.m., and will be announced on the following radio
and television stations:
Virgin Radio 99.9
CFTR 680
CFRB 1010
CJBC (Fr.) 860 AM
CHIN 100.7FM/1540 AM
City Pulse
93.1 FM
CFNY 102.1
CHFI 98.1
EZ Rock 97.3
Global News
Or on the school board website at
You can also check the link on our website for bussing eligibility which takes you to the GEO Guery website for any delays and cancellations for bus...please make sure you know your child’s route number.
Bus #1 - Route 0411
Bus #2 - Route 0380
Bus #3 - Route 0409
Please note: When the busses are cancelled we still need to account for your children. If they
are not coming in, please call the school. If the busses are cancelled or the school is closed
we will change the message on the answering machine by 6:30 a.m. as well as e-mail those
who have signed up for electronic mail.
Winter Safety in the School Yard
In order to avoid injury and to help ensure student safety, students are reminded regularly to play safely
in the school yard. Students are reminded not to throw snowballs, or kick snow, as well as to stay off
snow hills and off any ice patches. Play fighting and contact sports are not allowed. Students are reminded to report problems to the teacher, rather than taking matters into their own hands. The Creative
Playground will be closed until further notice. Please review the importance of playing safe in the
school yard with your child.