Cardinal Leger Secondary School 75 Mary Street, Brampton, Ontario, L6W 3K5 * Tel: (905)453-2232 We believe that each one, created in the image and likeness of God, is called by name into the Dufferin-Peel community to realize the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations to the fullest extent possible as we all journey from the early years to vocation. COURSE OUTLINE Department: Business and Technology Course: Course Code: Hospitality and Tourism TFJ 3E/C1 –Grade 11 Workplace/College Common Course Calendar Course Description: This course provides students with opportunities to explore different areas of hospitality and tourism, as reflected in the various sectors of the tourism industry, with an emphasis on food service. Students will study culinary techniques of food handling and preparation, health and safety standards, the use of tools and equipment, the origins of foods, and event planning, and will learn about tourism attractions across Ontario. Students will develop an awareness of related environmental and societal issues, and will explore secondary and postsecondary pathways leading to careers in the tourism industry. This course helps students to meet the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations by promoting effective communication, decision-making, problem-solving, time and resource management skills. Ministry/ICE Curriculum Documents Strand/Unit Title Corresponding Catholic Graduate Expectation Indicators for each Strand/Unit HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM FUNDAMENTALS Demonstrate an understanding of the field of hospitality and tourism, in terms of services and products offered in the various sectors of the tourism industry; Demonstrate an understanding of tools and equipment commonly used in the various sectors of the tourism industry; Identify and describe common ingredients used in food preparation. CGE2e HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM SKILLS Use tools and equipment in accordance with industry standards; Demonstrate the use of safe and correct culinary techniques in the preparation, cooking, and presentation of food, and demonstrate professional serving methods; Demonstrate effective use of forms of information and communications technology commonly used in the various sectors of the tourism industry; Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of planning an event or activity. INDUSTRY PRACTICES, THE ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIETY Demonstrate an understanding of ways in which various aspects of the tourism industry affect society and the environment, and ways in which harmful effects can be reduced PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Identify and demonstrate compliance with health and safety standards in the various sectors of the tourism industry; Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of customer service and professionalism; Identify career opportunities in the various sectors of the tourism industry and the education and training that would best prepare them for employment in various occupations in the industry. CGE2b CGE3c CGE3f CGE4f CGE5e CGE6a CGE7i Assessment and Evaluation: Category Weightings Knowledge/Understanding Thinking Application Communication Weight % 20 20 35 25 Final Summative Assessments Term Work Exam Culminating Task Overall Weighting % 70 15 15 100% Learning Skills and Work Habits E= excellent G= good S=satisfactory N= needs improvement Responsibility Organization Independent Work Collaboration Initiative Self-Regulation Fulfills responsibility and commitments. Takes responsibility for and manages own behavior. Devises and follows a plan and process for completing tasks. Establishes priorities and manages time Independently monitors, assesses, and revises plans to complete tasks and meet goals. Uses class time to complete tasks. Accepts various roles and an equitable share of work in a group. Builds healthy peer-to-peer relationships. Looks for and acts on new ideas and opportunities. Approaches new tasks with a positive attitude. Sets own goals and monitors progress towards achieving them. Seeks clarification or assistance when needed. Missed/Late/Incomplete Assignments It is the student’s responsibility to address missed, late, or incomplete assignments. Students are expected to complete assignments and to adhere to assignment deadlines as follows: Due Date A due date is set by the teacher. 10% Penalty Zone Closure Date 1 school day late – 3% 2 school days late – 6% 3 school days late – 10% Maximum penalty of 10% Once the closure date has passed, work is considered incomplete and a mark of zero applies. Hospitality & Tourism Grade 11 TFJ 3E/C1 Welcome to Grade 11 Hospitality & Tourism! As might be expected, this course calls for hard work, creativity, imagination, participation, teamwork and most importantly, discipline. We are here to work together as a team, to share and explore ideas, to learn from others and to have FUN! In order for these things to happen, here are a few simple but vital expectations... 1. The most important thing you can do in this class is show up. The second most important thing is to clean. Should these become a concern, alternate learning arrangements can be made. 2. Attendance is mandatory, no exceptions. Since this course is mostly experienced based, you must be here to gain the experience. If absent for any reason, it is your responsibility to catch up with your teacher on any work that may be missed. You are now in grade 10 and should be quite familiar with the importance of attendance and catching up. 3. Personal Electronic Devices (PED) must be kept out of sight and turned off during class time. PED’s are considered safety hazards while working in the kitchen area. You are encouraged to leave your PED at home or in your locker. 4. Lates are not permitted. If you walk in to class/lab after the door is shut, you will be marked late. As per Leger’s student handbook: 1st late=warning, 2nd late=detention, 3rd late=call home. I make an effort to call home whether good news or not so good news…and I call often. 5. There are consequences for late, missed assignments and academic dishonesty. After the due date has passed, a maximum of 10% deduction will be used. Once the closure date has passed, a zero may be recorded. In most cases, assignments/projects will be due on a Tuesday. The closure day will be Friday by 2:25pm. 6. The school bell or clock does not dismiss you, I do. It is imperative that you leave the classroom just as clean as you found it. Cleanliness is of utmost importance. Work clean, cook clean, keep clean! 7. This class is from 11:45pm-1:05pm. Please come prepared for class (jackets, cooking hats, proper uniform, pens, paper and anything else that is required of you). There is a $22 charge for your own chef jacket and hat for use in this class. It is your responsibility to ensure they are kept clean and in good form. 8. The out of class policy shall not be abused. I expect you to be in class during class time. Students are expected to remain in class and use the washrooms before or after class. 9. Respect both yourselves and others at all times. This means that you are responsible and accountable for both your actions and words in the classroom. Student behaviour must reflect safe practices at all times so that students are exposed to a minimum of hazards. If you are asked to leave the classroom, you will report to the main office. 10. Loose clothing, rings, hoop earrings, high heels, sandals, jewellery, nail polish and artificial nails are not permitted in the kitchen area. Your safety is paramount! 11. Within the classroom, students are not permitted to consume food brought from outside due to various food allergies. Please consume food before entering class and eat breakfast on a regular basis. 12. Students will have 3 safety and proficiency tests to write prior to entry into the kitchen. A passing grade of 85% or greater is required on all tests. Students will have an opportunity to re-write unsuccessful tests. 13. There is a large difference between preparing food and eating food. This class focuses on preparing food for others. 14. Students must not operate and/or use equipment without proper instruction and authorization from the teacher. Student Conduct Agreement I, documentation of this page agree to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (print), in addition to the reverse Ensure a safe workplace. Inform teachers of ALL injuries, damaged tools and dangerous situations. Make sure all fire exits and power shutdown switches are used during emergency situations. Not to compromise the safety of others/self through horseplay/aggressive action. Only use equipment when properly trained, always with any necessary personal protective equipment, and only after I fully understand all related safety issues. Ask for assistance from the teacher when I am unsure of the proper procedures or health and safety issues. Report any use of prescription medications and must inform teachers of any possible side effects. Never enter a class or lab carrying, or under the influence of, alcohol or drugs. Consequences for Improper Action: I understand that failure to comply with this agreement may result in injury to me or others, and that failing to comply with safety procedures may result in my removal from the area, the project or the class. An appropriate consequence will be assigned either by the classroom teacher or vice-principal. I have read the above and understand the course expectations and consequences. Student name (print): ____________________________ Student signature:___________________________ Parent/Guardian signature: ______________________ Date: __________________ Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the classroom teacher. Mr. J. Carter (905) 453-2232 x62263 **Original to be kept on file, photocopy returned to student.