California State Lands Commission 330 Golden Shore, Suite 210
Long Beach, CA 90802 USA
Han-Padron Associates 100 Oceangate, Suite 650
Long Beach, CA 90802
Ben C. Gerwick, Inc 20 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
Marine Oil Terminals, when inadequately designed or maintained can pose a significant
risk to public safety and the environment. Natural hazard threats such as earthquakes, high
winds, and excessive currents from runoff and tsunamis should be considered for both new
and existing Terminals Damage to or collapse of a wharf or pier carrying pipelines may
result in an oil spill. In order to protect the public health, safety and the environment, the
California legislature passed the Lempert-Keene-Seastrand Oil Spill Prevention and
Response Act in 1990 (the Act). The Marine Facilities Division was formed to implement
the Act. It soon became obvious that there were no rehabilitation or upgrade standards for
these aging facilities. Significantly, seismic standards did not exist when the vast majority
of the facilities were built. The new comprehensive engineering standards developed
specifically for Marine Oil Terminals in the U.S. The standards fulfill the mandate of
providing regulations for the performance standards of marine oil terminals, to minimize
the possibilities of a discharge of oil. In this study the criteria defined by standards, seismic
analysis of design criteria, mooring loads for the marine oil terminals are presented.
However, much of the criterion is equally applicable to other types of marine structures. It
is expected that these standards will form the basis for similar standards developed for
other state, federal, and international regulatory agencies.
1. Introduction
Marine Oil Terminals (MOTs), when inadequately designed or maintained can pose a
significant risk to public safety and the environment. Natural hazard threats such as
earthquakes, high winds, excessive currents from runoff and tsunamis should be considered
for both new and existing MOTs. Damage to or collapse of a wharf or pier carrying
pipelines may result in an oil spill. In addition to the obvious environmental damage and
public health concerns, an oil spill may be expensive to clean up. Recent experience in the
U.S. has shown that the cost of cleaning up oil spills in waterways can range from
$10,000/bbl up to $250,000/bbl.
A. C. Yalçıner, E. Pelinovsky, E. Okal, C. E. Synolakis (eds.)
Submarine Landslides and Tsunamis 259-266.
@2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Netherlands
In order to protect the public health, safety and the environment, the California
legislature passed the Lempert-Keene-Seastrand Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act in
1990 (the Act). The Act defines a new mission for California State Lands Commission
(SLC), in part stating:
“ the commission shall adopt rules, regulations, guidelines and commission leasing
policies for reviewing the location, type, character, performance standards, size and
operation of all existing and proposed marine terminals within the state, whether or not on
lands leased from the commission, and all other marine facilities on land under lease from
the commission to minimize the possibilities of a discharge of oil…” (Public Resources
Code (PRC) Section 8755 (a))
“The commission shall periodically review and accordingly modify its rules,
regulations, guidelines and commission leasing policies to ensure that all operators of
marine terminals within the state and marine facilities under the commission’s jurisdiction
always provide the best achievable protection of the public health and safety, and the
environment…” (PRC Section 8756).
The Marine Facilities Division (MFD) was formed to implement the Act. Initial
oversight of MOTs was operational in nature, but by 1991 engineering inspections had
begun. It soon became obvious that there were no rehabilitation or upgrade standards for
these aging facilities. In other words, a geriatric structure could be “rehabilitated” to the
same design criteria as was used originally. The average age of the MOTs in California is
about 50 years, which is typically considered past the design life of a marine facility. Many
were constructed in the 1901 to 1925 period. The newest MOT in California, an exception
to the rule, was built in 1987. Significantly, seismic standards did not exist when the vast
majority of the facilities were built. The need for definitive engineering standards for
MOTs became obvious and has resulted in the “Marine Oil Terminal Engineering and
Maintenance Standards,” or MOTEMS [1].
2. Project Participants and Overview
An overview of the current state of practice will help define the need for and urgency of the
engineering standards. One of the biggest problems with the current state of practice is the
situation of “grandfathering” existing operations. When the MFD was formed in 1990, each
operator was required to submit an Operations Manual, which defined the maximum size of
vessel currently calling at the terminal. The MFD then allowed the operator to continue the
present practice. However, if the operator wished to increase the size of vessels calling at
the terminal, an engineering justification was required to verify the capacity of the terminal.
The fundamental problem with grandfathering of existing operations is that fairly large
vessels were allowed to call at geriatric facilities simply because historically this had been
the practice. There was no engineering justification for the increase in vessel size from the
original construction time, when vessels were much smaller. In some cases, large tank
vessels, over 125,000 DWT were calling at geriatric timber wharves over 60 years old.
Terminals such as this may have inadequate mooring, berthing, fendering and seismic
capabilities by today’s standards. To compound this problem, many of these facilities have
had inadequate maintenance such as routine inspections above and below the water line.
Some have not been inspected after significant earthquakes.
The MFD started to inspect these facilities, and document structural deficiencies,
knowing that the operator could repair to any standard that he desired. With this as a
background, the Marine Oil Terminal Engineering and Maintenance Standards (MOTEMS)
project was initiated by the MFD, to develop comprehensive engineering standards for the
analysis, design and inspection/maintenance of MOTs. Funding for this project is through a
hazard mitigation grant from the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),
and was a result of the 1994 Northridge earthquake. Additional funding came from the
California State Lands Commission.
The prime consultant for the development of these standards is a joint venture of HanPadron Associates of Long Beach, California (CA) and Ben C. Gerwick, Inc. of San
Francisco, CA. The U.S. Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center (NFESC), through a
“Cooperative Research and Development Agreement” has also been an active participant.
The Civil Engineering Department of the University of Southern California has also
participated in the work by providing research and criteria in the area of tsunami risk
assessment and also has contracted for the offshore seismic hazard risk assessment. The
Civil Engineering Department of the University of California, San Diego has contributed to
the structural performance criteria for seismic loading. This process has also included
strong participation by the regulated community (marine oil terminal operators),
engineering consultants, port engineers and academics. Peer review has been extensive,
involving participants in workshops and technical advisory group meetings. The review
process has even involved an industry group, the Western States Petroleum Association.
The SLC has been careful to avoid imposing onerous or unnecessary restrictions.
3. The Engineering Standards
The standards will require each MOT to conduct an audit (detailed structural, mechanical
and electrical evaluation) to determine the continuing fitness-for-purpose of the MOT and
the level of compliance. The operators must then determine what actions are necessary and
provide a schedule for implementation. The standards define criteria in the following areas:
Audit and Inspection Procedures
Loading Combinations
Seismic Analysis and Design
Mooring and Berthing Analysis and Design
Geotechnical Hazards and Foundations
Structural Analysis and Design of Components
Fire Prevention, Detection and Suppression Systems
Piping and Pipelines
Electrical and Mechanical Equipment Systems
4. Audits and Inspections
The standards define three distinct types of inspections and audits that are required. The
first is an Annual Inspection which consists of a walk-down of the facility conducted by the
MFD along with the operator.
A second inspection type, called the Audit, is the primary focus of the standards. It
consists of a comprehensive evaluation of all structural, mooring, electrical and mechanical
systems relative to specific criteria defined in the standards. The Audit is conducted every
three years for above water structure components, as well as electrical and mechanical
systems. The frequency for underwater inspection varies with the construction type and
condition of the facility, and may range from six months to six years. The audit requires a
seismic assessment, a comprehensive mooring/berthing analysis, an evaluation of the fire
plan, and a review of the geotechnical features, including the possibility of liquefaction or
slope failure. The MOT is rated from good to critical, with numerical grades of 6 to 1,
respectively, for both the structural and non-structural operational features. Scores of 4
(fair) and below may require some corrective actions prior to the restoration of full
operational status. Deficiencies require the submittal of a schedule for rehabilitation that
must be approved by the MFD. The frequency and scope of underwater inspections are
consistent with the new ASCE Underwater Investigation Standard Practice Manual [2].
The Post-Event Inspection is conducted following a significant event such as an
earthquake, flood, fire, vessel impact or similar event. The requirement to perform the PostEvent Inspection may be initiated by the MFD or the operator, depending on the level of
ground motion or the specific incident. MFD regulations currently mandate that the
operator must inform the MFD if the damage is greater than $50,000. The Post-Event
Inspection serves to determine if the facility is safe to continue operations and to determine
if remedial action is necessary.
5. Loading Criteria
Loading criteria are defined for both new and existing MOTs. The requirements for
existing MOTs are lower than for new facilities, but rehabilitation may still be required. In
addition to defining loading criteria for dead loads, live loads, earthquake loads, mooring
loads, and berthing loads, the standards also define required loading combinations and
associated safety factors for structural components and mooring lines.
6. Seismic Analysis and Design Criteria
The seismic analysis requirements of the standards differentiate facilities into high,
moderate and low risk classifications. These classifications are used to define earthquake
ground motion to be applied to the facility, as well as to determine the level of
sophistication required for the structural analysis. The existing MOT classification for
seismic risk is based on the number of barrels of oil at risk (flowing and stored), the
number of transfers per year and the vessel size in dead weight (long) tons. The
classification levels are as follows:
Exposed Oil (bbl)
Transfers per Year/Facility
Vessel Size (DWTx1000)
 1200
< 1200
 90
 30
< 1200
< 90
< 30
Two different levels of design earthquake motion are defined for various risk
classifications. The design spectral acceleration, design peak ground acceleration, and
design earthquake magnitude may be determined, once the return period of the event is
established. The Level 1 and Level 2 performance criteria are defined as follows [3]:
Level 1 Earthquake: No or minor structural damage without interruption in service or
with minor temporary interruption in service.
Level 2 Earthquake: Controlled inelastic behavior with repairable damage resulting in
temporary closure in service restorable within months (prevention of structural collapse)
and the prevention of a major spill, defined as 1200 barrels of petroleum product.
Currently, the initial earthquake parameters are taken from the U.S. Geological Survey
(USGS) web site, http://geohazards.cr.usgs.gov/eq/html/canvmap.html. They are available
as peak ground acceleration and spectral acceleration values at 5 percent damping for 10, 5,
and 2 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years, which correspond to Average Return
Periods of 475, 975, and 2,475 years, respectively. The spectral acceleration values are
available for 0.2, 0.3, and 1.0 second spectral periods. In obtaining peak ground
acceleration and spectral acceleration values from the USGS web site, the site location can
be specified in terms of site longitude and latitude or zip code when appropriate. It should
be noted that for existing MOTs located on weak soils or near a known, active fault, a sitespecific hazard assessment is required. The seismic load criteria and the performance-based
requirements are similar to those described in FEMA 356 [4].
The seismic criteria for the three existing facility classifications (high, moderate and
low), for the two performance levels, are as follows:
Facility Classification
Probability of Exceedance
Return Period
Level 1
50% in 50 years
72 years
Level 2
10% in 50 years
475 years
Level 1
64% in 50 years
50 years
Level 2
14% in 50 years
333 years
Level 1
75% in 50 years
36 years
Level 2
19% in 50 years
238 years
For new marine oil terminals, a site-specific seismic hazard assessment is required,
using the “high” classification for all cases (50% probability in 50 years and the 10%
probability in 50 years, for Level 1 and 2 respectively).
The analytical procedures used for the seismic analysis range from simple to very
complex. Minimum levels of sophistication are required by the standards, with the
procedures becoming more complex for higher risk classification levels. The minimum
procedure requirements are summarized in Table 3. Complex analytical procedures, such as
full nonlinear time-history analysis, are not required for any facility, but it should be noted
that the more complex analytical procedures may result in less rehabilitation, since the
procedures account for the residual capacity of structures in the inelastic range of material
Demand Procedure
High/Moderate Irregular
Linear Modal
Nonlinear Static
High/Moderate Regular
Nonlinear Static
Nonlinear Static
Nonlinear Static
Nonlinear Static
Nonlinear Static
Nonlinear Static
After conducting the structural analysis, the component capacity is established on a
performance basis, using limiting levels of displacement or strain. Some of the strain levels
prescribed in MOTEMS are as follows:
Unconfined concrete piles
(no confining steel, or spacing greater than 12 inches)
Ultimate reinforcing steel tensile strains (Existing structures)
Grade 40 steel
Grade 60 steel
Ultimate prestress strand strain
Confined Concrete Piles:
Pile/deck hinge (Level 1 earthquake)
Pile/deck hinge (Level 2 earthquake)
In-ground hinge (Level 1 earthquake)
In-ground hinge (Level 2 earthquake)
< 0.005
Other current activities, in addition to the MOTEMS project are directly related to the
seismic vulnerability of marine oil terminals. One MOT in Northern California recently
completed a major seismic rehabilitation, using the procedures of MOTEMS, and is placing
accelerometers along the wharf. The hardware will be tied into California’s Strong Motion
Instrumentation Program (CSMIP) and will quickly provide in-structure acceleration
records. Within minutes, the time history records would be available on the Internet. In
addition to this marine oil terminal, the Port of Oakland has agreed to instrument both new
and rehabilitated wharves.
These records can be used to calibrate the new analysis methodologies presented in
MOTEMS, correlating finite element models to actual behavior. With the maximum instructure acceleration known, the operator and regulator can quickly evaluate whether or
not a facility should remain operational. An additional benefit to having accelerometers is
that they may provide a date/time stamp for major impact loads from vessels or barges.
7. Mooring Loads
Since its inception in late 1990, the MFD has been concerned about the mooring of vessels
at marine oil terminals. Most of these facilities were designed and built long ago, to handle
much smaller vessels. Larger vessels have greater sail areas resulting in greater wind loads,
as well as larger hull areas below the water line resulting in higher current loads. Aging
structures with older design fender types may not be adequate for higher impact loads. The
problem is further complicated by the new generation of double-hulled vessels, which have
even larger sail and hull areas, with the same cargo capacities.
Two load cases are specified for both new and existing facilities:
(1) Survival Condition:
25 year return period wind, with 30 second duration
For an existing facility, the vessel may alternatively choose to leave berth when the
operational wind speed is exceeded, within 30 minutes. In such cases, a suitable operational
wind envelope can be developed.
(2) Operating Condition:
The operating condition is determined by the mooring analysis, using appropriate safety
factors for lines and mooring points. An operational wind rose is required, with limiting
speed/direction. When the operational wind speed is exceeded, the vessel must terminate
the transfer operation.
The analytical procedures required for the mooring assessment are consistent with those
of the Oil Companies International Marine Forum publications [5].
8. Tsunami and Seiche
In addition to determining mooring and berthing forces due to wind, waves, and current,
the standards also address requirements for seiche and tsunamis. Run-up heights will be
added to the MOTEMS, as the research at the University of Southern California is
completed. Information about near-field subsea landslide induced tsunamis is also being
investigated, along with triggering mechanisms and postulated run-up heights. In the
interim, while the research is being completed, the tsunami hazards are addressed by
operational measures. A tsunami generated by a distant source (far field event) may allow
for adequate warning time for operators to request tank vessels to depart the MOT and
move into deep water. The MOT is required to have a plan with specific actions for
responding to far-field events.
9. Conclusions
Upon completion, the new standards will be the first set of comprehensive engineering
standards developed specifically for MOTs in the U.S. The background for the standards is
based on the MFD’s experience of inspecting and reviewing mooring and structural
upgrades during the past nine years. The standards fulfill the mandate of providing
regulations for the performance standards of marine oil terminals, to minimize the
possibilities of a discharge of oil. However, much of the criterion is equally applicable to
other types of marine structures. It is expected that these standards will form the basis for
similar standards developed for other state, federal, and international regulatory agencies.
The potential application of this effort is worldwide, for any new or existing marine oil
terminal, regardless of the seismic hazard classification of the region [6]
1. California State Lands Commission. Marine Oil Terminal Engineering and Maintenance Standards, Draft #6,
December 2000.
2. American Society of Civil Engineers, Ports and Harbors Committee, Underwater Investigations Standard
Practice Manual, May 2001.
3. Ferritto et al., Seismic Criteria for California Marine Oil Terminals. Port Hueneme, CA, Naval Facilities
Engineering Service Center, 1999.
4. “Prestandard and Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings”, Federal Emergency Management
Agency, FEMA 356, November 2000.
5. Mooring Equipment Guidelines. Oil Companies International Marine Forum, 2nd Edition, London, England:
Witherby & Co, LTD, 1997.
6. “Seismic Design Guidelines for Port Structures”, Working Group No. 34 of the Maritime Navigation
Commission International Navigation Association”, A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, 2001.