SEASONAL FISH ASSEMBLAGES OF BAYOU LAFOURCHE UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM OF THE THIBODAUX WEIR A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Nicholls State University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science in Marine and Environmental Biology By Heather Pace Dyer Bachelor of Science, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2005 Fall 2007 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Seasonal Fish Assemblages of Bayou Lafourche Upstream and Downstream of the Thibodaux Weir” submitted for the award of Master of Science to the Nicholls State University is a record of authentic, original research conducted by Ms. Heather Pace Dyer under our supervision and guidance and that no part of this thesis has been submitted for the award of any other degree diploma, fellowship, or other similar titles. APPROVED: Allyse Ferrara, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences Committee Chair Quenton Fontenot, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences Committee Member David Schultz, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Biological Sciences Committee Member SIGNATURE: DATE: ________________________ _________________ ________________________ _________________ _______________________ _________________ i ABSTRACT Bayou Lafourche in southeastern Louisiana flows 172.2 km through the heart of the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary System (BTES) from the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. In 1904, Bayou Lafourche was disconnected from the Mississippi River by the construction of a permanent levee in Donaldsonville. The hydrology of Bayou Lafourche was permanently altered by this event and became principally driven by local precipitation. In 1955, the Walter Lemann Pump Station was installed in Donaldsonville to alleviate water quality problems in Bayou Lafourche such as stagnation and saltwater intrusion. In 1969, a weir was installed in Thibodaux to help regulate upstream water levels and to ensure an adequate drinking water supply for the surrounding parishes. Bayou Lafourche historically served as a conveyance system for freshwater and nutrients from the Mississippi River to the marshes of lower Lafourche and Terrebonne Parishes. Due to hydrologic modification, Bayou Lafourche no longer serves in this capacity. In 1996, the Mississippi River Reintroduction into Bayou Lafourche project was proposed, which suggested that Bayou Lafourche could effectively transport freshwater, sediments and nutrients to approximately 489 km2 of fresh marsh, brackish marsh, and salt marsh located in lower Barataria and Terrebonne Parishes. The major components of this project included dredging Bayou Lafourche from Donaldsonville to Thibodaux, increasing flow from 5.6 m3s-1 to 28.3 m3s-1, and removal of the Thibodaux weir. The effects of the proposed hydrologic changes to Bayou Lafourche are unclear and few published studies examined the fish fauna of Bayou Lafourche. Specific ii objectives of this study were to estimate seasonal abundance, diversity, and distribution of the adult fish assemblages of Bayou Lafourche and to predict possible effects that removal of the weir may have on the fish community of Bayou Lafourche. We collected fishes from fifteen sites located upstream and downstream of the Thibodaux weir from 09 February 2006 to 05 October 2007, using monofilament gill nets and electrofishing. A total of 5,503 fishes representing 50 species from 16 families were collected. There were no seasonal differences in overall fish abundance or diversity between upstream and downstream sites. There were differences in species composition in samples collected upstream and downstream of the weir. We collected four species downstream of the weir, including estuarine species, that were not collected upstream of the weir. We collected eight species upstream of the weir that were not collected downstream of the weir. Centrarchidae comprised over 70% of the electrofishing samples. Hierarchical clustering analysis of electrofishing data separated upstream and downstream communities for all seasons. The data gathered in this study should be useful in the assessment of the Bayou Lafourche fish community following the proposed removal of the Thibodaux weir. Currently, the weir does not appear to affect the diversity or abundance of fishes inhabiting the surrounding areas. However, the weir does serve as a physical barrier to the upstream and downstream movement of fishes. If the weir is removed the fish community will benefit from increased habitat and resource availability. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my committee members Dr. Allyse Ferrara, Dr. Quenton Fontenot, and Dr. David Schultz for giving their time to help with my research and for reviewing my thesis. I would like to thank the many graduate students who helped in the field and laboratory throughout this study. I especially thank Olivia Smith, Clint Troxler, and Sean Jackson who helped in the field countless times and devoted many hours in the laboratory cutting up fish and taking data. I would like to thank Dr. Earl Melancon for his continuous encouragement and support during my time here in graduate school. I would like to thank Mr. Archie Chaisson of the Bayou Lafourche Fresh Water District who patiently answered all my questions regarding Bayou Lafourche. I would like to thank my husband, Steve Dyer, who has supported me in all my endeavors and believed in my abilities without fail for many years. I would like to thank my family, Ron and Valerie Pace, Shannon Wojciechowski, and Kelley Pace for their encouragement throughout all my adventures. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATE…………………………………………………………………………..i ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………………...ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………………………..iv TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………..v LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………… LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………….x INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………..1 METHODS……………………………………………………………………………...12 RESULTS…………………………………………………………………………….....22 DISCUSSION…………………………………………………………………………...56 LITERATURE CITED……………………………………………………………….....73 APPENDIX I…………………………………………………………………………….81 APPENDIX II…………………………………………………………………………...82 APPENDIX III…………………………………………………………………………..98 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH…………………………………………………………...100 CURRICULUM VITAE………………………………………………………………..101 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Bayou Lafourche extends 172.2 km from the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico creating the border between the Barataria Estuary and the Terrebonne Estuary……………………………….................2 Figure 2. Map of the study area located between Donaldsonville, LA and Raceland, LA. Donaldsonville sites were located at approximately river km one. All other sampling sites were located between north Thibodaux (river km 40.6, US-6 site) and Raceland (river km 76, DS-4 site)..………………………………………………………….9 Figure 3. The weir located in Thibodaux, LA at river km 55 (29°47'55.42"N, 90°49'12.92"W). Photo was taken on 04 October 2007, from the southeast bank of Bayou Lafourche………………………………..11 Figure 4. Map of sampling sites located between Donaldsonville, LA, and Raceland, LA. GPS coordinates, river kilometers and sampling dates are listed for each site in Table 1. Individual site codes are defined in Appendix II. ……………………………………………………….13 Figure 5. Mean (±SD) seasonal monofilament gill net CPUE at JLC for all seasons sampled from 09 February 2006 to 30 July 2007. Means with the same letter indicate no difference. No fish were collected WIN07……………………………...…...….……………………....29 Figure 6. Mean (+SD) seasonal monofilament gill net CPUE at the primary downstream site NSU for all seasons sampled from 09 February 2006 to 30 July 2007. There were no differences among seasons at the NSU site……….….………………………………………………...30 Figure 7. Summer 2006 monofilament gill net CPUE for sites JLC, NSU, and DON. The CPUE at the DON site was higher than the JLC and NSU sites (ANOVA, overall p = 0.0006). Means with the same letter indicate no difference.……….……………………………………..31 Figure 8. Margalef’s index of species richness (d) per season for samples collected from primary sites JLC and NSU from 09 February 2006 to 30 July 2007, using monofilament gill nets…..….…………………34 Figure 9. Pielou’s Evenness Index (J’) for samples collected from sites JLC and NSU from 09 February 2006 to 30 July 2007, using monofilament gill nets...…………………………....……………....35 vi Figure 10. Simpson’s index of diversity for samples collected at the JLC and NSU sites from 09 February 2006 to 30 July 2007, using monofilament gill nets……………………………………………...36 Figure 11. Dendrogram for hierarchical clustering (group average linking) using the Bray-Curtis similarity matrix (y-axis) for samples collected using monofilament gill nets from 09 February 2006 to 30 July 2007. Xaxis abbreviations are as follows: WIN06US = winter 2006 upstream, SUM07US = summer 2007 upstream, WIN07US = winter 2007 upstream, WIN07DS = winter 2007 downstream, WIN06DS = winter 2006 downstream, FAL06US = fall 2006 upstream, SPR07US = spring 2007 upstream, SPR07DS = spring 2007 downstream, SPR06DS = spring 2006 downstream, SUM06DS = summer 2006 downstream, FAL06DS = fall 2006 downstream, SUM07DS = summer 2007 downstream, SPR06US = spring 2006 upstream, SUM06US = summer 2006 upstream…………………………………………………………….37 Figure 12. Centrarchids collected using electrofishing at the Donaldsonville, upstream, and downstream sites. The family comprised more than 70% of the total abundance at each site…..………………………..40 Figure 13. Seasonal diversity (Simpson’s index of diversity) and CPUE for samples collected at the Donaldsonville site using electrofishing on 09 May 2007, 30 August 2007, and 05 October 2007. Number of fishes collected in each sample is indicated by N…….……………42 Figure 14. Mean (±SD) CPUE (number fishes per minute of electrofishing) per season for samples collected using electrofishing at the upstream and downstream sites from 22 March 2007 to 04 October 2007. There was no difference in CPUE at upstream or downstream sites during the three seasons sampled.………………………………………….43 Figure 15. Dendrogram for hierarchical clustering (group average linking) using the Bray-Curtis similarity matrix (y-axis) for samples collected from upstream and downstream sites using electrofishing from 22 March 2007 to 04 October 2007. ……………………...………………….47 Figure 16. Dendrogram for hierarchical clustering (group average linking) using the Bray-Curtis similarity matrix (y-axis) for samples collected from the Donaldsonville site using electrofishing on 09 May 2007, 30 August 2007, and 05 October 2007………………………………...48 vii Figure 17. Water temperature (°C) seasonal mean (±SD) for the JLC and NSU sites from 09 February 2006 to 04 October 2007…………………..49 Figure 18. Mean seasonal (±SD) dissolved oxygen (mg/L) for the JLC and NSU sites from 09 February 2006 to 04 October 2007. The dissolved oxygen at the NSU site was higher than the JLC site during the fall 2007 (t-test, p = 0.0009). The dashed line indicates hypoxic level of 2.0 mg/L. Asterisk indicates significance….………………………50 Figure 19. Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) at the primary sites, JLC and NSU, from 09 February 2006 to 04 October 2007. Dissolved oxygen levels fell below the hypoxic level of 2.0 mg/L (dashed line) on four dates at the JLC site and one date at the NSU site. There were no differences between JLC and NSU sites.…………………….………………....52 Figure 20. Seasonal mean (±SD) Secchi disc depth for the JLC and NSU sites from 09 February 2006 to 04 October 2007. The JLC site had higher secchi depth than NSU during fall 2006 (p = 0.001)……………….53 Figure 21. The aquatic macrophyte hydrilla Hydrilla verticillata was abundant during the summer and fall of 2006. The water at the site was clear with visibility reaching > 200 cm, which is the bottom of Bayou Lafourche………………………………..………………………….54 Figure 22. Specific conductance (µS cm-1) at the JLC and NSU sites from 09 February 2006 to 04 October 2007……………………….………...55 Figure 23. Alabama shad Alosa alabamae (TL = 428 mm, weight = 795 g) collected using a 25 m long x 1.8 m deep monofilament gill net with 25.4 mm and 38 mm experimental bar mesh. The fish was collected on 17 March 2006, at the NSU site located downstream of the Thibodaux weir. The fish had severe lacerations suggesting that it passed through the Donaldsonville pump station turbine and over the Thibodaux weir. Positive identification of the fish was made by counting the gill rakers (photo insert), measuring body depth and by the presence of a small notch at the tip of the upper jaw (Ross 2002)……………………………………….58 Figure 24. Eight species were collected upstream but not downstream of the weir (top). Four species were collected downstream but not upstream of the weir (bottom). Fishes were collected between 09 February 2006 and 05 October 2007 using monofilament gill nets and electrofishing……………………………………………………….60 viii Figure 25. Approximately 15 cm of rainfall caused the overtopping of the Thibodaux weir on 22 October 2007. This type of high water event occurs approximately twice per year (A. Chaisson, BLFWD personal communication)……………………………………………………71 ix LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Study site location and number of samples collected from 09 February 2006 to 05 October 2007, using monofilament gill nets and/or two pass boat electrofishing. JLC and NSU sites were the primary Thibodaux, LA, sites and were sampled approximately twice monthly from 09 February 2006 to 30 July 2007, using monofilament gill nets. Sites US1 through US-7 and DS-1 through DS-6 were representative upstream and downstream sites and were sampled once each using monofilament gill nets and/or electrofishing. Site code abbreviations are defined in Appendix I……………………………………………………………14 Table 2. Scientific name, common name, and number captured for 688 fishes collected from Bayou Lafourche from 09 February 2006 to 30 July 2007, using monofilament gill nets. Upstream site includes fishes collected at the Donaldsonville site (N = 26). Species are arranged by number collected at the upstream sites………………………….………………………………………..23 Table 3. Scientific name, common name and abundance of 4,815 fishes collected from Bayou Lafourche from 22 March 2007 to 05 October 2007, using electrofishing. Species are arranged in order of abundance collected at upstream sites……………………………………………………………………24 Table 4. Ten species that were not reported in previous Bayou Lafourche fish fauna study (Shultz 1996). The fish were collected from Bayou Lafourche using monofilament gill nets and electrofishing between 09 February 2006 and 05 October 2007. Also listed are family, scientific name, common name, site from which fish were collected, and total number of individuals collected during this study. DON = Donaldsonville (upstream of weir), DS-1 and DS-3 = randomly selected downstream sites, JLC = Jean Lafitte Center (upstream of weir), NSU = Nicholls State University (downstream of weir). Families are listed in phylogenetic order, oldest families first…..……………..26 x Table 5. Percentage of catch for eleven families collected in three Donaldsonville samples, 27 upstream samples, and 27 downstream samples from 09 February 2006 to 30 July 2007, using monofilament gill nets. Upstream percentage includes fishes collected at the JLC primary site and randomly selected sites US-1 and US-2. Downstream totals include fishes collected at the NSU primary site and randomly selected DS-1 and DS-2 combined. Families are arranged in order of percentage of caught at the upstream sites. Site code definitions are listed in Appendix I………………………………………….……….27 Table 6. Monofilament gill net CPUE by species for fishes collected at the upstream sites (JLC, US -1, and US-2) and downstream sites (NSU, DS-1, DS-2) from 09 February 2006 to 30 July 2007. Information listed include scientific name, mean CPUE ± SD by site, and ANOVA pvalue (α = 0.05)………………………………………………………32 Table 7. Percentage of total catch for each family collected at upstream, downstream, and Donaldsonville sites from 22 March 2007 to 05 October 2007, using electrofishing. Upstream totals include the JLC primary site and randomly selected sites US-1, US-2, and US-4 through US-7. Downstream totals include the NSU primary site and randomly selected DS-1 and DS-6. Families are arranged in order of abundance caught at the upstream sites. Site code definitions are listed in Appendix I.……………………………………………………………39 Table 8. Five species had higher electrofishing CPUE at the Donaldsonville site than the combined upstream sites and combined downstream sites from 22 March 2007 to 05 October 2007. Information included in listing is scientific name, mean CPUE ± SD and Tukey group………………...44 Table 9. . Simpson’s index of diversity, Margalef’s index of richness, Pielou’s evenness index, and abundance (total number fishes collected) values for samples collected from JLC and NSU sites using electrofishing from 22 March 2007 to 04 October 2007. …..……………………….45 xi INTRODUCTION Bayou Lafourche and the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary System Bayou Lafourche in southeastern Louisiana runs through the heart of the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary System (BTES). Bayou Lafourche is the border between the Barataria and Terrebonne Estuaries (Figure 1) flowing 172.2 km from the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico (McKensie et al. 1995; Emmer et al. 2003). The BTES was defined and protected by the Barataria–Terrebonne National Estuary Program (BTNEP) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in September 1990, and encompasses approximately 16,835 km2 (McKensie et al. 1995). The inclusion of the BTES in the National Estuary Program helps to prevent activities from occurring within the complex that threaten the system’s water supply, harm fish, shellfish, or wildlife populations within the estuarine complex or negatively impact recreational opportunities for the residents of the estuary (BTNEP 1995). Approximately 2,000 years ago Bayou Lafourche was the main distributary of the Mississippi River. Approximately 800-1,000 years ago the River changed its primary course to the current path near New Orleans (Cadmus Group 2003). The natural levees of Bayou Lafourche were built during the active years as the River’s main distributary (Cadmus Group 2003). Once the Mississippi River changed course, flow of the Bayou Lafourche distributary lessened and channel width decreased (Cadmus Group 2003). Bayou Lafourche was historically used for fishing, recreation and travel by local residents. Steamboats and other vessels carried passengers and commerce the length of the bayou between Donaldsonville and the Gulf of Mexico (Brasseaux and Fontenot 2004; Emmer et al. 2003). In approximately 1830, a canal was built by the 1 Baton Rouge, LA N ch At Donaldsonville, LA a lay afa New Orleans, LA er Ri v x, LA odau Thib Saint Charles, LA Ba yo u Terrebonne Estuary Barataria Estuary La f ou rc he Terrebonne Bay M iss iss ip p iR ive r Barataria Bay Port Fourchon, LA 50 kilometers GULF OF MEXICO Figure 1. Bayou Lafourche extends 172.2 km from the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico creating the border between the Barataria Estuary and the Terrebonne Estuary. 2 Lafourche and Terrebonne Navigation Company, connecting Bayou Lafourche to Bayou Terrebonne in Thibodaux. The company built the canal to facilitate passage of sugarcane freight between Terrebonne Parish and New Orleans markets via Donaldsonville (Emmer et al. 2003). The city of Thibodaux became a busy trade and transportation hub for agricultural commerce within the region (Lafourche Heritage Society 1988). Due to the profitable agricultural output of the area, community leaders recognized the need to protect bayou-side communities from seasonal flooding. Although natural levees were already formed adjacent to Bayou Lafourche, discussion of damming the head of the bayou at the Mississippi River began in the 1840s (Emmer et al. 2003). In 1904, Bayou Lafourche was disconnected from the Mississippi River when local residents built a dam that was later replaced by the Mississippi River flood control levee (CH2M HILL 2005). The flood control levee is a barrier to the flow of Mississippi River water into Bayou Lafourche (Jaymac Consultants 2006). During planning and building of the Bayou Lafourche dam, and subsequent levee at the Mississippi River junction, the potential consequences of removing Mississippi River water and sediments from the system were unknown. Community leaders were seeking a solution for the problematic spring floods that often destroyed homes and businesses (Emmer et al. 2003). When Bayou Lafourche was disconnected from the Mississippi River in 1904, and the hydrology of Bayou Lafourche and the surrounding wetlands was permanently altered. The Mississippi River levee in Donaldsonville made Bayou Lafourche into a long, slender reservoir (CH2M HILL 2005). The hydrology of Bayou Lafourche became driven by local precipitation. Several consequences of reduced flow became clear in the following decades. In the late 1930s and early 1940s Bayou 3 Lafourche was described as stagnant and suffering from persistent aquatic vegetation such as water hyacinths, Eichhornia crassipes (Emmer et al. 2003; Jaymac Consultants 2006). The loss of freshwater flow down Bayou Lafourche allowed periodic saltwater intrusion as far as the central reaches of Bayou Lafourche in St. Charles, LA (river km 64.5). In 1930, a 27 km pipeline was built to bring water from the Mississippi River to Thibodaux for drinking water supply (Emmer et al. 2003). Throughout the 1930s and 1940s the availability of drinking water for Lafourche Parish from Bayou Lafourche became problematic (A. Chaisson, Bayou Lafourche Fresh Water District, personal communication). The Bayou Lafourche Fresh Water District (BLFWD) addressed the potable water supply problem with plans to build a pump and siphon station at the historic junction of the Mississippi River and Bayou Lafourche. In 1955, the Walter Lemann Pump Station was installed in Donaldsonville and is still in service today. The pump station operates by siphoning water from the Mississippi River when the river stage is greater than 4.8 meters and pumps water from the River at other times (Jaymac Consultants 2006). The pump station has a siphoning capacity of 11.3 m3s-1 and a pumping capacity of 9.6 m3s-1. The actual mean flow in Donaldsonville is approximately 7.0 m3s-1, which is the equivalent of 600 million liters per day (CH2M HILL 2005). In 1969, a weir was installed in Thibodaux to help regulate upstream water levels by retaining water, creating a reservoir of freshwater in Bayou Lafourche above the weir. The Thibodaux weir acts as a water retention system and ensures an adequate drinking water supply for Lafourche Parish (CH2M HILL 2005). Historically, the Mississippi River served to counteract regional subsidence by transporting freshwater, sediments, and nutrients via its distributaries such as Bayou 4 Lafourche (CH2M HILL 2005) throughout the BTES. However, due in part to major hydrologic modification (Louisiana Department of Natural Resources 1998) of the area, Louisiana coastal wetlands are being lost at an approximate rate of 65 to 91 km2 yr-1 (Raynie and Beasley 2000). In the decades after disconnecting Bayou Lafourche and other similar distributaries from the Mississippi River southeast Louisiana marshes have had major land loss due to subsidence and conversion of land to open water (Reed et al. 2003). Several freshwater diversion projects have been proposed and some have been implemented in southeast Louisiana in an effort to combat coastal erosion (Louisiana Department of Natural Resources 1998). Discharge of Bayou Lafourche is diminished due to slow movement of water and sediments, diminished channel capacity, choking aquatic vegetation, and occasional saltwater intrusion (A. Chaisson, BLFWD, personal communication). Mississippi River Water Reintroduction into Bayou Lafourche Bayou Lafourche no longer transports historic amounts of Mississippi River water, sediments, or nutrients to the surrounding wetlands. Most of the sediment that is carried through the pump station at Donaldsonville, drops out of suspension due to low flow velocity, and accumulates in the channel of Bayou Lafourche (CH2M HILL 2005). In 1993, the Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Restoration Plan proposed the use of Bayou Lafourche as a freshwater and sediment conveyance system (CH2M HILL 2005). In 1995, the Mississippi River Water Reintroduction into Bayou Lafourche (MRRBL) proposal was developed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the BLFWD. The proposal suggested that Bayou Lafourche could effectively transport freshwater, sediments, and nutrients to approximately 489 km2 of wetlands including, 5 fresh marsh, brackish marsh, and salt marsh located in the lower Barataria and Terrebonne estuaries. The MRRBL project was selected for inclusion on the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) Fifth Priority List in 1996. The inclusion of the MRRBL project on the annual CWPPRA priority list of projects provided funding for the initial planning phase of the project. The MRRBL project was approved for further development under the CWPPRA in 2001 (CH2M HILL 2005). The original MRRBL proposal suggested diverting 57 m3s-1 of Mississippi River water into Bayou Lafourche at Donaldsonville to carry freshwater, sediments, and nutrients to surrounding wetlands while meeting the demands of downstream water system withdrawals (CH2M HILL 2005). After extensive evaluation of the hydraulic capacity of Bayou Lafourche it was determined that an appropriate level of water discharge for this project would be approximately 28.3 m3s-1. This flow regime takes into account bayou-side property development, bank stability, and project cost effectiveness (CH2M HILL 2005). The major components of the project, as it is currently proposed, include the construction of a new pump station in Donaldsonville to increase discharge capacity from ~5.6 m3s-1 to ~11.3 m3s-1. Dredging upstream portions (Donaldsonville to Thibodaux) of Bayou Lafourche would be required to ensure increased flow will not raise surface levels and impinge on private property rights. The final component of the project is the removal of the Thibodaux weir and replacement with inflatable weirs or other water control system to ensure an adequate drinking water supply. 6 Hydrologic Modification and the Fish Community The effects of proposed hydrologic changes to Bayou Lafourche on the ichthyofauna are unknown. It is probable that the hydrologic modifications to Bayou Lafourche during the early to mid-twentieth century had significant effects on the aquatic community. Patterns of diversity and aquatic community structure are related to streamflow patterns (Poff and Ward 1989). Strong associations between functional and taxonomic composition of fish assemblages and hydrological regimes have been found on a regional scale (Poff and Allan 1995). Construction of water retention structures may alter habitat, and thus negatively impact fish populations and aquatic communities (Schlosser and Ebel 1989; Jurajda 1995). The fragmentation of Bayou Lafourche by structures such as the levee in Donaldsonville, the Thibodaux weir, and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway created an altered aquatic community. This disjointedness may affect the fish community of Bayou Lafourche because many fishes move substantial distances within waterways for reproductive and foraging purposes (McKeown 1984; Northcote 1984; Harris and Mallen-Cooper 1994). Other studies have found that structures such as weirs and dams create obstacles to fish movement and can affect population structure (Harris and Mallen-Cooper 1994; Lucas and Frear 1997). Fish behavior is strongly influenced by abiotic hydrological factors such as water volume, current velocity, and water temperature (Grossman et al. 1998; Schlosser 1985). Temporal variability in fish assemblages tends to be high in warm water, anthropogenically altered streams (Schlosser 1982). A frequent problem with analyzing effects of human modifications of river systems is the absence of baseline data prior to the alteration (Bain et al. 2000). Ideally, a comparison could be made between abiotic 7 conditions and the biotic community before and after a modification using premodification and post-modification data. Unfortunately, Bayou Lafourche has been the focus of few published ecological studies (Schultz 1996; Rodrigue 2005). One ichthyofauna study using seines at 90 stations between Donaldsonville and Port Fourchon (Schultz 1996) collected over 25,000 fish representing 40 families and 110 species. Because there is no pre-modification data to make a comparison, this study serves as a baseline assessment of the current Bayou Lafourche fish community. The goal of this study was to provide quantitative data on the seasonal abundance, diversity, and distribution of adult fishes inhabiting Bayou Lafourche upstream and downstream of the Thibodaux weir. This research may provide data useful in determining the effect that removal of the Thibodaux weir may have on the fish community of Bayou Lafourche. Specific objectives of this study were to estimate seasonal abundance and diversity of adult fishes inhabiting Bayou Lafourche upstream and downstream of the Thibodaux weir. We propose the possible impact that removal of the Thibodaux weir may have on fish distribution and migratory behavior of potamodromous and anadromous fishes that inhabit Bayou Lafourche. Finally, this study will serve as a baseline assessment of the current fish community for use in predicting impacts of future hydrologic modifications. Description of Study Area The study area was located between the headwaters of Bayou Lafourche, near the Donaldsonville railroad bridge (river km 1.2; 30° 5'49.27"N 90°59'47.99"W) and the Theriot canal boat launch near Raceland, LA (river km 76; 29°44'16.51"N, 90°38'49.44"W; Figure 2). The study site located furthest upstream on Bayou Lafourche in Donaldsonville was located 1.2 river km from the junction of Bayou Lafourche and the 8 N Donaldsonville, LA (Origin of Bayou Lafourche) x, LA odau b i h T Raceland, LA Ba yo u La f ou rc h M iss iss ip p iR ive r e 50 kilometers GULF OF MEXICO Figure 2. Map of the study area located between Donaldsonville and Raceland, LA. Donaldsonville sites were located at approximately river km one. All other sampling sites were located between north Thibodaux (river km 40.6, US-6 site) and Raceland (river km 76, DS-4 site). 9 Mississippi River (river km 0). Channel width of Bayou Lafourche ranges from 20 to 40 m over the first 50 km between Donaldsonville and Thibodaux (Schultz 1996). However, several reaches of upper Bayou Lafourche are narrower than 20 m during the growing season due to aquatic macrophyte and algae growth (Jaymac Consultants 2006). In some years the channel of Bayou Lafourche near Donaldsonville narrows to a few meters of passable waterway between vegetated banks (A. Chaisson, BLFWD, personal communication). The banks near the Donaldsonville site have heavy vegetation consisting of non-native taro plant Taro spp., woody shrubs, and trees. Donaldsonville also has a narrower channel and two pools (~ 3 m deep) at the location of the pump station discharge pipes. Hydrilla H. verticillata grows in thick mats from Labadieville to Raceland. In 1996, the BLFWD began using U.S. Army Corps of Engineers cutting machines, which mow the hydrilla and other submerged macrophytes (Jaymac Consultants 2006). Within the study area Bayou Lafourche is approximately 1.5 to 2.0 m deep (Schultz 1996). The substratum is primarily mud with occasional patches of sand (CH2M HILL 2005). The riparian zone of Bayou Lafourche consists of intermixed bankside commercial and residential development and mixed vegetation (CH2M HILL 2005). The weir is located at river km 55 in Thibodaux, LA (Figure 3). 10 Figure 3. Weir located in Thibodaux, LA, at river km 55 (29°47'55.42"N, 90°49'12.92"W). Photo was taken on 04 October 2007, from the western bank of Bayou Lafourche. 11 METHODS Collection Sites Fish were collected from 15 sites from 09 February 2006 to 05 October 2007. Two primary sites, one upstream of the weir and one downstream of the weir were sampled approximately one to three times per month throughout this study (Figure 4). The primary site upstream of the weir was located at the Jean Lafitte Acadian Cultural Center (JLC), 314 St. Mary Street, Thibodaux, LA, approximately 0.5 km upstream of the Thibodaux weir. The primary site downstream of the weir was located at the Nicholls State University (NSU) dock, approximately 2.0 km downstream of the Thibodaux weir. Additionally, six randomly selected sites (US-1, US-2, US-4, US-5, US-6, and US-7) upstream of the weir and six randomly selected sites (DS-1, DS-2, DS-3, DS-4, and DS5) downstream of the weir were sampled once. The Donaldsonville, LA, site was located at the headwaters of Bayou Lafourche approximately 1.6 km from the Mississippi River. The Donaldsonville (DON) site was sampled five times (06 July 2006, 26 September 2006, 09 May 2007, 30 August 2007, and 05 October 2007) during the twenty month study to collect fishes that may have passed through the pump station into Bayou Lafourche from the Mississippi River and to determine which species may inhabit a habitat with slightly higher flow. Collection Methods Samples were collected using monofilament gill nets or two-pass boat electrofishing to reduce gear selectivity for fish size and swimming behavior. Monofilament gill nets were chosen as the primary gear for this study because this 12 DON Mississippi River N Bayou Lafourche US-6 US-5 US-4 US-7 Thibodaux Weir Primary Sites NSU US-1 US-2 JLC DS-6 DS-3 Random Sites DS-2 DS-4 DS-1 DS-5 Donaldsonville 1 river km Figure 4. Map of sampling sites located between Donaldsonville, LA, and Raceland, LA. GPS coordinates, river kilometers and sampling dates are listed for each site in Table 1. Individual site codes are defined in Appendix I. 13 14 passive gear is easy to deploy, is effective in shallow water habitats, and does not require a motor boat to deploy (Hubert 1996). We also used boat-mounted two pass electrofishing to collect samples during the second year of this study. Electrofishing is an efficient method for assessing the biota of non-wadeable waters. Several benefits of this technique include the ability to catch many fish over a large range of sizes and species. The method also allows for sampling in habitat that is not suitable for net deployment such as in and near vegetation and in areas with woody debris (Meador 2005). Monofilament gill nets Fish Collection Monofilament gill nets were used to capture fish from 09 February 2006 to 31 July 2007, at the two primary Thibodaux sites, JLC and NSU. Gill nets were set using small flat-bottomed boats, the R/V Amphiüma and the R/V Tou Lou Lou. Gill nets were set one to three times per month at the primary sites with most months having two sample dates. Monofilament gill nets were used at the Donaldsonville site on 06 July 2006, 26 September 2006, and 09 May 2007. Gill nets were also deployed on 22 May 2007 and 23 May 2007, at two randomly selected sites upstream (US-1 and US-2) and two randomly selected sites downstream (DS-1 and DS-2) of the Thibodaux weir. At each site, five 23 m long x 1.8 m deep monofilament gill nets of various bar mesh sizes (two 38 mm bar mesh, two 25.4 mm and 38 mm experimental bar mesh, and one 95 mm bar mesh) were set randomly along the shoreline. Nets were deployed approximately one meter from the bank and stretched towards the middle of the bayou at approximately a 45° angle. Nets were deployed and left to soak for approximately 3-4 15 hours. Fish were removed from each net, separated by site and net, and taken back to the laboratory for processing. Two pass boat electrofishing Fish collection During the 2007 field season, fish were collected in early spring (March), late spring (May), late summer (August), and early fall (September) using a boat mounted 5.0 kW Smith-Root Model GPP (Generator Powered Pulsator) Electrofisher System. Pulsed DC, 60 pulses/second, was used at various percents of maximum range to maintain approximately 5 amperes of current. A 30 cm diameter ring-shaped anode and 10 mm mesh dip net were used to collect stunned fishes. Two passes along opposing shorelines were made while current was applied in approximately five second intervals for a total of 500 seconds. Applied current time was measured in seconds and was recorded on the GPP system counter. All electrofishing was conducted during daylight. Electrofishing was conducted during the spring 2007, summer 2007, and fall 2007, seasons at the two primary Thibodaux sites and the Donaldsonville site. Six randomly selected sites located above the weir and five randomly selected sites located below the weir were each sampled once using electrofishing. After collection, all fish were transported on ice to the laboratory for processing. Sample Processing Fish were visually identified to the species level. If a species was unknown or ambiguous a taxonomic key was used for positive identification (Ross 2002). 16 Water Quality Dissolved oxygen (DO; mg/L), water temperature (°C), and specific conductance (µS/cm) were measured during each sampling trip using a handheld dissolved oxygentemperature-specific conductance meter (YSI Model 85™; Yellow Springs Instruments, Yellow Springs, Ohio). Secchi disc depth (cm) was also measured. Water quality was measured at both Thibodaux sites (JLC and NSU) during all collection trips after 17 July 2006. Prior to this date, water quality was measured only at the JLC site. Water quality was not measured at the DS-2 site on 23 May 2007, due to inclement weather. Statistical Analysis Seasons were designated as winter (December – February), spring (March – May), summer (June – August), and fall (September – November). Winter 2006 only included February 2006, the month the study began. Winter 2007 included December 2006 and February 2007. No sampling occurred during January 2007. Total abundance for each species and family was calculated by site and season. All data were analyzed by gear type. Monofilament gill nets Percent Abundance by Family Percent abundance for each family was determined for seven sites located upstream and downstream of the weir for all seasons combined. Upstream percent abundance was calculated by dividing the total number of fishes collected from a family by the total number of fishes collected at all upstream sites. Downstream percent 17 abundance was calculated by dividing the total number of fishes collected from a family by the total number of fishes collected all downstream sites. Donaldsonville percent abundance was calculated by dividing the total number of fishes collected from a family by the total number of fishes collected at the DON site. Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE) Gill net catch per unit effort (CPUE) was determined for each site by dividing the number of fish captured by each net divided by the total number of minutes each net was deployed. The mean CPUE of all nets per site and sample date was calculated. Nonnormal CPUE data were transformed [ln(x+1)] and a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s post hoc comparison was used to determine seasonal differences in CPUE (number fishes per net hour) within sites and between sites for the seven seasons sampled. Total CPUE for species was compared for differences between upstream and downstream combined sites using one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc comparison. Community Diversity Species richness was determined using Margalef’s index, which is a measure of the species present for the given number of individuals present and estimated species richness independent of sample size (Clarke and Gorley 2006): d = (S-1) / log N Where; N = the total number of individuals S = the total number of species. 18 Equitability was calculated using Pielou’s evenness index: J’ = H’/H’ max = H’/ log S Where; H’ = the maximum possible Shannon-Weiner diversity index value if all species were equally abundant H’ max = log S S = the total number of species. Species diversity was calculated using Simpson’s index of diversity: 1-λ Where; λ = ∑ ni(ni -1) / N(N-1) λ is the probability that any two randomly chosen individuals from the sample are the same species Simpson’s index takes into account the number of species, the total number of individuals and the proportion of the total that occurs for each species (Brower et al. 1998; Clarke and Gorley 2006). Simpson’s index is an expression of the probability of interspecific encounter (Hurlburt 1971) with values ranging from zero to one where a higher value reflects higher diversity. Individual sample values for Margalef’s index of species richness, Pielou’s evenness index and Simpson’s index of diversity were calculated using PRIMER v.6 multivariate ecological research statistics software. 19 Community Similarity A zero-adjusted Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient matrix was constructed using square root transformed abundance data for each site and season to decrease the statistical effect of the most abundant species and allow influence of intermediate species (Clarke and Gorley 2006). A dendrogram of hierarchical clustering (group-average linking) was produced using the Bray-Curtis similarities matrix results for site and season. The BrayCurtis similarity coefficient matrix and hierarchical clustering analysis and were produced using PRIMER v.6 Two pass boat electrofishing Percent Abundance by Family Percent abundance for each family was determined for seven sites located upstream and downstream of the weir for all seasons combined. Upstream percent abundance was calculated by dividing the total number of fishes collected from a family by the total number of fishes collected at JLC and two randomly selected upstream sites. Downstream percent abundance was calculated by dividing the total number of fishes collected from a family by the total number of fishes collected at NSU and two randomly selected downstream sites. Donaldsonville percent abundance was calculated by dividing the total number of fishes collected from a family by the total number of fishes collected at the DON site. Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE) Electrofishing CPUE (number fish per minute) was determined by dividing the total number of fish captured per sample by the number of seconds electrofished. The 20 [ln(x+1)] transformation of CPUE data followed by a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s post hoc comparison was used to determine seasonal differences in seasonal CPUE within sites and among sites for the three seasons sampled (SAS 2006). Total CPUE for species was compared for differences among sites using one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc comparison. Community Diversity Species richness (Margalef’s index), equitability (Pielou’s evenness index), and diversity (Simpson’s index of diversity) were calculated for each site and season using PRIMER v.6. Community Similarity A zero-adjusted Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient matrix was constructed using square root transformed abundance data for each site and season to decrease the statistical effect of the most abundant species and allow influence of intermediate species (Clarke and Gorley 2006). A dendrogram of hierarchical clustering (group-average linking) was produced using the Bray-Curtis similarities matrix results for site and season. The BrayCurtis similarity coefficient matrix and hierarchical clustering analysis were produced using PRIMER v.6. Water quality Mean temperature, dissolved oxygen, and Secchi disc depth were compared between the JLC and NSU sites by season using Student’s t-test (α = 0.05). Water quality data was analyzed using SigmaStat 3.5 statistical analysis software. 21 RESULTS A total of 5,503 fishes representing 50 species in 16 families were collected from 15 sites on Bayou Lafourche using monofilament gill nets and two-pass boat electrofishing. Six hundred eighty-eight fishes representing 28 species from 17 genera and 11 families were collected from seven sites using monofilament gill nets (Table 2). A total of 4,815 fishes representing 47 species from 33 general and 16 families were collected using electrofishing (Table 3). Ten species not previously documented in Bayou Lafourche (Schultz 1996) were collected during this study (Table 4). One Alabama shad Alosa alabamae was collected at the NSU site downstream of the Thibodaux weir. Monofilament gill nets Percent Abundance by Family Fishes from eight families were captured at JLC. Centrarchids were most abundant at JLC comprising 62% of the JLC catch (Table 5). Fishes from five families comprised 96% of the total catch at this location. Eleven families were collected using monofilament gill nets at NSU. Clupeids were most abundant at the NSU site equaling 30% of the catch (Table 5). The five most abundant families caught at the NSU site totaled 94% of the catch. Twenty six fishes from six families were collected from DON with the most abundant family being Ictaluridae, comprising 30% of the DON catch (Table 5). 22 Table 2. Scientific name, common name, and number captured for 688 fishes collected from Bayou Lafourche from 09 February 2006 to 30 July 2007, using monofilament gill nets. Upstream site includes fishes collected at the Donaldsonville site (N = 26). Species are arranged by number collected at the upstream sites. SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Micropterus salmoides Mugil cephalus Lepisosteus oculatus Ictalurus punctatus Lepomis microlophus Chaenobryttos gulosus Lepomis macrochirus Dorosoma cepedianum Lepomis megalotis Lepomis miniatus Ictiobus bubalus Pomoxis nigromaculatus Aplodinotus grunniens Lepisosteus osseus Ameiurus natalis Morone mississippiensis Erimyzon oblongus Morone chrysops Micropterus punctulatus Alosa alabamae Alosa chrysochloris Amia calva Carpiodes carpio Cyprinus carpio Dorosoma petenense Elops saurus Ictalurus furcatus Lepomis cyanellus Largemouth bass Striped mullet Spotted gar Channel catfish Redear sunfish Warmouth Bluegill Gizzard shad Longear sunfish Redspotted sunfish Smallmouth buffalo Black crappie Freshwater drum Longnose gar Yellow bullhead catfish Yellow bass Creek chubsucker White bass Spotted bass Alabama shad Skipjack herring Bowfin River carpsucker Common carp Threadfin shad Ladyfish Blue catfish Green sunfish TOTAL 23 NUMBER CAPTURED Upstream 101 52 39 27 24 23 16 12 9 7 5 5 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Downstream 27 105 36 36 8 8 3 84 3 1 4 0 1 11 0 3 0 0 0 1 9 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 335 353 Table 3. Scientific name, common name and total number captured of 4,815 fishes collected from Bayou Lafourche from 22 March 2007 to 05 October 2007, using electrofishing. Species are arranged in order of abundance collected at upstream sites. Upstream totals combine JLC and randomly selected sites located upstream of the weir. Downstream totals combine NSU and randomly selected sites located downstream of the weir. SCIENTIFIC NAME Lepomis miniatus Lepomis megalotis Micropterus salmoides Lepomis macrochirus Mugil cephalus Gambusia affinis Menidia beryllina Lepomis microlophus Poecilia latipinna Notemigonus crysoleucas Lepisosteus oculatus Chaenobryttus gulosus Anguilla rostrata Lucania parva Dorosoma cepedianum Aphredoderus sayanus Heterandria formosa Ameiurus natalis Ictiobus bubalus Labidesthes sicculus Pimephales vigilax Cyprinella lutrensis Ictalurus punctatus Cyprinus carpio Lythrurus fumeus Aplodinotus grunniens Amia calva Cyprinella venusta Micropterus punctulatus Pimiphales notatus Anchoa mitchilli COMMON NAME Red spotted sunfish Longear sunfish Largemouth bass Bluegill Striped mullet Mosquitofish Inland silverside Redear sunfish Sailfin molly Golden shiner Spotted gar Warmouth American eel Rainwater killifish Gizzard shad Pirate perch Least killifish Yellow bullhead catfish Smallmouth buffalo Brook silverside Bullhead minnow Red shiner Channel catfish Common carp Ribbon shiner Freshwater drum Bowfin Blacktail shiner Spotted bass Fathead minnow Bay anchovy 24 NUMBER CAPTURED Donaldsonville Upstream Downstream 633 357 21 93 80 32 13 1 4 0 18 42 10 34 16 0 0 0 19 3 20 135 6 8 0 4 0 22 14 4 0 607 302 190 164 104 94 84 62 53 46 37 25 21 17 9 6 6 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 166 43 268 337 190 8 18 82 4 15 21 27 1 1 6 0 0 1 7 5 0 14 10 14 0 1 0 0 0 0 34 Table 3. (con’t) SCIENTIFIC NAME Pomoxis nigromaculatus Fundulus chrysotus Brevoortia patronus Alosa chrysochloris Lepomis symmetricus Carpiodes carpio Elops saurus Ictalurus furcatus Ictiobus cyprinellus Dorosoma petenense Lepisosteus osseus Lepomis cyanellus Morone saxatilis Opsopoeodus emiliae Ctenopharygodon idella COMMON NAME Black crappie Golden topminnow Menhaden Skipjack herring Bantam sunfish River carpsucker Ladyfish Blue catfish Bigmouth buffalo Threadfin shad Longnose gar Green sunfish Striped bass Pugnose minnow Grass carp TOTAL 25 NUMBER CAPTURED Donaldsonville Upstream Downstream 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 9 6 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 14 13 9 5 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1619 1859 1337 Table 4. Ten species that were not reported in previous Bayou Lafourche fish fauna study (Shultz 1996). The fish were collected from Bayou Lafourche using monofilament gill nets and electrofishing between 09 February 2006 and 05 October 2007. Also listed are family, scientific name, common name, site from which fish were collected, and total number of individuals collected during this study. DON = Donaldsonville (upstream of weir), DS-1 and DS-3 = randomly selected downstream sites, JLC = Jean Lafitte Center (upstream of weir), NSU = Nicholls State University (downstream of weir). Families are listed in phylogenetic order, oldest families first. Family Scientific Name Common Name Lepisosteidae Lepisosteius osseus Longnose gar JLC, NSU, DON 14 Amiidae Amia calva Bowfin JLC, NSU 3 Clupeidae Alosa alabamae Alabama shad NSU 1 Cyprinidae Ctenopharyngodon idella Grass carp DON 1 Cyprinidae Pimephales notatus Bluntnose minnow DON 4 Catostomidae Carpiodes carpio River carpsucker DON, DS-1 4 Catostomidae Erimyzon oblongus Creek chubsucker JLC 1 Catostomidae Ictiobus bubalus Smallmouth buffalo JLC, DON, NSU, DS-3 30 Catostomidae Ictiobus cyprinellus Bigmouth buffalo NSU 1 Moronidae Morone mississippiensis Yellow bass DON, JLC, NSU, DS-1 14 26 Site(s) Captured Number Captured Table 5. Percentage of catch for eleven families collected in three Donaldsonville samples, 27 upstream samples, and 27 downstream samples from 09 February 2006 to 30 July 2007, using monofilament gill nets. Upstream percentage includes fishes collected at the JLC primary site and randomly selected sites US-1 and US-2. Downstream totals include fishes collected at the NSU primary site and randomly selected DS-1 and DS-2 combined. Families are arranged in order of percentage of caught at the upstream sites. Site code definitions are listed in Appendix I. % of Catch Family Name Donaldsonville Centrarchidae Mugilidae Lepisosteidae Ictaluridae Clupeidae Catostomidae Moronidae Sciaenidae Elopidae Amiidae Cyprinidae Upstream 57.9 15.5 12.6 6.5 3.6 1.9 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.9 15.4 15.4 34.6 3.8 0.0 3.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 27 Downstream 14.4 29.7 10.5 10.5 26.9 1.4 3.1 0.9 0.6 1.1 0.9 Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE) There were no differences among mean seasonal CPUE within the JLC (Figure 5), or NSU (Figure 6). Seasonal CPUE was compared between the primary Thibodaux sites, JLC and NSU. The DON site was also included in the comparisons for the three seasons that it was sampled. DON (0.650 ± 0.42) CPUE was higher than JLC CPUE (0.207 ± 0.30) and NSU (0.310 ± 0.32) during summer 2006 (p = 0.0006, Figure 7). There were no other differences in mean seasonal CPUE among the JLC, NSU and DON sites. Seasonal CPUE was compared among the randomly selected sites above or below the weir and the corresponding primary site sample. CPUE for samples collected on 22 May 2007, from sites US-1 and US-2 were compared to the CPUE for the 21 May 2007, JLC sample. The US-1 (2.22 ± 0.1.17) site had higher CPUE than the US-2 (0.480 ± 0.46) site and JLC (0.472 ± 0.56, p = 0.0131). There was no difference in CPUE for the downstream primary site, NSU, and the randomly selected downstream sites, DS-1 and DS-2. Total gill net CPUE was higher for combined downstream sites (NSU, DS-1, DS2) of the weir compared to combined upstream (JLC, US-1, US-2) sites for gizzard shad, channel catfish, and yellow bass (Table 6). Largemouth bass CPUE was higher for the combined upstream sites than the combined downstream sites (Table 6). 28 Mean (±SD) CPUE (number fishes per net hour) 3.25 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 A A A WIN06 A A A SPR06 SUM06 FAL06 WIN07 SPR07 SUM07 Season Figure 5. Mean (±SD) seasonal monofilament gill net CPUE at JLC for all seasons sampled from 09 February 2006 to 30 July 2007. Means with the same letter indicate no difference. No fish were collected WIN07. 29 Mean (±SD) CPUE (# fishes per net hour) . 3.25 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 A A A A A A WIN06 A SPR06 SUM06 FAL06 WIN07 SPR07 SUM07 Season Figure 6. Mean (+SD) seasonal monofilament gill net CPUE at the primary downstream site NSU for all seasons sampled from 09 February 2006 to 30 July 2007. There were no differences among seasons at the NSU site. 30 Mean (±SD) Seasonal CPUE (# fishes per net hour) . 1.25 A 1.00 0.75 B B 0.50 0.25 0.00 JLC NSU DON Figure 7. Summer 2006 monofilament gill net CPUE for sites JLC, NSU, and DON. The CPUE at the DON site was higher than the JLC and NSU sites (ANOVA, overall p = 0.0006). Means with the same letter indicate no difference. 31 Table 6. Monofilament gill net CPUE by species for fishes collected at the upstream sites (JLC, US -1, and US-2) and downstream sites (NSU, DS-1, DS-2) from 09 February 2006 to 30 July 2007. Information listed include scientific name, mean CPUE ± SD by site, and ANOVA p-value (α = 0.05). Species US Mean ± SD DS Mean ± SD p – value Dorosoma cepedianum 0.145 ± 0.10 0.193 ± 0.05 0.0003 Ictalurus punctatus 0.041 ± 0.12 0.081 ± 0.18 0.0326 Micropterus salmoides 0.213 ± 0.81 0.062 ± 0.17 0.0342 Morone mississippiensis 0.004 ± 0.05 0.027 ± 0.01 0.0238 32 Community Diversity Downstream and upstream primary sites had the highest species richness during spring 2007. JLC species richness ranged from 0.63 on 11 September 2006, to 2.89 on 01 May 2007 (Figure 8). The NSU species richness ranged from 0 on 05 December 2006 (1 species), to 2.72 on 31 October 2006 (8 species). Equitability or evenness was highest at JLC, with a Pielou’s evenness index value of 1 on 20 February 2007 (2 species), 06 June 2007 (4 species), and 30 July 2007 (3 species; Figure 9). Evenness at NSU was lowest, with an evenness index value of 0.52, on 09 February 2006 (5 species), and highest with an evenness index value of 1 on 15 June 2006 (2 species) and 31 August 2006 (2 fishes). Diversity at JLC was highest on 09 February 2006, 30 March 2007, and 01 May 2007 (0.81; Figure 10), and was lowest on 20 February 2007 (0; Figure 10). Diversity at NSU was highest on 31 October 2006 (0.84; Figure 10) and lowest on 05 December 2006 and 06 March 2007 (0; Figure 10). Community Similarity Six pairings were found to be greater than 50% similar based on the Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient and hierarchical cluster analysis. Four of the six groupings were paired by site and two were paired by season (Figure 11). The samples within these two groups were 48% similar to their own group and 37% similar to the other group. Smaller groupings were isolated within one of the 40% groups but there was no pattern of similarity based on season or site. 33 NSU 2.7 2.4 2.1 1.8 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.3 8/9/2007 6/9/2007 4/9/2007 2/9/2007 12/9/2006 10/9/2006 8/9/2006 6/9/2006 4/9/2006 0 2/9/2006 Margalaf's Index of Species Richness (d) . JLC 3 Date Figure 8. Margalef’s index of species richness (d) per season for samples collected from primary sites JLC and NSU from 09 February 2006 to 30 July 2007, using monofilament gill nets. 34 JLC NSU 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 6/9/07 4/9/07 2/9/07 12/9/06 10/9/06 8/9/06 6/9/06 4/9/06 0 2/9/06 Peilou's Evenness Index ( J' ) . 1 Date Figure 9. Pielou’s Evenness Index (J’) for samples collected from sites JLC and NSU from 09 February 2006 to 30 July 2007, using monofilament gill nets. 35 NSU 6/9/2007 4/9/2007 2/9/2007 12/9/2006 10/9/2006 8/9/2006 6/9/2006 4/9/2006 2/9/2006 . Simpson's Diversity Index (1- λ) JLC 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Date Figure 10. Simpson’s index of diversity for samples collected at the JLC and NSU sites from 09 February 2006 to 30 July 2007, using monofilament gill nets. 36 Transform: Square root Resemblance: S17 Bray Curtis similarity (+d) 40 60 SUM06US SPR06US SUM07DS FAL06DS SUM06DS SPR06DS SPR07DS SPR07US FAL06US WIN06DS WIN07DS WIN07US 100 SUM07US 80 WIN06US Bray-Curtis Similarity (%) 20 Season Figure 11. Dendrogram for hierarchical clustering (group average linking) using the Bray-Curtis similarity matrix (y-axis) for samples collected using monofilament gill nets from 09 February 2006 to 30 July 2007. X-axis abbreviations are as follows: WIN06US = winter 2006 upstream, SUM07US = summer 2007 upstream, WIN07US = winter 2007 upstream, WIN07DS = winter 2007 downstream, WIN06DS = winter 2006 downstream, FAL06US = fall 2006 upstream, SPR07US = spring 2007 upstream, SPR07DS = spring 2007 downstream, SPR06DS = spring 2006 downstream, SUM06DS = summer 2006 downstream, FAL06DS = fall 2006 downstream, SUM07DS = summer 2007 downstream, SPR06US = spring 2006 upstream, SUM06US = summer 2006 upstream. 37 Electrofishing Percent Abundance by Family Fishes from 17 families were collected using electrofishing from 14 sites upstream and downstream of the weir. Centrarchidae was the most abundant family collected, comprising more than 70% of the total catch for the Donaldsonville, upstream, and downstream sites (Table 7). Fishes in thirteen families were collected from the Donaldsonville site. The sample consisted of 72.2% Centrarchid and 11.9% Cyprinid. Eleven other families collected at Donaldsonville each constituted less than five percent each of the total sample (Table 7). Eleven species from Centrarchidae were collected using electrofishing. Five species from the genus Lepomis and largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides were the most abundant (Figure 12). Fishes from 14 families were captured at upstream sites. The upstream sample consisted of 72.7% Centrarchid and less than 6% each of 13 other families (Table 7). Fourteen families were collected at the downstream sites. Centrarchids were the most abundant family with 71.4%, followed by Mugilids with 14.3% of the total downstream catch (Table 7). Twelve other families collected from downstream sites, each constituted less than 3% of the catch (Table 7). 38 Table 7. Percentage of total catch for each family collected at upstream, downstream, and Donaldsonville sites from 22 March 2007 to 05 October 2007, using electrofishing. Upstream totals include the JLC primary site and randomly selected sites US-1, US-2, and US-4 through US-7. Downstream totals include the NSU primary site and randomly selected DS-1 and DS-6. Families are arranged in order of abundance caught at the upstream sites. Site code definitions are listed in Appendix I. % of Catch Family Name Centrarchidae Fundulidae Mugilidae Atherinidae Cyprinidae Poecilidae Lepisosteidae Anguillidae Clupeidae Ictaluridae Aphredoderidae Catostomidae Amiidae Sciaenidae Elopidae Engraulidae Moronidae DONALDSONVILLE 72.2 4.1 4.9 1.0 11.9 0.2 1.7 0.6 1.4 0.4 0.0 1.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 UPSTREAM 72.7 6.0 5.6 4.7 3.2 3.2 2.0 1.1 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 39 DOWNSTREAM 71.4 1.7 14.3 1.7 3.2 0.3 1.6 0.1 0.5 0.9 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.1 0.1 2.6 0.0 Donaldsonville Upstream Downstream 700 500 400 300 200 100 P. nigromaculatus L.symmetricus L. cyanellus M. punctulatus Chaenobryttus gulosus L. microlophus L. macrochirus M. salmoides L. megalotis 0 L. miniatus Total Abundance 600 Figure 12. Centrarchids collected using electrofishing at the Donaldsonville, upstream, and downstream sites. The family comprised more than 70% of the total abundance at each site. 40 Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE) The 2007 mean seasonal electrofishing CPUE at the Donaldsonville (Figure 13) and upstream (Figure 14) sites and was high in spring and declined in the summer and fall although no differences were found among seasons. Redspotted sunfish made up 56% of the spring 2007 DON sample. The redspotted sunfish combined with longear sunfish equaled 70% of the total spring catch at Donaldsonville. Seasonal mean CPUE for the downstream sites was similar for all seasons (Figure 14). There was no difference in CPUE among the Donaldsonville, upstream, and downstream electrofishing samples during spring 2007. Electrofishing CPUE by species was higher in Donaldsonville than the upstream and downstream sites for five species: red shiner, blacktail shiner, smallmouth buffalo, spotted bass, and bullhead minnow (Table 8). Bluegill CPUE was higher (overall p = 0.0016) downstream (2.30 ± 0.84) than both upstream (0.984 ± 0.60) and Donaldsonville (0.930 ± 0.67). Largemouth bass CPUE was higher (overall p = 0.0078) downstream (1.83 ± 0.98) than Donaldsonville (0.21 ± 0.05) but not higher than upstream sites in Thibodaux (1.14 ± 0.418). Community Diversity The upstream and downstream samples were similar in species richness, evenness and diversity in spring 2007, summer 2007 and fall 2007 (Table 9). JLC diversity ranged from 0.73 in late spring 2007 to 0.86 in summer 2007. The NSU diversity ranged from 0.58 in late spring to 0.81 in early spring summer and fall 2007. Diversity and abundance were inversely related for Donaldsonville (Figure 13). 41 3.5 N = 1098 0.9 0.8 3 0.7 2.5 0.6 2 0.5 1.5 0.4 0.3 N = 334 1 N = 187 0.5 0.2 0.1 0 0 SPR07 SUM07 FAL07 Season Figure 13. Seasonal diversity (Simpson’s index of diversity) and CPUE for samples collected at the Donaldsonville site using electrofishing on 09 May 2007, 30 August 2007, and 05 October 2007. Number of fishes collected in each sample is indicated by N. 42 Simpson's index of diversity (1 - λ). Mean (± SD) CPUE (# fishes per minute) . 1 4 Mean (±SD ) CPUE (# fishes per minute) . Upstream 1.6 Downstream 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 SPR07 SUM07 FAL07 Season Figure 14. Mean (±SD) CPUE (number fishes per minute of electrofishing) per season for samples collected using electrofishing at the upstream and downstream sites from 22 March 2007 to 04 October 2007. There was no difference in CPUE at upstream or downstream sites during the three seasons sampled. 43 Table 8. Five species had higher electrofishing CPUE at the Donaldsonville site than the combined upstream sites and combined downstream sites from 22 March 2007 to 05 October 2007. Information included in listing is scientific name, mean CPUE ± SD and Tukey group. Species DON Mean CPUE ± SD US Mean CPUE ± SD DS Mean CPUE ± SD Cyprinella lutrensis 1.35 ± 1.23 A 0.018 ± 0.029 B 0.093 ± 0.028 B Cyprinella venusta 0.220 ± 0.18 A 0 0.006 ± 0.02 B Ictiobus bubalus 0.190 ± 0.15 A 0.024 ± 0.04 B Micropterus punctulatus 0.140 ± 0.05 A 0.006 ± 0.02 B 0 Pimephales vigilax 0.200 ± 0.25 A 0.024 ± 0.01 B 0 44 0.047 ± 0.07 B 45 Community Similarity The downstream samples were approximately 72% similar to each other and the upstream sites were approximately 68% similar to each other (Figure 15). Within the upstream and downstream groups the summer and fall samples in both groups were separated into secondary pairs that were more than 80% similar (Figure 15). Hierarchical cluster analysis for the Donaldsonville samples grouped the summer and fall together at approximately 70% similar to each other and approximately 55% similar to the spring sample (Figure 16). Water Quality Mean seasonal water temperature for the JLC site ranged from 10.9°C in winter 2007 to 29.1°C in summer 2007 (Figure 17). The NSU mean seasonal temperature ranged from 11.2°C in winter 2007 to 29.2°C in summer 2006 (Figure 17). There were no differences in mean water temperatures between the JLC and NSU sites for any season. Mean seasonal dissolved oxygen levels for the JLC site ranged from 2.2 mg/L in fall 2006 to 7.4 mg/L in winter 2007 (Figure 18). The NSU site had the lowest mean dissolved oxygen levels in summer 2006 at 2.8 mg/L and the highest levels in winter 2007 at 8.1 mg/L (Figure 18). There was a difference in the mean seasonal dissolved oxygen at the JLC site and NSU site during fall 2007 (p = 0.0009). Although the seasonal mean levels of dissolved oxygen never reached hypoxic levels (2.0 mg/L) at either primary site, individual samples at the JLC site reached hypoxic levels on four 46 Transform: Square root Resemblance: S17 Bray Curtis similarity (+d) 70 80 FAL07US SUM07US SPR07US FAL07DS 100 SUM07DS 90 SPR07DS Bray-Curtis Similarity (%) 60 Figure 15. Dendrogram for hierarchical clustering (group average linking) using the Bray-Curtis similarity matrix (y-axis) for samples collected from upstream and downstream sites using electrofishing from 22 March 2007 to 04 October 2007. 47 Transform: Square root Resemblance: S17 Bray Curtis similarity (+d) 50 70 80 SUM07DON 100 FAL07DON 90 SPR07DON Bray-Curtis Similarity (%) 60 Figure 16. Dendrogram for hierarchical clustering (group average linking) using the Bray-Curtis similarity matrix (y-axis) for samples collected from the Donaldsonville site using electrofishing on 09 May 2007, 30 August 2007, and 05 October 2007. 48 35 JLC NSU Temperature ( °C) . 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 WIN06 SPR06 SUM06 FAL 06 WIN07 SPR07 SUM07 FAL07 Season Figure 17. Water temperature (°C) seasonal mean (±SD) for the JLC and NSU sites from 09 February 2006 to 04 October 2007. 49 12 JLC NSU 11 Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) . 10 9 8 7 6 * 5 4 3 2 1 0 WIN06 SPR06 SUM06 FAL 06 WIN07 SPR07 SUM07 FAL07 Season Figure 18. Mean seasonal (±SD) dissolved oxygen (mg/L) for the JLC and NSU sites from 09 February 2006 to 04 October 2007. The dissolved oxygen at the NSU site was higher than the JLC site during the fall 2007 (t-test, p = 0.0009). The dashed line indicates hypoxic level of 2.0 mg/L. Asterisk indicates significance. 50 dates from July 2006 to October 2006 (Figure 19). Dissolved oxygen levels at the NSU site dipped below 2.0 mg/L on one occasion, August 2006 (Figure 19). There was a wide range in Secchi disc depth measurements throughout the study. At the JLC site, mean secchi disc depth ranged from 31 ± 15.6 cm in summer 2007 to 169 ± 27.0 cm in fall 2006 (Figure 20). There was abundant aquatic vegetation at the JLC site throughout the summer and fall of 2006, which probably removed sediment from the water column (Figure 21). On 11 September 2006, Secchi disc depth measured > 203 cm, which was the bottom of Bayou Lafourche at this site. Mean Secchi disc depth at the NSU site ranged from 42.8 ± 20.3 cm in summer 2007 to 113.2 ± 24.9 cm in fall 2006. Fall 2006 Secchi disc depth was higher at the JLC site than the NSU site (p = 0.001). Specific conductance at the JLC site ranged from 200.4 µS cm-1 on 06 June 2007, to 521 µS cm-1 on 11 September 2006. The specific conductance at the NSU site ranged from 229.5 µS cm-1 on 05 December 2006 to 511 µS cm-1 on 11 September 2006 (Figure 22). 51 JLC NSU 10 8 6 4 2 10/9/2007 8/9/2007 6/9/2007 4/9/2007 2/9/2007 12/9/2006 10/9/2006 8/9/2006 6/9/2006 4/9/2006 0 2/9/2006 Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) . 12 Date Figure 19. Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) at the primary sites, JLC and NSU, from 09 February 2006 to 04 October 2007. Dissolved oxygen levels fell below the hypoxic level of 2.0 mg/L (dashed line) on four dates at the JLC site and one date at the NSU site. There were no differences between JLC and NSU sites. 52 220 200 JLC NSU * Secchi disc depth (cm) . 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 WIN06 SPR06 SUM06 FAL 06 WIN07 SPR07 SUM07 FAL07 Season Figure 20. Seasonal mean (±SD) Secchi disc depth for the JLC and NSU sites from 09 February 2006 to 04 October 2007. The JLC site had higher secchi depth than NSU during fall 2006 (p = 0.001). 53 Figure 21. The aquatic macrophyte hydrilla Hydrilla verticillata was abundant during the summer and fall of 2006. The water at the site was clear with visibility reaching > 200 cm, which is the bottom of Bayou Lafourche. 54 JLC NSU 500 400 300 200 100 10/9/07 8/9/07 6/9/07 4/9/07 2/9/07 12/9/06 10/9/06 8/9/06 6/9/06 4/9/06 0 2/9/06 Specific conductance (µS cm-1) . 600 Date Figure 22. Specific conductance (µS cm-1) at the JLC and NSU sites from 09 February 2006 to 04 October 2007. 55 DISCUSSION Dams and weirs are common human alterations to North American waterways (Poff and Hart 2002; McLaughlin et al. 2006; Harford and McLaughlin 2007) and although dams and weirs provide many benefits to human society, these obstructions cause changes to the lotic environment upstream and downstream of the structure (Kanehl et al. 1997). Dams are a major factor contributing to the extirpation of obligate riverine species such as many cyprinids (Linfield 1985; Winston et al. 1991; Lucas and Batley 1996; Lucas and Frear 1997) and declining fisheries for anadromous species such as Pacific salmon (Nehlsen et al. 1991) American shad Alosa sapidissima, blueback herring A. aestivalis (Moyle and Leidy 1992; Lenhart 2003) and American eel Anguilla rostrata (McCleave 2001; Lenhart 2003). Today there is growing awareness of the problems created by dams and weirs and some are being removed, although there are few studies documenting the recovery of a system following removal of a dam or weir (Schuman 1995). Little research has been conducted on the ichthyofauna of Bayou Lafourche(Schultz 1996). One objective of this study was to document the species that inhabit Bayou Lafourche upstream and downstream of the Thibodaux weir. During this study we collected ten species that were not documented in the Schultz (1996) study of the fish fauna of Bayou Lafourche (Table 4). I collected one new cyprinid species, the bluntnose minnow and one Moronid, yellow bass. One Alabama shad was collected downstream of the weir on 17 March 2006. Alabama shad is an anadromous Clupeid that inhabits large rivers that drain into the Gulf of Mexico (Ross 2002). Although Alabama shad was formerly found in the Mississippi River as far north as Illinois it is now 56 primarily found between the Suwanee River (GA and FL) in the east and the Mississippi River (Ross 2002). Alabama shad makes winter and early spring spawning migrations when water temperature is approximately 17°C (Ross 2002). Populations of American shad have declined due to the construction of locks on rivers and intolerance to increased siltation (Ross 2002). Alabama shad is currently listed as a species of special concern by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service due to recent population declines (Ross 2002). The Alabama shad we collected had large lacerations on its side suggesting it traveled through the Donaldsonville pump station turbines and passed over the Thibodaux weir, possibly during a spawning migration up the Mississippi River (Figure 23). Schultz (1996) did not collect any Catostomids. I collected four species from the family, including the river carpsucker, creek chubsucker, smallmouth buffalo, and bigmouth buffalo. Creek chubsucker undergoes a spring spawning migration, moving upstream and into smaller tributaries (Curry and Spacie 1984). I collected one creek chubsucker from the JLC site on 09 February 2006. This fish occurs throughout the Mississippi River Basin in highly vegetated streams or ditches (Wagner and Cooper 1963). Creek chubsucker migrates upstream before spawning in late April or early May and prefers to spawn in small creeks or tributaries that have swift flow over sand or gravel beds (Wagner and Cooper 1963). There are no small tributaries upstream of the weir in Bayou Lafourche and very little sand or gravel substrate is present, which may explain the collection of only one individual. 57 Figure 23. Alabama shad Alosa alabamae (TL = 428 mm, weight = 795 g) collected using a 25 m long x 1.8 m deep monofilament gill net with 25.4 mm and 38 mm experimental bar mesh. The fish was collected on 17 March 2006, at the NSU site located downstream of the Thibodaux weir. The fish had severe lacerations suggesting that it passed through the Donaldsonville pump station turbine and over the Thibodaux weir. Positive identification of the fish was made by counting the gill rakers (photo insert), measuring body depth and by the presence of a small notch at the tip of the upper jaw (Ross 2002). 58 I collected 30 smallmouth buffalo, a large sucker species that is native to the Mississippi River Basin from Canada to Louisiana (Ross 2002). Smallmouth buffalo prefer sluggish backwater habitats as opposed to main channels (Baker et al. 1991). One bigmouth buffalo, was collected downstream of the weir. Like the smallmouth buffalo, bigmouth buffalo prefer sluggish water as opposed to main channel habitats and is found throughout the Mississippi River Basin (Baker et al. 1991). We collected a variety of catostomid species during this study. The larger species such as smallmouth buffalo and bigmouth buffalo usually inhabit low flow habitats while the smaller species such as the river carpsucker, quillback and creek chubsucker occupy areas with faster flow (Fuiman 1985; Smith 1992). Fish communities located upstream and downstream of the Thibodaux weir were similar in abundance and diversity, which may be surprising because Bayou Lafourche has been hydrologically modified. Upstream and downstream communities were similar in overall fish abundance, species richness, evenness, and seasonal diversity. There were many common species between the two sites; however, there were species collected downstream of the weir that were not collected upstream of the weir and species were collected upstream of the weir that were not collected downstream of the weir (Figure 24). Skipjack herring, ladyfish, bay anchovy, and gulf menhaden were collected downstream of the weir but were not collected upstream of the weir. Gulf menhaden, an estuarine species, was collected in the spring electrofishing sample at the downstream sites. No menhaden were collected upstream of the weir suggesting that upstream movement in Bayou Lafourche 59 Mississippi River Morone saxatilis Striped bass (N=3) N Opsopoeodus emilae Bluntnose minnow (N=4) Pimephales vigilax Bullhead minnow (N=20) Micropterus punctulatus Spotted bass (N=14) Lythrurus fumeus Ribbon shiner (N=2) Cyprinella venusta Blacktail shiner (N=2) Aphredoderus sayanus Pirate perch (N=6) Primary Sites Heterandria formosa Least killifish (N=6) Donaldsonville Bayou Lafourche Thibodaux Weir Anchoa mitchilli Bay anchovy (N=34) Brevoortia patronus Gulf menhaden (N=13) Alosa chrysochloris Skipjack herring (N=9) Elops saurus Ladyfish (N=4) 1 river km Figure 24. Eight species were collected upstream but not downstream of the weir (top). Four species were collected downstream but not upstream of the weir (bottom). Fishes were collected between 09 February 2006 and 05 October 2007 using monofilament gill nets and electrofishing. 60 was blocked by the weir. Gulf menhaden spawn offshore from October to April and the young of the year move into estuaries or fresh water systems in late winter and early spring (Turner et al. 1969). Turner et al. (1969) collected young menhaden in salinities less than 0.5 ppt. In Bayou Lafourche we collected 13 gulf menhaden on 22 March 2007, in salinities of 0.2 ppt. There were no water quality differences between the JLC and NSU sites in spring 2007 when the bay anchovy and gulf menhaden were collected downstream of the weir (Figures 18, 19 and 21). There does not appear to be a temperature or salinity gradient that would prevent the movement of these fishes further upstream. I concluded that the weir serves as a physical barrier to the upstream movement of the euryhaline fishes we collected. Eight species were collected upstream of the weir that were not downstream of the weir. Spotted bass were collected in Donaldsonville and at a randomly selected upstream site (US-1). Schultz (1996) collected 13 spotted bass from six sites in the upper portions of Bayou Lafourche. Spotted bass generally inhabit areas with greater flow than do largemouth bass (Ross 2002). We collected 14 spotted bass at the DON site where the water exits the pump station at an average discharge (7.0 m3s-1) slightly higher than the discharge in Thibodaux (5.6 m3s-1). Spotted bass may prefer the higher flow rate at the Donaldsonville site and the upper bayou than the lower flow rate at the Thibodaux sites. Three striped bass were collected from the Donaldsonville site in the summer 2007 electrofishing sample. Striped bass were not collected from any other site in this study; however, Schultz (1996) collected striped bass from sites upstream and downstream of the weir. 61 I collected two cyprinid species upstream of the weir that were not collected downstream of the weir. Ribbon shiners inhabit clear to occasionally turbid waters in moderate size streams or rivers and are often found in pools and backwaters (Felley and Hill 1983). Blacktail shiners usually inhabit areas with moderate to swift current (Baker and Ross, 1981; Baker et al. 1991) although some reservoir dwelling populations inhabit lower velocity waters (Baker et al. 1991). I collected pirate perch and least killifish upstream of the weir. Both of these species prefer quiet areas with heavy vegetative cover (Ross et al. 1987; Ross 2002), which is very abundant in the upstream portions of Bayou Lafourche. I collected bullhead minnows, bluntnose minnows, and pugnose minnows from the Donaldsonville site. The bullhead minnow prefers backwater areas with slow moving water and mud or silt substrata (Rutledge and Beitinger 1989). The bullhead minnow is tolerant of high temperatures and turbidity and low dissolved oxygen levels (Rutledge and Beitinger 1989). The bluntnose minnow prefers habitats with sandy substrata and tolerates moderately high temperatures (Kowalski et al. 1978). The pugnose minnow is usually found in clear water (Trautman 1981). All three species consume detritus and insect larvae from plant surfaces and are strongly associated with weedy areas with emergent and submerged aquatic vegetation (Ross 2002). Upstream portions of Bayou Lafourche have abundant vegetative cover and higher water clarity than do downstream portions, which are preferable to these minnow species. Centrarchids were consistently collected from Bayou Lafourche throughout this study and comprised over 70% of the electrofishing catch at the upstream, downstream and Donaldsonville sites and nearly 60% of the gill net catch upstream of the weir. One 62 reason for the high percent of centrarchids in the upstream catch is a sampling anomaly that occurred on 31 October 2006, when we collected 85 centrarchids using gill nets. On this date we collected 45 largemouth bass and only four non-centrarchid fishes. Many centrarchid species use aquatic vegetation as habitat and on 30 October 2006 and 31 October 2006, the BLFWD used large cutting machines to mow aquatic vegetation upstream of the JLC site. I hypothesized that the centrarchids were pushed out of the mowed area by the cutters and became concentrated at the JLC site between the mowing activity and the Thibodaux weir. Gizzard shad catch per unit effort was higher at downstream sites than upstream sites using monofilament gill nets. I believe the gizzard shad swim upstream during the spring spawning season are blocked from further migration by the Thibodaux weir. I collected 94 gizzard shad downstream of the weir and 11 upstream of the weir using gill nets. Over 50% of the downstream gizzard shad were collected between 09 February 2006 and 10 May 2006. During the 2005 spring spawning season, gizzard shad were documented moving into and out of Bayou Chevreuil, a nearby unimpounded system and potential spawning habitat (Fontenot 2006). Shad may seasonally migrate into and out of Bayou Chevreuil to spawn. This movement is blocked in Bayou Lafourche by the Thibodaux weir at river km 55, which may be the upstream limit for downstream populations of gizzard shad migrating up Bayou Lafourche. However, downstream populations of gizzard shad may move into Lake Beouf or other connected areas of the BTES via small channels and canals. Upstream populations of gizzard shad probably move upstream as far as Donaldsonville and but are prevented from moving into the Mississippi River by the pump station. 63 The differences in seasonal abundances or gillnet CPUE may be influenced by the capture of individual species in high quantities during a few sample dates or due to gear effectiveness in different conditions. There was abundant aquatic vegetation at both primary sites that sometimes made gill net deployment difficult (Figure 22). This was particularly problematic at the JLC site when the BLFWD mowed aquatic vegetation upstream of our nets. As the nets soaked and collected floating vegetation the nets may became less effective at catching fish and CPUE may have been skewed. Water clarity at the upstream site during summer and fall 2006 may have decreased gillnet effectiveness by allowing fish to see the net. In contrast, the electrofishing CPUE was similar among sites and seasons. Electrofishing effort and methods were consistent throughout the three seasons and at the fourteen sites and therefore I feel confident that these samples provide an accurate assessment of the fish populations upstream and downstream of the weir. Water quality and fish community analyses indicate Bayou Lafourche is currently a stable system. Fluctuations in water quality parameters such as temperature and dissolved oxygen responded equally to local seasonal patterns, as there were no differences between the two primary sites. Additionally, there were no differences between upstream and downstream fish abundance and community diversity. However, Bayou Lafourche has experienced human modifications that have shaped the current fish community. The Bayou Lafourche fish community responded as the aquatic environment changed following three major hydrologic modifications: the initial damming of the headwaters in 1903, the installation of the pump station in 1955, and the installation of the Thibodaux weir in 1969. Each of these events altered the hydrology of Bayou Lafourche, which may have altered the fish community. 64 Hydrologic variability of a river controls its physical, chemical and biological character (Yeager 1993). In most cases, alteration of hydrology by impounding rivers decreases flow variability and results in a change in the faunal composition, biomass, and diversity (Fitz 1968; Edwards 1978). A river ecosystem may be considered stable if it has reduced fluctuations in energy flows and is able to maintain the community structure and functionality despite environmental variations (Vannote et al. 1980). Hydrologically variable systems will contain more habitat generalists and tolerant species than will stable systems (Poff and Ward 1989). Environments with hydrologic variability usually select for species that have generalized feeding strategies are associated with silt and mud substrata, have wide geographic ranges, and are characterized by preference for low water velocity (Poff and Allan 1995). Aquatic systems with little hydrologic variability are considered stable and tend to have fishes that are silt-intolerant, trophic specialists and are associated with fast or moderately flowing water (Poff and Allan 1995). Historically, protection of a riverine water body focused on the minimum flow necessary rather than the regime of flow characteristics needed for a healthy system (Poff et al. 1997). Natural flow regime can change over hours, days, seasons, years and longer. Volume and timing of streamflow is crucial to the ecological integrity of the system (Poff et al. 1997) and is often considered the limiting factor in distribution and abundance of riverine species (Power et al. 1995; Resh et al. 1998). Determination of a water body’s natural flow regime is made after years of observing the fluctuations in quantity, timing and variability of the flow. Five components of changing hydrologic conditions are considered necessary to maintain the ecological integrity of a riverine system: frequency, magnitude, duration, timing and rate (Poff and Ward 1989). Bayou Lafourche 65 experiences very little hydrologic change as it has been artificially controlled for over 100 years. Discharge has been maintained at ~5.6 m3s-1 by the BLFWD since installation of the pump station in 1959. Bayou Lafourche is an artificially stable system that experiences very little seasonal hydrologic variability. Flood-type events are dependent upon localized rain events rather than seasonal flood pulse and are thus infrequent, of short duration, and the timing and predictability does not necessarily correspond to biological needs of the fish community. Anthropogenic hydrologic alteration disrupts the equilibrium of water and sediment movement and alters the “steady state” that is based on consistent patterns and adjustments in the relationship between stream width, depth, velocity and sediment load (Vannote 1980). Habitat is largely defined by the physical processes of the system, especially movement of water and sediment between the channel and floodplain (Poff et al. 1997). Over long periods of time in a natural system, some river systems can offer free-flowing, floodplain, and low-water habitat depending upon the flow regime during that time period (Poff et al. 1997). Upstream portions of Bayou Lafourche between Donaldsonville and Thibodaux have few opportunities for fish to reach backwater habitat, even during infrequent times of high water. Community structure is dynamic and adjusts to changes in abiotic and biotic variables and barrier such as a weir may affect the transport of nutrients and organic matter, thus affecting the relationships between autotrophs and heterotrophs within the system (Vannote et al. 1980). However, small barriers are less likely to change the abiotic variables of the waterbody (Poff et al. 1997). The Thibodaux weir may be small enough that it does not influence the surrounding area to a large degree. Furthermore, 66 disturbance or alteration does not always decrease diversity. Theories on the influence of disturbance in an aquatic environment suggest that where alteration is minimal species diversity is reduced because of competitive exclusion among species. If the level of disturbance increases in intensity or frequency it eliminates some species and diversity will decrease, thus diversity may be the highest when disturbance is at an intermediate level (Connell 1978; Huston 1979). Connectivity may also be a factor in community dynamics of Bayou Lafourche. Upstream reaches of Bayou Lafourche have a one-way connection to the Mississippi River. Fishes can enter Bayou Lafourche through the pump station in Donaldsonville but cannot easily travel back through to the River. It is possible that the number and diversity of fishes entering Bayou Lafourche from the Mississippi River system is increasing diversity upstream of the weir. Downstream of the weir, habitat availability increases as Bayou Lafourche continues south through the Barataria and Terrebonne Estuaries. Bayou Lafourche is connected to Lake Boeuf via the Theriot Canal, the Intracoastal Waterway, and the Gulf of Mexico, which all present opportunities for fish movement and subsequent increased diversity. I believe that connectivity of Bayou Lafourche to two diverse ecosystems, the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico, allows this artificially controlled system to maintain diverse fish assemblages both upstream and downstream of the Thibodaux weir. However, I also believe that it is important to the health of the larger surrounding ecosystem, the BTES, that an approximation of normal flow regime is restored to Bayou Lafourche. There are several possible benefits of a natural flow regime in Bayou Lafourche. Increased water and nutrients being conveyed down Bayou Lafourche and 67 deposited in surrounding wetlands will help increase productivity and health of those wetlands, which in turn supports fish populations (Louisiana Department of Natural Resourches 1998). Flow variation mimicking natural flow regimes would support those fishes dependent upon high or low water periods for portions of their life cycle or an environmental cue (Poff et al. 1997). The exact response of the Bayou Lafourche fish community to the weir removal and increased flow is difficult to predict. Increased abundances of darters, catostomids and cyprinids occurred after the removal of a dam in Wisconsin, which were probably due to the fishes’ ability to move freely within a larger geographic range following removal of the structure (Kanehl et al. 1997). Increased flow should positively affect species in Bayou Lafourche that prefer higher flow velocities such as cyprinids, blue catfish, spotted bass and small suckers. Introduction of more water into Bayou Lafourche may have a negative impact on the larger species of catostomids such as the smallmouth and bigmouth buffalo. Under high flow these two species seek out floodplains or small tributaries rather than remaining in the main channel (Baker et al. 1991; Ross 2002). Greater flow conditions may cause a shift catostomid species in Bayou Lafourche from large species to small species such as the creek chubsucker and quillback (Fuiman 1985; Smith 1992). Removal of the Thibodaux weir will allow fishes to more easily move up and down Bayou Lafourche. Currently, there is probably little exchange between the upstream and downstream populations of fishes due to obstructed movement by the weir. Occasional heavy rain events make it possible for fish to swim upstream over the weir. Overtopping of the weir occurs if 15 cm or more rain falls in less than 24 hours. In 2001, 68 the water level of Bayou Lafourche rose from an average of 1.2 m to 3.4 m due to Tropical Storm Allison, which brought 76 cm of rainfall within 2-3 days (A. Chaisson, BLFWD, personal communication). Most recently overtopping occurred on 22 October 2007, when approximately 15 cm of rain fell within 24 hours (Figure 25). Overtopping of the weir allows the fish to move upstream and downstream of the weir freely without obstruction. Under normal conditions most fishes can pass over the weir in a downstream direction but cannot move back upstream over the structure. Most studies focus on obstruction of upstream migratory fish movement but few focuses on the inability of fish to move downstream due to impoundment. Radio-tagging studies in Australia have documented two perch species, golden perch Macquaria ambigua and Murray cod Maccullochella peelii peelii, that are sometimes reluctant to move downstream either over or through regulating structures and will often exhibit a circling pattern near the structure (O’Connor et al. 2006) before heading back upstream (Jepsen et al. 1998; Haro et al. 1998). Consequences to biological processes of fishes such as feeding and spawning caused by obstructed downstream movement are less well understood than are the consequences of impeded upstream movement (O’Connor et al. 2006). However, downstream movement is probably equally important as upstream movement to the life histories of fishes that utilize large stretches of a river system for spawning or feeding (O’Connor et al. 2006). Cyprinid and catostomid fishes exhibit upstream migratory behavior as well as movement in response to water current (Schwalme et al. 1985; Monk et al. 1989; Rodriguez-Ruiz and Gradado-Lorencio 1992; Bunt 2001). Seasonal 69 migratory behavior by fish like cyprinids is triggered by river flow and temperature fluctuations (Linfield 1985). 70 Figure 25. Approximately 15 cm of rainfall caused the overtopping of the Thibodaux weir on 22 October 2007. This type of high water event occurs approximately twice per year (A. Chaisson, BLFWD personal communication). 71 In an unobstructed river system, the movement patterns of cyprinids are a combination of active movements, both upstream and downstream, interspersed with periods of passive downstream displacement and seasonal aggregation during winter (Linfield 1985). Large, mature cyprinids exhibit a tendency for upstream movement and will aggregate in headwaters (Linfield 1985), which I saw with catches of large cyprinids in Donaldsonville. If the weir is removed the cyprinid and catostomid fishes should be free to move upstream and downstream in Bayou Lafourche on a seasonal basis. Dams and other barriers to movement may prevent movement of fishes causing decreases in migration, gene flow and colonization (Warren and Pardew 1998; Pringle et al. 2000). Although this study did not find differences in fish communities upstream and downstream of the weir the removal of the weir should have positive effects on fishes that seasonally migrate either within the freshwater system from the lower estuary. Currently the upstream and downstream assemblages have few opportunities for mixing. Small scale fish movement allows an individual to occupy the most beneficial habitat to support survival and growth (Gowan and Fausch 2002). Large scale movement is usually part of life history behavior such as spawning migrations, in response to large disturbances, or to colonize vacant habitats (Brown and Kodric-Brown 1977; Peterson and Bayley 1993; Northcote 1984). Movement is a critical process that allows fishes to meet their resource needs in spatially and temporally variable stream environments (Schlosser and Angermeier 1995). 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Date Site Species Gear Number Length Weight 20060209 20060209 20060209 20060209 20060209 20060209 20060209 20060209 20060209 20060209 20060209 20060220 20060220 20060220 20060220 20060220 20060220 20060317 20060317 20060317 20060317 20060317 20060317 20060317 20060317 20060317 20060406 20060406 20060406 20060406 JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU JLC NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU JLC JLC JLC JLC NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU JLC JLC JLC JLC Do_cep Er_obl Ic_pun Le_oss Mo_chr Mu_cep Ap_gru Do_cep Ic_pun Lep_cya Mu_cep Mi_sal Am_cal Ap_gru Do_cep Le_ocu Mu_cep Do_cep Ic_pun Le_ocu Mi_sal Al_ala Do_cep Mi_sal Mo_mis Mu_cep Do_cep Ic_pun Mi_sal Mu_cep Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 26 3 1 3 1 1 1 7 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 4 3 1 4 3 354 236 220 640 239 343 254 301 284 135 287 390 519 175 195 548 330 332 324 557 275 428 315 273 232 290 366 396 263 345 575 139 74 501 184 382 154 321 279 37 275 911 1,210 46 63 578 357 458 331 662 310 795 345 291 225 290 600 660 214 426 82 20060406 20060406 20060406 20060406 20060406 20060406 20060406 20060406 20060427 20060427 20060427 20060427 20060427 20060427 20060427 20060427 20060427 20060427 20060427 20060427 20060510 20060510 20060510 20060510 20060510 20060510 20060510 20060602 20060602 20060602 20060602 20060602 20060602 20060602 20060602 20060615 20060615 20060615 20060615 20060615 20060615 NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC NSU NSU JLC JLC NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC NSU Do_cep Do_pet Ic_pun Le_ocu Lep_gul Mi_sal Mo_mis Mu_cep Le_ocu Le_oss Lep_mic Mi_sal Mu_cep Po_nig Do_cep Ic_pun Le_ocu Lep_gul Mi_sal Mu_cep Ap_gru Ic_pun Le_ocu Mi_sal Mu_cep Do_cep Mu_cep Ic_pun Mu_cep Do_cep Ic_pun Le_ocu Mi_sal Mo_mis Mu_cep Do_cep Ic_pun Lep_meg Lep_mic Mu_cep Cyp_car Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net 83 9 2 1 1 1 1 2 5 6 1 1 2 3 1 8 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 2 3 1 2 4 1 3 2 1 6 2 1 1 1 2 1 274 185 306 650 178 250 260 239 425 1,000 . 203 220 145 277 428 459 153 189 342 374 213 496 289 318 259 318 379 352 185 305 403 178 75 265 302 242 104 146 313 480 291 68 291 1,080 155 238 293 138 253 3,490 . 105 120 42 267 877 383 102 112 385 703 87 452 349 366 149 346 653 470 194 155 523 185 77 303 237 121 28 660 339 1,550 20060615 20060628 20060628 20060628 20060628 20060628 20060628 20060706 20060706 20060706 20060706 20060706 20060706 20060717 20060717 20060717 20060717 20060717 20060717 20060717 20060717 20060801 20060801 20060801 20060801 20060801 20060801 20060801 20060831 20060831 20060831 20060831 20060831 20060831 20060831 20060831 20060911 20060911 20060911 20060911 20060911 NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU DON DON DON DON DON DON JLC JLC JLC NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU JLC JLC JLC JLC NSU NSU NSU JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC NSU NSU JLC JLC JLC NSU NSU Ic_pun Cyp_car Do_cep Ic_pun Le_ocu Mi_sal Mu_cep Do_cep Ic_pun Le_ocu Mi_sal Mo_mis Mu_cep Ic_bub Le_ocu Mi_sal Do_cep El_sau Ic_pun Le_ocu Mu_cep Le_ocu Lep_mac Lep_meg Mi_sal Do_cep El_sau Mu_cep Ic_pun Le_ocu Lep_mac Mi_sal Mu_cep Po_nig Le_ocu Mi_sal Ic_bub Lep_mic Mi_sal Al_chr Do_cep Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net 84 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 1 5 2 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 2 1 1 1 4 18 3 3 323 230 283 425 495 224 250 290 422 468 350 243 269 442 546 288 323 170 . 503 317 502 119 116 332 330 217 336 425 484 134 298 242 190 392 230 640 197 285 255 271 474 217 299 760 465 . 185 215 1,064 340 640 204 347 600 580 363 400 24 . 493 400 509 39 36 578 357 43 363 862 461 50 378 153 133 200 162 3,650 155 298 133 340 20060911 20060911 20060911 20060911 20060927 20060927 20060927 20060927 20060927 20060927 20060927 20060927 20060927 20061024 20061024 20061024 20061024 20061031 20061031 20061031 20061031 20061031 20061031 20061031 20061031 20061031 20061031 20061031 20061031 20061031 20061031 20061031 20061031 20061031 20061031 20061031 20061109 20061109 20061109 20061109 20061109 NSU NSU NSU NSU DON DON JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU JLC JLC NSU NSU NSU El_sau Lep_gul Mi_sal Mu_cep Mi_sal Mu_cep Ic_bub Ic_pun Lep_gul Mi_sal Mu_cep Do_cep Mi_sal Do_cep Le_ocu Mi_sal Mu_cep Do_cep Ic_bub Ic_pun Lep_gul Lep_mac Lep_meg Lep_mic Lep_min Mi_sal Mo_mis Po_nig Al_chr Do_cep Ic_pun Lep_gul Lep_mic Mi_sal Mo_mis Mu_cep Ic_pun Mu_cep Ic_bub Ic_pun Mi_sal Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net 85 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 13 10 2 9 4 44 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 290 142 352 213 276 232 463 515 154 185 349 345 . 280 640 285 330 387 640 383 174 126 135 200 122 260 240 214 245 366 310 162 139 302 207 408 670 340 519 555 205 158 77 727 102 239 135 1,750 1,500 60 83 521 459 . 264 1,225 348 401 561 3,650 529 118 39 41 153 45 261 218 146 108 622 261 76 47 389 1,235 815 2,750 415 2,250 1,825 103 20061109 20061205 20070220 20070220 20070220 20070220 20070220 20070306 20070306 20070306 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 20070322 NSU NSU JLC JLC NSU NSU NSU JLC JLC NSU JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC JLC NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU NSU Mu_cep Mu_cep Ic_pun Mi_sal Ic_pun Mi_sal Mu_cep Mi_sal Mu_cep Mu_cep An_ros Cy_car Cy_lut Ga_aff La_sic Le_ocu Lep_gul Lep_mac Lep_meg Lep_mic Lep_min Lu_par Me_ber Mi_sal Mu_cep No_cry An_mit Br_pat Cy_car Ga_aff La_sic Le_ocu Lep_gul Lep_mac Lep_meg Lep_mic Lep_min Me_ber Mi_sal Mu_cep No_cry Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Net Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock 86 2 4 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 6 3 1 1 22 2 3 3 26 26 21 84 7 5 14 2 1 6 13 1 2 4 4 2 54 4 6 44 11 5 13 1 378 336 . 325 535 328 325 403 346 283 307 790 . . . 425 161 83 92 114 74 . . 236 304 180 . . 536 . . 488 101 94 102 151 73 . 253 341 . 583 370 . 638 1,675 655 370 1,250 419 231 61 7,100 . . . 180 82 19 22 44 12 . . 230 285 70 . . 2,260 . . 528 45 23 22 69 13 . 243 413 . 20070330 20070330 20070330 20070330 20070330 20070330 20070330 20070330 20070330 20070330 20070330 20070330 20070417 20070417 20070417 20070417 20070417 20070417 20070501 20070501 20070501 20070501 20070501 20070501 20070501 20070501 20070501 20070501 20070501 20070501 20070501 20070501 20070501 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1 2 1 20 6 17 1 28 24 1 5 5 12 3 11 4 3 1 103 74 . . 177 274 242 543 . . 584 340 117 113 100 61 34 251 269 . 635 . 610 771 338 212 111 55 69 . 124 304 . 322 678 . . 326 . 512 355 30 11 . . 120 213 209 2,150 . . 3,867 351 34 28 33 5 1 229 216 . 3,650 . 4,225 6,610 337 25 26 4 13 . 55 283 . . 4,420 . . 458 . 2,183 463 20071005 20071005 20071005 20071005 20071005 20071005 20071005 20071005 20071005 20071005 20071005 20071005 20071005 DON DON DON DON DON DON DON DON DON DON DON DON DON Le_ocu Le_oss Lep_gul Lep_mac Lep_meg Lep_min Me_ber Mi_pun Mi_sal Mu_cep Op_emi Pi_vig Po_lat Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock 97 9 4 6 27 52 6 6 5 8 12 2 4 2 507 333 140 95 83 82 . 288 265 325 . . . 592 127 68 21 15 14 . 339 301 348 . . . APPENDIX III. Species codes, scientific name and common name of fishes collected from 09 February 2006 to 05 October 2007. Information is listed in alphabetical order. Species Code Scientific Name Common Name Al_ala Al_chr Am_nat Am_cal An_mit An_ros Ap_say Ap_gru Br_pat Ca_car Ch_gul Ct_ide Cy_lut Cy_ven Cy_car Do_cep Do_pet El_sau Er_obl Fu_chr Ga_aff He_for Ic_fur Ic_pun Ic_bub Ic_cyp La_sic Le_ocu Le_oss Lep_cya Lep_mac Lep_meg Lep_mic Alosa alabamae Alosa chrysochloris Ameiurus natalis Amia calva Anchoa mitchilli Anguilla rostrata Aphredoderus sayanus Aplodinotus grunniens Brevoortia patronus Carpiodes carpio Chaenobryttus gulosus Ctenopharygodon idella Cyprinella lutrensis Cyprinella venusta Cyprinus carpio Dorosoma cepedianum Dorosoma petenense Elops saurus Erimyzon oblongus Fundulus chrysotus Gambusia affinis Heterandria formosa Ictalurus furcatus Ictalurus punctatus Ictiobus bubalus Ictiobus cyprinellus Labidesthes sicculus Lepisosteus oculatus Lepisosteus osseus Lepomis cyanellus Lepomis macrochirus Lepomis megalotis Lepomis microlophus Alabama shad Skipjack herring Yellow bullhead catfish Bowfin Bay anchovy American eel Pirate perch Freshwater drum Gulf menhaden River carpsucker Warmouth Grass carp Red shiner Blacktail shiner Common carp Gizzard shad Threadfin shad Ladyfish Creek chubsucker Golden topminnow Mosquitofish Least killifish Blue catfish Channel catfish Smallmouth buffalo Bigmouth buffalo Brook silverside Spotted gar Longnose gar Green sunfish Bluegill Longear sunfish Redear sunfish 98 Lep_min Lep_syn Lu_par Ly_fum Me_ber Mi_pun Mi_sal Mo_chr Mo_mis Mo_sax Mu_cep No_cry Op_emi Pi_vig Pi_not Po_lat Po_nig Lepomis miniatus Lepomis symmetricus Lucania parva Lythrurus fumeus Menidia beryllina Micropterus punctulatus Micropterus salmoides Morone chrysops Morone mississippiensis Morone saxatilis Mugil cephalus Notemigonus crysoleucas Opsopoeodus emiliae Pimephales vigilax Pimiphales notatus Poecilia latipinna Pomoxis nigromaculatus Red spotted sunfish Bantam sunfish Rainwater killifish Ribbon shiner Inland silverside Spotted bass Largemouth bass White bass Yellow bass Striped bass Striped mullet Golden shiner Pugnose minnow Bullhead minnow Fathead minnow Sailfin molly Black crappie 99 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Heather Pace Dyer was born on August 7, 1974, on Loring Air Force Base in Limestone, Maine to James and Valerie Pace. Heather graduated from Auburn High School in Auburn, WA in 1992. Heather first became interested in Fisheries Biology after working in a salmon cannery near Bristol Bay, Alaska in 1997 and 1999. Heather and her husband Steve moved to Louisiana in 2000 to pursue Steve’s commercial diving career. Heather and earned her B.S. in Resource Biology and Biodiversity from University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 2005. Heather worked for 18 months as an undergraduate intern at the National Wetlands Research Center in Lafayette, Louisiana in the laboratory of Dr. Karen McKee studying the effects of elevated CO2 levels on salt marsh plant communities. Heather interned for Dr. Edward Chesney at Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium during the summer of 2005 study responses of first feeding larval fishes to an engineered macroparticulate diet. Heather enrolled in the Marine and Environmental Biology graduate program and Nicholls State University in January 2006. Heather will begin employment as a General Biologist at the National Wetlands Research Center in December 2007. Heather plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Fisheries Biology in the future. 100 CURRICULUM VITAE HEATHER PACE DYER Department of Biological Sciences Bayousphere Research Lab Nicholls State University Thibodaux, LA 70310 121 Kirkwood Lane Youngsville, LA 70592 CURRENT RESEARCH Seasonal fish assemblages of Bayou Lafourche upstream and downstream of the Thibodaux weir. EDUCATION Master of Science, Marine & Environmental Biology: Nicholls State University, December 2007 Bachelor of Science, Resource Biology & Biodiversity: University of Louisiana at Lafayette, December 2005 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Teaching Assistant – Nicholls State University Department of Biological Sciences Supervisor: Quenton Fontenot, Ph.D., Asst. Professor (985) 449-7062 Present Instruct introductory laboratory course focusing on basic principles of the scientific method and biological techniques. Intern – Estuarine Habitats & Coastal Fisheries National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NMFS Supervisor: Lawrence P. Rozas, Ph.D., Fisheries Biologist (337) 291-2118 9/2006 – 10/2006 Assisted in the field work of the NOAA/EPA teams studying the species diversity and abundance of marsh, marsh edge, and submerged aquatic vegetation. Techniques included drop sampling and growth chamber experiments in three habitat types along the Louisiana and Florida coasts. Individual Investigator – Human Subject Mercury Content Study Harvard School of Public Health Supervisor: David B. Senn, Ph.D., Primary Investigator 7/2006 – 8/2006 Interviewed subjects regarding fish consumption. Obtained data such as amount, type, frequency and geographical source of fish consumed. Obtained hair sample used for mercury analysis from subject. 101 Intern – Wetlands Ecology and Global Climate Change National Wetlands Research Center Supervisor: Karen McKee, Ph.D., Wetland Ecologist 2/2004 – 12/2005 Wetland vegetation response to global climate change. Assisted with greenhouse studies, lab and field work. Intern – Fisheries Biology & Larval Culture Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium Supervisor: Edward J. Chesney, Ph.D., Fisheries Biologist (985) 851-2800 Summer 2005 Internship focused on early life history of estuarine fishes. Duties included egg capture, hatching, larval rearing, and plankton production. Personal research studied behavior of first-feeding larvae in the presence of a microparticulate diet. Intern – Wetland Community Ecology University of Louisiana, Lafayette – Department of Biology Supervisor: Susan Mopper, Ph.D., Ecologist (337) 482-6277 3/2003 – 10/2003 Physiological response of Iris hexagona (Louisiana wild iris) to environmental stressors such as increased salinity, flooding and predatory herbivory. COURSEWORK & STATISTICS Relevant Courses Completed: Biostatistics, Fisheries Management, Marine & Environmental Biology, Ichthyology, Marine Field Ecology, Marine Vertebrate Zoology, Biostatistics, Applied Ecology, Ecological Restoration Statistics & Computer Skills: MS Office, SAS, SigmaStat, SigmaPlot, JMP, FAST Field & Laboratory Skills: Operation of small boats and trailers, gill nets, seines, boat mounted electrofishing, larval fish traps, fish identification, external tagging, VIE (visible implant elastomer) tagging, otolith removal, water quality monitoring, tank maintenance and data management, above and below ground biomass sample processing, marsh vegetation field work. MEMBERSHIPS & AWARDS • • • • • • • • • 2007 1st Place Poster Presentation, Nicholls State University Research Week 2007 2nd Place Poster Presentation, American Fisheries Society Louisiana Chapter Annual Meeting 2006 Coastal Restoration and Enhancement through Science & Technology (CREST) Research Grant 2006 Rockefeller State Wildlife Scholarship 2004 LUMCON Summer Scholarship 2004 Robert Theall Resource Biology Scholarship, University of Louisiana at Lafayette American Fisheries Society, National and Louisiana Chapter Native Fish Conservancy Nicholls State University Biology Society 102 SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS 2007 Dyer, H.P., A.M. Ferrara and Q.C. Fontenot. Adult fish distribution in Bayou Lafourche above and below the Thibodaux weir. Annual Meeting of Louisiana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Thibodaux, Louisiana (poster presentation). 2006 Dyer, H.P. Fish assemblages of Bayou Lafourche above and below the Thibodaux weir. 16 Sept 2006. Calypseaux Graduate Student Symposium, Cocodrie, Louisiana. 103