1 Solapur University, Solapur Semester pattern Syllabus for B. A. Part III Sociology (Spl.) (w. e. f. June 2012) (Subject to the modifications to be made from time to time) Paper - IV - Sociological Thinkers Paper - V - Social Research Methods Paper - VI : Sociology of Tribal Society Paper - VII: Industrial Sociology Paper No VIII: Rural and Urban Sociology 2 Paper - IV - Sociological Thinkers Objectives. 1) To introduce the students about classical tradition of sociology. 2) To understand the emergence and development of sociological thoughts Semester- V 1. Emergence of Sociology A) Nature and Characteristics of Sociological Thought. B) The Enlightenment Age C) The impact of Industrial & French Revolutions. 2. Auguste Comte A) Law of Three Stages B) Positivism & Reconstruction of Society C) Hierarchy of Sciences D) Social Static and Social Dynamics 3. Herbert Spencer A) Theory of Social Evolution B) Theory of Organic Analogy C) Types of Societies 4. Emile Durkheim A) The Concept of Social Fact B) Social Division of Labour C) Theory of Suicide. D) Theory of Religion Semester- VI 1. Karl Marx A) Dialectical materialism B) Class and class-struggle C) Theory of Surplus Value D) Theory of Alienation 2. Max Weber A) Theory of social action B) Ideal types C) Protestant Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism D) The Types of Authority 3 3. Wilfredo Pareto A) Logical and Non-Logical Actions B) Theory of circulation of Elite’s C) Residues and Derivatives 4. Sociological Thought in India A) Development of sociology in India as a Discipline B) Ghurye’s Contribution on caste system C) M.N. Srinivas’s Contribution on Social changes D) Iravati Karve’s Contribution on Kinship System Books Recommended 1. 2. G.S. Ghurye : Caste and race in India, Popular Prakashan, Mumbai. Coser, Lewis, A. : Masters of Sociological Thought, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York, 1979. 3. Aron Raymond : Main Currents in Sociological Thought, Vol. I & II, Harmondgworth, Middlesex, Penguin Books, 1967. 4. Bogardus E.S. : The Development of Social Thought. 5. Fletcher, Ronald : The Making of Sociology (Vol. I & II), Rawat Publication, Jaipur, 1994. 6. Zeitlin Irving : Rethinking Sociology : A Critique of Contemporary Theory, Rawat Publication, Jaipur, 1998. 7. Ritzer George : Sociological Theory, Tata McGraw Hill, 1996. 8. Mukharjee R.N. : History of Sociological Thoughts. 9. Morrison, Ken, Marx Durkheim, Weber : Formation of Modern Social Thought Sage London, 1995. 10. Shrinivas M.N. : Social change in Modern India, University of California Press, 1966. 11. N Shankarao C N – Indian Socialogy, S chand & Company Delhi 12. MÉVÉäpùMÉb ´½þÒ BxÉ ÷ ´É b÷Éì ¨Éɯû±ÉEò®ú ´½þÒ. BºÉ. - ºÉ¨ÉEòÉʱÉxÉ ¦ÉÉ®úiÉÒªÉ ºÉ¨ÉÉVɶÉɺjÉ, ¡òb÷Eòä |ÉEòɶÉxÉ 13. 14. 15. MÉVÉäpùMÉb ´½þÒ BxÉ - ¦ÉÉ®úiÉÒªÉ ºÉ¨ÉÉVɶÉɺjÉ, ¡òb÷Eòä |ÉEòɶÉxÉ b÷Éì ¨Éɯû±ÉEò®ú Ê´ÉVÉªÉ - ºÉ¨ÉÉVɶÉɺjÉÒªÉ Ê´ÉSÉÉ®úÉÆSÉÉ <ÊiɽþɺÉ, |ÉÉSÉÒ |ÉEòɶÉxÉ ¨ÉÆÖ¤É<Ç ¨ÉÉäʽþiÉä BºÉ B±É - ºÉ¨ÉÉVɶÉɺjÉÒªÉ Ê´ÉSÉÉ®ú´ÉæiÉ ¡òb÷Eòä |ÉEòɶÉxÉ +ÉMɱÉÉ´Éä |ÉEòÉ¶É - {ÉɶSÉÉiªÉ +ÉÊhÉ ¦ÉÉ®úiÉÒªÉ ºÉ¨ÉÉVɶÉɺjÉYÉ, ¸ÉÒ ºÉÉ<ÇxÉÉlÉ |ÉEòɶÉxÉ xÉÉMÉ{ÉÖ®ú. 16. 17. Shankarrao C.N. ,Sociology of Indian Society,S.Chand Publication and Co. New Delhi. 4 Paper - V - Social Research Methods Objectives 1. To make students to understand the social reality 2. To introduce the students different tools and techniques of social research 3. To understand the nature of Social Phenomena Semester- V 1. Scientific social research A) Social research - Meaning and objectives B) Scientific method used in Sociology. C) Relationship between theory and fact 2. Types of Research A) Pure and Applied research: Nature and Distinction B) Historical & Empirical C) Descriptive & Exploratory. 3. Social research and Its Significance A) Qualities of good researcher B) Significance and Utility of social research C) Significance of social research in India 4. Hypothesis A) Nature and Characteristics of Hypothesis B) Sources of Hypothesis C) Types of Hypothesis Semester- VI 1. Sampling Techniques A) Meaning and Nature B) Types of Sampling i) Probability Sampling : Simple Random Sampling and Stratified Random Sampling ii) Non-probability sampling : Convenient Sampling and Purposive Sampling. C) Advantages and Limitations 5 2. Observation A) Meaning and Nature B) Types of Observation i) Controlled and Non-controlled. ii) Participant and Non-participant C) Advantages and Limitations. 3. Interview and Questionnaire A) Interview : Meaning, Nature & Types B) Advantages and Limitations of Interview. C) Questionnaire : Meaning, Nature & Types D) Advantages and Limitations of Questionnaire. 4. Data Collection and Analysis of Data A) Sources of Data : Primary and secondary. B) Data Analysis : Classification, Coding & Tabulation C) Report Writing. Books Recommended 1. Goode and Hatt : Methods in Social Research, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, 1952. 2. P.V. Young and Calvin F. Schmid : Scientific Social Survey and Research, Prentice Hall of India, Private Ltd., New Delhi, 1982. 3. Hans Raj : Theory and Practice in Social Research, Surjeet Publication, 7 K, Kamalanagar, Delhi, 1979. 4. Wilkinson and Bhandarkar : Methodology and Technique of Social Reseach, Himalaya Publication House, Bombay, 1984. 5. Bajpai S.R. : Methods of Social Survey and Reseach, George Allen and Unwin, 1967. 6. Galtung John : Theory and Methods of Social Research, George Allen and Unwin, 1967. 7. R.N. Sharma : Research Methods in Social Sciences, Media Promoters and Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 1983. 8. R.K. Sharma : Sciences, Media Promoters and Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Bombay, 1983. 9. Bajaj and Gupta : Elements of Statistics, R. Chand & Company, New Delhi. 6 10. Beteille A. & Madan T.N. : Encounter and Experience : Personal Accounts of Fieldwork, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 1975. 11. Bryman, Alan : Quality and Quantity in Social Research, Unwin Hayman, London, 1988. 12. Garrett, Henry : Statistics in Psychology and Education, David McKay Indian Publication, Mrs. A.F. Sheikh for Vokits, Bombay, 10th Reprint,1981. 13. Jayaram N. : Sociology : Methods and Theory, McMillan, Madras, 1989. 14. Kothari, C.R. : Research Methodology : Methods and Techniques, Willey Eastem, Bangalore, 1989. 15. Punch, Keith : Introduction to Social Research, Sage, London, 1988. 16. Shipman, Martin : The Limitations of Social Reseach, Sage, London, 1988. 17. Srinivas M.N. & Shah A.M. : Field-worker and the Field, Oxford, Delhi, 1979. 18. b÷Éì xÉÉb÷MÉÉåbä÷ MÉÖ¯ûxÉÉlÉ - ºÉɨÉÉÊVÉEò ºÉƶÉÉävÉxÉ {ÉvnùiÉÒ, ¡òb÷Eòä |ÉEòɶÉxÉ 19. b÷Éì ¤ÉÉävÉxÉEò® ºÉÖÊvÉ®ú ´É |ÉÉ. +±ÉÉäxÉÒ Ê´É´ÉäEò ºÉɨÉÉÊVÉEò ºÉƶÉÉävÉxÉ {ÉvnùiÉÒ, ¸ÉÒ ºÉÉ<ÇxÉÉlÉ |ÉEòɶÉxÉ xÉÉMÉ{ÉÖ®ú 20. Pradip Aglave: Samajik Sanshodhan Padhati,Sainath Prakashan,Nagpur. (Marathi) 21. Bhandarkar P.L.: Samajik Sanshodhan Padhati,Maharashtra Granth Mandal (Marathi) 22. Karade B.M. : Samajik Sanshodhan Padhati (Marathi) 7 Paper - VI : Sociology of Tribal Society Objectives 1. To introduce tribal society to the students of Sociology as a major segment of Indian Society. 2. To make aware the students about the tribal Social life by Visiting the Tribal Area 3. To make aware the students about the tribal Social Change, problems & Solutions Semester- V 1. The Concept of Tribal Society A) Definitions and Nature of Tribal Society B) Characteristics of Tribal Society. C) Distinction between Tribe & Caste 2. Demographic Profile A) Tribal population: Tribal Zones and States B) Tribal population in Maharashtra C) Geographical & Racial Distribution of Tribes 3. Tribal Marriage A) Monogamy & Polygamy B) Preferential marriages C) Ways of acquiring mates D) Marital Problems 4. Tribal Family & Clan A) Characteristics of Family B) Status of Women C) Concept of Clan and Totemis 8 Semester- VI 1. Tribal Economy & Religion A) Characteristics of Tribal Economy B) Economic activities of tribal People C) Nature of Tribal Religion beliefs and practices D) Types of Magic 2.Tribal Social Problems A) Economic Problems B) Socio-cultural problems C) Health Problems D) Illiteracy 3. Tribal Social Change A) Hinduization and Sanskritization B) Changing Nature of Tribal Society C) Tribal welfare & development D) Problem of Displacement 4. Tribal Movements A) Tribal movements in India. B) Tribal movements in Maharashtra C) Monographic Study of Warali Tribe. Books Recommended 1. Vidyarthi L.P. : Tribal culture of India, Concept publishers, New Delhi,1976. 2. Vidyarthi L.P : Tribal Movements in India,Concept Publisher,New Delhi. 3. Ember C.K. and Melvin Ember : Cultural Anthropology, Prentice Hall Inc. New Jersy, 1977. 4. Mujumdar D.N. and Madan T.N. : An introduction to Social Anthropology, Asia Publishing House, Bombay, 1973. 5. Singh K.S. : Tribal movements in India, Manchar, New Delhi, 1982. 6. Singh K.S. : Tribal situation in India, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Simla, 1972. 7. Ghurye G.S. : The scheduled tribes, 8. Chapekar L.N. : Thakurs of Sahyadri 9 9. Basu S. : Tribal Health in India. Rawat Publication, Jaipur 10. Bose N K – Culture & Society In India Asia Publishing House, New Delhi. 11. Ghayal S.P. Adhivasi Samajache Smajshastra, Auruna Prakashan, Latur (Marathi) 12. Sangawe Vilas Adhivachiche Samajik Jivan (Marathi) 13. Karade B.M 14. Gare Govind Adhivachiche Jivan (Marathi) Adhivachiche Jivan (Marathi) 15. Shankarrao C.N. ,Sociology of Indian Society,S.Chand Publication and Co. New Delhi. 16. Kondekar A.Y. & Mangala Patil: Adivasinche Samajshastra, Phadke Prakashan,Kolhapur ( Marathi) 10 Paper - VII: Industrial Sociology Objectives: 1. To provide the understanding of industry Labour Human relation & management by Visiting Industrial Areas 2. To familiarise the students with the problems of industrial organisations Semester- V 1. Introduction to Industrial Sociology. A) Nature & subject matter B) Rise and development C) Significance 2. Evolution of Production System A) Earlier systems of production: Manorial system, Guild system, Domestic system. B) Rise, causes and characteristics of the factory system 3. Industrial Organisation A) Concept and forms B) Henry Fayol’s theory of organisation C) Industrial bureaucracy. 4. Industrial Management A) Functions of the executive B) Aspirations and strains of the executive. C) Structure of Authoritarian technique in industry Semester- VI 1. Industrial Worker A) Definition and characteristics B) Role of Workers C) Worker’s aspirations D) Strains of the workers : Direct and indirect 2. Trade unions A) Definition and functions B) Emerengence & development C) Requisites of strong trade union. D) Tactics employed by trade union and management 11 3. Industrial Disputes A) Causes & Consequences B) Remedial Measures C) Collective Bargaining D) Concepts of Kaizen & quality circles 4. New Economic Policy & Industrial Development A) Automisation - Computerisation and its effects on workers. B) Globalization: Meaning and Consequences. C) New Industrial Policy D) Development of Information Technology (IT) and Industry. Books Recommended 1. Schneider E.V. : Industrial Sociology, McGraw Hill, New York, 1957. 2. Gisbert Pascal : Fundamentals of Industrial Sociology, McGraw Hill, Bombay, 1972. 3. Ramaswamy E.R. : The Worker and His Union, Allied, New Delhi, 1977. 4. Ramaswamy E.R. : Industrial relations in India, McMillan, New Delhi, 1978. 5. Punekar S.D. : Labour welfare, Trade Union and Industrial relations, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, 1978. 6. Laxmanna C. :Workers, Participation and Industrial democracy, Ajantha Publications, New Delhi. 7. Giri V.V. : Labour Problems in Indian Industry, Asia Publishing House,Bombay, 1962. 8. Mamoria C.B. : Dynamics of Industrial relation in India, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, 1992. 9. Henry Fayol : Principles of General and Industrial Management 10. Waston T.J. : Sociology, work and industry, Routledge & Keganpaul, London, Boston, and Henley. 11. Kiely, Ray & Phil Morfleet (eds) : Globalization and Third World,Routledge, London. 12. Peter F. Drucker : The effectice Executive, Pan Book in association with William Heinemhn. 13. 14. b÷Éì xÉÉb÷MÉÉåbä÷ MÉÖ¯ûxÉÉlÉ - +ÉètÉäÊMÉEò ºÉ¨ÉÉVɶÉɺjÉ, ¡òb÷Eòä |ÉEòɶÉxÉ, EòÉä±½þÉ{ÉÖ®ú b÷Éì EòɳýnùÉiÉä ºÉÖvÉÉ - +ÉètÉäÊMÉEò ºÉ¨ÉÉVɶÉɺjÉ, Ê´ÉtÉ ¤ÉÖCºÉ {ɤ±ÉҶɺÉÇ, +Éè®ÆúMÉɤÉÉnù 12 Paper No VIII: Rural and Urban Sociology Objectives: 1] To provide the knowledge about Rural and Urban dimensions in India. 2] To understand the social reality, social progress and changes in relation with rural and urban communities. Semester V 1. 2. Nature of Rural Sociology. A] Definition and Subject matter of Rural Sociology. B) Characteristics of Rural Sociology C] Significance of Rural Sociology. Rural Social Institutions. A) Caste B] Economy C) Education D) Polity 3. Rural Social Problems A) Rural Health and Sanitation B) Indebtedness and Farmer’s Suicide C) Landless Labour D) Problem of Education 4. Changing Nature of Rural Society A) Panchayatraj System B) Co-operative Movement C) Land reforms D) Problem of Education 13 Semester VI 1. Introduction to Urban Sociology. A] 2. 3. Definition and Subject Matter of Urban Sociology B] Characteristics of Urban Society C] Significance of Urban Sociology Urban Social Institution A] Marriage and Family. B] Economy. C] Education. D] Religion. Urban Social Problems. A) Environmental Problems B) Problem of Slums C) Unemployment D) Problem of Working Women 4. Changing Nature of Urban Society A] Urban planning. B] Development of Information Communication Technology (ICT) C] Rural-Urban Continuum D] Impact of Globalization of Urban Social Life Books Recommended 1. b÷Éì EòɳýnùÉiÉä ºÉÖvÉÉ ´É b÷Éì ºÉÖ¨ÉxÉ ±ÉÉä¨É]äõ :- OÉÉú¨ÉÒhÉ ´É xÉÉMÉ®úÒ ºÉ¨ÉÉVɶÉɺjÉ, Ê´ÉtÉ ¤ÉÖCºÉ {ɤ±ÉҶɺÉÇ, +Éè®ÆúMÉɤÉÉnù VÉÖxÉ 2003 2. |ÉÉ. BxÉ. +É®ú ®úÉVÉ{ÉÚiÉ :- OÉɨÉÒhÉ ´É xÉÉMÉ®úÒ ºÉ¨ÉÉVɶÉɺjÉ, +ƶÉÖ±É {ɤ±ÉҶɺÉÇ, xÉÉMÉ{ÉÚ®ú VÉÉxÉä´ÉÉ®úÒ 2004 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Karade.B.M.,Gramin-Nagari Samjshastra,Pimplapure Prakashan, Nagpur (Marathi) Kamble N.T. Uchh Shikshanapudihil Avahane Chinmay Prakashan , Aurangabad(Marathi) Kopardekar Hemchandra, Tumachi Ngare (Marathi) Kopardekar Hemchandra, Nagarachi Katha Ani Vayataha (Marathi) Nadgonde Gurunath, Gramin Samjshastra ,Continental Prakashan (Marathi) Desai A.R., Rural Sociology, Popular Prakashan Mumbai 14 Solapur University, Solapur Nature of Question Paper For Semester Pattern • Faculty of Social Science (UG/PG Courses) (w.e.f. June 2012) Time - 2 Hours Total Marks– 50 Marks Instruction – (1) All questions are Compulsory. (2) Figures to the Rights indicate full marks. Q. 1) Multiple choice questions (Ten) 10 Marks (With four alternatives) Q. 2) Write short Answer of the following 08 Marks (Any four out of six) Q. 3) Write short notes 12 Marks (Any four out of six) Q. 4) Answer any one long type question of the following A OR 10 Marks B Q. 5) Long answer type question 10 Marks