Cisco Digital Solutions for Industries At-a-Glance Transform to Win: Disrupt or Be Disrupted

Cisco Digital Solutions
for Industries
Transform to Win: Disrupt or Be Disrupted
Manufacturing, transportation, and energy have embraced digital
technologies for decades. Because much of that technology resides in
isolated systems, many companies now struggle with information silos.
Silos create operational complexity. Because they restrict the flow
of information, they make it hard to operate efficiently. They create
a barrier to effectively managing security risk and compliance. They
impede agility, a problem in this era of rapidly changing customer
expectations and unprecedented opportunity.
Benefits When You Break
Digital Silos
• Manufacturing: Redefine secure,
efficient, and visible operations.
• Transportation: Deliver greater
safety and mobility with a better
passenger experience.
• Utilities: Deliver smarter, safer,
highly secure power grids for
reliable, efficient service.
• Oil and gas: Make operations
safer, more efficient, and
more secure.
A new wave of accelerated digital disruption is upon us. It promises to
replace 40 percent of today’s top incumbents within the next 5 years.
So, what are tomorrow’s disruptors doing today?
They’re transforming. They’re integrating IT, industrial controls, and
business processes end to end, and breaking information silos.
Tomorrow’s disruptors are making everything secure while allowing
information to flow where it needs to go. They’re communicating and
collaborating better. And setting the stage for an amazing digital future.
Create Measurable Economic Value
Now is the time. Connect machines, assets, and people across your
business. Digitize data in an integrated way. Access the information
you need to generate insights, transform processes, and optimize
operational performance.
These companies are using our solutions to create measurable
economic value:
• LINZ AG reduced carbon dioxide output of Linz city tram system by
85 tons in just 9 months and cut energy consumption 10 percent.
• FANUC is saving a large auto manufacturer $40 million by reducing
downtime with proactive equipment service alerts.
• BC Hydro collects hourly interval usage data through 1.9 million
connected smart meters; customers view data and adjust energy
usage to cut costs.
© 2015 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Why Cisco
Cisco is uniquely positioned to help you move from traditional to digital
business models - and to see what’s possible when technology and
business strategies come together easily.
Get the edge to innovate, compete, and win in a world of new
opportunities with our proven industry-specific architectures and
solutions. We offer unmatched depth and breadth of security,
connectivity, and system visibility end to end, in partnership with other
leading companies you work with.
Our solutions are purpose-built with an application-centric
infrastructure, cloud, mobility, and analytics. Our platforms are open,
scalable, manageable, and secure. They support a wide range of
security policies, analytics models, and application requirements. We
can help you create and deploy IoT applications from cloud to fog.
Dream it, and let us help you do it.
Next Steps
Find out more about what Cisco Digital Solutions for Industries can do
for you:
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