1 SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY, SOLAPUR Ph. D. Course Work in Philosophy (W. E. F. June 2011) Paper – II Recent trends in Philosophy 1. Linguistic analysis 1.1 Moore - Defense of common sense, Refutation of idealism 1.2 Russell – Theory of description 2. Logical Atomism 2.1 Russell – Atomic facts, Atomic statements 2.2 Logical constructions and Incomplete symbols 3. Existentialism 3.1 Kierkegard and Sartre on freedom 3.2 Responsibility 3.3 Transcendence 3.4 Nothingness and God 4. Phenomenology 4.1 Husserl-Extension of Cartesian method of doubt 4.2 Epoche, Phenomenology as rigorous science 5. J. Krishnamurthy’s philosophy 5.1 The concept of Philosophy 5.2 Unconditioned Mind 6. K.C. Bhattacharya’s philosophy 6.1 Truth and Error 6.2 Subject as Freedom 2 Reading books : 1. O’Connor D.J.: A Critical History of Western Philosophy, Collier Macmillan Publishers, London,1964 2. Paul Edwards (ed.): The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Macmillan Company and the Free Press,Newyork,1967 (Relevant Sections only) 3. Russell B., Logic and Knowledge, R.C. Marsh (Ed.), London, 1940. 4. R.R.Ammerman (Ed.), Classics of analytic Philosophy; Tata McGraw-Hill Publication, 1965. 5 .Russell B., Logic and Knowledge, R.C. Marsh (Ed.), London, 1940. 6. L. Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, R.K.P., 1961. 7. L. Wittgenstein,Philosophical Investigations, Oxford, 1967. 8. Ayer A.J. : Language, Truth and Logic. 9. J.L. Austin: How to Do Things with Words 8. 10.M.K.Bhadra : A Critical Survey of Phenomenology and Existentialism, ICPR, New Delhi,1990. 11. H.G. Blackham : Six Existentialist Thinkers, Second Edition, New York, 1959. 12. Contemporary Indian Philosophy : T.M.P. Mahadevan 13. Modern Indian Thought : V.S. Naravane Bombay 1964 14. Studies in Philosophy : K.C. Bhattacharya, Matilal Banarasidas Delhi 1983 15. Freedom from the Known : J. Krishnamurthy, San Francisco, Harper 1997 16. An Idealistic View of Life : Radhakrishnan, London , John Alen and Unwin 1957 17. Pashchatya Tattvadnyanacha Etihas Vol. 3 : G.N.Joshi 18. Bharatiya Tattvadnyanacha Bruhad Etihas : G.N.Joshi 3 Paper – III Modern Topics in Philosophy 1. Pragmatism 1.1 Theory of truth: correspondence, coherence and pragmatic 1.2 Pragmatic theory of truth: Nature, criterion 1.3 William James views on pragmatic theories of meaning and truth 2. Reconstruction of society 2.1 Liberty 2.2 Equality 2.3 Fraternity 2.4 Justice 3. Religious fundamentalism 3.1 Problem of terrorism 3.2 Interreligion harmony 4. Gandhian thought 4.1 World peace and ahimsa 4.2 Gandhian social thought 5. Environmental ethics 5.1 Moral responsibility towards nature 5.2 Preservative and Conservation of nature 5.3 Bio-medical ethics 5.4 Abortion, Euthanasia, Sallekhana, Female foeticide 6. Eco philosophy 6.1 Moral responsibility towards nature 4 Reading books : 1. Chidrese J.F. & Beauchamp T.L.- Principles of Bio-medical Ethics, New York Oxford University Press, 1989. 2. Graber G. C. & Thomson D.C. – Theory and Practice in Medical Ethics, New York . The continuum company, 1981. 3. Encyclopedia of Environmental Science, P.R. Trivedi, Gurdeepraj (Vol.6) th 4. Environmental Science- A Study of Interrelationships (4 Ed.), Eldon Enger and Bradley Smith. 5. Environmental Challenges Edited by C.K.Varshney and D.R. Sardesai. 6. Citizen’s Report- State of India’s Environment of Hindu Publication. 7. Man’s Responsibility for Nature- John Passmore. 8. A Dictionary of Environment – Steve Ellsworth. 9. Concepts of Ecology- R.L. Kotpal and N.P.Bali. 10. Thinking about Nature an Investigation of Nature Value and Ecology- Andrew Brennan. 11. Env. Ethics – Edited by Robert Eliot. 12. Env. Philosophy – Edited by Michael Zimmerman, Karen Warren, John Clerk. 13. Environment and the Moral of Life – Towards a new paradigm –S.K.Chahal- New Delhi. 14. Steve Marks, Peace Development and Human Rights Education. 15. Galung Johan, Violence and Peace Research. 16. Magnus Haavelsred, Peace Education. 17. K.S.Murthy, The Quest for Peace. 18. Kenneth Boulding, Stable Peace. 19. Thomas Weber, Conflict Resolution and Gandhian Ethics. 20.Quinton, A. (Ed.), Political Philosophy, OUP, Oxford,1971 21.Ackerman Bruce A. , Social Justice in the Liberal State, Yale University Press,1980 22.Bhargav Rajeev, Secularism and its Critics, Oxford University Press,1998. 23.Gandhi M.K. Hind Swaraj, Navjeevan Press, Ahmedabad,1955. 24.Gellner Earnest, Political Theory and The Modern State- Essays on State, Power and Democracy, Stanford University Press, 1991. 25.Joshi P.C. , Secularism and Development-The Indian Experiment,Vikas, New Delhi,1994. 26.Madan T.N. Secularism, Oxford University Press, 1996 5 Paper – IV Advanced developments In Philosophy 1. The philosophical background of postmodernism 1.1 Heidegger’s concept of Dasein, Philosophy as fundamental ontology 1.2 Kuhn’s re’description of scientific practice 1.3 Gadamer’s theory of fore-conceptions and prejudices 2. postmoderism as a cluster-concept 2.1 Modern versus postmodern 2.2 Postmodernism as an account of contemporary art and culture 3. Feminism 3.1 Philosophy of feminism 3.2 Development of feminist consciousness; it’s different phases 3.3 Feministic Ethics 3.4 Women, Culture and Society : The feminist perspectives of human nature 4. Meta Ethics 4.1 Subjectivism and Objectivism 4.2 Descriptivism and Prescriptivism 5. Concept of Justice 5.1Theory of Justice (John Rawls) 5.2 Justice as a Political Ideal 6. Modern Indian Thoughts 1) B.G. Tilak ( Interpretation of Gita ), 2) Shri. Aurobindo ( Integral Yoga ), 3) Ravidranath Tagore ( Man and God, Religion of man ), 4) S. Radhakrishnan (The Absolute Reality, Cosmic Evolution, Liberation and Its Means ) 6 Books for reading 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. R.Tagore : Religion of man , London Unwin book 1996 Radhakrishnan: The Religion of the spirit Edward Thompson: Rabindrnath Tagore- His life and work Shri. Aurobindo : The life divine Hiriyanna M. ; Outlines Of Indian Philosophy, George Allen and Unwin, London Tong Rosemarie, ‘Feminist Thought’, Unwin Hayman, London, 1984. Whelehan Imelda, ‘Modern Feminist Thought- From the Second Wave to Postfeminism’, Edinburah University Press, Edinburah, 1993. Alcoff Linda and Potter Elizabeth (ed.), ‘Feminist Epistemologies’, Routledge, New York, 1993. 10. Frazer E. Hornaby J., Lovibond S., Ethics: A Feminist Reader’, Blackwell, Oxford, 1992. 11. Richardson Dain and Robinson Victoria (eds.), ‘ Introduction to Women Studies’, Mac Millan Press, London, 1993. 12. Altekar A.S., ‘Position of Women in Hindu Civilization from pre-historic Times to the Present Day’, Motilal Banarasidas, 1962. 13. Desai Neera and Krishna Raj Maitreyi, ‘ Women and Society in India’, Ajanta Publications, New Delhi, 1987. 14. Jaini P.S., ‘Gender and Salvation: Jain Debates on Spiritual Liberation of Women’, Journal of Indian Philosophy, Vol.25, No.5, 1997. 15. Kelkar Meena and Gangavane Deepti (ed.), ‘Feminism in Search of Identity’, Rawat Publications, Jaipur and New Delhi, 2003. 16. Sri Aurobindo, Life Divine. 17. Sri Aurobindo, Essays on Gita. 18. Sri Aurobindo, Human Cycles. 19. Dr. S.K.Maitra, An Introduction to Sri Aurobindo’s Philosophy. 20. Dr. S.K.Maitra, East and West in Sri Aurobindo’s Philosophy. 21. Dr. Ramnath Sharma, Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. 22. Dr. Haridas Chowdhary, Philosophy of Integralism. 23. John Rawls : A Liberal Theory of Justice , A Theory of Justice Cambridge University Press 1971 24. Problems of Political Philosophy : D.D. Raphael 25. Hans Georg Gadamer : Truth and Method, Tr. W. Glam Doepel, London 1979 26. Kuhn Thomas : The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Chicago University 27. Bharatiya Tattvadnyanacha Bruhad Etihas : G.N. Joshi Pashchatya Tattvadnyanacha Etihas : G.N. Joshi 7 Ph.D. (Course Work) Nature of Question Paper Pattern • Ph.D. úÖêÃÖÔ¾ÖÔúÃÖÖšüß ±úŒŸÖ Long Answer ¾Ö Short Answer †ÃÖê“Ö ¯ÖÏ¿−Ö †ÃÖŸÖß»Ö. • Ph.D. (Course work) ¯ÖÏ¿−Ö¯ÖסÖêúŸÖ úÖêÖŸÖÖÆüß External Option ¾Ö Objective ¯ÖÏ¿−Ö †ÃÖÖÖ¸ü −ÖÖÆüߟÖ. • ‹æúÖ ¯ÖÏ¿−Ö - 5 x ÖãÖ 20 = 100 ÖãÖ • ¯ÖÏ¿−Ö Îú´ÖÖÓú 1 ŸÖê 5 • (A) פü‘ÖÖì¢Ö¸üß ¯ÖÏ¿−Ö (10 ÖãÖ) (B) Answer Any two out of three (¯ÖÏŸμÖêúß 5 ÖãÖ) μÖÖ ¯ÖÏ¿−Ö¯ÖסÖêú“μÖÖ Ã¾Ö¹ý¯ÖÖ´Öãôêû Internal Option ÆüÖ 25% ¸üÖÆüŸÖÖê.