Department of Religion HRE 101 Student Name: ________________________________

Department of Religion
Course Code:
HRE 101
Course Name:
Be With Me
Grade 9 Open
Student Name: ________________________________
Textbook #: ___________________________________
Course Description:
This course is centred on the study of the biblical tradition of Judaism and Christianity with particular focus on
Jesus Christ and the obligation of Christians to follow Jesus. Jesus taught a unique way of life that came to be
known as Christianity shortly after his death. This course encourages students to articulate their beliefs and
continue to journey as reflective, creative thinkers. By raising important questions about their faith, this course
leads students to a deeper understanding of their relationship with God and neighbour. This course calls students
to be caring family members and responsible citizens who are capable of exercising prudent judgment based on an
informed conscience.
Overall Course Expectations:
You have chosen (or your parents have chosen for you) to attend a school that understands Christian-Catholic
principles as its foundation. It is expected that the study of religion will be taken seriously and that you approach
the course with an open mind and a willingness to challenge yourself. This course is worth one full credit and does
count toward high school graduation.
Test and Quizzes:
Tests will be given periodically with at least two days notice. Quizzes based on homework may be given any time
without notice. School policy on tests places responsibility on the student to notify the teacher well in advance if a
test will be missed due to school related reasons. Provided that a student fulfills this responsibility, the students
must write the test on the school day after the school-related absence. If a unit is missed because of legitimate
absence, the student must provide a note from parents and be prepared to write the test the day they return to
school. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the teacher that a test has been missed. A “zero” will be given in
all other situations.
Students are required to have a duo-tang or binder for a notebook. The notebook should be complete and accurate
and the teacher may do a notebook check at any time. Keep the book well organized with a title of divider for each
section. Place all handouts in the notebook, keep it free of unnecessary markings and use a blue or black pen.
Written assignments, projects and oral presentations will be assigned throughout the course. Two percent per day
will be deducted for late assignments up to a maximum of 10%. In the case of group presentations, individual
students who are absent will receive a mark of “zero” for the presentation unless they provide a note from their
Efforts will be made to meet the individual learning needs of students to promote student success with respect to
meeting the expectations of this course.
My signature below indicates that I have read the Course Handout, and I understand its contents.
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: _________________________
Date: _______________
Students’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: _______________
Course Timeline:
The course will use a variety of resources
which will be distributed to students during
the first week of the course. The text and all
other resources assigned to each student
are the responsibility of the student.
Introduction to the Bible
5 classes
Understanding Biblical Scholarship,
Interpreting Creation, De-creation,
Abraham, Moses, and the Prophets
10 classes
Christology and the Greek Scriptures
10 classes
Resources for this course include:
Be with Me
Be Alive
Be Faithful
Be Loving
Be Obedient
Be Just
Be Honest
Be Generous
Be Forgiving and Hopeful
Text 1: Path Through Scripture
Text 2: Be With Me
You are responsible for returning the same
numbered books at the end of the semester.
Books must be brought to every class.Any
damage incurred will result in payment for
Evaluation Policies
1. Student marks will be determined by evaluating process & product according to 4 categories (see
below) & 4 levels of the Achievement Chart as found in the Ministry Policy document for Religious
Evaluation Structure:
Term Evaluations = 70% of the final mark. Final Evaluation = 30% of the final mark.
(Final Evaluation= 10% Culminating Performance Task & 20% Final Examination)
2. Feedback will also be provided for student learning skills. Working independently, teamwork,
organization, work habits/homework, and initiative are assessed apart from student achievement
in the four categories outlined above and will conform to the coding:
E – Excellent
G – Good
S – Satisfactory
N - Needs Improvement
3. Assignments submitted after the due date established by the teacher will receive a penalty in
accord with our Board Assessment & Evaluation Policy Document as outlined in the student
4. Should a student miss an evaluation due to a legitimate absence, in accord with our Board
A&E Policy Document, the student and teacher will make arrangements to address the
missed evaluation in a timely manner. In the cases of extended vacation or prolonged
absence, consultation with the appropriate administrator is required.
May God bless your efforts this semester!