Bu usiness and technology y benefits of o converge ed I/O netwo orking infrastructures Authoor: Greg Sch hulz – Sr. Advisor A M March 8, 2011 D D This In ndustry Trend ds and Perspecctive Solution Brief is Comp pliments of Cisco Back kground and d Issues Theree is no such th hing as a dataa or informattion recesssion. IT organ nizations conttinue to be facced with supporting s in ncreased inforrmation serviices needss while workiing within buudget limitatioons withoout comprom mising Qualiity of Servvice (QoS)) or Service Level Objecttives (SLOs).. In order to support demand whhile maintainning QoS and SLOs in i a cost efffective mannner, innovvation is requiired. P Value Proposition Businesss benefits of innovatiing by usinng convergged networkinng technologiies include: • Do more m with avaiilable resourcces • Support growth annd enhance seervice deliveryy • Remoove complexiity and therebby costs • Optim mize for speciific QoS and SLOs • Invesstment preservvation to maxximize TCO • Selecct servers indeependent of SAN S & LANss • Leverrage industryy standard com mponents One form f of innov vation is the use u of convergged • Preseerve staff skilll sets and proocesses technoologies that enable thee reduction of • Enable dynamic annd flexible innfrastructures complexity and, subsequently, cost frrom der history to see the fu uture inform mation servicces delivery. As an exampple, Consid w as an inndustry we arre conveerged I/O and a networkking technoloogy To helpp understand where w we havve bringss together th he best of trraditional serrver going let’s take a quuick look at where O and storage I/O O connectiviity with LA AN been. Historically server and storage I/O connecttivity1 have been b separatee from generaal netwoorking. The business challenge that t conveerged I/O nettwork addressses is to remoove purposee LAN and vooice or datacoom networks. complexity from a technology as well as frrom managgement and d acquisitionns perspectiive. Compplexity adds cost by suppporting multiiple technoologies that should s be com mplimentary but are often leveraaged to perform similar functiions. mportant aspeect of converggence is to avvoid An im introdducing aggraavation in the course of aggregating or consolidatiing such as perforrmance bottleenecks or othher QoS issuues. One of o the reason ns for havingg separate LA AN and SAN S environm ments in the past p has beenn to avoidd intermix of different typees of traffic that t couldd result in QoS S or performaance challengees. Figure 1 – Server annd storage I/O O continuum Converrgence has beeen occurringg over the paast couple of decadess for serverr storage I/O O N networkingg. interconnnect (Figuree 1) and LAN Server and storagge I/O connnectivity haas evolvedd from prooprietary phhysical direcct connectt or point to point intterconnects to t y enabler for the next stepp in storage area networkks (SANs). As a result, a key the I/O networking g convergencce journey is for solutions that can protect againnst performannce Converrgence has occcurred with the shift from m bottleenecks while enabling low w latency, high h early generation g proprietary SA ANs to opeen availaability with flexibility f andd resiliency in a heteroggonous stanndards leverraging Fibrre cost effective maanner while using indusstry Channeel (FC). standaard componen nts. 1 Refer to “R Resilient Storage Netwoorks: Designing Flexiblee and Scalable Data Infrastrucctures” (Elsevier) to leaarn more © Copyright 2011 The Seerver and StorageIO Group (StorageIO O) All Rights Reserved. www.sstorageio.com P.O. Bo ox 2026 Stillw water, MN 550822 651-275-15563 1 off 3 info o@storageio.com Bu usiness and technology y benefits of o converge ed I/O netwo orking infrastructures FC SANs enabled multiplee upper leevel protoccols (ULPs) to convergee; for exampple, open systems (SC CSI_FCP) annd IBM zSerries mainfframes FICON N traffic on the same SA AN. has On thhe LAN netwo orking side, convergence c resultted in a sh hift from eaarly generattion propriietary protoco ols and physiical interfacess to standaard Ethernet and ULPs inccluding TCP//IP. In adddition to FC based SANs,, Ethernet based has storagge is another area where convergence c occurrred over the past decadee, with Network Attachhed Storage (NAS) suppoorting Windoows CIFS and NFS file sharing, iSCSI (SC CSI t TCP/IP) Fiibre Channel on protoccol mapped to IP (FC CIP) for distaance enablemeent. Whaat is needed? ? The soolution Leveragge convergedd technologyy that supporrts both sttorage I/O (e.g. SAN) and LAN traffi fic withoutt compromisse for either environmennt. Converrged networkking technoloogies enable a shift inn focus from m beyond thhe networkinng cable too support diffferent protoccols optimizeed s. for varrious functioonality and characteristic c Flexibillity comes inn the form off being able to t redeplooy technologyy to meet channging businesss and techhnology needds. Shift from m separate SAN N and LA AN environm ments with unnique adapterrs, edge or o access as well as corre networkinng switchees to a converged paradigm shown on o the righht hand side of Figure 2. From a SAN N perspecctive this means mainntaining best practicees of miniimizing hopps with flaat networkks however leveraging multi-protocool convergged switches and adapters. From a LAN N perspecctive this meaans moving towards t flatteer networkks also leverraging conveerged adapterrs and swiitches. On thhe left side of o Figure 2 are a two separrate SAN and LAN en nvironments each with thheir own core c networkiing switchingg infrastructurres. The LAN L and SAN N networkingg infrastructuures consisst of separatee edge access along with core c switchhes, optical transceivers, t and diagnosttics Strategies and reccommendattions and management m to ools as well as a adapters. Your initial i deployyment may involve usinng convergged I/O and networking switches in a traditional LAN andd SAN modes. The next steep would is to evolvee from treatiing convergeed networkking switchees as separatte storage I/O O and neetworking booxes into plaatforms wherre LAN and a SAN traffic co-exissts. For som me environnments, convverged I/O annd networkinng 2 technollogies includiing CNAs andd switches caan Figuree 2 - I/O and networking continuum c be deplloyed initiallyy as access layers l for botth LAN an nd SAN traff fic co-existing g with existinng The next step in the I//O networkking infrastr ructures. Rega ardless of how w you initiallly conveergence journ ney is shown on o the right side s leverag ge converge ed I/O and d networkin ng of Figure F 2, is convergeed networkking enviroonment. At the core of figure 2 are technollogies, the objjectives should be to enablle conveerged netwo orking (LAN N and SA AN) flexibility, scalability, resiliencyy and removve from m acquisition througgh switchhes or directo ors supportingg Fibre Channnel compleexity deploym ment. over Ethernet (FC CoE) along with traditioonal Ethernnet TCP/IP traffic. Inn addition to suppoorting differeent protocolss and comm mon physiccal interfacees, convergged networkking switchhes provide agility andd flexibility for enabliing dynamic environmentss. 2 Chapteer 9 “I/O and Networking” The Green and Virtual V Data Center (C CRC) In addition to prepparing from a technologgy standpooint, it is impoortant to conssider how youur organizzational struucture, workflow, best practicees and proocesses are prepared to t leveragge the nexxt step in convergencce networkking technoloogies. © Copyright 2011 The Seerver and StorageIO Group (StorageIO O) All Rights Reserved. www.sstorageio.com P.O. Bo ox 2026 Stillw water, MN 550822 651-275-15563 2 off 3 info o@storageio.com Bu usiness and technology y benefits of o converge ed I/O netwo orking infrastructures Closiing commen nt The question q shoulld not be if, but b when, wheere, and hoow converged d networking is i in your futuure. You are a most likelly already on the convergence journeey (Figure 3). Now preparee to take the next n step inn the I/O nettworking convvergence journney whichh is centered on FCoE annd DCB enabbled solutioons. Converged networkking technoloogy shouldd work you an nd adapt to yoour needs insttead of youu working for the technologgy. Wheree to learn more m See thee companion to this Industtry Trends annd Perspecctive Soluttion Brief “Removinng organizational baarriers for technologgy converggence” at storageio.com s m/brief. Learrn more about convverged I/O networkinng along with assocciated Ciscoo technologgy tools at a cisco.com//go/unifiedfaabric. All trademarrks are the property off their respective companies and owners. The T StorageIO Group G makes no expressed or implied warrranties in this documeent relating to thhe use or operation of the products and techhniques described hereein. The StorageeIO Group in no event shall be liable for any indirect, inconsequential, special, inciddental or other damagees arising out of or assoociated with any aspectt of this documeent, its use, reliance upon the information, recommendations, or inadvertent errors e contained herein. Information, opinionns and recommendatioons made by thee StorageIO Group aree based upon public innformation believed to be accurate, reliable, and subject to change. This industryy trends and perspecttive solution brieff is compliments of Ciscco. www.cisco.com n inndustry trends Figuree 3 – I/O and networking Conveerged I/O and d networking check list: 9 Intteroperability y and standardd componentss o CNAs C and on n board chips or mezzaninees o Converged C acccess and coree switches 9 Ennd to End (E2E) IRM3 mannagement toools 9 Traaining and co ontinuing education 9 Crross technolog gy managemeent teams 9 Shhift from cablee to protocol management m wever look beefore you leap!! Don’tt be scared how 3 3IRM foocuses on managing resources (servers, storaage, and networks) inclluding backup, data d protection, re-tierring, security, optimizaation, provisioning, repporting and capaccity planning. Refer to “The “ Green and Virtuall Data Center” (CRC) © Copyright 2011 The Seerver and StorageIO Group (StorageIO O) All Rights Reserved. www.sstorageio.com P.O. Bo ox 2026 Stillw water, MN 550822 651-275-15563 3 off 3 info o@storageio.com